University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Columbus Courier, 1911-1920 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 10-24-1919 Columbus Courier, 10-24-1919 The itM chell Co. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/columbus_courier_news Recommended Citation The itM chell Co.. "Columbus Courier, 10-24-1919." (1919). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/columbus_courier_news/320 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Columbus Courier, 1911-1920 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. - . ,yt,i5 (l i.wtt oauimf, wico, m, w. wo, at ; j iliu - - nmn - 1 .i.. .mni.ll..bii .u,mujmhMMMMMHBBHBHBHHMMBM lahrirtMit Try tab TM WorM's Mr hm m In Minriin Washlnsftoa. OcL il TVa EtetsCnMNk county, Arise, k awn m oesr mlltce on fankralon IMs mmlw Rave two hntira anil a kalf tn 14 MMmtt alien after a shut down &f seven Muns the Bandits consideration Ot the bill or Cos- - I i on HtlanHaa as account f M arwiimaln HudaBeth tnr ui KsSecntafrt sH- Tin mine is 6m ot Hat rksneet - emergency aiprcriUn or im,m MfCanl 81 vr ninee ia Arise and la beang Waflfchwkm. D. (L Oct. W 10 the border patrol U (MumImm Wednesday evening aytottad by Hymn WkHeemb Prompt measures havo been UkN tor mo purpose or enforcing Uie Tomorrow afternoon In Lha Chamber of In Commsree mi b the Mexican government (a ef immigrauon laws. CongreMmm In CasiD FlirloBf lha baxla im special Cent) as Csl Oct, Hudspeth iu. scssfeti at the Wr ttionto, disoussed the bill for as son opens and from the "card" pre. Community Berylee bulk athanlo far over a yenr and while feci tho release or William 0. Jenk he te dtH of the kidnaping or hour, as did members of tho com sentcd as an opener the citizens of election of a jwnmmwt secretary msn invents, an - ins, an American consular aent at Oscar Jenkins are to contained mittee. WKiicyiiio committee took Columbus and thn IfRV faevmlal fif lo fttl Hw vneancy by Uhs Uhd a fteettne enntne tnat etst Is m a eauaod Pucbla, who held by bandits for telegram from his wife, Mary no definite action, every member Camp Furlong will see contests that . Wn the ae4tao M per eeni it departure of W. Molt for Lord 1125,060 ransom, atato dert-me- Wfet Jenkins, to his father, John expreeeed himself aalravorablo to 01 wm trie mm was a bumping tho arc uie rifm son. burg. N. M. ad W. Jenkins, at Hanfnni. Irantmll. the bill, The SUecees. WkM)li In a vrv rriirtn was advised today from Mex- main event or the aftarnoon Tho meeting was celled to order ted. by the latter today to Governor In order to exnedito nassace or orhrinally waa feem. Mr, WbHcotnb has cent for ico City. Tho Mexican authorities, aehrdntiui tu.in.n by Terapors-r- Chairmen Taylor, effncns. the measuro and avoid enins twfnrn Rabbit Rogers and Kid Mr. asking to 11 Payo, but In pur- jaamn, him return was said, wcro acting on personal Mrs. Jenkins telegram said: who, an address, sintcd the to tho ml&R as Mt the appropriation committee. Chair rariy in uie week, owing to Uie pose the- mulrr instructions from President Carran- - "Oscar wm kliUunn.l l. -- of called session. Short and offers to help man jonnson or the immlgratiou rubbll's Illness, Shifty- Smith talks by Aim in the pro- wero mad various mem- motion or his ia. The stature of tho steps taken committee said the Hudspeth bill wss substituted. Smith is a hard- Invention. In bers and moral names wcro men- was not disclosed. beenaPwiBa,. is held the would probably be amended so as hitting fishier and as bis name Im- tmwnUlnsJar'ftitiom, tioned who In tho opinion of the The department's advices reoort. all cash. Was tq create a border patrol and plies he is ahlrty nn hla In annual. m$cnm mx. re HawtTa taking f.l nominators could All tho position ed that a federal rorco sent la ai lilm away. provide for its maintenance. Tliii the point of a whirling Dcrvlsher "with crvdH. Among them were I a, whMs. Wrratee the sum action will give Ths meeting or the to Ilia American embaseey'a probably be taken. and will the Mexican battler, Messrs, Hampton, Taylor, Craddock, anul Hmm innnnn u,n. Kid Payo, breach or the American representation, formed a cordon Withdrawal or the border natrul a battle lo be remem- Murpliy ami KilgOrc. Calln4 aenefora and congTcss-meapt- o bered, although Hfd Cross was held at tho M. K. around Jcnkln's factory and ar- tho first or last July became neces- the Kid is there have the slate department hlmseir It was Wk consensu of opinion church Wednesday at p. m. rested flvo emnloyea. Twentr no. sary when commKlces reduced the with everything his op- request the Mexican government ponent llSS that Mr. Craddock was tho proper at which the esecullve commlttco lice agents went to Pucbla from appropriation or the Immigration and In thn nnlnlnn nf m pay the ransom and savo him, his friends ono to represent tho Chamber of was elected a follows: Mesdames: Mexico City and ten special military bureau. I.at year the Datrol was with much more. They Act quickly.'' go nneen Commerce as Its secretary and after Cot, RilchK Frederlckson, Block, police wero sent by tho chler of the maintained from a fund of afioaono win rounds at IJO. Payo's The message was fonvarded by friends are strong a ballot Mr. Craddock was duly Hoiioway, McCullouch. garrison at Mexico Cllv under nr. set asido from the special defense for him as he lco, and governor to tho slate depart- will be able clio. en. Messrs. W. Kline, W. N. McCurdy, dors to with tho Pucbla fund voted to President Wilson. to meet some ono near ment wllli the comment: his own weight A committee of two, Messrs. Man- 4. U Oreenwoed, J. H. Cox, J. auiuoriucs. Chinese, Japcnese and Mexicans K "It seems very necessary thai ac- Paro has In iares and Kllgnre was appointed to Norwood and W. Franklin. In addition to tho Instructions tel. are said to bo coming across the lha nick Inln.r. a tion be had Immediately Will vn Jack Douglas, Dusty draw up n conslllullon and.by-law- s Tills commlttco will meet Sat cgranhed by President Carranu icxos border In Urge numbers Miller, Tommy please tako steps lo rescue Oscar Nelson and Gene Payo and present them at the next meet- urday, October ) at 3 p. m. for the from Querela ro the advices said the "luce the wllhdrawinE of ths bor have beon Jenkins." putting mm over ing, which will In all probability purposo or electing tho officers for Mexican foreign office had tele- der patrol. the hurdles this week till they have him hint be held Wednesday evening of next the coming year. All aro requested graphed instructions to the author- hm Split Over Withdrawing Powrra. they want him and he wok, to bo on time at tho Ilcd Cross ities at Puebla In resnonse to iho CAHItANZA RIDES THIRTEEN will enter Waihinston. OeL S3 Tl, we nng in or Mr. BssselL representing the W. Home Service office. representation medo by the Ameri mi. DAYS ON HOHHEBACK tne pink condition. can house of deputies has voted a Mike Smith la a hnmillno-.- R. C 8, requested permission to ad- The third roil call committee was can embasscy at Mexico City. .n.l general approval or a proposal to has all kinds of backing dress tho assemblage and In an In- appointed consisting of Mesdsmcs no audtuonai details regarding Douglas. Arlx. OcL wai and then withdraw extraordinary ome, ana nis say Kid teresting speech virtually tendered Knlffln, nttchle, Norwood and Cox. the kidnaping had been received iinur received today thai President Car. trainers the granted to President Carranxa two will have nothing on tho building now occupied by the Mrs. L. P. Taylor, this morning from the American rama has Just returned to Mexico Smith and years ago under which ho decreed thai the Kid will know V. C. 0. S. and nil its equipment to Bee rotary. embassey at Mexico City, which city rrom a lour or Inspection of he's hsd a many laws, according In mlvlrn. to fight when darkness sets in. tho clliicns of Columbus, provided has been instructed to keep the de- day several of Hie northern stales of received rrom Mexico City, but Then there is a rattling good mix-u- p they would keep It running. As it MAMMt JAMHSON DWCMAHCKI) partment fully advised as lo devel Mexico. His Irin look him a f.r when efforts were made to confirm coming In the scml-fln- be- Is practically and KHOH 8EHVICE FHIDAV opments In tho case. north as tho slato of Coahulla. His the action in detail, the government tween those tough boys. Kid Bwan-s- y would 'enable Columbus do possess a It was learned today that about minority Mm engineers laid definite plans for the left rl and Lefly Grey, who box 1D3 meeting plaeo for organisation! Major W. R. Of tho time Mr. Jenkins was kidnaped ouiiding a at all Jamiesofi thn iU. body. This was repealed three railroad in this ute. for six rounds. and a .cfeT YrAm 1141' medleil corps, last summer and held for While on the Irin I'reilriVnt Car.
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