The Flying Calend Page 11 Karamazov ar Brothers PageB ·H O N O L U L U Letters-2 Hero-9 Life in Hell-10 Quintero's Volume 2, Number 41, October 7, 199 2 Cuisine�t5 lllelllking Island Festival artcelebrates Ill DI storytelling ,; ,,

Shortly after its founding in 1979, FEMA became the Reaganaut catchall for right­ wing kookery, part of a massive paranoid planning apparatus designed to pQt down urban insurgency. By James Ridgeway Page 3 Letters HONOL ULU

Taking exception Bribeless band list with the experts Thanks forthe great music listing MajorB�tailer1s Half ..Year Sale column - so complete, and you don't Regarding Julia Steele's article on Vol. 41 the Community-Media even have to pay "bribe money." 2, No. October 7, 199 2 Nov 5-8 $499 pp dbl. Council's evaluation of local Bruce Greenwood Inludes: Round trip Airfare television news ("And That's the Chuck's in Mililani Way It Is," HW,9/16): I must concur Publisher and Managing 3 nts. 1st class hotel Editor Laurie V. Carlson '* with Kent Baker's assessment of the Deluxe City Tour Senior Editor Julia Steele * self-professed Mainland experts - Arts & Calendar Editor *� Transfers, Tax who really cares what a bunch of Bad signs Derek Ferrar burned-outMainland news directors I understand that political Calendar: think of our localnewscasts anyway? candidates must find some way, Associate Editor: Matt Uiagalelei As a frequent traveler to the preferably cost-free, to advertise Contributing Editor: John W. White Film Critic: Bob Green Mainland, I have the opportunity to their names to potential voters. And Theater Critic: Karyn Koeur view many newscasts in various­ sign-waving is the way to go in Contributing Writers sized metropolitanareas. I can think . But please, can't they stand Cecil Adams, Tom Keogh, Karyn Koeur, James Ridgeway, of no Mainland newscast I've seen back at least one footfrom the curb? Grady Timmons that is substantially better than what And not stick their heads out into CopyKathy Editor Luter Reimers we have here in Honolulu (though I traffic?Or wave in your face as you Art Director Bud Linschoten have seen worse). I think we are tryto make a right-hand turn?These Production fortunate to have television stations selfish idiots are blocking Isabella Forster, Sam Kim that produce a decidedly local-style crosswalks, sidewalks and major Cartoonists Matt Groening, Slug Signorino newscast that we, as local people, thoroughfares. They're lucky some Contributing Illustrator can relate to. I happen to appreciate madman doesn't finallysnap and go Peggy Chun and enjoy the unique, comfortable, ballistic by running them down. Contributing Photographer down home, accuratenews anchoring Maybe then they'd realize there are Brian Reed and sports reporting of Joe Moore, other people around, like Administrative Support Catharine Gregory Dan Cooke, Leslie Wilcox, Howard pedestrians, joggers, children and Advertising Dashefsky, Rob Fukuzaki, Robert drivers. Leo Geensen, Donovan Slack Kekaula and others. For sure they Most of them don't even pay A Member of!he Associationof may not be national material, but attention to the people they are e Alternative these are people who knowHawaii, supposed to connect with. They Newsweeklies 11/.2. lto1,1r1'!tstr1,1ctlo11 and we know them, and we like yawn, talk among themselves and ISSN #l057-414X them. sometimes give you dirty looks Entire contents © 1992 by � Honolulu Weekly, Inc. 1'!td1,1d!'!tg4 lto1,1r1,1se ofetJ,_.1,1!f ment. LarryHeim while they wave with limp-wristed, All rights reserved. lackluster apathy. One guy actually Manuscripts should be accompanied by had his head turned to his friend, a self-addressedstamped envelope: $55 for1 P1rao11 Honolulu Weeklyassumes no responsi­ and he was yawning as he stuck his bilityfor unsolicited material. $?:5 for 2 P61ple hand in front of my field of vision. Subscription rates: Six months $35. Twinkle, twinkle, One year $50. \ --d) little Weekly Then the hand passed in frontof the next victim behind me. It's all 1200 College Walk, Suite 212 155-A� Hamakua ---= � Drive • Kailua, Hawaii96734 While readingthrough your article Honolulu, Hawaii 96817 (808) 262-6068 • FAX(808) 263-9723 highlighting'The Arts of Pall" (HW, automatic, robotic, empty telephone: 808 528-1475 9/16), I once again had the movement ... like most of the opportunity to thank my lucky stars politicians themselves. for the Honolulu Weekly. While I Carol Banks Weber Wanna Hear A Secret? have been able to collect a fair percentage of issues over the past 15 months at my neighborhood Your employees know all about distribution point (also my favorite drugs, theft, vandalism and other ice cream parlor!), I have missed several. Honestly, I only picked it up thingsyou can't affordto ignore. thistime to double-checkthat Kapena The Honolulu Weekly welcomes You need a hotline that is confidential, was playing at Malia's on Sunday. your letters. Write to: Editor, Honolulu Weekly, 1200 College availabletoll free day or night, Imaginemy distressat having almost missed the preliminary note about Walk, Suite 212, Honolulu, HI ar;id provided by Hawaii's pre··. 'ev the Spin Doctors possibly coming to 96817. You must include your name, address and telephone number PlI,?lqyee m1sconduct investigatio, d�a.J/!S11Si town (please?)! Enclosed is a check. � Please sign me up. Your subscription (only your name will be printed). A Service of rate is a smallprice to pay for cultural Letters may be edited for length. $.4.r}!(JQ.(\ftDSERVICES, INC. (and, for the most part, intellectual) Please limit your letters to 200 peaceof mind. And, of course, there's words maximum ifyou do not want to see them cut. .. always Life in Hell. 1 Rob McElvaney • > A ;- F E L I N £.j .... . TH"E EM PL .Q- YEE HO TL INE . Car and Driver Magazine's Light strong, fast and Best In Customer Satisfaction. unconditionally Want to Sail? No Boat? guaranteed. Twogood The Lexus LS400. Kayaks Hawaii offers Join The Club. the finest in kayaks, Join the dub with a floatingclubhouse: a 48-foot, ketch-rigged surf skis and trimaran that's yours to cruise on whenever you please. Learn sailing skills, meet new, interesting people. accessories for fun and Join the dub and enjoy the pleasures of sailing without the competition. Plus hassles of owning a boat. 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- Comment

Disasterat FE BRDfG THIS AD he stormof rageagainst the team. Giuffrida's SWAT was offi­ Selection Sate Federal Emergency cially baptizedlive on TV in 1978, MADRASP.,t:d- m $2.7�/�ft, • Management Agency that when it rained so many bullets into MWRA.S Gold- : lQt $2-7'5!:Jq�jt; • followed Hurricanes the Symbionese LiberationArmy's TIBETSand - bi:Qwns,& beiges $2.95/sqift. • Andrew and Iniki is noth­ suburbanL.A. hideout that the place BLACK CLOUD - black $3.40/sq.ft. • ing new to the arm of the Top management caughtfire, killing Patty He arst'skid­ • governmentin chargeof dis­ nappersand burningthe house to the • ground. 40 North School Street, Honoluu,l Hawaii 96817 • aster relief.Similar charges of incom- is regarded ... as • 533-2220 • petence were leveled at the agency Meese and Giuffrida engaged in •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• in 1989 after Hurricane Hugo and earlymban counterinsurgency efforts. the San Francisco earthquake and, a "turl,ey farm" One scheme, code-named Cable most recently, afterthe Los Angeles Splicer, was a strategyfor using the riots. If FEMA has been slow to militaryand NationalGuard to quell respond to the victims of Andrew for Bush-favored civil disturbances. Another of their and Iniki, that's in largepart because ideas, ProjectSafer California,sought under Reagan and Bush, the agency nincompoops to manage political protest by sus­ has become a slime pit of contract pending due process and authoriz­ cronyism. ing mass arrests, mass trials and Shortly afterits foundingin 1979, preventivedetention. Project Search FEMAbecame the Reaganaut catch­ some cases ... downright gossip and envisioned a national data bank of COFFEE MANOA all forright-wing kookery, partof a hallway speculation." arrest records. massive paranoid planning appara­ When Reagan was elected, Meese MANOA MARKETPLACE • HONOLULU , HAWAII tus designedto put down mbaninsur­ omestic counterinsurgency brought Giuffridato Washington to gency. While the staffof the agency was a long-standing preoc­ run FEMA.Once in office,Giuffrida A place to unwind ...relax ... CoIIect scattered thou�hts. is well respected, the top manage­ cupation of both Ronald rewrote executive orders to give ment is regarded,in the words of a Reagan and his top aide FEMAauthority over all other fed­ Visit with friends ...A place with �ood coffee and tea. House Appropriations Committee Edwin Meese fromtheir ear­ eral agencies in timesof nationalcri­ An espresso bar with sweet treats... The place to be. report released just two months ago, liest days of fightingantiwar sis -and, in theprocess, downgrading as a "turkey farm"for Bush-favored protestersin the late 1960s. concernfor hurricanes and earth­ Live music Tuesdays from 7 -9 pm. No cover. nincompoops. FEMAcurrently has The prospectof domesticprotest, not quakes in order to lay plans forhan­ Open 7 days a week. AtManoa Marketplace the highest per capita ratioof polit­ foreign opposition,led the Reagan dling "civil disturbances." The icalappointees of any federalagency: administration to set up elaborate NationalEmergency TrainingCenter Between Woodlawn & East Manoa Roads Whereasthe averagenumber of pres­ counterinsurgency operations at in Emmitsburg was placed under the idential appointees requiring Senate home. Always fearfulof the exist- directionof FredVillella, Giuffrida's approval is one for every 2,993 chief of staff at San Luis Obispo. staffers,FEMA has one forevery James Ridgeway Then TheSpotl ight, the far-right 314 workers; while the average num­ weekly,revealed a top secretGiuffrida ber of senior executive political ing bureaucracy and such "liberals" master plan that,among other things, appointees is one for every 262 as then-FBI chief William Webster proposed imprisoning illegal immi­ NOW employees, at FEMA it is one for or then-Attorney GeneralWilliam grantsand political dissidents on mil­ every 50. French Smith, theyhit on the idea of itary bases in times of national "The current director (Wallace using FEMA as headquarters fora emergency. At least 100,000people Stickney)... is considered to beweak, new nationalpolice, thinking it could were to be held in New York, reluctant to interact with agency per­ employ state national guards and Pennsylvania, Vrrginiaand Arkansas, sonnel and uninterested in the sub­ irregular posses drawn fromtheir according to TheSpo tlight. s tan tiv e programs of FEMA, fringes.FEMA used the fire-fight­ FEMA denied the report, claim­ preferringinstead to participate in ing academy in rural Emmitsburg, ing, 'These arescen arios. They have external public relationsactivities," Maryland, as a training school for nothing to do with reality." But later the Housereport notes. ''In fact, short­ urban counterinsurgency. the administrationproposed remark­ ly after his arrival in August, 1990, Instead of searching out a quali­ ably similar plans forplacing illegal the director executed a memoran­ fied leader to build the federal dis­ aliens in detention camps to await dum delegatinghis authority as direc­ aster relief program into a unified deportationhearings. tor to his deputy,presumably in order and workableunit, the Reagan admin­ Next, Jack Anderson revealed that to distance himself fromthe day-to­ istrationturned to "General" Louis Giuffrida had set himself up as a day management of the agency." Giuffrida, a former militarypolice­ potentialmilitary dictator by rewrit­ Stickneyis a formerNew Hampshire man and longtime associate of ing the Constitution.His plan, in the director of transportationand a friend Reagan's. formof "stand-by"legislation sub­ of ex-White House Chief of Staff During the late 1960s, Giuffrida mitted to Congress, would suspend John Sununu. provided Reagan with advice on ter­ the Bill of Rights, allow the govern­ The reportdepicts a state of "orga­ rorism, and in 1971 he set up the ment to confiscatereal estate or per­ nizational chaos" at FEMA, which California Specialized Training sonal property,nationalize industries, has a budget of $1.57 billion (includ­ Institute at San Luis Obispo, where freeze wages and prices and outlaw ing $800million in emergencyfunds Californiatrained the firstSWAT strikes. allocated for this year's many natur­ As part of its emergency planning, al disasters). Many of the disasters FEMAhelped recruit and train3,000 on the minds of the leadership seem people in the National Defense to be either political or social; one ExecutiveReserve to run the coun­ top official reportedly threatened a try in the event of a national emer­ gay employee, denying himthe right TodaY,-FEMA gency. These unknown and to attend a scientific mission unless unaccountable individuals - their he named all the other gays he knew names were kept secret- were to run in FEMA. The report suggests that, is the sad detritus the country fromFEMA's secret instead of hurricane and earthquake underground White House, the relief, the top brass expends its con­ of 40 years of "Special Facility" buried in the cernon creatingexpress elevators to foothillsof the Blue Ridge Mountains the executive suiteand providing the near Berryville, Virginia. security guards with "more profes­ American civil­ FEMA's counterinsurgency pro­ sional uniforms." jects have remained muffled in a In response, FEMA declared the cloud of great secrecy. The agency report "does great injusticeto those defense planning slaps a top secret stamp on one-third it accuses with its repetitionof innu­ endo, implied conclusions and in See Page 7 October 7, 1992 • Honolulu Weekly• 3 - ·------�---�-�--�------......

From Page 1 appearance, are most heavily represented,but therewill also betwo BY KARYN KOEUR specialguests: Native American shaman and storytellerJohnny Moses, • n 1946, when Hawaiian who will relatetales fromthe storytellerMak:ia Malo was Northwest tribes, and Alaskan 12 years old, he contracted storytellerMartha Barron, who will Hansen's diseaseand was sharethe legends and experiencesof sentto theleprosy fa cility the Athabascanpeople. at Kalaupapa At 37, blind fromthe disease, he venturedback intothe world Unable rguably the world's to readbrail le becauseof "sock-and- oldest profession, glove syndrome,"which numbs storytellinghas sensationin the hands and feet, he sparkedthe human nonetheless graduatedfrom college imaginationfor by studying with audio cassettes. millenia Storyteller Supportinghimself financially proved Robin Moore too difficult, however,and he writesin his book,Awakening the eventuallywound up on welfare. HiddenStoryteller, thatwhen our But Malo's fortunesturned when, ancestorslooked into thefire and then struggling withan urgeto hide, he discovered thatthey could also venturedone day into a workshop imaginethe flamesin theirmind's taught by storytellerJeff Gere, eye, it was "a greatevolutionary leap ." founderof theTa lkingIsland Festival AnthropologistAl exander Marshak -the annual day-long tale-weaving goeseven further, suggesting in The celebration scheduledfor Ala Moana Roots of CiviliZJJtion thatthe ability to Park's McCoyPavi lion this Saturday. seethe world in stotylikeimages is an "Jeffasked mehow long I'd been · innatetrait that is passedon telling stories," Malo recalls,"and I genetically. told him I'd never done stories. I ''Everyonetells stories all thetime," thoughta storywas Goldikx:ksand says Gere. ''It's as simple as asking the ThreeBears. But thenI just shared someone, 'Whatdid you do today?' A my experiences,with punch lines. I storyis just thehighlights of a day, a learnedjust by doing it" week, a tripor a culture,but withall Malo was a natural. With Gere's theboring parts takenout" In his encouragement,he was soonholding storytellingworkshops , Geretells audiences at places like Bishop peoplethey don't have to remember Museum and the Summer Fun the wordsof thestory - they just need Programsrapt with his tales of to seethe sequence of images in their growingup in Papakolea -mud- mind's eye. 'Their job is just to tell sleddingdown Punchbowland those images thatthey see asvividly sneakingfood from theChinese as theycan," he says. "Afterawh ile, cemeteries- and his stories of life in your tonguejust findsa groove." Kalaupapa, where,he says, "we got There is littledoubt thatin Hawaii's threesquare meals, and you could go pre-contactoral society, the abilityto fishing any timeof day ornight But tella storywas a vital skill. John Lake, underlying all this, we were theopa la, one of Hawaii's most respected the rubbish, thatsociety swept under authorities on oli (unaccompanied the carpet."Malo now earnshis living chant), says thatthe Hawaiianword as a professional storyteller and travels for storytelling, mo 'olelo,suggests the widely, most recently to the Ex.po in art's culturalimportance. By its Sevilla, Spain. He will beamong the dictionary definition,the word more than 25 storytellers at Saturday's includes every imaginable kind oforal festival. record: story,tale, myth, history, Gere startedthe TalkingIsland tradition,literature, legend ,joumal, Festival in 1989 as, he says, "a forum log, yam, fable, essay or chronicle. to celebrate storytelling." His own But Lake goesdeeper; " 'Ole lo," he and techniques to an event like the abouta time they got sick, or the kind entry into the artcame in 1979, when says, means ''to speak,"and "mo'o" Talki ng Island Festival. A big partof of Hawaiian herbsthey used, or that he heard a storyteller perform an Irish means ''lizard,"suggesting that stories thefe stival's fun is"grazing" from they walked threemiles to school." myth and was hooked Foryears an resemblethe long tail of a liz.ardas stage to stage, samplingeach It's gottento the point,Cope says, expatriatewho touredEurope with a they extend fromgeneration to performance. So you can do a littleof that sometimeswhen peoplein theatertroupe, Geresays he decided generation. your sampling in advance, several Waianae ask elder relativesto share tosettle in Hawaii becausehe wanted "A lot of storiestold by theelders Talking Island performers were their stories,the elders replythat they to bein America, ''but I didn't want to have a purpose in back of them,"Lake interviewed on their experiences and stories,"he says. ''You can talk about "only want to tell AuntieAggie." live in the Mainland world."He says. 'The relationshipto the legends writtenin a book,but not In the '70s, Copepublished a book startedtelling stories fulltime in traditionalway of art of storytellingin many people tell theirpersonal basedon her interviews. At last year's schools and becamepresident of telling a storyis that general.Here is experiences." Talking Island Festival,Cope shared Oahu's storytelling association. there's always a "The what they said: One of the most strikingof storiesfrom the book, but thisyear Gerehad no budget forthe first moral lesson." Mitchell's own experienceshappened she's bringingalong Glenn Kila and Talking Island Festival, buthe Partof a traditional To Waimea when he was clearing a jungle areafor AlikaSilva to talk abouttheir contactedall the storytellers he knew. storyteller's job, Valley archae­ a Hawaiian games site. Suddenly, a discoveryofheiau on theWa ianae So many showed upthat they filled says festival ologistRudy largeboulder blocked his way. ''I tried Coast Themen, Copesays, are very five stages foran entireday, and over organizer Gere, is to way of telling Mitchell, a great to dig it up with the tractor, but it knowledgeableabout Hawaiian 1,000people attended Now in its recognizewhen a stnryawala!ns wouldn't budge," he says. ''It just traditions: ''If bones wash up on fourthyear, thefe stivalis sponsored story is yours to tell, a story is that peopl.eIn what 's wouldn't do it So I lookedup and shore,"she says, ''Glenn and Alika by thecit y's Department of Parks and whetherit comes going on inthe said, 'I'm not tryingto destroy are theones thatpick them up and Recreation and several private frommemory, there's spiritualworld anything -I'mjust makinga game kanu(bury) them" organizations. According toGere, imagination,life all.around them. site forchildren. ' I lookeddown, and attendance has roughlydoubled every experience,cultural always a "A sensitive right betweenmy legs was an ulu To chanJ,erJohn Lake, a great year. traditionsor personcan sense moika, a game stone. I pickedit up stnryhas high drama and passionate Thisyear's festivalwill featurefour storybooks. 'The spiritual beingsthat and said, 'Thankyou. This will bean lovescenes. stages, each dedicatedto aparticular same storiesare moral are around," says ulu maika course."' One of thehighlights oflast year's category: Stories in Music and Dance, completely Mitchell, who, as TalkingIsland Festivalwas Lake's Hawaii and Pacific SpokenTa les, different when "lesson." Waimea Falls To Waianae hist.orionAgnes account of his experiences as OralHistories and Children's they'retold by a Park's historian, Cope, a groatstnry recordsan eider's principalchanter at thewell­ Storytelling( see box). Performances different person," has been recoll.ections fo rfuture gen erations. publicized unificationceremony held range from the goofykids' skits of says Gere. "A great instory one documentingthe valley 's Copehas dedicatedherself to being at Ka 'u on theBig Island in the CacaroachTheatah to Emil mouthis bland in another. Themost archaeologicalsites -including the theoral historian of the Waianae summerof 1991. Theceremony Wolfgramm's''T ales fromTo nga" to successfulstories are suited for the Hale O Lono heiau-forover 15 Coast 'The majorityof the people sought to bring Hawaiians togetherin Bemie Lono's ''Family Historyof person likea goodshirt." years. "But when theyact, you get alreadyknow me," Copesays of the fulfillmentof a prophecydating from Temple-Keepers"to percussionist And, of course,there are asmany startled"Mitche ll's Talki ng Island eldersshe has interviewed. ''I tell the time of Kamehameha I. Seguin'srecollections of traveling kindsof storytellingas there are presentationwill be arare departure them, whatwe're going to do is just "What we shared," Lake says, worldwide as a Sun Drummer. storytellers. Each artisthas his or her for him, since he'll betalking about go into conversation,and you tellme ''werepersonal storiesof thingsthat Hawaii's storytellers, some of own favoritetale and methodof thespiritual phenomena he's anythingabout your life, growingup tookplace while the events were whom will bemaking a rarepublic delivery, bringinga wealthof subjects experiencedin Waimea. ''I'm65 as a little boy orlittle girl. So they talk unfolding, like seeingomens and 4 • October 7, 1992 • Honolulu Weekly portentsthat gave a blessing to the At the festival,Omphroy will tell followthe child, and not make them events." two new stories aboutthe menehune. follow your writtenscript Becauseif This year, Lakeand his 11-member 'Thelittle peoplewere first, and then you lose them,yo u'rejust wasting troupewill chant thestory of Kalola, a the big Tahitianscame and ranthem your time." high chiefess of Maui, enacting up into the mountains,'' Omphroy says through dance and chantingsome of of the menehune, who, although To pidginswryt,eller Darrell Lum, the most dramatic episodesher of life popularly portrayedas a sort of a greatswry reveals asmuch about -especiallyher mythical thet,eller as the tak. greatlove affairs, leprechaun,are Lum, a fictionwriter and STORE IDE SALE which occurred as consideredby some playwright,says that beinga bad oral warsand conflicts "A story historiansto historianis what makes him a good 10-3 o/o OFF swirledaround het: representthe earliest storyteller, since he's more interested • Terra Cotta Pottery "As thechanter is justthe human inhabitants in theunderlying truth of the storieshe is chanting,I will be of Hawaii. "People knowsthan in preservingtheir every • Handblown Mexican paraphrasingin the saythe mene hunes detail. ''I often end up writingabout Glassware Englishlanguage," highlights of a arestill around, but I how thestory is told or what the • Southwestern Furnishings Lakesa ys, "so don't know ­ personwas doing orwearing," he and Acces$ories morepeople cari. day, a week, nobody's caught says. 'Thattells us moreabout what's understandthe one!" going on thanthe storyitse lf." 536-6776 beautifullines," He a trip or a Themenehu ne Lum sayshe finds much of his say& thepoetry of stories, Omphroy materialfam in ily stories,which he thechant is says, have morals, so his relativeswon't evocative: ''You culture , but such as the think,"'H erecomes that nephew, talk can't help but feel importanceof stinkabout us "'every timehe's theromance of a with all the humility.Even around one-night affair." thoughher stories Using pidginin his stories, Lum boring parts come fromthe says, is "sort of a politicallyladen To kupuna Hawaiian tradition, device. Pidgin has beenblamed for all Leilelwa Omphroy, taken out." she says, the values the ills of the educationalsystem. As agreatswry theyteach are recentlyas 1987, theBoard of 1£aches children universal. Educationtried to ban pidginin the Hawaiian values. ''Everyonehas personalvalue s," she classroom."But, forLum, pidginis "a • Kenyan A retiredschoolteach er, Omphroy says."I don't thinkyou can impose creole- it's myfirst language.So the Jewelery is partof of theKupuna Program, thingson children,but you can plant anti-pidginmovement is saying to me, which inviteselders into public the seed, and then it's up to them how 'stamp out your nativelanguage. "' • Hand-carved schoolsto talk abouttheir experienc es it grows." Soapstone growingup in Hawaii.Omphroy has Omphroysays she never puts her To Native Alaskanswryt,eller • Drums, Masks writtena seriesof bookletsfor the storiesdown on paper:'' Peoplesay, Martha Banvn,a greatswry brings kupuna to usein the classroom, 'you've got towrite the script ' But if I w afe thelegends of her people. &Spears stressing, she says, Hawaiian values were to writethe script, I'd losethe In the rnid-'80s, groupsof Native • Ebony figures like cooperation,sharing, and vitalityand it would become Alaskan eldersbegan gathering • KiandoBags hospitality. mechanical. I believethat you have to annually to exchange stories. "We knew our stories, but we didn't know • C'.erall* aast:s all of them- and we only knewparts • largeAfric:ln This year's Talking Island Festival will of some," says Barron,one of the Pats feature more than 25 artists and group'sorganiz.ers. Now 52, Barron was nurturedas a storytellerfrom an • SafariAlil1Els simultaneous performances on four early age by her grandfather, Chief No different stages, each dedicated to a Blanket particular category of storytelling. The Barronuses a lot of NativeAlaskan storiesabout animalsin her repertoire, details are as follows: including TheHu nter, The Caribou TALKING ISLANDFESTIV AL 8 p.m.: JeffGere tells spooky and The Wolf, the moral of which, she McCoy Pavilion, stories. says is, "never makefun of someone Ala Moana Beach Park Fountain Stage just becausehe's different fromyou." Sat., Oct. 10 (Oral Historres) Barron neverwrites her stories Noon-9p.m. 2 p.m.: Seguin talks about his down.She says she has an unusual Free journeys as a Sun Drummer. ability to remembersomething and just tell it how it happened.'' My memory 522-7029 3 p.m.: Tales of Waianae fromthe I Waianae Coast Culture and Arts goesback to when was 15 months McCoy Auditorium (Stories in Society. old," she says. ''I shocka lot of people who knew somethinghappened years Music and Dance) 4 p.m.: Pearl City oral histories I 12:30 p.m.: Hawaii Sun Drummers fromthe people at the Pearl City and yearsago. can tellthem exactly 1 p.m.: Johnny Moses tells tales of public library. how it happened,who was there,and the Northwest NativeAmerican 5 p.m.: "Pearl Harbor Revisited" - what was said But I don't often tribes. more stories fromthe Day of rememberwhy it happened.'' 2 p.m.: Julie McBane and Robert Infamy. She says storytelling transportsher Girasolli present new stories in 6 p.m.: Chinese immigrant and to another time and place: "When I tell a story,I'm there. I'm 4 years old, or mime. plantation experiences as shared by l 3 p.m.: Mak:iaMalo tells stories. the Hawaii Chinese Historical 12 years old, and back in thatworld \ 4 p.m.: Nyla Fujii and Yu ki Society. again. I can feel the wind and water. l Shiroma present stories 7 p.m.: Martha Barron tells tales of Theaudience is there, but I don't see l them. I'm in my own littleworld ." ') accompanied by dance. Native Alaskans. ) 5 p.m.: Maui, the Demigod - a 8 p.m.: Bernie Lono shares family restaging of the Kumu Kahua histories of the temple-keepers. production featuringa cast of 10. he artof storytelling may 7 p.m.: JohnLake and his troupe. Courtyard TreeStage seem quaint to a (Children's Storytelling) generation that relieson Ewa Lanai Stage 2 p.m.: Marcia Linville tells tales TV for itscultural values. But with"57 channels and • SENIORS DAY - Every Thursday in October•. (Hawaii and Pacific Spoken foryoung children; Irene Tukuafu • WIDCH CRAFT · 25 % OFFCRAFf SUPPLIES* Tales) sings stories with her harp. nothing on," as the song October 12th - 31st goes,there may bemore 2 p.m.: Emil Wolfgramm tells tales 3 p.m.: Debbie Lutzki-Allen stages • 25% OFFST AT SERVICES* from Tonga. a puppet show of TheSinging Tea­ needthan ever forthe moral and October 19th - 31st 3 p.m.: "One Puka Puka" - Pot. spiritual inspiration that storytelling can provide.Talki ng Island founder • "GALLERY OF HORROR" ART CONTEST* experiences of Japanese-American 4 p.m.: Jennifer Thomas and Enter now thruOctober 30th soldiers in Europe during World Sandra Karas tell two preschooler Gere says thatpeople like TV because War II. tales. it's aboutstories -but there's always a *For more information onthese sales/events 4 p.m.: Rudy Mitchell tells stories 5 p.m.: Leilehua Omphroy uses sales pitch. come in or call us at 841 -7527 fromOahu's Wairnea Valley. puppets to tell Hawaiian tales. "In our age," Geresays, "when 5 p.m.: Woody Fem tells tales of 6 p.m.: Brenda Freitas-Obregon we're inundatedwith carefully the Hawaiian monarchy. and Nyla Fujii share animal stories couched presentations, there's such a 6 p.m.: Suzanne Shoemaker talks forchildren. needto seepeople stand up and do something beautifulright in frontof ��'lflfc! about traveling to Sevilla, Spain, 7 p.m.: Cacaroach Theatah with KAPALAMA • 1312 KAUMUALII ST. • 841-7527 with Hawaii artists. Joe Miller and Ben Moffatt. you. It's not theshow, not the BERETANIA • 1923 S.BERETANIA s·t: • 945-7710 7 p.m.: Darrell Lum and Eric razzmatazz-it's the human soul Chock share selected favorites. shiningthrough ." • October 7, 1992 • Honolulu We ekly • 5 �------..------��-..------


Hawaii's finestfashion designers and couturiers can charge thousands of dollars for a single creation. But now one of them is sharing her secrets � by teaching the fundamentals of fashion design to people who sew. Mai-Scherelle has earned local and national recognition designing formal gowns for beautypageant contestants, many of whom have won first prize in evening gown competitions. She has been involved with pageants such as

Miss Hawaii USA, Teen USA, Miss Hawaii and Mrs. Hawaii. She was part of the team that helped Miss Hawaii Carolyn Sapp become 1992. Mai-Scherelle participates in several fashion shows a year, impressing audiences with her elegant style. After three years of intensive training in dressmaking and tailoring in Honolulu with Jayne Miho, she spent three years in Paris studying fashion design and pattern making at Cours

International with Jeoffrin Byrs and at Esmod Cours Guerre Lavigne. During that time she also taught at Cours International. She returned to Hawaii in 1980 to share her newly expanded knowledge. . Passionately committed to expanding the fa shion industry in Hawaii, Mai-Scherelle says, "It is my hope and dream to train many new designers and couturiers, to help create a strong new industry. New jobs willincrease productivity and help the economy of Hawaii. We have the people and the resources in our islands to create an international market. " Mai-Scherelle creates exclusive custom designs for men as well as women. "Men should look as fashionable and stylish as women," she says. "Whyshould they wear conservative styles that have been around for centuries?" She believes that people should feel special about themselves, and one Way to do it is by means of the look they create with their clothing. If they make their own clothing, · all the better. "Dressing up is fun,"she says, "if you look good, you feel good." Besides designing for an exclusive clientele, Mai-Scherelle also offers design classes to beginners and advanced students at her studio on Auahi Street across from the Ward Centre. She willoff er her next weekend and evening classes in fashion design and pattern making on October 13, 16 and 17. 1116 Auahi Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96814, Tel. (808) 537-4041 ACROSS FROM -WARD CENTER

UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII AT MANOA College of Continuing Education and Community Service · Lyceum Series presents ... TH: �LYING 'I.ARAl!ll>:1: ov t>ROTH:RS "... Th ey are master jugglers, consummate vaudevillians, and musicians by default. "

Monday, October 12, 7:30 pm Blaisdell ConcertHall Tickeb: $22, $17, $12 Tickets on sale at the Blaisdell Center Box Office. For information, call 521-2911. Supported in part by the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts.

6 • October 7, 1992 • Honolulu Weekly 1- ·,----,------:' ------�- -�,..------� --- -�--= ------�------. , ------

Disaster FRY& CO. at FEMA Bishop Trust Building FromPage3 1000 Bishop Street, Suite 802 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Phone (808) 531-6726 of its classified documents (the own use. his ambitions and nuclear civil Pentagon marks only 1 percent of its In October, 1985, FEMA got in defense. classifiedmaterials as top secret). the newspapers with a questionable Bosner won't quit. He's now a While secrecy undoubtedly was deal to conduct a mock evacuation union head, and a keen supporter of used to cover up incompetence and of the Shoreham nuclear plant on the FEMA field staff- a good many Providers of confidential investment politicalmaneuvering at the agency, LongIsland TheFEMA officialwho of whom are Vietnam era vets - all what eventually laid Giuffrida low let the contractturned out to be close of them united apparently in their servicesfo r global Stocks, Bonds, and was simple corruption, methodical­ friendswith the man who was man­ detestation of the Bush political ly uncovered by Al Gore back in the aging the work for the contractor. appointees among the top brass. Futures Management. rnid-1980s, when he was still chair More recently, after the Loma It seems today that FEMA is the of the House Investigations and Prietaearthquake struckCalifornia, sad detritusof 40 years of American Oversight subcommittee. Calling for FEMA dispatched Leo Bosner, an civil-defense planning,from admo­ Giuffrida's ouster in the fall of 1984, emergency medical services spe­ nitions to "duck and cover'' to con­ the subcommittee cited evidence of cialist, to the area. Bosner was no centration camps for dissidents. multiple billing for services, forged soonerthere than he was called back Today, it is an agency that can't Low Cost Legal Services invoice signatures and misrepresen­ to Washington, having been told, respond effectivelyto natural disas­ The LawOffice of tation of contract expenses. according to Bosner, that he was a ters but does provide work for an Another House subcommittee "troublemaker." echelon of Bush cronies whose pol­ charged FEMA with spending Bosner was a troublemaker itics are less right-wing than self­ $90,000for a trainingmanual at the because he had written an article serving. In response to a question urging of top Republican Party offi­ questioning FEMA'sability to han­ about the importance of FEMA's Gary Paul cials. The manual was so flawedit dle an "Armenian-style" earthquake. careeremployees to theagency, direc­ had to be withdrawn, yet, according He said theagency was not prepared tor Stickneyis quoted in the House to a FEMAstaff memberat the time, becauseof politicalsquabbling "com­ reportas saying, 'The only thingthat Levinson Villella, the Giuffridaunderling who bined withthe deemphasison across­ is importantis what the White House gave the contract, said it must go the-board disaster preparedness in thinksof this agency." Low Cost Fe es - EmphasizingPe rsonal Injury throughover staffob jectionsbecause favor of nuclear defense planning." (ContingencyFe es Startingat 22. 5%) the contractors "were good When Bosner complained about his Republicans" (Villella has denied recall fromCalifornia, he was sus­ Fa milyLaw - Criminal Law saying this). Villella himself was pended for insubordination. When 1188 Bishop Street, #1005 forcedto resign as associate director thatcharge was dropped,FEMA sent Additional reporting by Tiarra Located in Century Square in August 1984 when accused of him to a shrink, who spenttwo hours Mukherjee; research assistance by spending $170,000 to renovate asking him about his service in the NationalSecurity Archive. 526-0395 apartments at FEMA's National Vietnam(where he was a paratrooper Source: Village Vo ice Va lidated Parkin l, Emergency Training Center forhis and was awarded a Purple Heart), • g

I Bickerton I Ramos-Saunders Dang & Bouslog .At't'orneys at'Lavv

Three Wa terfront Plaza, Suite 500 500 Ala Moana Blvd., Honolulu, 96813 Phone: (808) 599-3811, FAX: 533-2467

Trial la wyers concentrating on cases involvingPe rsonal Injury, Commercialand Real Estate Disputes, First Amendment Issuesand En vironmental Law.

Free case evaluation and flexible fee arrangements tailored to your case.

October 7, 1992 • Honolulu Weekly• 7 All , ulrndm mfomwtwn mu,t he l l'Cl'll'l'

CALENDAR• Oct. 7 -- Oct. 13

statement in Annie Hall about the irrational schizophrenia and how to work wonders on a Directm Phil Alden Robinson (Fieldof Dreams ) nature of love. An intentionally harsh, grating low budget. John Lithgow here essays two roles - keeps the whole enterprise light on its feet, movie about the trickle-down effect of one evil twin division - in DePalma's attempt to though he does have a thing or two on his divorce on a series ofother relationships, Allen's ressurect his reputation and bankability. If this mind concerningthe state of abriged freedoms latest is shockingly cold, beyond eventhe tiniest thing is halfas honifying as DePalma's Bonfireof in this era of information gathering by faceless glimmer of redemptive hope (Hannahand Her the Va nities, it'll scare the zoris off you. (Warning: power brokers. - TK Sisters ) or intellectual distancing ( Crimes and DP also wrote this shockfest, and, as a writer, he Three Ninjas Disney crap about three MisdemeanotS). An ugly film,maybe a badone. tends to steal plot points from eveiyone in sight.) pubescentAmerican kids who Right All Wrongs In the meantime, forget Soon-Yi and all that Rapid Fire The new one from Brandon Lee, using martial-arts derring-do. extraneous stuff: The film isn't a reflection of martial arts maestro Bruce Lee's hapa son. i UnforgivenIn this well-cast,resonant Western, Allen's personal life so much as a refraction of 'i Sarafina!Sara finais a real rarity: a movie Clint Eastwoodorchestrates a comeback that trades preoccupations which dog him in and (most that is betterthan its source. MbongeniNgema 's on his earlier screen image as a mysterious likely) out of the movies. - To m Keogh musical drama aboutthe 1976 Soweto student retributionist (see: Outlaw Josey Wales). Gene Innocent Blood A vampire morality tale in riots was wonderful on off-Broadway; on screen Hackman, Morgan Freeman and Richard Harris which Anne (FemmeNikita) Parillaudsinks it possesses an unexpected dramaticresonance co-star.The bestnews here is thatEastwood directs teeth into the Mafia's unworthy. John (An that makes it even stronger. Everythingis first­ - and he's a much better director (Bird, White AmericanWerewo lfin London)Landis directed rate: Leleti Khumalo's title performance, the Hunter, Black Heart) tliah actor. Some preview this nicely cast horror film, which stars, among mbaqanga songs; the dances and the addition critics have calledit an "instantclassic ." Regardless, others, Robert Loggia and Don Rickles. Look of Whoopi Goldberg and Miriam Makeba to it certainlyreveals the tragedy of short-cut Western for seven more vampire flicks to open in the the cast. Highly recommended. morality plays. Highly recommended. next three months in this, the age of AIDS. Schoollies The first of five new Hollywood i 1heLast tAthe Mohicans Daniel Day-Lewi5 movies about anti-Semitism, School Ties stars (My Left Foot) gives another astonishing Brendan Fraser (Encino Man) as an upwardly Short Run and Revival The Architecture of Doom performance, this time as a romantic adventurer, mobile young man - accepted at an elitist i (1990) in a beautifully photographed update of the school- who findshis Jewishness a source of Documentarian Peter Cohen here delves into bogusFenimore Cooper"classic ." The Indians hatred and alienation. the Nazi esthetic and examines how Hitler's are treated more respectfullyand authentically 'i Single White Female Bridget Fonda and pseudo-Nietzchean sense of beauty andphysical here than they are in Cooper's book; the plot Jennifer Jason Leigl1 are beautifullycast in this correctness allowed him to create a climate in has been re-ordered and the names of interesting, knowing psychological drama that which millions of the mentally handicapped, characters changed. Worth seeing forDay­ deserts itself in the last 20 minutes to become Jews, Gypsies and homosexuals could be Lewi5's screen vitality. just another slasher movie. Still and all, it's the imprisoned and exterminated. Replete with about True Human Values - Disney-style. A League tAThe 1heirOwn writing team of bestsuspense picture ofout Hollywood in three archival photos and film clips. Fascinating, Death Becomes Her We are promised City Slicrers, Lowell Ganz and Babaloo Mandel ( years or so. frighteningand essential. Highly recommended. Film "scathing satire" in this macabrefantasy-comedy Parenthood) Academy Theatre, put togetherthis uneven confection SinglesCameron (Say Anythin[P Crowe's new 900 S. Beretania St.: Wed. Criticismby Bob Green unlessotherwise noted. from the hands of director Robert Zemeckis basedon the true story of the 1943 all-American 10n & Thu. 10/8, 7:30 p.m.; matinees 10/8, 1 i, the Week(y'.sdingbat of approval, indicates ( Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Back to the filmfollows the romantic ins and outs of a half­ girls baseball organization. It's a patchwork dozen Seattlites tryingto make sense of love and p.m. & Sun. 10/11, 4 p.m. $4. 532-8701 filmsof more than averageinten?st. Future{s]) . It's got a "dream" cast: Meryl Streep affairwith an irresi5tibledirected story by Penny independence. In the broadest sense, it's a i Dity(1971) tmy A seminal70s film,written as a tacky cabaret chanteuse, Goldie Hawn as Marshall (Big, Awakenings) who displays her· testament to ageneration whosesocial and cultural by right-winger John Milius, in which Clint a jealous aging broad and Bruce Willis as a sitcom roots here (everything is played broadly, First Run identity is shapedby pop culrure. - TK Eastwood'scop, Harry Callahan,exacts his own plasticsurgeon. The storyis aboutmiddle-agers and some female stereotypes are usedrather Brief reviewsof selected.first-rnn films in town. SisterWrittenJor Ad Bette Midler (who turned kind of justice on the criminalelement. Critics trying to tum back the hands of time with insensitively). The cast includes Tom Hanks, Con.firmtheaters, dates and times. it down), this comedy abouta gangster's moll howled in liberalrage at the alleged ideological naturaland unnaturalforces. It's one ofthaie big Madonna, RosieO'Donnell, Jon Lovitzand, best Ha rry i BeholdHawaii After more than a decade's and singer in a '60s femme trio wound up positionof the film,but in reality Di-rty is $40 million jobs - solook for watered-

I. r I --- IQ£ ---..-� �-a:::- -

Film Stephen Frears' new filmHero satirizes LINDA the vagaries of celebrity culture MARTIN The PositiveAlte,nali ve

. . - .·.• for U.S. Senate ·.''. -�. .. : �

··.. .• qt ... . Why are you running as a Green Won't Green programs hurt the · •. ..•.. ·· .•. .· ···.··· ·· · ... · •. .. ··· ····.·· .·/· ···.. ···.· ...... · ···.•·. .·.· ··· ·· Candidate? economy? • .,· The Greens are the only party No. One of the reasons Germany and Japan are prosperous is that they · that has a vision for Hawai'i that preserves the environment, promotes link government regulation, economic a fair and sustainable economy, development and environmental provides justice fornative Hawaiians, protection. They produce goods and promotes grassroots democracy. more cheaply because government regulations have required them to I thought the Greens were just practice energyconservation. Thanks environmentalists. to government R & D support, they No. We are not justconcerned with currently dominate the growingmulti­ billion dollar pollution control preventingmore golf coursesand luxury resorts, cleaningup pollution on military market. Theircit izens earnmore and bases, maintaininga cleanwater supply live better. and other environmental issues. To improve the environment,we also need How can a Green U.S. Senator change to change the way we make our political local development policies? and economic decisions. Many federal pork barrel programs masquerade as federal Can you give me an example? "giveaways", but they actually saddle , We keep subsidizing sugar and residents with higher taxes and pineapple in the name of preserving inappropriate projects like H-3, As jobs, but we would generate many your U.S. Senator, I will support more jobs and reduce our dependence programsthat help Hawai'i get better on food imports if we supported small­ jobs, become more self-sufficient, and scale, community-based diversified become a leader in environmental agricultureand processing. technology and research. We also subsidize a foreign­ owned and controlled mega-tourism (This is the first in a series of industry that ruins the environment columns that will answer your even though most of the jobs are low­ questions about Linda Martin's U.S. paying and offerlittle job security or Senate Campaign and the Green advancement. Instead, we should Party, in general. If your issue is promote better jobs in building not addressed here, please call the affordable housing, rebuilding Green Voicemail at 528-1225. We infrastructure, the conversion of will attempt to answer all questions in this column or by return ne of the more disturbing Bernie rescues is a TV reporter edy and belief-defying spoof. But military to civilian jobs, eco-tourism, and research in marine resources and telephone call. Mahalo for your principles of celebrity cul­ named Gale Gayley (Geena Davis), that's what one gets in Hollywood participation.) turds that the more well­ who milks the story in subsequent these days unless there is a strong pollution cleanup. known you are, the more newscasts with the support of her personalitybehind the camera, hold­ important you are - when bellicoseeditor (Chevy Chase). Their ing the original concept together you're famous, your news coverage is appallingly senti­ against all odds. One has to wonder thoughts and actions are mentaland focuses on the searchfor why Britishdirector Stephen Frears deemed significantnot because of the anonymous hero who came to (TheGri fters, Prick Up Yo ur Ears) their content, but simply because the flight's aid. wasn't doing just that. Perhaps he they're coming fromyou. Just how doesn't have the clout, yet. much longer can this principle be Tom Keogh By its midway point, however, strungout in the modern age? That Hero becomes freeof setup clutter question is at the core of Stephen A homeless drifter and acquain­ and hones in on theincreasing ironies Frears' new filmHero, which opened tance ofBernie's,John Bubber(A ndy of its protagonists' situations. Frears' Friday at theWaikiki Three. The film Garcia), comes forwardwit h evi­ dark but passionate tones areperfect concernsitself with the creationof a dence that he is the saint everyone for capturing the celebritymomen­ media idol - credited as the savior seeks. While John basks in the spot­ tum that makes John seem bigger of 54 jet crash survivors - whose light, enjoying luxuryhotel suites, a and grander than ordinary people, existence, or at least the public's grooming makeover and Gale's while Bernieis deemed unworthy of awarenessof it, becomes important romanticoverture s, Bernieis tucked respect. When the charismaticJohn far beyond his true value to society. away in jail, dreamingabout all the visits children's hospitals or publicly An intriguingcomplication raises the ways he could spend John's $1 mil­ declares thathomelessness is a cause film'ssatirical stak es: The handsome, lion reward. peopleshould rally around, America messianic hero on everyone's TV Hero takes a long time to get up glows with compassion, but when screens isn't the real McCoy. The to speed. Its pace is repeatedly bro­ Bernietries to get within 50 feet of real hero is a privacy-craving, near­ ken in the firsthalf, and its unity of the media darling, he is tossed into ly unredeemable lowlife who cares vision and purpose are undercut by the street like a leper. more aboutsaving his shoesthan res­ the feeling thatnot everyone agrees The film arrives at a powerful and cuing human beings. abouthow far to take the film'ssatire. moving climax, with the director and The story follows thedownbound Chase, forexample, has a small but principal actors finallypracticing machinations of a small-timecrook significantrole to play in the film's economy and working on common named Bernie LaPlante (Dustin overallcynicism, but he takes too lit­ ground.John, plagued by guilt over Hoffman),who is to be imprisoned erally the franticenergy of the film distorting thetruth, and Bernie,wary imminentlyfor fencing stolengoods. and plays his character like a sketch of being reprocessed by a manipu­ Trying to hustlehis way out of a stiff artist in a parody of TheFront Page. lativepress into something he is not, sentence, Bernie bullies and steals Hoffman, shuffling and wheedling discover theyare both victims of a from his attorney (Susie Cusack) and his way into Bernie'scharacter to the society gone brain dead in the shad­ pleads with his parole officer. He is point of overkill, controls the tempo ow of celebrity words and deeds. also, to his credit, concernedabout of the movie at the expense of other Hero begged to be released in the what will happen to his young son, elements. same year as othersto ries aboutprof­ Joey (James Madio), who lives with Individual scenes, such as Bernie's iting from the blurred line between Bernie'sex- wife (Joan Cusack) and slow, bellyaching response to the pretty fictions and stark facts: Bob hasn't entirely given up on believ­ flight crew's pleasfor help, are ago­ Roberts, The Player, Mistressand ing in his father. nizingly capricious in theirapproach thepresidential election. Chances are On his way to pick up Joey dur­ to the material. I doubt that David good that even if it were a greatfilm, ing a storm, Bernie finds a passen­ Webb Peoples (Unforgiven), who Herowouldn 't change anythingabout .i ger jet crashedin frontof him. More wrote the script based on a story by our celebrity fixation. As it is, it may = A SALON fOf MEN & WOMEN annoyed than alarmed, he pulls fall­ himself, producer Laura Ziskin(The at least make a few more people S24 1J46 en victims out of the smoke and Doctor) and screenwriter Alvin aware of how our perceptionsof the flames, and then disappears, anxious Sargent (Julia), intended thisfilm to world are so easily molded. • 1200 College Walk • 2Dl • Honolulu. HI 96817 toget on withhis plans. Among those runthe gamut between causticcom- October 7, 1992 • Honolulu Weekly• 9 Live Music Venues Annallannanas,2440 S. BeretaniaSt JollyRogerF.asl; 150 Kaiulani Ave. 923-2172 Pink'sGarngc, 955 WaimanuSt 537-1555 946-5190 Kahalallll*>nlilfd,500) Ave Kabala 734-2211 ProudWaimea Peacock, Falls Park. 63S$531 Andrew's,Ward Centre, 1200 Ala Moona KaplolanlPark 23l5 Bandstmd, Monserrat lla!mayCafe, Galleries& 1128Smith St Blvd.52}1'1,n Ave. 52}4674 537-ARTS llandltos,98-151 Pali Momi St 48S1l888 Kroto's, HyanRegency HO!el, 2424 Kalakaua Rtnl's, 98-713Kuahao Pl., PearlCity. 487-3625 BanyanVeranda, SheratonMoona Surf rider, Ave., 922-6440 Rose & Crown,Village, King's 131 Kaiulani 2353 KalakauaAve. 922-3111 KuhloSabm,2200 KuhioAve., 926-2054 Ave. 923-5833 llayviewl.ounge,Tonie Hilton,Bay 57-0'JI I.ewmLounge, Halekulani, 219') KatiaRd RoseCltyDlner, Restaurant Row,500 Ala KamHwy. �11 923-2311 MoonaBlvd 524-7673 BlackOrchld, Restaurant 500 Row, Ala Mahloa Lounge, 410Ala MoonaHO!el, TheRaw, Restaurant Row, 500 MoonaAla MoonaBlvd 521-3lll AtkinsonDr. 955-4811 Blvd528-2345 CS, 20){:Sand IslandAa:es; Rd. 84W)9(J Ma!Ta!I.ounge,Malia, Outrigger 2211 Kuhio RnmoulsNlghtdub,Ala MoonaHocel, 410 CafeSisllna, 1314 S. KingSt 526-0071 Ave. 923-7621 Atkinson95>481 Dr., 1 f.appucdnos,320 I.ewersSt 924-1530 Malia'sCanllna, 311 I.ewersSt 922-700! Scuttkbutt's, 120 Hekili St, Kailua, 262-1818 ChartHousc,1765 AlaMoona Blvd 941.«i/.) MolllerefBayCannmPearlridge, SeallfePark,MakapuuPoint 923-1531 ChlnatownGatewayPark,Bed!el & HO!elSt 98-1005Moonalua Rd 487-0048 ShoreBlnl2!6<)Katia Rd 922� Chuck'sMllllanl,95- 221Kipapa Dr.623-6300 MontatyBayCannmWanl, 1200Ala Sh-0333 637.(/Ji!j SJ6.7883 NoName Bar, Ill HekiliSt., Kailua. 261-8725 SurfboardLounge, Waikiki Beachcomber Horatio's, Ward Warehouse,1050 AlaMoona OasisNlttclub, 2888 Wai alaeAve. 734-lm HO!e(2300 Kalakaua Ave. 922-4646 Blvd 521-5002 OinksBarbeque& Rib Join� WardCentre Tamarind Park,Kingand 523-4674Bishop Iolan1Palact,King Richaro, and 523-4674 5264133 Topofd!e � Illkal1m Hold, AlaMoana IrishRose Saloon, OutriggerReef Towers, Onon's,5 Hoolai St, Kailu:t. 262-2306 Blvd �3811 227 I.ewers St.924-nll

world's eminentthinkers. "Rage is to Rollins as snow Raslmnlo 11111 New Horizons Reggae; Anna is to Eskimos," writes the . "He Bannanas. knows its textures so intimately that he has 40 Ric:ha'dPenin Contemporary Hawaiian; Chart YE.S,W£ CAN differentways to describe it." Rollins has published House.5 - 8 p.m. WHAT \S P\ERC.ING? P\ERCE. YOUR severalbooks of stream-Of-consciousness prose and RudyMolina Guitar; Yacht Club Restaurant. P\E.�C.1wGI':,� AC.. T 0� poetry, put out spoken-word albums and, with his Russel & Friend Mellow Contemporary; PR\0 VATES��! �ClfOQM"wCs,PU.,f .TU 1l111(, ITS.Flllil, 0.IC, new band, tom it up on the Lollapaloo1.a Tour. So Bandilo's. LA..ic.11,JG, oi:tc.un-1111 e, Al.MOST' $&.\1-Ml�l.,ESt! 1\t�OOGI'\THE 8oO"JPAlli why not dragthe hair dye and razor blades out of 7thAvenue Contemporary Hawaiian; Monterey Of �2. �Olt.E. i:oA t"�� WARNtN 5! the closet and relive the mash pits ofyesteryear? Bay CannersPea rlridge. Puf:l�E. PA�OF A Tbe Garage. Fri. 10/9 & Sat. 10/10, 7 p.m. $15.50. 1he Contemporary;Klllsh OutriggerReef Towers . Q.l..leo,So\.T, F1\M1olG Tito l.t.)� oe OTHt.ll 942-m1 BerinobisContemporary Hawaiian; Chart "'E.TAlM.C. FET l'it\Ofllla" RoslynNo, not thehumcane -the local recording House.8:30 p.m. - 12:30 a.m. At30�� MA�,�� artist Ros,describes who her styleas "storytelling TropicalContemporary; Flane Oasi5. �Ol)QSU.f llflOK music," will beperf ormingsongs from her album, 8E.AOT\�IJ�. 1beWt.

Bay Canners Wa rd. Bobby Dunne Band Pop, Rock; Irish Rose Tonwny D & theD.Bald Rock; Mai Tai Lounge. Saloon. TropicalFlame Contemporary; Oasis. Bruddah Waltah & Island Afternoon The Flying True Blues Blues; 'JbeRow. Contemporary Hawaiian; Chuck's Mililani. WildEdna Blues; Anna Bannanas. catanltyJayne Rock; C-5. carolAtkinson Jazz; Orson's. Karamazov 9/Friday Christopher CarilloVariety; MontereyBay AlisaRnlolph & MusicaE Jazz; C,afe Sistina. CannersOutrigger. ArtHodge Contemporary; JavaJa va. CrashPaty Top 40; GussieL' amour's. Brothers: Augie Rey & City lights Dance; Nicholas CrossoverPop, Funk, Blues; Ja ron'sKailua. • Mero/as. DalyCouch Jazz; MablnaLounge. Azure McCall & Co. Jazz; Nick'sFisb market. Danny Dez Contemporary; Pieces of Eight. Bemadette andthe New SensationsJazz; Dean& DeanContemporary Hawa iian; Chart Black Orchid. 10 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. House.8 p.m. - 1 a.m. Blue Kangaroo Country, Folk; Jolly Roger EddieChung Guitar; JollyRoger Fast. Waikiki. EtceteraContemporary; Wa ikikiBeachcomber. Bobby Dunne Band Pop, Rock; Irish Rose 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Saloon. Exit8 Contemporary Hawaiian; MontereyBay ID Bruddah Waltah & Island Afternoon Canners Pearlridge. Contemporary Hawaiian; Chuck's Mililani. Honolulu Jazz Duet Jazz; Cappuccinos. Carol AtkinsonJazz; Orson's. JeffBurton & 1heCorvettes '50s & '(J()sRock; Christopher Carillo Variety; MontereyBay Kento's. Canners Outrigger. JesseVance BodenHawaiian, Contemporary; CrashParty Top 40; GussieL' amour's. ProudPeacock 4 - 9 p.m. Crossover Pop, Funk, Blues; Jaron'sKailua. Jimmy BorgesJazz; ParadiseLounge. DannyCouch Jazz; Mabina Lounge. JoeBourque Fiddler; OinksBarbeque. Danny Dez Contemporary; Pieces ofEi ght. Jon Basebase Contemporary; Horatio's. Dean& DeanContemporary Hawaiian; Chart Jonny & The Dreamers Contemporary House.8:30 p.m. - 1 a.m. Hawaiian; Sp indrifterKa bala. EddieChung Guitar; Jolly RogerFast. Kabala Surf Serenaders Contemporary; EddieZaly Rock; Snapper's. KabalaHilton . EtceteraContemporary; Wa ikikiBeachcomber. Kit Samson & the Sound Advice 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Contemporary; KabalaHilto n. Exit8 Contemporary Hawaiian; MontereyBay LastCall Dance Rock; Waw Waikiki. eas Canners Pear/ridge. Loretta Ables Trio Jazz; Lewers Lounge. FirehouseContemporary Hawaiian; Ta marind LostBoys Rock; Kubio Saloon. Pam. Noon- 1 p.m. Love NotesDoo-wop & Oldies; EspritLounge. Honolulu Jazz Duet Jazz; Cappuccinos. Mahl Beamer Contemporary Hawaiian; J.P.Smokelrain Rock; No NameBar. 5 - 7 p.m. Andrew's. JamesMacCarthy Folk; JavaJava. MichaelLewis Quatet Jazz; RamsayGalleries JeffBurton & 1heCorvettes '50s & '(J()sRock; & Cafe . 2:30 - 5:30 p.m. Kento's. MoioHand Blues; Snapper's. he Flying Karamazov when they were freshman at UC­ vaudeville's shortand snappy venue. JesseVance Boden Hawaiian, Contemporary; Nohelani Cypriano Contemporary; Sheraton Brothers are not brothers Santa Cruz. Then, while hitchhiking Still, as much as the Kararnazovs ProudPeacock 4 - 9 p.m. Wa ikiki. JimmyBorges Jazz; ParadiseLounge. Nueva V"Nla Pop; 'JbeRow. and they don't fly. They're to their firstma jor gig at the World's live by the credo that "j uggling is JoeBourque Fiddler; OinksBarl:Jeque. Ohana Two Hawaiian; Bay View Lounge. not even Russian. They are, Fair in Spokane in '74, they read eternal," they say they sometimes Jon Basebase Contemporary; Horatio's. OnePeople Mellow Contemporaiy; Bandito's. in fact, dedicated anarchists Fyodor Dostoevsky's masterpiece, feel pigeonholed when they're Jonny & The Dreamers Contemporary PaganBabies World Dance; AnnaBannanas. who have popped up The Brothers Karamazav, and found described as a mere juggling act. Hawaiian; Sp indrifterKa bala. Pu'ukaneContemporary Haw aiian; Top of the I. everywherefrom street cor­ an unlikely inspiration for their act's Paraphrasing Balanchine's famous Joy Woode & Betty Loo Taylor Jazz; New Rudy Molina Guitar; Yacht ClubRestaur ant. Simplisity ners in Santa Cruz to LincolnCenter name. "It was the idea of juxtapos­ quote that music was the floor his Orleans Bistro. Contemporary Hawaiian; Malia s. SkyGuitar;] avajava. to The Disney Channel, juggling ing these black, impassioned char­ dance stood on, Patterson says, ')ug­ Kabala SurfSerenaders Contemporary; KabalaHilto n. Steve FriasKeyboard; Ramsay Galleries & Cafe . death-defying objects, clowning acters of literature with the flying gling is the floor our theater stands Ken & Roland Hawaiian Duo; Wa rd 6-9 p.m. around and rattling offrapid-fire puns circus families of Europe, like the on." The Karamazovs are passion­ Wa rehouse. Noon - 1 p.m. 1heKIUsh Contempor ary; OutriggerReef To �. and bad jokes. Flying Wallendas," Patterson says. ate about theater, he says: "Juggling Kit Samson & the Sound Advice 1heRio Trio Llltin;java Ja va. Take, for example, one of the Each of the four Karamazov is just our way to get people to lis­ Contemporary; KabalaHil ton. 1Ho& LemyContemporary Hawaiian;Monterey Brothers' more notorious acts, the Brothers has a clearly defined stage ten to us. We have large ideas!" Lastcatl Dance Rock; \Vaw Wa ikiki. BayCa nners Wa rd. & Rock; "sickle trick," which the troupe'sco­ character, based primarily on the The group has been churningout LeroyContemporary; Kahaku BlackOrchid. 6 - Tonwny D the D Bald Mai Ta i Lounge. 9:30 p.m. TropicalFlame Contemporary; Oasis. founder,Howard Jay Patterson, calls predilections of the characters in the screenplays, multimediastage shows Loretta Ables Trio Jazz; Lewers Lounge. Vinny Ringrose Contemporary; Java Ja va. their invocation.Picture fourguys in novel. Patterson's character, Ivan, is and zany plays to showcase their LoveNotes Doo-wop & Oldies; EspritLounge. ZigZag Rock; Scuttle butt's. peasant costumesleaping into the air scholarly, cynical and dictatorial; performing talents. Recently, they Mahi Beamer Contemporary Hawaiian; as they juggle razor-sharpsick les, all Dimitri (Magid) is a soldier, unpre- created two new shows which sug­ Andrew's. 11/Sunday the while mock-lecturing to a ner­ gest that they're as close to the Marx MelodiousThunk Rock; KubioSaloon. Augie Rey & City Lights Dance; Nicholas vous audience on the physics of their Brothers as they are to the original MoioHand Blues; Silver Fox Lounge. Nicrolas. Karyn Koeur Nohelani Bernadette and the New Sensations Karamazovs. Last spring at the CyprianoContemporary; Sheraton actions ("There's only one end of a Wa ikiki. Contemporary; Sheraton Wa ikiki. sickle that one can catch more than dictable and temperamental; Seattle Repertory Theatre,they per­ Ohana Two Hawaiian; Bay View Lounge. Billy Chapman Variety; Irish Rose Saloon. once!" they declare). Smerdyakov (Sam Williams) is the formeda stage show of an updated, OnePeople Mellow Contemporary;Bandilo 's. BillyKurch Piano; LewersLounge. The Karamazov's new show, innocent bastard half-brother who anarchic version of the novel that PaganBabies World Dance; AnnaBannanas. CarolAtkinson Jazz; Orson's. Theater of the Air, which the Brothers doesn't have a clue; and Fyodor lends them their name, in which Patrick Dickson Hawaiian; Cupid's Lounge. CrashParty Top 40; Gussie L 'amour's. will perform at the Blaisdell Concert (Tllllothy Furst) is thesilent yet savvy Dostoevsky appears as a rich and 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Danny Dez Contemporary; Pieces of Eight. Hall on Oct. 12, includes high points character, who always knows what famous writer eager to make movies. Poynt BlankkRock; C-5. Dean& DeanContemporary Hawaiian; Cbart Pu'ukaneContemporary Hawaiian; Top of the I. House.9 p.m. - 12:30 a.m. fromtheir previous shows Juggling the others need before they need it. Another show, Le Petomane (The Ron & Dorisse Piano and Violin Duo; \Va rd Desiree's Transition Jazz; Paradise Lounge. and Cheap Theatrics, Juggle and (A fifthbrother, Alyosha, was a mem­ Fartomaniac) is based on the life of Centre. Noon - 1 p.m. Domy Kimi Jazz;,Habina Lounge. Hyde and Club! The multifarious ber of the troupe from '83 to '86; Joseph Pajol, who performed in Royal Hawaiian Barnt Contemporary; Iolani Exit8 Contemporary Hawaiian; Jlonterey Bay objects they keep aloftinclude hatch­ "let's just say he's gone back to the France 100years ago, exhibitingthe Palace. 12:15 - 1 :15 p.m. Ca nners Pear/ridge ets, torches, raw eggs and plastic fish­ monastery," Patterson says today.) amazing gift for "the artful break­ Rudy Molina Guitar; Yacht Club Restaurant. laukea Brightand Brown Boys Contemporaiy es that squirt water. Patterson, also In the mid-'80s, the Kararnazovs ing of wind at will." ("He could do Simplisity Contemporary Hawaiian; Malia 's. Hawaiian; Top of tbe I. Steve FriasKeyboard; Ramsay Galleries & Cafe . JeffBurton & 1heCorvettes '50s & '(J()sRock; known as the Champ, provides the were dubbed "new vaudevillians," bird calls, imitate farm animals and 6-9 p.m. Kento�·. show's highlight, the infamous "gam­ along with other successful physical even blow smoke rings," Patterson stevenCharles Band Contemporaiy Jazz; The Row. JesseVance BodenHaw aiian, Contemporary; ble routine": audience members are comedians like magician-comedians says, "and he was considered the Sweet Rush Local Variety; Scuttlebutt's. Yacht Club Restaurant. 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. invited to bring the most ridiculous Penn and Teller and crystal-ball jug­ highest of artists by the people of 1heKIUsh Contemporary; Outrip,gerRee fTOUXJTS . Joanie ContemporaryKomatsu Island; Ya cht objects they can conceive of, which gler Michael Moschen. Though the time.") The Brothers also 1Ho& LemyContemporary Hawaiian;Monterey Club Restaurant. 7 - 11 p.m. Patterson must keep in the air fora Patterson says he prefersthe term appeared as a band of Sufiwarriors Bay CannersWa rd. Kapena Contemporary Hawaiian; Malia 's. Tito Berinobis count of 10. Objects must be heav­ Jewel of the Nile Contemporary Hawaiian; Chart Lastcall Dance Rock; Waw Wa ikiki. "barbarian rococco vaudeville," he in the movie and House.5 - 8 p.m. Leclwanl Kaapana & lkona Contemporary ier than an ounce, lighter than 10 agrees that thereis a movement afoot have done a fewcommercials, which TonwnyD & the D Rock;Bald Mai Ta i Lounge. Hawaiian; Scuttlebutt's.4 - 8 p.m. pounds, no bigger than a bread box, to do non-racist, non-sexist physical Patterson says, are "hard on us spir­ TropicalFlame Contemporary; Oasis. PagaiBabies World Dance;]aron's. and they may not be "live animals comedy based on itually"; they did one for recycled Vinny Ringrose Contemporary; Java Java. PandanusClub Hawaiian; Nick'sFis bmarket. or anything that might stop the paper products but turneddown a Paalox Jazz, R&B; Oasis. 10/Saturday MatynTrio Champ frombeing a live animal." The Pepsi ad. Que Jazz;Black Orchid 7 - 11 p.m. Pizzas, liver, octopuses and sacksof Flying Still,juggling is their spiritual dis­ AlisaRnlolph & MusicaE Jazz; Cafe Sistina. RagaI JotWoode Jazz; New OrleansBistro. Ka Augie Rey City Rlverstreet Blues Band Blues; Anna flourhave all beentossed at one time ramazov cipline, and it offers a handy philos­ I lights Dance; Nicholas Brot Mero/as. Bannanas. or another;a local-style gamble might hers ophy of life. "Juggling teaches you Azure McCall Co. RoyalHawailll Contemporary; Bald Kapiolani Blaisdel & Jazz; Nick'sFisb market. include plate lunches, manapuas, l Concert thatmistakes aren't that important," Bae N Thyme Pam Bandstand. 2 - 3 p.m. Mon.10; Hall Jazz, R&B; Cupid's Lounge. guavas and/orpoi (but remember, no 12 Patterson says. "Just because some­ Bemadetteand the New SensationsJazz; Russ Donnelly Folk, Country; Jolly Roger poi dogs). 7:Jo P.m. thing isn't there when you expect it Black Orchid. 10 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. Wa ikiki. $12 Patterson and Paul David Magid - $22 to be, doesn't mean the whole sys­ BettyLoo Taylor & D8lrylJazz; McKay New Strolling Hawaiian Duo Contemporary are the troupe's original members; 956-7642 tem can't keep going." OrleansBistro. Hawaiian; Jaron's Ka ilua. 10 a.m.- 1 p.m. Blue Kangaroo Country, Folk; Jolly Roger SunRich Contemporary Hawaiian; Chart House. they beganthe groupin theearly '70s • Wa ikiki. 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. October 7, 1992 • Honolulu Weekly • 11 TonnyD & the D Rock,Band Mai Ta i Lounge. through 10/31. HonoluluPrintmaking Wo rkshop, Tradewinds SouthBig Band, Dixieland; Fast Academy Art Center at Linekona, 1111 Victoria &Jdie's. 2 - 5 p.m. Theater St. 536-5507 IslandRecent Magic: oil paintings by Dee Kirby. 12/Monday and Dance Through 10/15. Ko 'olau Gallery, Windward Mall. AIIIVIFisher Variety; WilcoxPa rk. Noon - 1 p.m. AlohaLas Vegas Wally is just getting over the 247-0709 Bernadette and the New Sensations deathof his wife from cancerwhen his boyhood Contemporary; Sheraton Wa ikiki. friendHarry visits from las Vegasand tempts Wally Continuing Billy Chapman Variety; Irish Rose Saloon. to join him in a desert paradise of jackpots, cheap Lounge: ArtistsResidence in A multimedia exhibition BillyKun:11 Piano; lewels cafeteriafood and $140,(XX)houses. Wally likes the of works by graduateart students at UH Manoa. CalamityRock; Jayne C-5. idea, but he's worried about his 41-year-old Through 10/30.Art Gallery,UH Manoacampus. Yo u Are Chart Dean &Contemporary Dean Hawaiian; daughter, Jun, who's an unmarried schoolteacher 956-9043 House. Yo ur 5 - 8 p.m. and doesn't have anybody to take care of her. GalleryPali-30 onthe Year RetJospective Over Paradise Lounge. Desiree'sTnmition Jazz; Wally's neighborand housekeeper, Grade, arranges W artistsparticipate will in thislarge exhibitof Hawaii's Body MabinaLounge. DonnyJazz; Kimi a match with a guy who owns a fish market in talents.Through 12/6. Galleryon thePal� Fust Unitarian ExitContemporary 8 Hawaiian; MontereyBay Pearl City, it works ou� and Wally makesthe big Church, 2500 Pali Bwy. 595-4047 Douglas Cooper, M.D. Understand& Release CannersPearlrid ge. move. Alohal£ls Vlgas is more a 1V sitcom than a chronic bodytensions from childhood Hawaii � Alts andPieces Crafts from Bioenergetic/Reicliian Psychiatry GaryKewley Contemporary Hawaiian; Chuck's Video Movement analysis FEEL MORE: ENERGETIC play, and the actOIS ham it up; luckily,the dialogue China,Thailand, Bunna,Bali and more. Ongoing. EMOTIONAL Mililani. Grounding/Breathing Exercises is funny enough to make for an entertaining Wateifa/1Gallery, ll(i()ANuuanu Ave. 521-

Is there something you need to get HURRY,OffER EXPIRES 10/15/92. straight? Cecil Adamscan deliver the Don't need 'em, and besides it's Straight Dop e on anyto pic. Write Cecil Adams, Chicago Reader; 11 E.Illinois, Honolulu Weekly Classifieds cheaper without them. There used to No commercialac counts, please. be two guys in the caboose: the Chicago 6061J. conductor and a brakeman. The • October 7, 1992 • Honolulu Weekly• 13 ------�------�-----�----�------·-,--�---·. - .-.. ·------_,___ .., .,.,• .,.....,,,._ _. __ w ____ . ____�--

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PHOTO: BRIAN REED Formica Tables PROFILES IN COURAGE The uncommon Mexican fare at Quintero's Cuisine John DeSoto John HenryFelix Steve Holmes Rene Mansho Arnold Morgado Box 91019, Hon, HI 96835 • 924-1.674 Rainbow Peace Fund

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this isn't a euphemism for overpriced on King Street. This is not so much Grady Timmons shredded lettuce and refried beans. a problem as a distraction; dancers On a recent evening, a friendand coming in for a bite between sets uintero's Cuisine is a small, I sat down at Quintero's with a mis­ have been knownto raise the room's well-lit hole in the wall on sion in mind - to explore the restau­ testosterone level. Quintero's is also King Street just Ewa of rant's more adventurous offerings. tiny - a little bigger then your bed­ Isenberg with an extensive We began with an appetizer, room - and parking is wherever you Interisland coupons from $41-. Mexican menu and only 11 camaronesal chipotle, freshshrimps can find it on the street unless you tables. Since it firstopened seasoned in a smoky barbecuelike want to take a chance and park ille­ five years ago, this family- sauce withparsley and spices. It was gally in the adjacent lot. Also, like a LAX/SFO/ONT owned restaurant has developed a an intriguingdish, we agreed, but it fewother Honolulu eateries, the trip loyal followingand even won a few didn't make our taste buds swoon. . to the bathroom almost requires a nationaldini ng awards. Theseinclude As a main course, my friendordered map. Go out and around to the flan$l f:RO/W*$2h9R /I' recognitionfrom Travel Holiday, a a chicken dish - polio en mole Diamond Head side of the building, listing in Hispanic Magazine as poblano - it e:ame smothered climb a flight of stairs, turn left and one of the 50 best Mexican in a go to the end of the hall. The way SEA restaurants in the Quin tero's C should be lighted; if it's not, bring a and the highest rating forcui­ uisine flashlight and/or a bodyguard. 2334 S. Un: $1790/W*$2'79R /I' sine of any Island Mexican King St. Bring your own booze, too, if you 9 eatery in the Zagat Hawaii 44-3882 want to drink at Quintero's (there's RestaurantGui de. lunch: 1 no corkage fee) and figurethat din­ Llmited.Supply . 0 a.,n. . I began frequenting 3 p.,n. W ner for two with either an appetizer Apply Dinner: eekdays Quintero's soon after it 4:30 . 10 or dessert will cost around $30. Restrictions p.,n. da opened, and at firstordered ily Also, don't bein a rush. Quintero's PH: (808) 942-2855 • FAX (808) 957-0056 the kinds of things most people in spicy is not a fa st-foodstop. Sit back Relax. 2600 SOUTH KING STREET #204 Hawaii order when theyeat Mexican: brown sauce and was so suc­ Take a swig of tequila. It may be HONOLULU, HAWAII 96826 chips with a zesty, hot salsa for culent it almost fell offthe bone when awhile. • starters; a chile relleno/cheese enchi­ she bit into it. I had pescado empa­ lada combination plate for the main pelado (steamed fish) - mahi mahi course; flan de lee he for dessert. wrapped in aluminumfoil, laced with Naturally, the combination plate cheese and prepared in a lemon but­ came with beansand rice. Thebea ns tersauce with sliced onionsand toma­ "Louies, " were cooked with cheese, the rice toes. Afterwardswe had coffee and with carrots. Both were tasty and shared a dessert of rice pudding sprin­ surprisingly light. kled with cinnamon and raisins. It But while the standard Mexican was a great meal. fare at Quintero's is very good, I Authenticity at Quintero's is also wouldn't say it's any better than the reflected in the overall ambiance of same dishes at other popularMexican the place. From the artwork on the restaurants around town. What sets walls, the guitar music playing soft­ Quintero's apart are the menu items ly in the background and the wait­ that you normally don't find: the tor­ ress chattering softlyto the cooks in Bay Shrimp Louis tilla soup, the tortas de papa (pota­ Spanish, to thecheckered tablecloths, Deliciously chilled, serveawith a tangy sauce. to pancakes), the papas en salsa porcelain tableware and decorative Crab Louis (boiled potatoes in chile sauce) and, wall lamps, Quintero's is perhapsthe Sliced bell pepper, tomato, lettuce, carrot, crabmeat & olive. my favorite,the ceviche depesca do closest thing to a trueMexican din­ Seafood Louis or Shrimp Louis (tiny raw chunks of fish marinated ing experience you can find in in lemon juice witholive oil, avoca­ Hawaii. do, parsley, onions and tomatoes). But the restaurant is not without CARRY-OUT Quintero's says it "serves authentic its flaws. Its location,for instance - ORDERS: ""E Mexican cuisine," and fortqnately Quintero's frontsa hostess stripbar 521-5681 C3iw8wmr E""" October 7, 1992 • Honolulu We ekly • 15 Continued from13 Page

dimension adds a whole new, uh, dimension to of Waimea Valley. Registration required. Wa imea Sat. 10/10, 10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Free. 235-6637 586-8444to registerfor a site. PacificInstitute: Tue. 10/13, 7:30 p.m. Free. the game, but having to glue Lincoln Logs FallsPam, 59-864 Kamehameha Hwy.: Sat. 10/10, llonokmFriends Make Festival new friends at this CraftFair Seventy vendors will hawk their wares togetheris a realdrag. Kids 10 to 13 years old can 8 - 10:30 a.m. $3, kids under 12 free. 638-8511 year's festival, which features handmade quilts, at this fair put on by the ManoaJaycees. Best team what happens to toys in space with this MoaalaWalk A naturalistguides this relatively house plants, foot massage,a haircuts, coffee bar, part: free ponyrides and balloons for the keikis. workshop sansgravity. A special video called easy 5-mile hike throughMoanalua's Kamananui Whatevahs plate lunches and a white elephant. 2426 Oahu ManoaElementary School, 3155 Manoa Rd.: Sat. "Toys in Space• from an actual Space Shuttle Valley. Reservations required. Call Moana/ua Book Sale A sale by the Friends of Manoa Aw.: Sat. 10/10, 8:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. Free. 988-{J2(i6 10/10, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Free. 671-6397 Mis.5ion wilt confirm all your suspicions about GardensFaundation fo r time andme etingplace. Public Llbrary.Ma noaLibrary, 2716 Woodlawn HonoluluYNleo UFO EventIs there anybodyout SpaceActor Age Patrick Stewart fromStar Trek: how NASA is spending its budget. Paki Sun. 10/11. Donation. 839-533'1 Dr.: Sat. 10/10, Free. 988-7208 there? The Spiritual World Network thinks so. Tbe Next Generation will host this six-part Conference Room, Bishop Museum,1525 Bernice MoonWalcq Stayoff the moorsduring the full Da Car Show Over 100 of Hawaii's finest Oh5erve videos and guestspeakers at this gathering television series that covers the past three St.: Sat. 10/10,9 - 11 a.m. $9. 848-4149 moon and take a magical stroll in the North antiques, low riders, trucks, bikes and hot rods in anticipationof NASA'snew searchfor exterrestial tumultuous decades of space travel. KHET Shore's Waimea Valley. Reservations required. will beon display this week to benefitthe F.aster intelligence. Winsted/House, 3850 Paki Ave.: Sun. Channel 11: startsMon. 10/12, 8 p.m. Waimea FallsPam, 59-864 KamehamehaHwy. : Seal Society. Nightly entertainmenttoo. Call for 10/11, 1 - 5 p.m. $10 donation. 944-1412 Wcmen's • Uteray�Th is ongoing Sat. 10/10 & Sun. 10/11, 8:30 p.m. $5/family. times ofevent. BlaisdellF.xhibition HaJL· Fri. 10/9, Hydrofest To benefit the U.S. Navy's Morale, literary series wilt feature the prose and poetry Hikes 638-8511 Sat. 10/10 & Sun. 10/11. 536-1015 Welfare & Recreation Fund, this three-day event of women writersLisa Eib,Nancy AlpertMower HauulaPapali The like brochuresays that this Moonwalk Meander through verdant ElectricPower That's the topic Alan S. Lloyd, of unlimited hydroplane competition will fea ture and Machelle Yvonne Setefano. (This reading 4-mile novice hike "offers a variety of terrain Ho'omaluhia Gardenduring the fullmoon fora the executivestaff engineer of Hawaiian Electric races of America's top jet-powered hydroplanes at was rescheduled from 9/11 due to Hurricane fromforest to ridgeline." Choosefrom two loop tropical night walk. Ho'omalubia Botanical Company, will discuss at this gathering of the speeds exceeding 180 mph. There will also be lniki.) Womens Center, 1820 University Ave.: hikesor do both.Jo laniPalace, rnaukaside: Sat. Garden, 45-680Luluku Rd.: Sat. 10/10, 6:30 - 9 Honolulu chapter of the National Association of music. Willie K. performs at noon and Kapena at Fri. 10/9, 7:30 p.m. Free.942-7762 • 10/10, 9 a.m. $1. 537-2153 p.m. Free.235-(i637 Retired FederalEmployees. Ala Wa i Community 4 p.m. on Sat. 10/10. Ford Island, Pearl Harbor: Hawaii LoaHike Native plants and their uses PuuKeahiakaloe like This IO-mile, advanced Pam, 2015 Kapiolani Blvd.: Tue. 10/13, 10 a.m. Fri. 10/9, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.; Sat. 10/10, 8 a.m. - 4:30 wilt bediscussed on this moderatelystrenuous "wow" hike loops around the peaks in back of Free. 536-8068 p.m.; Sun. 10/11, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. $12. 474-6156 5-mile, six-hour hike. Reservationsrequired. Call Moanalua Valley. Jo/aniPa lace, Mauka Side: Getthe Drift and Bag Itstatewide A cleanup of JessicaSaiki Reading Jessica Saiki, who was the HawaiiNa tureCenter fo r time and meeting Sun. 10/11, 8 a.m. $1. 261-6950 shoreline and underwaterdebris, much of which born and raised in Hilo and now resides in place: Sat. 10/10. $3. 955-0100 Tropical Plant Nature Walk Meander through can bedeadly to sea life. There will beclose to 50 Denver, wilt read from her two collections of Ka'i HonuaThis nature walk through Waunea verdant Ho'omaluhia Garden. You will of course cleanup sites on Oahu, 14 of of them underwater shortstories Once. a liJtusGarden and From the Falls Park puts you in touch with the botanicaland wearyour walking shoes and insectrepellenL yeah? (scuba diversare welcome). Sat. 10/10,8:30 a.m. Lanai. The author is currently working on a historicalsplendor and the environmentalconcerns Ho 'omaluhia&!tanical Ganien, -i5.(:fflLuluku Rd.: -noon.Call the Co1111111111ity\17o rkday Program at novel setin Hawaii. Ka u'aihaoRecital Hal4 Mid-

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16 • October 7, 1992 • Honolulu Weekly