Guy Gavriel Kay | 640 pages | 03 Mar 2011 | HarperCollins Publishers | 9780007342099 | English | London, United Kingdom The Sarantine Mosaic - Wikipedia

The Roman emperors were the rulers of the Roman Lord of Emperors dating from the granting of the title of to Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus by the Roman Senate in 27 BC, after major roles played by the populist dictator and military leader Julius Caesar. Augustus maintained a facade of Republican rule, rejecting monarchical titles but calling himself princeps senatus first man of the council [1] and princeps civitatis first citizen of the state. The title Lord of Emperors Augustus Lord of Emperors conferred on his successors to the imperial position. The style of government instituted by Augustus is called Lord of Emperors and continued until reforms by Diocletian. The modern word 'emperor' derives Lord of Emperors the title imperatorwhich was granted by an army to Lord of Emperors successful general; during the initial phase of the empire, the title was generally Lord of Emperors only by the princeps. The territory under command of the emperor had developed under the period of the Roman Republic as it invaded and occupied most of Europe and portions of northern Africa and western Asia. Under the republic, regions of the empire were ruled by provincial governors answerable to Lord of Emperors authorised by the Senate and People of . During the republic, the chief magistrates of Rome were two consuls elected each year; consuls continued to be elected in the imperial period, but their authority was subservient to that of the emperor, and the election was controlled by the emperor. In the late 3rd century, after the Crisis of the Third CenturyDiocletian formalised and embellished the recent manner of imperial rule, establishing the so-called period of the . This was characterised by the Lord of Emperors increase of authority in the person of the emperor, and the use of the style dominus noster 'our lord'. The rise of powerful Barbarian tribes along the borders of the empire and the challenge they posed to defense of far-flung borders and unstable imperial succession led Diocletian to divide the administration geographically of the Empire in with a co-Augustus. InConstantine the Greatthe first Christian emperor, issued the Edict of Milan along with Licinius that granted freedom in the worship of Christianity. InLord of Emperors established a second capital in Byzantiumwhich he renamed . For most of the period from tothere was more than one recognised senior emperor, with the Lord of Emperors usually based in geographic terms. This division was consistently in place after the death of inLord of Emperors historians have dated as the division between the and the Eastern Roman Empire. The fall of the Western Roman Empireand so the end of a separate list of emperors below, is dated either from the de facto date of when Romulus Augustulus was deposed by the Germanic Herulians led by Odoacer or the de jure date ofon the death of Julius Neposwhen Eastern emperor Zeno ended recognition of a separate Western court. In the period that followed, the Empire is usually treated by historians as the governed by the Byzantine emperorsalthough this designation is not used universally, and continues to be a subject of specialist debate today. In the 7th century reign of Heracliusthe Byzantine— Sasanian War of — saw much of Rome's eastern territory lost to the Sasanian Empirerecovered by Heraclius, and then lost permanently to Arab Muslim conquests after the death of Muhammad and establishment of Islam. The line of emperors continued until the death of Constantine XI Palaiologos Lord of Emperors the Fall of Constantinople inwhen the remaining territories were captured by the Ottoman Empire under Mehmed II. Counting all individuals to have possessed the full imperial title, including those who did not technically rule in their own right e. The emperors listed in this article are those generally agreed to have been 'legitimate' emperors, and who appear in published regnal lists. In Augustus' original formulation, the princeps was selected by either the Senate or "the people" of Rome, but quite quickly the legions became an acknowledged stand-in for "the people. The coercion that frequently resulted was implied in this formulation. Furthermore, a sitting emperor was empowered to name a successor and take him on as apprentice in government and in that case the Senate had no Lord of Emperors to play, although it sometimes did when a successor lacked the power to inhibit bids by rival claimants. By the medieval or Byzantine period, the very definition of the Senate became vague as well, adding to the complication. Lists of legitimate emperors are therefore partly influenced by the subjective Lord of Emperors of those compiling them, and also partly by historical convention. Many of the 'legitimate' emperors listed here acceded to the position by usurpation, and many 'illegitimate' claimants had a legitimate claim to the position. Historically [ by whom? So for instance, Aurelianthough acceding to the throne by usurpation, was the sole and undisputed monarch between andLord of Emperors thus was a legitimate emperor. Gallienus, though not in control of the whole Empire, and plagued by other claimants, was the legitimate Lord of Emperors of the legitimate emperor Valerian. Claudius Gothicusthough acceding illegally, and not in control of the whole Empire, was the only claimant accepted by the Senate, and thus, for his reign, was the legitimate emperor. Equally, during the Year of the Four Emperorsall claimants, though not undisputed, were at some point accepted by the Senate and are thus included; conversely, during the Year of the Five Emperors neither Pescennius Niger nor Clodius Albinus were accepted by the Senate, and are thus not included. There are a few examples where individuals were made co-emperor, but never wielded power in their own right typically the child of an emperor ; these emperors are legitimate, but are not included in regnal lists, and in this article are listed together with the senior emperor. Afterthe list of emperors in the East is based on the same general criteria, with the exception that the emperor only had to be in undisputed control of the Eastern part of the empire, or be the legitimate heir of the Eastern emperor. The situation in the West is more complex. Throughout the final years of the Western Empire — the Eastern emperor was considered the Lord of Emperors emperor, and a Western emperor was only legitimate if recognized as such by the Eastern emperor. Furthermore, after the Western emperor ceased to be a relevant figure and there was sometimes no claimant at all. For Lord of Emperors sake of historical completeness, all Western Emperors after are included in this list, even if they were not recognized by the Eastern Empire; [9] some of these technically illegitimate emperors are included in regnal lists, while Lord of Emperors are not. For instance, Romulus Augustulus was technically a usurper who ruled only the Italian peninsula and was never legally recognized. However, he was traditionally considered the "last " by 18th and 19th century western scholars and his overthrow by Odoacer used as the marking point between historical epochs, and as such he is usually included in regnal lists. However, modern scholarship has confirmed that Romulus Augustulus' predecessor, Julius Nepos continued to rule as emperor in the other Western holdings and as a figurehead for Odoacer's rule in Italy until Nepos' death in Since the question of what constitutes an emperor Lord of Emperors be ambiguous, and dating the "fall of the Western Empire" arbitrary, this list includes details of both figures. Note: all dates AD hereafter. Note: To maintain control and improve administration, various schemes to divide the work Lord of Emperors the Roman Emperor by sharing it between individuals were tried after The "" proclaimed by Diocletian in split the empire into two halves each to be ruled separately by two emperors, a senior "Augustus", and a junior "Caesar". Note: Theodosius I was the last person to rule both halves of the Roman Empire, dividing the administration between his sons and on his death. Note: The classical Roman Empire is usually said to have ended with the deposition of Romulus Augustulus, with its continuation in the East referred to by modern scholars as the Byzantine Empire. Christopher Lekapenos. Constantine Lekapenos. In a monastery as a monk after having been overthrown. Lord of Emperors died in August of Both Stephen and Constantine died in exile as monks; Stephen on Easter on Lesbos and Lord of Emperors in on Samothrace trying to escape exile and reclaim imperial power. Deposed, blinded, castrated and tonsured after attempting to sideline Zoe and her sister Theodora. Andronikos Doukas. Constantine Doukas. Alexios Komnenos. Accidentally cut himself on a poisoned arrow. Alexios died in Attaleia on 2 August of a fever. John Komnenos. Captured by crusaders of the newly founded Empire and publicly executed. Note: Between and there was Lord of Emperors interregnum when Constantinople was occupied by the crusaders of the Fourth Crusade and the Empire was divided into the Empire of NicaeaLord of Emperors Empire of Trebizond and the Despotate of Epiruswhich were all contenders for rule of the Empire. The Laskarid dynasty of the Empire of Nicaea is considered the legitimate continuation of the Roman Empire because they had the support of the Orthodox Patriarch of Constantinople and managed to re-take Constantinople. John died 22 September at ThessalonikiAndronikos died aged 7 on Lord of Emperors 24th, Refused to surrender Constantinople to the Ottoman sultan Mehmed II and died fighting during the final Ottoman attack. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Wikipedia list article. This article is about legitimate Roman emperors. For other individuals claiming the title of Emperor, see List of Roman usurpers. Main article: Principate. Main article: Julio-Claudian dynasty. Main articles: Year of the Four Emperors and Flavian dynasty. Main article: Nerva—Antonine dynasty. Main articles: Year of the Five Emperors and Severan dynasty. Main article: Dominate. Main articles: Tetrarchy and Constantinian dynasty. Main article: Valentinianic dynasty. Main article: Western Roman Empire. Main article: Theodosian dynasty. Main article: List of Byzantine emperors. See also: House of Leo. See also: Byzantine Empire under Lord of Emperors Justinian dynasty. See also: Byzantine Empire under the Heraclian dynasty. Main article: Twenty Years' Anarchy. See also: Byzantine Empire under the Isaurian dynasty. Main article: Byzantine Empire under the Nikephorian dynasty. See also: Byzantium under the Amorian dynasty. See also: Macedonian dynasty and Byzantine Empire under the Macedonian dynasty. See also: Doukas. See also: Komnenos and Byzantine Empire under the Komnenos dynasty. See also: Angelos and Byzantine Empire under the Angelos dynasty. See also: Laskaris and Empire of Nicaea. See also: Palaiologos and Byzantine Empire under the Palaiologos dynasty. portal Monarchy portal. Holland, T. Wall Street Journal. Retrieved Retrieved 30 September Hammondpp. Lord of Emperors (The Sarantine Mosaic, #2) by Guy Gavriel Kay

Lord of Emperors helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Lord of Emperors. Here he seeks to fulfill his artistic ambitions and his destiny high upon a dome that will become the emerror's magnificent sanctuary and legacy. But the beauty and solitude of his work cannot protect his from Sarantium's intrigue. Beneath him the city swirls with rumors of war and conspiracy, while otherworldly fires mysteriously flicker and disappear in the streets at night. Valerius is looking west to Crispin's homeland to reunite an Empire -- a plan that may have dire consequences for the loved ones Crispin left behind. In Lord of Emperors, however, loyalty is always complex, for Crispin's fate has become entwined with that of Valerius and his Empress, as well as Queen Gisel, his own monarch exiled in Lord of Emperors herself. And now another voyager -- this time from the east -- has arrived, a pysician determined to make his mark amid the shifting, treachearous currents of passion and violence that will determine the empire's fate. Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. Published February 6th by Harper Voyager first published February 11th More Details Original Title. The Sarantine Mosaic 2. Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Lord of Emperorsplease sign up. What the heck is up with all the little fires flickering in and out in Sarantium? See 1 question about Lord of Emperors…. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. I am not going to beat around the bush. I have been melancholy. However, you know that moment while you are reading something and your soul gets heavier at first, then starts pulsing with life again and you realize you are reading something remarkable? This is what happened toward the end of this duology. I wanted to cry, but I also felt awakened to life and was reminded of all the beauty and wonder that surrounds us, if only we allow ourselves to see it. Yes, there is plenty of ugly and hard and horrid around us as well, but it only gives us the Lord of Emperors to appreciate the miracle and Majesty of the "thing", the power, the omnipresent "something" which gives breath to us all, gives color, form and sound to nature, and gives us the ability to perceive it! In this same way, many of Lord of Emperors men and women there in the Hippodrome and some who were not, but later claimed to have been would cling to one private image or another of what transpired. They might be entirely different things, varying moments, for each of us has strings within the soul, and we are played upon in different ways, like instruments, and how could it be otherwise? Among those were music, dance, theater and art. Even better if I could have them in any combination - a glutton of beauty and sensory input. I often ditched school to go to a play, an art exhibition or the Circus, which was my private self-indulgence. I was like a drug addict, only my drug was the way human artists, each in their medium, funneled their artistry down my gullet, Lord of Emperors enough and always amazing! I had learned how to appreciate not only the works which showed greatness or the promise of it, but also those works which struggled to be more than they were, the ones which talent had passed by and only ambition kept together, those which had scarcely anything to do with art, but showed parts of the makeup of their creators nonetheless. Every line, note, tone, syllable, hue, shape, or resonance, each symbol a key to another mystery. Needless to say, I got Lord of Emperors out of school and had to finish as a private student, while as much as I personally tried to enter into the teachings of all those beloved artistic disciplines, I was never good enough Lord of Emperors my own eyes to get anything but frustration to go with my understanding of the divinity in the spark of all natural talents. Relying on his own vast and supple talent, Guy Gavriel Kay tells us a story of political intrigue at the second century of greatness in a city and world based on Byzantium in the 5th or 6th centuries. Sarantium, a city of power, the seat of the Emperor of the East, the place where the contemporary greats go to unleash their talents, be it as chariot racers, as soldiers, as politicians, as dancers, actors, prostitutes, doctors or artisans. This is where Crispin, our main protagonist and very gifted mosaicist, is working on the dome of Lord of Emperors biggest hose of worship ever created. It is the crowning jewel of the rain of Emperor Valentine II, his legacy, since he and his beloved wife, the exquisite ex-dancer Aliana had no children or other hairs The two of them are overwhelmingly smart and savvy in court intrigue, elevating it to art of machinations. Crispin, with his obvious likability and openness of manner wins them and many other influential people over, Lord of Emperors himself tangled up in their games of power. No matter how many times he made the point that he is only an "artisan", the red-headed mosaicist was instrumental in the faith of the emerging new powers in the region. With the winds of Fate blowing in from different directions, the job Crispin is charged with changes and loses its initial purpose, to which Crispin was so devoted. With Lord of Emperors and wars waiting in the not-so-far-away-distance, priorities change and the value of beauty always seem to diminish when survival becomes a primary concern. GGK is brilliant in the way he parcels the story in perfect bites, creating a mosaic of words, each small piece important to the whole, but each insignificant compared to the overall image. He gives us the little pieces, we know them, develop attachments to them, Lord of Emperors of their vulnerabilities and strengths through actions and situations, not through info-dumps or bogging down by endless angst or over-description. Each character has its destiny, its prominence in the sea of others just by being unique, having its small role to play with its adventures or daily grind. And if any one of them was in a different place at a different time, moved one this way than that, made a slightly divergent choice, the end result would be completely altered. There are no useless pieces in this artistic creation. Nuances coiling and spreading like incense, subtle and insistent. But just as all art, it speaks to all of us in various ways and I cannot say that he is for everyone. I know some of my friends did not enjoy this book as much as I, but this is the beauty of Life - our diversity not only in form, but in mind and soul. The conclusion of this series was breathtakingly moving for me for so many reasons, I would have to write a tome just to count the ways: But the Lord of Emperors way the author triumphs is in Lord of Emperors ability to show us how to see and feel the beauty Lord of Emperors artistic creativity and the innate human talents. He venerates the things which makes us profoundly singular in the world we live in. Once again, I warned you I have been melancholy:. This book did not make me happy, it just gave me back the wonder of wanting to keep on living and loving and appreciating all that we are given in this to fragile, to fleeting, but utterly precious Life!!! Thank Lord of Emperors, GGK! View all 21 comments. Nov 07, Ivan rated it it was amazing Shelves: favoritesfantasy. I was thinking for a long time what to write about this book. After some consideration I decided that I mostly said everything in in my review of the first book but there is one big Lord of Emperors. In that review I wrote: Story is slow paced and not that eventful and without huge twists or tear jerking moments. This doesn't apply here. Here we see story Lord of Emperors mu I was thinking Lord of Emperors a long time what to write about this book. Here we see story develop much faster as some big events unfold and we see some very emotional moments. We Lord of Emperors subtle writing from first book describe some very unsubtle times. In conclusion I hesitate to call this one of my favorite fantasy books simply because of how little it plays out like fantasy. In any hypothetical conversation about this series I'm Lord of Emperors "fantasy" but "favorite" stays. View all 26 comments. Sep 21, Mayim de Vries rated it it was amazing. So, how does one make a mosaic? First, you mix quicklime for the setting bed. Then, you tend to it in the oven making sure the texture is just right. Once this has been accomplished, you lay it smoothly Lord of Emperors the surface. Only then can you start placing the tesserae in the setting bed. Lord of Emperors of Lord of Emperors small squares of stone or glass used in making mosaic patterns. The previous book in the duology accounts for first three steps under the disguise of talk So, how does one make a mosaic? The previous book in the duology accounts for first three steps under the disguise of talking about life changing experiences. Only now do I understand fully, that he was just setting his ground, assembling and preparing the gems of individual characters for the great design of this two-volume masterpiece. Previously we were given a Lord of Emperors, a contour of the creation, in the Lord of Emperors, the space is filled with light and darkness and all the hues in between. This book is a design equal to the vastness of the setting: Sarantium basically Byzantium in the apex of its glory, a little before Justinian opened St. and a little after closed the Academy of Plato ruled by a pair of formidable monarchs surrounded by the court full of dangerous Lord of Emperors where nothing can be taken for what it seemed to be and where nuanced intrigues are coiling and spreading like incense, subtle and insistent. At the same time a city of cities inhabited by thousands of people charioteers and cooks, dancers and soldiers, clerks and doctors, all with their own dreams and pathways, plots and counterplots separate and yet intertwined under the very same sun. List of Roman emperors - Wikipedia

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A young woman who Lord of Emperors both a bard--and a warrior--seeks to repay her debts and settle scores in this thrilling historical fantasy series. The young warrior and bard Lord of Emperors has lost her brother to the O… More. Piranesi by Susanna Clarke. Piranesi's house is no ordinary building: its ro… More. Shelve Piranesi. The first complete history of Central Eurasia from ancient times Lord of Emperors the present day, Empires of the Silk Road represents a fundamental rethinking of the origins, history, and significance of this majo… More. A group of three young thieves are pulled into a centuries old magical war between ancient beings, mages, and humanity in this wildly original debut epic fantasy. The city has always been. The city mus… More. Frey Lord of Emperors the captain of the Ketty Jay, leader of a small and highly dysfunctional band of layabouts. An inveterate womaniser and rogue, he and his gang make a living on the wrong side of the law, avoid… More. 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