Advance Manifest
Bureau of Customs and Border Protection CBP Decisions 19 CFR PARTS 4, 103, 113, 122, 123, 178 AND 192 (CBP Dec. 03–32) RIN 1651–AA49 REQUIRED ADVANCE ELECTRONIC PRESENTATION OF CARGO INFORMATION AGENCY: Customs and Border Protection, Homeland Security. ACTION: Final rule. SUMMARY: This document amends the Customs Regulations to provide that the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) must receive, by way of a CBP-approved electronic data interchange system, information pertaining to cargo before the cargo is either brought into or sent from the United States by any mode of commer- cial transportation (sea, air, rail or truck). The cargo information re- quired is that which is reasonably necessary to enable high-risk shipments to be identified for purposes of ensuring cargo safety and security and preventing smuggling pursuant to the laws enforced and administered by CBP. These regulations are specifically in- tended to effectuate the provisions of section 343(a) of the Trade Act of 2002, as amended by the Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002. DATES: This rule is effective January 5, 2004. The compliance dates for these regulations are set forth, as appli- cable, in §§ 4.7(b)(5), 122.48a(e), 123.91(e), 123.92(e), and 192.14(e). FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Legal matters: Glen E. Vereb, Office of Regulations and Rulings, 202–572–8724; Trade compliance issues: Inbound vessel cargo: Kimberly Nott, Field Operations, 202–927– 0042; 1 2 CUSTOMS BULLETIN AND DECISIONS, VOL. 37, NO. 52, DECEMBER 24, 2003 Inbound air cargo: David M. King, Field Operations, 202–927– 1133; Inbound truck cargo: Enrique Tamayo, Field Operations, 202– 927–3112; Inbound rail cargo: Juan Cancio-Bello, Field Operations, 202–927– 3459; Outbound cargo, all modes: Robert Rawls, Field Operations, 202– 927–5301.
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