HO·USE of REPRE:SENTATIVE,S-Tuesday, February 23, 1971 the House Met at 12 O'clock Noon
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3638 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE February 23, 1971 Rieve, P..oy C. Webb, James A., III Thrash, U.S. Marine Corps, for commands Dodson, Thomas J. Miller, H. K., Jr. Warner, Paul G. and other duties determined by the Presi Dunleavy, C. J. Miller, Raymond T . dent to be within. the contemplation of said Duscheid, A. L. III Moore, J. T. C., II The following-named officers of the U.S. section, for appointment to the grade of Elsberry, John G. Nadolski, Keith E. Navy for temporary promotion the grade to lieutenant general while so serving. Erickson, R. H. Nelson, Ralph D. of lieut enant in the line. subject to qualifi cation therefor as provided by law: Lt. Gen. Raymond G. Davis, U.S. Marine Flinn, George W. North, John R. Corps, for appointment as Assistant Com Fliszar, John N. Obrien, T. P., Jr. Gruver, William K. Spinelli, Robert B. mandant of the Marine Corps in accordance Fretz, 0. R., III Olsen, D. A., Jr. Henry P. Boardman, Jr., Supply Corps, U.S. Navy, for temporary promotion to the gra.<le with the provisions of title 10, United St ates Fuchs, Frank C. Paul, P. J., ill of lieutenant in the Supply Corps, subject to Code, Section 5202, with the grade of gen Gallagher, F. M., Jr. Perry, A. L., III eral while so serving. Gardner, Mark S. Peterson, Dale A. qualification therefor as provided by law. Having been designated in accordance with Gell, Jerome L. Pickett, Gerald W. James W. Fitzsimmons III, Nurse Corps, U .S. Navy, for permanent promotion to lieu the provisions of title 10, United States Code, Giacobbe, Peter J. Porter, John F. tenant (junior grade) and temporary pro Section 5232, Maj. Gen. Wallace H. Robin Graham, Vernon C. Pullen, G. D. son, Jr., U.S. Marine Corps, for commands Greene, M. J . L., Jr. Queen, James E. motion to lieutenant in the Nurse Corps, and other duties determined by the Presi Gregor, C. John Quinn, John A., IV subject to qualification therefor as provided dent to be within the contemplation of said Griffin, Barry P. Radomski, D. J. by law. section, for appointment to the grade of Hammond, C. W., Jr. Riggs, Stephen A. The following-named women officers of the lieutenant general while so serving. Harper, James R. Rodgers, George L. U .S. Navy, for permanent promotion to the IN THE MARINE CORPS Harris, Gerald F. Rose, Bowen F., Jr. grade of lieutenant commander in the line, Havenstein, W. P. Santillo, J. C. The following named staff noncommis subject to qualification therefor as provided Hayman, Thomas A. Sattler, John F. sioned officers for temporary appointment to bylaw: Hedderly, G . T. Schwelm, Karl T. the grade of second lieutenant in the Ma *Benson, Patricia. G. *Hurlbut, Bonny A. Hemler, Jeffrey F. Searing, James M. rine Corps, for limited duty, subject to the Heikes, Lambert C. Settle, Robert H. *Binaghl, Joanne T. *James, Mary C. qualifications therefor as provided by law: *Bivins, Rita H. *Loser, Margit M. Hermann, Peter E. Shoaf, Peter J. • Blake, Sally A. •Mearls, Joanne R. Candelario, Rafael Hesse, Donald E. Smith, Paul R. •Botzum, Diane Nyce, Barbara R. Moore, Terrance L. Hield, Roger A., Jr. Speer, Martin J. Clark, Georgia •Pane, Marietta A. The following-named U.S. Naval Academy Hull, Jeffrey L. Spratt, Ronald E. *Delarot, Anna M. •Ragozzine, Carolyn gradua;tes for permanent appointment to Inskeep, Carl D. Stephan, Terry A. *Derrough, Lois A. M. the grade of second lieutenant in the Marine Jamieson, Thomas M. Stiles, Clay 0. •Hazard, Roberta L. *Wylie, Elizabeth G. Corps, subject to the qualifications therefor Jecmen, Reid A. Storey, David K. •Hoag,Jean W. as provided by law: Jennings, S. C. Storey, J. A., III Kellogg, John E. Sullivan, Cecil E . Mildred L. Carr, Supply Corps, U.S. Navy. Anderson, R. G. Brown, Michael M. Kinnear, N. T., III Sullivan, P. H. for permanent promotion to the grade of lieu Annis, Robert E. Brown, Stephen R. Appenfelder, G. D. Burnette, R. G. Jr. Knott, David A. Summa, Marlo J. tenant commander ln the Supply Corps sub Kremian, Frank T. Swords, Michael J. ject to qualification therefor as provided by Ard, Peter N. Cabana, Robert D. Balcom, John L. Caouette, T. H. Lammers, J. R. Tonkin, Terry L . law. Longworth, M. W. Travis, Richard F. David M. Musohna, U.S. Navy, for tempo Bayne, Douglas L. Carroll, C. T. F. Beck, Mark T. Carter, William B. Macklin, Mark S. Uberman, JosephS. rary promotion to the grade of lieutenant in Marcy, Hugh W. Voss, Paul H. the line, subject to qualification therefor Bennett, Chris Cheney, Stephen A. Bjerke, Thomas E. Clarkson, A. F., Jr. Mayes, Robert C. Waterman, Brett N. as provided by law. Mazzara, Andrew F. Weiss, Terry T. *Indicates appointment issued ad interim. Blair, G. W. Clydesdale, R. III Bloomer, David R. Compton, M. R. McConnell, F. Williams, P. E. IN THE MARINE CORPS Boteler, J ohal R. Conroy, V. P., Jr. McKenzie, Scott W. Winkelman, Jack D. Having been designated in accordance Boyer, Charles E. Grimaldi, Sam B. Meek, Robert W . Winslow, W. E., Jr. with the provisions of title 10, United States Bozarth, Errett J. Dalton, Thomas R. Mendelson, J. S. Wnek, Ronald F. Code, Section 5232, Maj. Gen. William G. Brighton, S. H. Demars, M. W., Jr. Mikkelsen, D. J . Zaudtke, Peter A. HO·USE OF REPRE:SENTATIVE,S-Tuesday, February 23, 1971 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. ceedings and announces to the House APPOINTMENT AS MEMBERS OF Rev. Rudolf Kiviranna, of the Estonian his approval thereof. THE ADVISORY COMMISSION ON Evangelical Lutheran Church of New Without objection, the Journal stands INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELA York. offered the following prayer: approved. TIONS Father in heaven, we approach Thee in There was no objection. The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the provi sincere hwnility. sions of Section 3(a), Public Law 86- We live in a world under the shadows 380, the Chair appoints as members of of great problems to which there are no the Advisory Commission on Intergov easy solutions. APPOINTMENT AS MEMBERS OF THE ernmental Relations the following Mem Give us, 0 God, Thy light to under MIGRATORY BIRD CONSERVA bers on the part of the House: Mr. stand the difficulties of our world and our TION COMMISSION FOUNTAIN, Mr. ULLMAN, and Mrs. DWYER. responsibilities to overcome them. We need courage and wisdom to take The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the provi a decisive stand against all evil which in sions of 16 United States Code 715a, as APPOINTMENT AS MEMBERS OF THE many ways threatens the world and our amended, the Chair appoints as mem JOINT ECONOMIC COMMITTEE Nation. bers of the Migratory Bird Conservation The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the pro On the Independence Day of the Es Commission the following Members on visions of 15 United States Code 1024(a), tonian nation we think of all nations who the part of the House: Mr. DING ELL and the Chair appoints as members of the are forced to live under the yoke of Mr. CoNTE. Joint Economic Committee the following atheistic communism. Members on the part of the House: Mr. Through Thy grace these nations have PATMAN, Mr. BOLLING, Mr. BOGGS, Mr. preserved an unconquerable will for free REUSS, Mrs. GRIFFITHS, Mr. MOORHEAD, dom and an unquenchable hope that APPOINTMENT AS MEMBERS OF Mr. WIDNALL, Mr. CONABLE, Mr. BROWN they may one day belong to the family THE PLYMOUTH-PROVINCETOWN of Ohio, and Mr. BLACKBURN. of free nations. CELEBRATION COMMISSION To further this cause bless our Presi dent and Government and the en The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the provi APPOINTMENTASMEMBERSOFTHE deavors of the Congress of the United sions of section 2 <a), Public Law 91-474, JOINT CONmnTTEE ON NAVAJO States. Amen. the Chair appoints as members of the HOPI INDIAN ADMINISTRATION Plymouth-Provincetown Celebration The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the pro- Commission the following Members on visions of section lO(a), Public Law 474, THE JOURNAL the part of the House: Mr. DoNOHUE, Mr. 81st Congress, the Chair appoints as The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam BuRKE of Massachusetts, Mr. KEITH, and members of the Joint Committee on ined the Journal of the last day's pro- Mr. CONTE. Navajo-Hopi Indian Administration the February 23, 1971 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 3639 following Members on the part of the chiropractic under the provisions of as the ability to place restraints on House: Mr. HALEY, Mr. UDALL and Mr. medicare. duplication, maintenance, and spare STEIGER of Arizona. Sixth. An amendment to the Export parts. Import Bank Act which would exclude A recent study pxoves that predictions the Bank's receipts and disbursements of those who favored a continuation of APPOINTMENT AS MEMBERS OF THE from the budget, thereby increasing the the policy have come true. French arms AMERICAN REVOLUTION BICEN Bank's operating flexibility. salesmen have moved into the Latin TENNIAL COMMISSION Seventh. A measure creating a Small American market with a vengeance since The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the pro Tax Division within the Tax Court en our refusal to continue our programs. visions of section 2(b), Public Law 89- abling small wage earners to have a C. L. Sulzberger in his New York Times 491, as amended, the Chair appoints as hearing on their tax problems. column, "Arms and the Frenchman," of members of the American Revolution Eighth. A measure that would require February 21, 1971, makes the following Bicentennial Commission the following public opinion polls to disclose the statement: Members on the part of the House: Mr. method used in obtaining their informa Recently agreements have been made or DONOHUE, Mrs.