September/October 2011 INSIDE: Be a great tenor • Get ready for Tucscon • Run great Singing Valentines programs• 9/11 remembered September/ October 2011 VOLUME LXXI NUMBER 5 Features Great times ahead in Tucson 10 The Midwinter Convention combines shows from the top five international quartets, Youth Chorus Festival, Seniors quartet, and plenty of golf and singing. Get ready for a great time this January! Great Singing Valentines 12 Here are some of the best stories from the 2010 Valentines season, along with many tips to make your chapter’s program the best it can be In April, 1938, O.C. Cash and Rupert MELANIE CHAPMAN, ASST. EDITOR, THE HARMONIZER Hall each walked through the below doors of Kansas City’s Muehlebach Hotel. There they saw each other Power & Light in Kansas City and planned the first “chapter meet- 14 The best memories from our international ing” in Tulsa, setting off a chain of convention, plus photos of all the competitors— events that benefit all barbershop- and every score!—in 35 colorful pages pers and countless fans to this day. LORIN MAY, EDITOR, THE HARMONIZER Departments 2 THE PRESIDENT’S PAGE It’s easy to talk about what you love to do 4 STRAIGHT TALK I love barbershop conventions! 5 TEMPO Remembering the legendary Jim Miller Harold Hill is coming—get your chapter ready 10 HARMONY HOW-TO Gene Cokeroft on the art of singing barbershop tenor 31 STAY TUNED Chapters remember 10th Anniversary of 9-11 Israel has a quartet with Chutzpah! 32 THE TAG Don Gray’s “After You’ve Gone” September/October 2011 • The HARMONIZER 1 THE PRESIDENT’S PAGE Alan Lamson, Society President •
[email protected] It’s easy to talk about what you love to do hat are we waiting for? Yes, we all know that Opera- person that knows something about the Barbershop tion Harold Hill is coming and that the goal of the Harmony Society.