The BFG by is a hilarious book that tells a story of an unbreakable friendship between Sophie, an orphan who is deeply afraid of , and the BFG (the big friendly ). The BFG is a super friendly giant, and Sophie is a super friendly little girl, that’s why they develop such a great bond. Sophie had heard tales of bone-crunching, child-chewing, gizzard-gulping, blood-blotting giants. That’s why Sophie gets terrified when the BFG comes to her room, picks her up, puts her in a jar, and took her away to where the other giants and him live, in caves. Sophie thought for sure that the BFG would eat her…. but he didn’t. Soon, once they observed each other, they became great friends. Sophie learns that the BFG is the only friendly and kind giant. The BFG learns that Sophie is an orphan child and hates mean giants. When Sophie finds out that some of the giants (not the BFG of course) have a plan to eat the Queen of and anyone that stops them, she feels she must stop them once and for all. Find out if the BFG and Sophie will impede the other giants when you read the astounding book The BFG .

I believe this book was funny and silly, but also incredibly suspenseful. In this book Roald Dahl makes you feel like you are on the adventures with the BFG and Sophie. I love how the giants’ words are so wacky and goofy. Some of my favorites are: Snozzcumbers, Frobscottle and Wizzpoppers. The giants’ names are ridiculous too, like: Fleshlumpeater, Childchewer, Gizzardgulper, and many more comical ones. The BFG and Sophie make such a great team together. The BFG is one of the very best books I’ve ever read.

I recommend this book for people 8 and up. If you are a young reader, reading this book, some words might catch you. For those of you who like your book to start off suspenseful and like a cliffhanger, this is definitely a great book for you too. Personally, I think anyone would love this book.

By: Madeleine