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St. Cloud Tribune Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida


St. Cloud Tribune Vol. 20, No. 20, January 03, 1929

St. Cloud Tribune

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STARS Citation St. Cloud Tribune, "St. Cloud Tribune Vol. 20, No. 20, January 03, 1929" (1929). St. Cloud Tribune. 333. 1929 IFR1JSAI ST. CLOUD TEMPHRATUMI Mm Mia. Itslii 3 4 5 West,, Dae. mi 'I? 40 o.oo 10 11 12 ihul* 1 L'7 tKi IB 0.00 Kit. I •*.',• N m .17 0.00 17 18 19 Sin. DM. • IS :M ooo Sun . la..,-. :iu a ** MO 24 25*26 \li.n.. lias-. :tl II lla 0.00 .Imi. 1 71 .'..I 0.00 i31 I -

8T. CLOUD, lis. K.H \ COUNTY, FLORIDA, I III li-SIl \\. ,IVM AKV I, l(f!;i NUMUKK TWKNI'l >EAKS AT St. Cloud Growers Association EETING OUD Making a Splendid Showing

nf I 'i li*.. iliia- Mer nt thn Or- The St. ClOUd Glower*. Association WW* III ga ileal on October WSmS, 10-S, Imt i; were Inatall- Vt profit 101.44 Worahlpful Three liiiiiilraa] nnd sixty fiva* bright new days full of new opportunities. Senior War- MI.SCKI.I.AM:IH s INCOMR Junior War- Thin is inventory tinii- .mil M let us take stock of ourselves. KSitilo r Deacon, oo ui.'iiii.ershiii haa tm.oo .lllllllir Deacon, Let us cainsida-r our personal st'.-iiidin^ in tie world nt this milestone of Steward, L, T. Set iirnflt 167.«M Ilelly. Mr. Ham (imi* -our I'l'l.'iliiinsliip In those nround us. Is our supply of friendship low? and A. R. Cow- I IN iM HI STATEMENT .eleeted to their Ara* aiur shelves bare of love for our fellow man? Are Ihere but a fa'w December .*Usl. 11I2S AHNKTS : e nol in*-!.illi'il liiml words .uul tender thought remaining ? Is our of gentlemanly ind lon eera'monlea rn-li - W8.77 Irodaoed. After womanly courtesies exhausted ? .lust how do you stand at this time? Hills mi-ivuhli* 07.81 .*e at tM'Ini; pra>- Inventory 24.42 le Designs Upon See yourself as others see you— X-ray your henrt and soul and mind. Investment In ciibbagc SISHI bast 20.4* Ila rneHHaRa. was Are you an asset to the world- or nre you a bankrupt of worth while Totnl H17.41 11 of thoaa* pre I.IAHII.lTIKS: hla subject ln a apialities? .'uiiltal stock none etiilid thought" I'roflt for 1028 107.44 In iilwnys In tbe It's 192H—a New Year. iln hearers. Let us st.-irt NOW to make it full of linjaiiiaiiss joy peace -good will Total 107.44 (Continued ou Page) :\ STAK — leva* nnd a*very noble n.'ima* within tha- language. KW OKKIOKKS I.a I start NOW I., do allll* | HI It in making the PENNHl I.V AM A 111 II.III K MnKlll'lll.lS" Ml 8T NOT BB offloati „t Rl. VISITING IN ST. CLOUD MISSKII BY Mll\ IH;iiKKN I. Order . inal happy .uul tile world I better plat tai live lastalled in tlu* Mr i ml Mra, Kurl I.nki*r. «»l Mr .*. -il|»*l* city, in which the Wool- .a rem .11) ..I lha' Ki*. "i" i . Pa., hare baan tho Kueata ot wnrth abaUdlng wonld ba dwarfladl In milnr meeting of .Mrs. Klisi M'-AlliHtor at li. ; hnini* 01 w liieh than i- ninre Iiti* tiniler ground rlllls'l 1.11 Florida ivenue dnrlng tba holiday above; in whieh modem mueh- ard, WW*** iiini- aaaKOO. Mr. Bailor is • prominent illa'ry. moilern ei'iu.uliiii' systems would , worlhv jmtiiin ; contractor and bolldar of ICcKooeport laa* a aall-illl rt'll , l.'ll.lit j V,* Ihis Is "Me- lule iiintroa : i;:nh *his week Mrs. MoAUistcr .'in-:! tl'.aJU'lis,' iiulnilra' i. ".li i'a. tll.asa. \v ll.a SUN llie -llllla* piny TKXMIKKS RKII K\ I'KOM i'.'i' iroeata treni on u notOT tour of lata- i In CITY COMMISSION MET RECENT INJUNCTION • bo ..inii. i N mi l "f n>«' btete visiting "B. I'. H." suine yeai-s ago, this ll,t nie M i nn iiinni TRir TO •: CJBA rt. Ploraa on tin Baal const, thence ,'HB.iriT v will not in* totally unfamiliar. F.n Ma iia. a tiiiii-.a Iia art laa. Kuiiiie.ii t.i Okaaebobee, Bradanton, Lvon I^irk M.i ro 1 a. lis" lunches aan thai duy when .lun MONDAY IN REGULAR AFFECTS STATE and baofc t.i si. «'lond. Mr. an Mrn. M - • ff. Ann.* Botaaaao, Margaret Wll iiiei! will muke lai'eliaiiiiii I men ta. il.. Dakar oraro rory nncb Unpraaaad with n ' sentlna'l , lllllUKIiai Iii , lly-Bflfil K.tifiuH niul lieulrlci' their slavillK. Al (lie 11 lhe pictiii,* SESSION ROAD NO. 24 tha delightful climate and Iba hennty pltiiiiv : Mlaa . 'nuipbelll.iiiTLT ileneher a in tha st i'l.uui sisrls, Inimiitis still iln Uu* dirty work. of this portion of tbo etnte and it is Tin* -lujs'ii,luus miii'hiiies run eontinn lira C v Hni* -allaaa.N. llll \t' 1*1*1 11111, *a, HaUl 11 tll.lSt Th*' City ruiiiinlHKloii nut in ii.,11 ili'llKliiiul lii|i ii. t'nliai They aecom- 1IO|MM1 thnt ilny will visit with us * nslv uinl lhe men wank In shifts asi'innry I ;.inlis- lh** recent injnn* r• • • *i [retraining Inr •OOOtOfl M li.Kt Mnmlnv nun tilni;. jiiiiileil the Klliaiti T'liu-s, ,Ni*'<**Mit fnnn i-n section of die city Is underground. eh. •act*. MTH. A. nt whl.-li linn' .ill thgmg of Un i.miini*- ll )Ml* .1 W. K.lli.ilt. llf itonefa mul tin* rity wniar wera i .i iiaiijegii, Ala. tiring into fintiMT oontracte in rtnd With Ilu sliiiilinii of the first .ml uriiiut .1 oriel c HI--1 riii'Timi. v,.rh nisi \ BflfOcte State mechanical balag (a Truman) trooMa 0000001 Iti unln r i.-iitlin* iiiiitii'ts of This inur Is ii musi ri'inuikiibla' one ST. CLOUD POST OFFICE Islrlet. wns tta In- id imi Nn Mt aaw mnh*i roootructlofi brewa, she laclateo ilu'in to rarolt, at bttalneaa a/or* la km np nnd diepnaed uuil Is wlilaly lun.wn. Tile llli.ills lllive heen a-olllluetillK laair.h l'ul* 1 M*elltv inun Ki-.-iiinmi' fust llirmmh St. I'hnnl CLOSED VERY BUSY I.r whl.h llicy wrest from ".lnlin Mas- i-.m. Mr' I. A. at, I., i be Brevard iinmiy line I. illian." who runs lhe elly. llie riuhts I,nil \\ itli :i Is'liil A .1 ltt...kli.'iil ;I|I)N in . iiuili*' iliiiel ur.v ("I'llllll Imltlili'il iiiuiia plins's rent awn tlnn laatrnctad Atborne-j Pal YEAR OF 1928 ilia* -els aire lhe musi asloiuiiliii,; | Mr- . 'tlMI'nl'il. stumiiiiL: with mard to hts uggmm and a.r Interest, with visits m Uorro Caa- .[..iiiisinii to InveatlSBta Un matter and i in.yi* eear iaao 'i'aa daaorlba them HI,,n nni Mrs amnrmr cmuMoHoa it wn*- explained properly la Impooslble, Huge Imiiii D( aafflaer aid IV in Mr Bookbout tlmt Hi' .•«>minl>sii'ii tie, nhl l'uri. Miilts'iin umi Prodo, aee If li>» rea training ordat eonld not bo i'ii.- yi'iil 1H2.S u luisy .a*.n lui* in::- rlaa mllea Into the air: tbara aaa i. I-. nt;. .•iiilhi.ri/.'.l thm i ilv ni!iii:u;.*i ina!*.' racea, vadada. aatfaadatala, presi- Lifted Inaofar u it iftactt Oaoeola iiu* local is.-i,.ri'iee. AIIII,mull tba r. itreeta mi nil levrli for ul I klad io !nv»*|it taxaa wiiii.mi iiii- wwer aa ,!• nl main-inn. Dilnese ,'iinl .'ilban t'lMiiih, Inaanwr bli ;i^ sunn- county Fundi ..-iris fm- ihe yean* ao. .i aUghl da traffic; ihe machines undaraToaad — - aoaament, whwa thm ogttinj vm ti llaeult'es. aiml lh,< nut I,null ,l:ii Alul arc bains "^i » tb* eonalructlon ot I .IIII.I' cumpared to IK1T, l*oatniaatai .'ire aa large ai- ami Public Library. ici.|\ -i I* . •• *i with iae "id temrtrt jaa .IU* ihli) pai ti« nnd \\;is :l | .1 U a .uim sta|es iimi Si.-ia* a 111. -illli. is (Ninlellliil y illipri'ssivi WILL -$EE lilll'S. S.'MTllI .'I llle la*Ul*lll-|s lll.lill* stlip it i- andaratood ttal tbo State Road certnln dli i;- * .a.iisiiiera hi.* lacraaaa In Tha* maater niachiiia* of Uu- city is lei A. ll Iiilni ;i|iiH>imii before tbo ivn* vislls on Ihelr return trip, Mlaa Departmanl roeantli aaked for Mi' tnt Bai lln July I, IMS. lhe slur route !«•- l'ul electric itlacbarsea, Hash Ima-k ami ..ii hi-, property ai tmm oomat ol Uaa llnatrlce Campbal] it Waal aad Olyn ns i w hi.-h . mii m. ti are bateg bald tweon ihl- office a.nal Klaalnuuee, waa HOUSE rii!iv iin' reoani Injnnotloa 'nn* grad* la,aiii. until th,, nun hiin* 1 silcstroyall • nn* iiini 'I'.-ntli sln-il, i.iai. IIIIII Mlaa Mni*Kiii.'i Wliliiiius ui imi mii. -eiii.e iii lieu of train nrvloa taa tin* a^ic,' o,' tha prancing mob. •tattal tlmt In his opliiiiin tin Miliiit her home In Mil ton, Florida, ini: is nearly rop^Wa nnd tba aaal count) '"•' in .iii s in.w l.y lhe nnii.1. ll seems laa me it WOUld he wisa' fur (Imi liiitl hi**'ii plaOflO l"" liiuh, Mr. atop la tin' <' no Hu* following I i.a aill iiiiiiiis, i,IIII'I miss "Metrn- Mr Bain and anlaaror t«> ggt tta : riiiirley Iliiiiall,'. FISHING SCENES a,i liaslille imlis." Without n doul.I. il IK one of in ns 1 ii x OOllU nui tor •trabrhtened out. ( IIKISTMAS l \MATA Baod*rad ', i80 \ U. nad i '"i P. M- iiu* moal extraordinary plcturea aaw | fill li lenn I. | Thm t'lirrnil hills for tin* JNISI two TO KF ItEPEATD) liispatcbad i I SO \ M ami > i*'. I' M i .i. vara oidorad i«.!.i tnnl tin l.iii.lileeil. The New Vnrk llllll.v Mir- Itimer, hla third ..n Deoaantiar 1. ism, an all' mull Kir. ".Mel ru,ail Is" will he seen In St. meeting adjourned ttntU Sal nrday l'.i'iiiiiiiiau hla Construction a.i Oaceola county a loin., waa plaoari iia Oaparatton mtwosm ('luiul an ihe I'liini Tbeatre fot tara a hen t in\ a MI marl ^> iparlal Tin Chrlatmaa onntnte pteoonted at nd '.ii "I' si-li" I'llllll fill* llle lllllllUUlTll lailVlllle .llillll- .lu.k-aaiia ill.* .i.i Atlanta to Waahlng days only, .Maamiuy and Tnaaday noalon, lir.v s i-. well illulel* \a:l> iiceill'aiini; thi* Uetbodlal church Inst Sunday ...'.nil * aranlng «iii be repeated at tbo gfgM i,m. D .".. Baltimore, l'hll«dolplil.i, lla'Xl. tO al la I, aarallll re. eiv.-.l Il.V ll.'ll lluslilil'. n\u aarrlce Sunday aronlng, lanunry \i-.a \ a,, k i lly IIIIII lhe Ni'w Bngl I Illllai- -i.all.l* a*,.nuiy chairman, io thai na dataila lilh. siaiies. Connections wlili tl i. il 111. -lIC.Ct'llT N HARRIET APARTMENTS iiiii\ Is* 'ia*i'i*liiiiUi*al. uiiikliiK the I'la.ut , a.l,, .H'i* all-,, lianl t'linn Alllllllll \i:l. CHIEF "CORNPLANTER" .inlar. wl.,. MCUi lliuliuiclily tropical aat' the eiinnl.v's Sew I ll'li'llll*. to i'evil- llllal |s.iul- aiii le lllll, avll.i r-ll'T ARE FILLED WITH lishlii, am.I banting iiilvniit:i«i*s, Mr. ine Pacific Ooai I v Plitlllpa. whi I',..-i ilia will Kii tu Tallahassee to TIME OF SECURING TAGS other air mall eonnectlona ara now TO LECTURE ON ,11. tr. llenrv NEWCOMERS * the laal stacaa uf tha work, in operation faom Atlanta to ,1 in his illsiil.'t. i.ii »a' ihm ii ims iis prapar plaoa in EXTENDED TO umi. iiiiiiaiiiiiisiii-. .'in ago, Detroit, JAN. 11 ..rn Itar i' . i !u> iii..l,i*r. ".iwncr aaf llie Hur- in the iiiiaiie. lls.e..ln ...uiny niiis Cleveland mul other clttee in the Oreol ,,l. Si •.'.* '•• riet-ii'll A|HI\|uiiliiia*iilI tIII.'.I.HK aauini Iliiillim nil iii nns nvenile, ..ia,, art siiuiiiii- iii tin* suite aouaaa, l^ik.'- ii'Lilon Oonnecttous with a.iiiei JAN. 15 I hill' I aallipllallllT lia'1*. llll: ] Ni., ml reeentlj iptetod, raporta Unit be Will lie aill the float nif niall .scrviiv I- alsaa hail to the .'.Illll'l'.I . llle'llll a li'isial nil linll' uf lllta ma.ilern w.'-t tram Chicago aad at, l^mis to aiml historian of tha Seneca In 1 lieiiM-i* .I'..)... .'li.yei w.via, aad tlio iliimiiii'iiiiLi tribe of ilu- ir.J upartmauta to people who ure visiting SCHOOLS TO OPEN AS Bass, who has lias'li upianlnleal V i If ..lie I In SI 'luiul Ini' llie fit* llllll*. Tills ,v r. llae |ll*lll.l,Sll .Hie- iia I'.l I ill.ruin, llll'l Iiai, I'lll loll, mill I*). \V. I'lalllall'ag S lllllll llci'iise IIIK nK.'iil ror St. t'lnml iviii, hu- -latit sunn* yaara in tin'" aim iiUorii llelllK is tiiki'ia us ti s,ile.llllll llllll.Illiull Hull mul vicinity, aniuuinees thnl lhe time goa nmi Whahlngt aa w.-n aa ntharj | ii'.v iH-aiple .an* ei'iitliiuiilly vIsllltiK SCHEDULED ON of llldlnn affairs, will present an llnill nf securing the license., litis IMSMI v esterti .-tut.*.-. I lai-fniniim ediieatiiimil ,iruKrilm a ,,,nuiy ..Ifl Is hnve enr I'liiiiiiiiinitv uuil In inlnjaT Impra'KN- The new rate of peajaaje fan- lellers I' to .lillilinry l.llli, Ifr, lacrny Iii'iine h'rlalay cvi'iilnir, January 1, kwj *.. IIi l i*i*iwl p*i lliellH.eii- ' '•.! with .mr dallfhtfnl loeatloa, ua JANUARY 7 ITandenberg, assistant aKent, reimris aiml other iiiallaT lay iiir mail MCTlSI , .l.',aull'depal-naS |V-I | aunem - "'lillllliliu; fur Ihe wlnlar Hint ta iliile 1*B lla'eiises bnve lieen I ..a* I.U 111.' flral .Uillia* alllil HS- 1'aU' in tin* i;. A. it. ilnii under tha uu*. |lill- aal' the 1 * 111 I-I ill 11 Kllllcil V . U* Sliclc- Thoaa locatad al tha Harrtol ana: \- 'ding la. n>,n>rl ri-oiii the iift'iee snlil. eaCh .I'lalllionail aalili,,. I.ellaU | la ITS .Mr. uuil Mrs. .Insepti r.alien, uf In- aaf Mr Sum Itruinmar. sii,S'rinla.nilent 'I'lii-i-.* Iius lus'ii suine mlstitiileistanil IHS'II ni-i'ivisi in tin* loaal poal "ii'i.a* i\ ni iiii* riirlsllnii .'liiit.ti U MKKHNii 11 in ain l nails ; Die luii Misses Bills, from of puhlla- liisiiititimi nf Oaoaala county, na: ragardlag tlie status of tnurlsls wilhln I-' hour.- fruni I Inn- of .llsimnli I'.iii aif the lecture win ba uiven in p IIKI.ll JAN|KV 7 lla.siini. Muss.: Miss Pierce and MIH. lhe sihiiiils ,,r the euiinty will open ns motoring to Florida, aad for the In- lllllll imll'.ls tall lhe I'llalrle I'.aisl, Iiiiiiiiii rnslunie and will pres*'nt In meeting ff thtlnton IIIIKT', ir.un Sliniile. Muss., nnd Mr. originally BChadnlaMl oa Monalny, Jan­ r.ui,,aiii.ui of thoaa aaadetaad attaa- whleh is laddered axcellaal aatilua iiinn lagaada, mylliH niul lioiiia. llf,, III In' lllll Inilii y, niul Mrs liuss. friiin Doha nnd Cun- uary Till, nfter the t\\.> weeks Ohrlst- Ham Is iiilleil In the fnet thill Flairlilll Daring iiw* iair.i paar tab looal i«'si with uu Interesttnic lnlei pi-etation of :• ,al*iiBl*linlwiy Klva'n lulii. lllal*. \ aleallllll. Ki-inils ta honu title residents of other Oaffloa was linivasl into new i,lllirla*rs Indian dancea nml explanation aif uie aVKsa'.'liiiio mil Mr Itriiminsi- reisarls thnt thera* Htntes full exemption ra-gardlem of Mr. XV. 11 Mlllsoill, lha* la-aasau* of Ilia* liullaii symbols. Wllh tlia* leu nre will [jeil ta, eiine a henr V01M1 TINDAI.L HKT8 A STI1.1. llll\e lil'i'll vaT.V few Itlsl'H of till' fill wlnii thoaa slates Krunt to reHlilenls old taiiilaiin^ wiis uwarale.1 lln* ten .\**ai Is* shown aiver Iim steri'.ipileiin allda* lairii'aylnir Indian hum,' life. Una. source aif supply of New Tear's ra'|sarteil Illl'.uiKliainl lha» a'nunty, Hint Of .ana i iiraivlal.-al the non-re- nnil i-aet for Ihe neav .pntrleiK aa jasi^ Chief ('a.riiplaiiliT an berts^i Hblne was ruthlessly enl off tfnturalay ul llie pra>setit time tlieri' seems to ba su.,*ni ii. laalatarad his motor va> vlalasl ill lhe new lease An I'hilveh reaulin mletlnK wns chief anal historian of his trll ,.elilnl Ilui en. lust vini* lvputy shi'rlff Young Tui- va'ry Utile WmSW Wt Wt eplileinb', na hiii.* ami'uliiiil a liis-nae therefore new ImllalliiR IUIH las*n constructed fan a.vei'y pra'i-aullon will lae taken by Ihe 111,' JJaastaaffla*.*. It bl II VOry lillilal n thorough kaowledfa "f the, inula.*. I he,prom In alllll S'lf. ai ;• .Ml Sllll III lllllll'll'S tin* ann... , . treat his linme slate. nml history of his |s*o,il.* ' peclfled In the astl Hwnm.) .un lironght It to tha court tenehi'rs and henlth autbnrllles. Attention is nlsaa iiillasl to the fact ing, well ventilated aiul Ughlcd. 'I'ln* aaiuipiiu'iit Is all new, und there hns brinir ia. bis lecture lm K|ves tbe lil-u lltam house :*!irht barrels ot mash were llml ;i aafaaa wlui aMmes to Florida promlaea in ba rery " '• ,te Asaocliflon, i*i«* .l.'Mtraiya'il hy lha* ilepuiy. The owner Tlie .'lytic Steamship Una has la- HiiU. secures employment, or registers Us*n instil ll.'ll uu aittcqimta' nuini.I*I* ot neyv lock lioies. insi I 111! 1M*. VVhlla- 11 ;iin Aasaaa'liilun s the wna a-ainsplclntiH by hla iibHa'uce. l»e- sued a I fully Illustrated circular, nnal votes in this state, cea-aee to aaiain cliurar.. will ba •bio Assoclillon, a sl­ imiv '1*1111 Iii 11 stopped on Umadway aleserlptlve of s doaon or mora all-ex- be a tourist and become a resident, llllssliall a lm I ue nf lien 1 siren*, of KlKsluiniec. spenl umbers prrWent the with hla prlae and a large crowd eyed giense I rips to Ihe Mouth, from New ami HiiTcfaire must secure u Florida ted 'o Ka'hool cb' mlier 10. it with enrloalty. York. Must of them to Florida polnta. lloeaae for his car. I Wedismday In tbla dty. i I'Yt'i: TWO THE ST. CI.OUD TRIBUNE. ST. CLOUD, FLORIDA Till K.SI.W 1AM All*. Ili'.'il .— Beginning of a Period of Activity and SEARS IS TO GIVE FULL OFFICIAL MINUTES OSCEOLA FLORIDA TAKES FRONT TIME TO HIS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RANK IN INDUS­ Development in FScrida Is Predicted By DISTRICT TRIAL WORLD Tbe Board of Couutj Com ml tippotiitmouts in bo made by tha nvw Business Men as Year 1928 Nears End in on.) I.T < leceola county, Florida, board ai th.-ir ttro) meeting In Jnnn 1 (IM.IIKSMI.IN IIOMI. I I.K III inn -il 1II;IH> ii, in., DeOI aihrr .Hi ary, IW», 'would ba ozpaotod to flic Florida < .an i.iin. a.,in nmk taong IIIII IIIWS HAS urn KII\H> . tugs, membera preaanl tw log, I t uppllentlona with ihe clerk on or bo iln* other itatei or tlm nmli.n wfco ""• the conotructleu of another largo oaa • It.iss. t-hiiiiniiUi ; F. W, Aaies, .1. fore dial ihiie \ wus aecondsd I'lalmlns posttlou in thi imiiiNtrini (IIMMIi II i in I.UI*. IIMI bj .i Virhnii Bryan nnd carried Arthur Brisbane Sees al i i.v,*ii mi ih,. Lower MuM ooaat Til llll.l > I'KMIIM. . Bryan, ami P. TomooaUo, "H world, If i.mi . iniiiiii, ii bj iiii* Nini.' i'ii.- Qrabaa Paige Motor On., mann* O. r.-ntin being abaant" J. r,. Ovar* I,, HI r of Mr. .t M. Rhine requeat- ilr|iii i Iiinni nf «Krli*iilHiri. liorc 18 to Prosperity In The im turera of trucka and poaeenner cara) i [on. W . i. seiii'-. member iot I 'on street, derk, oloo being praaant. Ing the board to alrnw Mm Viola Bar- ial.Ta*i! III elasxir.vlng Iho Bui* .nil.*, ,i tern daya ago opened Ita hard : .in du* Fourth I Met r let of Fl< i The board having met for the pur­ ion during ochool montho •I Btate iiiiiiisiiiuii.v. Near Future m i mill in Taylor oounty. 'Hiis Ida, bi spending tUe Uo)l<*ayo al home poao of exauiiuing and approving bllla, waa preaented and read, htr, Ublue II la'N-l l'l..I illit ,ja\ \yr* a I • 1 >' llaaal^ planl win pr.iviih* nil the Inml with Ills fhmllj lu Klwdmmee Mt they proceeded to ezamlna and op ftated in tetter thai lira, Barbae had i*Pr of luilu Umber whlcb goea int'. the manufac­ term exijroa ou March t. 11WW. prove sn. li hills as ware nraoontod to two children, ii was moved to J imiii rare and nml ay iilliai1 Nathan Bryan, seconded bj ll »'. Muiiv blortdn bualneaa men predion ture nr i in> concern's motor product* and he in I Hnn In* win devote them nmi in the clerk, and after sueh a*"".Ill 111..lllll H.i plalllls. Ill|. ill [nqulrloa arlth i dow to thi ootabTlah' examination nml apfn^oval, di reeled Partln and carried, thai tho board tin- botfunini ol :i period of tetlTUj his entire reinutulng lima t" maaoureii allon her (8.00 pw matvtb malnten Formation siiuws. ranta from II« nuni ..I' DOW tndoatrloa in iiii* slate the clerk to draw warrants for all iim* i.a tin* IIIIVIUIIT, ii ,„, limited i-apii nn.) deretopoteni la the atata al nn I ending lh i nffoel this district. or invi'sinit'iii In going Induotrteo ara A Washington .ii-|.;ii.'h sny«' ! hills as were pagBad on, nnii* during achool unaiihs iiiv io tlii' extensive, and (rom UH early date thai nil] ourprijo one mjttg oumerouo 811 inontba ago J< I lin,- to his di'-n* iln* remaining .1 Nathan Bryan mada a motion \h iabton road superintendent, ropoi ted he waa bavlng trouhla with lillllllHali'lllIT* a.l a illli||. prodUCte I" II" lc believer la Ki.rkin. soya '•mnity. for example, wn*- wondering ,vee4tH .ii hi*- expiring tenure In rou­ iimi Mr. Aahton bo dlreotod i«» see Mr, Ion Ileal of oon edibles, ihi* Florida Btate Obamta r of ON* winii in do with the milk and cream te [lalatlve mat 1 A. P, Taie regarding t he crooning John Malone, iimi he waa drinking and onxt vers dloagreoable. it was Reporta lo ihe agricultural doparl in.>jv.\ Big monej Ln tbo north, mil- it waa producing, dtumm Interacted fectli K hi.- .li -iriit. ttepreoentative W. I whero road from ihe Hamilton dub ;i creamers operator In another atata, moved hy J, Nathan Bryan, aanondad 1111*11. *T|IIIH llllll hi 1*1111111111 COimty aa lalng iinn iin imii iiit-vi'inriii in Wall .1. Benra boa tendered to Speaker Long- houaa croaoca the A. C i- Battroad fB0G,0D0 organlaation bai i*** . formed provided • po l'l,.|*il||| lirilllf irmly is turning toward Floridi bo Borne people with capital, among Mi s, II BVartlc aama bafora tho Mi- j r Etoblnoon presented a lei Iul , tot machine opi ratad i ndora 1 nini ii bad i-i* ii o groal gratification IIT to the hoard From Walker Bruno warrant the prodicttoo thai mllllona then many Worldlono, bare boon bold- ihai in* bad wared aa • momher uf board and aaked tham t«« romptoto tho ia.* |ai:ii*i*ii over tlia' Southern inia nf dollara win become i tiro hen Ing off bo invi'si whan tho coal wonld fenoa along right ot way of otnta road j ami Cogowell, giving blm u prloo oa llrer jiii.iHiii wns reallaed In vm\ Uh* lii.i.K eotumlttoe **t tho bouoe un Docket for the prooacutlag ottorney'i , ot dlotant future, I lull.ll'' --Iill IM* Iliilil.* Kl Whal Mi;iini mid Ke\ W'l'-I ol' T'i;np;i aii.i Tin* clerk presented a tetter lad viiiii.-iii.v all ibe highwayM Leading Into mi Bt Olond road wan taken up si. .iiiiiii- and 1'iiiiiaiin una n here ii h. longa, and l<»i»k el is termed th.* "rock bottom." bni nny -aatenieiii from -ircude Provlsiona Co., In 111.' Peril tnil,lair., nini their .'.a I Including blghwayo tro and dlBcumed bj tha board, and it WU fi i employ in.-ni. 11 -M emo t«t be goa> iiivist'ir who boitoroo inch tbareupoi red by .i Nathan Bryan for tho applies furn­ "ins aaa.. realising substantial profit*. the we tern port of the stole wen* com 1 era lly agreed tha Plorlda is iin* beal tlnn wW prarall BOOT any lengthy seconded bj i Tonmaello and earrlml lahed I" Jim ' 'lemons. ll was movrd The w a a , •, a i ... ,, ... iniiini period is Mdly mlatoft m. Thi plelr.l. iimi tho board maka • poyumnl of hy Bryan, aeconded bj Ames ami car­ operating along the Plorlda .vt**,t ooaal l*'uluri' ;i. I i\ ll] rida win nol a in w d Hliif*c \h' Keura baa been a ineadior pinoono .... id, halam c dno the com ried, iinn the payemenl of tba hm ba marketed I.RO0.000 eggs eo-operatlTdy Ui Nie I Ulii . bo in the nature of the peculating oi above the horiaon. pony. *: IS . -I a, I. ,. aa 1* g* "i 1935, Tin . in rar be an Nothing in the fori going, aayi Uu ;... iwl in r. nuni nnmbet - lt^OOO.000 The work of ih< board bntng i a was noi in the emploj of tbe companj ror Itetter lilghwaya ond for the Claoal l'l, >-l I ll** Ml I IS III IIH.!' , other speculative bare tor two chamber, ahould be Inti r\ rated aa In ! plated, ii wus moved by ' at. iln* time iln a i* weri sold hi Indus! i*.. iiiiii for i bo nmnufitd m* **i •'."! there boo been 0| proprlal inni ii , iiisi. iln* Kiate laa s . n.i. n .i dice tt Ing it*- belli i that another spe­ aeconded b) Coaunlaalonar I lla .. . a.lit al inal- for iliril' t'l nit '|i»*r in 1027 would stop it before ii oonld cula! Ire boom la In i»i oapi I hm ,.,' Jl.iiOO.OOO. \i.\i year there will h.­ * Bryan and carriad, thai they adjourn .Mi* .1. it. iluiin ureseuted his an­ ii 1 i r, Iwr ' i;it inn, Mr Si'iii's sl;ii lll.*l* gel under way, and, aecond, Florida') oerrativo btmlnem aam tho hankn. until 10:00 a in . M'.mh,. Decembei nual report of work performed by bualnoKH leadern would uoi permit ih.' newapapera and tbo chamber, will ii ,1* *ISK>,000, whlcb, in* added, ,, him ao oountaj demonstration agenl \siKU*ala:a. |.llllll.. -aa I. a aa .anal nllirl Whin Plorlda la facing a period dlecourage oay attempl at opeculatton. «..nhl make H total of D.000,000 and read the -nine in I h. IIIIII-- it' u Hal ainal a llll Anl,.1 folia|Ta* Tna board of county commtaolouora i..* treated b] a aocral i»r<•• of Investment in and thi Levolnptueni Tbey wUl encourage, bowovar, Lag) iin* iIHUIS af Florida whlcb ho bm na in and I'm* Oaceolfl i'tuinty Riorlda, ih,- hoard li WBO moved bj iv Toma of agricultural landa, elow-ln urbai tlm ate development of land, bu sello, seconded by 11 tl Pnrt In and In...unl ulnn ai Chicago .iiij-iiiiss man •nti iu regular season gl 10 im a. in.. tl li i'i aaal i .a i>i •••a'rvinc planl realdentlal *ub division* and buainew and industry, and wlae Inraatmewl in o tetter to Mr Banro roscmetliin December 10th, members praaanl be* carried, i bal i he reporl lie uccepo i nml Indnotrlal enterprise! of ibe mom » roada In Florida i'h.nun-: li UacUou ami filed wiih proi-cedlng of the boar-ik ulllrll ll.' proposes fail* til.ll a ity I.- \ r. Mass, chairman j F. w. Anns, \ I i.m ii-j l'n. silk iiiiii is being sulwtantlal ehai ncter. aid, chief of the L'ulled States bureau .r. Nathan Bryan, u O, Martin and Reporl . f U i i i !rb • »uni j nui ,rfl( I ;| K report of .1. U Broaaon, speed «»i>. .lisliiaiiitla.t for' tai i point In The Frequent references to Florida INU.I KNZA" " P" " ; 1.^^- P Tomaaello Pal Tohni'"ii ia -"it- wav also flM with lln hoard I'la.liiin. iiia> propoaed destination na.' b] Arthur Brisbane during the IHM lln* ii-i,.I dlsbureoment of fedorul tomes md i i Iverat reel clerk, each a, a la few weeka are of greal algntftcane. l'n(;iuliini:ir\ Mceauren ; i'l '" Florida up to October -i last i,,,,,,., preoenl Tho ilerk presented slntemenl of .nn Bern li lm- Is an aelected tor aayo tbe Chamber. While Mi Bris 1. I'.- kivp will wu* >7 *:....:>- iis. xhla amounl In- The board waa callnd order ami IHUHTI Hales A Securities Oompany, ii "hntter.v fattening iiinn ' for the iinn.' i- Internationally known ;is i •_v To protect otters. nil i«iymento on project* en ,,„. m| ea of the rneetli for Noi by ll. Gilbert, showing balances dno 1 al*. .. 111. -T la .1 a nf high l|lllllil> lllilU .'-'I 1 tirelj oumpleted and nut on employer**) liability policy >fo. newspaper editorial writer bo \g bat :i if yon eoulmd Inflm oaa. and progress pay ,.,„,„.,* lr;n, ;ilH] approved 'or fastldlou ter known In financial circles aa an InflnenM Infection la tranamlttod made to ihe al 378722 and No i' 816275, of tha \ i.i.nai for tin* manufacture of t%\ project? under conntrnctlon '••"'' •"' Oommlooloner iv Tomaaello preaenl imount of 1406.23 for premiums, aatute Inreotor ami bio opinion of wiih the accretions from the aan gnd i and I-.tti ihr following reoolntloo. lllilllllll llli.lliiLirilllls alllil uther 11.a*1*1 Florida and thlnga Floridlans carries month, Ibon la pet 'i'i*' ptnron I II mt allotted i" f tho rofuaed until claim ol Anal Arnold ... a. iin. rommonweellh ara othaT of other authorities almnltu tftnr} ladlrldual mual carry out. ['litigated balance of all fund was [MIiil hy ihe romiKiiiy aii.lii-li ia*s a-.aiiiiininalllii; lln iilta'Dtiaiti li-ni.'.I to th.* state np I., gnd Includ board if inty commigBloni rn to at- Mr. Boh Brnno aaaa before tha eoualy are d Florida In the "<'» '« *vold Iu/llia»gg tead ili«' Insi <>ue or i»«i iiurM ..I ili.* Industrial arorld, beoMHe .>' s;inn. v- Lrold perooni who cough oi Ini the appnrtl ieul ror i lie Moral the i at Irtng board f"1 the pu 11 i>,.anl • iH.I stated thai In* had worked* a,r la'Ss lllnisuiil flelll a.r i'. a r loi Idi i are aware of whal \\..i.i crowdo. • .ii 101*0 won 11,21 1,082.35. aninaintiiig -mii members with the tWO a ml "Uir half days ,,n road loin rt.utura. Tboj ara in tba ws \ rold i lie common drinking cup "• rofirlation author Uad t i Runnymodo i" the lake nIth hi is actual)] In progreaa al the 1 affaln and aondttlono of the county , a-in" a.r iiie norlda n iinn' i.u man) reasons ladlrldual Wtth banda thoroughly bafora aat* the rioeal yoar i- *"-" wUl N* an*} urtlou ini ri' taking active charge «it' :idmin the amounl dun bin wna IflTJN it > , t.lll they Wlllllll I a;l Ing, '•• January I. Uthougb II I* u as moved hy .1 Nnlha u H\ \ I • uoi VH poeelble to give you the nam I i-t.'riiig tin- oounty govnrnmant, and la*, lllllll, 111* Iilu'. 'I'll. ) ill. Illlle lha they tm nol yel nad] for onnonaot* Keep oul ot tha month everything onded by il O, I'ariiu and carried, following entorpcli • unclea n. '•'iii.'inii for ihe eurrenl rear, whirh Whereas, Then* has baan certain menl hut enimah can be dli expenditudea made by "iis board thai thai hiii be paid, provtdlng^Oonimh .aas, airlifii-inl flowers i>o not rtail pamnna rich wtth In- i- *ooit;ui. •loner A I\ BUM would npprovg the Indicate AOIUI thing of the rituatlon. II orporated In the budgel bed -prim's. ,*nslia*t la, coat in Weetern Florida < allfornlan who flnenna. "Hiis nm« mi will h...,v;iihn,i,. !'.„• al ' "^'.ji,,',',"' claim, whirh he did. JOOU-IS' . loi menl i 1027, ancb u •• ei pi todltures of nearlj LfiftOOO ut roe and Dnneceaaorj trareling to to he iminediaii*!.! lun n Involved In the Bt Oloud i ond • Ber \i i A 11 SFeeks preaimted n th i aa'ii- dental supplies, druga drydooki i n.iiihi'iii group which controls TU. avoided, .li>lnii he made mil il .1 nl c L, Bb) for tho sum oi ^IUO.OO .iry kllna, • iini. i - muck mada nvenue; rlghl of wny nurcfaaae and f 'pi- sted tbe board to Ira-no war IHMI acrea are preparing to IK*KIII da- Spend some time each daj and right of a/ay purchnaa for rand nh • rap nmi mi iiTtiiiz. i relopmenl operatlona, both bai big Ing in tin* open atr, walking, riiiinp. i.n.l tu ii i J ii tor iiu* amount, In ..ei I.;. fiiinii.iiii pens, 'urns,-' phiyiog or working. No. -4: moving oonvtel -amp ote. nnd, moved h> I' W Ann N .,inded m reached the decialon ttal tha time lo i berefore it.- it Beaolved, that ii.m "If. IIIIIIH. tin rn.-s- liyalrauli. iii- tor them to .:<•' to work. Buata i ht :ill lhe sunshine JOU OUL BUSINESS MEN IN EAST j .\nihan Bryan nmi carried Unl .1 I, Overatreat, clerk of Hoard of warm ol la* issued, providing Mr. A. iiinni** a. . .'i. ni. \nm\i Brothoro of Chicago manulfcM urara Bat plain hut n.iiirishinu' food Ifl sli.1.1.*-. li i* |.i. ei | ili.-in.*. II10JI* eluding some fruit and *ranntablao. County ConunioolonerSi he and is hero II nfeaka paid I bo oaaa amount bndi of a aandy, found In onoty requeated to: INl.l.ii IT aialililllrl... | Ml 1111 mill |M*I luge ami aroaaroadi eatabUahmenl init i Do not over..nt. Amid conotlpatlon. lo tin- roiini.v .HI tbe balaiie.- be is din' finin* ^ I Doha ;uh't)ii.ii. n-t oogH hours (u) Draft and forward to BBOb, t in* nai inn. are clearing theunando FLORIDA BY AIR LINE and oevernl, tho membera elect ot the ihr connty foe use of dragline. II I 'i.'t u i'« fn s, pine ,,ii, rentiers .'Kit's at land In Okalooao county andm loop tor adnlta, more for children. being agreeable to Mr •aTaehg, tho Ventilnie the onttro bong nluht and hoard of oounty commlwtoner, an in | I*..sill lialril.'. llllilliT lines, shoe |K.||sl aettlng it mii with fniii trees Opon rltatiton to attend njntnt mnahtoi to derfc was directed to draw lhe war I shai\vi,s|s. snn|a. sl nppero, sjKirliia, bout ValpamlaOo Iny, orlnwo day. Arthur Brlebana la rv iiiouslhle for be held of this board, and thomaBlvee, III III good, -limp pullers, talking machln. Chtcagoaao bare beoomo Intonated In Provldo moiatnro Ln baa lafl rooms the flral unouneemei I whlcb boa m on the 17th day of Decembor, A. li. Notary i is of s. L, bnpdl t .i' - jiiillnv. lannlng and inztdenrmy. oatlon of ' 'hi. ago'i on a Gulf —n large pan or water nn the otoVU ami Miss Margaret Vfarlag wen* mu o prediction made refxwtedfly bj ihe U88, rot the purpose <>f tendering laaic nrili-les.- |uj*8. sooTanlr*-, i ore tfoluK "ti wiiii or radintnr will trive QOonfbrl nnd |ir« . \amined Bad approved Florida State Chamhor of i Vmunerce su. h mrmher.- i leel a -I aleninil Of lhe trunki iimlirellon, wlndo* shu"**a 4 • •ut n let-up. Tho atrlnoo nuni. b) \ i ol winter cold during the l.-ist two yeara, Menator eon.iiii.,n of the county, and explaining Tin* mailer ..f pa] ment Ot 'ho A, C. I'.a -I la a.- -nlaV* . ...i.. 111 in Borthweobara Florldii To Proteet Other* Duroi • -.-ii •::. \i,*. |-»rlsl»«nc inch .'.'inlilimi to *n.'h membera, i. freight bills was aallad by Mr. Pal Us f nt ihe for. going lodnatrlt. dnrlng tho laal Bon moatha are slgni- Covet the BOOO and i ith with I i.iini ton, attorney for tho board, and announeea iu hla dally newatiafmr ool* (b) Prepare a tatemont nf BI lhe I IU-I lllll Itei laa, MVS. i,-.H! f,. , ri..-un :.s toetlfylng i" the Interest in bandkorchlaf t.r tha hand when eougii- letter of W B Crawford, attornej ter W( made arrangementii n ii h an pendlturas, In each Inntunco ot inch lllllll I lll|i|...Vi-, let lhe, ,-,ro dolU,. Florida on the pnrt of Inraatoi tl \\\it Of HMMdng. .:ir lin.- to f|y arery week from I tin* Ballroad Oomnnny read. Arier is developing oataoma p-orea, rlno Do nm snii anything with tho oon . \JM nilitures, as has been auole and oome dtBeuaaton of tha gnaotloa tho IH I "iinal bnslndti irlthoul uif-in[. yardo ond email fruli orehnn llcul to I'.iiiii Beach to -pi-ii.i s |«> authorlaed by ihis hoard Hint were : I'a vn rom anyone, and by ri'imSl l tlona from tho noon nr mouth. "iih hta i.iiir. 1 .H hla n Inter la me sl ihrk was directed I" maki up OBtl the! iinlllnrilj' villi Ilio murk selling thorn on o flea yoar amint-^n- Av.iiil contact with othei not Incorporated In ihr budget adopted male of the BUteUM due N, i). Ciinh ihal i rt Mr. Duranl bo in ii»27. showing therein provlaJou* for ! Ihr tor and iin* . ta,Una p,*,,, anes baela. Hatmuno oranga poena In nl.un* and i'i1, balnnno due Qoo oomnnny fhrl' iih.iiiiii in iiitii'fcni'porta IT' ered he can make tho trlgioomforiulri) taa acroo tract ol 91.000 sn aero an H \ou Coiilnut Influenza payments of auch expendltureo as bring OOld to iMpiilly us they enn be In too i "urs. Tiw Btate Chamber ol provided by the budget adopted a D. freight on material, lhe same to he J', nil Rltntes, Go i" bed promptly and remain un­ ' onuneree twn years ago predli ted thai L0S8 i to hoard ou Monday 17th t created ond tn nearl; ererj til recovered, all eurrenl ludebtednoao of the Ithln two or threr yeara bnsln • mei county: all nccounto and hills recelvo Mr i oted mate- j in roc $i- nu iihK* "*, tbo purchMoo aro oa s • - < *-11 baata, ('nil ;i doctor. j| Miriii for tho am.nml M |2Q&Q0, pn> Exclude everyone bni tha doctor and | the Boat, a hh the develiipme t hh* ami sueh other matter involving, kognm I l**i'kslirr. nl Ni w Vork. da> i would fly t.. Florida or contemplate Involving expenditure nuni ..a bis claim agoinsl 'In' oounty \ V..ik, llee. ,*ll *|*li,. Am,.,,,,,, * attendant. the n ir • . ,, Mpend the \\ .*ek for right of way deed and n-ked the roloplng Fori Qoorge I ala ad, aaar tha S,*:ih| Oil dJOhaO, ete. Of uionirs. hul Don held In nheyanee * 'iiiiliiii announces thai and (el Formally rei'ilest 111** OOUUt] braid to allow the payment. The month «g" tin Bl John EUrot, nnd Boll OE hum ikitlis -.niled wllh Iho in I I'aist .Will' there |i„s |„ , „ „„ spending hundreds "f thonaando of attorney to i>.* praaanl ai Bnnfa gim I board having hsnri raanani of Mr. dlacbargea STATI i.AltDKS i ONTBSTS of $17 ll lat-r.s.ui in ||„. ||„|t«| doUaro on the project, baa baan .vork- ing. l-'aiiii. r, i! WBO MOVUd h.v .1 Nalhan. i If y.t. sr.* tliiit n,,,,-!, Ing siiiiiiiiy dnrlng the last two yanro, l>lt.\rKKKt'IT \ltRO\l» HUOWS VEGKTABLBS WILL r id and adopted In open ooaoaon, seconded b] ii. O. Parttn and oarrled, (iKOU 1IKKK VKAlt KOI M» thai warrant bn leaned to Mr, Farmer rioi' .MU. .ire vl.ljiu ,,f ln ||| w|„,| ['in* Hihauii eiui. waa dedicated throe this the lotii day "f December A. H tlj blew suma'.ilie a'lsa' your $17. weeks ago with • list of guoota preaenl ' I'lL'**' for the amount requested and to lira. th.- north tbal prom otad bnn Thm Byataador, n comic i>aper of i \i i vn \SSI:K, nn, Beeolt of the A. F. itASS. qhairman Nettle Batch for $r»0.oo. paymanl on drado "t mlllioi London, nol long ogo had .. cartoon IB28 all-year gardao ooateal should go Altrst : 3, I a king, It's Tbulma Lfood, o 11 you old 'luh M. P Q Moor- ami .[ .1, John am foUows: CBark, 98000.00, nnd ,lH'. !' n that's b*3on idven a^bTnoe and -iri of Bantu Hoea i ooat]. look over sheriff, $2(MHHMI, the soma ao previous For Funerals 1 ston, triisteeo state road nnd bridge taken advantage of it." said tbi tbo r.'imiiy garden and itartad plain- \o. u, rami* before the board ly ivipiii r ii ii i'. iit in and Ith s rievr to comfort, cos I aBd to an -.pinh.n nf Attorney General added to the value of the ire* h vagi Mr John tated thnt • i tho - .'iieui e i.nil s southing aim -i hare Hh»n nf • - • i;il of tallies used at homo anil old gave her had prevlono to having n rite to .Mi o, Lemon and Bdvl • hi r IVTiill'iilly si-rnnged ehapel with 0 net profit of 91A6.48 M Blaanla the audit mada of the records nf the th;il warrant w a di llveded t*> Mr, t,i\v*ta*'m/taLrooms anal exits faci­ I I M Hut" . have i u idi. t 1 employed lha firm of Qflao Elichards with the understanding thai litate 1*11*1 » |[iiuent. famll] Of 18 Sin* had a fine ii nil Qnrney, nntl thai tba < hni In* WBB to get ber father te endorse it. garden when the heavy rah Ada for legal tdi lao to i ra h» The i'i.lion | sll ar+gemrnisn.l "'".l)im. nt st bor ondair tho whan leeal* , f ti t h;ii Flol HIH i • og and destroyed it Mr Pal Johnston stab 'I thai Giles <>ti ii mi read In open boa rd ami th.* p aB I 'luring 1 ui.* land wo - .fry enough, iho re- i nd srarnay should bo reojuei bed to i Oral tnned on Lam rag" i • announo mi i vei rthlng. During the yeor iln* hoard with a latter Bl pectod in the mar futiire ,,f had L'7 varletlea of vi getablea fully what the QhnrgB was for rvad frei b vegetableo before il was puid. Phone 60 At Ihr oounty fair she Mr. Mooro otated thai aa tho trno exhibited M varletlea of vegetableo, bOOB had .xphiiiird whal lln bill WHM Incidentally, i nel proftl of for, he considered it ahould he paid 666 GENERAL INSURANCE Wlthoul further delay o<* it bad hern Is a Prescription for fl/.S, ATEIN Bi -Mis. John Tyson of Ala- Ima < onnty approved by tngftOOO a nd ordered Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, Fire, AutomobUe, Plate Olass, Ac­ tod beg family fresh regetablee all NORTICIANS cident, Surety Bonds- Anything ln Uu* year a ml lurm-d In a net profit I ia it I Bilioua Fever and Malaria the laau ra are llae Letter of Mrs. Missouri Itrmison re- Of 926&00. Iho also hold about $40 (nohting the hoard tti gfteo her OOCM It Is Ihe most speedy remedy known. formation on Ite ies Cheer worth gl Qowan dnrlng the year. NOT 1-17t fully Furnished . wan presented ami rend Oeorgo Mass t.f Bartow proved thai Tfaaraapon it was moved by .1. Nullum I Agenry In the City the mm run gTBW VBgetaMaO Inn. He Bryan seconded by II. O. Part In and laid to UO all the work In his garden carried, that the board allow her the W. PORTER after 9 o'clock lu tho afternoon, but sum of $10,00 in*r month maintenance. NOVELTY WORKS NIIVH IV WORI- in* monagad to do It Mm disced the It wns moved by I*. Tomaaello that A Iiwarmnee ^i at Kitty ground with 0 harrow pulled by a Hawlt, Nt on site of the firm (hght the iH.nrd meet on Wednesday, Janu­ L. Z. NIGHSWf tJER .*m*T Public oi tn** Wnght Brothers, exactly 25 Ford truck. ITe turned In a good re­ ary 2nd. 1020. that notice be given to cord, according to Miss Thuraby, and General Conh J* 'eeaayteoala Ave. years after the event, in presence of* the public thnt tbe hoard would meet •aha. Invites ailhcr men to enter the wai | nu this deli*, nnil any nnd nil persons ASBESTOS SHINUi ,'. Orville Wrigh: t and revrt oi forty — *- " Interested In making applications for rt.•: ' k till RMDAY, JIM \HV il. Id'.'!. THE ST. CLOUD TKIBUNE. ST. CLOUD, FLORIDA r\i.i until WHOLE FLORIDA BIDDEN TO INAUGURATION OF CARLTON

TALLAHASSEE. !>.•<•. -^ Florida folks mul winter visitors: This j- your hid to the inaugural ion • »f Doyle D. Carltoo a*-^ governor of Plorlda on janunry 1 in Sallahaaooe, ('i am' in rl.v nad slay late. Itrint: all your Iiii nds to help inke jmii In all tin* hiu dolngO, led if (hey wnnl J mt mail | li.\ \s gj un: to in- iiie Larnaal and baol attended Inauguration norlda him Over hnd, tt*l plong to bo more than ii.. Inauguration of a new governor. The big pa rude on the morning of in .-MIL: II ra i lon day will show Florida's pfogreeo, resources nnd poooltillltlro nu i no11.aini octeen and pieni pnhli- Cltj will hi- glnon the ecremonles, linti't trtmXi DDT an engraved and em boooed limitation, personally si^md hy the new governor—for there Isn't go ii: tn bo .niy* If yen are particular, .last ileeiililte this one. Hut unless gOV do doll il up, yon will Imve nne jus^ like everybody eiwe's. Oovernor < iarlton'o moot friends in.- ,*iii iiu* opoplo of Florida, ir engraved and nnboonad invitations COUld he OOnl !'• evi-ry iiuui. wonuili and child in the statu, as in- awuM wi-h lo do. the cool would he pro hihiiivo nnd it would take too LoUff. \!.*.. \<-r. il lo pointed out hy tlmse making orrangnmenbi for the <-ere- inonies. ii h.-i caver bang the eoatom in Florida lo issue invitations to an Inauguration of tin* foveraor. I \\ M (.(.I sTIONS

ieoi-riior eicei iK>yle E Oorlton'o i I ml Ml-' I-, w rile him any SUggeotton they uiav h.-i\-.- ,ii.oni iu\ prohTems resulted in il perfect flood Of IdeaO "lit ..!' wUHi II.I .i.iul.! much pond w MI oome. li'iive Orlando under cover of nlghl Cor ihe inauguration, AII plana in roojnnd I-, ii are being kepi secret, hm it is known ii will let] un interesting story nt* Orange county's development, und uin be entered under the qmiiouanhlp of the i Image I 'ounty Chamber of i 'oinmcrce, lloiojm'.v. KenanovlUa ami ottee I count lea in ult pnttO of (In* stuns in boon donated hy a prominent Avon • Hies of the tiiineil Ki.aalmttee Valley INAUGURATION DAY ON JANUARY THE EIGHTH jdicnle lln* alteialaitee ami repri'sentu- FLORIDA COUNTIES TO l':irk taad and grain eoueern. It is --mi imi are cooperating in furnish iny [lion at Mie inn BgUCTtl will <*i*li) »<* all to bu flnatieed by iKipular suhscrli*- 0 float to represent I Keeolu county. TO BE DESIGNATED AS AN "OPENING HOUSE" [former records. Jacksonville and UNDERWRITE FLOATS tioii. with Ben Boetaln as chelnnne of tin _mm^mm^mmmmmmm^mm^mm^mm^mm_mm^mammmmm^m^mmmmmm [other cities are entering flouts and Port Myers Chnmher of Commerce Is local civic ilisplny I Iilllllllltaa. dinei OOBdlng musical orpanlzatlons to par- IN INAUGURATION aponhoring the Onnl to be entered rc- iim. It will IH* either of a floral or Ittcipet •araaoai In to he rapeeenat* preaentlni Lea oounty and Fort My* lisliiiik' ilesiiru, atirad ively unniiKed, l\\A MIASM i I-. g7 Governor his previous bousing experiences, he } ed hv the world famous < '/.echo Slova- ern. I'a Ims flowers, nnd tropical und will he constrm till in Tallahassee and Mr-, Doyla B. Oarlton "ill greet lo reoniTing the Imorij oo-operatiaa ofjulnu National hand as • aaaeflal fen- TALLAHA88BE Dec. :.i. BHortda plant symbolical of Ite iMty of hy a deooratliig concern eatnbluAlng fat UM ClnM lime iii Hi dr tin* people of Tallahaaaee, Adjutant- Itare. eounties from Simla l!..-:i to Monroe Palms, win i.i* seed in the deeoeattonu, beadqunrtera here. • apadtfa - n- ETlorldn's governof ami Oenernl Vivian It Oolllna, Chief of the IfoBOl IBtllUH are now Iwing rereived und all principal eiti. • .,i the siale 'I'he arrangemento are under the illrec- oki'echohee county plans I float. iimi lady iinui | to B p ui<* (W iiaiu- of Judge Quango W. Whitehoral the praparatlono to no In cfaavpo of governor*! otnff and Ilr Caldwell lo lurgr aumberi by Mr. Turner, ehair II- .-in nnnaoal Intereal in tbt Claude Blmmona, chalnaan of tha com- irurntlon day, Jununrj a\ at an in- hare predicted Tnllohoaon will i>< man of tin- housing and subsistence • .inin;: itovernor's Inauguration, ail ami \\. tttanle] ffonoen. A Kpeclnl formaJ reception to bo held al the in more Hum 90*000 people dur uiitt.i* ,-n Tallahassee Chamber i..r Jnuuarj S, "inn Doyla B, ''ail pUll UUI U has nlOO heen .iuiiiered hy mitiee of Civic displuy. St. John's here. in:: the ceramonlea, of Commerce heodOjuartera at ill s. i,ui will |M* seated as tho stute's chitt th. *: i Lag oounty who win county, a banner county of Governor Quuotaat this reception will ba troad Commodlom Arm ba rooma burs M '"•• Sl • •,»,,l ',|il-t' Mrol executive, ii Is obowu h\ th«* reporto attend the Imm^uratioii, Carlton both tn tte priman >nd gan nf formal restraint, and thm affair win imii provided through tho oo-opers nro being allotted ihe more convenient -•I 111"' stale I' crnl eleethui has an appropriation 11 Ions Women of Martin ooaat? ure parti* ' •• "fr. < ni :i\v" iimi cordial don of Tallahoaaeo fraternal orders M' Is lor ao. dps tin I in He work of pnpnrng ajii,from,i .,iits | countoiri y 11 nli • lon for the t loUS ni:t> '••• ssed either to him Ion of th.- gem mi Inaugural hl l( Formal attire win not to required, ao ii.i iin* us.* i.r tfeeeo gnoata orhm u-e committoe to make tin* Inauguration from county. Mrs. .7. A. lul.s nt St, AiiLMistlne ,it tin. evening recanti m to ba bald I'n II man .urs for In nisi IIL: and defllro Tallahassee Chamber of \owh;iiii of stimrt heiulas ihe womun's nnd Has tings are furthering the irfs' .-• , iter m tin- daj. ud i bo go* not only to donor to the new ehiel :i plan in change clotheo fortho formal executive, hut doped tin* otnte'o pro* ith'.* The entry of the In mafcO lhe float one of civic ljpde. tpei < .1 to iipjw'iir in usual buslneao and hull. Traaaporatlon iiinn i- aaeured, Si nan press dla* Dog I, Manun of Husiinys is ^ri*et ti is to be the pavnrnoi In nd indent iahii. - ; Oarlton, in review the parade. The platform will ] Chambers of Oommerce i.r tho Ainer , :il> lUtl\ „,\lrr representation is prom- Aniori.-an Tej.'U»n ixiKts of Itrcvaitl charge. Mr. Martin is now in Tniia- -ini tin* Incoming umi outing unv i'iii Legion. i j^,,,) county, Including those nf Tltnavtlle, i: < b (rge of ihe Inaugural com- ernora, tin* cabinet, eopreme court Tiiilaluissee ciii/.ciis are i para ting I Banto h"^:i .ounty is enicring u Kau (3allle, Melbourne ami Ooooa, win : • i T t - arm 1IJ#HN jti:i rl> rs. direct lag dojusiii*.- . l'niie.i stntfs Senators ond t.< lhe fulleal extenl with the general I flonI representing the COUatj^O natural provide ;i float reprcentiitiv*' of tlmt uiv for i* oeremonleo, and Mr. Oald represent at tveo ond uiemtwio of t in* Inauguration 0011111111 ice in prepare- und manufactured producta, under the nt\ Hecordlng t" news advluuB, ii .•ll is paying frequent vlalta of two state senate and boueo of repreeenta* tlona dealgned to make the coming direction of 1. \-. Truonan. chairman will deplei the Induotrlal wealth, cit mi three day's duration to tha bead** Inauguratltm the Uggeoi and boat at ' ..1 the Btata Hosa oouaty ooauoltea imnmi Ibe m l lisaccompaniet n ami d othehy r advuutapfes to general!) suportln the Floats nni to the Inauguration win levy of I*, dlaplayed throughout the oattM tended ever held In Florida, 'I'he en eivie dlsphiy. und Marion county beautiful girls. • ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ceremonies, it is announced by Mr. capital city will appear Ln gala attire will oater a float ualag dtrai frattal Leon umnty'o float win pr**sent its iny: im gueeti ol tim Inaugnro Caldwell, Thej win be plneotl on dla* dnrlng the week of tin* ooremonleo, I and beautiful -^iris us tho scheme, The principal producta "ihe cow, tte oon to tie handled more syi tenia play in ihe Tallahassee public parti wiih Al K. Qormon in charge of the'Palm Beocli county eommlaoloa is ns- and rlie inn." symbols of its iiv,* t... I, than foi anj previous inang decorattoan Ing in providing a floal from thai sad poultry raining activittou, and bg 'rn..iim i' 'imno i boIt upon thati arrival in tho i in ami oi +m >: icepi when in use will iii- parked there, lioiiis MIO in 11 will appear in a county with uu appropriation and the ..tin,* attractlono, 1; <'. Sodkn, ooun- the housing nnd RII' W llliam ii Celt, dty manager, of mununoth parade to he held on the dunatlon of ihe use of a truck. George ty ujrrlcultural open! ims bneu a] nmittee fm nratlon tad Inauguration day in honor Cotemaa, Joha 1.. Moore and M. D. poinic.i i.. take charge of preparations, of i in' Tallahaooeo Ohamber I Tallahaaaee haa l n appointed chair Putnam county I.s also making oka. roe. Mr Turner hai i mnn of tho parking and polloo oom- ..r the Incoming governor ami win 1 oael ore iu charRc of thi' pra- rertewed hy him. When mu actually Puratlooo i" in for representation, Ool i nmmlttee ol Ifl to aoatai him in mlttee, nnd in addition to tte (en re'i, directing pnrticlpatlag in tho oeromoatea, thay r-etterlng and decorations on the .* work, compooi rt of bonda "i Tai gular police patrol ment, win bava 10 Pampa is wnrtlng ;i tmugt and u Hi mas. The extra patrol moa tm duly, ami 50 of will he placed on display in the Tai KeJ West. Monroe county, float aa II lahsaaoo public park for the closer1*'* being arranged hy Arthur Gomcr,. .uiu bugle c.,i*|is from ihe f ,s .i mni' e i 10 .ni 00 i resei vntioii bo maUtlfl. Beenuno of the H Poal ..f it..* American Legion, and influx of \ 111 tors expected, the Inspection of ih<* public. chairman of ihe committee on arrange oreano, promptlj nuini ordei uu nl**, w ill I \ pity ihe res,.tn . ii upoeini train of 15 enrs. named tbe I.I ! i. M H li. ilur sen! by \v ire general committee is to aoh tbal traf* Repreeenta tion of (he rarlouo coun­ I-- > in fun..n Special, Jacksonville Iflc direction in* eoolgned t" adult men, ties gad eitle.s ..!' lhe sl;ite |i.\ flouts attraction of the .iiy, Indndtne the I aided h.v rarlouo ilvoraoa highway, naval itattaa, fish i- i - I..* represented hy a float, depict 'aliahas> ifl women's organlnul ions in capable of dloperotng anj conj al o precedent 'in Inauguration cara im. ihe cltj ,!**. ihe gateway to Florida, IIU MltNAI I I.IKK SKETCH iug nnd lhe elimule. The float Is al­ •ting hotel, apartmunl ami rooming Bvel ». ueeoinm.i.lni inn lo to bo |»ro ninnies in Stul'tonl I'aldwelt. ready constructed and BOW In a ware­ wiih beautiful girls peraoaltytng ih. nni. \ iii.'.i i.u- iin state press mni oamoro OK DOYLB I.KAM CARLTON, general Inauguration committee .hnir- four different oectiono of the otaln. I i OICII>\ S NEW OOVERNOB house nt Lit He Hi ver, a suburb of Mr. Turner la well Qualified to Almoi men atiiii.tin:,' ih.* inaugumtion A man, IMIIIMS OUI. While Jackaon oona* Miami li \\ ii! also have tho Jackaonville po ir activities of tin- Imn ini; commit* i is m i.r erected fronting tte ly selil :i ftoal tO the ],i -t iiuiugura ni count] Governor*! banner ii..' band to bend the delegation gad platform ami catm ramen win he given tion, it was ih.* only county to do so about 50 decorated ears, according to . hn\nur oarved Tullahaaaoo in such Horn ut Winu'liulii in what is now county in tin* primary, O\|M'CIH to en- rrgei us provioua tna ugura tuna i. i* i« nnt mi •".• ii loni to photograph nml uufOrea ihangea in the pro­ ti :• .i Moat. slmwiiiL; the l'rultH and \i.i>or Jiihn T. Alaop, .ir. ii.* .. remon ralklng mol ion pic i lard nnty, Florida July *'<. IHHT.gra m prevented Ito entry, This time • Tallahaooeo Oontennlal, tho otnto nf pioneer family which wan always Leo grown in that i-ouuiy. ae- Judge Cary n. Laadta id" rraland Ig n of the Daatern Star and turea "ill he made of all the various lu.-ks..a conaty to arraagtag an even I., iiu* I'.ni Lauderdale .News. ihe general chairman of the civic Ah activities of lln- ilny. . :.* • i*, identified ^ Itli South riorlda more attractive floal thaa entered at taring • ol iia- Loon hotel 11 rea I grandfather wus kill­ Tin* ili uni nnd bagla corps of ihe Wil­ play committee and 1ms charge of lhe \.i\iiiti-e reports from aitiag and the former ceremonies, nsin^ an exhl- liam <" Morris post of the American listing of Bll entries. Thus fur, 41 ed ami grandfather wounded in bat* hiiion of llie county's resource:;, with • •'• it burned to (he ground, As In He with Seminole Indians on POBOO mpaay It- flouts huve been promised UM- the I ihe Ltbartj Ball ni • oaatral motif, A Orange county is to conslruct a | parade and aboul I.T hands, including .. ill K..ii \|e;ii|e big iupporting delegation, Including nt Orlando secretly, and It orill'two military orguulaationa. Knrly education In I >.* Soto county decorated cars, win accompany it. schools. the leadership of .1, ll. Smith, I.ntcr education. Graduated Stat­ ehuirinaii of ilic civic displuy commit­ ion Dnlveratty, aDaUad, 1MB. Grad­ tee for Jackaon, ami \v \ \i uated in law. Unlveralty of Ooinm- nine oonuaittai i have been appointed Sapeloe Island Seenr of Coolidge Vacation bla, N v. IIM:;. Holds Bachelor of io line for al) details of arrunueuient, 1 An degree from Datraralty of chi- nml the delegation plans lo cugo. Tallahaaaee during ail of tte oon* r.usiiiess. i,nw\t r Fornwd law mi- partneruhtp with u. B, Mabry at Levy county, with a population of Tempo in LBU 'udgO O. K. Heaves nuiy around IL\, is among the hit- Idded to firm In IIUJO. Klrm of Ma- est eollllties lo uilliouiu*o the entry ot hry. Heaves \- OarltOB one of Uie • floal in iln* parade. 1). J. most prominent in South. prominent land owner ln I*cvy, has Previous public serviee .Served In formed the gene ml inauguration term In state seiiute. representing Hlll- committee ihnt tlie float will Htress stiorough ami Pinellas counties, 1017- th*»*...... %%%%%%%%%%%%%%*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*%%%%%%%*e need of reforeetatlon In Florida Closelio. City y Identifieattorneyd of witTampah civi, 1025-27c and. j nnamdi advertislumber eproduct the county's uiths nturpentin suttnUae rhumb life in home city. Noted for This ilelejuitinn will l>c led active Internal In education and all h.v tlie OodaY Key hand and decoritcil thlnga for promotion of general wel­ cars will be entered fare Highlands county la enterlnjt n float Ottef interests and affiliations. which will W III elin**i'o of j*lrls of (Jrower of eitniH fruits, operates own the county attending the Htnte College farm and ha.-* other businesses. Mein- for Women at Tallahassee, according 'mong girls picked by theit respective countries as outstanding Iier of several swret orders. to tillhei: Kreenmn, Avon Park pub­ iam^m\\mLrmgmmmm^ \ .^.wjin^aaoooaoooBl uttmo. in the United States oh a thestricsl tour, sre, standing left to lisher, who has appointed n committee 'it Msjcjrs, Spanish dancer, Jacqueline Cobra, Miss ; Gioette Family. MarrliM Miss Nell Ray, Hajwaral 1'. umn, owner oi S.t.aa c 1 July .'10, 11)12 Daughter, Martha. to assist In the preparations. The invited Presialunt Caaolidge to iBend liis -.ibert. Miss Paris; Anuci Jovce, Miss KnKland; Elsie Korin, Miss float will tie constructed after a de­ itr£; Margnentr

H..K-^"^X*^*+-*M^+<^-lHS>at' + + £t CflouSBTr i b it n c •p .lAMARY I. 1929 • THIS WEEK .«. *!• By Arthur Brisbane T'II'III-IUMI a>,cry Tlinrsaliiy lay Ih. .;..>..«*.•;«:»:«;••:• •:»:«;- •:• •:• •:• *p+4 •:• * •+++++ RT. I'llllll IlliniNK allMI'WY DIKI' SKA KISII AMI MIN Trll.ini.. Bi 1,1*1. a a*£. St.,I. Fla AI iiu* bogtaatag «»f tan pagi laaal BK WISE—KEEP PRKrVKKI) f us -iiin things With u new enlcii- I III: sot IAI.1ST VOTE I .1 n I- laillNsilS l*i...l.l-i.t ilnr. I., all people of tin earth, how AMERICA'S KIVK Bit; MEN A. V .IIIIINSUV VI.. > l'ra*alalrn, .•ver. tile new .vein does not begin OB I' M JOHNSON s.*. r.lair. I r.'xaaa, a-r Winn we ooaakta gg Jaaaary l. in Seieutlsis otUd] PlobOO that live ll Km .red MI* MI-MUI ,l.ei mull umttfr and Uussin it bogtafl on laa- • t tin* poauflk-* ni si. Cised. Florida. nuiy 18; In I'ersla. on Murch 1*1, and II,ile belOU the ocean surface. Bring iu ancient Koine it bogaa la Murch. ihciu in the lo|i. rOOBOViag I lie waler rtlslso hUla ars suable uu th* presaoore, they barol aad die. Imt .f ii.ii month I'IO'II'" rvi| kiiiiwn Membera of thi Jewish i'aiih atari their new yeara in geptaabar. With IIuiuan hein«s live at the hoi loin n im sill ' • .i*i|t,:r. : I.. 00g !• fld- of im atmospheric nnoan. ISI miles auwi of is- ihi- lo tin* Oral daj of ,i.cp. tf yea i<'"k no i" Ibe bop wa LM0, I.m in tin* .lew ish world ll is I ti,* mtui • IH puhlUbfd a-mry iuoii;iiii\ shcuid bant, ami wo flboaU the yeer S088, from the auppooed hinh- rinirmi.i- tnnl liiniiii IO aay i»«ti .»< die surely, Man cannot live even ten (le- I till.-.i Sl.i:.*r iMistsav .. • . % '•" I dajt of Aiiuin mi * ' for all in.uiltu* <>r 7V fir miles up, to say DOtbtag nf ."HO miles. ii...' iie'i.tliH Htrliiiy HI ad ii bi ;i curtoufl drcunifltanea that Korelitn •ntiscrlptJooa in postal uals originally determined iii"t the baata' • i root. \\f pity the poor, submerged deep aing of the year ahonld i " 'in Aral aee 'i-h. leading such dull lives. Tliey at laaaary. M ooooaa odd bo bagla In tii'iidlng in your duliM-rlpllon at- w..nhl pity the snl.merged gggg among wn.,-!* statf whether renewal at BOW the year in mid wilder. UBJoeJallj us imiiKiu beluga subscriber, in chfmghije yoar ailAr-ree iheie la nothing of apoelal unportaace in* tees tn atata format mi-lrcee. to nniik thai us ii natara] petal i" Science aayo Oil of earth's life wns reofeoa from. ll wus | iniliinry .\i unit* in the ocean. Some unheals •eadlag tn'ileae In local coiumue, IIK* Climbed i n. In that .vear there wus R serious re* uiiils. even re ambitions, lenrned to THK STAFF ii., ihe blrda CLAUD K. JOHNSON, Bdllnrlu Chief iu spuiii, then andar Bone rule aud Publisher Unman officials dct id.d to send 0 \ g COW oaa. Associate Mltsr ani Among human beings a few. bird- .. "II, Till Mllllilt'.T nf I'llllll consul tO I bal count ty who was to like, fi> above the level of necessity I-. i: run,ror i'. AuoclaU Bdltor lake offtca tWO months iiini I half be­ to iiie realms of wealth. Once they ,i. «> iiiuniit. rontrlbutltiR Bdtlor fore the legal data, which al the time get there, tbay. like the birds, nro wife. omt March IB, near tha rataal cgui- \.|v. rtlxlnc** But, like tho birds, tbey don't do much IMBR1CAN PHB8S ASSOCIATION aoot, when military oampalpifl were thinking. Tbey don't have to think. Sew York— Cblcaao—Detroit Atlanta woa'l i«* begin Under this order thus LBBAN caaa co. accidentally made we bava UM bogta- UUIL; of the now yoar. Julius Oaeear Mr BroUU, known lie iroctd over St. !'• timhurg, Pis. as ihe recalcitrant atom} iietr.l of (WMI'WKI.L KWA1.1) CO. long afterwarda reformed tbe oaten Nat* Vnrk Chicago Detroit dur in itiiiiiv reopecta, bul ho did nol thought, quarreli with Prealdenl disturb th.- lioglnnlng of the root, Ooolldge becanae tbe Prealdenl apoalri Vrenn l>rp*rt»«»t of a i will between nattem than pnv «•' i M.I naa which remained for the B ana aad . :. : • Offflr* nnd riant ti.ius in uii igee, when tbe needfl of That's not Inconalntent, Thi Dtber 11.1-115 MneiachuM*ii*i Areuue n apanlah revolt, a century and n half nations know that ttm can gal the TKhKPllONE HI before tbo Chrlatlan era bad chanced fifteen crulaera, un.l fifty it wa waal I to place it. them And thm ereuti a lh. A unni aarad bora •» tta • A Btrango fact perbapo ihe otnag will " rev ner u pooon Waal a araj to ra* i-i. ii.n ,.ni\ iu historical iin ratai i. hul in tbO liViag w.irld. i- thut all Brouu i-k-. Is • mun who goes Hpoad i" kindni s- | Mr I »..\\ ns savs. Vacation, once re- Vitality, added resistance to .linessi* clvllleed linie la thiie.i from Ae birth .mt int.. the world armed only with WINTKB VACATIONS Of one of Whom We know hul lilli.• Ofl faith more timid tbna ha wan enrrlei Oaatoma are chanclm; Some arc mired as liivu.ies to he enjoyed only and Increased efficiency for work. A u/aablngton Camlly Uad font wts Oapt His ini hit-iic*-. And ODOUl Mis weapons7" i»f course he Is. l*H»k nt gradual and otban more mpld. Those by UM privileged few. arc now the Baring more vacations 00000 in the of twins in oeeen ream Another oaaa name too la duatered tbe moal colon tbe ruhhil. lie curries no weapon. which have remained in vogue for custom of most people. This change winter months also helps to relieve ,,f seven yenis Of plenty. sal number of hooks on one aanji el bi ami is mora timid than the lion or many years are coming in for a re- baa led to another. Summer tim* husincss of the prohleiu-- of depleted existence Talfl Ifl Jannary 1, 1MB, wolf, tbal has a mouthful of woapona, \ Mon min' In Id a virtual inonoiioly upon personnel, d Wlm a ted tontine and IW duced mil put which results from the A. !•., an' abbreviation of Anno Dom-j Ymi can'i In* truly courageous un- What is probably one of ihe new­ \ mitt lone, hut now more are taken s..*::i women iliink tliey are keeping ini. n i-aiin tarn which manna "i» thel est nnd unexpected changes lu cus­ numeroua vucntlon absences of som !, -s >nu -tin wise. And if you nre in winter. The increasing popularity n OOnfldonOB when they ihni't tHl iiii) Year of Our Lord H bOOp prepared tom bus to do with vacations, especial­ mer. The trend of Inisiness is toward amm iimt tbng don*l know, rnnunry i. 1919, wna • Friday aad ' ly among a growing numNx in g class of winter vacations is supported by the nvofdauoo Of seasonal fluctuations. the birthday of Philip •chaff .;• dh Socialist! of the country discover of people who attach m.-ie to vaca­ the soundest of health and economic ami winter vacations help to counter tions than most jieoplc. This Is the conelderatioBB, ad tii** mistaken idea that there mnst Priao Idteti The ateo a h • thn:uisheil Biblical adioUr und writer: I'li'siilcntiul candid.ite Norman'l bom also of Ariluii Hugh OlOUgh, i«o« t :tu.l With friflf .ind surprise llint their dam who have iiie time nnd menus to ihe long days ..f summer afford al­ bi* a summer slump in business acti­ temple h i otterlag Presldenl < 'ooltdge vities merely because of the see .On " ., idi in the talking pi.iui'. I 'dueatur aad doaa trlaad at 41Crad President iul cundhlute. Norman go when and where they will. Bat, most everyone opportunity for out­ Tennyson, faauary i. LMO, was • iri Thomas, polled only 800400 votes. there is also (hose who tnke lh, aaaal door recreation, but health authori­ Mr Downs has sl ruck a keynote day and hirtbday of Touinaso Salvini. agalnal more than for tiov- su miner vacation coming to change ties aCrae BpeO the need of more sun­ here which clearly shows the trend Mon thm iln- i (uni- bare decided the lainous Italian liagedloil It was I ornor smith and i»'_\ foi Bar- their . ustom nnd take their vacation shine and ojM'ti air Uvlag in the win of thought of those in touch with the ibut a mnn haa tn.* rtgtil to control the opportunity of tbo writer of thin! berl Hoover. when it Is more en.loynhle nnd health­ tor month* Winter vacations supply traveling public. If more and more his uite, all wo hare to do la teD the t imn in tin pia> of Hamlet' Doha, in 1919, gol Dearly ful. u.ed. They are a boon to the people were to follow the Kiiggewtlon health of children and elderly persons, wive-, abonl ii January i. Itn. Prealdenl i.iocnln'H I ' ile- This new mode of vacations Is par­ BMOfl iii this article and take their Bmancipntlob proclamation bMb of However Bodallatfl need aal bl ticularly emphasized in nn nriide to whom shortened days limited sun­ vacation in UM winter time where feet, fneiag MaaMTt Jhaaary i. dowaaaat Tht ii Candida to had a hard written by L. A. Downs, president of shine make winter a season of special there is more sunshine better health A new radio is announced that win 1801. the Sicilian aatTOUOBlot I'lii/./.i time, running agalnal peeeaeHta\ T.- the Illinois Central System, under the hu/aids. For those hctweon youth and less susceptlhllity to disease would ami aire ihey also provide renewed result | MO. ll" they :ill went up to diaooverad Oorao. tbo first oi many (MHI.IHHI OoolidgO plurality, the "wet- heading "Winter Vai*ntlons." that prtOO OOUM "f Ofl Weald have a>i. Boabefalter, states except Mississippi. It is wide­ .Ir. and hindheri:h. •IOO.UHI.INMI worth *.t taya irara BUM! ly observed In all civilized countries ih* probably leavee oul obe ablest iu Amerieii dnriujr 1928. It's a sa." it is .. aapalat oaoaaloa for mnkine man in tin* eountr\. as y-*t unknown. hei they'll all bo hroken hefore tM gffta, onnidlng cards ami rowing to do 1 That's fortunate, for it means we hnve is long on Its way. batter, ot "oweartag off had hnbits reeerven on the ixirt of many iteraons. The ob­ nnouncing servance of tba first day of tin* fdai BOPOTO would have those five men A writer min pi a ins thut many of oA Is a time of festivity is so widespread •nn lhe country, "move Thank'-yiviiu: '.ur soldiers forget their wives during and with 00 many varyim; custom* Day up to election und do away with I tie World Will Well. We gQggi tl1 ihut whoh* volumes Imve 0008 filled • Iciiiolls entirely " war sort of aubstltuted for then. wiih details ..f iln- Oflflgoa which dlf- The plan wonld work, of course. Bnraai pints ,,r tbe orotld cbnracterlaa The original John IV Kockefeller oonld •he duy. have done the Job alone when he was iwi.e ;t- taaaj married women arorh YOWELL-DREW'S now as worVed in LggO. Or, to put Anyln.u ,i mw yugf is here and younger, Bo would hnve known how ii aaottMf nay, twieo u manj avoid UM "Id year Is goaa, it's time to hune t.. -.elect the men, the hnrdi-si work of 'ill- bouaoworli up a new calendar, and be at peaeo Bul iiie paopla must plan tO govern with llle wurhl. Hul. ilfter ;ill. a in-w themnelveo as hnhios must, learn to January Clearance Sale \ year baglao ovary day, Baob new dny walk, no matter how badly thuy do A Buaslan couple were BMrrled and atforda .insi at graal an opportunity it at first. If you glwajfl hired a dleoread in forty minutes the ..thrr Ut unike gOOd and to keep man to push your bnhy around In a day. nils must IM* | stunt t«. gol all tin in as dOOO .Tunuury I At any rate. wagno, 'he baby wouldn't rlevPlop th.- big BOTIO rtan romteg nrer to we wish to those who make pood re Saturday, January 5, to Saturday, January 12 Ruaola ' aolutiona nnd keep them, to UUMO who More worry for the criminal. The main good reeolaHoafl and braak them •tteameblp Aqaltaala, »»oo miles g| sea braver Vhnloot, toranr nfflaii and tti those who mAke no reaoluth.n*. received by wireless iihotogrnphs foeai greoter of dlattngniatod etalton t* at all an OTCOQdlnglj Happy New t i.-iM ntr>. England. New v..rk, li now poliea cooaolaatooei Year's duy and 0 1090 filled with duy- Bereaftar • crfaataal leaving hln The Most Important Merchandising Lvent of the Month win ie many dlstlngulahed rial eaeli ga happy or happier than the . ou nt i ,\ uiider an assumed nai/ie ainv tors beifin lo evade him da y lui ore have ins platan anal braaaaaal ta • •very ship nt Rea, STORE CLOSED FRIDAY \ prediction ii:s i.eeii made thai SIM in dresses will hi sold In the fi and j Letter to the Editor ] SOCIETY NOTES W cents -tor-'- Oonaldaring the Saturday will usher in the annual January Clearance Sale of amounl of material timt goaa la ibem i — .wm.,mwt — — — MI •!•••» It TUBWDAl>DA1 ri.) ICLU It BENTERTAINE KSTBETAIED now. if doei 0*1 01 in I n unlik.'ly de- Htm \K\K KI'SOI.I IIUS HV MU. AMI MUS. HKTllMilt; Central Florida's largest and finest store. velopoaoat Hr ami .Mrs. L. <* Sotttnj Bdltor Tribune i. im in. 11 the Tin-day Brldga Oinb If iiskiti^r loi. iiiii.ii im vmi io find tbla flfeek, tbe following gneoU being Tremendous preparations are being made for this great event. Hil ,vi*iir a,1,1 ylrlv ana* i.n man •paaa AM bbia tbnals inggeatlon In preaenl : Mr, and ntn 0, v Bailey, lla.ila 1 la. i; *,| a I - vour good paper, gleaa inalgn ,i to Dr oad Mn. L, C. EUdttle, Mr nnd Each of our five merchandising floors is being groomed for the recep­ al.,11.' Il.V I'"llllnliill I lihil-il. alialii ail. •-. i he a oafea baakel \| i - I.ii, I'.i ii * \| f, B i''l U P * lOl ' 'I'lllll. IlIlllrCCNSill*. I,, .1*1 illl.V M i- ataoplj thii Tinii M i i \ie Parber, Mr aad Ura. Maurice tion of crowds of January Clearance Sale shoppers. * la Ilv |a, |||,. Illlkllli.. Ia. a.f warring fart loon end oh menl Goodrich, Mr- II s. Dawlej aad atlafl ^ill< aiVl-1 si\. -wont- into plowaaarao and their Kathleen Ooff. sjMii i s ime praningnooka*1 and ba • Winn tall) oorao sr«i * nnti d From all parts of Central Florida we're expecting visitors dur A iii.iiii*. parlor in lUlwuufce, i*** hanaonloua aaii in ooottanlag UM wera i warded bo Dr, aad Mrs. iia telephone * ompAH9 '"' ""' " oaaae oad barmon] are an aonj en- Riddle foi farigfa eii* oad to n. B, ing the opening days of the big Sale. We've prepared for enor 11 wns (fiva-n lln- -.iim imiiii.. a lojrlag, and tor some n tba paal have Crawford and to bin M, Goodrich Old lillli.s' I,a,mi Rom llllllk llliK enjoyed. im Ura ooorea mous crowds of shoppers on Saturday when the firsl Clearance va-ry linnii a.t am error, nft<-r The w i iter bai m BOtlj talked tO * nany trho wggt ooaaldorad leaden La a dellcloUM rro'/.eii fruit inlad with bargains will be offered to the public. i.'iii • "ni' adiag faction! ;i*- ttgil as cake and coffee, a Roodl.*-. II ii mhi t ttho were &MO0d bo *l'"llka I \ S W 0. T* i * SII.VKU i IA in" iii wiiiiin iii.* p, line Bp :i-;iin-l I le il Will. I'lOc lio- U C I' I -IM* ii dher tell So much preparation is necessary (or this importanl ticnlly nil an U ith lhe pre- vn.*.i to ia ii iin'ir trouble, i bla a .. III] Wcdllc-.l;: > ;i I ii ; linnii event that our store must remain closed all day Fiiday \*il*.*,** laa* .-a am ] a|a 11- l||l|j| |||,,sa* avllll scui comm nd ooadlllona, In vji'W ol lhe results ,,f pust linphiiH- imv undertone rorgtcal oneratlimi i are In-rited t>. al.s.rii..* tbelr -nperl* -1- .'iinn.ii eonceii o bul io in. iit the proi e oad confid­ 'i. of any well-wiflalng ddaaa iarlng to ence of Ji]). Doors Will Open at 8:30 Saturday Morning uitii iia araoant poaoofnl To have ;in election in St Cloud nnd h;i i'iiioui"Us < i unlit Ions. This iiaa qneetioa coaai nf mn. .-ai,. Oonawnlni uii- loin baadi aad 11 •: Iai I "XJacta Jo«h" 'colored" pamphlets and nowHpaiier popular Fiairida prodact itn- aftandard to tha gooltloa of ertntatlitfrfnBtf soon] space, would not Hlart to equal lt In • ii.iiirmry iwiya: "Thn fruit . . . ia N hy Ihnitiition value for i tie ful ure Welfare of nil a barri l.lKlil.v t'sia'i'rai'd aa o vega>- All agree tbat "TJnclc Joab" In an! In N.ldiiion tO this, nlnely IMT eent of aal.l..." ootntnndlng ebaraeaw as a ijuaineaa th. peonlo on peacefnl •itiwnn. They YOWELL-DREW CO. man. The marked measure of MUCCCHH ure sick and llrcd of the tumult and Klrwlui; uniliT lha innnli la iniiilali- he lins aeMeved for himself place* strife of petty differences. All this ORLANDO FLORIDA abla by laprtaWBment, aeoordlaa t.. • blm In the .nullifies lint for city com- should and musi cense. So long na new rul... In liailv Almudy two mar- • r His falr-mlndedneaa, giv- iln iiiuiliers of the city cummlswlon rlaicPH have bavn poniponed ua a reanlt Int; to all, friend or foe, a square deal, are working hunnonloualy and for the a.f penitltla.R iiiiraisi'.) ii|nm lnvci-ia host intercMtH of all they should be .-aught brciiklnu ilils law. WUl, Ifl la a quality that all recognize. He un Ul wind thai blriars no um* any proved to be the choice of the people returaad to tin* ptaaai they now oc- ln a recent hotly contested election. cii|i'. as their terms expire. JIMHI Hln co auch time he haa done nothing JUST A CITIZEN. iiiiliiiiiiiittiiiiiiiu iliiUtMUMMUk "-"" •HI Ks 1.1*.'» J IAI.K Klfl THE ST. CLOUD TRIBUNE, ST. CLOUD, FEORIDA **> 11 n 11 i n 11111111 n n n»i wee* * lit* .lnlin M II i-i 1... taarhor In tbe Mils A .' ItODK BNTBHTAIM8 ales of tlm lasl a tints were aeecpted VIHITINIi si. ria.iiil si-l I*. Is s|a*nallnK Ilia- lioll- HltlUDI': I.IMTIDllN CLUB UH read, nnd lln' Flnrlda sonn and Sill IAI. t ia Miiili-riiii Kill. Mn, A. i'. Uuiii* I'lilirlnliia'd lln* St. Clinid slnu'iin inini' In linir aarder. nn inlii'is a.i* ,hi- ItriilK'' l.'iiiaiii'nii 'l'l"'i«' \\,v,- I.IK In iiltendaiici*. RUPTURr Iviiiili' Kla' i uili return tai . 'aillllll I'luli nn Wi-iliirsiitiy iliis wi*i*k Willi 'I'll'* dn.v lii'lUK Hi.' dull' nf lhe nil* doublets lain I'l.lll'Kl' I.a liailliall. Tlllll nfier iiniiiianii ni iiii< Ariiidi. (jriii in Kis nuni election ..r aaffiairs. nn atectlon SHIELD EXPERT HERE aa. In fjlltf till linlillllv- Inn iiiniiaa. imi Inid^,. i,i l,,.,- Iiim,,. j,, ,si. van*. In-liI mid lln* following nfflii'l-s l*KRMINAI. GOING Cloud. Cantarplecea 'an tba attnctln ware unanimoualy ilaoted: Oomradt iv -i Uatohardl, "f ' JhUaj •• 0 I* IIMI Hww* I I H-*M n , |,Mlt* W Bn . II ol i'i Ptarae, waa ii luncheon table wen quanHtlm nf red Jamaa Campball, praaldant; Comrade w eii knew ii e\|M*ri, win pereunaltj I In St. i'lmul Uiiliii'Tiliiy. a-lnli Kat liana.* |-||S|S .Illltl! III* (It'llW, \i | il*l*sllll'lll J MrH. nl Hie \imelilii lleie). Drliiii.lii. Kim illHUTaUIII*. ]llll|.' all I I ~i i'l I Ilnii*!. S. W. Harm* i'v-ini Is IIIIIIIIII: the sIlllll'lllK Tlii,*, laalal.s won II i rnliKi'il l.n* lln* -I'lm ltiiyinuliil. SI-I iclniy ; Mlas BaflBg i.hi .rn I'ri.lii\ nntl Siiinriliiy .lun. I Mi '.im IIIM:: I.. Lakeland to renuna hi* lltidge yuan- nt Mis. It.nli*'s Inin,,,, Browning, llillsiiiiin a Ciiniradi* A. II. and 13th, from 10 «»' A.II to '• ««• P M .simile-, nl Southern College llfllT Mi*. II. Iv I'rm Ot Iln* I ITIV. ulnii- iii> inns niul aoor* failles Oooley, chaplain. Tlie Veternna* As- da IM apenUlnii the holldaya hare "iih liis l*:i.allia* Sll.a|i. avals 11 llliral|i'*SH eniTii'il mil lln* I'hrlslniais lihau. When I aolcatton 1ms ai gaod i*m |is nf nffli-crs MH it i:—Only *. tint-mm ar* imii'ii •-' Vi-ilaal* il' lllillll'lll aall Mllllllll.V alf 11 > i M cull nl Oils tlm,- its H|JI», Iul iirritiiN<*tiii'til- mother. lull, si-mi's ... ri* i*iiiialtf week prlaa-. ai liandaoma band-made lunch-l°ua year, .lilIilr.'ti. A iiri'-i-iil.tlil.- iiniHHriinii' It. r. K>vo you • •I'.iiini II DeOraa nmi «lfo .....i eon s.*t, wns iiwiu-di'd tn Mrs, lOnrl I 41 the saacin) hmir lhe fnllo.viin: ,,ii, I Inn* U nw ih,irk- tOO .I.iii"' |KK COST. Hon, iif lliinaiiik. N Y \aliiri' Mr. Alum m ll lloKe slllilelils li'llllll- Akar. ITia. .lull's prlae fm* -a* j program was MOdaredl I'l.a i laa sf rial Inn. lllf Iia'dniw is ii telnetiipii ttnwrnUW, were 111". Ill It..Mills L'ollegc, Willi al Tank. aeon a cryetalllaod \\imia grapafrolt,Iby Mlaa Mna .Brownlagi inusfe (iwo Mr. Melnliardl 11.. \|. I.iimr.ll ttuptun* Khleld uin n..t iin* piainti i.r iin* Conner*, .brother, thla .. •ok won* lii'.ilclllll llllll win in \ii- I'raink Bryan, nf or-1wunben) lay Oomrado i""! Mrs. -i. M. .ni \ retain i in* UnpCnr* I«.*I i.. n \ i.nt I |ia lllllll, .1.iim II. DoOraw, insi iraat I lei inn .iofTer.v- iiinuil Miller unit lainila. Mrs. II. S. Dawlej n*ci'i\'i'd It.'i.Miiniid ; ri'iidln^ nf an original CA.TIIKI'W IIII.I |( relict lien.*. Uii1 Wt'alu>liet1 vlnll In It la.Ill's. ihe gneal prl/.i*. B candled grapefrull IMM'III by Mr rresinn: original road l.l.r .1. v c.ni1i"..| in,: ilic ..|i. uim Joe miiiillv irlvlna hiKiiiiitii IH*IMI-, ••- !i.*: wrltl Mr. .1. II. i'liuun. riiyniria.1 and Sur- in liii-kil shniK-. lag and sauij: .'iliiiut llm flat: hy dm .,n --i rain >• ;• irdli I he •.•/• Kean. Office next door to ford Oar­ Mt .1 IT I'la-nll- aiml rllillll i 11. Mi'inlii'i* aaf the dob preaent wen: r.iili* Mams of llctrnlt: find* polai hy ..i i..,, r iln* K up tun age I'a lanxylvnnla I'liim.* at aiffi.a* Bdlth mul Kathrjrn, a.i aTlaolaiinni. Mis iTaiiti, Bryan, Mn i* D Marina, MT, lllilllliall. llrriilll|iillllid h.v Miss Tii. M.inii u.i, tin pi un si, . '.i ij.,« ar Fsitnppp, RML and leHideuce. andaratrapi n it- ;IIH.I amtfnrtiy HII I tar) PS. IH If wan .In' gneati today ni llie inline nf Mrs. Niiiiniin Rolllna, lad Mi* \\ r.. Edna BVOWalagi .*i*adili|:s. "T'h.* (lid nn.l |,r.'i.'i.i.liv ludeatruetllili Mr. nml Mis. A D, OoWgec, mi tba Nydegger. nf ..limiiln. and Mra, <* W. Vi-iir and (l.e New" nnd ".Ins! n liny." iv.nn while batbIna, Uupturea often rauna Htomiieh i'i.,ui.|. llaaaia-liiird re- Mr. nml lira. A. .'. Thomaa. aaf Or- Liikifrniil. Ilnrrls. Mis Karl Aker. Mrs. .1. n. lay- Mrs. Itfrta Maxwi'll ; saaln hy Mrs. it... k.11 iir. i ..II-I iimi imi M-Hrvutimieaa and U'lnlia I n, frarm liiinl. nni \n .ami Ura. I. i. Thomaa, I'llllllll. nf SI. I'lniiii. Tin CoUoWalu Hi iln Maxwell. at bar iillini'iii - »• In. li |ir..:,i|ii Iv "f iinTiieM. Ontario, Canada, wen Mr. nnil Mrs. lllny. of Main.', who Iiiiiii SI (Iniiil wa*re Kiii'sts nf I In- A rlslni: vuti* nt I hunks was yivnn i'.' i ba it ain i.t'i- la i ini' 11\ r.>iiiiiieii NPBC1AL NOTICB—All railMMN ilit.t I the musts nf Mr nml Mrs. Jayj. •pool lln* winter hero tl.r.*.* yeiirs ago, M's. I. I!, W.simti .inal s,,„, Mi's II,Tin Mnxwell. who la*nvi's laoi'lta'iil.lll .an Delaware avenue Sun- win' i.'ci'iii arrivals In the <*lty nnd lnn.- Iill. .I lure iliuim: | In- ,. ,.i I Ivr v*t*l** Neat and careful lli.l-'li. Mrs Will Akir nnd Mrs II. S fnr Ciillfaii-nln. anil Mrs .l-.s.-iihlni' iur iinllril In .nil Inr hi-ii.-. iim, for K> riree. Children's • lal.V a,IT* located nl Hu* llnuksw.illh hi.lln- Dawley. Poridaa, wim ims bona Mafotagry nf IIHTI* ii III hr no < I.ui .••• .in Ni w v.ark aiveinie. llll' .\s...n-lnliiili fair IWn yi'lirH llllll hns I'liie.' WatO llir iiliii'tr On-l*—. mid nfll. , Jtj Mn. F. It ItiiurH i'Hrrfiill>. ,3—1 a— ilritiuudt. |ir«*i rn vt,.. aad MIH Nl. Mr aalial Mrs s M. Warner, ae- MENDELSSOHN MIsIC CI.CB never missed n moating Mrs. Per­ Miopplna **i "••* iiiiii-r i'h.i in tlii" tarniimo • iiainii'ii i..v thatr daughter and taon- .Mrs Villi llllllll llllil Mrs. Iliilllltlll. Miss lun Wl*l}:hl vans linsliss tn Ihi' kins, lha' i-etirini: preslda-nt, ptooetttod (Thu rtall la for whlia p«^>ple, .)- lia l.n. )lr IIIIII Mrs. Allien Del'rw K .1 M.-iiiliJinll. II Offlee, UHj t> I I Ilia: it nnd Mi« Imiii nf Iiuiiii* Creek, Mi.h.. ni'.- nend M. aula-isS,,I,,, ifaalc .'ini. laal Mda) Mrs. .lnlin Unyiimnil. the new neere- * 'rawford Avaaur, < lileaao I Monaliiy aad inii.- sun. Donald, raturnad Toaa lli« limit* flrsl Winter In SI. .'hnnl. afternoon at i lio noma .*i ba*r naroata, t.ary. wilh n vasa- nf tentlllful rust's. ilii.v I'mni Cleveland, Ohio, In upend Tin v am* Iiini.I- ..I lh.* II. I.. Slnllh Mr mid Mis .lohn Wright, Vlrclnln Tin* ineadlni: doaod wllh the slnitini; lllf winter h.*re. Camlly, nis.. a.r iiuiiii' Crook ai.'*l mid I'ileviiitli sliaii ..f tlm anthem. The first ANO C1GAB Tin' foUowlag new iiiiii'i'is won I'tiiic a.r iln* gov ynur will hn in TII. ttS, ros'l. AKU1-, li. II. Ilouki.te. TanuMfer. Iai Hi*, aad Mrs. ll li. siaiires. of North* elected: I'lwtdont, Miss wilna Ua- .'linr^i* nf iln* iJiniiil Army nf tl.e -•TAN, Mini. AVKN I K. J I' Il.lll- I ..111! ,,„| |,,|n, , |, -., , ,. , mn. aiii* araoManl, .Miss Wllaia Ool ; lii'liulille. Palm Theatre HHtAI inniiliiii. Mn-*... liiniiii* winier i. s i. I. . a, fitf lll.l.lillR. S|llTlll| lo I. lllll,- •ecntan treaaorer, Miss taa Wright. Mrs. .Iiisi-plilm* IVrklns. Si*i*'.\. Till Itsl.AV and Fltll.AY -**raij,i. Hllll lm***::!*,'!* to alllil fro.ll slailiain. Ser­ nf si ri i. wim are now npnmVng, tht wlnlir nl Sl. 1'i'la rsliiiri:. wiia* lln* Ev<*l*• |II-.'S.-Iil isiulrilillti-al ii i-ur- In ".IIIIIKIIM-III of tbe Hill' ^tlll-llliilll alllil Miss rate.' la mir I . in ain ThankaaiTlog and Ohrlat­ n-lil < va III IIIIIII lln* ^. il lal nl' iniisii*. I ii n III i i POST imi a ., nniii iii "The Cloud llusl.-r." ra till III a| MiillilllV .Tills for lloHiriil.' :il A. <*. I,, office, or maa ..r Mr .in*i MI- i ID, A. i'iiiiii|,s. .Miss Ian \\ i i^lil road s.-vi-riil ia in *i- AND W. R. C. JOINT ll'ellll. 'phone 81. lu log iiiiiiii.i^s. hii*lili*nls from (he 11 \ a • s INSTALLATION JAN. BATURDAY. Matin,*,• and Night «.f iiii* uompnaen stiidi.-.i insi year. Hoot l.ihsain in "Tbe Rawhide Kid. Mrs I'Aoljll CTBI • la aal lle|lll|(, M'• nml Mis. I, I Zliiiineniiiiii. Till* t>l"l"' llUlnlllTS Wall I, 1 121 "Thn Vanishing Rider" (Openlna shop and iw««.;, ! ' *i .'i.'-.i Saturday Mr* ' Miillnry and his sister, iiijny.d Mltcliell Ilelli'f Oorpa N.i Building. MM "DrtfUng" iWllllamsi, Iiv Alleell met In repulnr si*ssl,,a Tliursdny, Tinpier) "The Payroll Round-Up"— Ito apnad tin* ..Inili ini.niiis. . :. -. siiii',.iii,i i or irip on Htm tmr'i Social Lions." ill. I " '"' ""'a \|s||a.(| Illllilll'. lieermber 27. 11CK. Afl.M* the officers Island iiw paal r,.w im,nilis us the neat Clly, MaiitiiM . Muin.-i!... i : "Little Ilny Itlu." and ".link mul mil ra-ll the meetllli: WHH ealhsl to order Ml i" "•""- I of bar ttm. Captain Crueeere ul i i JIII ... wi"*'.**-* Ma.ih> i <• MONDAY nml TUESDAY- "MeH*.. lil... Ilnii.* I'll... Wllili I llnnli'li nii'l by ibe pra'sldent. ti. Qortrndo Bala^om. laikn aisitinu ber 1 Bragg \ i* I.llllll I. Ia> .la IHI Sll'lllll*,,-. polU," A rarmnmint Su,ipanipeclal an.: returning noma bj .any of ' .rhmiln. "••!' .a.ll fnunil all officers preaent. I Mf, Wm l.inidlss. "Morning s.any" (Patteraoa), by i in* a. ... " reported flfly- ' Husl.i sl.nws Off Mr nnd Mis i; I Honey and five Ailwn Rtophena I laa-.*.- - nils ain sla'k ail.I aan. .... r 8. Bleed Coffee., dl ugh tore, of Wlnoepeg, Canada, nr- Will Bdwarda, nf Slillinni.. N. V. -The Denes of the Water Witehea" a ....V Mnnn.s. and Nlgl nnd Fred Bdwarda, "i Neaa v.nk Olty, li.iuqiiels gtiac and oilier tflfts. a coffee mill. Have rived Sunday, DooaariMT Hit. for ai rlalt i Brrlng), hy Wllna l.inain. A lelli-r from Mrs. Myin M.iaire was —Adnlph Menjuu ... ' -^* " Ml while you wait. | with Mr Husky's nmi her, Mrs. K. .M. ..\]H*. i i.a arrive in si. Olond faanary Wllnia la', hmi iharca. aif tin. inusi road by the MM lalai I. Mrs, Moore la 14-tf i llaildeii. ..f Sl IT,.ud T'hiy Wi',1 in io mend the remainder of HM aaa ini L'liiiii's* Befreehment won at tbi' Saddler's Wldow*s Home at THHSDAV nnd l-'RlllAY, Matin" na.In. I.I niurn lo Ihelr home. si.n i'ln. .aill I.a Inmliil al lln* Sl M-'inlaers nf the eluh presrnl allOH Wilmington 111 There are 114 sold i J,"",'ITiursibiS'Uiia~""y lilav* m Tryon anal Paiea A. J. Gelger are, ClOUd II..1.1. ia ll.'ll' lln'.v liavn I li itiihiie. Mn icn ni iiiefi'iidnrf. Taaa i, is' .vldnws there In Ihe comfortable *•> "Hoi lire!- i.ll.lajs in Klaborton. j ||„||,. ||H| Proves air.' hlnriiln's (.topping I'm* sa\ami \.lnli'i's Sli'iihi'tis. Ailna ii Sti*iilu*ns, Wllna 1.1,1- laaaltli*. if lhe hitter's imreulK i Krra.t ailrarliaaii. See Iiieni willi K. s. iiin. lieatrlai' Eldreatee. Inn Wright, l/i' were alsn read from Frnntle Malin.*.*s al 4:00— 15c enn 10c .. _ ,! laekev. 11.1 Kiu.1 Illh SI. i'i Wilma Ool and Miss Allin Deputy, Mnsser whn is In I'nllfornln. nnd from Nights at 7::i.l aikl 9:15—SSe and !,'>< c-liiii-ni lloimiiimlli (In* illriitiir ..I' tin* adula. Annette Smith. Lincoln, Neb. All Min. from » tn 11; 2 to MrK j,,,,,, Atwooal. whn hnn been sllll bnve u wnrm fa»ellng for L. L. Ini. Hllll and llth. •perdlng lhe holidays with her p«r- MUS Id II IE WILL HIVE Mf Mid 1.,dl Corps, W\ R. C. K) ACHKSFORSALK .iils Mr end Mra. Oeo. P. Arrow- HUIIMIE I'MtTV NEXT Mrs*. Raise Billiard was elected con­ Mniiu'iisn. .,f .Mlk'nlll. smith, returned tn Sl BotanhVIg Sun WEliNI'.SIlAY Al lEUMIIIN ductor. Iielegntes to deportment on- 8 acres in young grove Itlinii'd home aft •r visit day. wli.r.. sha* will nsnnie hi*r dntlea Mrs. A. 0. Bode will civ.* 1 liridue > .iiiipiu. nt to be held In April nt Or- 10 chicken houses \rlrki*r nnd other friends as prln. • |HBI of tin* s.rls* -junior hlth MBBT1NG 'IF P. • 0 janrty for llie inenilii-rs of her bridge Inndo. were alwi eleeli'd. sehaa.,1. A ra nniiii* nn. iiin: *.f I* • " I . chnp- elilli nasi Wi'dni'sduy nfiernoon at Iier Mrs, Alice Sa*arr wns ra*porIed tn be Garage and new house HT 1.. was Iii'ii! al Ihi- home of Mrs. lionin aaal nf lhe illy limits iinlte 111. A nn HIL' ihi' college atudenta return \ B Cowgel li.-i Thiirsilaiy nfiernoon. The "Mystery Box" wna found to Good garden, good water rcglatered AyreAlroa Ine I" lln* 1 niv.i-ilv ,.f Kl.iriihl In T. B. tooted. Ite quart VFTKRANS* ASSiH IATION eontnin $2.(W. Mra. T. Boot won the raaaaaa ..a.iu thla waoi watt* Frank I.AIUITS ail' ST LCKE'S prize this time. High and dry. Farm. Brook* Bad MISSION Wll,I, GIVE PLAY BJBCT8 OFFICKRR FOR Mf Philpott Jr.. iTiiirles lliirtl,*.. I'l.aliait KNSllINi; A>,/\K The newly 1'leeted officera of Pout si,*i,|i. Preatun lohnaoa, Velton Wni i'ln* Inili'- nf SI. Luke's Mission nnd Corraa will have joint Installation FOR SALE AT SACRIFICE ii*i*s, Lonbi Uoooaaa, Krnnk Whi-iiiini. will. of their friends, will. In the ..ii Friday. January 4, immediately siuiv .unl Miss Mildred nanir fntiir.*. plvo the |ila.T, "The Old IK TAKEN AT OM'K Hill Kenton, mni Taai»* Bam The iiieelliii: nf the Vitenina' ABHO following Ihe remilar meeilnc of the etwnlng ia. Lakaland thia IViiln.ilv !*..«•,'• tnken from the book elation waa milled tn a.r.l.r Dean'mber Pn'l nt 2 o'eloek Box 218, Ix>i!K"hman, Fla. iiinn* their studies nt Snilttl SHETLAND PONY FOR KAIJC l.v Km.* lininrlna WIRKIHS. Wnteh for ..f nat tn neit wedrt Trlhnne. m, l'**'-*, bV lh.- president. Comrade All nnt-firnlnpr nnd ln-comlnir officers Ih-tHi-a-i. taaiugtunai. and laliriaad CAN BE HKKN FRIDAY, MAT I It Jinwa rnmplieH. bf the slnidnx of Of tho Cnrp« are riHiuealed by the DAY OK MONDAV AT BAILKYS ihris. va-rses aif *'Aiiierlen,*' followed president to draws In white for the II. DoMa. Phyalrian and BMM1LT-WOOOLY. LIVINGSTON CLUB Advertise in the Tribune Lffter Klermih aad I'ma. The ra'prular mea*tlnp of the Ltvinr- by prayer by K. M. Bennett. The min* Installation nervlce. Aa/ and Nlghte ealla promptly i Mr. and Mrs C. .1. Miwr were cueats sinn i'luli nf lb.' Methndlst ehureh Inf Mr. nml Mrs A ItenlKnr HI their will lie held next FYldny afternoon , MailMiumi' Iti'an'h h.ime during tha* ul the nminl hnur. Hall annual •tocfcbolden* I week frmn Ohrlatmaa dny until New all! lie .lanuary s nl 10:00 Ynar'a alia.. A trip wait mnde to the HINNKlt 1'AIITV AT Ji itockholden are requeoted inlet, where fish Ine was oajoyag. ll.iSTAIVS IN KISS1MMKK |*sa'lll. .Mr and Mna. Don C. Rtevena enter- Mrs H. M. I.aatiaii and son. of lirnkes lalned a pnrty of nueatd on Cbrlatmna liratml. lonn Bolldtnf. I*.Inn.I Ma*., nrrlvi'd taa s|aaiKl day at Ui'latn'a In Klaalmmee. where Such Sauces/ seme lima- In Kt. Cloud, making the liny . iijnyed n dellelnna Chrlatinas (rip by aleamer nnstnn In Jnelt- dlnnir Puma, nf Coldwater, sainvllle nnal avanl Inulni; Ihelr trip hv Irlved Inst VOOh ti apend some midair In Ht. Cloud. Tbey are stup nt Ihe I'lnK nt the Hunter Arms Mil. AMI MltS K1NNBY made with fl|l'' t'° '*• stopplnR (ilVK OLD FASIIION'KIi IiANCK IBArnia. l.l I li nil s SWKKI Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Kinney, of 'WoRt- AND TANIJKRINKS. NI'Kl IAI arly. n. I., winter residents of Rt. | the H. * S. Ororery for the n..u.l, entertained with an old fnah- Vaistcni and Florida I'llli KS IH'KIM. MONTH OF -IAN i. .11. a I ilaiiei. al lln* Tuurlst Club Mon­ itrnrt Faary tiremriee. I'AKV. IN ANY QUANTITY. FREO day i-vriilni: In honnr nf Ihelr fifth SlIKPPAKIfa, SOI'Tn .MINNKKIiTA wedding nnnlvi'raanry About 200 AVK. ANO 1HTII ST. M-Mp Ind Mrs. 11. S. Hbnra'a, who are uiitsis IVITI' presi'i.t t*. Join ln the merry arealm of old fashioned dancea, Churngold lie the wlnlir In SI I-elenaburg. u'lieal aaf Mr. nnal Mra. 3. B. Q IT HI,i. and dnughlerK, Mlaa wllh Wm. Ibniims as praimpter. flllpa ever Chrlatmns. Hi*ll> Hi. e llllll Mrs S ltlal' Mlllnr Mnsle by u llira-i* pleri' ini-beNtrn. with and graudehlldren. Miss Al.hen Mll- Mr. .T. M Raymond, vlnllnlat. nnd IIT and Cirar.l Miller, of I'ennsylvanln lla- Uivnii.nil. plnnlat. and Fred Onl- kt. in lira'CB slioHliand. lype- iiveniie. ninlnre.I t.. Sarnanla nnal other pln, im nillsi larnvideal niimle for the WS, letter wrilliiK. filiiiR and t«i* li.alnls .in iln* w*i*st I'laasf thin week. ni'inslnn. nrffira- tralnliiR hetrinnlnu .laiiunn si»iidiim' nroral dnys Inlerenled refilater al Wo- Mr and Mrs Kinnny were present­ rn. I'Arhanne. Mre. C. K. llilla.n. ed willi n huml-iiine niaiiiizlne rack, Mr. nnd Mrs. S I* llenedll't. aif nail were alsn lln* i*ei*l|iieilts nf many t«r. mm i;|\. N. Y,. Mr. and Mra. Peter .a her Elfta. . Vlalla Aldemnn, nf Fl. M.nil.. Wtmchkrt, „( Port .lervla. N. T.. and Flarrlved Wedneadny, Oa><'i'iiila,'r Miss Knl,. l*,isa>. iif Ooddefrny. X Y.. INTERSTATE ASSOCIATION •ii iwinl -I'vi-ial ffi'iks with Mrs nil aif wlinm are spending the winter The i 'iiinii awdal plaaaad faar tba IV llaaatwin, of !'i*inisyli*iilil:i avi-iiue. in Orlando, wore ihe laoati of Mr. iniiistnte laainlallni letlng Jan- aiml Mrs riant l'hllpnll N'rw Year's nan. sth has baaa |sisi|ani|.il until ]C. Sa.liiHiff. Chlropraetor. Flor- dny. lal l.'l in Ha,* -en-aaii The reL'llllir IIU'I'I tweocn,i SSMtt^iWTrfnjuLL^^i ,'ns.i.i ime win he held lanuary sib al 3:M tywMKN. klite.iue, third houae aanilh of lXth rCMUHjFITmnmmmaiiiil^Ll. " SU. l-hone 4(. ('has, i: ITirlinrt and fninll*,. nl' p in. All liiuiisl aaaa* wa'lenini >'nrk. l'n a.aii* ntniuiir llie re.*, in m O11 Ptin*TFX.rr>irYY CHIIIlMiUaCMURNUOl, aO aPajRIT I I"TrVaMOmmrdSmmrY CHUHNli8N8!1IUI'UHII»l 'I. I) PUHrTmtTiUBffBaf^PUWITU V C+aSti~ t. wetirv oujHNtaa.•i.latUM/\*, ;aaTTaJ, PURITDHOlTYV i.nnnn/ • tJi lllllla" naiI ) PURITY CHURMQOLD I y. /.aii-niier, jirini'iiMil nf tbe St ri.ais in iii.* a-iiy, Thay are well SILVER TEA AT PRBBBTTBRIAN ~^» rnetmteC'OL O PURITY CHURNOOLO rajlllTV M*1-**"" i li , .unl Mrs Zelniner, ,,- l'l' ai a,I \a iiii Ilu- In, aallty and plnll In MANSE is IH:I.I(:IITITT. AITAIP ling the Cbriatmaa imlldaya In l« ml lhe remainder of llie winln* Mis A 0. Rode was li,,s(ess al a (Jnlsvllle nnal Miiilisi.n. Klorlda. with I., ia* Thay nie very idea HI. tat Iv lornl- delightful silver i.n ai the Preaby When is fish more that*, fidv? WKea I'll III llll* Bill llllllll' aaalllel* nf MllSS leria use filial 'J In t la'a-la.a-li Nil. .t'*lnis..|t- nviiiue nml Fifth sl i I *i.-ar' day fnr llle lienefll ail lhe PFM Oiurngoid makes the sauced Ij.IS ST. CLOllli NKWS AND liylei i:in Aid aoclety, A Inrce IIIIIIIIMT lit STAND—OANDIKS. MAOA- Mabel llllll,a||,|V. aaf Hllll, ni, • if iiieiiiinis ,,r iin* Aid ami congrega­ Madam, you don't know how --qypre- l*a aaaal Miss Anna I'llllll. aal I., „ n tion iif llie dtnrch HH well as other all AND BTATIONKRY— ciatcd your cooking can be until you In hAD. Rtf "..ll. l'n w lui halve I II slieiiiliii, !ln- frla'lids were liresa'lil. The inia'HlH I'hl'lstniaa holiday! "Hii Mi nml Mrs. were reeeived by Mrs. Aflia's Hln nidi", rry Churngold. Th«*« is no better ™ .. joaopfa iii iiiiai*. nf Wyoming avomu nml Mrs. W, H. I,lvlni:sl.ii. r s A. Bennett raturnad Thura- te& than a Ch,mr •la.lrom Chlcugo, III . thla belnit the left Ifonday i.» rotorn i«. E*ennayl**fanbi Hiiriiii; iiw afternoon Miss i\,\,,, ..|,«ilh winter she bus apent In Bl. While here Ihe*, vlslte.l SI lVler-- Hass, nf Kisslmiuei.. dallgbtad Uaa' ClaMl. Mrs Bennett la atopplng at bnrg, Tampa. Miihniirne ami Orlando. •MOta wllh il criiup iif nnilga liielud Piquant!—that's the -word. And it'. th. Semlanle lintel. lag laaiiii i lassie nnai popular nnmbera. all the result of materials as pure as Mr imi lie \V ll \V.m.i have had Mrs l'minlaln. Of Klsslnmus.. and Miss Ilea elnui iwima with plentj of j UK ll.elr goaati daring tin* hnlldnya, ItiiKs alsn ffiive seaernl plennlng vocnl Nature produces, made into Chunv- sU*k*hl and beat of UM«1H *B and $10, MIMK Muriel Wood, Mi nml lira Lloyd duels. IH wis I. al Seminole lintel. I'I li'-'iiairit i and utile danghter, (Manna Oer The boateaa, Mrs. iteda, WMtdad nl gold by the fined* methods in food i ni.le. ami Mrs. /,. IV Halnl, aill of ihe taa lable. nnd wan naalaleal by man u fatfture. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frnnk Stanley and •lelllni, Teill. ; Mr. .1 II II,,1, I. of Mrs. II. S Dawlay and Mra. J. J. •aan inlaw-. W. 0. Hallev. nf Dlileflelal, (Tni'lnmitl. (.hln; and MISH Alpha Johnston. I Mlsa .laali'i's BargOUt, of l'nrt- iVianl, wlm IIIIK been Oattendtng Stoi Yo*ur for ChurngoM. Innii. Mi*. arrived I'IIK waaok to apend son UnlverHlly nl lielnnd. tho winter months here. HOME OPPORTUNITY Mr. nnal Mrs. A. B. Caiwger, of Bt I'hiiid, mid Mr. land MrH. ,1. 1,. liver FOR HAI.K—Now re In Orlando wilier, eleclrlclty. open fire, hardwood LAUNDRY WANTED! Monday aroolng, nttendlng the ln- floors, portly fnnilKhed: i'or sinllatlnii nf the nffli-era of Orlando navr lot n.»ar new scl»onl—gl.%00. One W. r» the Mawlern Way Maying. Chapter aif tlu* order KnstaTii star. half caah, hnlaui.e :i yaiir n.ortgiiK.* nt Keiter Wnahra* :: Hotter Cleaned Mrs. (-rnvRer, Ornnd Iimlruetnr for II per rent. MRS. illlll K. IIULPOTT lln. Ihlrl.sulli IHsl i let, nnd Mra. iivirstieet. Paal. Ornnal Kleetn, aaalst- laOUlHE BATES RIISKNTHAi. 222 North IUInole Avenue eal In the Inslallalliin Hunter Arma llntH Lhurngold OLEOMARGARINE u.r -w -FL THK ST. CLOUD TRIBUNE. ST. CI.OUD, Fi.OKIDA Sl'KCIALN OIVK SIOOKSTIONH -ORIDATOPLAY HOST KOK WOKK IN MNtABl TO OVER MILLION QAJNttVIl i B, Fla. Following un general suggeal loua for f;i rm um THIS WINTER grove work in .lanuary, prepared upeclullets al the College of Ugrlcnl nn.. the [experiment Station, nml •IQ r "Florida, UM land of perpetual the kg) leultura i BOxtoualon Dlvlalon, Farma-l Smith iH'iieral health iind h:i]i]n: v ii rnaaa m.-v N,*W M* iiniu IJBOyOOO i lattora to tha Plan n cropping ayatem ''*,>e tn .vein- |OM hy and revived bene* llveetoch Buy high grade terttltaera l,a. Mii.l iti' ar ltnb- Ita In in ..ith and happtai sa nui oooperatively, rian to bava .. ii. iii ,ti to -iii avary moaHy sub- Repetition of Uu atari of Florida i ..a-l'a V, ' ""'"'V health ghim; innablm eoablad ihig- I'ibe tor your home-towi wspaper 1 1 .m.i a good lai in Journal. Make an ViilllUia," <"•"" ." ' "* ii*r io j.n.-ii in- i-i..i iii;i Wg i 'tonal I,,.*,.,, nl vnl..' railway to Miami and tha town aaal .n\,ctory of your Barm Start heap 111. lill.l I"' *"»<<*•» "» eonat, and Hani liis planl Hfrttatii to :ug records. .Make your ivcoiil keep 1 1 Fampa, ns wad aa iin* rapid doretop- Ing a pari of each days routine. Fum- "I cm' ' remaifciat! mem of taa ram tatariof ot tha itata, igaii for corn weevil. i,„*,„l„*i* I I «l«g* j* mrvwt i,,'^""'**' 5«2» tor ilu* winter visitor h;is Croa tba Da iri unl I MCI 1 1 1 rerj i-i ginning brought materia] ben* i u northern nountlee. seat ter g to wan 'i.i ""," " ."'; fiiw to riorlda, Union. -"'"s ,n ',ho io iMHimis i.r laapadaaa aaed to the n u Bul in exchange for tha wealth acre over paature and let entile tramp tloul i" •"""• ^ - wiiirli tbey it ri behind, thaaa aame in. (ii-t grass seed for |M*rnumeiit ,.] ,,,,„, -lul.i now. rleltofa carriad away benefits la the [mature Peed beef cattle corn stover lam tba) JUI i'"'"'t anl •hape uf !• im.tun.'.; bodlaa and a and allege, and lei than run oa velvet '•>*.' and brighter outlook oa Uf* Ing Mii,,,.,"' "'""."'"V baan Flalda, -a,- red """"'"""• in general. h k Tin . rlettore, whoaa tmportaaoa in tirovc .unl Oiiii.n.1 nn her k,,' " ^ " '"" Sol grove ii.*es. wiii.r. and hank .ilsii..«.' l,',i,'tl",1,,l,s ,w''"' ili. state's development haa alwaya n.'.i* iiniii," vW**M*0 ...•ii roeognleed, wfl] eoai to Hor- for cold protection. Prune oul dead wood. Irrigate if dry. Wahh for h year In Ineraaatag ninihw ai ar[ aa ihi' climate rnmalaa na lt Is, ruet mites, Daatroy citrus aphids if „i" lakt "" ***"' experta of tha country agree Found on new growth, 11 stub is had \n.i iinmsini'is. emulating tbouaandi on grapefruit and i iteuma, pray a, sa3^« ~% then, will adopt norlda ns • \iili :: .; ..ii l'.oi,|eau\ plus I |MM* cent • i ""•*• '"**- • •nn'. ml ,.v 1 SO lime sulphur jusi hefore "11 lalkas I rowth apiMin*- » Vila. .,„„•.". ..I'KI'»»'»<' C W. Brookn secretary <-f thi rf loae Meteorological society, of Wet Onritan ami Trueb si.lllti,.,,.**' ""' """"' " later, \ia-s. anewara thm question, Hpraj ea i.iiii gc with land areenati f r why do tin by aaytag la .imi soap for w.-rin- i i pound areenati wwmtw S-V- " " powtler, r. |KMinds soap, SO galla I II.I.I* nil* ., ., 1.1... a' . I ., I 1 .a a, tbiak .1 ii1""" pleaaun i enjoyable bj bath • ..rn .'uni i owpeaa in tomato i buv """' , 1 song nnd ..M in thus.* moatha when Flalda aa a trap crop for frail worma. II. KO nt tlm, ' "" " " "'' lorthera atatea Buffer from winter i "Wrtl, wlmi , ,. for IMaul radlalu * ICnwIlah peai H Nov 1,,1,'sV" "i"'1"" • old i'ln) il:ti• 11»ii- -j. mn Is. i-nl lards a n. I must unl Slart 11 I • II I llit! !'• xeedbetlM of tomatoes, eggplants and la.llllal Ida U ii" iaaaed, IH altli experta ' ]H*P)HTS Treat truck seed with i :1, I'I 'i mlng allrl on - leo acrea Thoaa nrhm atay baaa 000 rorroaive sublimate la.|l 1.1 till, hill, V'** ll i» n..i iiir.* al aoll <>II anaerobic bacteria; namely. NOBI I I III - KKASONH Fou I try , ™« '."'-"'I- 1Ubl,1( Ml in Journeying through the Mate to thai live awaj From aunilgbl USE OF CITRUS hRUIT HIH K\ltM INVENTOR! inal wtth peafta who will aaj, "i earne aad air, II.IM i.ieediiig pena ivady. Uxhlbli " '*'"^""« '*«»'' ,, „,k,. „f, Iowa ban M or .'t" ot »" yeara aaja UA1M0HVII I.F. Ft.i With the M birds HI |K>nltry -how-.. Qrow healthy • " .IT.,., und ,..,.„„,.„ i rail nini vegetableo al tba JUICE ADVISED IN chicks llii* IIIIHIUM i hit, . ,„ laaared thai i was to *ii* to a little atata, aeeugea particularly, are known clteraenl of Chrlatmaa over noa is via , ,, 1 of §UK1 rhDe." excellent 'inn* for farmers ta daeMa Boya art Glria in* ita.p. l^.„ "' " ' r*p- in aome •ontlona of tba state to cany 1 S il l,it.r.iiiy Irandrada of thaaa "doom i iim rai sails or element - ihnt CHECKING FLU i.. mhlrn i' -" .'i bui Un * i ur, nml Knroll For dub work. Boya, pick ". "2-V ' , Ualbtll. 11" .1*' men and women came hare, tba ara aaa mini For good health. The begin by taking an Inventor] nut j our • tub acn and gel it la abapa; illi|aa*,*irillL* tlll'Mil •-bill of winter wehther having pane* modern baby la northern itatoa now elding on a definite dote for taking secure good aaed and be ready ta llliola. ,1,1,1 „.„ UK „„ „„. rreted them to their northern home. boglna t<» taha oraaBi Jaloa lag bene r.wii'A. Ki;,., Dei Bl "I bile thou i Dr. r v Noble, agricultural plant top .'i tin* (round! -.aiiiN ..I new caaaa of Influenee are lowering their reotataaoa But, nfter building .i ton) ereeka after birth. i*.oiiMiai-i :ii tin* Experiment Station, In tin* Home l M only one night on the r.iatl. without n i..-ing reported and the nunilier of in a radio talk over witi'F December M.I !*.< a t;imii> household budget. snli..IT'"l ll.n "" ','?Wfrlln ^':, S! >-"«»'taaltom!"" I I»r 1' SI.-HI .Tuil.l. ot lh. Mii>.. di al i* - are In n .''-inu. i IQO children aoth \i ike plana for i well-halanoed nil •mat nf trains nml J.TVSI.I ihey gtt i iini.' rlaltlng In Florida tbla year tost III llml ,„„10 two In the warm Florida Bunahlne. In the uf a Htm "i.-rk tbttm community and Dr Noble reallaea that there is no the-ycar dial tor the family. ;i gariian Voices h. ar.l up stal |eti aald: hundreda *.i otbera to and abonl New bflaratad by tba In­ one date best Dor all norlda farmers of Freeh raajatabtoa, can tba aurptua, You two letter l(|^ *** W." "Europe toQay baa the graal oan Vork dty are being aafaly oarrled raising enough poultry to Ripply the dulgence of golf teanii or 'iih.r opao< For taking Inventory. For general Hl.,-,,.,,1 M.„h, *•• H«hi'oxmuw*. •»" iir '|H.n>, ni; UM oM apprebenelon tera of hello-therapy, wliere tubercU' ihrough the epidemic through the Farmers of North Plorlda January 1 family's needs, oan aaunsnjBi meats, meani of grapefruit juice, Authority "»,. AUK 111 IK..1*. of imr WW gone. Tiny ara ma.if to too* almost i.i-i- of the bone and tlaeiie nnd othar i- perhaps tha bea( date. For citrus rwtC Flanl ornamental shnilts. trees, Now \,„r« l,,v„l„t , ,„,„ Ike a now being overnight I ntlmenta are treated by exposure to tor ihe above la Di Daniel Bi growers a date after harveal is com u iin- raya of tbe sun, bui norlda li araU former prealdenl of Rahnemaa Boa and rlnea. Obeerva baa planting day bed on llm,*. sl.....l«.m, i^,h. ion "Florida culd claim Ha phio* as pletod would be baat. For trnoh gtow- bl llllllliv. equipped by nature to do thla work. |iii,il in OhiOagO, now ;i prominent at u'hoolhouae. Provide • Quarl at U" a tino winter health reeort," continues era, tbe beat date would be when tba milk a da; tor each child and ;* pint •I nw I'll i..v.lho enr N'ohl. . \j.|;i iind •'Vi' n- I,,' *,,„?,„ poaalblj itate Laetltutloni for giving IT Qodgdon la of the opinion that E •nftaet winter climate Is Fast ihai 11 farm Inventory la simply a list iii.iin- demonatratton aganto, through * 111 la "'•r'jo,, 0f Ql,i rn l Mind Bt. tea. the aick 'his treatment the annual winter Ini ron ana "f oald "i i.'-..iirci'S aini liabilities Beaouroea bend .ill Hu* lluii'l mlgbl be completelj controlled lu the their Flower oonteeta, do n toi to* "Tbe norlda peninsula nol only baa i ii* e.'iii rooearch on defeats hns • ii. HM ludude mien Items ns real >•• ward milking Florldn a lund of flow- ihe highest percent of poaalble sua- •bourn that thla dleeaae of growing "in,:.' bj the u-e oi' cltrua Fruits, lie d all sii]i- \\ IIMIMT OT » |TY 1 i*rs lh Ip them do It B him —over oo per cent In winter and Uni. - i. dlel deficiency to i lie lino* when nea rij to meg i.ieliiii. i.\. crops iu gi.nin.l. •vac 7o par oenl In iprtng bul alao • i.m.' a a; and the laeb of ultra vlolel i'lis.iii III tbe i n ii i-ii Btatea uili take .-. an.i oaah ..ii band n In 'iiu' growing tni (1I1 |„ the jiii. * t two grapefruit a of its low altitude the most • raj i. bank Uatdlltlea should Induda all ili<> I nii.'ii Bute* iii(.r,,|,|, • Intenaa aunilgbl aaal of Vaxaa Th. rin.*. \ i..h i raya eventually aill .1 •.*• ilnrlng the wind r montba. debts notea, and tnortgngea agalnal the mania, in iiiiiiiiii; from .^i,,,,i While the humanitarian benefit of Intanalty ot tht aunablne in Florida take thi pbu a of ood liver "ii to pre- Ea im* fii* nml laiisiin^s sliiiiil|ri. ,,,„. . 11. .i HIIH r , toeeda tbal to tba north rentlng rlckete, health expert • of gsapafraii atanda upper­ One of the ad vantages of an la-ran nf ilu* inns, enmuraglna ()f ,,nl. most, Plorlda hns a apoctol primary •y mt BO par oenl if nothing la al­ Ool ued oil, whleh 1ms n<. anti­ is toiy is Hint it shows Un* net worth Induatrlal in.*. lowed in tba north tor reflection from rachitic ralue, ean become of value if Intereal iu tbal tho state ''" mala al tbe time the Inventory is taken, it in iii.. graal Weatern ni(.iai tna -now. Florida IB notably dear Ini axpoaed to ultra-violet ray-. Tba aaaa producer of tbo grapefruit and ais.. shows whethei or nol UM boat- production hns laad iiii ,„ ,, . Inter and Interfering clouds aro no j is. irue of other foods; In fnet, Ihe largest of orangea, which haa risen to aaaa is making or toeing money An giaatai general proap*r| hn^ more frequent there to winter than effect of ih*' nitre-violet rays on the . i.n.l place I- grapefruit In euro Inventory i- the baata For all othar baaa reflected over tba .'.ition. they .ire In the north in aummer.H kin arouses those animal cells that I.I prevention <>i Influanna and colda, 'I'ln. tremendoua ili'inn, ,„.h Dr. Hodgdon'a experience and math- accounting and ll Furnishes the ground H The United states Vetaraaa* boepJ (.'.iiiiiiii* bona formation even as nu'iiiN ns copper, lead .„P ay .-.I ^.f practice in tbe prevention aad work EM anj ktad or credit tola tai ti i.nke Olty reeetvea from all, though cod-liver ofl were absorbed the riillninda, tha. ,*l.. i i*j11N,r'y . are of laflnaaaa was ut\covcrcd by meni An Inventorj Furnlabeu i \altt- parti nf the United States patients 11'«>iii tin* intestines. I laal a lta*l*.-|| 111 1111111|| l *, U 1*1* ^ .^ J,n lirwin. Vfaaay .^ Company, advertla able li.-t "f property Cor us*' in oaaa suffering from high blood pressure Than '< aill in* men thai Florida- paratlra a ateady, atable n, „ Ing agency of tni norlda Cltrui Grow- of adjuntlng fire Inanranaa ac to ggt- and kidney taoublea offflcera in charge giowe ragetablea and food-rtuffa, tling an estate, Dr, Nolle pointed oat fair price And ihis in i,, t(,w date, aaaertlng that Florida climate raised in the mild, bright aunahlna for ring I louae, The agi w The department of agricultural ten "in laaa- been attained Wnd B helpful fin tm in which tl famoua, are tilled Heard] itaff til practical uomica of the norlda Bxperlmem mis progNata made In iin*,,. nr the treatment of aooh i wiii' baalth-gtrlng altra violet rays. Information available on the value red :t leaflet thai in-niliii-Iiini nml ore reftalQ Iiy it ha a known that sun- FN.rida water Ukawlaa contalna aad aaa ol - Itrua fruita in medical ,,1'tiy how ?.. lake an Inventor] II Ti'li-a'liaallli' aaal aaa una na npply itroba MI.loin oeeura la tha .state even health giving inliieriils. sulicln|. I nl', 'I si.ala I is - hlgulai ll^arH-al ivorld si A.uguetlne Record and The iririi'iice and advice, whleh ejan given free and ine* ' < • nn (I bj writing latlvely free from tetanus baoauaa >>f nn.l asking foi iheoL judft; I'nink J Bun n, gaucraj mail. a. iih iis mineral ns a a 4 ,1,,. ihe effect of Intenaa sunlight nnd loose iinhi-i.iira! Survey. io the pre*-- of the natloo and anu uaal John I. I>ay, vice prrtidcntl ; I'liaiin.i.i* in ,11.. Induatrj tl Idelj publli bod. Uarki d stimulation si.linR tteward, of thr Miami,! iliniiin tbem ,ii tha uaa of dtrua bu followed, SpilaN .Jailaii',,11 WW. lln 'iill'' llll" l,K*kpy Ilil., whoic ili .In, ifi in*. Qodgdon baa 1.100 children na­ arrived \rban tarmw* maal Ogiua rat i Uin. ara* largely'!' for tlie* The Sunt li riorlda fnlr -nimpn iler his can AII are trmg from i"- Hull* iiriilili'in- with iK'noll uni) IKIJKT i return of hor.e rncing to Miami after' i.lMii .laiininr.a 20 and .. 1 li tn ciuanaa, which ha attrlbutea to tha ill-ttl'iil] llf '.'ll I ili,* ' in *ai a year airo. I-'i'lniinry 0. 1 tni feeding of cltrua frail juices. "Nol only among children i thla • ore and prevantath a to be noticed," iBeautySocrots l Sodgdon said. "Older people ere THE FUMBLE FAMILY Iiy E. COURTNEY OUNIL using JI io advantage as well. And If i might take a took Into tbe future, *~ 3/ Helena KiibinsX&n i would aaj thai every member of the LM ^_ American family in tba fu- iii tncraaae their uaa ' For every block of mari>la I [watenrl ' -hould tbej i T ii ii juice until ti" • taha aa< b day, Venus, be iionniii, oily or undernourlahad . 'Ll w Inter months, lh" wuh nothing bul m tone l - Watch tor the tU -i Jin.'.- that creep ;•' fruit." tween ua. iniiiiiii the eyaa Xbay an danger Di .' i- .ion made i adiea] ra* —Dawa*a flaraldlne. \V;iteh for tba downward commendation In tbe oaa of orange droop iit the corners of your mouth. mir.* i believe thai ihe unman who toama ton, tba wi iiieni inatead of bi the early signs of gga ean] of Beauty I And whether tbe ihown, tie explained, that In addition haa ;i aplendld weapon nuainst their aigna gtt fnint ..r onmlatahla, rmnani io heing as taaty after a meal as he­ An) |'1J\ -i< • iii ii Wll] tell ymi ber thai atbnnlatloa is tin- only earn, fore, tbe .ime i a era of tor more tbal peia is a wanning or aontatabing • IT Dtiftc corn * Uva aiaaima value I- it taken after aat radically wrong with tin* laterial 1 So ink.* OUl your little bottle of skln- bac miuiiin.'. Bead thai nm warn! \\ tonlng lot' " .m.i wiih a tiny pad of ii. nggeeta tbe following dully eii- take active atop to find out and correel whatever has gone out of cotton and a Baa dropa of tin* liquid, . a dial aa tha moot nkeiy to order, and you ean save yourself many go awlftU ovi-r the neglected urea. . Id in checking' cohjs : The skin tingle:; In quick i- Breekfai t one grapefruit and • , . .ui,.* oztenl "doctor • • luica after i light i tba aaha of ] ggg i prevent tba oataatro- \ NEW ITORIDA IM»VSTR\ have heen eaten pba aaal praaarva tba beauty that is every womnnV most precious poHses- This country lais been importing TOBACCO from $15.000.(MMl to $2(1.000.000 worth Do not wail for the day when u of tung oil from China yearly for us** 00 is 11 native Amafftoaa pro­ iNiinfully frank mirror warns you that in palate, varnlabaa for quick drying youth is past. Take regular dally duct and ahout half of the world's porpoaaa, Now lung oil it* being made grown In this eountry. Flor­ cara af rear skin it is little enough at fla lunar Ilia, the first enterprise of to do when tho Object to be attained ida prodooa fine gradaa of rlgnr wrap- the kind In America Tb • ire now par tobacco nnd at Qnlncy hns a slate is •.,. infinitely worth while. Oward several hamdred tbcuaam ig oil the mistakes of youth. Never experiment station io aid iresrera in treaa in Alachua county. B0U their atruggle with dlwase nnd Insect forget that the prerequlBltes of beauty four years old and nil now i are, first, a clear skin; second, a iwsts of tba plant The naa of tolme- nuts from which the oil is pggaaad. co Is InereuHlng, an women and ((Iris stimulated skin, and lastly, a protect* Hook credit Is due B. F. Williamson ed skin Twice a day is not too often are now smoking cigarettes. Tlie gov­ of * .;iin. ..vllle for his work ln connec­ ernment gels a large revenue from to cleanse your face with either el. aris­ tion with this new and important ad­ THANKS TO ing or massage cream, should the tie- tobacco sold In tbe form of cigars, cl- dition to the Industries of Florida ond ajai-attaa and snuff, nnd for chewing FQtD EDNUQ,M>llOei?fi, aaaa be dry and sensitive; or with a America. porpoaaa. THURSDAY, JAM IK*. 8, THE ST. CLOUD TRIBUNE, ST. CLOUD. FLORIDA PAliK MM \

For Dttane tha twenty fifth of i K*I ii­ ii. r . enied a Whole Hfel im*' in coin NEW MODEL A FORD CAR ) ing. When that -lay dawned be left a lonely cam]. In the brush and rode EQUIPPED WITH THEFT- int.. Bradford, ii" want In ihe old Inn-beeper, with PROOF IGNITION LOCK ST DUANES whom he had nuitle ar iiuiit ,af iiu. ear, haea baaa little ..i no n iin* work, habit, gontp, picas-1 profane, a ihori bow lagged mnn ra* uappj citizen Now it's likely some of Ms HUIird iin.iin'l llii' i livi'l* llllil will Wii \i HAPPENED BBPORH nre-. end feari "i the people with sembling nuug ruatlera DraaiM bait alillll '•aim* i Jiiser ti. hiin I hen. to Maillll' kllnll la*lll*.a* 111' ailllaalllaal.ll,- | ,, ], j. ,lr u bout In* (nine in oontaat Tlio one known, particularly I,uke Stevens. frlenda somebody, at nny rate win Uui i. Duane, quick oo 'he draw, doaa ihai sin* almost touched him. shov* a mm in your face, or lln* day US. Till* lllil'f a ,11,1,1 *lii|,, subject moat Impelling t.i him out AtJ* Kll(.n Wa0 M., thtrot tall, slim, kills lllain in * . ll ihl'eiiM* and In* Burnetii I tut about her preaance, tha Operator's, and make you -end tele I'.'iirli liiliilul llii' iusliuiiiinl I* a lawi b.* never mentioned; hm. In )iK(. H ,M1, in |(lliia Uta a bov !n . '*.* ,n ..inlaw After advanturoa look ..i bar eyes of tin- aeavu af her | RUM along I he line.'' cut lhe wires buck of tin* an, oil lhe hMd he g'"'s to lllao.l cainp. braaat, mada Uinl iwaat; vngna aana* miking uii around It, sifting the old yeara, with hi*- pate, wnooth, ezprea- inuk.. ;i iia*w rlroiill nn wlilili ill,- a, i, There h, wounds a nuni naiia* Mrs. Bland und also u girl .lennle, ".letihie, you're i*oIiig lo make it face ami beard like an nristocrnt, re- THK MAKKIAI.K MtRKKT frmn ilia- twitch inin uu uniinii'ii con he would take .Mars to aeeoiupllish his inbi prieonar by Bland, wham IH res­ banter tor mal" he buret .mt in de­ semblad many a rich Louisiana ptanttr lluil i\lili*li is inla'prul wllh tin* iliisl task. cues Bfter a series of Jul i IgQI spair 1 main* had nn i The atStfa man sat I'la.rni.r-a mart-luge**' iii 11127 totaled in order to lumper wiiii tka iwltcli Which '••' Is force.| to tleeoive Ml "Tell ill"," she insist. .1 'i'ln* etupendoua ami peritooa eatore ••> much iu ih- shadow tlmt he onilil 222, compared with 2MM in lii-'ii lla** .lii.-i w.mill nlllii.,* linvi- t.i liika* ltland "Love \. ni I Love yon ns im man of il showed in th" slow, wary pn not be plainly .lisi'erned. and though Tin* number per i «KKI if the population llli* l.nural tO Jlia'i'i's .>.' . la* partition, When be heard Fletcher'* in li'JT ..ais 18.8 and -Hi in WM, Thla leada to Dnaae'a killing ot 't-i* loved a woman. Think of my uildreeaatf, his aaOW wns not men- I li* 1*1 lush nr ii) iimrt'il ri.liiluil name and laid Kinll h<- knew he had Nineteen other atatea aihowad de I'.liiud, tin- outlaw lender aud rushing ^niched Iifi-, What I have Honed. l**\a*a*j.| niul..!- tin- niii-l a\| | ai,al*i|i||!irv ! reachod the place in* had Bought 'iai l'l 111 1 S.UT. si-Jllllnl iilllfa b\ aii wilh .1. nnie. wh.i is Inal hit r. know II i.f women >.*" 11,. areot " • tt Pan Handle Smith carried pots ami i ill*llllisl||l|.i*s. IIII Ulli'f Waaillil lm. til' Ord WU I lunnlel nil the fringe of nillil|ii*I*l'il OUl limine roama the roadi tot yaara ns on.* And BOW il bursts ou inc. .lei, I'.nis Into the e.-ibhi ami cheerfully uinl Iii IMfl ta.aais. n„. iim,. ,,i- ii,,. fivniim, from the grnatng country, of doubtful bon all. ra* ... ia- I.IIIL'. Till an outlaw, finally going lo ineel Cap iiie. ii.n i Ball uie llml. I'm afraid of .;ille,| uul; "If you L'ents an lumgry WHH less iiinn iKissiiiii* ini.iuiiiii IIiaaaaij to th. 1 * sty, from wliich Minly uimlin- iraib a.I.a I, lllll aaf I ) la T |-,'l|l Hllll L'.'.l I \K' lain Mae.N'elly of llie Rangers, who myaetf, ' oan'i nnderata ad.* fer grdh don't look fer nn* to feed you |l||a|l linll ..I -lllll ,| lliffllllll llllal led down into the free and MTM dis 1,000 iii population In IMT and 8.0B I t-edlona msk bad asK«il to BBO lltili. Mm Nelly Is Sin* came oiil\ the do-.c until now wit h a spoon." turned paradtae ot outlawa the Mh: in IHL',!, eompare.1 with the country .11 Mm! lo him. and offers lilm a INU' She i.oi,Ind him. her slender form The outlaws piled inside, made n TIllK 111" I'aalll laaak ] H 1 I a. llll S III.' reaching to his shoulders. and she I'r. till largo t'laaiiilai -i I s,. a,, ni,,, .nil, In don If he will accept an offer In he groat Imsll" ami clatled IIM Ihey sat lljiallll iaalls j|| aa|||S'. It ,,|„'1!S 1 llC !«!! i- loaned upon hiui wllh IHT EMI Up I !•• :i \% .i bright iii;lii before he ih*- number of dlvoirce H inn (ml in ...nn* a Hunger and go utter i 'hew! i.» iheir meal. Uk. " uiiKi-y men they i , >7. .a ] Hi. ii .in nil nnil grOUnda tha* ilisllllin turned, lie felt her hands mi his. ami made out lhe'K .nillille of tlic iu nL ileentli In 1926, rior­ laai* aai iln* sun,,, iiim Anaatli.-r ud- dino's gaag Miie\.ii\ bad baooeaa Vt< bilked little lda ,'xeecded by over I.IKK. dlreieaa they wera soft, clinging, strong, like Ion 'then In* lienn! rtllOQB. a merry I ventage la that, hi*ium ooaoatoad an tareetad in Damne after i MISM Laa I Mian.- waited Ihere a while, then all other atata • of the Booth Atlantic iiatt HiMikeu in bla in I in if. Duane steel under irelvet, lie fult tin* rtao whist h? il com so song, and I lu- el ink ..iih thi' Ignition s,a-(i,in. it pn. l ll uri.uii ii. ian protaiaea UecNellj t.» du hhn nnj .•.mi fall the warmth of bar braaat aal' i Tinkle ,,1,,,-il-. II.* S„l,'ll.*.l -*""' *' >' -'" "P "'"' '''"I" ™«"'l "> vldee innii i*il Kuinsl iIn fi wlthoul |;| iln- other aide ot the cabin, Aft a ••• hi Ina MaanwhUe MacKalli A tremor ran over him. He tried ' ut w-Hiii sm,,i,,, ii,, snw moving in nny manner Interfering with the Ilia' light, Dalai l •• ,i-rii bo the .lurk uirnln be Iiiniue much welcome io dravi back, ami it be auco i ded H Befora utn« ina deanar, ll i- beat |mechanlcal car oontroU, rod) ns irnns nily Iiii'ii' wus n wlili- iinui*, aaj- i-ls. ventured to ataal alone lha wall ta. I »nalie foea to \ isll I tie Miss l,ee little her torni swayed with him. preae .* " Hrei .*!: I * • Ol ' I UH* aajll'll. . i,:..i i niej'Vene.i *nr 'f>'tm ". MI. \I,,,, lawa wara In the first maun nmi could h' ii will change Iht color of ^ Nelly, and finds her lo IH* none other held la.T (BOB "i>. i.i.l li.' "us I'lini-; Fortune in\..r<*.i him. 1-hara w< ia.>i [..* .hi' material palled to leak, li wa, wonderful wwlhoabee, am old ahad, • « I i>il<*. nil bui .l.iMii. I h.> talk nnd "ll inch IN HXltll other <>f tln-ir love, aad trhmn Duano whin M*I flowlna with iiu* i.-i iii.-'u v, i* i,,. i,,,,i,,i a,a iim, corner. parted nu* . peered lietween tha roufb telle lennle he is ooanmlaelonad ta onp la • a.l llillL Iai .| . |,'l!| Ul i s OOOPOT. Odl that waa aoi all, Then wai i«issi,.n. mruer of wall and the imsh ptnrtns ture CheseldllH' she breaks down and liar ..I' tii.- l-'laii'ldn Agricultural New heirs him to break bla word .•• Mm*'laa laallil,. spirit, wiainain I .*-..l. •*. ],,.,. i_u |{ DUanO pllllsiil ll ma ill loop llllll llllull I > aa ihi - i*. al. ma aaa waa diffantnt from Sen i.a the liaalait of Uis-in^- tbe girls \.lh llllllll* I In mistletoe is tlinusunds of *l IllVl' | UU. lllli -aill. "I tiiiit in* hmi alwaya Ml whin punned 'aid. In rapport of this oil,im vm' i:.> . i\ WITH IIII: sunn OOUld -Ullal aaaiMliiliaj laar .Mill. I'll II luial lm laitl.'i iii'ss. iiai pain, na) di-a'iid I IIIII. arlftah in ihis. ii's r.n* foa l There wa as much iiniiKaM hare, per ii.. .unites wrltem who lived befor,' iin- Cbrlaatlan era. Mistletoe is u paru- " ""' '"..I : .' ia.a,, .,i ii<* knim whB| y0ur Ufa haa baan. loan'. bapa i * . \,.| ii wns u,,i tbe aama'. slla' aiml lives nu tl'.'a'S ullal shrubs hardly kn.'w whal to my Be (ell ,, ,„, .... tacj, ,,, „. Uatao ..a. Ilia la he I.-..I Ii liaiil is a -mull whit.* lairry filled : ... little he nii.l.i-i.»*.l woman III- I|M1|., knnw 11M. v,„, ,|link v...i*i. II.* aa bright fit'.'. •'' r.'.l I'lll*..! with 11 sticky subst.'llli't' The seivl >' Will, III,- aalll .lllllll. lllll llll differ inun hi'lldlni; nfl II whislliiiK wllll* a*. • T lllll. Ill . aweetaeea of thla \\aa- ani I'M- Buffered nnd in' learned he bandied aa ateamlnf pol OTM htm ..Ti. a. sileks in the beak "f llie biro main thai Wm* W.alllal U(. hill k tl. ..Ill in 1 baaa yaara, I bellev I'm rlghl in wns u roofed Aad imiii agalnal the Mating lhe fniii. anal when the bird laia.ra wilh blm appealed with aiskini: .v.m to aria'- u|i this riinni'r Willi With two OPan slab's mill tWO 8I1II- Wtpea lis Isnk nn the next tree, the saa'ai siuks Ihere. If si nils roots in l iai nasi' ,a.w. i* -Mia- Will la luniiiiu |Has,^ Duano*! sironal mm *'ilnii eonrea wa.ultln'l la. allsbnuor- ".lainii. 1 can't il"« iniil'i y..u SII blinded h.v ilu* audden bright iii the iiii* nr limb, nltiiebes itself, anal ll'la ' sill* i I Hlllall a-k il *" light, llliiala* a'lll IlllU'r ni.'ll. tlllll- ill till' Ilu* n**w , alia in feasls on till' sup nf il ".\n. lllll It's Inilaisslhh*. I'd di. ll.... could .X'.u -.'" il .v.11 h.v.* ini*V" •hadowa, tow in ihe Hare, hot with imst tree. On eolttralad trees, su.-h hi'lair.. I'.l drii^ yuu In Hull llli'. \.m If ..all .M-ra- :| llialll \llllll Ulllll*! li.'l. ks l.i hiui. ;is in'itins. iirunges. a'tc, lhe inistletoa aillt'lll laa ra'llli-mtii-r nn '-utliiw's .l;i\s" aland " it's :i m...iih.. trail I13 l"nu* a.ibis. is apt tn lieciiiiii* u IK'SI. It tukes up Ilia' plant food manufactured by tin* ' I ala., I al a a, lui- laaa \. • Hum IIKIIIII "Kill llll II W Ul *l "U alaall'l llll hul tiin't s,a ahorl 'in* ,-lKlii daisiniial iinn '" sh, cried paaalonaloly nver tin- iiiiiiii.'' one uuiluw wnia tree Bor use iiself. To get rid of lt. iiiain ins,* you Bealdea \\i> could hlalo the ra.nis should bo cut out. Mcrel> Talll \ \|MI I ai main "lla 13 Inn Pholo shows Arthur Chose Nec.lles. 61, and his bride, the former Edith like .1 bu I wolf 1 i.i.-rs-i ia iiai the Whan . m i,r ,,,ii Pan llnmlle?" li. liking off tho limbs of the mistletoe Hcrtense Oarke, 2b, leaving St Bnrt&toboaxw'* Church, New York, nttw will not alestroy lt. finer fbellnga of u womaal I aim out* - ina lllalla il ; tin I lla.-nlll nil* Uie OH-I. wedding ceremony. BUSINESS DIRECTORY -l.l.-. .Il-lllll. Ilia* a.lll.'llSl Ilia* aallllllW rode Prom ITaraway Rprtaga, wimri* An.l .*\..ii .. 1 v.* i,i*|it iiias.ii dlfferonl 1111, ,.| a IM, fillip " , a ..111 ll Hi. a- a aavell kn.'WS IA. ns. in,. I'hii. M,,.i*,. 1 didn't ! perhapa i *" noarae, bind, inbutnun." mi come in. nn' Hold! B. I * *. a.i F. R. SEYMOUR •Hush: -sin. pnl 11 hand e*»ei hi- la.lllill * lips. * I alulii'l uien bun you. 1 'II t....u \.ui 1 Inn,; iiim 1.1 gal hen'. Regtalered Optometria* iiii-mn 1 ih .iiaitia*. I'm lu'i.* rendy ' hut I pttess llml's Jual ns will." apoka laal Valtll* llllll ii siurvi'd woman end np • •nootb, auava roloe with a rini.' M. Olead Kim Ida .Mill llalll'l 1,11.IH ll mil. St. Claud I -IIK.' Ne. JSI 111111,ie became auddeol] weak, aad Obeei tlcel wile,, be did take II.T Inle bis uruis Here Ilu.*, were . I.. . idine l'bll ffi ffi ffi r. * A. M. ii'.sU luul rtrength to lift ber lu . Knell lil.assiuii Kline—Pan Handle ilcela aeeiiiiil a . fourth ii bealda hhn Bhe a led more j iSmlth llnldl -hnw* well liuinu. rem Frlilny evening of aaach i Hum **** welghl Ihi ealinncss bnd . inheieil Ibe nuni. s : nil here, tbe big raonlh. ! fled. She wna throbbing, i«il|.iiutlnK. nun of Obaaaldlne'a lame, except the I ipih. riim with bui. wel cheeks and J blggosl Mggh 1 ri-Kit a. A. it. riAi.i uruis Iiiiii iiiiiiii; lo blm like vines llii.ue hud holed ibein. mid bis sen ! L. C. HKTT1NOER. Mailer She lifted her ni.iulh In him I In :> a siitinlis iif (he nmUl.'llt di'ililened llghl A. •. cnwOKK. Secretary Inir "Kiss nli'!" mul siniiiii of whnt wus before blm. I VleMag llrethren Welcome .•mine hell! iliiwn uuil ber .inns lie imk down controlled himself, sll I Booklets in Colors .nni nriiiiiiil Ills k nnd ill'a'W bill] enccal n mounting exultation, then, hISMMMFK I'll il-TKK NO. lt Willi Ills lips .an hers, he seem from n less strained position, he i*.a. till*. Al ARCH MASONS eil tn flout iWay, Tlllll kiss elnsi il bis a I'lll lipilll. M. .Is sa'.nna! and fourth Monday even- ... .mil he eaai.1,1 inal lift hi* bead Tho millaiws were waltfag fair sup- ; Inx of 01,.ii month, ul Krntprnlty Hall, li" snl aiaiiili holding ber blind |HT. Tbalr iiinvarsntlon mlgbt huve KlHaimmee. mul ba'ipi. * s w rapped In I INSUI ihnt ,,f rawnoya in oanp, ranch era at a roundup DuaaUe tleteu >i Stationery of AH Kinds Vlaltlng I'aaiiiimiiliiiis Welcome dark gtorj J B. TYNBR. High Prleat She kis-,.I Iii , l.illj; a I,,UC:-- "IHi a ai^a'l* ell I's waiting for the blial- i ..i* els.- a thorn iiii times. Her ' neea inlk tbat 1 felt WOUld a*onu*. All I ii|as. her wai oheehn, h.*r imii. tha lln* liiiie hi' wnti bed with 1 l.o eyes of I. O. ni'ss, iiie fr,mriiin*a* nf ber. the tauuler, aa WOlf Upon iis .puur.i o. r. moving claap of bar arraa, the swell llhissaain Kmie wns Hn* li'iin.limbed HI I'loud Lo«:,c ..I h.i* ha. aisi nil tlii'se imliised hiin aaaaeeaaae who bad s., aineiad i'i**i Nn. «8, I. o. o. r. Iiiiiiiiii blm She whhkpered mul inur chter, iiuiiii IMIS n tiunt in nature. | Office Furniture mi'i'fa avcry Tuea­ min.'d broken nn.i lacoherenl lank I,.an.'d atlaat I'mi llnmlle day evening la worda that dial noi aaad i" ba iinder- Odd F.llow Hall i I. s.i full avere they of sweetnesa ! nil '.>w York aro- mni meaning nnd ww* iiiu* All vlaltlng lie ruse I lei .l.-niib* sll bua*k 20 Baskets braathera wetroaar. aiarailiisl the .iishiinis Way lillKcra and Fixtures I' M lll'ITIIN, N.l.le (Ir nil litKlri'.ltii' STBVBNfl, Secretary dung weukly to him ller eyes hurt I on tbe Head! hllll. While lie I'unil'led 111 lll'l IMH'ki'l for papae-a, in feteb fnitb lhe (lover-j nnr's pardon, Jaaale wntcbail him;! St. Cloud Chapter Ne. 41 mill when he llllil Iba' tuifier ill her IIIIDKR KASTTON STAB banda aba let li dr..p. Typewriters and Safes "Olva> thai in mother," be aald ims Jimmy Saina- fi klly. "T.ll lur -iiuiylii* I'll .aaiiie hack i bury is the cham-- rirat and third Thuraday ln tha llliT.'* .a alamire" •pion basket jti«- gl*rr of Lomlaii -•oatah at T alio p. in at the G. A. R "I .nii'l am! I lain'l ^..!" she i'iii*,l He is sbtiwn in % Hall Vlalllng membera welcome. 1 inusi Irani*, iiinni by Itemeinlii*!* Ihis photo cclipa-jv-a UKS. RUTTY STKPI1HNN, Matron I have Vain ' .la Iiiiii*. lei nie lin!" M'mv luiul Ave., mul Ninth st inn bis own rec- TZ He putleil hei haauals Inese from I ord by juggling le Can be had from the office of the MISS KAT111.KKN QCITV, Seey. tapped bnek. I'oracr 7th St. and Ind. Ave. twenty baskets on She fell Upon bar knees wllh out- his bead in Con. ****] itrotched nrms. vent Garden re­ RKAL BHTATK "I llllllla* ! Iliiinie !" h<* wullcl. cently. The fel­ 1 il.a' ii murderer In* backed n" '.*• low on the left ia See or Write "Jennie deereet, i belleva ru making a noble oome inn k !" tm whlapered. cITort to imitate W. H. Mill SUM i 1II**-I* Iai* I wiirils \M*ra* fnlsehi .id. tbe master jug- ih* reached the tsmt, iruve hn one i Ui. but bis hinit SI. Cloud Flo. da. la. I llllla ini: KhltU'l' lo fix fora-ver 111 is evidently three memory thai white (aee with Us dnrk. ta.l St. Cloud Tribune staring, n*ni;ii* «. K...I Eatate I "I IIIIIIII* !" lh' lied .villi Hint main tl like flltin- SAM LUPFER alal*. tll'll 111, ll.'ll. Ill his iMirs. ST. CLOUD, FLORIDA 2itx Broadway i inline bnd bean three numiiu, out KISHIMMIMI. ri.A. .af iiu* Nu s oountry, At. B raea OH-OI Kepreaentatlve be bought iiie finest horea be could New York l.lfa Iaan.raaea Co. find, llllll, lirined nnil OthaOTWlM BBl flatted t'l suit hint, be luul tnken lo Write or call and make your -wants known niikniiw-n Irnila. MURRAY W. OVRRHTRRITr LelHtirely he roile fraun tnwn in town, village to village, ranah tn ranah, Attamey-nt lj»a» fltllng hln Inlk nnd IIIH occupation lo Office over Bank of Oeeeolai Hu* Impression ba* wuuteil In nuike Klaalmmee, Florida ll|Kin dltfereBt people whom ba' met. Ile wus in turn il eowbny u inneber, n i-ailili'miin, n sl nek buyer, n boomer, ffl 9d N. R. 1-A1J.BNII7R n hinilb,inter: nnd lnuff lu'faire he reached tho wild nnd lnhoapltnblc AlUarway at l*w (lid hn bad acted the part of an ont- Inw ilrlftlUK Into new territory. BHAMAN HI'll.l.lNIl lie laiinaacil am alowly becnuHc hn : riaali.iiiin Florida wnnted to learn the lay of tho eonn- I rr^try J£[^Jj^ 2. jPj^-flflHMPI MBMMWMftfflffl-rtKTfflflfKft \i.t THE ST. CLOUD TRIBUNE, .ST. CI.OUD. FLORIDA rm BsiiAV, ,IIM IKI », ins

•roood the property, The hoard as- membera of the board bo that effect. OFFICIAL MINUTES OSC EOLA mr«d Mr. Wmtthn UMM they would have Mr. Put Johnston slated to the wmk AMM as -non IIH isisslhle. board that since lu- MM under his BOARD OF CO UNTY COMMISSIONERS Tin* i lerk presented statement show- i iiipln\inciit wllh the Imard. not to Lag the iinii'iuit at mod wnrk dnn* by hni.lie this Hem, this matter was en­ thm board Attrtal the year whirh wiis tirely in the bands of Mr. Darts, the WANT ADS former al torney that he hesituted to i r,ml imicil Praa Page 2) Tu --illrcini s rcjMirt showed l n.-t contemplated whaa the i' -7 Ind* say anything abour Uu* ma iter; but onlrmi filed with the procwnl- These Little Bualneaa Qettere Pay Big nm 1807.30 coUeoUd for LteattM and $73.00 gei was M8de M> wllh nlher Invest he wanted lo make his iModtton clear of thv Intiinls. L. O, BIKKTH, ful* ]l.i|| IllXfH. Uts nnd tlie jiniouiit of iniletilt'iliiesN in Ihe Matter, and Ihorefore wanl ist ditor of the Good Roads' Edition; Ki'jHirt of county dMMttttf shnwcit u hieli 1 h* y would turn over to the the board to know tham facts: FOR SAl.K FOK HALE K. B. O'Qulnn. clerk of tho Pinellas lm In MM in tlu- HNM fund* Decern - in w li.uinl. The hoard explainiil to "ompnny, regarding lease of eonvlets lM'i- utt, IMS, U fuUows: the amm 1'imni Ihut the amount of in That at the time this matter was a-MIK HAI.K—UNK NHKTI.AMI. I'ONV. FOR K%I,K— I'lillowlii iirlllt-H i.r ntnIH 0 HHoeoln county, Pat John at on as ha lulled, he explained to the board ulllll ' . aa > ,n ,1 (3i*iii-ral revenue. fMJH fil Fine nnd dehtednesH had been laken care of In r ,*s, Viil.'i.riiis. I.U.' ii liiitiK* lloiulu ittorney for board, relative to lots 0 forfeiture, 1680.52; road and bridge, i ne Imilget for LftSft, that there would Hint - ' Bar cent on the first million M10.H.1H. Huh/ lilmidH •I IMtiiMpplr* nr WO. *-.,..; OK TKAI.H- I'l.a* a... .ni* to 13 of Kueallptus Heights. State I4M8.11; publicity, $5:-M>.93; Agrieul- dollars would not be sufficient lo per­ unirfi*. S1/**H nne IIH'II i tWO imi, he approximately $40,000.00 in tIn* III KlHHllllll , Allal ..111" ..T ,w*aa aUTl'l Of V. BuriM'tt. Wn Hy. I'h l« Sin mad No. 2i: M. <;. Ktbba, r«tardlnj tUTal nud L s. |MB.T8; special road, i.iiitt rand cMUisive of the amount of mit ibem to sell the bonds, in view of liiliil nil an... lalirlawiiy mill I'nrllli S.-lll. the fact that attorney's fees, englnis'r- i oad from Vtnelnnd t * * Ol 'lu county H5S4.27; tick antdloaUoo, $37.68. Indebtedneaa for lhe mnintenmiri* of iii.'iil r...i... ih.'iil half way l..i.i'.vi. si ing fees mid other monies would have i'louil nml Klaalmmw. 1'la. .1 « Hawl nut KAMI Modern eat tan with eity lm inc. trustees general bond fund, rela I'uid warrants were i-aiiccllcd from n-i.iis In the county. trnvetnciita; mint II |ni VIIII'MI tl.iwn, lt»ianr>- to come out of the first million dol­ ina i I* il Bin HM SI , ki.i la '.'I Live to refund to general fund of il.,' sivi'ial fitmtv ns follows: t'onunissioner Toinasello presented ikr- rent Addn-aa B»t 1102, Ht. ('load. lars, and therefore. ."> jier cent would (ii'tituil revenue, $3785.01; fine ami i.n. 1ftIB TII i» Nel •<* •>M re. Ih'Mltli Kin. !4-«p-rf IMMAB. • tui.'inent whieli he had obtained from not make the bonds nel H tier cent. The question of approval of bonds forfeiture. $140.71: mml and bridge. HlHIIkit I. ;is New. Bi| Having. 3. li .ther counties with a imputation etpial Therefore, the sale of this character ill L't|. rOR 8ALB—Wood. otov« wood, plnn knots. »f county officials was called up and $3732.03. publicity. $175.00. agrlcnl- io that of Osivohi nullity, showing the u. cure ntbaae. •hurt **ndi for nm nil hro-toro ile»llii||*r*« could not go through. Wood Tord, cor. Nluth Ht ond DoUwoa* it was moved by Bryan, seconded by turtl and I*. S., JMSulQ ; si>eoial road. a mounts received by commiSHtoiiers 1 UK s.\I.K—Knrniliiri Ml .. 11* • room Avo. Mtf Partln and carried, that the approval 11080.00. It was ihen stated by the contrac rotlAge, in first elio-N . .oi.liu in \|*l»l V 1*' itiid Kn|H*rvisins of registration. Mr. el. IV if f all bonds be taken up Monday The board having completed Its Toninsillo stated that if the board of lors that If the sale would bo pcl'iulUcd K it.-i-ry. Banter \r\M- H<> ecerober 17th. work, upon niolieu of V. \V. Ames, lonnty eommlsHloners of 0M* li to go through, they wonld discount itl.'H plll'kl'fl Bad Htllpl'fll Si'llll In,Till- 11 *-.. oii.l.i! by J. Nathan Bryan, ad- their bids H per cent, and on this fun, i boi of WiiKlilnnt'.n NHVHIK. No vr UOlMtJ U".vi,.Nl MOM than Jttft.OO pal rnurr I*KKSIIVTKKIAN IHIKHI iter too ana)I, Mm M \V Peckbum, Haw ioiirued until Monday. December 17. month lt was lu his opinion too much. basis, the minutes were prewired, the York anl Lake »> • ' n tt ll.*ii....I \. i .in.1.1., il MIIIIMIT Legal Advertising and that $1000.00 per year was too oontraoM were changed in this reepect, The Board of County t'oinmissloncrs """>> A» n\g su]n*rvlsor of regiHtrn- and lhe bonds furnished by the var Uorniag rabjed i "Tho Klgkl Way von Wili# flaiiiiaj PeUea Mule Paa, Ai™ While I'pmlnn Cat.. .1 W. Mffuimwr in and for Osceola county. Florida, tioD* ions companies reeitlng this condition. nnal Iho liiililo for It." In Ctrrfutt Court fnr th** 17lb .Tu-li.Lii That was my distinct understanding. I iv O. H"x HI, si Cloud, Klu. wjt Ir.ult <>f Florida, fn nml for Om.'olii r«un I.r. Shi'iihoril, synoilla'al I'xoa'ullvo, nn t at 10;00 a. ra.. December 17th. > The hoard took a recess until 2 p. ra. and that is why 1 prepared the lepers I •v in ('hnticfry. Forwlonun* of MortffUaW"' 1888, pursuant to adjournment of Dec-j The board reconvened at 2 p. m.. all will i.ronoli al 7:liO p. r.i. FOR SAl.K Tni in laa of III Hit HI paeod -Annii Smith, II widow. Oinplninnnt, T«. as 1 did. As to whether the board sirniiKors uinl totirlNts oordlally rend. o tier N •wton i inher 10th. Members present being, members of tbe board being present ren*. titer William K. KRtVHkp. i't nl. Order of J'nMl understood it this way. I cannot say. |iii'li'onia'il . Ki — iuiiu. mortda r 'W .I,, •atlon. THK NTATK OF FLORIDA TO A. V. Bass, chairman; F, W. Ames. . with their attorney and clerk. Willlnm K, KAirakp. whom* lmtt nddr,**** other than that was my statement to ,,_,. „__ WM St *"lnud. Fla . hut WlMM pf-WMll Ott .1. Nathan Bryan. H. O. Parttn nnd i The question of approval of bonds the hoard; and this was the under­ i lis, fiixi < in i:i II Kill. SAl.K II a*i t. S [tms* li unknown B A. Au-stln and Ma P. Toraasello. Pat Johnston as at- "f county officers was taken up, and standing I had with the contractors fair ci.ta 2ald by the I'niv.i' MI i i..-. H.ii. ;it 7:00 p. 111. \- lH.ln :- missioner District No. 1 ; Ernest Mach, l*'ll/ni'i.ilil I.a. *a Jti> . .niiitv alnee tbe Institution of *-*nu ret, rt' se'iu" .. i. OF! The board was called to order by coout] oommutt-ooer diatrld BBi* HIH SAM -,.,t Tlroa in. 1 1 ilerk of Circuit Com. The board hiving heard the ei- Iiv W H PniTNU its chairman who announced that the H. O. Partln, county commissioner l I1K11-.HA-. H* IK.M'K i HIKI II . crx* district No B; Victor It HIII, county pl.tnation of lln- entire matter by MtKF.R A I'ARKKK : old board had invited the new board " U ' - meet with them for the puri-osr of immfsslouer illstrict No. 4; R. V.i contractors and attorneys representing li .ai i tu- ,'lirlsHiiia Science II..U..*. IKI7 Wt. I'aar-ylli 1.1 \ . 1*1 , *J0Hp the iNinrd. It was moved by J. Nathan miking over pertain matters In which l'liillips, county commissioner district CkUrck, a'a.ruor all .M illlH'soln aai.lill.* ID (In*ult Court fur the Beventeonth Ju Bryan that the *8.72T».00. now ln tho "OB BKNT the new board would IK* interested \o. fl II. M. Katz. member school umi Kli'voiiili siraKt on Nnnilu.v. Jaiiu- dlrtal i Ircult of th** Mate of Klorlda, U hand** of tlu* bond trustees^ Ito paid .oui f«r OIM'I-i»ln Otttnty. In -Thane* ri u Inn thev took uVtT the affairs of I..aid district No 1 Wm. J. Adam over to contra.tors Gregory A Wilson BIT nth nl IIIM) n in. Ti-timnnlul ll'UII*II.VT. TII KKN1 •my aaiilNia Foiwcloaart of Mortjrnffe. i. 1" Hedrli*t ! the ...uni\. MI, inber Mbdo] bOBld district No. 2; leiira- Alaai room for alnirla* ia«>iitl4 mot and Steed and Walker, providing the n-aarringa. WwtwwwSmt ''vauiinR, al 7:30 nd l"»i*lt Uarll Hrdrlrk, bla wife. <'"*» ', .Mr. Pal Johnston ns attorney for 11. A. Stephens, member school board p. in. Ha'itdlnn raii'iu ia|*i'ii rii.siiuv- .villi *.r aalthini, la-.iiral \|ra !a.,raitta> .. contractors would pay Mr. Ellis P. I, lla,-- An* lllli st ta'M ilainanti. voraua Boward klorln, et. al district No. :,; Miss I audio .Tohnsou, 1 alllil Kriilnys ,n j I IHI |>. ,u. LfiToiantn. <>-il.*r of PuhHralion. To th.- hourd advised them that it was his Davis $400.00 charged for attorney ! opinion that Ihey should take up the lapoTTtaor registration; H. M. Breaker. Sunday raaal al Bidf a, ui. All an* IOR KKNT—I'lai' aa.ra-H „( ground Kaaaaa R it Wetherbi^. R. F. D., Proaton, Ooor fee, and upon the receipt from cou­ :i:i Vmi nnd BSeh at you an* bofob) POBl I ijiieslion of injunction whieh would justice of I'eaii' district No. 1; L. M. cordially invli.ii in .111.• ai• I bulla.'. nilJoliiliiK city llinll- W'auilai aaiia-a. .landed to appoar i" th.- mil of Complalni I effort state road No. -I. Osceola coun­ I'arker, jusiii*.* of pMOO distiiet No. nselors, of a full satisl'aetinu of all "Cltrlstlitn Sol,'iia'o" was tho sub- fine a-hli'laa-u Ha*a* H IV l'aar(a.r, UW II tho ahovo atytod eaaae on the Tih aaj • ty The members of the old and new .i; Ooorge B, .Teffers. constable dis­ claims against the enmity. Motion jis'i .af id,, ii-soii-sa'rimiii In Church .f .Tanaarr. A. I>. 1W0 th- um t>elng * \ was duly seconded hy II. O. Purlin, K)K BKNT—WAHKHOI'NK IM HAI VI ituli* Miv of the nbuve Court. Wltneofl th< board entered into the discussion of trict No. S. Notary bonds were exam­ Of .'In lat, s. i. nii-t on Sumlin, 1).*<* HAN. IIRIH tKV C. A KAII.RV Waa .[oiionhie Fmnk A, Smith, ia .ludjro of ihe matter, and after having gone ined and approved as follows: Wm. the vole on motlou being .1. Nathan Miller :m. he above Court, and my mono an fieri. | Hi win aud II. O. Part iu voting yea. over tho proposition fully it was agree*! I Seabrldge and Mrs II. C. Piano, Ilio (Olden loxi waa from Isalab KI'HMSIIKII liODMS fair r.iit. ll*,**.. .nil the* weal thereof this tn.* sih do] "' and P. W. Ames and P. Toma sello If dealrea. Mrs M. .1. Kiiia'ry. .-nut of l >.*oember. A. P. 1(*2« to by every one. tha* some action ' Mr. (I W Ash ton reported having .12:111. "Tlio I,onl hnlh made bnro hla limit- nrur M.-ll.aaurtii* hlahn-ay. ot oi Swill T.I. 0VBK8TBBKT, Clerk 'seen Mr. Tate reuarding the crossing Bay. The vote being a tie Chairman Ilv W, K. pol'NIV V C should he laken to get Injunction dis­ A. V. Pass **nst bis vote in favor uf holy arm In ilu* eye* af nil tin* na­ •If solved in so far us it effected Osceolu ..I the A. 0. L Bailroad. that it would tions: and all Iho ends of the a'arth KOU KKNT Two room ap*arttiia*ati MT'RRAY W OVBRSTRBKT. the iimt Ion. Mot iiin carried, and the >. 1-lfl.l Solicitor fur Oompliiiu nn county, Thereupon it was moved by known as Lincoln Heights, -hall -.*.• tka -ailvnlluu aif our Ood.'* and wal.T. Fla-inlnchurit SIS KUalmme**. Florida. fie.* 18 .Tan •'. as Lincoln Heights. clerk was directed to draw vouchers Al la' i ..iniiiisvi.iiier P, Toma sello, .seconded for 01MMO i.i each of said contrac­ Auioni; the a'itallains which ...mprls NOTICK FOR KlNAi, !>THC1I.\»H.K by II. u. Partlu and carried, that Mr Mr. Ash ion aNo reported having in iviurt of the I'oimtv India*. Oaooola tors. oil tin* leaaon-oermou waa tha* lollow- »HIK BKNT- Miail.lil I 11 rail-l,. ,| 3 l-aMVI 'onntv. siui.' of Florida in ra Batat* w .lohiiMon as attorney for the board be • ti Mr. J. M. tlrlffln about the cost ini; Irom tl:a* lillila': "S**T} vii!la*y i-.tlnjii*. atovi* hiaaal, cloaa In. Apply l.i The Contractors Gregory A Wilson Kolaer. ,*,,rn. I i*>nman. dlreeted io gg to Qnlncy, Florida, and at moving small bouses along right shall be oxuiti-d, nnd ovai-v mountain * lllli St nai.l I'aaiiu. A.*- and steed and Sons, . aeh being pre­ Houlh Kotlcv i" horebj iinn. to all whom li employ counsel lo work with him In nf way state rood No. 24. at Holopaw umi hill slmll ba* Hindi' low: nnal llta- n-ti* nay concern, tha* on the IMI, day of K.t> sent agreed lo pay the $400.00 to Mr. iiarv. A. t». 1080. I »hnll apply to tin- UoO 'getting Osoeoln eoimtv rolooood from i nd that Mr (Irlffln had agreed to i'i*«a,, -hull ba* made Itralgkt, and l**(lll IIK.NT Ma rn .la ni.iiu ka.lliw; far BUl P* Davis and nt the same time tilslu-.l air iiiifiiml.lii-al a'ainu-r MIM «aari nhl, J W. Oliver, JudK*' "' "nhl tVlOri i Injunction. in..v.* them f'.r ihe sum of $6.00 each. • In* i iiiiai, |aiau*a*- plnln: Ami lln* mr mv final dl«rhai a It was in..veil by 1' Toinasello. sec­ made ihe payment MT, Davis then S.vaulll I' K ll.lilll »1T iinx of the enUtc of .1* 1. Bosnian i Commissioner TOMAOOUO stale*! that a*laar*,* aaf tin* Lord shall ka ri'Viuloil. onded by H. (> Partln thai contract paid orar to tin clerk of the hoard tho I snd ihm nt tho name time i v*iii M tlie injunction suit was a matter in tnnl till flo-h slmll -oc lt tonotluT: for KOK KKNT— l-'a.u tanWmoa tn wild fourl mv final a iint« a« be let to Mr tlrlffln ut tlu? agreed 1100.000 which had boon advanced to aal Ta MIT...*II.-.I |..II,*,I which the new board would be In- ilu- inimih aif tin* Lord hath spoken '..a* ,*.... Bientrla ol aald oautt; MM ni- for t\*rii prloo and Mr. Ashton bo directed to so hi in by board. SI nuO Imi Av.-, oppoalta pproTfl, i tares-ted and witli which they would il" I Isa. 40:4,B). *~lav>af»» .Ivise Mr. Orlffln. Motion carried. 11 wits moved by ( *Mnmis- ionei a tin a .h I'.IIITKIt. Dati i Do. U\ I D have to deal, that they should con­ I'll,* I. -snn-sortiiiiii ulsai im-luilo.1 tha' r T<.masi iin, Meonded by Commissioner m i. BI\Mu*, cur with llii' old board, ond thereupon Thi- condition " road from KISHIII)- lull.... aim laai-sum- from lha* I'hristiun I'AM'RHH fras*. Biainlaatltaa tm. moved thai all members of old and mee to Rood Iiill Cemetery was report­ Partin and oarrled, thai the $100.00 Apply 4i*t \ ^,.^v v.arla \va- st Oaaa i i> 21 Baeeutrin Science text! k. "Hnkiuna aad lioalib Pill.. Ura s ll,,r,ln,.r not. no* iM.ani rote on the qneoMon. Mo ed to the board as botng rmrg tXtngmg)* paid iu by Mr 1 >:, v Is be dopoattod to M NOTICK tba nt nil. ,'fli. uinka- i.ilra lui.iiay IM \'i ryitem •• - In tor. tod will ni-* apnlle i nutter up with stale rnnd flapo11IBMll thai Ihe board alh.v ,t. R Sharis* a Governor ib* explained that each quaint tbemaalfM Inti'lllgontly with ia iii apart lima iTurkiiiy fur na roi iinn wtth i I, Oewrstreei CVrh of th<* and request them to put the road In paymanl of $250.oo. oa the $noo.on litfa.riiintlnn aildri-aa KWITH'S 1»UB u.iard "f Conaty on ..r boforo the above county in state was urged to liavo i tiaail" <1>. HIT I. lllll SK. u,.pl. - . Limit llraiiih N. ,1. ad> float, that pictures would be made of pwoeablo condition at once. due him for tractor and grader. The A 1' BAM. Ob-alrinaii. clerk was ttMBOBpOB directed to draw the parade and would he shown liil Commissioner A. 1" Mas- reported l.ADV ARRNTM WANTHD-Mnkr Iill naaa Iloanl of Oonntv r,.iniiil*-!'.tni • warrant, \n. it: -i it u\ ' HBET. clerk .iibir -tales, which would bo good ad- , hi vini: received U letter und nlso of a'y ai'lllnai unr MAllll' BKAl'TV MASKS lt was moved h\ p. Toninscllo, sec- Kvery avonian avanta one Sell like he' V itiKemeiit for the slate, that be had having a 0OOT0I -ation with Mr. II. ST. CLOUDLETS cnk.'o .... lOa.-iUKlve lerrltorv liraaaleal NOT 1C> O I Kl HI loll- been talking to the ]M*ople in al) sec­ K< mpfer of Ihsr Park offering the .nob 11 by II. 0. Partln and carried. KI-.'I'I'll'S Ntll'l'I.V HOItSK, Dept A. I^a.t in Oeari of t;.. Oeoaty Tndac 0 thai the N. C. Cash nniii, TM be gone Conatr, .siui.- .a Florida In re tho K- tions of tbo eounty, and every one • oimiy *5n.t)0 per acre for the land Mi li l» Waiib's, R, 1. Ihiuek. llraii.h. N. .1. la Ou,. - "I'l.i .ni.l n To ml Ini •mnmnd to bo deeply Interested and owned by tbe otrattty along'the rUrbt of Int.. by the clerk and the attorney Uii.v Iimi. k mul Merrill AmlrewH. who To nil Credltora, I... ite« n itrlbuteex. .in.* donation hail already been made. way, said lands known as the Myrtle for the board and ihat they make re- are augaajad In uudltlnK the . ir \ bonltn. nilBSSUAKINII Noat aad careful walk md all Poraoni hnv)nir Clninm .ir Perannd* that the total ooal of the flout would Kompfer lands, that if the < ottnty con- |su*t to the board at tho next regular NJM'UI the rhrNtimiH holiday- in .Tnek- at reaaonable prlca*a. t'hlldren'a arboaai »;diiKt aald Bttate: meeting. clothes a specialty, hire. F. B. Hennery TOO, and "eh ol you, are berHiy noUfleil I., abonl 9S0040, Mr. Hnstaln said -i.leied his offer they eoold credit the s.-uvllb*. sat. i la A.e and 14th. Ik. (.Jot • nd re«jnlri»l to pn aanl i tbat -"i a until*- wort uoiug to have amount he would owe the county for 11 was nn.Vi.1 by Partln, MOMdad n iii.tnd-* whi. ti V-HI ,,r either ol In Hrynn and mrrled. Ihnt a warrant Si.plo .,io . M an exhibit of the kind of • rops grown, purchase of land on the 9000.00 the Mi I I lln-lun anal Ml— Klliu ri.ndinfon d< ean. d lute f o*< ula i 'outi IBI h -'is st raw berries. M&orj and other nnty Is due him for right of way be allowed UM clerk for the lNiymenl LOST ty, KlorldH. to th.* Hon 3 w Ollvi crops, and suggested usccoia eounty I It was thereupon moved by II. i>. I'nr ] .late witnesses for December term iii'ih Kajrabartf -i.ui Haw Vim's aiay v Jndaa oi Oaoeola Count] il hi- offlee li ,in Ihe County cuurtbonoe in Kioaluunue, OB makiii',' a display of its hnntinu and MCOBded by |' TOMBtoUo and Of Ibe counly court, ais uu,sk ail Mr llllil .Mi- M 0. Mn.v I.ISI UN Sl Mi IV nu Ml.Mi vi :, f0ia«| •• County, Florida within I>^. 1'i.shing, It was moved by .1. Nathan • utied, that propOOttlon mad, by Mr. 1 |n.ii motion >.f Hrynn. -1 mli.l ta>* 1 i.a ti*> in si. lvt. i-lmrir roiiirnlin* io I alaalli. i, In.i aa.|n|,,u- I,,--- -um laT tha from tha data hereof i-lin nml il . 'la.mi Wednesday. tunney .,< return l.oaive ni , Bryan, and aeoonded by H 6, Parttn Kempfer be accepted. an i la.l Ilu* liiuinl nil irt" j, a,,, , | Dated Decernb*r 22nd. A D I N,r A 111 U> al lOpM W \i \si in thai the board allow $"H.ob toward the •'• Gregory, repreaantlng (ire- •aeeutor ol tba i:§tau* of HouhrunUi i> • \\'i]-..ii. -iniiil Hint ho wan \ I'. IIASS. Mr. uinl Mrs. \v. I*' Brown uinl SIIII, IUST SIIII,Ini Or H I'aa Ilia * Tomllnaon Deci . The rote on motton belnu us lnlin\v-: Hrvnn nnil rarlln vntlnir ii.aiiiiiiK order ..n iln* BOUBt} f'.r HIP riiaiinnuii nf iiinuil Oounty Ii'i, iViiiniit'i*. nml Ihelr k'U.'st, Mls« white with la'ai' apols, lain la.a an.l aar. Her M— ifeiy, '21. lllllll llll ,'liiirili Mr* .an. Ta ain.i-, Hn ami Ami*.*, nay, A. F. I aiintinn' .lu. IT.: taap surfacing St. ('iiiiiml--i.aii.i- riiiiii- Oliver a.t Chicago, 111., ir-do IT. - I Mini..--, lo v.i< sail NOTICE FOR F*TNAI. IU-I Him., Iliiss- i liiiiniiiin Hun vaiiiaal nny. Tho 1 I laallll I'llllll. llllll Uia> l.a.ard lf ,T. I. OVEBiTREET. an astanatva iinniiiiy trip ihe i>.a t ll.-ivai a Ite motion aaaa- i..—t. llipy rnulal la.-a^lil niiikinir pnymenta .'l**rk w,*.*k. Illiltiilllll,' ll.iwn 111.' I'llsl a'lllisl la Court a.f the Couotjr, Oareola ''.auotr, 8tat« of Florida.- i Mr Baker uf tka firm of Olios ^ • II tin* iiin.iuiit iim* ili**iu after Mnrr-li to Palm Hi'iii'h. Miunil nmi ('niul iiu illSi KI.IANK US Il.-nry C I.n rt la-l, .lurn.*.v i.f Orlanili.. .*iiim* baton Ha* 1st. 1029. nn.l IBOMted thai TiraOOfK) lili*.-'. unit i-riiswlnc over la. ilia* wi-sl N.atl.-.* la li.*r.*l,.v Klven, to all wli.aii, It ,,,| ;i,„| expUlnad tliiit their Htolo- I'liyiuonls aaat month until Iho full Mr mni Mr.-. Dana I*. Elaelstaln ooaal .i.i iin* Tn,a,ia,inl Trail to ft, l.iavaillll IIOI'HH BKI'AII1,M.-AJ„ 0 m rt r aiml iuih* iimmiiiii*. a.t Orlando, wara among tba dttaa rbdtod on lot. laarse or amall :i„k ue Kava Masev wry, A. ": MK, I uili Vpiru. S;* « '" "'" -""' ot HUO.00 ..u'liinst I amounl ma paid, iia.* board id-rlaad \TIII. i. store. 'J ili.oraa iv. at of Tows li«B Hon..nil,lc .1. W. Oliver. Jadko of aalal Iruateea ot spooinl roml nml bridge v,r Oratory thm tho.v could not • is of Mr umi Mr-. W. II. w.-si canal wen* si Patoii bui Pi a'ourt, aa Judge nf I'raitml.*, f.. I I a .-in New Vein**- i|m* Tilli* ami) 'lur,nm Splines. allarharga' «aa a-x.ra.trlx a,f tha • dlatrtcl Na J. wns fur rolnlnor fop|ni*iK" I imsiilvo stntomont bal WM at nu inii*.- rendered t.. tka troataaa ,|"* optolek wash payinanla rotdd !»• Hoary C. Bartlett. deceaaed; and thait aat Wta I III Mini I ON HIS the .am. time 1 will prompt to aiihl a'ourt nml as ilu. iiiii imii IKH.,1 iipproved hy | ptild. Pl.A^ AT llll HIS -,|| IKKK my final account* ai IT v. nt ri v iin* iimtaaa ka mw aa Maaea why, Sr. laioKaarv uisaa naked tka board eatata and nHk for Ihelr . 1 ,.,.r mortal Hull ..ill l..- bald • lint the utt.aiiiiav- -li.aulil furnish Iho ii'iisaati. Tin- I..aural hnviiiu alisciiKiaed IhiiUKll Ilia, .nil.,anl- ,,| ih,. ,„.w ra„. 1'uei.aiaiy, January su, ,..:-... ;ia m ... ,„ >,, tka O. A. H. Hull, A,1 itockholdera ahoulal l.l.allll aaf (*.,ll||ty .*. im ml--l"l UT Willi ll Ilia- nf laiynii'iil and having iiei .'in*, n. hi imn* beat iii a ,i for lalt, a* -it,Iiii IIIII i-xnitly wlint til" Nlllnla. 1* aal I lu • III I ll-l'S |)l ||||. .*|--. .ij ,*| t 1. ill mna time, ii is ImpoaatUa in sat-nre aat tonal lln- Dl. ban aula i-ill lay Mr ,Jn*|;iiry IIS III NlllllhlT uf supply purehlis il.l- li'ai-ivi'll Will ,„un- laafaara. t,|.. K toil, ll ..J. |.-rs charge wai fur. wiiiii It WIIS tor, It wan mo-red by H. • ails fnr ililiver.i ail preaent, ulllioaugn B. M lllll.laKN, I'roaldenl t'omniisslurii'i' |*. 'rninusi'llu am*, a 0. I'nilin. -iTuiuii'il hy .1 • Nnlliun II • «pe I there will be several rr- ANN v M vv nori'E Sa-crotari 'linn' nn- nini,ii ^o u. i*.*s uf nofnloaa nini iiiaauii *_'n acre "f cnhlinga ahelng DM l.'l. M. it. .Inn. i. 'million thnt pnynn-nt of tta* hill hn nmi oarriad, thai a dupUoata plnnleil. mul 'avi I ufi ni-ii-s of aal lia-r mlNa-ellnna'ams a'l'ops celred iin,ing die latter pari «.r ibis withhl'lil Until li'lta-r lis -iiu'lt.Hleil Iiy vaaiiiiii'i* for the amounl ba laaMd ta we.'k. A large niiinlier ut visitors NOTICE FOB FINAL 111»l IIARIIF iiiiurni'.v for iiu, board wna furntabatd. tetwyw* At Wilson, wha'n money in There will he u rnn-iilinihle acreage ..f Iwang, A-atormolons, cnciimbera, huve eniieii iii iiu* diaplay rooma io In- In I'laurt of tu,' 'a.tiiiii- Judge Oaccaaln wm sii'imiliMi hy .1. Nathan ilu- iiiiiii- fr.mi wlili'li Uu a IIII,nnt i'l.'.. plnnleil in February. s|H*,i the new enr umi nil nn inure County. Slate of Florida.— In re r mi. ol llrynn nml a*arrloal. wuillil IK* jaiiil is .*,..'illnlal,. iiuui plaaaad with it- appeafoaao, ,'atherlll," M Mnrklli Mr t, II KiTtla* nakeil thp hoard Iai Mr, .1. A. .IreK.r.i, ri'iui-intative Two eiirlamils .f l. ililizeis mul ona uul.,ml af Mai ware reaii vasl. i'ln*, rnl.i Motor .'lainpuiiy In order 1. II la-liy KIVI-II to .11 whom It lata v** fa*n**i* IIIIIII un right of way whero of tlr,'i;..ry At Wilson nml Sleed and Ta'n pounda of Cliiiilislain Wakefield eahhage seed were |n,reluise,l and plnnli'il lo gel lis 111211 sales program illrasrtly ,*i',*rii Ihnt a.u Hi,. IIU, ,|„v ,r laaaaaiHry. A D, IIC0, I .hull apply laa tlie stall, marl tiussuil through his prop- Satiis. .nmi. licfui'i' (lm hoard nnd ad- n mi aoooctatlon I i-uil Hicm Hint tha'.v hmi runehed nn January mtii to i'.iii at uciimi ooat, wblcb win ba aboul $I;.(KI to |8.00 f..r organlaation is again sponsoring it» fuurt, oa Judge of Probate, for inv flm.l -niy nn iii-iminl aaf a-nttli* rniiKlrn? airaauMMl ralattra to tha |s,7r,o.oo ba­ -uf'fi.-i. nt plimls tor am nera*. a.iiinuil Hprlng wrles of nallon wide allna'tiiirif* II. aWMCOtOr 'if th« '-aal a. 1 • - of ,'athorlno Mnrkln. iloeeaaed: nnd liana nt lm Inlil in general hond fund and siiii- meetings, tbe flrsl of which Is the aame time I ivlll proanant my final •*• '*liiiiua*il hy a'ut'h of tho said rontroc- Arrangeinenls will he WW** ns ..i.ui n* M Ml In IIIMIIHII Ihe inemherH to lake place nexl weak In New York. '•olima oa Kaccutor nf mild . < aMITU' K Or STIK'K whereliy lln* money a-ould be re- win. .-..inpieia* information on carnal ratatnbla prlaa, and sinti- umi II. H. Thin year llle meetings' are to be aak for their npprovnl I.aa aaa Is a.n iiop inml ll 11 His. acraage, supplla'S on hand, ele. Dated Noyemtu.r llth. A II itnft. IIOI.IIKKS MKKTINO Ions..1 hy the hoard without further 'livialed among Unas* CTUWa, I'l,eh om- hiaalng u personal uf live fnctory **- I. N. HATKIKLD. Hiocnta.i il. Iny Mr Oratory and Mr. Stood Plant, wuliriniliiiis nnt In I.*.* Hnin Kehruory lsl. I'lnnl h.ans nml enaiim NOT 115 Jan. in. .•.ulIves, all of whom are speclallata Tin* annual maitlni? of Hit* Rt. Cloud eiii'li tu'lnir pnsent presenteil t, gen­ hers Ilu* flral half of February I'reiaire th;. (round iinmeilinlelv und fer eral rplpnao faroperly algnod hy each, in -i.iii.' phase nl luerihundlstng. Il,*a.l- -.OTITIC TO a HKIIITOKS llaildlnu Co., will be held In the Peo- llliza* ai mm* "I* ten ilnjs hefori' plnntlng. lil.s Hank luillillnu Monday, January whl.ii they proposed to deliver to the Ing the crews will la* ll. II. Urant, viae prishleiii in eharge aaf aalea; H. l i, rh.* a'ourt ,,f Ilu- t'aannty .lauU. t)a- 7th. Wit, at 111 oVliK-k for the rlertla.n board prurlnai ihey would poy above I U.l yuu tit uaiir MAIiKKT ,'IK.I'K 111.' FLUItllM" iKiukV Tbey are aea.ln C*ouaity, Hlatat of Klorlda-—In re .if aafflcpra for Iho I'tianlni; yoar nnd umiililil fo lllein. a'liih In reeelvo $4, fras* li. uiemlii'is nt ilu* li.iiilipinrti is. Alsn n iianil) h.u.k i Ilrus a iilture In I Kllngler, general aalea manager; Katnla* of David M. I'ry, Dea*a*aaaed.--To All MJQ, The queaUon of Ihe B per M. H Douglas and I, lc ItalHlon, aa- a*r,alltora. Leuoti^a. I)latrlliiiti^*a, nnd all. other Muslin's- that may romo tM»foare Floriala. 1't-roona h.ivlna I'lalin. or II. iniiiiila afalnat I .ha» hoard. • ini i«raaBaat entered lnt« by the '-isiaiii. general mlaa nm lingers -a.I.I Batata. JOHH H. FHROUHON. .board and ooattaetaci ut the ilmo Hiihmit ynur ileslgns tm lln- Sl. cloud Growers' Association brand or Th.* Itineraries of iiu* three crowa YOU. .1.1.1 .'H.'h of yOU, r. .*• llalila' li'.tl hoiiils were Hold wus taken up and luiul this month. A $5.1)0 award will be mnde to Iho person anbmittlng the fiod and ra-a,u, laa [na Rocretary. will **'i*ry tbem to every key city bt un.l ileinianda wblcb yon. .Ilia n, Mr. IJregory -tuteil tliat the 6 per ono accepted Contest a*losa's February 2ftlh. Ihi' uliulry n Ihut nunc of the 2(1,000 mar have auulnat tho oai.-te of * \1 cent to lie deducted from natlmaian of peraona wh* compena lhe factory an* I'rv d.*.'.'iiaaMl. late of ,lace*a];a moikHoi.iauK Minim. contractor! apullad oaly to the first 1020 Is "PLANT AN AI'IIE" year in St. Cloud. The association will ink. Florida, lo the Hon. .1. W lillva* en re of lhe suli's of produce In inr lota ln tho north Caot In early on ult dealer sellln "itaaiil/.ntiona will have Jndgo, at bla office In Ike Count., million alaillnrs that It could not have ilirfleulty In learning Chevrolet's lt The annual meeting of the Utockliol,], cropas ami get. the high prices. tianiiao In Klaalanmae, Oaaceaila a*otftaty, 1 lor been on tho entire laaue of two million sales progrsn, Irom the lips of tbe mast Ida. within twelve tnontha from tl... dnte a,f Hi,- i'ltl7.on« State nank la .nlled for dollars. Mr. Oratory snlil that tha beraof. Monday, .lanuary 14th. IV2V. In the dlnlna Mr. Marsh sold locally last week laa bushels of fine, large new potatoa>H who ileviii'il II. Tentatively this pro­ Hated Nov. .10. A D. 1IBH. roon 'if the Hunter Anna II*... I al 1:110 members of thai board und the oon- gram bus as Its goal the sale during I'. M. for rh.' i.urpr.He of eleclltiff Dlras-ta-ara. for which he received thirty ilollnrs. They were raised on n very small patch EDWAHD. B. I'BT, triii'tors all understood It tbat way at 1029 of 1,'atAO.OOO mills, tbe lurm-at Admlnlatrator of the Platan- of David M. imd anch other tmalneaa aa may come reaxn the time sale was made, nnd further ut his borne. Pry. Deevwood. larly before It. annual tiuota ever established by the that ho i on hi produce let ton, from Dee. al Jan Sl. • 1(1 21 H. M DOODBICII. <*aahlor. I)on*t forget tlie Growers Fair on March Gth, Tth, 8th and Bth. world's largest builder of sutotnobllea.