Editorial Horticultural Horrors I am sure we have all read the spectacular advertisements that proclaim "giant climbing strawberries as big as saucers," or "swing your hammock from the 'Miracle Tree'. It grows 12 feet in just one season. " What the ads don't tell, however, is nine times out of ten the strawberry arrive dead. If you are fortunate enough to grow a , the pea size fruit tastes like moldy lecithin. The "Miracle Tree" is only root hardy in northern climates and dies back to the ground after the first frost. Fraudulent advertising? You bet it is. I have worked with the fraud division of the U. S. Post Office concern­ ing several of the major "horticultural promotions" which are advertised nationally in daily newspapers. The problems and roadblocks preventing this type of misleading advertising are difficult to overcome. Claims: If one reads the ads carefully, all statements may be true under some conditions. The ad usually gives the Latin name to identify the offered, but it never states the size of the plant or what (if known) is offered. Fulfillment: I have test ordered climbing strawberry plants five times and have yet to receive a live one. When I write to complain, "the nursery" does not respond. It is hard to do battle with a post office box number! Addresses: Since all these nur~eries use a mail drop, the real business operation is conducted somewhere else. The steps that the post office must go through to check these box numbers requires weeks of red tape. Usually, by the time legal steps have been taken, the operation has moved on to a new address. It is our responsibility to do something about this fraudulent misuse of the mails. Since newspapers are the leading source of these gardening misrepresentations, we must let them know that "wonder plant ads" are obscene and should be deleted from the gardening pages. Nurseries and garden centers can also educate the public. A small table display of advertisements that promote "horticultural horrors" would serve quite nicely. The garden centers could then recommend alternative plants which they carry that are guaranteed to live up to our gardening expectations. Our country provides vehicles to communicate with all its gardeners. We, as gardeners, must do our part to communicate that what is said is horticulturally valid. One is a right, the other an obligation.

Henry M. Cathey, President American Horticul tural Society American HGrticulturist Volume 57 Number 4 August 1978 Editor: Murray Keene Editorial Assistant: Jane Steffey Publications Committee: Henry M. Cathey, Gilbert S. Daniels, Donald P. Watson and Donald Wyman Art Director: Rebecca McClimansl Grafik Book Department: Tom Stevenson Production Coordination: Jo hn Simmons Publisher: The American Horticul­ tural Society, Mount Vernon, Vir­ ginia 22121. 703/768-5700 For United Horticulture . . . the particular objects and business of the American Horti cultural SOCiety are to promote and encourage na­ tional interest in scientific research Cover Photo: A red spotted and education in horticulture in all purple butterfly, Basilarchia of its branches. astyanax (Fabricius) by Ed AMERICAN HORTICULTURIST is Hutchins. the official publica ti on of The Amer­ ican Horticultural Society, 7931 East Boulevard Drive, Alexandria, Vir­ Education ginia 22308, and is issued in Febru­ ary, April, June, August, October 2 Let's Save Our Native Orchids-Sue Freeman Miller and December. Membership in the 12 The Pruning of -Edwin F. Steffek SOCiety automatically includes a subscription to American Horticul­ 18 Unusual and New Perennials for the Garden-Andre Viette turist and $1.50 is d eSignated for each issue of this publication. Mem­ 34 My Beautiful Weeds-Martha Prince bershi,p dues start at $15.00 a year. Editonal Matters: Refer to Murray Keene, American Horticulturist, Change of Pace Mount Vernon, 22121 8 Garden Saints-Elizabeth Pullar AMERICAN H ORTICULTURIST is devote d to the dissemina tion of 26 Free for the Picking-Martha Prince knowledge in the science and art of 38 Power-Dale Harvey growing ornamental plants, fruits, vegetables, and related subjects. Origina l papers which increase Travelog knowledge of plant materials of eco­ nomic and aesthetic importance are 14 Desert Garden at His Doorstep in -O. Hobart Mowrer invited. For manuscript specifica­ tions please address the editor, Mount Vernon, Virginia 22121. Gardener's Notebook Replacement Issues of AMERICAN HORTICULTURIST are available at 6 Recent Trends in Garden -Donald Hollingsworth a cost of $2.50 per copy, but not 7 The Tree , King of -Gertrude S. Wister beyond twelve months prior to date of current issue. 22 What's New in Camellias- W. L. Ackerman The opinions expressed in the arti­ cles which appear in AMERICAN HORTICULTURIST are those of the My Favorite Plant authors and are not n ecessarily 11 Hawaiian -Steve Tjosvold those of the Society. They are pre­ sented as contributions to contem­ 30 The Royal Family of -P. E. Parvin porary thought. Second class postage paid at Alex­ 36 hederifolium-W. J. Hamilton, Jr. andria, Virginia and at additional mailing offices. Copyright © 1978 by The American Horticultural Society. Color separations by CHROMA-GRAPHI CS IN C. Platanti1 era psycodes (Butterfly orchid) Platanthera ciliaris (Yellow Fringed Calopogon tuberosus (Grass Pink orchid) orchid) Oh, we had found a few pink lady's­ heard Tim speak above a whisper in Sue Freeman Miller slippers here and there, one fading my life." 504-A Hanover Street yellow lady's-slipper, and hundreds And was it something-fantastic! Charlottesvi.lle, VA 22903 of showy orchis, but clouds seemed A thousand pink lady's-slippers at to roll across the sun just as Jim their peak, clustered under hundreds would start to work. Artificial light­ of pine trees, putting on the best As I stretched my arms as far apart ing is better than nothing, but nature show of the year. Trios, clumps of as possible to hold the strobes at ap­ poses best in the sun. twenty, tiny, pa'le pink ones, tall propriate angles, Jim Carpenter lay "One more, and this'll wrap her magenta ones. Not fifty yards from belly-flat on the and made his up," said Jim. the fire road, they dazzled our eyes Nikon sing in an attempt to capture "EEEEEEEEE! EUREKA!" and fired our souls with their the sole pink lady's-slipper we had "What in the world is all that beauty. found at the edge of the fire road. It noise? It sounds like Dudley." I "Oh, brother! Somebody built a had been a long day's hike in the questioned. campfire right in the center of these Blue Ridge-first up one side of the "COME ON, YOU GUYS! GET flowers. It wiped out at least two mountain, back down for lunch, UP HERE AS FAST AS YOU CAN!" hundred of them. What kind of then up the other side. All this in Jim started scrambling up, grab­ mentality does it take to do some­ search of native orchids. bing equipment. "If Tim Williams is thing like this?," fumed my husband It was almost time to go home. actually yelling, this I've gotta see. It Dudley. 2 Our search had been nearly in vain. must really be something. I've never "And this is a national forest, sup- posedly a protected area," sneered The first and, to me, most logical they look further. Cypripedium arie­ Joan Riopel. "On the other hand, it's place to look for help was with laws tinum, the ram's-head lady's-slip­ possible the campers didn' t know already in force. The Endangered per, has been recorded as scarce that these are native orchids. They Species Act of 1973 was immediately since early colonial days, yet some probably con sider ed the m jus t evident so I began there. Dr. Edward specimens were on sale at the Mas­ weeds." S. Ayensu, chairperson of the study sachusetts Spring Flower Show in " It's amazing how few people on wild plants made by the Smith ­ Boston as recently as two years ago. know that there are orchids native sonian Institution by request of Con­ They were n eatly packaged in plastic to the United States," I agreed. gress as a basis for cov­ bags with their bare roots showing. "Most people still think you have to ered by ESA, reports that everyone Any orchid hobbyist knows that it's go to a South American jungle to see of the 211 orchids n ative to the perfectly acceptable to ship epi­ an orchid, wh en anyone can proba­ United States is in danger of ex tinc­ phytic orchids bare-root, one of the bly find on e within a few miles of tion in one area of the country or reasons they can survive when other home." another, although most are plentiful plants die, but native orchids are ter­ "Sue, remember the firs t pink enough in some areas to prevent restrials for the most part. They de­ lady's-slippers we ever saw! They their total disappearance. pend on a fungi in the soil for their were about two inches from an area Twenty-one native orchids are survival and are damaged irrepara­ being bulldozed to make room for a being considered for protection un­ bly from even a short period of time shopping center in Greenbelt, der ESA; six are proposed as endan­ without this exposure. These ram's­ . The next day they were gered ("in danger of extinction through­ heads were doomed the minute they in line for a nnihila ti on ," mused au t all or a significant portion of th eir left the ground, yet it is perfectly Dudley. range"), and fifteen as threatened legal to sell them as of this date. " It makes me sick to kn ow that ("likely to become endangered Even if they do receive protection this same kind of thing happens within the foreseeable fu ture from ESA, they can be sold intrastate every day and I don't know any way throughout all or a significan t por­ since interstate commerce is the area to stop it." tion of their range") . These orchids, regulated by federal law . " Believe it or not, the new cafe­ four years after the law's passage, Isotria medeoloides, the small, teria at the University of Virginia is are still under study. The Depart­ whorled pogonia, had been sighted on land that used to be covered wi th ment of the Interior has recently in seventeen locations by 1924. Since pink lady's-slippers, too. They left hired seven more botanists, to add then, most of these areas have been some trees at the edge of the lot in to its former staff of three, to work destroyed, the most recent bein g hopes that some of the plants would on this area of legislation. In short, near Williamsburg, Virginia, w here survive. The first year there were some time within the next year or a housing development now re­ twenty blooms, the second three, two these orchids may have legal sides; that site h ad been watched and this year they're all gon e," protection, but even that depends every year for the last half century. stated Tim. "Dr. Kenneth Lawless on enforcement policies. Every day that passes brings fur­ talked to the Botany Club recently On the list of endangered and ther reductions in the remaining and said that there used to be a huge threatened orchids are three species species. At constant work are th es~ colony of yellow lady's-slippers so rare that each has been seen by factors: strip mining, construction of where the Buildings and Grounds only one person-Spiranthes parksii, more houses, shopping areas, high­ building is now. He went there being considered by many to be a ways, dams, power plants; over­ every spring to photograph, and one mutation rather than a species. This grazing by cattle; destruction by year the bulldozer beat him there." has led some critics, many of whom some types of fertilizers, pesticides, We all groaned and admonished are little concerned with any orchids h erbicides; flooding and other nat­ Jim to get a lot of good pictures. To not commercially profitable, to dis­ ural disasters; collection by commer­ see a sight that incredibly beautiful, miss the entire list as " much ado cial firms and h obbyists; environ­ and realize what threats lay in wait about nothing," and to insist that mental changes caused by pollution, for its relatives, exposed ecstasy and native orchids not be considered in water drainage, population migra­ agony side by side. danger at all. Most of these same tion; and foreign plants competing We left the lady's-slippers on the orchidists h ave seen the abundant too successfully with indigenous mountain, but the feeling I got from colonies of lady' s-slippers found fre­ species. seeing them has never left me. I quently in New England, unlike Habitat destruction is the most ef­ swore to m yself tha t day that I areas further south, and have sur­ ficient method of destroying or­ would learn everything I could mised that native orchids are taking chids. Most of these plants cannot about native orchids and find some care of themselves and need no fur­ be successfully transplanted. As way of seeing that they receive pro­ ther protection. mentioned earlier, terrestrials have tection. To these critics, I would ask that to stay in contact with the soil and 3 its fungi to stay alive . Th ose wh o foreign d e m and for the m at this civilization has yet to explore this think the answer is to grow native time, o ther go vernments might avenue. orchids in a nursery ign ore the fact tighten up on shipping us their more Supporting AOS Fund for Re­ tha t mos t orchids w e're talking lucrative specimens. As a member search and Education, as well as The about are stripped from nature be­ of AOS myself, I know that there National Wildlife Federation, and fore being mailed out to unsuspect­ are m a n y orchidists concerne d other responsible groups is on e way ing wildflower enthusiasts. Not about our species, but there is dis­ the individual can do something enough is kn own about setting agreem ent as to the best course of worthw hile to help our native or­ in most of these orchids for an yone action to follow. Many truly feel that chids. Because, that' s wh ere my to grow them commerciall y, so once the fewer people w ho know there search for protection ended up­ the habitat is wiped out, the orchid even are orchids native to the U.S., right here in the realm of good old

Le ft, Isatria medealaid es Above, Platallih era leucaphaea you and me! We have to be the ones wh o care and w ho see that our chil­ dren h ave a ch ance to see an orchid dies too. A few states now prohibit the better. Having seen the rare cacti blooming in her/his own state. the sale of native orchids; most ex­ appear on sale lists immediately af­ Whe r e d o we begin? Firs t, we perts feel that all sh ould. ter the announcement of their rarity, have to fa miliarize ourselves with Having seen that the law is begin­ I can sympathize with their position . the native orchids in our own envi­ ning to see a n eed fo r p rotecting AOS does have on e excellent av­ ronment. Dr. Carlyle A. Luer de­ some orchids, but that protection is enue of ca ring for native orchids­ voted more than twenty years of re­ still a lon g way dow n the road, I n ext the Fund for Research and Educa ­ search and travel to making that turned to the America n Orchid So­ tion . Each year, private contribu­ easy fo r us. He has w ritten two vol­ Ciety. The ESA has caused quite a tions provide mon ey for research umes on every native orchid known turmoil in AOS, m ainly becau se proj ects and habitat preserva tion , so to North America and h as photo­ both commercial growers and h ob­ that AOS works with other n ature graphed each in color. All species byists are highly con cerned that for­ groups and universities to learn are sh own on maps of the continent eign sources of orchids may be jeop­ more about the orchid. With an es­ in every known location and all are ardized by stringent import-export timated 50,000 chemica l compounds described in easily understandable requirements. Native orchids have yet to be discovered in plants, the lan guage. These books sh ould be in been cast aside in the heat of the orchid has barely had its resources every public library an d if they are turmoil as being in little danger, but tapped . At present, va nilla fl avoring absent from yours, request that they I sense an unspoken fee ling that if is the only product obtained fr om be ordered promptly from the New the U .S. were to get too picky about orchids. The Chinese h ave u sed York Botanical Garden . tra de involving our orchids, in spite medications derived fro m orchids Becom e a collector of orchid pho­ 4 of the fac t that there is little or n o for thousan ds of years, but Western tographs, n ot of the orchids them- selves. Nobody expects a birder to yet to be done, could be a worth­ there. He allowed orchidists from come home with an osprey; neither while project for interested orchid­ our society to remove some plants, should an orchidist bring home a ists. and then h e changed his mind. "We specimen. In The Appalach ial1s , Mau­ We as individuals must stay alert have enough land to cultivate," h e rice Brooks describes h ow three of to natural areas being threatened pronounced. "Th e orchids sta y." He 's four colonies of with destruction. In that event, we then began to learn about other na­ queen lady's-slippers (Cypripediull1 must prevail on officials of local, ti ve orchids that are on his property reginae) fell into the hands of well­ state and federal government agen­ and to look for them with pride . meaning collectors who took them cies to intervene. We cannot assume The U.S. Office of Stamps is now home " to save them" and killed that government officials are knowl­ considering a proposal sponsored then! instead. (One of Virginia's col- edgeable about endangered wild- by the Garden Clubs of America for

Above, El1cyclia boothiana Var. erythonioides "0 c:'" Right, Cypripediul'I7 arietinuJ77 U :J ...J onies of C. reginae was recently done .------in by a ski lodge.) We need to capture the interest of the young people in our communi­ ties. Increasingly aware of environ­ flowers, in spite of the fact that m ore a series of stamps portraying endan­ mental problems, they are con­ than 50 percent of those being stud­ gered plants. Also under consider­ cerned that their generation not be ied for coverage under ESA are on ation is a series featuring orchids. left a barren wilderness. Youths state and federal lands. If, on the Decisions are based on whether or caught up in conservation efforts other hand, the orchids in danger not wide-spread interest is shown. now can assure that these projects are on private land, we must im­ Our votes can help here. The Swiss have a viable future. They have time press the owner with the serious­ had great success in publicizing the and enthusiasm to give art compe­ ness of the act of destruction, and if plight of their alpine plants by dis­ titions, slogan contests, media pre­ she/he still insists on proceeding, try playing them on stamps; our orchids sentations, and awareness cam­ to persuade the person to allow re­ could benefit from similar treat­ paigns that can save orchids in our sponsible botanists to attempt sal­ ment. communities should they become vage of the threatened plants. Our native orchids: we can sup­ endangered. One of the most heartening events port research on them, we can study One of the first suggestions made of our struggles to save native or­ them, we can photograph them, we when ESA became law was that chids came last year when we heard can interest others in their plight, we posters showing endangered and of a farmer in our county w ho can publicize them, we can save threatened wildflowers be displayed planned to clear-cut an area and them from destruction, and, if noth­ in public places, especially at the en- build a road through it even though ing else appeals to us, we can let them 'trances of national parks. This work, a colony of pink lady's-slippers grew alone and allow them to be. 0 5 Re em • 1fen-.....~ m Can en Peonies Donald Hollingsworth 5831 North Colrain Avenue City, MO 64151

This year the American Peony So­ ciety reaches the 75th anniversary of its founding. Organized in 1903 around the needs and interests of that period, the Society has contin­ ued to be in the forefront of evolving peony history. While this anniver­ sary has not been singled out for special celebration, it does afford a convenient context for reporting upon recent trends. Seventy-five years ago the Chinese peony (Paeonia lactiflora) was already established as the common peony of America, and it remains so to this 'Dawn Pink' da y. This species has proven to be extraordinarily suited for horticul­ reward can there be for a gardener's The popular status of the Chinese tural use. For example, the Chinese skill? peonies is not threatened in the re­ peony is not only well-adapted for In keeping with most other spe­ cent developments of peony grow­ garden display and florist use, it is cies in the genus, Chinese peony ing. What has happened is that the extremely hardy. While it's sump­ roots are favorably adapted for ship­ specialist growers are diversifying tuous flowers are in a class with the ping, which was an especially im­ their offerings as suitable showiest flora of less rigorous cli­ portant attribute in 19th century of other peonies have become more mates, it grows to perfection in the commerce. Its propagation requires available. As the number of distinct coldest northern states. The great little special skill. In view of these peony groups has increased, the tra­ flower often develop into even advantages, it comes as no surprise ditional narrow adherence of grow­ more luxuriant blossoms indoors that growth in the popularity of the ers to Chinese peonies or tree peo­ than when left in the garden. Cut at Chinese peony paralleled the settle­ nies has tended to decline. These the correct stage, the buds may be ment of America. This is not to say, developments have been paralleled stored for weeks under proper re­ however, that these were the only by an unprecedented rise in hybrid­ frigeration, then allowed to open for ones grown. All of the Old World izing activity. display. No other perennial flower garden peonies were cherished, in­ American Peony Society pro­ is more responsive to cultivation and cluding the elite Japanese and grams have become more diversified rich soil. A peony that will produce Chinese tree peonies (P. suffruti­ in their emphases, in keeping with modest flowers under indifferent cosa) , the very early flowering fern current grower interests. In addition treatment may give flowers that are leaved peony (P. tenuifolia) and the to the BULLETIN, a quarterly peri­ doubled in size when grown under peonies of early European gardens odical published since 1915, there is 6 excellent conditions. What greater (P . officinalis and related species). a quarterly newsletter, PAEONIA, Thelfee


Gertrude S. Wister 735 Harvard Avenue Swarthmore, PA 19081

In its ancestral home, China, the nearly a foot. In , they range tree peony called by the Chinese from singles to full doubles. Petals " moutan" (Pa eo nia suffruticosa) has may be smooth or fringed, many are been grown for o ver a thousand crinkled. years. To them, it has been the King First to bloom are the moutans, <.i of Flowers, the Flower of Riches and here near Philadelphia in the first E. Honor. Not only has it been cher­ part of May. They include the old ished so long as a living plant, but Chinese cultivars, the so-called Eu­ it has been featured countless times ropean cultivars, and the ones de­ I~ on porcelain, in painting, and em- veloped over many centuries in Ja­ :;; broidery-prized above all flowers. pan from the Chinese kinds. The .0 (3 In our times, we can extend the Chinese and European sorts, de­ o 2 crown of royalty to a much younger scendants of the first plants taken to a.. group: hybrids between cultivars of Europe from China, are full doubles, often so heavy that the flowers are which is devoted to reports having the moutan and two species of tree hidden by the foliage. The names special interest to hybridists. New peony from eastern Asia that were are largely French. They have lost references have been published, in­ discovered less than a century ago. popularity to the Japanese cultivars, cluding a revised and enlarged These are the yellow-flowered flowers often with fewer petals, but HANDBOOK OF THE PEONY Paeonia /utea andP. delavayi with ma­ as a group showier because they (1977). There is also a comprehen­ roon flowers. hold up their heads. The color range sive checklist of cultivar descrip­ In reality, tree peonies are shrubs. of the moutans is from white, pink tions, containing more than 5000 en­ A plant consists of several rough, and lilac- to rose, red, purple tries and covering peonies known to woody stems with a few coarse side and magenta. Some have blotches have been in commerce during the branches. New stems arise from the of deeper color at the base of the last 150 years (1976). These are avail­ roots from time to time, and old petals, or feathery flares. able for purchase from the Society, stems die. In winter, the ultimate along with other references of cur­ size of this woody framework is As the moutans go out of bloom, rent interest. about four feet in height and the they are followed by the hybrids. National and regional exhibitions same or more in width. The doubly The oldest of these, crosses with the have been held annually for many compound leaves increase the sum­ old heavy-headed kinds, are heavy years. Show schedules have been mer bulk a good deal. Leaves can be headed too. A few are near-singles. enlarged by adding classes for hy­ over a foot long, but since they are The newer ones, crosses made in brid herbaceous and tree peonies. cut into many leaflets, the plant in this country with Japanese cultivars, The number of exhibits in these summer is fine in texture. give a fascinating array of flowers classes has been increasing steadily. In mid-spring, the splendid flow­ with suffusions, blends, edgings, Recent introductions often show up ers unfold, silky in texture, with a flares and overlays of color: inter­ in the winner's circle, including cul- wide color range. They vary in size minglings of yellows, pinks, reds Continued on page 28 from five or six inches across to Continued on page 40 7 GAl

search contradicts the title. Elizabeth Pullar Adam of Loccum actually Route 1 Box 258 was not a saint at all and Thomaston, CT 06787 facts of his life reveal no From time immemorial, direct connection with gar­ horticulturists from every dening. What little knowl­ ancient culture have in­ edge is available on the voked the aid of their holy Blessed Adam comes from spirits to insure gardens of the writings of Caesarius, celestial help, while they a fellow Cistercian, an Or­ applied their own hard der founded in France in work and indubitable 1098. Adam is assumed to skills. So it is, in the Chris­ have lived during the 12th tian religion too, that at century. times of spring planting, St. Fiacre is generally ac­ fall harvesting and cepted as the patron saint throughout the growing of gardeners. Fiacre was season, various saints were born in Ireland at the end called upon to exert their of the 6th century and lived influence in warding off in a hermitage in Kilkenny. severe droughts, plagues There, disciples flocked to of locusts, inclement him in such numbers, for weather, and other disas­ he was a holy man, that he trous conditions . No decided to search for doubt, too, the kindly greater solitude. In the saints were asked to assure year 628, he left his native a wealth of beautiful flow­ land and went to France. ers and the capers of wel­ In Breuil, the French come songbirds. bishop, St. Faro, offered There is a very special Fiacre as much land as he group of saints who are re­ could surround in one day lated to the wide field of horticulture. Each has his with a furrow. The legend is that the abbot who was own feast day when a faithful or sentimental gar­ to become the gardener'S saint used the point of his dener will pause for a moment of silent contemplation crosier instead of a plow to turn up the earth. In that on the virtues.of his friendly advocate. Many a gardener manner he miraculously acquired enough land to enclose honors a saintly benefactor by placing his statue in a a very large monastery. He cleared the area of trees and sheltered site among plants as' a reminder that he is not briars and spent the rest of his days attending to the alone in the spirit of his gardening. Dedicated horticul­ manual labor of his garden and performing supernatural turists know the life stories of the garden saints and cures for the dreaded diseases that beset his lay contem­ accept the legends and superstitions that have become poraries. The oratory and hospice he built for travelers related to them through the years as one of the many was where the village of St. Fiacre in Seine-et-Marne fa scinating facets of the art of gardening. now stands. Fiacre died in the year 670. His feast day is Blessed Adam, whose feast day is December 22, is celebrated on September 1. 8 sometimes referred to as the gardener'S patron, but re- It is St. Isadore who is the patron saint of agriculture. He has always been the special guardian of farmers, shelter a statue of this genial saint in some pleasant peasants, and day laborers (tillers of the soil) . Those wh o setting with the hope, perhaps, that its presence will harvest grains and vegetables have confidence in the protect the garden birds from the perils of malicious, protection of St. Isadore. He was born in Spain about marauding cats. 1070 and li ved all his life in the vicinity of Madrid. As The favorite bird of St. Francis is said to have been soon as he was old enough to work, he became a farm the lark because " Sister Lark hath a cowl like a religious." laborer. It was his custom to start each day by attending He was horrified at the killing of any birds and urged church, a situation that resulted in his always being late the Emperor to pass two laws: one, that no man be for work. His fellow-farmers complained to their master, allowed to kill or harm a bird and two, that men should Juan de Vergas. feed all birds and animals on Christmas Day. Deciding to find out for himself, so the legend runs, St. Francis died at Portiuncula where he had a little de Vergas hid in n earby woods one morning and cell of "wattle and daub" near Assisi in 1226. watched his workers appear. Sure enough-Isadore ar­ Then, there are the weather saints that are of particular rived later than all the others. The master was about to interest to gardeners. St. Swithun's feast day, July IS, reprimand Isadore when, to his great surprise, he saw is watched with keen anticipati on for it is a British su­ an angel plowing on either side of the accused man so perstition that should rain fall on that day, it will con­ that his work was really equal to that of three men, an tinue for the following 40 days. A dry July IS, on the accomplishment that more than made up for his tardi­ other hand, forebodes a spell of pleasant weather ahead. ness! Isadore later worked several miracles for the benefit Similar superstitions in France are attributed to St. Pro­ of the de Vergas family. And he was responsible for tase and St. Medard and, in Wales, to St. Cewydd. St. several wondrous cures that resulted in his canonization Swithun was born in Wessex, England, and in the year by Gregory XV, together with the illustrious saints Ig­ 852 became the Bishop of Winchester. As such, it is said natius, Francis Xavier and Philip Neri. St. Isadore died that he was a treasury of all virtues, especially humility in the year 1130. His feast day is celebrated on May 15. and ch arity to the poor. St. Swithun died in 862 and, at Both Madrid and Seville h onor him as their patron saint. his own request, was buried in the churchyard where St. Francis is well known to gardeners as the special the rain would fall upon his grave. saint of birds and animals. He was born in Assisi in Italy Curiously, the feast days of the three "frost saints" in 1182 of well-to-do parents. During his early youth, appear in consecutive order on May 11, 12 and 13. St. he foresook the pleasures of the world to li ve in poverty Mammertus, St. Pancras, and St. Servatus were accused and privation and founded what later grew into the Fran­ by the peasants in the wine-growing sections of France cisan Order. Many stories are connected with his love as being responsible for the severe cold spells that often for animals and his power over them. He li ved in close occurred on these three days. Great damage was leveled relationship with all ki;lds of creatures of the animal on the vines which, by this date in May, are well devel­ world, sharing their lives of danger and hardship, that oped with new growth. The peasants believed that the they might join him in worship, obedience and compas­ cold weather was caused by the anger of one of these sion. The day set aside to honor the kindly St. Francis sensitive saints whom they must have irritated in some is October 4. way. Because it is unknown which of the three saints St. Francis was especially fond of birds and they would was the offended one in a given year, they are grouped flock to him for food, perching upon his shoulder com­ and all become the "chilly saints." In Germany, these pletely unafraid. It is for this reason that the statue of three ice saints are also held in questionable esteem by St. Francis is shown holding two birds with another the people whose work is agricultural. In that country, resting upon his shoulder. Gardeners who enjoy the they are called the " three severe lords," and farmers and frolics and songs of birds enough to provide bird baths, gardeners feel that plants are not safe until their feast berried shrubs and winter feeding stations, may wish to days in May have passed. 0 9

Hibiscus saintjohnianus waiian Hibiscus

overgrown the native flora so thor­ Although the flowers are generally Steve Tjosvold oughly that the native plants will smaller than their hybridized rela­ 19592 Barclay Rd. never be re-established. Along with tives, the natives have the typical Castro Valley, CA 94546 "weeds," man has introduced her­ five petals of crepe-like texture, with bivores (pigs, goats, and sheep) the center of the flower occupied by The Hawaiians recognized their which have been released on a flora a staminal column supporting the native Hibiscus as ornamentals which had evolved under herbivore­ five-branched style. Flower colors more than 100 years ago. After the free conditions. The plants have no are vivid and include shades of first Hibiscus hybridizations were protective mechanisms (thorns, poi­ white, yellow, lavender, and red. accomplished in in 1872, sons, and scented oils) to ward off Two of the white-flowered species horticulturists, striving for im­ such enemies, and thus the herbi­ have the rare characteristic of having proved cultivars, introduced Hibis­ vores have become exceptionally de­ flowers with fragrance. The wide cus species and varieties from other structive. Man also directly endan­ of growth habits allows one parts of the world for use in hybrid­ gers the flora by intensive agricul­ to use the natives in many beautiful ization with the native Hawaiian ture, forestry, housing, and recre­ situations in the garden. They can species. By the 1920's the popularity ational developments. With the be used as group plantings, informal of the Hibiscus stimulated the most combined pressures man directly or hedges, individual specimens, or casual gardener into cross-pollinat­ indirectly imposes on the flora, there pruned to standard shaped trees. ing the plants, producing thousands have been more plant species extin­ Known to the Hawaiians as kokio of new selections. Today, many of guished in the Hawaiian Islands keokeo, is a tree at­ these hybrids' complex parentages than in all of North America. Now taining a height of 20 to 30 feet. The are impossible to trace. that the rarity of the native Hawaiian leaves are velvety to touch. The It is known, nevertheless, that plants has been appreciated, at­ flowers, of a delicate fragrance, are several of the native Hawaiian mem­ tempts have been made to rescue white when opening in the morn­ bers of the genus were the original some of the scarce species by culti­ ing, and become progressively parents of these important hybrids; vation. The Pacific Tropical Botani­ tinged with pink, especially along yet one still may forget the beauty cal Garden, on the island of the veins, before falling towards that the Hawaiians saw in their na­ (P.O . Box 340, Lawai, Kauai, HI, evening. The tree grows wild be­ tive species. Today, the chances of 96765), is dedicated to the preser­ tween 2000 and 3000 feet in the Wai­ capturing that beauty in gardens vation of many endangered Ha­ mea Canyon area of Kauai. dwindle. It is shocking to know that waiian plants. Induded in their col­ from Waimea Canyon were sent to eight of the eleven species native to lection of plants are all of the native , the Bahamas, Santo Dom­ Hawaii are in danger of extinction. Hibiscus. ingo and elsewhere in 1961. The spe­ There are complex problems to­ The native Hibiscus certainly cies was cultivated in for day which are endangering native should be grown for just the impor­ at least a half-century. Hawaiian plants induding the Hi­ tance of its past history of hybridiza­ Mentioned frequently in old Ha­ (; .s:; :; biscus. The native flora lack the abil­ tion, or their present situation of waiian songs and legends, Hibiscus «,., ity to compete with man-introduced possibly becoming biological history arnottianus is one of the most beau­ .0 o "weeds," and as a result, the intro­ (extinct!). In addition, the native Hi­ tiful trees in the Hawaiian Islands. .s:;o Q. duced plants in many areas have biscus are useful as ornamentals. Continued on page 25 11 -----g• Roses

. February, so long as it is before the When bought, roses come either Edwin F. Steffek buds swell and actual growth com­ bareroot and dormant (which also Editor Emeritus, mences in earnest. On the other includes the packaged roses which Horticulture Magazin e 10 Cedar Hill Road hand, pruning too soon may some­ do not have any real soil around Dover, MA 02030 times ca use some dying back of the them) or growing in pots or cans. stems. This latter group are merely re­ There is no great mystery to the However, where severe cold moved from their containers with pruning of roses, if one remembers weather and freezing back is a prob­ their soil balls intact and placed into that, after all, a rose is a woody lem, pruning must be delayed until the garden. They are almost certain shrub. Perhaps, it is not as hardy as all danger is past. In the fall, the tops to have been pruned properly prior some in the coldest climates, but nei­ may be tied into bundles and short­ to planting. ther are all shrubs. In warmer areas, ened to prevent wind whipping, the The bare-root plants should be the wood of even the most tender bases mounded with soil, or the soaked in water overnight, any ones comes through the winter un­ plants covered with plastic cones. damaged roots cut off and, after harmed and puts out new growth Then, in the spring when danger of planting, be cut back to balance the the following spring. severe freezing is gone, the plants loss of root area. Just how much to Other than the customary cutting are uncovered and pruned back at cut-or leave-is a matter of judg­ back associat~d with roses at plant­ least to live wood. ment. Generally, no more than six ing time, the ideal time to prune Modern, large-flowered climbers to eight inches is left above ground­ roses in any given area is governed get their principal going over after some advocate cutting back to only by the climate. For instance, in the the big flush of spring bloom is past. three inches. In any case, the weak­ more southern states or mild areas The old rambler-type climbers, for est stems are removed entirely, and along the Pacific Coast, where the those who are still growing them, of those remaining, the stronger question of hardiness does not enter are cut back after the blooming is shoots are left proportionately longer' in, roses may be pruned any time over. Hardy shrub roses may be cut than the weaker ones. Likewise, an during the winter. This can mean any time during the dormant season effort should be made to have each 12 December, mid-January or even or just after blooming. stem end with a which points outward from the center of the plant fl owered, are also pruned much the people still grow old-fashioned ra m­ to produce an open type of growth. same. b lers like ' Doro thy Perkins' and This lets in light fo r better growth Floribundas are frequently shorter 'Crimson Rambler,' with their lon g and air to h elp keep down diseases. and somewhat hardier. Th ey are canes and many smallish fl owers in Beyond these basic comments , of also more cl uster- fl owered and are large clusters. Ordinarily, the old course, each different type of rose more often grown fo r landscape ef­ canes are cut to the ground imme­ requires somewhat diffe rent treat­ fec t than for fl owers for cutting. diately after fl owering and new ones ment. Beginning with the hybrid Consequently, they are gen erall y allowed to take their place for next teas, since these are still the most cut back less severely and all owed year's blooming. These new canes, widely-grown group of roses, and to have more branch es. then, may be pinched or headed include such varieties as the well­ H ybrid p erpetuals, the old back during the growing season as known Peace and the newer Ore­ " monthly roses" such as 'Frau Karl the situation demands. gold, le t us n ow discu ss these Druschki' and 'Gen eral Jacquemi­ The everblooming climbers, on groups, one by one . Hybrid teas are not,' make bigger, hardier bushes. the other hand, must n ot be cut back somewhat more tender than the oth­ They are less li kely to freeze back to the ground a fter the sp ring ers and, therefore, are usuall y cut and are not prolific bloomers after bloom, for the ca n es are needed for back the farthest. the spring splurge. They are usually the added fl owering. Rather, the old The first thing to do is to remove cut back less severely than the hy­ fl owers are removed, leaving the lat­ all dead wood, cutting back to good, brid teas, mostl y to keep them in eral branches relatively untou ched . strong, outward-pointing buds on shape and near the height of the oth­ Wh en th e ca nes become old, twiggy li ve wood . Then take out the weak ers. and ti red, they are cut to the ground stems, twiggy growth and stems T h e species a n d o ld varieties a few at a time and replaced by new, showing canker scabs, making sure wh ich are grown primaril y for their vigorous ones. Th e same applies to to cut at least an inch or an inch­ value as shrubs, as Rosa hugol1is an d the large-fl owered, once-blooming a nd-a-half b elow s u ch injured ' H arrison 's Ye ll ow,' are m erely climbers. places. (Disinfect sh ears and h ands trim med a little here and there to Finally, we come to the trailers or w ith alcoh ol, if the wound is keep them looking tidy. When they ground covers. These rarely need touched .) Next remove any suckers get too twiggy or old and leggy, one­ any more than the removal of dead coming up fr om below the graft. Fi­ fo urth of the ca nes may be cut to the or damaged ca n es in early-sp ring. nally, cut back the remaining stems ground each year for four years to After blooming, a little thinning may to sh ape the plant, cutting back to rejuvenate them. be don e, if needed, and when they produce good strong shoots for later Tree or stan dard roses, bush es on fina ll y become too thick, they are blooming. top of tall , bare stems, are treated usuall y cut to the ground completely For many years we were told to somewh at differently in that the tall and new growth allowed to take prune roses by rather firm rules, cut­ stems are never cut or the landscape over. ting to specific heights. Now we do value will be destroyed. However, Wh ile n ot exactly pruning, it it b y judg m ent based upo n the the gra fted part on top of the tall might also be well to close with a strength of the plant and its stems. stem should be h andled like regular few words on fl ower cutting, for Likewise, we followed the rule that h ybrid teas or fl oribundas, except man y gardeners tend to be either too the harder we cut back, the stronger that it is usually pruned more se­ timid in taking suitable s tems with would be the resultant stems, but verely. Weak or damaged ca nes are their bloom s or take too-long stems now we know that much food is removed. Then all strong canes are and, con seque ntly, weaken the stored in the stems and by leaving cut back to fi ve to ten inches from plants. The first year after planting, all the wood we can, we can increase w here they come out of the trunk. the fewer fl owers cut the better. the size of the plants, the number Also trim a little here and there dur­ Thereafter, repeat blooming is best and quality of the blooms and the ing the growing season to keep them encouraged by cutting the stem back hardiness of the bush e~. Where the sh ap ely and re m ov e promptly to the first fi ve-leafl et . Likewise, climate permits, try to cut back the sprouts along the stem or suckers if on e has a need for large, individual stems to a diameter of one-half or from the roots. or sp ecime n blooms and several three-eighths inch. This u s u ally Miniatures require very little buds are present in a cluster, the means to a height of 18 to 24 inches. pruning. It is m ostly confined to re­ added side buds sh ould be removed Some like to leave them much taller, moving a little d ead or injured at the earliest opportunity. 0 but it results in plants too tall to see growth, a bit of shaping and, if they and appreciate the flo wers properly. get too twiggy, cutting them back True teas, w h er e gr own , a nd severely so that new tops can be Adapted from "The Pruning Man­ grandifloras, w hich are much like grown . ual" by Edwin F. Steffek, Little, hybrid teas but tend to be a little Although they have pretty well Brown & Co., Boston (Paperback, shorter and somewhat more cluster- dropped out of the catalogs, many $2.95) . 13 Desert at His Dmrsfep in Illinois

largely "one-sided." Eventually, greenhouse wasn't ready for occu­ O. Hobart Mowrer however, I learned that our neigh­ pancy, Professor Price's house (main 610 W. Street bor's name was Larkin Price-his floor and basement) were full of Urbana , IL 61801 friends, he said, called him "Burl"­ plants, which, however, were soon and that he was associate professor happily installed in their new home; Gradually we became aware of a of French at the University. But our and I became a more and more fre­ conservatively dressed man, per­ acquaintance didn't really begin to quent visitor, partly because I was haps in his early forties, walking "blossom" (in gardening vernacu­ fascinated by the almost infinite past our house with some regularity, lar) until the following incident oc­ variation in the size, shape, and co­ presumably on his way to and from curred. From time to time I had cas­ loration of his plants but also by cu­ work at the nearby university. At ually noted United Parcel Service riosity as to how one managed a first, he always walked on the op­ trucks delivering cardboard boxes to greenhouse exclusively for plants of posite (south) side of the street, be­ Mr. Price's address, but the situation this type. To my surprise, Price op­ cause, as we soon discovered, that came into sharp focus only when he erated this place like a regular was where he lived, in a house di­ was not at home one day to receive "warm" greenhouse or "hothouse," agonally across from ours. In due such a delivery, and the truck driver maintaining relatively high humid­ course, if I happened to be mowing asked me to receive for him an un­ ity with suitable ventilation and the lawn or tending the borders of usually large box containing " live cooling in the summer. When he our front yard and this gentleman plants." At the earliest opportunity watered his plants (whose require­ passed by, we began to wave to each I took the box over to Burl, and he ments, both individually and sea­ other and perhaps exchange a brief said: "Oh, fine! Thank you so much. sonally, vary in this respect), he al­ word of greeting. And eventually, I'm delighted to get this shipment. ways used a weak solution of fertil­ when he saw me, he would often It contains 212 different varieties of izer; and under this same regime or­ cross the street and initiate conver­ cacti and succulents." dinary potted house plants, such as sation with a remark about how well Noticeable surprise must have fiberous-rooted begonias, grew and my roses were doing or an expres­ registered on my face, for Price flowered luxuriantly. But this was sion of interest in some new annual quickly said: " Oh, I guess you didn't apparently what the cacti and suc­ I was trying out. Only occasionally know that I'm developing a cactus­ culents also needed, for they looked did he begin to make passing com­ succulent collection. I've always exceptionally healthy; and although ments about his own, largely vege­ liked cacti and have a few big old it was out of season for most of his table, garden located to the rear of specimens in sunny spots around plants-it was now Fall and Winter, his house, where there is excellent the house, but now I'm building a 1974-some, although still relatively sunshine, as opposed to our own greenhouse and getting ready to small, came into sporadic bloom. backyard which is too heavily stock it when completed. Come in I couldn't believe my eyes, the shaded to grow either vegetables or and let me show you what the set­ blossoms were so varied, exotic, and any but the most shade-tolerant up is." He then led me through his if not always excessively beautiful, flowers and ferns. living room into his dining room, at least interesting; and as Spring So it was that my friend would where I found that he had converted 1975 came on-March, April, and often find me working in our front a south window into a door, which May-there was an astonishing pro­ yard, whereas I never saw him in opened directly into a nearly com­ fusion of bloom. By this point I was his garden because it was hidden pleted 12 by 23 ft. greenhouse that so intrigued by potentialities I had from view by his house. For these he and some friends were putting never dreamed of for cacti and suc­ 14 reasons, our conversations were together from a "kit." Since the culents as greenhouse subjects that 15 I started making numerous 35 mm. "Many people think that because else in the State, perhaps even in the color slides. The only cacti 1 had pre­ cacti and succulents grow in the de­ entire Middle West. sert, they shouldn' t be watered or viously seen in our local gard e n fed. But I find they thrive with more The greenhouse is attached to the stores and nurseries were tiny ones water and nutrients than they get in house proper. Price made a window with pathetic little plastic " flo wers" the desert which, after all , offers into a door to provide access. To fit pinned on them, which had never minimal conditions." the greenhouse in under the over­ Another newspaper featured a hang of the house, he had to dig a attracted me in the least. Once, late foundation several feet deep. Set on in the summer of 1955, before 1 h ad picture of Price among his prickly a CInder block foundation , the become much interested in garden­ friends and quoted him thus: greenhouse has a slanted ceiling and ing (cymbidium orchids, which " It's almost always a pleasure for is equipped with two gas furnaces, grew and flo wered to perfection on me to be working in the green- a vent system and a desert cooler. our cool sun porch, were later to be­ come my first " true lo ve"), my wife and I visited the outdoor cactus gar­ den of the Huntington estate near Pasadena; but I wasn't much im­ pressed as I recall. Some years later, on the grounds of the Camarillo State Hospital, I had seen huge cacti and other succulents in absolutely gorgeous bloom-but, after all, that was California and you couldn't ex­ pect anything like this back in the mid-west. Outdoors, no; but in a greenhouse there seems to be no limit, except one of space, to what one can do with these "creatures." Steadily, during 1975 and 1976, Price continued to expand his exotic collection and to eliminate all other Mr. Price's greenhouse typ es of potted plants (however lovely), which he nonchalantly re­ house," said Larkin B. Price, asso­ "The total cost of the house and ferred to as " just fillers" or " junk." ciate professor of French at the Uni­ its equipment was around $5,500," By this time 1 was not, of course, the versity of Illinois. " It's quite relaxing Price said. "It is extremely econom­ when I come home from the office. ical to run. The cost of heating and only person who had become aware You know how you feel when you're cooling is a lot less than $200 a year." of and taken an interest in this un­ doing something you like to do, you [Obviously, he wasn't including usual venture. Visitors increased really feel good Inside." here the winter of 1976-77!] and our three local newspapers ran Price does not belong to a garden While the Price greenhouse was stories about it, with black-and­ club or exhibit his plants in garden thus receiving considerable local shows although he s been asked to white pictures and interviews with do so .. . . "The individual plants publicity and interest, 1 kept clicking Professor Price. One reporter wrote, interest me," Price said and added away with my SLR color camera, in part, as follows: that the plants don' t require " a ter­ feeling that the B&W pictures in the Since Larkin Price made this de­ rible amount of attention:' newspapers didn't at all do justice cision two years ago [to construct a Sometimes Price takes his radio to his plants and that the "Price specialty greenhouse] he has built into the greenhouse while he works and plays classical music, but not for Story" had potential for a much up a cactus collection numbering wider appeal. Over the course of over 700 cactus species and more the benefit of the plants. Nor does than 200 species of other suc­ he think plants like to be spoken to. three years 1 took hundreds of pic­ culents . .. "What they like is proper care. tures of individual plants, close-ups Now one-and-a-half years old, That's how you show love for cacti." of blossoms, and various special the greenhouse is filled with cacti on Once Mr. Price, a modest man, shots to be mentioned presently. But three layers of shelving, from Ari­ mentioned to me that he had hap­ I had trouble getting an over-all pic­ zona barrels one foot in diameter and six-foot tall Euphorbia to Frai­ pened to attend a large flower and ture of the interior of the greenhouse lea, no larger than a dime in diam­ garden show in Chicago and added, that pleased me. Finally, one day in eter ... quite unapologetically, that the cacti the Spring of 1977 there was brightly Price said he has never tried to and succulents exhibited there over-cast sky but no direct sunlight. estimate the total number of plants. weren't nearly as nice as his plants. I felt it in my bones that this was "I don't want to know," he said with a smile. "I do know I have many 1 think it is probably accurate to say what 1 had been waiting for: good more species than the Botanical Gar- that Price has more and better potted uniform light and no shadows. By 16 dens in St. Louis," he said. cacti and succulents than anyone this time, I had a key to Mr. Price's front door and came and went as I trated books in this field: Edgar and tropical conditions. Chidamian says: pleased. One look into the door of Brian Lamb's Pocket Encyclopedia of "Although the ~acti are perhaps the the greenhouse indicated that ex­ Cacti (Macmillan, 1970); Martin, best-known faml1y of succulents, it actly the rig ht time h a d indee d Chapman, & Auger's Cacti and Their is important to remember that all come. Accordingly, I mounted my Cultivation (Scribners, 1971); Anon­ succulents are not cacti. There are camera on a tripod (so I could take ymous. Cacti & Succulents for Modern succulent plants in the Lily and Amaryllis families, the Daisy and a time exposure) a nd inserted a Living (Merchants Publishing Co., Milkweed clan-even the Geranium broad-angle lens. With the tripod a 1976); and a book edited by Philip family. Scores of common plants in couple of feet back in the doorway, Edinger, en titled Succulents and Cac­ our homes and gardens have curi­ I could get virtually everything that tus (Lane Books, 1970). Most of the ous succulent relatives the world the eye could see from this vanta ge illustrations are in black and white over. " point. and n ot particularly appealing, but What happened? "The year-round Beneath the main benches is an­ there ar e also several a bsolutely warmth and rains of the Eocene jun­ other whole world which on e can stunning ones in full color, with spe­ gle gradually disappeared" in many easily fail to notice. Here on the flo or cial backgrounds and lighting ef­ large areas of the world; and, little of the greenhouse, except for the fects . By contrast, all the photo­ by little, if erstwhile tropical plants flagstone walk-ways, was covered graphs accompanying the present were going to survive, they had to with innumerable boxes of young article were made absolutely in situ, evolve shapes and surfaces that plants. Price soon learned h ow to with no attempt to dress them up, were highly efficient in conserving collect seed from his plants and has because this is the chronicle of a moisture in desert-like environ­ developed a potting mixture in mid-west " desert garden" and not ments. The hundreds of species of which he gets excellent germination. a treatise or picturebook on individ­ succulents, prominently including Two under-bench shots are shown ual plants. Nevertheless, the mak­ the cacti, are the result! and two outside pictures of slightly ing of these pictures was fun, and I Now we perhaps understand why older plants. Price estimates that he h o pe the reader e nj oys the m as Burl Price's plants do so well in a now has upwards of 6,000 plants al­ much as I have. greenhouse with an atmosphere at together. To hold down this " pop­ Another indication of popular in­ least approximating that of an ulation explosion" and pick up a lit­ terest in this group of plants is the "Eocene jungle." Succulents have tle money to help with supplies, he cover story in the March, 1977, issu e become moisture misers, not out of is now wholesaling trays of identical of Plants Alive, entitled "Cactus from choice, but of necessity; and al­ young plants and special collections Seed to Bloom." There is, of course, though one can produce lethal root­ in handsome redwood boxes. much technical literature available rot by over-watering, they take very Finally, I have included a photo­ in botanical and h orticulturallibrar­ kindly to a guarded relaxing of the graph of some of Mr. Price's older, ies. I think the "fancy" must be austerity which they have had to ad­ larger "specimen" plants, which catching. Recently I've purchased a just to in nature. This prompts one winter-over in his basement but couple of attractive and novel cacti to wonder what would happen if come out for the sun and rejuvena­ myself. Professor Price, you may not one gradually but steadily restored tion in the summer. have started all this, but you've cer­ succulents to fully tropical condi­ I don' t know to what extent it's tainly been in the vanguard of what tions. From Mr. Wayne Brethorst, a happening throughout the country, seems to be a growing trend in local horticulturist of considerable but there has certainly been a de­ house and greenhouse plants. versatility and experience, I have it cided rise, locally, in "cactus con­ Somewhere I recall reading that cacti that a greenhouse owner in sciousness." Several garden-supply and succulents also enjoyed a period has done just this, and in the course stores and small retail greenhouses of considerable popularity in the of only 20 years some of his desert (even notion and grocery stores) 1890s and again in the late 1920s. dwellers have started to revert to now carry cacti five to eight inches While listing above the four books their primeval forms! tall, some of them very handsome on cacti and succulents, I happened On this note I leave you to enjoy and healthy, for sale at eight to ten to remember-don't know why I Mr. Price's remarkable greenhouse dollars each. A cut-rate drug store, hadn't thought of it sooner-an ut­ vicariously-and perhaps with a de­ wanting to get into the act, recently terly delightful older (1958) publi­ sire to become better acquainted had for sale, along with some much cation by Claude Chidamian entitled with those astonishingly hardy and smaller plants, a two-foot cactus, The Book of Cacti and other Succulents heroic plants, the cacti and other which I thought most unattractive, (Doubleday & Company), which be­ succulents. If you should wish to priced at $49.95. One shop is doing gins with what may be called the contact Professor Price himself, by a brisk business in an excellent make "natural history" of these plants. mail or otherwise, and directly tap of window greenhouse, where cacti Originally, about 50 million years his expertise, I am sure he would be and succulents do nicely. And, this ago, what we today call succulents, happy to hear from you. His address same establishment is featuring four represented some 30 families of is: 609 W . Vermont St. , Urbana, IL well written and extensively i1lus- plants growing lushly under humid 61801. 0 17 Rudbeckia fu lgida

Unusual & ]\Jew Perennials for the Garden

extensive effort to relocate the true form of this plant, Andre Viette which is semi-dwarf in habit and displays rich ruby-red Route 1, Box 16, Route 608 Fisherville, VA 22939 flowers. The one currently available in trade, which may have originated from seed or have been misnamed, is All too often plant breeders promote "new" varieties at the taller than the original and has brighter coral-red flowers . expense of excellent older plants . Mr. Vi ette presents us with Papaver orientale 'Darling'-is a beautiful ruffled snow two lists of perennials worth redis covering and preserving. white with blooms measuring nine inches across. An unusual one inch border of medium pink edges the flow­ RARE, EXOTIC, SCARCE, UNUSUAL, and NEW ers. have been used in horticultural literature over the ages and these words are commonly found in today's nursery Papaver orien tale 'Prince Charming' -this cultivar boasts catalogues. Many plants described years ago in various a vivid, glistening, deep cherry red flower. journals are only now being rediscovered. Unfortunately Phlox paniculata 'Katherine'-My father, Martin Viette, a growing list of herbaceous perennials are falling into hybridized this over 50 years ago and today we still the categories RARE and SCARCE. Even more regret­ consider it the best of the blue summer phlox. It might tably, some perennials have become extinct just as many still be found in a few old estate gardens on Long Island, birds and animals have disappeared forever. . 'Katherine's' pale blue flowers are accented The reasons for this are varied. Weather conditions with a white eye. such as severe wint@rs and drought have taken their toll. Phlox paniculata 'Painted Lady' -this is one of the finest Certain plants become fashionable in the same manner pure baby pink phlox accented with a red eye. as clothes, home styles, etc. At the low cycle of popular­ ity it is possible that a plant will not be propagated be­ Phlox paniculata 'Mia Ruys' -this is a dwarf white form cause of lack of demand or its unprofitability. growing to' a height of only 16-18 inches. The following most desirable plants are now virtually Phlox subulata 'Vivid' -this unusual mountain pink has extinct in the horticultural trade or might possibly be the clearest pure pink color without any hint of lavender. found in only a very lew places: Pulmonaria angustifolia 'Johnsons Blue'-this variety of Chrysanthemum coccin eum (Pyrethrum) 'Scarlet Glow'­ lungwort is the only form exhibiting a clear blue flower. this cultivar is the most spectacular of the red pyre­ Most other blue forms display lavender-pink florets thrums. Most varieties sold in the trade are seed grown mixed with the blue. and vary greatly. When purchasing pyrethrum be sure Sidalcea malviflora 'Rose Queen'-checkerbloom has al­ they have been vegetatively propagated from true stock. ways been a wonderful companion plant for the peren­ Dicentra X 'Debutante'-is a beautiful dwarf bleeding nial garden complementing the delphinium. This tall heart with pale salmon-pink flowers. Dicentra X 'Silver peFennial will bloom twice a year if cut down after the Smith' displays attractive white flowers. Both of these first early summer blooming period. 'Rose Queen' has are rare in the general nursery trade. trusses of the truest pink color. Gypsophila paniculata 'Dwarf Form'-has been passed odorata 'Royal Robe' -The original form of this plant down from collector to collector and its origin is un­ was quite fragrant. Either the fragrance has been lost by (; .c known. This dwarf baby's-breath makes an excellent "in propagation" over the years or the 'Royal Robe' in 0; « showing with its dainty flowers billowing over a rock >­ the trade is not genuine. We have obtained plants from D wall or softly accenting a rock garden. '" many different sources but all lack the fragrance of the 15'" .c 18 Heuchera sanguinea 'Pluie de Feu'-we have made an original 'Royal Robe.' a.

Many plants, although not found in the average nurs­ pallida 'Variega ta'-i s grown for its striking white ery and garden center or nursery catalogue, may be lo­ and green variegated foliage which lends a refreshing cated in collectors' catalogues and in those nurseries in touch to the garden throughout the year. the United States, Canada, British Isles, Europe, and Iris tectorum 'Alba' -is a wonderful white Japanese roof Asia specializing in unusual plants. Reading through a iris. It is one of the most durable of iris, thrives in sun catalogue published 40 years ago by Martin Viette we or bright shade and is a fine companion plant for hosta. came across many plants which are not available today. Kirengeshoma palmata-this very unusual Japanese plant Frequently we think we have relocated a particular plant and are greatly disappointed to find the plant is not the has bold maple-shaped palmate leaves w~th beautiful true form or may be incorrectly labeled. The following yellow bell flowers in the early fall. This 4 ft. shade plant plants might be considered RARE, UNUSUAL, NEW, or REDISCOVERED and are obtainable from one or more sources. Your enjoyment of your garden will be greatly enhanced by the addition of these newer or more rare plants. The more gardens and nurseries that are growing these horticultural jewels, the less chance there is of losing them forever. You win, in effect, be helping to insure that these fine plants will not become €xtinct. Aquilegia flaballata 'Nana'-has delicate violet-blue and cream-white blooms gracing attractive glaucous blue fo­ liage. This dwarf c01umbine grows well in sun or bright shade. Astilbe Thunbergii 'Straussenfeder'-this is one of the most delicate of the false spireas. 'Strauss(mfeder' has deep salmon pink trusses which droop gracefully and 'Harvest Moon' Peony add an elegant touch to the flower garden. Athyrium goeringianum 'Pictum'-the foliage of the Jap­ lends a strong accent to the garden. anese Painted Fern comes in many beautiful shades of Lamium maculatum 'Album'- This sparkling white plant iridescent colors. This exotic hardy fern adds multico­ adds brightness to any shady garden. The fresh white lored beauty to a shady glen. flowers cover the spreading 8 inch ground cover. Chrysanthemum maximum ''-this large pure Lathyrus vermiS (Orobus vernus) -purple pea-flowers white single shasta daisy exhibits a vigorous hardiness cover this fine rockery plant in the spring. It prefers light which is not present in many of the English cultivars. gravel soil and thrives in a bright shade location. The This variety makes a fine cut flower. pink and white forms are more rare. Disporum sessile 'Variegatum'-is an enchanting peren­ Mertensia virginica 'Alba'-is a handsome white form of nial for the shade garden. It grows to a height of 8 to 12 our common Virginia Bluebells. M€rtensia will naturalize inches with graceful white bell flowers on its miniature in the shady garden. Solomon's seal-like foliage. Phlox paniculata 'Francis George'-this hardy summer Epimedium grandiflorum 'Album'-is a large flowering va­ phlox grows to a medium height and has clear pink riety with charming white blooms. flowers with a red eye. Its great attribute is its resistance to black spot and mildew disease, therefore requiring Epimedium grandiflorum 'Rose Queen' -has appealing little spraying. spurred deep rose-pink flowers in spring. Epimediums grace the bright shade garden with their delicate fern­ Polygonatum multiflorum-European Solomon's-seal is like foliage throughout the season. one of the finest of all the Solomon's-seals with rich blue-green foliage. It naturalizes well in the shade gar­ Iberis sempervirens 'Snowflake'-most candytuft found in den and its foliage furnishes a fine foil for cut flowers the nursery trade are seed grown. The true forms must of annuals and perennials in flower arrangements. Po­ be vegetatively grown from cuttings of original stock. lygonatum multiflorum produces pendant white flowers 'Snowflake' is superior in many ways-it is compact in in the spring. nature, has rich deep green foliage, and flowers later than other cultivars with larger blooms of the purest Palygonatum odoratum 'Variegatum' (P. japonicum 'Var­ white. iegatum')- This distinctively different Solomon's-seal has eye catching variegated foliage. Iris cristata 'Alba'-is a captivating white native dwarf crested iris. This ground cover adds lustre to a woodland Rudbeckia fulgida 'Gold sturm' -the true form of Rud­ 20 garden in the spring. beckia 'Goldsturm' is fast becoming replaced by an in- ferior seeded form . Many nurseries are propagating this might say that 'White Innocence' resembles a group of imposter by division, thereby perpetuating it. The gen­ pure white fluttering butterflies. This extraordinary cul­ uine cultivar is more compact in nature and has a better tivar will draw attention in any collector's garden. plant habit. Its golden flowers are displayed on beauti­ One of the most spectacular and brilliant perennials fully rounded plants throughout the summer. is the oriental poppy (Papaver orientale), which has Sanguil1aria canadensis 'Multiplex' - is a dramatic double brightened gardens here and in Europe for many years white form of our native bloodroot. Its waterlily-like with exotic, showy flowers. Poppies bloom in late spring blooms glisten in the wild garden in early spring. ranging in height from two to three feet and are dis­ Tiarella wherryi-flowers in late spring with delicate pale played best in mass plantings. Cultivars which are very rewarding to grow: 'Carousel'-a nine inch snow white ruffled bloom edged with a wide border of fiery red. 'Pinnacle'-a beautiful bi-color with exceptional garden durability, a large ruffled flower edged with . 'Springtime'-a large pure white poppy edged in pink. 'Harvest Moon'-this cultivar has nine inch semi-double blooms of clear yellow-orange. 'Lavender Glory'-this is the largest cultivar I have seen; the enormous size a nd texture of 'Lavender Glory' make it an unbelievable sight. The color is medium lavender with black basal spots in the center. 'Light House'-pure light salmon-pink with large ox­ blood basal spots; the flow ers are 8 inches wide borne Iris cristata 'Alba' upon a 34 inch stem. pink foam-flower blooms. It grows in distinct clumps Hemerocallis (Oaylily) cuJtivars now number well over and does not exhibit the rampant creeping growth habit 14,000, with hundreds being added each year. The new­ of Tiarella cordifolia. est and most expensive varieties are not always the best Vancouveria hexandra-is native to the Pacific Northwest performers. The following exhibit those qualities such and is rarely found in nursery catalogues. It is a fine as garden durability, a plentitude of blooms, a long flow­ ground cover for the shade garden and displays dainty ering season, and a gracefulness which place them above foliage resembling the maidenhair fern throughout the others: season. 'Anzac'-a fiery brilliant red. Because of their unusual qualities the following peo­ ' Buddha'-a captivating flat mahogany flower of un­ nies, poppies, and day lilies make outstanding additions usual texture. to today's perennial gardens. 'Cornwall'-a glistening, clean orange. The peony (Paeonia) is one of the most durable of 'Cherry Cheeks'-a very intense radiating raspberry garden plants. Of the thousands available, certain cul­ pink. tivars exhibit flawless qualities of flowering and exotic beauty. 'Ed Murray'-very deep red maroon with medium size flowers . One of the best in its color class. 'Gay Paree'-is a Japanese variety with a billowing white anemone center flushed with pastel pink. Its outer guard 'Heavenly Harp'-a crystalline diamond-dusted yellow petals are a rich cerise pink. and pink blend. 'Jan Van Leeuwen' exhibits rich porcelain white petals 'Jim Cooper'-a vibrant vermillion red. with a compact yellow chrysanthemum pompom center. 'Lovers Moon'-a bold, huge, rich golden orange. This eye catching variety has a wonderful compact plant 'Oriental Ruby'-an opulent deep carmen-red; one of habit and provides dramatic material for flower arrang­ the best. ing. 'Rozavel'-this fabulous deep raspberry-pink with an 'Garden Peace'-is a captivating cultivar producing huge apricot throat will go down as one of the best in its color single white blooms with gold and crimson shimmering class. centers. It exhibits the unique quality of large vibrant deep red seed pods which are a flower arrangers delight. 'Winning Ways'-an all-time great; extraordinary yellow blooms. 'White Innocence'-Enchanting and indescribable are the only words to characterize this exotic variety. We Happy Gardening! o 21

new flower colors and forms with good plant habit and W. L. Ackerman hardiness. Their popularity is reflected in the large num­ Research Horticulturist ber (over 70) of registered cultivars grown today. U.S. Departmen t of Agriculture The success of the Williamsii hybrids spurred camellia U. S. National Arboretum breeders to explore other species combinations. The in­ Was hington, D. C. 20002 troduction of C. reticulata cultivars from China into the United States in 1948 and the early 1950's, led to its Most of us think of camellias as the brightly colored h ybridization with C. japonica, C. salu e11.e11.s is, and other blooms of spring-flowering and au­ Camellia japon ica species. C. reticulata, with its large showy flo wers but tumn-flowering C. sasa nqua. However, the genus Ca­ poor, straggly plant habit, was a perfect candidate for consists of more than 82 species, all of which are mellia hybridization. Any hybrid progeny that improved plant of oriental origin. Distributed in southeastern Asia, from Japan to the Himalayas, and in Ja va and Sumatra, they grow in climates ranging from tropical and sub-tropical to temperate. Camellia species are adapted to outdoor culture in the United States, in the East from Florida to the New England states, and in the West from California to . The American Camellia Society mem­ bership covers 40 states plus the District of Columbia and . Because of their economic importance, Camellias have a long history of cultivation. Camellia sin ens is, and to a lesser degree C. irrawadiel1sis , are the source of commer­ cial tea. Although the use of tea likely predates historical records, the earliest written record of the tea plant seems to be that of " Ren Tsz' Chun Ts' ui," about 500 Be. Of comparable antiquity are various uses of many camellia species: for the edible oils from the seeds, for dye pig­ ments, pH conditioners, and liquid fermentation from the wood ash; for medicines from plant extracts; and for spear heads from the hardened wood. Some 36 Camellia species have been successfully in­ troduced into the United States, but many of them are rarely grown by camellia growers. Most of the minor species have small flowers of little commercial interest. They are difficult to hybridize with Camellia hybrid 'Cinnamon Cindy' C. japonica x C. commercial cultivars, and it takes many years of back­ lu tch uensis crossing to get hybrids that are worthwhile. However, continued breeding solely within popular species such characteristics, while retaining the excellent flower qual­ as C. japonica and C. sasanqua (intraspecific hybridization) ity, was a distinct improvement. Here again, success was severely narrows the possibilities of genetic variation. achieved, with the added bonus of greater hardiness Eventually, the law of diminishing returns catches up than that of the parent, C. reticulata. with this type of breeding, and increasingly greater ef­ By the early 1960's, substantial numbers of cultivar forts must be made to achieve new variations in flower hybrids were distributed throughout the camellia world. and plant characteristics. Interspecific hybridization in­ Camellia breeders advanced to backcross and second­ volving the minor species provides the potential for the generation hybridizing. It was perhaps only natural that development of truly new forms of camellias. backcrosses of Williamsii cultivars to C. jap011.ica would The first interspecific camellia hybrids produced were the Williamsii hybrids, crosses between C. saluenel1sis and take the lead. These were closely followed by second­ C. japonica, made in the early 1930's by J. e. Williams of generation combinations involving C. reticulata, C. cus­ Caerhays Castle, England. During the next several de­ pidata, C. pitardii, and others. cades other interspecific hybrids were bred by S. R. It was also in the early 1960's that hybridization pro­ Clarke of England, B. W. Doak of New Zealand, E. G . grams on both the Pacific and Atlantic coasts extensively Waterhouse of Australia, D. L. Feathers, J. H. Asper, explored species compatibility within the genus. At that ~nd W. E. Lammerts, all of California, and K. Sawada time, e. R. Parks of California and the author expanded of . These plant breeders were the pioneers of the numbers of interspecific camellia hybrids from a camellia interspeCific hybridization. The Williamsii hy­ dozen or so to almost 150 species combinations. This brids were extremely successful in their combination of work dramatically increased the knowledge of compati- 23 biLi ty relationships within the genus. However, with per­ breeding approaches toward the same objective, have haps the exception of hybrids from C. lutchuensis and succeeded in developing cold-hardy strains that may from C. granthamiana , few of the Fl (first generation) well extend the cultural limits of camellia northward. hybrids had significant commercial value. Although Spring-blooming cultivar, 'Frost Queen,' introduced in many interesting and unique floral and plant character­ 1970, was field-tested at winter temperatures as low as istics were developed among the Fl generations, few had -8°F without appreciable injury. Evaluations from co­ the direct commercial value of the Williamsii hybrids. It operators indicated that some flower bud injury occurred sometimes takes one or more backcross generations o'r at -3°F, leaf burn at -10°F, and severe plant injury, but outcrosses with other species before the full potential of survival, at -26°F. The winter season 1976-77 showed many of these hybrids can be properly evaluated. that most C. sasanqua cultivars were susceptible to pro­ Two aspects of the interspecific hybridization pro­ longed freezing temperatures and drying winter winds grams that merit special mention are the search for floral and that a close relative, C. oleifera, was considerably fragrance and the search for cold hardiness. During the hardier. Hybrids of C. oleifera with C. sasanqua and C. past 17 years, floral fragrance from C. lutchuensis has hiemalis may overcome this weakness. The flowers on been combined with species having large flowers. 'Fra­ these hybrids offer much the same size, color range, and grant Pink' and 'Cinnamon Cindy' were the first of these character of C. sasanqua on plants with smaller, thicker, interspecific hybrids, introduced in 1966 and 1968, re­ leaves of equal ornamental attractiveness. spectively. These cultivars and Fl'S of comparable crosses In contrast, hybrids of C. hongkongensis, C. grantham­ were used to advance the breeding of floral fragrance in iana and others show promise for greater sun- and heat­ subsequent generations. The late R. K. Cutter of Berke­ tolerance, useful in extending the range of camellias ley, California, was a strong advocate of acquiring highly southward. Also, camellia hybrids have been developed fragrant cultivars. His efforts, and those of Parks and that extend the blooming season throughout much of the author have produced many promising, fragrant hy­ the summer; that have willowy pendulous branches suit­ brids. able for hanging basket culture; and that have new fo­ The search for greater cold hardiness has been equally liage which ranges from pink through red to deep purple difficult. Here, Parks and the author, taking different for several weeks, before being masked by chlorophyll pigmen ta tion. The major advances in interspecific hybridization have F.ld~n. U.~I~.y car. Seryes occurred during the past several decades. This is an A Yar~e.y.' Garden~n. Meeds exceptionally short time if one considers that it' fre­ quently takes a decade or more to develop, propagate, and distribute a new camellia hybrid. Yet, impressive as the accomplishments may be, plant breeders have only begun to use the great reservoir of genetic variation in Cam ellia . If plant breeders, limiting themselves to the 36 camellia species now grown in the United States, were to explore all interspecific crosses, including reciprocals, there would be 1,225 possible interspecific combinations. Experience indicates that not all of these combinations Storage space scarce at your house?This new, unique folding lawn cart will help. Heavy-duty would result in viable hybrids. Some species do not steel cart has a large, 5 cubic foot capacity, but appear to be compatible with certain other species. As folds to only 10 inches for easy storage! an example, the author has explored 243 interspecific When open, the cart's dimensions are 34V2" combinations and obtained valid hybrids from 124 of long x 223/4 " wide x 16 V2" deep. It has large, them. If we assume that this ratio is typical of the genus, 10-inch wheels and weighs 38 pounds. then exploring all 1,225 possible combinations may well Ruggedly built, it is perfect for hauling large provide 625 new hybrid combinations including recip­ loads around the yard, and can be used year­ rocals. The use of hormones and other chemicals, in around for grass clippings, leaves, firewood, conjunction with pollination and the recent experimen­ mulch, tree plantings or trash. tation in somatic hybridization, could greatly increase Folds away simply for easy storage in garage the number of viable hybrid combinations achieved. or shed. Poly liners available. Because the many camellia species available to re­ Reasonably Write for FREE information to: searchers have such diverse genetic characteristics, the priced! STOW·AWAY';INC. combinations resulting from hybridication offer almost We honor endless possibilities. The author believes that the ca­ Box A #104, Hesston, KS 67062 VISA or mellias of the future will be a combination of the best 24 MasterCharge THE BIG CART FC, ; . >\ LITTLE SPACE qualities of the various species. 0 indirectly the result of human activ­ strong and profuse growers in cul­ ities. tivation, and mostly thrive under a Continu ed from page 11 Hibi scus newhousei is a tree grow­ variety of conditions. All the species It is a small tree or tall shrub, grow­ ing to 20 feet, having small red flow­ do best with a rich, well-drained soil ing 10 to 25 feet high with dense ers and oval leaves. It is grown or­ and plenty of moisture. Full sun and foliage . The flo wers, like those of namentally in Hawaii but is consid­ temperatures above 45 degrees F. Hibiscus waimeae, have a delicate fra­ ered endangered. are also apparently important for grance, and are white with three-to­ Hibiscus brakenridgei is an erect, growth. However, they need to be four-inch petals surrounding a long, light-wooded shrub four to five feet tested for possible greater cold tol­ red or white, s taminal column. high. The showy flowers are about erance. Unless tall plants are wanted These two species are the parents of five inches wide, pure sulphur-yel­ for landscape purposes, they can be our choicest, fragrant ornamentals low throughout, with a small crim­ pruned back heavily every winter, hybridized with the popular Hibiscus son spot on each petal at the throat. increasing new wood from which rosa-sinensis and other species. It is The leaves are unique in that they flowers develop. cultivated in Hawaii and has been are on long petioles and are pal­ The Hawaiian Hibiscus are prop­ introduced into southern California. mately three-to-seven-lobed. Four agated by seed, cuttings, and graft­ A native to the island of , botanical varieties have been iden­ ing. Seed germination in peat moss Hibiscus immaculatus is a tree grow­ tified. Today, three of them are en­ will vary from eight days to three ing to about 15 feet. The flowers dangered species and one is extinct. months. The seedlings commonly have pure white petals and staminal Hibiscus rockii is a light-wooded reach a height of two inches within column. It is considered an endan­ shrub to five feet high. It flowers one month and may be transplanted gered species. almost constantly. The blooms are to three-inch pots, one in each pot. is a shrubby tree yellow with or without a dark, red­ A month later, or when the plants reaching nine feet tall with dark dish-brown basal eye. The petals are are four to five inches in height, they green, glossy leaves. It flo wers approximately three inches long and are again transplanted outside in the when approximately three feet tall , two-and-one-half inches wide. It places where they are to be grown. and the petals are reflexed and red prefers partial shade for best devel­ Young plants, depending on desired throughout. Some plants, badly rav­ opment. growth habit, can be pinched back aged by cattle, were found in 1928 Akiohala or Hibiscus youngianus is on the tips until the first blooming by Mr. Albert Ouvel. They were a two- to three-foot undershrub. period, which may be from 8 to 12 found growing at an elevation of 600 Flowers are three inches wide, and months from the planting of the to 700 feet in Haiku, Kauai. Mr. Ou­ occur in the axils of the upper leaves. seed. Variation among seedlings is vel planted a specimen at the nurs­ The petals are lavender with a tri­ very great so it is often desirable to ery of the Board of Agriculture near angular, crimson eye at the base of propagate Hibiscus from cuttings or Lihue, Kauai, undoubtedly saving the flower and the staminal column grafts, in order to perpetuate the de­ this species from extinction. Today, is a deep crimson. This Hibiscus is sired characteristics. Cuttings are it is still cultivated but is considered found in marshes and other wet best taken from fairly well-matured endangered. areas on all the Islands. Mrs. Sin­ wood a half-inch in diameter. Cut­ Hibiscus kokio is a tall shrub, 8 to clair, a writer of the time, stated in tings should preferably be made five 14 feet high, dividing from the base 1885 that it was " once so plentiful inches long and planted three inches into long branches. On Kauai, how­ the aho (thatching sticks) were made deep in a suitable propagation me­ ever, it grows as a tree. The red flow­ of the stems." Fortunately, today dia such as peat moss and perlite. ers with red staminal column occur this Hibiscus is not endangered. Cuttings will normally root in one solitarily in the axils of leaves. Re­ Hibiscus saintjohnianus is a shrub and one-half months. They then can sembling Hibiscus rosa-sinensis , it dif­ growing to 15 feet. Dr. Harold St. be transplanted into pots or directly fers primarily in growth habit and John, for whom the flower is named, into the garden. Cuttings planted in has smaller flowers with partially related in an interview of the finding the garden after rooting will come erect petals. Although this Hibiscus of this Hibiscus along the Napali into flower in about six or seven has been found on nearly all the Is­ Coast-a series of lush valleys and months. Grafting offers the most lands, it is now endangered. 2000-foot cliffs in Kauai. It seems an rapid method for obtaining flowers. Hibiscus kahilii is similar to Hibiscus appropriate setting, for the orange­ These grafts are more vigorous and kokio but is a smaller tree with red flower is striking in its beauty. will bloom in about three months. smaller leaves and longer, narrower This Hibiscus is grown ornamentally If one is interested, eight species petals. The delicate, red flower is ap­ in Hawaii but is considered an en­ of Hawaiian Hibiscus are propa­ proximately three inches across. The dangered species. gated and obtainable from Alexan­ native populations have been se­ The Hawaiian Hibiscus require no der's Nursery, RRI Box 273, Kapaa, verely depleted, which is directly or more care than cultivars. They: are Kauai, HI, 96746. 0 25 .;-- Free for th.e PiCkirlg

Martha Prince 9 Winding Way Locust Valley, NY 11560 and Jordan Prince In summer and early fall, m y kitchen is fragrant with the sm ell of simmering blueberries, wineberries, blackberries, elderberries, beach plums a nd cr aba pples. It is jelly time! It is pie time! Perhaps there is a thrifty Scot in me (actually, there is); I n either had to grow nor buy this bounty of Na­ ture' s w ild e dibles. Som eh ow it doubles the pleasure to gather, use and enjoy delights that are fr ee for Persimmons Beach Plu ms the taking. The odors and tastes are also full of nostalgic memories for crushing som e. Use the m as the For blueberries, nowadays, we go me. edible jewels they are; fresh- plain, to for the marvelous low­ O f all the berries for w h ich to w ith w h ipped crea m , or with a bush ones (Vaccinium angustifolium) . search by m erely sniffing the air, the beautiful zabaglion e. The land we own there was bought wild strawberries (F raga ria virgi­ Everyone can find blackberries for its beaver pond, its mountain niana) are easiest by fa r. Their per­ (various Rubus species, such as cu­ view, its w hite birches, and its berries . fume, in the warm sun of a June day, neifolius) . As children, we guarded In early August we bring my special is finer than any Chanel or Arpege! the secret whereabouts of the best h an dled basket h ome to Long Is­ During my childhood in the South, patches. We would check regularly; lan d, full to the brim. Picking the our most abundant supply of trea­ first on the quantity of white fl ow­ berries is our last " duty" on the sures grew in a deserted m eadow ers, then again to make sure the morning we head south. My basket wh ere a farm must have been, years green berries turned red, and finally h olds precisely enough for two pies, before. A creek ambled through the to call, "They're black! Let's go." I two batches of muffins and two cof­ grass, and it was a lovely place to wear heavy gloves today for black­ fee cakes. You ca n easily find the spend the day. I never remember berrying, but in those days scratches first two recipes, and I'll give you having any uneaten berries to bring were a badge of h on or. Scratch ed the third later. home; as an adult, I' ve little more hands, scratched knees, scratched "Real" raspberries (Rubus idaeus restraint. Here on Long Island, our faces .... Use the berries for pie, for val'. strigosus) are fairly rare in the n earest pa tch was bulldozed for jelly, for "Roly-Poly" (an old-fas h­ wild form, but early August is rip­ h ouses and we m ust plan a search . io ned recipe not h ard to fin d. A bis­ ening time for a very pretty rasp­ In Maine, we know a secret spot by cuit " jelly roll" is filled with black­ berry, the Wineberry (Rubus phoeni­ the crashing sea- a grassy spot on berries, cut into roun ds, set swirl­ colas ius) , h ere on Lon g Island. It is a rocky promontory. North Carolin a sides up in a lemony sugar syrup, an "ali en escapee," but none the less has hillsides so covered you must an d baked in a round layer-cake delicious, an d very plentiful along 26 step on the tiny, sweet red berries, pan). the roadsides. Th e stems are red, and the calyx forms a furry "pixie jelly that is much too good for the October m ean s persimmons cap" which makes it very easy to peanut-butter-and-j elly crowd. Wiospyros virginiana) . Presumably spot. Actually, they are prettier than If you are a Southerner, or lucky they are wild as far north as Long your garden raspberries, for they are enough to be in the South in Sep­ Island, but the ones pointed out to shiny and almost translucent. I will tember or early October, you have me as such here cannot be; they form admit they ar en ' t quite as good. access to my favorite grapes-mus­ far too neat a ring around an old However, they make a gorgeous cadines and scuppernongs . Both farm pond, and are all the same age. topping for a cream tart, if dipped are, botanically, Vi tis rotundifolia , but The South is real " persimmon coun­ in melted apple jelly before arrang­ gastronomicall y they aren' t the try." I must issue a warning to city ing. same at all. A muscadine is a purple dwellers and other unwary souls; Elderberries (Sambucus canadensis) grape, large, non-bunching, heavy­ Beware! One ea ts the fallen fruit, or grow along every meadow edge and skinned and quite delicious. Better what comes down with a shake, not stream from here to Georgia, along still is the scuppernong. Green-and­ the pretty orange balls on the tree. the Turnpikes and the Interstates. In brown-and-gold, it yields an amber Unripe persimmons pucker one's June, they forn1 white hedges with jelly, not a " grape-colored" one. mouth like alum. I forgot to warn their flat-topped flower clusters. In Both make good, if unusual, wine. my New York husband soon enough; mid-August I pick mine (if I can beat he is, h owever, now a d evotee. the birds) in a nearby n,eadow. I pick Have you never ea ten them? To me, the whole heads, and pull the tiny persimmons taste like persimmons, berries off in an " upside-down" po­ obviously. My husband volunteers sition over a bowl wh en I return to a description for those of you who the kitchen. The jelly is wonderful­ do not know them. "They are a cross and so are memories of my Grand­ between a ripe mango and a stewed mother's wine. apricot. " Beach Plums (Pnmus maritima) are Are you hungry? Here are a few a treasure New Englanders claim, special and different ways to use but on Long Island (and southward these wild delicacies. along the coast, even to Virginia) Blueberry Coffee Cake shore dwellers may find them. We With a pastry blender, combine have them nearby in profusion. three (3) cups of flour, two (2) tea­ Picking is a problem of logistics, for spoons doubleacting baking pow­ all the trees, bushes really, that I der, one and one-half (PIz) cups know insist on growing among the granulated sugar, one (1) teaspoon Beach plum chiffon pie prickly wild roses and the poison freshly ground nutmeg and one half ivy. The beach (ours is on Long Is­ My Yankee ·husband, upon tastin g (1/2) cup of butter or margarine. land Sound) is at its loveliest in the his first home-made scuppernong Work until the consistency of coarse early fall, though, and there is no wine, decided it might admirably crumbs. Reserve one (1) cup of the pleasanter way to spend an early take the place of a medium Sherry. mixture for use as the topping. September day than to fill a basket. Next-crabapples. Here in the To the remainder of the above The air is bright, white caps are on Northeast we have coronaria; mixture add two (2) beaten eggs and the dark water, and there is a clear the Midwest has Malus ioensis, and one (1) cup of milk. Beat thoroughly. view across to . The the South has Malus angustifolia. My Coat one and one-half (Ph ) cups of plums are usually equated with very first income, earned when I was fresh blueberries with a little sugar jelly, but they make the best jam in by shaking together in a bag. Stir the nine years old, was $9.45, shared the world, and some of the best pie. sugared berries carefully into the with an enterprising cousin. We batter mixture. N~xt in the seasonal procession scrambled barefoot up Grand­ Grease two eight inch round layer come the grapes. Here in the North­ mother's old crabapple trees, appro­ cake pans (I prefer the ones whose east we have the fox grape (Vi tis la­ priated glasses and sugar from the bottoms come out). Divide the batter brusca). This wildling looks like a kitchen, and went into the jelly busi­ between the two pans and sprinkle miniature Concord, but is much too ness. Now it is difficult to find pure sour to eat out-of-hand . Almost species, as crabapples hybridize so one-half of the reserved crumb mix­ every roadside tree on the North ture on each. Bake in a 3750 oven for easily. Actually, our native M. C01'O­ Shore or the East End of Long Island about thirty minutes, or until a naria does not make the pretties t is festooned with vines. One brown­ wooden toothpick inserted in the paper grocery bag full of bunches jelly-dark, red-skinned fruit gives center comes out dry. If you used (leaves, stems, and any other debris a lovelier color. To test crabapples the false-bottom pans it is easy to lift included) yields a jelly-batch of (even special ones in your garden) the cakes out, crumb side up. If you grapes. That is my way of measuring just bite the fruit. All the tart, acid used regular pans, do a "double when I've picked enough. Use for a ones can make fine jelly. Continued 011 page 37 27 Trends in Peonies only guess what may be eventually ican Peony Society. Although an distilled out of this group through enormous number of plants were Con tinued from pnge 7 current breeding efforts. We are al­ produced in the Saunders gardens, ti vars of all types-Chinese, hybrid ready seeing glowing " ice cream" only a fraction of their breeding po­ herbaceous and tree peonies-at­ pastels and peachy colored blends, tential has been exploited. testing to the continued advance­ some having raspberry toned flares The Saunders collection was con­ ment of excellence being attained by of contrasting . color at the base of tinued until the early 1970's as a breeders. Upon several occasions, each petal. Hybridists have recently nursery by Miss Silvia Saunders hybrid cultivars have won the na­ reported double flower types and who, with all deliberation, dis­ tional grand championship. Some of clear yellow flowers among the persed the rare hybrids to potential these are 'Carol,' 'Lovely Rose,' 'Red progeny. hybridists. With the cooperation of Charm,' and 'Robert W. Auten.' Midseason Hybrids, as used here, several individuals, notably E. L. With the modern expansion of refers to those which commence (Roy) Pehrson, Lafayette, Minne­ peony types, it has become easily flowering about a week ahead of the sota, and P . C. (Chris) Laning, Kal­ possible to have lovely peonies in Chinese peonies and include several amazoo, , Miss Saunders flower for six weeks. In such a plant­ fine doubles in gorgeous bright reds fostered active communication ing, the season opens with some of and glowing salmon, coral and rose­ among those interested in peony hy­ the early hybrids and the Japanese pinks, as well as many outstanding bridizing. Cooperative projects have tree peonies. These are followed singles. These are made by crossing resulted, including the quarterly (with much overlapping of sched­ selections of the Peregrina and Of­ newsletter of hybridizing and a seed ule) by the Lutea Hybrids and mid­ ficinalis species groups with the distribution program. season herbaceous hybrids, both of Chinese peonies. Contemporary with the Saunders which continue to flower during the Japanese tree peonies and the project were the activities of several beginning of the Chinese peony sea­ Chinese peonies are well docu­ other pioneer hybridists. Working son. The selection of cultivars is ad­ mented in the gardening literature with the garden varieties of P. offi­ equate to excellent for all parts of and should need no further expla­ cinalis , some of which have flower­ this longer, flowering season. There na tion here. doubling in their genetic makeup, is a substantial e xtension in the Historically, the interspecific hy­ and by crossing them with the range of color, foliage effect and bridization of peonies is scarcely Chinese peonies, 'Auten,' 'Bock­ plant stature. past infancy. Although selected for stoce,' 'Freeborn,' 'Glasscock'· and By way of definition, the Lutea domestic use since prehistoric times, 'Mains' made some of the finest Hybrids include good, clear yellows both the herbaceous and the tree pe­ double, red-flowered hybrids yet and yellow-blend flowers, along onies of China appear to be distinct, produced. with reds ranging to darkest ma­ each within a single species. Very Refinement of the Chinese peo­ roon. The flowering season com­ little record of deliberate hybridiza­ nies continued during the same pe­ mences about one week after the tion between peony species dates riod and numerous fine cultivars Japanese tree peonies start and, with before the late 1800's. The Lemoines have been introduced in recent an appropriate selection of cultivars, of France brought out a small group years. may continue for three weeks or of early herbaceous hybrids and Peony nurseries currently in oper­ more. There may be an occasional their first Lutea Hybrid tree peony ation that have been instrumental in flower in summer or autumn, as in the first decade of this century. bringing the new peonies to the well. They get their yellow pigment The most ambitious hybridizing public include the firms of Bigger, and long season of flowering from efforts were undertaken by Profes­ Brand, Gilbertson, Goldsmith, the sometimes re-blooming yellow sor A. P. Saunders of Clinton, New Gratwick, Helmling, Interstate, species of Southwest China. A suc­ York. During the early decades of Klehm, Krekler, Lienau, Reath, cessor group is the semi-herbaceous this century, he undertook to collect Smirnow and Wild (G. H . & Son). Itoh Hybrids, also having yellow and interbreed all of the available Specific information on the special­ pigments, made by using the pollen peony species that could be induced ist sources of peony cultivars may of the Lutea Hybrids on flowers of to grow in his area. Many hybrids be obtained from the Peony Society. the Chinese peonies. were produced, while many at­ The American Peony Society is a Early Hybrids refers to the mixed tempts also failed. The work was membership organization. It main­ group of herbaceous that start flow­ continued over a long period, dur­ tains a registry of peony cultivars, ering ahead of the tree peonies and ing which careful records were kept. sponsors competitive exhibitions, continue for a few days thereafter. Some of the results are preserved in compiles and publishes informa­ They often involve three or more published references, and copies of tion, and, by various other means, species and afford a rich lode of ge- certain original records may be ob­ sponsors excellence in the produc­ 28 netic material for breeding. One can tained for study through the Amer- tion and use of peonies. Mrs. Greta M. Kessenich is Secretary-Editor. onies, h erbaceous h ybrids, spe­ 1954, THE NATIONAL HORTICUL­ The current president is Mr. Joseph cies tree peonies. TURAL MAGAZINE. G locka . Inquiries sh o uld be a d­ • Whitnall Park Botanic Gardens, Kessenich, Greta M. , ed ., PEONIES: Hale's Corner, WI. HISTORY OF THE PEONIES AND dressed to Mrs . Kessenich at 250 In­ THEIR ORIGI NATIONS (c hecklist of terlach en Roa d , H o p kins, MN • Winterthur Gardens, Winter­ cultivars). Hopkins, MN, The Ameri­ 55343. thur, DE-h erbaceous an d tree ca n Peony Society (1976) . $10.00. Fine peonies may be viewed in peony h ybrids. Kessenich, Greta M., ed. , THE AMER­ fl owerin g season at numerous loca­ • Morton Arboretum, Lisle, IL­ ICAN PEONY SOCIETY BULLETIN . Publi shed four ti mes yearl y at Hop­ tions across the northern h alf of the tree peonies. kins, MN, by the American Peony So­ United States and in Canada. Mem­ • Scott Foundation , Swarthmore, ciety. Membership subscri ption, back bers of the Society n ormall y make PA-tree peonies. iss ues ava ilable. their plantings available to visitors • John J. Tyler Arboretum, Lima, La ni ng, P. c. , ed ., PAEO NIA: THE HY­ by appointment, and displays are P A-tree peonies. 0 BRIDISTS NEWSLETTER. Q uarterly periodica l, dupli ca ted . 55 3 West F maintained during fl owering season Ave., Kalamazoo, MI. 49007. by most peony nurseries. A partial Li, Hui Li n, " Moutan Peony, The King list of public gardens wh ere fine pe­ REFERENCES: of Flowers," and " Shaoyao, the Her­ onies are reported to be grown fo l­ baceous Peony" in THE GARDEN lows: America n Peony Society, HANDBOOK FLOWERS OF CHINA. New York, OF THE PEO NY, 3rd . ed ., rev. Hop­ The Ronald Press (1959) . • Arnold Arboretum, Ja macia ki n , MN, The American Peony Soci­ Nehrling, Arno and Irene, PEONIES Plain, MA-tree peonies. ety (1977). $2. 50. OUTDOORS AN D IN . New York, • Green w ich G ard en Ce nter, Boyd , James, ed ., PEO NIES : THE The Hea rthside Press (1960). Avail abl e MAN UAL OF THE AMERIC AN Mo ntgom ery Pine tum, Cos fr om America n Peony SOCiety; there PEONY SOCIETY. (1928), reprinted is also a Dover Press paperbound edi­ Cob, CT-herbaceous hybrids. with supplement (193 2) . tion. Kingwood Center, Mansfield, Haworth-Booth , Michael, THE MOU­ Stern, Frederick c. , A STUDY OF THE OH. TAN OR TREE PEO NY. Lo n d on , GEN US P AEONIA . London , The • National Arboretum, Washing­ Constabl e Publishers (1963). Royal Horticultural SOCiety (1946). Hollingsworth, Buckner, " Peo ny," in ton, DC. Wister, John c. , ed ., THE PEONIES. FLOWER CHRON ICLES. New American Horticultural Society (1962). • University of Washington Ar­ Brunswick, NJ, Ru tgers, The State A va il a ble fr om American Peo ny So­ boretum, Sea ttle, WA-tree pe- University (1958). Orig . pub. April ci ety.

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P. E. Parvin University of Hawaii P.O. Box 187 Kula, Maui, HI 96790

H.ave you m~t the Royal Family? in the Southern Hemisphere-es­ ornamental species-not just to the Once, not too many years ago, it pecially in South Africa and Aus­ single genus, Pro tea . would have been necessary to travel tralia. Some are ground covers six The inflorescence of a is half way around the world-to Af­ inches high, others are shrubs six made up of many small, relatively rica and Australia-in order to enjoy feet high, while a few tree species insignificant flowers in a composite the unique beauty of these exotic may reach 60 feet. flower head without petals. In some flowers. Today, they are at home in Linneaus named its most promi­ genera, e.g. Protea , and Tel­ the islands of Hawaii. Thriving on nent genus Protea (pr6-te-a) in 1771, opea, the flowerhead is surrounded the cool slopes of our volcanoes, this an apt classical allusion to the an­ by colorful bracts. In others, such as fascinating family of plants is creat­ cient Mediterranean god, Proteus, , and , ing new excitement among discrim­ who had the power to change him­ the showy effect comes as the styles, inating flower lo vers as they are be­ self into many shapes. Jussieu, ri n or pins, reflex and the periarith, or coming more readily available. 1789, gave the name to the ribbon, rolls back to reveal vivid col­ It is a large family of 61 genera and whole family. In current usage, the ors. 30 over 1,400 species, occurring mainly term "protea" refers to any of the And now, allow me to present the From left to right: Protea grandiceps (The Princess Protea); Protea cynara ides (The King Protea); Leucaspermum hybrid (Hawaii Gold); Pratea langifalia (Ermine Tail Pro tea)

The PRINCESS, (P. grandiceps), is of similar size but the to coral bracts are tipped with white lashes and curve inward at the tip to pro­ vide a more flattened effect. Royal Family: The KING PROTEA, ameter, fur tipped bracts open to re­ The DUCHESS, (P. eximia) , is a (Pro tea cynaJ'oides), is the largest and veal a fluffy white interior with a shimmering beauty of pink to rose most regal of the flowers, with its dark center. The effect is an incred­ with a center of royal burgundy. The crown-like bracts opening to a di­ ible tactile appeal and one has an Duchess has an inflorescence ap­ ameter of 8 to 12 inches. The species urge to touch the Queen! Bracts are proximately five inches deep, open­ typically bears clear pink bracts sur­ usually pink with white fur, al­ ing to four inches across. Its leaves rounding the dove-grey flowers in though variations are occasionally undergo a color change from green the center. Although relatively rare, seen. to an exotic blue-black after cutting. King Proteas are occasionally seen The PRINCE, (P. compacta), enjoys The MINKS, (P. neriifolia) , share in a color range from near white, great popularity in England. Clean, with the Queen, an appeal to the through increasingly deep shades of aristocratic deep pink bracts, rarely sense of touch. Five inches deep and pink to a dark red. white, open to expose the banker's three to four inches in diameter, the The QUEEN, (P. magnifica), is per­ grey flowers. The flowerhead is ap­ Pink Minks are heavily tipped with haps the showiest of all proteas. proximately four inches deep by a dark, lustrous mink-like fur. Vari­ Usual1y five to eight inches in di- four inches wide. ations of color in both the bracts 31 (white, pink, rose, red) and the fur liant orange ring the base of a domed neriifolia) . The Duchess is frequently (black, white) h ave been observed. cylinder of unopened white buds, used in the dried state as an exotic ERMINE TAIL PROTEA, (P. lon­ giving a two-toned effect; GOLD disk with the hundreds of indenta­ gifolia) , combines smooth, six-inch BANKS lA, ( B. ashbyi). Deeply­ tions to which the individual flowers bracts of pale chartreuse-to-white, toothed, dark green leaves show off were attached creating a decorative forming a four-inch circle around a the vivid orange-gold flowers in a geometriC fantasy. mound of furry, white flowers six-inch cylinder. Both buds and To achieve a more dramatic effect blending into an elongated, central flowers are the same brilliant color; of mahogany brown leaves that re­ " tail" of softest black. RED BANKSIA, (B. occidentalis), has main pliable, try the glycerine If these species r epresent the the appearance of lustrous, deep red m@thod. The Hawaii Protea Coop­ Ro yal Family of proteas, then surely wires, woven into an intricately de­ erative, P.O. Box 68, Kula, Maui, HI the crown jewels are the dazzling signed spike two inches in diameter 96790, has prepared a sheet of in­ Sunburst Proteas in the genus Leu­ by six inches high; RIC-RAC BANK­ structions on this method. It in­ cospermum . The colors vary with the SIA, (B. speciosa) , gives the overall volves pounding the stems of the species. The cordifoliums are most eHect of an exotic bird in flight with fresh flowers and plaCing in a solu­ popular with shades of yellowish­ narrow, grey-green ric-rac leaves tion of one part glycerine to three orange through red. The arrange­ surrounding the plump, six to eight­ parts water. After several days, ment of its iridescent styles is remi­ inch column of a similar color. beads of glycerine appear on the niscent of a magnificent burst of fire­ Proteas, in spite of their diversity edges of the leaves, or the leaves are works high in the sky. Among the of shapes and colors, share a com­ oily to the touch, signaling that glyc­ exotic sunburst proteas are: L. tot­ mon advantage of excellent keeping erine has permeated the leaves and tum, Pink Star, and a University of qualities when properly handled. bracts. The stems should then be re­ Hawaii hybrid, Hawaii Gold (L. cu­ Proteas have a woody stem, and if moved and placed upright in an neiforme x L. conocarpodendron). they have been out of water for a empty container to allow the water Another African pro tea is the ge­ few days, as in the case of direct to evaporate. What remains is a nus , used both for its shipments from Hawaii, you should beautifut dark brown, flexible "per­ colorful foliage and, in some species, recut the stem and place in warm manent" protea. Drying in the sun­ for the showy inflorescence. The preservative solution. Initially, there light results in a lighter color than SIL VERTREE, (L. argenteum), is an is a significant amount of water drying in a dark closet. You may also exotic cut foliage with each leaf cov­ taken up by proteas, so it is wise to wish to experiment with the Use of ered with shimmering silver hairs. check the container daily. All pro­ the concentrated cold water dyes FLAMETIP, (L. discolor) combines a teas respond positively to the use of used for making batiks. A small walnut-size cluster of male a good flower preservative chemical quantity of this powder, dissolved flowers-bright red just before in the water. University of Hawaii in the glycerine/water solution and opening-nestled against a collar of tests show the vase life of Sunbursts taken up in the stems produces in­ clear yellow, petal-like leaves. more than doubles, from 12 to 14 teresting results. Australian proteas are well rep­ days in plain water, to 28 to 35 days The Sunburst Proteas, lasting a resented in the flower shops by the if kept adequately supplied with month in floral preservative solu­ genus Banksia , named for Sir Joseph preservative solution. In a similar tions, are primarily composed of Banks, the royal botanist sailing test, Duchess lasted 11 days in water water-filled styles or pins. Normal with Captain Cook when he discov­ and 26 days in preservative solution. drying procedures do not work for ered Australia. The inflorescence is Many proteas also dry beautifully these genera, and after a few weeks, usually a cylindrical spike of densely and "appreciate with age"! They we are left with only pleasant mem­ arranged, individual flowers which may be air dried naturally, or treated ories of their unique beauty. How­ open from the base to the tapered with glycerine, available at most ever, for the dedicated dry-flower dome at top. The flower heads gen­ drug stores. Naturally dried proteas enthusiast, there is the possibility of erally range from three to eight develop a pale beige color, and the using microwaves. A friend took up inches in length, three to four inches leaves may become brittle to the the challenge recently when told the in diameter. Close inspection re­ touch. An interesting variation for Sunburst didn' t dry, and after sev­ veals the orderly, geometric ar­ species in the genus Protea is to pull eral trials, produced a " permanent" rangement of the unopened buds. out the individual flowers from the Sunburst worthy of any dried ar­ Among the most popular center of the flowerhead, exposing rangement! The fully opened Sun­ available as cut flowers are: PINK the intricate design of the basal burst was removed from its stem, FROST BANKS lA, (B . menziesii) . Sil­ plate. Depending upon the variety, and placed in a one-inch layer of ver overlays on dark pink flowers in the bracts, surrounding this disk " kitty litter" in a small cardboard a regal spike; ORANGE BANKSIA, may be stiff and open to a star (P. box. The same material was then 32 (B. prionotes). Open flowers of bril- repens) or a fur-tipped circle (P . carefully poured on and around the fl ower to completely cover. The box high temperatures in the day­ was n ext placed in a microwave time, they mus t cool down a t oven which was turned to High, for night. In their native habitat, they fi ve minutes. The box was re moved can survive several degrees of and allowed to rest undisturbed for frost in the winter, but will be four days. The litter was ca refully killed if the temperature drops poured out, revealing a beautiful rapidly below 26 - 27°F. An ideal Sunburst, slightly smaller in size, temperature regime seems to be but retaining a burnt-orange color. nighttime lows in the 50's, and The fl ower was wired and ta ped for daytime highs in the 80's. a s tem and is a real beauty . Dr. Because of the size of the mature McDonnald had tried Silica Gel, but plants, most proteas are not adapted achieved best results with kitty lit­ to pot culture. In the sh ort run, Leu­ ter, in spite of the smell while "cook­ cospermums can be fl owered the ing. " first year from rooted cuttings, and Proteas on the world market come by shifting up in pot size, ca n be from fields in South Africa , Aus­ managed for two to three years be­ tralia, New Zealand, and a few from fore fresh cuttings should be taken . Israel, California, and Hawaii. Ry­ Seedling Leucospermum grow too croft reports tha t it becam e ex­ large before blooming and are not trem ely fashionable at the end of the recommended for pot culture . 18th and beginning of the 19th cen­ O ne of the most satisfactory pro­ turies to grow proteas from seed col­ teas for tub culture is the King Pro­ lected by botanical travelers and col­ tea. It makes an attractive plant, lectors and sent back to the U.K. and even out of bloom, and will provide Europe. Today , they are seldo m several years of d ecorati ve display seen in these countries, perhaps due in a 12- to 18-inch pot. Remember to a change in greenhouse en viron­ to use a loose, slightly-acid soil mix, me nts . Ba sed on research a t the provide lots of light, don't over wa­ Maui Agricultural Research Center, ter, and avoid humid, stagnant air. and adaptive trials at various loca­ Monthly feedings, during its period tions throughout Hawaii, a few gen­ of vegetative flush es, with a com­ eral conditions for successful culture plete, low-phosph ate fertilizer, in­ can be postulated: cluding minor elem ents, at on e half 1. Proteas require almost perfect the recommended rate on the label, drainage-both air and soil. Their can be applied . growth is bes t w h ere air can Sima Eliovson's book, Proteas For move through the plants. High Pleasure , contains the most detailed mortality rates occur where the instructions on cultivation of proteas air is s till or s tagn ant. They in print, while Rousseau's, The Pro­ cannot tolerate wet fe et! There teaceae of South Africa , has an out­ must be plenty of aeration around standing collection of color prints. their roots. Honingklip Nurseries, 13 Lady 2. Proteas do well in slightly acid Anne Avenue, Newlands, Cape, mediums. Only a few species tol­ South Africa 7700, publishes an ex­ erate alkaline conditions. tensive seed list for African proteas 3. Proteas require high light inten­ and books on the subject. The Peter sity for best bloom. Two King B. Dow and Company, P.O . Box Pro tea bushes were planted on 696, Gisborne, New Zealand, in­ either side of the Research Center cludes Australian Banksia in their entrance. One never received di­ catalog. Plants are available from rect sun, and although it did well, Southern California, Hawaii and vegetatively, it has n ever New Zealand nurseries, while fresh bloomed . The plant receiving two and dried, cut flowers are available to three hours of direct sun in the from your florist and directly from afternoon blooms annually. the Hawaii Pro tea Cooperative. En­ 4. Although Proteas can tolerate joy! 0 33 Martha Prince 9 Winding Way Locust Valley, NY 11560 Once upon a time there was a gar­ dener who was forbidden to garden. Digging in good, rich soil releases the nasty "snow mold"; harvesting juicy red tomatoes may free fusar­ ium; plucking the prettiest of flow­ ers sca tters dangerous pollen from ripe stamens. Does this read like the beginning of a horror tale? In a way, it seemed so at first. The hated orders were the doctor's, and I knew only too well what happened if I disobeyed. A bowl of fragrant lilacs in a closed room had sent me to the hospital! I had no breath with which to garden, anyway. Instead of ending something, this proved to be an exciting beginning. Confined to a more or less colorless and flowerless summer garden (we grew self-caring springtime rhodo­ dendrons, and wildflowers), with annuals, perennials and vege­ tables taboo, I discovered the fantas­ tic world of weeds. No, not to kill, but to enjoy. Instead of a spray gun or a weeder, my weapon was the camera. Equipped with a ground­ glass view-finder and a bellows, our faithful old Leica could bring the tin­ iest weedflower into close and de­ tailed view . Nature expends as much ingenuity of design on th.e smallest weed, lost in the grass, as on a florist's orchid. Do you know the little creeping "pest" called GiU­ over-the-ground, or Ground Ivy? It sneaks into the edges of the best

34 Ri ght- Deptford Pink. manicured laws; botaflically, it is most too small to notice before you sider the simplicity of one and the Glechoma hederacea. Close up, the step on it. intricacy of the other. And have you quarter-inch flowers are exotic lav­ If tomatoes do not climb up the ever stopped to notice that the one ender blossoms, blotched in purple poles placed for them, there are wild tiny center flower of Queen Anne's on the lower lip, and worthy of any members of the Tomato family Lace is purple? The orange Jewel elfin corsage. And worthy of a cen­ which will happily take their place. Weed (Impatiens capensis) also grows terpiece arrangement, albeit for a The Nightshade (Solanum dulca­ in tall masses. With its strange curly three-inch table, are the wee spikes mara) , with backswept purple pet­ " tail" it is laughably funny, at least of pink Lady's Thumb (Polygonum als, has the prized shape of the to me. persicaria) or any of the other Smart­ Shooting Stars (Oodecatheon). An­ I've always thought the Scarlet weeds. other tomato is the prickly and ma­ Pimpernel had to do with detective Weed exploring requires little ex­ ligned weed, the Horse-nettle (So­ fiction, but there is a delightful tiny ertion and no traveling. Leave your lanum carolinense). If you are not weed (more salmon than scarlet) garden alone for only a few weeks­ with the same name. Botanically, it and presto! Chickweed (Stellaria me­ is Anagallis arvensis. A companion dia) is really a dainty, pretty little along the side of the road is the little white thing spotted in your un­ Deptford Pink (Dianthus armeria). If mowed lawn. If you have no you are unable to edge your garden "proper" creeping Thyme between paths this year with "real" pinks, your flagstones, a Wood Sorrel (Ox­ accept this bright and pretty substi­ alis corniculata) will be glad to invade. tute with gratitude. The petals have It has a sunny, little five-petalled scalloped edges and clusters of min­ yellow face, and clover-like leaves. iature white polka dots. Taste a leaf or bud; the lemony tang I could go on, and on ... and on. makes Oxalis a fine addition to a One very handsome fellow is the salad. Willow Weed (Epilobium hirsutum). Imagine yourself a visitor from Eight magenta petals are startlingly Mars. Might you not be delighted to centered with a four-branched white see a sprinkling of golden Dande­ stigma. Any country-bred child ap­ lions (Taraxacum officinale) in a dull preciates Pokeberry (Phytolacca Birdfoot Trefoil expanse of all-green lawn? And the americana) for the "ink" to be made "puffs/' poised for wind dispersal pulling it out (and thus don't scratch from the drooping clusters of black of seeds, are so beautiful and deli­ your handsL you may even admire berries .... But take a really close cate in structure that Buckminster this quite handsome invader of the look at an individual flower. There Fuller might well envy the precision garden's edge. Still another tomato are hundreds, even thousands, of design. Only children seem to for you, and one without prickles, more fascinating weeds; exploring have the innocence to delight in is the Ground Cherry (Physalis vir­ them may give you an excuse for a them. giniana). The flowers are wide yel­ lazy summer's end! If you are not a The ubiquitous Dayflower (Com­ low bells, blotched inside with photographer, venture out with melina communis), with its two blue brown, and the seeds are borne in your little hand lens. These are flow­ "ears/' is quite enchanting, if you papery "lanterns." (The orange ers that come to you- they insist pause to look. As a matter of fact, Chinese Lantern, favorite of dried­ on it, unless you fight them off. its cousin, the Spiderwort (Trades­ flower arrangers, is a Physalis also.) I am quite able to garden again, cantia virginiana) , is a prized wild­ If truth be told, our luscious eating but the weeds I've learned to love flower. Butter-and-eggs (Linaria vul­ tomato was considered a poisonous are my friends, and I feel the pangs garis) are bright weeds all children weed two hundred years ago. Of of a murderer if I destroy them. So, love ... but did you realize that they course, it had to be coaxed and bred in Edna St. Vincent Millay's words: are in the Snapdragon family, and into its present forms-but it cer­ "She leaves her clover standing really no less lovely? Cow-vetch tainly wasn't poisonous, despite the And the Queen Anne's Lace. " * (Vicia cracca) may not be as aristo­ gossip. Author's Note: Botanically, the best cratic as blue or pink Sweet Peas, There exist infinitely varying reference book on weeds is probably but it is in the Pea family, too. Or, shapes and forms of interest. The Common Weeds of the United States, if you prefer your "fake" Sweet Peas Bladder Campion (Silene vulgaris) is prepared in 1970 by the Research in yellow, there is Birdfoot Trefoil a green-veined white balloon, burst­ Service of the United States Depart­ (Lotus corniculata) just waiting to ing at the tip with white petals. It is ment of Agriculture, available in a pounce into your garden. You could a tall weed, like the magic Queen Dover reprint. find no prettier blue flower than the Anne's Lace (Oaucus carota) , and 'From COLLECTED POEMS, Harper & Row. Copyright 35 Speedwell (Veronica officinalis) , al- stands at the driveway edge. Con- 1922. 1950 by Edna St. Vincent Millay. examine the plants daily at this sea­ son, as a sticky gelatinous substance covers the ripe seeds. This mushy coating has an attraction for both ants and wasps, who carry the seeds some distance from the parent, to eventually sprout in some unpre­ dictable corner of the garden. To insure good germination, it is desirable to plant the seeds soon af­ ter dehiscence. Those planted in midsummer will germinate in four to six weeks, while seeds held over for a spring planting may lie dor­ mant for many months before the first tiny leaf appears. A batch of 1000 fresh seeds was planted in the greenhouse on July 19, 1974. By September 1, a few plants had appeared. By mid-Janu­ ary, most of the tubers were the size of a small pea and were transplanted into flats to stand an inch or two apart. They were set out in the open ground in early August and a dozen of the largest plants produced a few flowers in September, the prelude to a reckless prodigality of bloom in the late summer and fall of 1976. These exquisite gems, sparklihg in their various shades of pink, stand well above the marbled ivy-like leaves. Not the least attraction is the plant, lending itself to a variety of variegation in the leaves, no two W. ]. Hamilton, Jr. habitats and doing well in some of having the same pattern or shape. Professor Emeritus our coldest states. In central New Even were it bloomless, this cycla­ Cornell University York, where winter temperatures men would be worthy of a place in 615 Highland Road often fall below - 20°F. and snow the shaded border for its panoply of Ithaca, NY 14850 cover is unpredictable, we have nearly evergreen foliage that totally grown this species for many years obscures the ground in an estab­ Hardy are native to the with negligible losses. lished planting. The great English Old World, their distribution being Since cyclamen tubers cannot be gardener, E. A. Bowles, wrote "I do focused about the Mediterranean, divided, and collected plants offered not know any plant that pays a bet­ ranging from the Balearics to the by dealers are often slow to become ter rent than C. neapolitanum during Black Sea. In spite of their great established, it is best to propagate eleven months of the year and only charm and relative ease of culture, the plant from seed. As the flower once does it ask for a holiday with few American gardeners are ac­ of hederifolium is fertilized in late pay." Plant it in abundance, for quainted with these distinctive summer or early fall, a small seed these diminutive cyclamens are plants. Sixteen species and many pod is formed at the end of the spi­ never more lovely than when grown forms have been described, but the ralling peduncle, in appearance not en masse. They serve admirably as a northern gardener who would grow unlike a watch spring. As the hard foil for late-winter and spring-flow­ these charmers must be content with little seed ball matures the following ering bulbs of crocus and squills. but three species. July, the peduncle slowly uncoils, Both the pink and less common Of all the species, Cyclamen hed­ thrusting the now soft ripening pod white form do well in a variety of erifolium (neapolitanum) is the one away from the tuber. It finally splits, soils, where the creeping habit of the most widely grown, both here and to discharge the large light golden leaf and flower stalk spread some 36 overseas. It is a spectacular little or chestnut brown seeds. One must distance from the tuber. Since the roots sprout from the upper part of Free for the Picking cream of tartar), graduall y adding the tuber, shallow planting is in or­ Ca ll till lied froll7 pnge 27 one- fourth (1/4) cup sugar near the der. Be sure to plant the tuber right end. Whip one (1) cup heavy cream, side up. The convex bottom is bare flip ." Delicious warm ... and th ey adding two (2) tablespoons sugar. of roots, while the top is slightly hol­ freeze well. Save one for a snowy Reserve some of the cream for dec­ lowed. A top dressing of leaf mold, February morning. orating th e pie. When the plum mix­ a dusting of bone meal and some Ra's Beach Plum Pie ture is just starting to jell at the edge very-well-rotted cow man ure, Make any good fl aky pastry for a of th e bowl, carefully fold in the spread above the dormant tuber in two-crust pie. Fit the lower crust beaten egg whites and the whipped early July, will serve its needs. It has into a Cj' glass pie pan, and refriger­ cream. Pile into the cold pastry shell, often been suggested that lime be ate. Carefully pit your plums (buy a and refrigerate. When cold, decorate added, but some of our best plant­ cherry-pitter; otherwise the plums with whipped cream, or with a little ings are among ericaceous plants. are often so small the job would be melted beach plum jelly in a swirl While C. hederifolium is the mos t in1possible). You want four (4) cups pattern. Any leftover " fluff" goes satisfactory species for a cold cli­ of pitted fruit. Place in a bowl, and nicely into little tart shells or sh erbet mate, both C. purpurascens (e uro­ add on e (1) cup sugar, two (2) table­ glasses. If you want pie for next win­ paeum) and C. COLlm are hardy at Ith­ spoons flour and a pinch of salt. Stir, ter, free ze batches of th e b oil ed aca, New York. The former is a de­ and let stand for fifteen minutes. plums-and-sugar, pureed with 110 lightfully fragrant species that pro­ Melt one (1) tablespoon butter, and gela tine. vides a succession of deep carmine­ beat t\·vo (2) eggs. Add to plum mix­ Fresh Persimmon Chiffon Pie pink blooms from July through early ture, stirring well. Roll out your top Pies are usually made with cooked November. Not as floriferous as crust (don't forget to cut a decorative persimmons; they taste so much like C. hederifolium , it does well in both "steam hole" or two; I li ke to do pumpkin I see no point. Instead, I dappled shade and bright sun. The something a little different from the pur ee the fresh persimmons (by circular leaves, of a somber green, usual round hole of bakery pies. I hand with a large spoon and a sieve, sometimes relieved by a paler pat­ cut a ring of a few tin y h oles-dia­ or in on e of th e inexpensive hand­ terning, persist throughout most of monds or clovers or even hearts­ turned food mills) . You may freeze the year. Cyclam en coum, a remark­ wi th a truffle cu tter) . Fill the cold pie the puree for later use if you will stir ably hardy plant, produces its leath­ sh ell , cover with top crust, crimping in a few tablespoons of lemon juice ery, dark green, orbicular leaves in the edges, and bake for ten (10) min­ and a few of sugar. For a nine inch 0 September. By early February, the utes in a preheated 450 oven . Re­ pie you need two cups of uncooked 0 prostrate petioles support reddish duce h eat to 350 and bake for thirty puree. Make a pre-baked pie sh ell buds that open into glowing, if (30) minutes longer. If you want the and cool. Dissolve one (1) envelope somewhat dumpy, flowers within a pie to be even p re ttier, before baking of plain gelatine in one quarter (1/4 ) month. Pushing through the ice and brus h the to p crus t w i th a little cup water. Unlike the beach plum snow of the waning winter, they will slightly beaten egg white. This pie pie above, on e en velope is all you indeed charm the gardener at this is perfect served just slightly warm, need, for persimmons stiffen quite dismal season. Best put a plastic with scoops of va nilla ice cream. a lot on their own w hen chilled. Heat cake cover over the plant and enjoy Beach Plum Chiffon Pie one (1) cup water with on e fourth them when an imminent snowfall Make one pre-baked pie shell , the (1/4) cup lemon juice. Stir in the gel­ threatens. nine or ten inch, deep kind, from a tin e until very thorou ghly dis­ Others we have tried include Cy­ any good flaky pastry recipe. Cool. solved . Cool until just beginning to clamen cilicium a nd C. repandum. Measure two (2) cups of pitted beach set, and stir in the persimmon. Un­ They may linger a year or two plums. Put one (1) cup water and der 110 circumstances beat or use a through Ithaca's frigid winters, but one (1) cup sugar in a saucepan: add blender. The consistency of persim­ northern gardeners had best grow fruit, and bring to a boil. Simmer mons goes " h aywire" with beating. them in pots sunk deep in a cold­ gently for about fifteen minutes. For the remainder of the recipe, fol­ frame, or bring them into a cold Dissolve two (2) en velopes of plain low the instructions for the Beach greenhouse or cool sunporch with unflavored gelatine in one-half (liz) Plum Chiffon pie, above. Egg whites the approach of snow. cup cold water, and then stir thor­ and cream are used in the same way. A few American nurserymen oughly into the hot mixture. Cool There are so many delicious ways stock the fresh tubers, and several until only "warm" (or you will have to use wild fruits and berries that I plant societies list cyclamen in their a volcano with the next step). Put in could fill the whole of this magazine; annual seed lists. Better yet, find a blender, at medium speed, for about these four, however, you won ' t find gardening friend who grows them one minute. Place in large bowl in in any cookbook. Enjoy the search, and beg a few seeds. You'll never refrigerator. Beat the whites of four the picking, the cooking . . . and regret it. 0 eggs until stiff (I use just a pins:h of " Bon appetit!" 0 37 .<::" Ohio. conditions as: poor soils, mild The projects, collectively called drought and severe pollution. The Flower Power, were sponsored by concept lends it s~ lf to land recla­ two grants. The CETA-funded, City mation and beautification of waste Artists Program provided funds to areas, even under the congested produce art in public places . The ci t­ conditions of the inner city. And the izens Committee on Youth provided cost is lo w l a materials budget and salary to hire Although the gardens were highly The author 200 youths during the summer. ex posed, vandalism was not a prob­ Suitable land was obtained through up piles of brush to 15 feet high and lem where the neighborhood was local realtors and the Cincinnati Park as much as ten tons of concrete and involved . In fact, the gardens be­ Board. brick. This refuse was reworked into came symbols of community pride Several sites were transformed the sites. Concrete and brick became that drew people closer together. into "Jewel" gardens, mass splashes walls and wa1ks; garbage beca me fill; Residents had a delightful meeting of color that glowed and sparkled as scrapwood turned into tables, ground in which to become ac­ would jewels reflecting the sunlight. benches and trellises; and brush be­ quainted and build friendships as The Jewel gardens attracted volun­ came mulch. The key was flexibility: they grew gardens. Many found rec­ tary aid from 155 members of the everything had a use. reational pleasure in picking flowers community, who dug, hoed, raked Once the land was reasonably or gathering seedlings for the home and seeded the gardens. Others pre­ clear and broken, it was sown with garden, while others were content pared food or entertained with pup­ seed of native perennials and hardy just to watch. pet shows and music, which varied annuals. The annuals insured quick, The power of flowers could cap­ from African rhythm to Bagpipes bright color while the perennials ture the hearts of your community, and Blues. Throughout the summer, promised more subtle shades start­ too. The human and financial re­ 149,000 people watched the gardens ing the following spring. A light sources needed to develop a similar sparkle. They gathered thousands of mulch was sprinkled with a prayer program are available in most flowers to grace their homes and for rain and the job was complete. towns. Careful planning, resource­ 10,000 seedlings that started 41 new Soon the summer's labor pro­ ful enthusiasm and elbow grease are gardens locally and over five states. duced dramatic rewards. Gold and keys to success. Add a little deter­ Meanwhile, teams of inner city silver cosmos, ruby zinnias and the mination and you'll soon find that youth were busy transforming six riches of more than 100,000 flowers you are one giant step closer to en­ acres of city "waste" land into wild­ burst into bloom almost overnight. vironmental sanctuary in your own flower sanctuaries. Sites coughed One spectacular wildflower sanctu- hometown. 0 39 special needs of the locality. Grafted Propagation The Tree Peony plants should be placed with the Named tree peonies are not Con ti nued fro m page 7 point of the graft four to six inches cheap. The supply is limited, and and maroons. The fl owers are well below ground level for own-root de­ the buyer must simply choose from displayed on the plants, which are velopment. Seedlings need not be the descriptions in the catalogs of vigorous, and considered hardier quite so deep. We mulch our plants the few nurseries that offer them. than the moutans. They tend to be­ with wood chips, only a light layer They are grafted on herbaceous come larger. for those under which there are roots, which are used not only be­ The permanence and bulk of tree small bulbs. In spring when we are cause they are plentiful, but because peonies give them value as part of ambitious, our plants get a swish of growth from the roots is easily rec­ the basic frame of a planting. The whatever fertilizer we happen to ognized and can be cut out. It is also fine foliage is attractive into the fall, have on hand. possible to graft on seedlings of tree but stays green, not repeating the peony, but these grafts must be reds and bronzes of the unfolding planted deep, and in two or three spring leaves. years the plants should be dug and Of course, when the plants are in the understock cut off. bloom, they are a splendid feature This scarcity is the result of a short of the garden. The space they oc­ supply of grafting wood, and the cupy can be given additional interest nature of the tree peony, which is by planting under them for early not amenable to largescale produc­ spring color. Under some of our tree tion. peonies groups of snowdrops flour­ Seedling moutans have the ad­ ish. Under others, there is a golden vantage of being on their own roots, display of winter aconite (Eranthis and cost less than grafted plants. hyemalis). The prolific Crocus tomasi­ They can often be bought according nianus opens a multitude of pale lilac to color. stars under yet others. Scilla siberica The moutans produce lots of good and Chionodoxa luciliae spread sheets seed. The hybrids are almost en­ of violet-blue under others. These tirely sterile. For the best germina­ are not the only small early bulbs The most annoying pest is a small tion, the seed should be harvested that are possibilities. Others are the carpenter bee which hollows out the as soon as the pods begin to open. tiny yellow trumpet daffodil Narcis ­ pith in the stems. Affected stems They may be germinated in the re­ sus asturiensis (syn. N. minimus) and and branches die back. Control is to frigerator in a polyethylene bag in a a variety of crocuses. The little early block the en trance of the bees mixture of slightly damp peat moss bulbs sheltered under tree peonies through cut ends or any spot where and vermiculite. In about six weeks, can grow undisturbed by general the back of a stem has been injured. they can be planted out in good soil gardening operations, requiring no Thumb tacks or sticky tape can be in a well-drained place about two upkeep. used to protect these vulnerable and a half inches deep and mulched Culture places. two or three inches. In spring, when Tree peonies leaf out very early in The gray mold (Botrytis) may be a leaves appear, protect against slugs the spring, so fall planting is highly problem, especially in wet springs. and cutworms. Shade lightly. desirable. Good drainage is a must; It can affect buds, flowers, and soft It takes four or five years or more any average good soil will suit them. new growth, which suddenly wilts. for a plant to reach flowering size. High or partial shade, especially All wilting growth should always be Some will be lovely, some should go from afternoon sun, will prolong the cut off and destroyed. Spray with to the dump, or can be used by the life of the flowers. Tree peonies Benlate at the rate of one tablespoon ambitious gardener with some graft­ thrive in close to neutral or slightly to two gallons of water in early ing experience for understock. alkaline soil, but in our garden they spring as soon as growth starts. Zi­ A tree peony plant gives bloom thrive close to rhododendrons in soil neb 75% wettable powder, at the for about a week or ten days, but a on the acid side. rate of one and a-third tablespoons heat wave or bad storm may shorten An ample hole should be pre­ to a gallon of water, can also be used. the time. Many spring-flowering pared for each plant, for deep plant­ A spreader used with the spray in­ plants do not bloom for any longer, ing, a no-no for so many plants, is creases its efficiency. Repeat the but we love them anyway. Those of a yes-yes for tree peonies. A mod­ spray several times according to the us who treasure the glorious tree erate amount of a complete fertilizer, weather. The spray can be used on peonies would rather have their preferably slow acting, can be well other plants, such as tulips and del­ flowers for ten days than marigolds 40 mixed with the soil, according to the phiniums, at the same time. for ten weeks. 0 world's most plentiful supply of nutri­ tio us, hea lthful food for the smallest part of their inco mes anywhere in the world. But that's in the past. The tougher job li es ahea d.

By T OIl1 Stevenso n Here we go into the fu ture. It co uld quirements for the future. AHS Nashville be a pretty rough trip . World populatio n We have only so much talent, ski ll a nd Congress keeps growing. Energy and other re­ money. How do we use them most ef­ sources are limited . Some accommoda­ fec ti vely? We asked this q ues ti on of the ti on for this situa ti on 111ust be fo und. Agricultural Ex periment Stati on direc­ We co uld kee p going the way we are. tors and land grant uni ve rsi ti es across That mea ns we find some miracle that the co untry. gives us bo und less new resources Here are some of their prio ri ties: or that we just continue using up o ur Mo nitor the enviro nment. That mea ns resources in one final orgy of 20 th cen­ knowing our environme nt from the in ­ tury ma teria li sm. side of molecul es to o uter space. The Or we ca n take another ro ute, accord­ in fo rmati on ga thering capabiliti es of ing to a report prepared by Joseph J. electron mi cro copes and orbiting sa t­ Plan to join us for the 33rd Marks, science news director, Uni versity ellites provide warning of di ease and Annual AHS Congress in of , H. R. Fortmann, regional in sect outbreaks a nd help us manage our coordinator, Northeast Associati on of environ men t. Nashville, . Ex­ Agricultura l Experiment Station direc­ Wa tch weath er and cl ima te. Scientists perience " The Volunteer tors, J. B. Ke ndri ck, director, Uni ver ity estimate that 60 to 80 per cent of the State of Greening" October of California Agri cultural Experimel{t va ri ability in crop production, w hether Stati on, and S. H. Wi ttwer, d irector, boo m o r bust, ca n be exp lained by 6-10, 1978. For a complete Michigan State University Agri cultura l weather variabil ity. The message: Don' t brochure, write AHS Con­ Experiment Stati on. take cl imate for granted; help plan ts and We ca n change life styles, they ay, at ani mals (incl ud ing h uma ns) adapt to it. gress % American Horticul-· least long eno ug h to buy time fo r agri­ Ad va nced weath er fo recasting and tural Society, Mt. Vernon, cultura l scie nti s ts to learn how to wea ther modi fica ti on, plus com puter­ Virginia 22121. squeeze more out of every acre. ized fa rm management, will help tarm­ As agri cultural experts, we are opti­ ers take full advantage of rain fa ll , sun­ mistic about food production . We thin k shine and temperature changes. we ca n feed the world of tomorrow. Build gene ba n ks . The idea is to avoid by reshap ing plants to make better use geneti c vul nerabil ity. Complete charac­ of photosynthesis, by harvesting the teri za ti on of gene ti c lines s tored in com­ oceans, by building super plants and an­ puter banks will give us insurance that imals, by inventing foo d in ways that new varieti es and species ca n be broug ht haven' t even been thought of yet. for th to replace those being toppled by That may not be enough, unless we existing diseases, pests, or o ther envi­ solve some people problems . There is ronmental co nditions. increasing evidence we must have pop­ Use the sun . Scienti sts recogni ze the ulati on con tro l. The United Na ti ons has sun as an endless energy source that ca n predicted there w ill be 12.3 billion hu­ be used directly (solar heat) or indirectl y man beings on this planet before the (photosynthesis) . Increase your growing nu mbers level off in the next ce n tury. Engineers have made breakthroughs space with a Even if it were possible to feed, clothe to exploit solar heat. O ther scientists and house all these projected billions, have only begun to tap the photosyn­ Janco Greenhouse we could expect a whale of a lot of other thesis miracle which offers tremendous When you've run out of space for your problems with people li ving under such potential fo r increased food production . indoor plants . .. when you want to "open crow ded conditions. Maximize protein energy. We need a up" a living or family room , bedroom or That love .. . that caring for all those bigger research effort on the two most kitchen to sunshine & flowers .. .when you want "growing pleasure" all year who reside on this humble planet . .. is importan t energy p roducing bioche mi­ round, then you're ready for an all alumi­ the most important influence on re­ ca l processes on earth: Photosyn thesis num, minimum-maintenance Janco. search prioriti es. and biologica l nitrogen fixa tion. Quality, price, design-these are the 3 Our research programs must know no Farm the waters. Since two-thirds of major reasons customers give for choos­ borders, geographical or otherwise. We this planet is covered by water, it seems ing a Janco. Over 100 lean-to & curved must avoid being locked into old for­ logica l to investigate water fu lly as a food eave models to fit any site, every budget. mulas, organiza ti onal patterns, and con­ source . Write for FREE 48-pg. full color cata­ cepts. We must build a broader basic Water, whether ocean or pond, could log today--<:ompare our quality, price research base. be a great protein prod ucer, whether & deSign! O ur claim on energy needs must come you're grow ing algae, lobsters, oysters, Janco G reenhouses ah ea d o f air-co nditio nin g, p erson al salmon, shrimp, catfish or whatever. Dept. AH-8 transportati on, and the li ke. We thin k that team of agricultural sci­ 9390 Davis Ave nue Populati on control .. . a broa der re­ entists and farmers (and gardeners) have Laurel, Md. 208 10 search base .. . environmental manage­ done quite well, thank you . Our people (301) 498-5700 ment ... teamwork. Those are the re- are not only fed, but fed well with the 41 Book Reviews By Tom Stevenson Have you wondered how fl orists get o f s tumbling blocks tha t n a ture can more than one block to germination. For flowers to bloom at different times of the throw in our way. Seeds will refu se to example, some seeds need time as well year? It is done by forcing them, a simple sprout, plants will refuse to grow, flo w ­ as moisture; they need a rest period process if you know what to do and ers will refuse to form, until specific con­ known as after-ripening, which may be when to do it. ditions are met. We need to know some­ several weeks or months in length. The For exam ple, the poinsettia you are thing about these conditions in order to forget-me-not is an example. carrying over from last Christmas can be cope with them, in order to cooperate Temperature is a rather common block made to bloom during the coming with nature's requirements. to germinati on . Most seeds will n ot ger­ Christmas season by controlling the li ght "The first requisite for forCing is minate when the temperature is low. to which the plant is exposed in October knowledge of what makes a fl ower Some other seeds w ill not start to ger­ and November. In other words, it needs fl ow.er. Most plants have amazing bo­ minate at high temperatures. And some 14 co ntinuous hours of uninterrupted tanical time clocks. This in itself is a fas­ seeds, even though they germinate un­ darkness per day, starting about Oct. 1 cinating subject. The deeper we delve der relatively high temperature condi­ and continuing until about Dec. 15. into it, the more we discover about this tions, first require exposure to near The garden lil y, if properl y cooled and aspect of nature's processes, the more fr eezing before germination will begin. stored in the fall , ca n be made to bloom astonishing it becomes." Rose and forget-me-not seeds are clas­ at Easter. If you love cut fl owers and In addition to explaining what makes sical examples. would like to have them fresh in the plants fl ower and how to regulate the Aeration is another germination block. home the year around without having lighting and temperature for each fl ower Some seeds will germinate under water, to buy them from a florist, you ca n grow variety to get best results, there are in­ but most will not. They need air along and force them yourself. structi ons for forCing branches of fl ow­ with moisture, a damp aerated seeding And forcing ca n be fun, according to ering shrubs and trees, seeds, bulbs, medium. John James, fo rmer greenhouse operator corms and tubers. There is also a special Then there is light. Most seeds are not and nurseryman, in his new book, flow­ chapter on how to cut fl owers properly influenced by light blocks as by other ers When You Want Them: A Grower's and keep them fresh tor as long as pos­ blocks . But many, like begonia, colum­ Guide to Out-oj-Season Bloom, published by sible. bine, cineraria, feverfew, and kalan­ Hawthorn Books Inc., New York, N. Y., 266 Each plant blooms in its time. Even choe, need light to germinate. Such printed pages , ill us trated, $10 .95. It p ro­ tropical plants bloom in their season, seeds should be planted on top of the vides· an additional element of interest wet or dry . " Suppose all plants bloomed soil, with little or no covering. and skill to growing plants and fl owers. at one time. How dull the remainder of Research into starting seeds tQ grow It extends your horizons. It adds to your the year would be," James says. We even has recently shown that the red portion other green-thumb abilities. resent the lac k of bloom just in the win­ of the visible spectrum stimulates ger­ " Forcing is cooperating with nature," tertime, so we grow our tropical indoor mination. However, far-red light, on the says Jam es. In this there are three basic plants and force other plants to bloom boundary between red and infrared, is steps involved: getting plants, getting out of season . capable of reversing this stimulation of plants to grow, and getting plants to Nature has endowed plants with a se­ red light, and thereby inhibits germina­ fl ower. We'll cover each step in d etail ries of ch ecks and counterchecks, reac­ tion . This reversal is itself reversed when for most of the popular fl owers . And I'll tions and balances, catalysts and regu­ followed by red light. It is always the keep my instructions simple and prac­ lators, all d esigned to keep the plant on color of the fin al light exposure that is ti cal. a life schedule that will ensure its sur­ decisive. We know this happens, but the " It is almost unbelievable the number vival. Because of them, it ca n sometimes reason remains a mystery . be more trouble to get a seed to produce a plant than it is to write a book. Suppose all seeds germinated imme­ Japanese diately upon contact with moisture. Since most seeds ripen in the fall , they Who could believe that a thousand would sprout about the time winter was kinds of nuts in this world are hunted -Arrolu ~l at its worst, and the tender seedlings and eaten by hungry people and that would be killed . Before long, the species without them many w ould have starved would be extinct. to death? In devious ways, nature must prevent But it is true, according to Edwin A. P'ant seeds fr om sprouting until co nditions Menninger, D.Sc., in his new book, Edible J apanese Arro wh e ad ( Sagittaria Ja poni ca ) IS are right for the subsequent growth of Nuts oj the World, published by Horticu l­ a hardy , r apid growi ng the plant. Within each seed is not only w at e r pl a nt. G rows fr o nl tural Books, Inc ., Stuart, Florida, 175 a bulb In a vase o f pl ain the spark of life but also an intricate printed pages, well ill us trated, $16 . It is a wa'te r - Indoors o r o ut! mechanism to protect that li fe. very interesting and instructi ve book. H ave bright gr een f o liage in Scientists call these ingenious safety wee k s & tin y whi te bl o oms There are hundreds of millions of peo­ a t m a turity. ReaC h es 2 4 in. devices blocks . Some of the more usual ple, Menninger says, wh o have no cor­ B ulbs, w ith direc t ion s, $ .95 ea. o r 3 f o r $ 2.60 . ­ blocks are specific requirements of mois­ ner grocery store to run to, who have no Pos t p aid. ture, time, temperature, aeration, or refrigerator, who have no cow, but who Sen d check or money o rder to : Japanese light, or a combination of some of these d o have a lot of hungry children . They O f fe r, c/o Va n N ess Wa t er Gard en s, 2460 req uiremen ts. are faced every day with the necessity 42 N o rth E u c lid Avenue, Upl and, CA. 9 1 7 8 6 In Order to survive, most seeds have of getting food into their dwelling to pro- vide a family with nourishment, and What will happen when the popula­ they have learned by experience that ti on doubles and triples, and there is not nuts are their major source of fats and nearl y enough food to go around, re­ protein . mains to be seen. As the World's population explodes, Filbert, beech, oak and chestnut all the available supply of natural foods de­ grow wild in America, different kinds in creases proportionally beca use nobody different places. Hazel nuts may be ea ­ plants nut trees except fo r a handful of ten w ith no preparati on other than re­ commercialized items, like pecans, fil­ moving the husk and shell , or they may Your plaee in berts, English walnuts, , co­ be bea ten to a powder and llsed li ke fl our conuts and such. to make a filbert brea d which is said to the sun. . .. for year 'round gardening. Commercializing reduces the nut sup­ be deli cious. Chestnuts must be tops among the • Ove r 90 Lean-To and Free­ ply. Some nuts like those fro m the Af­ Standing models. Precision rican Oil Palm are edible but they are nuts of the world. The America n chest­ prefabricated to assemble easily, also a major source of oil used in the nut was virtuall y wiped o ut by a bli ght quickly. Totally quality manufacture of soap. in the earl y years of this ce ntury (there engineered. Full accessories is now hope it may be restored). But line including automatic As the commercial oil industry grows, climate controls. the supply of edible nuts from these today the Chinese chestnut is stepping trees diminishes, and families that had in to become the chief co mmercial form depended on them for food have been of this favorite fruit, with grea t promise forced to turn to o ther sources. Of for the fu ture. course, there are nuts now to turn to, Chinquapins are sma ll , resembling but starvation is somewhere down the chestnuts and are relati ve ly hard to shell road. from the spiny burs. They are sweet, Millions of people who are hungry, more palatable than chestnuts, and were turn avidly to peanuts and other beans prized as food by the In dians and early (which are classified as nuts in the book Ameri cans. They are ea ten raw, roasted because you shell them) to ca tch up with in the shell and used similarly as chest­ their supply of fats and protein. nuts . They can grow some of these in their Ten kinds of beech nuts are found in own gardens when the neighborhood the north Temperate Zone. In character supply of other nuts is getting low and of shell and in fl avor of kernel, beech­ exhaustion threatens. In southwest Af­ nuts grea tly resemble the chestnut. Ow­ rica the common peanut supplies 80 per in g to the tediousness of separating the cent of the fats and protein in the diets kernel fr om the shell, these nuts are not of the people there. so largely harvested as undoubtedly They have no meat, except an ele­ would otherwise be the case. phant now and then . There are no cattle TI1 e 450 kinds of acorns th at fa ll from FREE-Burpee because there are no ranges to graze. that many different kinds of oa ks, use­ Fall Bulb and Gift Acorns are not ordinarily included in ful, va luable monarchs of forests all over popular lists of nuts, though they are the world , a re hig hl y popular w ith Ideas Catalog squirrels, and a lot of the m are ea ten by edible morsels in hard shells and have -with dozens of an important place in this book. The fruit people. The Indians gathered and stored Christmas and holi­ of many species and varieties of oaks, quantities of them which were ground day gift ideas for acorns have been a food from prehistoric into meal and baked into an unleavened gardeners. times but never have won a place for pasty, n u tritio us bread. The tannin, Burpee's 1978 Fall Bulb and Gift Ideas Catalog themselves in modern nut growing. which causes the bitter and astri ngent 64 big co:orful pages of: They are planted in Europe for the dual taste in raw acorns, was removed by finest quality bulbs that produce large beautiful purpose of animal food and for timber. soaking in water and filt ering, or by boil­ blooms - grapes - The Indians in North America, espe­ ing and leaching with ashes. Acorns berries - fruit trees - flowering shrubs - Cially in the Southwest, leach out the were also eate n roasted. As a rule, trees - house plants - harvest bitterness of bitter species from the ker­ acorns of the species in the white oak and garden aids. Send for your free Burpee Catalog today nels . group are less bitter, and better for food and get your entry form for Burpee's Second Perhaps one of the best of all the edible than those in the black oak group which Garden Party Drawing. Grand Prize: Trip for 2 to the famous gardens of Holland and England acorns comes from the chestnut oak, mature in two years instead of one. - the kind of vacation that most gardeners The fruit of the ginkgo considerably dream about, and very few ever experience. found native in eastern America as far Hundreds of other prizes. (No purchase north as Hudson Bay. The largest of the resembles that cif the nati ve persimmon necessary to win.) For your free Burpee Catalog mail coupon be­ acorns of this species are an inch and a in color, size and character, but differs low today. Burpee's Garden Party Drawing ends half long, a starchy nut much like the Dec . 31,1978. Void where prohibited by law. from it in that the ginkgo fl esh is of a © Burpee Seed Co. 1978 chestnut, not a rich, oily nut as the hick­ disagreeable odor. "The ginkgo is never ory or the walnut. They are sometimes eaten by Americans because in ripening BURPEE SEED CO. 6928 Burpee Building, Warminster, PA 18974 I roasted like chestnuts. the hull of the nut stinks to high heaver;), Clinton IA 52732, Riverside, CA 92502 I The commercial use of the acorn in but in China when the hulls fall off, the (P j ease mail to nearest aodress.) I Please send a free copy of Burpee's 1978 Fall this country is entirely out of the picture. Chinese pick them up, paint them bright Bulb and Gift Ideas Catalog - Including an entry I red and use them strung in festoons as form for Burpee' s Garden Party Drawing to: I "Our city markets have lost a taste for J natural things, preferring food that is decorations at weddings. Then they Name I sterilized, devitalized and put up in crack the nuts and eat the contents (Please print) I pretty packages with fancy labels," which have no odor. No American gets Address I 43 Menninger says. that far," Menninger says. 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Catalog $1 .00 (deductible) CARLSON'S Pots up to 16 inches, round or sqware ; flats Vegetable Factory® GARDENS, Box 305-AH7, South Salem, NY & packs. Flor-1-pot, Box 34 , Bethel, MN 10590. 55433. SOLAR PANEL Begonias Indoor Plant Specialists GREENHOUSE BEGONIAS, all types. Mail order, list 35¢ . Listing 1200 Kinds: Begonias, Exotics, Ge­ MILLIE THOMPSON, 310-A Hill Street, P.O. raniums, Herbs, Oxalis, Cacti. 85th Anniver­ Drawer PP, Southampton, Long Island, NY sary Catalog, illustrated with color, $2.00. USES 60% 11968. Logee's Greenhouses, 55 North Street, Dan­ ielson, CT 06239. Buy it Wholesale LESS HEAT. Th is practical th e rmal wal l g reenhouse DISTRIBUTE-RAND McNALLY ROAD Nurserymen solves the energy cost problem. Patented MAPS . .. High Profits . . . Low Wholesale rigid double-wall const ru ction, teste d in DWARF EVERGREENS, HOLLY, RARE Vermont. Cost about V3 as mu ch to heat prices . .. Dealerships available . .. 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AH , Oak Avenue, Linwood, NJ 08221 . may be designed to suit yo ur pa rticular needs. Plants easily es tab li shed , guaran teed Publications against loss. HU GE PR OFIT POTENTI AL. GROWERS CATALOG-tour 52nd Year) Silver String Cactus Company, P O. Box 1573, Thousands of items. Trees, Shrubs, Plants, Decatur, Ga. 3003 1. (404) 288·5976. Fruits, Seedlings, Seeds, Pots, Tools, Sup­ Daffodil Bulbs plies, Books. Stamps appreCiated. Mellin­ ger's, 2384 Range, North Lima, OH 44452. Yellow Trumpets: King Alfred (Early) or First (E xtra-Early) Bushels $39., Pecks $11 . Post­ TROPICA-beautiful Colorama of Exotic paid East of Missi.ssippi, 10% extra West. plants and trees including fruit, by Dr. A. B. Free folder features additional varieties, Graf; 7,000 color photos, 1,120 pages, intro­ Schultz collections, mixtures. River's Edge Farm, ductory price $98.00. EXOTICA 3, Pictorial SOLUBLE FERTILIZER Rt. 3, Box 228A, Gloucester, VA. 23061 . Cyclopedia of Exotic plants, 12,000 photos, 20- 30·20 $7B.00. EXOTIC PLANT MANUAL, 4,200 Concentrated, High Analysis - All Purpose - 20-30-20 crystals. Grows Dwarf Conifers & Companion Plants photos, $37.50. EXOTIC HOUSE PLANTS, Vegetables , Flowers, Roses, Trees, 1,200 photos, $8.95. Shipping prepaid if Shrubs, Lawns, Etc., in Yard s, Over 100 varieties of dwarf evergreens de­ Gard ens, Greenhouses. check with order. (NJ residents add 5%). scribed by size, shape, color and tex ture. Circulars gladly sent. Roehrs Company, For rock gardens, porch and patio, dwarf Box 125, E. Rutherford, NJ 07073. conifer and low foundation planting. Cata­ log $1 .00 refundable with first order. WASH­ Rare Bulbs and Plants INGTON EVERGREEN NURSERY, Box 125B, South Salem, NY 10590. " THE WIDE , WIDE WORLD OF BULBS AND FOR GROWERS IN WARM REGIONS Etchings PLANTS " -America's unique catalog! THOUSANDS of rare bulbs, plants, oddities, Limited Editions-Miniature hand-coloured many unavailable elsewhere! Sample $2.00 HORl1aJLruRAL BOOKS etchings: herbs, wildflowers, fruit and veg­ (deductible). INTERNATIONAL GROWERS P.o. Box 107, Stuart, Florida 33494 etables. SASE for list. The Little Farm Work- EXCHANGE, Box 397-E, Farmington, MI 44 shop, Box 279, R.D. 1, Bath , PA 18014. 4B024. Indoor 'ard~n C~nt~r Now you can enjoy the pleasure of raising specimen plants indoors. Hobbyists of all ages, apartment dwellers, anyone can grow hearty flowers, plants or preseason vegetable starter plants, year-round . And Lite-Gro's natural beauty is sure to enhance any room of the house, regardless of decor. The Earthway Lite-Gro Indoor Garden Center and Occasional Table are finished in a rich medium-dark woodtone and made of solid wood products. The Garden Center measures 30" wide x 14" deep x 53" high and weighs a sturdy 85 pounds. Best of all, perhaps, the Earthway Lite-Gro Indoor Garden Center and Occasional Table comes complete; leak proof shelf liners, completely wired fixtures, Naturescent grow lights, extension cord and an automatic timer with adjustable on/off setting are all included ... nothing else to buy. Indoor Garden Center ONLY $198.00 Write today and start enjoying the pleasure and rewards of indoor gardening with Lite­ Gro the " complete" Indoor Garden Center and Occasional Table. Available for immediate shipment ... should arrive 1 to 2 weeks after receiving order . ••••••••••••••• • EARTHWAY PRODUaS, INC. Dept. BAHlB • P. O. Box 547, Maple Street, Bristol, 46507

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