i3'- -Mardiis- \11: 'l ✓ationa( Women's THE CATALYST"' ' mstory1vtonth March 17, 2017 MEDICAL UNIVERSITY of SOUTH CAROLINA Vol. 35, No. 8 Medical student succeeds in military match SACSCOC reaffirms BY J. RYNE DANIELSON
[email protected] MUSC accreditation raduation is just the first step on the path to for 10 years Gbecoming a physician. After medical school, new doctors must spend anywhere from three to seven years Staff Report training under the supervision of experienced clinicians MUSC has received reaffirmation of its before they can be licensed to practice medicine on accreditation from the Southern Association of their own. And getting into a good residency program Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges is just as competitive and nerve–wracking as getting (SACSCOC). SACSCOC is the university’s into medical school in the first place. Only this time, regional accrediting body, which determines, graduates are subject to the discretion of an algorithm among other things, whether MUSC is authorized devised by the National Resident Matching Program to offer federal financial aid to students. that weighs applicants’ preferences against the needs of Reaffirmation of MUSC’s accreditation by various residencies to determine the best matches for SACSCOC occurs every 10 years. both. The SACSCOC reviewers visited the MUSC For students like Jameaka Hamilton, a second campus over the past two days for two key reasons: lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force, the process can be First, to determine whether the university meets even more complicated. “Military match starts earlier,” each of SACSCOC’s 103 standards through she said. “Our season starts in July and our Match Day Photo by J.