THESIS Gender and Sexuality in Hard Rock
GGeennddeerr aanndd SSeexxuuaalliittyy iinn HHaarrdd RRoocckk aanndd iittss SSuubb GGeennrreess An analysis of image, queerness and the femme fatale idea in glam, sleaze, hair metal and related genres Vanessa Floréal Promoter: Prof. Dr. Gert Buelens Master English 2009-2010 Ghent University The image above represents the much talked-of American hard rock band KISS in the company of their so beloved women. Acknowledgements I would like to show my gratitude to professor Gert Buelens for his interest in my subject matter, his suggestions and the very useful feedback that I have got over the last few months. Without his support this dissertation would not have been possible. I also want to thank Ruben De Baerdemaeker for sharing his thoughts on my ‘pretty glam boys’ and discussing Butler’s Gender Trouble with me. ‘Tack så mycket’ to Lisbeth Hellman for helping me out with Freudian and Lacanian theories. I also want to thank Bob Ruysschaert from the KULeuven and Aurora Van Hamme for their comments and advice . Many thanks also go to librarian Mario Floryn from the department of Art, Music and Theatre Sciences at the UGent. I want to thank my friends Sjar and Staffan for their support, and Jon for transcribing some song lyrics for me. Last but not least I thank Liz from Leaded Fuel and Autostrada Outlaws, G.A. Sinn from Cyanide 4, Lizzy from Lizzy Borden and all the guys from Frenchkiss for talking about their music with me. You guys rock hard! 2 Table of Contents: 0. Introduction 4 1. Gender and Normativity 8 a.
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