Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

How to Write a Good Protocol

Mathias Magdowski Chair for Electromagnetic Compatibility Institute for Medical Engineering Otto von Guericke University, Magdeburg 09. November 2016

Writing Good Protocols 1 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary



How to Write a Good Protocol? Content Style

Good and Bad Examples

Tips for LaTeX Diagrams with pgfplots Wiring Schematics with circuitikz


Writing Good Protocols 2 Motivation Purpose and principal components:

I experimental procedure

I observations

I evaluation & discussion of results

Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary



I laboratory internships

I research projects/degree theses

I measurements/experiments in the working life

Writing Good Protocols 4 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary



I laboratory internships

I research projects/degree theses

I measurements/experiments in the working life

Purpose and principal components:

I experimental procedure

I observations

I evaluation & discussion of results

Writing Good Protocols 4 How to Write a Good Protocol? Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary


Protocol structure: 1. cover page 2. theoretical fundamentals 3. preparation of the experiment 4. experimental procedure and evaluation

I number and content of each experimental part I test circuit I measurement data in tabular form I evaluation and discussion of results 5. literature / references 6. declaration of authorship 7. appendix (scanned original measurement data)

Writing Good Protocols 6 Important:

I stick to the template

I fill in completely

Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Cover Page


I university, institute, chair, course

I topic, number and date of the experiment

I group and adviser

I colloquium, date of submit

Writing Good Protocols 7 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Cover Page


I university, institute, chair, course

I topic, number and date of the experiment

I group and adviser

I colloquium, date of submit


I stick to the template

I fill in completely

Writing Good Protocols 7 Bad:

I too general and too broad

I too detailed derivation of formulas

I copy from the instructions

Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Theoretical Fundamentals


I fundamentals and equations for the procedure and evaluation

I give sources

I length: 1 to 3 pages

Writing Good Protocols 8 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Theoretical Fundamentals


I fundamentals and equations for the procedure and evaluation

I give sources

I length: 1 to 3 pages


I too general and too broad

I too detailed derivation of formulas

I copy from the instructions

Writing Good Protocols 8 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Preparation of the Experiment


I timely

I don’t be too creative

I check the script or exercise notes

I If things get complicated, you are usually on the wrong way!

Writing Good Protocols 9 Discussion:

I anomalies, difficulties or peculiarities

I accuracy, error sources, improvement opportunities

Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Experimental Procedure and Evaluation


I follow the given subcategorization

I introductory and transitioning sentences

I give units correctly

I number equations, figures and tables

I remain accurate

Writing Good Protocols 10 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Experimental Procedure and Evaluation


I follow the given subcategorization

I introductory and transitioning sentences

I give units correctly

I number equations, figures and tables

I remain accurate


I anomalies, difficulties or peculiarities

I accuracy, error sources, improvement opportunities

Writing Good Protocols 10 see see

Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Literature / References

Example: [1] Martha Davis, Kaaron J. Davis and Marion M. Dunagan. Scientific papers and presentations. Academic Press, London, Great Britain, 2012. [2] Lutz Hering and Heike Hering. How to Write Technical Reports: Understandable Structure, Good Design, Convincing Presentation. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2010.

Writing Good Protocols 11 see

Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Literature / References

Example: [1] Martha Davis, Kaaron J. Davis and Marion M. Dunagan. Scientific papers and presentations. Academic Press, London, Great Britain, 2012. [2] Lutz Hering and Heike Hering. How to Write Technical Reports: Understandable Structure, Good Design, Convincing Presentation. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2010.


Writing Good Protocols 11 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Literature / References

Example: [1] Martha Davis, Kaaron J. Davis and Marion M. Dunagan. Scientific papers and presentations. Academic Press, London, Great Britain, 2012. [2] Lutz Hering and Heike Hering. How to Write Technical Reports: Understandable Structure, Good Design, Convincing Presentation. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2010.

see see

Writing Good Protocols 11 Important:

I resolution, contrast, brightness of the scan

I visible signature of the adviser

I no “scrap sheets”

Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary



I scanned original measurement data

I other handwritten notes

Writing Good Protocols 12 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary



I scanned original measurement data

I other handwritten notes


I resolution, contrast, brightness of the scan

I visible signature of the adviser

I no “scrap sheets”

Writing Good Protocols 12 see Guidance on the Preparation of Degree Theses

Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary


protocol ˆ= small degree thesis

Writing Good Protocols 13 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary


protocol ˆ= small degree thesis

see Guidance on the Preparation of Degree Theses

Writing Good Protocols 13 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary


200 (in V) ) t (

u 0

−200 sine wave-form Voltage, cosine wave-form

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Time, t (in ms)

Figure 1: Harmonic time course of a voltage with a frequency of 50 Hz and an effective value of 230 V

Writing Good Protocols 14 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary


Table 1: Measurement data for a charging process

Time, t in s 0 1 2 3 Voltage, U in V 0.00 1.26 1.73 1.90

Writing Good Protocols 15 Reference in the text:

I “see Table 1” or “. . . is shown in Figure 1”

I not “the following figure”

Really bad:

I JPEG compressed raster graphics for diagrams

Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Diagrams and Tables

Table captions (above) and figure captions (below):

I self-contained and understandable

I better too long than too short

Writing Good Protocols 16 Really bad:

I JPEG compressed raster graphics for diagrams

Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Diagrams and Tables

Table captions (above) and figure captions (below):

I self-contained and understandable

I better too long than too short

Reference in the text:

I “see Table 1” or “. . . is shown in Figure 1”

I not “the following figure”

Writing Good Protocols 16 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Diagrams and Tables

Table captions (above) and figure captions (below):

I self-contained and understandable

I better too long than too short

Reference in the text:

I “see Table 1” or “. . . is shown in Figure 1”

I not “the following figure”

Really bad:

I JPEG compressed raster graphics for diagrams

Writing Good Protocols 16 I insert cross references (e. g. “as shown in Section 3, . . . ” or “on Page 4”)

I non-breaking spaces after Figure, Table, Page, Section, Equation, . . . and between numbers and units

I hyphen vs. dash

I no references as footnotes

I see https: //

Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Further Hints

I introduce abbreviations and variables when used the first time

Writing Good Protocols 17 I non-breaking spaces after Figure, Table, Page, Section, Equation, . . . and between numbers and units

I hyphen vs. dash

I no references as footnotes

I see https: //

Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Further Hints

I introduce abbreviations and variables when used the first time

I insert cross references (e. g. “as shown in Section 3, . . . ” or “on Page 4”)

Writing Good Protocols 17 I hyphen vs. dash

I no references as footnotes

I see https: //

Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Further Hints

I introduce abbreviations and variables when used the first time

I insert cross references (e. g. “as shown in Section 3, . . . ” or “on Page 4”)

I non-breaking spaces after Figure, Table, Page, Section, Equation, . . . and between numbers and units

Writing Good Protocols 17 I no references as footnotes

I see https: //

Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Further Hints

I introduce abbreviations and variables when used the first time

I insert cross references (e. g. “as shown in Section 3, . . . ” or “on Page 4”)

I non-breaking spaces after Figure, Table, Page, Section, Equation, . . . and between numbers and units

I hyphen vs. dash

Writing Good Protocols 17 I see https: //

Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Further Hints

I introduce abbreviations and variables when used the first time

I insert cross references (e. g. “as shown in Section 3, . . . ” or “on Page 4”)

I non-breaking spaces after Figure, Table, Page, Section, Equation, . . . and between numbers and units

I hyphen vs. dash

I no references as footnotes

Writing Good Protocols 17 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Further Hints

I introduce abbreviations and variables when used the first time

I insert cross references (e. g. “as shown in Section 3, . . . ” or “on Page 4”)

I non-breaking spaces after Figure, Table, Page, Section, Equation, . . . and between numbers and units

I hyphen vs. dash

I no references as footnotes

I see https: //

Writing Good Protocols 17 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary


see the SI brochure of the BIPM Formatting:

I units upright (also abbreviations, function and operators in formulas), e. g.:

I Umax = 1 V instead of Umax = 1 V I sin(x) instead of sin(x) x x I e instead of e df df I dx instead of dx I (thin) space between number and unit −1 km I consistent format (e. g. km h vs. h ) I U[V] is wrong, instead U/V 8 I 2.998 × 10 instead of 2,998 E+008

Writing Good Protocols 18 LaTeX:

I MikTeX

I TeXLive



I Scientific WorkPlace

I BaKoMa TeX

Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary



I Microsoft Word

I Apache OpenOffice

Writing Good Protocols 19 WYSIWYM:


I Scientific WorkPlace

I BaKoMa TeX

Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary



I Microsoft Word I MikTeX

I Apache OpenOffice I TeXLive

Writing Good Protocols 19 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary



I Microsoft Word I MikTeX

I Apache OpenOffice I TeXLive



I Scientific WorkPlace

I BaKoMa TeX

Writing Good Protocols 19 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Software for Figures



from Wikimedia Commons -

Writing Good Protocols 20 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Software for Figures



from Wikimedia Commons -

Writing Good Protocols 21 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Software for Figures



from Wikimedia Commons - Inkscape_0.48.1.png#/media/File:Inkscape_0.48.1.png

Writing Good Protocols 22 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Software for Figures



Writing Good Protocols 23 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Hints for LATEX Users

Useful packages:

hyperref: activation of PDF commands amsmath: typesetting of mathematical equations siunitx: formatting of units pgfplots: creation of diagrams circuitikz: creation of wiring schematics tikz: “TikZ ist kein Zeichenprogramm” csquotes: consistent quotation marks cite: better citations in the running text

Writing Good Protocols 24 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Hints for LATEX Users

Useful editors:


I TeXstudio

I TeXworks

I TeXShop (for Mac)

I TeXnicCenter (for Windows) with SumatraPDF

Writing Good Protocols 25 Good and Bad Examples Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Example 1:

M04 Brückenschaltungen 1. Grundlage des Versuchs Brückenschaltung: Eine Brückenschaltung ist eine elektrische Schaltung, die aus der Paralleschaltung zweier Spannungsteiler zu einer gemeinsamen Spannungsquelle oder Stromsquelle. Die Brückenspannung ( Ausgangsspannung ) ergibt sich aus der Differenz der Beiden Teilspannungen der Spannungsteiler. Abgleichbrücken: Die Abgleichbrücke dient der Bestimmung der Bauelementegrößen. Unter Verwendung der Abgleichbedingungen werden die gesuchte Parameter berchnet. Durch Verändern eines oder mehrerer der vier Widerstände bzw. Impandanzen in Spannungsteilern wird ein Nullabgleich der Brpckenspannung erreicht. Das bedeutet, dass die Brückenspannung bzw. der Brückenstrom Null wird. Bei dem Wechselstrom muss auch die Phase ebenfalls Null sein. Ausschlagbrücke: Wenn eine Brückenschaltung außerhalb des Nullabgleichs betrieben wird und die Brückenspannung bzw. der zugehörige Brückenstrom als interessierende Größe gemessen, spricht man von einer Ausschlagbrücke. Phasendrehbrücke: Die Brückenspannung besitzt im diesen Fall im Vergleich zur Eingangspannung eine Phasenverschiebung. Es ist abhängig von Variation eines oder mehrer Brückenelemente. 2. Versuchsvorbereitung

Writing Good Protocols 27

Abblidung 1: Brückenschaltung 푍1 = jωLx + R x

푍2 = R 2

푍3 = R 3 1 푍4 = ||R 4 jωC4 1 푌4 = + jωC4 R 4 In der Masche 1: UBr = U1 − U3 푍1 U1 = Uq ( ) 푍1 + 푍2 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Example 1: M04 Brückenschaltungen

1 Grundlagen des Versuchs

Brückenschaltung: Eine Brückenschaltung ist eine elektrische Schaltung, die aus der Parallel- schaltung zweier Spannungsteiler zu einer gemeinsamen Spannungsquelle oder Stromquelle. Die Brückenspannung (Ausgangsspannung) ergibt sich aus der Differenz der Beiden Teilspannungen der Spannungsteiler.

Abgleichbrücken: Die Abgleichbrücke dient der Bestimmung der Bauelementegrößen. Unter Ver- wendung der Abgleichbedingungen werden die gesuchte Parameter berechnet. Durch Verändern ei- nes oder mehrerer der vier Widerstände bzw. Impedanzen in Spannungsteilern wird ein Nullabgleich der Brückenspannung erreicht. Das bedeutet, dass die Brückenspannung bzw. der Brückenstrom Null wird. Bei dem Wechselstrom muss auch die Phase ebenfalls Null sein.

Ausschlagbrücke: Wenn eine Brückenschaltung außerhalb des Nullabgleichs betrieben wird und die Brückenspannung bzw. der zugehörige Brückenstrom als interessierende Größe gemessen, spricht man von einer Ausschlagbrücke.

Phasendrehbrücke: Die Brückenspannung besitzt im diesen Fall im Vergleich zur Eingangspan- nung eine Phasenverschiebung. Es ist abhängig von Variation eines oder mehrere Brückenelemente.

2 Versuchsvorbereitung

Writing Good Protocols 28

1 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Example 2:


1.Theoretische Grundlagen zum Versuch 1.1 Versuchsziel S.4 1.2 Digitalspeicheroszilloskop S.4 2.Vorbereitungsleistung zum Versuch 2.1 Begriffserkl¨arungen S.5 2.2 Zusammenhang zwischen der Augenblicksleistung und Wirkleistung S.6 3.Versuchsdurchf¨uhrung 3.1 Durchf¨uhren einfacher Messungen 3.1.1 Versuch 3.1.1 S.8 3.1.2 Versuch 3.1.2 S.9 3.1.3 Versuch 3.1.3 S.11 Writing Good Protocols3.1.4 Versuch 3.1.4 S.13 29 3.1.5 Versuch 3.1.5 S.14 3.1.6 Versuch 3.1.6 S.16 3.2 Erfassen von Signalen 3.2.1 Versuch 3.2.1 S.19 3.2.2 Versuch 3.2.2 S.23 3.3 Singleshot-Betrieb 3.3.1 Versuch 3.3.1 Prellen S.26 3.3.2 Versuch 3.3.2 parasit¨are Schwingungen S.28 3.4 Versuch 3.4 Automatische Messungen S.30

3.5 Doppelsignalmathematik 3.5.1 Versuch 3.5.1 S.31 3.5.2 Versuch 3.5.2 S.33 3.6. Fortgeschrittene Mathematik S.35 3.7 Versuch 3.7 XY-Betrieb des3 Oszilloskops S.36 4.Anhang S.38 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Example 2:


1 Theoretische Grundlagen zum Versuch 1 1.1 Versuchsziel ...... 1 1.2 Digitalspeicheroszilloskop ...... 2

2 Vorbereitungsleistung zum Versuch 2 2.1 Begriffserklärungen ...... 3 2.2 Zusammenhang zwischen Augenblicksleistung und Wirkleistung ...... 3

3 Versuchsdurchführung 4 3.1 Durchführen einfacher Messungen ...... 4 3.1.1 Versuch: Wirkung verschiedener Bedienelemente ...... 4 3.1.2 Versuch: Messung der Periodendauer mittels des Cursors ...... 5 3.1.3 Versuch: Oszillographieren eines Halbsinussignals und Wirkung der Ka- nalkopplung ...... 5

Writing Good Protocols 30

1 Theoretische Grundlagen zum Versuch

Dies hier ist ein Blindtext zum Testen von Textausgaben. Wer diesen Text liest, ist selbst schuld. Der Text gibt lediglich den Grauwert der Schrift an. Ist das wirklich so? Ist es gleich- gültig, ob ich schreibe: „Dies ist ein Blindtext“ oder „Huardest gefburn“? Kjift – mitnichten! Ein Blindtext bietet mir wichtige Informationen. An ihm messe ich die Lesbarkeit einer Schrift, ihre Anmutung, wie harmonisch die Figuren zueinander stehen und prüfe, wie breit oder schmal sie läuft. Ein Blindtext sollte möglichst viele verschiedene Buchstaben enthalten und in der Origi- nalsprache gesetzt sein. Er muss keinen Sinn ergeben, sollte aber lesbar sein. Fremdsprachige Texte wie „Lorem ipsum“ dienen nicht dem eigentlichen Zweck, da sie eine falsche Anmutung vermitteln. Dies hier ist ein Blindtext zum Testen von Textausgaben. Wer diesen Text liest, ist selbst schuld. Der Text gibt lediglich den Grauwert der Schrift an. Ist das wirklich so? Ist es gleichgül- tig, ob ich schreibe: „Dies ist ein Blindtext“ oder „Huardest gefburn“? Kjift – mitnichten! Ein Blindtext bietet mir wichtige Informationen. An ihm messe ich die Lesbarkeit einer Schrift, ihre Anmutung, wie harmonisch die Figuren zueinander stehen und prüfe, wie breit oder schmal sie läuft. Ein Blindtext sollte möglichst viele verschiedene Buchstaben enthalten und in der Origi- nalsprache gesetzt sein. Er muss keinen Sinn ergeben, sollte aber lesbar sein. Fremdsprachige Texte wie „Lorem ipsum“ dienen nicht dem eigentlichen Zweck, da sie eine falsche Anmutung vermitteln. Dies hier ist ein Blindtext zum Testen von Textausgaben. Wer diesen Text liest, ist selbst schuld. Der Text gibt lediglich den Grauwert der Schrift an. Ist das wirklich so? Ist es gleichgül- tig, ob ich schreibe: „Dies ist ein Blindtext“ oder „Huardest gefburn“? Kjift – mitnichten! Ein

1 120 31.6479372221697 580 2289.42804170260 140 181.046530202079 600 3086.46662925550 160 106.499860422087 620 2768.25101440813 180 270.760344896414 640 4835.94461939384 200 474.523629148486 660 4020.79256683811 220 609.459329217562 680 3327.01402848838 240 541.725377229213 700 4193.87930603692 260 673.103048544165 720 3696.38065971775 280 679.800686690840 740 4517.95496486846 300 721.498069104744 760 3539.25287331910 320 1598.74921308624 780 2374.32761020786 340 1891.97297300697 800 3293.59379742040 360 1775.08871385055 820 4272.56270449056 380 1351.36329891669 840 4308.92724049530 400 1419.41111434227 860 5797.39927439058 420 1319.17030721906 880 3190.73921314912 440 1197.28423800140 900 3383.89350335564 460 1451.83129536290 920 3687.10814131703 480 1809.08736383820 940 3112.80301440141 500 1845.85657775017 960 4323.07045920149 520 1950.30700167834 980 3036.18957673975 540 Motivation2370.79699684715Writing Good Protocols 1000 Examples 3074.07165349513Tips for LaTeX Summary

Table 1: Quality factor for different frequencies from the measurement of E-field strength.

Example 3: The resulting graph is shown below:


f (MHz)

Figure 1: Quality factor with response to frequency.

WritingWe observe Good Protocols that the Quality factor increases until a frequency (around 850 MHz) and the decreases as is is 31 expected. Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Example 3:

6000 Q 4000

2000 Quality factor,

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Frequency, f (in MHz)

Figure 2: Measured quality factor as a function of the frequency

Writing Good Protocols 32 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Abblidung 7: Vergleichdiagramm 3.3.2 ExampleDie beiden Kurven 4: überlagern sich. 3.4 Stromgespeiste Ausschlagbrücke

Iq = 12mA R L = 430Ω

Abblidung 8: Messschaltung 3.4.1

∆R 2 in Ω ∆R 1 in Ω IRr in mA gegenläufig 0 1000 0,02 Writing Good Protocols100 900 0,37 33 200 800 0,75 300 700 1,15 400 600 1,54 500 500 1,92 600 400 2,31 700 300 2,71 800 200 3,10 900 100 3,51 1000 0 3,91 Tabelle 7: Messwerte 3.4.1 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Example 4:


R1 = 1000 Ω R2 = 1000 Ω

RL = 430 Ω Iq IBr

R = 820 Ω R = 820 Ω


Writing Good Protocols 34 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Example 5:

List of Figures

2.1 Figure showing the experimental measurement results for f = 45.87 MHz . 4 2.2 Figure showing the experimental measurement results for f = 47.25 MHz . 5 2.3 Figure showing the experimental measurement results for f = 48.55 MHz . 5 2.4 Graphs showing the variation of quality factor with respect to frequencies for different cases...... 7

Writing Good Protocols 35

2 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Example 5:

List of Figures

2.1 Experimental results for the resonance curve at f = 45.87 MHz . . 4 2.2 Experimental results for the resonance curve at f = 47.25 MHz . . 5 2.3 Experimental results for the resonance curve at f = 48.55 MHz . . 5 2.4 Variation of the quality factor with respect to the frequency for different cases ...... 7

Writing Good Protocols 36

1 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Example 6:

Grafik 4:Oszillogramm zum Versuch 3.1.2 Messen der Periodendauer mit Figuredem Cursormodus 3: Oscillogram to measure the periodic time using markers Durch das Messen der Periodendauer mit dem Cursor wurde eine Periodendauer Writing Goodvon Protocols T=1992 Hz ermittelt. Dies ist eine Abweichung von 8Hz im Vergleich zu 37 dem Ergebnis aus Versuch 3.1.1. Diese Abweichung resultiert aus der ungenauen Positionierung der beiden Cursor. Dies kann durch eine Streckung der Abszisse, sodass nur noch 1 Periode auf dem Oszillator zu erkennen ist, verbessert werden. Der relative Unterschied der beiden betr¨agtnur 0.4%.

3.1.3. Versuch 3.1.3

Versuchszweck:Oszillographieren des Halbsinussignals und Testen der Wirkung der Kanalkopplung


Signaleigenschaften: oberes Halbsinussignal, f=10kHz

11 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Example 6:

Improvement opportunities:

I hide the menu

I optimum setting of the horizontal and vertical resolution

I hide unnecessary curves and parameters

I never save as JPG, better as PNG

I insert in reasonable size

Writing Good Protocols 38 ∆푓 – half – power bandwidth.

Table1: Determination of the first 3 resonant frequencies with a spectrum analyzer. Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary Thoretical 푓푟 푓푟 [MHz] ∆푓 [kHz] Q [MHz] 31.25 28.8 250 115 45.09 49.59 580 85.5 53.40 51.37 424 121.16 Example 7: 1.2. From the E-Field Strength in the Chamber

At higher frequencies the discrete resonance lines cannot be separated from each other anymore. The quality factor must then be calculated from the energy that is stored inside the chamber, and the energy per cycle period that is converted due to losses. This gives a relation between the field strength in the cavity, the input or dissipated power and the quality factor. In this part of the experiment the quality factor shall be determined in that manner.

 derivation of the relation between the quality factor, the field strength and the input power: 휔[푠−1] ∙ 푈[푉] 푄 = 푃푑[푊]

With 휔 is the angular frequency, 휔 = 2 휋푓 U– the energy stored by RC , 푃푑 – the average dissipated power in a period. 푈 = 푊 ∙ 푉, (2)

With W- energy density, V – volume of chamber. 푊 = |퐸|2 ∙ 휀, (3) Writing Good Protocols 39 With 휀 – free-space permittivity, 휀 = 8.854 187 817... × 10−12 F/m. |퐸|2 – electric field, 2 2 2 2 |퐸| = |퐸푥 | + |퐸푦 | + |퐸푧 | Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Example 7:

1.2 From the E-Field Strength in the Chamber

At higher frequencies, the discrete resonance lines cannot be separated from each other anymore. The quality factor must then be calculated from the energy that is stored inside the chamber, and the energy per cycle period that is converted due to losses. This gives a relation between the field strength in the cavity, the input or dissipated power and the quality factor. In this part of the experiment, the quality factor shall be determined in that manner. To derive a relation between the quality factor, the field strength and the input power, one can give the quality factor a ω U Q = · , (1.1) Pd where ω = 2πf is the angular frequency, U is the energy stored in the reverberation chamber and Pd is the average dissipated power in one period. The stored energy in the reverberation chamber can by given by

U = W V , (1.2) · where W is the energy density and V is the volume of the chamber.

Writing Good Protocols 40

3 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Example 7:

1.2 From the E-Field Strength in the Chamber

At higher frequencies, the discrete resonance lines cannot be separated from each other anymore. The quality factor must then be calculated from the energy that is stored inside the chamber, and the energy per cycle period that is converted due to losses. This gives a relation between the field strength in the cavity, the input or dissipated power and the quality factor. In this part of the experiment, the quality factor shall be determined in that manner. To derive a relation between the quality factor, the field strength and the input power, one can give the quality factor a ω U Q = · , (1.1) Pd where:

ω = 2πf is the angular frequency,

U is the energy stored in the reverberation chamber and

Pd is the average dissipated power in one period.

Writing Good Protocols 41

3 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Example 7:

The stored energy in the reverberation chamber can by given by

U = W V , (1.2) · where:

W is the energy density and

V is the volume of the chamber.

Writing Good Protocols 42

4 Tips for LaTeX Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Diagrams with pgfplots

\begin{tikzpicture} \begin{axis} \addplot+[ domain=0:20, samples=101, ] {sin(deg(x*2*pi/20))*sqrt(2)*230}; \end{axis} \end{tikzpicture}

Writing Good Protocols 44 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Diagrams with pgfplots




0 5 10 15 20

Writing Good Protocols 45 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Axis Labels

\begin{tikzpicture} \begin{axis}[ xlabel={Time, $t$ (in \si{\milli\second})}, ylabel={Voltage, $u(t)$ (in \si{\volt})}, ] \addplot+[ domain=0:20, samples=101, ] {sin(deg(x*2*pi/20))*sqrt(2)*230}; \end{axis} \end{tikzpicture}

Writing Good Protocols 46 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Axis Labels

200 (in V) ) t (

u 0

−200 Voltage,

0 5 10 15 20 Time, t (in ms)

Writing Good Protocols 47 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Axis Limits

\begin{tikzpicture} \begin{axis}[ xlabel={Time, $t$ (in \si{\milli\second})}, ylabel={Voltage, $u(t)$ (in \si{\volt})}, xmin=0,xmax=20, ymin=-350,ymax=350, ] \addplot+[ domain=0:20, samples=101, ] {sin(deg(x*2*pi/20))*sqrt(2)*230}; \end{axis} \end{tikzpicture}

Writing Good Protocols 48 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Axis Limits

200 (in V) ) t (

u 0

Voltage, −200

0 5 10 15 20 Time, t (in ms)

Writing Good Protocols 49 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary


\begin{tikzpicture} \begin{axis}[ xlabel={Time, $t$ (in \si{\milli\second})}, ylabel={Voltage, $u(t)$ (in \si{\volt})}, xmin=0,xmax=20,ymin=-350,ymax=350, width=0.8\textwidth, height=0.5\textwidth, ] \addplot+[ domain=0:20, samples=101, ] {sin(deg(x*2*pi/20))*sqrt(2)*230}; \end{axis} \end{tikzpicture}

Writing Good Protocols 50 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary


200 (in V) ) t (

u 0

Voltage, −200

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Time, t (in ms)

Writing Good Protocols 51 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Second Curve and Legend

\begin{tikzpicture} \begin{axis}[ xlabel={Time, $t$ (in \si{\milli\second})}, ylabel={Voltage, $u(t)$ (in \si{\volt})}, xmin=0,xmax=20,ymin=-350,ymax=350, width=0.8\textwidth,height=0.5\textwidth,] \addplot+[domain=0:20,samples=101] {sin(deg(x*2*pi/20))*sqrt(2)*230}; \addlegendentry{sine wave-form}; \addplot+[domain=0:20,samples=101] {cos(deg(x*2*pi/20))*sqrt(2)*230}; \addlegendentry{cosine wave-form}; \end{axis} \end{tikzpicture}

Writing Good Protocols 52 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Second Curve and Legend

sine wave-form cosine wave-form 200 (in V) ) t (

u 0

Voltage, −200

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Time, t (in ms)

Writing Good Protocols 53 Types of diagrams:

I line plots (linear, smooth, constant)

I bar plots (horizontal, vertical)

I comb plots and quiver plots

I polar coordinates, ternary axes, Smith chart

I 3D: line, mesh, surface, contour

Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Further Options of the pgfplots Package

Data from:

I formulas

I direct specification of data points

I text files

Writing Good Protocols 54 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Further Options of the pgfplots Package

Data from:

I formulas

I direct specification of data points

I text files

Types of diagrams:

I line plots (linear, smooth, constant)

I bar plots (horizontal, vertical)

I comb plots and quiver plots

I polar coordinates, ternary axes, Smith chart

I 3D: line, mesh, surface, contour

Writing Good Protocols 54 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Wiring Schematics with circuitikz

\begin{tikzpicture} % outer loop \draw (0,0) to[I] (0,4) to[short] (4,4) to[vR] (4,2) to[R] (4,0) to[short] (0,0); \end{tikzpicture}

Writing Good Protocols 55 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Wiring Schematics with circuitikz

Writing Good Protocols 56 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Adding Inner Branches

\begin{tikzpicture} % outer loop \draw (0,0) to[I] (0,4) to[short] (4,4) to[vR] (4,2) to[R] (4,0) to[short] (0,0); % inner branches (2,4) to[vR] (2,2) to[R] (2,0) (2,2) to[R] (4,2); \end{tikzpicture}

Writing Good Protocols 57 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Adding Inner Branches

Writing Good Protocols 58 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary


\begin{tikzpicture} % outer loop \draw (0,0) to[I] (0,4) to[short] (4,4) to[vR, l=${R_2=\SI{1000}{\ohm}}$] (4,2) to[R, l=${R=\SI{820}{\ohm}}$] (4,0) to[short] (0,0) % inner branches (2,4) to[vR, l_=${R_1=\SI{1000}{\ohm}}$] (2,2) to[R, l_=${R=\SI{820}{\ohm}}$] (2,0) (2,2) to[R, l=${R_{\ind{L}}=\SI{430}{\ohm}}$] (4,2); \end{tikzpicture}

Writing Good Protocols 59 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary


R1 = 1000 Ω R2 = 1000 Ω RL = 430 Ω

R = 820 Ω R = 820 Ω

Writing Good Protocols 60 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary


\begin{tikzpicture}[xscale=1.6,yscale=1.2] % outer loop \draw (0,0) to[I] (0,4) to[short] (4,4) to[vR, l=${R_2=\SI{1000}{\ohm}}$] (4,2) to[R, l=${R=\SI{820}{\ohm}}$] (4,0) to[short] (0,0) % inner branches (2,4) to[vR, l_=${R_1=\SI{1000}{\ohm}}$] (2,2) to[R, l_=${R=\SI{820}{\ohm}}$] (2,0) (2,2) to[R, l=${R_{\ind{L}}=\SI{430}{\ohm}}$] (4,2); \end{tikzpicture}

Writing Good Protocols 61 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary


R1 = 1000 Ω R2 = 1000 Ω

RL = 430 Ω

R = 820 Ω R = 820 Ω

Writing Good Protocols 62 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Currents, Soldering Points

\begin{tikzpicture}[xscale=1.6,yscale=1.2] % outer loop \draw (0,0) to[I, i=$I_{\ind{q}}$] (0,4) to[short] (4,4) to[vR, l=${R_2=\SI{1000}{\ohm}}$] (4,2) to[R, l=${R=\SI{820}{\ohm}}$] (4,0) to[short] (0,0) % inner branches (2,4) to[vR, l_=${R_1=\SI{1000}{\ohm}}$, i>^=$I_1$, *-] (2,2) to[R, l_=${R=\SI{820}{\ohm}}$, i=$I_2$, -*] (2,0) (2,2) to[R, l=${R_{\ind{L}}=\SI{430}{\ohm}}$, i>_=$I_{\ind{Br}}$, *-*] (4,2); \end{tikzpicture}

Writing Good Protocols 63 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Currents, Soldering Points


R1 = 1000 Ω R2 = 1000 Ω

RL = 430 Ω Iq IBr

R = 820 Ω R = 820 Ω


Writing Good Protocols 64 Display and labels:

I current and voltage arrows

I node labels

I European or American style ( vs. )

Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Further Options of the circuitikz Package


Monopoles: ground, antennas, . . . Bipoles: basic elements, sources, instruments, . . . Tripoles: transistors, controlled sources, switches, . . . Double bipoles: transformers, couplers, . . .

Writing Good Protocols 65 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary

Further Options of the circuitikz Package


Monopoles: ground, antennas, . . . Bipoles: basic elements, sources, instruments, . . . Tripoles: transistors, controlled sources, switches, . . . Double bipoles: transformers, couplers, . . .

Display and labels:

I current and voltage arrows

I node labels

I European or American style ( vs. )

Writing Good Protocols 65 Summary Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary


The adviser should see that you tried hard and took care!

Writing Good Protocols 67 Motivation Writing Good Protocols Examples Tips for LaTeX Summary


large protocol ˆ= degree thesis

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