Gut Online First, published on January 13, 2018 as 10.1136/gutjnl-2017-315131 Guidelines

Management of patients on agents Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2017-315131 on 13 January 2018. Downloaded from undergoing emergency and elective endoscopy: joint Asian Pacific Association of Gastroenterology (APAGE) and Asian Pacific Society for Digestive Endoscopy (APSDE) practice guidelines Francis K L Chan,1 Khean-Lee Goh,2 Nageshwar Reddy,3 Kazuma Fujimoto,4 Khek Yu Ho,5 Seiji Hokimoto,6 Young-Hoon Jeong,7 Takanari Kitazono,8 Hong Sik Lee,9 Varocha Mahachai,10 Kelvin K F Tsoi,11 Ming-Shiang Wu,12 Bryan P Yan,13 Kentaro Sugano14

For numbered affiliations see Abstract concluded that the available practice guidelines end of article. This Guideline is a joint official statement of theAsian in Western countries could not completely meet Pacific Association of Gastroenterology (APAGE) and the specific needs of the Asian Pacific region. For Correspondence to the Asian Pacific Society for Digestive Endoscopy example, many Asian countries have a high case Professor Francis K L Chan, Department of Medicine and (APSDE). It was developed in response to the increasing load of non-variceal upper GI . Current Therapeutics, The Chinese use of antithrombotic agents (antiplatelet agents and guidelines do not provide comprehensive guidance University of Hong Kong, Hong ) in patients undergoing gastrointestinal on the management of GI bleeding in patients with Kong, China; fklchan@​ ​cuhk.​ (GI) endoscopy in Asia. After reviewing current practice high thromboembolic risks. Another example is that​ guidelines in Europe and the USA, the joint committee invasive endoscopic procedures such as endoscopic Received 23 August 2017 identified unmet needs, noticed inconsistencies, submucosal dissection (ESD) are more commonly Revised 6 December 2017 raised doubts about certain recommendations and performed in Asia than in Western countries due to Accepted 9 December 2017 recognised significant discrepancies in clinical practice the high prevalence of certain GI . Further- between different regions. We developed this joint more, we noticed inconsistencies between different official statement based on a systematic review of the guidelines and raised doubts about certain recom- literature, critical appraisal of existing guidelines and mendations (box 1). expert consensus using a two-stage modified Delphi In June 2016 a steering committee representing process. This joint APAGE-APSDE Practice Guideline is the APAGE and the APSDE (FKLC and KS) and intended to be an educational tool that assists clinicians a member nominated by the Japanese Circulation in improving care for patients on who Society (SH) was established to develop prac- require emergency or elective GI endoscopy in the Asian tice guideline statements. The steering committee Pacific region. invited members to form a Joint Task Force to

participate in the process of finalising guideline on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. development for the Asian Pacific region. Task Force members included gastroenterologists, Background endoscopists, cardiologists, neurologists and public Antithrombotic agents, which include antiplatelet health specialists. This joint APAGE-APSDE Prac- agents and anticoagulants, are increasingly used tice Guideline is intended to be an educational tool in Asia. Management of patients on antithrom- that assists clinicians in improving care for patients botics undergoing emergency or elective gastro- on antithrombotics who require emergency or elec- intestinal (GI) endoscopy has become a common tive GI endoscopy in the Asian Pacific region. The and important clinical challenge. While practice Task Force is aware of the fact that clinical deci- guidelines have been developed by GI and endos- sions for individual patients may lead to deviations copy societies in the USA,1 Europe2 and the UK,3 of practice from these guidelines. Therefore, this it was uncertain whether they should be fully set of guidelines should not be construed as estab- adopted in the Asian Pacific region. In September lishing a legal standard of care or as encouraging, 2015 the Asian Pacific Association of Gastroenter- advocating, requiring or discouraging any partic- ology (APAGE) and the Asian Pacific Society for ular treatment. Digestive Endoscopy (APSDE) appointed KS and FKLC to form an ad hoc working group to eval- uate current practice guidelines on the manage- Method To cite: Chan FKL, Goh K-L, ment of patients on antithrombotics undergoing We performed a systematic literature search to Reddy N, et al. Gut Epub ahead of print: [please GI endoscopy. In collaboration with the Institute review the management of oral antithrombotic include Day Month Year]. of Digestive Disease of The Chinese University of agents in patients undergoing GI endoscopy. doi:10.1136/ Hong Kong (CUHK), we systematically reviewed Searches of the OVID MEDLINE database were gutjnl-2017-315131 the evidence supporting published guidelines. We performed using keywords related to antithrombotic

Chan FKL, et al. Gut 2018;0:1–13. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2017-315131 1 Copyright Article author (or their employer) 2018. Produced by BMJ Publishing Group Ltd (& BSG) under licence. Guidelines

Box 1 Major differences between Joint APAGE-APSDE Practice Guidelines and other guidelines Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2017-315131 on 13 January 2018. Downloaded from

Non-variceal upper GI bleeding transfusion for life-threatening bleeding ►► APAGE-APSDE: not recommended ►► ASGE: an option for patients on antiplatelet agents ►► BSG-ESGE: an option for patients on DOACs Patient on DAPT ►► APAGE-APSDE: continue , withhold second antiplatelet agent for up to 5 days after endoscopic haemostasis ►► ASGE: discuss with cardiologist ►► ESGE: continue aspirin, consult cardiologist for resumption of second antiplatelet agent Patients on ►► APAGE-APSDE: low-dose vitamin K (1–2.5 mg) for warfarin reversal ►► ESGE and ACCP: 5–10 mg of vitamin K for warfarin reversal Resumption of warfarin ►► APAGE-APSDE: resume warfarin by day 3 once adequate haemostasis is achieved; consider bridging with unfractionated if high thrombotic risk (box 2) ►► ESGE: resume warfarin between 7 and 15 days following the bleeding event for most patients; no mention about bridging Resumption of DOACs ►► APAGE-APSDE: resume DOACs by day 3 once adequate haemostasis is achieved; no heparin bridging ►► ASGE/ESGE/BSG-ESGE: not specified Elective endoscopic procedures Procedures with high bleeding risks ►► APAGE-APSDE: special attention to ultra-high risk procedures ►► ASGE: ultra-high procedures not covered ►► BSG-ESGE: recognise certain procedures carry very high bleeding risk Timing of elective procedures in patients with coronary stents or ACS ►► APAGE-APSDE: defer procedures within first 6weeks, high risk from 6 weeks to 6 months, risk is independent of type of coronary stents ►► ASGE: defer procedures possibly up to 12 months in patients with DES on DAPT ►► BSG-ESGE: risky to discontinue second antiplatelet agent in patients with DES within 12 months or BMS within 1 month of placement

Bridge therapy

►► APAGE-APSDE: non-valvular atrial fibrillation with CHA2DS2-VASc score >5 ►► ASGE: non-valvular atrial fibrillation with CHA2DS2-VASc score >2 ►► BSG-ESGE: non-valvular atrial fibrillation not indicated regardless of CHA2DS2-VASc score DOACs ►► APAGE-APSDE: no need to omit DOACs before low-risk procedures; resume DOACs when adequate haemostasis is achieved after high-risk procedures; no heparin bridging on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. ►► ASGE: no need to omit DOACs before low-risk procedures; resume DOACs until adequate haemostasis is ensured after high-risk procedures; consider heparin bridging if DOACs cannot be resumed within 12–24 hours ►► BSG-ESGE: omit morning dose of DOACs on the day of low-risk procedures; delay the resumption of DOACs for at least 24–48 hours after high-risk procedures; no heparin bridging ACCP, American College of Chest Physicians; ACS, acute coronary syndrome; ASGE, American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy; BMS, bare metal stent; BSG, British Society of Gastroenterology; DAPT, dual antiplatelet therapy; DES, drug eluting stent; DOACs, direct oral anticoagulants; ESGE, European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy.

agents, gastrointestinal and endoscopy. The search duration was agree strongly and D+ indicated disagree strongly. Feedback from 1 January 1990 to 31 July 2016. Publications were identi- was solicited on the statements and the results were collated fied by title; their relevance was then determined by reviewing (vote 1). Agreement with a statement (A+ or A) by at least 80% the abstract of all records. Studies were excluded if the content of the Task Fforce was defined a priori as consensus. A face- was considered irrelevant. The initial guideline statements were to-face meeting of the Task Force was held on 2–3 September drafted based on published systematic reviews, meta-analyses, 2016 in Tokyo, Japan. During the meeting the results of vote 1 randomised controlled trials and prospective and retrospective were shown, and suggested modifications to the statements were observational studies. A collection of selected literature was discussed. Members discussed statements with divergent opin- made available to all panel members. ions. A second vote was cast on all statements by using electronic A two-stage modified Delphi process was used to develop keypads to ensure anonymity (vote 2). Focused discussion was consensus. The first vote was conducted anonymously with an carried out on those statements that failed to reach consensus, internet-based voting platform. Each member was asked to rank followed by a third vote, again by using electronic keypads (final each statement on a 6-point Likert scale, where A+ indicated vote). The consensus method did not force agreement. The level

2 Chan FKL, et al. Gut 2018;0:1–13. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2017-315131 Guidelines

Table 1 Stratification of elective endoscopic procedures based on the risk of haemorrhage Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2017-315131 on 13 January 2018. Downloaded from Low risk* High risk Ultra-high risk† Diagnostic endoscopy with biopsy Polypectomy Endoscopic submucosal dissection Endoscopic ultrasound without fine needle aspiration ERCP with sphincterotomy±balloon sphincteroplasty Endoscopic mucosal resection of large (>2cm) polyps ERCP with biliary or pancreatic stenting Dilatation of strictures Diagnostic push or device-assisted enteroscopy Injection or banding of varices Video capsule endoscopy Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy or jejunostomy Oesophageal, enteral and colonic stenting Endoscopic ultrasound with fine needle aspiration Argon plasma Ampullectomy *We recommend continuation of antiplatelet agents and/or anticoagulants. †We recommend discontinuation of all antiplatelet agents and/or anticoagulants. ERCP, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography. of agreement in the final vote was given for each statement, type of antithrombotics used (ie, single antiplatelet agent, dual which was expressed as the percentage vote at each point on antiplatelet therapy and anticoagulants). Anticoagulants are the Likert scale. The recommendations were graded using the subdivided into warfarin and direct anticoagulants (DOACs). For Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and elective procedures, we classified them as low-risk, high-risk and Evaluation (GRADE) system.4 The APAGE and APSDE endorsed ultra-high risk (table 1). We attempted to provide recommenda- the consensus meeting. tions on the management of antithrombotic therapy according to the thrombotic risk of patients (table 2 and box 2). Funding source The funding of this Joint Task Force was derived from an educa- Summary of recommendations: emergency tional grant from the Institute of Digestive Disease of CUHK and endoscopy for non-variceal upper GI bleeding sponsorship from Takeda Pharmaceuticals Company Limited. The Joint Task Force has established the following guideline The sponsor was not involved in panel member selection, devel- statements and recommendations according to the type of anti- opment of practice guidelines or manuscript preparation. Panel thrombotic therapy received by patients. members received no honoraria. Our guidelines are categorised according to the urgency of the endoscopy (ie, emergency and elective). We arbitrarily define Single antiplatelet agent bleeding that causes a high likelihood of death as life-threatening. 1. We recommend withholding aspirin before endoscopy in Under each category, the recommendations are divided into the aspirin users presenting with serious or life-threatening Table 2 Management of antithrombotic therapy in elective endoscopic procedures with high bleeding risks Thrombotic risk category Cardiac events* Antithrombotic therapy in high bleeding risk elective procedures Very high ACS or PCI <6 weeks ►► Defer procedure High ACS or PCI 6 weeks–6 months ago ►► Defer procedure until >6 months after cardiac event if possible ►► If elective procedure is deemed necessary within 6 months: DAPT ►► Continue aspirin on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. ►► Withhold P2Y12 receptor inhibitors 5 days before ►► Resume P2Y12 receptor inhibitors after adequate haemostasis Warfarin ►► Withhold warfarin 5 days before ►► Resume warfarin after adequate haemostasis ►► Heparin bridging DOACs ►► Withhold DOACs 2 days before ►► Resume DOACs after adequate haemostasis ►► No heparin bridging Moderate to low ►► ACS or PCI >6 months ago; Antiplatelet agents ►► stable coronary artery disease ►► Continue aspirin ►► Withhold P2Y12 receptor inhibitors 5 days before ►► Resume P2Y12 receptor inhibitors after adequate haemostasis Warfarin ►► Withhold warfarin 5 days before ►► Resume warfarin after adequate haemostasis ►► No heparin bridging DOACs ►► Withhold DOACs 2 days before ►► Resume DOACs after adequate haemostasis ►► No heparin bridging *Current evidence indicates that new generation drug-eluting stents and bare metal stents carry similar thrombotic risks. The risk is highest within the first 6 weeks of PCI. The risk remains high from 6 weeks to 6 months, then remains constant thereafter.88 89 ACS, acute coronary syndrome; DAPT, dual antiplatelet therapy; DOACs, direct oral anticoagulants; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention.

Chan FKL, et al. Gut 2018;0:1–13. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2017-315131 3 Guidelines

12. In patients with high thromboembolic risk, resume warfarin

Box 2 Indications of heparin bridging for temporary once adequate haemostasis is achieved. (A +59%, A 33%, Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2017-315131 on 13 January 2018. Downloaded from discontinuation of warfarin A− 8%; strong recommendation; low-quality evidence) 13. We do not recommend bridging anticoagulation therapy in

►► Non-valvular atrial fibrillation with a CHA2DS2-VASc patients with low thromboembolic risk. (A+ 50%, A 50%; score >5* strong recommendation; moderate-quality evidence) ►► Metallic mitral valve 14. We recommend bridging anticoagulation with unfraction- ►► Prosthetic valve with atrial fibrillation ated heparin in patients with high thromboembolic risk. ►► <3 months after VTE (A+ 50%, A 50%; strong recommendation; low-quality ►► Severe thrombophilia ( or deficiency, evidence) antiphospholipid syndrome)

*CHA2DS2-VASc, congestive heart failure (1 point), hypertension (1 Direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) point), age ≥75 years (2 points), diabetes mellitus (1 point), , TIA 15. We recommend withholding DOACs to facilitate haemo- or thromboembolism (2 points), vascular disease (1 point), age 65–74 stasis. (A+ 50%, A 43%, D 7%; strong recommendation; 92 93 years (1 point), female sex (1 point). low-quality evidence) VTE, venous thromboembolism. 16. We recommend activated charcoal for life-threatening bleeding if the last dose of DOAC is taken within 3 hours. (A+ 25%, A 67%, D 8%; strong recommendation; GI bleeding in places where emergency endoscopy is not low-quality evidence) readily available. (A+ 58%, A 42%; strong recommenda- 17. We recommend idarucizumab for the treatment of life-threat- tion; low-quality evidence) ening bleeding in patients on . (A+ 50%, A 50%; 2. We do not recommend platelet transfusion because it does strong recommendation; low-quality evidence) not improve the clinical outcome of patients on antiplatelet 18. We do not recommend vitamin K for treatment of bleeding agents. (A+ 60%, A 33%, D− 7%; strong recommenda- associated with DOACs. (A+ 79%, A 14%, D 7%; strong tion; low-quality evidence) recommendation; low-quality evidence) 3. We recommend early resumption of aspirin, preferably 19. We recommend resuming DOACs after adequate haemo- within 3–5 days after endoscopic haemostasis. (A+ 80%, stasis is achieved. (A+ 75%, A 25%; strong recommenda- A 13%, D 7%; strong recommendation; moderate-quality tion; low-quality evidence) evidence) 20. We do not recommend bridging therapy in patients on DOACs. (A+ 57%, A 36%, D 7%; strong recommendation; Dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) low-quality evidence) 4. For patients with coronary stents on DAPT, the Task Force does not recommend withholding both antiplatelet agents Single antiplatelet agent

due to high risk of stent . (A+ 67%, A 27%, A− In the Asian Pacific region, aspirin is most commonly used for 6%; strong recommendation; low-quality evidence) established cardiovascular diseases whereas primary prophy- 5. For patients on proton-pump inhibitor infusion and DAPT laxis with aspirin is still uncommon. Primary prevention trials with aspirin and , the Task Force recommends conducted in Japan failed to show any benefits of aspirin for 5 6 continuing aspirin and withholding clopidogrel. (A+ 64%, cardiovascular events. Other new non-aspirin antiplatelet A 27%, A− 9%; strong recommendation; low-quality agents, including P2Y12 receptor inhibitors ( and evidence) ) and protease-activated receptor (PAR-1) antagonist 6. In patients with drug-eluting coronary stents we recom- (vorapaxar), are mostly used together with aspirin and will be on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. mend early resumption of P2Y12 receptor inhibitor, prefer- discussed below under 'Dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT)'. ably within 5 days after endoscopic haemostasis. (A+ 67%, Most major hospitals in Asia are able to provide an after office A 33%; strong recommendation; low-quality evidence) hours emergency endoscopy service for patients with life-threat- ening bleeding. Patients with unstable haemodynamics often Warfarin undergo endoscopy within 12 hours. However, the Task Force 7. We recommend withholding warfarin to facilitate haemo- considers that withholding aspirin before endoscopy is relevant stasis. (A+ 71%, A 29%; strong recommendation; in places where emergency endoscopy is not readily available. low-quality evidence) That being said, emergency endoscopy should not be delayed in 8. We recommend 4-factor prothrombin complex concentrate aspirin users because the antiplatelet effect of aspirin will last for (PCC) plus low-dose vitamin K for life-threatening bleeding 5–7 days after the last dose taken. Currently available guidelines with an INR above 2.5. (A+ 50%, A 50%; strong recom- do not give a consistent recommendation. The American Society mendation; low-quality evidence) of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE) Practice Guidelines 9. We do not recommend delaying endoscopy for life-threat- recommend all patients on antiplatelet agents with life-threat- ening bleeding until normalisation of INR. (A+ 64%, A ening or serious GI bleeding should have these agents held only 21%, A− 7%, D 7%; strong recommendation; low-quality after discussion with their cardiologist.1 In contrast, the Euro- evidence) pean Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) Guidelines 10. Rechecking INR after reversal therapy is not mandatory recommend withholding aspirin until day 3 after endoscopic before endoscopy. (A+ 40%, A 50%, A− 10%; weak treatment of high-risk stigmata.2 recommendation; low-quality evidence) While ASGE Practice Guidelines mention platelet transfusion 11. We do not recommend higher doses of vitamin K (>5 mg) as an option for patients on antiplatelet agents with life-threat- in patients with high thromboembolic risk. (A+ 60%, A ening or serious bleeding,1 we do not recommend platelet trans- 40%; strong recommendation; moderate-quality evidence) fusion as a treatment option because there is no good evidence

4 Chan FKL, et al. Gut 2018;0:1–13. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2017-315131 Guidelines to support this practice. In a retrospective cohort study of 204 discontinuing clopidogrel while continuing aspirin in Asian patients receiving antiplatelet agents with GI bleeding, platelet patients receiving DAPT for coronary stents complicated by Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2017-315131 on 13 January 2018. Downloaded from transfusion did not reduce rebleeding but was associated with acute non-variceal upper GI bleeding. higher mortality.7 Although the increase in mortality could be Other new P2Y12 receptor inhibitors include prasugrel and due in part to residual bias associated with more severe bleeding ticagrelor. They are more potent and reported to have a higher in cases than controls, the lack of benefit of platelet transfusion risk of major spontaneous bleeding compared with clopido- does not support its use in patients with GI bleeding who are grel.17 18 Similar to clopidogrel, prasugrel irreversibly inhibits receiving antiplatelet agents. platelet function. In contrast, ticagrelor is a reversible P2Y12 The timing of resuming aspirin after non-variceal upper GI receptor inhibitor with platelet function returning in 3–5 days bleeding is critical in terms of the risks of early rebleeding and after discontinuation (compared with about 5 days for clopido- serious cardiovascular outcomes. In a double-blind randomised grel and 7 days for prasugrel). It follows that, in acute non-var- trial conducted in Hong Kong, 156 aspirin users with established iceal upper GI bleeding, patients with drug-eluting coronary cardiovascular diseases who had actively bleeding peptic ulcers stents should resume ticagrelor preferably within 2–3 days were randomised to resume aspirin or placebo immediately after whereas re-initiation of clopidogrel and prasugrel can be delayed endoscopic haemostasis.8 At 8 weeks, all-cause mortality was up to 5 days after endoscopic haemostasis. However, there are 10 times lower in the aspirin group than in the placebo group no clinical data on the optimal timing of re-initiation of P2Y12 (1.3% vs 12.9%; 95% CI 3.7% to 19.5%), although the 30-day receptor inhibitors in GI bleeding. rebleeding rate was numerically two times higher in the aspirin Another new antiplatelet agent is vorapaxar, a protease-ac- group. In another retrospective study of 118 aspirin users who tivated receptor (PAR-1) antagonist that inhibits had peptic ulcer bleeding, 40% of patients discontinued aspirin. receptor. It is indicated in patients with a history of myocar- In a median follow-up of 2 years, patients with cardiovascular dial infarction or peripheral arterial disease, and is usually comorbidities who discontinued low-dose aspirin therapy had prescribed in addition to DAPT.19 Due to its increased risk an almost sevenfold increase in risk for death or acute cardio- of intracranial haemorrhage, vorapaxar is contraindicated in vascular events (HR 6.9; 95% CI 1.4 to 34.8) compared with patients with a history of stroke, transient ischaemic attack patients who continued this therapy during the first 6 months of or intracranial haemorrhage. Currently, vorapaxar is not yet the follow-up period.9 approved in some Asian countries including Japan. To date, there are no data on the GI procedural risk associated with vorapaxar. Dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) The Task Force recommends discussion with the cardiologist before discontinuation of antiplatelet therapy, particularly in Warfarin patients with acute coronary syndrome within 6 months, because Current guidelines recommend reversal of anticoagulation these patients have a higher risk of stent thrombosis than patients in patients with serious life-threatening bleeding irrespec- with stable coronary artery disease.10 As a general principle, we tive of whether the INR is at therapeutic or supra-therapeutic 20 21 do not recommend withholding both antiplatelet agents simul- levels. However, available evidence does not show any taneously because the median time to coronary stent thrombosis correlation between INR at presentation and outcomes of GI can be as short as 7 days with both drugs withheld compared bleeding. A number of retrospective studies reported a very high with 122 days with only clopidogrel withheld.11 Whether one initial success rate of endoscopic haemostasis (>95%) in anti- should temporarily discontinue aspirin or clopidogrel in acute coagulated patients with baseline INR between 1.5 and 2.522 23 non-variceal upper GI bleeding remains controversial. The A systematic review of over 1800 patients found that INR at ESGE Guidelines recommend continuation of aspirin without presentation did not predict recurrent non-variceal upper GI interruption and consultation with a cardiologist for resumption bleeding.24 We therefore do not recommend normalising INR on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. of second antiplatelet agent after GI bleeding.2 However, no in all patients as it may delay endoscopy for life-threatening justification was provided for this recommendation. bleeding. Although no randomised clinical trials have been In patients on DAPT with aspirin and clopidogrel, we recom- performed to compare prothrombin complex concentrate (PCC) mend continuing aspirin and withholding clopidogrel in acute with fresh frozen plasma (FFP) for warfarin reversal in acute GI non-variceal upper GI bleeding for two reasons. First, there bleeding, we recommend a combination of 4-factor PCC and is evidence that continuation of aspirin alone delays the onset low-dose vitamin K (<5 mg) if urgent reversal of anticoagula- of coronary events in patients on DAPT.11 Second, high-dose tion is deemed necessary. PCC, which contains clotting factors proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) will be used in the management of from pooled human plasma, has a number of advantages over acute bleeding. The prevalence of slow metabolisers of CY2C19 fresh frozen plasma, including no need for ABO matching, faster is as high as 25% in certain Asian populations compared with onset of action and minimal risk of fluid overload and transmit- less than 5% in Western populations.12 13 Whether there is any ting infection.25–27 Factor VII, which is present in 4-factor PCC clinically important interaction between PPIs and clopidogrel and fresh frozen plasma, has a short half-life of about 4 hours. remains controversial.14 The Food and Drug Administration has We recommend concomitant replacement with vitamin K, either issued a warning label against the concomitant use of clopido- orally or intravenously, to restore endogenous factor VII. Both grel and PPIs that are extensively metabolised by CYP2C19.15 ESGE2 and American College of Chest Physicians’ (ACCP) prac- In a subgroup analysis of a French registry of acute myocardial tice guidelines recommend 5–10 mg vitamin K for life-threat- infarction there was a threefold increased risk of serious cardio- ening bleeding.28 In contrast, we recommend low-dose vitamin vascular outcomes (12%) in the cohort of PPI users with two K (<5 mg) especially in patients for whom early re-anticoagula- loss-of-function alleles compared with the cohort with wild type tion is necessary to reduce the risk of hypercoagulopathy. Our CY2C19 (4%).16 Our Task Force cannot exclude the possibility recommendation is based on evidence from four randomised that use of high-dose PPI in slow metabolisers of CYP2C19 may trials that the optimal doses of vitamin K for normalisation of reduce the efficacy of clopidogrel. We therefore recommend INR are between 1 and 2.5 mg.29–32

Chan FKL, et al. Gut 2018;0:1–13. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2017-315131 5 Guidelines

There is evidence from retrospective data that early resump- creatinine clearance (CrCl) 15–29 mL/min). No DOAC should 41–43 tion of warfarin is associated with a lower risk of thromboem- be used in patients with CrCl <15 mL/min (table 3). Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2017-315131 on 13 January 2018. Downloaded from bolism and death.33 The optimal timing of resuming warfarin Hepatic impairment also increases the risk of bleeding. Child– depends on the thrombotic risk of individual patients (box 2). Pugh B cirrhosis affects the of A number of retrospective studies have shown that resumption and (but not dabigatran) to a clinically relevant degree. of warfarin between 7 and 30 days significantly reduced the Rivaroxaban is contraindicated in patients with Child–Pugh risk of thromboembolism and death without increasing the risk B and C cirrhosis. Apixaban should be used with caution in of rebleeding, whereas resuming warfarin within 7 days of the patients with Child–Pugh A or B cirrhosis. Dabigatran and apix- bleeding episode was associated with a twofold increased risk of aban are contraindicated in patients with advanced liver disease rebleeding.34 35 However, a note of caution is that the available associated with , whereas in Japan can be data were derived from a heterogeneous group of patients with used with caution in patients with severe hepatic impairment.44 different thrombotic risks. Unlike vitamin K antagonists, DOACs have a lower poten- Since the risk of early rebleeding decreases considerably after tial for drug–drug interactions. However, concomitant drugs the first 3 days and the time required for full re-anticoagulation that share the elimination pathways may increase the risk of may be prolonged, especially after warfarin reversal, we recom- bleeding. Apixaban and rivaroxaban are metabolised mainly mend early resumption of warfarin after day 3, especially in via cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A4-dependent and P-glycoprotein patients with high thromboembolic risk. According to the ESGE (P-gp)-dependent pathways. Strong inhibitors of both CYP3A4 guidelines,2 the timing for resumption of anticoagulation should and P-gp, such as ketoconazole and HIV protease inhibitors (eg, be assessed on a patient-by-patient basis. They recommend that ritonavir), should not be co-administered with apixaban and resuming warfarin between 7 and 15 days following the bleeding rivaroxaban.39 Other concomitant drugs that may increase the event appears safe and effective in preventing thromboembolic risk of bleeding include antiplatelet agents and non-steroidal complications for most patients.2 anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). 1 2 The joint British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG) and Euro- Neither the ASGE nor the ESGE Guidelines provide specific pean Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) Guidelines recommendations on acute bleeding with DOACs. Contrary to 3 (abbreviated as BSG-ESGE guidelines) recommend bridging the BSG-ESGE Guidelines, we do not recommend the use of therapy using low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) for platelet transfusion or desmopressin in severe acute bleeding patients at high thrombotic risk undergoing elective endoscopy.3 with DOACs because there is no clinical or laboratory evidence While we agree with the above guideline for uncomplicated elec- to support such practice. As mentioned in the section on tive procedures, we recommend using unfractionated heparin acute bleeding with antiplatelet therapy, new data suggest that 7 as bridging therapy after emergency endoscopy for bleeding in platelet transfusion is associated with increased mortality. Since patients with high thrombotic risk. This is because unfraction- (PT) and activated partial thromboplastin ated heparin has a much shorter half-life (1–2 hours after intra- time (APTT) do not necessarily indicate whether anticoagulation venous injection) that allows rapid reversal in case rebleeding is supratherapeutic, therapeutic or subtherapeutic in patients 3 occurs.36 receiving DOACs, the BSG-ESGE Guidelines recommend using specific assays to measure the activity of DOACs in acute bleeding. However, we do not make this recommenda- Direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) tion because assessment of the anticoagulant activity of DOACs To date, four DOACs including dabigatran, apixaban, rivarox- requires specific assays that are not routinely available. Further- aban and edoxaban have been approved by the FDA and are more, withholding DOACs will lead to rapid loss of anticoagula- available in many countries in the Asia Pacific region. Unlike tion due to their short half-lives unless the patient has impaired vitamin K antagonists, DOACs are direct inhibitors of factor renal clearance. thrombin (dabigatran) and factor Xa (apixaban, rivaroxaban, Management of acute bleeding in patients receiving DOACs on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. edoxaban). This new class of anticoagulants has a rapid onset depends on the severity of bleeding, timing of the last dose of (1–4 hours) and offset of action (about 24 hours). However, drug DOAC, creatinine clearance and the pharmacokinetic prop- elimination is prolonged in patients with reduced renal clear- erties of individual DOACs. Since DOACs are not vitamin K ance. Dabigatran is mostly eliminated by the kidneys (∼80%),37 antagonists, vitamin K is not useful as an antidote to overdose edoxaban has 50% of the dose undergoing renal elimination,38 of DOACs. For bleeding that is not life-threatening, standard whereas rivaroxaban (∼33%)39 and apixaban (∼25%)40 are less haemodynamic support measures and temporary cessation of affected by renal impairment. However, the use of DOACs DOACs is probably sufficient due to their short half-lives. For should be cautious in patients with severe renal insufficiency (ie, severe bleeding with haemodynamic instability, we recommend the use of activated charcoal if the last dose of DOAC is taken within less than 3 hours. Our panel recommends a time window of 3 hours because most DOACs reach their peak plasma concen- Table 3 Timing of discontinuing DOACs before high-risk endoscopic tration within 3 hours of oral ingestion, although one healthy 100 procedures according to creatinine clearance volunteer study suggested that activated charcoal can substan- Timing of discontinuing DOACs before high-risk endoscopic tially reduce the terminal half-life of apixaban 6 hours post- Creatinine procedures (days) 45 clearance dose. However, the efficacy of activated charcoal has not been (mL/min) Dabigatran Apixaban/rivaroxaban/edoxaban evaluated in clinical practice. On the other hand, we do not recommend dialysis as a treatment option, with the exception >80 2 2 of dabigatran, because the other three DOACs have high protein 50–80 3 2 binding and therefore are not dialyzable.46 30–50 4 2 Both the ASGE Guidelines1 and the BSG-ESGE Guidelines3 15–30 Contraindicated 2 are cautious about the use of FFP and PCC in life-threatening <15 Contraindicated Not recommended bleeding with DOACs. We reviewed the literature and found

6 Chan FKL, et al. Gut 2018;0:1–13. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2017-315131 Guidelines that there is no human study on FFP for the reversal of the Summary of recommendations: elective endoscopy anticoagulant effect of DOACs. In fact, FFP is unlikely to be A. Low-risk procedures Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2017-315131 on 13 January 2018. Downloaded from effective because it will be required to overcome the direct Single antiplatelet agent inhibitory effect of DOACs rather than replenishing depleted 21. We do not recommend withholding antiplatelet agents. factors as in the case of reversal of warfarin. One randomised (A+ 71%, A 21%, D 7%; strong recommendation; moder- trial of healthy volunteers showed that a non-activated 4-factor ate-quality evidence) PCC reversed the prolonged PT with rivaroxaban but did not normalise the APTT or with dabigatran.47 To Dual antiplatelet therapy date, there have not been any human studies on the efficacy 22. We do not recommend stopping both antiplatelet agents. of PCC either on laboratory bleeding time or clinical bleeding (A+ 64%, A 29%, D 7%; weak recommendation; associated with DOACs. In October 2015 the Food and Drug low-quality evidence) Administration in the USA granted accelerated approval to idarucizumab, a potent monoclonal directed against Warfarin dabigatran, for use in patients during emergency situations. In 23. We do not recommend withholding warfarin. (A+ 75%, a multicentre open-label study of 503 patients who had uncon- A 17%, D− 8%; strong recommendation; low-quality trolled bleeding or were about to undergo an urgent procedure, evidence) 5 g of idarucizumab reversed the anticoagulant effect of dabig- a. Keep the INR within the therapeutic range before the atran within 4 hours in almost all patients.48 While current procedure. evidence demonstrates the capacity of idarucizumab to reverse b. For patients on warfarin, defer the endoscopic laboratory abnormalities of dabigatran-associated coagulop- procedure if the INR exceeds 3.5 before the endoscopy. athy, its clinical benefit is still unclear because of the scarcity of available data. DOACs Specific recommendations on the timing of re-initiation of 24. We do not suggest omitting DOACs. (A+ 25%, A 59%, A− DOACs after endoscopic haemostasis for acute bleeding are not 8%, D 8%; weak recommendation; low-quality evidence) available in the ASGE, ESGE or BSG-ESGE Guidelines.1–3 After haemostasis has been achieved, we recommend early resump- B. High-risk/ultra-high risk procedures tion of DOACs without bridging therapy with heparin. Our Single antiplatelet agent recommendation is based on the fact that DOACs have short 25. We do not recommend discontinuation of aspirin except terminal half-lives (about 12 hours) in patients without impaired in ultra-high risk procedures. (A+ 60%, A 30%, A− 10%; renal clearance. It follows that the residual antiacoagulant strong recommendation; low-quality evidence) effect will be minimal after the first 3 days and early resump- 26. We recommend withholding P2Y12 receptor inhibitor tion of DOACs is needed for patients with high thrombotic risk. 5 days before the procedure. (A+ 33%, A 67%; strong Bridging therapy is not necessary since these drugs have a rapid recommendation; moderate-quality evidence) onset of action (between 1 and 4 hours). We do not consider 27. We recommend resuming P2Y12 receptor inhibitor once re-initiation of DOACs should be deferred because of concerns adequate haemostasis has been achieved. (A+ 43%, A 43%, about early rebleeding in the absence of specific antidotes. Our A− 14%; strong recommendation; low-quality evidence) local experience suggests that management of rebleeding after resumption of DOACs in a controlled environment is predict- Dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) able compared with patients with severe bleeding due to toxic 28. Except for ultra-high risk procedures that may require stop-

ingestion of DOACs. ping both antiplatelet agents, we recommend withholding on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. P2Y12 receptor inhibitor for 5 days before the procedure while aspirin should be continued. (A+ 43%, A 50%, D Triple and double antithrombotic therapies 7%; strong recommendation; low-quality evidence) In patients with both non-valvular atrial fibrillation and acute 29. We recommend resuming P2Y12 receptor inhibitor once coronary syndrome or coronary stenting, a short period of triple adequate haemostasis has been achieved. (A+ 43%, A 43%, antithrombotic therapy (ie, DAPT and an oral anticoagulant) A− 14%; strong recommendation; low-quality evidence) followed by double therapy (ie, single antiplatelet agent and an oral anticoagulant) for up to 1 year is often required. The optimal Warfarin management of antithrombotic therapy after bleeding remains 30. We recommend stopping warfarin 5 days before the proce- uncertain because large-scale clinical outcome data are not avail- dure. (A+ 33%, A 67%; weak recommendation; low-quality able. The European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Working Group evidence) 49 on Thrombosis recommends stopping either aspirin or clopi- 31. In patients with low thromboembolic risk, we recommend dogrel in patients who develop bleeding during triple therapy. In endoscopic procedures to be undertaken if INR is below addition, they recommend discontinuation of antiplatelet agent 2.0. (A+ 82%, A 9%, A− 9%; strong recommendation; when a patient develops bleeding on double therapy. In patients low-quality evidence) with non-valvular atrial fibrillation and low risk of stroke who 32. In patients with high thromboembolic risk, we recommend develop bleeding during triple or double therapy, however, they bridging with heparin when INR is below 2.0 before endo- recommend DAPT alone without oral anticoagulant for 1 year scopic procedures. (A+ 55%, A 45%; strong recommenda- after acute coronary syndrome or coronary stenting. Given the tion; low-quality evidence) complexity of these cases, our Task Force believes that commu- 33. We recommend resuming warfarin once adequate haemo- nication with a cardiologist to make individualised decisions is stasis has been achieved. (A+ 55%, A 45%; strong recom- essential. mendation; low-quality evidence)

Chan FKL, et al. Gut 2018;0:1–13. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2017-315131 7 Guidelines

34. In patients with high thromboembolic risk, we recommend patients with high thrombotic risk.54 We recommend interrup-

bridging with heparin after the procedure until INR reaches tion of all antithrombotic agents for ultra-high risk procedures Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2017-315131 on 13 January 2018. Downloaded from therapeutic range. (A+ 55%, A 27%, A− 18%; strong provided that the perceived benefits of the procedure outweigh recommendation; low-quality evidence) the patient’s thrombotic risk. However, decisions have to be individualised after liaison with cardiologists or neurologists. We DOACs believe it is important to add this category of ultra-high proce- 35. We recommend withholding DOACs at least 48 hours dures in the Asian Pacific region because: (1) these procedures before the procedure. (A+ 30%, A 70%; strong recommen- (eg, ESD) are frequently performed in this part of the world; (2) dation; low-quality evidence) many studies in the literature were conducted in Asia; and (3) 36. We do not recommend bridging anticoagulation. (A+ 55%, the conflicting outcomes reflect different standards of care and A 45%; strong recommendation; low-quality evidence) levels of expertise. 37. We recommend resuming DOACs after adequate haemo- Two observational studies have assessed the risk of delayed stasis has been achieved. (A+ 45%, A 55%; strong recom- post-polypectomy bleeding after EMR of polyps >2 cm while mendation; low-quality evidence) continuing antithrombotic drugs, but the results are conflicting. Burgess et al studied 101 patients (68 patients continuing aspirin, Low-risk procedures 14 patients on warfarin interrupted without bridging therapy, Both the ASGE1 and ESGE-BSG Guidelines3 have stratified and 19 patients on warfarin interrupted with bridging therapy) endoscopic procedures into low risk and high risk for bleeding. and the use of antithrombotics was not associated with delayed 55 The stratification was largely based on retrospective observa- post-polypectomy bleeding. In contrast, Mertz et al reported tional studies where the majority of the patients undergoing that aspirin use was an independent risk factor for delayed endoscopy did not receive antithrombotics. Furthermore, there bleeding with large colonic EMR after multivariate analysis. is no international consensus on the definition a high-risk proce- The incidence of bleeding with aspirin was reported at 29.4% 56 dure. For example, enteral stenting is classified as low risk in the (5/17 patients). Duodenal EMR carries a high risk of bleeding, 57 58 ASGE Guidelines1 and high risk in the ESGE-BSG Guidelines.3 reportedly at 12.3% (14/113) and 6.3% (7/11) from two Our Task Force classifies those procedures with bleeding risk observational studies. There are no studies reporting the inci- less than 1% as low risk. Low-risk procedures include diag- dence of bleeding after duodenal EMR in patients receiving nostic procedures with mucosal biopsies and therapeutic proce- antithrombotics. dures without cutting open the mucosa or breaching the deep ESD carries a higher risk of bleeding than EMR, irrespective layers (table 1). We do not recommend interruption of anti- of location of lesion in the GI tract (OR 2.20 95% CI 1.58 to 59 platelet agents or anticoagulants for patients undergoing these 3.07). The rate of bleeding with gastric ESD ranges from 3.6% 60–62 procedures. Mucosal biopsy while continuing antithrombotics to 6.9%. The risk of bleeding with continuation of aspirin is thought to be safe. Apart from a retrospective observational in gastric ESD has yielded conflicting results. These retrospec- 63–66 study,50 one randomised trial of aspirin versus clopidogrel in tive observational studies reported either no increased risk 67 68 healthy volunteers found no bleeding events in the aspirin group or increased risk of bleeding. However, most of these studies and one minor endoscopic bleeding event in the clopidogrel do not have a control group of non-aspirin users and do not group.51 Only one retrospective study, which was conducted differentiate between antiplatelet drugs and anticoagulants. No in Japan, reported the safety of performing biopsy in patients studies have reported the rate of bleeding with ESD in patients on more than one antithrombotic drug. Among 112 patients, receiving non-aspirin antiplatelet drugs. where 30 patients were on multiple antithrombotic agents, no patients experienced bleeding symptoms in the 2-week observa- tion period after biopsy. However, the bleeding time was up to High-risk procedures on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. 9 min in four patients who had multiple biopsies.52 There are no Colonoscopy and polypectomy studies on the safety of biopsies in patients receiving the newer Observational data on patients receiving aspirin and undergoing polypectomy suggest that continuation of aspirin as mono- antiplatelet drugs (prasugrel, ticagrelor, vorapaxar) or DOACs. 69–71 The risk of bleeding with double balloon enteroscopy in patients therapy does not increase the risk of bleeding. A meta-anal- not on antithrombotic drugs has been reported at 0.2%,53 but ysis of five observational studies (two published in abstract form there are no studies on enteroscopy in patients receiving anti- only) of 574 subjects continuing clopidogrel and 6179 controls platelet drugs or anticoagulants. reported an increased risk of delayed post-polypectomy bleeding with continued clopidogrel therapy (pooled relative risk 4.66, 96% CI 2.37 to 9.17).72 There are no data on the incidence of Ultra-high risk procedures post-polypectomy bleeding in patients receiving new antiplatelet Both ASGE1 and BSG-ESGE3 Guidelines are comparable in drugs. their classification of high-risk procedures. In general, there Current guidelines on the management of anticoagulation for is consensus between professional societies that aspirin can polypectomy are largely based on expert opinion. Two retro- be safely continued in patients undergoing procedures with a spective observational studies reported the incidence of delayed high bleeding risk. The BSG-ESGE Guidelines3 recommend bleeding with uninterrupted warfarin at 0% (0/21)73 and 0.8% continuing aspirin in all high-risk procedures with the excep- (1/123).74 All the patients had prophylactic clipping after polyp- tion of ESD, large colonic endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) ectomy. One prospective study compared cold snaring versus (>2 cm), upper gastrointestinal EMR and ampullectomy. Our hot snaring of small colonic polyps (<1 cm) in patients with Task Force has further stratified high-risk procedures into high- uninterrupted warfarin. The rate of delayed bleeding was 0% risk and ultra-high risk. The latter includes ESD and EMR of with cold snaring and 14% (5/35) with hot snaring.75 There are large (>2 cm) polyps. Unlike the BSG-ESGE Guidelines,3 we no direct reports on the bleeding risk in patients treated with do not classify ampullectomy as an ultra-high risk procedure DOACs undergoing colonoscopy. According to the safety data as our regional data suggest that aspirin can be continued for of the RE-LY trial, which compared dabigatran and warfarin for

8 Chan FKL, et al. Gut 2018;0:1–13. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2017-315131 Guidelines prevention of thromboembolism in 4591 patients, about 10% within the first 6 weeks, remains high from 6 weeks to 6 months of the patients underwent colonoscopy. There was no signifi- and then becomes stable after 6 months. Importantly, DES is Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2017-315131 on 13 January 2018. Downloaded from cant difference in peri-procedural bleeding risk between the two not a significant risk factor for MACEs. Three important risk groups.76 factors for MACEs are emergency , a history of myocar- dial infarction within 6 months prior to surgery, and a revised 89 Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) and cardiac index greater than 2. The latter is available as an online sphincterotomy preoperative surgical risk calculator that includes a history of Only a few studies have reported the risk of bleeding with , a history of cerebrovascular accident, a continuation of antiplatelet drugs in patients undergoing ERCP history of congestive heart failure, diabetes mellitus requiring and sphincterotomy. Using a nationwide database in Japan, preoperative insulin and renal impairment (creatinine >176.8 90 91 Hamada et al reported that both sphincterotomy and balloon µmol/L or 2 mg/dL). The European Society of Cardiology dilatation can be performed safely in patients taking aspirin.77 (ESC) Working Group on Thrombosis classified the risk of A small observational study reported 95 patients with uninter- thrombosis into five categories according to the timing of rupted antithrombotic therapy undergoing ERCP with minimal acute coronary syndrome and percutaneous coronary interven- sphincterotomy and balloon dilation (aspirin plus clopidogrel tion, type of coronary stents and presence of other cardiac risk 49 in 55 patients, aspirin plus an anticoagulant in 45 patients, and factors. Our Task Force has simplified the thrombotic risk into triple therapy with aspirin plus clopidogrel plus an anticoagulant three categories (very high, high, moderate to low) to guide the in five patients). Among them, 14 received DOACs. The overall management of antithrombotic therapy for elective endoscopic bleeding rate was 4%.78 procedures with high bleeding risk (table 2).

Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) with fine needle aspiration (FNA) Thrombotic risk with interruption of antithrombotics The risk of bleeding from EUS-FNA is around 1%.79 80 For When to stop and resume antiplatelet drugs? EUS-FNA of pancreas cystic lesions, the rate of bleeding is up If endoscopic procedures with high bleeding risks are deemed to 6%.81 In a prospective observational study, the bleeding rates necessary, we recommend withholding P2Y12 receptor inhib- with EUS-FNA were 0% (0/26), 33.3% (2/6) and 3.7% (7/90) itor for 5–7 days before the procedure while aspirin should in patients receiving aspirin/NSAIDs, LMWH and no drugs.82 be continued. In a large US registry, the median time to stent There are no studies investigating the safety of EUS-FNA with thrombosis can be as short as 7 days when both antiplatelet continuation of non-aspirin antiplatelet drugs, warfarin or drugs are withheld whereas the median time is prolonged to 122 DOACs. days when one is continued.11 Among patients without coronary stents the risk of myocardial infarction or Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) stroke depends on the indication of antiplatelet therapy. The In a retrospective analysis of 990 patients undergoing PEG, the thrombotic risk without antiplatelet therapy is 10-fold higher rates of bleeding were 3.6% and 2.7% with aspirin and clopi- in secondary prevention than in primary prevention (3.11% vs 83 0.34% yearly).92 dogrel, respectively. In another retrospective study of 450 patients, no post-PEG bleeding was observed in patients using Given the high bleeding risks associated with ultra-high risk anticoagulants including heparin and vitamin K antagonists.84 procedures, our Task Force recommends withholding all anti- No studies exists on the safety of PEG in users of DOACs. platelet agents provided that the perceived benefits of the proce- To date there is no convincing evidence that prophylactic dure outweigh the patient’s thrombotic risk. The total duration endoscopic treatment can reduce the risk of bleeding in patients of interruption should not exceed 7 days due to a high risk of receiving antithrombotics. Pooled analyses from two separate coronary stent thrombosis. Decisions have to be individualised meta-analyses have reported that prophylactic measures reduce after liaison with cardiologists or neurologists. on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. the risk of post-polypectomy bleeding.85 86 However, it is uncer- We recommend discontinuing a P2Y12 receptor inhibitor— tain whether the benefit can be extrapolated to patients receiving with the exception of ticagrelor which has a shorter duration antithrombotics as all studies excluded patients receiving anti- of action—5 days before high-risk procedures while continuing platelet drugs or anticoagulants. aspirin based on the following expert opinion: (1) the effect of non-aspirin antiplatelet drugs will last for up to 5 days (about Risk of cardiac events following endoscopy in patients with 3 days for ticagrelor) after taking the last dose; and (2) P2Y12 receptor inhibitor is more potent than aspirin, thereby carrying coronary stents a high bleeding risk. In contrast, the ASGE guidelines recom- There are no direct data on the risk of major adverse cardiac mend withholding P2Y12 receptor inhibitors for at least 5–7 events (MACEs) following GI endoscopy in patients with coro- days before high-risk procedures.1 We are concerned about nary stents. According to the 2014 American College of Cardi- the thrombotic risk of prolonged discontinuation of these anti- ology (ACC)/American Heart Association (AHA) Guidelines,87 platelet drugs, especially in patients with DES. the risk of ACEs in patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery is There are no data on the optimal timing of resuming anti- high in those with drug-eluting coronary stents (DES) placed platelet drugs after elective endoscopic procedures. In patients within 12 months or bare metal coronary stents (BMS) placed who are at risk of coronary stent thrombosis, our Task Force within 1 month. The American College of Chest Physicians recommends resumption of P2Y12 receptor inhibitor once recommends that surgery should be deferred for at least 6 weeks adequate haemostasis has been achieved. after placement of a BMS and for at least 6 months after place- ment of a DES.88 However, recent evidence derived from a US national retrospective cohort study of about 42 000 Veterans Interruption of anticoagulants Affairs (VA) and non-VA operations in the 24 months after a The BSG-ESGE Guidelines3 stratify the risk of thromboembo- coronary stent placement found that the risk of MACEs is actu- lism into two groups (low risk and high risk) whereas the ASGE ally comparable between DES and BMS. The risk is highest Guidelines1 stratify patients into three groups according to the

Chan FKL, et al. Gut 2018;0:1–13. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2017-315131 9 Guidelines estimated annual risk of thromboembolism without anticoag- recommends heparin bridging for non-valvular atrial fibrillation Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2017-315131 on 13 January 2018. Downloaded from ulation (low risk (<5%), medium risk (5–10%) and high risk if the CHA2DS2-VASc score is >5. In contrast, the ASGE Guide-

(>10%)). Our Task Force has made recommendations on the use lines recommend heparin bridging if the CHA2DS2-VASc score of heparin bridging with interruption of warfarin (box 2). is >2.1 The choice of heparin formulations and the optimal timing of Atrial fibrillation bridging therapy remain uncertain. A large prospective non-ran- For patients who have non-valvular atrial fibrillation, the risk domised study showed there was no difference in adverse events of thromboembolism can be estimated using the CHA DS -VASc with bridging therapy using unfractionated heparin or LMWH 2 2 97 score.93 94 The total score ranges from 0 to 9: congestive cardiac in patients with mechanical heart valves. Observational studies failure (1 point), hypertension (1 point), age ≥75 (2 points), on surgical patients showed no difference in risk of bleeding diabetes (1 point), stroke (2 points), vascular disease (prior between the last dose of LMWH being given at 12 hours 98 99 myocardial infarction, peripheral artery disease, aortic plaque; 1 compared with that of 24 hours before surgery. Given the point), age 65–75 years (1 point), female sex (1 point). Patients fact that heparin bridging is associated with a significantly higher with a score of ≥2 are prescribed anticoagulants (estimated risk of bleeding than no bridging, our Task Force recommends annual risk of thromboembolism >2.2%). In the BSG-ESGE heparin bridging when INR falls <2 before high-risk procedures. Guidelines,3 low-risk patients include all patients with non-val- There are no direct studies investigating the timing for vular atrial fibrillation but their CHA DS -VASc scores are not re-starting heparin after endoscopy. A few observational studies 2 2 97 98 100 considered. Only those with atrial fibrillation associated with support re-initiation of warfarin within 24 hours. It is mitral stenosis or prosthetic heart valves are considered as high commonly agreed among professional societies that heparin risk. should be resumed once haemostasis is secured. There is no evidence to support the use of bridging therapy Mechanical heart valves in patients receiving DOACs. Bridging therapy is indicated in The risk of thromboembolism in patients with mechanical heart patients with very high thrombotic risk such as mechanical heart valves depends on the type, number and position of the valve and valves but DOACs are not indicated for such patients. Further- the presence of underlying heart failure or atrial fibrillation.95 more, interruption of DOACs during the peri-endoscopic period Our Task Force recommends heparin bridging for patients with is brief because DOACs have a short half-life and rapid onset of a metallic mitral valve alone or a metallic valve with atrial fibril- action. lation (box 2). When to stop and resume DOACS? Venous thromboembolism (VTE) No studies are available to guide the optimal time for discon- The risk thromboembolism after VTE depends on the timing of tinuation or resumption of DOACs for endoscopic proce- VTE. Our Task Force recommends heparin bridging in patients dures. Currently available guidelines are conflicting. The ASGE with VTE within 3 months (box 2). However, no studies have Guidelines recommend continuation of DOACs for low-risk assessed the risk of thromboembolism in high-risk patients procedures and discontinuing anticoagulation according to the without bridging therapy. pharmacokinetic properties of individual DOACs for high-risk procedures.1 The BSG-ESGE Guidelines suggest omitting the Thrombophilia syndromes morning dose of DOACs on the day of low-risk procedures and Some patients are predisposed to . There recommend the last dose of DOACs be taken at least 48 hours 3 is a wide spectrum of thrombophilia syndromes ranging from before high-risk procedures. Given the minimal bleeding risk isolated laboratory abnormalities with a low thrombotic risk (eg, associated with diagnostic endoscopy and mucosal biopsy, our

Factor V Leiden and the prothrombin mutation F2G20210A) to Task Force does not suggest omitting DOACs before low-risk on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. high-risk conditions such as antiphospholipid syndromes, defi- procedures. For high-risk procedures, our recommendation ciencies of , protein C or protein S (box 2). depends on the choice of DOAC (dabigatran vs other DOACs) and the patient’s creatinine clearance (table 3). For patients on When to stop and resume warfarin? dabigatran, the last dose should be taken 48 hours before the There is very little evidence to guide when to stop warfarin prior procedure if the renal function is normal (CrCl >80 mL/min). to endoscopy. Recommendations are largely based on expert Lengthening the period of discontinuation is required in patients opinion. Our Task Force recommends stopping warfarin 5 days with renal impairment because 80% of dabigatran metabolite is before endoscopy. We recommend resuming warfarin once excreted by the kidneys (table 3). For patients on other DOACs adequate haemostasis has been achieved. (apixaban, rivaroxaban and edoxaban), we recommend the last dose should be taken 48 hours before the procedure provided that CrCl is >15 mL/min.101 Since DOACs have short half-lives Bridging therapy and rapid onset of action, heparin bridging is not recommended. Bridging therapy is provided to those patients at high risk We recommend early resumption of DOACs after haemostasis of thromboembolism (box 2). To date, only one large-scale has been achieved. randomised trial of patients with atrial fibrillation on warfarin undergoing an elective invasive procedure found that no heparin Author affiliations bridging was not inferior to bridging for prevention of throm- 1Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, boembolism. There was a significantly higher risk of bleeding in Hong Kong, China the bridging group compared with the no bridging group (1.3% 2Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University of Malaya, Kuala vs 3.2%, P=0.005). However, the findings cannot be extrap- Lumpur, Malaysia 3Asian Healthcare Foundation, AAll India Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, olated to patients with a high thromboembolic risk as only a Andhra Pradesh, India small proportion of patients had mitral stenosis or CHA2DS2- 4Department of Internal Medicine and Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, Saga Medical VASc score >5.96 Based on the above evidence, our Task Force College, Saga, Japan

10 Chan FKL, et al. Gut 2018;0:1–13. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2017-315131 Guidelines

5Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Medicine, National 6 Saito Y, Okada S, Ogawa H, et al. Low-dose aspirin for primary prevention of

University Singapore, Singapore, Singapore cardiovascular events in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: 10-year follow-up of Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2017-315131 on 13 January 2018. Downloaded from 6Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, a randomized controlled trial. Circulation 2017;135:659–70. Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, Japan 7 Zakko L, Rustagi T, Douglas M, et al. No benefit from platelet transfusion for 7Department of Internal Medicine, Gyeongsang National University School of gastrointestinal bleeding in patients taking antiplatelet agents. Clin Gastroenterol Medicine and Cardiovascular Center, Gyeongsang, Republic of Korea Hepatol 2017;15:46–52. 8Department of Clinical Medicine, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan 8 Sung JJ, Lau JY, Ching JY, et al. Continuation of low-dose aspirin therapy in peptic 9Department of Gastroenterology, Korea University College of Medicine, Seoul, ulcer bleeding: a randomized trial. Ann Intern Med 2010;152:1–9. Republic of Korea 9 Derogar M, Sandblom G, Lundell L, et al. Discontinuation of low-dose aspirin therapy 10Department of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand after peptic ulcer bleeding increases risk of death and acute cardiovascular events. 11Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, The Chinese University of Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2013;11:38–42. Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China 10 Kukreja N, Onuma Y, Garcia-Garcia HM, et al. The risk of stent thrombosis in patients 12Department of Internal Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, with acute coronary syndromes treated with bare-metal and drug-eluting stents. Taiwan JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2009;2:534–41. 13Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, Institute of Vascular Research, The 11 Eisenberg MJ, Richard PR, Libersan D, et al. Safety of short-term Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China discontinuation of antiplatelet therapy in patients with drug-eluting stents 14Department of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, Jichi Medical School, Tochigi, Circulation 2009; 119: 1634-42. Japan 12 Yamada S, Onda M, Kato S, et al. Genetic differences in CYP2C19 single polymorphisms among four Asian populations. J Gastroenterol 2001;36:669–72. Acknowledgements We are most indebted to Dr Neena Abraham for her expert 13 Lee VW, Chau TS, Chan AK, et al. Pharmacogenetics of esomeprazole or rabeprazole- opinion in preparing the initial set of our practice guidelines. based triple therapy in Helicobacter pylori eradication in Hong Kong non-ulcer dyspepsia Chinese subjects. J Clin Pharm Ther 2010;35:343–50. Contributors FKLC, SH and KS produced the first draft of the practice guideline 14 Chan FK. Anti-platelet therapy and managing ulcer risk. J Gastroenterol Hepatol statements. KKFT did the literature search and systematic review. All authors actively 2012;27:195–9. participated in the modified Delphi process to revise the statements. FKLC wrote the 15 U.S. Food and Drug. FDA reminder to avoid concomitant use of Plavix (clopidogrel) initial draft of the manuscript. All authors have read, revised and approved the final and omeprazole. https://www.fda.​ ​gov/Drugs/​ ​DrugSafety/ucm231161.​ ​htm manuscript. 16 Simon T, Steg PG, Gilard M, et al. Clinical events as a function of proton pump Funding Funding of this joint task force was derived from an educational grant inhibitor use, clopidogrel use, and cytochrome P450 2C19 genotype in a large from the Institute of Digestive Disease of CUHK and sponsorship from Takeda nationwide cohort of acute myocardial infarction: results from the French Registry Pharmaceuticals Company Limited. of Acute ST-Elevation and Non-ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (FAST-MI) registry. Circulation 2011;123:474–82. 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