11:00 O ''CLOCK A .M .




' 1 . . - . '- ' ; o'ohllL!zpx )(*-h - - --')'è.t. () I2. lç Iy yl ,k (y /ï ë; b; 1': h! k) 1- ?/ . ; ;'f t) ' : ' ': : T . I z ? ' . , k ; . . s'ra rl: o ir I k-t-t lgo l:a . t % , .. . . . I jy ! . . . s ...f' 11 o t) ss fo c lk ce iv u s t- pq a' Jk 'r l v c.s i

A Roll Ca l 1 attenda nce wa taken and inds.ca tced a2.l were pre sent with tlle e. xceptichlA d tzbe f ollowintg ;

Repre s enta ti.ve Tobi a s Ba rrnz re a S o)1 gi ve 11 ;

Representakive Okis G . Collins .1 llness ; Repre senkakive Bernard E . Eptcn Repres en Uatd.ve Jltanald He ns s re s iqned ;

Representative Thomas R. Houde - i llness ; Representative James Krause - illnGss;

Representative Ed Lehman - il l.n e ss 7

Representative James D. Nowlan illntass ; Re pre s entative John W . Thompson - no reason given ;

Representative Gale. William - no reason given.


.- - ...... 7. . . - . v''sr''-TjLnw.. . !;s - . z - . 'zx r N t' h t . ' 'rz''s qs G E N E R A L A S S E 51. 11 1- Y r. .bb.L. t ;. f- ;. ),. ' r m ,)l u. / :1 T '% 7 .!f ci rc ' L u l N C' 1 :; h N. .jry, . u 1..,/ . , . ''oc/sc os rzcetœescrqrnvjwss . t '-t a-mp 1.7 . Rob e r t. B lai.r : 11 Now z we ' re j. n the Rentl u lar Se s r; i' on .

Rol'l f or attendance . A11 right , wi th leave bf the

îO Sen ate Bi. ).1s r 'ph.i. rd Re adi ng . 12 8 J. . ''

F. B . Selcke : ''Senate Bill 1231. Na Act to r tencl Seetion

2- 12 1 of the I llipois Pens ion Code . Third Jèeading

the Bi l l . :'

Hon . ï4. Robert Blair : '' Gelltl.em an f rom Cook , Mr . Frank W() lf . '' Wolf : Speaker and Ladies and Gentlemen of the House .

Senate B5.1l 12 3 l am ends the Gmnera.l Retirement Sys tem khroe various seetions. Section 2-119 and Section 2-122 whieh upgrades the annuity rate schedule so as lo accele-

ratl the rate of annuity in the case of a Member with at least 12 years service , thus reducing àn 8Ot salary'

ins kead of 7 5 % a maximklm rate . It a ls o r. educes the

' age from 55 to 50 y ears for elicibility of the srouse for annuity upon death of a Member occurring while in

service and lastly it increases the Members contribution of one-half of one-percen: of salary to help finance

,: the aforesaid changes , thus producing total contribution ; I . . I '; a Member of 10 t; of the s alary . This has the ; ' . k Conuvtis s ion . Thore a . l

f actor whi ch is talten care of the con tcri.butions . lt has an amendatcory section alàd I ask the approval Senate

Bi 1.1 12 8 l . '' Ron . Robert B lair : '' Furtller di scussiol)? Ques lzion is ,

G E N 17- l 1. A l w A S S L: M 1 $ L */ t5 X 4% T ksz Ct F l L 1. ! N t'y l SR ef o kl !> E CJ lr t2 r: P Fl E t; K hl T A T j u t: s .1 .V - ' ' ' ' ; k) . ' I . ' an (fl t-he opposed no and th is z-etqui . vres . three- f i f khs .' llave a11 voked who w .L shed? Cf erk k.Tj- 11 take thta record . On th is ques t ion , there are 12 3 ' ayes ' , 12 ' nay s ' and t-'his

. ' BJ- .1.1 p ' havïng re ceived the voke required ' under the Cons ti- l tution , to become e f f ec tcive imraadi ate ly upon becoming J.av./ , is hsreby declared passed . A1l right. Now, ble will go back to Hcuse Bills , Third Reading. House Bill 4299. The

gentlem an from Roek Island r Mr . Pappas .''

F . Se lcke : ''House Bil l 42 9 9 . An Act to add Seckion 2 . 3 and so f ortil to the Saf ety Glazing Materials Act ' . Third Reaclinç . 1 of the Bi 11 . '1

' Hon.. If . Robert Blair : '' Gen tleman f rom Rock Ts land , M r . Pappas . ''

. Pappas ; ''Mr . Speaker , and Ladies alid Gentlemen of the House . House Bill 4299 as amended corracts some of the presen:

Act l s dif f iculti es . These wez-e dis cussed rather thoroughly ,

yeskerday on Second Reading , and this is pertaining to the Glazing Act. If there are any questions that anybody ha s ,

I Izould be more than happy to try and answer them '' . llon. W . Robert Blair: ''The gentleinan from Cook , Mr. Richard Wa l s h . ''

'' ! Richard Walsh : '' Nothing . Hon. W. Robert Blai r: ''Question is shall Ilouse Bi11 4299

. pass ? A 11 Lhose in f avor , vote ' aye ' and tlle opposed ' no ' ,

alld this requires three- f i f ths . Gentleman from Christian z Mr . Tipsword . ''

Tipsword : '' Mr . Speaker , :( would like to i.' mpose on th e Ilous e

...- - . J ;-r' 7'F g X I /; . o l7jt:st. y (; jy i z.? ..'. 'tk . x (.j R A jw h g s jï :1 k; 1. y ;j# t , ., , . ) y . :îjxN k-$x x. ' T' fT l Cj. .s u Ej uà: oY Aj s 3 ' V E 5

4 J . .u. é./e . - - - . - - j . l 4. ! ! - .-- 1(-- -- . - ) 3. i

f 0r juz. :t. ,'a Seeontft , to exp ka kn my vok'.e . I was one of the j f i r s t- to r a is ct the que s ti on s o f tlàj- s Bi 1' .'l. y e s ke rday , a nd ( . my cgues ti ons huve been s atis f i ed . %'1) (7 reas on I ras- s ed the ques 'l: ion to th.i s and a nother Bi 11 , and why I ' m votj . ng

for thi s one tod ay a f t. q r ln aving' q ue s k ione d i t i s th a t

. these Bills are coming off of the table ah - .- several 'l ' of the ones that are be ing preéent ' .ad l4e re . We don ' t have L . . ) - copies . of them on our desk 1 ' . We ah ... it 's a little diffi- cult to remember the dis cus s ions thak 1*71 have had on many j

of these Bills when they were presented in the zouse be- ' fcre th l ey were moved to the Table. I remembered on this i one, I had had some opposikion and I had to hczvl it cleared

' up in my m ind . I ' m af raid npany of us don ' tn Jcnow what w ' t e are voting on . Many of these Bills ' ' . khat are being .

taken rapidly off the Table. This one , I would endorse now. I've found that there has been soma . . . ik is a Bill I Ehink uill nok hurk khe ândustry in Illinois , but T would certainly sugqest that we have some opprotunity to

see khese sills afkor they come off khe Tab le before k1e

vote for them , beeause s.;e need to know what sqe are voting

jj O.r .,1 '

Ilon . Iz7. Robert Blair : 't Have a 11 votced who wished? Gentleman

f rom Coolc , Mr . Ka tz '' . f Xatz: ''Ah... 1 wonder, has there been a Committee hearing cn ) the Bill that is involved here?'' P appa s : On khe orig in a 1 . Ac t , ihe r.'e was a Commi ttee . Th i s

Am endment-. w as d '.ca f ted by th e Department of Labor a f ter

. - . . 0 - -- - i . siijo-G-'-tk, . ' ,j:).s - . . 't'q ?: .' >'h , (; yj x Ir,: R A L, A s s E 51 t) L y tçz î & . . , . . . ;h) :' hi' : sx a. x' r.: o e' ' u u ç ,.t c, : s ! B . 7, ' '. ' J- ,4 o u s t: r, lr 17 r: e1v cs c 'q .,. t . ..'.-'- ...,3;:' s v I v r. s . . .-...-. , .g'j y...... -)2ry . , - . l

I I .

l'l 4. l I 1Ro ldin g l-lea ri ng s f 02 -. p a s t r.; evta ra .1 mon t h s uri th a 11 i n tce r e :5 te t l - - . ' parties . In otlAez- words , tche rnil:tuf actu.t e rs p tyl.jja j.)g s tal le ss , a14 . . wikh I landerstand labor organi za tnions and ah . . I . they i W I '1 anted to clean up the present acè and by ccming up With

thts amendnlen'b ,' it has def ined loaations better and it ah : . .

'' maltes the act a little more compatible . 1?7 . Roilert Blai r : '' Have a11 voted who wished? The Cle .rk wi 11 ' ' take the record . Oh , wait a minu tle . The Genkleman f rom Rock I s land , Mr . Pappas . '' Pappas : ''Ah . . Mr . Speaker . Do we need 3/5 vote on this one I to make it effective January 1?.1 W. Robert Blair: ''Yes. Gentleman from Rock Island , Mr. p aP)? els .1, '

Pappas : ''Ah . . M r . Speaker . In explain ing my vote a.h . . %qe need

about three or f our more votes . And this . . this is def initely needed legis lation I . . 'l'he Departm ent wi U.h the . present bill as it is . It is an unw ieldy b ill th at thëy

cannot enforce properly . And with this amendmmnt to it y ' we will have a much better piece of legislation . I would urge, if possible, to get khree or four more votes up

. . there ''

W . Robert Blair : '' Have al .ï voted who wish? Gentleman f rom

Cook , Mr . Palmer .'' .

Palmer: ''Mr . Speaker and Ladies and Gentlemen of the House ' . To explain my no vote . It appears to me and I have (Jone

over thi s bill that it is a speci aJ. in tnerest bill thatl ' there perhaps is a good chance of un law f ul deletgatrion to

-.- - . . . - . . . .. - . - - . sus. y.s sss .' ' r. =rxrNAh c E x E lt A L j f. . . j , # s s l(î M 1) 1- Y ' v . . . -. 6 .i 1 l . $ . t p sv a v jc o s. I u u k rg o t s t ' .'k ' '' /* ' . WQ 2s zqdw ' eloosc os arsgfelussslvaxives i ( 5.

an admi.n 5. 6.3 t ra t 5-ve o q) ency 0 f I 1.1 i-nori. s in the are a û) f! creats.ncg a crime f or whiela this lecl .is lakure will have

set f orth a penalky . I wi l l s ay tilat: the origi na l bi l 1 ' is no good. I am eertainly not soing to di >ni f'jT this bil l witln a ' yes ' vote an d I bope ko Jpe abl .e to dcl s (7lne- thing with tlhe oriqnal bi 11 next sess ion . The okher thing ï.s khat it provides f or penalties aqainst a ho m e ow ne r .

A talpayer if you please . Ik excludes liability from a person who is an employee of a raatetial supp lier . I think

that honleowners of this s tate have had it in the neck too long. And I don't think that I certainly want to place

them in the position of getting it in the neck again . With a bill of this natura . Thak'é 'the reascn for my vate '' . , W. Robert Blair: ''Al1 right. Have all vot'ed who vished? ' 1

Th e C1e rk wi 1. 1 take the recor . d . Huds on ' aye f . Huds o11 raye l. This bill having . . Oh , on this question there are 88 'ayes ' 18 'nays f z this bill having 'failad to received the required vote is hereby declared lost . 4 7 12 . ''

F. B. Selcke: 'Qleuse Bill 4712 . NA Act to mak/ an appropriatio; ' to thû Department of General Services , Third Reading of the Bi 11 - '' ' W. Robert Blair : '' Gentlenlan f ronl Cook , Mr. Telcser . ''

Telcser : ''M r . Speaker and Ladies and Gentlemen of the H ou se . House Bill 4712 is an appropriation of $250 , 000 ùo eomp lete ' the. work on the Execu tcive Mans ion and r epresents a

r e a . p r o p r i a tki 0..14 o f $ 1 2 5 , 0 0 0 Qp' . ().p.t...'t;#.e l aws-t f i-y-c-q.l v ca r : C XW . a. 17 d ... .'.: 4., z -. <).. ' l:(. 't b . '-- q; ' G E N E R A L A S F) E M 1$ L. Y . , . ,.'. h'.j sxavs 0,. ,us-,ixo ,s q$' lqi ' . ,. .. r z . . . . . hygsj . . . xo z i' ! G kl S 9: 0 F l ? IV P i 2 tl t3 07 N Y A ' F 1 V C S , . .. . t

6. . . I - j on a dditj.ona l $ 12 5 , 0 0 0 . '.L ' d apprec i ate a f avorab 1e. I . j . ' V C i C œ C ' .

W . Ftpbert Blair : '' Furtller dj-s cus s ion . 'Gentlelrtan f rom 1 . (2 c) cllc , h6 Ac . Il/z (1 6, . '' '' ' Hyde : ''Wellr Mr. Speaker and Ladies and Gentlernen of the I . ' House. Ah.. I can't vote for khis bill. Ilve learned much to my dismay kha: the tokal cost of the Governor 's '

Mansion is $7,250,000 and that came as kind of a shdck when IE reviewed ah . . Paul E lwords Commis s ion ah . . the Executive Mansion Commission Report. And while ik was .

dated in 1967 , thqy estim ated the total cost of the Governorls Mansion liberally at $1,500,000. Now I've also learned thak add-ons and change orders on phase

kwo totaled $721,000 and the total bid.. the successful bid was $854 ,000 so the ratio of add-ons is astronomical.' And ah.. as far as I'm concerned ah.. this procedure of 1 gross add-ons makes a mockery of the bidding process

and ah .. the ah .. add-ons on the capitol rehabilita Lion '

Program were so serious that the Secretary of State stopped

it and here the ratio on the Governor ls llansion is ah .. totally beyond any bounds of ah.. reasohableness. And

therefore I think the taxpayers of the State of Illinois ought to know that $3,250,000 is going t' o be spent to prop up that ah.. Executive Mansion. And I just think that ' s sqkijf out of line . We leg i s la kors are cr â.k ici zed

f or attemptkng to increase our s alaries a p ittance and

it s eenls to me that we ' re in the wrollg bus ines s . We should ' . . j I rfL qï-î-ib . a-2' rJ> ;,q- ' t . 'r-.' 1-%, ;::',. G E N E 11 A L v? ' k S S E 51 ty j. v . :.; 't'r '' . ', '; .. , . ) . v ; u, s y pj o j u ' . ji. ç 'N ' / ' . i.I ta t: s isc 'roa pv. trl e co eI p, u s u p, r A 'r I v u s . 7. .

be entn j.neers and contra c tzor. s alld consu lting enq ineers because they are moving into the City Cotm cil of the

Emera ld C.i t'.y of Oz . And as f ar ?n s I ' m ccnce rned anotcher

$ 2 O () , 0 0 O ah . . $ 2 5 O , 0 0 0 i s adding j- n s ult to i n jury a n d I ' m ' not going to support tlai.s . Thank you . ''

w'. Robert Blair : ''J.h . . khe Gentleman f rom CooJc , Mr . Kos iliski . '' ' ' '

Kcsinski : '' Mr . Speaker and Ladies and Gentleïnen of the l'iouse . ' 1, I certainly shar' e the austerity attitudes of my colleaguJ

' from the 16th District, Mr. Hyde. Ak the same time while 1 was overTqzhe lmed by the inves tment here in I z i t c ame to my attenkion thak this edipus has exceeded merely a

Governor' s Mansion. It is my understanding and 1 w ish !j ' ' Mr . Te leser would clarif L' that yqe have now inckuded a basemen t f or ce rta in h 1 s kori ca l nee ds . . As a library , or

as a basement to keep certain doctunents . Is khat true Mr Te J-cser? '' '

A. Telcser: ''I didn 't hear your question. Would you repeat it âgain #' Rome?t' . Mosinski: ''It is my understanding that we have included in the

Governcr's Mansion certain additional work in the basement of that building to provide either a library for historical

doeumenks or storekeeping of one sort or anofher '' .

A . Teleser : '' I can 1 t . . I really don f t know Representative . I . . '' Koskins ki : '' We 11 , thi s is my understalldi .ng which has . . l1a s

' made the bil l exceed what we had oriMnally antieipated - I f Mr . %'e lcse r can elarif y 't:l4 is , 15 think we can j'us ti f y t.lnis additional expûndi tTure to proteet the investunent .s w e r?% 73. .0 c Iy x jj: It a t '. ' C/'. . ? X. & . , A s s E M i) t. v T, ;? /I k ' . . - q k. ' $ $( ; c . .J/ j s .r yq 'r (: o (z ( t. t. ( a o $ s .. : ), s. u u s s u s c sj v yj x y u s s ' ' . ' ( VX U- ' .C- 'J2 * Y j4 o u s (K o . . . ---- . . . . ------. . - - ' - -' ' - - --' - ' - ' = SV O - I ' . ' 8. . h ave a lre a dy made . ' B ut I s hould 1 .i-?- e a c lak-- 'L f .'i- ca t'i on ' . I as to what $ s oceuring in .the basement: of llhatz bui ldinq j l. , . Mr. %eleser. ' A . ''.Pe lcsek : '' (( ' n sorry , Rep resenta tive' T 'cannot te 11 y ou . . at thi :5 'monleo k what ah . . 5.s be in'g done in tlte baseraen t2 (7 f

th is bui ld intg . However r as you indi caked in yo ur que s tion ' th at ah . . the $2 50 , O 00 would cerkainly coln xéle'l:e khe bui i.dins . It seems t o me foolish to bave spent al1 of Ehat money ' and perhaps a qood part of it follishl y as Rep resentative

Hyde indi cated . Ah . . wa ' ve gone this f ar , I khink we ought to contplete the Governor ' s Mansiori . '' '

Kos irls ki : ''b7e 11 , Mr . Te lcser , I indi caked tha k to pr o tceck our inveskment i t may be necess ary t o spend this . additional . But I w ish you would take this ou k of the ' record f or a c!o up le of minutè s unt i l #okt f ind out What ' s ' ioing on in the basemznt . Can you do khis?'' A . Telcser : '$Well, ah .. Representatïve ïn view cf tl le 'fact ' that ah I j ust don ' t know how long we 6 re going to be hear today . And ah.. I'd sure hate to waste a legislative day.. Can I kall you that if thn bill d oes pass and before it..' s acted upon in the Sen ate p I ' 11 lnave an answer f or you . I mean how long are we going to be h ere today , I ' 11 be vlad to ah ..''

W- Robert Blair : ''A11 right . Ah . . you want to take i t f rom the record?''' .

A. Telcser: ''TacEfs take a roll ca11 '' . ' W . Robert Blai r ; '' A ) . l ri:ht . Al1 . . I s 'tihcre f urklAer dis cus s ion . , ''l.r k tm '.V u - n . 4,. -h's c s x ( ,,;. .. % . t) jt a j- A s s rf M 1$ t J/$ . -, j . v . l î ' . t h qt' Sq v vva svxvrs o ,. I uulxo ls . ,'. /' . j., . ,., s st o s. N'fk r.- --. j,.,-z ,, . . ,, jn j- , , s s s ,k v rv x $ w s s

- ...... i

1 . 9. Al4 . . tl4m Gent leman f rom Cook , Mr . Ew e ). ). . '' I . Ewta 11 : ''Mr . Te lcser . I don ' t ask thi s que s tion very of ken . But fzould you give us just a litùle report as to where '

'' this money is going and what we ' re goinq to do with it .

A . Te lcser ; '' Ah . . I can ' t (J ivct you the particulars , Representasjiv fa . I ' m sorry . We 11 , I ' l 1 take thi s out o f the record and

try to set ik for you. If any of you have questions , if ' you come to me and give them to me, 1,11 be very happy to get answers back to you specifiEally. 1 eannot tell

you where every dollar i s going or f or what doll ar . The

only inf ormakion I hitve j.s that $ 12 5 , 0 0 0 was lapsed evnd it ' c' a reappropriation and they need $ l25 , O 00 t.o conkplete ylle pro j e ct . '' ' Ewe 11 : 't/lr . Teleser # I f ee l thak I would negl igent in my

cluty t owa.l-. ds the ci t:.'.1. zens of my corazlunity if I vo *ed on

'' som ething like this so could you . . A . Telcser : ''Okay . Would you take this out of the record

Mr. Speaker?''

W . Robert Blair: ''A 11 righk. M R.. take the .. Leave Lf the

House. We bll take 4712 out of the record 'and go to ah . . '

4 7 13 . '' ' :% . B . Se lcke : 1' House Bi 11 4 7 l 3 . ' An Ac t to amend Se ctions 11- 13 9- 2

and so f orth , the 11 linoi s Mun icipa l Code . Third Reading I af khe bi11.''

' '' W. Rober t Blair : '' The G entz.eman f rom Cfpolt , lhfr .' Youre 11 . k Youre 11 : Th ank you l.'jr . Speaker . (E'adi es and Gentlemen of the

T - t . èaoix lousev !2> 1> = l-1.,K > io> G J. 1r .de> ,gI4eK O .-p.> vO q- f (44-. k: t:s. ' :?3 ., z7tzs.o. I /q' ? o' ' . . . c s x r2, u a 1- A s s E M n 1. v ' ; ' . . itlt ç. . j . .j . ' j. ' .',1 s.f A'rc o i'r I uu I u fo Is T' / ' ' . . Vlx , ' . -e ! l ou sc o Ir n t: e!.i f: si'l pk'r a'r l v cs j M. . ! eu.. . ssk x - I I

. * .

y' 6 , 0 0 0 , O O 0 r c 'vre n ue #7o1R d

the elltensioll o f water mains ant'l to brj ng raake Michigan water to Tin 1ey

Fcres t . Nece ipts f rom s ale of the 5,72) tcer wou ld pay

f or the bonds and thû inkerest on tha bonls . Now the

present constitution guarankees tha t. one municipalitv

lnay enter into contract agreements with other municipalit ie - provide serkices . Al1 this legis lation des ig . ned is to elarif y a situation that Chapman and Cutller

has relative to the bond sale . I would hope that if there $ s any questions I l d be ab le to answer them . I understand

I nee d vote . '! '

Robert Blair: t'Question . . right. Question is shall

House Bill 472.3 pass. those favor will vote 'aye' and the opposed Thi's requires Have a11 vettad who wishecl? Th e Clerk will take the record . On this question thero are l44 'ayes' , 'nays t and this bill having reeeived the required 3/5 vote is hereby

'' declared passed. 4719. F. B . Selcke : ''House Bill 4719 . An Act to add Sections 8-116 of the I2.linois Vehicle Code , Third , Reading the Bil1.'' k! . Robert Blai r : '' Gen tleman f ronè Cook , Mr . James Carter . ''

Carker : Ifhlr . Speaker and Ladies and Genklem en of the Hous e . . This bill was one that introduaed week whi 1 ch $ now on third reading as amended . The caz.endar does not show klàe amendement but tqle amendment ' was pl .aced on yes kerday . This is to correet khe s i .tt't ation tha t: exis ts

/.v.. 'c GsZ7V-- 'Vh- x . u'k . c c x s It A L ' , I .q.' 7.6 - . - ' t A s s s ,1 19 1- v .1 e x ); t STA'I'C- otr qut-spjoss

u'* x' ., ' 7 (* H o t; s tc o 'rz r4 E.: r> I : u s E p4 'r zk 'r $ v . c s . .-. zagg - !

' I ' ' 11. j ï y i n the c.i' .ty of Cl'licago i l :'.k t;h for-' hj.re vehicles primari J. j wh ich ar'o ()p. e r. att ing w.t tllout the p ropd- r i ns uran ce . The

pre sen t) l.aw m akes that a m isdenteanor to so do . Bu t. there

is no penalty provis i. on to put any teeth 5.11 ko what the

legi s lature has a lready made a m is deme anor . So thi s

' intends solely to ah . . 'p'' ut in the peitalty provis ion arïd . . '' '' j

! make the m isdemeanor a A- l . .1 need 3/5 vote , Mr . Speaker . I 'd appreciate your vote .''

' W . Robert. Blai.r : 11 Is ah . . thqre f urther dis cuss ion? Then I * khe qklestion is shall 4719 pass. A11 Lhose in favor vote

'aye '. The opposed 'no ' . And this requires 3/5. - Have a11 voted who wish? The Clerk will take the record . ' Hanahan t . . à . aye'. On this question there are 134 layesd. . i '' Tke sl .. l -ms ' aye f . Madigan ' aye ' . Ed . Centleman f rom ' . ( Cook r Mr . Carter f or what purpose do you ri s e ? '' Carter : ), Mr ' . . Speaker I yust want te Uhank the House for

I g i ving me the.. my own svzan song. '' W . Robert Blair : UOkay. The bill having received the i required 3/5 vote is hereby declared Passed. On the a14.. Speakerls Table appears HJR 142 on which the Chair ! i th recogn zas e Gentlem an frox Lake , Mr. Conolly .l' A Conolly : Tj Mr . . Speaker. Representative John Matejevich and myself have sponsored a Resolution that àqas heard by the Executive Co% qittee and received to do adopt a motion that

kzculd allow dredging be dcne Waulcegan Harbor. . mos t ne ees s ary - . mos t vita l to t- he W atukeg an area . And we

appreciat:e your s tm port on bhis lneasure . Mr . Spsaker . j: '5 i .t4-z* +'l-'. -.*x-* c , . ',./ s ' l g. s;p , ) .. . xph '-qs. (. j. G jj x jjr jy A j. A s s E M I ; j. Y j ' . 1- I pl o l s :. ( .' : ... * ' .J'b ! s v s a. t: o ;z 1 c . ,., tVjx s r!'.p as:-y- z. ,.; ''ot's't C' 'r '4 t:''r?'-t'':N' q .r ''z .7t'; . , -:.2.. 2- ê! . . '

' JE wou ld appreci.a ke a f avorable ro 11 ca 11 û3n t.h j.s .

res o lution . Mr . Speaker . May l have a rol 1 ca 1 1. on this z nlease ? '' ' . j i? . kobert 'J3'1 ai r : '' Ques t:.i on . Nokz the qtle s tion . . Are you '

a s k i 14 (J f o r a r o 1 1 c a 1. l ? '' Conolly : '' Twice . '' '


. W . Rob e rt B l a i r : '' We 11 ; ord i nari ly i k ' s j u s t . @ ye as ' or ' na.iJr s ' . '' Conollyz ''Well then may 5 just have lyeas' and înays'-''

' W . Robert Blair : '' Oh , all righk . Al1 those in f avor say 'yea'. Opposed 'nay' The 'ayesf have it and the

resolution 1 s aclop bed . Ah .. Consti tukional -Ar endments, Second Reading, HJRCA ll.t' F'. B . Selcke : ''Hous e J'aint Resolution Constitukiona 1 J wmepclment # 11 , Second Reading . ''

W . Robert Blair : t'Third 'Reading . Ah.. on the ah.. Calendar '

' on the order of motions appears a motion wkth respect to SJRCA 78 for which the Chair recegnizes the Gentlepan from Sangamon , Mr. Jones.''

. Jones: ''Mr. Speaker, Ladies and Gentlemen of the House . This is khe Constitukional Amehdmenk Resolution which was passed

by khe Senate and Tabled ah . . earlier in this session whi/h

calls for an election at the next generak electkon . The voters shal l determine whe kher or no t: we sha l 1 have annua l . i sessions that wi 11 be conf ined ko six mon khs and in the

alternate years khey wi 11 on ly . . . the (Dnq.v duti.es will be to concern curselves with Lhe appropria Lion and revenue ' 1 m atters . AlA . . i n v.i ew f.'l f kh .i s dis cu :G s ion abau tn khe tloFJ t2 -)fj.,alVx . - -.. 7. . / , ;s? V: . ' :' ' .-hh G E N E R A L A S S E 51 1$ 1- Y i

' ' $t * h k ' ...... (j : ' C; T H T ! C O !J ' L. L 1 N O ! :; hl . ' /' otJ sc o!r r? celzsslru'rl'rl v cs ' X u' .z . H . .X r ' l

-. - . 11. - X . 3. 3 .

f. tl'le leqi s la t- j. ve ah . . ze s t o f t:l7 h e va r o . .L ous s es s j .on s . I tn ' seem s appropria U.e that thi.s b5-11 be broulgh'tz back 'tto tLhe ) Table f or recoltsiderakion alld T s o now move '' .

If . Robiart B1a ir : '' Di s cus s ion . Ques lzi on ' s on klle Gent leman ' s mo t:j-cn to kake SJRCA 7 8 f rom the 'Pable . A11 Lhose j.1l

' f avor w i 11 say ' aye ' '1 .

Members : 'fAye . '' l

. I,? . Rbbert B. lair : '' Oppos ed ' no ' ( . The ' ayes ' have i t and ah . .

the Gentleman ' s motion prevails . All riglnt . On the Calendar on the order of vetaes , m nendatory Vetoes Motions . appears ah.. a motion with respect Lo l3lS which the Chair recognizes the Gentlemen from Cook , Mr . Shea.'' Shea,: ''Air . Speaker z Tuadies and Gentlemen of tlq e House . Senate Bi11 1318 was one of the revisionary bills from

th e Legislative Council. Ah . . It was passed by bcth Houses and s en t; to t:he Gov' erncr J And the Governor using his amendatcry veto power changed three or four

. secticns te make it conform with laws that sqe had passed

ah.. prior to the time he signs this bill . One of them was changinq.. making sure khat the nominating petitions ! ' for independent candidates of Governor and Lieutenant Governor that there would be a joint petition and with regard to the Election Code setting up 'the statukory

reqllirements f or the number of' s ignatures f or independent '

candida t:e s f or both the leqis latur e and tb e' Congre ss

. . . . 1.17 a year af ter redi S tri cting . 1 L amellded Ulle s ens j. oja Code in several olaces to allow the rnurchase o f lsrael

. I'IVI> u ' z ' ' z '-- x - $ Q-, 'Ahohr . ,' G E N E 11 . .'t(C', j.- .. . Y ,. A L A S S E rtl 11 1.-

(!t(ç- j/,-, )j; svxa-e og suu-

! T'k:k c' . .-: .nr'., r:$..z1 aouss c;s ,.lrla,q cssiulqmosysxl vcs . t.- . -. ' - - - .. - - . I l

' bonds by . Pens ion f'unds whi ch was done s eve rpa l in s :an c e s

by this as s ennb ly and f urkhctr alnended part of the îs7orkmen l s Compens at .1 .on Act . I $ d be. )3 appy t:o alnfskzer l ques tions anybody has any witln regird t .o the' language changes . ''

W . Robert Blair : ''Any dis cllssion? Gentlemal) Jrtxn Cook , Mr. Jake Wolf . ''

Wolf : ''Mr . Shea did I understand you say that they can take our Pension Funds and ânvesk them in Stat e Israe l Bon ds?t'

Shea: ,'1:0. I said that there Tçere amen& qenks passed to various Pension Funds allowing the purchase wikh Pènsiön Fund money of State of Israe l Bonds . Those ahanges are incor- parated in this bill at this 'time . One is the Fire Fund . . various otiner onos . If you t re as7cing n e .

This conf orms tbe language Khat we ' Me already done . But does permit the purchase of the stake of I srael

'' Bonds with Pension Fund money .

.M J. kolf: Lfell I wasn't aware that . . . we could take our Pension Funds and invest them in any farei gn country and if we're going to do it in Israel let me as'k you a question , .

Can we invest them in Itali an Bonds German Bonds or anything else? f' Shea : '' To the best of my knowledge , n o . '' Wolf : '' Can tell me why thi s one excepti on was made? '' Shea : ''Ah . . dkcln ' t pass those specif i c bi 1ls , Mr . qço lf . But there were amendments to various Pensj . on Codes ah . .

- .------. ivmendmenzvs--âzn-th .s-t-.ses s4. . a,k :j< .1- b'z' w,. cw y, o. lz-nG - t-ki-lio al- pvepre- 'iît-azbiv v/; r .a z - .-X. G jy k. . y .. . ,s , . s x E jt A L A g s E M I J L Y jj( j . . , yjj ' v ) s'r A ''r :.: o e' I t. Lkk ., nï -,. l.l N o 1 E . , e .. 'xq jyN -.. . & s o u sIu o .. r. sp vz 'tu s ,q x. lv I v ius k.- -â'.5 ' l ') .c

Colit z hand-l'e q'jl thbse 17 .t12.s Hous e . perln ups be the ozae to give you answeq: to th a t . ''

' Wo l f : '' W e 11 I 'recall we d.Ld en able S aving s alld Lclitn s r I be J.ieve , l:o . invdss 't: in s ucln bonzls . wa sn ' t aw are

th at we wou ld' al 1:3w our own Pens icln Punds to be inves ted in

any f oréign country . Pers on ally , I think a bad practictca regardless of w'.ha t country is . ''

j 9 ' . '>T 1, . Robert Blair : . G ell.tcleman f rom Dupage , Mr . Skzhneider . 1 Schneider: portion the revis ionary (

b ill . Wouz. d repeat those once again? I ' m sorry

'' didn ' t hear ' what . you s aid on that . Shea: ''Take the ah.. message from the Governor.. and I'm

readïng from th at . On page l ille one by

inserting immediately aftet the period , 'following '. For the first eleckion following the redistricting of congress ional districts , nomina'tion papers f c)r an independent candidate for ; eohgress shall be signed by at least 1,0'00

qualif ied voteez.s . Then it talks about f or the f irs t. elec Lio f ollowing the 'slisiricting the legis lature , 3 z 0 0 0 signatures. Those were in okher bills and they rre being

' incorporatnd in thi s bill so that a11 the election J.aw s wi 11 conf orm . They talk àboul sanle thinlg the case independent candida Ues f or Governo/ and Lieutenant Governor jo i7:.k. 'p- etition . '' Wolf : '' Al1 riqhï- . So actually tl'le indepifznden t candidate

s ti l l faces khe p rob lem o f generally requiring s ub s tcanti al ly

mor e th an a 14 . . a '. p ar ty . . . a î.L . . p e. )-. s on s s u ch a s o u r s e .1.ve s co F . 'W :;. ,.k: a -.-'Rx)x . .t . ' ( .. Ft4 - - . - 4y y. . y g s jy, !). A ;. x s s I.y ;$ k j ! j.- v ( t . j . . y s . j j . f : y ê )' . ! ; .4 .jx . r jN o s l t. u 1 y.l c.j : s $) . .r ' g .t .Xv ' ' .; I'I otp 'J)E o F' 1.'/ (:!> R lr j . j a u v yv ,j . j v s s . x. ..2 zo ; . y) l ' . (g - j

f or example r .in the S tiate Represen t;a kive ra ce it ' s 3 t) 0 ' ! if 1 ' m n ot mis tak ! en . An d ve ' re s ti kl requi ring the

. independents come up with 3 , 0 O O siqnatures in the case ' of a State Repre sentatix e racfa ( . That ' s al l rj-qlnt ? '' ' Shea : ''Ah . . Glen . This is a'litienlpting ko con f crm tlnis bill to the present law i . I ' 11. tell you r 11r . Speaker . Why j . ' . don ' k we take tl4is ollt of Ehe rqeord and I ' 11 go over it again with some of the peop le who have questifans t

about it, because it is a biq bill. It's about khree

hundred paqes.'' '

W . Robert Blair : ''A11 right . We ' l l take it out of khe record .

All right. While . . leave of the House we ' 11. go f rola the order of vetoes to.. Dack to Hcuse Bills z Third . ' Reading . And ah . . baek to 14 '. . 4 7 12 . Gentleman f rom

Cook , Mr. Te lcser . ''

Telfzs er : '' Ah . . Mr . Speaker and Ladi es and Genklemen of t14e

House . I kri ed tc gek a coup le of answers which

Representative Kosinski and Representative Ewell asked .

I've checked with General Services . There is no project

taking p laae in the basement of the Mansion . An8 re lative to Representakive Ewellls ânquiry, T have s'ome figures

. sueh as ah 20,000 some odd hundred dollars for plumbing ' worlc . Ah . . approximately 9 , 0 0 0 dollars f er heating and

air-conditioning . Ah . . J7 5 , 0 0 0 f or ventilakion work -

Ah . . l , 0 0 0 and some Jo l lars f or pipe aovering . An i tem called General Work f or $ 7 7 : 00 O . A!-! . . changing wall

studs ah . . $ 5 , 7 0 0 . AlA . . a new roof ing a nc1 raj. l intg f or

'''' - es-er-va #- i fnlez- .s 7 1 1'' fl n 0 Tla e l.is-t-ugzzea-or.iwm tl-kvhaimg-lr' c.e-tL1n.t= . ..j?L q /' ; . yp . jh277x ,,y . I ' .' '). -'v' 'jJ.I ). . G E N 1! R A L A S S E 51 l J 1- Y r f i': ., ' . . , aj 4 ! - ' J sv ,avu o r, , ,- ,. , ,u . , s . .x,. ... . y*.t '. ))' sowsc .s jas,-asssp.voxtv r;s ' I ...:' .x .; . N.A . . . . I . !

. - .. c . ; 'v ' -

1yo $

. Rer-dre F.r en t a t ive ZW e l JL . I t'Tl on ' t know 5- f tl1: a t ' : s u f f i.c k e.n t f Chr yol.l . '' '

W. Robe rt B lai.r : t' The Gentleman f rom Sangamon , 14r . Ltnndrigan . '' Lonfrigan : .'. ' Mr . Speaker and Ladies and Cenllemen of the House . I believa we can hold up on thj . s appropriatiop bill unkil $ ' We have some ansWefs. I'm Suke Someof you have read 1 the Chieago Tribune today which brouflht of khe $2 5 0 , 000 add-on plus. Therels charges about the illegality of $

cârtain procedures. These rumors have been righk in Springfield eoncerning what has been going on at th e Mansion. Rumors are to the effect that work has bean

done and noh paid for . ïlow we see that work has been ! accomplished and apparently in Jnopes that an approprijttion . . would corne through . This is jus t. one of khe many areas

we should investigate . And today in the Executive CoM nittee ' I called for an investigation by khe Illinois Investigativ e . Committle into this Mansion and the other projects we have

talked about . Now , we know Yhat wa dve been talking for over

a year concerning khese investigations about add-ons. And here we have another one . And :E khink bef ore we appropriate the money we should have the investiqation

nokz, not a.f ter sIe appropria tce the money an:l everything ' s spent and clcsed . So lek's hold up on this and khe

Commission did inform us this morninq tha: they would g'ek

a prompt investigatj.on k.o them . So because of the queskions raised not only in the chicago Tribune arti tzle

but by many otlRer peop )e 'in tl4e eomm un i ty . , I be lievla we - -kz:;.s . gsu. ; ' -X- .s) . .g: '. : . ( ' * . u h G E N E R h 1., A S S E M 14 L -k' j $: x G . (- . ? .' s :j yz y j. l . j !q (:) y s; $k ' j'.) ) . r. ,4 -r y c (. N * @. :- zk/ N. r , ' skfy . p1 o t.l :; rû ta Iïr $4 u t. pk 1: 5 k; pI 'ï' :4 34 1 u iu s .

s hould itold uI? th is apprepri ation un t.j. l we have more

a n s W e r s . t' . . ,r W. Robert B la j. r : Gen tleman . . Jarly f urthez- tjjgà s suysion ? . Que S tion 5.s shall House B.i 11 4 7 12 pa cg s . A11 those i n f avor wi 11 vote ' aye ' . ' The oppos ed ' no ' . And thi s requires 3/5 vote. Have all voted who wish? Gentleman ' ' f rom Cook # Mr . Tuechow i c z . '' ' . . Leclàowicz: ''Thdnk you Mr. Speaker. Ladies and Gentlemen of

the Heus e . E ' m sure that a 11 o f uhz lRa s s een tlle a rt i c l e in this morning's Tribuneai: referenee to the doubling

' of costs and in turn showing our concern that it's ) ' unfortunate thak the bidding is not boing adhered to

by certain segmen ts cf Shate .governmenk wher e actua lly the cost that we dve appropriated by a 'different m ethod

of allocation the cost rise and certain people m ay

benefit by it . But I think it ld be w rong that th is

General Assembly at this time and at this skaqe put a hold on 'this bill because khis money as the spansor

has indicated is ackually a reappropriat.ion of $125,000 and in turn w ith the consultation of the peop le on the

Execu tive Mansion Conc ittee recoM nended that certain

changRs do take place. In my. opinion when they recommended . ï these changes they should have gone to a rebj .czdinrg proees s j but lbnf ortuna tely ( , they dicln ' t . Buk I think it ? d be wrong :

at thi s timo f or an appropriation of khj. s amount to nc'k vote for this bill at this time would be wrong because

we have a sizeab le investlûent . 1 th ink kt ' d be w rong â. n - %'i:' $.yzfqzpy . aj . . -.v . ' - .Xu,) $k c E N jj R A ( . A s g E: 5 j I ) L. Y ! :.. ( kjs < ê N - ) ;) l s x s. v lu o l r 1 u u I rq o 1 s . hk- ' * '= . z.'3l ' 1. xXk :..i->, 4 o u s c o s r? rt ', ,: r s tc p. v >à x. : u s s - - q . !

' .. . .. - - ...... -.-.- ...... - - . -.- . .- - ...... - -..-- - - ..- . ..- - .....- - ..- .. .- 1

. 1n. j I - . I ' ' atlother a rea whez-k-h-' R man. s'7'1143 has j 12J; h ll(le n elzcked )n)/' the ' pecple of the 15 ica te . And in turï) thi s Man:; ion wa s

suppos ed ko bil clmnp lcted at a lnuch ear J-ier da te . I f we hold up this azppropri a tc ion , i 17 ' l l ju:s 't: be an other l continua tion . Ntd probably within a short period of . tilue , we ' d have t:i(-, com e up w itl4 the money any Way . I f

' I , this . appropriation is stopp. ed, we will continue . ' I '

renting spaee f or ;. a Chie f E, xûcutive . Md in turn the I money that should iAe wide ly invested will not be dcne so . I would ask .' .'l.'?kat: the Melnbers of the General Assembly pas s k-hi s appropriat ion and in turn that We wou ld vi.ew - a1l contracts, in fact, maybe pass khe bilJ. making it

1 m andatory upon any change order that it be reb id . ''

W . Robert Blair: ''Have.. Gentleman from Cook, Mr. B. B.

Wo J- f (.:t . '' - Wo lf e : 't I know I t ' s a violat ion of . the Ru le s , Mr . Speaker e ' But if the principlal sponsor would' respond to a queskion

I have in my pind and maybe an explanation if we can

Ce k j.t . wilz it q'ae posskble to occupy the Mansion if we do not pass t1Aa'ts appropriatiqn to conp lete urhatevex

' 3gork is unfinished ?'' r Pe 1 cser: ORepresentative Wolfe , ah.. the Mansion could be occupied in its present condition, cer.kainly. It is occupied now r in T)Q.act . But I understand that there is .

alot holes in bare walls and incomplete work . But: in terms of be inq occ up ied'z yes it could be . '' '

Wo .1 f e : '' Th anlc y o u . '' ' 1 . . . . ' X --- -- ' .- '--''--' ' ' - -- - vo '' U ' . q - .

- W . Robort Bla:i.r : '' The ah .. - '' . Gen tl eman f rozl Cook , Mr . Jle' gnea- . Regner : , ''Ah . . Mr . Speaker and Membertx of the House . ' Jus t . ils a l i k '1:lt2 f urther explanat ian of this appropri a tion .

$ 1.2 0 , 0 0 0 of the total approprj.a tlion are ah . . f or f ui'zds . that lapsed because khey Szere noh spent ih the initial i fiscal year. So allnost half cf what is being asked for

( ah . . are f or items that have been approved f or elh j ' . . Constructâon before. And al1 they're asking for'is

the reappropri ation o.f these nlonies and I f d urge a vtate to support this bill and get the job done . '' W. Robert Blair : ''Gentlem an f rom Cook z Mr . Ewe 11 . ''

Ewell : '' Mr . Speaker . Lacli-és and Gentlemen . I understand khat the incoming Governor is a greak outdoorsman and,

he Walks a considerable bit . ' A reliable informant tolê

. , ! me that he had some discussiohn on the 'campaign traif

about the Governor 's Xansion . And it 's my understanding that he sakd he would be willing to sleep in a hollow 1og if they' elecked h iln . And I think the Mansion npight be a liktle hollow but under the circumskances , khsls great outdoorsman could really enduro.. and in fact he might have some plan to save the Skate a little money o'n it. M d I khinzc we ought to voke ko hold this up and take

a look at it when we come back with (7 lear vi s ion . And I . .# . would voke tno l.''

W . Robert Blai r : i' Have a 11 voted who w i shed? The C lerk wj . 11 tàke the record . Gentleman f rom Cook , . Mr . Teleser . '1 '

Teleser : '' Mr . Speaker , may I have J.œave to pu U. this on the . qbî 1 Z '-X . j % . -,.-- îk,'., G (j x E (( A (. (j -j . fkl. u. -? : . Xs .j .,:' - j rix A g s (xg M () L Y h $ ; h. . !.s o,a , s j. j s (:j , s .> '* ' .' .. ::/ , ' Hotg ss o F 'z cla l;I cst.rf4 A' a'r l v jus j '...... %:';$ ! I . '

a1. I or dar of pos tponed cons ide ration ? '' :7 . lkobert Blair : '' A1 l righ k . Does the Gen k lranlal) have 1ea ve ' '

to do this ? Is there olaj eetion to puttin: on pas tponed '

cons ideratiol't? AI1. t right . Hearkng none y we ' 1.1 place it j

on tlae order oLk postpon&d considerat:ion . senatne Bj. l.1s , l

'1 Second Reading , 1515 through 1520.

F' . B. Se lcke : '' Senate Bk1l 1515 . ) .of the Illinois Municipal Code An J..ct to amend Section 11- 6 .-- 3 . Second Reading of the Bi11. No Committee Jm endmtants . JJ4 ... Senate Bill 1516 . An Act to amend Section 8-6-2 of the Illinois Mu nicipak .

Code. Second Reading of the Bill. No Comalittee N nendm ents .

Senate B5l1 1517. An Act ko amend Seczkon 9-2-48 and . so foruh of the Illinois Municipal Code . Second Readinî of the Bill. No Committee Amendments ' . Senate Bill 1518. W-n Act ko amend Se e tion 11- l 'î 1- 3 c)f khe I llinois Munic ipa 1 Code. Seeond Reading of the Bill . No Comm ittee .hm enim en ts.

' .t Senate Bill 1519. An Act to amend Section 2 of an Act to authorizè' the period of time public c orporations to issue bonds other evidmnce of indebtedne ss and tax anticipation warrants and interest rate ; o r 'rates not

' to exeeed 7% per annum . Second Reading of the bill. .

No Committee Amendments. Senate Bill 1520 . An Aet to

amend Sections 8-1-12 and so forLh of the Illinois

Municipal Code. Second Reading of the bill. No Committee Amendments .'' ' W. Ftobert Blair ; ''Any f rom khe lé'loor? T .hi rd Fteading . On the Order of M endatorv Veto Motrions araoe ' . . . ' ' ilr s a motien with ...... - .- - - .. . $)o%. A-.t-yx;.-w' x - . ..- ,. .'h.: . c p: x p: R x 1 (jI$.' - .: . :jj't . A s s p: M Lt t. N' sv a.r j: c, d.- , uu, ruois . $ -(k: .k: : , n 'vi' . . j ,j' l,oo sa c, s 'a aedvuscsxav ,v fcs Y$ wt .y ;: - . - - - - . ..- .. .------... ) 2 .

l respect to senate uill 142 4 . chair recoqnizes the gen tcle- man f l'opn M claean , Mr . i-la l 1. f' '

ilall : !4r . Stneaker t Ladies a.nd Gentlemeh of khe llouse , Senate Bill 14 2 4 i.s .an aznendatory veto , urllich improves somewhat ) the Bill that had been passed . It reduees the adlainis tzra- tion of the accounts : wl-zere in the State p ay 2 f or part of

cf the salaries o f States Atkor .neys, and instead of pay-

ing these amounts over. . . . in advanee , khmy w ill pay them instead of every, in advanee every six trtonths , they vzill now according to the Governor's amendatory veko , pay kham after the fact, but at every six monkh intervals instead (7 f monhhly r so it's a slight improvement and 1 would move

'' that this House concur in the Governor's amendaif'ry veto . Hon. 147. Robert Blair: HIs there further discussion? Questipn is, shall the House concur in the . . Gentlelnan from Cook , ' Mr Shea.'' Shea ; ''Harbor r as I unders tand whak you are saying is th at

the State .used to provide these payments to local govern- ments on an annual basis?t'

Hall: ''No, semi-annual basis after the fact for the preeecling six months.'' Shea: ''That's what they use to do or do now?'' Hall: ''No, they use ko pay hhem monthly for the prccedïn g

month , and ah . . . . now i.k will (iust be payment the yeaz . Each p ayment for the precetling six mon ùhs . 'l'h e Bill was

passed havi.ng the Stat.e pay i.nfj these llàonies in advance . Tlïe problem was; pilty ing i-he money in advance where yolx

- 7';(ZIX'.N ::'- a '- - '6 4 ' -> qtxy. , G fy N E It A t, A S S 1! M B L Y

( :( v, -. . ,-. & ij àl . h . ) 1.' SYA3 E: C) fc l L l-' N Q3 1 5 wY -kt. ' .- . Jo,y u o u s t: o' e. a Iz f . p c s c o, 'r ,. 'r i v is s z'<.w,vj%r lt . - - .) 1I. kj

- might l'fave i!t vaca-.vzcy, kkllel-. e th e money kzou) 1 j u . dn ' t be ( !. s tzly due the local governmen t. , count ies and there- f ore they woul .d have to pay j. t. buc'k and the beokkeep ing uruld be a l i tt le harder l . So we are gtli22g kt:l pay af tner

the f aet v but just two payments a year instead ()f twelve . ':

Shea : ''Alrj-ght . '? Hon . W. Rtïber t: Blair : '' Any f urther ds . scus sion? Gentleman f rom

ldacon , Mr . A ls up . '' Alsup: ''Well, I'm not sure webre being f air Lhe counties. Lek's take this supervisor of assessmenk d eal.. Itls some- thing the State encourages r equires more less, and j what happens in small eounty that doesn 't have the money to pay this for six months and bhen ask ed for reimburse-

m enk . I ' n1. 21o t: too sure we want: tro do i t tLll .is way when you stop to think about it . These counties have to operate too and if we think necessary ' , thi.nk we should be Wilkinq' to invest a little bookkeepi ng . That ls a1l it really amounts and if the State ow es Bill/ shoul' be paid as they pay the officials r so don't particularly

'' care for this type of approich.

Hon. W. Robert Blair: ''Any furthlar discussion? Question is , @ shall the House eoncur in the Govetnor 's amendatory veto , with respect to Senate Bi lk 14 2 4:1 All th ' ose in f avor :çi 11. vate aye r tile opposed Tllj .s requires Genkleznan

f rom McLean , I1a l l '' .

lIa 11 : '' Ifel 1 , ï&lr . Speak.er , Lad ies Gentlemen o f the House , al'i . . . . like take a lk t ctl.e 't-kme to cleal-. t:13 5.s matter 1 .:J rr î .1.44. y . ;. . '., - - -'. t G i'( N E 11 A L A S !; 1! hI 13 1 - 'j tJ!z Tj '.k ' ' . ...ï) !<) ovw.,.t: orz luulsrols Y kï'k zl:,lzl' .:- x,)-- .'- .' c, '-, se c, c 'k rt '-'? cs'z r4 v g. 'r ' u cs u . zuxu. 2>' . I .-- .w-- . x .w . M . . . ..* . . -. - 'l

we kh is money advilnee , the Bi2. l v'x't4s

wrj-t t(t' n , t-.lz i s wa s probab ly uzoul d be tlAe on .1y c a s e any of f i c 5.a1 or group o f of f j c i al ls being paid advance

work perf ormed . this would seem . rather lud.icrous

indeed. take thj.s attitude respect to the one

group of f ice holders.. Ah . . . . on the other hand , .l we pay the cheeks' back to countlies tl/i ace a year f or

tlnta svork perf ormed and on their billing , where af ter al1 the Stat? paying f i f ty pereent of the cost of these

local governm ent of f icia ls anysk-ay , trhink

' and reasonab le , and ah . thet admini strative workload not exeessive. Ah.... ean't understand Representative Alsup 's arge'nenk here any raspect . think eikher we ought to go back to the oritjinal v,7e were doing it or else eoncur in :he Governorls logical amendatory veka ,

. '' which ï am asking your support in now . Ilon . Robert Blair : '' Is there f urther dis; cus sion? I4ave

voted who wished? Gentlenlan' f rom McLean , Representative 1Ia 11 . ''

Hall : ''Mr . Speaker , I would asked a postponement of this Iûat-

Y Y Y * :1 H On. W . Robert Blakr: HGentleman has asied fôr a poztponed eonsideration. there objeckion? Leave has been qranted. On the order of amendatory vetoes motions , appear Senate Bill 970: for which purpose the gentleman from

'' Cook r Representative Regner is recognized .

. o' ., .v;v , .. , :. j. ,C .' .N e.v.%, 'r . G tt x r, R A j.a A s s (!'. M tj t. Y j '. Q . - : bjf) zt . o , r $ . . '' ') s7' n -1 t: $ u u ! Iq o I s '- . g .k2. ., . .-n. rc elo (.? soz cj p- lp syaa cus:Nr.q 'r $ v cs ) 1 1 25. Retll-le r ; '' l'lr . Speake r , La(1 .$..e s a nf .rI Gen t. 1 enlcal) o f tlle Hous e . Sena te Bi 11 9 7 0 was a Bi 11 tnllat pas sed las t year es-' l1 tab lj shing a protgram f or Iaoca l Law En f orcement Of f i ce rs

wllo complete. hours or mora , semest:ez- hcnurs lalsr

enf orcement relaked courses . The Amendatory Veto that

the Governor s ugge s ts ancz aslcs us t .o accept ah . . . is p ro- vis i'on that not more than f .i. f ty percent of tne kot:al f unds ( ) 1 i o Cook County and also Ealces the two hundred and fifty khousand dollar 'appropriation out . The reason for

that is, that was ah . . . deemed necessary to kake thak

out r 'because you can 't have substance or substantiao bi'lwr'l alorzg with the appropriation in khe same piece of legi' s- ' , ' lation , so tno make khâ . l .s B.ill constitutional , tlRis . item

w as rccommended and I ah .. . w ould mdve that we adopt the recommendations of the Amendatory Veto , the Governor re-

9' lating to Senate Bill 970. Hon . W. Robert Blair: HIs khere any disc ussion? Questien 'is , shall the House adcpt the Governor's Amendatory Ve ùo r

relakive to Senate Bill 970. A11 in favor, signify by voting 'aye l the opposed by voting 'no ' , . Gentleman from

'' Coek, Representnative Lechowicz. Taechowv.icz : ''Tllank you Mr . ' Speaker , , Ladles and Gentlâmt)n of the Hous e . Wi 11 the Sponsor y ie ld to a quka s t ion? ''

Hon . W . Robert Blaâ. %' r : '' He indicates he wil). .

Lechowicz : ''In your explanation of the Amendatory Veto of the

Governor ' s , you men t.ion the f act khat khe t'aolAey , two hundtre 1' '

and f if ty thousand dol. lars lrherûa was some question to

' ...... , , - , . - , . . . . . , - - ...... ' ' ' , ' ' '' '' , .; ,. s,.x, . .'J t , 3 v - '. . c jf N E j) a jw A s s E M )$ 1.. y .-7 :/ 1: .. ' . . v;. '. Y %y s-r a'rtc olr I uutphtots , i. î ' ' . . ' : '/. fd o Ll S e! Q F re i'J 1* r'e L . . . ,.t - . ( Lqtj,b : . :; IJ r ' 3 n' ' ' k I 2 ti '' I . j . 1

: s ...... -.. . . -'--' ! . . . t 7G I i . ' . 1 . the con s zl' tut .1 .ona ly llav-i-nla tlaa t iketrt in the s aime B.i J..1 . I

That JE aqre e %.; i th - Bu t p ls o .1 IR t11 e Arnen da torl Veto '.L s ti) e

f actor that: f j. f tny peraent of this money a lonca can be spen è in Cook County , and 1 was wonder inq how that pereen tage

was derived at and why is hheir a lirnit for Coolt County j t alone ? '' ' I Reqner : ''According to the explanation , Tctd r it s ays ' if at tl'ïe j . I time of khe reimbursements to local units or to units of t local government, participatinq in the program ', well.... just a little f urtnher ah . . . . The way it was derived at is that it was decided that approxiraate ly f i f ty perceot

' of the population is in Cook Coun:y j , fifty percent do5'7n-

' s tate , and kheref ore to ah . . . . set it at thatc amouintc , l

Senator Hy ne s r who is the Ch ie f Span so.r cf t.hj. s B5. 11 , m ra t. ë ' with representakives . j of fhe Governor ' s of f ice and also tlle 'j I . people who w i 11 be adm iniskering this p rcgranl , and it was ' decided really by Senakor Hynes and these other two groups 1 '' thak this would be the proper distribution .

'' Lechowicz : ''A1l righ't , thank you . . Hon . W . Robert Blai r) 'lls there further discussion? Have all

voted who wished? Gentleman from Cook r Representative

Shea. '' l ) ' Shea : '' I.'?i 11 he pull this out of khe kecord f or a f ew minutes l unkil I talk to him about it?'' t 1 1 Hon . 147 . Roberk Blai r : '1 I'le ' 11 tialce it out of the record . On the Order of Amendatory Ve tta nloti ojjs' r appears Senate Bill

j l 3 1 8 I f or w1a . i.c1-t pllrpo s: e. t1) e ()J tnnt teman'' f r om Co ok t Rtaphe -

. . ' .. -. . . . . ' '

I .:. q - . w -. . $ ; c j.'g N fj l t A j. A s j; E IJ 8 I. - Y

x$ 5. x, ':. a ' ' .* A . . j: fa kj s; ït c, yr j/ f: j.$, y: s; u; ,4 a. #y .r I xf j. r; , ) .. J! . .<. .>:- . . .. . s fan t. a t i- v e S h (t a j- s re c o g n j- z ra. (t1 . ''

Shta a : '' Mr . Spe a ker , Ladi e s an d Gen r. l emen o f U.ln e Hous e .

th ink khis has been tlnoroklighly exp la.i.ned and I would

at th is tcim e ask f or a f avox able vote on the Governor ' s

Am endatory Veto . '' Telcser : :' Is there any discuss ion? Question is , shall khe ilouse adopt relative

' ' senake Bi 11 l 318 . Al). those in f avor , signi fy by voting ' ay e t , .tnhm oppos ed by vo ting ' no t . llave a11 voted :7h o

wishld? Gent leman f rom Cook , Represent-.ative J . J . Wol.f . '' J . Wolf : '' Mr . Speaker , would like to explain my vote m k y.',

A . Telcser : ''Proceed , Sir.'f

J. Wolf: ''A iesq minutes ago. someone mentioned that po&sibl I my reasons for opposing this , ah .... had some anti-semitisKi in and I want to explain that that 's not the case at

all. As I've been studying Bill, t17e only foreign

country that we are allowed to invest our money in is the Dominion of canada, and this Bill as is now with the

Governor's reco>uendation, directs obligaticn ko the State

of Israel , allows us to invest in these bonds . I think it is a very bad practice for us ko' invest pention fund

any foreign counkry , because then we have invested

monetary interes tns pro f iting up whatever country that ' is j . Now the next step would be to buy Soukh Viet Namese Weflt German bonds , and 'tllen we have an inkolvement in

tlleGe Parh J.cltllar f Oreign af f ai l-S 1:O prohect Oklr f1enfs iOn

..- ... - ...... - . . . . . v.x ..-. g s , , .: s ië-: lr-L-nl, '-- -h '/'?;-r 'q: c s x i.g x A j. A s s E. M IJ l xf -? . . ; . .. ,- ï:. , . -. jjyj. . o . ,g j , fi'r R 4 tu 0r- ,k.o,,a-:,,,; 's. 7x , j oa s s s o s y . t ; j. j t s su r x .y. s a. y u ys s 4. .. . a( : w b u .! :. : $ ' l . 1 t ' 28 I


1 f 1.1 n d s . 1: t l 3- ; ('1 k i.t ' s b a d J? o l j- ey f o r ' u s t o i n ve s t. ' o u r I ; pens ion f unds . 0?.- anyoth er ); tnake of I 11 in oi s' .f un d in any f ore j-gr: country r when there ' s' so many khings k'e can iïl-

'' vest in thu Uflited stcates and I î rtl vohing ' no ' . A . Te lc ser : '' llave a11 vo ted who wi shed? Take the record . On khis queskiofif.lz 7 ' ayes ' , 13 ' nays ' altd the House adopks

the .Govlrnoris Amendatory Veto relative'to Senate Bill ql 1318. Record'JRepresentative Bill Walsh as voting 'no' ' . We wi 11 ba a t .' . t-, a::;.a f or a few minu te s . Maybe k'e can g et Representative Regner and a fe* others to square aw ay their problems. Ccmmittee Reports . Nepresentative R. D. ' Cunninglnam , for what purpose do you rise , Sir?t' R . D . Cunningham: l'Parliamenkary Jfnquiry r Mr . Speaker . '' 1

A . Telcser: OStaté your point , Sir .'' R. D . Cunningham : O Before we waste another day in recesses , I

kCauld respeotf u l n.o.7 ask the Chair whca ther he would enter- . tain a motion ta adjourn. I havenlt stated my Motïon .yet. 1 We have been five day s here in operation spin-wheel and

' > . ' . v have accomplished.'very little for the taxpayers of this

State. I respcctfuàly urge that there are no unfinished

* PrOJ'CCCS On the drawin; boardr thak cannot .... that have any chance of pasbsage that cgnnok be handled just as well or better by the 78th General Assetblyr and that certainly includes the s:tcced cow of ludicial pav raises . For all these reasons and by the conviction that we have been here

too long f or the qood tizla t 'we ' ve done , I would respec tcf ully

. fnove at this tinte , 111-. . Speak e:c : that we adj ourn a nd that

' ,. . . . ' I . L :J. . . . -..- ' ' - t s . ;:J W xw . .- x . . (;Lz J1. A ....c: -.'. .; (-. k:' tvJ 'E l.t x 1. vk s s 117. rvt B l.. Y ,.-* lr lk ' - : t . sv avjz c, g , j.j- l s o , s . . r . . . . . , / ' . : $N l $...... 'l.f t'l (J S f.r o lr l'ê f.T p 1: T: S t. . N 'r A . ! ' y . u. . ;,. J . ' ' . 7 l V E N

I tu, ...... - -. ) '' , j . - - . -!ji j I , 29. I th e S ia n a tce s o be a 4v j - s e d . '' i A ' . Tc2 l uns tar : '' J 'ale pre s en (:a'fn ive Cunni nqham r b'.qzt' ' re on the O1'de1.- o f .

' ' j . Cofrtlu i t t e e lèe() o r t'. s r i qht nt3t.7 . ' j j? ' . . se l cke : li fqr . Jucke t;tn f rcnn t- ' .1Re Exccuf- - . i ve commi t: tyeta t:o Teh.i ch

î was re f erred llouse Reso lution ?, 4 7 , ef f erred by Mr 1 ( . Sevci.k b 1- l 4 l 9 7 2 z 'repor t on Decem e . , .ed to be s ent back wi tll thq recolmneudation thak the Resolution be adopted . blo f urthér '' Colpznit te e Repor ts . A . Teleser : '' The House w ill be ah e ase f or a f ew Jninutes .

Introduction Firs t: Reading of House llil ls . '' F . Seleke : ''House Bill 4721 . Hyde. Appropriakes one million

dollars to States Attorney in Cook county far hiring investigators . '' ' ' Pirst Reading of the Bi1l.

A . Telcser : '' Genklem an f rom Cook ' , M.r - Ilyde . '' Hyde : ''M r . Speaker , Ladies and Gentlemen of the House . 1 have J'usk intxoduced a Bill that' ah . . . . appropriates a million dollars to the States Attorney in c ook County ko hire ' investigators g and I'm going to ask that the provisions of Rule 39 be suspended sc that thi s Bill may be advanced to the Order of Second Readin: w kth out referenee to Com - m i ttee. It h as com e to my a bten ké on that 'the superin tende t . of Police in Chicaqo have removed 84 i nvestigators whieh ' traditianally have been on thè stcaff of th e State 's Attorney of Cook County and I'm further informed tha: khe

County of Cook is ah . . . not disposed to provide adequate

' f unding to ah . . . Mr . Cary so tlaa t he eap car/y on iais mos t ' imtlori' -ant î'zork as States Attorney of Cook Coun Ly . and So

ic ; L' L7.h .. 't <' -W. x., . . 'J & s Y. . ; G E N E 11 A 1.. A S S li. N1 B 1- Y 1 . A1 j '! . . ' '1 , s 'r '% 4 ç: t.y 1.:' ' b. u l N o ' '; 'v . -l.-kL?--y ' .f. x o u s r7 o p' a s: p 1. E: s u ,u a' a.r t s' pts ' . ? ' -J . . ) l1 q 30. j tzh.ink .it behooves tlzis Ltagis lature to leap int:o breach f unditzg hifi of f ice may obkain tile l ' services of adequate investigators and thak law and ord 1 er might be properly administared alld enf oreed klle Co unty of Cook , and so , Mr . Speaker , 1 move now that the prov s- ' - ) sions of ïRule 38, I'm correcting that , Rule 38 be 1 suspended so that this Bill might be advanced to Uhe Order

of Seeond Reading kzithout reference to Committae .'t Telcser : ''Gantleman from Cock , l4r . Shea .'' l Shea : î' AIR . . . . would the gent leman re B'Jlond to a question or tlqro r ''

'' Telcser : ''He indicates he wi l1 . Shea : ''Mr. Hyde , are you aware the President of the County Board , George Dunn , has recolamended to Board to fund 84 inveskigators for Statës A tt orney . of Cook Coun ty and that he has eono ikted a portion of the

Pederal zevenue Sharing Funds fer that purpose? you know that he 's done that?''

Hyde: ''Nc, I do Tf you state that to be the fact, and if you state that the ah... Office of the States Attorney of

Cook County will ah . . . . how soon is this going to eome abeut, Mr. Shea?'' Shea: Mïoell, if you wank to hold that fbr a few mi nutes, 1 611

'' get the exact information for you - Hyde: ''Very good and if this is factual , , 1111 be pleased

'' move to Table Khis Bi11.

'' Sbea ) 1'A l1 righ k-

iwr i.. r?;, ,C7 7 r I ./1 ;t- ? ' h.. G E N E 1-4 A L A S S E M 8 L Y ' ; s . . (- . J sa. a-r q ty '. ,3 .: ck s ! u u j $., o $ s s* rZp # , : . .z 4 q3 tl s c q) s :4 ?: !: r: e s s: pj nr xt nr t xr (( s .j)z J


= - - . -- . ...m - . U- 1 .w '' ' - ' e- -'- ' '*- ' '- .'''

xej . I 1 ' j. . , ' > 'rt.) Jt es er : ''1'he qen L '' .? eman f rrpln cook l4r . Youre 11 .

' ' Yourell ; ''To f ttrklïer clari f y that s itucttion , Rep resentakive - I Hyde , JE had a discuss ion with the Count - . :y Board Pres ident : th k/ morning , and that qzias a ma Eter of some discus s i on of ours , and he indicated to me at that time that he w as going to use one million dollars of Federal Revenuö . sharing for this purpose , so that came directly frcm the ' ' co '' unty Board 'President thls morninq . A. Telcser : '' Gentlem an f rom Cook , Mr . Lechowicz . 'i Lech oIfi cz : 1' Thank you r >1r . Speaker. It l'zas also brought up at t ja e las t Coun ky Board Meeting 11 ' . Hon. W. Roberk Blair: ''A11 righk , we're going to hold it fQr

a little bit . We '11. . . . o'kay? just leave it on .the

Speaker 's Table . lt 's been road a first time. Furth er '' introductions . . f' . Se lcke : '' House Bi 11 4 72 2 . Regn'er . M ends the Economic

and Fiscal Commission Act. '' First Reading of the Bill. . Hon . W. Robert Blair: ''Gentleman from Cook r Mr. Reqner.'' ' ' Regner: w'p'Ah.... Mr. Speaker Ladies and Gentlemen of the House , z xthis Bill deals with the reporting dates for the Econbmic t . and Fiscal Commission reporting dates of Revenue esti-

mating . This was a Bill 'where a Comm ission was created

during tlàe last sess ion . What the Melhbers of the Com-

mission f ound or the staf f of tlàe Commiss Lon f ound , in try ing to (Jet this Eevenue estimated f or . teporting to the

. G enera 1 As selnb ly ; it wis virtua lly imposs i b le ko comply

w-.i t:h khe a1A . - . B .i 1.1 iIA its original f orlrt of reporting 4 5 . i ,2 x?T . ' 'J-res , -- ,. . 1 - AX. G E N E 11 A L . c/I: .x ,h/ . tk S S E M B L Y

!' . I ! ' J : / s w zv 'r e: o Ir 1 u 1- k-k - . .'-S y' t ' s o t, s u o îr ,4 u e >' c s cI ,rq, vo A $ :x$ : v ,. s . 'i ., '(,% 1' 1. . j . 3. .-u, .

day s be.f o re the con ve )è . i n g of the Se s s i on ('l n cl t.in en 4 5 ! ' days a f te r . Th e ol'te zl 5 days a f t j . e t- ïq (3u I.J q.f ivct u s a lm os t.

. . . no mean ing f ul revellue es timatilqg , 's in ce we dorl ' t know wha t:

j . ' the Gevernor s budqet would be . So what tlïe cllange is l , is to have the f irst reportinlg ah , . . . at the convening of the S(a83 s ion ancl t .he s eeond reporting on the Thi rd l .

Wednesday of March , whieh would give the Commis sion about 1

. three weeks , 2- l/2 to 3 v'ceeks t.o work on it r in conjunctiorl , with the Introduction of the Governor s Budget i f' . fylj) j. s j. s khe unanimous decision of :he CoTmuission . I hgve ehecked I with khe leadership 6n b0th sides and T would like to naw 1 '

move to suspend Rule 3 8 which is the provis ion for ass iqn ' - l r ment and hearing by Committne . 1 . '- , to sus-p' end Rule 8 8 and ah . . z 1 bypas s Committee and have tll'i s Bi 1L : . .l7 laeed on the Ortier t . ' of Second Reading '' j . ' bqon . W . Robe rt: Blai r : '' Al1 right . , k s there ob j ection ? HearingJ none t , we will suspend the Rules , so that the Bill having !

been read a First time may be advanced to khe Order ox l Secohd Reading without reference . Gentleman from Cook , Mr. Hyde .''

'' Hyde : ''Mr. Speaker . . . .

Hon . W. Robert Blair : '' A11 right ' r gentlemàn f rom Coolt f hlr .

Ilyde : '' Mr . Speaker Ladies 74nd Gentlemen of the llouse , . I now move that this General Ses s ion , ah . . . . do stand in reces s

until khe hour of 2 :30. A, h . . . . very shortly I will go irito the Speci a 1 and we wi 1. . 1 rece s s thatc un tri- l 2 : 2 5 , but

CG V'Jo ) -V. Y. . .# ' >% -,-.y , 2 G p; N fj jt A lw A s g )1' 51 I 4 lw Y . ;. a u . r. , - . , . ;,q- ! . . - ' l 1th;s() ' ,,.- -:.'/. :, -è.13.2l ! s'r I'C u og l k.u ' s. o 's . j -: k. x . . .,-- . ..,, N. r- .-. ,, o t, :, t: (, fz ,4 ,: , . '7, yJ ,; kr ,x a. ,v .(. I ,, lz t; ' ! . 1 .g>'. '

w ould li ke to exp A ain to the Members .*1, at we are wai t ing som e aetivity' an the part of the Sel4at:e , wlli ch has been i 1-1 f q oor s;e s s ion 'and cori f erence ctnd caucus and -. r thore i's very little we can do over llere until they re-

solve their probl.ems over tllere , and so thak reason

why we are ah . . . . s tandi ng awai tinq activity on the park of khe Senat:e . move , Speaker , that this

Gene ral Ses s ion s to7.Jr'd in re ces s unti l the hour 2 : 30 . ''

Hon . W . Robert Blair : '''All right , a11 those in f avor of the gentleman's motion/- say Iaye' opposed 'no'. The 'ayes' have and the General Session is recessed .''

Hon . W . Robert Blair : HAm d now hze 're the Regular Session .

Gentleman f rom Cook , Mr . Hyde . ''.

Hyde : ??Now ' Mr . Speaker p' I m o've that the Regu lar Sessïon stand adjourned until the hour of 3:35 this afternoon-'' Hon . W . Roberk Blair : 'lAl1 right , all those in favor of the

Motion, say 'aylï dpposed 1140:. The ayes have and will now qo Eo our respective conferences.''

. : . ' - - . .- .- :.-' - . v l . c. q. .! ). r. ?; : ' . V z - . -z s . ;# y. . . h:ch c : t .j tj. j t .'4 1. A s s j.ï- M 1) L, %t' t : . k .. s l ! y v ' ,4 ',) ' ' . . u a' a 'r tr o r' 1 u u I sl o j s . . . * / J. :

34 . ;% 'l'e lc s e r : '' lr.re arp.,' ' n ow 5 , I .n Re gu la )-. 5 es s ion . !%7i th le ave of 1 ' the House r we ' 11 go to thta Orfàer of Vetoes and on the

Order of zïmendakory Veboes Motiön, appears Senate Bill 1 9 7 9 z f or wllich t- zrpose thta gentq.eman f rom Cook , Repre-

. ' sentative l?egnet' . $s recognj. zed . '' '' '' j Regner : Ah . . . . Mr . hlpeaker , Lad . e s an d Gen tc J .emen o f the i ' ( ilouse . Senate Bilh 9 70 was ('tiscussed earlier i . j '. . n the day 't ' ' . and' there was' a .vq,otr,stson on one of the amendatory vekoes A . 7. and that w as the' 'fiortion o f it that said 50 % of the appropriation urâdefr the Act would ah . . . . be res trieted to Cook Coun by ancl the other 50% to the rest of downstate r and khe qu es tion was whlz was .khi s don'e ? I 'ln was done ' to . 1 aomply w i k1n al l khe okhilr distributlon of f unds through

the Police Train'ing Board. Ah... as a queskion , I under-

'' stand the objoctions ah... have been elinlinated on khat.

' A . Telcser : ''Genkleman from Cook , Represenkative Shea.'d

>. Shea : ''I understand.-g 'l discussed khis wikh senator Hynes' and

. he kells me 'khis-is khe present Iaw under the Poliae

Trainizlg Act and :r.this is j usk in conf orznancm with it , so I underskand wh? J.'ln ' s khere now . '' ' Regner: 'lRighk, and I now move to accept the recommendation

of khe Covernor *o Senatè. Bill 970 and aciopk the amenda-

kory veto -'' i A. Telcserr nIs thern .furkher discussion? Question is, sball .

khe I'louse adopt .L-)àm Governor 1 s Amendatory' Vet:o relative

to Senate .13J. 11 9*'.70 :7 All those in f avcr r signify by voting ' aye ' , tnlae cppost?d by vok .ing ' no ' . Have aJ. -- -- ''--' 1 voked who . - 154 .-2. -,:). ' '. ,, , LLL' --V--jLS t:plz ': ' .. -; . . ., . y-: t , f-1 9. rîl Iï /k: z!k 1- zik !; !y I)! 1b?1 1l. 1- Akz ( ( :. ,ky - t . . ( : r ) z i ' . ' ' ' J s v s x. u o ; z I u. u 1 x o j s j% c . /. . ' . 'klx. . (y .. ).I o u .; e ch s R u ! . .4 t: s ks N 4. n .r t v us I k. . ys. u

Q..a .j ' !. !

' . ...-. - .- lr.- ... . . - . - ....- .- . .. ..- ...... - . j 3$6. . ' wi sh'a d ? Le o)R f aye ' j . lqqcye r 1 aqz'e f . .F' ).e clc ' as'r e ' j . t ' . Tak e . ( ' ' th e record . On klzj.s q ues tion , t-l-lere are q.3 6 ' ayes ' , no - I 1 nays ' , and the 'House adopts tlle Governor @ s Amendatory

Veto , re lative to Senate Bi l 1 9 7 0 . Jp.epres qnta tj.ve

Wa/ters , f or what purpose do you r 5- se , S 5. r? ''

Wa lters': ''l:r . Speaker : IIadies and Gentl.- emen of the House . I would likla to tcake a moment to inkroduce a youn: lady i i ' in the gallery. The kikfe of my soat-mate , Represenkative

John Hirschf e1d , Rika Hitrsch f eld . ''

A. Telcser : ''Representative Regner , f or whak purpc)s e dcl you rise'f sir?'' . Regner: lV4r. Speaker, Ladies and Gentlemen of the House . Ah ... . ' J last ueek , Represûntatixret Lechowiez and myself introduced i . 1

House Bill 4 71l . What khis i2 is a $ 2 50 , 0 0 0 appropriation frorn the General Revenue Fund to the Izocal Goverzm ental

Law Enforcement Officers Traininq Bpard . This is the j. . 1 monex Ehak WaS jusk amended OLt Of ah.... en the Amend'atorl ' . . Veto, out cf Senate Bill 970. I would like to ask leave for the suspensinn cf Rule 38 , so that ah... House Bill 4711 can be taken from the Speaker 's Table and placed' on

' ' . '' tha ordar of Second Reading without referenea to Committea .

A. Telcser: nDoes tha gentleman have leave? Hearing no ob- j ections , House Bi 11 4 7 11 wi 1.l be takel') f rom the Table

and put on the Order of Second Reading . Representahive '

Katz, for whak lpurpose do vcu rise , Sirz'''

Katz : . '' 1) was trying to f inil kout what tllis Bi l.1 is th at we ' re takin: and putt'ing on tlze Calendar? What cloes i t do? '

' . ' t'tl ,J')77.-7 4-k . %': (; r. ; ; v;. , . kq x y: 11. a j.- 2: s s I.( M 1.) ka Y ' i b) k I. : . .r .& r' ; (i . ' $k. î. ft. . , . /; s 4 n 'r t:o s I u c. 1 p, o I s 1 x tt. IS., /' /- ' l $ o u s e o ' , r. sr p r/ c. s u f.k v n a. , v Is s ...., .j xi '

- h ) l

Il A . Te ).c s e r ) '' The Spon s or wi . 11 exp l ct 5- n that , S i r . ''

' Refgner : ''Harold z as I s aâ d , iltis is an appropriation . of $2 50 , 00 0 to the leeal governmcntal law enf orcement of f ieer: p I traini ng board . Thi s the money that 'bqe amended out of

Smnake Bill 970 in adopting the GoNzernor's Amendatory l) . i . Ve ko en thak J3J- k 1 . The reason we kook i t ah 1 . . . 1 co l mply ws th the cons titutiona.l portion tl.n at we can ' i: have ) . t . an approprl' ation in with the substance substantial bi 1i !' l1 . . I Teleser: ''O 'kay . O 'kay ' : House Bill. 4711 will appear on the l J Order of Second Readinq . O 1 kay r no..7 Representakives Dlair 1 ! and Choate have gon ! e aeros s to 'ehe Senake to see what ' s 1 (J. oing on there . I guess we can a11 be a t .t ease f t')r a'fhi le . l1

House Resolutions. ' l House Rasolution Number 835. '1 I Selcke : '' House Reso lution 8 8 5 . Katz et a.l . ' Whereas the . House of Representatives l , Whivh has too nèany Bil.ls 'and ' too little htr or regrets the retreat from the trenche s of Ira colikz, our distinguished colleaque and Bachelor 1 from Rush 'treat, a man of many passions , noted philospher, phllantropis'l and man about town/ soldler and bcy 'hero , v/hose wisdom and wit can often be heard on the Democratic

side about the voices in debate ; and whereas he w i 11 sorel

be mis sed , who at greatn personal s aerif i ce , 'responded to the (2aEl 1 of duky and servecl an i 1 . lu s trous term here , a nd whereas a survey conducted s ince t14e General Election has 1

clear ly i l lus traked t..h at loss was a resul t of bu l .1..1e k ! voting aqainst Repres entative 0.0.1 it' cz by the large numbers 1

of rich and laeaut j. f ul women a lonfg. Ch i cago ' s rush s t.'c'e c t: ! LVV W 6 ' ) : N . x jj jt A jw l! ':mzï (. .' . 2',,' -%h&$:- ;., $ i:.;i IL:L A s j) t'ï r&l B L Y f 4 . . ; :./ a 1 s .r a z s o e. 1 ! . u k ?g o l z; ' . 1 . y'' . . 1 .' . . ., z ' I o u t; !.: ra r' î'? 1.5 lb ' ' 1' s e: N T /.& T l v E 19 xw kyNw .L jq.%x% ' i 'j t .

' 37. ri and go 1(1 coas t are as , who eêTlAn c) t be a t- h t . .im ko be j-n f' i Spr ingf ' k .ive lc't f or lenqthy , anlAqit l sess i ons ; and where acs . ! this House , undert; talAding as i t does r the ways of l if e ( . and o f the heart , mus t rel u ctcantl .y a .1. ltnpz ll.i.m to depart f rom our midst ; Ther(af or e # be ik resolved by the House 'l

of Rtapres enkat i-vmas o f khe 7 7 th Gene r a1 1,: . As s entb ly of the 1 . ; Statq of Ill. incis i , khatc itI tgill lniss your colleague , E . Iris Colikz and is anxious for laim to und l erstand that the j . Memberz of the 7 8th General Assemb ly w ill be ha ppy to wa lcome him to park icipaace in its activit ies if h e w i l l 1 ' reciprocate when anv'' of its yembers have occasion to be .i . (:' in his district; and be IL further resolved th at a suitab lq ! ' capy of khis resolution be presentsd to Ehe Hcnorable .1 Ira Colitz.'' ! ' ' ! Colitz : ''I w ant to thank everybody here for th e Jtind words z l ' I zvl j' ! a tougu' they reazzy are true . Tiaank vou very much. '' '! A. Telcser: ''Gentleman from Cook , Representative Kakz.'' ''In view of Representative Colit'z Katz: , having assurred us 1 that it ' s entirely true , E would move the adoption of the

House Resolution honorkng our diskinguishedcolleaque , .

Ira Colikz.3: .

' A. Telcser: ''A11 those in favor signify' by sayinq 'ay e ' , , the l opposed ' no , and the Resolution is adopted . On the Order li f Res oluk ions i , Hous e Ftes o lu (: ion Numbe r 8 4 7 o . The gent .'Le- !

man from Cook , Representative Sevz.'Lk .''

Seveik : ''Mr . Speaker , Izadies aftd Gentlemeh of the Ilouse : . JE . wou ld ask f or leave and unans mous c l onsenk t:o suspend the l J h 4 crp7,4 -' G 1ï , J ' 2z r'',. v Lb .,. . : r. ' .':.lUt $! . N E It ts L. A S S E 55 B t- Y , .t j, . s .r /.k.r' 1: ca s , l.j. , r.k o l s 'Y. ) ) . L.:% v.'*. . , . ... .' ', o v s c o s. ya c Ix Ie c s c r4 v ...% v ; v b: s A. ..L ' . x z .u'u'g-v . . . ;

38. appropri.ate z'ul.e tl'fe laurpose ilmcedia Lta colàsidera-

tion and adoyvltion House Ru l.e this ah . . . . Resolutiol: was lieard in Exeeutive Commi ttee this morning

at 10 : 0 0 O ' c J'ock . %'hs- s is the Race Traek lnves tig ating ah . . . . Resolt.tion , and it was reported out unanimous ly without a negative vote . '' '' Are there any obj ections'? Hearintg none r

k' ' gentlem an ha 5i. t le.-uv e f o r khe immediate cons iderakion of

House Resolution 847. Genkleman has moved that khe House adopt House Rvzsclution 847. A1l those in favorr signify by saying 'aye', the opposed-... nepresentative from

Representative Simm ons .''

SiN nons : 'B lr . speaker , could somehody read the Resolution .''

A . Telcser : ''We ' re gettizkg a 'dopy now f rom the . . . . '' simmons : haven ' t seen

Telcser : ''Do you have a eopy , Representative Sevcik . Do you wish to read it , Sirf I'.7i1l you qive to the Pa' ge , and helll give st to the Clerk ko reads''

F' - Se lcke : '' I'Iouse .; Rezso lution 8 4 7 . Where as the I llino.i s .J . Legislakive Investigating Commission Act; establishes permanent conumission of the legislature with power to investigate pursuant tc 'Resolution , adopted by either

House thereof , any makter upon which' the General A ssembly may legis late , whereas the General Assemb ly

powered to protect the

S tza te ' s well being and general welf are ; and wlàereas allegakions tlle and . ... j

f) a zrl' 1 lfa s s zs ai (; i rl (J cy a @; q) :3 17 5? tLll () 1 1 ). #.)R r' 5.t% rlzà cy .L!t (4 1) C) C) k- cl 11 ct AJ q) ' eastc out on the rundamental f airness antt px'. opriet 1 ' .y of (

' these racing dates ; and where.as tâïe retentioll the.s e . dates may res ult in the loss o f revenues to this State ; j$

and whereas furt.her allegazions have indica Led a possible l . ( violation of an Act. relatzion meetings , the Illinois 1i

' opelt Meetings Act. Theref ore , be it resolved by the 1 I

. House of Repr,esentatives 7 7th General Assembly khat we dlrect tp te I .19- inois znves kltaatcing coms.t s.s i o2a ko thoroughly inves kigake khe 19 7 3 Racing dates recentl y t akarded )7y the Illinois Racing Board with a view to de 1 - t termininrg the eircunstances under which the datts were i ' awarded , whether a violatioh of the Illinois Open Mûeti ngs Aet cccurredr whether the retenkion of these dates will t result a demonstrable loss of revenue to thc Sta te a nd .1 any okher mitters which are reaso ' j nab' le related to the j awarding of these racing dakes ; and be it further re I ' . . solved ' that the Commission may conduct such hearings as may be deemed necessary and shall resulk its fkndings and a ny recommendations for legislation to the General Azsembly upon the comptetion of a1l or any integral part of its

'' investigation . Telcser ) '' The gentlèman has moved tlàe Slous (a adopt I 'Iouse Resolution 8 4 7 - Al l those in f avor adoption , signif y ' s ay ing ' aye ' , the opposed ' no ' and the Res oz .ut ion adopted . Repres entative Burdi t'U - , what purpose do

' you Si)-? '' W 'LW t3' '.! ' * E . . -r:'C.y. c p; x r. It A t - ,,., h;j js fzç- ).. , , : ,) -. ,: 573:s ,, svaxc o o. . usu , ws; or i.;,s M L4 I.. Y ! r' . x , . z'- .! khuus.. - . . ..+.(' cs t. =..''v s, o q, s s o .. ,, ,c . ,. rc s is ,. a. ,. x , v cs Burditt : '! Mr . Speaker r Iladi es Gentle men of the I'Ieuse - i

Senate Bi l ). 6 S 9 ah . . . . $,713 i ch is Bi l l to au Llnorize Municipalities as a. - eondition of approval of a subdivision

plat , k.o rfaql:ire a subdivider to dedieate land f or sehool

purposes r are to m ake caih payments in lieu of such

dedicatâonr on thû Table of this House. It w&s tabled 1 . June 6 and en June & m otion to take from the Table was lost. There has been so much talk, Mr.

Speaker s Ladies and Gentlemen of khe House , about the tax l freeze and m atters relating Kaxes and particularly

school districts and park districts , that I would like at this time to renew my motion to take House Bi11s... Senat Bill 6 58 f rom the Table . I would be tglac! to explain' the

Bill f urther or to answer any questiony , but my mokicn :

t:o kake khe Bi 11 f rom the Table . '' .

Teleser : therem... Genkleman from Cook, Representative M aragoso''

Maragos: ''I would like to ask the Sponsor of the Motion, was this khe same Bill thak was considered bv Judiciary I

commi ttee ? '' Burditt : ''No , No r this Bill kzas in Municipality . ''

Telcser : '' What was tlle correct Bi 11 number # Representative ' Burditt . The Clerk wou ld like to kpow what khea Bil l l Numbe r was ? ''

Burditt : '' Senate Bi 11 6 5 8 . '' A. Teleser: llGentleman from Cook: Represèntative Duff.'' i

7- . W' ' . a C:I 7-. >' z. ,. -x '.. : 'é. :9 . r7'i. h. j'. G 112 N E lt A Iw A S S U h1 B L Y i ;y' t tz. . .. . ' ' r j , -lt c o (c , uukr4o ls ï . f. . J : s r,h v . /z,,J, 7 k. lvot'sc o r, r y u I . s u: s c pq a. ,j , ., v t u s x oo . . f. zJ - . 1 I

4 2. . Duff : '' Mr . Speaker , I wonder i f cons ider ilïg the f act kha t: w-e

don ' t have Bi 11 books now , we eoul.ffl ; in th e cours e of . . . I

bef ore a vote is taken oLj this mok.i.on r have a moment so

we can gek copies of the Esil l . ''

A. Telcser : '' Do you wj.sh to pers ist in your Mokion , R'apre-

'' senta t:ive Burdikk , or would you lilte to . . . .

Blarditt : '' 1: brould l i ke to pers i tr . ' I ' d be de l ighted to le b Mr .

'' Duf f have a copy o f the Bi 11 . A. Te lcser : '' Is there f urther (1i s cuss ion ? Gentleman f rom Cook , Represenkative Shea. '' Shea : ''What î s the pos ture? Are we goj .ng to hold these? 66

A. Telcser : '' Represenkahive Burdj. tct says he would l5-ke to

persist in his roquest for leave ko put khese . . . bo take

the Bill fkom the Tab le and put on Second Reading. Thah 's ï'/hat he jusk indicaked. Gentleman from Cook.. on Third

Reading 1 mean. Gentleman from Cook , Representative Berm an .''

Berman: ''I raise a point of Order, Mr. q speaker. Once it 's been placed on the Table, don't we have to have a day cn tha Calendar for placing a Motion? It's been on the

Tab le f or f our months . f ive m onths . '' A . Tûlcser : ''We ll, the gentleman wishes to have tlne Bill taken

' f rom the Tab le and put on the Calendar of Thi rd Ftead inrg . l I don ' t know that he w anks to tlo anytknq beyond tha t Loday k '' 1 l Berm an : '' I k2Rcq'z. I be li eve we have to ltave a one day noti ce ! . i h 1 t ion on 'lnhe Ca Ie' oczar bef ore j t o f t at lk o . . can be ea l led . '' l 1

--;;-' ' -ïï;ïïtz - ,. , -:. . fr;i 1g.-: ;hk jEr r ,, ,!k 1.. ,,k :;y jqi t-j. fstl I.I 1- ,î, i5 'ixJ'fî 1jl k)- :'. . . . .1 ?t', - )1 . ,/ ) 4. ju ta s 1 uu 1 t.1 o 1 s , h$ $'x. î 'f .rv / . f 11 T .% x , H o t 'k. , ' . .l :3 c o Ir $4 1'.: l.eî ? c' :' î: $%4 I A T 1 v ft 5 <. ,u .'.t.. ' ! ' , I i

' I 4a. j A . Telcser : '' Do l/ou l4ave a sraetrl. f ic rule t.o which you re f er ,

Sir? '' Berman : '' )! ' ) 1 have to look khe nuznlltar up . '' I - ) i A - rcelcser ) ''o ' kay you look there , 'ae ' 11 look up hero . Reprta-) sentative Bet= an, we have not found such a Rule. Have youl ' Sir? Dc ycu have a speeific Rule , Represenkative B'ermanzI

to wish' you would want tc ref er? ''

F e x'man : '' Sti 11 look ing . '' A. Telcser: ''Still looking. O'kay. Woll, in the absenee of l ' 1 a specifie rule, Representative Bekr an, the Chair will have . . . ' to rule that Representative Burditt is in order to ask j leave of khe House to put Senate Bill 658.... kake Bill 658 from the Table and put on the Qrder of Third Rdading. Representative Shea, for kzhat purpose do you rise, Sir?''

. t . Shea: nlf he wants to take it from the Table , T think it shoull go on Consideration postponed , where it was at the time it was Tabled. This Bill has been read a third 'time-''

A . Telcser : ''That's righ t. If that 's where it was, it W ill

return ....'' Shea: ''This Bill has bnen read a thixd time. Itls been voted

on and didn't receive enough votes and then was put on

' Considerakion Postponed.'' A. Telcser: ''Then ik should appear on khe Calendar on khe Orde)

of Postponed Consideration if the Bouse by eithe'r leave or 89 vo ï.es let ' s them take it f roht the Ta.lnle . Represœnta t.ive Bet-man , wllak purpose do you ri'se? '' - I

yrcrawyE ;x : . 4 . : 2 .t. , .w( .q c IE) N t! lt A i- A S F; E M 11 L Y I J . 't j . t y,. 4ç .c. ; . ,. , .f s'r a'rzc o fr 1 t-f-pivtn ls ' c' ysk ' ' . .. h , ' ' jj ou s' t o >- ïk se jq co u 14 n. A.r I v es j' .Nx g 1. .Y--L - -. ,.' ,'r. .' . . . . - - . .- - - ...- . . I . 2' : ' 1 ' j

c' 7 l 4 3 . i

B e rman : '' Wct .1. .). , f .i. r s. $.' p )r.r . S p e a1c e r , EIl re f ct r Y 0 tt k (':: tc 1-1 ta D i g e s k. , and 5.t s llow s tha'i: the motlon th at i :s beincj made now , ha s previous; ly bemn ' made and J ()s t . And would be my under-

s tanding r there f or. (a , that ah . . . . he l'zotkld havtca to have I made a motion to rebaonsider wj. ths-n .'& specif ic period , I I th ink it ' s one day , ancï af ter that m otion lïad f ai 1ed . ()n June 2 8 , t.l4 i s s ame motion to take f rcm the Tablta shkmgs in l

' the D iïges t as hava.itnqf ''been made and lost . Mr . Speaker , 1 would like to expi'lak h why I rai s e these point s . I th ink

we ' re invo lved in it. .' verv dangerous precedent here r When 1 '' '' ' 4 ' ) the . House is more or less at ease, and then the Sponsor ) ' 1 . rises to take a Bill from the Table that's beeh sitting 4. ' . . t daad for five monthsr six months. I would cortainly have di ' no objeetion if th. e maker of the orig. inal mokion asked forj $ leave to file the motion tc be heard tomorrokr and then j We Qot a chance to lcok at the Bil1. But to do it in khis ' manner is just sêtt'ing a fpangerous precedent and I don't

. think it's .in linia with the purposea of our rules as to ah.... Rule 6: téat says that al1 Bills that are going Eo

be called on any park i cular day should be posted on a

. Calendar. 1 donft think bqa are safûguarding our prerogati es by proceedinq in this manner. I donlt know l/hekher the Bill has justi f ication cr not , but 1. think we ' re haking dangerous precedjnq t if the moti on wants to be f iled and ' voted on tomorroii ,' I eertainly wouldzt ' t .raise this ah. . - ' procedural objection 'at that time.''

vZ.F . '. j- m..Qk., .x. . . . : .J . lL,. 4(, j . . - .- - zc . k c, ' .) .'. .; 4. . E ë ). A j. A s s E N 1 l J L Y Ifsx.,t ev ' , 9 . h ' . i . i $ ' j s r y. 'r e7 o s I :- u $ r.l (a t s ' k- $ , .. ,. a. ) v ,: s q yy' ,- l' ,x o spl ; kt o fr 1 ;, tu r, s , (.: s t: x .+ $ . . ,a lc. ..:2-: - . .j 4 4 . Toj 1cs er : '' Repre q tan tative Burdi t: L , did you seek reeoglltf-

tion? ''

Burditt : ''No . '' A. Telcser : ''Well , I thought you mifght walRt' t.o . ''

Burd itt : Speaker , T ' m perf ect ly W il ling to f ol low what-

ever procedure is proper quite obviously . T. might say

to Representa tive Berman r f or the last two days , 1E have

been speaking to your Leadership about Lhis . This no f surpri se . I spoke f'o thern f irsk early yesterday morninq ' ( and only because of the lakeness of the hour d1d I raise l! ' j the ouestion todpy. We have not more than two leg. islativejl days left and I think this an extremely important bill,

as are and yau . ! writing r 1 would be glad to do that:. If you warlt ïtle. . to f . l ' j make a motion to waive the'Rule that reguiras a one day. ) nokice ? , I wkll b e qlad to do that : but I do want to get thqse .... this )7ill particularly back on the Calendar because is a Bill which the municipalities of this

' State desperately needs. It passed the Senake, came out of Committee with an overwelming vote and ah .... 1

' submit a very close vote by which the Dill was de-

feated when it w as originally considered by the House ,

merits our recons ideration even at this late dat.e . ah . . . . Mr- Speaker , ah . . . . I would li ke to f ollow your adviceoh whataver you want me to do j.n terms of procedure 1 . but if rny procedure correct , renew my nto tTivtan . ''

Yq ;' . rJ o 2Y' .y' N . fjh .' -J .':' . -' -t,' -.Xh j'k:) , ($ E N E R A L A S SI E 51 11 1- Y e .. , $1 k ç . . ot . x s o j. , 1.., x .js 'i' 2 . , j 'l s r. ,. ki 1. ..,;'' ?.',' '?' . ' 1$..,.

Ij Te lcs er : G tan kl emaln f rom Coolc , Rctpt- e fl en ac at.i j. v (.s s (.a )y r(y u u . I l

J.IQ rrftan : !î WC l 1 r LCCISPCITISQS Rel?z - e % elAt. u tj-vz surdj- t.y : s tzom- I ment ., I don' t doubk khe importance of these Bills , I


1 do question the prnpriety . I f. m no.t aw are of ' tion , George , that you may : did. ask them there kras any commi tcment on their part

regarding movïng tihis i)j. 11 r and J. received a negat; ive ' I re S J.70r1 S e 8%5 a 5 anv Ctxlllfti tmen t z but 1( th ink I Wotl ld ;$ 1

personàll-v like to have Lhe Bills l ! are , to see in what posture are at the presentp l momen t . think your descripkion as to their imporkanae l i l probably eould have applied to 5O0 or a 1000 bills 1I that we have disposed of in a neqative raanner )l last session, just khink it's khe wrong posture to I hake as far as allowing a11 of us to know what Lqe are !1 ' voting on and what we are considering at this hour to movei( a Bill fram the Table and ah... personally , I would like

Eo see a Motion considered tomorrow where overnighkr r'.'e

ean take a look at the Bil1 , see E/hak they do , and de- te rmine our posture. You may find komorrow that there are

89 people who agree wikln you and Then have no cbjeckion. think this is the prope/, deliberated way to act on important legislakion '' . l

A . Telcser : '' Gentlem an f rom Cook z Representativo Burdikt . '' pl Burditk : ''Ah . . . . f irst 1et me s ay to Reprmsenkative Berman

' that tllere ' s an amendmenton t:his D. .i .1l wh ich exempts Home $

Rule un its , PR).- t: , &nd i f that ' s rel evant to your ta lk , ah . . C.' rnRWw, . . ?;4.M,s . Q, JN:k.:j- (; r :r '. . . . J' -.; x Iï 11. A r. a s s tT. x :, t- y ' %'- l !)7 fi l --'n ) - . . ). ; àIh ' q. ' . ' ' ' .' hl. /' J S'rn Y'1S o C l 1-L ' &4 O SN ./ ''. . q ./. f.4 ca t.z s u. o s pz c s J z zz ss r.l 'r .q 'r d v e s . t '- .W-. 4 '6 . please kllow that Home . Rule uni t s are exemp Lcad . B ti t on the meri ts of wlnat you s ay , the r eason f or my luok ion today

i s' so thpa t People wj. l l lcnow 'k.11 at the B â' .1*1 5. s gointl on khe

Calendar . I ' m notr asking fo.r a voke on the Bill today . I want the B i 11 on ly t:o h)e on the Calenda r so thak peop le w il1 know it N il 1 be eons idered , ever ybody in the House will havf! an adequate opportunity to study' the J;i 11 cn

Colls idaratian postponed beeause I do w ant to da what I

can to get this Bill called before the Session ends. It l seems to p1e the most effective klay to do that is to make I khis Motion teday r geE the Bill on the Calendar for our

. next Session tomorrowr or whenever it is and welll be

ready to go on ik ak that time r7n Con sideration Post.poned r

but I didn't Want ta (nut ' it.... take it off of the Table , i . try to get it ah . . . . under consideration al 1 in the same j day. That, I think, would be a legikimake objectionr on #our partr buk what Ifm trying to do is exactly what ycu are suggesting; that is, give everybody anokher day to

kake a look at it .''

'' A . Telcser : ''Gentlem an from Cook , Representative Berman .

Berman: ''I have a question to direct to the Clerk's office - Can we have copies of the.... there's three Bills, George? df these khree Dills distributed for tomorrow on our desks?

65*8, 659 and 661.1'

2k. Telcser : '' Representative Burclik tc r tl3e Clerl: wou ld l5.ke to know how J.arge are the Bil ls ? Are tlley nlany pages ? ''

. s. p. -. ,.s ko. ',.;z . r!L ? G-$ 3. . 'l'c'>-Yql'(l f ; E N E R A L A S S f' M B L Y . . ( , 6 . ' ' '. ; :? sv a'r tn c, p' 1 uui Iu o î tw ' .. .i j , . v.. '.) ' Jz.' . is ot, s E: o fr rz t.r'' 1: i: 83 t:p.l , r ztn .1 'tl t7G '

4 7 .

B u rd i t t : '1 No k l'ïey 1 re n o t . G fJ 8 i. r5 a l 1 . . . p ug e s . G 5 9, i s i ' 4 paqtzts a'la cp j. s; Ta. it cJ' u!:n . '' 1

A . Tep. csez-. : '' The Clerk inf orlrts me he have the cop i e? cn . the membe rs de sk . '' )

'' Berman ) '' Fine , then 1 withdrapz my obj ectiiczl .

Telcser : '' Genkleman f rolû Cook '' ; Representat-.ive Ewell .

. Ewe11 T ''Lîr . Fipeaker , lnave a point of par l iakaentary inqui vry . '' 1

o Telcser: ''State your point. Ewell: ''The poink is that Senakû Bill 658 according a7#o the

Digest , ah . . . . cane to Third Readinq, furkher considerakio !)

was postponed on June 24. On June 6, it was tabled. On

June there was motion made take from the Tab le

and this Motion lost . Novu it 's my understanding that once somekhing has bûen lost in this fashicn , , and once. we made a mokion to. kill al1 bills khat ah i . . . You know

were on the Table, would not the Bill be dead or wquld we not have to now go through the Drocess of suspending al1 bf the appropriate rules just in order to get this Bill back on the Calendar?''

A . Telcser : ''Well , the poink you make, Repregenkative , is in essence the same point wh j. ch Repre'sentative Berman made . However , the motions thak w ere made ah . . . . prior.... gues s this Fall or late Summer were taot motions to ki 11

b i l1s on the Table , bu b. we re m otkons' to Tab le b i l ls . So

'' all Bâlls' were on the Table .

' Ewe 11 : '' Ifel 1 , once .J.t ' s beeh on the Table , how many times can

ytzu make a mOti(7l4 to Uôke i '' .t ffohn 'the 'rable . 1 . . - .- - .... - - - . - - .- I - . v: qA: û2 K- - -,'-- i .t --?-vw. :>. . .$. c r, J /@;- /:.' t. .. . . , . N f.-: It A. 1. A s s E M 1$ 1- Y I ? 2 o k ' ,..lj' j . y $. . .( . 9.2/ s 'r Ji re o f' t 't- t. f (4 :7 t :; PX . . ! XX , . x t.:c .aa(y !d o u s E: C'F IR eP bt t.:St-t4A' tN4' t Y! ELG J

4 8 .

A . '.L'elcse.-c : '' We l 1 , I î m n oti aware o f a ny' tlhing in the R u 2.es , and th is is tlae s aute poi nt Representa ti-i-ve Berm an lnatle that limits r in our House Rules ' , khat limiks khe nunllnql- f ah p . . . . tillles that mot.ion could be p o .. ut . Tllere is re f erel ce

i-n Roberts Rules r but not in the House Pvules . '' il ' l Ewe l 1 : '' JaFe l l r aren ' t you a s k ing Ehe t . . . . . A7e 11 , wha 't: ' s tJ'1 e

legal s. tatus of the Bill ? That ' s what T want ko know . '' t ' i A. T'elcser : '' The Vill is on the Tab le . '' 1 Ew e 11 : '' And how does one get i.t o f f the Tab le , a f ter having I . l

failed the first time?'' '

' 1 : ''Ia'7ith leave of the House A. Telcser , one can put ik back on 1 the Table or there is a referqnce in Rob erts Rules , that a motion ko reconsider . . . . . that you cannot reconsider a ( motion to kake a Bill f rom the Table ' . Now , thti gentle- t man cauld put a motion to suspand that Rule if leave is j ' not granted, alkhough there's n'o specific rule in our 1l Hoscs e Rule . '' ' . Ewell: ''A11 righk l r wellr objection's heard.''

A . Telcser : HO rkay . Representative Elfell, for what purpose do YOu arise?'' ' Ewell: ''Yes , I object to this procedure, Mr. Speaker, 'because I don ' t know how many lives this Bi 11 is gokng to h av e :

bu b. apparently it ' s destine t.o have a ' f ew more than the normal course of events would dictate with anyother legi s- lakion. So I cbl. ect to Lhq prccedure 11 ' l . . ! : A. Telcser: ''Objection... Gentleman from Perry , Representative Cunn inqham . '' ' .

f.) s Wz.m) oi:7i;x.> ' :' c' . . S rr.p > X G E N E R A L A S S E M 14 Lv .: ' : .. . . ( a 1:7 .h . h .'.$. .$ 1 ' sva 'r c o Ic 1 1 ' . .. ' z'?/ . ) ? - u k 1.4 o $ s . . $.* .ky . . . ; s. . ' el Q:KJ S E 0 Fr '# t: '*'' E7LSt: NIN /%3 ' V E:S .0 j. u. ! 4 9 . l . ,, . - j ; Cunninqham : Mr a Spei-tko r , set 14tï2 Fgtra . k7lj (y on s ooe t-.la. j. ng .

Tha Spon s or J.ndi ca ted th a t he was go ing to a s k tlne s C.tlne trcatment for Scnate Bill Did I hear that righk?''

Telcser : '' Yes , tlnere are three Bi lls in series I under-

stand . ''

Cunningham : ''Well, Speaker , I think we l re setking a very urps etting precedent here . I f you r l 1 nctice thatc

6 59 w as heard in County and Tols?nsitips and was soundly

def eated and was

Conunitkee . It hasn I t even been Now next motion here is goinq to be to try

charge the Colmèittee of their action back May l8, 1972. Novz , we keep this l1p , 5.7e ' re golng to have abcut 5 , 0 0 0

more Bills real soon , because I 've got some lou lou 's

that I'm going to aAk to téke off the Table or .diseharge

the Comr itkee , or I Im going stay here until w ell past

January l0. Now this can 't go on forever , Mr . Speaker .

We've beat khese Bills in Commitkee. lle 's slicked one through over .in the Municipalitiès and these Bills are not a damn bik better nbw then they were then. Nine

'has a cat . Georqe Burditt 's got some bad Bi1ls.''

Telcser : ''l.?el l , Representative Cunningham , the point J/ou

make is similar to ah.... those made by the other

however , Representa tcive Burdi tt , as a Members , has tlle ritght Eo put. a motion if he riishes , in vitaw of the f ac t. thak obj eckions have been heard . Gellt? eman f rom Cook ,

G E N E lt A L, A S S E 5'1 B L Y

S T z& 3* 6: f) r'' ' 1 u L. 1 N Q l G H o Ll 5 E 67 F r? E': P r: E 65 E Bl'r RT $ V E s ' 1 5o.

Bur(i itt ; '' Ah . . . . l4r . Spaaker y Ladi es and Gentq .emen of 'talze

Ilolase . A11. . . . in answer to Repr esen t .a tlive Cunning llam , . . I would 1i):e ko point out that his Committ ee recomlnezlded

Senate Bi 11 6 62. do pas s , not do not pas s . . 6 5 9 T'Jas recom- j mended do nok pass. 661 was recommended do pass I . Ah.... l ' I second , I would lika to say that I 'm nok , t . . . . the Conmlzi'tee' . ' t has acted, so I don t have to move to discharge the Com- l

. . miktee. The Bill s are no longer in Commiztee. The Bills l ' y . are on the Table of this Hous j e and therefore, my motion j vzi 1.1 be s imply to take them f rom the Table and those two I ' Bills will go back nn the Order of Second Reading , i f the 1 j ' motion is carried, but Mr. Speaker , I ah .... will m ake l

' n the motion since objeckions have baen heard.

A . Telcser : ''The gentleman from Cook 1 , Representative Burditk, ! ' I assume has m oved that Rule 92 be suspended so that he l can once' again a l . sk that Senatm Bill G58 be taken from the j

Table. We're on 658. Cover the one Bill. Do you have

a question , Representative Ewell? Do yau have a queskion?'1' . Ewell: NYeow. Is that motion in writing?'' A . Tmlcser : HI don lt believ e a m otion to suspend th e rules

has to be in !,/riting . . . . wel1 .''

' Ewell : '' I think i f you read the rules ' r there ' s a seckion tThat

says it must be in writing if a Member requests it '' .

A. Telcser : ''It is in writing and werll bring i: up to zhe

Clerk 's office now . Gentleman from Cook , Representative B. B . Wolfe .'' ' : h

N ol-cF2i>%x. ie ') .-- .. ïyNjx jgi jà. )j jr. (t (; l;, ' k; ' 1 2jk j. /jk j; j; jg, r:t () 1. Ay' w . $ t '' '.7: ). svaxe o s $ t- u'N o ls Sk . ! ..3:3. y. f . x , * ' . . . . j.j o k.p s u7 o s 1: se u tz tiu x x. s v. 4 v (:s . . . (u S.A . . 7


. B . B . :&/0 2.f e : '' M:l:v . spta ak er , a po Ji-nk o f p ar' 1 i amerl ta r.y inq tli ry . '' I' A Te lc s e r : 19 State y our po 5-34 t . '' - '

B . B . Wolfe : '' I kinderstood the Speaker t: o s ay' thak f ai ling to

gtat leave ofv 2. th'' '; a .House , a mentber would be subj ec t: tr.A l Roberts Ru ljas . . . the Ru le in Roberts Ru le s ()f Order con- cerning a motion to take f rom khe Table' a Bill fan which j ' j ' a previous mJtion ko take from khe Table had been entered

' and lost and: tlca L: the Member would have to mztlçe a Mo tzion

ko recon s idek , ..5 n e f f ect t what happ ened in that previ ous ' mokion that 1- ?; 1 dis t . Is tha. t correct? '. ' . A. Talcs er : '' No . L . Ah . . . the Chair rules r in e f f ect , that . Repres enk akive Berman and Nep'res enta t:ive E5'Je l l ' s poin tn

was well take'n. In the absence of a Rule relative to the ' ntml b er o f tfm e s a Membûr can ask to takta a Bill f rom the l Table , we then gr.l to Roberks Ru les , and Roberts Rules .

state that you cannot reconsider a motion to take from the

' Table. Well, noko in view of the ah... fact thak their

point was weJ.l taken, ah... Representative Burditt is ' . )

now moving that :.ah . . . Rule 9 2 be suspended . '' t ' B. à. Wolfe: ''If we suspend ah.... Eule 92, arenft Ne in effeci

going back ko Roberts Rules of Order?''

A . Telcser : ''Well , Nule 92 . Rule 92 àtates as I glance at

it quickly that 5.n t14e absence of a Rule in on ol'/n Rul.e ' ' ' . % Book , we can thran go to Roberts Rules and Representative

Burdikk w ishes tc) suspend ' ah . . . . that portion of Roberts j

' Rules , which i s 'r' e levant 02.- germane to tlle subj eet of ' . ''

w1n ich he. jss--rlow .. (le a !. in q . --Q ' lclv . .-khc-x. g. (7. '1.t- 1 o- ma p 11 a s--mtoAzfcwf'l ' . . :>r . . ' . y .s. zh -X*N . . . .% . f/ .3 . JJ?4k! - . . -' ;7.-..s, t ' t'l '.E N E lt A 1. A S S E M 13 L Y a .g j s v s. v e: o s 4 u u i wj o 1 s '

. r' j . %. qs-tv .)-. iz.. L.(.? . . ' - - - ...... J l 5 2 -

that ah - . - . Rule 9 2 be su spentlecl . All tho se in f avor ef the Gentleman ' s n1o tcion to suspend Rule 9 2 t signi'f y by s alzing ï aye ' the opposed ' no ' . Oh r :E khoutjht you would ' do that . A1l those in f avor of the gentleman ' s motion to suspend r signify by vdting ' aye : the oppozed by voting

' nc ' . Have al1 votned who wished? Take the racord - On

this question , ihere are 40 îayes', 70 lnays 'z and the ) ! gentleman ' s motion t.o suspend Rule 9 2 f ails . Dt:n you wish

to persist on the other two Bills', Representahive Burditk '' .

'f Burditt: ''Yaulve got to Le kiddinq . A . Telcser : ''It 's a nice way to treat a retiring m ember r huh

1' George? House Resolution 867 .

P. Selcke: t'House Resolukion 861. Davis. Whereas the ilonense mass diseharging emp layees of the Comprehensive

Caunty qlîospital held in Allïed Medical Programs governing I commission of Cook County will if carri i . ' ed through as ) announced j , seriously impair the ability cf the facilities '

under the jurisdiction of the Commission to deliver badly f! needed health services and have a disatrous economic effec:l upon khe discharge of emplqyees and their' families; and vhereas khe lcss of employment produced by mass discharge would have the affeck of de/ressing economy and might lead to a substantial increase i'n we1 f are ro11s; thorefore be l

1. it resolvecl by the House of Representatives , 7 7t:13 General ' Ass emb ly , E1 ta te of I lllnc?i s , that vre re spectf ully , bu t.

ta arnes tly r eque st Comprehens ive County Hospi ka 1. Healkh and A)- !.i q:t! Med i -scéè.lw--'l-tr ot'p r cams, qoazern $ ng-c-omm $ q q 1 c,n fnf -tl-ook . . '.. gnjjhty ,>-b , , . ?y -. . -r ..v 1;s. c I:! y c. R a k, A s s s 1.1 11 L, v f :?- , t . e , .- .tz h, s v .i f i C s. . . . ,. v s o r, I 1- u ' u o , s NN ' . s ! (.S. -o ( ck jf . i'I o CJ tvu o Ir $7 17 e r: E: se: N '!' A T 9 v' EC s .. . / - y

Countv' a s 5.2-: &.13.3 eks f 1.- (2 e )J'e upon dj. :5 ch arg ct of ' . j its employees ; and be it furthor x'e solved kha t: suitable

copy of this Jlefios.uti-en !ae f orlarclecl to the Chairman ,

' Secretary alttt tha Exeeutivra Dixrector of the Comprehensive

Counky Jlospsl '.:a.l Health and Allied Medical Proqram Governinç , - r' Conlmis sion of Ctaok County . '' j A ) . Te lcser : '' Gentlelaan f rom Ccok , nepresentatkve Davis . '' y .' .

Davis : ''Mr . Speak'pr , Ladies and Gentzxemtan khe House . Ah . . . l1

khe re ' s an ere-. . )-. gw'i nev. in t!à i s Re t; o l ukion , and I ' m as ki ng kh a t Ru le b e :J u c=' r' . e n d e d i n th a t i t b e c on s i (f1. e r e d w i th o u '17 l ref erence to '.Ehe Cammittee . '' 'l I 'A. Telcser: ''All right, the Gentlemap from Cook ' 1 , Representative ' j

Juckattr did you seek recoqnition , Sir? '' Juckett : ''>'!r. flpeaker , I understand s asking f or unanimous

consent and T hrcluld obj ect. '' A . Telcser : '' Gentleman .f rom Cec)k r 'Represenkative Juckatt , has j

, . ' . obq ected . Do ynu wish to put it in the f tnrm of a motion , Representati.vè. Davis . '' Davis: ''Yesr I mo4ba that we suspend the Rules for immediate

consideration . ''

A. T.e lcser : î' Is khere any dis eussion? Gentleman f rom Caok : Representative Juckett-tt'

Juckett : ''Mc . Speaker , w.i.12. that Moticln b*e put to the votû (E) f tl3e T'louse ? 17-** ' .2

A . T. elcs e r : '' Ye s # 'b i .r . ''

Juckett z '' I s that motion debatab l.e? ''


. o , Zu ' x j ' ) tzg-, -- -4 h . et.i E N 1,.s, It A L A s s PJ M 8 L Y qL). l s, j ? . , . h l 7 j. ' ) - , ' , . ) s3' aTE o jr 1 I..L 1 N Ch 1 S h. ! ' . =. i I ' . J- sousu os r. cf.r: 'use:sv/k.r , v ' s: ., ' : .s . . W' ' ' ...... - - - '

I q. : .

11l ' ' j . ) . i . ' 54. ' 1

' ' A . Telcser : ''We put .Lt riglat to a vo ze . Tlne gentlem arr llas

moved that the appropriate Rule bra suspended so that

House Reso 1 .ukion 8 67 could be ' moved ko the Order of Second Reading without ref erence to Comdittee . A11 those in f avor o f the gentleman 1 s motion , s .1 gni'f y by . . . . what? l I ' ( Oh , put on Llne Calendar. Oh , I 'm sorry , Corneal. The : l gentq.emar. hus moved that I'Iouse Resollltion *8 6 7 be put on I the Order of immediate consideration. wikhout reference I I 1 to a Con% itkee. A 11 those in favor of the gentleman 's ', ' j motion, siqnify by voting ' aye ' , the opo.osed by voting 1 l ' no ' . This w ill .take 89 votes . Gen tz.eman f rom McHenry , I . 1 Repretl 'zn tat iVe HanalRan . 1: $ Hanahan : ''J.!r . Speaker , Members of the Iiouse . I suppork ,th is . 1 I Motibn with a lot of d'eep seeded f eeling on what is ' . I ' happening ak the Co6k Coupty, Hospital. 5 , m not a reside. nt,I . I

in Cook County and I don 't p ay taxes. there, but if I were 1 j a resident in Cook County and I did pay my real estate l

taxes there , I ' d w ank to see this Motion passed and this inveskigakion of what's going on wikh Cook County'llospital

immediately. It's a crying shame thak a man that is makingI $66,000 a year, which isn't a 1ot of money for a Doctor, but could sunvnarily discharge a 1000 working people at

his own behest . Now kh is legis lature is at f ault in some . . I .

regards that we have kaken away the powers of the hs.rj.n* g j and f irln'g of the employees of Cook County Hospital and

' put it under solrie phoney commi ssion , but it still stands . ' l orl ly to reason that if there ' s any justi f ication o E - ..xy' LM > .- - - ..- - - . v ' ?r' . ?z b 4. 45-, s ! 1 ' (j t, -'., . : .- - ,'), c p: s E 1( A, ,st - .,. Aj u su, j ,s,, .E, s M B L y . ' : î . . - . - .c. l. : ;,.. - .* . . s. . . sousflc'a's uce,kcssfq.rxxtvcs . u.5 ' j

k * ' - --.v - - - ' ' '- ''-- -' '*- - --v-'---' -' -- ' I

1. 55 ' E

- reducing a )- , 0 0 0 w01-. l:illq pca op 1.e , EA thous an :: j an i to'rs , a 10 0 0 LPN workctrs and culj.nary workers at Cook County

Hospi tial becaus e there ' s a reduc tr.i.(nn of p atient care z

that it wolzld be j ust as right to reduce the doctors and . the professional people and the administrators of Cook

Collnty H6JSI? ita 1. proporti ona te ly t but onee aga in , to S a laraq some sort of phoney excuse of gekting rid L'f working ' people - they didn ' t lay of f any amounts of administra Lors j' they didn ' t lay of f any amounts of doctors which would

reduce patienk care . They 3' ust said z s'le ' 11 do ak:aY with

the working peorale there . I bhink that this should be

inve s tigated . T think wha: Ccr. nea 1 Davi s , Repre s' entative Davis is afker is justif ied in khe Cook Coullty Ilospital

m ess r and T hope that this House suppor. ts Representative Davis .

A . Telcser : HGentlem an from Cook , Representative Davis.'' Dav is : ''Mr . Speaker and Ladies and Gentlemen . I'd jqst like

to explain my vote. 11m not againsb. . . . I 'm not againzt ..

O f course, IId .... the ah . . . . idea' thak they don'f need

' Peop le , bu t ah ... . khe simple fact is, khat as a Member

of this advisory conunittee on Publie Aid , we have ah . . . paid a lot of money trainkng these practical' nurses and

bql put khem in there in khe County Ilospital because they s aid they needed them . Now I G ay t17 at j us t this hzhole-

sale f wirïn' g of tlpese People ' : wha t we , .re as king the Cam-

lttiss ion to do is to l3old up the wlïoles a le f iring of them - and khat khere be some order ly procedure irl it . I f it is

S4 k'- -'j.Lû:(7) . h $ 'lkr N (: ..= 3 ' - w n . G E N E I t A L A S S l ï N 1 B L Y , . ç j. s:ï . ': . .. ywh.3 tï - j sv . .

1 $ . '-v . :.s. aJ.- ' , ,. v. s o s , u u , s o l s '' sow sc o ;- 6.cl,. jcs (u rt r ., w t v qs .. . q vta.$.yy> ' (

. (

5 f; .

a)1 e c on omy ; ilta u' l ; ; l'tre t I ' m no t utq a i- n s dc. e c o nolrty . Bu t 1 kn oqg '

' th a t th e p r a c t i- c a 1 n u r s e s a n d a lo t o f t1R elrt in my d i . s t: r i c h are saying tlRat they cannot q ek j olns and ah . . . what will

llappen? We f ve paid tcl traj.n khem on Publi e welf are and

they arra (gos ng. right back on publie welf are again . 2 . Anotlley thing is , Ladies and Gentlemen of the House r we're pieking' up' - when I say we r the taxpayers are picking up the tab

in the Count'g h'tlspi ta ls and I would certa inlv rather se e those practica. l. ( . ê u ' cnurses stav+ there ', when doctors over khere l . 62 l ' g * say that they ao need some of them , rather than put thera '

out and throw them back on Public welfare . Al1 I'm asking ' f or is what the Res o lution s ays ; is thak 5f e respe ct f ully

and earnestly request that Comprehensive County Hospital Hea1th and Allied Med ical Program Govern Comm ission of 1 Cook Countyto freeze the discharge of these important I ' employees until such time as the'y can give it a publ'ic

study to sqe whether or not they need some of them and

throq: them byck '5n public welfare. Now , we're going to hear al1 of this sing ing about peace on earkh and good wi1

' tcward men. I have to preach a liktle , because I'm going

to tell you somekhing' now , thak ybu can sing a11 you want

about peace, b2: peace is tend ko God. Peaee - .. I 'm

'' explaining mv vote . Gkve me a chance . ' A. Telcser : f' ftepru'h:erztnatcive Juckek U seelcs rerog . n itcion , Sir g

. a1A . . . bq i 11 y ou wa i. t a moment , S 5.r ? ''

.:. .

y).* -'.. . ; ,. :.t . . ? ax .% : N . .' '>j . '' 'w ( ; '. ; :'. kqj j. : > -.) t jt h L, )% j; s. jï, :1 j ; j. Y /j !l? 'j/jk . ; . : . . >. /1 . . . *' s 'r >. 'r c o l r 1 u u 1 !xI o 1 s y . 'F z/ î i x* %L' ' ,7 . ' Hou vr: o p. 6: rzreu fsctzlu'c/ka''v ;:s ! $.. . - . k.l ' k I

' 5 7 j . J ' Juekeh.t : 16 Fkr . Speake:r , 1 undfzl-. stiltllfll that ah . . .' we are debatin (Jf i whetcher to suspend L.he Rule and we ' lL-e not deba tning the

lDurpose of tha Resolution . '' A . Telcser: ''The gentlemanls point is well taken , Representatige. I ! 1 W-i.1. .1. y' ou conf ine your remarlCs . dr ' )k . , 1 Davis : ''I respectfully requesk , then , thak you vote faye ' on

' this . It is going ko hurt . '' A Telcser : '' Clen t) em an Crom Cook Representative Granata . '' '

Granai:a 1 ''Mr . Slpeaker , and Members of the Hous e . This is tlle j t fifst time that I've enjoyed a democratic intraparty j ' fight, and b'll naturally have to ehoose sides.. I don'k l . 1 ' s ide , but I know the Reverancl 1 knew anybody on the rltAner. , . 1 Davisy and now that I have to take my choice, I've qot 1l l to vote wi th my friend, Davis, and I vote 'aye'.'' ;

A . Telcser : ''Gentlem an from Cook g Representative Juckett.'' ' 1 . 1 Juckett: ''Mr. Spmakerz it's my recollection that cn the.Rules

. of the House this requires 89 votes as you so indicated ' . 1 or two-th irds voting on the issue . So I w ould suggest to the Members that this is a very important Resolution

' . and that it eovers a very important subject; a subject which has been deba6ed . in the press the lasi f ew weeks

by members of varioîls organizakiona, but a f ew years ago , we took the operation of the Cook Counky Hospital out of l l Cook Countv and created a specs.al ccapnmiss ian to run the

. . hospi kal bo avoid po).i trics , and I would sugges t that if t h i s i s an 1' mp o r k a n t i s s ue tc 11 a k. i t V) e g i v e n a f u l l a n d

.1-1 A9T.QlN h .lAelA-r,.inq Jalz-the .c-fmlyqi1'.:t:.c:e- ..Of' t' htn Hell&tEs-lEvGzo ro-wm - zis-..p.c. - ; ,).. ; 'uxo .y c (# x n, u A 1- ,4 s s f. i fL ; : )( : . '. . ,-' n. .- . , n . ,2 M !$ t, v I tyt '.: ' - & ;1 sv a-r tc o fz ' u u ' fq o 1 :; ! r X Nu. u ). . y p . J j .1 o up s c o F I 4 r: t . !4 E 69 t r lq 'r A T I v E s . . . ' I I ' j

58. i s t.a rt adv is j-ng s eparate and di s l- inc t cortuui s s ' I .i-orî s k.rl'l a t. U.o

@ ' do or what not to do and thak we have a11 of the inf orma- . I . tion be f ore us , be f ore k7e start f ree z ing l 0 0 0 jobs llere ' or there. So.I would suggest, and I would urge-... the

' Memb e rs 't.c) s3 end j. t tfl r . . . . 1' 1 1 A . Telcser : '' Representative Barnes z what purpose do you rise , ! . g j ! . .r ,g l 1 . y . ë B 1 atnes : ïl In al1 due respect ta my co 1. leasu. e on th e other Il sides 1 , it seem s to me hq 's doing the saoe thing he had l ques tioned ah . . . . Representative Davis in doing . He ' s i debating the issue, not whether or not ah .... it should be :i the rules shou ld be bypassed , suspended. I think he should direct his remarks only to the Rules and not to i I 1 the is sue .' '' ' i . . 1 A. Te lcser : '' Point is well taken r Sir . Do you wish to pro- i I ' . 1 ceed, Nepresentàtive Juckett, the remaindqr of your time?'''l

. lucketk : ''Well , Mr . Speaker , I was urging that th is Resolu tion

which is-imporkant and certainly important to the person

who suqgested it, that it be given a full and thorouqh hearing so that we can make an intelligent vote based on

. the recommendakion and based on the facts and not on emotionalism of a great orator. f think that àqe. have detailed this ruling or this governing of the Cook County j ' Hospital to a Commissi on and bef ore we arbitrarily take j over their f unctions z b'le should have a hearing on the

is sue and I dqnn ' t cons kde'r thak a suggestion by a l'Ientber

of a Comm ission or o f a Resolution as a thorouqh hearing .

JC..Q i % I 1 f ) ' 't ', .''fN' V-AVws e :.' k' . ( fl .; (2. x j(.) R A j. A s s E M I (1 L Y : $ z ç .. $j;?'vt .2 --. j. -'.' /j:rt; jl) N; a. ,. a. tr c, y, j :. j. j;x co , u; . . .c ' 'n .-$- x. . . . kz7/.7' uou ss os rkisplvusu xv ,.a i v u:s . .. -.?u. -.. z.,,- c C5 .- - ...... - - .- . . . -- J

' ' ! l

5 9 . 1 ' And sf.l J( w-oulc'l urge a no vote aild Ct z-o '' ' -f' orral t:o Contlxlj.tttae

' and then let tclte Commitkee andl the House decide t' .

A. Telcser: ''Centleman from Cook , llepresentative Jam es

lt caryerp

Carter z '' I would ll-ke I:o ask ' this gentleman one ques ti on . i Are you referring ko th lj e Jact khat the Legislative i $I Invektitgaklng commission is doizlg this j. ob'? Is that what j ' i . you meana'' . 1 Juakett : 1'1.70 , I ' ln ref erring ta the Rules of the House that l . ) a Resolukion s'pould be se l nt to the appropriate committee i . ) to consider the factz of k- he resolution.''

Cérter : '' In that event y Mr . Speaker , I $ d sugges t b'ze f:o ahead ' and take the vclte and f intl aut whether khe Chairman of ' ' I that Conu ittee is righ: or whether he isn dt ! , because he j ds on both sides of the issue so many times stan r I don 't 1 . 4 where he is.

u A. Telaser: Gentleman from Cook , Represen,a at i ve p eker Miyler. P. J. Millcr: 7IMr. Spaaker, Ladies and Gentlemen of the House r I want to say that I'm sympathetie on firing workerz who

are d'edicated' doing a job , and 5 hope that the sponsor of : this w5.11 do likewise when they skart f iring a 1ot of Re ublicans in the next' couple of months f or doint a p . dedicated and wonclerful job , apd I hore you ' 11 have the same heartf elt. f eelings abouk when the Republi cans a re ' fired off cf Civil Service jobs as you are now v and if you have and you dta , I ? 11 33(a very happy to support you nn this '

if you ' 11 do l.ikew.ise to some of my poor uzorkers . I only

: . ' '' i:r.vl t' ax. '' . . , h -f: ''lsv.fïl %>k G !. ' ' ;k . t ; ,- . ; ! N E R A 1. A S S E 51 11 L Y t' jr $1. r. . - ) j o j . . 1- .. . z k , x r;j ! ru ' . 1 v) t4 T R'F I'Q LJ h l u . k* . t' . ' . >' '.j.t' ' ' ef oo s &; o 'r t' !': '- '. 1: rJs >' 'ç 'a 'r ' %' ': S '% Q r- -) .lL ' A . - - . . . . - . ------' - - ' ( ' i (6 f .l : have 4 5 work i ng f or the yo u ' l 1 h ave fa r-zm e f ee lin' g . Well , stand byl cheeked 11 ere ; I f yDu want to check' I ' ve never hacl such f ew j ob s #

under any Governor as d$d ulïder Ogi lvti. e . Now sti 11

earried them by 370 O . like brag about it : but al1 h . . 1 :( can s n ' that 'f think you sbould . . . . should allow 1 you the opportuni. ty out why there is mass f irinqsI to dedieated workers and see nothing wrong wi t .h

you f inding ou'c why and qetting khis permis s ion , eAren j tlàough rny buddy r Juekett hqre , shaking h is head . want 1 l to be fair in supporting you and 1 hope you 'll remember

' that Nhen we come f ortin when the next Governor st 4 arks to ; $ do likewise Republ icans who are dedicated emplox/ees . '' i1 A l . Telcser : ''Genkleman from Cook , Reprezentative R. Hoffmanrt' y . ! Hof fman ; ''Mr . Speak er , Ladics . and Gent lemen o f the Hclus e . ' ' i

.. ' think we are embarking here on a very dang'. )1e.rous trend l as far as considaring the aspeet of a very seriouy sâ t .tuation in Chicago. Right now t wefre eonsidering a proposal. that we do not have in front of us; where yourre surping the Committee 's position of considerïng khis and obtaining the faets as ko what lies behind tiis sove and we're attemptlng at khis poïs: here ko mandate and ko dictate policy bgithcuk appropriake considerakion of all those concerned. I would ask everyone to reconsider tbeir pos ition on this vote and eikher abs 1:a .in or vote as ainst

'' thitz mot.ion t:o bypasa Committee .

. ï)it .2 Rk.R.V.W.L ,- .,. ?..y ';' . ,-a-ar'o . ( /.j1).; è%.-. . ' . y .'; j:. x p. R h 1- A s s Iî M )) L v ..? ï St 1- .5 .pt ï ) sv ,vx rc o çr $ uu$ wto ! s k . . ,y % , u ,J Jv . y, guow . :!

. (; ,. . 1, I : . .. . A. LL'buj lcse r : .1 Gen tleman f rom Coak , Representat ive lke S ims . '' ' I . R. Sims : ''Mr . Speaker , Ladies and .Gent-lemez) of 'lnlAe l-louse. ' As long as Cook County Hospital h/ppens to be in mv . Distriet, I'd like to say for clarificakion that there are as many Republiea.ns as there are Democrats workinq. in I the hospital, so itfs not a political issua: and they are i al.l f rozn my area and the othe.r areas around the west side .

Thank you. '' A. Telcser; ''Gentleman from. Cook, Relare.sentative Ewell.'' ,

Youre l 1: ,, Thank you , M r . Spealcer . I f Repres en tative M.j. y loz. ' . . l . wïll suppRy me wikh the name of those Republican workers,

. I will do my very best to protect them.'' . A. Telcser: ''Have all voted k/hö wished? Take the rmcord. ' $ ' Will you take carm of mine/ koo, Bulz? On this qùestion, l ' l : there ' are 95 1 . ayes E f 8 ' no ' s ' and khe gentleman ï s motion I . ( for su spension of the appropriate ru le for ipr ediate ' consideration of House Resolution 867 prevails. Gentle-

..M man from Cookr Representative Davis.''

Davis : nMr Speaker.....'l A. Telcser: .''The gentleman has offerred to hove the adoption

' of Hcuse Resolution 867. Al'l those in favor of adoption , .

signify by saying 1aye '...'. Gentleman from Cook , Repre-

senkative slmmons.'' Simmons: ''We1l, uqder the previous debate , we were nok Sup- pose to discuss khe merits or demerits ôf the Resolution ;

' m ( 1 the suspension of the Rules and therefore, I for -l r e y q - I y s, jg.r( s. tf a : v>,..7. tk G f2, N jï I.t A L, A S S E M B L Y i y z k . , : , .:. $ ( 12 F 1 L. 1 w l tq D l S , , - ' lj1 . ë k' . Cç- ' V (;tcg . / j.j o o s t.: o yr f ) c 1 h I k c s c p4 'r m a , u c s . --. w. 'ï-T.z:. -k - I

I . Gp one would appreciate an Glxplanation f rom the S i pon tlor . jus t ' h'hat th i.z Reso lution would do '' . . A . 'L'e. lcser : '' The gen tlcman f ror:t Coek , Ftepresenta tiive Davis . t'

Davi.s : '' The Resolution wi 11 resolve by klle . House of Repre-

senhatives that we respectfully , buk earnestly requesk, I thca Comprehens ive Coun U . ( .y I'lospital Iqealth and Allied Medical 1 Program Govern Colnmission of Cook Craunky , to impose a . six weeks freeze upon the discharq'e of these emplo yees r

the wholesale firing of employees , and that a suitable copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the Chairman I l and the Secretary of kha Executive Director of the

Comprehensive County Kospital Health and Allied Medical Program Govern commission . A11 we're asking them to do . . . . you see , we spend so mueh money training these peoplo ' . espeaially these practieal .nursesr and there's no questiontj ' about ik. They just can't puk black practical nurses every place thay say they 're putting them . T'm getting calls 'where they say we're not being hired , you see. Now , if

there is a chance, since we've spent so much money trainin

them , if there is a possibility thak khey are needed , and these dockors will know far bdkter khan I believe than

the adm inis trators e Well. why no b. keep them there , beeause

' T'/e 1 re piclcing up the tab over there - Public Aid is picking it up and they 're going to be throwé , letts faee it, if they canp.t find jobs right back on Publl' c A1d and it's

over a billion dollars now . And if we ean aveid som e of j .i k and () .i. ve them a j ob ,' kh is is v/l4at we want to know . 1 ' . 1 ,k ...... I z/ 'k f. .) Jp , g. s $ I . ?. % . ->-p z h G E, N E 11 A L t î S S E M B L Y . J i'47JJ . . , 'r. î . 1

, j:x..j' tNu ;' . .' .'. g*' .i 'l . '1 q> kl S 'ES 'Tt .>% Fn 'er o f' . t Lt.t T1 C' ''.D k %. At .J' 4 f2ï4te 1C = r; bl 3r /% 3'I &# E S r - z..' ' ' ------..----. '

: ' j I j . * . . ' 1

. I ' 63. I x

I N 0$.7 , i t. sq i. l l b c) in 't.lze IA a n d s o f th e t-'ozmnj. s s .i. on . i h . . . on' k.h is Res o lu t i.on , they 'k'? i 1). act by Ftabruary , alad i f . j they Jon ' t need tllem , khen they wi l l have to dismiss j ' . . i them , but a1l we ask them to do is ko recheek , because ' l I we h aven ' t rece ived any f igures anypl a ee , except f or what 1 ! we ' ve read in tho papers , how many has been rehired and i al1 th is , but there ' s been no docm nentakion of how m any i .

I - I people lzave b een rehired alzd I çm getting calls and calls I I and calls, especially from these practical nurses that 1 we s pertt the taxpayers money training , I t m getting ealls l l that tlaey are nok being rehj-red anyplace - ''

' I ' A. Telcser: $, Is there iruryher discussion? If not, the gentle-

man has moved that khe House adopt-. Resolution :67. 'A1l l in favor of acloption , . ' , signify by saying aye , the oppusod j ' . . . . . ' n o '. The Resoluticn is adopted . On the order of I . I Conference Comm itkee Réports , which have been p .3aced on I . i your desks, appears Conferepae Committee Report', 'relative

to Senate Bill 1290, for v/hich purpose the gentleman from Knox , Representative Mchlaster is recognized .''

M cMaster : ''Ah .... Mr . Speaker , Ladies and Gentlemen of khe Hou e ,

the Conference Coamittee voted unanimously to adop k the Con g erenee Commiktee Repart on Senate Bill 1290 and essent .ally r

it of f ered' this amezAdmenk ah . . . . it ' s a one line amend- ment . It s ays , ' This Iltackion does no t app ly ko any

Cotlnty that is a Hom e R1.1q.e u): 5.t: . ' L n o bher words , the

! Cook County was amended out of tnlle B#.ll . I th ink we . '

' have gone over the Bi 1'.L ah . . . . many kinles and i k i nvolves ,

' : ' . f'f . l Q 4, ' . 1,.* j . yv:'> . 1 ygq .j,y. a . . : ,; y (; jj y jï jt ,4 j. jk j; j; jï M j; jw y . ;'1 '- ) . *' ' . f , .. j j. . .y, J . sy g .rc o # I u z. 1 a o j s v , 6 H o l , s c o fz' I e f; 2* 1: r t; I.J f.l 'l' n 'î' 1 v 17 s - -- 7-;c' -,G. . ' ' . . .

I . , - - - - .-- - ,- -- ..--.- - . - - ''' - ' ..- -- .. .. --- . ---- - . .- - .. .. . -.- .- - - ...... ) r 64. I E iI paymen t t:o the counties f or the cost of collec Ling and I I . disbursinq cf khe kaxes for the various local unihs of I ' government . I would a1a - . . . urge your ah . - . . vote f avor- k ably upon this conf erence eoutm iticee report . It has been passed and adcpted in the Senate by a vote of 36 to 4.?' ! A ''Is khere any discussion? The gentlem an from 1 ' . Telcser : i ( I . ' l Kane , Represenkakiva Hill.'' '1 j ' .14 l Hill : was the motion to put this back on 'tllle calendar. s j . '

that what the motion s'.ras ? '' * , A. Telcser: ''Nor this is a Conference Committee Re/ort, )l ' Representative Hill, and khere are copies on your desk.'' l Hill: ''Goodness , gracious y this particular piece of legislation has had about nine lives. This is a piece of legislation 1

that ah ... had been b locked several J.ifferent tim es in ' the llouse of Representatives , and nolz/ with khe F'ederal. l t . I Revenue Sharing, giving various monies to the Counkies, I 1 feel more con fident that a Bill of this nature is not I ' I needed. ûçe will end up just taking mcre money eventually from the Property tax payers. You can feel very confident

. that alonq the line someplace, this is gqing to happen and

I would sugqest to you, very seriously , to dafeat this piece of legkslation again.'' '

A . Tel.cser : '' Representa tive Hanahan , f or hrhat purpose do you

rise , Sir? ''

. Hanahan : ''Is Senatû Bill 1290 as an Conferencg Committee Repor

' pn the Calendar? ''


I t gA .7R'E' .J % . , r.t't -- a 'r . G E N lf It A L A S S ls M 8 L 5/ ( 1 à q -' : .;, yo- ?, h . $z j .; g J ) s'f' a'r c; o fr 1 u.u ( tq o Itf . . - -,-.'t . . . ' I ' Z' Xxc.. ,..,e,,z . ' u o k4 s tl C) IJ 14 E P 1 : i: t'k ft 1% 'f A T ( V f; 5 . - - - - ' . o ------, h

- - .- - ..- - - . ------.z-- - .....- .- - .- .-.- - . )

. t; s 1

A Te ) cser r '' No Cojjf erence Contmittee Jterlorts . I t I s no t i 5 ()n the c a 1c. tndar today . Tt Ii

Hanahan : ''Then how could' sqe vote on it j.f ik ' s not: on tihc

A j . Telcser : ''W e1l , Conference Coam ittee Reports dc not have t .1 to be on the Calenditr . We vote on them a11 the time 3 . , ; parti l cularly in the closing days of the session . ' But '1

they have been pas sed down there on your' desk , Repre-

sentative Hanahan. '' ' o ' j H . j '' ' anahan : ''Then I would like to speak on khe matiozi . 1 J ' . A. Telcser: ''Proceed, Sir.'f T l ' Hanahan : ''May I queskion tl-ze Sponsor , or the Chairman o f the

' conference coxuitteea'' l ' ; A .; . Te lcser : HCartainly . He indicates helll yield.'' l ' i Hanahan : 11 How many counties in the State of Illinois presently j l t

. are at there maximum tax rate?'l (

McMasker ) '1I couldn 't answer that question comp lptely , ah ....

Mr. Representativer Iïm sure that prohably, ah.. . I would guess probably 80t of them are.n ' Hanahan: ''T underskand j , Sir , that there 's only 18 or 19 counties

'' that are at their m aximum r'ate -

Mcl4aster) ''1 would be incline to disag' ree wikh you . I 'm sure

there are more than khak, but again , I can ft say exactly how m any . '' . '* i . llanahan : '' A1l right , now , secandly , S ir , wi .1:14 the Revenue j

. Sharing , whak great needs' are there in the Count ies for this added amount of money to be taken away f rom the

. ' - 3',t,%. I.Vt.' /k ) 7 . ' 4/1 't - , . -n.?.;.,,, . G E lh1 E 11. (, $y jty .. . r ,j , sy yz j A L A S .% 1.12 51 8 L Y k h. ;' ;.- ,. : . . . ? . .' / s'rA're r.l s' ' t-î-l N oIG . AJY Y7. . t;' ', .1 OtJ C;C O F- R f: ja s c s c x x s, x , v u s . l vqyhertr ' . ë I I ' I ( j . i' 6G. ' '

scllool di stricts and the o tcher d 5.f f eren t tilxing bodies that are in desperate neeci of money that need t;o be

handed over to Ehe county government? ''

l4cMast:er : ''welz , z 'n., qulte sure that al). . . the s.ndication to ''

. me from the cou? .)y is toat Revenue sharing is not soing !( to be the complete answer. to County finances , Mr . Hanahanr and I certainly feel that neither ïs 1290 a com- ' . ;'. ' ' pleke answer !è o. ' t2 pun 'l: y f inanaes . Buk cerkainly i h is a skep in tha t: 'dâz eation . I ' m quite surq that the Coun bies are going to havG-to have some means of acquiring tlnc ' ) . .

necassary finances to pay for the employees &nd ah . . . various pay raises of employees that are coming before

thert. I think khat we rea lize thak any eounty fs . functions p are increasing in cost as any okher eost is increasing

to any unit of qovernment and also in private industry , .

(() Om . rl ' .

Hanahan : ''Well, Mr-uspeaker , Members of the House . Senate .

' r e' . Bi 11 l29 O', we.. vgoing to add , if J:e pass this e we 1 d almos be hypoeriticàl .X' 14 what we ' re just talking about earlier today in tax freeze. It seems that wç can't carry wàter

' ' on both shoulderg. We can jt be for a tax freeze, on one hand, and then take mone: away from kax bodies wikhin a county levy group, by adding 1290 to the statute book and

say we're goilbgeiko allow a charge for collecting of taxes.

. N()w somewhere aft'ong tihe line , we have to be hone s t with Yhe Peop le , in 10th County government and in State gov ern-

ment . We can ' t '. aarry khe waker two ways . We ' re either ' ' - - - . [email protected],.-- - /,z'' I .' :.;r'(!b. ;.- ' . . , ' $. . - I 1$( i. .ç:.;- :t. . -..t n. :r../ . i):. x)y .-. .'t;' . p. '.i.,k E slvt xhx rz1 - oe A, u su , rsuo Ets M 1.1 1- >' $N . c - .n.'..,.b) .,,. . rxou spa o s ,., ruewjcstcsvav , v us ,x: 2 st ' 'Luf>çV------' - .. ! 67. ' . . j ' tl o Lng. t:o t; i7y that we are i)4 f avor of a t:iax f ree ze or not . j - )

'g don ' t beli.eve that thi s i s the right nle thod (7.1.: grlilàq . 1! êlbout ra is j- ng revenues f or a County gfavernment . In Mcllenrïl,r ! I wlliclt harj happens to be very much in f avor cf Senate Iqî 11 I i 1290, I oppose it on the basis of one khing - thak if our l ' j ( 7overnmant , our collntcy sovernment needa more money to ' operlu.ke .

. t kts sys tem , both my Democr at i'c chair ' s of f ice or any other l I of fice in Counky government , then be hcanest about it and . E ) go to the Peop-te and requesk itz not ta impose another 1 . addcad tax on tax on a1l the o ther kax levy grèups in the l

' ! ' county in the colleckion of taxes. I think this is wûll l t ' 1 debated before. The concensus w as before in the House ) khat ï'te were in oppos ition of zchis irrtpos ition of added 1 ' l ' tax on tax and I think it should be soundly defeated .': i ' l,

Teleser: '' Genkleman fz- om L a ke , Representati.ve Matijevich.t' l . 1 - - ijavieh: ''Mr. Speaker and Members of the House. I voted l f or this Bi 11 when we had it up all . . . in the House . And ! ' j Sï J .l I thoughk ik was needed ko get the counties out of a bindz'!I ' but time and events change. I think, now , that a1l of l i : uz.s tax . us who voted and supported C. L. Jiccormiek n freeze, ought to vote against Senate Bill 1290. The . eounties now have Revenue Sharing. Most of khe People who have talked ko us against the tax freeze have been the school districts and the municipalities, buh khe Echoc) districts are now gekting into a bind and we are fgos.nçj to

' plaee them int(.7 a f urther b irïd , j. f ïqe pas s Sena'e.e Bi 11

1.29 0 . Revenue . Sharinq has cotten tlne Counties out of tlhat

G E N E 11 A L A S F( E 51 1$ 1-. 5/ ST A R' P: ç) i' f t- t- t /4 C t G 6 8 .

Bincl. They have tl3e sourc:e , the Revenue souree now I f or khis collection . I don ' t khink' we need khis Bill I I . I any longer , so l would urge the Members of the House to votra against the Conf erence Conm ittee Report on Senate

Bill 12 9 0 . '1 A. Telcser : '' Is tllerc-l f urther discuss ion ? T24e Gerz klenlarl fbz'om ) St. Clair, Represenkakive Fli/n.'' Flinn: ''Mr. Speaker, Ladies and Gentlemen of the House. I l rise in support of Senate Bi11 1290. I think there's been; some miseonceptions here ancl uninkentionally so. In the 1 1 first place, the necessity for Senate Bill 1290 came aboutt because of the change in the Constitution , the 1970 Con- stitukion stopped the counties from colleeting a 3% tax ! 1 from the various school Jiskricks and othar special taxing

districts. Not one of those districts to my knowledge cut their assessmenks. This amounked ko a windfall. We

are feeling sorry for the special taxing districts and

' the school districts and so forth #nd ït u'as nothâng in

the world but mare money in their pockets. Therets no necessity for them to raise the type of property taxes in

order te pay this. They already have the money now. They have the money in their speeial aksessment that was not cut away , so I rise fn support of tlne tlnïng and I'm going to vote for ite'' ( A. Telcser: nRepresentative Hill, for what purpose do yeu rise,

Sir?'' l'li 1)- : î' I n the Rules o f the Housta , ah . . . . Num ber 4 uncier Order :

atftI xvs . ' . f : 1.: /J)?4,.'v*: :-î)' ' '?, >.. .' q. jh G E N E 11 A L A S S 9'. 51 B L Y 'çî f- .) . . .u. ) j, cr yq .,. (u (2, ;, j t. k. j r 4 ,2, j rj îk ; ' 'n'' b ' ' , o$a sc o Sr .4 sc .> ' t 1: s c r.l ''r n v f u cs ' u . vkx:.x v -<..- . a .. . - - .- .- . ...- . I . . 1 ' j! . . ' l 1 . j - . - - ..- - '- . - - . . - ' '- '- ' - - - '' ' '- ' - ' ' ''- '-'=' ---'-'--'--'' ' -' ' * ---'---- ' ' ' ' '' l ' I I 69 . .

of Bus ilness , Number 6 , .tt r ra ads ' The C lerlç lznder tlte ' ' direetion of tlAe sptrlarcer shall publâ sh a daily calendar and cause it to ' be placed (7ll the desk of the Members bef ore the convening of trhe House , showing all speeial

E orders o f the da'!'r '' o nd a11 Bi 11s and a 11 Res olutions be f ore ( the Jfous ! e , excep't those dealing witla death , congratulationtr .' j' and adj ournment , in their proper or. der of readinq . Bi l1s t . ' ' j .' I shall appear 'upoèl, .'c'he calendar in num erical order and . .

thos r.) amendetl shc, 3- :1.' be so des icnated . ' And T l'lbj eet ' hearing this par'bic.-u lar pl-ûce of leg islakion. under this I) . ' . , . t . Rule. j! ' . 1 . $ j' . A . Telcser : ''Wel.1 , l.et m e look at the Rules . Representative ' Matijevichr for what purpose do you rise, Sir?'' Matij evich : '' Same point of Order , Mr . Speaker v because earlier you h/d. said that we had alvpays brought up special conf ere ce commiktee r/ports. However, if you remember z W e always

. had supplemental 'calendars that 1et us know that these

. partieular bills 'wece coming up , and wci didn ' t have this on the Calendar. '. Iihis hasn 't been on any supplemental ' calendar that I V- now and it's typieal of the many mittakes

: . '' wû're doing in this session .

A . Teleser ; ' '' Represtentative' Hunsieker ' , f or what purpose do you.

I . rise t sirv'' . '

Hunsicker : ''Mr . S () eak' e' 2 and Ladies and Gent!. emen of tlze Ilouse . '

J: ' d like i;o rise 4)) f avor of this legis la'tion . You know We pas sed a Bill durin'g Uhe las U . Ses sion , in elemrl tling . '

$ 5 f 0 0 0 on per. soràç.l.q- 'tca. x f or individula ls and bkls i ne sx ses . . . ).'Gt 'astk.x I .u 'tîbb 74 u. ; r/) 4 ) ) .: ,s, c'ru.;t G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y $ !î .2 j. . ; ) s 'r .l% 'I . l's oyr g u, j.j s oj s , '' '- -Y'Z.' 01E*: '-ë-'''' ' . . i

* . . .

. ' ! j ' ' ' j 7n ! j . ' '' * E

Prior to tlla tn # >1e took â.t of f of household f urnishings and one automobile. We also passed a $1500 homesrnead exemption for the Senior Citizens and I undezstancl :he j ' . I last day or two frcm--.. before I cr le to Springfield, j ' some of the cikies and villages in the county where I I come from are receiving half of the amoumt of the Revenue l Sharing bhey expected to get. Nour if this holds true 1 Il for khe county , Ladies and Gentlemen, and we don 'k give l 1 tiem additional money for collecting khese taxes, you're ) l going Eo find yourself in a bind and 'in a year or two 1 t you1ll be raisin'g the income tax a percent or kwo to make l

' up khe difference. Now , I think the Bill ought to be !

A. Telcser: 'lLetls see if wa'ean squirm out of this thing ' ' . . . . .

somehow. 0 r kay r the Chair w.i 11 rule , Represenkative . j Matijevichy thak your point is well takene and chere should have been a supplemenkal calendar on the éesk. .> ' Gentleman from Knox , Representative McM aster , for What

purpose do you rise , Sir?'' McMaster: ''Certainly , it has not been my intenh ko try ko slip this through, Mr. Hill. Ah.... believe me, we have , I'm

. quite sure passed on many Conference Comm ittee Reports and for klnis reason , ah .... due te your point of order : I

would like to ask f or the suspension of the Rules alèd thta

immediate cons ideration of this Bi. ll . t'

A . Telcser : '? Gentleman has . moved f or the' suspension ef Ru le '

I No. 6 f or khe immedi ake consideration of Conf erence .

. .. q )j7.'tz' .7 X x . .' :1 % ).q - *( .Q..' . .' %rj c E N ;.ç ) k A L. A s s E N 1 I J l w Y . ' ( t t:k:. .' k..d, ;z â sxavfc ot'- , j- ; . yc. j . . , . . . y , ujsois 1j,. . .'.'. y 4.J sousu o rz 14 Elp Ivlzscwj.ra-rlv irs ! . - =

Gentlem an from M eBenry '' , Representative Hanahan . llanahan : ,1 By ïsray o f exp l a ininq. my vcte r I r d just Like to urrge l : the Members to vote 'no' on this I . notice in absence of ! I the Constitutional Convention delegakas to explai 1 n why in the Constikution . They , in the new Conskitution z r ecom - mended to the People of Illinois that we do nc't allow I' countïes ko add on in tax i , and noticably in the debate ( , 1 we haven'k heard from any of the Con Con, the former Con I Con delegates in explaining why the C onstitutional Con- vention urge a none retaipinq of the add on tax far tax levying groups or eounky govûrnment.'' 1 A. Telcser: 'slllave al1 voted who wished? D uff 'aye '. Take the record. On this question there are 68 'ayes ' , , 38

'nays', and the gentleman's . . . . . Representative Mcldaster , for what purpose do you rise?''

l4cl4astzr : Mr . Speaker , Ladies and Gentlemen of the H ous e r Since we cannok get khe neeessary vok es ta suspmnd khc Rules to work on this Bill tonighk/ I w ould like to have it on the Calendar tom orrow morning in order khat we may vote cn it then. I yemuld like ko poin: eut to the varioust genk lemen , that the various copies hav e been distribulied

and are on the desks . I would ask them to f/miliarize themselves with it and ah . . . . if it is on the Calendar

*,. rX' ., *;jI.i . T'2 ' $ . kq , ;ï1'-.3 ' ?. '?L> '- Aj G E N E (1 A t. k.. A S S E M 8 L Y j .)$ r- . , (.) . . it ;' ) s r .;. ' e: o r.r ' !- u ' '4 o I s *y j--.) - ',..r. . . ,, xYwsi. vs. e './ 14 otl ts E: o Ir IR CP !# tsi5 L( N'T AY I V EE . . ' )j . I 1 ' 1 ...- - ... - ...... - . - ...... -

..-.-.--.,---- ..'- ''-'-=-'-'-- ' ''------'----''''' ' 1' 72 'I . . ) I unders kand that we can vote (:)n it tomorrow I . I s this eorrect'? ''

A TeJ cscr ) '' Tha h ' s correct , Sir ,- or a supplemen t 1' :al calendar . lKî CMaster : '' Supp lem' ental Calencèar. tomorrow or when? '' A . Telcser : '' Ik wi 11 be under ' . . . . The Clerk tells me it will be under Regular Calendar tonorrow . '' xaxasker, ''p-l - ne. '' ' j . . . 7-. T.(a lcser : '' 0 ' kay , and the qentleman ' s moti-on f ails . Repre- 1

sentative Kennedy , for what purpose (1o you rise, Sir?'' Kennedy : ''Mr . Speaker , Ladies and Gentlemen of the Hcuse j , I'd 1 ust .like to know when you plan on goinq home , tbat ls all?

I thought maybe somebody might be getting hungary . Wa

. '' ought to do something . A. Telcs er : '' I ' m trying' to .f i nd ouk now. '' . ltennedy : NI say Ladies and Gentlemen of th e House, I'm just hlrious as to when you plan to C. . adjourn this General '

ASS ef!lj ; 1 y p ,1 ' ' . A. Teicser: '11111 find that out for you i n just a few moments. Representative Hcffman for what purpose do you rise , , Sir?'

Hoffm an : ''Mr . Speaker , Members of the House . Just a peint of

information. Ah . . . . immedlately upon adgournment today r would the Members of the House Divorce Lawyers Study Committee stay for a feur seconds befose leaving?''

A . Telcser : s'Gen kleman f rom Cook '' , Rcpresenkakive Hyde . ' Hyde : ''Mr. Sptaaker t Ladies and Genklemen of tl ae Hoklse . I now

move that the Ilouse atand kn recess f or a period of 15 ' minutes f or purposes of a Republican Conf erelnce in

. . . . 'g 5, rpowstuuk . I ,, ! t. b k''v r kv-, SX-. 'jy G E N E I l A I - / t S S f. 5' l 1 ! L Y .. ' l i; bbs'- k' %t. ' : . .,; > ) , f. , sl r. . ). ,ii;y,/h, . g; a;. ,: -r f: r; fr , u. 'k. ' j'. .;) ..r-. yha' ./.,/ . u ous.u o g :.t c.e ç., tcsts- I ori x- rf: ,J ;. çw; 'v $cs . , u -. .c- .5ë s. . - . ------..1 . -1

. 1 : ' '' v '' % - '- -'- .' '' - - '' - H'''''''*-''-'e'v '- 1 ' ' ' * --'''- '- * *''''- - '''* '''''* , * '''''- '* * '* '** * ''''- '* * ' '* * - '* - 1 . 1

7: 1 . . ; Room 2 12 ilvmecl 1 .iate 1.y . '' '

A . Te lcsef : '' Gentleman . ' f rom . Union , Ne'p' resent:a kvivta ClAoate . '' . . Choate : ''Yes , Mr . Speaker , I would like those rem aining

I . Democrats to ah . . . . meet with n1e in Roo:n M- 5 f or a perïod of 10 bo 15 minutes-t'

A Telcstnr : 'Iorkay : al1 in favor r signify by saying 'ayel r l the opposed rno'. The Houae !/ill stand in recess for '

I 15 m inuûes . '

Hmn . 1,7. Robert . Blair :' ''Al1 righ't r we ' 11 qo back into the

. Rmgular Ses s ion nok) , f rom wh i eh w e reees sed , and uq ' 11

'' ' go to the Order of Agreed Resolukions .

' Jaek O 'Brien : ''House Joint Resolution 152 .

F' . Se lcke : $' Hous e Joint Res olution 15 2 . ruauri no e t. al . .

House Joint Resolution 861. Madigan . M . Madigan . House

Resolution 862. M. Madigan r House Resolution 8G3. Welsh

et a1. House Resolution 864. Welsh et al. Hausc Resolutlon

' 865. Welsh et a1. House Resolution 866 . Arrigo et al.

'9 ' House Resolution 867...... Hon . :f . Robert Blair : ''One moment , f or whain purpose does

the geùtleman f ror:k Cook , Mr . Wi lliam Walsh k' arise? $1

W . D . P7a 7. s h : '' Mr .. Speaker , o n I-laus e Re s o l.ut: i on 8 7 3 , I ah . . . . !.&'an k same af f irmation f rom the Chairman of the Execu tnive Committee that there would be a meeti .nq . Mr . Speaker , ' I Wonder if he could be recognized for suspens ion of the -

. a'.a?p-worpr.i- at. a--zluln- 9. '' = - - . ' -, tzpbzx's , 5 -. - , qt ,z . ' . 'wiqk. c E N t.: 14 A I - A s s E M 1) 1 / J1 'kt - Y % ' î . ( ? - ' 9$ I b.T tj s ., .. v tc o s. , u u l ,x o . s k- vln, . .*z.?' -,,' , etquqgss o e' 'êz:easst-rav.-qvl-k'pzs gàzv'.Lbs '

. -- x er

7 4 .

I'Ion . W . Robert Blair : ''A 11 right r w e d re . . . . we ' 11 get .Izo

thosta shortly . We ' re oa atgreed resolutiens risht now . As saon as we f .inish thcse , hre 1 J.l gtatc t:o the one you ' re

ref eyrinq t.o . '' F' . Selcke : '' House Resolution 8 G8 . Rayson et al . House Resolutïon 869. Sehlickman et al . House Resolution :70.

Leon ût al. House Resolution 871. Lechowicz et a1. 1 House Resolution 872 . capàrelli et al. House Resolution l 874. Shea et a1. Housç Resolution 875. Taylor et al .

House Nesolution 876. Walters ek al. House Resolukion '

877. Hanahan et a1. House Resolukion 878. Jacobs et a1.

House Resolution 873. Fary et a1. gouse Resolueion 880.

' Londrigan etal. House Resolution 881. Fary e k al. House Resolution 882 . Carrclt et al . 883. Palmer et a1. 884.

Terzich e: al. '' ' 886. Ledhov7icz et a1 . Hon. W. Roberk Blair : ''Gentleman from Cook ' r Mr . Hyde .'' . 1 Hyde : ''Thank you z Mr. Speaker, Ladies and Gentlemen of the House, the really high spot of the evenin .x ' g , tha agreed resolutions. Heuse Joint Resolution l52 ah . . . . t%kes umbrage at a game calle!d the ' Godf ather Gam e ' whi c:h pur-

porks to let players fight for control of rackets testing their skills at bookmaking , extortion , bootlegging , longsharking and hijacking and tiis Resolution deplor e s and condemns khe distributicn of the Godf ather Gam e in khe State and urgœs the manufackurer , Family Games, Inc .:

to withdraw the Godbather game from eirculation in the interest of th e public (Jood . llouse Resoluti.on 8 61. con-

'..,JxV'-*1 x' .

('ï t'it'-:i':.:. 'jb?-' X>('.' G 1è: N E R A L. A S S E M î! 1- Y tT .14 .) - . -) svaa.iu o s ,u'-' ,., o ls :- .;.7. . ).f- . '- .. . , jXu.. , v.;qà , 'jou ss .,r ,k. ,z g- ,t 'u s;s ,q v ,. v , w cs -'77''%- ' I

75. gratulatûs seven schools in Snuth Stiekney School District en their achievements ah . and f or khéir programs t:o

dake a;d supports their continued effort. T'nese schools are the I'uther Burbank r Richard P1 . Burr , Jacque line . . I Rennedy, Rosajean Maddock, Franeis Mccord, Marjorie I j Owens and Edward Tobin Schools.. House Resolution 862

commends khe Vikings of ah . sk . Lawrence Hiqh School , who Tpere the city champions and their Coach Cavanaugh

upon ah.... their football successes- House Resolution 86) commends the legendary Dick Allenz first baseman and power i

hitter of the chicago ïqphi tle Sox and mos t valuable player .

House Resolution 864 cammonds the legencary Harry Kari ,

the exciking Chicago Wh ite Sox baseball broadcaster. Hous . Resolution 865 commends the legendary Chuck Tanner, Manager

of the Chieago kn'lite Sox . House Resolutïon 866 mourns the

passing' o f Mrs k Marie Walker. House Resolution 868 ah... commends one of our fine legislators, who retiring and I would yield'to Representative Rayson , he is on the

Ploor'. Is Represenkakive Rayson over there , M r- Mann? In the absence Representative Rayson , I will read part of this kesolution. And it says 'Whereas the 78th General

Assembly will not have the beneffk the competent, good humor r and experienee of one of our colleagues and his

performance as a Member of this House for eiqht terms has resulted in many well deserved awards and honors including

bes 1: legi s l ator aw ard f rom the ind ependent voters of . I l lino i s in 5 9 , 6 5 , 6 7 , 6 9 and in 19 7 0 he $,7a :ë d i s-

I s .:79û1î:277:.. ., s zy : :, .' t'3 w.x :.. yssy yq. . , l ig k,. ?.? . ft.7, -a. e '. ta ra jx c 1) A jw A j; F; j! M B L Y l '' ym !' ., .y .-, $ ct. -.;.)? 57 n 'rc o r' ' uu i ,4 o Is . .- .. k:u .. /2* . -- / k I ou s iz o e ra tr :> !v f.: :5 t.: pq 'r Jk'r 1 v e s s ky gg. yx ' . . . . ' . I

' w . L . -. -- - .- ...

' ' . , I l . . p6. 1j tinquished by the I lli.nois Tria.l Lawyers Associakion and

in )-9 7 l by the Chicago Bar Ass oc iat .'Lon ; and T'zlactli'eas 13.is

track record as a laNe er : legislator is deeply concerned T/ikh Jnones t;y z çppenness , and eths.cs in qovernmellt and witln

the interesk of tho People of tnhis Stake , have caused

Governor-elect Dan Wallcer to deS iqnate him as Chait-man j . ( * of the Illinois Racing Board; therefore, be it resolved l

by Ehe House of Representatives of the 77th General

Aàsemb ly that we commend , congratulate and thank Anthony

Seariano. for his long and diskinguished législaKive careeril and for his éccokplishments and contribukions to the

. legislative process and toward furkhering the Public

interest and we extend to Tony and his lovely wifez' Lea,

and his fine Sons , Anthony , Gail and John Kevin r ever'y . . good wish to kh(a future . Tonàr Scariano. Hcuse Resolution

8 6 9 ak . . conmlends Harvey Carkàthers . the f ire chief of ' Arlington lleiqhts, vgho is rptiring after 36-1/2 years. House Rescllution 8.... May the record shose on the Scariano

Resolution, everyone agrees, but Mr. Choate. House Resolution 870 commends Stanley Leck upcn obtaining the age of 65 and ah.... his fine work for the Chicaqo Transit Aukhority. House Resolution 871 memoralize's the passing

of khe Reverend Harold Seager . House Resolution 8 72 mourn.

the death of the Assistant Superintendent of Sanitation of the Ciky of Chiaago, Mr. George Morrow. House ResoluUi n 874 memoralszes and éxpresses the shock and sadnness of ' I t1Rj.s Dody at the death of United Stcates Representative , . ' ' ' e ' g . ''= . *- '. ' - '' ' . ;:à .:k.ô Stl3-i'.erttj,k v i ' ). , . , ? :.z -'i,'ru' .h ('.9 (. N p. R A L A S S (î 51 B L Y ' j' t: ' ,î 7 - , tz à (- I u u j s . $ s 1l ( l s. ; - ; p s .r. / ,. v ts o , $yxs . v ' . . g.', ..' g y . s o qj s j r o s j ky u j. j : ju s; j r ; q y. n a. j v c s i: 1 J. â-.,,e . .azN =- - - . -.- - X I

' George W. Col lins , who died in Lhe tragie crasll of khe jet airlinctr Priday, December 8, 1972. House Resolution

87 5 memoralizes and expresses tlle sclrrow o.E this Body

over th e death of klne very talented , young Clc'S News . . correspondankr Miss Michelle Clarkr on that same air ' j ' ( crash. House Resclution B'l6 memoralâzes cur sorrow and j ' . l deep grief at the passing and khe nntimel: death of our ' ood f rien'd . , former United States éenakor and fcrmer Speaker of this House, khe Honorable Ralph Tyler Smith.

I .flause Resolukion 877 congratulates Charles A . Thompson , on his retirement as Jecretary-TYeasurer of the Chicago

District council of khe Carpenters Union . House Resolutio

878 commends one o f our eolleagues , t'ce Honorable Russ Ham ilton r cur distinguished friend and colleague frol the 4 2n(:1 D is t:r ic k 'orh o ik re'k i r4 ng a t th fé eoinp le ti on o f 'thi s ' Assembly. (O ereas he was borne in Kankakee in 1904 and has served the People of that area uell in khe General AssemblyMfor tWo terms and has also served the People of

' thak area as a Member of numerous service organiéations and we'll miss his warmth and friendship as well as his 'wit and wisdom . And it's the desire of kbis House of

Representatives to wish him and his vife, Dorothy , good

luck and happiness in retirement ; therefore , be it resolvec ' by the House of Representakives that this Body eolwnends C R ''Ru'ss Hamilton for his years 6f outstanding service ' and that we wish him an enjoyable and health retirement . I and that a suitably engrossed copy of this Resolukion be

. 7+ M x p. <'k a . .t, y x s s (j s j j. /'(. /x...J , il's G E N E R A L j j. v .q. t. N'.jY kç. .-:. l' . z' ?r .- ,-:. qzykl . s o u s t:s; v'o gv fv r- ,a c: pfr >- f. e ,I J, -!; , -c , r,:q 4t z' kn, s'; r 1 v c s l xY xhgcjbf y C. >' ...... j I . ! j ' ! I

. 1 I t

I .' 78. l ted to Repres I presen entakive Russ Bamilton. House Resclu- tion 8 79 memcfali zes tnhe 20th annlversary of an organiza tni n known as the Glass Clinkers Society. House Resolution 880 lourns the passing ef Mr. George W. Nelson of 82 of

Springfield. House Resolution 881 ah .... praises and honcrs public spirited people such as Joe and Jean j' ' . . . Spellman . House Resolution 882 ah . . . . expresses our regret at the passing of Paul Crystal. Hcuse Resolution

883 memoralizes and honors the l0Okh birthday ,of Delya

Meister , a respecked member of her communiky . House ' Resolution 8B4 honors the Honorable Frank C. Wolf, our diskinguished colleague from the 21st Representativû ' '

District of Chicago, who happens to be serving his 10th . consecutive teï= in the Hcuse of Represqntakives. Whereas Repres/ntative Wolf was borned , reared and educated in Chicago, Illinois and has lived a1l of his life in the area and he ià sc outstandingly represented for pracisely vA ' two decades with superior ability to server honor and

unt'agered inkegrity , while giving attention to khe Skate 's

financial help , which is dependent upon legislakion .

' Whereas by bath education and exparienee. prior to his ' first eleation to this House for the 68:h Session , he was well prepared by attending YMCA Business College and

Norths/estern University . later specializing in Accounting and Business Administrakion , and he seryed in an administrctive eapacities'in the House of Correetions and the Board of i

I , , . Insp qc tjp r K .cz- c.la.ty...of (7h.4. ccugo-anc'l-.tlhaz--el't 7 n a. gtx-ll-irtow -'l mca nsure . s Q'.'' '. ' ' .,;èk,1L lrl' c . ..h.'u )x. x v . .. , ,''X?'b (- 'f'e.z -qN. y G i? N E lt h L, .4 S s E M 11 1. Y ( 1 t,tuokr o. .: -j .i . a$) 'btlk;.. )i j s,.x vs o tz , u u I u o ! s . îk- .;:. s. z , ,' gooss . s. assassssvwvdvlzs ' h'/vp;c . ------. - ...... I ' '. j :

. .. .. I

79. . : And whereas hi.ia- N-.ommittee Ass ignments i i n th is BodA/r , f or $ khe most part, were madâ te utilize his expertise in

finance and administration, and included financial institutions , credit regulationsy pensions and trans- portation ; and whereas we will miss hi s frlendly aktikude and diqnity Tçhi ch he ming 1ed with a sense Lf humor and administrativû wisdolq ; rheref ore z be it resolved by this 1

Tiouse khak we. cofiplend khe Honorable Frank C . Wo lf f or 10 ccnsecutive sessions in khe General As sembly on his capabl

and dedicated se.t-viee to the People of his Distri ct and to the People of . the State of Illinois . Prank Wo lf. House Resolution 886 mourns the pa ssing of Mr. àtephen Rakowski, who is stepfakher of United States Reprpsentativ

Roman Kos inski . ' I no'.'7 m ove : Mr . Speaker t adoption of khe

'' agreed Jtesolution . Hon . W . Robert Blair : '' Gentle man has of f e/ed the move ef the adoption of khe agreed resolutions . All those in favcr r signify bga sqying 'aye' , the opposed 'no'. The Resolukion are adopted. Are there further . resolutionsr ' P. Seleke: ''House Resolution 873 . W. D. Walsh et a1.'' A . Telcser t Gentlem an from . . . . Represenkative Juekett will '' handle it.

Juckett: ''Mr . Speakerêu'and ladies and gentllmen of th e House . I would ask for the suspension of Ru le 17 so that this Resolution could b'e heard in an E xecutivq CoN ûiktee meetin

n tpmorrow at 10:00 'mM .

1.. . - . - ..-. ' .V . '' ' '(3 X /k j '1 --pp 't), - , G 12- . J/ ,.N' I-s R A L A S S E $.1 1.1 L Y y? (:.::' 't )..N.k t., 6 , -. ,. J . r , =, . . . .y sv aa. c; o lr t u.t-l so ks . . '/ l-lo ustC o rr i4 fDrz sc. p>*... r4 c; ssx.r x.r l v cs j 2$#)Z; .. ' ' ' I I %

L- '' ' -*-*'-'* - -- '- -- * - '- '- '- ' ''- ''' ' '* * - * 'e ''*'* ' * * *

8 0 . A. Teleser : ''Does the gentlelnan have leave? Ilearing no Mbjection, khe reriolution wil1 be heard at 10:00 AM

tomorrow morning in the Flxecutive Conc ittee in Room M-5.

I guess we 'll be here w Representa Live Walters r for what purpose do you rise, Sir?'' Walters: ''Thank you , Mr. Speaker. I would like to eall to the attention to the Members of this Body that House Resolution 876 was pemoralizing the former United States

Stnator and f ormer Speaker of thi's llouse r Ralph Ty le.r Smith . Was introduced by Represenrrakive Calv , Eennedy and myse lf , and '1 would invi ke any and al1 of you to join with us in thvt particular resolution. Thank ycu.l' A. Telcser ; I'Representative Cholte / f or what purpose do' you

rise , Sir? '' .

Clntoate ; '' Wellr I # Ta sure ? Mr k Speazcer , khat khere w ould be no . 1 objeetian by any mlmber of the House , and I weul d move that a11 Members of the House be added ko the Resolution for the forper Speakerr inasmueh as the Chief Sponsor

has inviked us al1 to be there.'' A. Telcser: ''Is there leave. Hearing no oblection, the Clerk will puk the pames of a1l the members in the House as

'' ce-sponsors. Gentleman from Cook z Representative lIyde. Hyde : ''Well, Mr . Speaker , I now move that this Regular Session of the House stand adjournûd until the hour of

'' 11 :00 M û tomorrow m orn ing . A . Telcser : ''A11 right , all those in favor ef the gentlem an 's '

motion, say 'aye', cpnosed tno'. The êayes ' have ih .gljl'w-ir nzeRnx

'1Z'f.Y' ïl'q- 'p'. q,'q: G lï N E lt A L, A S S E M 11 L Y r) tE#J)' - ?.. 1 . .,t'., 3.. ), L, ). ,; ,. ?. -r (z f:, , r ; k. q. , rq cz ( s; .. k. h.'Wlirt'l 'Li).,ïzs '., ' ' o o s e: o p. r. rl j> I . c s L.: ,1-1. av l v u s uu..z - - I . ) 8 1 . and tr 17& a17 . . Rctg ula r Sce s :5 ic)n 'adj tn1.lril ed un k.i .1. 'tlvce I hour of 11 : 0 0 AM kcmorrow. I





IfC1. *'X 't' : : 1 . ' y% .-$ %2 ,s. 1 y 'at 8 ' 4. . G E' N j).) 1 t A jw h s s E N ! B L, Y I f :'z ; &yx . .: ' : m . ; h' ! , jy . j ) ,u,,. y . I, ./ s 'j' .A'r t.2 o f.' ! u 1. 1 N o l s N & .. . . *t - . w4V '/ I t trztf s c: Q ér le 1 ' i'a L sff NT AT 1 u Ls . .