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10-24-1919 Columbus Courier, 10-24-1919 The itM chell Co.

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i.wtt oauimf, wico, m, w. wo, at ; j iliu - - nmn - 1 .i.. .mni.ll..bii .u,mujmhMMMMMHBBHBHBHHMMBM lahrirtMit Try tab TM WorM's Mr hm m In Minriin Washlnsftoa. OcL il TVa EtetsCnMNk county, Arise, k awn m oesr mlltce on fankralon IMs mmlw Rave two hntira anil a kalf tn 14 MMmtt alien after a shut down &f seven Muns the Bandits consideration Ot the bill or Cos- - I i on HtlanHaa as account f M arwiimaln HudaBeth tnr ui KsSecntafrt sH- Tin mine is 6m ot Hat rksneet - emergency aiprcriUn or im,m MfCanl 81 vr ninee ia Arise and la beang Waflfchwkm. D. (L Oct. W 10 the border patrol U (MumImm Wednesday evening aytottad by Hymn WkHeemb Prompt measures havo been UkN tor mo purpose or enforcing Uie Tomorrow afternoon In Lha Chamber of In Commsree mi b the Mexican government (a ef immigrauon laws. CongreMmm In CasiD FlirloBf lha baxla im special Cent) as Csl Oct, Hudspeth iu. scssfeti at the Wr ttionto, disoussed the bill for as son opens and from the "card" pre. Community Berylee bulk athanlo far over a yenr and while feci tho release or William 0. Jenk he te dtH of the kidnaping or hour, as did members of tho com sentcd as an opener the citizens of election of a jwnmmwt secretary msn invents, an - ins, an American consular aent at Oscar Jenkins are to contained mittee. WKiicyiiio committee took Columbus and thn IfRV faevmlal fif lo fttl Hw vneancy by Uhs Uhd a fteettne enntne tnat etst Is m a eauaod Pucbla, who held by bandits for telegram from his wife, Mary no definite action, every member Camp Furlong will see contests that . Wn the ae4tao M per eeni it departure of W. Molt for Lord 1125,060 ransom, atato dert-me- Wfet Jenkins, to his father, John expreeeed himself aalravorablo to 01 wm trie mm was a bumping tho arc uie rifm son. burg. N. M. ad W. Jenkins, at Hanfnni. Irantmll. the bill, The SUecees. WkM)li In a vrv rriirtn was advised today from Mex- main event or the aftarnoon Tho meeting was celled to order ted. by the latter today to Governor In order to exnedito nassace or orhrinally waa feem. Mr, WbHcotnb has cent for ico City. Tho Mexican authorities, aehrdntiui tu.in.n by Terapors-r- Chairmen Taylor, effncns. the measuro and avoid enins twfnrn Rabbit Rogers and Kid Mr. asking to 11 Payo, but In pur- jaamn, him return was said, wcro acting on personal Mrs. Jenkins telegram said: who, an address, sintcd the to tho ml&R as Mt the appropriation committee. Chair rariy in uie week, owing to Uie pose the- mulrr instructions from President Carran- - "Oscar wm kliUunn.l l. -- of called session. Short and offers to help man jonnson or the immlgratiou rubbll's Illness, Shifty- Smith talks by Aim in the pro- wero mad various mem- motion or his ia. The stature of tho steps taken committee said the Hudspeth bill wss substituted. Smith is a hard- Invention. In bers and moral names wcro men- was not disclosed. beenaPwiBa,. is held the would probably be amended so as hitting fishier and as bis name Im- tmwnUlnsJar'ftitiom, tioned who In tho opinion of the The department's advices reoort. all cash. Was tq create a border patrol and plies he is ahlrty nn hla In annual. m$cnm mx. re HawtTa taking f.l nominators could All tho position ed that a federal rorco sent la ai lilm away. provide for its maintenance. Tliii the point of a whirling Dcrvlsher "with crvdH. Among them were I a, whMs. Wrratee the sum action will give Ths meeting or the to Ilia American embaseey'a probably be taken. and will the Mexican battler, Messrs, Hampton, Taylor, Craddock, anul Hmm innnnn u,n. Kid Payo, breach or the American representation, formed a cordon Withdrawal or the border natrul a battle lo be remem- Murpliy ami KilgOrc. Calln4 aenefora and congTcss-meapt- o bered, although Hfd Cross was held at tho M. K. around Jcnkln's factory and ar- tho first or last July became neces- the Kid is there have the slate department hlmseir It was Wk consensu of opinion church Wednesday at p. m. rested flvo emnloyea. Twentr no. sary when commKlces reduced the with everything his op- request the Mexican government ponent llSS that Mr. Craddock was tho proper at which the esecullve commlttco lice agents went to Pucbla from appropriation or the Immigration and In thn nnlnlnn nf m pay the ransom and savo him, his friends ono to represent tho Chamber of was elected a follows: Mesdames: Mexico City and ten special military bureau. I.at year the Datrol was with much more. They Act quickly.'' go nneen Commerce as Its secretary and after Cot, RilchK Frederlckson, Block, police wero sent by tho chler of the maintained from a fund of afioaono win rounds at IJO. Payo's The message was fonvarded by friends are strong a ballot Mr. Craddock was duly Hoiioway, McCullouch. garrison at Mexico Cllv under nr. set asido from the special defense for him as he lco, and governor to tho slate depart- will be able clio. en. Messrs. W. Kline, W. N. McCurdy, dors to with tho Pucbla fund voted to President Wilson. to meet some ono near ment wllli the comment: his own weight A committee of two, Messrs. Man- 4. U Oreenwoed, J. H. Cox, J. auiuoriucs. Chinese, Japcnese and Mexicans K "It seems very necessary thai ac- Paro has In iares and Kllgnre was appointed to Norwood and W. Franklin. In addition to tho Instructions tel. are said to bo coming across the lha nick Inln.r. a tion be had Immediately Will vn Jack Douglas, Dusty draw up n conslllullon and.by-law- s Tills commlttco will meet Sat cgranhed by President Carranu icxos border In Urge numbers Miller, Tommy please tako steps lo rescue Oscar Nelson and Gene Payo and present them at the next meet- urday, October ) at 3 p. m. for the from Querela ro the advices said the "luce the wllhdrawinE of ths bor have beon Jenkins." putting mm over ing, which will In all probability purposo or electing tho officers for Mexican foreign office had tele- der patrol. the hurdles this week till they have him hint be held Wednesday evening of next the coming year. All aro requested graphed instructions to the author- hm Split Over Withdrawing Powrra. they want him and he wok, to bo on time at tho Ilcd Cross ities at Puebla In resnonse to iho CAHItANZA RIDES THIRTEEN will enter Waihinston. OeL S3 Tl, we nng in or Mr. BssselL representing the W. Home Service office. representation medo by the Ameri mi. DAYS ON HOHHEBACK tne pink condition. can house of deputies has voted a Mike Smith la a hnmillno-.- R. C 8, requested permission to ad- The third roil call committee was can embasscy at Mexico City. .n.l general approval or a proposal to has all kinds of backing dress tho assemblage and In an In- appointed consisting of Mesdsmcs no audtuonai details regarding Douglas. Arlx. OcL wai and then withdraw extraordinary ome, ana nis say Kid teresting speech virtually tendered Knlffln, nttchle, Norwood and Cox. the kidnaping had been received iinur received today thai President Car. trainers the granted to President Carranxa two will have nothing on tho building now occupied by the Mrs. L. P. Taylor, this morning from the American rama has Just returned to Mexico Smith and years ago under which ho decreed thai the Kid will know V. C. 0. S. and nil its equipment to Bee rotary. embassey at Mexico City, which city rrom a lour or Inspection of he's hsd a many laws, according In mlvlrn. to fight when darkness sets in. tho clliicns of Columbus, provided has been instructed to keep the de- day several of Hie northern stales of received rrom Mexico City, but Then there is a rattling good mix-u- p they would keep It running. As it MAMMt JAMHSON DWCMAHCKI) partment fully advised as lo devel Mexico. His Irin look him a f.r when efforts were made to confirm coming In the scml-fln- be- Is practically and KHOH 8EHVICE FHIDAV opments In tho case. north as tho slato of Coahulla. His the action in detail, the government tween those tough boys. Kid Bwan-s- y would 'enable Columbus do possess a It was learned today that about minority Mm engineers laid definite plans for the left rl and Lefly Grey, who box 1D3 meeting plaeo for organisation! Major W. R. Of tho time Mr. Jenkins was kidnaped ouiiding a at all Jamiesofi thn iU. body. This was repealed three railroad in this ute. for six rounds. and a .cfeT YrAm 1141' medleil corps, last summer and held for While on the Irin I'reilriVnt Car. it w6rh who has been times; in a single session and lack or And the nreHma ara mnl inn proposltfen met wWi'tht' ransom. whkh""was paid, his ranch,) ranaa rode for 13 days horse- acMly' a quorum prevented final action. There' (few and approval of all, and Chairman Tay- Ce4urnbus, N. M, will bo discharged si Pucbla was raided by bandito, the back in onicr to come mto the clos- Jterristen Flerd A proposal to Invito Luis Cabera, Brims, at IUL and SUMIUur M lor Appointed a committee to send from tho service Friday, according manager murdered and considerable est posslblo contact with the con- secrctsry ot the department or fi Daniels and Lightening Willams a written request to the "W. 8. io announcement by Col. V. stock stolen. Tho bandita wcro re- ditions or his people. at a a Frank nance, 10 auorcss the house on the idu. win be a one. officials requesting tho completion Weed, district surgeon. ported to havo been part or inis real Major a band measure was abandoned. The LeuL Mike E. Hallnran of tho proposed arrangement lamlcson Is an Kl 1'imo tilivilclan FOR ROOSEVELT MEMORIAL. it. serves much credit ror giving the and will return to his practico in HIGHWAY WEATHER SERVICE. STATE'S HIGHWAYS ARE pubiio such a card and It Is hoped Sidelight or the Meeting. thai city. Columbus should go over the ton. TO HAVE MARKERS all sesls will be taken. Tho ad- II. L. Craddock, tho now secretary Phoenix. Ariz. OeL like In times past, ror the Roose- si Th. mission Is $3 ror ringside seats and Is well known In Columbus, being TREVA BLAIR ENTERTAINS. United States weather bureau hem velt memorial fund. II is ab The slato highway department is ft ror general admission. Let's go. almost n native, as he was with today received approval rrom solutely Contribu the the ready to begin placing signs along Ai Juarex In Iho Quartermasters' Corps at Camp Miss Treva Blair entertained the ai Washington or its tho tions may be turned over lo the state highways. The 2.600 iron to tho Haiti inn Nelion-Jlnhh- r Furlong for two years. Ho now Thursday Morning Auction Bridge plsns ror a "hlgliway ser- following local firms: Mayor Blair, weather liosls. received recently frnm Mm Waguh match a few years ago, occupies tho responsible position lub last week. A bountiful break vice." The nlan calls for a nrreli. rowers' Drug Store, Deans Oro ol war department, will bo used ror Payo earned a draw In meeting teller In tho First National Bank ol fast was served. Miss Blair also ly report on highway eery or tho Courier. conditions mis purpose An order ror several George Lammerson. Since then Columbus. Ho starts out with un- entertained Thursday evening three irom county engineers and others hundred signs has been placed. The Iammerson has proved a box- limited backing good or NEW RAILROAD FOR real and tho wishes tables auction bridge In honor laminar with llio roads, the in- highway commission has set aiidA er in Los Angeles. of all his numerous friends of Miss Ann Jones Norfolk, Va, formation to lM lllllllllhnl hv Ihn NEW MEXICO and of W000 ror this purpose and a num- - In preparing for the Columbus business acquaintances. who Is visiting her sister, Mrs. F. bureau with Its regular report. The ner or counties have already agreed bout. Kid Payo will have his One wlseocro said tho crowd II. Wilson. service is expected to provo very to mako appropriations ror A new railroad from San Juan this coimly brother, Gene, as his trainer and showed a spirit of "healthy dis- Mrs. Van Clevo entertained tho valuable to tourists and others. purpose. in the northwestern part of sparring partner. sension." Ho was right at that. Wednesday Afternoon Club this new Mexico 10 UalluJ, on tho Santa Tho Columbus bout wliL be Tho financial statement as read week. Tho usual number wcro in INSANE MAN ENDS re, may do bulll soon, according lo LIFE. PRINTERS STAND PAT. Payo's rirst start since returning by Treasurer Tracy caused many attendance and an cnjoyablo after- Hugh II. Williams, chairman or thn a rrom overseas, where as a anldler grin. noon resulted. Phoenix. Arlx. OcL 21 slalo corporation commission of Fernanda New York. Oct. 24. A nronoial boxer he won many engagements. Tho slato "wasn't wiped-o(- but Major and Mrs. Dwlro entertained Norlga today Jumped from tho top new Mexico. The new road will bs made by Leon II. House, president Among nis several bouts In pretty near iU three tables bridge or llio water -- about 100 miles Ions- and will tap the France at auction tank at tho state or Big Bix" that a mediator be and Germany Pavo drem with Mr. Carl's speech placing In nom- Wednesday night. Ilcfresliinents asylum hero lo tho ground, rich agricultural country In the San called in to settle tho printers' Tommy O'Brien or Loa Angeles; ination Mr. Craddock, had a pleas- wcro served. 75 feel below, dying instantly, Juan valley. It will be built by the sc. strike and lockout, has tieen re- arew witn uari neming, a ing effect on the audience and had cording to officials. was slated jected Denver & Rlo Grande railroad. Wrsi It by tho Printers' league, Doxer, and mel Young Ketchel a good deal to do with the now anouicr Inmate took his Ufa In pre- of William Green, chairman or tho Boston and Bsltlimr Ca tnr secretary's cisely tho samo way men nf election. Rebecca Coffin a few days league's special commlttco on labor, Saginaw, Mich. Borne ono wanted to know what ago, announced tonight. Fire Destroys llio treasurer did with the In- And the bascbsll samel terest on tho money In ONE OF E. A. MEAN'S Turadar. tho bank CHILDREN HOPES HE LOCATES COLUMHUR OcL 28, Carey's as Sypulntendtnt MEETS Stengels, an shown by tho financial state WITH SEVERE ACOUENT Cottage, Which aggregation, mcnt. will meet the 2h In- Alves Dixon waa elneted a illrorl. fantry club. Tho lrlM al It was a crowd' From a letter roeolviwl lmli or ol Cohunbus School r the El Paso Automobile club CIncy had nothing on this men and to a new comer It cer- from E, A. Means, bunch (io Courier learns at a recent meeting or the dlsoct-or- s. ana ono mill, tost $850 ine excitement will be as tainly seemed that with unanimity that of hi children mitt Mr. Dixon is interested in groat. or purpose that crowd could gel Rebecca Coffin, nrinclnal of tho severe accident, an arm being al tours on roads out or El Paso, and what It went after, Columbus School, suc most, lorn rrom tho shoulder sock- - Is especially interested Wednesday noon a fire of unknown this week in the qurs. JOHNSON 6ELECTEB FOR Mr. Burton's eieeeh held the at- ceeds Orody W. Spencer at super- - el. Details are lacking. Hon or road signing. origin was discovered in a cottage tention or ex- AMEMCAN LECWN the crowd and ho niendent, priority apparently the owned by Mrs. Allco Hopkins and pressed himself ably and force- desire of the officers. NEW SUHSCRHHCRS Mrs. K. Lackland, ono year. Ida B. Martin, proprietors of the (El fully. Mrs. J. L. Harris becomes princi AND RENEWALS Jesse Lee Bcsn, three months. Paso Times) Star nestauranl, In tho Rev. F. M. M iM,- Bo did Mr. Hulscy. Her had soma, pal In place or Rebecca Coffin. B, II. McCullough, ono year. northeast Johnson nf - thing to say, loo, and surely enter- The promotions Druggist part ot the city and the names ent's Episcopal church has been wcro necessi Mrs. T. W. Ward, three months. Powers, one year, appointed tained tho auillenco. tated by tho resignation or Orody J. 8. Vaught, ono year. spread so rapidly that In a short nermanenl aeerelarv at Captain Richard F'atile, one year. the El Paso Chapter of the Ameri Marker of Camp Fur- W. Spencer, who departed Satur P. E. Cisco, six months. time the building coUtpscd. Mrs. long, E. A. can ana who Is a good lawyer as well day for Montana where ho Intends Barnhill, one year. Mrs. W. W. Anderson, six has accepted the months. Hopkins and her brother nceunv office. Rev. as a soldier and who upon his dis- to lake up a laud claim by g. Homer W. Mason, ono year. II. Blanchard, ono year. Johnson will open his the cottage, hut he was out or the office Friday charge In tho near future expects Mario Bclplo, Anna J, Jerrcry, year. on lha second floor six months. one cny at ine time ana as Mrs. Hop- - or to tako up his former profession Tho promotion to the supcrin- - Albert ,1he Chamber or Cnmasetre Mrs. Fordsburg, six months. Llndauer, ono year. aina nail len her home early In building. ami hang out "his shingle" In Co- teudency of tho Columbus school Mrs. A. 0. Beck, ono year, Mr. Saunders, three months. the mornlnff lo attend tn hnr iImIIix Office hours for the apemlarv'a lumbus, remarked to tho Courier of rtebecca Coffin Is a recognition 11, J. Hatfield, three months. Kclesn ono year, at the restaurant, the cause or the headquarter will be tn iil-- that lha diversity of opinions of her sterling worth as a teacher Orecr, Trustee II. II. Tracy, one year. loo nro is a deep mystery, Fortunately o'clock and 3 JO to proved that Ihero were men of un- and also her managerial ability, J. U Encboo, six months, Palomas & 530 o'clock. Land 0, Co. one neighbors discovered the flr and The regular derstanding here and (hat with sho having lha "happy faculty" of J. O. Kllloll, ono year, J. U. HershberKor, six months. breaking in a door saved the houso- - lua of the local ehanUr rii. such backing behind him the new i combination of both allainnwnU, Captain James Lawrence, one year Wm. 0, Oarvcy, ono year, will ha hlil noKi goods. The Iwo ladles had Friday evening. We secretary could proceed with con- which is hot always found In teach Mrs. Braitl, one year H. W. Davis, one year. There will a Just recently finished paying for the report on me fidence in himself and in his or- ers, as a success is ono is jtencrally Lee Thomas, one year, Henry Burton, one year. recent Wif muca ganization, cottage and their loss is keenly fell. convention by Followed by a decrease in efficiency Ida II. Martin, ono year. Col. R. Osborne, Rev, Johnson, , J. six months. ine mumng cost mo. a rCDOtt on the ohaervaana r,t Chairman Taylor crossed his vo- in tho other. Mr-- Carrie Miller, six months. Mrs. II. L, Burwrll, one year. ln. cation m life; he Is h presiding The Columbus school will soon Dri Field, one year. isUee Day and talks on kwtranca J. II. Huebert one year. Mrs. Alice Honklna and Mm rri ana officer. " havo an enrollment of BOO pupils E. one year. oUier Imporlsfll sttbjer.ls. Lacouture, F. L. Nordhaus, six months. Martin have authorised the Tho meeting adjourned full of and In niacins tho suncrlntendencv Valley Oil Co. Courier nino months. Chas. W. Akc, one year. to extend their thanks to predictions or In (ho Coffin, thnl W. kind nelh Mayor Rtelr Is tn YaWey of ,tho success the hands ot Rebecca J. Yarbouglt, ono year. Mrs. A. V, Bailey, ono year, r fecm I bors for saving the household this (eoking ununmus Chamber of Commerce. officials decided wisely, Ltbou & Co, one yoar, Paul week after Me kaVer. Walker, one year. feels. cuts there. 2 lilt ONLUMBV8 CXXflrtfc NKW MKXK WMMU.Y Other Cities MMJVfMstti MtVMW Page! from r, Slate Itews 'ftaaWttto ffi a sfcvti , CAPIN&SON hi trmr to MtssM.' Jiiijslp to of Mm tsMti farm in tfee valley mMI retKwta a reueH ImmI Ws mk by hMtte of Dm giri to Mm t4lce Xm Craeet ivtt a tog centraei. 04 H m ( & gents reeHVed here yetenay Iff RkWVMM Wnl MHWO rrjuums furnishers thai LaLewswi hmmtt sWU Isnro RulewKfoHo bitmstltig to here wttst kit family at Mice ad mhts. Mr, Mswry, Hon. Mh tm Mfststee tkai their ww , . Ctsstwa, WrhUwas ImmH'INMK Um ttsrtan aatrfctto, whs) be wat nam- - of Kk Mfetewl wkH rates) A w ntend frlm turn imto tsjiattog a vaty Msw astat la Mte Hem fa this seeUesi Artofa cattnlttc shut runs full ksttV lirtiswisi tatftttt tf r naiil of Urt state. fatweH. Oc L K. 'Vhavtij It (Wed lhatVwfPues! a irtt stl a latstti Italsttr ats, Circuit Uu sow. otv tH tMtHfeft Wins. of Homes for Ike may pettvfe who Wft 3W bot)et tf ut pears. FMttonf wW be wttosaM ntmm to a totfe Ilirir TVT ram. art temtot; to the cHr mm! many Atbutniercue, Oct. St. Tho of 1h Wiriest inta khfak Mm the ftrn'Omk re Curry to. build telephone Matte at JMtt ward Mm of the person or tity it freMly In ftetd M atittsUm . eemkr sr for arreti system. WNatrWeHitttaVaVtt pcrteat who set fieo to tha barn apartment bouse. The chamber receives letters al- Tho School of Mines at Socorro bcloBttof to J. M, BhuRlebtrger of commerce most dally from easterner who Stale now employs many new Is:, crowded to capacity,- - acoc4ta wat hMl ntffhl raises! lo HW when with ta spend their vacation here teachers. W'H. . llobart, aulttant state est the Central Labor unloa added ffiw Capiii & Son and It is obliged to tell that giiK-er- Many disabled soldiers are to the tlOO already offered by' tho Item there are no hontcs to rent In the Oil struck at Amerlllo In Hsneood 'altendimr, taking a hori --course Business Men's association. The cily. The question has to no. : wen. 4Iil eimineering. II become barn was burned tome Umo ago come H. G. CHERNIN, Mintfer. bat the point where the eily must nccsxuary 10 convert the upper and III horses were lost. It Is build houses and apartments or Dona Ana county school coil is story of Hie Mill building Into thought that the fire was of In- - else stand stilt and stop growing. 113 per child. dor;nltry. A number of knock cendlary origin. Mr. Shuntebarger Is thought ilewn building havo been brought staled yesterday that It was Im- It that a mectlBg will be held In the near fulure settle rtallroads pay almost one third of in from Oie Kelley Mining Camp possible for tho fire to start by lo the question and lo see if something state's taxes. n provido accommodations. C T. spontaneous combustion and that building fire, cannot be dope to relieve the pros R. IbVwa, n regent, arranged for this. the was set on lie J. rtaton organizes real live chamber BLAIR out enl situation. also pointed the fad thai be of commerce. MANAGER SrtN Lrmon Kvtrnct fore be left the barn for the night he locked the door and after Traehera' AMoclatton for IIikiic; Fined. Normal school Installs C20.000 the fire he found the door had To Meet Next Month. AHwinueraue, Oct. 21. I'lclro Zllo, Silver City, Oct. regular heating plant. Columbus & Western New m runs a grocery store been opened. Although the officials are working on the case, no clue meeting of the New Mexico Edu- Smith First Street, recently pleaded Loring cotton gin turns out has been found. cational association will bo held first guilty te on Indictment charging In Albuquerque during the week bate of season. him with seHing lemon extract Mexico Townsite Company Las a Hoys of Thanksgiving and arconling to ewUalntag over 70 per cent alcohol report Miss Duncan Tclephono system of Break Festal Box the of Isabel L. Ecklrs, lo the Indians. Zllo was tried In the president, there will lie a rec- Lordiburg it sold. PROMOTERS OF COLVMBVS thi) federal court and was fined Las Vegas, Oct. 2L Fred Frank Tlomero age 13, ord attendance. A special one and See us for town lott, IraitiieH anJ rcsUcaec CO age II, Gustavo tljMand sentenced lo serve days rd Three new oil companies Alejandro rlomcro age II, and fare will be granted for Incor property. Oil Leases asd Valley LaatW. iu tire Uernalillo county Jail. Upon county porate in the slate. Ilalph Illaek, age 14, were arrested the occasion and Grant will tho Daymen! of the Una tha Jail represented CeluMtMH, Ntw Mtxke yesterday morning by Chief of Po- be by the entire nor- jnlfeo. was deferred until Jan. I. Chaves county lice Murphy and arralnged before mal faculty, many city teachers voles $200,000 bond issuo for good Justice charged with steal and several of the county teachers. roads. UrrklrK Urlvlnfl GeU Stewart ing four boxes of cigars from the As the meeting Issl year was post- A Jail Sentence. poned Plans being posloffiee box of the Las Vegas on account of tho "flu" It made for new clly tARwiuerque, park at Tucumcarl. - Nil, Oct. 21. F. II News company. The boys pleaded Is expected that the meeting this Foxworth Galbraith Lumber Co. KHna, who operates a baggage guilty to (he charge and were fined year will be an important one. trues; In city Substantial building Wholesale and Retail Dealers in tills was arrainacd t$ and costs and were then sent boom being fell at Albuquerque. in, (ha eourt of Justice McCIellan to the city Jail, where they were Five Thousand Acres ysfteruay morning and given held until their parents called for Sold In Curry County. 21-- Doming business strong entente of 60 diys In JalS for them. According to the story of Clovlt, Oct. of tho great men enter LUMBER protest against Paso-Nc- w iteeillne on tho ell itiwU. Thn the boys they broke tho box open est weeks in the history of land El Mexico Lath.Shlnflet.Saih.Doors.MouId. of In freight rates. ewrlly the sentence was due about 10 o'clock last Sunday night transfers Curry county has Just UJ inft, Cement, Lime, Platter, Etc Ilia fact that it was his third and after getting the cigars, smoked closed with tho prices of lands offense. Jullce McCIellan says he part of Ihem and distributed the oaring higher every day and Farmers of Fort Sumner aro plan- COMPOSITION ROOFING A wllj up ning erection SPECIALTY tweak tho reckless driving rest of them among their friends. plenty of takers for the properly. of a $10,000 hydro- Udlm lias to send all the offenders The total transfers shown In the electric plant. lo Jail. Scarcity of QuaH week's summary shows that over Ih Sn Miguel County. 5,000 acres have been sold and Katon Increase Las Vegas, OcL IL According lo the prlro averaging KO per acre. Il.HAtlnu KecHltle the reports of Game Wanlen Tarn Nearly all tha land which has Union. Oct. SL Tht ehamber of mo there Is a great scarcity of leen sold In within ten or twelve commerce of this city has been quail In this section of the state miles of the clly which means IWIUnir on a big membership drive and unless something Is done in the much to the city itself. although and the work Is not com near future to replenish the supply tnTNt tartflAtMasMtftr JttH Ulfted. it is now an assured fact they wilt be extinct In a short Chaves ,ty. Teacher ttml the organisation will have lime. There Is still an open season Hold Convention. large membership when llio drive on tlwie game birds and several ftoswell. Oct. 21. Chaves eotintv in vr. A big meeting was held of tho local sportsmen think that Teachers' association is meeting Orltfur 15 at which time dlrcc there should be a closed season for ... .v. .k'iiiu ui tiiu lliuat jruilliui'll tr and officers were elected lo two or three years In order to give educators In the slate are nrenrnt carry on tho work for the coming them a chance to recuperate. Other as well as several from oulildn thni yar. Nearly alt the business men sportsmen think part or the slate state. The sess on onennl lodiv. of the ity have Joined the new could do much to relieve tho will continuo until Saturday noon. organization and It is said that present situation by raiting the A big dinner will be served for all Drive Up Is or it one of the livesl chambers birds on their ranches during the those who attended on Frjday of commerce In tho stale. closed season. evening and a most Interentlnir program has been arranged for the Ijw Vena In Hate La Vegas Auto occasion. A II11II1II110 Call Ordinance. Hild Up Street Car. Itns Vegas. Oct. he Log Cabin Company building Kail Us Vegas, Oct. 2I.-- Dr. Now Developing. ennimlllfe of the city council held V. IU Tipton, superintendent of the 1 We're Always Senrice r mtellng last night at which time state Insane asylum, after having Ssnla lilts The log cabin mining at Ytr It was decided to pass an ordinance Just purchased a new I'algo car, company formerly known as the cowpelllng every person lo gel decided that it should be initialed Chlno Extension, is proceeding rap- We making: idly are Kood in our Irnilt from the commitleo before In the right way and proceeded with development of lis prop- business by making: good Mnn allowed lo erect any kind to drive it home. While driving erty. The Chlno Copper Co. owns with of building In the city limits. If around Iho corner of the ptaza he property adjoining the Log Cabin the motorists. Good tires, quick tho ordinance Is passed tho com ran into a street car and the two company on three sides. The Log service and moderate charge; mHliir will look over the plans and cars became mixed up so that It Labin Mining Company Is now form iwMeations of all new buildings look some IHUo time lo gel them taking out some rich copper, lead the combination that is mid will not allow any house or apart. Luckily Utile damage was and sliver ore. Tho silver ore winning us bigger trade each huifness block to be erected which done lo either the auto or the runs 26X0 ounces per ton. Tho ore week. will not ho a credit to the city. street car, except a broken fender also carries values of 2&87 per Til! matter will be taken up at the on the new 1'alge. cent copped and 70.W per cenl By good tires Mil- nnu meeting of the council. lead. we mean -- Thought Husband Dead; ler Tires famed for uniform Stiiiy KntranU In Had Man. Honey KaUtiw mileage. Uniform Millers mean riicerlx-K- Hfeil.AUirr In McsiWa I Paso Race. Albuquerque. Oct. 2v Mrs. Anita Valley. no "second bests." That is be- Stiver Clly. Oct hls city Anaya, who was arrested In Las One of the big industries of Me- -! w HHiSvu'int leasu lwo ears In the Vegas some time ago on charge sllla Valley is honey raising; cause they are built by a system I'Hj: pasn auto race of bigamy, 'was brought to this pound car shipped. of uniform workmanahip by w'lleh will lie held November 2. city and arralnged beforo Justice training all Miller l''iwl will pilot a Marmon McCIellan. After hearing the evi mjm Worth Tire makers Id (he big classle and Iat Phillips dence In the case she was held of Trucks Stored. to a single standard. . tl drive a Iluick. It Is also lo wait action of the grand Jury. Albuquerque stores $HO,000 worth riunend that there possibly will The woman said that her husband of trucks for use In constructive! Why trust to luck in buying tkes - anotlier entrant before the race went lo war and as she did not road work in district. when Milkr offers you mitoscc cer- h tqtl?d. go fsr tuero are over hear from him she thought he was tainty? &i intrajits lu (he big claule which dead. Bhe admitted later In the Hjm Acres of is treating much Interest all over court that she had heard from Land Leased. One point more the qukk, ofeHf-W- tg tgf), southwest. The $10,000 prize reliable sources that he wan alive Wyoming stockmen leases 61,000 service that we are reiitiering is Slo x divided three ways, nflOQ and well. acres grazing land in Sandwood end emetfalMg that, once tried, men .winner, 12,000 second and Santa Fe counties. back. &im third There will also be Vutolst Who KfcHcd .jMweral special prizes from the Girl Is ArreMed. Detroit oil basin In Dona Ana Give us a ckanee to earn your . accessory companies. Albuquerque, OcL 2L Ilalph A. county attracts attention. and you'll like to trade bert. Gibson who, It Is alleged, was the Good roads bureau completes r.nn Kum Lund driver of the ear which struck project in TIJtras canyon. . 4Ti New Mrxleu. Edith Buehring some time ago Machinery to drill 4000 ft. lest . - $jxTer, OcW the causing her death, was charged well qn way In Ora Grande, , rtfliirle$)-ul- l convention bat been with Involuntary manslaughter yes- Ilepublio mine at Silver City onlyjua f(;w diys, one result terday in the courf pf Justice of the ships 300 tons sino sulphide pre a fljaalrt'dy bca shown J, E. I'ttwe t jveueiitn. nibaon waived month. KUDONNKtWM .1 Jlawklna of Joplln, No, was c&e the right of preliminary examina- Dona Ani farmers advance 930- ,- "Jpujnt. tbe vWtoni at 4ho coavcallon tion and waa held to await the ac- 000 lo prevent removal of dredges luf,. divd 'wnt so iHuth imnrested with tion of (he grand Jury under a to Arlsoni. P tjie nuintry In thp Peeot valley bond of It is believed Ihsl Silver Monument mine Chlonde ; tleo. at that last week ho returned audi tha accldeut was an unfortunat) taking out ore: mill about ready yurchased tne Iflwer trm fmr occurence stt thai the driver was to operate. TUB ftttemiit Ammunition Steal for U. n. Lattd OffbM ai Law Crete. The Onyx Theatre A arts ayiHlttate with operations swrgwsnt, m Uelive hi aeterel ot lit N, M. ever (Mr ys I caiinsj pst itr aria hotdupa "puthwr a W faun be Um "twain" of tb Oeieber M, tMt). M khmy robWjr aarf In Um lael saostk. eyiHiiesrta, hi ta r bim aia wanted Notice k hereby given ttmt Mary totttfwrt phnw fcr a emrafm The other two Mecebere, R. 7, where be is allseed to Wave M Beer, MhlavMWwt ef Um to 88 year h) of Water tee, New ttesko, tm stl old, also stssUasasd at a stkkon. It rbaraejL O'otted IWm MMMtmlUaa tor Veri Miss, and K R. Med, as, who, on November 16, IM0, nwdo la Villa twtw, reeeettb iMiitamd from lb army, Homestead , No OIWHK, for wm to mm tfco4 IfeMy, fVatKisvlakg stasias revMd n 44 www aWwnc4w assads an abmftt NKH NWK( NX NEK, Section B MeSMOSy wHb Um eaeee. a ebxstitfew to an outlying ds-- Townabts) 27 8, Range 8 W, N. K P. Fwar miwtiri of Um to rob him. Potfce ear the McrfdMft, baa filed notice inten- tret are m Ja4l. They wore Tbe girt Md UM peftee (bat Mm-le- y chauffeur ba Went I Bed Rte Weaker of arretted itl k etown-lw- n ImM bad George atamed to forM girl as erne who attempted to e tion to make final three-ye- Proof Sunday night fetter mi (tempted emMHMtltlon ordere at Fori Ml him for a drive. to establish claim lo the land above hoWufi had htm frustrate!. and deliver Um reMbjnmetid up Oeerte admitted, acconMna; to described, before T. J, Cole, United (he valley to a VRt Detective Sergeant (hat stent. Gears Smith, he States Commissioner, al Columbus Dorothy Hewfcer, 17 yeM old, It said (o have corroborated (he was (he driver for (he gn when a New Mexico, tlio week Httk In Mm' chain, Woke girl's statement. One ef Mmm k hetdup wm stated. on the 6th day ot down Monday aeeortHna; to De- -l a truck driver at Fori Bliee. Ttio machine, one which the December 1019. cell vb Bcrgeat Claude Stnttli, end She totd aleo of (wo hetduge party rented, would ho driven Claimant namca at witnesses. related operation of (lie Rang. Henley and Heed aro alleged to about (ho streets unlit a likely John Manning of Columbus, New , E. George, (B years old, a have staged In (he leet (wo weeks, victim was "spoiled," TtienOcorge Mexico; Lee Manning of Columbus, iiihiaam ii? ii in iiiiwwaMMiMitwisjeami stationed at Fort Biles, and responsibility for (he burglirly of a would park It around .corner, the New .alleged lo be om of the member tire shop here a week eQ la which leevo tho motor running, and await Mexico; Lafe Tucker of Co HD Tarxan rescuer hlx rriendr from Um 6 (ho (met, confronted by (he (Ires valued a( ie,W comprised (he return of tho others, according lumbus, New Mexico; M. I Doby of bArlccd hut in the Junjjie H Jiowker airl'a coHfeaslen, admitted the loot. She said her confederates In tho story (ho police says he Columbus, New Mexico, SATURDAY, OCTORER 25 complicity, according lo (he do received 41,860 for (he (tres. rave. JOHN L. 11UHNSIDE, Sailing South Seas and News of the World. Pete Morri- IlcgUler. son in a live western drama. Fatly Arbuckle. It's Fatty. ) tub future er on ley to staled lo the News that the CLAfiSW-tEl- 'AHT:HnfcMf2ST8 SUNDAY, OCTORER 26 "Winding Trail," with Monroe Salisbury. A love story Columbus product was the finest he Tho United Stales Civil Service of A nationally oil had ever that Department of the Interior. the north. Plenty of action. Plenty of prominent mn seen and he expects Commission announces that n action. says: "The fear of a possible lo return. MONDAY, OCTOBER 27 horseshocr noneducalionat exam U. S. tand Office al l& Cruces. of (ho nil Industry "Winning of Ileatrlcc," featuring Mae Allison. You know ination will bo held on Nov 7, N. M. Is not baaed. Last year Hit Following Is tho list of some of Mao Allison Is always good. tell 1010, for tho purpose of filling September 18, 1910. U, H. produced 311,060,080 our peoplo who attended tho great TUESDAY, OCTORER 28 barrels a vacancy In tho position of Notice la herehv clven tlmt fVrvl of oil, but this was 42,090,060 bar- TafUDlax celebrities at El Paso last "Roaring Lions and Wedding Hells," Fox Com-d- y. A Jaw horseshocr In tho quartermaster A. Pender of Columbus, New Mexico rels short of consumption, which Saturday: breaker, tf you have mump", be careful. service al Columbus. who, on September 20, IUI5. made had (o be Imported from Mexico. H. M. O'Connor, D. D. Gregg, the WEDNESDAY, OCTOMEH 23 Application blinks and further iiomcsieaa Entry, No. 012312, "Eliminating tho war Misses Dcnunah and HeTlulah Dlalr, fur "The Woman Who Gave," featuring Evelyn Neabit. Is increase Information may bo secured NW. Section 17. Tmvnuliln '.H H and taking the (en years prcccedlni J. W. and Floyd Blair. Captain J. mother love greater than bcaulyT See this one. from tho local secretary of civil llango 8 W; N. M. P. Meridian, hat (he war wo find (hat (ho avcragt Kyle, Miss Lillian Field, U P. and THURSDAY, OCTORER 36 aervlco examiners, al tho Colum- iilca nonce or Intention tn make annual increase In consumption, 11 U P. Field, Jr., Mesdamea L II. "Sammy in Siberia," Pallie. "Miauls In Matrimony," wllh bus, N M, pol oflict. final three year proof, In i'ntalilluli continued, wilt In eight years Roth and M. D. English, Geo. M. Montgomery and Hock. No lime for dull care here. claim to the land above descrilx-- ovcry oil rcflnory In the Warrington, & L. Hlgday, J, W. THE UNITED STATES CIVIL SEIt FRIDAY, OCTORER 31 beforo T. J. Cole, United Stales Com United Slates to doublo IU capacity. Gooden and wife, 11. 8. Ilurwell and vico Commission announces that Women's Weapons," featuring Ethel Clayton. wife, Ward Albro, Ilobert (loth, a seamstress noneducalionat ex- mlsaloner. al Colunibua. New Mcx "Tho pre-w- increase ico, on mo oiu uay oi .ovemiier. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER I occurcd before the airplanes and Hamilton Cox, Albert Carter, Ed- amination will lie held on Nov. iOIO. "Romance of Tarxan." tho submarines began using large ward Matthews, M. V. Dotson, 8. It, 1010, for the purpose of filling Claimant names as witnesses: HII.H PROGRAM IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE II J K nt I. V... quantities; before conversions from Oils Dotson. All reported a glori- a vacancy In tho position of l, seamstress In tlio quartermaster Mexico; E. J. Fulton, of Columbus coal (o oil as fuel for ships be- ous limo. at Columbus. came frequent, and whllo tho auto- service lumbus, New Mexico; J. F. White, ol mobile Industry was just getting FISH FOR COI.UMftUS. Application blanks and further Columbus, New Mexico. Into Its stride. In ensuing years information may Iw obtained from uuii.ioiwrj, iirifisier. a, local secretary, Civil September ct 2t tho demand from theso sources for Car No. 7 of the bureau of tho of Colum PREWITT & PENDER oil will increase tremendously. with A. II. Kerth in charge, Servlco examiners, at the Department of the Interior. N. M, post office. Is It any wonder that far seeing left here Sunday nlghl for Du bus, AVANTED-POSITI- U. 8. Land Office men aro striving for a national buque, Icfva, for orders, after ON OF ANY al Las Cruce. policy and legislation kind. Am a sergeant of tho first it. M. Real Estate and Investments encouraging slocking streams and lakes In Col- Scnlember 26. 1010. to, rather than discouraging to class, 2 lib infantry, In medical Notice orado, Utah, New Mexico, Arlxnna Is hereby given that on Hie further dovelopmcnt of our oil department and expect to bo dis tOth day of AuruiI IDIM. Ilie New lands? and . Last Monday Elephant charged next week. I know auto- Mexico fc Land Company, by Uutto lake was furnished with a mobiles and repair T. W. Cabeen. Its President, made RENTS COLLECTED work and can application al tho United States Unci Dovolopmcnt of tho A. O. Walker number of adult bass which will do any kind of work. Office at Las Cruces, New Mexico, to Sole Agents for I'renltl and West Heights AtfcMUoM. properly continues night and day spawn In tho spring. HUIINETT GH0L8T0N. aeirci unoer ine aci or April -- I 1001 (33 and tho indications are quite en- A Columbus, . StaL, 211). tho following Taft and Lima Streets P. O. Box 366 private pond in FOIl HALE TWO tW x 0 POOL land, couraging to Some tho lessees. M, was stock, as wvra streams tables, Monarch cushions, racks, 8H NWW. NEU, SWti. Nt4. SEll. Is oro In evidence. and ponds at Vale, Tuacun, Wil- lights, etc, complete. Coat new ee. a) w mv, Ntf BWVi. HKH 8W14, liams and Hotbrook, Arizona. Fish $150 each. In excellent condl 8WM SEli, See. 21s NWti NEU. 8ec. 2M. SWW. KW 8KU. Vanadium, N. M, OcL ork for theso points were sent out WH tion and a bargain for cash If Sec. 20; NEW on (ha J. II. Patterson property In baggage cars in tho BEtl EM 8EU, Sec. has from here sold once. Address P. O. Ilox 31 T. 25 11. 11 W: and suspended messengers al been temporarily by tho chargo of who travel 0S7, Demlng, New Mexico, IU I, 2. 3. 4. 8EV, NEVi. EH GET SANITARY ICE CREAM lllack Hawk Mining Co, due to with the car. In addition to rock SEW, Seo. 3, T. 20 B. It. II W: and LEATHEIl PUH8E BH HWW WC. 13; NKW NWW necessary repair of machinery. bass, sun fish, catfish, perch and IM PHONE 23 trout supplied on the blue stone setting in clasp; odd J. Sec. 2t, T. 28 8. It. 10 W New have been Mexico Tito Ground Hog Mining Com- design, llvturn to O'Loane'a soft iTincipai Mrnuian. trip, which began at Maredosa, III, The nurnose of this notice I li The. finest product teat science can produce All pany, duo to an additional flow of ago. drink parlor. (S rewrrd as it is two weeks allow all persons claiming the land atcrilized. Everything kept yatcr, liavo discontinued the sink- Tho car is equipped with U0 of sentimental value. auvcrseiy, or uesiring lo snow it to containers ing of their shaft In the four cans for carrying fish. no mineral in character, an omxir- - scrupulously clean and sanitary FOIl SALE A HAMILTON PIANO. tunily to (He objection to such loca hundred fool level until they can These cans carry from 100 loAOOQ Address J. F. Waggoner, Ilox 168, tion or select on with the oca on PHONE ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTINTHN install a larger pumping plant. Hill, according to their site. On 'Columbus, New Mexico. cers for the land district In which the present trip they ranged in the land la ailuateiL l: at tin JOHN HARRIS, Proprietor FOUND-Kc- ys. U - - Tho lllack Hawk Mining Company length from one Inch to 10 Inches. If you lost your land odlce aforesaid, and to establish or min which holds options on tho San Tho fish carried on this trip of tho bunch of keys call al the Courier llielr interests uicrein, tho Jose, llnmcstake, Denver and Lucky office. Two bundles wero found eral character thereof. car wore not artificially hatched. JOHN U IIUHNSIDK. nesicr. Illll properties are making regular They were rescued from sloughs and loft with Instructions to re- Oct. 7 shipments from the Lucky 1)111 and ponds formed tn the overllow turn to tho owners. to OFFICIAL NOTICE. THE SPOT GASH STORE mine tho Kl I'aso smelter, and of tlio Mississippi river. When tho I'On SALE Skating rink, consist Judging preparations being TREASURY DEPARTMENT, from the rivrr Is high In the spring fish often ing of 200 pairs of skates and full Grown oa ear owi raick: made, it is their intention to direct go Into thn sloughs formed by tho equipment for runlng a Office of the Comptroller of the almost their entlro effort to the re- overflow lo spawu Then they rink. Address liox 188 Demlng, Currency. Watermelons, Cantakpes, Bell development of these properties. turn lo (ha river, leaving (heir young Washington. D. C New Mexico, D. 1010. to die, as tho ponds dry up at Kcntcmber Peppers, PieMeitM, CWi, FOIl LEASE A 010 aero dairy Whereas, by the eatlafactory evi WHAT HAPPICVED TEN YKAHS this season of tho year. To nt dence presented to the undersigned Fretk AGO TODAY IN COLUMHUfl tills loss the fisheries dcjarl-me- nl ranch two and tf miles 11 has been mailo to appear that Tematees, Strait Bean. gathers the fish left in these from Columbus for lease. See THE FIRST NATIONAL HANK Copied From Files of (lie Columbus places. Those that cannot be dis- Leo Thomas, Columbus, N. M OF COLUMllUS," In (ho Villago ot Columbue, In the County I.uiia Hi 5. Garter t Proprietor News 21, IMS. are of of October tributed by the flshorles cars FOlt UENT--3 IIOOM DOI1E HOUSE and Slate of New Mexico, has com- dropped Into the river. portly furnished. Seo W. W. piled with all tho provisions of the Mex- President Taft talks in Now Hutchinson, with Carroll & Nor- eiaiuies or mo united buiics, ico. TREATMENT FOR to bo comnlled with lcfnre wood. If be SOLDIERS an association shall authorited DISCHARGED to commence tlio business of liank-- Mrs. M. D. English went to El LOST PA1H 8PECTACLE8, STEEL Paso. Army hospitals will now provide bows. Lost between Courier office r inuv cirt'i Jacks News Stand treatment for discharged sailors and railroad. Finder please leave TON WILLIAMS.' Comptroller 'of Is working for Geo. as soldiers. al Courier tuTlce. Itcward. the Currency, do hereby certify that Jeff Harnhlll and marines as well THE FIRST NATIONAL HANK OK PAPERS MAGAZINES II. Illco. Discharged soldiers, sailors and ma TO LEASE Three room house, COLUMnUS." in the V aao of Co rines aro civilians under tho. law mostly furnished ; one block from umbus, in the County of New Mex- Miss Lillian Field was accompa- and In the matter of hospital Itostufllce. See A. D, Frost. ico, is authorized lo commence the KINGS' CHOCOLATE banking as provided In nied homo from El Paso by her treatment come under provisions tf tiusiness of Section Flfly-on- o Hundred and Slx- - Mrs. Lee Field, end chil- Army Regula- of paragraph ItW, FOIl SALE CHEAP; house. or the iieviaeti statutes ni Agent for Roi Tan Cigars and JaJck. sailor marine un ted dren, Vivian tions. Any soldier, or nicely furnished, located in the he Stale. who has been honorably discharged In testimony whereof witness my camp, Soo Mclboom at the Camp or a uay Work Is progressing nicely on the since October 0, 1017, for disability hanu and aeal ntiice in Din Is of Hospital. oi eepiemner. iuiu. new schoolhouse. Mr. Whllo incurred in line of duly and whose JOHN 8KEI.TON WILLIAMS, The Palace Market UK'S CIWECTMIY he WANTED-flla-as rase; any tho pushing kind and neither present condition is a reactivation show Comptroller of the Currency. FINE HtlATS AND GROCERIES CALtrOHNtJl nor his helpers will sec- - many Idle of that disability or as consequent where from t to 8 feet long. Call First publication, Sept. 10, 1010. Last publication, Nov. 14, tOIO. nrmenls until tho building is com- upon it, is entitled to hospital or or phono tho Courier office. Qsoayu&E Shop pleted. sanatorium caro under provisions WANTED cnttago fur of War Ulsk Insurance Ac( cUhcr nished or unfurnished. Courier Independence, Should husband j, A. Mooro of In a military hospital, If them bo II. Davis. a Kans, arrived here Monday lo sat- room for him, or in a local civilian JRandesr LOST Gold his wife? O an isfy himself about tlio much instlluUon. lavaller and chain. beat talked of new Columbus and the Finder please return to Mrs. tt Mr. Mooro Is an old Peterson. Oct. rrllln vnllev. DISTINGUISHED bfOTHn (II acquaintance and n warm fricrid of SERVICE WEDAI WANTED 3 to 5 room modern rlNMl tho Ulair famiuc. house. pp!y H. Harold, Courier ''mIOIIAN WM CAVE" Secretary of War hat an of Ft. Worlh, with his The WANTED Clean rags; will fir. Iluty opinion the Judge spent Buniay and Monday In nroved the of good price. office. wife, . 1 n I .1.1.. I d.nl.nilvi. Courier Columbus. Mr. Husey has seen tho ONYX THEATRE pull southwest nnd thinks Colum w loU. Sep Mrs. Laura Bltchlc. It l be tho best thing holding CerUncates of Merit bus bids fair to Distinguished Laying of concrete surfacing WENESOAY, OCT. 21 being on expen exehanae them for has on tlio map and begun on Las Cruces highway. jJohnson Bros. Jjaaaaaf lay QJtt nfa jRiafaVtafJhsast ettccd marblo quarry man, Mr. Hut Servlco Medals. " THIS CaMJTM BITS OOtflUIMl MMMMMMMMMHI "trlU ..Tha opo lono' specimen me UN'Amx.i,m: forgo jwtrlfl 'far tlM Jd of kim&n-jf- tfcal does not belong KMKRCiKftCY erridm to a uweii, fraternal, or ptoicss-k- Wk.'Thtfi fosjfcWcw N jagsiilaattoi l iho. man you Practically alt Of (ho cmcraenry at all mwh lo Mrche, tratM-Mh- ji meet with long hair or lhoman officer will b discharged at )hls m& pot, aM pm of mmm, , WILSON XlLOOftE, without a home or country. post on the 3It of Dim wwntW, Tins Surteofl General Hm lately KdHor, Wltiirt Owwr, Tho emergency officer been received Mn from threo M tho WHEN KJNttS CMK VER. treated a good deal IHto sm Mm leading mt packlna; oatpawlit brellai he wa considered a mkhly stating that ttiey kro row fm4r--. vWt of the royal family nf fine tliln to havo aroumi white the mg umitarsM armr .Mfn who wr BUT WHAT U.M The OfMi Year .. . Rolaluw to the United State ha storm was on, but now thai R has trained in tM work by t)e Ve4sir Six Month 1.M been something of a disappoint quit ralnltnj and tho tun l 8Wn?, I nary corp, am) that in uvery MtM fce" You Have Three, S6Uhi inonl to the people. It ha been ha is. folded up mi ckuckedMnto their eervlce were fouwt to' Siti MoaMi . tlio discard. satisfactory. Their salaries la e Om matter of gratification to other. Msy e reallte tMe M wfcest hr A few year au a tremendous It Is a real pity thai eetweess company average. 36 , whlVaiJJ an MYeatuMttt oc w? , ADVERTISING RATES, uproar and fuss would have, boon has been o busy tharprRiig It In Iho other two, salary of sWU for- league weekly is paid. . :y One Insertion, ncr Ineh ... We raised upon the arrival of a claw on the of nations T?kkc an InTtntocy eign potentate nildit, and that It hasn't found time to do One moMh. rcr Inch 36? in our You aro worth no more than you.v jstvei.. , liow , ' boon something In a practical way to 1 Classified ada and reading ri&Uccs, necka would have ' strained much more could you havo tki wW.jmve breaking proper appreciation Inyl 10 cents per line; and atretehed to the point shiiw of the It you bad put your money tri Batik? Start m oni insertion. account tad-I- by the month, without change of in the mad scramble to sco ft real merit and services of tho enier king queen. gency officer. lATK copy. 8 cent per am. Minimum live and X NTMJt T0 Today they attract little more at The government has dealt very charge, BO cent. c turn tention than ony other pcoplo of unkindly and unjust with these AT THE i International Importance. officer. Tho majority of them are Entered the poatoBo at Co-- at There, are o many really (treat men of education, fine character "SAVE WHILE YOUR NEIGHBORS DO" Rmbus, New Mexico a aeeond clas people right In our own eoun ability, and most lJliPsf3C3(l'' Jsjjf matter. here and of them made 9ltl mall try that tho arrival or the elect a very substantial personal and from other lands I merely an In- financial to go Into the Hooicvelt memorial week, Octo teresting incident in tho event of service. 'wllP'ic! ber Tryus'and the mn m m of a day. While many of them como direct difference, A few there are wuo wouiil re from civil life, without any pre 11 to bo atrlke agitator AMCRKAN TAH.OR SfWC used that ceive the visitor with all of the vious technical military training, wcro blamed for fomenting lrlke IIIQ0E8T, IIU81E8T pomp ami glory and tinsel of the they brought to tho service an In AND DEBT occurence how evcral Present old world, but Ihe ane and tcntl- - tensity of zeal and a dovotlon to BARGAINS tlio men gone on cases where have blo majority accord this gallant duty that won admiration their tho and atrlke against tho order of ruler and his family a hospitable pruiso of the old professionals, chief. and courteous reception, and con They applied themselves to the In Used Cars tlnuo their labors of tho day. leadership with Intelligence 8. E. SWCO demobilisation, when ken Shaking of Tlio was WET OFFER BIGbEST BARGAINS L'StH CARS general and and enthusiasm. result TM JH do the typewriter RAILROADING ON QUICKSAND that they acquitted themselves EVER HKAHO OF IN 04.UMCH Washington lay down LICENSED UNDERTAKER colonel at with great fidelity and honor, botli their AND EMRALMCR And We Have Atmost You May Wan. armt Collier' National Weekly' cannot on the drill field and on tho battle successfully a field. Como In and let u demonstrate. You'll llVo tho ran the government asked the be termed reaction When our The. groat National Army wa East Broadway and you will llko the price. supreme court to hurry the beer ary, but admit that national railway system Is In disaster, largely tho work of tho emergency Next to Columbus. Drug Co, Our new air plant will aoon bo at your service. case It evidently did not mean for It doe not propote to help the officer, lie lias earned the' last Wo do all kind of Battery Work, and our Tube Work it to hurry the case of beer. log gratitude of congress stampede Into socialism, the trick and the LADY ASWSTANT i guaranteed. Full lino of Accessories soon. demagaguo when tho logic eountry. I curbing profiteer of the England tho Now that tho war is won, and We SeH Motorcycle. byjjcenslng only reputable dealer. of fact is against his contention. says the ue United Plates has written in Over here there would be a lot of It the condition of rai OPEN" DAY AND NH2KT has not pleased anyone for ic blood of her brave sons, another quibbling as to who I "reputable, roads Inn lime, neither Investor. 'HuslrlQU and Immortal nago In general public. mo annais oi numan irecuom, me THE Cm' MARKET GARAGE "The, newspaper men publishers, worker, nor tho rmN::KfflMRS' Supervision was an incomplete men who wcro largely Inttrumen editors, reporter am Just a much lal In training her valiant cltitens East Broadway ' BROADWAY, COLUMRUS public (errant as are the men In success; control is an admitted aro on a foun for victory, aro being literally the government service- themaclve. failure. The road dallon of shlfllng sand. kicked out of tho army "for the WLLLVGHAM The influcnco of publicity U mighty ANO MtODLETON disposal I master convenience of the government.' and in shaping the de Thdr "the problem country, affecting their rrstwhilo Indlspenslblo scr All Kind of Meat liny of the people." Theodore of this primarily vices being "no longer required,' AND FHE9H IloosovclL Industry, commcrco and the cost of living. With scarcely a word of thank VEGETABLES Tho Plumb plan "promises re ' appreciation, tlieso men who Buy a residence site Any one with a brain, ditccd expenditure, higher wages, performed such a splendid part if that wcro possible, could readily In "making tho wqrld great and belter service a veritable gol safo for see tho benefit derived from democracy" aro being sent back to . advertising den ago of railroading." a city park Columbus rebuild their shattered fortune MISS BLAIR in Manhattan Heights to the Plaeo II Is not a plan that will meet and comfort citizens. as bet they may, and with only Public park In Columbus, set out trees with the approval of the American a a paltry (CO bonus to attest the Stenographer the exclusive residence section. shrubbery aad' tw people, who prefer tho play of ancl' mi4e.,of government's gratitude for the gal years you will have something open economic forces lo any cinch lanl scrvico they rendered, and niOH.S 4. COLE "started. The Courier land for program,-Tli- United SUtcs Commissioner Streets graded and water back' of I'lumh plan would not en tho generous sacrlfleo they made, three. Immediate improvements and Justice of the I'eaco courage private Investment in any for tho benefit of the country. will keep "hammering away" until Notary I'ubllo each lot. See our new bridge on results aro apparent, 8trect light, public utility but would overthrow IMlOSPKIttTY IN ADVnilSTTY Cotumbai, New Mexico itrcet signs, and a city park. tho whole system of private enter prise. Third street nrth. Tlio world Is short on production That Texas editor who refuse Any avaricious selfish group Tills is particularly Ime W, 11 HKHEIt to publish obituary notices of peo could overthrow them on tho plea of those countries recently locked la the Attorney and . . .CARL ENGENRORF, ple who, while living, failed of sharing ownership. Counselor at Law k otoh.. Irlfe of nation. Even our own subscribe for his paper, and gives How can tho i'lumb plan propose i included. Practices In All the following pointed reason, wou! to share la profits where there aro Court people aro manifestly COLUMUUS, NEW MEXICO have little recourse here In Colum none, and none would lio permitted by the grasping control of unions. not in position lo produco In pro bus where nobody dies he ha this portion Capital lias never mado tho de to their requirement for Jas. T. Dean Co. toiaay: year mand for Increased profits that tho wino lo come. bS5?E'? who do no1 thcir America is. i. noma paper ru ucuu au Ilrotherhoods havo demanded at STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES aujw, the hands of tho government and The sensible thing, then, for their passing away has no new America lo do Is lo DII. W. C FIELD got them, Increase Its PHYSICIAN AND This Week's value.H production, to BUIIQEON Special: Belter systems, greater efficiency double, and treble In iu Dr. Marshall's Former Office elimination wasto says HIP-O-LI- TE ready to Marikraellow Previous Issue of tho Courier of motion, This ran ho done. Phono 40 A uic Colliers, can do jnore for the rail COLUMBUS. havo contained more. or leu "boiler Two essentials to this NEW MEXICO way abolish capital. end arc Cream, once tried always used. plate type," that ii, reading matter than paramount: 0ult squabbling among which could be applied lo Maine ourselves, ami 00 TO WOllK. FRESH FRUITS ALL THE TIME or Alaska as well as Columbus. For TAKE A FHESII START. America is rich now. Hut in BORDER MERCANTILE tho benefit ot oiir. subscriber we few years, if we all go to work Corner will state that every line of type In Optmrttinity knocking loudly and produco to tho limit of' our West Fourth and the Courier Is set here in Columbus. at our community door. It I in capacity, we will havo provided Broadway .It .may. not appeal lo all readers slsteut that it bo permitted lo en the necessities for which tho world Save you Money on Orocerlei f These Are Hot Ordinary Ads. They Pull! 1 as well as the "boiler plate" but tcr. cries, and wo will havo enriched and Provisions. rlt look better, and to the editor, Tlio world Is crying fur tho oursclve beyond Iho dreams at least, It reads better. product of the factory and of the avarice. soli. Tho demand Is greater than Every one will becomo a nluto- - . Forlunato is tho man whq can tho supply. crnt. lock tho door of his office or turn America can supply thai demand. Oo to workl $1.00 Par the key of tho place over to some if It will. Work harder I one else, and on the back of a wise We can supply our community Stay with Itl old bronco start Into the hills for portion If we will. Your ship will como In and your the opening of the hig game season, Hut are we alive to tho marvel iireams win como irtie. A man don't have to gel a deer ous opportunities that ore offered EAGLE OIL GO. to have a good lime in the hills us? Or aro wo peacefully sleeping OPIHMtTUNiTY IN THE ARMY. JJWW this. kind of weather, but. when you while other communities iltlin the cream (From tho Cavalry bring to earth a big buck It makes from the mllkT 12th, Standard) 1I.1M Asm. In Ihick up, fellows I The army emphasizes the fact th? plp. frpnt of the glowing BASIN IS WFESEKT TRACTS N'W I TULAROiA kangek; Tmm FicU rump lire taste sweeter and come Take a fresh start that It offer, a useful training to a close a powlblo to adding Double the production next year. it enlisted men which will be of another hue to the rainbow. Forge ahead, and make 1020 tho valuo after their return lo civil One well banner year of our local exist life. Tills I aptly Illustrated In the on any tract of our holdings will bring TJie Courier, thoroughly believe ence. activities of the medical you from $10 to $100 for ever dollar invested in urtlonisw aJoa? coo Oct the gravy while it is fresh, constructive Wnes. It believes. In Ono of tho most important func We have one derrick completed "and Will start arbitratlve .prlnelplc, also; In OOYOUCOJiK FROM ? tion of Ihe veterinary corps I it ' " up to contracts, Tho Courier meat and dairy inspection service. drilling soon. ' lias ,no.i)M for the Individual who (From the tSth Cavalry Standard) This corp is responsible for the " ' Dill bo- - inspection' of, AiWhear neyer Won a maiden fair, decries all unions, classing them in The Soldier rionus has alf meals, and mca'l " thgfflCjrtl .category of the I. W. coma a law In the stale of .Minne and dairy pYoducU purchased lor Cold'fect never made 'tTmlllionair." r sota, W hear remark This gives each soldier from I'm arm?. ,111 mv?n selected for ZWfx JP'f'.Wh0 - . of UUjcharacter wq maVe a mental that stale a bonus of 815 a month llii duly tn- the veterinary corns think it over : C J .rcservaUm thai tho man Is woe-- J for each month ervcd. and .the drd CrstgiyeiL ijhorough couwo, tuny. mtKiHs m muiiisfenee is a minimum nmouni 10 no yam, win gf' Cptr.uctlWt.'TcgtJslsting of lec- nut .whatever Hwt Is), In this day ba 150. The llmo counted 1 'from ture, ilmqnllrfltionjtnd practical JAY O'LOANE, Afeat 'ofiprogre, ccwMMtvona have been tho day the United States entered wwk, under. Ifleer specialist, to ColumVut, N, M. EAGLE.OILto: , eirocud of an classes or men with- the war until the tlgnlug of the quaury wim a assistants to ilia-- ' Sheldon Hotel, El Piwo, T out cxcejktkm. Mlatstfrs, armistice. All Minnesota soldiers veterinary meal and dairy Inspcc-- f colhffe profesaora who served duiine the period are Hon officer. Their service as and even policemen, and their wea- entitled to tho bonus, whether now trained assistants are needed not! pons aro more powerful than a resident In the stato or not. only at tho packing centers, whero harfd: Mofewt MrrM. --jm www mj murn win Becuiiiwsiaas WW br Fftetebk Uaat V. I. W Openings iiTotuffltw Worth Mlr'a M4 for fall foot bridaw ft MJ) W iiaaW provMta lW --brother. Buadar. a A. A. D. fa awav tamn Uh eittaeM rae4 SHU ft aMt or over awl Mm4 V. ftvtt of Coiumtnai mm taw smTI tills wk mak Ih la not in Mm aau sM LvMemtr at lata CawrW mIm m ttwk " v8 a mm m. v cottjs mvs Uta iMetM wantod tad Frederkkson Yea a4 A. J, ttM Cmtrkr immodsaiely soUsM Ism The CarewMtaM Ub4m liwaW aw- - En ...... Yri FUEL COMPANY H, Tnsey ,, Vea 33 hmt lit iitmtkM, Mrs. Bert 0r-wto- d, ry We4ndy might m tre 0. Motion by FOR V3ffrfc Atkhwon, m. Only aawilnr 'em aM, wet of tho Mtwa. by Tracy and seconded 4 7ufMr Iwtwtw aiSMsaissst s4owia Um worth Mw Oawrgu Mewttt l sM pofradtr Evan that a cennltteo bo ap- n- - ...... d f..,, pointed to attend to drawing u contract COAL AND WOOD wajSSjSl.tMl, aw K MmiMirht sssjsnewiiU Ip la constantly growl and attend to all buslncM Hm mm UrmI In regard to promoted bridge. Mo'T m Uon 1 aro a big help to tho buyew and This baa been a busy woefc for caroled. Jayfd'Loaaw Tracy an; te taw GvSain dlri ef tho needed artlclM Hiat the stork ta Colwnbu. so was bat Froderickaon and were Swastika and Coal pointed a to nl! of Urt M Co. warrant largo diafifar txi-- week, but lha happy parents were commltteo transact Eaat of tho Bank Prompt DclUrry ttte wBot business connected loo mm? lo mrorm the courier. TM with the bull1 Ing or proposed No aow h good wsws that ( Ike new addition to the. tttk rn fan try l bridge on First South Street, iltuMkm la regard to tho Valley Moadey afternoon. Oct. 34. ai S E4wnl Juaret William, ton Ml Tho clerk Oil' well till week, O'clock, Lieutenant Btacey Ayera of of Captain John a William and was Instructed to noti fy J. J. Clark to put In uio Quartermaster's Corps awl Ml his estimable wife. Mrs, William a chock valve on Mjllcr .tZcfio JotiMOR hi a IW leather Jano Hall of Jackson, Mis, were was attended by Major Dwire of tho line at once. No belt full or The married at tho homo of Bach- - Camp Furlong, llolh mother and further business the Trustees corlrlilf) hlla. tho adjourned. - glmtjitCMoa I on. elorcllca, on North First street son are doing "Just splendid. Edwin G, Dean, Cohmbus Bakery And a&&&t ' MUtli, where Miss Hall haa mado Congratulations aro In order. Clerk. vard(iy W. Bpcriccr, oralwh'lo licr homo since coming to Colum HKTTTVn AT U I pcrlnteiulcat of the puMUrechoot bus. Lieutenant and Mrs. Ayers Saturday an unknown Mexican W UNFOWSDEU HUMOfd Confectionery , has. gone to Montana. ell immediately after the cere secured employment as a socllon mony for Camp Dodge, , where hand under Foreman McCullough ' Setting rest many unfounded a look at Uio movie ad In ho will bo discharged from the ser of the El Paso A Southwestern. at .TkY rumors and starling IhoVCouricr. Wg doing at both vice, and after a visit with his sis Yesterday was his first day at a new ono the II. niandiard, Proprietor UmrKr now la Informed thai this tho rest of till week and r In Lincoln. Neb. they will ko work and his horoscoiM was wrong houses War Camp Community Bervlcn w'tll next. to Alamcna, Kani, whero they will hecauso ho fell off tho hand-c- !, II A K D rcsldo permanently. Both of the flolng lo work and received many noi disband November but will COLUMUUS E BREAD continue In active service until touring car ran ofT "the youwr nconlo were wolt liked In bruise and a broken collar bone. sjUuIek February I, 10C0. grade" Into ' Uio arroya Monday. Columbus, and the brido especially Dr. W. a. Field attended him and As Good As The Best And Better Than Most Tliero havo been many rumnrs Nojone and slight damage to nueared herself to the ladles of then look Mm to Et Paso and hurt afloat In Columbus lhmui:h- - the camp who will miss her, placed him In a hospital there. and inqcar. out tho country thai tho lied Cross was going to bo disbanded os far Patronize Yeur Home Industries a Job for a seamstress Tho Columbus branch of the It will bo of Interest to tho many IJIero'a os active participation in army government one Vmerlcan Red Cross met Wednes friends of Mrs. Garnet Parks, whoso ,'1'tio. U. 8. wanta camps was Saturday lay afternoon ex husband was at one time editor of concerned. att.Camj. Furlong. See the classified and elected the Acting Field Wrector xsutlvo commltteo for the follow tho Courier, to know how pleas- Corlrtttlit re ad column. ceived tho following telegram which ng year: Those serving aro W. C. antly situated she and her family aro In Anacortes, Washington, should place a quietus upon such .ACaptaln J, A. Wagner, district Franklin, William Klein, J, L. Nor on rumors, inuTrlerinas'tcr, to K ood, J. L. Greenwood, J. II. Cox, Pugel Sound. returned Denver, Colo, Oct, 18, 1010. & W. N. McCurdy, Mesdames A. Fred- - In a letter to Mrs. J. II. Cox sho DANIEL HAGUE lasoMondey after an Inspection U L. Cortrlghl, f rlckson, Laura nitchle, Arthur describes the place as an old city al wmp furlong. Artlng Field Director, lied Cross, Oloch, 1). E. Blsco, McCul- - well kepi and It Is nearly surround Jbhn Columbus, N. M. ough, J. U. Cox and Hallo. ou oy water. 3he speak of the Second-Han- d 'Tliero U a aurpriso coming toon Uerlha Humor that lied Cross New and Goods way. reasonable cost of living. For the will cease In record" hi mines' ahd mining In Tills commltteo will meet al lo I six- function Nov. untrue. lied Trt--s o'clock Saturday at the small sum of 815 she has a - (fid Hermanls mountains, ten afternoon Cross will continue to function. Red Cross office on North Main room cottaac, nicely furnished. miles from Columbus. W. L. Kennedy. Bought and Sold itreet, near tho Parlor Drug Store. lawn with beautiful rosea and all kinds of shrubbery. Sho also has Acting DIrecttf. The llov. Mr, Wachools of the Messrs. Cortright and Steele ' good garden With even berries, NEW STORE One block west Clark Hotel .Lulh'oran dcnuinlnnlloit at Fori Church, the sign painter, Is an giving Quoting her: "You could not drive arc wldo publicity to above llayard will hold service al the Y mill as well. Ho has Just com telegram and jlctcd mo away from here with a club," condemn the mmors .M,.C.'A. on Nov. 2 at 3 p. m. the curtain and wines for as malicious and ridiculous. Jio new Crescent Vaudoville and expresses a good deal. ..Thai Village Trustees havo pur vtotlou picturo house. II U The army paper, Tho 12th Caval chased swell1 street' aprlnkler at credit to him as well as the theater, ry Blandard, of Camp Furlong and represents prominent Columbus Is now being published . bargain from Dcmlng. Now they rho curtain justness at period few every urcu h true ur u;aiu w ii houses a a week. The Courlor wishes iivvi years hence. Tho Courier noticed to attract tho attention of the mer to Mr. and Mrs. Alley and children particularly tho four and flvo chants of Columbus tho adver havo returned to their homo In itory skyscrapers. Church, anyway, Using valuo of tho Standard. 1( Clovcrdate, N. M, after an extend' has tho credit of erecting the first now has an honest circulation of 1000 as ed visit with Mrs. Alley's parents five story building In Columbus, which means 0,000, every In Camp Furlong ev In Columbus. soldier reads A Sunday chicken dinner In the ery Hue of It overy week. It Is a Henry Durton of tho Columbui mountains, with all the accessories soldier paper, especially and ex- Interesting of Telephone, company announces thai of a camp flro and hot coffee which tremely to each one of camp life Jho will surprise tho subscribers In go into tho making of things en them for the Incidents joyable, aro by tho soldiers them- IhoMiear future with a new tele was tho introduction the written in turn ably by phono directory. editor wife received to tho won selves and edited Jcroos scenery near Columbus. In Captain Simmons. An ad in its party Mr. columns, ordered by any merchant .Mrs. Susan Moore, formerly o he aulomobllo was and . in Columbus, I not act a Columbus, who had a very serloui Mrs. Joo Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Carl the of Kroegor Camp Furlong, Mr. good follow" wanting to help the accident some lime ago in I'aso of paper along. Is a I?.'l5.l ... l .M.. McCullough, Joe Johnson, and Mrs. II wise act. and shows business sense. eral weeks In the hospital. Wilson Kilgore. now V. U PIEPMIER GETS BKIDCF. South Columbus as a suburt At Tucumcari the city Is to city CONTIIACT OXEH AitllOYA looms large. Halley & Hulsey arc Ulcmpling buy tsnd for a Columbus be selling Iota evory day. Even the park, will In tho Hegular NVrckly Meeting of the editor of tho Courier purchased tamo fix some day and l will bo is me to Vlllaae Turaters, Oct 21, 1919. two lots. Editors, as a rule, art upcnslve. ivow time lay a park and In a few years it Hoard In broke or nearly to, Being In the ul Tho of Trustees mel bo with shrubbery regular Mayor J. It. Illalr latter class wo purchased to In onld session. being and our nucleus of a bank roll ind trees. absent Trustees Fred crrao erlckson, Evans, Tracy and Klein Public utilities play a very Im being present. xeA-DoJ-'ros- the" furniture man t, brtant part In community devel Motion by Evans and seconded by n partner nu lias ueciuru W uiao ipmcnt and unless they aro al Frcdcrickson that W, Klein act Ills business qwlng to the genera at owed rates sufficient to mako mayor pro lent. Motion carried prosperity uf Columbus and th irofit 'they can not keep up their Tho minutes of October U were Increasing population. H ever iroperllcs nor extend sorvlco lo read and approved. closed tho- - deal Wednesday nlghl ( ltfia&fjBHsBBSjaHaBH neet growth communities, Tho minutes of October 15 were boy doing very ulccl) of Mother end read and approved. and boy velglu ten pounds ot tho Duo to depressed conditions of Tho following bills were pro Cigars aro in ordei Vhat's (he Isn't it the kitchen, where Mother spend more of her time than In the scales. western metal mines since the scnlcd: "' ""along Droadway. he Matt Importan t Bn other room the room for which the youngsters make a rush irmlsllec was signed, wo havo all Tho Columbus Courier, pub 'Snnt in YOUR wnen hey come from school the room where Father ces to had n good chance lo see how much lishing proceedings $ 7JB0 look for the reat of tho family when he cornea home from work? ' An Impromptu pound social wa' tj ".! he prosperity of this section de Tho Village of Doming, street tiomtl ( Th kitchen deserves to be the coxleat, cheeriest, moat convenient hold at the M. E. Church last Frl pends on mines. Conditions which sprinkler 183.00 room in tho house. You'll find It so in most homes lha benefit of the 'day evening for an or us. Motion by Tracy seconded by whero the Leonard lias found placo for it's the range, was iurlall production nueel a Iluv. and Mr. Barton. It Evans that above bills bo allowed after all, that make tho kitchen "the heart of the home," and aweet affair flwcelmeab short Mrs. Garland lilack, wife of Lieu and warrants Issued for tho same, predominating. Mrs. Darton tenant Dlack. formerly of Uio tsth A. Frcdcrickson Yes The oven 1 Juat the right height for convenience no anonded in behalf of her hutbani Htryt At the Cavalry but now in tho corps, A. voiis Yfes YeH '11 alooplng, im with the ordinary n range It' tho range'that . and herself, General aatisfaclloi -- Thing, as hero tho nasi week viBiung tier II, 0. Tracy .- Yes a takss tho "Ake bake. Consumes leas fuel and saves time. ' resulted, feeling tho spirit o Lm jjLg out of alt oarcnta. Colonel and Mrs. Ulcgicr of Iaio Thomas' application fofli ii.B. T,3 oven begin to heat the moment tho fire Is lighted no wasted ttiu both tho recipient occasion Camp Furlong. bulldlmr permit was read. i,tonam hwt up the chimney while the firo ia Rotting started. 11 Tho oven .and I he donors. Viola Clark's application fo? heats evenly on four aides no need to turn the baking and do D. M. Reed of Silver City, spent a bulldine normil was read. i.ccesslty for ppcnlng tho oven door until the baking ia dono.' Ellnil- - , i The Columbus Oil Filling station lounlo of daya In town last week. Motion by "Evans and seconded by baVuig failure. If Occupies less apace than a low-ov- ranco ' rtcs owned' by Evans & Tracy will to ftaymond, lias IjoJ Tracy that A. Frcdcrickson and. a decided advantage, in a small kitchen. Heator type body keeps ' Ills young son, r.milv f.ir hmliiAiu ai Kion as till operation for adenoids, but Is vm. Klein be appointed a com the kitchen coxy, and a room or two besides. Holds fire over night. '' ' an irin I?(YY1 rallnn isnV It Disced Improving rapidly. mltteo In approve .above applica jiiLposltlon. It was purchased In lions. Motion carried. MtferiYfiit thty Wall lake pleasure In telling you more about It. We want you to WfSci'TVayiie, Indiana, for $0Of Let us all atari o clamor for a Ordinance No. St was read for ANY'titngt, ti0 'ta aturdy construct ton and handsome finish, and to compare it and tho frelnht here was WI3J30, Ono Individual' effort the aecond lime. Motion by Tracy ' pwnt.by polnvwlth other types of rangea. You'll be quick lo npprocl- - city park. , jfra fjtcZrcnard' i When the proprietors saw tho Is small, but with a unueti appeal and seconded by Frodericksnn that tJ(J Jts a4VBnt82CS because it overcomes the inconveniences you've , .freight bill thero was an explo- - Columbus would havo a park In same w panen ai eeconu rrauing: r J ,vays had to contend with In tha lowovcn range. . a short time. Motion carried. ' C c tb LtonapJ Drat. Youll b d.llghttJ lih lu coiinlD tnJ vcono paiUcuUrly you Ami It I any high yjft jaxplotlve s used by tho Hon. Trustee J, II, Cox's sealed bid was opene to whin cutis do mora ban cUuii gtuU tangi. A. G. Weld an1 Mr. Hampton and rviyilt. ir ai ,i 4 tires exploding. left for Et Paso Sunday. Mr, Weld V. I. Walker scaled hid was drove back' a now Jlupmobller Mr. opened and. rcail. tSc agency v. I, Hid was Carroll Columims Piepnietr seated Norwood Weld now has lio for tho "Hup" opened and read. .coniaincu a perin by. Cy mbt9 f tLlS7Tlnt ..I .li.n.n fWmt crlpf Motion Evans seconded v71Ur tfrtf f. of Lcvnmrd Rnyi tq of thm wUl utt jy&9 n. rumor registered al the Froderlc'Vson that report add; atflckcn lady In Nebraska wanting fl. Jhe Albuquerque Ibis plans of uridga Commllteo be nU nitilreuea nf a brother ami lainer- - Coomb Hotel al proved bo dla in.taw on account of lha death of week. and commltteo tmrm to Toof cumm. News and Gossip of Camp Furlong W ye arq (n skwlst- - 4 tt proper procedure, lo take in sy part of yottr work k conwscitwi with army panem. 0MMMTCMMLVT8 FW TIMS 12TW CAVALMV WTAMMM" etc, come te Koffttnesrial euartcr. ami dm The Bi Exclmiyc Store system snakes serious tero4s on (could It have been otlierwhw with of tho Bersent Majors will give our vitality. rwKunn ijavai.hy wjuhekb you Uio taformaUon you desire. Au acUvo campaign of education Stale legislatures arranged to in 11? we aro of, tho flftkttoti that This m hvltUen so If you get provide adequate protection fori the 12th turns out bettor soldiers te ths Interest of mouth hygiene It stuck Jusi come over (o Mewtaw- - society ftgalnal incomficlcut and any other regiment. bo kg fostered by tho amy medi tcrs aad get scrupulous de lists so thai a license striMed out. cal detarUMftt, "Come Ckan" la to practice is cvldcnco In the public Sergeant Mlko Fienwcfecr expect Goods, Shoes MANY MCMCTMS8 Dry tho tlilo of a thrco reel picture or efficiency, (kill and honesty, at to be furloughed in tho reserve In SHSMAMHMJ '.ml lecture prepared by Major tho physical wllfaro of tho people the near future. Ho deserves lo The Secretary of War has In Ionard 0. Mitchell, Dental corps, take precedence over all oilier return to his "swamp Angel" In formed tho seven affiliated welfare which will bo crculaled by tho matters. Arkansas. Wo wjsh him. tho very Clothing Interior Department and other or best of luck. associations which with sanitations In the hopo of convlnc scrri.Y troop nkws tho department during the war, vis Sergeant Myers In lovo lug people of tho necessity of caring tell with the Y. M. a A, Y. W. a A, National Victor l'a,rks has tho Jau baby Mack Senuetl's Hallilng Bcaullos, for their leclh. Onlbollc War Council (K. of C.) Surgeon of y down pal now. He can wiggle like but there was one fault ho found The General Jewish Welfare Board, American and an Increasingly largo number a worm and will sing "Oh, Italic with them. Ho snld they did not wear any underclothes under their Library Association, War Camp of Americas leading surgeons, think whal you're doing," and end-- I pathologists and research men now bathing suits. What part of (he Community Service and Salvation want to bo jatzing all tho time." Wearing Apptrel for mc.n, women recognise the diseased mouth ami country did you coma from. Sid. Army of his sincere appreciation teeth as causative factors of many Ing "I'm a jau baby, baby. Private Domlnlck Fusco has been of the valuable work they rendered ' of the serious diseases of the Ixtdy Never mind Victor, even though fondly dubbed "Taratan of Hie the country during tho past cmer ' and cKilclreh It Is pointed out In the picture that tho boys do tcaio you and you Apes." Ho is happy because he will gency. the unclean and diseased mouth In are losing sleep when you go lo gel to seo moro of Turian op Nov, In order that tho example ict Its relation to systematic diseases Dcming to sco Miss M .. A. I. Whilo playing pool at tho Com by various civilian agencies during Is ono of the most serious hcallh you seem to be satisfied and you munity Hall this week bo forgot the emergency may not bo lost problems which confront the people can Jau all you want to as the thai he was playing and when ho lo Uio Hegular Army, tho secretary today. troop likes to seo their "pretty saw tho cuo ball slowly rolling in of war has Instructed his military Tho motion picture used to illus baby" happy. Oh, those wild wo pocket ho yelled "crap." You associates to establish n organisa (rate the lecluro was produced men. can't expect any moro of Uio tion within tho Uonerat Staff to at the Army Medical Museum In "wop" (hough. bo charged with development and Washington by the direction of Dcming will have all tho men supervision of matter pertaining Surgeon General Ireland, with a of Supply Troop soon and the Sergeant Miller, our former Mess lo education, recreation and moral view of impressing upon our sol- U. 8. army will have to reorganise Sergeant, has rccullstcd In tho training of officers and men of the WM. KLEIN, Mfr. diers tho great Importance of free- it again, was Sergeant Huhls Quarlcrmailcr Corps. The vacancy service. This organisation will un ing the mouth of all Infection and mark. Never mind, ho Is only n Is being nicely filled by Control dertako tho functions of Uio seven maintaining strict mouth hygiene. bit Jealous because he can't dance, Murray as acting mess sergeant. affilltated Welfare Societies, begin Major Mitchell says, The very Parks said ho has retired from ning November 1st. as far oa they early training of children must not teaching. y. Our First Sergeant says (hat relato to military establishment bo neglected, If they aro to have ho certainly Intends to marry with within conUncntal limit of the strong teeth and good hcallh. Private Hare Is in the hospital In two weeks ami wo really he. United Elates. Thumb-suckin-g and the use of the sick. Hero Is hoping thai he will Ilrve him this timo because he Tho organizations aro requested pacifyer cannot bo loo strongly con- soon be well and In the troop has already begun to dream alioul to contlnuo their work wlUi troops demned as they cause restriction soon. It. In France, Germany, Siberia, the of the arches and nasal passages, Hie men are beglnnln to try oul Penama Canal tone, Hawaii, Philip causing mouth breathing, adenoids, Wagoner Dowers has been dis- for fool-ba- Wo hopo tho flu pine Islands and Alaska for a fur Columbus Bottling Works enlarged tonsils and irregular teeth, charged and in the does not ruin litis season a it did ther period of threo or four monUis with their long train of systematic Supply Troop detachment at lla- - the 1018 season. or until such time as tho army is THE REST IN ALL SOFT DRINKS Ills which will materially affect the chila, .New Mexico. in a position to undcrtako this general health and life of the in Lieutenant Colonel C. V. Simp- responsibility, Tho war department dividual. Tho deciduous, or first Forward March I Supply Troop son, formerly district signal officer in the future, as II has In tho past, Try teeth, must be saved until normal has been taking their mules for or tho Hi Pasi district, until his will feel free to call upon them time to bo replaced by the per IipilSE EXEIIC18E. Tho troop recent transfer to tho Glh Cavalry. for advice, counsel and active as Our Good XX Ginger Ale manent teeth. Ttieso first, teeth Is also standing reveille and It is one or ino oki TWeirtliuCavnlry sistance whenever tho need do provide the required development surely hurts some of the moo officers. Tho Olh Cavalry Is lucky vclops of the Jaws and guide tho perma that aro from wealthy (?) families. and I hey should bu glad lo add nent teeth Into their proper post his name to their roster of.orflcrrs 30X5 MILES ON A GALLON Hon. The first permanent molars Frank Frcitas has lecn swinging Colonel Simpson is an excellent and PERFORMANCE OF "HUP" which erupt at the ago of six the dumb bells with tho music efficient officer and of.long experi years of age, aro tho most Imnor at the same time telling the men ence, ami during his services with A. G. Weld, Columbus Agent Make tanl of all tho permanent leeth, yet funny stories, Every once in the Twelfth Cavalry, was well Public Inlerestlflfl Fact. J. L. WALKER aro the most neglected. Tho loss whilo when tho men would all known and well thought of by the of one or more of these teeth means becomo interested In his skill, ho officers and enlisted men, who had While fleno, Is known in toss of normal occulslon, inability would say, 'Isn't my chest expand- the pleasure of soldiering under many chiefly as a divorce center or Complete Line of 10 properly chew and tho tipping ing wonderfully? Why yos, the him. Hie scene of tho "big fight" ac Into the space of tho second molar answer would come from all, and cording to the reader' sox, both when the third or wisdom tcctli ha would go on with his story. KINANCi: OFFICE DISCONTINUE!! sexes are Interested In a recent erupt. Tills condition is also re demonstration there when low gas. Hardware and Furniture sponsible for pyorrhea later In TIIOOP II NEWS. Captain Lee, ilnanco officer Of the niino milage was divorced from tho life. Camp lias been on sick reporl for operation of a motor car. Children should have plenty of Two moro men aro Iho past few . days at tho Haso Tho thirty odd mile between coarso food which requires much in tho troop. One of them was Hospital at Fort Illiss. Wo under fleno and Willow ranch at Pyramid rliewlng, also food such as milk tired of the cavalry and intended stand thai the finance office I to offer a typical Novada road and eggs, which contain plenty of to enlist In tho navy so ho could Im discontinued, and the boys will with two summits, certain deep lime, wear trousers, but at surely miss Captain Lee, because sand and some fairly rough spot, Columbus Electric Shoe Shop The picture shows tho formation the last nilnuto ho thoimht of old ho always pay off early In Iho In all a routo that gives a real test Mango's" a of a cavity and how, If neglected. cooking and decided to month and wo didn't hava lo wait cf car's performance. And It is Work While you Wait and al- me nerves become involved with remain In the troop. John Morll for our pay. but with the dis specially significant to nolo the done tho forming of an abcess, and also is tho soldier. Corporal Conipton continuance of the Ilnanco office, mileage of 30.05 miles to a gallon ways guaranteed. We carry in how various part of the body are Is taking on another year with who ran tell when wo will bo paid obtained over this road by a Hup stock a complete line of polishes reached and become diseased. It him. They Intend to go rail on hereafter. mobile Series "It", docs not sufficiently emphasise, their furloughs. We bono they Hi (i car used was absolutely and laces. however, the danger of the blind will tho record of tho CIRCCLAIl NO. 377. stock wild mo addition of bump abcess, which does not open troop and return married. its and wire whoels this fact and W. A. WAKEFIELD, Proprietor through the gum to tho turfaco or Tho famous circular 377. well tho gasolino mileage being checked cause pain. This form of abcess Private Flke, formerly of this or known to all troon eonimnndeni by M. M. Slampni, of the Itcno will occur when the dental nerve ganisation, who served two years and first sergeants, will possibly be Gazette, and two other rcpresenUv lias been removed and tho canals with tho first division overseas, distributed In a few days. Copies llvo business men. Imperfectly filled. The formallfln has In tho troop for one of tho original aro beiTtg printed ot Tho actual mileage was 72,8 miles IN ORDER TO ACCOMPLISH of pus In such an abcess Is so slow year. Probably ho too, , had to mo Courier office, so that each or with a consumption of exactly 2 that the blood circulation can ab- come where ho could gel some ganization may have one. gallons 3 pints of gasoline. what your physician strives for sorb it and it is carried to all parls rjiow onco more. of tho oody, producing no swelling Ho brought his wlfo with him. A sad, sad puight (o bo stationed AGITATORS. of the gum or pain about tho tooth. Tho troop was glad to sco FikeJ on tho border. you must have a druggist This tooth may do Its work without return to his old organization and Most every town is cursed with pain lo the individual, yet establish wo- - wish him mucli success in VISITOR FHOH ILVCIIITA. the bolshoviki clement who ap in whom you can place all trust a serious Infection in some other married lifo. pear to bo against everything In (lie part of tho body. The progress be- Sergeant John Avery of Troon II. way of progress. ing painless Is inslduous and Sergeant "Jlllllo" Wither had a Is spending a few days in Colum Tlicy express Ihelr views In little trouble at tho dance Saturday bus. Sergeant Avery Is having various ways. Bomo uso tho soap True profeadonil ethics, g The is proving that a very night Ho got a lltllo loo much denial work done whilo here. Ikix method on tho corner, where rare and the skill of long small per cent of root canals are cactus Julco and the dance hey liaranguo tho crowd on the after experience havo earned the properly filled, lio advises that was over ho was wondering why WAH VS. WORLD WAR. wrongs that aro being Inflicted by mil. which we enjoy. We deservo tooth with ncrva removed should me ladles would danco Cnt of euiiliitilng a soldier in mo parly in power on the Innocent not with yours also. lie In order that the lilm. Will somebodj- please supply ilia Civil war and the war with and Unsuspecting public. Ev patient may see for himself that him with the Information ho do- - Oermany: timo wo hear ono of them It al tnere lsio Infection. A dentist sires, I haven't IL'.o heart lo tell Cost per arllclo for tho war with ways reminds us of tho toy balloon ran not do root canal work without him. , Germany aro averages of all pur- - on celebration day when they aro the use of an cnaics. cost or civil war are blown up with hot air and you re- - Several of the scenes In the film Wo have our old troop command- - averages of lowest and highest leoso the check valve the air I C0MUMBUS DRUG CO. were taken at the Walter need or H us again Lieutenant C. C. prices paid, averages of all pur- expelled In a loud and discordant hcspllal, Takoma Park, D. &, where Stravrn. Captain Crawford has been chases being unavailable. sound. Wo have often wondered OSCAR L1LLYBECK, MGR. ' there Is on record many cases discharged. Tho froop (a very glad Cost per soldier" 50.00 1CH.00 if, like tho balloon, a or sharp where these blind abcesscs result- If) have Lieutenant Slrawn In Field shoes 2.18 7.4B instrument were applied to tho ing from poorly filled canals, have again and vyo surely hopo ho Iiroochcj, wool, .1,73 (1.70 rear anatomy of the agitator If ho the canals are well filled and .will stay this time. Imderdrawcrs, winter 1X5 2.00 would not collapse with a loud oecn me cause or serious diseases Stockings, wool, heavy J8 JKS report and bo no more. of ths body. We will soon have another First Undershirts, winter 1.51 2.00 And there is tho sly, smooth guy, FOR Lund) It Is pointed out thai the loss of Division man with us, Private Illankcls, wool 4.67. OiO with tho "lend mo your car" at lift leeth from titude, who calls you asldo and con pyorrhea Is a serious Homer Deauchcmlu "was formerly Overcoats, dismounted 0.81 15.17 Milk, Cream, Uuticrmilk one. Tho bone process is so with this troop and be, too, has re Coals, wool 0.38 0.70 (Ides in you confidently, with the express purpose of making a sort destroyed that mere Is little left enlisted In Uio troop. Ho Is on a Iggins, cotton . .00 .02 CALL AT THE to hold pkvtes, rendering it furlough1 now and Total expenditures:' of "endless chain'' of you lo spread EAGLE CAFE to properly chew food, fn will report for duty Iho latlcr. port War with Germany $1,308,000,000 tho propaganda of their evil bo! Clark Hotel Mock ordinary chewing with natural lealh or this month Civil War 274,000,000 shbvik tendencies CHOP SUF.Y AM) KOOOLUS a stroll of from 180 to 300 nounujl We now hava men that Total expenditures for Q. M C. Of the two evils, If we must three ON SHORT s omled, while with well fitting ihavoI returned fmrn tlm front and for clothing and equipage. hava' them, we would prefer tho OtiDEK plate Is I former for he Is not afraid to Ict Milk He stroll but 30 pounds, are expecting motti In tho future. Include Ordnance Urns; Civil Everything Flrsl-Cla- a Parlor ThU ttwofnal tax on our dlgcallvolThat famous first dixlsfpnl How war figures are for year IB02. all know Just how he stands. MMiX News and Gossip of A recited by 8crecant Harold D, mmm Camp Furlong Grim, (ApplftUfe, gwtk'MH, be mam mm fore Mr. Grime reaches the ate), WK flrU.L Vm I.EHS CAHtt (W HASY PAYMENTS Enter Mr. Grimes, bow center i warm and maxim mutant mmmmmtin rm im m cavalhy wrAw.mr and left. (Morn apfihutse, please.) H. H. Ginsberg, Proprietor. Id swear tor her, I'd tear for her, OKNBML Mm THOOP K nawMU. mm. eleukr XVZ. these II. Q. Mom Tli Lord know what I'd bear . BetiHt wtH feed, or ate feed for her; Squadron tsrgsaat )sar Marry L. CM Kutmersky, heller Agents for Columbia Phonographs known' Gallery practice, ImvlrutWew courso, I'd Ho for her, Ike KM," l HI Taivioca at vfefctasj attd then record, tkil some or the I'd sigh for her, Records, town every Are you goto and at MIm, whf ha m aM. to, Mm ter&mln are atlll boy awl I'd drink the river dry for feottM fert havo a nM!Wry weln, Tapioca? they would prefqr Iho "szh" Ihan her; tho I'd cus Private for her, Graham received a tcvee I'd fuss for her, shock last week Hardwarc-Furnitur- when his horso When it comes to getting news, I d smash a trolley car for her; o tlmo o from ftelmM Keautyiar-ie- rs walked out rrom under him. or rather furnishing now for the I'd weep for her, (We . bhoutd wor- Jtotwe Standard, Sergeant Dueco of the I'd leap for her; A.D.Frost Cash or Credit For tho past ry m Johiwy ffetUfiC ki trim for week our Second Machine Gun Haltery lead them I'd go without sleep her; Lieutenant for the fwoUxtll team, and believo ut ha been continually Wo do not liko to mako dis I'd fight for her, lHftln, "I'd rather be outside tinctions wo never show" par- Johnny U unw player, and I'd Idle for her, a looking I In, thin on Iho inside tiality, but It worthy or note, I'd walk the street all night tor looking out." that tho effort of Sergeant Colonel Ocorg-- W. Uicglcr, I2lli Duece her; upplylng us with not only very I'd plead Cavalry, It on an official business Lawior, Franklin & Cu, havo for her, Interesting troop new but other I'd bleed - (rip at Doming, N. M. Tho Colonel started In tho automobile business. for her, Items as well, Is very greatly ap- I d go without feed ror her; U president of a board of officer A yet they havo only part or one preciated. Wo thank you Sergeant I'd shoot ror her, appointed to letllo and Investigate car, but Pap say that It will bo and hope you will keep up the good I'd boot ror her, claim made by clvlllaln of Dcmlng fine to liool "revenues" rrom. How work. A rival who'd come to ror nnd near by( for damago of private about it, Pap? sue her: I'd kneel ror properly. her, Tiow that Lieutenant Thomas is I'd ileal ror her. Corporal Kddle saya that he Is in command of Troon L. wo may bo Such Is Iho lovo I reel ror her; 3krrky Tho Courier now a daya looka Ilka glad that he These U) able gel somo troop news. I'd elide ror her, Ilka a regular newspaper. aro cold nights to bo on the "Hole," THE l and read glide ror her, UNIVERSAL CAR l)y gosh, wo hato to aay It, but It Corporal. Id If the squadron fool ball toam I'd swim against tho tide ror her. to look Ilka a band bill for a used keep on It will havo Iho ilaff I'll Iry ror her, aloro advertisement, but Chlcr or Police Thompson hat HI department practicing fool ball Willi a view I'll cry ror her, Here is the Ford Himahuiit, a prrf'tl whirl m.l now it Ii a regular paper. The peo- gone Into the real cstntn business. or membership on the team. Up of utility. Kit lulu lit.- - dally lir ..f H Hut d mo ir I'd die Tor her onywhcri'. oil ot,il.l. Ul ple of Columbua ahould bo proud Jlo expects to mako to date wo havo ono Corporal, nnd llu Urn. For Inwn and n.ti v. and Charles llarton is all I ffl Improvement and do all they look lko thirty cents, when they il Ihat Its rami impttm HiinaUmt. m of tho the lleglmenlal Orderly Duval. rnsl nf munition; fiiw ui HMMilimajfi-- . with all !.- If) om can to aupply the rdltor with new. Strlko oil in Columbus, grabbed awoy-fr- af- sturdy strength, III us In tho L IN dfndMIHr and rdialuiii fi- Uood luck to you, Mr. Kllgoro, your ternoon to play root ball. Wo do w Inch Ford Wire ore iHtfw We'd In- pl.'umtl to li.it f session coi.twinrs your 1)1 improvement la moat noticeable An Englishman once visited not worry, however, at order fur one or iih rr v lutvi' atnuii m because General ha been thing in motor en and lwn hai- n America, and on returning to his Mould neeMri fti turn out tho whole head in session Camp Furlong, him or genuine IVmI part irU- mmuuie l ord i Nl who was native land met at tho club a very al Lieutenant Thomas, quarters llseir in order to main In departmental order. to 13th Cavalry, has old friend who said, "Oh. I say transferred tho tain our standing, which is always Tho detail or tho rnurt is as to 12th Harry, I heah that you 'avo been to been transferred back the first in any thing tho Twelfth un follows: Major Alfred L. again. Thomas la Just tho State." Oh, yes, had a very Lieutenant dertakes. Twenty-rnurt- h Infantry. they and charming time, donlcha know, din- as efficient as make 'cm Captain John It. Ilnxter, Twrnli- - to re- ner and all that rot, most hospit- Just when wo were beginning 'rrsmial Nratnrsn and C.lrniillnrwi fourlh infantry: Captain Edmond toss, comes able people, only their humor is gret his Presto, back ho Cleanllnos Is next to godliness, H. Sayer. Twelfth cavalry; Capt. qui to so Impossible, only way again. We hope wo won't loso him the spake an old prophet. How true Ilirhard II. Mallard, Twelfth caval- that you know they are making a tho second time. this Is in the army, Ion, as it is one ry: Capt. Henry Y. Lyon. Twenly-foort- Joke Is when they laugh at it or tho great clement that crcato Infantry; Capt, Murray II themselves. Then you must laugh. Mr. Murphy, our efficient Western and hold men up lo an efficient Ellis. Twelflh cavlry: First Lieu- That Is the only way to Union operator, has returned from make standard or duty, pride and thor tenant George W. Hoolli, Twenty-fourl- friends blooming boggcrt. his vacation, Wo can now slam out with tho (Highness tu their every day work. Infantry; First Lieutenant silly telegrams at any old lime for Mr. For instance, a ass will Neatness in their ares and clean in Christopher C Strnwn. Tweirih rush up to you qnd laugh in your Murphy la right on the Job. Glad to Pron will mako n man reel that he cavalry; Second Lieutenant Dwlght face and will say, 'Oh, Oh, I say give aee you back, Mr. Murphy. soldier and him proper T Francis, Twcnty-rourl- li Inrantry You'vo got my sheep.' Well you prldo in his profession. I hi was First Lieutenant William II. White. know old lop what would I do A couplo of clerks very nearly demonstrated in France In many Twenty-fourt- h Infantry; Judgo ad- broko their neck the other day running around with his silly old cases, restoring tho spirit of tired vocate; Capt. Dudley II, Howard, sheep. And tho bloody idiot will long when an airplane passed over the and disgusted troops after a Twenty-fourt- h Infantry, defense building. Clerks should bo more rush upon you saying, 'Don t pass lour at the front. One could sec counsel. careful In tho future as they arc any or that warm air around heah.' tho change al once, after troops badly needed at Headquarters, and Now you know that I wouldn't do ero deloused anil cleaned up, Then with all the emergency men gone anything so rude. Then another men begun to take an Interest in good clerk aro very scarce. hlailrd rotter will como upon you life, shaving, polishing and walk laughingly say, "Oh, I say old i and ing out with firm, erect steps Unstad Thing that will never happen top, don I pass mo any or that reeling like onco States Tires Tho Twelfth being tn6ved from the cow. Now I ask you Harry, what more. I lit Is a wonderful factor border. would I be doing wllli a cow? In making one take an Interest In I loathe tho beastly Americans, their work, as it clear Iho brain' are God Tires If you "don't waut to get pinched don't even like milk. Wont wou and gives a very different view by the military police, don't come havo a drink? Well no, old top, point on tire. Show me a clean galloping down tho Deming road, pcrdon me, but a wn say In the well dressed soldier and generally through camp. Stales, I'm on tho water closet now, ho will ho one or tho bright lads What, Ho. who is taking a pride in his railing Can any one tell us whero Harney W. V. C. and ays attention to his every Tierncy We havo not seen him lay duties, and works with cheer aruund ltheadquarter for qui to tr water melons cost ten cents fulness and thoroughness in all the spell. Maybo be Is making Im a slice, how many slices could you duly he is detailed to perform. Hip provements on his farm. get for forty cents? According to Hrilish government put gill buttons our way or figuring, ono slice their uniforms so as to L08T Ono perfectly good squad You pay tho other forty cents he make tho men polish them, ron. number second, station llachlta cause perhaps there was and gel away from their continual What has become or all the boys of War Tax on melons those days. kicking, ond they found It was tho disgust, the second. New from llachlta wo proper medicine for and (hose have galore, we don't think. Wako If tho editor of the Standard gave lice, as it became a habit tor up llachlta and come across with you a dollar bill (lull ikini kiu men to clean everything and their a well" ns somo news. Wo know you like to yourself that ho over will) and spirits wero cleaned bodies. up your spurs, read the Standard, but how about asked for a dollars' worth of change (heir Polish 1km)U, shave, keep up, something to put In It. Wo know the change to tie in fifty pieces, and and it E. 8. Bayer. llachlta is on tho map, but please could you give it to him? It can Ic us know what the gallant sec bo done. lEUTENANT WINCHKSTEH WINS ond doing. What-I- t tho matter with Soraeant DunnoT Oct the Mr. Editor: Can't we soldiers AT IIOHSESIIOEHS SCHOOL 4 boys on tho Job, Eddie, and tell have a llttlo corner In the Standard them to come acros with omc whero all soldiers can ask ques Yep, It Is true, but then again It news. Hons concerning tho whereabouts Is no more than wo oxpected, ho- - of different outfits, also there are auso Lieutenant Winchester Is a Lieutenant Colonel C. C Wlnnla, bushels or questions pertaining to 12th Cavalry officer and Ihat alone Commanding Officer, Camp Shannon, tho service, that tho answer could speaks for iUeir. Tho Lieutenant will snend a few daya at Culberson bo round in this corner? It would proceeded to Fort lilts having been ranch and nearby, on a hunting be something for our llttlo paper detailed to attend tho horscshoers trip. We wish the Colonel alt kinds nnd would bo appreciated by all, school for officer nnd after a or luck. N. n Tills now didn't ourso of nltout two months look como rrom any one In llachlta cither. WANTED at least 80 big huskies the required written examination The Real Thing Right Through for tho Jar head battery. Pulling and graduated Willi tin) average groom Officers 8peaklng of personnel, the Ser- two and pushing one, then of W, standing class A. geant Major of that part of the 12th lug three is no uouni mio exercise, from the Silt, 7th and 8th Cavalry, your car and or along Put United States Tires under desires that his clerks be good but who in the name plui in fact rrom ail the bonier llko Why we repre- horsomen. Privnto Ulskcr, person- want exercise that. attended, but as usual tho you'll find them the real thing. alwvo whisper while Twelfth took nel clerk, can bo aoen any morning daren't talk a sentative Irom the you do, Congratulations, Lieu now going around the Hull Wng on theso morning rides. If the honors. , that you aro tenant. They're built to wear to give you the kind,, bouncing llko a rubher ban these Jar heads think conversing on oats, then it I Slier' of,economical service you want. And that's RESIGNATION OF Lieutenant J. H. Scranlon, nun's rido to tho stables, with iho WHOLESALE First only five mile away. HF.fiUI.AK AHMY OFFICEHS just they do. 2tth Infantry, recently received or Jar heads what ders In tiroceed to Fort Ethan Al ono told Sergeant Notary Since November 1018. 102 per len for discharge. Lieutenant Somo II. Hundreds of thousands of regular users will, scrawled a wicked manent and 1,370 provisional army Scranlon was the Adjutant of the that ho suro now I laughing resigned rrom Iho reg- - New Mexico Bub District for quite Waterman, and he officer havo vouch fcr that lots of them right around here. squirrel' brcakfeast. uar army. a long time. Ho was well thought llko a of not only by the officer and en are five distinct types of United Stated Hud Caudill returned rrom tho First Sergeant James Hoppel, There listed men of his own regiment, but school this week and Headquarter Troop, ha requested 12th Cavalry also. Tho Lieutenant horscshoers Tiies one for every need of price or use. ; you bo placed on retired alwavV had a mllo for every one, to hear him talk wouhHhlnk that ho' the shoeing women and nol list. After 30 somo odd years and was with regret that such a ho was qar. it everybody hju, 'w the Sergeant Wo have exactlv tho onai for vnur bad to deavo our horse. . Kotv faithful' service has, valuable officer I ' ii.. W. nf Ihn ll'tll troop want to go to tho.hbrtO decided to retire. Ho can be seen Wh Unntv Ilnllisl Ktfln Tlrr nm Cnmt Tln .Vtiitl'ii Wliv AVelKell Tiii'lll. ovory'iJay Icadfng ' ' of luck ond lhal(shoer school, Iho headquarter, l'uchl Hro. Co. II. Nordlmus &. Sou Co. Evub liaS wish him tho best over iho jump and leading n every mmr braves attend c,,ow acrordlng to In equation. Sa life fMn ot inlendtfit mour publlo school. Much ANSI BAD warfare. TW" mut buy fry-- HMPtl.AH MNDAY SCKtKH, Interest was manifested In thin iHine ivtiiwiir when ptM it etas by Mkw CoSIn ami tho U'e in thl country wo hav'imKtoiw IX WM in the community who took pari. We feel sure both of foreigner Kgnllsi, ') Our own imsl hi Cotombtts Theatre Pjograre w)M vr frets, ta m( MtowKaff Sunday mW&oI strength and gracefulness have German, Austrian, lWhw, fok$, Nf. tHvtfetMtoMi erf (4wtrM mmI Msjicsatt--f every ekM Map-t- pHawcea, a. f lt been theirs to enjoy by having Sweedisb, Norwrgn, Gr'e'lsj , im atsffawa, Htktm, ttm MWwmj wm m ttm Cil Hi psjfiMasjg neeent a4 tve ish, Japanese, Chlttcto ahsi afJir-cr- y tractata, fM taken MOt helpful exercises,. Thl mUsmMm, Me, will thMtor far M WmH , M W Oiurch Mit itefHhr mm-I- class will meet regularly on every oilier nationality. The the at aaa mh iu Oct X from if to 11 o'clock Tuesday nlgtot. All women and girls majority of there foreigners'-litr- rt anil tMl Umm tW. tottoe. SATVMMY, OCTWMK M tor the KnlMU of a IfeflM are Invited. conscientious and law abiding s. Suctt comMUm MigM weM him The riret M4ietwt eitOMiors CketiH rtmn O Siuntay mKooI. The word "child" The Knitting and Crochet Circle even the itraeat to Kaaitate if tn "SONNYSIDK" hla laleat aad best fnlllloa rfollar pkiwre. Wa licro means sy rM all aes under met with much enthusiasm. H Is They work. they itld not 1 Immmmh ' a knockout. Aloe, Bnlllnf Mill Parson In "BJ' Jawcfcewt. IW year mm) old taclude every hoped to have quite a few nice Titers Is alto In this cotmiry conoHtkHi. la apMe of all Utk, 1UNOAY, OCTOMM M adult who l )M-dra- k feptlt or U In sym- - nieces of needle work put on ox. anuuicr ciass oi ureiners. iney nowover, coaaumptlosi km mm mi FaMOM Playrn pmet "Tho Devil's Store." A tls part pailiy WHN UM Baptist wCc hlblllon by Christmas. We hope cointilulo tho minority. The are ni a rceerti rate m Mm eowttty. featurlnf Omtdlno Farrar. Enough members have already ladles will form circles of not law abiding , and they, arnf Mot An auUwHy on Uw situ- other coeatr MONsYAYt 0CTOMM If tceii secured to Injure a good at- citizens, ation saws! uuraoe this kind. mmiL huv SufWfwe l'ha4f) ofreri tho swter IhrHI production tendance. Come and bring eomo THKY AfUTATK. largely l one the quantity oaty limit- Mr," featuring George Larkln, The devil of else with you and we will And becnuso of the wild eyed ed dro roce. haw a HETMOtMST CHURCH NOTTS by tho amount of eah and cretlit Mlloaal and eicllbig. live permanent organisation. Even The Hov, and Mrs. Harlon were bolshovJsllo vaporlngs of llif-s- an- - thai can bo aesemtilcd, though TURNIAY, OCTOWeM M wo have not yet accural the recipients of a "pound party archlsllo wlud Jnmmprs and Janan and China can tut a paxtor rniulJ Ooldwyn Production "The Bomkifo of Barbara" In Hve part, that U all the more reaMn on Friday, October IT, given by our country of late has on as largo buyers as aeea as Uie why tur- featuring Mae Marsh, also tho Ford educaUonal weekly, wo ihould meet at least tho church members aud towns been in a couitanl stalo of liemiing political proema are once a week moil. WKONKMMY, OCTMM W for scripture study In worked out. The eofv-p-er people. Tho result is that the worW the Sunday school for the Sunday This continual unreal and un- In vast quanlHlcs mi Trlanglo produclioti "Wolf Lowry." A 5 part western drama Is smacking lips In ami must school la the teaching lervlce of tho preacher his certainty are curtaljlng production, como to this country starring William S. Hart 'Nun said. anticipation, and tho preacher's for it; the eiiurch. Wherefore If wo would win undermining efficiency and alienat- neeu is urgent and imperative TNUftgRAY, OCTOHKN 90 with housewifely prldn to our young people for Christ and wife beams ing the loyalty of many (rood. men. restoration of normal Wlllam Fox present "When Falo Decides," fcalurln Had-lal- as surveys her industrial see them eternally saved without she It must cease. conditions. Traverse, In a flvo pari melodrama. Also "Four Daya In shelves. Hut grateful as they are get to- any polbllily of mak Labor and Capital mutt Ocrmanr,1 slarrlng'Mutt and Jeff. ' eatables, they appreciate ' ing mem nt subjects for baptism, for tho gether on a sane and reasonable HAYg: " , -- above all the generous kindliness of working basis, where tho division m PLureouT? FM8AY, OCTDM'.M 31 church membership and missionary "HeartsnriAsleep,' these new friends, and arc eager bo to Exhibitors Mutual offers lis special attraction work for tho Lord wo must reach of profits will .fair both Not so many ago term time to eomo when they Kara tho Willi Ocsslo Oarrlscale and an all star casL Also "Klnogramt" them by leaching them (lod'a eler. for the sides. "hayseed" was Joeularlv annllmi in may enter upon a larger service The world's latest news. nal truths through the medium of Hut this will never ho accom- the American farmer. to community. wie Sunday school. Let us begin the plished by allowing a braying minor- And tho farmer didn'l reif.nl ll mis worg promptly al ten o'clock ity to usurp tho authority which hecauso ho couldn't. Morning 11 on Sunday. belongs to new i Sunday morning. We are do. scrvlco at a sano majority. Ho lived from hand lo mouth, the chsngo In time and Men Intelligence Integrity ing all the personal work wo can, Ilcmcmber of and and often thcro was but llltlo left yourself accordingly. 8ubjecl: do not to uui ii our workers rail to reach adlusl caro tako orders from by tho time it reached tho mouth you this week come on to Sunday That they might not perish." lllilrralo and irresponsible for- Hut now? COLUMBUS only to lead- THE cnrooi, anyway Dring others with eigners whoso claims Say, Just watch the old boy's School had a you, hand us names for the visit- Tho Sunday Hoard ership ore mlsquldcd conscience smoke I evening for a lungs. ing list and above all and by all meeting on Thursday and pair of leather Ho comes to lawn In his into. purposo in not prevail If means pray for the success of tho tho of planning fur Drains noise, must mobile, smokes the best cigars, and Iloard voted wo aro to livo In peace and plenty Filling Bunday school, pray, creased efficiency. The Station PRAY. ins lamuy nas a college education to have regular dlscusslonal .meet- in this country. and buys the best of clothes. CHtLS CLUB, W. CC8. ings once a month. Election of Onco ho went Into the hsnV wlili officers Is to be held al tho next MIST LOOK AHEAD. his hat In his hand. Now tin Now Open The Dunbar Literary Circle met meeting, the dato of which will be Its stock, is o director, or perhaps Thursday, Oct 16. The purpose of announced later. It Is hard to keep cheerful- and the president. the meeting was to dcvlso plans for be nn optimist In the faco of de In other days he asked favors. the furthering of tho girls' literary Mariano Puchl was In Albu- - pressing conditions. That Is large- Now ho Issues orders. Intcrrsl In the city of Columbus. At querquo early In the week and reg ly what copper producers have A hayseed? Well, hardly. Speedway Gasoline the meeting arrangements were istered at the Coombs. had lo do since the armistice was A nliitncratf You belt mado for two programs to bo given signed. Horse senso and opportunity did by the circle, one on Thanksgiving, John 1'. Mack, well known in Co Tho fact remains, however, that Oils and Grease tho other on Hallo'ecn night. The lumbus, Is back again and says when the peace negotiations aro fl- - committee is working hard to make ho will remain here. He Is still this, the two leading features of Interested In Tres llermanls moun cniiiu nuu irauo reiounns are ogam CLASSIFIED ADVEHTMUKNTS tho season. Tills clrclo had quite tains. fully established, copper cannot Automobile Accessories a large and enthusiastic member- help but ho In great demand. WANTED rtOOM AND HOARD IN ship al this meeting, five new mem- Owing to the fact lhat he has Our own country which was private family, Vhero there Is bers being enrolled. Persons tal his own spur track at tho El laso not touched by tho ravages of music. Wc hasHHt ettty the best. Give hs a trial ented along literary lines are In fc Southwestern yards, Jay O'Loano war, but which simply sloY;ed,.up George Hodrlgucz, vited to Join us. Is selling coal under the usual on building operations for a short. Caro Courier. & Props. The class In calisthcnlca met on markrL nrlre. Ho la handing three time, cannot now catch up with FoiTTtETJT TWI5 NEW FTnE EVANS TRACY, Tuesday night. This class Is under I of tho best grades. Three carloads requirements pf nations which wrnl plastered and painted rooms. Call the direction of Miss Coffin, super--1 arrived this week. through flvo yrars of destructive at 0. Shay's laundry. Nordhaus' stock reducing sale still continues

IIEIHHNG Indies heav- - Weight Cotton l'nlon Suits, regular $2X0 values ME.VS UNION SUITS I1LA.NKKT8 WOltTII WJO PAIH-- W) pair only in this 31 to 41 al 9220 Men's medium weight Cotton l'nlon Suits, In all sixes, a value, soft and fluffy, m (tray and Fancy Plaids ladies Medium Weight and Orade In all sizes, regular 11.75 at .$1.13 corking valuo at $2.03 In this sale al SIM in color combinations large sixes and well worth tJM, all Misi' Cotton Union Suits In all sixes, onre regular IU33 $1.12 Men's lwls Union Suits, our No. 001 and the best $2X0 go In our Anniversary and Slock lleduclng sale $5J5 Misses' Heavy Fleeced Union Suits in 10 to 14 year sixes, regu- Union Suit wo know of, In this sale ..... $139 I'almers ImI .No. H Comforts pr.lntcd lop and bottom-go- od lar el.00 value al . . C3a Men's Lewis Union Suits, our regular tQM value and a good full slic regular $78 valuo at .....$IJW ladles' Vest in medium weight high neck, long sleeves and In one, too In this salo al ...... $ltt i'almers Lot No. 10 Comforts printed lop and bottoms-go-od low neck and short sleeves, regular $1X0 value . $1.19 Men's Lewis Union Suits, our Nn. 010, the best Cotton heavy quality regular WJM) valuo . .15S ladles Pants in medium weight . 11.13 values we have, regular $3.75 value $3.W I'almers XC Comforts Moral lionlers with solid saline cen- Children's sleeping garment, all ogw, regular $1X0 valuo Men's Lewis Union Suits, In Cotton and wool mixture, our ters and plain backs our Illg number at tljuO in this sale..$!98 regular $4.00 valuo in this salo at $3JG I'almers No 23 Comforts lino quality silkolino lop and bot- ICXTHA SPECIAL Wool, our regular $1.00 valuo, In this salo ...... $3X9 tom covers, line white cotton filled, our regular W comfort-- In Plain colors and Fancy Striped, checks and plaid outing Mon's Lewis Union Suits, heavy wool, In gray, our regular this salo . j flannels, light and dark, per yard 2Sc $0X0 value, In thsl sale aU ..... $5.69 Largo Site Colton HlankeU, gray and tan, our regular lUX) Men'a Lewis Union Bulls, extra lino wool, combed yarn, our Dlankel in this sale at ... $3.13 Iliai WOOL FAIintCS for fall Cosifimc. You can coma ex- regular $8.00 value, In this salo al .... 9gjg large Gray Sluglo HlankeU all wool, our regular 87.80 to find your Tailored Men's heavy two piece cotton ribbed underwear, shirts and In pecting choice for Suits, coal. Dress or Illankct this sale at . $33 Siiorts Wear. Prices as Is customary here, are the lowest It Is drawers, all sixes, cheap al $1.00 tho garment, In this sale at Largo Gray Double Ulanket all wool, our regular W.00 possible lo find, quality considered. Hlankct in this sale $7,73 Hoys' llVavy'coUon" Unio7is"ulu"ouTrcgular"VrxT'valu WOOL SUITING In the newest colorings end fabrics our reg- sixes In this salo al ...... $U0 $2j00 yard Hoy's gray wool union suits, our regular $3.00 value, all Now Is the to supply your W ular values $1,73 In time needs In Towels. Tills 42 In. Wool Hulling, regular $1.75 sixes. this sale at ... $2.t9 combination offers you yard values ..$1.28 Men's heavy weight a broader choice than any olher Wool Plaids, regular $1X0 yd. valuo . . ... JOM outing night shirts, plain and fancy of lis kind we have over known and prices quoted aro 3d stripes, regular $2X0 valuo . $1.79 In. Fancy Plaid and Striped Silks, regular $2.75 yd. values $2.19 Heavy inn rcawnaoio ior goous oi cxccucni quality. 3d In. Fancy Plaid Men's outing night shirts, Cur regular $1 value.. $IJ0 French Silks, our regular $3D0 valuo $2.48 Men s ono piece outing pajamas, fancy '30 In. ery Heavy l'lald and Striped Silks, our regular $3X0 stripes, regular $1.75 iiuck rowels red border, 10x31 ice value valuo In this sale at $113 L'nlon Linen Huck Towels, 16x34 -- Men's two piece, " 2le 30 in. Plain Colored Satins in all tho new shades, our .....$098regular funcy stripe outing pajamas, our regular IJalh Towels, 17x32. regular 25c quality .. ICo' $3.00 valuo $2X0 valuo at ...... IZH Hath Towels, SlUC, regular 40o quality . ... $2.79 Men's extra quality outing 23c Georgette Crepe In all colors, $3.00 value pajamas, (rimmed in silk frogs Jiath Towels, 20x42, Pink and JUuo borders 33c jm and loops regulor $3X0 valuo ...... S2J8 Hath Towels, in fancy plaids Men's fancy one niece pajamas, ...... 48o HOSIERY Ladies' Silk and Fibre Huso In black and colors silk braid trimmed, regular regular $3.75 value, In this sale ... $gjg UNDEHWEAR now $125 value ... AIM prepare lo be comfortably clthed whcn"" Ladles' Silk Lisle Hose while black, regular cold weather sets in. Ladles' silk ond wool and 75o valuo..6Sc HE ATEttS VICTORY AIR TIGHT HEATERS The only all union suits In ladles Silk Llslo Hose regular 6O0 sixes 3t to 38 regular $3.75 value ttjQ white and black, valuc.Jo sheet Iron stove on tho market with a ponch that con bo 8ixea 40 lo 41, regular ladles Silk Lisle 'lose while and black, regular 40o value20o easily removed to tako out ashes. Its great popularity 9iS valuo ...7ZZL. UM Hoys' and Olrls Hound Ticket Hose has Ladies alt wool union suit high neck, long sleeves, black and white 39c proven to us lis merits. Mado or uniform color blue steel length, ankle iijuu diik iiiuo in mack, mouse, gray, mahogany. in six sixes. regular 3.00 value at . $i73 uuiraIvory, 40 to 44 In white, regular $2X0 . ! Sliea alwve. regular 3JM value ia.13 11300 value. 4028 - One lot ladles' Silk Hose, light colors only, choice to EVERY ONE CAN HAVE Utiles Light Weight Cotton Suit, regular 5!- value, 34 A STOVE AT THESE PRICES to 38 clean un lhls lot nt . NO LIMIT AMI ...... fIJiS Hose, .$13 MERCHANTS NOT RAW!). Sixes 40 lo 44 ladies' Cotton Hlack and while. He Unllnod. Anniversary Slock Inducing prlco-l- HRIGHTON CRI.SBAI) ,0' 9il Solo $l. SLEEPING WEAK No. 020 Lines. Anniversary Stock neducing Sale price $!Jfi WASH OOS-- 30 In. Light ami Dark Percales 43c ?? .L.lncV' Anniversary Stock lleduclng Bale price ....- - Kimona ladies' Outing Gowns and pajamas, our regulor $2.75 valuo.$2Jfl No. 024 Lined Anniversary Slock noduclng Flannels ...... l4o ladles' Outing Hannel Oouns price.. $2.79 Jiaui liooln . on ... $xW Anniversary Block neducing Said prlco I$19S ladles' One Piece Pajamas o . 29 Oa. Stove Pipe, any sue, per jjgA .C7c Misses' Outing Gowns $us Joint " . Kiddle Cloth for School $jsj Stove Pipe Elbows, any sixe, each """ Dreaea"IZIIlII :47e ATTENTION K.VNCWCitS- -- ,480 e Imperial HIG SPECIAL We have been successful In Chambray Ginghams. 4to Hope Muslin yard purchasing 80,000 lbs. of IXJ1IUUII. DIIKOIUIISS Lyman four point standard twolve gauge barbed wire . ..32c 33 Inch Indian Head, yard at F'Btll nu IHalM ninnhan,. oil ... .w.....u i.6c government salo and while It lasts offer It lo you for the Tahlo Damuk-- eo In extremely low prlco of merccrlxod aic BUY' ' Tablo Daraask- -J In Satin Finish gac YOUR WWE NOW W?KR POUNirS. 36 tn. Long Cloth 10 yard pieces Tills Is yt least $1.05 lower then today's market on two . $3.10 This is the same as $3.70 for M'llod Spools. point wire. Columbus NORDHAUS Phone 34

jp iimiBffliwwywwsin