Viet Nam Generation, Volume 4, Number Article 1 1-2

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Viet Nam Generation, Volume 4, Number Article 1 1-2 Vietnam Generation Volume 4 Number 1 Viet Nam Generation, Volume 4, Number Article 1 1-2 4-1992 Viet Nam Generation, Volume 4, Number 1-2 Follow this and additional works at: Part of the American Studies Commons Recommended Citation (1992) "Viet Nam Generation, Volume 4, Number 1-2," Vietnam Generation: Vol. 4 : No. 1 , Article 1. Available at: This Complete Volume is brought to you for free and open access by La Salle University Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Vietnam Generation by an authorized editor of La Salle University Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Viet Nam Generation, Volume 4, Number 1-2 Cover Page Footnote Edited by Dan Duffy. Contributing editors: Renny Christopher. David DeRose, Alan Farrell. Cynthia Fuchs, William M. King. Bill Shields, Tony Williams, and David Willson. This complete volume is available in Vietnam Generation: Viet N am Generation A Journal of Recent History and Contemporary Issues Volume A Number 1-2 David Luebke illustrations, from the Vietnam Generation, Inc. & Burning Cities Press reprint of Asa Baber's novel, Land of a Million Elephants. Contents In This Is s u e ........................................................................................ 5 Poetry by Rod McQuearey.................................................... 79 PublishER's Sta tem en t.................................................................4 FILm: ViET Nam REquRqiTATEd, by CyNThiA Fuchs........................................................................80 A nnouncements, Notices, & Repo rts....................................5 Drama: BcyoNd tUe CaII o f Dory. Poetry by JAbiyA Draqonsun................................................ 52 By DAvid J. DeRo s e ..................................................................... 82 Democracy DiEd at t He Gull, by RicliARd FA lk..........55 For ThE Want of a NaH: JFK, ViET Nam, ANd tLie MiqliT-HAVE-BEEN, by AlAsdiAR SpARk......................85 FiREd Gold (Vanq Lua), by NquyEN Fluy ThiEp................59 REMF Reviews, by DAvid A. WillsoN.................................86 NquyEN Huy ThiEp's "VANq Lua" ANd tLie Nature or InteIIectuaI dissent In C ontemporary Vietnam, HaII of TIiree is Two, by ALan FarreII ............................ 90 by Peter ZInoman.................................................................. 62 VAUd OffERS, TschNicAl TRUThs, by Tom Y orI ...............92 CLass ReLatIons iN t Ite VIet C ommunity of ToUdo, Ohio, by WilliAM M. U o n & Who's REspoNsibU, by W.D. EIirIta r t................................96 KIm-A nH NquyEN...........................................................................66 Book Reviews: Poetry by JuliA Ross................................................................. 72 Philip BEidlER/REWRiri/vq A m eric a:: Vietnam A uthors in TIieir Generation, Po etry by MAqqiE JAffE........................................................... 72 REVlEWEd by RENNy ChRiSTOpllER.............................101 Po etry by Bill Jones, Jr........................................................... 75 LiNdA DiTTMAR & G ene MichAud, Eds., F rom Hanoi to Hollyw ood: ThE Vietnam War in A merican FUm LifE of S er v ic e, by Dan D uffy................................................ 76 REviEWEd by Jean-Jacques MaIo, wiTh Dan S crIp t u r e ..........................................................105 SpRiNQ, 1992 VolUME 4 NUMbER 1-2 Viet Nam G eneration, Inc. pRESidENT ViCE-PRESidENT SECRETARY, TREASURER TechNiCAl ASSISTANCE K a l i T a i. H e r m a n B e a v e r s C y n t h ia F u c h s L a w r e n c e E . H u n t e r NewsIetter EdiTOR: D a n D u e f y _ , _ , Book RevIew EdiTOR: D a n S c r ip t u r e CoNTRIDUTINq EdlTORS R e n n y C h r is t o p h e r , D a v iu D e R o s e , A i a n F a r r e l l , C y n t h ia F u c h s , W il l ia m M . K in g , B il l S h ie l d s . T o n y W il l ia m s , D a v id W il l s o n AdvisoRy BoARd NANCY ANISF1ELD PHILIP JASON JOHN CLARK PRATT ROBERT S1.ABEY St. Michael's College US Naval Academy Colorado State University University of Notre Dame KEVIN BOWEN WILLIAM KING JOCK REYNOLDS BARBARA T1SCHLER William Joiner Center University of Colorado Washington Project for the Arts Columbia University University of Massachusetts MICHAEL KLEIN TOM RIDDELL NANCY WEIGERSMA ' JEAN BETHKE ELSHTAIN University of Ulster Smith College Fitchburg Stale College Vanderbilt University GABRIEL KOLKO RUTH ROSEN CHRISTINE PELZER WHITE RICHARD FALK York University UC Davis University of Hawaii Princeton University JACQUELINE LAWSON WILLIAM J. SEARLE DAVID WILLSON DAVID HUNT University of Michigan/Dearbom Eastern Illinois University Green River CC William Joiner Center DAVID MARR JAMES C. SCOTT MARILYN B. YOUNG University of Massachusetts Australian National University Yale University New York University A ddress editorical correspondence and inquiries t o Dan Duffy, 18 Center Rd., W oodbridge, CT 06525: 203/387- 6882; f a x : 203/389-6104. Address business correspondence to Ka u Tal, V ietnam Generation, 2921 T errace D i^iv e , Chevy C hase, MD 20815: 301/608-0622; f a x : 301/608-0761. Subscripilons: $40/year individuals; $75/year INSTITUTIONAL. ISSN: 1042-7597 SpRlNq, 1992 ViET INaivi G en era tio n , I nc. VoIume 4 NuiVlbER 1-2 for Alasdair Spark to consider alternative-reality science In T his Issue fiction about the assassination, the war, and the 1960s. David Willson continues his glorious march through the You are holding a complicated document. It has got literary record of Army clerk-typists, with a consideration three parts. of three unpublished REMF novels. The Features section Announcements, Notices, and Reports does not ends with two personal narratives, and an essay on the have an index. It is not really classified. You have to importance of reading history in making one’s own life. browse it. or scan it, or just read the whole thing. Articles Contributing editor Alan Farrell tries to communicate his that mention deadlines are put at the front of the section. vision of war as a profession. Tom Yori, a new voice here, After that you're on your own. There are announcements gives us a chapter from his draft-dodger's memoir, of conferences and calls for papers. There are notices of concerning the exact mechanics of fleeing to Canada. books and movies and events that caught my eye. There Last, the poetW.D. Ehrhart addresses La Salle University are reports sent in from all over. The section is freshpersons, providing them with a context in which to alphabetized, sort of, by subject or author or title. That read Bobbie Ann Mason's novel In Country. is intended to help you find an article you have already Then there are the Book Reviews. They're listed in looked at. I don't want to divide this section into Books the Table of Contents, too, with author, title, and and Veterans and Events and Letters and Travel and reviewer. Dan Scripture of College Eight, University of Trade. I use Announcements, Notices, and Reports to California at Santa Cruz, edits this section to supply produce an archive, to put people in touch with each rigorous and informed judgements on books of interest to other, to encourage authors, to mock and to praise, and those who are teaching courses and researching about to help librarians buy books. I also want to convey how the U.S. war in Viet Nam and about the 1960s generally. lost I feel when I consider the possible topics and directions In this issue, the lead review is Renny Christopher on of study for writing about the U.S. and Viet Nam. I Philip Beidler's Rewriting America: Vietnam Authors suppose I like to bully readers who think they've got it all in their Generation (Georgia, 1991). Then, Jean-Jacques figured out. Malo and Dan Scripture consider From Hanoi to The Features section is easier to use. There are Hollywood: The Vietnam War in American Film, fewer articles. They are listed and described and located (Rutgers. 1990) by Linda Dittmar and Gene Michaud. in the Table of Contents. Kali Tal and I place work in this Both books are meant to be standard works. Scripture’s section that we endorse as the informed and considered experts help you evaluate their claims to that position of effort of an intelligent imagination. authority. Chantou Boua leads with a report on the present situation in Cambodia, and its people's need for O n t Me F u ture of t Me INew sI e t t e r international aid. Jabiya Dragonsun contributes his Starting in the next issue. Steve Potts, History. poem "War Song." It is the script for a performance University of Nebraska, will edit a Teaching section. He described in the Announcements section. Richard Falk will publish specific curricula and syllabi, as well as addresses Dragonsun's topic from the point of view of think-pieces on what should be done in the classroom. international law. with an essay on the Gulf War. We are Steve organized the Viet Nam War Area panels for this thrilled to print “Fired Gold", a short story by Nguyen Huy year's Popular Culture Association Conference in Thiep, Ha Noi's leading dissident author. An essay by Louisville, KY. He made a point to include several panels translator Peter Zinoman gives background for this fiction. on teaching the war. He also contributed an article to a The following essay, by William Leon and Kim-Anh Nguyen, recent collection from Greenwood Press on the subject, for the first time places a social survey of a Viet-American and is writing or editing two more books for them. We community in an historical context. A poem by Julia look forward to regularly publishing articles of direct Ross uses a conceit from Islam, the split between Tariquat utility to the majority of our subscribers, selected by a and Shariat, between esoteric spiritual quest and exoteric knowledgeable expert and an active teacher.
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