
Solving and the Law of Cosines

In this section we work out the law of cosines from our earlier identities and then practice applying this new identity.

c2 = a2 + b2 − 2ab cos C. (1) Elementary Functions Draw the 4ABC on the Cartesian with the vertex C at the Part 5, origin. Lecture 5.4a, The Law of Cosines

Dr. Ken W. Smith

Sam Houston State University


In the drawing sin C = y and cos C = x . We may relabel the x and y Smith (SHSU) Elementary Functions 2013 1 / 22 Smith (SHSU) b Elementary Functionsb 2013 2 / 22 coordinates of A(x, y) as x = b cos C and y = b sin C. Solving Triangles and the Law of Cosines One and the Law of Cosines

We get information if we compute c2. By the Pythagorean , c2 = (y2) + (a − x)2 = (b sin C)2 + (a − b cos C)2 = b2 sin2 C + a2 − 2ab cos C + b2 cos2 C. c2 = a2 + b2 − 2ab cos C. We use the Pythagorean identity to simplify b2 sin2 C + b2 cos2 C = b2 and so It is straightforward to use the law of cosines when we know one angle and c2 = a2 + b2 − 2ab cos C its two adjacent sides. This is the Side-Angle-Side (SAS) case, in which we may label the angle C and its two sides a and b and so we can solve for the side c.

Or, if we have the Side-Side-Side (SSS) situation, in which we know all three sides, we can label one angle C and solve for that angle in terms of the sides a, b and c, using the law of cosines.

Smith (SHSU) Elementary Functions 2013 3 / 22 Smith (SHSU) Elementary Functions 2013 4 / 22 A Worked Problem. A Worked Problem.

Solve the triangle C = 32◦, a = 100 feet, b = 150 feet.

◦ Solution. If C = 32 , a = 100 feet, b = 150 feet then, by the law of We solve the triangle C = 32◦, a = 100 feet, b = 150 feet. 2 2 2 cosines (c = a + b − 2ab cos C), We found c2 = (100)2 + (150)2 − 2(100)(150) cos(32◦) ≈ 7059. A ≈ sin−1(0.63007) ≈ 39.1◦ or A ≈ 180 − 39.1 = 140.9◦. So √ c ≈ 7059 ≈ 84.018 feet. Now we apply the law of : The second answer is too big, so A = 39.1◦. sin 32◦ sin A sin B Since sin B = 0.9461 then either = = 84.018 100 150 B ≈ sin−1(0.94510) ≈ 71.1◦ or B = 180 − 71.1 = 108.9◦. This forces 100 sin 32◦ sin A = ≈ 0.6307 ◦ 84.018 The second answer, B = 108.9 , makes perfect sense because the and of the triangle need to add up to 180 degrees. 150 sin 32◦ sin B = ≈ 0.9461 84.018 If the of A is 0.6307 then either SmithA (SHSU)≈ sin−1(0.63007) ≈Elementary39.1◦ or FunctionsA ≈ 180 − 39.1 = 140.9◦.2013 5 / 22 Smith (SHSU) Elementary Functions 2013 6 / 22 The law of cosines and SSS The law of cosines and SSS

Solve the triangle a = 30 feet, b = 20 feet, c = 15 feet. We solve the triangle a = 30 feet, b = 20 feet, c = 15 feet. Solution. If a = 30 feet, b = 20 feet, c = 15 feet then the law of cosines We found tells us that A = 62.7◦ or A = 180◦ − 62.7◦ = 117.3◦ 152 − 302 − 202 = cos C −2(30)(20) Also 4 so sin B = sin 26.38◦ −1075 43 3 = = cos C −1200 48 so Therefore B = 36.33◦ or 180◦ − 36.33◦ = 143.67◦ 43 C = cos−1( ) ≈ 26.38◦ . 48 The second result here is too large. By the ◦ sin 26.38◦ sin A sin B Our final answer, after checking that angles add up to 180 , is = = , 15 30 20 A = 117.3◦,B = 36.3◦,C = 26.4◦. so sin A = 2 sin 26.38◦. and so ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Smith (SHSU) A = 62.7 or AElementary= 180 Functions− 62.7 = 117.3 2013 7 / 22 Smith (SHSU) Elementary Functions 2013 8 / 22 Some Worked Problems. Some Worked Problems.

A triangle has angle C = 20◦ and sides a = 10, b = 20. Use the law of cosines to find the length of the side c. A triangle has angle C = 20◦ and sides a = 10, b = 20. Use the law of Solution. sines to find two possible values of the angle B (one in which B is acute and one in which B is obtuse.) c2 = 102 + 202 − 2(10)(20) cos 20◦ = 500 − 400 cos 20◦ ≈ 124.1 √ Solution. The sine of B is 0.614 so B ≈ 37.88◦ or 142.12◦. So c ≈ 124.1 ≈ 11.14. Solve the triangle. Use the law of sines to find two possible values of the angle A (one in Solution. c ≈ 11.14,A ≈ 17.88◦ and B ≈ 142.12◦. which A is acute and one in which A is obtuse.)

Solution. The sine of A is 0.307 so A = 17.88◦ or 162.12◦.

Smith (SHSU) Elementary Functions 2013 9 / 22 Smith (SHSU) Elementary Functions 2013 10 / 22 Solving Triangles and the Law of Cosines Solving Triangles and the Law of Cosines

Solve the triangle with sides a = 15, b = 12, c = 10. Solve the triangles with sides a = 15, b = 12, c = 30.

Solution. By the Law of Cosines, C = 41.65◦. Now use the Law of Sines Solution. Since one side is longer than the sum of the other two sides, to get no such triangle is possible.

a = 15, b = 12, c = 10,A = 85.46◦,B = 52.89◦,C = 41.65◦. (No calculations are necessary here. If we did a calculation, we would eventually take the arccosine of a number larger than 1, which is impossible.)

Smith (SHSU) Elementary Functions 2013 11 / 22 Smith (SHSU) Elementary Functions 2013 12 / 22 The Law of Cosines

Elementary Functions In the next presentation, we will look at Heron’s formula and the “Five Part 5, Trigonometry Guys”, (five trig identities I give to my classes.) Lecture 5.4b, Heron’s Formula, Five Guys

(End) Dr. Ken W. Smith

Sam Houston State University


Smith (SHSU) Elementary Functions 2013 13 / 22 Smith (SHSU) Elementary Functions 2013 14 / 22 The of an oblique triangle The area of an oblique triangle

Since a triangle is half of a , its area is one-half of the 1 product of its base and height. K = ab sin C (3) Let K represent the area of a triangle. Looking at the drawing below, we 2 see that K = 1 ch. We can summarize this by saying that the area of a triangle is one-half of 2 the product of the sine of an angle and its neighboring sides. But earlier, in our proof of the Law of Sines, we solved for h and we wrote h = b sin A and h = a sin B. So we can substitute for h and write the area as 1 1 K = 2 cb sin A and K = 2 ac sin B Or we could call the known angle C and just write 1 K = ab sin C (2) 2

Smith (SHSU) Elementary Functions 2013 15 / 22 Smith (SHSU) Elementary Functions 2013 16 / 22 Heron’s formula Heron’s formula

Let’s take the area equation 1 K = 2 ab sin C and square both sides. If we know the three sides a, b and c then in theory, since the triangle is 2 1 2 2 2 fixed and we can compute the three angles, we should be able to compute K = 4 a b sin C. the area of the triangle. By the Pythagorean identity replace sin2 C by 1 − cos2 C A first step is the formula we found when we proved the Law of Sines: 2 1 2 2 2 K = 4 a b (1 − cos C). 1 and distribute K = ab sin C 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 K = 4 a b − 4 a b cos C. A succinct formula for the area of a triangle, given the three sides, was Now use the Law of Cosines in the form worked out long ago by Heron of Alexandria. a2+b2−c2 cos C = 2ab to replace cos2 C: 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 a2+b2−c2 2 K = 4 a b − ( 4 a b )( 2ab ) and simplify 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 Smith (SHSU) Elementary Functions 2013 17 / 22 Smith (SHSU) K = 4 a bElementary− ( 16 Functions)(a + b − c ) 2013 18 / 22 Heron’s formula Summary & Five Guys

Using the law of sine and the law of cosines, we worked out a formula for the area: Summary of our identities K2 = 1 a2b2 − ( 1 )(a2 + b2 − c2)2 4 16 We have come across two very useful identities that are easy to remember: 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 K = 16 (4a b − (a + b − c ) ) 2 Now, with a little bit of algebra ... (skipping a bunch of steps!) ... we can 1 The Pythagorean identity, cos2 θ + sin θ = 1 (and its two siblings), get this into the form and sin A sin B sin C 2 a+b+c −a+b+c a−b+c a+b−c 2 K = ( 2 )( 2 )( 2 )( 2 ) The Law of Sines, a = b = c .

The perimeter of the triangle is a + b + c. Half of the perimeter, written There are five more identities that are very useful and if we know them (or a+b+c s = 2 is called the semiperimeter. have them handy) then the other trig identities follow easily from them. We can use the semiperimeter s to shorten this equation Our goal here is understanding, not memorization! But if one were to 2 K = s(s − a)(s − b)(s − c). memorize trig identities, in addition to the easy two above, I recommend So the area of a triangle is the following five. K = ps(s − a)(s − b)(s − c).

This isSmithHeron’s (SHSU) formula Elementary Functions 2013 19 / 22 Smith (SHSU) Elementary Functions 2013 20 / 22 Five Guys Five Guys

1 The formulas for the sine and cosine of the sum of two angles: cos(α + β) = cos α cos β − sin α sin β sin(α + β) = sin α cos β + cos α sin β

2 The power reduction formulas: 2 1+cos(2α) cos α = 2 In the next presentation, we will look at polar coordinates.

2 1−cos(2α) sin α = 2 (End) 3 The law of cosines: c2 = a2 + b2 − 2ab cos C In my precalculus and trigonometry classes these five identities, boxed above, will be provided on quizzes and exams. Since I have never memorized these – and I’ve done well in mathematics, emphasizing understanding over memorization – then I won’t ask my students to memorize them. Students should focus on understanding how to wield these five guys in a variety of environments. Smith (SHSU) Elementary Functions 2013 21 / 22 Smith (SHSU) Elementary Functions 2013 22 / 22