Cities in World Politics Local responses to global challenges Hannah Abdullah (Ed.) 75 Cities in World Politics Local responses to global challenges Hannah Abdullah (Ed.) 75 ©2019 CIDOB CIDOB edicions Elisabets, 12 08001 Barcelona Tel.: 933 026 495
[email protected] Printing: Book-Print S.A. ISBN: 978-84-92511-73-0 Legal deposit: B 22660-2019 Barcelona, September 2019 Cover Image: Shibuya, 2016 © Amer Ismail CONTENTS ABOUT THE AUTHORS 5 INTRODUCTION 9 Hannah Abdullah THE URBAN GOVERNANCE OF CLIMATE CHANGE 21 The evolving role of cities as non-state actors in the international climate regime Linda Mederake, Ewa Iwaszuk and Doris Knoblauch ............................................ 23 Climate change mitigation and the SDGs in urban India: synergies and conflicts Darshini Mahadevia ......................................................................................................................... 33 CITIES AT THE CENTER OF GLOBAL MOBILITY 43 Cities shaping migration policy Juliana Kerr ............................................................................................................................................. 45 Italian cities on the front line: managing migration between 2013 and 2018 Andrea Tobia Zevi .............................................................................................................................. 55 NATIONAL URBAN POLICIES: LINKING GLOBAL AGENDAS WITH LOCAL SPECIFICITIES 67 Embedding national urban policies in Africa Edgar Pieterse ......................................................................................................................................