Funding our Adversaries - Thrift Savings Plan 2.65 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 100)

Background Briefing: Lt. Col. Allen West, Kyle Bass, and Roger Robinson join Kevin Freeman in the Economic War Room to discuss an important national security and economic issues.

China has found a loophole to funnel US dollars into their economy. They desperately need American dollars to fund their initiatives, surveillance systems, and Belt and Road Initiative.

Despite being in the middle of an economic war, we are thinking about taking money from our servicemen and women, from our veterans, and from patriotic government employees and investing it in communist ?

Many in our government appear to be walking straight into China’s economic trap, even opening the door for our serviceman and women to unknowingly assist.

Your Mission: Find out how your retirement money could also be at risk and why we need to take action now. Second, encourage your representatives to stop America’s Thrift Savings Plan from investing in China now!

“The idea of investing American funds in Chinese communist companies that might be even, in fact, building weapons systems to be aimed and used against us just seems ludicrous.” –Kevin Freeman

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Ep. 2.65 (OSINT) Open Sourced Intelligence Briefing with highlights. This includes quotes and summaries of conversations in the Economic War Room with Kevin Freeman, Lt. Col. Allen West, Kyle Bass, Roger Robinson and patriotic men and women who have served our country

1. Our service members, veterans, and patriotic government employees are now being forced to invest in China.

“Imagine, if at the height of the Cold War, our government took money from patriotic Americans and invested it in the communist Soviet Union. Or, if in 1967 we took money from our soldiers and put it in North Vietnam. Or, what if we took money during World War II and invested it in Hitler’s Germany? It sounds absurd, doesn’t it? And yet here we are two decades into a new century, and we’re actually thinking about taking money from our servicemen and women, from our veterans and from patriotic government employees and investing it in communist China in the middle of an economic war.” –Kevin Freeman

» The Thrift Savings Plan is a fund created by our government to take some of the money earned during combat duty or other areas of service and invest in a thrift savings plan towards retirement, college, or a new car.

a. Historically this has been a good vehicle to encourage investment and savings.

b. There is a change coming to the Thrift Savings Plan, which is concerning:

→ Participants now make foreign investments through the MSCI/EAFE global index. That represents developed markets. Going forward,

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however, they may be forced to make foreign investments through the MSCI All Countries World Index. This means a huge increased investment in China.

→ As the percentage of US investment grows in China, the ability to decouple economically becomes more difficult. Government employees will be invested and vested in China, a nation that takes our intellectual property and demands knowledge transfer.

→ They require the US to give them technology in order to enter new markets.


→ Foreign adversaries are aggressively seeking American capital to fund their economy and ideologies.

→ They have been lobbying to put their stocks on our market exchanges.

→ They are asking for Americans to blindly invest without any idea of what they are really investing in. Often, there are no audited financials to support the valuations of companies now being allowed on the exchanges.

“What they did is they contacted the people that make up the index. And they said they didn’t have enough China exposure. And so, the MSCI agreed to quadruple the amount of money that their index invests in China. Then they got the Thrift Savings Plan Pension Board to agree to the idea of switching to the index which includes China. In essence, they just handed billions of dollars to China.” –Kevin Freeman

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China Case Study – How they are using US Capital markets in their favor.

» China went from not having a strong maritime capability or capacity to where they are now building their first domestic aircraft carrier.

» They are using the Belt and Road initiative to dominate globally but it is not for the betterment of the Chinese citizen. Instead, just look at what is happening in Hong Kong.

» We are extending investment to help China grow and build their military regime.

» US investment dollars are propping up a Communist ideology economically.

“I might as well give you my concealed carry weapon and make sure you have plenty of bullets to say, shoot me in the head.” –Lt Col. Allen West

What’s being done?

Note: Senator Rubio, Senator Shaheen, and Congressman Meadows are fighting to help stop this capital transfer, but it should be a bipartisan initiative.

“We should not be using the money of veterans, soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, government employees, or the Coast Guard to funnel China’s economic growth and capital investment.” –Lt. Col. Allen West

SOUNDING THE ALARM BELLS! Just as we used economic warfare against the Soviet Union, the Chinese have determined to fight a strategic economic war against us. Unfortunately, crony capitalists, politicians, and Wall Street appear to be lured into China’s trap.

Roger Robinson, an economic warfare expert, former national security council member (from the team that took down the Berlin Wall and the Soviet Union) sees what China is doing to us and our capital markets and is sounding the alarm!

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Lessons in History - Robinson Background: » President Reagan called Roger Robinson “the architect of the economic and financial strategy for the takedown of the Soviet Union.”

“I came out of Chase Manhattan Bank, where I was a vice president and division executive, ironically, in charge of the Soviet Union and central to Eastern Europe for some five years. I knew where the money was. I knew what kind of credit worthiness they had, and more importantly, didn’t have. And so, I came to the Reagan administration with a good understanding of just how paltry their hard currency, income and cash flow really was. The fact that they were spending more than they were making by about $16 billion a year, that their total hard currency income was only about $32 billion dollars, roughly one third of the earnings of GM at the time, at least in terms of their total revenues. So, it was a it was a very sparse event.”

“The Western banks and governments were funding 100 percent of that of that gap of, say, $16 billion. And so, I came in with the notion that we need a new strategy here, which is to go after the Soviet hard currency and cash flow. There’s a lot that happens in rubles. Most of their trade takes place there. But if we just concentrated on the hard currency dimension, this was where the dividends would be paid. And of course, two-thirds of that income was comprised of oil and gas deliveries. So, they were really focusing on natural gas as their savior for the 21st century and arguably beyond.”

“So, what we went after was the Siberian gas pipeline project. This meant that they couldn’t use our technology and equipment to continue to supply the Siberian gas pipeline. They objected. They tried to sell that equipment anyway. And we closed the entire American marketplace to those offending companies page 5 Funding our Adversaries - Thrift Savings Plan 2.65 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 100)

making clear you can do business with the Soviet Union or the , but you’re not going to do business with both. And I think that this was a decisive moment, because Europe understood finally after we sanctioned those companies. All of them went under within about a six-month period, spilling one hundred and fifty thousand people into the streets of Europe unemployed. They started to get the idea of where their export destiny would lie. And it wasn’t with the Soviet Union. There were many factors that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union. But I think none more potent than the economic, and particularly the financial piece.”

Bottom Line: By cutting off access to Western markets and Western money, we were able to break communism in the Soviet Union.

Roger Robinson’s Warnings as it relates to China:

A. The Chinese Communist are accessing Western Markets and Western Money

B. With this capital we are giving them, they are doing some really bad things.

2. China is an economic juggernaut, the likes of which the Soviets never knew. We need to understand how the game is being played against us today.

» It’s really about stocks and bonds, namely our capital markets and MSCI All Country World Index. This is what makes up the keys to the kingdom.

→ China has much as a $1.9 trillion dollars from our stock market.

→ They have another trillion or so that we’re exposed as Americans through their Chinese bond market.

» We’re talking about over $3 trillion of financing that we’re providing to the Communist Party and the Chinese totalitarian government. So, this is this is a huge problem.

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» China is pulling this money from our economy in multiple ways, including through our investment index providers.

→ Index providers like MSCI, FTSE Russell, Dow Jones, S&P, Bloomberg, Barclays, and others lead to hundreds of Chinese companies right out of their mainland exchanges, circumventing FCC regulations and disclosure requirements but made available to U.S. investors.

→ They are stuffing them into indices which have trillions of dollars of funds under management that are automatically forced, in effect, to buy those stocks as soon as they appear in their listings. And that is a huge problem, because it means these funds are purchasing Chinese companies, including bad actors owned by the People’s Liberation Army or human rights abusers. As soon as these Chinese companies appear in an index, scores of millions of Americans automatically have them, in effect, inserted into their investment portfolios and their retirement accounts.


The Fallacy: We are told China is funding us and that we need them because they own our debt.

The Reality: They have about $1 trillion worth of our T bills. If they sold all of our T bills, it would only have a small impact on interest rates. “They’re taking money out of our markets, both stocks and bonds, multiples of that amount. In addition, they plan to take trillions of dollars more from our market in terms of the exposure to American investors in the next two to three years.” –Roger Robinson

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THE REAL WARNING - according to Roger Robinson:

“The American people could well wake up one morning to find that eighty million Americans are invested in Chinese markets, holding up to 25% of their entire investment portfolios in Chinese securities.”

“That is the day we are in checkmate. We have to stop this now!”

3. With index investing, your portfolio is automatically being put in China, including in non-audited, questionable companies.

Plus, you may be financing human rights abusers, or a missile being pointed back at the United States. China needs our money to defeat us. Is Wall Street and our Government now ready to comply? “China learned from the Soviet Union. They will not allow themselves to collapse economically. They will use any means by which they can sustain their communist regime. We allowed them into the World Trade Organization and all these things. And now look what is happening. So, you have all of these investments. I mean, look at what they’re buying up in New York and all the properties and things that they have all across the United States. And now they’re looking at being a line item of a capital investment, using the funds that we’re paying our soldiers. And we’re not counseling them to not want to do this. Oh, we’re not even informing them!” –Lt. Col Allen West

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4. We tend to think in short-term election cycles. The Chinese, Russians or Iranians play long ball. It is time for America to recognize the Economic War we are in.

» In an economic war, this short term approach can be dangerous. This is especially true with adversaries that can play long term politics

» “What we see is a marketplace or enemies view as a battle space.” Our short- term financial gains can have devastating results long-term.

5. America needs to focus on patriotism over short term elections or profits.

» Impact investing should include investments that strengthen America’s economic and national security infrastructure

6. Our corporate leaders and politicians are susceptible to profits over country or patriotism.

» Even our own congressional members have asked about the economic return over country loyalty. “There is a group in the United States that says, ‘Ignore the national security risk. Let’s just make money. It’s a free market.’” –Kevin Freeman

7. You believe you are buying into legitimate foreign investments since they are listed on our stock exchanges. Think Again!

» Kyle Bass reflects on accounting issues in China as well as other countries that do not allow accounting audits. Our servicemen and women could be blindly led to bad investment opportunities.

» (Kyle made a lot of money in the 2008 collapse because he saw the phony accounting and all the things that were behind the subprime crisis. And he said,

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“Look, this isn’t real and true. This is a housing bubble.” And he made a lot of money for his investors. Others would not listen.)

Today he is sounding the Alarm as it relates to Chinese investments and the Thrift Savings Plan.

“So, China has found the loophole. They have found a way to funnel the U.S. dollars they desperately need to grow their Belt and Road program, to grow all their surveillance systems. They have to buy things to further their aims and no one will take their money. So, they need ours. This is the way that they’re getting our money.” –Kyle Bass

As Kyle warns Congress on the threat, they defend the Chinese access to our Thrift Savings accounts from two angles:

A. The potential of lost returns going forward. (There is a chance there may be a good upside return?)

B. They claim that we’re already invested there so it must be OK. Isn’t it going to hurt our servicemen or retirees that are already invested in China? If we have to force them to divest, will that make things go down and cause economic harm?

“That’s like saying and once you figure out there’s a Ponzi scheme, we got to keep doing it right? Maybe we should stop throwing good money after bad. So clearly, that’s a false argument. But I hear that argument a lot in the halls of Congress.“ –Kyle Bass

8. AUDITS and LEGAL ACCOUNTING MATTER! “It’s important to say we’re not just going to stop the Thrift Savings Plan from investing in the MSCI All World Index because of China. However, we should be saying that we should not commit the Thrift Savings Plan or the money of any American retiree into a company that is that doesn’t submit itself to audits.” –Kyle Bass page 10 Funding our Adversaries - Thrift Savings Plan 2.65 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 100)

→ China investments are not Dodd-Frank compliant.

→ China doesn’t adhere to the same standards as our U.S. securities.

→ The Chinese government has basically stipulated that audits of their companies are national security concerns to them and therefore their companies should be exempt from our requirements.

“When you look at all of the companies, of 160+ companies listed here that are particularly Chinese, none of them submit to a true audit as deemed that meets the standards of the Public Accounting Oversight Board in the U.S. (the PCAOB)..”

“We don’t know when they report earnings and that they’re reporting accurately. They’re certainly not on our standards and they’re certainly not measured in the same way that we measure our company earnings .” –Kyle Bass


Remember Enron? China could be worse!

“Our auditors have never been let into China, meaning the big four, the auditors that we know and trust in the US. But when you think about Enron, WorldCom, or about some of the biggest frauds in the US, they actually submitted themselves to US audit standards.”

“Imagine how bad the numbers really are of companies that refuse to submit themselves to audits. And that’s where all of that money’s going. And again, China is the worst offender. But there are many other offenders on that list.”

“I’m of the opinion that we shouldn’t allow any companies in the United States or foreign companies to raise money in the United States that don’t adhere to U.S. law. Now, that sounds like a crazy idea, but as we sit today, that is exactly how they’re raising money.” –Kyle Bass

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“If they put it in the international fund, they’re going to find that money is going to go into companies that may not be adhering to our standards. And in some cases, there may be even outright frauds there.” –Kevin Freeman

9. It gets even worse: Human Atrocities and live-organ transplants. Your investment money could be helping to fund these crimes. This is not the American way!

» Go to to see the evidence.

» The QC that ran Slobodan Milosevic’s war crimes tribunal, just ran a tribunal in the U.K. that determined China has major human rights issues:

→ The Chinese are incarcerating between 1 and 3 million people due to their political or religious preference,

→ They are harvesting organs from people while they’re alive. They’re an organ buffet line. And this isn’t this isn’t some right-wing or left-wing conspiracy. This is a U.K. bona fide tribunal run by Sir Geoffrey Niece, who is one of the foremost experts in the world.

» People aren’t reading these things. Some are purposely ignoring this for the sake of profits? Go to and read the summary.

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What our men and women are saying about being forced into these investment options. Our Veterans speak up!

“Kevin I’m appalled, and I had no idea the depth and the breadth of the issue until I’d a chance to visit with you and to watch your guests today. The thing that concerns me the most isn’t necessarily me. As a veteran, my time of service is passed. I’m just a citizen like you and everybody else. My concern is about our young men and women that are out there serving today. By virtue of this, we’re transferring currency and making an investment in a country that’s arguably a hostile threat to those men and women that are in harm’s way right now. So, I’m appalled that we are in handing them China the currency and the sword with which to bludgeon our men and women.” –Brent Berarducci

“I’ve been reading and doing a lot of research lately. I just am amazed that our government would do such a thing that they would take the funds from our active duty people or retirees and put it in a country that we don’t have any control over.” – Kaaren Teuber

“So, what kind of an investment could this be? Why invest in a company where they don’t have accounting standards like American companies. We have made some mistakes on our own companies but at least they get audited. We have fraud and we have corruption even when we have good accounting firms looking at them. But we can’t have that at all in Chinese companies run by Chinese elitists. The People’s Liberation Army people, all those elitists, they’re behind most of these things. It’s a communistic nation. This is the 70th year since they took over in 1949. And remember what a bloodbath that was. They have so many peasants in their country. They don’t profit from what happens. There are Americans who want us to get in these funds and push it and lobby for it. They think, well, we’ll make a lot of money. I’m not sure we’ll make a lot of money with the kinds of investments that they have over there and the lack of transparency.” –Allen Clark

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Why you should care? → We’ve seen there’s a national security risk to investing in China. Also, it’s a bad idea to be investing where they lack proper accounting standards.

→ Roger Robinson clearly outlined the economic risks and tactics being used to take down America and tie our economic interests to China.

→ Many in our military, the people who own the money don’t want it invested there, yet the Thrift Savings Plan is still moving forward.

→ Our veterans should not be ignored. If there is any group of people that have laid their lives down for this great nation, been willing to make the last full measure of devotion, it is our veterans. We should pay attention to their voices.

→ The Chinese people have been put in a very bad situation with a bad system that is a communist government. The U.S. Supporting a communist regime is not good for the people of China.

→ Patriotic investors here in the United States could fund our country and also invest overseas in ways that will enhance our national security and not harm us.

→ Supporting China economically may be tied to human atrocities and extending communist China’s hold over its people.

In the Economic War Room, we encourage Americans to be the “small ships that make the difference.” You cannot rely on the government or the president to solve your problems. You have to make a difference. It is up to you to help take our country back and create a voice for economic liberty.

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Action Steps:

Share this battle plan with your friends your US representatives. Without free speech, or with new proposed limited free speech America is in trouble.

1. We have people that are tone deaf in Washington, D.C., and they are, for whatever reason, separate it from common sense and reality. It is time to educate and make calls to your representatives.

2. Help our Veterans voices to be heard, forward this battleplan to everyone you know. We’ve got to make sure that we’re sending this message to the Secretary of the Treasury, to the Secretary of Defense, to the Secretary of State, to the President himself, and to our congressional representatives in the House and Senate about the risks highlighted in this briefing.

3. Make sure you understand and that there is accountability in your global index investments. If not, make sure you understand the risks to your portfolio and America.

4. This briefing highlights the Thrift Savings Plan, but also directly impacts global index investments you might have in your portfolio. Get with your financial advisor and make certain you are comfortable with the risks you are taking.

5. Go to and ask why you would support anything communist China is doing in this area?

6. Again, send this battle plan to friends and ask them to sign up for our weekly battle plan updates. Be sure to catch the data and footnotes below for more documentation. We want you to have access to all the information.

7. Weaponize your money toward impact investing that strengthens America.

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We need more Economic Patriots on the team! Consider what you can do now to help strengthen America or even help someone in need. Keep in touch with your congressional representatives. Choose from the list or set your own goals:

• Get others to sign up on our website ( and review our free weekly Economic Battle PlansTM. Each of these will address critical solutions to the threats highlighted in this briefing.

• Subscribe to BlazeTV and view current and past full episodes.

• Follow, like, comment, and share on FB and . Look for short video segments on FB and make sure those are shared. (We recognize these tools may be compromised at times, but if they are not filtered, they are the major platforms available to reach out to the public. (Alternatives social platforms above are under EWR consideration)

• Check out, a new free speech video platform Economic War Room is proud to partner with. It is free, but consider making a donation to help with Economic War Room’s research and production.

• Share this battle plan and our short video segments on FB or YouTube with friends. We set up the Economic War Room to be your resource for information, preparation, and mobilization.

• Do this now! Have a financial action plan based on multiple geopolitical scenarios developed now. Advanced preparation is key. Trying to figure what to do when an economic event happens is usually too late.

• Talk with your financial advisor as it relates to your savings/investments. Ensure your advisor understand the potential impact economic/geo-political scenarios could have on your portfolio. LOOK FOR ECONOMIC WAR ROOM’S ADVISOR AND INVESTOR ONLINE TRAINING COURSES LAUNCHING SOON.

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Shareable Quote: “We shouldn’t allow any companies in the United States or foreign companies to raise money in the United States that don’t adhere to U.S. law. –Kyle Bass

DISCLAIMER: The Economic War Room and its affiliates do not provide investment advice. In cases where guests or others may discuss investment ideas, these should not be viewed or construed as advice. The sole purpose is education and information. And, viewers should realize that in any case past performance is not indicative of future results. Neither Kevin Freeman, his guests or EWR-Media Holdings, LLC suggests, offers, or guarantees any specific outcome or profit. You should be aware of the real risk of loss in following any strategy or investment even if discussed on the show or any show-affiliated materials or websites. This material does not take into account your particular investment objectives, financial situation or needs and is not intended as recommendations appropriate for you. You must make independent decisions regarding information, investments, or strategies mentioned on this website or on the show. Before acting on information on website or on the show, or any related materials, you should consider whether it is suitable for your particular circumstances and strongly consider seeking advice from your own financial or investment adviser

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The EWR Collection Deck – From Kevin Freeman (List of resources and external links for more information)

Quick Access Links About the Thrift Savings Plan About Allen West About Roger Robinson About Kyle Bass About Allen Clark, Kaaren Teuber, and Brent Berarducci Chinese Weighting in the MSCI ACWI Chinese Accounting Standards Chinese Human Atrocities

[ ] - Must Read/Watch

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Link to all Battle Plans page 18 Funding our Adversaries - Thrift Savings Plan 2.65 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 100)

About the Thrift Savings Plan [ ] Lawmakers, observers denounce moving TSP fund to China-inclusive index in 2020 china-inclusive-index-in-2020/

Federal retirement savings should not fund China’s Communist Party html

FRTIB Moving Forward with I Fund Change

Group petitions lawmakers to stop TSP’s China investment

[ ] Government panel makes federal employees invest in China’s military threat malevolent-chinese-companies/

Servicemen’s Savings Shouldn’t Fund Russia and China

[ ] Why and How the U.S. Should Stop Financing China’s Bad Actors

Compromised Board Commits Government Employees to Underwriting Malevolent Chinese Companies underwriting-malevolent-chinese-companies/

[ ] Thrift Savings Plan Resources from Committee on the Present Danger: China

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About Allen West [ ] The Old School Patriot

Lt. Col. Allen West : Announcement About My Political Future ~ VIDEO UPDATE future/#ixzz5y8p2muNo

Texas Public Policy Foundation

[ ] Allen West for State Chair

The News and Why It Matters



The Demise of the Soviet Union: The Secret War that Helped Destroy Soviet Socialism, 1981-1991

STREAMING VIDEO – 2014 – Eighth Annual Ronald Reagan Lecture

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Planning Reagan’s War: Conservative Strategists and America’s Cold War Victory mic+warfare&source=bl&ots=_0OZfF_7X-&sig=ACfU3U3z18yS82TC1uF8e3HOT3LwG6SmnQ&hl=en &sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjSxbKFyP7iAhUDKqwKHXSyDYs4ChDoATAEegQIBxAB#v=onepage&q=roger%20 robinson%20Economic%20warfare&f=false

[ ] Roger Robinson Speech at CPD Event

Financial Strategist Warns of Chinese Threat to US Capital Markets

[ ] RWR Featured in Washington Post Article on the Risk Exposure of Chinese Companies in MSCI Indices companies-in-msci-indices/

About Kyle Bass [ ] J. Kyle Bass, Founder & Chief Investment Officer

Kyle Bass on where the global economy is headed: ‘This is insane’ insane-2019-08-20

Kyle Bass: China’s currency would collapse 30% to 40% if they stopped supporting it without-support.html

Hedge fund manager Kyle Bass says the US has more leverage over China than ever before

The manager who nailed the subprime crisis says China’s problem right now is 4 times as big subprime-2016-2

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The Top 10 Greatest Stock Market Trades Ever: Kyle Bass – The Real Winner of The Big Short

About Allen Clark, Kaaren Teuber, and Brent Berarducci [ ] Biography Of Allen B. Clark, Jr.

[ ] Kaaren Teuber Facebook Page

[ ] Brent Berarducci: Blacklion Capital

Chinese Weighting in the MSCI ACWI MSCI Increases Weighting of China A Shares in Indexes to 20% to-20-101480903.html

MSCI to quadruple weighting of China A-shares in its global benchmarks html

MSCI to announce increase in weighting of mainland China in its Emerging Markets Index later Thursday emerging-markets-index-later-thursday-2019-11-07

[ ] MSCI speeds up boost to China’s weighting in emerging markets index; Analysts say new mix could draw up to $125bn into A-shares this year

[ ] China Daily: MSCI to increase A-share weighting in indexes

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Chinese Accounting Standards You Can’t Trust a Chinese Audit

[ ] U.S. must have access to U.S.-listed Chinese firms’ audit documents, lawmakers say chinese-firms-audit-documents-lawmakers-say-idUSKCN1T7060

How an accounting spat could force all Chinese companies off US exchanges

China’s resistance to a U.S. investor audit safeguard riles Team Trump team-trump

Bills Aim to Expose Audits of U.S.-Traded Chinese Companies companies

Public Companies that are Audit Clients of PCAOB-Registered Firms from Non-U.S. Jurisdictions where the PCAOB is Denied Access to Conduct Inspections

It’s time to end the ‘China hustle’ on U.S. stock exchanges exchanges/2018/08/30/50137c1a-ac8d-11e8-8a0c-70b618c98d3c_story.html

China and US capital markets: For once, ‘leveling the playing field’ is not a protectionist cover a-protectionist-cover/

[ ] The Nuclear Option For Chinese Stocks

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Chinese Human Atrocities [ ] China Tribunal

China adds Washington Post, Guardian to ‘Great Firewall’ blacklist

“Chen Guangcheng and Reggie Littlejohn on Human Rights in China, with Huchen Zhang”

[ ] Remembering Tiananmen Square

Frightening system targets anyone not behaving to gov’t standards - WND

China Bans Online Bible Sales as It Tightens Religious Controls asia/china-bans-bible-sales.html

CNBC: China has been emitting illegal greenhouse gas that destroys ozone layer: Study html

China Hosts ‘Carnival of Diversity’ While Putting Minorities in Concentration Camps concentration-camps/

The Independent Tribunal Into Forced Organ Harvesting In China Begins Its Work In London harvesting-in-china-begins-its-work-in-london/#7606df985eb3

[ ] Why China Is Using a Boy Band to Promote Orwellian Surveillance surveillance_2923692.html

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No, There Isn’t Moral Equivalence Between Communist China And The U.S.

China data leak exposes vast hi-tech surveillance operation in Xinjiang surveillance-operation

[ ] New One-Child Documentary Highlights The Evil Of China’s Communist Party communist-party/

The ugly truth about China’s organ harvesting

The Nightmare of Human Organ Harvesting in China

Putting the fear of God into the

Chinese entrepreneur suddenly vanishes after accusing country’s most powerful judge of corruption faqi-a8816361.html

China Faces Intense Heat After Interpol Chief’s Mysterious Disappearance

It’s Not Lack Of Trust But China’s Outrageous Behavior That’s The Problem behavior-thats-the-problem/#1c7524c3192b

Note: The Economic Battle Plan™ contains hyperlinks to other Internet sites not under the editorial control of EWR-Media Holdings, LLC. These hyperlinks are not express or implied endorsements or approvals by EWR-Media Holdings, LLC, of any products, services or information available from these 3rd party sites. Links to these 3rd party sites are open source links that may require subscription or registration.

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