Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests Carson National Forest Cibola
Paeds) Correction Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests 19-40 Move all implementation schedules to Appendix C, substitute standard regional table. 120,145-1, Delete vegetation management practice tables. 155-2,165, 181,185 Carson National Forest Overview 4 Move Table C-1 to Appendix H-3. Overview 6-10 Delete tables, replace with standard regional table in Appendix H-3. Timber 3-7 MoveAppendixto H-4. Cibola National Forest 34-50 Move Tables 6-14 to Appendix D. 34 Delete objective definition and list of tables. 50-54 Delete Tables 15 & 16. Replace with standard regional table. 85,99, 105, Delete vegetation modification tables. 109, 117, 127, 133, 141, 149, 158, 163, 174, 182,195 Coconino National Forest 26-45 Move all tables to AppendixG. Delete Table 12 and replace with standard regional table. 114,118, 139, Delete vegetation treatment practice tables. 142,145, 149, 158,162, 166, 172,179,201 L Coronado National Forest 11-1 [DELETE] 12-24-4 Move Tables 2 thru 14 and 16 thru 19 to Appendix I. Delete Table 15 and replace with standard regional table. 47,50,54,55, Delete vegetation manipulation tables. 62, 67, 71,79 -- . 133 . -.. .. Page(@ Correction Gila National Forest 13-17 Move Tables 3-12 Appendix C,Implementation Schedules. 18-20 Move Table 13 to Appendix C, use standard regional table. Sl,S6,63,68, Delete proposed vegetation modification tables. 73,79,84,90, 96, 101, 107, 113,120,127, 134,141,146, 153,159,160, 166,171,172, 179,186,187, 193,194,200, 201,206,207, 21 1,212,216, 221,228,235, 241,246,252, 253,264,269, 274,275 52, 58, 75, 81, Delete lists of TES species under activity codes C05 and COB.
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