Genotoxicity of Adduct Forming Mutagen Benzo(A)Pyrene in Tradescantia B
PL9700249 10 Section VII 3. A. Cebulska-Wasilewska, S. Macugowski, H. Pluciennik, R. Smoliiiski. Report IFJ No 1511/B, 7-27, 1990; 4. A. Cebulska-Wasilewska, J. Smagala, Raport IFJ No 1511/B, 53-63, 1990; 5. W. Wajda, A. Cebulska-Wasilewska, (in Polish), in: Are Chemicals More Hazardous to Environ- ment than Radiation?, Ed.: A. Cebulska-Wasilewska, Raport IF.] No 1511/B, 63-Hl, 1990; 6. A. Cebulska-Wasilewska, J. Huczkowski H. Pluciennik, (in Polish), in: Are Chemicals More Ha- zardous to Environment than Radiation?, Ed.: A. Cebulska-Wasilewska, Raport IF.J No 1511/B. 93-98, 1990; 7. A. Cebulska-Wasilewska, H. Pluciennik, A. Wierzewska, E. Kasper, B. Krzykwa, Annual Rep. 1NP, Cracow, p. 311-313 (1992); 8. A. Cebulska-Wasilewska, H. Pluciennik, A. Wierzewska, Proc. of Conf. on Env. Mutagenesis in Human Populations at Risk, Cairo, p. 41 (1992); 9. E, Carbonell, N. Xamena, A. Creus, R. Marcos, Mutagenesis 8, 511-517 (1993); 10. J. Major, G. Kemeny, A. Tompa, Acta Medica Hungarica 49, 79-90 (1993). Genotoxicity of Adduct Forming Mutagen Benzo(a)pyrene in Tradescantia B. Paika, M. Litwiniszyn, and A. Cebulska-Wasilewska Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are present among other by-products of combus- tion processes and they are ubiquitous pollutants of our environment. Benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) belonging to this class of compounds is a widely distributed environmental carcinogen that has DNA-damaging and mutagenic properties. Mutations that are formed as a consequence of induced DNA damage are very important for the process of cancer development. Since the relationship between DNA damage and mutation fixation is not always clear, there is a need to investigate a correlation between genotoxic effects on molecular and cellular levels.
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