Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica, Abstract Series, Szeged, Vol. 7, 2012 59 UPPER CRETACEOUS CONTACT METAMORPHISM AND RELATED MINERALIZATION IN ROMANIA ILINCA, G. Department of Mineralogy, University of Bucharest, Bd. N. Balcescu 1, RO-010041 Bucharest, Romania E-mail:
[email protected] The purpose of this plenary lecture is to give a gen- Regional extension and geodynamic setting of the eral view over the contact phenomena and mineraliza- BMMB tion related to the Banatitic Magmatic and Metallogenic The BMMB is exposed over approximately 900 km Belt (BMMB – see history of the term in BERZA et al. in length and around 30 to 70 km in width. It has a 1998) which represents a series of discontinuous mag- north-east to south-west trend over Apuseni Mts. and matic and metallogenic occurrences of Upper Creta- Southern Carpathians, it aligns to a north-south direc- ceous age, which are discordant in respect to mid- tion over eastern Serbia (Timok and Ridanji-Krepoljin Cretaceous nappe structures (CIOFLICA & VLAD, zones), and bends widely to the east, through the Sred- 1973; CIOBANU et al., 2002.) The subvolcanic/pluto- nogorie area, reaching the shores of the Black Sea (Fig. nic rocks belonging to the BMMB are known under the 1). The northern most occurrences of the BMMB in collective name of “banatites”, a term coined by VON Romania are in Apuseni Mountains where banatites are COTTA (1864) who described a suite of cogenetic found both as volcanics in Late Cretaceous Gosau-type magmatic rocks occurring as either shallow intrusions basins (e.g., Vlădeasa, Corniţel-Borod, Gilău-Iara, Săl- or subvolcanic bodies, younger than Jurassic and Creta- ciua-Ocoliş, Vidra, Găina, Roşia) and as dyke swarms ceous sedimentary formations.