ACTION NEWS SRPMIC Executive Offi ce Update - President Martin Harvier & Vice-President Ricardo Leonard page 3 THE SALT RIVER PIMA-MARICOPA INDIAN COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER MARCH 21, 2019 CHANGE SERVICE REQUEST CHANGE SERVICE AZ 85256 Scottsdale, 10005 E. Osborn Road ACTION NEWS O'ODHAM Red Mountain Riders Featured on AMCʼs Ride with Norman Reedus BY TASHA SILVERHORN O’odham Action News
[email protected] The Red Mountain Riders are a sovereign nation motorcycle club founded on November 6, 2007, by the late George L. Lerma, James Osife, Leonard Villenueva and Gabe Cas- taneda. The group has 13 other members, who include Eldon Permit No. 319 Scottsdale, AZ Scottsdale, Moore, Dennis Toya, Gary Gar- PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. Postage rett, Manuel Lyons Jr., Abalino PAID Garza, Ignacio Rodriguez, Sarah Rodriguez, Tammie Willie, Ron Willie, Roy Roma, Carl Young, Judge Hudson and the late Ed Luz. The Red Mountain Riders are a diverse group of working pro- fessionals committed to making positive differences and promot- Actor Norman Reedus talks with the Red Mountain Riders as they stop at the Beeline Highway to get pictures with the Red Mountain during ing Community involvement by the shooting of Reedus's AMC show Ride with Norman Reedus. Photo submitted by the Red Mountain Riders. honoring veterans and respecting cultural values of all nations. Norman Reedus, in his AMC forward with the arrangements, its third season and has visited Although the mission for the show Ride With Norman Reedus. with little knowledge that the San Francisco, Death Valley, Red Mountain Riders is to help show was actually Ride with Pacific Coast Highway, Spain, Visit Ride with Norman Reedus Norman Reedus, featuring England and many more places.