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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E883 HON CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E883 CONGRATULATING SENATOR deeply about those in his community and does has always treated them accordingly. In a re- GERALD CARDINALE all in his power to improve life in the State of cent article in the Providence Journal, Mrs. New Jersey. Ponticelli remarked that she loves children and HON. MARGE ROUKEMA f wishes she ``could take care of more.'' I stand in awe of this woman and her incredible gift of OF NEW JERSEY A TRIBUTE TO THOMAS J. DOYLE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES unconditional love and acceptance to these children, who undoubtedly struggled through Thursday, May 6, 1999 HON. WILLIAM O. LIPINSKI difficult family situations until finding the secu- Mrs. ROUKEMA. Mr. Speaker, I rise to con- OF ILLINOIS rity provided in the Ponticelli home. gratulate state Senator Gerald Cardinale on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES At one point, Mrs. Ponticelli had nine chil- receiving the prestigious Lincoln Award from dren staying in her house in Johnston, many Thursday, May 6, 1999 the Woodcliff Lake Republican Club in rec- placed by the Rhode Island Department of ognition of his many years of service in the Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I would like to Children, Youth, and Families. She took in en- New Jersey Legislature and service to the pay tribute to Mr. Thomas J. Doyle, a valuable tire families of children so that siblings would community. This award is given to officials principal in my district who is retiring. Thomas not be separated; she gave up her own bed- who epitomize the spirit of Abraham Lincoln Doyle is retiring after 42 years of dedicated room for the children and slept on a couch and the ideals of the Republican Party. Sen- service to the Chicago Public Schools. near one of her physically-disabled charges; ator Cardinale meets that test and clearly de- Mr. Doyle has been the principal at Byrne she cooked big Italian dinners and maintained serves this high honor in recognition of his Elementary School since September of 1989. three sheds, four freezers, and three refrig- hard work and dedication. Whether he is rais- He has administered the Chicago Board of erators; all the while, she showered them love, ing money for the Boy Scouts, attending to his Education since 1957, where he started his practiced discipline, and provided them with a dental practice or giving a speech on the Sen- career at the Graham Elementary School as a stable, caring home. Mrs. Ponticelli is now ate floor, he is one of New Jersey's finest pub- physical education teacher. In addition to Mr. eighty years old, suffering from cancer, voice- lic servants. Doyle's work with the Chicago Board of Edu- less because of sickness, and small and frail, I have known Gerry Cardinale for many cation, he was also an instructor at other edu- yet she remains a figure larger than life. Her years and can tell you he is a gentleman of in- cational institutions. He worked summers from capacity for love knows no bounds, and her tegrity and character. It has been a pleasure 1967 to 1970 at the Pirie School Teacher children reflect that same sense of caring and to work with him on projects of mutual concern training Workshops as an instructor for Audio- devotion, visiting her often and caring for her in our home county of Bergen. He has been Visual Techniques. Mr. Doyle worked part time in her illness. a source of sound advice and counsel. He has as an instructor for various institutions, includ- We often decry cases in which our foster done much to make our community a good ing Chicago State University and Daley City care system has run awry and allowed inno- place to live, work, and raise a family. College. Mr. Doyle is committed to numerous cent children to fall through the cracks. Trage- Senator Cardinale has been a member of professional affiliations and activities including dies such as the recent shooting in Littleton, the state senate since 1981, following two serving as a member of the State of Illinois Colorado, force us to reexamine and reevalu- years in the state assembly. He is currently Reading Subgoals Committee, International ate what we are teaching our children, at deputy majority leader and, as chairman of the Reading Association, the State Evaluation home and at school. As often as we lament powerful and influential Senate Commerce Team for the Illinois Office of Education, and these tragedies, however, we must celebrate Committee, presides over all legislation deal- the Chicago Area Reading Association the occasions in which the system and strong ing with the business community, labor, insur- (CARA). parenting work. We must recognize that when ance, industry and professions. Legislation he Mr. Doyle's fairness, generosity, and posi- the system does provide children with the sta- has sponsored to promote business and job tive attitude generate a strong respect from his ble home they so desperately need, it is peo- development has included unemployment and staff and students. Mr. Doyle is attentive to the ple like Diane Ponticelli who make those suc- automobile insurance reforms, lawsuit reform, needs and concerns of the students and par- cesses a reality for the children. We cannot tax relief for money market mutual funds, a ents. As the leader of instructional activities, underestimate or understate the importance of 30-year rent control moratorium for new con- Mr. Doyle gives student recognition for aca- instilling positive values in our children and struction and government incentives for forma- demic achievement in the classroom. His posi- teaching them to love and respect others. tion of corporate day care centers by the pri- tive reinforcement has boosted the morale of Please join with me in the appreciation of vate sector. both the teachers and students of Byrne Ele- Diane Ponticelli and other caring parents like Senator Cardinale has been involved in poli- mentary School. her. We owe much to these individuals for tics since he was elected to the Bergen Coun- Mr. Speaker, Thomas Doyle's forty-two their significant and continuing contributions to ty Republican Committee in 1962. He served years of commitment to our youth is certainly our communities and nation as a whole by as mayor of Demarest from 1974 to 1979 be- worthy of recognition. I know that the commu- raising children with love and dedication. fore being elected to the state assembly. He nity joins me in thanking Mr. Doyle for his f has been a delegate or alternate delegate to dedication to our children. every Republican National Convention since f TRIBUTE TO REVEREND J. 1980 except 1996 (when illness kept him from DELNOAH WILLIAMS AND THE attending). He sought the Republican nomina- RECOGNITION OF DIANE SILVER PARK PLAZA tion for Governor in 1989. PONTICELLI, MOTHER TO 1,022 Senator Cardinale is a true citizen legislator, CHILDREN HON. HAROLD E. FORD, JR. operating his own dental practice in Fort Lee OF TENNESSEE since 1959. He is a graduate of St. John's HON. ROBERT A. WEYGAND IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES University and the New York University Col- OF RHODE ISLAND Thursday, May 6, 1999 lege of Dentistry. In addition to his political IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and professional careers, he has been active Mr. FORD. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay with many community organizations, including Thursday, May 6, 1999 tribute to Reverend J. Delnoah Williams, a the Knights of Columbus, UNICO, the Sons of Mr. WEYGAND. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to highly respected community leader and Pub- Italy, the Columbians and the Elks Club. A na- recognize Diane Ponticelli, an eighty-year-old lisher of the Silver Star News, a weekly news- tive of Brooklyn, he discovered the charms of resident of Johnston, Rhode Island who re- paper in the Ninth Congressional District. New Jersey and moved to Fort Lee in 1960. cently receivedÐfor the second timeÐthe key Since the newspaper's establishment in 1986, He has lived in Demarest since 1964 and he to her hometown, in commemoration of her Reverend Williams has sought to make it and his wife, Carole, have raised five wonder- thirty-five years of service and dedication to more than just an outlet for the dissemination ful children in New JerseyÐMarisa, Christine, more than 1,000 children for whom she cared of news. The Silver Star News plays an inte- Kara, Gary, and Nicole. over the years. gral role in improving our community. On its I ask my colleagues in the House of Rep- This selfless, big-hearted woman has been, pages are important local and national issues. resentatives to join me in congratulating my and still is, a mother to these children, and the Reverend Williams and his professional staff good friend Gerald Cardinale on this occasion adults they have become, in every positive always work to ensure that the activities of im- and wishing him success in the future. He is sense of the word. She considers each and portant local institutions like churches, small a truly dedicated public servant who cares every one of them to be her own child and businesses, associations, sororities and non- E884 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks May 6, 1999 profits are given prominent attention. As the week, I read with great pleasure an article on He spent his early years visiting employ- newspaper's masthead states, the Silver Star Mr. Ball's achievements in the New York ers, trying to straighten out wage records News is ``Building Bridges For A Brighter Fu- Times. The article which I include for the and, along the way, proselytizing for a pro- gram that seemed quite revolutionary at the ture'' in Memphis.
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