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Assam Sees It PAGE 4 THE SALEM QUAKER FRI., OCT. Z4, 1975 ASSAM SEES IT WINTER Gridders Have Tough Season SPORTS Here it is., late in October, and ,Jim Sheets, Randy Mellinger, and by Ron James the Salem Quakers' football season Jay Linder will be in the backfield. is coming to a c101se, with towgh Bill Rich might see some backfield With fall sports1 coming to a !';ast Liverpool as this week's op­ action, too. close, winter sports will be getting ponent. So far thL'l year. the Pot­ Four weeks ago Salem turned its into full swing, the basketball ters have gone undefeated, are efforts against Poland, unbeaten and wrestling team will start the ranked number four in Ohio, and in three ties. Salem and Poland wheels churning in preparation for [irst in our region. battled fierceiy, in a game which the upcoming season. The fans at The Potters have a roug't offense came down to the final gun, with Salem High will have a lot to :md a punishing defense, which Salem losing a heartbreaker 21-17. cheer about this year as both means the Mighty Quakers are go­ Many think that Salem should have teams anticipate a good year. ing to have to give a stupendous won, because of two controversial Coach Hardman, in his second effort, both offensively and defen­ plays in which Salem backs seemed ~ year as mentor of the Quakers, has ;ively to win this ballgame. The to go over for a touchdown, but ~ three returning letterman in Tim E'otters are big, averaging over twQ were called back. Cope, Dion Treleven, and Mike mndred pounds on the line. They The next week, Salem lost to in­ Stapleton. The team will start liave a quick backfield, led by vading Canton Lehman, 21-17, in RIVER practice October 31, and open the running back Ernie Washington. a game where Salem did not play season with YoungSJtown Chaney :ioing against the Potters offense up to its potential. November 21. Included in the ;vill probably be Bob Fisher and The Quakers then went to East RATS~ schedule- of this year's games are Jim Sheets at linebackers, Tim Palestine and tied the Bulldogs 14- 12 home and 6 away games. The ramati and Bmd Smith at Tack­ 14 in a defensive struggle. highlight of the schedule, howev~ .es, Frank Batcha at nose guard. Last Friday, Ravenna, ranked is the addition of the W e s t 3ill Southern and Nick Whitacre third in their division, came down Branch basketball team. When ask­ >r Mark Batcha at defensive ends. ·and served Salem its most dis­ ed what he thought of the addition In. the defensive secondary, Bill heartening loss, 19-0 in a rain-and­ of West Branch to the basketball ~ich, Brett Albright, Gary Votaw. mud soaked game. schedule, Coach Hardman noted, tevin England, Andy Baillie and As mentioned before, the Qua­ "The["e will be tension between the \/like Murphy should ·all see con- kers will take on East Liverpool, schools and a rivalry wm build up 1iderable action. On offense, the tonight at home. Youngstown Ray­ between the schools if they were ~uakers will probably have Harley en will come down F'riday October only playing marbles.'' v.rcCullough at center, Greg Sisler, 31, and the Salem team will travel Coach Bennett is also anticipat­ feff Saltsman and Pete Thompson to Campbell Memorial Nov. 7 for ing a good year as he takes to the 1f guards. Tim Crouse, Brad Smith its final g.ame. mats with 12 returning lettermen. md Ted Yuhanik at tackles, Bob On a closing note, the Quaker Golf Ii Cross Country A conditioning program is being '"isher and Bob Jesko at tight ends JV' s and coaches Rms and Fisher held on Monday, Wednesday and md Dave Hook at split end. Brett should be congratulated for their by F.Y.B. 20. In dual meets Salem defeated Friday with practice starting Mon­ Uhright will probably call signals fine 5-1-1 record. Their last game Compiling one of the finest rec· West Branch and Marlington, 15- day, October 26. The Quakers will vhile Kevin England Mike Riffee, is home on Oct. 25 vs Wellsville. ords in the history of Salem High 46 and 17-48, Western Reserve and open the wrestling season at Rav­ Cross Country, this year's team South Range 21-48 and 17-38, and enna December 6 and will come has a 17-2 rccc~d. Leading th~s Huhbard, Ravenna. and Wa1rren home to entE'Tt11in Wec;t Branch in vear's team are Senic1rs Dave Ad­ Harding 17-48, 15-68, and 15-81. In their initial home match. This I ~ms, Mike Snyder, Steve DeRoads, Invit·ational meets the runners fin­ year's grapplers will be competing Strike Three ished third out of thirty at the Ma­ • and the K. Brown twins. The Jun­ in the tough Eastern Ohio Wrest· lone Invitational, third out of STRIKE THREE would like to the police for speeding on North ior runners include Paul "Hoff" ling LE'ague, in which they placed Hoffman, Steve Barrett, Jamiz lwenty-five at the Boardman Invi­ ~ongratulate this year's librarians. fourth last year. This year's sched­ Union recently. tational, fourth out of ten at the l'Iiss Farmer and Miss Bricker are Kennedy, and Pe:-e "Zimmy" Zim­ ule finds the Quake:s with 6 home Two-thirds of Strike Three took Labrae lnviational, . first out of 1ew here at the high school but merman. The Sophomores are Tim­ and 6 away matches, and they will :ceven at \he Columbiana County hey seem to be doing a go•oid job. a trip up to the Cavs exhibition my Costa, Steve "Fonz" Williams, also take part in a tournament rhe new librarians, who stick to game for a journalism class. Al­ and Dave "Pitt" Pittman. Round­ .Meet, and second out of fifteen at during the year. I.he Sectional Meet. he. rules, have turned the library though the interviews with project ing out the squad, the freshman The Golf Team, on the other nto an efficient, orderly, well be- the playetrs did not develop, the runneirs are DeTf "Fred" Capel, 1aved place in which to ao work. four of them. Augie Corso, Ron and Kim "J. R." Oriole. Setting a hand, hasn't been as successful. Since the last writing the golf t~am f you are wondering why the li­ James, John Foster and Mike precedent, Kim is the firs1t girl A Full Service Bank ;rary is so quiet, don't ask about it Stapleton, did not let the evening ever to be on a Salem High Croiss has lost three matches and won >ecause ycu will get yeur eard become a total waste. After coach Country team. Besides Kim Oriole, four. Their four wi113 have heen one win against West Branch, two mlle'd. Bill Fitch and owne'l' Nick Meleti the Cross Country team has set wins over Beaver Local, and a win For you race fans, Strike Three spoke to the some 200 journalism anothe1r precedent. For the first over Niles. Their three losses have s sponsoring a "B.C. 500." Two students, refreshments were served. time in tlneir history, the runners :ars at one time race around the The pregame show consisted of an qualified for the District meet been handed to them from Labrae, mrking lot at the Burger Chef olive throwing contest. But the which will be held at Akl'on Fire­ Sebring, East Palestine. Their cur­ rent record is now 8-6 and with The Action Bank "500" time&. The winner wins a true excitement oif the game did stone. Led by captains Kim Mor·· 'abulous Funmeal and gets to mset not happen there. When the game rison, Ken Movrison, and Paul only one match remaining the Sa· Member F.D.I.C. )urger Chef and Jeff in person. was ready to begin the four Salem Hoffman, the team qualified for lem five is assured of having a 'Heavens to Hamburgers!" students noticed four great seats this meet by finishing second to winning season for the fifth year Phone 337-3411 Come this Halloween, four zany, down front so they took them; Fitch at the Sectional meet. in a row. The teams hopes of play­ 1igh school boys are to ter­ until an ushETette, named Darlene Running all their home meets at ing in the district tolJII'llament were the Salem Golf Club, the team was spoiled when they played poorly ·orize Salem wearing unbelievable Jensen, saw and stopped them. J. H. Lease Drug Co. :paced-out costumes. Watch out, After much bickering the boys almost unbeatable. In single meets in the sectionals. The tough Ava­ hey might get you! moved because Miss Jensen as­ the Salem team has defeated Niles lon Lakes course, where the sec­ This week, Strike Three would serted her authority and told them 36-38, Lisbon 15-48, Warren West­ tional tournament was played, was All Your Pharmaceutical ike to congratulate all those "lead that she would have them forcibly ern Reserve 15-36, Canfield 15-36, playing long and the weather was 'oot" drivers who got picked up by thrown out if they didn't. and East Palestine 15-50. The the worst that it had been during Needs At team's only defeats o.f the seas'On the season. Congtrratulations and came in two single meets against good luck to both the Golf and alem "HEADQUARTERS FOR" Fitch 28-17, and East Liverpool 25- Cross Country Teams.
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