Survey of Current Business March 1929
·.UNITED ·STATES. , , ~' I , , DEPARTMENTI I' ' ' OF:. COMMERCE·I 'I WASHINGTON --,-'--- .· :. ( . ' SU·RV.EY. O'F , . CU.RRENt BUSINESS. ,·'' MARCHj ', ,, :1929' •' \ ~No •. 91 ,,, I '','I , r:.- \1 \ IMPORTANT ·NOTICE ~· • ', , , ~ ' ' ' ' < ' I I I • ," • ' ''\ In addition to fog1f-r(s givcnfrorn.,Gor.itrnmeitt ..tource,s, there art also incorporatedjiJ,r completeness of· I ,•\ , ) 1 • - I ' ',' 1, , .strvite fig~~ts jropi." other sources generally a,ctep.trd by ,the, ,trades, the authopty and resppnsibil#y for whick arepote,d in the','Sourcifoj.Deita" on pages 139-14~ofthe February; 1929, semiannut)i issue, 1 '·, .; ': f , I " , , ,' ' ' i , ,, · ': ' IN,TRODUCTION T~e $uRYEY;OF Cu~~E~T B·u'siNEm3 ~ d~si~ne(to designed to .sh6w- ,the .tren<l of. an. entir~ group of ~present. each month.~ :plc~ure.of;the b:usm~ss situatio~ industries or fo:r;'the :Co~ try as a whol¢, iJ;lstead of for . by setting forth t}le: p:rtnctpa1' facts regardmg _the van~ the ·single commodity· 9r industry 'Yhich the relative . · ous li:Qes of tra.'de and industry:. , ~he fig,ures reported number covets.. Comparis~:ms with the base year or are very· largell. 'those already In ·e:nstence.. The , ' with other pe:riods are in the same manner as fu 1,·!. chief fuliction 0, .• the department is' to' bring together the case 0~ relative numb~rs. ' these datil- which, if available at. all, arw scaltered in hundreds of dijferent publications. A portion of theae' d1tta arj:l coll~et~4 ~y Go~er9Jl!Emt 9ep~rtments, . In mast instances, the charts ti~d in th~ SuRVEY other figures are.
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