Finals Sc~Edule ~~~Q,~F~F/ Salk Polio Vaccine Will Be Hope for Russian Jewry Administered During the First Dean ·Re1ects S.(.;;:~ P,Qf11ic:1Y -,:'
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Ra&&i Rockman Expresses Pollo Sh~ts finals Sc~edule ~~~Q,~f~f/ Salk Polio Vaccine will be HOpe for RUssian Jewry administered during the first Dean ·Re1ects S.(.;;:~_P,qf11ic:1y -,:'. , I . ; ~ _.. • • 'I' '.· ! • ~ .. •- Russia is persecuting the Jew as well as his religion, stated half of February : to th_pse Changes in the end-term schedule, . inch,1ding the ,a11owance pf free Rabbi Emanuel Rackman, who recently toured the U .S.S.R. and the students who have registered days for study before the finals exams and the lengthening ol .inter- for the injections, announced session, .were announced by the College Office. · satellite countries, in a report on "Jewry in the Soviet Union," to a Josef E. Fischer '57, presi These changes: wer~ madb after Student Council Assembly, Wednesday, January 9. dent of Student Council. Gane row Report the Yeshiva College·· Student He told the students that the Hebrew language has been outlawed A nominal fee of three h and that all Jews must carry On C. Act_ivitie , - Council pointed out to' 't.lie .ad~ dollars will be charged for s. ministration that, . according to each shot. The project is identification cards bearing the Ready Next . Term- the fin~l schedule originally··R()St ethnic classification - Hebrew. Yeshiva Thespians sponsored by the Student ed, finals would begj~ _t.Jie , :4~y Council Medical Committee The first semi-cannual report to This stigma can be avoided only after classes ended. It ilso ~e,. Planning Big Show headed by Alf red Becker the student body on the accom quested a lengthening of; inter-'~ through intermarriage, he explain '58, chairman. plishments of Student' Council Tryouts Starting session \\:~ic~ had been cuF! t~ the will be issu_ed in the beginning of · eit' point where it w _as virtually non- Rabbi Rademan, ,,resident of The Senior V ar~ity Show, an next semester, announced Mandell original musical comedy on poli existent. the 1'ew York Board of Rabbis Ganchrow '58, secretary-treasurer tics, is scheduled to be held Sun Discount Cards Are of Student Council. Coocil Preposal ReJ~ and assistant professor of Political day, May 19. A voilohle S. Tire report will cover the ac- At the same ·\ time Student Science at Yeshiva University, The play is being written by from C. tivities of Student Council during Council representatives reiterated gave the audience a history of Nathan Lewin '57, Joshua Miller Reduction Program the past semester. It will cover their proposal for the rescinding Russian oppression of the Jews '57, and Joel Schreiber '57. Julie such varied topics as the food of the ruling making final exams since the 1917 Bolshevik. Revolu Landwirth '57, is Manager in The Yeshiva College Student situation, clarification of the final • -·.compulsory and for placing all tion. He declared that the present charge of production, Larry Fried Discount Program will go into examinations issue and the spon- jurisdiction over finals in the leaders of the U.S.S.R. are con lander '58, Manager of Scenic effect this week:, announced Josef sorship of Salk shots. hands of the individual ·depart- tinuing Stalin •P., policy of anti- Design and Michael Kramer '57, E. Fischer '57, Student Council "The purpose of this report," men ts or divisions. This proposal osemitism throug~ deportations and Business Manager. president. stated Mr. Ganchrow, "is to was rejected. suppression of religious education. The cast will be composed Cards will enable holders to build up a better relationship be- The new final exam schedule ted receive considerable discounts at Religion Eradiea mainly of seniors and will begir. tween Student Council and the moves the starting ~ate for final He found · in his tour that all auditioning in the near future. various recreational and business student body. I believe that if the exams from Thursday, January forms of religion were being However, promising lower class conce·rns ranging from optome students of Yeshiva College fully 24, to Sunday, January 27. Final painstakingly eradicated. "The men. are also invited, revealed trists to clothiers and candy stores. comprehend what their Student week lasts through Friday, Feb State schools actually teach 1\1 r. Miller. A list of approximately 50 estab Council is doing for them, they ruary 1, and the spring semester lishments offering these services atheism," Rabbi Rademan added. Plan Orchestra .will realize what Council rep- begins Wednesday, February 6. "All religious instruction is pro . will be printed on the cards, resents and will therefore par- Bible instructor~ may; if they Plans for the formation of a whch will be sold at 25c each by hibited before the age of 18. By student orche~tra, which will hold ticipate in its work to a greater wish, give their finals the last the class councils. d " that time." he continued, "all its first performance at the play, egree. session of the term. The program 1s headed by Committee reports and execu- desire for Jewish education has are also in the making. Students Jack Prince '59, chairman, and tive council reports will be in- In rejecting the Student Coun- been stamped out." who play musical instruments are corporated into the report. cil proposal for a . rescinding of Rabbi Rackman concluded his Howard Rhine '60, assistant to be auditioned soon. In addi Mimeographed copies of the re- this ruling, Dr. Guterman stated address on an optimistic note. He tion, Mr. Miller said, there is a chairman. "The student will re cover the 25-cent cost of the card port will be made available to the that "every college in New York said that although the Jews of need for artists to paint the sets on his first purchase," said Mr. student body through cla~s and in the provinces worth its Russia are ignorant of their an and scenery. Prince. councils. salt gives exams." He further cient heritage and traditions, there Provisions have been made for stated -that an "exam is not divi:. is still hope, for the , ... ·ill to learn the sale of tickets to Yeshiva sional-it is institutional. Yes has not been destroyed. students at reduced rates, and to hiva's philosophy calls for finals." To illustrate his point Rabbi Stern frosh, Yesf,iva Juniors Prove members of the Women's Organi Exam Pollc,y Changing related the following zation. Inter - School Affair Can Be Success Dr. Guterman .seemed to in true story: On a train to Moscow Tickets for the show, which is A Stern-Yeshiva affair can be · Alan Greenspan, magician extra dicate that examination policy was he met a Jewish la\\ryer from tentatively scheduled to be held successful and enjoyable, as was ordinary, presented some feats of in a state of flux in saying. "We Berditchev, and in a neighborly at either Joan of Arc High proved by the Stern Freshmen prestidigitation, and Jerry Wohl are now in a transitional stage as fashion asked him the rea.rnn for School or the 92nd Street "Y" and Yeshiva Juniors, Sunday, berg sang Hebrew and American far as exams, even as far as the his lengthy trip. The Russian will go on sale next term. Jew, with an ingrained fear of all December 23. songs in his inimitable style. definition of a final exam." Proceeds of the ticket sale will The team of Debbie and Elaine strangers, refused to answer. go to the Student Counci). The first "intellectual-type af As to the role of the final ex However, after conversmg with fair" held between the two schools, played familiar Hebrew melodies, amination in evaluating the stu the rabbi, his susp1C10ns were it featured entertainment by both in which the audience joined. dent's ability, Dr. Guterq1an re allayed, and on the station plat Reception for Dean classes, and informal discussion Rabbi W ohlgelemter spoke on marked, «Our aim has been to form, where he could not be over led Rabbi Maurice W ohlgelemter the symbolism of the decorations encourage instructors to examine heard, the lawyer replied that he Spotlights Faculty '41, instructor in English, com at the affair. Mrs. Elizabeth students frequently, - not to rely was traveling to see the Israeli Stage Presentation munity singing and light refresh Isaacs, director of Student Activi just on a final examination, be soccer team play in Moscow. "It ments. ties at Stern, also attended. cause the student may not be on After the entertainment, every is well worth the 50 rubles," he Invitations to the Dean's Re Despite bad weather, approxi the mark.'' Dr. Guterman spoke one repaired to the flower .bedeck said, "to once more see our flag ception, which will be held Sun mately 70 young men and women of his recommendation that finals ed tables in the Stern Cafeteria flying and to sing the Hatikvah." day, February 17, have been sent assembled at Stern College. A should not <:ount for more than for coffee and cake. When the piano was located and an infor 25 %• of the grade. out to all students, announced refreshments were finished Jerry mal "jam session" was held. The Dr. Samuel Belkin Moses M. Berlin '58, chairman. W ohlberg led community singing The bask reasons for the policy President of Stern's Freshman change regarding finals given by_ _ Because admission is by ticket of Hebrew songs. Receives Award Class, Miss Paula Fogel, welcom Rabbi W ohlgelernter organized Dr.. Guterman were the impending' only, those students who have not ing Yeshiva's Jurtiors, said, "We · nr.