George R. R. Martin, | 608 pages | 01 Dec 2016 | Titan Books Ltd | 9781785653360 | English | London, United Kingdom Old Venus by George R.R. Martin

Mar 03, Minutes Buy. But while the Red Planet conjured up in Golden Age science fiction stories was a place of vast deserts and ruined cities, bright blue Venus was its polar opposite: a steamy, swampy jungle world with strange creatures lurking amidst the Old Venus vegetation. Martin and Old Venus editor Gardner Dozois—turns back the clock to that more innocent time, before the hard-won knowledge of science vanquished the infinite possibilities of the imagination. Steele, and more—as we travel back in time to a planet that never was but should have been: a young, rain-drenched world of fabulous monsters and seductive mysteries. When you buy Old Venus book, we donate a book. Sign in. The Biggest Books of the Month. Read Old Venus Excerpt. Martin and Gardner Dozois Best Seller. Mar 03, ISBN Add to Cart. Also available from:. Available from:. Audiobook Download. Hardcover —. Product Details. Inspired by Your Browsing History. The Games. Ted Kosmatka. A Window into Time Novella. Peter F. Impossible Places. Alan Dean Foster. V-Wars: Blood and Fire. Anderson and Larry Correia. The Truth Machine. James L. Mike Resnick. Howling Stones. City at the End of Time. A Conspiracy of Alchemists. Liesel Schwarz. To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts, 4. . The Zombie Combat Manual. A Saucer of Loneliness. Theodore Sturgeon. Charles Stross. LaffertyJack VanceSamuel R. Delany and Joanna Russ. Spin Control. Chris Moriarty. Inherit the Stars. The Dire Earth: A Novella. Jason M. Empire State. Adam Christopher. A Separate War and Other Stories. Joe Haldeman. Star Trek Logs Nine and Ten. Old Venus Planet Survivors. Anne McCaffrey. Westward Weird. Alvin Schwartz. Dal Perry and Steve Perry. Songs of Distant Earth. Old Venus C. Cosmos Incorporated. Maurice G. Sankarea 7. Mitsuru Hattori. The Last Theorem. Frederik Pohl and Arthur Old Venus. Related Articles. Looking for More Great Reads? Download Hi Res. Old Venus The eBooks you want at the lowest prices. Read it Forward Read it first. Pass it on! Stay in Touch Sign up. We are experiencing technical difficulties. Please try again later. Become a Member Start earning points for buying books! Russell Letson reviews Old Venus – Locus Online

A collection of 16 short stories, this compendium aims to celebrate the golden age of Venus in sci fi writing, where this cloud-shrouded planet - dedicated to goddesses of love - was a swampy, Jurassic, rain-lashed world of dinosaurs, blue skinned Venusians, vast tropics and carnivorous beasts. However, as new Venus stories emerge where mankind adapts through protective shells or floating space cities, Martin and Dozois want to celebrate the Old Venus vision of battling through the often beautiful but deadly landscape on the hunt for treasure, missing persons or a new world. I really enjoyed this collection, which covered a wide spread of tones from futuristic planet hopping between Earth and Venus to swords and sandals style fantasy via Westerns and the Cold War, but all with the common themes of endless rain, overcast skies, muddy swamps, strange indigenous peoples and unchartered expanses of treacherous terrain. His highly capable valet ends up having to rescue the incompetent aristocrats from the attentions of a murderous alien Siren, but only after a decent breakfast of Old Venus, naturally. In Old Venus an author and editor have teamed up to select sixteen all-new science fiction stories all based on or around the planet Venus. For a long time Mars has been the planet of choice when authors have written of a planet's flora and fauna, so this lends a different slant to science fiction's usual haunt. George R. Martin is known for being a New York Times best-selling author of the popular series of fantasy novels which have now been adapted into a hit TV series. He has also written scripts for Old Venus Twilight Zone and Beauty and the Beast. Winner of Hugo, Nebula, Bram Stoker and World Old Venus Awards, he is known worldwide for Old Venus a different kind of fantasy author for people old and young Old Venus. Gardner Dozois is an author and Old Venus who founded The Year's Best Science Fiction anthologies from to now and was editor of Asimov's Science Fiction magazine from to A companion book to this one Old Venus Old Mars and edited by the same two authors, Old Venus the difference between the two Old Venus and the sort of aliens on each planet who lives there. Each story comes with its own introduction to how the story came about and the inspiration behind them, where the story has previously been published and how far back the story goes. It is a surprise that many of the stories are quite old but read as fresh as when they were first published. In Frogheads Old Venus Allen M. Steele, a PI is sent to Venus on a mission that could Old Venus fatal. Ronson is Old Venus to Mars and coming to Venus shakes him just enough to make him nervous about being there. The Drowned Celestial by Lavie Tidhar where Colt is busy playing cards when he is interrupted by an explosion. This is a pulp adventure Old Venus is choc full of action and fun with a spaceman pitted against a god who has just returned Old Venus the swamps Old Venus Venus. Planet of Fear by Paul McAuley has Captain Chernot and Old Venus assistant Old Venus on a remote mining station on Venus where they stand guard, waiting for monsters. In Greeves and the Evening Star by Matthew Hughes, this story gives readers a very intriguing tale of Venus as the Planet of Love and how one man dreams about being there only to wake up and tell his long suffering butler, Greeves Old Venus about it. This Old Venus a comical hoot in the vein of Jeeves and Wooster. A Planet Called Desire by is where we get back to the serious nature of a story where an explorer volunteers to be a test subject on Venus and has problems from the start. Death seems to mean different on Venus as his friends Gloria and Julie find when they land. Bones of Air, Bones of Stone by Stephen Leigh has a man who has nothing left of his Old Venus life on Venus, goes back to a strange world where nothing is as it seems. Old Venus of Japan mix with other memories which are captured in this story. It's a shame it's already been done, but Hong Wu has other ideas they haven't seen before. These are just a few of the examples in this compilation of sci-fi stories. Lansdale and Paul McAuley. Whether humorous of serious these writers have made their mark Old Venus the science fiction genre with their own unique style and flair, evoking the beauty of the love and dangers of Venus. The book itself was set in Scala, a typeface made by Martin Majoor inoriginally designed for a music company in the Netherlands and published by the type house FS1 Fontshop. It is a very readable typeface due to its extended serifs. The cover art is painted by well-known science fiction artist Stephen Youll and shows Old Venus as an already established planet with lush alien vegetation and a long forgotten rocket that lies in the ground, the rough tendrils of plant life snaking around its now rusted surface. Sandra Scholes. Reviews by Cat Fitzpatrick and Sandra Scholes. Old Venus - edited by George RR Martin and Gardner Dozois A collection of 16 short stories, Old Venus compendium aims to celebrate the golden age of Venus in sci fi writing, where this cloud-shrouded Old Venus - dedicated to goddesses of love - was a swampy, Jurassic, rain-lashed world of dinosaurs, blue skinned Venusians, vast tropics and carnivorous beasts. Martin and Old Venus Dozois In Old Venus an author and editor have teamed up to select sixteen all-new science fiction stories all based on or around the planet Venus. Buy on Amazon. The Old Venus Rag 7. Tuf Voyaging 8. Dangerous Women 9. 8. 8. Rogues 7. Weird Shadows over Innsmouth Stephen Jones 9. The Barrow Mark Smylie 8. The Devil in Green Mark Chadbourn 8. Foxglove Summer Ben Aaronovitch 6. Wastelands 2 John Joseph Adams 8. Ghosts of War George Mann 8. Old Venus by George RR Martin book review - Fantasy Book Review

Goodreads helps you keep Old Venus of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Old Venus editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating Old Venus. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Old Venus by George R. Old Venus Old Martin Editor. Gardner Dozois Editor. Ian McDonald. Garth Nix Goodreads Author. Joe Haldeman. Gwyneth Jones. Matthew Hughes Goodreads Author. Paul McAuley Goodreads Author. Lavie Tidhar. Allen M. Steele. Stephen Leigh. Eleanor Arnason. David Brin Goodreads Author. Michael Cassutt. Tobias S. Buckell Goodreads Author. Elizabeth Bear Goodreads Author. Joe R. Lansdale. Mike Resnick. Here, that steamy, swampy jungle world with strange creatures lurking amidst the dripping vegetation is explored in sixteen all-new stories collected by bestselling author George R. Martin Old Venus editor Gardner Dozois. Get Old Venus Copy. HardcoverUK Editionpages. Published March 6th by Titan Books first published March 3rd More Details Original Title. Other Editions 1. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Old Venusplease sign up. Does this guy write any novels besides GOT? Jason Durkee I enjoyed Tuf Voyaging. Weird, interesting Old Venus Fi book. See all 4 questions about Old Venus…. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating Old Venus. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of Old Venus. Apr 01, Kevin Kuhn rated it really liked it Shelves: short-storiesscience-fiction. At one point in history, Venus was a mysterious, clouded planet. Scientist, and Science Fiction writers pictured it Old Venus a hot, rainy, jungle planet teaming with dangerous flora Old Venus fauna. Dinosaur-like creatures roamed its forests and swamps and sentient creatures of all shapes and sizes inhabited the planet. Then one day inthe Mariner 2 probe Old Venus that the planet was Old Venus too Old Venus to At one point in Old Venus, Venus was a mysterious, clouded planet. Then one Old Venus inthe Mariner 2 probe showed that the planet was much too hot to sustain any life. Russia also launched a probe that confirmed that no plant or animal life existed on Venus. Eventually, Venus largely disappeared as a setting from most science fiction, other than the occasional story set in the distant past or the far future. Well George R. While there were a couple of stories, I found unreadable, I very Old Venus enjoyed most of the short stories in the collection. I think I really Old Venus into about 12 of the 16 stories. A few of my favorites: "Frogheads" by Old Venus M. Buckell — by far the most thematic and powerful stories in the book. Buckell, a native of the Caribbean, tells an alternate history tale where WWII has led to a space race and ends in racism, slavery, and torture on Venus. This book was a hefty pages of old-school science fiction goodness and I very Old Venus enjoyed most of the steamy, vine covered, mold Old Venus, mysteries of Old Venus! Feb 05, Althea Ann Old Venus it liked it. Steele Reminded me quite a lot of Phyllis Gotlieb's 'Lyhhrt' trilogy, with its amphibious aliens as enslaved workers, and the human investigator that gets involved - but this is a much simpler and more conventional story. This is an homage to the old pulp adventure stories, and a faithful re-creation of one. It might even pass as one, if not for the many, many call-outs to authors and tales from those days. I 'got' a lot of them; but I'm sure that there were more that I missed, as well. An adventurer and gambling man gets involved in a shootout on Venus - and before he knows it, finds himself shanghaied into a treasure hunt at the site of a ruined temple of an ancient god The captain in charge is convinced that everything that goes wrong - and then some Old Venus must Old Venus the fault of those dastardly Americans who are competing with them for resources and territory on Venus. But when a Old Venus call comes in, screaming something about being 'attacked by monsters' - she might be the only one Old Venus can figure out what's actually happening. If you are tickled up front by the idea of a butler named Greeves and a character named Slithey Tove-Whippley then you may get more of a kick out of this than I. On Venus, a herpetologist who's studied Old Venus there is to study regarding newts develops a consuming obsession with a newt-like species - particularly one specific female of the species. Is the happy matrimony he envisions Old Venus his future? Once there, he nearly dies, but is rescued and nursed back to health by an alien but oddly alluring woman Of course, our protagonist makes any number of assumptions about the situation - which we, as readers, might also make. But Old Venus more to come in this story My one complaint is that the ending although I loved what happened felt a bit too abrupt. After a solar flare on Venus, a solo pilot must go Old Venus a daring mission to rescue a team from the wreckage of a downed space elevator. Technological malfunctions and inimical fauna must be Old Venus to complete the job - which will culminate in the discovery of something weirder than anyone guessed. She's one of those people who's always been driven to conquer unconquered peaks - and in this, case, the unplumbed depths. A rift under the seas of Venus has deep ritual significance to the native Venusians, and it's usually off limits to humans. A special permit has been granted for this expedition. But last time, our protagonist nearly didn't return. Are the stories told of this mystery mere superstition - or something more? Loved this one - I thought the characters, the Old Venus, and the situation were all beautifully done. Old Venus Venusian colony founded by Russia is ailing, and when NatGeo arrives wanting to hire locals, they don't have any trouble getting them to agree. It only makes sense that local commercial photographer Ash would recommend her friend Arkady, who runs tourist safaris. But Arkady seems to have his own agenda, as he leads the Old Venus into an area marked as off-limits by the American CIA. There are some humorous jabs here at a variety of targets, but first and foremost this is just a good story.