The Center for Nonprofit Sustainability at

The Levine Conference Center, located within Foundation For Foundation For The Carolinas has long been The Carolinas’ headquarters in uptown Charlotte, provides committed to helping nonprofit organizations convening space and board rooms for our region’s nonprofit and community organizations. thrive as they work to strengthen communities

Philanthropy is an art across the Carolinas. We offer expert guidance that benefits everyone. Come be inspired. and a wide array of philanthropic services

Visit designed to increase a nonprofit’s ability to 220 North Tryon Street Charlotte, NC 28202 focus on its mission and have greater impact Call 704.973.4500 800.973.7244 in the community it serves.



© 2013 foundation for the carolinas FFTC NONPROFIT SOLUTIONS CENTER FOR NONPROFIT SUSTAINABILITY Inspiring The Art of Philanthropy

fftc fftc Comprehensive Cost-effective and customized FFTC brings endowment agency funds scholarship funds endowment management investment solutions expertise to higher education These cost-effective, long-term vehicles These funds support students from pre- Queens University of Charlotte is give nonprofits a way to sustain their school to postgraduate by providing grants for The Center for Nonprofit Sustainability A partnership with FFTC allows you one of a growing number of colleges good work while leveraging FFTC’s educational purposes, and give organizations offers expertise in all facets of endowment to leverage our resources, giving you and universities partnering with FFTC. investment and financial services. the ability to focus on a specific academic management, including reporting, access to top investment managers Queens University of Charlotte leve- discipline, institution or eligibility criteria. accounting and complex spendable and multiple investment options rages Foundation For The Carolinas’ income policies and procedures. We specifically designed to build nonprofit endowment expertise. The partnership can manage multiple funds established sustainability. Our broad investment allows the university to focus on what fftc fftc for distinct purposes, ease the burden of platform creates immediate diversi- it does best: providing a comprehensive charitable trusts subsidiary foundations administration and help ensure that a fication and can reduce investment education in liberal arts and professional Charitable remainder trusts and charitable Governed by their own boards and strength- donor’s wishes are honored in perpetuity. costs for your organization. Most studies to more than 2,400 under-gradu- ate and graduate students. All the while, lead trusts are carefully planned, efficient ened by FFTC grantmaking and endowment We also give your organization the ability importantly, we offer a level of oversight ways for income and assets to be distributed management services, subsidiary foundations FFTC manages the endowment fund to address changing needs with a unique and stewardship that allows your staff accounting and investing to ease the over time to donors, their beneficiaries and have access to a broad custom investment quasi-endowed option that combines and volunteers to focus on your unique designated charitable organizations. platform with the tax benefits of a public . burden of administration. The Center for long-term investment opportunities mission and programs. Nonprofit Sustainability offers clients with a high degree of flexibility. expertise in all facets of endowment fftc fftc management, including reporting, of real gifts of business interests accounting and complex spendable income policies. Accepted on your behalf through Community Accepted on your behalf through Community Planned giving, legal Stewardship and Real Property Holdings, Inc., a subsidiary Investments Foundation, a subsidiary and financial expertise sustainability foundation, gifts of real property offer foundation, gifts of closely held business your donors both immediate and future interests offer your donors both immediate FFTC offers resources that give your The Center for Nonprofit Sustainability Expertise to sustain a tax benefits. and future tax benefits. organization added capacity in the areas can help the assets of your organization beloved institution of planned giving, legal, finance, grow, strengthen your donor relation- The partnership between the interna- reporting and accounting. We enable ships and create long-term sustainability tionally renowned Mint Museum and nonprofits of all sizes to accept a wide for your organization. Our team will Foundation For The Carolinas has variety of assets — including real work with your development staff to remained a valued constant over property and non-voting business encourage investment in your mission, decades of change. Access to FFTC interests — and provide expertise and to streamline complex processes endowment services helps the museum that eases the management of complex that sometimes create a barrier to maximize its resources, minimize its The Center for Nonprofit Sustainability investment costs and build long-term gifts and charitable trusts. We will also giving. We provide opportunities for stability. Within FFTC’s subsidiary keep you informed on key endowment, education through events and seminars, foundation, the Foundation for the Mint is proud to serve as a trusted partner legislative and compliance issues and connect your organization to the Museum, the Mint engages its own affecting the nonprofit community. broader nonprofit community in ways leadership while we provide expert that can amplify the power of your management for the many FFTC Agency to nonprofit organizations across programs and help you carry out your Funds and donor-designated endow- mission with the greatest possible impact. ments that support the museum’s work and mission. We sustain the funds that the Carolinas. sustain the Mint, and help ensure that a beloved resource will continue to enrich our region for generations to come. FFTC NONPROFIT SOLUTIONS CENTER FOR NONPROFIT SUSTAINABILITY Inspiring The Art of Philanthropy

fftc fftc Comprehensive Cost-effective and customized FFTC brings endowment agency funds scholarship funds endowment management investment solutions expertise to higher education These cost-effective, long-term vehicles These funds support students from pre- Queens University of Charlotte is give nonprofits a way to sustain their school to postgraduate by providing grants for The Center for Nonprofit Sustainability A partnership with FFTC allows you one of a growing number of colleges good work while leveraging FFTC’s educational purposes, and give organizations offers expertise in all facets of endowment to leverage our resources, giving you and universities partnering with FFTC. investment and financial services. the ability to focus on a specific academic management, including reporting, access to top investment managers Queens University of Charlotte leve- discipline, institution or eligibility criteria. accounting and complex spendable and multiple investment options rages Foundation For The Carolinas’ income policies and procedures. We specifically designed to build nonprofit endowment expertise. The partnership can manage multiple funds established sustainability. Our broad investment allows the university to focus on what fftc fftc for distinct purposes, ease the burden of platform creates immediate diversi- it does best: providing a comprehensive charitable trusts subsidiary foundations administration and help ensure that a fication and can reduce investment education in liberal arts and professional Charitable remainder trusts and charitable Governed by their own boards and strength- donor’s wishes are honored in perpetuity. costs for your organization. Most studies to more than 2,400 under-gradu- ate and graduate students. All the while, lead trusts are carefully planned, efficient ened by FFTC grantmaking and endowment We also give your organization the ability importantly, we offer a level of oversight ways for income and assets to be distributed management services, subsidiary foundations FFTC manages the endowment fund to address changing needs with a unique and stewardship that allows your staff accounting and investing to ease the over time to donors, their beneficiaries and have access to a broad custom investment quasi-endowed option that combines and volunteers to focus on your unique designated charitable organizations. platform with the tax benefits of a public charity. burden of administration. The Center for long-term investment opportunities mission and programs. Nonprofit Sustainability offers clients with a high degree of flexibility. expertise in all facets of endowment fftc fftc management, including reporting, gifts of real property gifts of business interests accounting and complex spendable income policies. Accepted on your behalf through Community Accepted on your behalf through Community Planned giving, legal Stewardship and Real Property Holdings, Inc., a subsidiary Investments Foundation, a subsidiary and financial expertise sustainability foundation, gifts of real property offer foundation, gifts of closely held business your donors both immediate and future interests offer your donors both immediate FFTC offers resources that give your The Center for Nonprofit Sustainability Expertise to sustain a tax benefits. and future tax benefits. organization added capacity in the areas can help the assets of your organization beloved institution of planned giving, legal, finance, grow, strengthen your donor relation- The partnership between the interna- reporting and accounting. We enable ships and create long-term sustainability tionally renowned Mint Museum and nonprofits of all sizes to accept a wide for your organization. Our team will Foundation For The Carolinas has variety of assets — including real work with your development staff to remained a valued constant over property and non-voting business encourage investment in your mission, decades of change. Access to FFTC interests — and provide expertise and to streamline complex processes endowment services helps the museum that eases the management of complex that sometimes create a barrier to maximize its resources, minimize its The Center for Nonprofit Sustainability investment costs and build long-term gifts and charitable trusts. We will also giving. We provide opportunities for stability. Within FFTC’s subsidiary keep you informed on key endowment, education through events and seminars, foundation, the Foundation for the Mint is proud to serve as a trusted partner legislative and compliance issues and connect your organization to the Museum, the Mint engages its own affecting the nonprofit community. broader nonprofit community in ways leadership while we provide expert that can amplify the power of your management for the many FFTC Agency to nonprofit organizations across programs and help you carry out your Funds and donor-designated endow- mission with the greatest possible impact. ments that support the museum’s work and mission. We sustain the funds that the Carolinas. sustain the Mint, and help ensure that a beloved resource will continue to enrich our region for generations to come. CENTER FOR NONPROFIT SUSTAINABILITY

The Center for Nonprofit Sustainability at

The Levine Conference Center, located within Foundation For Foundation For The Carolinas has long been The Carolinas’ headquarters in uptown Charlotte, provides committed to helping nonprofit organizations convening space and board rooms for our region’s nonprofit and community organizations. thrive as they work to strengthen communities

Philanthropy is an art across the Carolinas. We offer expert guidance that benefits everyone. Come be inspired. and a wide array of philanthropic services

Visit designed to increase a nonprofit’s ability to 220 North Tryon Street Charlotte, NC 28202 focus on its mission and have greater impact Call 704.973.4500 800.973.7244 in the community it serves.

Email [email protected]


© 2013 foundation for the carolinas