Model A News

March-April 2016

Club Meetings are normally held at 1930 on the first Thursday of each month with the ex- ceptions of January, June and August at an address to be determined at the previous meeting.

For details of forthcoming meetings and events please contact any member of the committee.

Who is this pioneer racing driver?—see page 5

Published by the Model A Restorers Club (Australia) Inc. PO Box 320, Dickson, ACT 2602

Model A News March-April 2016 Page

THE MODEL A RESTORERS CLUB (AUSTRALIA) INC. ELECTED OFFICE BEARERS Model A News is the journal of the Model A Re- storers Club (Australia) Inc. PRESIDENT: Bill Hopkins (02) 62974612 The editor welcomes all contributions of arti- VICE-PRESIDENT: Ian Irwin (02) 62599770 cles, anecdotes, period and current photos and associated memorabilia for publication.

SECRETARY: Jean McDonald (02) 62543248 Advertisements from club members related to cars or parts wanted or for sale are published free of TREASURER: Bob McDonald (02) 62543248 charge and if desired will be reprinted in interstate exchange Model A club journals. EDITORS: Allen Stafford (02) 62413360, Bob McDonald (02) 62543248 Advertisements for cars (or incomplete cars) for sale must contain either the registration number, PUBLIC OFFICER: Rob Scott (02) 62545144 the VIN number or the engine number together with the price asked. Unless such detail is includ- REGISTRAR: Bob McDonald (02) 62543248 ed, advertisements will not be accepted for publi- cation in Model A News.

Council Delegates: Bob McDonald and Paul Views expressed in Model A News are those of Cunneen the authors and not necessarily those of the Model A Restorers Club (Australia) Inc. No Club Delegate: Bob McDonald responsibility is either given or implied as to the accuracy of technical information pub- ——————————————————– lished in this newsletter. ALL CORRESPONDENCE SHOULD BE —————————————————— ADDRESSED TO: Life Members of MARC (Australia) Inc. The Club has awarded Life Membership for out- standing service to seven club members (in chron- The Model A Restorers Club (Australia) ological order): Inc., Ian Irwin O.A.M. (ACT, Founder) PO Box 320, Michael Livingstone (N.S.W. Deceased) Dickson, ACT 2602 Kevin Churchill () Neil Phillips (South Australia) E-mail: [email protected] Allen Stafford (ACT) Jean McDonald (ACT) Bob McDonald (ACT) ——————————————————— The Model A Restorers Club (Australia) Inc. Honorary Members of MARC(Australia) Inc. Was founded in 1969 in Canberra. The club Gwen Livingstone has hosted four National Meets in 1972, 1975, 1978 and 1998. Members possess a wide vari- Concessional Registration Club vehicles can be concessionally registered in ety of Model A Fords including examples of the ACT (or in the case of NSW members, in that Phaeton, Roadster, Sedan Delivery, Sports state) for restricted use. Details of all aspects of , Victoria etc. Australian-delivery Model A Concessional Registration requirements Model A Fords are of Canadian origin with are obtainable from the Club Registrar, Bob assembly of many body styles having been McDonald on (02) 62543248. undertaken in Australia. E-mail: [email protected]

——————————————————— The Model A Restorers Club (Australia) Inc. Is also able to approve other appropriate veteran or vintage vehicles owned by its club members for concessional registration.

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Well it looks like the meeting and run on the 6th March was a great success with a good turn-out of members and good weather.

I was away in visiting Bonsai Nurseries and attending the Flower and Garden Show at the Exhibition Building in Melbourne.

I had a great trip and month away except for an altercation with a kangaroo just out of Jugiong on the way down.

I look forward to seeing members at the run on Sunday 10th April.

Please read your events calendar for 2016 and note events you are interested in.

Thanks again to Bob and Allen for another great newsletter,

Regards, Bill

President Bill Hopkins pursuing one of his other passions—bonsai (From Canberra Times Sunday 28th February 2016)

Model A News March-April 2016 Page 3 EDITORIAL.



Firstly, I would like to apologise for not being able to attend the run on April 10. Unfortunately I have to drive up to Sydney on that day so that I can attend upon a Doctor on the Monday. I have to go into hospital for a day on the previous Thursday for some tests. Then up to Sydney on the Sunday. I guess that's part of growing old, I am a little worried about the next phase. Who knows maybe I won't have to worry as I probably won't be able to remember it! Hopefully our travelling President will have returned from his latest journey down south. I am sure he will have a lot to tell you all about his trip. It will be nice to see Bill back home again. Would you believe it, my coupe is still on stands in my garage. We have had a little trouble obtaining some parts for the front braking system. Just waiting on a bit of engineering to be done and hopefully Dave will be able to complete the job. There really hasn't been a lot happening lately. Perhaps it has had a lot to do with the weather we have been having. Autumn is usually the best season in the Canberra District and we should take full advantage of it before winter sets in. Chris, our friend in Melbourne set me an email that he received from Shannon's Auctions where they had a '48 Tucker for sale. The price was estimated at around 1.2 million dollars. I had seen one the same (same col- our and all) in the states when I was on the Lincoln Highway run in 2013. Well, I guess that's it for this time, I hope the run on the 10th is great, sorry I can't be there. Until next time. Allen

Here are a couple of photos of the Tucker we saw on our trip across the U.S. A very impressive vehicle.

Model A News March-April 2016 Page 4 WOMEN IN MOTORSPORT & SOCIAL HISTORY: DOROTHY LEVITT (FROM BEAULIEU NEWS APRIL 2016) "A beautiful secretary with long legs and eyes like pools..." No wonder the Australian entrepreneur Selwyn Edge of the Napier Car Company spotted the elegant Miss Levitt who was later described as 'the fastest girl on earth'...

A REAL SCORCHER Born on 5th January 1882, Dorothy Levitt was a record-breaking Edwardian Motoriste – a scorcher who delighted in exceeding the speed limit and the first British woman to receive international recognition. Holder of the world's first water speed record and the first British woman racing driver, in her spare time she gave the Queen Consort and the Royal Princesses Louise, Victoria and Maud driving lessons as well as 'those plain Americans' – according to newspaper reports! She wrote articles for the general and motoring press, aiming to dis- pel the myth that women were not strong enough to get behind the wheel and that it was possible to retain their femininity as well as learning to be technologically competent. Receiving rave reviews, this prompted her to write a book entitled The Woman and the Car (1909) which contained handy hints on driving and servicing your vehicle. This informative little handbook written with women in mind also included photographs of Doro- thy taken in a variety of 'hands on' poses. This 'forward thinking woman' also advised women to carry a small hand mirror as this was 'not only essential for repairing ones' complexion after a drive,' it also acted as a rear view mirror; an idea that was eventually patented in 1914.

FASHION & GAMBLING Dorothy was a highly respected and attractive woman - alluring, petite, almost demure in her manner with an engaging personality. Her father, Joseph Levi (known as Jack) was a jeweller and prosperous tea importer and her mother was the former Julia Raphael, daughter of a retired hotelier and diamond merchant. When Dorothy was eighteen her father chose to anglicise the name of Levi to Levitt. Dorothy lived a privileged life in the West End of London and was frequently in the gossip columns. She was an accom- plished horsewoman, loved the solitude of fishing, and when interviewed by the Penny Illustrated Paper, claimed signifi- cant expertise at playing roulette and that it was her intention to 'break the bank at Monte Carlo'! She was renowned for her luncheon parties and enjoyed the racing at Ascot. Her love of fashion and competitive spirit shone through and she was often seen wearing her own design of blue motoring dust coat.

A WOMAN BEHIND THE WHEEL! In 1902 when Dorothy was employed as a secretary at Napier, Selwyn Edge soon became smitten and before long had promoted her to his personal assistant. Keen for her to promote his cars he arranged for one of the young salesmen, Leslie Callingham, to teach Dorothy to drive. Far from keen, he was heard to remark that Miss Levitt wears too much scent, jangly bracelets, unwieldy hats, silk stockings and innumerable petticoats! She did however have natural driving ability

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and on 4th July 1903 won her class at the Southport Speed Trials driving a 12hp Gladiator. British society were shocked beyond belief, "a woman be- hind the wheel" they cried, "and a working secretary too!.."

A PARISIAN ADVENTURE Encouraged and understandably immensely proud of his young protegee who had also become his lover, Selwyn arranged for Dorothy to spend a six month apprenticeship in Paris, under the tutelage of his friend and car man- ufacturer Adolphe Clement-Bayard. On her return she brought with her Do- do, a rather excitable Pomerainian dog, a gift from her friend Madesmoi- selle Marie Cornelle and who had the misfortune of being drugged and hid- den in the repair box of the automobile during the journey. He survived! In fact he was Dorothy's trusty companion; often to be found curled up on the passenger seat under her coat! In July 1903 Dorothy won the British international Harmsworth Trophy for motorboats, defeating the French entry, TrefleA-Quatre at Cork, Ireland, where she set the world's first Water Speed Record achieving 19.3mph in a 40ft steel-hulled 75hp Napier speedboat with a three- blade propeller. Later that same year Dorothy drove the Napier at Cowes and won the race

SPEED & STUNTS In February 1905 Dorothy was taken on by De Dion as part of a major publicity stunt to drive an 8hp single cylinder De Dion from London to Liverpool and back, a total distance of 411 miles and averaging 20mph. The following day she made the return journey, thus setting a new record for the longest drive achieved by a woman. Sensibly she stowed her automatic Colt in a little drawer under the seat of the car known as 'the secret of the Dainty Motoriste' and of course, Dodo travelled with her! Again, in July Dorothy set her first Ladies World Speed Rec- ord at the Brighton Speed Trials driving an 80hp Napier at a speed of 79.75mph, winning her class. Her diary records: "Beat a great many professional drivers – drove at rate of 77.75mph in Daily Mail Cup."

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And now we come to 1906 with the highlight of this year being when Dorothy broke her previous year's record at the Blackpool Speed Trials, recording a speed of 90.88mph over a flying kilometre in a 90hp Napier! Hail the 'Champion Lady Motorist of the World.' Again, an amusing diary entry reads thus - "Drove at rate of 91mph. Had near escape as front part of bonnet worked loose and, had I not pulled up in time, might have blown back and beheaded me..."

In 1907 as women were barred from racing from the newly opened Brooklands racing circuit, Dorothy set her sights on Europe driving for Napier and winning her class in the Gaillon Hillclimb in France driving a 40hp six cylinder Napier. The following year she en- tered the Herkomer Trophy Trial in Germany winning a silver plaque in the Prince Heinrich Trophy in a 45hp Napier.

FINAL YEARS After 1910 Dorothy disappeared from public life and it is likely she suffered from a period of reclusiveness perhaps due to a de- bilitating illness. Sadly she never married, in fact when she was just twenty her parents moved out of London to the country and set about finding a suitable husband for her. Horrified, Dorothy absconded... Dorothy died on the 17th May 1922 with the official cause of death as morphine poisoning. Some reports state that she was suffering from measles. Although not particularly wealthy she was far from destitute which certainly makes her later years more mysterious. Truly a sad ending for someone who achieved so much throughout her life and surely an inspiration to other women.

So, ladies, please remember:

Never for a second, allow your memory to lapse

Always regard pedestrians, whether males, females or infants as uncertain in their possible actions

Never take it for granted that the other driver will certainly do the right thing

Never allow yourself to get flurried in the face of danger and remember that your coolness may save the situation

Never do anything that will prompt you to say you did not dream that such a thing might happen

Always let your clutch in gently – thus you will keep your tyre bills down and

Never give the impression you are lolling behind the wheel

And of course, well over a hundred years on, these all still hold good!

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With a maximum temperature of 34 degrees predicted for the day, it was with some trepidation that we set out for Bungendore in the Model A tourer by way of The Federal Highway and Bungendore Road rather than Macs Reef Road which is heavily trafficked and has very steep gradients. Reached the agreed meeting place at Bungendore Oval about 9.30 am where member Rob Scott was already wait- ing for us.

We were pleasantly surprised to find that the council had recently erected a shelter which we quickly commandeered as it provided welcome relief from the hot morning sun. After morning tea, the month- ly meeting was chaired by Vice President Ian Irwin who along with his wife Ida had only returned from a New Zealand visit two days beforehand. President Bill Hopkins was away visiting friends in Melbourne.

Attendees were as follows: Ian and Ida Irwin—modern Paul and Fay Cunneen and grandson Liam —1936 Ford V8 sedan Wal and Jane Hick—modern Allen Stafford and friend David—modern Jim and Sophia Notaras - modern Geoff and Lynne Nicholas—modern Pam and Larry Gee—modern (from Cowra, and called in on their annual sojourn to the South Coast) Terry Davis—Ford Fairlane Bob and Jean McDonald—1928 Model A Tourer

Following the meeting Ian and Ida, Larry and Pam, Geoff and Lynne, and Terry had other commit- ments and did not go on to Captains Flat for lunch. Those that did, went via Ellendon Street to pick up the Captains Flat Road, rather than go back to the King’s Highway. A much quieter road with pleas- ant scenery. (Apologies for lack of photos at Bungendore. Our resident photographer (Bill) automati- cally does this, and of course he was not there! Realised this oversight when at Captains Flat)

The group that travelled on to Captains Flat had a very enjoyable lunch and get together under the shade of the trees at the park where we had all the facilities to ourselves. We packed up just after 2 pm and returned via Captains Flat Road and Queanbeyan. The trip was uneventful in that no problems (including overheating) were experienced by the Ford V8 and Model A. Allen and Dave kindly fol- lowed us in the Model A until just after Queanbeyan in case of any trouble. The only complaint is the state of the Captains Flat road, which whilst sealed, has a very undulating surface to say the least. It certainly gave the springs and shock absorbers a good work out!!

The Cunneens lunching at Captains Flat

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Allen and Dave who had an entrée of fresh prawns no less!!

Jean, Jane, Sophia and Jim and Wal and Rob all in deep conversation over lunch

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The Cunneen 1936 Ford V8 and McDonald 1928 Tourer at Captains Flat

Rob and Wal tucking in to lunch Model A News March-April 2016 Page 10


Member Brian Gaul from Dalby in Queensland has provided a photograph (below) of some brake drums in his possession. The rusty brown one is from a 1934 V8 Fordor sedan that he and his brother- in-law stripped in the early 60’s. It is obviously about 1” larger in diameter than a Model A brake drum. The shiny black one in the photograph is one of a pair that Brian got at the 2015 Toowoomba Swap Meet. They fit the Model A front brakes perfectly, and have Part No. A1106-C machine stamped on the inside. They are a heavy casting and are machined and threaded to take the later screw-in grease caps.

Brian has consulted his original Ford Australia parts catalogue released in October 1936 covering all models from 1928 to 1935 including models built in the US and Canada and shipped to many overseas territories. It does not show anything about these brake drums or list the part numbers. Brian has been collecting Model A parts since finding his first Model A in 1969 and has not seen these drums (for the Model A) before.

Can any of our readers help?


Model A News March-April 2016 Page 11 The following article taken from the Winter 2016 newsletter of the 180A (2-door phaeton) group. (lug nut = wheel nut)

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Three Aussie blokes working up on an outback mobile phone tower: Mongrel, Coot and Blu- ey. As they start their descent, Coot Slips, falls off the tower and is killed instantly. As the ambu- lance takes the body away, Blue says, "Well, I guess someone's gotta go and tell Coot's wife. Mon- grel says, "OK, I'm pretty good at that sensitive stuff, I'll do it." Two hours later, he comes back car- rying a case of beer. Bluey says, "Where'd you get the grog , Mongrel?" "Coot's wife gave it to me." He replies. "That's unbelievable, you told his missus her husband was dead and she gave you a case of beer?' "Well, not exactly'" Mongrel says. "When she answered the door, I said to her, "You must be Coot's widow." She said, "You must be mistaken. I'm not a widow. " Then I said, "I'll betcha a case of beer you are." Aussies are good at that sensitive stuff!!

The teacher was telling the kids about the birds and the bees and she explained that when a man and a woman meet and fall in love, nine months later the stork usually brings them a little baby from its nest. Little Gemma at the back of the class put her hand up and asks the teacher, "Are you sure about the stork, miss? I think you're getting your birds mixed up 'cos my big sister just got a little baby and she said it was from a shag at the beach!!!

Two guys, one old bloke and one young, are pushing their carts around Bunnings Hardware store when they collide. The older bloke says to the young guy, "Sorry about that, I'm looking for my wife and I guess I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." The younger guy says, "That's OK, it's a coincidence, I was looking for my wife too. I can't find her and I'm getting a little desper- ate." The older bloke says, "Well maybe we can help each other. What does your wife look like?" The young guy says, "Well, she is 24 yrs old, tall with blonde hair, big blue eyes, long legs, really great figure and is wearing tight white shorts, a halter top and no bra. What does your wife look like?" The old bloke says…. "Doesn't matter… let's look for yours!" Most older blokes are helpful like that!!!

A fifteen year old Amish boy and his father were in a mall. They were amazed by almost everything they saw, but especially by two shiny silver walls that could move apart and then slide back together again. The boy asked, "What is it father?" The father (never having seen an elevator) responded, "Son, I have never seen anything like this, I don't know what it is." While the boy and his father were watching with amazement, an older lady in a wheel chair moved up to the moving walls and pressed a button. The walls opened, and the lady rolled between them into a small room. The walls closed and the boy and his father watched the small numbers above the walls light up se- quentially. They continued to watch until it reached the last number and then the numbers began to light in reverse order. Finally the walls opened up again and a gorgeous 24 yr old blond stepped out. The father, not taking his eyes off the young woman said quietly to his son…."Go get your mother!"

This lady always takes Smith and Wesson to the ATM. She never has any problems! Model A News March-April 2016 Page 14 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS

We have only one AUSTRALIAN SERVICE BULLETIN left to clear at a price of $45. It includes an index to make the bulletins more user friendly. Apply to the Secretary MARC (Aust) Inc.

WANTED. Articles, matters of interest, technical notes and any other material that may be of inter - est to members of this and any other Model A Ford club. All material gratefully accepted. Please contact the Editor MARC (Aust) Inc.

From New Zealand

“The Complete Model ‘A’ Ford Restoration Manual”. Now 435 pages. Every page in colour. Covers all years of Model ‘A’ Restoration. Can be purchased from Amazon Books, E-bay, or most USA Model ‘A’ Parts Suppliers. A very limited supply of some books are available from the author, Les Pearson in New Zealand. Note that the 1928-29 addendum is now available as a sepa- rate publication Contact: [email protected]


Wanted: Model ‘A’ Ford 28/29 Phaeton or Tudor. Must be in good roadworthy condition. Contact: Les Pearson (New Zealand) at [email protected] or tel: 0064 3 528 7924

From NSW:

For Sale: Model A Piston Rings 0.40‐0.60 oversize, $40 & pair of front spring perches $70 call Des Fitzgerald 0421 084 170

For Sale: 1950 DODGE original truck, it has " H" plates so no transfer of rego, runs well. Price $16000.00 PETER BUTLER 0247395723 or Email [email protected]

For Sale: 2009 Piaggo motor scooter XEVO 250ie 8770ks, excellent condition, usual scratches from normal use Rego till Dec 16 $2600 Tel Mick 02 4572 8543

Wanted: 1929 Model A radiator Splash Apron—Des Fitzgerald 0421 084 170

Wanted: A Model Ford or Buckboard. Full metal cab preferred. Contact Greg Clark on Mobile 0488 600160 or Email [email protected]

Services: Model A Ford White Metal Bearings ‐ if needed call Dean, Dean Repairs on 0401767761

Model A News March-April 2016 Page 15 From Victoria:

From Victoria:

Model A News March-April 2016 Page 16

From the ACT:

Wanted: Pair of cathedral windows for Model A rear guards (originals preferred) Contact Allen Stafford (02) 62413360 or 0417 043 102

Wanted: 1930-31 Model A Adjustable Steering box and column. Ian Irwin, [email protected] or 0413 582 687

Model A parts Sale! Old age has finally caught up. Final sale of my stock of East Coast An- tique. A list is available including another list of used parts. I am offering a 20% discount on all orders over $200. Parts have already been discounted, some items lower than U.S. prices. Send me a stamp-addressed business size envelope to Alan Crouch, P.O. Box 5102 Elanora Heights NSW 2101

For Sale: 1929 For d Model A Roadster. Fully restored with all new components. It is an all steel body as in US models—no wood in the frame, only wood is the front floor. Does need a little tinkering as it has been stored for a couple of years. Possible stuck valve and may need new points. I will include a rebuild kit for the distributor. It does run very well and is very reliable. It has club rego, but is not transferable. Garaged near Boorowa NSW. Price $27,500 Alan Crouch, Mob: 0407 218 149

Model A News March-April 2016 Page 17 FOR SALE in South Australia

MUFFLERS The Model A Club of SA is making Model A mufflers to order. It is now necessary to send these via carriers (too large for Australia Post). To order please contact Margaret Mudge on 08 8277 6182 or email [email protected]

FLOOR MATS The club now has a supply of floor mats available. These include: Front floor mat $130.00 Back Tourer $130.00 Back Roadster (dickie seat) $100.00 Pedal mat $45.00 Postage charges will also be added. Please contact Margaret Mudge on 08 8277 6182 or email [email protected] if you would like to purchase any of these mats.

For Sale: 1929 Tourer, older restoration but still in good or der. Drives well and has been a good long distance cruiser. Travels well between 45-50 m.p.h., towing a camp- er trailer. Good top and side curtains. Selling only because of space issues and too many toys. Asking $22,000 Reg No. XKR 929 .Contact Jim Goddard on (08) 8377 2388 or 0414 804 255 Or email [email protected]. Can send photos if required.

For Sale -- 1930 5 window Coupe – three tone colours black mudguards, chicle drab main body, light green grey upper body. Stone guard, quail, trunk rack plus box and cover, nice LeBaron Bonney upholstery. 12 volt FS Electronic ign. Leakless water pump, overall appear- ance condition excellent. Left hand drive personal import, historically registered in South Australia for the last four years, drive it anywhere. $27,000 negotiable Contact Bill Blackwood 0416 179 995.

For Sale: 1928 AR Tourer – hood, side curtains and upholstery are in excellent condition. Upholstery is moulted brown. Guards, valances and hood are black, main body creamy white. Has been standing on blocks for approximately 4 years, was a good runner when parked comes with spare engine and gearbox and 4 new tyres. Tyres on the car are useable. Contact Rick on 08 8336 2861 or 0411 022 983. Price $17,500 ono Vehicle is located at Payneham, Sth Australia.

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Model A News March-April 2016 Page 20 NATIONAL MEET NORTHERN TERRITORY 22-29 MAY 2016

Katherine (22-24 May) - will be based around the Museum grounds and the MVEC club rooms. For entrants that are going to drive their Model A’s from Katherine to Darwin, secure trailer park- ing will be available in Katherine.

Darwin (24-29 May) – Rally headquarters will be Club Tropical Resort @ Lee Point.

Proposed Programme: Rally registration will be held on Sunday 22nd May at MVEC headquarters located in the Katherine Museum grounds. Registration will commence around 12.30pm with cars being on display for the locals to view.

Sunday 22 May 2016 Katherine Registration, 12.30 to 3.00pm briefing and welcome BBQ dinner @ Museum Grounds.

Monday 23 May Run to Nitmiluk (Katherine) Gorge

Tuesday 24 May Travel to Darwin (300kms) option of stopping to visit the Adelaide River War Cemetery Check in to Rally Headquarters @ Club Tropical Resort

Wednesday 25 May Optional Daily Runs Welcome reception @ Parliament House in the evening

Thursday 26 May Concourse judging Optional Daily Runs including Mindil Beach Mar kets with cars on display to public (secure parkingwill be provided).

Friday 27 May Mandatory Run

Saturday 28 May Optional Daily Runs which will include visit to the Parap Mar kets and Farewell Dinner

Sunday 29 May Farewell BBQ Breakfast

For all the details, booking forms go to our website

Model A News March-April 2016 Page 21 MARC (AUST) EVENTS CALENDAR 2016

10 April MARC (Aust) run/meeting to Queanbeyan and Googong Dam

10 April Classic Car Day Robertson 9.00am to 3.30pm

16 April Wheels of Wamboin, Wamboin Hall

15 May Shannons Wheels – Lawns of Old Parliament House

14 – 15 May Vintage & Classic Pre 1960 Car Rally Cooma Monaro Historic Automobile Club www.coomacarclub

22-29 May Model A National Meet Darwin (see page 21)

11-17 September National , , Lincoln Gathering Temora

25 September Bay to Burwood Run – South Australia

30 October Marques in the Park

12-13 November Bendigo Swap Meet

Model A News March-April 2016 Page 22