Metabolism of Anabolic Steroids in Man: Synthesis and Use of Reference Substances for Identification of Anabolic Steroid Metabolites
Anaiytzca Chumca Acta, 275 (1993) 23-48 23 Elsevler hence Publishers B V , Amsterdam Metabolism of anabolic steroids in man: synthesis and use of reference substances for identification of anabolic steroid metabolites Will1 Schanxer and Manfred Domke LkutscheS’rthochschuk Koln, Inrhtut f?u Bwchemre, Carl-L&m-Weg 4 5ooO Cologne 41 (Germuny) (Recewed 20th May 1992) AhStl-& The use of anabohc steroids was banned by the International Olympic Comnuttee for the first tune at the Olympic Games m Montreal m 1976 Since that tie the nususe of anabohc steroxls by athletes has been controlled by analysis of urme extracts by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry @C-MS) The excreted steroids or their metabohtes, or both, are isolated from urme by XAD-2 adsorption, enzymatx hydrolyss of coqlugated excreted metabobtes anth /?-glucuromdase from Es&en&u co& bqmd-bqmd extractlon mth diethyl ether, and courted mto tnmethylsdyl (‘INiS) derwatwes The confirmation of an anabobc stenxd nususe ts based on comparison of the electron nnpact lomzation (EI) mass spectrum and GC retention tie of the isolated steroid and/or its metabohte with the El mass spectrum and GC retention time of authentic reference substances For this purpose excretion studies with the most common anabobc steroids were performed and the mam excreted metabobtes were synthesued for bolasterone, boldenone, 4-chiorodehydromethyltestosterone, clostebol, drostanolone, tluoxymesterone, forme- bolone, me&a&one, mesterolone, metandlenone, methandnol, metenolone, methyltestosterone, nandrolone, norethandrolone,
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