GUIDE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS Welcome to PXL University of Applied Sciences and Arts

We’re looking forward to meeting you soon in , Flanders and PXL University of Applied Sciences and Arts. We will do our best to create optimal conditions for you to have a nice and successful study period at PXL University of Applied Sciences and Arts.

We have compiled this welcome brochure in hopes that it will serve you as a reference guide to help you with your preparations and life at PXL, in and in Diepenbeek.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance while you are with us. We will do all we can to meet your expectations of our school.


International Relations Office PXL Student Services PXL Sara, Kristien and Birgitte Rob [email protected] [email protected]



PXL University of Applied Sciences and Arts is a young dynamic and vibrant organisation, located in the heart of Europe and has about 10000 students in 9 departments.

Central Administration: Elfde-Liniestraat 24 (Building A), BE-3500 Hasselt


PXL-Business PXL-Education PXL-Healthcare Elfde-Liniestraat 25 (Building B), Vildersstraat 5, Guffenslaan 39, BE-3500 Hasselt BE-3500 Hasselt BE-3500 Hasselt Head of department: Head of department: Head of department: J.P. Segers M. Hermans R. Nelissen

PXL-Digital PXL-Media & Tourism PXL-MAD Elfde-Liniestraat 25 (Building B), Vildersstraat 5, Elfde-Liniestraat 25 (Building C+G), BE-3500 Hasselt BE-3500 Hasselt BE-3500 Hasselt Head of department: Head of department: Head of department: F. Vos V. Schuyten E. Goegebeur

PXL-Music PXL-Social Work PXL-Green & Tech Bootstraat 11, Vildersstraat 5, Agoralaan BE-3500 Hasselt BE-3500 Hasselt BE-3590 Diepenbeek Head of department: Head of department: Head of department: G. Stinckens F. Giraldo M. Schepers

Campus Plan

You can find a plan of our campus on our website : > Study at PXL > Campus


INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OFFICE (Elfde-Liniestraat 23A, Building D, 3500 Hasselt, Belgium) Head & Institutional Assistant Coordinator Assistant Coordinator Erasmus Coordinator Mrs. Kristien Bauwens Mrs. Birgitte Wynants Mrs. Sara Vanderhoydonck [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


Mrs. Joke Vandevoorde Mrs. Anniek Orye Mrs. Mimi Market [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

PXL-Digital PXL-Media & Tourism PXL-MAD

Mrs. Marijke Sporen Mrs. Brigitte Luyten Mr. Dirk Kenis [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

PXL-Music PXL-Social Work PXL-Green & Tech

Mr. Gert Stinckens Mrs. Ivette Leten Mr. Eric Gielen [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]



The best way to travel from Brussels Airport Zaventem or Chaleroi South Airport to Hasselt is by train. Timetables can be found on the website of the national railway company or in the app.

From Charleroi airport you can take a local bus (TEC) to the nearest railway station ‘Charleroi-Sud’ or a private shuttle bus to ‘Brussel South’ railway station or private taxi services.

At Brussels Airport Zaventem you have a railway station directly at the airport. To travel from or to Brussels Airport Zaventem by train, you need to pay an extra Diabolo fee (approx. € 5,5) in addition to your ticket. More about tickets see below.


At Hasselt railway station, you can take the bus to PXL-Campus Elfde Liniestraat or Campus Diepenbeek. Timetables can be found on the website of 'De Lijn'. Google Maps gives you access to the timetables of both busses and trains.


VISA If you are a national from a non-European Union country, you may need a visa to enter Belgian territory.

For questions regarding visa and related matters, you should contact the Belgian embassy or Belgian consulate in your country or a neighbouring country.

A visa should be applied for at the Belgian Embassy or Consulate well in advance (preferably 90 days before your planned arrival). Check the contact details of all Belgian embassies and consulates worldwide. Please note that visa applications are the responsibility of the incoming student.

All students who need proof of solvency can contact our international office for more information about the procedure.

For more information check the website of Belgian Foreign Affairs.

HEALTH INSURANCE A health insurance covering the full period of the stay in Belgium is compulsory for all international students.

Students that are residents from EEA countries (European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) or Switzerland may maintain their health insurance from the home country in Belgium by taking out a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) or equivalent document. This must be done before departure.


Non-EU students should check whether their country has an agreement with Belgium. Those who don’t qualify for cover must purchase their own. You can subscribe to a private insurance in your country or you can make arrangements for cover during your stay in Belgium with a Belgian health fund*. You will have to approach a health fund directly, immediately upon arriving in Belgium to obtain health insurance cover. This health fund will examine your specific situation. Health funds will cover around 75% of the costs for doctors, hospitals and clinics and around 20% of prescription costs and basic dental costs.

*Belgian Health Funds:

- Christelijke Mutualiteit: - Neutraal Ziekenfonds Vlaanderen: - Liberale Mutualiteit: - Euromut Onafhankelijk Ziekenfonds: - Socialistische Mutualiteit De Voorzorg: - Partena Onafhankelijk Ziekenfonds:

REGISTRATION AT PXL You'll receive instructions for registration after approval of your application. Upon arrival you will receive a student card and a PXL account.

Exchange students remain registered at their home university during their study period abroad, but also need to register officially as exchange student at PXL. The international office will handle your registration and your departmental coordinator will go over your class schedule and will assist you in finalising your learning agreement.

REGISTRATION AT CITY HALL All international students are required to register at the Town or City hall of the municipality where they reside. This should be done as soon as possible after you’ve received your student card and registration papers.

Bring your registration paper from PXL, ID and/or passport, housing contract, health insurance proof and passport photo.

If you're staying in Diepenbeek: Town Council, Dorpsstraat 14, BE-3590 Diepenbeek. Check the website. If you're staying in Hasselt: Administrative Services, Registration Office for Foreigners, Limburgplein 1, BE-3500 Hasselt. Make an appointment online or by calling +3211239000.


During your time here at PXL you will need a place to stay. PXL does not offer student residences on campus. You will have to rent a room on the private market.

Students generally rent a room (or “kot”) in a student house shared with between 5 and 60 fellow students. Rooms are usually furnished and are minimum 12 m² in size. Bed linen and kitchen utensils are not provided. Each room has a private sink. Kitchen and shower is shared or individual. Access to internet is widely available in private student accommodation.

The average rent of a room is about €300 per month, including expenses for utilities. For a flat or a studio, you may count about €400 per month. You always need to pay a deposit of two months’ rent in advance. Your rent needs to be paid monthly.

There is a database with available rooms from landlords who use the official tenancy agreement (with PXL logo). If you use this official tenancy agreement, in case of a discord between tenant and landlord, someone of the PXL social service acts as an intermediary. For our international students, PXL collaborates with a student housing facility near campuses in Hasselt, called KS51(Kempische Steenweg 51, Hasselt). Please note that if you sign a contract or pay a deposit, you are legally bound. If you leave early and break the contract, you’ll have to pay a penalty. Don’t sign a contract until you are sure you are accepted and coming to stay with us at PXL University of Applied Sciences and Arts.

Make sure you know where your campus is so you don’t book a student room in Diepenbeek while your campus is in Hasselt (or the other way around).

Hostel H is a new and modern youth hostel close to the railway station and at walking distance of the centre of Hasselt. Students can book cheap accommodation in Hostel H for a short period. PXL students receive a discount. Please use the acceptance letter or your student card to certify that you are a PXL student. More information:

Contact Mr. Rob Declerck [email protected] +32 11 77 5845


You have an EHIC and medical costs during you stay in Belgium? You can recover the costs when you're back home or you can visit an office of a Belgian health fund in your neighborhood.


During your stay in Hasselt or Diepenbeek, it might happen that you get ill. In Belgium you normally don’t go straight to the hospital but you contact a doctor first. This will be a general practitioner (called ‘huisarts’ in Dutch). Only in emergencies or after a referral by a doctor you go to the hospital. You are free to go to whichever general practitioner (GP) you choose. See all availalbe GP's in Hasselt or Diepenbeek. In the weekend and on holidays you can contact the medical post next to the Jessa Hospital. You are free to go to whichever dentist you choose. To find a list of all dentists in your neighbourhood, go to Most dentists don’t have free consultations. Best to always call for an urgent appointment! If you urgently need a dentist during the weekend or during a holiday, there is an emergency number you can call. They will tell you which dentist is on duty and provide you with the address. Emergency number: 0032 903 399 69 (€1,5/min)

Do you need another medical specialist? A general practitioner will give you a referral. Ask the GP for more information.


Jessa Ziekenhuis (Campus Virga Jesse) Stadsomvaart 11 - 3500 Hasselt In case of emergency dial 112. The operator determines what kind of assistance you need and sends a medical team, the fire department and/or the police to come and help you.


There are a lot of pharmacies Belgium. You can look them up online. There are quite some pharmacies open on Saturday. Two easy to find addresses:

- Pharmacie “Goed”, Grote Markt 3, 3500 Hasselt; tel. 0032 11 22 33 90

- Pharmacie “Markt Pharma”, Marktplein 20-21, 3590 Diepenbeek, tel.0032 11 32 31 99 If you need urgent medication during the night (between 10:00 PM and 9:00 AM) or on Sundays, you can call 0032 78 05 17 33 to find out wich pharmacy is on call.


- Local Police Office Hasselt 0032 11 938938

- Local Police Office Diepenbeek 0032 11 3233 00

7 - Anti-Poison Centre 0032 70 24 52 45

- Burns 0032 2 268 62 00

- Suicide prevention 1813 or 0032 2 649 95 55

- Card Stop for Bank and Credit Cards 0032 70 34 43 44


Survival Dutch You learn the basics of the . So you will be able to take the bus, to find your way in Hasselt or order a pint in a pub. There is a strong focus on communication. (Autumn semester, 3 ECTS credits)

Summer school English An intensive language course with the focus on functional oral and written communication. (6 hours a day, one week before the start of the academic year, 3 ECTS credits)

English for eXchange An English language course is offered for all incoming students. (3 hours a week, autumn semester, 3 ECTS credits)

Language courses at PCVO Moderne Talen At PCVO Moderne Talen language courses are organised. Every month new students can step into a programme. More information:


BANK ACCOUNT The main banks in Belgium, in alphabetical order: BNP Parisbas-Fortis, Belfius, ING, KBC. They all have their specific benefits and rates for students.

If you keep using the bank account in your home country, please contact your local bank about transaction costs in Belgium for this account. If you only have a debit card, make sure it is a ‘Maestro’ debit card. Otherwise bring a credit card.

Most ATM’s are equipped with universal self-services where everyone can withdraw money. There is also an ATM at PXL Campus Elfde-Linie, Building A and at the University Campus in Diepenbeek (main building).

PINGPING Ping Ping is a payment system build in to your student card. With PingPing you can print, pay your meals at PXL Catering (only way to get student reduction!), use the vending machines, etc.

To top up your PingPing use the machines that you can find on all campuses. These machines only work with Maestro.

If you don’t have a Maestro-card, you can always use either the online platform or the Payconiq app. 8 How to access and reload your personal PingPing account online?

1. Go to 2. Click on “Password forgotten?” 3. Enter your student number (without ‘’) in the text field en click on “Reset password”. 4. You will receive an e-mail that contains a hyperlink to do a password reset, this hyperlink will only work for 30 minutes. 5. Open the link and enter your desired password 2 times. 6. You will be redirected to a confirmation page. 7. Go to the login page and login using you student number and your new password. 8. Click on “Top-Up”. 9. Choose the desired amount 10. Complete the steps to make the payment. You can also use PingPing for printing on campus. You can find more info on Blackboard on how you can install the correct drivers for the printers you can find on-campus. There is also a web-version of the print software. contact: [email protected]


LAPTOP AND NETWORK Education at PXL is ICT oriented. Working with a laptop is part of the training at PXL. It's important you bring your own laptop!

There is WiFi at every campus. You can go online using your PXL-e-mail address. - Choose the network “PXL”and allow an automatic connection - gebruikersnaam/username = [email protected] - wachtwoord/ password = given to you during registration

Student rooms come with internet. PXL is member of Eduroam. If your home organisation is also a member, you can use the log-in information you use at home.

Upon registration at PXL you wil receive an account. This will consist of an e-mailaddress, student number and password. With this account you will be able to connect to the campus wifi, online learning tool Blackboard, your PXL e-mail account,...

Do you have configuration or network problems? Contact the laptop service at Campus Elfde Linie, PXL- tower - [email protected].

CATERING The quality of PXL Catering is recognised with a Gault&Millau Catering Award! It offers a variety of vegetarian and vegan options.

There are cafeterias and restaurants on the different campuses.

9 • Campus Elfde-Linie, building D • Campus Vildersstraat • Campus Diepenbeek

Hot meals are offered between 11:30 and 13:30 at student prices. The restaurants are closed during the holidays. Online Shop: order online before 10:00 am on the same day. Log-in with your PXL account.

SOCIAL SERVICE When things do not work out the way you want them to: problems with your parents, sleepless nights, fear for exams, or when you feel bad. When you want to talk with someone about topics like relationships, sexuality, alcohol, drugs, … The social workers offer a confidential conversation to find solutions or to clear your mind. If necessary, you can get to find further therapy or psychotherapeutic sessions. You can find the student services front desk at Campus Elfde Linie, PXL Congress, building D, ground floor. Tel. 003211 77 58 40 - [email protected]

RENTAL BIKES Getting around quickly is easy by bike. You can rent a bike via our partners of the student bicycle project. You only have to pay €25 rent and a deposit of €70 that you get back when you hand in your bike at the end of the rental period. Repair costs will be deducted from the deposit!

Book your rental bike online.The information page is bilingual. Language settings can be found on the top-left. You can get your bike at the campus in Diepenbeek (at University Hasselt, on weekdays from 8:30 until 16:00) or the campus at Elfde Linie (building F, the tower on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 8:30 and 16:00).

Important to know:

- Repairs happen by our partners. They charge low costs for students. - If you rent a bike for a whole year, there is a mandatory check-up during the winter. - If you don’t bring your bike back on time you lose the deposit and you can get a fine of €100. - Lock and key are included. If your bike gets stolen, you will lose your deposit. You can rent a new bike, but only if you deliver a police report to our partners within 24 hours. - You will need to pay a new deposit for the replacement bike!

CULTURE AND SPORTS Cultural activities are organised on a regular basis, often in cooperation with other universities. Check the the facebookpage of student services. Go to Visit Hasselt for the full offer of cultural activities in Hasselt.

In Hasselt and Diepenbeek several indoor and outdoor sports can be practiced. Have a look at the website from Studentensport . You can purchase a student sports card for €25 through the app. A sports card offers a lot of advantages such as free access to the swimming pool, free

10 participation in group lessons and good deals for squash, wall climbing, outdoor tennis, ice skating and fitness. Beginner? Experienced athlete? Or just in for some fun? You are all welcome to join. Contact: [email protected]

BOOKSHOP All syllabuses edited by members of the teaching staff can be bought in the bookshop at reasonable prices. Contact: Elfde-Liniestraat 23, building D BE-3500 Hasselt - [email protected]

LIBRARY Three PXL campuses provide a library with all essential specialist literature, magazines and periodicals.

- campus Elfde Linie: business, IT, healthcare, languages, art & music. - campus Vildersstraat: teacher training, social studies, communication and tourism. - campus Diepenbeek: (bio)technology.

It's possible to print, copy and scan at the libraries (ensure you have enough credit on your PingPing student card). You can study at the library. Reservation for a silent study corner can be made at the desk or online. Check the opening hours and latest information on the website (Dutch). Download the PXL-Library guide for international students for more information on how to borrow books, look up magazines or newspapers and use the databases. Contact: tel. 011/775641 - [email protected]

STUDENT ORGANISATIONS There are quite some organisations willing to show you around. They organise gatherings, parties, pub nights, concerts,… for the students in their target group.

The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is a European wide student organisation. Its goal is to support and develop student exchange. Contact: [email protected] - Facebook - Instagram If you enjoy singing, you can join the choir of PXL and UHasselt. Contact: [email protected] At PXL: Mater Paramedica PXL-Healthcare [email protected] Mercurius PXL-Business [email protected] Prominos PXL-Education [email protected] Orbis PXL-Media & Tourism [email protected] Orbis PXL-Social Work [email protected] A.B.V.G. PXL-Green & Tech [email protected] Creon PXL-Green & Tech [email protected] Hexion PXL-Digital [email protected]

JOB SERVICE Doing a student job can be a nice way to earn some extra pocket money. Nationals of countries within the EEA (European Economic Area) or Switzerland can work under the same conditions as Belgian students. Other students will need a work permit. 11 Employment laws can be tricky. Student Services is at your disposal if you want some pointers or if you need some help in your jobhunt. contact: [email protected]


Bus The bus company that operates in the Dutch speaking part of the country is 'De Lijn'. The fare you pay depends on how often you take the bus, how you pay, etc. Check the website from DeLijn for more on bus shedules, prices and such.

The ‘Campuspas’ is a special season ticket for students. With this ticket you can take all busses in Hasselt and Diepenbeek that are within the Campuspas zone. You will need a MOBIB-card from De Lijn for this. These cost €5,- and is valid for 5 years. An empty card can be bought at de De Lijn-winkel at Hasselt Railway Station.

'De Lijn' at Hasselt Railway station

Afterwards you should buy the Campuspas at the PXL Student Services (Campus Elfde Linie, PXL Congress, building D, ground floor). A pass costs approx. €20,- and it is valid for a whole academic year as long as you have your PXL student card with you. Don’t forget to tap your MOBIB-card on the yellow machine every time you hop on a bus to validate it! You can check this complete list of valid bus stops. Contact Student Services if you have questions about this ticket ([email protected]).

Train The easiest way to travel between cities in Belgium is by train. The Belgian railway system is exploited and run by the NMBS/SNCB. Most cities are connected to the railway system. Prices vary quite a lot between different products for different kinds of travellers. Most interesting tickets are the Key Card (short distances), the Youth Ticket and the Youth Multi (long distances for youngsters). If you are older than 25, use a Standard Multi instead.

More information on trains via!

IMPORTANT: Travelling from/to Brussels National Airport by train? Make sure to pay the additional Diabolo Fee! There is no extra fee when travelling from/to Brussels-South Charleroi Airport.


If you want a Belgian SIM-card for your mobile carrier (mobile phone, tablet,…) you can check out these telephone operators. All of them have special offers, customized to your need. Belgian telecom tends to be a bit more expensive than in other, surrounding countries. If you are a EU-resident with a SIM-card from your home country, no roaming costs will be charged. - Mobile Vikings on-line - Proximus Demerstraat 65, 3500 Hasselt - Orange Demerstraat 10/12, 3500 Hasselt - Base Demerstraat 40, 3500 Hasselt - Telenet Koning Albertstraat 1, 3500 Hasselt


- All Saints’ Day (Allerheiligen) – November 1st - Armistice Day (Wapenstilstand) – November 11th - Christmas Day (Kerstmis) – December 25th - New Year’s Day (Nieuwjaar) – January 1st - Easter (Pasen) - first Sunday after the first full moon on or after 21 March - Easter Monday (Paasmaandag) – first Monday after Easter - Labour Day (Dag van de Arbeid) – May 1st - Ascension Day (Hemelvaartsdag) - 6th Thursday after Easter - Whit Monday (Pinkstermaandag) – 8th Monday after Easter - Regional Day of the Flemish speaking community (Vlaamse feestdag) – July 11th - National holiday (Nationale feestdag) – July 21st - Assumption of Mary (Onze-Lieve-Vrouw Hemelvaart)– August 15th


Elfde-Liniestraat 23A BE-3500 Hasselt [email protected]