Section News for November 2006

Section News for November 2006

Atlantic Division

Northern New York WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Season Greetings, It has been a great adventure for some 8 years. I have enjoyed being Section Manager and it is now time to move on. The NNY-Section is in great shape and in more than capable hands of our new NNY- Section Manager, Tom Valosin – WB2KLD. As I depart from these duties please remember that Tom with his new found duties needs your wonderful support also. Remember that without Amateurs Radio Operators that stepped forward to serve this New NNY-Section; it would look a whole lot different. Many thanks to Fred Jarrett – W2NVW, NNY – SEC and John Duquette – N2RUL, NNY- ESN Net Manager for their years of dedicated service to our NNY- Section. Next, time you see them at a local club meeting please thank them too! I will still be active “on the air” and please remember this “AMATEUR RADIO IS THE GREAT AMERICAN HOBBY & RESOURCE, A VALULABLE EXPRESSION OF OUR FREEDOM” so get involved we need you and until we meet again in person or “on the air”! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year etc.! 73’s Tom - KF2GC

Southern NewWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Jersey

SOUTHERN NEW JERSEY NEWSLETTER FOR DECEMBER 2006 SECTION MANAGER, JEAN PRIESTLEY, KA2YKN As we take leave of 2006, we should reflect on what we personally may have accomplished as a ham radio operator or look back on what have been the highlights of Amateur radio. I am pleased to say that Amateur classes have done very well and the numbers are very rewarding. Many classes have had 100%. My congratulations to all the instructors and a great big thank-you to the VE test volunteers who are fair and honorable. This is so important to the continued existence of this program. Without the strong teamwork and dedication, we would not have the great number of new hams we have grown by this year. Let’s make next year a “bumper crop”. Also hats off to the merit badge scout programs planting the seeds of Amateur Radio on the Battleship New Jersey through the encampment program and many other merit badge programs throughout Southern New Jersey and the . Let’s not forget the great job that JOTA does to enlighten the scouts to our hobby. I have had a few more reports of silent Keys. It is always sad but more so at this time of the year. The first SK is Ray Morgenweck, age 80, K2QEF of Egg Harbor City. He passed on October 30, 2006. He was a veteran and served his country in the Army during the Korean conflict. Ray had many hobbies. We also report the passing of Fred Snow, W2IFR, from the Burlington County area. Fred was a friend of ours for 20 years. He passed on November 15, 2006. Check one of the local Burlington papers for details. Fred was very active in the Burlington County ARES/RACES group and public service and a member of SJRA. In my early years as a ham I worked with Fred in many of the Burlco Public Service activities. For those of us who know and love John Fisher, K2JF, he is still on the right side of the green but not walking on the green or the carpet. John fell and broke his left femur and they put a titanium rod in his leg. He is now at the Silvercare on Brace Rd in Cherry Hill for a while undergoing rehabilitation. He is in room 321-A. I am quite sure he would love to get one of those funny haha type get well cards. We all wish John a speedy recovery and lots of cute nurses to tend to his every need. Wes Sammis, W2YRW is ill and currently living at a convalescent center in Voorhees, at a location named "summerdale (sp?). Our Skywarn program is very important and especially in winter. It is good to be trained as a spotter but it is also important to be active. Spotters are asked, at a minimum, to take the Basic Spotter Course as a refresher. Just go to the National Weather Service online and go to Skywarn or Spotters. The battleship is on winter hours and open 7 days a week 9AM to 3PM but after the first of the year, she will only be open Thurs to Suns and closed Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. If your club is thinking about visiting the NJ2BB club station, please be sure and make arrangements ahead of the scheduled date to insure that someone will be there. Just go on our website for how to schedule a visit. If you have worked NJ2BB and want to send a card, the QSL manager is Margaret Burgess, KB2BRR 150 Schooner Ave, Barnegat, NJ 08005. Please send your card with an SASE to insure receiving a card back from NJ2BB. If you have an activity coming up or want to (1 of 27) [10/18/2007 2:59:13 PM] Section News for November 2006 report something that happened, please send a short write up to me and I will put it in next month. Please remember that if you work traffic to report it to Dan, K2UL. If you do an event, remember to send the information to the league. Those numbers may seem small to you but they add up like pennies in a jar. These numbers go to Washington and help us when a need arises. This is a reminder that we are still collecting nominations for the three New Jersey Traffic Handlers awards. WW2SWE Distinguished Service Award, K2SE VHF New Award and the W2UEZ Newcomer Award. So far Dan, K2UL had only gotten one nomination for the W2SWE award: 2 for the K2SE award and none for W2UEZ. Visit http://k2ul.home.latt. net/awards.htm for more information. The deadline for nominations is New Year’s Day. Section Traffic report for May Traffic manager, WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.ROK2UL, Dan Ostroy SNJ/NNJ Section Net Reports QNI reports NJM N2GJ NJPN W2CC NJSN K2PB NJN(E) AG2R NJN(L) AG2R (the above nets are dual section nets of both SNJ and NNJ. Liaisons with 2RN) SNJ Local Net Reports JSARS W2HOG SJTN KB2RTZ SJVN NOT AVAILABLE WB2UVB Station Activity Reports (SAR) K2UL AA2SV K2GW KC2IYC W2QOB WB2UVB Public Service Honor Roll (PSHR) KB2RTZ 380 K2UL 120 K2GW 104 N2HQL 87 KA2YKN 70 KC2IYC 56 WA2NDA 46 W2QOB 30 September news: STM monthly reports for the past six years have been posted on the web at stm_smothly.htm I

Central Division Illinois WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO CQ DE KA9QPN-- From the top... I'd like to take this opportunity to wish you all the happiest of holidays, whether you celebrate the birth of Christ, the Festival of Lights, or simply togetherness with family and friends; and that 2007 brings you health, happiness, and prosperity. I'd also hope that each of us resolves to rededicate ourselves to the Public Service Spirit of the Amateur Radio Service as our predecessors intended nearly 100 years ago, and that we all make a personal committment of dedication to the Amateur's Code. **We're still soliciting interested applicants for Central District DEC. FSD-156 to KC6VVT, qualifications at Get informed... ** The "Omnibus" Amateur Radio Report and Order takes effect on 15 December. Get a copy of the new band chart at regulatory/wt04-140/Hambands3_color.pdf. MUCH MORE INCLUDING REPORTS OF HAM RADIO'S RESPONSE TO THE EARLY SNOWSTORM AT


Indiana Section News for November 2006 I apologize for being so late with the November Indiana Section News. Several reporters were late, and the Christmas season prevented my authoring this column in a timely manner. A late SK report from K9RPZ: Donald F. Fleischhouer W9DIP of Anderson passed away Octoer 8th. My condolances to the friends and family of Donald Fleischhour. He will be missed. ARES Activity for November: Public Service events reported: 6; Person-hours reported: 56; Total number of ARES operations during November: 83; Total Person-Hours reported: 545.42. Number of EC/DEC Reports received by N9YNF: 22. Total number of ARES members reported: 600. Thank You Dave. On February 17, 2007, the Michiana Amateur Radio Club located in South Bend, is going to hold a ONE DAY ONLY Technician Class. Further information on this one day class can be located at the club's website: Click on the "ONE DAY ONLY" tab, for the latest. Or, contact Bob W9OGZ at: [email protected] for additional help. The Disaster Radio Group that was sponsored by the Indianapolis Red Cross for many years is no longer going to be supported. Marion County Emergency Coordinator, Michael Palmer N9FEB, is putting his energies into forming an EmComm group consisting of ARES, RACES, EMA, MARS, SATERN, and REACT radio operators. The first meeting of this group will be on Tuesday January 9th at 6:00pm. The meeting is to be held at the Red Cross HQs, 440 East Street, in Indianapolis. With the upcoming 75/80-meter frequency re-farming, the Indiana CW Traffic Net (QIN) has moved from its long-time frequency of 3656 KHz. Initially, the frequency of 3565 KHz was selected. The band conditions and traffic on this frequency made it difficult to use. The net has moved again to 3535 KHz (+/- QRM) effective December 8th. The net times remain the same: Daily at 0000Z/1430Z. According to Net Managers K9PUI and KJ9J, these times will remain the same year around.. The following VHF/UHF Net Managers reported their net's activity for September: KC9BHJ, N9HM, KC9IFU, (2 of 27) [10/18/2007 2:59:13 PM] Section News for November 2006

KE9WI, KB9UAG, KF9EX, WB9RVN, NA9L, WB9NCE, WR9G, KA4HWX, W9THD, and KA9QWC.. If your Net Manager's callsign does not appear in this list, then your net's activity was NOT reported to the Indiana Section VHF/UHF Net Manager, John Kinley KC9BHJ. Send monthly reports to: [email protected]. "JUST A REMINDER: EMERGENCY COORDINATORS and DISTRICT EMERGENCY COORDINATORS - your annual reports are due by January 31, 2007." October Section Net Activity: NET FREQ DAILY TIMES (UTC) QNI QTC QTR SESS ITN 3910 KHZ 1230/2030 no report QIN 3656 KHZ 1330/2300 171 121 2521 53 ARES 3910 KHZ 4TH SUN/MO @ 1200Z 14 0 18 1 HOOSIER VHF NETS 14 REPORTING 955 21 1562 70 HOOSIER DIGITAL NETS (2) NO RPT RECD October ORS Traffic Reports: K9GBR 144, K9PUI 135, AB9AA 16, KA9QWC 13, KC9UU 13, N9HM 6, WB9NCE 6 JamesWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO S. Sellers K9ZBM Indiana Section Manager


WISCONSIN: SM: Don Michalski, W9IXG, SEC: KB9ENO, STM: K9LGU, SGL: AD9X, OOC: KC9IS, PIC: KB9NUM, TC: K9GDF, BM: WB9NRK, ACC: N9LVS ASM: K9UTQ, W9DGI, N9VE. ** With regret, I am informing you of the passing of the following Amateurs: -- George Edgerton, N9UDG, 79. -- Chester "Chet" Smuhl, WD9AQO, 88. Chet was a member of ECARC. ** Club Affiliation reminder. After your club has elected new officers, you need to update the club information with the ARRL. According to this site club/club-kit/club-kit.pdf a club officer needs to do this once a year: " Once your club is affiliated, it remains affiliated. To stay actively affiliated, you must complete and submit an Annual Report at least once a year. Your clubWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO’s status will be changed to inactive should 2 years go by without our receiving an Annual Report. Your club can return to active status at any time by simply completing and submitting an Annual Report." How to submit an annual report can be found on this site: forms/fsd2/ ** The Ham of the Year in the Fond du Lac ARC for 2006 is N9RPU, Lloyd Vandervort. Congratulations, Lloyd!! ** On December 10th, Les Peterson, W9YCV, reached a milestone - his 90th birthday! Also, as of this year he has been a member of WARAC for 30 years, so he is celebrating two milestones. Happy Birthday, Les! ** With publication in the Federal Register November 15, the long- awaited changes to the amateur rules are set to take effect 30 days later, at 12:01 AM EST December 15. The so-called "Omnibus" Amateur Radio proceeding, WT Docket 04-140, includes a significant expansion of the 75-meter phone band and a variety of other changes. New Band Plan color chart is available for download at the following site: ** STM Report Wisconsin Section October 2006 FAQ #62 - Can you tell us again about net cooperation? Yes, like a good FM signal, it bears repeating. If you haven't read it on the Wisconsin page of the ARRL website, here it is in print. Net Cooperation ~ On Doing the Right Thing The net should have started four minutes ago. There are stations on frequency, waiting to list or receive traffic. The net control is missing. You call up the net and either turn it over to the regular NCS when he shows, or simply run the show yourself. If you don't, the National Traffic System isn't much of a system. The skip is much too long. The net members aren't hearing each other. The traffic can't even be efficiently relayed. No relay stations in Hong Kong are on frequency. As NCS, you announce a new frequency and move the whole net to a better band. If you don't, the net can't function. Tonight you are NCS, but there's a QSO going on net frequency and it's time to call up the net. You know you could ask for the frequency or just turn on your amplifier, but what impression would that give of your net operation? Politely, you move up the band a few KHz and start the proceedings. There's traffic listed for Podunk Hollow, which you can handle via a local two-meter repeater. You volunteer. If you don't pick it up, it will be listed a few times and be serviced to the originating station without delivery. It's time to send a message, so you prepare it in ARRL format, including the check. This way, the receiving station can be more certain that the text is right - and it serves as a good example to others listening. Counting isn't all that hard and the famous pink card (FSD-218) has all you need for the details of the format. If you don't, there's danger of error and a missed opportunity for some easy training. You are busily passing traffic, when the receiving station asks you to speed up (QRQ) or slow down (QRS). You value the other operator's time, so you comply. If you don't, it may mean more fills or repeats or a lesser chance that the receiver will want to take traffic from you again. It's another one of those generic messages from someone who doesn't really know the addressee. Instead of complaining about it, you take and deliver the traffic, meet a nice person on the phone, and make a note to originate some not-so-generic traffic yourself to keep the NTS in tune. Without traffic, it will fade. Someone has traffic for Ninth Region Net and no regular rep has checked in to the net. You graciously volunteer to take the traffic from our section net to the next level. If you don't, the system breaks (3 of 27) [10/18/2007 2:59:13 PM] Section News for November 2006 down. You remember it's a hobby. You try to keep nets and all of your Ham activity in perspective. You know the nets need your participation, and so does your family. You choose to keep a balance. If you don't, something suffers. You see, when you eliminate the choices with less positive results, only the right thing is, er, left. 73 -- K9LGU/STM WISCONSIN SECTION MONTHLY NET ACTIVITY SUMMARY November 2006 NET QNI QTC QTR SSNS NM BWN 2017 2671 4690 30 W9IXG BEN 564 56 1098 30 KE9VU WSBN 749 57 1112 30 K9FHI WNN 216 17 330 27 KB9ROB WSSN 175 24 307 29 N9JIY WIN/E 135 19 223 27 WB9ICH WIN/L 116 24 234 29 W9UW WRACES 70 0 184 4 N9VAO TOTALS 4042 2868 8179 206 ** Your Section leaders wish everyone a Happy HolidayWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Season!! 73, Don W9IXG Dakota Division


ARRL MINNESOTA SECTION REPORT SEPTEMBER 2006 SUMMARY FROM SM ++ The MN section ARES and Traffic summaries are enclosed below. ++ See the ARRL Section web site for up-to-date information and bulletins. ++ Go to the new section website at ++ Do you have any interesting news to report? Have you had a good special event, a good class result, good contest results, a special program? Send me a report to be posted on the section news website. Send a copy by email. ++ Do you or your club want to hold a class? Want some help with your class in the form of content or publicity? Let me know and I willWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO help. ++ We are always looking for ARES volunteers for members and EC positions. ++ Please go to the MN ARRL website and follow the link to the ARES website. ++ Sign up for the new Club News at the ARRL. Look on either website for details. Don’t forget to send your updated club information once a year. Respectfully submitted by Skip Jackson, KS0J, MN SM MN SEC REPORT SUMMARY FOR NOVEMBER 2006 Total number of ARES members reported: 148 Change since last month: County EC’s reporting: Anoka (KC0KEP), Blue Earth (WA2OFZ), Carver (N0EN), Chisago (KC0ASX), Cook (KBØBDN), Dakota (AB0XE), Itasca (KG0FD), Lac Qui Parle (KC0QED), Lincoln (WD0BZU), Lyon (WD0BZU), Olmsted (AB0BW), Polk/Grand Forks (WA0LPV), Redwood (KA0ISD), Rice (N0OQ), Scott (N0BHC), Sherburne (N0YR), St. Louis- North (WD0GUF), St. Louis-South (KB0LC), Steele (N0UW), Wadena (K0JO), Washington (KC0OIO), Local Net Names: CCART, River Valley, SEMARC, Scott County, Chisago County, Carver County, Washington County, Forx Valley Monday Night Net, Mankato Area Radio Club Emergency Services Net, Marshall Emergency Net, Redwood County, Wadena Area Hamnet, Northern Lakes Radio, NE MN Public Service, SE St. Louis Emergency Service, Dakota County ARES Total sessions: 45 NTS liaison is maintained with the MN Section, Tenth Region, and NTSD Traffic Nets by N0UC, W0LAW Number of drills, tests and training sessions this month: 16 Person hours: 105 Number of public service events this month: 5 Person hours: 35 Number of emergency operations this month: 0 Person hours: 0 Total number of ARES operations this month: 21 Total Person hours: 140 Comments: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Frank Karnauskas - N1UW, MN SEC MN STM REPORT FOR NOVEMBER 2006 NET FREQ TIME QNI/QTC/SESS MGR ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ MSPN/E 3860 5:30 P WO0A MSPN/N 3860 12 P WA0TFC MSSN 3710 6 P N/A VACANT MSN/1 3605 6:30 P K0WPK MSN/2 3605 9:50 P k0wpk PAW 3925 9A-5P KA0IZA/ wa0tfc MONTHLY STATION ACTIVITY REPORTS (SAR) STATION ORIG. REC'D. SENT DLVD. TOTAL BPL NO.OPS. W3FAF 0 78 88 2 168 WA0TFC 0 96 54 1 151 W0LAW 0 36 57 3 96 K0WPK 1 63 18 6 88 KA0RMP 6 26 51 0 83 WO0A 0 42 22 1 65 KA0IZA 0 41 4 0 45 KB0AII 0 16 28 0 44 W0HPD 0 15 20 1 36 KB0AIJ 0 15 15 0 30 N0YR 1 8 19 3 30 WD0GUF 0 3 3 0 6 ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ PUBLIC SERVICE HONOR ROLL (PSHR) STATION 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL N0YR 40 30 0 75 145 WO0A 40 40 30 10 120 W0LAW 40 40 20 10 110 WA0TFC 40 40 20 100 WD0GUF 40 6 30 76 ~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ SECTION TRAFFIC MANAGER MONTLY REPORT NET ABBR. SESS. TFC. NMCALL NTS LIASON ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ MINNESOTA SECTION MSPN/E WO0A MSPN/E PHONE NET/EVENING 1,629 30 43 MINNESOTA SECTION MSPN/N WA0TFC PHONE NET/NOON 533 30 85 MINNESOTA SECTION MSN/1 k0wpk RN-10, C4 NET (CW) 6:30P 168 29 83 MINNESOTA SECTION MSN/2 k0wpk RN-10, , C4 NET (CW) 10:00P 72 29 2 PICONET ALLDAY PAW HRS KA0IZA ALL DAY WATCH 4,175 96 101 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Robert Meyer, W0LAW, MINNESOTA STM

North Dakota (4 of 27) [10/18/2007 2:59:13 PM] Section News for November 2006

NORTH DAKOTA: SM, Kent Olson, KAØLDG -Merry Christmas! I hope Santa brings you that special ham gift that you’ve been waiting for. Enjoy the good company of family and friends this season and slow down a little. As I write this, it looks like the FCC has decided to drop the CW requirement for all amateur radio licenses. This will probably be the biggest change in years, and we all need to ensure that it goes good. No matter what side of the CW issue you sit on, the change is here to stay, and we need to move on in a positive way. There will be lots of new folks on HF, and it’s our job to mentor them on what is appropriate conduct and procedures. Many worry that ham radio will become the CB radio service. This will only happen if we allow it to. Licensing classes will be theWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO first place to correctly train the new folks, and positive/constructive criticism on the bands will help to enforce it. A few of the clubs participated in SKYWARN Recognition Day, and had fun contacting other WX Service stations around the country. Please send me your news to post here. Time to clean out your shack and bring the old stuff to one of the upcoming hamfests. Here’s when they are: Grand Forks February 3rd, Bismarck February 24th, and Fargo on April 21st. Section's web site: http:// HF NM KØJIM net reports for Nov: Goose River Net, 4/34/1; WX Net 52/766/6; Data Net 30/604/6.

South Dakota

NEWINGTON, CT (November 15, 2006) -- Just a little over a month after the Federal Communications Commission released the Report and Order (R&O) in the so-called "Omnibus" Amateur Radio proceeding, WT Docket 04-140WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO (FCC 06-149) to the public, a revised version appeared today in the Federal Register. The changes in the R&O will take effect Friday, December 15, at 12:01 AM EST, 30 days after its publication. For more details please check the ARRL® Web Site at nc=1 Black Hills Amateur Radio Club. Eleven members participated in the ARRL Frequency Measuring Test on 15 November. Several receivers and transceivers were set up at the clubhouse. A presentation was given prior to the test covering AM, CW, and SSB modes and how a tuned frequency appears on each receiver’s frequency display. After the class, the test frequency from ARRL was received on 40 meters. The test report will be available by 15 December. Hot Springs ARC member Dewey Angerhofer hosted an open house and tour of his shack on 2 November. All present enjoyed seeing Dewey’s AM transmitters and homebrew amplifiers. Preparation for the Skywarn Recognition Day event at the WX bureau was completed. Results will be included in our December report. It was reported that the State of SD is planning to sign the MOU authored by Greg Hall of Pierre sometime in December. Many hams across SD submitted information pertaining to their local club and ARES activities to Greg for inclusion in the MOU. Jerry Hawley, SD ARES Emergency Coordinator and Scott Rausch, SD Assistant Section Mgr will represent the Black Hills clubs at the signing to be held in Pierre. Anyone interested in attending the signing may contact Jerry to join the car pool / caravan to Pierre. All area hams are advised to start making plans to attend the club’s Annual Auction and Dinner to be held on 17 February 2007. The Western SD Emergency WX Net continues to meet nightly at 8:30pm on the “76/94” repeaters. The Tri-State Emergency WX Net continues to meet nightly at 9:00pm on the “85” repeater. All are welcome to check in, or just listen in as QSTs of area interest are given at the end of each net. The State Link Net meets on Wednesdays at 8:00pm for the purpose of checking out the state-wide linked system. All check-ins are welcome. If you have any news items for the monthly report, please send them to Scott Rausch at serausch at aol dot com, or 605-787-7566. Pierre Amateur Radio Club We are reminded that the winter weather is approaching fast and we need to be prepared to stand by for emergencies. Club reports that we lost two life members last year. Report from technical committee - problem with repeater was Inter Mod was jumbling and wiping out the repeater. Meeting Adjourned 8:55 P.M. Northern Hills Amateur Radio Club President Jerry Hawley, KG0GG, called the meeting to order at 1945. 9 members were present. Committee Reports: Public Service Events: Chuck Palmer, N0UKO will compile a list of events for 2007. Skywarn recognition day will be December 1st and 2nd at the National Weather Service office in Rapid City. Technical Committee: The .76 antenna has been replaced and is working very well. Thanks to the repair crew (N0MHJ, KG0GG, W0PYZ and YL, WA1RJC, K0NLE, KC0WMH, and W0WSP). The state link repeater on Terry Peak needs some battery maintenance. This may be postponed until spring. The .85 repeater is still having an intermittent noise problem. Time and weather permitting, a site visit is planed for December. ARES: The Pennington County communications vehicle is operational (with ham equipment). New Business: The APRS node on Terry Peak is working intermittently. Time and weather permitting, a site visit is planned (5 of 27) [10/18/2007 2:59:13 PM] Section News for November 2006 for December. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2045. Respectfully submitted, Doug Aldrich, W0WSP Secretary

Delta Division


LOUISIANA SECTION NEWSWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO – NOVEMBER 2006 The FCC has just announced that the Morse code examination will be eliminated for all Amateur Radio license classes. The exact date that this new rule will become effective is unknown; the FCC thus far has only issued a public notice and not the actual Report and Order. However, the effective date of an FCC Order is usually 30 days after it is published in the Federal Register, which means that the new rule will probably become effective in late January or early February. Visit the ARRL Web site for the latest news. At the request of the ARRL, the FCC has said that it will designate the 3585 to 3600 kHz frequency segment to permit automatically controlled digital stations, although the date of this change is also unknown at this time. The League requested this action because the automatic control RTTY/data subband at 3620-3635 kHz was eliminated when the FCC expanded the phone/image band to 3600 kHz on December 15. In addition, the FCC issued a correction to its earlier Report and Order in WT Docket 04-140 so that J2D emissions are permitted to have bandwidths greater than 500 Hz. The FCC's recent actions have certainly been disturbing for many hams. However, practically all of us have had opportunities to file our comments with the FCC these pastWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO several years and it is time now to move on. I particularly hope that those of us who enjoy operating CW will continue to set a good example so that many of the new hams will want to learn the code and become proficient in its use in such activities as DXing, contesting, traffic handling, and rag chewing. If we will do our part, CW will likely remain a viable mode for many years to come. The ARRL is requesting financial support of its Spectrum Defense Fund before December 31. Your donation by mail or the Web at is particularly important at this time because the League is suing the FCC over the recent rule change that exempts BPL operators from having to do anything to correct interference to mobile operations other than to notch emissions to a level 20 dB (below 30 MHz) or 10 dB (above 30 MHz) below the absolute limit specified in the Part 15 rules! I strongly support the League's legal action and I hope each one of you will consider contributing to this cause. KN5GRK reports that the Acadiana Amateur Radio Association participated in the American Red Cross exercise on November 18. Stations on HF and VHF were activated in handling numerous messages during the exercise. The following AARA members participated during the event: John KA5BSE, Glenn KD5NVC, Rachel KE5KEZ, Jerry KE5KEG, Murphy KE5KES, Anjanette KE5LBT, Maureena KB5SMX, Larry KE5KJD, Ed WA5TNK, Dags KE5CGN, Carl KD5TCJ, Wayne KE5IXQ, James KE5HGZ, Kathy KE5KFA, Todd KE5KEJ, Waterman KE5LCH, Ken KD5YWB, J.C. WO5G, and Herman KN5GRK. During the ARRL Forum at the Monroe Hamfest/LA State Convention, I had the pleasure of presenting plaques to the following clubs for their outstanding performances in this year's Field Day: Minden ARA (N5RD/KA5KBP, small group category), Shreveport ARA (K5SL/K5SAR, large group category), and Central LA ARC (N8OO, 2F category). League members can access the scores database on the ARRL Web site for a complete report of the 2006 FD results. The LA CW Net (LCW) has now moved its 6:30 PM and 10 PM daily sessions to 3573 kHz. The LA Slow Net (LSN) has also moved its 6:45 PM sessions on Mondays and Thursdays to 3573 kHz. As mentioned in last month's report, ARES leaders in those parishes that participated in the Simulated Emergency Test in October need to submit their local SET reports to K5GLS very soon. Emergency Coordinators should also review the ARES Award Program criteria posted on the LA Section Web site and be ready to submit their 2006 reports by early January. Traffic totals: W5PY 58, K5MC 49, WA5LQZ 38, N5KWB 36, AE5V 26, WA4ERU 2. Public Service Honor Roll: W5PY 163, N5MEL 112, W5HUD 112, N5KWB 111, K5MC 104, KD5ITA 91, AE5V 81, K5ER 73, WA4ERU 57, KB5SDU 50, N5HMH 46, KB5UHH 30. Section net reports: sessions/check-ins/messages handled. Louisiana Traffic Net: 30/436/42. Louisiana CW Net: 54/294/58. Louisiana Slow Net: 9/46/12. Louisiana ARES Net: 4/55/0. Local/district net reports: sessions/check-ins. Avoyelles Parish ARES Net: 2/2. Caddo/Bossier Parish ARES Net: 4/60. Calcasieu Parish ARES Net: 1/8. East Baton Rouge Parish ARES Net: 4/4. Livingston Parish ARES Net: 3/25. Ouachita Parish ARES Net: 4/86. Rapides Parish ARES Net: 6/90. Richland Parish ARES Net: 4/36. St. Mary Parish ARES Net: 4/33. St. Tammany Parish ARES Net: 2/9. Tangipahoa Parish ARES Net: 4/89. Terrebonne Parish ARES Net: 1/5. Union Parish ARES Net: 4/36. Vernon Parish ARES Net: 7/20. Washington Parish ARES Net: 5/60. (6 of 27) [10/18/2007 2:59:13 PM] Section News for November 2006

ARES reports: parish/EC. Allen/KA5NXT, Avoyelles/KD5IGG, Caddo/Bossier/NZ5S, Calcasieu/KC5FGO, Claiborne/KD5JJP, DeSoto/AA5HY, East Baton Rouge/N5ULA, Franklin/N5ASA, Jefferson Davis/K5WNV, Lafourche/N5PZJ, Livingston/W5RR, Morehouse/KB5SAR, Ouachita/K5ER, Plaquemines/AI5B, Rapides/ KD5DFL, Richland/N5MEL, St. Bernard/AI5B, St. Mary/KA5LMZ, St. Tammany/KC5EAK, Tangipahoa/ KD5PKS, Terrebonne/AD5XJ, Union/KA5JNL, Vernon/W5JZQ, Washington/AI5B, Winn/KC5EWJ. 73, Mickey Cox K5MC LA Section Manager Email: [email protected] LA Section Website: Great Lakes DivisionWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Michigan

You have doubtlessly heard that the FCC has released the R&O eliminating Morse code as a requirement for obtaining a General Class or Amateur Extra Class license. The debate is now ended and we must take advantage of this opportunity to advise those who found code to be an impenetrable obstacle to becoming a ham, that they now have no excuse! We can also rest confident that these new hams will find that the skills of CW operating will continue to bind radio amateurs together, not only through tradition, but as a valuable communications asset. As SM, I have the opportunity to visit many clubs and hamfests in the Great Lakes State. Very often I find myself in a discussion about the state of this hobby and growth within our ranks. In those areas where I see high levels of activity, I find one or two constants: 1) A Sparkplug – an individual who has the abilityWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO to organize and follow through with results, and 2) Mentoring by a team of people who are attached at the hip with new licensees and assist them is becoming familiar with every aspect of the hobby. It is true that there are several other factors that can came into play, but these two were the most frequent items that had a significant impact in insuring an active group in any given area. Most of us have seen many clubs wax and wane in energy over the years and no one is going to guarantee that the mentors and sparkplugs will be in place in every club forever. Therefore it becomes important to us all that we strive to mentor every new ham into the hobby and work together to support the “sparkplugs” in our organizations. By doing this, we mentor one another, share the burdens of leadership and reduce the tendency to have our leaders burn out. This message is not just to encourage support for a few leaders, this targets support for everyone. In the following paragraph I have the pleasure of reporting a good number of newly elected club officers. I consider it very important to honor those who accept positions of leadership in all of our organizations. These are the folks who have a very distinct impact upon amateur radio and how we are perceived by prospective hams. They deserve our very direct support and assistance. Radio clubs are in the critical position of being an entry point for most new licensees and as such, the newcomer’s perception of ham operators comes from what they see in us club members. Are we as friendly as we can be? Are we greeting every individual who attends the club’s meetings? Are we offering to assist newcomers with their questions? Are we giving hands-on experience to the newcomers? If you cannot answer yes to all of these, I suggest that you join me in thinking about what we are going to do better at the next meeting. That is you and ME, because I could not answer yes to all four questions. New officers took the helm in several Michigan clubs within the past month. For the Clinton County ARA the following officers were elected: Pres KC8LRM, VP N8TSK, Sec/Treas KB8QZX, and Directors WD8OVL, KC8BFK, WA8RZJ and N8SUA. In the Lowell ARC these officers were elected: Pres WW8WW, VP KC8EGM, Treas KC8YTC Sec AA8JR, Tech Advisor N8UVI and PIO NY8D. Oakland County ARS elected these officers: Pres KC8IJF, Sec KB8POD and Treas K8ZZU. The Michigan Amateur Radio Alliance elected these officers: Pres K8JX, VP KB8VOZ, Sec WD8LGN, and Treas W8MSK. We should also express our thanks to those whose terms are closing. Their tireless efforts are appreciated. Station Activity Reports for November, 2006: N8FPN 269, KC8WSE 212, K8CQF 200, KC8MLD 153, K8LJG 149, K8AE 110, K8AMR 68, AB8WF 50, KD8BGQ 49, W8RNQ 44, N8XX 42, WB8RCR 39, WD8USA 33, K8YB 26, KC8BYI 24, KC8YVF 17, K8ZJU 14, WA8OOH 10, KC8BDQ 8, N8UN 5, AB8CB 4, KD8BMV 2, KC8ZGB 2, WD8RIK 2. Public Service Honor Roll reports for November, 2006: KD8BGQ 155, N8FPN 110, WB8RCR 109, K8AE 105, K8CQF 93, K8AMR 90, K8ZJU 77, KC8BDQ 53, KC8YVF 52, KC8BYI 49, WD8RIK 22. November Official Emergency Station reports came in from K8COP, KC8ULE, and N8HA. PSHRs and SARs should be filed monthly with WB8RCR and your OES reports with WA8EFK. And from Judy and me, the very best wishes for this season. Dale WA8EFK (7 of 27) [10/18/2007 2:59:13 PM] Section News for November 2006

Hudson Division

Northern New Jersey

SM Bill Hudzik-W2UDT, ASM-N2WZB, STM-WB2FTX, ACC-N3RB, SEC-K2SO, OOC-K2ZD, PIC-W2WJO, TC-NR2H NNJ Webpage: MONTHLY ARES NET: Second Monday of each month (8PM) on the Morris County OEM Repeater: WS2Q 146.895 MHz (PL 151.4) minus 600Hz. Last month I reported on the proposed FCC expandedWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO bands plan changes. Well, the FCC did itself one item better by publishing its long awaited response to Morse code requirements in a Report and Order contained in Docket 05-235. It eliminates all Morse code requirements for U. S. licensees. Please check the ARRL web page for updates and clarifications as no date has been set yet for when the changes become effective. Also on the ARRL web page is an updated band plan sheet reflecting the changes that became effective December 15, 2006. It can be found by clicking Services and then Regulations/ Information. The other news we have all been waiting for is results of the 2006 Field Day weekend. This is, what many consider, the premier amateur radio public awareness event of each year. The NNJ section, once again, turned out a number of very respectable scores by making use of public service points, alternate energy sources, and GOTA stations which give newcomers a chance to experience. A few clubs have been presenting each GOTA operator a certificate confirming the contact which adds a very nice finish to the contact. Here is short summary of the various standings: in the 1A category K2USA and W2YD made nice showings; while in the very competitive 2A group the Sussex County ARA placed 6thWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO followed by N2XJ, K2YNT, K2ZV, W2CRA and K3GDX. We also had a number of stations operating from home taking part in the commercial and emergency power categories. Also, N2MH turned in the only mobile score from NNJ. The “F” grouping has continued to grow and become more popular each year as many served agencies and EOCs offer space to amateur radio affiliated groups. That aspect held true in NNJ where several “F” groups operated from either EOC offices or Red Cross Chapters. In 1F, WK2I, operating from the Summit Area Red Cross Chapter placed #3 in the country and missing 1st Place by 500 points! The W2EN group operating from the Somerset County EOC placed first in the nation in the 2F category. But, most important, thanks to all those who participated by making contacts to show their neighbors and friends what amateur radio is all about. As mentioned on several occasions I appreciate receiving club newsletters as they are a source of local information and an insight into what activities are keeping the membership involved. In that respect, the latest Metroplex ARC newsletter had a nice article about getting your antennas ready for the winter and the Raritan Bay Radio Amateurs newsletter featured another article about going mobile rover for contests with some nice info about software links. Links to a number of NNJ clubs can be found on the NNJ website listed at the top of the column. In regards to the Section webpage our thanks to George Sabbi, KC2GLG for spending a lot of time updating the necessary links to get the Division and section webpages back on line after a change of server locations. George also is the NNJ ARES SKYWARN DEC and active in that respect. The W2UDT family would like to extend its best wishes for the Holiday Season to everyone. And, to paraphrase an old Hallicrafters ad, “Man’s desire to communicate still offers the best hope for peace on earth and goodwill to all mankind”. 73, Bill Hudzik, W2UDT SECTION TRAFFIC Nov-06 NNJ PUBLIC SERVICE HONOR ROLL ORG RCVD SENT DLVD TOTAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL N1JX 0 143 160 5 308 40 40 10 90 KC2PFV 0 38 31 16 85 40 40 80 N2GJ 0 22 13 13 48 40 40 30 10 10 130 WB2KNS 0 19 20 6 45 40 45 10 90 185 N3RB 1 1 12 11 25 40 25 20 85 W2CC 0 18 0 0 18 40 18 30 88 TOTAL 529 NET MGR. SESS. QNI QTC QSP STN LIAISONS NJMORNING(NJM) N2GJ 12 94 26 26 14 2RN NJ PHONE(NJPN) W2CC 34 207 59 56 24 2RN NJ SLOW(NJSN) K2PB 30 161 12 12 16 2RN NJ NET(NJN/E) AG2R 30 283 35 35 18 2RN NJ NET(NJN/L) AG2R 30 159 8 7 14 2RN CENJER(CJTN) KB2VRO 30 303 38 31 36 NJSN,2RN,PACKET NJ VHF(NJVN/E) N2RPI 30 470 77 64 57 NJN,NJPN NJ VHF(NJVN/L) N2OPJ 30 329 36 35 31 NJN,NJPN UCTN KY2MMM 30 345 29 26 NJVN,CJTN,NJPN

Midwest Division


Kansas Section News Summary- November 2006 SM, Ron Cowan, KB0DTI-- SEC/OOC: Robert Summers, K0BXF ASM: Orlan Cook,W0OYH ASM-Youth: Emily Stewart, KC0PTL SGL: Steve Hamilton, KB0JYL PIC: (8 of 27) [10/18/2007 2:59:13 PM] Section News for November 2006

Larry Staples, W0AIB ______KCØFYU - James Wooldridge Sr., Parsons became a Silent Key ______Topeka area hams held a chili cook off. The Wild On Wednesdays Net conducted the contest and sold more than 5 dozen bowls of contest quality chili for Kaw Valley. Salina hams worked with Kansas Wesleyan University on a ballon launch The area hams provided some equipment and expertise for the project. Valley Center Hamfest will be held October 6 in 2007. Jim- K0RH is the Chairman and contact person. Johnson Counties Feed Back Newsletter is running a series of Biographies of club members ham lives. Propagation on 75 has not improved. The 5:45 SSB net time has allowed more opportunity for moving traffic but that’s only about 80 % of the time. The 8AM weekend Phone NetsWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO appear to be late enough in the morning so that propagation is good. With the new CW plan for 80 meters hung on us by the FCC the QKS and Slow Nets have moved to 3547 KHz. If the Slow Net is hammered there I’ll move it up band to a more friendly neighborhood. Remember that the KAØKCI 50 Meg and Up Contest runs thru November 2007. It’s a cumulative contest. Contact Dave Powers for the details. ______SEC report October activity for Nov report: Hub-Bub,Hog-Wash, Old wives tale, What-ever!!!!! Participation?? Why should I ?? Did you ever slow down enough to think about the hobby of amateur radio that you have become a part of ????? Yep, it is a hobby that you can put a little bit of time into, or you might get a bit more involved in some of the things going on and the next thing you know, you find that you are a very important part of the community that you live in. One person can't make a difference you say ??? Well think of it this way, YOU could double the amount of activity within your area, perhaps even giving the community the satisfaction of knowing that one of their neighbors might be the person that could be a major part in saving their life and or a member of their family one of theseWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO days. Communication is one of our common short-comings in almost any endeavor we come upon in our daily lives. (Read Bob’s full message on the KSN web page.) October activity: December SEC report: 14 Zone EC reporting 128 net sessions, 1210 QNI and 96 QTC. RACES QNI 17 QTC 0, counties represented are Scott, Linn, Shawnee, Brown, Atchison, Johnson, Riley, Marshall, Montgomery, Neosho, Leavenworth, Wyandotte, Sedgwick, Thomas and Phillips. QCWA net: 4 sessions 34 QNI 0 QTC. KS Army MARS reports 692 on air man hours and 895 messages originated. Next month let us all originate a message to KB0DTI, giving the participation effort you made during the past month, what ever it was. YOU DO MAKE THE DIFFERENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bob K0BXF ARRL SEC KS ______Newsletters received: Feed Back, Trojan ARC Harmonic, QRZ, QNU H.A.R.C. Transceiver(Kaw Valley) October Sessions/QNI/QTC/Mgr: KSBN/31/1047/55 N0KFS KPN/24/267/19/N0KFS KMWN/31/604/574/WB0YWZ KWN/31/944/603/ WB0YWZ CSTN/26/1667/59/ N0BFB QKS 52/207/26/ NB0Z QKS SS 5/12/0 KB0DTI Traffic: W0WWR 186 KC0HHO 86 NB0Z 38 N0ZIZ 17 W0OYH 17 N0ENO 10 KB0DTI 6 Please note that I have a new e-mail: [email protected] Home phone number is now 913-757-3758. 73, Ron To receive or contribute to Orlan's Kansas Amateur Radio News E-mail News Letter contact Orlan-W0OYH-Editor at [email protected] See KSN on ARRL and more Kansas news:


DECEMBER 2006 MISSOURI SECTION NEWS Dale Bagley, KØKY MO SM I want to extend a Merry Christmas and Season’s Greetings to everyone. I hope that the 2007 brings you good health and great success in all areas of your lives. I encourage all ARRL members to be active as they can in the ARES program and in supporting the ARRL in the protection of the Amateur Radio Spectrum. I also want to ask for your help in getting more Amateur Radio operators signed up as ARRL members. The ARRL represents its membership through efforts to promote the interest of Amateur Radio with the FCC and Congress. This is in addition to all of the other important efforts that the ARRL makes to promote the fun and volunteer spirit of Amateur Radio. Individually we can accomplish very little, but when we all work together we can accomplish great things. The ARRL needs your input, suggestions, and support if it is to be successful in serving the interest of the Amateur Radio community. JANUARY HAMFEST The January 20, 2007 Northwest Missouri Winter Hamfest is sponsored by the Missouri Valley ARC and the Ray-Clay ARC. The Hamfest will be held at the St. Joseph, MO Ramada located just west of the I-29 exit #47. Exhibitors and those planning to attend the Hamfest need to contact Roy Burnett, KAØSIU by phone 660-446-3589 or 816-387-3758 or E-mail [email protected] . You can also contact Roy by mail at NW MO Winter Hamfest P.O. Box 1533 St. Joseph, MO 64502. The NW MO Hamfest is always a fun experience, so load up some friends and head to St. Joe. The Winterfest 2007 at (9 of 27) [10/18/2007 2:59:13 PM] Section News for November 2006 the Gateway Convention Center in Collinsville, IL is sponsored by the St. Louis & Suburban Radio Club Inc. This is the largest Hamfest in the Midwest area. Talk in 146.94 – and 146.97 (w/141.3 tone) repeaters. Tickets are $6.00 in advance and $7.00 at the door. Vendor tables go for $22.00/table with an additional $25.00 charge for electricity. For more information e-mail Jim Glasscock, WØFF, at wØ[email protected] or phone him at (636) 584-8888. You can also contact Bill Coby, KBØMWG at (314) 504-1104. Winterfest 2007 will be a great Hamfest and no Amateur Radio operator who lives in the area can really afford to miss this event. AFFILIATED CLUB NEWS KEITH HAYE, WEØG, ACC The St. Charles ARC’s “Garble” reports that their License Course is going great. Rick Crockett, WØPC, Training Guru, said “I’ve never seen so much excitement about getting WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.ROa Ham license as I’m seeing right now from about fifteen kids and five adults.” They’re all part of the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) and really want to polish their “Fox Hunting” skills. SCARC Repeater Trustee Ed Karl KØKL reported that Jim Richardson, N5MU, is currently working on the new 146.67 repeater voter installation and that the Hawk Point Repeater Link is now up and running. The Callaway Amateur Radio League newsletter the SPARK GAP reported that Thomas Vaccaro, AAØPO, will teach a code class via the CARL repeater starting some time in January. Tom did this last year and one of the CARL members passed the 5 wpm code test and now has a General ticket. If you have a Tech license you should take advantage of this chance to learn so you can up grade. The Heart of Missouri ARC participates in several public service events each year. One of these is the March of Dimes, Bikers For Babies Event. Bikers for Babies is partnering with Wide Open magazine to present the Wide Open Magazine Bike Show on January 6-7, 2007. A portion of each ticket sold will be donated to March of Dimes, Bikers For Babies. The Central MO Radio Association reported that they were going to have to change the date of the CMRA Hamfest in 2007 due to a conflict with the Ashland Rodeo.WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO The actual date will be announced at a later date. The CMRA sponsored MO Worked All Counties program has already received their first application. The Heart of America Radio Club has sent their contribution to the ARRL Defense of Frequencies Fund and they have contacted the Fort Osage High School Ham Club about donating some of the HARC Library books to their Club. The Sponsor planned to picking up some of the books at the Southside Hamfest in Grandview. The members of the Bootheel Amateur Radio Club will be having their annual Christmas dinner on December 14th at Shorty’s Restaurant south of Holcomb. The BARC recently held a testing session with one new Ham and one upgrade. SECTION ARES REPORT FOR OCTOBER 2006 DON MOORE, KMØR SEC District E in the Bootheel region of the Missouri ARES system has a new District Emergency Coordinator. Larry Ford, NØRIC of Senath, MO has taken on the responsibility of the DEC in addition to his job as the EC of Dunklin County. Total # of ARES members: 775 Number of drills, tests and training sessions this month: 109 Man hours: 949 Number of public service events this month: 1 Man hours: 28 Number of emergency operations this month: 3 Man hours: 61 Total number of ARES operations this month: 113 Total Man hours: 1038 Comments: 6 of 9 districts To view this and other Monthly Section ARES reports go to SECTION TRAFFIC REPORTS FOR OCTOBER 2006 DALE HUFFINGTON, AEØS, MON – CW Sessions 51 QNI 104 QTC 32 NM K9ZTV MO Phone Sessions 30 QNI 778 QTC 60 NM NYØT MESN Sessions 5 QNI 154 QTC 1 NM AEØS Audrain AARC Sessions 4 QNI 52 QTC 0 NM KBØKWC Boone Co Sessions 5 QNI 89 QTC 1 NM WMØH Howell Co Sessions 6 QNI 55 QTC 0 NM KØRWL Jackson Co ARESR Sessions 4 QNI 77 QTC 0 NM KØUAA Macon Co Sessions 4 QNI 32 QTC 0 NM KØKY CSRS Wellsville Sessions 4 QNI 30 QTC 3 NM KCØULK Rolla RRARS Sessions 5 QNI 33 QTC 9 NM KB9ZBO St. Louis Co Sessions 7 QNI 117 QTC 11 NM KBØH WAARCI Sessions 4 QNI 79 QTC 0 NM WBØTOM 10th Reg Sessions 60 QTC 124 MO 80% with K9ZTV, WØRTO NDØN, WØSJS, NM WØSS

New England Division


My warmest wishes to each of you and your families for a wonderful holiday season and safe and happy New Year. Thank you for your support and for all you do to enhance our service. We will be meeting the New year with many changes. Indeed, Amateur radio is receiving a lot of thought and attention and there are all sorts of changes and reactions. Reflectors are active with talk about these changes: operating privileges, the elimination by FCC of the code requirement, and Red Cross background checks to name a few. So this month, I will shorten this column and give you my position endorsed by the Section cabinet about how I think together we ought to proceed on some issues. There’s lots more news on the ARRL Web Site CT Page so please go to (10 of 27) [10/18/2007 2:59:13 PM] Section News for November 2006 . Thank you. The following statement is adapted from one written by George Lillenstein, AB1GL, president of NARL. He has written what I think is a wonderful statement of policy for his club which I know he will be posting shortly. I liked it so well that with his permission, I have adapted it to fit Section needs. I hope you will all use it as a framework for discussion and move forward to implement the suggestions here. CT SECTION STATEMENT OF PHILOSOPHY Although the FCC has eliminated code tests, I encourage all operators to learn and use Morse Code regularly, even though it is no longer a prerequisite for licensing, for the vital reasons stated below. BACKGROUNDThe FCC has at long last announced the elimination of the requirement to pass the element one Morse Code exam. This will go into effect when it is published in the FederalWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Register. As this goes to press no one knows what the exact date will be. Operators holding Technician licenses will automatically be entitled to the same privileges as the former "Technician Plus" licensees. This includes the 10-meter SSB window from 28,300 to 28,500 MHz, and CW windows in the 10, 15, 40 and 80-meter bands. Those taking General and Extra exams no longer need to hold an Element One (Morse Code) certificate. While the Code is no longer required to obtain a ham license, the band plan still limits Technicians to transmitting only Morse Code on their newly allowed HF openings on 15, 40 and 80. WHAT YOU CAN DO Our collective mission is to create a pool of skilled radio operators. I consider "skill" to include many areas not included in the FCC exams. I encourage all hams to take the ARRL emergency communications courses. I encourage hams to participate in traffic nets, to use digital modes, to practice building home-brew antennas and to participate in other technical projects such as the new 1750Hz tone alerting unit for emergency notification described at And I encourage all operators to learn and use Morse Code regularly, even though it is no longer a prerequisite for licensure. Morse Code is stillWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO the best way to get a signal through in adverse conditions. It can be sent using minimal equipment. It can be received and interpreted directly by the human ear, with no electronic or computer decoding required. It is useful in many other situations besides radio. If you are hospitalized with a stroke and can't speak, are trapped under rubble, or trying to signal a search plane with a mirror -- Morse Code is your best bet. Morse Code is useful for the handicapped. And learning Morse Code is a character-builder. It is a challenge nearly everyone can overcome, and feel good about. I encourage those who teach to plan to continue teaching Morse Code and encourage all to use it. I encourage you to implement a beginner's code net on the air, and discuss code operating techniques at your meetings and classes along with the other modes. The code is not going away -- it's just not required for the license any more. Betsey Doane, K1EIC, Section Manager **************** Next month, I will talk about this Sections goals in the New Year and show you the statement that clarifies CLIDE's position on the use of various digital modes. In the meantime, check out

Eastern Massachusetts

Hello to all: As most of you know, this will be my last monthly communication with you. Arthur, K1GBX, begins his term as SM on 1 January 2007. Our website continues to be terrific source of news and event planning, and we anticipate no change to this service after I leave office. However, one event and one announcement will be discussed in this Memo. The ARRL will be concluding their year long international “Hello” campaign with a 100 year commemoration celebration of the Reginald Fessenden “wireless” broadcasts in December 1906, here in eastern MA. Steve Barreres, K2CX writes: “The Peconic Amateur Radio Club is sponsoring one of the Special Event stations: W1F will be operated from the same location (Brant Rock, MA) that Reginald Fessenden made his Christmas and New Year's Eve voice broadcasts in 1906--the 100th anniversary of a great radio event. ICOM, Stepp IR as well as Heil Audio have graciously donated loaner facilities for this event. Additionally, there is a good chance that "Good Morning America" will do a live segment from our station the morning of December 29. It would be nice if you could notify the membership of your club of the festivities, many might like to contact us. As in any event this large, there will be plenty of work to do. Anyone who is interested in assisting/setting-up and/or operating W1F, please contact Steve at k2cx@arrl. net .” ======The FCC announced last week that it is close to removing the code requirement in HF operations for qualified licensees. Details can be found at This has been a contentious issue for amateur operators both in our section and nationwide, replete with strong feelings on both sides of the issue. My feeling is that our hobby will continue to thrive technically as it has for the past 80 + years, as when we went from spark gap to CW, added phone to CW operations, then included SSB to our HF phone operations, opened up FM, and our latest technical additions through Winlink, Echolink, and IRLP, (11 of 27) [10/18/2007 2:59:13 PM] Section News for November 2006 to name a few. However, I believe our greatest challenge remains the recruitment of new licensees, especially young ones. The unwritten rule with the FCC is that our bands exist on a “use it or lose it” basis, so the present attrition of our numbers is our greatest danger and should be of concern to all of us. Thank you again for the opportunity to serve for the past six years. I will remain active with MEMA, RACES, and ARES into the foreseeable future. Please accept my sincere wishes for a joyous holiday season, and a happy new year. Remember our brave troops in your holiday prayers and thanksgiving. Above all, please drive safely! de W1MPN


Greetings fellow Rhode Islanders: We're all very busy right about now taking care of family business in preparation for observance of Christmas or Chanukah. Taking care of our three grandchildren, all below the age of ten, have certainly kept us hopping. Therefore, in the interest of getting on with what is important at this time of year, I'll try to make this month's activity report short and to the point. In January, I will start my seventh year as your Section Manager and want to thank you all for your support. I have learned quite a bit serving you and hope I have helped. Our RI ARES organization continues to grow. We have added two new leadership position appointments to our team. Rick Andreano, K3OQH has accepted the newly created position of Assistant SEC. This is not an officially designated ARRL appointment; however the task is quite real and shall be recognized accordingly. Rick will be assisting SEC KE1AB in many different ways in addition to serving as EC to one of RI's mostWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO active Emergency Management groups in Warwick. John Zabriskie, W1JPZ will take on the role of RI ARES Training Director. Again, this is not an official ARRL appointment but a real job and a very challenging one at that. John will also report to our RI SEC, Sean Brennan KE1AB. Congratulations Rick and John and thank you very much for contributing your support to the ARES program. Sean and I appreciate your service and will try to make your tasks rewarding. I know our ARES members will appreciate your work as well. The new "Omnibus" bill with its many different provisions is set to take effect on Friday, December 15th. You may read the details of the bill on the ARRL website, or in January QST, page 72. The most dramatic and probably the item that has stirred the most comments from members has been the huge expansion of the 75 meter phone band, all the way down to 3.600 MHz. This 150 kHz drop of the lower band edge for Extra class holders caught everyone by surprise, causing some unwanted problems, eliminating J2D emissions as well as the automatic control sub band. Most folks hoped for some expansion below 3.750 MHz, but no one thought the change would be this ambitious. The ARRL has petitioned the FCC to consider moving the lower edge to 3.635 MHz in order to allow reconsideration of the border between narrowband and wideband segments of the 80 meter band so that it would better serve all digital and phone users. Details of this petition may be read at on the ARRL web page. With the effective date and time upon us and no action taken on this petition however, it is unclear to me what will happen. Stay tuned everyone. This month, I came across three different Amateurs who no longer lived any longer where their licenses stated. In one case, the fellow hadn't lived there in years. The FCC rules mandate that our license shall state where our transmitter shall be in use. In this month's report, I must emphasize how important it is that we all abide by the FCC's Part 97 rules. These aren't recommended guidelines for us to follow. They are the law and we must follow all of the rules contained in it. I fear that because many of our current hams have graduated to our ranks from the CB world where respect for the FCC's rules died decades ago, some may have brought this more relaxed view of the law along with them. Let me be very clear, an infraction of any Part 97 rule by anyone is a poor reflection upon all of us. FCC's Riley Hollingsworth has stated many times that he relies upon Amateurs to be largely self regulating and self policing. The FCC doesn't have sufficient staff to monitor our bands and check for violations. Our volunteer Official Observers in RI and throughout the country will advise you of infractions to help keep you out of the FCC's clutches and we are very grateful to these often unrecognized volunteers. But, in general, Mr. Hollingsworth expects us to follow our rules on our own. We can do better. Being sure that the address on your license is current is the least we can expect. Ignoring that requirement is apparently wide spread and in my judgment, unforgivable. Making an address change to your license is free and may be easily done on line in seconds. If you don't know how to do it, contact me and I'll help you. There's no valid excuse for ignoring it. It's the law and must be obeyed. Read Part 97.23, Sub Part A: Each license grant must show the grantee's correct name and mailing address. The mailing address must be in an area where the amateur service is regulated by the FCC and where the grantee can receive mail delivery by the United States Postal (12 of 27) [10/18/2007 2:59:13 PM] Section News for November 2006

Service. Revocation of the station license or suspension of the operator license may result when correspondence from the FCC is returned as undeliverable because the grantee failed to provide the correct mailing address. Did you read that? They can take away your ticket if they find that your address is incorrect. Serious stuff! While I'm ranting about not following our rules, I may as well make more friends by saying how few Amateurs I hear identify any longer. It isn't an option like keeping a log. Part 97 says plainly that we must identify our transmissions. Specifically, identification is detailed in Part 97.119. You may go to and look down the index on the left side of the page to 97.119 and click on it. It says that we all must identify our station each ten minutes and at the end of each communication. Lately,WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO I've overheard many repeater users as well as simplex stations say nothing at the end of their communication other than 73 or good bye to their friends. Some just leave without commenting at all. We must identify ourselves in accordance with Part 97.119. I really don't wish to be a grinch for Christmas and I apologize for dwelling on regulations. But, it's important and I felt I had to say something. Don't forget to check into the RI ARES net on two meters. We meet at 2000 or 8PM local time on the 1st and 3rd Monday evenings of the month, using the 146.70 MHz K1CR repeater in Cranston. Stations from Newport and Westerly up to Woonsocket regularly check into the net, so everyone in RI should be able to make it OK. Early into the New Year, I will publish the updated list of DXers in RI who are members of DXCC or who are apparently qualified to be, if they decide to submit for membership. In all data available on the DXCC web page, there is no listing given of DXCC members sorted by section, so I decided to put a list together. It will be published on the RI website, and be sent to all who have registered to receive e mail bulletins. On behalf of the ARRL section team in RI, I wish to sincerely wish you a very Merry Christmas or Happy ChanukahWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO as well as a very Happy New Year. 73, Bob W1YRC

Northwestern Division


November's been an interesting month for many amateurs. We had the annual Sweepstakes contest that attracts many ops. Always a good time. Fred Cady, KE7X was out on Dxpedition and apparently did very well, lots of contacts. The annual Skywarn contest, run from Weather Service offices here in Montana was a success. Thanks to all who put up antenns and braved the cold to participate and also to the Weather Service personell who made it all possible. For those who might have missed the bulletins, the FCC " Report and Order" that sets new sub-bands for 75 and 40 meters will take effect at 1201 EST on 15 Dec. Look for phone users down to 3600 khz (Extras), Advanced ops down to 3700 khz and Generals down to 3800 khz. Our NTS net freqs have been taken for phone users, moving IMN down to 3578.5 khz, same time. I hope everyone here in MT has a great Holiday Season and enjoys the company of family and friends. Season's greetings from our bunch to yours. IMN-W5UYH, QNI-490, QTC-96 MTN-KD7HWV, QNI-2345, QTC-33 MSN- K7YD, AE7V, K7LMT, K7MT-88 73 all Doug, K7YD


At close of business on Friday, the FCC unexpectedly posted a public notice regarding the elimination of the Morse code requirement for all license classes. They did not release the report and order so we are waiting to find what the effective date will be. Watch the ARRL website and the Oregon Section Website at http:// for the latest information. Due to the 80-meter band plan changes that were effective December 15, 2006, the Oregon ARES Pactor frequencies are changing. Until further notice the Pactor frequencies for OEM and ARES statewide on the 80-meter band are 3588, 3591, 3594, and 3597. These are LSB (lower side band) dial frequencies. The 40-meter frequencies remain unchanged. Actual frequencies may vary slightly from these because of your TNC settings or your particular radio. For more information, contact Vince K7VV, the OEM EC (emergency coordinator). Effective January 1, 2007, Rick Iverson will be stepping down as District 4 DEC due to his school and work schedule. He will be moving back into the Lane County EC position. Bruce Bjerke K7BHB, who is currently the ARESMat DEC and previously was the District 4 DEC, will be taking that position on again. Thanks to Rick for all his hard work in this position. For those in Northwest Oregon, Santa Claus with his helpers will be operating their annual net on the 146.84 MHz (13 of 27) [10/18/2007 2:59:13 PM] Section News for November 2006

W7LT Repeater next Saturday, December 23rd, from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM PST. This is the time for youngsters with licenses to talk to Santa. It is also an opportunity for your not yet licensed children or grandchildren to talk to Santa with you as control operator. Operators will be at hospitals in the area to allow hospitalized children to talk to Santa as well. Station Activity Reports for November 2006: W7IZ 171, N7CM 138, N7YSS 103, W7IG 96, K7PMB 55, KD7ZLF 54, W7VSE 48, KC7SRL 45, K7EAJ 36, WS7L 21, KC7SGM 18, N7APE 9 Public Service Honor Roll for November 2006: K7EAJ 166, N7CM 160, N7HAE 145, KD7ZLF 130, W7IG 125, KL7OR 110, N7YSS 110, KD7THV 95, W7VSE 84, KK7TN 83 For the complete report from Scott Gray W7IZ, visit the Oregon Section website at Scott is inviting reports from all amateur radio operators. ARRL membershipWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO is not required to report and have your activity recognized. He will also accept net report from any net that handles NTS traffic. Your net does not have to be an NTS affiliated net to report. There will be three primary special centennial event stations operating from 2000 GMT on Dec 29 to 2000 GMT on Dec 30 and hundreds of other ham radio stations around the world. The centennial event is celebrating the first voice radio broadcast in 1906 by Reginald Fessenden. For more information on this special event, visit the ARRL website and look at page 47 in the December QST. OO Reports: Two OO’s report 52.5 hours monitoring during November. According to Bill W7GHT, the Idaho Montana Net (IMN), which is a Northwest CW regional net is causing QRM (interference) to a longtime Ohio net on their normal frequency and the Ohio net is causing QRM to IMN. Effective Sunday, Nov 26 (Local) they changed to 35788.5 KHz. That's up one and a half. The net managers of Oregon Section Net have agreed to a "Wait and See" policy regarding any change to Oregon Section Net time or frequency. They meet at the following times: Oregon Section Net #1 meets daily 0230Z 3587. Net Manager WS7L. Oregon Section Net #2 meets daily 0600Z 3587. Net Manager KC7SRL.WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO They meet one hour earlier in the summer to keep the same local time. There is a Matrix that W2RU and W0UCE are making up for all of the new net frequencies for 80-meter CW nets. It is located at If your ARES group was activated or on standby for the storms, please submit an activity report right away for it instead of waiting until the end of the month. If you have any pictures of your activation, please submit those as well. It sounds like the storms were more severe in the state of Washington than they were in Oregon. In Yamhill County we were asked to standby and had a net operational with the EC and another member at the EOC, which was activated. I went to the McMinnville Amateur Radio Club (MARC) Christmas party that night and there was so much flooding on my road that I was afraid I’d have to go around the other way to come back in when I got home. However when it stopped raining, the flooding disappeared quickly. We lost power in the middle of the party and on the way home I learned that the standby net was activated. I was without power for 11 hours and my Internet access was intermittent most of the time until today. Some parts of Yamhill County are still without power on Sunday. I am receiving too many ARES reports to include all of them in the Section News so I will send a separate email to section with those reports soon. 73, Bonnie AB7ZQ

Pacific Division

East Bay

Seasons greetings! I would like to thank all of you that have volunteered so many hours of community service as amateur radio operators. Also thanks to my staff: Assistant Section Managers Jim Latham, KE6QJV; Bob Hewitt, K6HEW; Steven D Wilson, KA6S. Public Information Coordinator: Jack E Burris Jr, K6JEB; Section Emergency Coordinator: David E Harnish, AD6ME; Section Traffic Manager, Joe Lee, W6DOB; Technical Coordinator, Kristen A McIntyre, K6WX Their insight and expertise make my job a whole lot easier. Lastly Thanks to all the officers and members of the Affiliated Clubs and the programs they provide. Plans are underway for a East Bay Section Ham Radio Expo. The plans call for a 1 day event in late May early June On the drawing board are test equipment mentoring, antenna shootouts, examples of different antennas types etc. Of course, no expo would be complete without a bbq Also coming up at a club near you A petition asking our governor to declare the week of June 17-23, 2007 Amateur Radio Week. When it is passed around please take a moment to sign it. This petition will be circulated in both the pacific and southwest division clubs in .. 73

Nevada (14 of 27) [10/18/2007 2:59:13 PM] Section News for November 2006

See the Nevada Section website at for the complete, unedited stories. December 12, 2006 - ARES Monthly Report for November'06 SEC Summary - This month, SM Dick Flanagan, K7VC and SEC Don Carlson, KQ6FM visited the Clark County ARES/RACES meeting. It is clear that this is a well organized and highly functional group, headed by DEC Glenn Hale, KB7REO and EC Charlie Kuntz, . We had a great time and it was good seeing our southern friends and spending some time with them. We will be making more trips down during 2007. While there, ASM Gary Hartman, KK7LV stepped up and took on the additional roll as Public Information Officer for the county. Thanks Gary, you will be a great addition to our PIO team! Planning also continues for SkywarnWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Recognition Day on the first weekend in December. Results will be forthcoming next month following the event. Planning also continues for EMCOMMWEST 2007. Our keynote speaker from ARRL has been retained. It will be Public Information Coordinator and PR Guru, Allen Pitts, KA7AGP. He will bring to us a wealth of knowledge, as Allen is the one responsible for putting together the HELLO campaign and the Swiss Army Knife tool for PIO use. He has done a great job, and tells us that new and updated versions of these tools will be coming next year. We will probably get a preview of coming attractions. With December now upon us, I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a most happy holiday season! Submitted by Don Carlson, KQ6FM Nevada Section Emergency Coordinator. SOUTHERN DISTRICT REPORT:South Nye County ARES EC Jerry KC6ILH - The public service event was passing out meals for Thanksgiving to the elderly and indigent. Nothing else note worthy other than a small amount of training at our meeting. Getting ready for the rain that seems to just be going around us. Not even any Skywarn events to report. Slow month and hope all had a good Holiday. So. District Report by DEC, Glenn KB7REO - Pretty quite month. Southern NV ARES/ RACES had a meetingWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO on November 25th and NV Section Manager Dick K7VC and SEC Don KQ6FM attended the meeting. They presented the latest FCC changes to the amateur radio band plan, discussed updating the NV Section Emergency Communications Plan and a proposal to have an EC leadership net on IRLP. Jerry KC6ILH from Pahrump was also in attendance. Planning for SKYWARN recognition day was underway for most of the month. Jeff KC7PK, SKYWARN Coordinator and myself worked on the planning for SRD 2006 to be held at the Las Vegas NWS conference room. NORTHEAST DISTRICT REPORT:Joe Giraudo, N7JEH DEC. Several Elko Amateur Radio Club members spent the weekend of Nov. 25 setting up an antenna farm at the Elko NOAA office in preparation for Skywarn Recognition day. The Elko Amateur Radio Club generator / portable tower was mobilized with an A4S beam for operation on 10,15 and 20 meters. A butternut vertical and a Collins Skeleton Cone, (double G5RV) antenna were also erected for multiple-band HF operation. A final update on this event will be made in the December DEC Report. There are 2 new sheriffs in the Northeast District, so exploratory liaison activities will commence for Elko and Eureka Counties. Communication MOU's between agencies such as the Red Cross, NOAA, and the Sheriff's Offices will be flying following the first of the year. The Saturday HF Section ARES Net continues with strong participation and good propagation Statewide. I would encourage EC's to check into this net for coordination of activities if possible. Additionally, we need more NCS members to check into this net for cross-coordination of activities, should the need arise. Please talk up this net on your local VHF/UHF nets. NORTHWEST DISTRICT REPORT: Glenn Thomas, WB6W, Douglas County ARES EC - The training program continues here in Douglas and Carson City counties. The DCART net training topic has been the content of the ICS-100 course. The course is scheduled to end in early February '07. The DCART meeting did an exercise on accuracy in passing formal traffic via 'phone. The point was made that it's not as easy to do it accurately. For example, one of the test messages contained the word COLLAR", which was copied by most as "CALLER". By request, weekly traffic handling exercises will be conducted on the DCART net, starting December 11 with a description of the ICS-213 message format and continuing with test messages in ICS-213 format on December 18 and subsequent nets. There will be no DCART meeting in December. Also, the DCART nets for Dec25 and Jan1 are canceled because of the holidays, though DCART members are encouraged to show up anyway to wish each other seasons greetings. Harry Bryant, KC7HVM, Lyon County ARES EC - One of the quietest months for us. A welcome respite. Doug Abramson, KA7FOO, Northwest District EC - Well, Harry said it all! Nice to have a quiet month for ARES duties and call- outs.` However, the winter has not hit yet! Weather wise, it has been quiet as well. Hopefully, the snows will come as there is currently very little snow pack in the mountains. December 7, 2006 - Minutes of ARRL Pacific Division Directors Meeting - Bob Vallio W6RGG, Pacific Division Director for the ARRL held a meeting in Livermore CA with representatives from affiliated clubs, division and section staff. Some folks submitted questions and proposals to be discussed. Many of these came from Nevada! See the meeting minutes on the NV section website (a 34KB PDF file) for details. All of the suggestions will be (15 of 27) [10/18/2007 2:59:13 PM] Section News for November 2006 put forward to the ARRL BOD by Bob for consideration. Thanks to the affiliated clubs in the state who submitted comments. It was an honor representing you. Next year, a similar meeting is planned. One of the goals of the meeting is to allow representatives from clubs throughout the section to meet and informally discuss issues. Hopefully there will be more representatives from Nevada than just the two (WB6W and KF6MBH) who went this year. December 2, 2006 - 2006 SKYWARN Recognition Day - SKYWARN Recognition Day celebrates the contributions that volunteer SKYWARN radio operators make to the National Weather Service. During the day SKYWARN operators visit NWS offices and contact other radio operators across the world. All three NWS offices in Nevada have active plans to participate. Please contact your local ARES DEC if you'd like to participate. NovemberWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO 16, 2006 - SIERA hears about roadside weather stations - SIERA heard from NDOT District Director Thor Dyson about the Road Weather Information System (RWIS). Road Weather Information System is a unique system consisting of several meteorological stations strategically located alongside the highway that allow the Department to make more informed decisions during winter storms. Specialized equipment and computer programs monitor air and pavement temperature to make forecasts regarding how the winter storms impact the highways. RWIS information is available to the public at The group also heard the final report from the nominating committee. Club elections will be held at the December meeting.

Pacific The new FCC frequencyWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO allocations became effective December 15. All exams will be updated to reflect the changes. Wayne Jones report the Honolulu Marathon support was a success. Your section Manager visited Maui ARC Dec 2. Warren Monroe reports that the Kaimuki Adult Ed classes are all set up to go, pending registration in January for February class start date(s). There does need to be a minimum enrollment in order for the school to actually let the class happen. More information will follow however the classes are already listed in the ARRL web site Training classes listing under zip 96816. Both FCC AMATEUR and COMMERCIAL license exams will be given on Saturday the 20-th January 2007 in Honolulu using the W5YI VEC. The exact time and location will be given during pre-registration. The fees are $14.00 for Amateur exams and $35.00 for each Commercial element. Please bring cash. Please also bring copies of your IDs along with the original IDs. This is a new requirement to preclude fraud. Other instructions will be given during pre-registration. Bring any previous CSCE's claiming credit for elements previously passed. AGAIN! Pre-registration with the Chief VE examinator is a MUST. Deadline to pre-registration is at 9 PM, Thursday, 18-th January 2007. Call Lee ONLY between 9 AM and 9 PM @ 247-0587 to register. SORRY, NO WALK-INS. Mike Wendt, WH2M, reports that Marianias ARC is holding a Technician class next week on December 18 and 19. Class start time is 8:00 am. They have room for about 50 in the UOG RFK Library AV room 1. They will offer all test Elements starting about 4:30 pm the 19th. There is no requirement to attend the class to take a test. If you are only taking a test, please show up early to start your paperwork. For more information call Tim McDow, NH2CV at 653-5421 on Guam ARRL CEO David Sumner, K1ZZ, is urging League members to turn their outrage at the FCC's unreasonably favorable treatment of unlicensed BPL systems into generous donations to the 2007 ARRL Spectrum Defense Campaign. The ARRL is suing the Commission in the US District Court of Appeals. More information is available on the ARRL web pages. Bob Vallio, W6RGG, Pacific Division Director called a special meeting of Section Managers and club officials on December 2. Your Section Manager was unable to attend due to budget restrictions. From the minutes: "Dean, KH6B, wrote an e-mail asking that QST be mailed first class to a subset of members (e.g. Life Members, New Members [1st year], etc.) It was noted that members can pay an additional annual fee to get first class postage. Bob, W6RGG noted that the people in Alaska complained to their congressional representatives about slow mail speed and it was much improved thereafter. The hams in Hawaii have not expressed interest in approaching their congressional representatives. The majority in the room felt this issue was a non-starter." Your Section Manager sent a strongly worded objection to the Director and Vice Director since members in Hawaii have been complaining for years to anyone that will listen including our congress people. No reply was received from either. Perhaps it is time to start another letter writing compain on this issue.

Sacramento Valley (16 of 27) [10/18/2007 2:59:13 PM] Section News for November 2006

SECTION NEWS NOVEMBER 2006 As I depart from the Section Manager position, I want to thank all those that sent emails, regarding my resignation. Also to thank the many Section ARRL Appointees that have served during my term as SM - many of them the entire 17 years. The League runs on volunteers, all officers and section managers are unpaid volunteers, as well as all the appointees such as SEC, DEC, EC, Net managers, STM, OOC, etc. The only paid, are those that work at HQ in Newington. CLUBS: As we approach the New Year, most clubs will have elected new officers for the year 2007. One of the first orders of business should be to go to and up date your club’s information. This should be updated any time there is a change in the club’s status. As Casey takes over he will need to be able to get correct information on the 25 or so,WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO clubs in the section. Help him to get acquainted with your club by keeping the club’s information up to date and PLEASE send him your newsletter, either by mail or email at w7ib@arrl. org. CASEY McPARTLAND, W7IB: Casey took over the reins of the Sacramento Valley Section on December 1, 2006. He has been a ham for many years, a Life Member of the ARRL, President of the Sierra Foothills ARC, a promoter of the League and a CW operator. His wife Leslie is also a ham, K7NYE. I nominated him as a replacement and believe he will do an excellent job as SM. As I end this part of the News Letter, I will turn it over to Casey. 73, Jettie, W6RFF FINAL TOUGHTS: Thanks so much Jettie for the 17 years of service that you've provided to the Section. I only hope that I can carry out the duties of SM nearly as well as you have. Over the past month or so I have traveled to some of the clubs in the Section and have received a warm and sincere welcome. I hope to attend meetings at many of the clubs throughout the year. As you have questions or ideas for me, please don't hesitate to email or phone me. Also, please look for opportunities to make our Section, ham radio and the ARRL stronger. The League is the only national organization that specifically has WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.ROthe best interests of hams world-wide as its purpose, and it is only as strong as the membership is active and outspoken. So, I wish all of you and your families the very best of the Holiday Season and a healthy and prosperous New Year! Very 73, Casey, W7IB Section Manager

San Francisco

Where has the year gone! Time sure seems to pass faster each year. I'll recap 2006 in this and next month's news. After the wet beginning of the year, Northern California remembered the 100th anniversary of the 1906 earthquake that started the chain of events that devastated San Francisco and leveled most of Santa Rosa. The San Francisco ARC and ARES unit had a booth on Pier 39 during San Francisco's event. It was designed and staffed by George Hughes W0WEB and Dave Gomberg NE5EE. The Sonoma County ARES unit, headed by DEC Rich Freitas KF6SZA, had a display at the event held in downtown Santa Rosa on April 22nd. The event was well attended and had displays from many of the organizations that would be active in a disaster. Congratulations to the Humboldt Amateur Radio Club in Eureka for re-qualifying as an ARRL Special Service Club. It was well earned! Special Service Club status is bestowed on affiliated clubs that meet a long list of criteria involving education, service to the Amateur Radio community and public service. These clubs are the cut above. Only two clubs in the Section have qualified as Special Service Clubs. HARC shares the limelight with the Valley of the Moon ARC in Sonoma, another "go get ‘em" club. Many thanks to the membership of both clubs for their dedication. EmComm West 2006 occupied the first weekend in May in Reno at the Atlantis Hotel. Once again, it was a great gathering of seminars, vendors and comradery. The Atlantis offered a more modern hotel with great restaurants and numerous meeting rooms for the conference. I met with an old friend of mine from my Las Vegas days and literally dragged him into the VE session. He entered knowing the material, but was test shy. Needless to say, Jack showed up later with a grin from ear to ear having passed the Tech test. Jack had wanted to get his license from childhood, but finally got around to it in retirement. He is now KE7HTY. And, he has gone to town buying new toys and installing antennas on his 42 acres. His wife cusses me out (kiddingly) each time I call and ask about his latest toy. Watch for info on EmComm 2007 at The first weekend in June had the Humboldt County clubs once again putting on the San Francisco Section convention. Held at the Ferndale Fair Grounds each year, it is a great excuse to drive north and enjoy the beauty of the far north. They have swap tables set up, various vendors, interesting seminars and, of course the capstone, the Saturday banquet put on by Marci Campbell KE6IAU and her team. Look for the announcement of the 2007 convention or visit their website at After promising an old highschool chum from Honolulu, Clay, and his wife that I'd show up for SeaPac in Seaside, OR, I had to honor my promise and headed north. I landed in Portland and had lunch with a college buddy who lives in the area. Then I drove off to catch up with Clay and family. Clay was (17 of 27) [10/18/2007 2:59:13 PM] Section News for November 2006 in the radio club in highschool. Now his wife and both daughters have their licenses. Anyway, SeaPac was outstanding! The little community of Seaside is a tourist destination and there is a lot to do both in and outside of the NW Division convention. The indoor swap was the best I have seen in a while and the vendors were well represented with lots of goodies to stuff into luggage. Clay and family and I played tourist for a few extra days before heading back to our respective homes. If you have a chance to travel way north, try to plan it to coincide with SeaPac. You won't regret it! At the end of June was Field Day! I had the opportunity to visit a number of clubs in the southern part of the section. I started off at the San Francisco ARC. Field Day was planned by George Hughes W0WEB, but George was attacked by his appendix. George won, but his prior planning had SFARC'sWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Field Day going on smoothly without him. The next stop was to the Marin Amateur Radio Society's site at the Marin Rod and Gun club, right on the bay. The crew was hard at it with various setups. From there, I visited with the Hamilton Wireless Association at their hilltop site. Valley of the Moon ARC was set up in a local park and worked on batteries. They looked very comfortable in their location and equipment setup. The Sonoma County Radio Amateurs held their Field Day in an open field alongside Highway 12 between Santa Rosa and Sonoma. Their stations were set up under the trees and the field had plenty of room for antennas. Congrats to all for their Field Day effort. It's the fun, not the points, that counts! That's about it for now. The rest of the year in the January 2007 column. If I don't mess it up, look for photos of the above events on the Section site at Thank you to all the San Francisco Section staff for all that you do to promote Amateur Radio. I wish everyone a joyful and safe Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. See you in 2007! 73, Bill WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO San Joaquin Valley

SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY SECTION Report for the month of November 2006: SM Charles McConnell, W6DPD- ASMs K6YK and W6FRH, ACC W6DPD, SEC N6ZFN, OOC N1VM, STM K6RAU, PIC KE6IGJ, TC W6TE. Greetings from the ARRL San Joaquin Valley Section. Your San Joaquin Valley Section staff sends you holiday greetings and hope for the best in 2007. KI6PR is the Emergency Coordinator for Merced County. Thanks Mike for taking this position. Mark your calendars: The International DX Convention is April 27-29, 2007 at Visalia. Check for information. EMCOMM West is May 4-6, 2007 at the Atlantis Resort and Casino in Reno NV. Check for information. Field Day 2007 is the fourth full weekend of June. The 65th Fresno Hamfest is August 4, 2007 at the Holiday Inn at the Airport in Fresno. Check www. for information. Pacificon 2007 is October 19-21, 2007 at the Marriott Hotel in San Ramon CA. Check for information. When your affiliated club elects officers for the next year, be sure to update your club’s information on the affiliated club area of the ARRL web page. If you fail to update your clubs information for 2 years, your club will be placed in the inactive file. Need to take an Amateur exam? Check the ARRL web page, for exam information. You can also search for Amateur Radio Classes in your area. The Northern California Net (NCN), the Section Traffic Net, meets nightly on 3.533 MHZ at 7 PM Pacific Time. The slow speed training session of the net meets nightly on 3.533 MHZ at 9 PM Pacific Time. Handling traffic on CW is a good way to improve your CW skills. The Daytime Region 6 Traffic Net meets daily at 3:30 pacific time on or near 7.275 MHZ. The California Traffic Net meets daily on 3.906 MHZ and 6:30 PM local time. It is my sad duty to report that WU6V, AA6D, K6KEW, KE6UOO, and K6LFR, are Silent Keys. They will be missed. The Amateur Radio Association of Central California (KI6GIL) is a new club in Fresno. The Mountain ARC and San Joaquin Valley ARS provided communications support for the second annual Powerhouse Double Century Bicycle event. The Sierra ARC operated K2BSA/6 for the 2006 Scout Jamboree on the Air and provided communications support for the Kiwanis Walkathon. Mountain ARC 2007 officers are pres W6LSU, vp W6RFR, sec W6NDR, and treas W6HYY. The club meets the fourth Thursday 7:00PM at the Senior Center in Oakhurst. Check for information. Fresno ARC 2007 officers are pres NA6G, vp AE6SX, sec, WA6NIF, and treas W6TLM. The club meets the 2nd Friday at 7:00 PM at Cedar Lanes in Fresno. Check for information. Kern County Central Valley ARC 2007 officers are pres KF6JOQ, 1st vp KC6ZRF, 2nd vp KC6WTA, sec W6WTG, and treas KG6UFB. The club meets the 4th Tuesday in Bakersfield. Check for information. San Joaquin Valley ARS 2007 officers are pres W6TTF, vp and treas, K6YRZ, and sec KF6GKC. The club meets the first Friday in Fresno. Check for information. Congrats to K6RYD, and N6NPG on completing the ARECC Level One course. SJV results for the ARRL UHF Contest were first KK6KE and second N6KOG. Traffic for November K6RAU 224, N6SUZ 12 and W6SX 5. Total 41. PSHR: K6RAU 78, N6SUZ 38. (18 of 27) [10/18/2007 2:59:13 PM] Section News for November 2006

Santa Clara Valley

Santa Clara Valley Section News Summary. December, 2006 SANTA CLARA VALLEY: SM, SEC, Bill Dale, N2RHV [email protected] ASM Admin., John Amos, KC6TVM, mailto:[email protected] DEC, ASM, Santa Clara Co, Larry Carr, KE6AGJ, [email protected] DEC, Monterey Co, David J. Burbidge, W6IIQ, [email protected] DEC, San Benito Co, Kathy Hill, KB6INO, [email protected] DEC, San Mateo Co, Peter Liljequist, KD6BXY, [email protected] DEC, San Mateo Co, Laurence Nelson, KC6NYG, [email protected] DEC, Santa Cruz Co, Cap Pennell, KE6AFE, [email protected] ASM, Jim Oberhofer, KN6PE, [email protected] BM/Webmaster, Frank Kibbish Jr, WB6MRQ, [email protected] OOC, Andy Korsak, KR6DD, [email protected] TC, Kit Blank, WA6PWW, [email protected] =Morse Code Test is History. In an historic move, the FCC has acted to drop the Morse code requirement for all Amateur Radio license classes. The Commission today adopted a Report and Order (R&O) in WT Docket 05-235. In a break from typical practice, the FCC only issued a public notice [] at or about the close of business and not the actual Report & Order, so some details -- including the effective date of the R&O -- remain uncertain. Also today, the FCC also adopted an Order on Reconsideration, in WT Docket 04-140 -- the "omnibus" proceeding -- agreeing to modify the Amateur Radio rules in response to an ARRL request to accommodate automatically controlled narrowband digital stations on 80 meters in the wake of rule changes that became effective today at 12:01 AM Eastern Time. The Commission said it will carve out the 3585 to 3600 kHz frequencyWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO segment for such operations. Prior to the long-awaited action on the Morse code issue, Amateur Radio applicants for General and higher class licenses had to pass a 5 WPM Morse code test to operate on HF. The Commission said today's R&O eliminates that requirement for General and Amateur Extra applicants. The Amateur Radio frequency allocation chart [ regulations/bands.html] and the ARRL Band Plans [ html] are on the ARRL Web site. =The Santa Clara County Emergency Managers Association awarded Volunteer of the Year awards to volunteers from 12 cities in the county, and one volunteer from Santa Clara County OES; of the thirteen awards presented this year, six went to hams. The following hams were selected by their cities to receive this award: Paul Lufkin, K6PML, Palo Alto; David Platt, AE6EO, Mountain View; Christina Sand, KG6ORH, Saratoga; Smitty Smithwick, W6CS, Los Altos Hills; and Bob Steinberg, K6RPS, San Jose. In addition, Larry Carr, KE6AGJ, was selected by Santa Clara Co OES as their choice as Volunteer of the Year. Congratulations to all. =ARRL Club News is a new monthly newsletter available via e-mail at no charge to ARRL members. [] Designed to help invigorate Amateur Radio clubs and their activities, each issue will contain information and highlights for and about ARRL Affiliated Clubs. Norm Fusaro, W3IZ, ARRL Affiliated Club/Mentor Program Coordinator, [email protected]. =Local HAMS Assist at Pacifica’s Emergency Operations Center. On Nov. 15th at 5:12 AM, the San Francisco Peninsula experienced a very large 8 magnitude earthquake”. This was the San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office of Emergency Services, the County OES, scenario for it’s participation in the state wide “Golden Guardian 06” emergency exercise. The City of Pacifica participated by opening up its Emergency Operations Center, the EOC, with staff from all of it’s departments including North County Fire District. Other Amateur Radio Operators, cities and counties also participated in this event although I have only spotty reports on their activities. =Contributions to the ARRL Spectrum Defense Fund have made it possible for the League to successfully confront challenges that could have meant a loss in ham band access or usability. In kicking off the 2007 Spectrum Defense Campaign, [] ARRL Chief Development Officer Mary Hobart, K1MMH, pointed out that the ARRL has accomplished a great deal in the spectrum defense arena in the decade since the League first appealed for voluntary. The coming law suit against the FCC over BPL will cost about $250,000 and the ARRL will need your monetary support. =ARRL members now may sign up to receive the monthly International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) electronic newsletter, The IARU E-Letter []. This new e-publication reports on various IARU activities and projects in all three IARU regions. New editions appear on the IARU Web site around the first of each month and are available for free viewing/downloading. =Special event celebration of 100 years of voice over radio with the Hello-Radio project finishes with a flurish. Complete details on the Dec 29- 30 event can be found at There's a new Hello promotional video for Amateur Radio available! Go to the right side of the page for ALL the audio and video now available for (19 of 27) [10/18/2007 2:59:13 PM] Section News for November 2006 your uses. DVD versions for cable and commercial stations to use are available by writing to [email protected]. For more information contact Allen G Pitts, W1AGP, ARRL Media & PR Manager (860) 594-0328, apitts@arrl. org =The ARRL Legislative Action Program [] wants League members who are willing to get directly involved in promoting and protecting Amateur Radio through coordinated, legitimate political action at the "grassroots level." The program is being staffed to prepare for the 110th Congress, which convenes in January. A new Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ [http://]) on the ARRL Legislative Action Program now is available for ARRL members and others interested in this ARRL grassroots effort. Contact your ARRL Division Director []WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO for additional information or to volunteer. There's more information on the ARRL Government Relations page []. Local Legislative Liaison appointee positions are open for the Santa Clara Valley Section. =The wiki-based SCV web site on is up and running. Please take a look around and let me know what you think. Here's the link: http://www.pdarrl. org/scvsec/index.php

Roanoke Division

North Carolina

NOVEMBER NORTH CAROLINA SECTION NEWS FCC ELIMINATES MORSE CODE REQUIRMENT! On Friday, DecemberWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO 15 the FCC announced that the US would join many other countries in eliminating the Morse code requirement for all license classes. This action has been under consideration at the FCC since July of 2005 and comments posted to the FCC web site were 4 to 1 in favor of the change. The ARRL had requested that the Morse requirement be maintained for Extra class licenses, but the FCC chose to eliminate the requirement for all classes. No date has been announced on when these changes will take effect, but before long I hope we’ll be hearing lots of new voices on the HF bands! HAM RADIO AND HOMELAND SECURITY North Carolina has established an Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ISAAC) through the assistance of U.S. Department of Homeland Security Grant Funds. ISAAC allows for the exchange of critical information among local and state law enforcement, fire, EMS, and others responsible for the health, safety and security of North Carolina. I was invited to meet with Dirk German and Durb Turner, KC4MID, with the State Bureau of Investigation to discuss the potential for a new role for amateur radio in homeland security. A few years ago an airplane was confiscated from a group of drug smugglers and the SBI found a 2m radio inside the plane. The smugglers were using 2m to coordinate with their teams on the ground. We talk on the radio, but most of us spend a lot more time listening. Our Official Observer corps is especially involved in monitoring our bands for inappropriate and unlicensed activity. Many of us are also scanner enthusiasts and short wave listeners. So if you ever hear anything that might seem terrorist, drug or gang related the ISAAC center wants to know! ISAAC can be reached at 1-888-NCISAAC (1-888-624-7222). I’ve invited Dirk and Durb to attend the state ARES meeting in April to discuss other areas of cooperation between ham radio and our state’s law enforcement. VOICE OVER RADIO ANNIVERSARY IS DECEMBER 30! Saturday, December 30th will mark the international observance of the 100th anniversary of Reginald Fessenden’s first voice radio broadcast. We can leverage this event for some publicity and several local radio stations have already provided coverage. The ARRL has lots of promotional ideas at and at www. We’re also hoping several clubs in the section will setup special event stations. Many of Fessenden’s early radio experiments were done in North Carolina. MEDIA HITS Thanks to Woody Woodward, K3VSA, PIO in the Durham/Chapel Hill area for getting page one coverage on the Orange County Sunday, Dec. 10th edition of the Durham Sun Herald. The story focused on the Orange County ARC’s SET exercise in November. UPCOMING HAMFESTS January 6: Winston-Salem Firstfest March 10-11: North Carolina Section Convention/Charlotte Hamfest April 1: North Carolina State Convention/Raleigh Hamfest HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM THE SLAY FAMILY! Best wishes to all of you for a wonderful holiday! NOVEMBER TRAFFIC W0UCE 918 (BPL), W4EAT 450, W4UEF 289, W2EAG 249, KI4YV 167, K4IWW 120, KE4JHJ 88, WA4OBR 81, W4DNA 74, K4RLD 54, KF4OCU 49, W4FAL 46, W3HL 44, KG4YNM 42, N3BW 42, WA2YBM 39, KE4ACH 30, W4NCD 28, W4EHF 23, W4TTO 22, W4LN 20, W4CC 8, KR4ZJ 5, KF4VXJ 4 NOVEMBER PUBLIC SERVICE HONOR ROLL K4RLD 165, W4DNA 135, W4EAT 130, W4FAL 130, WA2YBM 130, K4IWW 120, W0UCE 120, W4NCD 113, KE4JHJ 110, KG4YNM 110, W2EAG 100, W4TTO 97, KI4YV 90, W4LN 85, (20 of 27) [10/18/2007 2:59:13 PM] Section News for November 2006

KF4OCU 80, W4CC 77, W1REP 74

South Carolina

Greetings to all Amateur Radio Operators. This is Dr. Jim, N2ZZ with the December 2006 South Carolina Section Manager’s Report! Please remember that the SC Section website can be found at: where my full SM report will be listed as well as up-to-the-date information on Amateur Radio in South Carolina! For the last two months, we discussed the release of the FCC’s Omnibus Report and Order to amend Part 97 of the CommissionWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO’s Rules Governing the Amateur Radio Service. The Report and Order went into effect on December 15, 2006 at 0001 EST. The FCC report and order can be found here: http://hraunfoss.fcc. gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-06-149A1.doc . Revised band charts and FAQ’s can be found here: http:// . Prior to the R&O becoming effective, the ARRL filed a Petition for Reconsideration to postpone the changes in the 3600-3635 kHz segment of 80 meters to allow automatically controlled narrowband digital stations to continue in that segment. The FCC responded by designating the 3585-3600 kHz segment for such operations, but that segment will also be authorized for CW, RTTY and DATA. The FCC has put out a Public Notice so far, but no actual details of rule changes. This public notice also discusses the FCC decision to remove Morse code from the USA Amateur Radio Licensing structure. The effective date of these changes will be thirty days after the FCC Order is published in the Federal Register. As of this time, the actual date is not known, but will probably be sometime in February 2007. For the fullWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO story, go to on the ARRL website! The FCC has been very active over the last few months with the Amateur Radio Service. Within minutes of each FCC announcement, I received e-mails from all over blaming the ARRL for the changes. It is important to realize that the ARRL originally petitioned the FCC to bring the Phone band only down to 3725 kHz, and requested that the 5 wpm code test be retained for the Extra Class license. The FCC took the ARRL’s comments in addition to others that submitted a petition. After due consideration, the FCC made their decision to bring the Phone band down to 3600 kHz and to eliminate the Morse Code requirement for licensing. The FCC official to contact for questions is William Cross at (202) 418-0691 or William.Cross@fcc. gov Tom, K4IJA is recovering from heart bypass surgery performed on December 6th at Providence Hospital. He is recovering at his kid’s house, and warns that he will be back to his "old self" soon! Tom is offering his praise for all the medical personnel he came in contact with, from the EMT’s to his heart surgeon. Tom, happy to have you back with us! I would encourage all who receive this newsletter to please subscribe to the ARRL- SC yahoogroup. To sign up, all you need to do is to send an e-mail to [email protected] . You may need to confirm your request via an e-mail sent to you via yahoogroups. This is a forum where I can send urgent information out to the section when necessary. All global e-mails through the ARRL that I send have to be approved by ARRL HQ before they are sent. The arrl-sc yahoogroup is a discussion group, so everyone can post a message. Please plan to sign up before the New Year! In Regards to the PALS system, I was forwarded information from Mac K4AVR that the PALSNet Association recently filed for and received a club call, KI4SDJ. With permission from Jack Pegues’s widow and Son, the Association has filed for a vanity call W4APE. It is hoped that the PALS repeaters will soon again ID with that call. Jack Pegues, W4APE, became a Silent key in September 2003. Mac has also reported that the PALSNet repeaters are being equipped with a 123.0 Hz tone. He mentions that the decoders will normally be deactivated, but can be activated selectively depending on interference. He recommends that all that are able to program their radios with 123.0 Hz TONE ENCODE. If the repeater tone decoders are not turned on, transmitting the tone will not cause a problem, but if they are on, it will allow your transmission to get through! To all DX’ers- VU7LD, Lakshadweep Islands, is now on the air, through the end of December. These islands were at one time referred to as the Laccadives. Propagation to the East coast seems to be best in the early morning hours-Be sure to watch for this DXPedition! Further information can be found at their website: There are still a few days to nominate an individual for the Roanoke Division Service Award. There is a nomination form on the website, and all nominations are to be sent to our Director, [email protected] . Deadline is December 22nd. Well, that’s it for this month, and for this year! I wish everyone a very happy, safe holiday season, and look forward to seeing everyone again in the New Year! Take care! November 2006 National Traffic System Report for South Carolina by Mac Heaton N4MEH, STM: Net Reports Net Name/Check Ins/Traffic/Sessions/Reported By Anderson Radio Club 2M Net/798/34/30/N4MEH BRARS 2 Meter Net/1884/41/30/K4SUG Carolina's Net/319/129/60/W2EAG Columbia ARC 2M Net/225/9/9/ (21 of 27) [10/18/2007 2:59:13 PM] Section News for November 2006

K4RKC Grand Strand ARC 2M Net/203/19/13/N4XML Greater Pee Dee 2 Meter Net/843/34/30/K4DTT Greenwood ARC 2 Meter Net/116/7/5/W4DEW Greenwood Friendly Net/479/48/30/W4JAK Lancaster County 2 Meter Net/139/32/12/N4WMB Oconee 2 Meter Net /254/9/13/KE4OGG PALS Net /923/94/30/KG4KOE SC SSB Net/1540/62/30/WB4DLD York County ARS 2M Net/748/11/51/KI4NBA Station Activity Reports Station/ Sent/Received/Delivered/Originated/Total KA4LRM/3/4/0/0/7 KA4UIV/28/35/13/0/76 N4MEH/18/41/3/3/63 WB4DLD/2/27/4/2/35 Public Service Honor Roll Station/Cat. 1/Cat. 2/Cat. 3/Cat. 4/Cat. 5/Cat. 6/Total N4MEH/40/40/20/0/0/0/100 Have a great month! ’73 de Dr. Jim N2ZZ ARRL Section Manager South Carolina Section www.arrl-sc.orgWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Virginia

Virginia Section Manager’s Report for November 2006 As I compose this report two recent actions of the FCC will modify the world of Amateur Radio for the foreseeable future. The R&O 05-235 has now gone into affect and the transition appears to be smooth. I have received both favorable comments and those of disapproval from membership across the Section. Most of the disapproval came from the lack of accommodation of automated digital modes that allow for the most effective use of Winlink 2000 on the 80 meter band. It appears that these problems may be somewhat resolved with the digital ruling concerning the frequencies of 3.585 to 4.000 MHz. The bulletin that addressed R&O 04-140 (the proposal for the elimination of the code requirement for licensing requirements for all classes of Amateur Radio license) indicates that the FCC has approved theWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO rule change. This ruling also gives the Technician class licensee all privileges that the Technician plus licensee now enjoys. This ruling should increase the number of hams moving up to both the General and Extra class license. All these changes will provide both adjustments and opportunities. Part of the opportunities will be in the area of traffic handling and emergency communications on the HF bands with increased participants. At this point we can continue to argue the pros and cons of these decisions made by the FCC or move forward to capitalize on the opportunities. The time for productive debate on the issue of the elimination of the code as a testing requirement is past. Let’s join together in welcoming those that will be upgrading to the higher class of license. We are completing the season for Simulated Emergency Test. There was a SET in Western Virginia on December the 9th. This test focused on the 40 county area covered by the Blacksburg National Weather Service office. This also included counties in other states. We utilized hams from across the Section, as well as the Section traffic system and the Old Dominion Emergency Net. The traffic count ran in the hundreds and it appears that the number of ARES members supporting this SET will also total around one hundred. We will have a complete report on this event on the December Section report. The Section Traffic Manager and the Section Emergency Coordinator’s reports are posted on the Section site and the ARES site at the following addresses. The Section page is and the ARES page is . I have continued to visit clubs and ARES units during the past month. In looking to the year 2007, I plan to have a major focus on visiting clubs, ARES units and other Amateur Radio associations in the western section of Virginia. In this past year I have visited almost exclusively in eastern and northern Virginia. I will continue to be available for any special need anywhere in the Section. As Section Manager, I will be working with our DEC and his assistant as they tackle the task of writing a Section Emergency Communications Plan for the Virginia Section. Another goal for 2007 is to put together teams of ARES members that remain ready and committed to providing a quick response to localities that have their local resources overwhelmed by communications emergencies or disaster. Secondary teams will be prepared to provide relieve to the local ARES unit and those that have responded as part of the initial response effort. Efforts to compile contact information, training, related experience and skills of our ARES leadership and members continue. Our Assistant SM for Administration Dave Potter, W4RPI is heading this effort up for the Virginia Section. To update your records or to register for ARES go to aresva/ares_member_info_form.html. We are approaching the 400th anniversary (2007) of the Commonwealth of Virginia as an English settlement. Special event station operations have been planned from some key historical areas of Virginia. We would like for clubs and special interest groups to have a special event station across the state every weekend during this 400th anniversary. We are asking that you select an operating location that has historical significance. A registration form will appear on the Virginia Section website at in the near future. Now is the time to sign your club up and avoid a conflict in scheduling with stations from other areas. For additional details call Woody Thompson, W4TU at 540-254- 2770. I want to thank the many hams across the Section that have devoted countless hours to make the (22 of 27) [10/18/2007 2:59:13 PM] Section News for November 2006

NTS, ARES, Official Observers, PIOs and PIC, Technical Specialists, Scouting and Youth programs, and State Government Liaison work. We also wish to thank our webmaster Dan Edwards, AG4YU for his tireless efforts. 73 Glen Sage, W4GHS

Southeastern Division Alabama WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO 2006 was a great and successful year for Alabama Amateur Radio! Growing Alabama Hamfests, a successful Alabama QSO Party, recognition as Nation-wide leaders for Digital D-STAR technology; successful Field Day, Hurricane Conference, Be Ready Day; and having many new amateurs and an abundance of youth activities. Clubs, groups and NETS are growing and working hard on various activities. Rick Seeders, KG4PNL, was appointed as Assistant Section Manger. Rick currently serves as the VP of the Montgomery Amateur Radio Club and is a valuable addition to the Alabama ARRL Section. 2007 will be another exciting year for Alabama Amateur Radio! The Huntsville Hamfest has been transformed into the ARRL National Convention this year and we are excited! This is a big deal for Alabama Amateur Radio and is our chance to once again make Alabama shine and have fun by participating in this grand event. Alabama leads the Nation in digital D-STAR repeaters, technology, innovation and users. Clubs and groups from all across Alabama have stepped up and have taken the responsibility to put Alabama in the new technology driver’s seat. TheWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO growth will continue this year, securing Alabama’s position in this technology. Much progress has been made in the public service area. Our capabilities and relationships have increased with the NWS, EMA, Red Cross, VOAD, Southern Baptist and county participation all across the state. We have better understandings, operating procedures, capabilities and working relationships with our served agencies. The National Weather Service in Huntsville has a new HF radio and is digital ready! HF and local digital communication capabilities are being installed at various served agencies’ facilities and among individual amateurs alike. We are exploring enhancing hospital amateur communications capabilities, and Huntsville has put in a bid for an International emergency communications conference. Alabama amateurs are logging many training and practice hours. Public Service is one corner stone of amateur radio service, and with training we better understand the served agency needs and requirements in service for the public. Alabama is moving forward so let’s keep the momentum going. There is much more work to be done. Whatever your interest is in amateur radio, grow it, make it better, do your part to put it on the map, and have fun! I am proud of the success your hard work has brought Alabama amateur radio! Thank you for this and for supporting me. Happy Holidays! 73, Greg Sarratt, W4OZK ARRL Alabama Section Manager


SM: Susan Swiderski, AF4FO; ASM/South GA: Marshall Thigpen, W4IS; ASM/Legal: Jim Altman, W4UCK; ASM/Webmaster: Bob Smith, K4PHE; ASM/Youth: Andrea Hartlage, KG4IUM; ASM/ Scouting: David Pearce, ABØNG; SEC: Jim Cote, N4PJR; STM: Jim Hanna, AF4NS; OOC: Mike Swiderski, K4HBI; TC: Ed Tanton, N4XY; PIC: Norm Schklar,WA4ZXV; SGL: Bill Cherepy, WB4WTN; ACC: Robin Cutshaw, AA4RC Greetings, All. Well, the FCC has spoken. Most of you have probably already seen the announcement from the FCC that the code requirement for licensing will be ending. If you haven't seen it, check out the FCC website or the ARRL website for details. Although we're awaiting the official word to know exactly when this will take effect, there is no longer any doubt that it will be happening. This decision wasn't unexpected, but many of you held out hope that the code requirement would at least remain in place for the extra class license. That was also the recommendation of the ARRL. But like I said, the FCC has spoken. I've received many emails about this decision, and some of you are applauding the change, and others are predicting the demise of amateur radio, and you're ready to throw in the towel as far as continuing to serve as a VE. If you go back and read some of the old QST magazines about some of the other changes that have occurred throughout the history of amateur radio, you'll see that many of those changes were also met with dire predictions about the demise of amateur radio. And yet, we continue. In my opinion, the future of amateur radio lies in our hands. Change is always hard to accept, but the spirit of amateur radio survives. Although element one will become a thing of the past, CW won't go away. Young people will continue (23 of 27) [10/18/2007 2:59:13 PM] Section News for November 2006 to be fascinated with this mode, if WE continue to have the willingness to teach it to them. Amateur radio will continue to thrive if WE continue to encourage and mentor those with an interest in joining us in this special hobby. If the magic of amateur radio diminishes, it won't be because of rule changes imposed by the FCC; it will be because of our unwillingness to adapt to those changes and move forward. We may be powerless to control the FCC and their decisions about amateur radio, but we remain in control as to how we choose to react to those decisions. A number of clubs around the state have held elections recently. For the NW GA ARC, the officers will be: President- GROVER KEITH, KA5QFI; VP- BILL DICKERT, KD4EKZ; Secretary- ELLEN DICKERT, KD4NTF; and Treasurer- VIRGINIA BROCK, KF4NYH. For the Paulding ARC, it's President- AL MARTIN, KF4RPQ; VP- BRIANWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO KEAHL, KI4LZG; Treasurer- TOM BURKHART, KI4MDU; and 1st Vice Chair- ANDY PELTIER. (Sorry, Andy, I don't have your call sign right now, but I'll find it before the January newsletter comes out.) The Silver Comet ARS selected President- LEE MCDANIEL- WB4QOJ; VP-SEAN SPARKS, W4JFL; Secretary- RON WEST, WB3ILX; and Treasurer- DAVE FULLER, K4DMF. The Thomasville ARC has returned MIKE BROWN, KE4FGF, to the office of president for a thirteeneth term. (WOW!)Joining him are VP- WYNONA SADLER, KF4HSM; VP of Special Events- LAWRENCE MCCUTHIN, KC4LYC; Secretary- TERRY HUNT, K4HNT; Treasurer- BOBBY COOPER, N4KXL; and Newsletter Editor- BUDDY PEEPLES, WD4CJI. CONGRATULATIONS to all of these fine people, and best wishes for a terrific new year leading your clubs. We have a couple of new ECs to announce: In Pike county, CHARLES CLARK, KD4ONL, has accepted the reins, and in Madison county, JOSHUA SEYMOUR, KF4KGD, will be accepting the position after the first of the year. Thank you to both of them for accepting the leadership role for ARES in your county. We appreciate your willingness to serve. Coming up in January will be the Gwinnett ARS Tech Fest, on January 13. For the first time, thereWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO will also be a tailgating hamfest held from 8AM until 10AM, when all of the indoor activities begin. There will be a chili cook-off, lots of demonstrations on various facets of amateur radio, and a QLF contest. (How well can YOU send CW with your left foot?) Not to mention FREE LUNCH. Always a lot of fun. See for details and directions. SILENT KEY: It is with much sorrow that I report the death of FRED RUNKLE, K4KAZ. Fred has been a wonderful part of amateur radio for many years, and has been a long- time volunteer for the Red Cross. He was an avid VHF operator, and a member of the Southeastern VHF Society, a director for Chapter 49 QCWA, and a former Technical Coordinator for the GA Section. He has been instrumental in helping many amateurs throughout the state solve their RFI problems, and has served as a mentor to many hams throughout the years. He will truly be missed. Special condolences to his family and friends. Well, folks, that's about it for now. Whether you celebrate Christmas or Hannukah at your house, may you be blessed with a wonderful holiday. Until next time, this is AF4FO, signing clear. Take care of yourselves. And each other. 73, Susan QTC November: ***WB4GGS-504; N4VAD-97; AF4NS-85; K4WKT-56; K4GK- 40; WB4BIK-31; WA4UJC-28; K4BEH-12; K4BAI-10; KR4JI-3. **** Yet another BPL award earned by Sid, WB4GGS, for 247 messages received, and 257 sent. CONGRATULATIONS! +++ No trees were killed in the sending of this message. However, a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced. +++

Southern Florida

Happy Holidays everyone, The year 2006 is nearly at an end and I feel it moved by too fast. Lots of changes have come about in the world of Amateur Radio this past year and exciting ones are on the horizon for 2007. As I type this message it has been about 48 hours since the FCC press release about dropping Morse Code testing for US Amateur licenses. The reflectors have been buzzing and my eyes are tired from reading. I found good ideas among some of the celebrations and some of the grumbles. Bottom line, we need to remember two things: If you are new to HF because of an upgrade or because of the upcoming FCC changes please remember that HF operating is different from repeater operating and it is not like Field Day. If you have been operating HF for some time please welcome the newcomers and be an Elmer or Elmira. We will post some links and some documents regarding HF operating on the two section sites in the near future, to help both newcomers and the Elmers and Elmiras. If you are a VE please help out at as many test sessions as you are able to attend in the next 6 months because we will have a lot of candidates for upgrades and lots of paperwork with the FCC change. ======Reports: SAR November: KA4FZI 331, NY4E 282, K4FQU 126, N3OZP 124, AA4BN 95, WA4EIC 95, WA2YL 44, KI4OUD 22, KI4MGF 7, KI4KQQ 3 ======PSHR November: KA4FZI 120, WA4EIC 100, WA2YL 100, N3OZP 100, NY4E 90, K4FQU 92, AA4BN 85, W4DKB 17 (24 of 27) [10/18/2007 2:59:13 PM] Section News for November 2006

======Bulletin Report from David Smith KE4UEI: Recd 20, Sent 6, Total 26 ======NET ABB. SESS QNI QTC MGR All Florida CW Traffic Net QFN 60 745 334 NY4E Florida Amateur SSB Traffic Net FAST 30 186 43 K4SCL Florida Medium Speed Net FMSN 30 248 82 AG4RJ/AB4XK Jupiter-Tequesta Repeater Group JTRG 5 48 22 AG4BV Palm Beach County Ares Net PBCAN 5 59 20 KG4PFY Saint Lucie Repeater Association SLRA 4 31 6 KE4UEI Southeast Florida Traffic Net SEFTN 59 646 110 AG4RJ/AI4GE Southwest Florida Traffic Net SWFTN 25 342 79 K4FQU ARES Report for November ARES members in the counties reporting: 1005,Change 0 12 Nets held 46 sessions and 5 maintained liaison 5with NTS. ECs reporting(county): WA4GUK(Lee), AD4RZ (Okeechobee), AA4BN (Hendry), N5KFR (Glades), WA4ASJ (IndianWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO River), N1XC (Martin), KF4IHX (St Lucie), AG4AN (Osceola) and N4LEM (Brevard) There were 6 drills, tests & training sessions held and 54 total ARES operations. ======Technical Specialists reports were received from N4TZH, K8KB, WB9JTK, KF4KDO, and W4KPG. ======OES reports were received from KE4UEI, KC2DPP, W3ALE, W4DKB, N3HOE, N4ZEB, KE4NUZ, and WB2CKM ======I also heard from the following PIOs: AG4BV, AI4GK, W3ALE ======Some news from around the section: KF4IHX installed a new 800 MHz trunking radio in the EDICS trunking radio in the EDICS trailer stationed in St Lucie. Several 2-meter repeaters in the Treasure Coast area have had repairs. The 6-meter repeater in Okeechobee is operational again. Vic Kieffer, WA0USA has kindly offered to teach a South Palm Beach County based version of the CW class he's given at Jupiter Farms a few times. The class is based onWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO the AA9PW website. Of course there needs to be sufficient attendance in order to give the class. If you are interested in participating in this class, please drop him an e-mail at kleberf@bellsouth. net. Skywarn Appreciation Day was fun in Melbourne according to preliminary reports. Many clubs are electing new officers for 2007 and I will post them on section news page soon. Please send me a list of the 2007 officers for your club (and don’t forget to send them to our Affiliated Club Coordinator, Jeremy, K4OCD. E-mail [email protected]) More news will be on the web page soon. Speaking of web page I am working a slight change of format to make it easier to read. I’ll separate the ARES and EMCOMM news from the Club News. If you would like to contribute short articles about your club (history, new direction, etc) or about a special club member please send them to me – I need information for the news page just like your club newsletter editor does. Don’t forget the Hello operating event on Dec. 29/30. I’ll be on the air – will you? For more information see December QST and visit Lastly, words of wisdom from a YL that most of us know: Every Volunteer Examiner is waiting for all that have used the Morse Code requirement as the ONLY reason for not upgrading their licenses. If amateur radio is to survive we need active use of the spectrum allocated to us. Ooops there is still a theory exam, an exam fee and the dissenters from Incentive Licensing days. We still will hear lots of discussions on what else is wrong with amateur radio but I have faith that most of you will put your efforts where your mouths (or keyboards) are. GET SET, GET READY, GOOOO!!! Evelyn W4WYR Thanks, Evelyn, I could not have said it better. Stay safe and stay on the air 73 Sherri, W4STB

Southwestern Division


ARIZONA SECTION NEWS December 2006 FCC LICENSE ADDRESS Is your mailing address correct on your FCC license? The FCC has been canceling amateur radio licenses that have incorrect addresses. My staff and I have found many incorrect addresses this last week, better get those addresses updated. FCC part 97.23 Mailing address: Each license grant must show the grantee’s correct name and mailing address. The mailing address must be in an area where the amateur service is regulated by the FCC and where the grantee can receive mail delivery by the United States Postal Service. Revocation of the station license or suspension of the operator license may result when correspondence from the FCC is returned as undeliverable because the grantee failed to provide the correct mailing address. PUBLIC INFORMATION COORDINATOR Our PIC, Mike Swaider KA9E has moved out of the state. I want to thank Mike for doing a great job. However, that leaves the Arizona PIC position open. If you would like to be the PIC section's expert on public information and public relations matters, please contact me. The PIC is responsible for organizing, training, guiding (25 of 27) [10/18/2007 2:59:13 PM] Section News for November 2006 and coordinating the activities of the Public Information Officers (PIOs) within the section. For more information about the PIC position go to CLUB NEWS Thunderbird ARC takes on NASCAR. The Thunderbird ARC participated in NASCAR's premiere event that stopped in the valley November 8-12. The club distributed and maintained 500 handheld radios and accessories used by the fire & safety teams, security, etc. The track provided a trailer in the infield and one outside the track, both with banners provided to promote the club. Led by KC-KG9JP and Marty-W6YJL, the following members volunteered their time to assist Phoenix Intl Raceway in this first time endeavor: Johnne-W1YB, Jack-WD7RCJ, Paul, W8AEF, Jim-KE7APB, Karin-KD7VGR, with special thanks going to Steve-W1ADW and Nicholas-KE7IBK. The clubWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO also was assisted by Marty's non-ham clan, Ron, Sandy and Edie and their efforts were greatly appreciated. The Thunderbird ARC will be assisting PIR again in April when NASCAR returns to Phoenix.Other amateurs who may be interested in participating in this event can email KC at kg9jp@arrl. net. EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS It's December already, hard to believe how the months have flown by. From the cheap seats, it's been a pretty good year. The big project is cooking along with significantly less time being devoted to the care and feeding of the database. We have crossed another milestone, we now have more than 300 members signed up on the Arizona ARES Database. I was given a copy of the preliminary AAR for the full scale exercise in September held in the northern part of the state. Even with the use of the TOAD and all the commercially available communications the state had, they still had issues communicating with the incident scene. As EMCOMM hams, we bring a unique ability to incident management, we are frequency agile and we are communicators. This is a message I will be working hard over the next year to share with as many of the emergency managers as possible. If hams were sent to the scene, and couldn't communicate,WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO we could "bridge" communications even by simplex relays if by no other means. We need to remember our strength is the knowledge of radio propagation, antenna basics and how to clearly and concisely communicate. Sometimes it's just being able to "brute" force the communications which will make the incident manageable. I would like to wish you and your family a Joyous Christmas Season! Rick Aldom W7STS Section Emergency Coordinator [email protected] NEW HAMS The following Arizona hams just received their FCC license, Congratulations! Michael Fugitt KE7JDO, Amber Versteeg KE7JHG, Russell Versteeg KE7JDN, Lawrence Mccraw KE7JDK, Joseph Richins KE7JDL, Patti Wooldridge KE7JFZ, Tony Iadevaia KE7JGQ, Bruce Frederick KE7JDS, Glenn Bevin KE7JHH, Christine Pleasent KE7JGP, Jeffrey Townsend KE7JDM, Steven Garber KE7JDR, Terri Hart KE7JDQ, Jared Larsen Jr KE7JDP, Timothy Winkler KE7JHI, April Allen KE7JDI, Lon Thomas KE7JHF, M Angelica Buchanan KE7JHX, June Sherlock KE7JJU, Stephen French KE7JDH, Alfred Garbagnati Jr KE7JET, Michael Taylor KE7JGJ, Elizabeth Jesse KE7JGO, Jonathan Pickrel KE7JGH, Johnathan Clouse KE7JGK, Kapualani Ampong KE7JEU, Douglas Dickey KE7JEP, Chelsea Dutenhoffer KE7JER, Kathryn Weik KE7JGN, Robert Nichols KE7JEV, Ellen Nichols KE7JEX, James Badger KE7JGL, Elmer Oliverson KE7JGI, James Ellzey KE7JEQ, Brent Ellzey KE7JGM HAMFESTS December 2, 2006 Superstition Hamfest sponsored by the Superstition ARC. Prizes, ARCA meeting, ARRL booth and VE Exams. Talk-In: 147.120 (PL 162.2) & 449.200 (PL 100). Located at Mesa Community College just north of US60 at Dobson Road in Mesa. For more info go to See you there. January 13, 2007 Westfest sponsored by the Thunderbird ARC,, Talk-In: 146.70 - (PL 162.2). Contact: Steve Grouse, W1ADW, [email protected]. Glendale Community College 5900 West Olive Avenue Glendale, AZ February 5, 2007 Annual Ham Radio Equipment Auction sponsored by the West Valley Amateur Radio Club Talk-In: 147.300 MHz, +600 offset (PL 162.2) Contact: Ken Solheim, WN7DRX [email protected] St. Clements of Rome Social Hall 15800 North Del Webb Blvd. Sun City, AZ Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about ARRL. If your club or group has an activity or event that would be of interest to other hams throughout our section please email me with the specifics. 73, Tom Fagan WB7NXH ARRL Section Manager Arizona Tucson Arizona 520 574-1129 [email protected] or

West Gulf Division

South Texas

A lot has happened since last month. I have had several comments on the CW issue. I haven't had one positive response. However CW is not dead and we still have classes on the slow speed nets. I do hope that (26 of 27) [10/18/2007 2:59:13 PM] Section News for November 2006 people will let the Slow Speed Net alone so they can continue to turn out good operators and stop making them move to other frequencies. Those who are so bent on doing away with CW should have been assisting in the operation of Hurricane Mitch when a ham in Honduras sent CW with 3 watts and a wire taped to his thumb and finger begging for help. Had we not had some one to copy CW he would have been up a creek without a paddle so to speak. I do hope that the ones who are trying so hard to master the code will stay with it. The ARRL tried to have CW stay but America was the only country that wanted it, so we lost. I've gotten a lot of really cute comments and the one that I will share with all is that soon you will be able to buy a certain marked cereal box and open it and you will find a ham license inside, or shop at one of the stores and spend $299 on your credit card andWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO get free shipping or a ham ticket. Let's just hope that things get better and that we can all get along. We have training starting January 2 on 7290 Traffic Net at 11 AM. We will start with the ARRL radiogram. Please have a copy in front of you so it will be easier for you. Hope to see everyone at the San Antonio Swapfest January 13. I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year God Bless America and our Troops. Ray N5NAV

WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO (27 of 27) [10/18/2007 2:59:13 PM] Section News for December 2006

Section News for December 2006

Atlantic Division


Greetings of the new year to all. A bit of advice from one of my mentors (K2YVN, back in the mid sixties)- "If you elect to make resolutions for the new year, forget about "reaching for the stars", the so called "impossible dream", rather, keep them "do-able". You will have a better chance of success and will feel better when you reach that "reachable star." The last couple of months have brought or promised several important changes to our hobby. The two having the greatest anticipated effect are the band / frequency realignments and, of course, the soon to be elimination of Element 1, Morse Code. These topics have brought many questions my way, both inWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO my new role as SM, as well as from those who refer to me as "Hey Elmer, what about it?". By far the largest number of comments and questions deal with dropping CW as a licensing requirement. Here are my thoughts and observations for your consideration. My answer to those questions are based on my experience and are strictly my opinion. That opinion is based on several points of experience including having been licensed since 1963, as a Novice and going through each license class, having participated in teaching new hams since shortly after that, being a VE Team liasion for a long time, being active on the air using multiple modes and bands, being an OO and, lastly, observing operation of hams in other countries that dropped the code requirement. My opinions: CW will be a useful mode well into the future. It is one of many modes we can use. (Why did we test for ability in only one mode (CW) but not in others?) Countries that have dropped the CW requirement have not had "free for alls" on the bands but rather have experienced positive growth in licensing. I suspect our FCC may have been observing the results of no code in other countries before dropping the requirement here. I think many disenfranchised (bored with repeater only operation)licensees will become active again now that passing written Element 3 will grant them many new opportunities, activities and bands, These are probably the type of things that may have attracted them to the hobby in the first place. During my years as an Official Observer, the largest percentage of infractions I noted were perpetrated by Advanced and Extra Class License holders! Therefore, I strongly do not believe lack of Element 1 will "cause the bands to fall apart". Overall this as a great golden opportunity for the future of our wonderful hobby. I urge all of us to help those who want to upgrade, or to enter the hobby for the first time, to do so. We all know licensees who have "dropped by the way-side", perhaps because they saw CW as a road block. Please, I urge you, contact them, in person, by telephone, E-Mail or landline. Let them know about "the big change". It may be just the thing to bring them back on board. On another note, take a few minutes now to plan some of your Ham Activities for the year. Block out time for Field Day, Contests, Public Service Events,Elmering, Volunteering, Training and Hamfests. Remember, the NNY Hamfest is October 6, 2007 at the Lake Placid Horseshow Grounds. The next NNY meeting will be April 14 in Elizabethtown. Keep me posted (1 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:58 PM] Section News for December 2006 on your Amateur Radio activities. 73 Tom Valosin, WB2KLD SM, NNY

Southern New Jersey

SOUTHERN NEW JERSEY NEWSLETTER FOR JANUARY 2007 SECTION MANAGER, JEAN PRIESTLEY, KA2YKN With deepest regret I must report that the Bellmawr New Jersey VE team has disbanded and willWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO no longer be holding monthly test sessions in the Bellmawr NJ Community Center as of December 2006. I have known Diane, N2LCQ, for many years and remember when she took over the team. She organized a top notch VE team which offered testing monthly in Bellmawr and annually at local hamfests. Diane took on the leadership of the VE team in 1993 and in her own words, "I have seen countless candidates struggle, strive and achieve." Her team was totally devoted to the same ideals which Diane set forth. The Dream Team was as follows: Diane Z. "boss" Nafis, N2LCQ, Alan W. "Al" Rowe, N2LTS (second in command), A. Robert "Bob" Pantazes, W2ARP, Arnold "Arnie" Oberson, W2OB, John "Jack" Imhof, N2VW, Samuel C. "Sam" Benner, AB2UT, and John Stucka, Jr., N3JM. The team will be missed not onlyWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO for their devotion to the Amateur Radio community but for their enduring integrity. Please adjust newsletters, websites, etc. to reflect the change in schedule. I am happy to announce that once the new Morse Code rules take effect, part of the team, under the leadership of Bob Pantazes, W2ARP, will offer testing 4 times a year in Atlantic County. (Stay tuned for details!) . There are plans for a few new testing groups but it is only in the early planning. But on Saturday February 3, 2007 in Woodstown, NJ there will be a testing session. It is sponsored by Metro-comm, Inc and is held at the St Luke’s Episcopal Church at 37 Grant Street. The time is 9:30 AM and the doors lock at 10AM. For more info contact Kathy AB2LF at 856-881-6777 or [email protected]. Be sure to bring two forms of indentation. During a recent visit to a local club, I found, as you would expect, a mixed bag of comments and emotions. It was interesting to learn that in some other countries where there are a large number of hams, the number of code operators were very high because the equipment is much less expensive and more affordable for a person in the lower earnings range. There is a few recurring themes within the comments on the dropping of the code test. One is “I may study it further since it is no longer a requirement.” Two other comments are “This is long over due” and “The fact that taking away the code requirement may leave only a small difference between CB and Amateur radio. The battleship is on winter hours and open 7 days a week 9AM to 3PM but after the first of the year, she will only be open Thurs to Suns and closed Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. If your club is thinking about visiting the NJ2BB club station, please be sure and make arrangements ahead of the scheduled date to insure that someone will be there. Just go on our website for how to schedule a visit. If you have worked NJ2BB and want to send a card, the QSL manager is Margaret Burgess, KB2BRR 150 Schooner Ave, Barnegat, NJ 08005. Please send your card with an SASE to insure receiving a card back from NJ2BB. If you have an activity coming up or want to report something that happened, please send a short write up to me and I will put it in next month. Please remember that if you work traffic to report it to Dan, K2UL. If you do an event, remember to send the information to the league. Those numbers may seem small to you but they add up like pennies in a jar. These numbers go to Washington and help us when a need (2 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:58 PM] Section News for December 2006 arises. If anyone would like to check out the Skywarn program, the email address is as follows: [email protected]. Section Traffic report for December Traffic manager, K2UL, Dan Ostroy SNJ/NNJ Section Net Reports QNI reports NJM 95 N2GJ NJPN 215 W2CC NJSN 160 K2PB NJN(E) 242 AG2R NJN(L) 186 AG2R (the above nets are dual section nets of both SNJ and NNJ. Liaisons with 2RN) SNJ Local Net Reports NO REPORT FOR JSARS W2HOG SJTN 31 KB2RTZ SJVN NO REPORT WB2UVB Station Activity Reports (SAR) KB2RTZ 595 K2GW 89 WA2CUWWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO 56 AA2SV 35 K2UL 25 KC2IYC 15 W2QOB 13 WA2NDA 13 Public Service Honor Roll (PSHR) KB2RTZ 190 WB2UVB 179 N2HQL 135 KA2YKN 133 K2GW 119 K2UL 110 N2HQL 77 KA2YKN 63 W2QOB 63 WA2NDA 46 KB2VYZ 26 KC2IYC 25 News: Steve, KB2RTZ achieved BPL. Congrats STM reports that the past six years have been posted on the web at In last month‘s traffic report numbers something happened electronically and left out several of the totals. Those numbers will be achieved in the above email address. I have let Steve Ewald at the league know and he will be watching this month when things transfer. If something like that happens again please let me know as soon as you can so I can let the league know. WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Central Division


QST de KA9QPN: I'd like to divert a bit from normal organizational issues and comment on the recent FCC R&O removing the need to test for Morse code proficiency. Quite frankly, I've heard some really appalling comments from some quarters about the future of the Service. More disturbing is the resurgence of the awful prejudices against no-code licensees in general, prejudices which have no place in our Fraternity. There have been loud and dire predictions of the Service becoming 'another Citizens' Band', obviously coming from people who don't listen to certain sections of the HF spectrum. There have been broadside blasts against the 'dumbing down' of the Service in particular and society in general. And there has been a lot of ill will generated for no real good reason. Let's look at this with a clear eye: First, the ITU left it up to member nations to decide the need for a code test. The Union itself removed the Morse test requirement as a international requirement. Reasons for this being that there is no general commercial or military use of Morse code. Consequently, there is no perceived need to generally require testing for the proficiency of Morse. After this decision, it was only a matter of time before the requirement fell on a nation by nation basis. The list of nations that now require a code test is very short. The Commission's action was inevitable. Why the fireworks now? Second, let's stop fooling ourselves. Morse code proficiency alone was never an adequate barrier to bad operators. The Service was founded (and further steps were taken with the establishment of the Amateur Auxiliary) to make US responsible for keeping our peers headed in the same general direction while behaving within the rules and the accepted norms of our group. If it's gotten screwed up, it was ours to keep from being so. How? We are the recruiters and the mentors of those who follow. If we end up with CB redux after this, it's my opinion that we didn't go out and find the 'right' folks to bring into the Service. It will be because we didn't Elmer them properly; or worse, didn't Elmer them at all. A garden takes (3 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:58 PM] Section News for December 2006 work in plant selection, cultivation, and care. If you let your garden get overrun with weeds, it's because you didn't put the time and effort in on your plants. Sure, there will be incorrigibles and renegades. For those few that just won't listen, we have the FCC and the Federal courts. Only a damn fool wants to go to prison or pay big fines for playing radio. Third, it's time to stop all of this "my license is better than yours" nonsense before it starts. I'll not join the debate on the general deterioration of our societal standards here. Suffice to say that it is my own beliefWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO that you choose and set your own personal standards, then live to meet or exceed them. I'll say again that there is no general commercial or military use of Morse code. It is a pleasant pastime for those inclined. A lot of us learned our 5WPM and promptly forgot it after passing the exam. The jury will be out for long time on the wisdom of that forgetfulness. Times change and requirements change. Ultimately, Morse code's use and preservation should be encouraged. That said, I note that 55 years ago, my parents had to learn Latin and calculus to graduate high school. 33 years ago, I needed to have passed geometry and French. 11 years ago, my son didn't need a foreign language and barely saw algebra. Do we all have valid high school diplomas? Answer: Yes, as the valid requirements for the certificationWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO were met at the time. These new licenses will be as valid as any earned prior, and these new folks will become part of the backbone of the Service, just as their predecessors did. Our Service and our Section thrive because of the help of the enthusiastic newcomers that have come into the Service since the no code license and because of their Old Timer mentors. I am personally excited about the possibilities that will be brought about by the general public's perceived lowering of barriers to entering our Fraternity. The pool of folks who may become interested in our Service will most certainly grow. We need to get out there and find those interested and bring them in. We need to mentor them, get them tested, bring them into our clubs, school them in the ways of A-1 Operating, get them on track to augment our EmComm groups and other community service activities. We need to introduce them to traffic handling, contesting, and the gentle pastime of chewing the rag. We need to show the newcomers how hams still advance the radio art by showcasing new technologies. Only by taking this opportunity can we make giant strides in becoming the premier Citizen Public Servants and preserving Amateur Radio for our grandchildren and their children. The new people are coming, and they are coming without a code test to operate throughout our allocations. It's the law of the land that allows them to do so. It's up to us as to how we spend or waste this golden opportunity for a ham radio renaissance. Oh, and we will survive, despite the doomsayers. We came back after the First World War, even though the deck was stacked against resumption of Amateur operations. We survived the license class reshuffles of 1951, 1953 and again in 1968, when many wrote ham radio's obituary. We survived the influx of the 'Bash Techs' in 1981-2 (I was one of those). We had CBers get ham licenses in the early and mid 80's (I'm one of those, too) and we were supposed to be overrun by lids then, too. We are still here after the No-Code Tech ticket was created. Even that 'sacrilege' didn't ruin Amateur Radio, except in some arguably closed minds. If we 'lose' the Amateur Radio Service after this R&O takes effect, it will be by our own hand through our inactivity, our self fragmentation, our lack of imagination, and our inability/unwillingness to perceive and seize the future. MORE SECTION NEWS AT (4 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:58 PM] Section News for December 2006 Wisconsin

WISCONSIN: SM: Don Michalski, W9IXG. BWN 3985 0500-0715 W9IXG. BEN 3985 1200 KE9VU. WSBN 3985 1715-1800 K9FHI. WNN 3555 1800 KB9ROB. WSSN 3555 1830 N9JIY. WIN-E 3555 1900 WB9ICH. WIN-L 3555 2200 W9UW. (All times are Central time) ** With regret, I am informing you of the following Silent Keys: -- Walter Altus Jr., AA9AW, 84. Walt was a member of theWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Riverland Amateur Radio Club and received the Ham Of The Year award in 1995. -- Harold Nitz, K9AWC, 97. -- Jim Waldorf, KB9AQQ, 49, of cancer. Jim was the former president of Madison Area Repeater Association. ** Mark down on your calendar the AES Superfest dates-- March 30 and 31. ARRL president, Joel Harrison, K5KM, will be there to greet you and answer questions at the ARRL table! Don’t forget that clubs are invited to have a free covered table and electrical hookup. It is a great opportunity to promote your club and recruit new members. Contact Ray Grenier, K9KHW, [email protected] office phone (414) 375-1162. ** Congratulations to Steve Elliott, W9RAL, for receiving the Four Lakes ARC 2006 Ham of the Year award!! Also, Jerry Arndt, NO9U, was chosenWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO by the Rock River Radio Club membership to be the 2006 Ham Of The Year. Well done, gentlemen! ** The M&M ARC Ham Assistance Team, HAT, closed out it’s first year with 49 projects accomplished! Congratulations to Pete, AB9PJ, and the entire team for making many amateurs happy! You take on these tough jobs and it is very much appreciated. ** On January 31st, the M&M ARC DAR ham radio project will complete its first year, and in observance, Special Event station "K8D" will be on the air from the DAR. The special event will be observed through Friday February 2nd, from the hours of 3 to approximately 6pm on Wednesday and Friday, and from 1pm to 5pm on Thursday. I plan on being there on January 31 to support this special event. Hope to see many of the club members and little "hammers" operate the station! ** STM Report Wisconsin Section December 2006 FAQ #63 - I think I know what I need for sending a good radiogram but can you remind me what I don't need? Great question! Just as a good sculptor simply removes all the parts that aren't his artwork, so a good traffic handler doesn't include anything that could distract from, delay, or distort a good message. In the preamble, you don't need to identify the parts. While it's customary to say "number" before the message number, the sender doesn't have to label the precedence, station of origin, check, place of origin, time, or date. The receiving operator should know the sequence. Under difficult conditions, with confusing words or names, the sender may spell them out - often using the proper phonetics. When conditions are good and there's no need for spelling or phonetics, it could waste time. In the address, while it may be helpful to spell difficult family names, street names or words, it isn't necessary to identify the zip code or phone number. While it is correct to say, "Break" before and after the text, the sender doesn't need to say it's the text. Of course it is. "Break and the text. . ." has three unnecessary words. A text should be clear and be composed in as few words as possible. Within the text, an ARRL Numbered Radiogram does not need an x-ray after it. As the text is said, the operator's editorial comments are left out. After the text, and the other "break," comes the signature. We know it's coming. It doesn't have to be announced as the signature. The receiving station only needs to respond with a "Roger." He or she may include the message number with that roger - but, if the number doesn't need confirmation, why mention it? When it comes to traffic, (5 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:58 PM] Section News for December 2006 we're efficient. Enough said. 73 - K9LGU/STM Annual Summary 2006 NET QNI QTC NM BWN 23479 31996 W9IXG BEN 6571 547 KE9VU WSBN 8716 887 K9FHI WNN 1920 181 KB9ROB WSSN 1845 240 N9JIY WIN/E 1664 298 WB9ICH WIN/L 1621 387 W9UW WRACES 1150 34 N9VAO TOTALS 46966 34570 ** We enjoyed the WARAC hamfest and meeting many of you. It was a very nice turnout. Looking forward to the upcoming hamfest season! 73, Don, W9IXG



ARRL MINNESOTA SECTION REPORT DECEMBER 2006 SUMMARY FROM SM ++ The MN section ARES and Traffic summaries are enclosed below. ++ See the ARRL Section web site for up-to-date information and bulletins. ++ Go to the new section website at ++ Do you have any interesting news to report? Have you had a good special event, a good class result, good contest results, a special program? Send me a report to be posted on theWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO section news website. Send a copy by email. ++ Do you or your club want to hold a class? Want some help with your class in the form of content or publicity? Let me know and I will help. ++ With the recent and impending changes in amateur radio, I feel it is time to reinvigorate our OO corps. We will need to recruit more Official Observers and spent more time listening to the bands to help those newcomers to the HF bands to operate properly and within the law and acceptable good practices. If you can spare a few hours a month listening, please contact me for an appointment to that position. Respectfully submitted by Skip Jackson, KS0J, MN SM MN SEC REPORT SUMMARY FOR DECEMBER 2006 Total number of ARES members reported: 132 Change since last month: County EC’s reporting: Lac Qui Parle (KC0QED), Lincoln (WD0BZU), Lyon (WD0BZU), Olmsted (AB0BW), Ramsey (N0NAS), Redwood (KA0ISD), Sherburne (N0JHU), Wadena (K0JO), Washington (KC0OIO), Local Net Names: CCART, River Valley, SEMARC, Scott County, Chisago County, Carver County, Washington County, Forx Valley Monday Night Net, Mankato Area Radio Club Emergency Services Net, Marshall Emergency Net, Redwood County, Wadena Area Hamnet, Northern Lakes Radio, NE MN Public Service, SE St. Louis Emergency Service, Dakota County ARES Total sessions: 24 NTS liaison is maintained with the MN Section, Tenth Region, and NTSD Traffic Nets by N0UC, W0LAW Number of drills, tests and training sessions this month: 17 Person hours: 89 Number of public service events this month: 5 Person hours: 14 Number of emergency operations this month: 1 Person hours: 23 Total number of ARES operations this month: 23 Total Person hours: 126 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Frank Karnauskas, N1UW, MINNESOTA SEC MN STM REPORT FOR DECEMBER 2006 NET FREQ TIME QNI/QTC/SESS MGR ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ MSPN/E 3860 5:30 P WO0A MSPN/N 3860 12 P WA0TFC MSSN 3710 6 P N/A VACANT MSN/1 3568 6:30 P K0WPK MSN/2 3568 9:50 P k0WPK PAW 3925 9A-5P KA0IZA/ wa0tfc MONTHLY STATION ACTIVITY REPORTS (SAR) STATION ORIG. REC'D. SENT DLVD. TOTAL BPL NO.OPS. W3FAF 0 78 88 2 168 WA0TFC 0 96 54 1 151 W0LAW 0 36 57 3 96 K0WPK 1 63 18 6 88 KA0RMP 6 26 51 0 83 WO0A 0 42 22 1 65 KA0IZA 0 41 4 0 45 KB0AII 0 16 28 0 44 W0HPD 0 15 20 1 36 KB0AIJ 0 15 15 0 30 N0YR 1 8 19 3 30 WD0GUF 0 3 3 0 6 ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ (6 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:58 PM] Section News for December 2006


North Dakota

NORTH DAKOTA: SM, Kent Olson, KAØLDG -Happy New Year! I hope you are keeping warm with the recent cold snap - I guess it was bound to come sooner or later. With the new FCC ruling regarding CW, there are a few General upgrade license classes about to happen around the state. TimeWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO to step up and volunteer to teach one of the classes. Now is the chance to mold those upgrading into good operators on the HF bands. Congratulations to Don Galitz, KCØDCF, Who was named the RRRA’s Ham of the Year. Pete NØFW and Rod KEØA of Grand Forks just returned from a DXpedition at St Croix, US Virgin Islands. They hammed it up for five days and made 3,049 contacts from all over the world. The Grand Forks hams helped out the Salvation Army’s Bell Ringing Campaign and raised quite a bit of money. It was the most raised at the location where they worked, and the money was matched by a local construction firm. Great Job! The Dickinson hams have done some repair work to the Superlink 440 node and have it up and running again. They are also looking for a repeater location around the Bowman area. The 94 repeater in Bismarck has been replaced, and now requires a 170.2 Hz PL tone for access. Please send me your news to post here. The winter hamfests are coming soon: Grand Forks February 3rd, Bismarck February 24th, and Fargo on April 21st - hope to see you there. Section's web site: HF NM KØJIM net reports for Dec: Goose River Net, 5/63/1; WX Net 52/483/6; Data Net 31/375/7.

South Dakota

Hot Springs ARC The county emergency management purchased a new hf tri-band yagi, 2 meter yagi, rotor, control cable and feed lines for our club. Our next project is to get it all installed at our club shack. Emergency management also approved a new 40' tilt over, crank- up tower to put on our trailer. We hope to have this by springtime. Some of our new techs are getting on the air and our repeater is seeing a lot more activity. Our code class is almost finished and we hope to produce some of the last folks to take a cw test. A possible tech or general class is being discussed. We now have over 40 members in our club. 2006 was a great year for our club and we look forward to a fantastic 2007! Thanks, 73 Tim K0OR BHARC Monthly Report for December 2006 The Rapid City office of the National Weather Service hosted the 2006 Skywarn Recognition Day special event again this year. Eric Kurth of the NWS organized the event. Although fewer contacts were made this year than last, participating (7 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:58 PM] Section News for December 2006 members enjoyed the event. Participating from the BHARC were Chuck Palmer, Scott Rausch, Norm Pierce, Jerry Felts, Gary Peterson and Scot Dannenbring. This year, our ARES HF equipment was used exculsively, including an IC706, LDG auto tuner, and G5RV all-band dipole. BHARC / ARES members Chuck Palmer, Jack Brand, and Scott Rausch were called by the Pennington County Emergency Management office to checkout the amateur equipment installed in the newly commissioned communications trailer. VHF, UHF, and HF radios were powered up and tested,WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO with a minor problem identified in the HF coax feedline. Many thanks to Harry Martens who assisted several club members in getting their APRS equipment up and running. The final report documenting BHARC's participation in the 2006 ARRL Frequency Measuring Test was submitted by the required deadline. The final report may be viewed at Scott Rausch and Gary Peterson acted as net control operators for the annual New Years Eve South Dakota QSO Party. It was held from 9:30pm to midnight Mountain time on 3870 kHz. Preparation of a final report is underway, but it was estimated that approximately 75 check-ins in 12 states participated. All area hams are advised to start making plans to attend the club's Annual Auction and Dinner to be held on 17 February 2007.WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO The Western SD Emergency WX Net continues to meet nightly at 8:30pm on the "76/94" repeaters. The Tri-State Emergency WX Net continues to meet nightly at 9:00pm on the "85" repeater. All are welcome to check in, or just listen in as QSTs of area interest are given at the end of each net. The State Link Net meets on Wednesdays at 8:00pm for the purpose of checking out the state-wide linked system. All check-ins are welcome. All early risers are welcome to check into the SD Morning WX Net at 6:30 am on 3959 kHz every week day. The SD Evening Net is held at 5:00pm daily. If you have any news items for the monthly report, please send them to Scott Rausch at serausch at aol dot com, or 605-787-7566. Pierre Amateur Radio Club Meeting was called to order by Treasurer N0NPO at 19:43. Members attending were: N0NPO, KD0S, KC0WVF, AA0LY, W0RTD, KF0OM, N0PIZ, KB0GGM. ARES report: No activity. The communications grant we applied for was denied. Technical report: KD0S presented an updated inventory report to the trustees. Election of officers was held. Elected were: WB0RJH President, W7WKJ Vice President, KI4NEA Secretary N0NPO Treasurer, KC0CHJ Activities, KD0S ARES Director, AA0LY Trustee (3 years) to join N0PIZ (2 years) and KF0OM (1 year) KD0S Technical (3 years) to join W0RTD (2 years) and KB0GGM (1 year) NEW Business: N0PIZ made a motion to send the Kenwood 440 radios in for repair to Burghardts. KF0OM second. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 21:05. Northern Hills Amateur Radio Club President Jerry Hawley, KG0GG, called the meeting to order at 1937. 12 members and guests were present. Minutes and Treasurer’s report: • The minutes from the November 22nd meeting were read and approved. • The Treasurer’s report was read and approved. Committee Reports: • Public Service Events: • Chuck Palmer, N0UKO will compile a list of events for 2007. ARES: • Gene McPherson, N0MHJ, Carroll Cash, K0RXC, and Dave Jeffries, N0GMP have been working with NVIS and have had some success in the hills area and to Pierre. • The Rapid City UHF state link repeater is operational. The frequency is 444.750 with a tone of 146.2. Old Business: • State link and the Bear Mountain repeater maintenance were discussed. • Volunteers are needed for special presentations. Special Presentations: • Bruce Conlee, K0NLE, brought a Jackson 521 oscilloscope with a 1” CRT and a Radolek wheatstone bridge, both dating from the 1930’s. There being no further business, the meeting was (8 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:58 PM] Section News for December 2006 adjourned at 2014. Respectfully submitted, Doug Aldrich, W0WSP Secretary

Delta Division

Arkansas WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Arkansas Diamond ARC News -The Next Meeting Night is Tuesday Night, Jan 10 at the Conway County Farm Bureau Meeting Room at 6:00 PM and a fried chicken meal will be provided. KC5RED George has the program. Club officers are: George Martin, KC5RED, Pres; Stewart Nelson, KD5LBE, V. Pres; Gayle Wright , KC5IAL, Sec; Jim Wiedower, AC5RT, Tres. Planning for our October meeting we decided that we needed to re institute our weather net and that would be the program for the meeting. After the loss of our emergency coordinator Rick N5HQO (sk) we had gone some time without a plan and we needed to be ready. Little did we know that the plan we had set up would be put to use so soon with the tornados in less than 60 days. In the plan that we set up at that regular meeting, four persons were to be the control operatorsWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO George KC5RED from Perry County, Jim AC5RT Morrilton and Conway County, Charles N5IBP for Faulkner County, and AC5RU Tom from North Conway County. The idea was to separate the four persons so that if something happen in the area of the control operator, one of the other two would take over. Everything worked out as planned. KD5LBE Mayor and KE5DOR Jim monitored the communications and kept in contact with OES in Conway County. We maintained our link after the tornado to OES command for about 5 hours until the area was shut down. Given the current weather conditions with the warmer than normal weather, we can expect to reactivate our storm watch program again and probably more than once. At sometime we will probably do some additional planning for spring tornado season. Remember this is what we train to do and everybody can be a part. --HAAT Height Above Average Terrain. Your Elevation Above Sea Level should be compared to the Elevations Above Sea Level in a 360 degree circle around your location. Take a measurement at every 1 or 2 mile point extending out 10 to 20 miles from your location at every 22.5 or 45 degree direction. Add to your Elevation Above Sea Level, the Height above ground your antenna is. If you compare that total (Your E.A.S.L. + Antenna Height) to the E.A.S.L. ‘s in each direction, as soon as the directional E.A.S.L. equals your Antenna E.A.S.L., your reception in that direction will start being Shadowed by that ground. The higher the directional E.A.S.L. is above your antenna E.A.S.L., the greater the shadow effect will be in causing attenuation of VHF/UHF radio signals. For Good VHF/UHF results in a desired direction, your antenna should be located (following Common Sense Safety Guidelines) as high as possible above the E.A.S.L. in that desired direction with the proper amount of Gain, and, more importantly, the right Antenna Pattern and Gain. Batesville ARC News -Final President’s message – from Mark Turner, KC5EVZ Year-end review- It has been a good year for the club in some ways, and a not-so- good year in other ways. This will be the year remembered as the year we first participated in the Annual White River Canoe Race. On the other side, it was a mediocre year for membership and meeting attendance. It was also the year we went for the public awareness instead of the points at field day. I hope to see even more activity in 2007. I find it difficult to look back and not see things that I wish I had done differently. I have to remind myself that progress cannot (9 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:58 PM] Section News for December 2006 only be made in the future. It is important to review the past and learn from our mistakes, but it is most important to look ahead [even if we make a few more mistakes] in an effort to accomplish something good. What will you do next year to promote ham radio and our local ham radio club? Final thoughts- Please be thinking of who you would like to be your club officers for the 2007 year – elections will be held at the annual meeting. The positions to be filled are President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Public Information Officer. The Annual Meeting of theWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO BARC will be held in the large meeting room at the Western Sizzlin’ Steakhouse on Saturday the 16th of December. We will gather and begin eating at 6:00 p.m. with the meeting to start at 7:00 p.m. The meeting will consist of a short program recapping this year’s club events and plans for next year. The business meeting will conclude with club officer elections. Thank you for your cooperation during the past year. Together we kept the club alive and even served our communities through our efforts. I am looking forward to seeing the progress the club will make in the year to come. 73 de KC5EVZ Franklin County ARES News- This is a reminder that the first monthly ARES training net on the -145.350 (PL 151.4) repeater will be tomorrow night, Monday January 15th, 8:00 PM. Your checkin will WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RObe greatly appreciated! Also our annual Skywarn storm-spotter training is fast approaching. The class for this year will be held in Charleston on Thursday January 25th, in Charleston, starting at 7:00 PM. The location for the class will be at the Charleston Community Center, just off of Hwy. 22, near the National Gaurd Armory. This will also count as a bi- monthly ARES meeting. Rick Covert, KD5GSP, Franklin County ARES and Skywarn EC. News From K5GO and the Monster 6element 40m beam! - MANY THANKS TO N5XR, N5RR and Doug and Marlene (N5ECT/Wd5R) and Kevin for all the help. The plan was to put it back up today and when I got up it was raining and when Mike and I went up there you sometimes could not even see the tower for the fog. Doug and Marlene came all the way back to help this morning and I had called it off due to the weather forecast and actual conditions this morning. Two hours later the fog cleared, Kevin showed up, there was very little wind and no sign of rain. I called the crane guy back, he was there an hour later and three hours later I was on the ground with the rebuilt antenna installed. At 4:00PM when I got down he asked whether I wanted to take down the other broken one (3 element at 150 feet), I said sure and an hour and half later we had fished the broken antenna though all the guy wires, 80M four square towers and had it on the ground with the help of some 500 watt halogen lights. I am very happy that everything went well, the antenna is back up and the broken one down. Stan’s beam is a FULL Sized 40m 6el yagi with a 110’ long boom!! This may be the largest 40m yagi in North America, and possibly the largest in the world. WOW! –Ed. Lawrence County ARC Announces Dates for Winter Fest 2007- LCARC NewsThe date has been set as February 17th 2007 - 8:00 AM until 1:00PM. The location is the Walnut Ridge Fire Departments Fireman's Hall, a HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE BUILDING at 218 E Main Street, Walnut Ridge Arkansas. Parking for the hamfest will be across the street at the Church of Christ and admission will be $5.00 per person with children under 10 free if accompanied by an adult. Flea market tables will be $6.00 per table. Dealer Tables will be $10.00 per table. The event will feature the following: Hourly Prizes (Must be present to win); Grand Prize will be an Yaesu FT-7800R dual bander mobile with separation kit; Second grand prize will be a Yaesu VX-150 2 meter HT. ((Must be Present to win, Must show proof of the proper FCC licenses to win, LCARC Club (10 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:58 PM] Section News for December 2006 members not eligible to win)) For more information please visit - A.R.R.L. ARKANSAS SECTION TRAFFIC MONTHLY REPORT FOR DECEMCER By TERRY R. BREWER WB5HIL ARK PHONE NET ARK MOCKINGBIRD NET ARK RAZORBACK NET SESSIONS 26 SESSIONS 23 SESSIONS 31 QNI 533 QNI 887 QNI 2027 QTC 21 QTC 6 QTC 62 TIME 794 TIME 27 TIME 711 NET MGR. W5SXV NET MGR. K0ON NET MGR. K5BOC ARKANSAS OZK CW NET ARKANSAS STATION ACTIVITY SUMMARY SESSIONS 23 K5BOC 37 QNI 66 AD5JA 20 QTC 3 K5WTH 14 TIMEWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO 144 WB5HIL 12 NET MGR WA5JAN


LOUISIANA SECTION NEWS – DECEMBER 2006 Thanks to the continuing support by the Thibodaux ARC, our state will have a QSO party in 2007. The LA QSO Party will fall on the second weekend of February, starting at 9 AM Saturday morning (local time) on February 10 and ending exactly 12 hours later. Similar to most other state QSO parties, the LA QSO Party is a rather low-key affair compared to the big events such as Field Day in June and the CW and Phone SweepstakesWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Contests in November. However, our state QSO party is a great warm- up for the bigger contests and you can actually generate quite a bit of excitement on the bands, particularly if you operate from one of our more sparsely populated parishes. For the complete party guidelines, click on the LA QSO Party link at The 2007 officers for the Central LA ARC are N5NVP, President; AC5PW, Vice President; KD5JZC, Secretary; and KD5LNU, Treasurer. Incoming officers for the Atchafalaya Amateur DX Association are KC5OKP, President; N5DVI, Vice President; and KD5GAG, Secretary/Treasurer. The new officers for the Twin City Ham Club are KE5EBS, President; W5PEM, Vice President; and KK5VM, Secretary/Treasurer. The officers for the Southwest LA Amateur Repeater Club in 2007 will be KC5FGO, President; WB5OZA, Vice President; W5ELM, Secretary; and KB5RXS, Treasurer. Congratulations and good luck to all! N5AVN is the new Emergency Coordinator (EC) for Concordia Parish and N5NVP is now an Official Relay Station (ORS). The LA Section welcomes the following new hams: Richard Beline KE5LNP, Eric Yancovich KE5LMK, Arlana Morgan KE5LMM, David Pfeltz KE5LML, Kenneth Anderson KE5LLO, Barbara Broussard KE5LLT, Ricky Arbuckle KE5LMJ, Mary Mitchell KE5LLQ, Gloria Boudreaux KE5LLS, Deanne Broussard KE5LLR, Denise Stewart KE5LLN, Justin Fowler KE5LLP, William Barnes KE5LIJ, Felicia Carpenter KE5LIK, Cheryl Pichon KE5LIM, Ralph Freeman KE5LIL, Cory Price KE5LIN, Mildred Wise KE5LIH, Preston Romero KE5LKW, Richard Billingsley KE5LKX, Brendan McNeill KE5LKZ, Paul Wiedemeier KE5LKY, Mary Addison KE5LGP, Michael Fowler KE5LRQ, Sean Roubion KE5LSD, Cindy Martens KE5LQF, James Connelley KE5LQJ, James Hall KE5LQE, Michael Lacassagne KE5LQK, Elizabeth Bracy KE5LQI, Steven Jenkins KE5LQG, Brent Faurie KE5LQH, Travis Boyer KE5LVV, Scott Boudreaux KE5LVX, Paul Guillory KE5LVW, Ellen Olinde KE5LUN, Charlotte Peterson KE5LSE, Keith Davis KE5LVT, Nathan Porter KE5LSG, David Ducote KE5LVP, Matthew Taylor KE5LVS, John Stacy KE5LSC, Thomas Harrell KE5LVQ, John Champagne KE5LVY, Deana Misenheimer KE5LVU,and Dallas Teague KE5LVR. The LA Section has two new affiliated clubs, the Washington ARC in Washington Parish and the Southern University ARC in Baton Rouge. In addition, the Acadiana Amateur Radio Association and the Minden ARC have both been renewed as Special Service Clubs! I am very sorry to report that (11 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:58 PM] Section News for December 2006 WA5BHR and KA5ZSV are now Silent Keys. Time is running out for Emergency Coordinators to submit their 2006 reports according to the LA ARES Award Program criteria posted at http:// I’ve received very few reports so far. Traffic totals: N5KWB 84, WA5LQZ 64, K5MC 62, W5PY 49, AE5V 3, WA4ERU 2. Public Service Honor Roll: W5PY 184, N5KWB 115, K5MC 110, AE5V 57, WA4ERU 52, KB5SDU 50, N5HMH 45, N5MEL 44, W5HUD 44. Section net reports: sessions/check-ins/messages handled. Louisiana Traffic Net: 31/414/47. LouisianaWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO CW Net: 56/351/78. Louisiana Slow Net: 7/46/12. Louisiana ARES Net: 4/61/0. Local/district net reports: sessions/check-ins. Avoyelles Parish ARES Net: 1/1. Caddo/ Bossier Parish ARES Net: 3/35. Orleans Parish ARES Net: 4/16. Ouachita Parish ARES Net: 3/64. Richland Parish ARES Net: 3/29. St. Charles Parish ARES Net: 1/15. St. Mary Parish ARES Net: 4/34. St. Tammany Parish ARES Net: 1/1. Tangipahoa Parish ARES Net: 4/94. Terrebonne Parish ARES Net: 4/23. Union Parish ARES Net: 4/30. Vernon Parish ARES Net: 6/104. Washington Parish ARES Net: 4/49. ARES reports: parish/EC. Allen/KA5NXT, Avoyelles/ KD5IGG, Caddo/Bossier/NZ5S, Calcasieu/KC5FGO, Claiborne/KD5JJP, East Baton Rouge/ N5ULA, Franklin/N5ASA, Jefferson Davis/K5WNV, Livingston/W5RR, Morehouse/KB5SAR, Orleans/NO5FD, Ouachita/K5ER, Plaquemines/AI5B, Rapides/KD5DFL, Red River/KD5IUZ, Richland/N5MEL,WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO St. Bernard/AI5B, St. Charles/K5CFJ, St. Mary/KA5LMZ, St. Tammany/ KC5EAK, Tangipahoa/KD5PKS, Terrebonne/AD5XJ, Union/KA5JNL, Vernon/W5JZQ, Washington/AI5B, Winn/KC5EWJ. 73, Mickey Cox K5MC LA Section Manager Email: k5mc@arrl. org LA Section Website:


SM: Malcolm Keown, W5XX. Mississippi Section Web Page at Web Master W5KWB at [email protected]. STM: N5FP. NM: WB5ZED, K5NRK, KB5W, AD5J, W3TWD, and KM5UH. Don't forget to clear your calendar for the ARRL Mississippi Section Convention and Capital City Hamfest in Jackson on February 2-3. Festivities will begin at the Trade Mart on the Fairgrounds at 5 PM on Friday the second and then again on Saturday beginning at 8 AM. Our ARRL guest will be Dave Patton, NN1N, who is Manager of the Field and Educational Services at ARRL Headquarters. Dave is familiar with all phases of ARRL Headquarters operations, so bring all of your hard questions. In addition, Dave will be available to check DXCC/WAS/VUCC Cards. For more information contact Hamfest Chairman W5LEW at [email protected]. And on your long-range calendar make a note that the fourth Mississippi QSO party will be held on Saturday February 24 from 9 AM to 9 PM local time. Hams from all over will be looking for that rare Mississippi County or just a QSL to complete WAS. Make your plans to put in a few hours to make someone happy or renew acquaintances with old friends. Complete rules are on the Section Web Site. The MSPN had another great New Year's Eve Party with Cajun Sage W5MLO as the MC. Some 75 plus checkins enjoyed some Cajun Humor as well as a summary of the year's activities in the Mississippi Section by W5XX. The Spark Gap (Meridian ARC) reports renewed interest in a Mississippi Packet Network operating on 145.01 simplex. There are now stations on the air in Jackson, Star, Newton, Meridian, Soso, Ellisville, Hattiesburg, Oak Grove, Lumberton, and Picayune. Good band conditions recently have allowed connection to stations in Arkansas and Louisiana. The goal is to develop a reliable packet network from the EOC's on (12 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:58 PM] Section News for December 2006 the coast to the MEMA EOC in Jackson. A by-product of a good packet network will be local weather reports during weather emergencies. In May Candice, KD5VDV, of Wiggins, was selected to attend the ARRL 2006 Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology in Roseville, California, on June 19-23. Candice teaches at Stone County Middle School and is the daughter of WZ5Y. She was the first teacher from Mississippi ever selected for the ARRL Teachers Institute. Check out Candice at work on page 44 of the February 2007 QST! New officers of the Meridian ARC areWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO KE5FHV, President; KD5GBQ, VP; KB5ASR, Secretary; and KD5JYJ, Treasurer. Further, the Meridian Club has finally attained their goal of being a 501(c)(3) Federally recognized tax exempt organization. This allows individuals or business to donate money, goods, and services to the club and to claim donations on their tax return. It also potentially qualifies the Club to qualify for grants. Many thanks to AK5J, our ARRL Volunteer Counsel, in making a major contribution towards realizing the Club goal. As most are aware the ARRL Net Directory has not been printed since the 2001-2002 Edition. KB5W points out, however, that nets can be located on the ARRL Web Site by state, section, wide area coverage, local nets, etc. at Applications for the ARRL Mississippi Scholarship are due to Mary Hobart, K1MMH, at ARRL HeadquartersWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO no later that February 1, 2007. Complete information is on the Section Website under ' What's Up.' Congratulations to the following on their upgrades: KE5IAU -- Ocean Springs; KE5IDI - Columbus; KD6PJW -- Poplarville; KD5SBC -- Falkner. Also congratulations are in order for the University of Mississippi ARC, who had their application for ARRL Affiliation approved by the ARRL Executive Committee. Welcome to new Mississippi Hams: KE5LQN, Kenneth, French Camp; KE5LQO, Larry -- Kosciusko; KE5LRS, Brian -- Lucedale; KE5LRP, Jeffrey -- Morton; KE5LRR, Hugh -- Richland; KE5LRS, Jessie -- Jackson; KE5LTH, Cecilia -- Collinsville; KE5LUJ, Pete -- Vicksburg; KE5LUP, David -- Columbus; and KE5LVD, Winnie -- Liberty. In addition, welcome to new ARRL Members: KD5IFA -- Liberty; KE5DHC -- Florence; K5IBM -- Newhebron; KE5KVM -- New Site; KE5LLL -- Houston; KE5LQO -- Kosciusko; KC5ZJI -- Madison. Newsletter/Club Reports: Hattiesburg ARC (AC5E), Lowndes Co ARC (AC5DO), Magnolia DX Assc. (K5DL), Meridian ARC (W5RB), Univ. of MS ARC (W5MPC) DEC/EC Monthly Reports: K5CBS (Stone), WB5CON (NE MS/Alcorn), KD5CQT (Jackson), KC5EAK (Pearl River), KD5GWM (Lauderdale/Clarke), K5WSY (Tishomingo). PIC Report: N5TBB Net Reports: Session/ QNI/QTC (Net Manager) DRN5 62/MS 100% rep by N5FP, W5OXA, KB5DZJ, WB5ZED, W5MLO, WA5FB, W5XX (WB5ZED) MSPN 31/2576/54 (K5NRK) MS TFC Net 31/132/11 (KB5W) Magnolia Section Net 31/1034/5 (AD5J) Jackson Co ARES 31/437/7 (KD5CQT) MS Slow Net 21/68/1 (W3TWD) MS Baptist Hams Net 5/48/0 (WF5F) MLEN 5/43/0 (K5NRK) Hattiesburg AEN 5/111/0 (N5MZ) Newton County ARES 4/34/0 (WB5GUD) Meridian Area EN 4/49/0 (KD5GWM) JARC EN 4/49/2 (AB5WF) Monroe Co ARC Net 4/44/0 (AD5DO) NE MS ARES 4/67/0 (W5LMW) Lowndes Co ARC Net 4/35/0 (AD5DO) Itawamba Co ARES Net 4/39/0 (KB5NMB) Stone County ARES 4/20/0 (N5UDK) PSHR (minimum 70): WB5ZED 150, N5FP 110, KD5FUY 78, W5XX 75 Traffic: WB5ZED 2557 (BPL), N5FP 40, WA5FB 32, W5XX 8, KD5FUY 4 Compilation of Net and Traffic statistics provided by N5FP, Mississippi Section Traffic Manager.

Great Lakes Division (13 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:58 PM] Section News for December 2006 Michigan

On February 3, 2007, several hams are “Going to Hell” (Hell, Michigan, that is) to operate during the AzScQRPions F)reeze Y)our B)... O)ff (FYBO) contest. So far, the contingent will include Ed AB8DF, Courtland KA5S, and Hank N8XX. A special event call of N8H has been reserved. They'll be operating on all the “QRP” frequencies, but the best chance for folks in this area will be on 7.04WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO (CW) or 7.285 (SSB) MHz. They will be operating between 1400z and 2359z. They will also try to activate a station on the preferred mode Hellschriber (of course), but this is whether any of them can figure out how to operate those fancy things called computers to run the software. For details on the contest, see FYBO2007_01072007.htm I am pleased to report that during the past year, the Michigan Section’s number of ARRL Field Appointees increased by about 10% from 223 to 247. Our numbers of PIOs have increased, and we have more ECs taking leadership rolls within the ARES. We have added several new OESs and more LGLs as well. My thanks to each and every dedicated ham who offers his or her services to the amateur radio community. Make no mistake aboutWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO it, everyone does play a vital part in helping amateur radio grow. We hope to recognize these efforts with ARRL appointments and acknowledge those efforts. Check the League’s web page to see if there is an appointment in your area of interest and let me know: Several Michigan amateur radio clubs are dedicating significant efforts to getting more youth involved in amateur radio. ARAY in the Flint area (now merged with Genesee County ARES), ARGYL in Lowell, and DAR in Menominee are reporting great success. These results are very encouraging and clearly illustrate to the nay-sayers that amateur radio is active and exciting to youth. Several other Michigan clubs have now started similar efforts to encourage school age children into the hobby. Check these web sites for a look at what is happening: http://www.gcares. org . From Marty, N8MG our Section Emergency Coordinator, I have the following comments: “Thank you all for the previous year’s accomplishments and the many operations we successfully completed. I want to extend my best wishes for a happy and prosperous New Year and continued growth both personally and in your individual areas of responsibility. We all had struggles to meet our planned goals, and we met them successfully. Thanks!” - Marty N8MG. Our STM, John WB8RCR reports the following: “Reporting was down significantly due partly to the holidays, but largely due to terrible propagation. Many nets had great difficulty meeting late in the month, and that seems to be continuing into January. Interesting that we had so few PSHR reports, but quite a number of new stations providing their SAR.” New Club officers for the L’anse Creuse ARC are: Pres-Elect, N8GEO, Secretary KC8WNK, Treas N8RLP, Tech Officer N8PYN, ARRL Liaison, N8NLK. The new Livingston Amateur Radio Klub (LARK) 2007 Board members are: Pres N8GVD, VP W8KDR, Sec KC8SER, Treas KC8QQN, Tech Dir WB8AZP, Prog Mgr KC8VAB, Dir W8CLK. The Milford Amateur Radio Club has elected its officers for 2007. They are: Pres WA8YUZ, VP KC8IDE, Sec KC8QAT, Treas KC8NQJ; Directors WA8WOQ & K8ZKJ. Station Activity Reports (SARs) for December, 2006: KC8WSE 225, K8LJG 183, K8AE 171, KC8MLD 87, WD8USA 53, W8RNQ 38, K8AMR 32, K8RDN 28, WI8K 27, WB8RCR 23, AB8WF 19, KD8BMV 12, K8YB 10, WA8OOH 4, KC8ZCF 4, AB8CB 1. SARs are reports of all the radiogram traffic you have handled in the past month. Public Service Honor (14 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:58 PM] Section News for December 2006 Roll Reports (PSHRs) for December, 2006: KD8BGQ 153, K8AE 110, K8MFK 103, K8AMR 91, WB8RCR 79. PSHRs include your net and public service activities for the month. PSHRs and SARs should be filed monthly with WB8RCR. You can access a simple reporting form at: http:// to provide your reports to WB8RCR. December Official Emergency Station reports came in from KC8ZCF, KC8ULE, and W8RAE. Your OES reports should be filed with WA8EFK. In all cases, reporting by radiograms encouraged. 73, Dale WA8EFK WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO

Hudson Division

Northern New Jersey

SM Bill Hudzik-W2UDT, ASM-N2WZB, STM-WB2FTX, ACC-N3RB, SEC-K2SO, OOC-K2ZD, PIC- W2WJO, TC-NR2H NNJ Webpage: MONTHLY ARES NET: Second Monday of each month (8PM) on the Morris County OEM Repeater: WS2Q 146.895 MHz (PL 151.4) minusWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO 600Hz. The New Year is already here and the 2007 (yes, another year!) hamfest season is already taking off. In the next 2 months we have the following events taking place in NNJ: On February 23rd the New Providence ARC is holding its annual auction/hamfest. March 3rd sees the annual Split Rock ARA hamfest and the following day March 4th Bergen ARA is having one of its auctions. And, finally for March on the 24th the Cherryville ARA is holding its yearly hamfest. Check your QST for details and times. Please support these events and future ones throughout the year as they are usually the only means the clubs have to raise money in order to support their repeaters and other services. Also, the auctions/hamfests are a great way to just meet and greet those fellow hams you would not otherwise see. Speaking of events, the recent Hudson Division Cabinet was held last weekend and was hosted by Hudson Director Frank Fallon-N2FF and Vice Director Joyce Birmingham-KA2ANF. Over 50 hams were in attendance to get updated on ARRL and Hudson Division news and later, exchange club news. This second part is probably the most interesting as the meeting is open to club officers/ representatives to exchange ideas on how to improve their clubs by getting ideas for meeting topics and public service events. If you have not attended one of these meetings please do, as you and your club are missing out on some very good information and contacts. It was reported at the meeting that the Bergen ARA, the host club for the Hudson Division Awards Dinner, presented a check for $2500 to the ARRL Spectrum Defense Fund. N2FF and KA2ANF personally delivered the check to League Headquarters last month. And, Joyce-KA2ANF has a power point presentation ready of the visit should any clubs be interested in learning the details. Feel free to call her to arrange a visit to your club. By the way, Joyce is also an unlimited source of ARRL info so don’t pass up an invitation. On club news, some have already elected officers for 2007. The Bergen ARA officers for the new year are: W2ML- President, K2AMI- Vice President, WB2AIU, Treasurer and KC2KIS-Treasurer .Also, Jim Joyce-K2ZO was recognized as the BARA Amateur of the Year for his many contributions to the club. The North Jersey DX Association (your W2 QSL Bureau) has returned its 2006 officers for another year. President is W2ML (sounds familiar), W2LK-Vice President, K2WR-Secretary and N2BIM- Treasurer. Likewise, the Raritan Valley Radio Club returned its 2006 officers for another term. (15 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:58 PM] Section News for December 2006

President is KB2VRM, Secretary-W2OU and Treasurer-WA2C. Even though January is not over, NNJ has had some very positive Public service events. The New Providence RC had a successful Kid’s Day event on January 7th which included hosting a 13 member Cub Scout troop who was able to complete its communication pin during the visit. The following Saturday the Roseland ARC held an all day Scout Radio Merit Badge session which allowed those attending to meet the requirements for their badges. Thanks to the two clubs for introducing youngsters to our fascinatingWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO amateur radio service. Also, don’t forget to let our new PIC Walter O’Brien-W2WJO know of your event. He can lend some great advice as to where and how to publicize your event. Another on-going public service activity is the section’s ARES nets. The header lists the monthly net but we do have county nets which do much to contribute to activity in NNJ. One is the Essex County Emergency Communications Net which meets the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30PM on the WA2YSB repeater (146.415 + 1 MHz) with a PL of 85.4 Hz. The monthly training net is open to everyone who wishes to check in. Net control is K2GVC and Net Manager is KC2RFC. Bob-KC2RFC is the DEC for Essex County and would appreciate those interested in becoming active in ARES to contact him. Finally, I am coming to theWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO end of my 3rd term as Section Manager for NNJ and have decided not to seek a 4th one. The January and February issues of QST list the requirements to file a petition to seek the position. I encourage those ARRL members who feel they would like to give something back to the service to file a petition prior to the deadline. The position of SM is not as daunting as it may seem. There is a lot of support out there from our Section Appointees! 73, Bill Hudzik, W2UDT

Midwest Division


Kansas Section News Summary- December 2006 SM, Ron Cowan, KB0DTI-- SEC/OOC: Robert Summers,K0BXF ASM: Orlan Cook,W0OYH ASM-Youth: Emily Stewart, KC0PTL SGL: Steve Hamilton, KB0JYL PIC: Larry Staples, W0AIB ______Silent Keys: KØCEU - Bill Pingry, Osawatomie WØODU – Hayden Shafor, Overland Park ______Central Kansas ARC presented the Joe Addison (WØPKD) public service trophy to Pete Sias, NØOY. WØPBV- Myron has various batteries as a result of hospital pulls etc. from UPSs and other equipment that he would like to move out of the local hospital. Contact him direct. From KCØPTL- ASM Has anyone else asked themselves "Where did 2006 go?!" Now the question is: "What can we do for 2007?" This year has been an exciting step forward in youth amateur radio. With another 365 days ahead, the opportunity is there to connect more kids with amateur radio. Maybe that little girl or boy in your living room watching Barney or Dora the Explorer will try ham radio and completely fall in love with it. You just have to provide the opportunity. I would also like to hear from anyone who has a school radio club in their area. It would be good to share ideas and activities among the groups. How did your club start? How many members does it have? Does it have a (16 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:58 PM] Section News for December 2006 club station, or do you meet at someone's home to operate? ______The following is from Jim-KCØNYK: Ron, please include the following information in the KS Section Report. In addition on 13 December, Bob Martin N0RDM, Montgomery County SATERN Coordinator, Ken Collins NU0B, Montgomery County RACES Officer, James Tuggle KC0NYK, Elk County SATERN Coordinator and ARES H4 AEC and Jim Miller KC0WAA, Montgomery County Emergency Preparadness Director, attended theWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Local Emergency Preparadnes Committee meeting in Independence, KS, and participated in the FAD [Foriegin Animal Disease] Disater planning meeting and table top exercise. This meeting was attended by KS FEMA, KS Dept of AG, Montgomery County Sheriff's Department, local police departments from around Montgomery County, many fire departments, etc., and was a very consise and in depth learning experience for all. Many of the groups involved were very pleasantly surprised to learn about the capabilities of ham radio groups such as SATERN, RACES and ARES, to the point that several of the officials have requested that they be included in our training programs in the future so that they may learn even more about the way in which we operate. All in all a good week for Ham Radio. Thanks, Jim Tuggle ______ORS- AAØO reported lots of ice but very WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.ROlittle snow after Christmas. He also said most of the emergency communications in his county is handled by REACT and their 300 ft tower went down in the ice. Bill was without power for three days. The phone system was down for about a day. Lots of hams lost antennas in the storm. EC report from KØFJ December 2006 ARES Dsit 3A Activity Report Zone 3A sessions = 41 QNI = 573 QTC = 185, SkyWarn Activation = 12 December was a very active month for Dist 3A. Two major winter storms a week apart kept the SkyWarn nets very active. During the high freezing rain and snow events, we called our directed ARES / SkyWarn net every 2 – 4 hours to provide snow depth and storm info to the NWS Office in Goodland. We also provided updates to the Thomas County EOC pertaining to power outages. Our repeater was used to coordinate heavy equipment to assist with removing a large generator that was needed in Gove County to provide emergency power for their shelter. Most of this area was without power for many days. Some are still without power. The City of Colby was fortunate and never totally lost power. We started the last storm with 1.5” of freezing rain on Thursday, 9” of heavy snow and wind on Friday and 10” of very heavy snow and wind on Saturday afternoon and evening. We lost our APRS Digi Antenna located at the 300’ mark on our West EmComm Tower. We also lost the Rec antenna on our EmComm repeater on that same tower due to ice load. Our Repeater and IRLP link performed flawlessly during the entire event. 73 from the snowy west…Michael Albers K0FJ ARES EC Dist 3A ------Section Emergency Coordinator Report KANSAS December SEC report: November activity 15 Zone EC reporting 125 net sessions, 726 QNI and 39 QTC. RACES QNI 8, counties represented are Brown Phillips Johnson Harvey Montgomery Mitchell and Shawnee QCWA net: 4 sessions 37 QNI 0 QTC Army MARS 816 man hours operation and 1103 messages originated. Main computer went South and was lucky to extract this amount of info. Laptop is sole source of operation until I replace the whole set up including both printers. Not sure what caused the problem but computer and both printers within a weeks time says something was not right. Everyone has my best wishes for a better 2007 Bob Summers K0BXF ARRL SEC KS ______ (17 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:58 PM] Section News for December 2006 November Sessions/QNI/QTC/Mgr: KSBN/30/679/24 N0KFS KPN/22/279/38/N0KFS KMWN/30/640/561/WB0YWZ KWN/30/797/585/ WB0YWZ CSTN/27/1873/60/N0BFB QKS 42/166/32/ NB0Z QKS SS 6/13/0 KB0DTI Traffic: N0ENO 57 KC0HHO 38 NB0Z 37 N0ZIZ 26 KB0DTI 22 K0BXF 23 W0OYH 15

Missouri WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO JANUARY 2007 MISSOURI SECTION NEWS Dale Bagley, KØKY MO SM I don’t know if you made any New Years Resolutions this year, but I resolved to increase the time I spend operating on HF and to make some needed improvements in my Radio Shack. Since the last section news the FCC announced that they were no longer going to require testing for CW proficiency. I am not sure at this time when the change will go into effect. It is interesting that in some countries where the CW testing has been dropped, the use of CW has increased. So it would be a good idea to learn and use CW if you want to get the most from your VHF and HF operating time. I really appreciate the outstanding jobs being done by the MO Section Leadership. WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RODale Huffington, AEØS, STM, Don Moore, KMØR, SEC, Keith Haye, WEØG, ACC, Jim Harrell, NØOSV, OOC, Dennis McCarthy, AAØA, PIC, Wayland McKenzie, K4CHS, TC and My Assistant Section Managers, Larry Ballew, ABØHP, Bill Coby, KBØMWG and John Seals, WRØR. This outstanding leadership team has made the success of the program of serving the membership and communities in the Missouri Section possible. JANUARY HAMFEST The January 13, 2007 Willard Hamfest sponsored by the 49ers Repeater Group. Willard is located a few miles Northwest of Springfield, MO on Missouri Highway 160. The Willard Hamfest will be held in the Willard Recreation Center on 128 N. State Highway Z. Michael Blake, NØNQW, can provide more info if you e-mail him at nØ[email protected] The January 20, 2007 Northwest Missouri Winter Hamfest is sponsored by the Missouri Valley ARC and the Ray-Clay ARC. The Hamfest will be held at the St. Joseph, MO Ramada located just west of the I-29 exit #47. Exhibitors and those planning to attend the Hamfest need to contact Roy Burnett, KAØSIU by phone 660-446-3589 or 816-387-3758 or E-mail [email protected] . You can also contact Roy by mail at NW MO Winter Hamfest P.O. Box 1533 St. Joseph, MO 64502. The NW MO Hamfest is always a fun experience, so load up some friends and head to St. Joe. The Winterfest January 27, 2007 at the Gateway Convention Center in Collinsville, IL is sponsored by the St. Louis & Suburban Radio Club Inc. This is the largest Hamfest in the Midwest area. Talk in 146.94 – and 146.97 (w/141.3 tone) repeaters. Tickets are $6.00 in advance and $7.00 at the door. Vendor tables go for $22.00/table with an additional $25.00 charge for electricity. For more information e-mail Jim Glasscock, WØFF, at wØ[email protected] or phone him at (636) 584-8888. You can also contact Bill Coby, KBØMWG at (314) 504-1104. Winterfest 2007 will be a great Hamfest and no Amateur Radio operator who lives in the area can really afford to miss this event. AFFILIATED CLUB NEWS KEITH HAYE, WEØG, ACC The Community Radio Club of Rush Hill, MO is the latest Affiliated ARC in the Missouri Section. C.R.C. President Lew Scheffler, KCØULK was notified of the affiliation on December 20th and the Charter will be presented by Midwest Vice-Director Cliff Ahrens, KØCA, and Section Manager Dale Bagley, KØKY, in the near future. The Mid-MO ARC is in the process of getting MMARC Club Logo Jackets or shirts. They are looking at either silkscreen or embroidery and making sure that the (18 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:58 PM] Section News for December 2006 vendor can produce a slashed zero for the callsigns. The Callaway Amateur Radio League newsletter encouraged more activity by their club membership. CARL Editor, Dick White, KSØM, emphasized that Cycle 23 is expected to end in late July 2007 and Cycle 24 will begin. The bands will improve for several years during the eleven year cycle. Now is the time to up grade your license, improve your operating skills, station set up and antennas to be ready for the fun that comes with improved propagation. In The Mississippi Valley DX and Contest Club newsletter the DX HOG,WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Norm McCourt, ACØN reports that the WØQSL Bureau has sorted 98,000 in 2006. Jay KØJFI and Rich KØGSV updated the MVDXCC membership on their efforts to develop a new design for the club’s QSL cards. The Tri Lakes ARC in Branson, MO membership is trying to find ways to attract younger members. One recent idea was to support a local school in applying for the ARISS program and if accepted, promote it heavily in the local papers and perhaps the Springfield TV stations. The club has had some preliminary discussions with schools in the area and the Hollister MO grade school is very interested in doing this project. Ron Potter,AG1P, is the TLARC leader on the project and is reviewing the requirements on the ARISS application. He finds there is some required equipment that they don’t have in the area The primary antenna system needs to be an OSCAR style circular polarized beamWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO antenna with azimuth/elevation rotor control and the cost of this equipment is outside the resources of the club. They were wondering if this equipment is available for loan from someone in the Section or from the League. If anyone wants to reach-out in support of this project, send an e-mail to Ron at [email protected] SECTION ARES REPORT FOR OCTOBER 2006 DON MOORE, KMØR SEC District E in the boot heel region of the Missouri ARES system has a new District Emergency Coordinator. Larry Ford, NØRIC of Senath, MO has taken on the responsibility of the DEC in addition to his job as the EC of Dunklin County. Total # of ARES members: 749 Number of drills, tests and training sessions this month: 88 Man hours: 813 Number of public service events this month: 1 Man hours: 27 Number of emergency operations this month: 0 Man hours: 0 Total number of ARES operations this month: 89 Total Man hours: 840 Comments: 5 of 9 districts SECTION TRAFFIC REPORTS FOR OCTOBER 2006 DALE HUFFINGTON, AEØS, We are very pleased to welcome Larry Wilson, K0RWL as our new net manager for MOTRAN. Larry has been a ham for many years and has been an active on CW and Phone traffic nets, contesting, building and repair. He is active in his local amateur community, working on repeater repair and up-date, among many other things. He has been active in ARRL as well, having served as SM for a period of five years. Larry ‘s station is outstanding, and he frequently has been asked to relay messages from stations that net control stations cannot hear. We all really appreciate the many years of service by Phil Urquolia, NY0T (also remembered as K0DAT for many years) as Net Manager of MOTRAN. Phil is planning to move to the Kansas City area found it necessary to give up his role as a NM. Phil’s energy and welcoming manner drew many phone ops to become regulars of the Missouri Phone Net. He will be missed, but perhaps he can join us in the near future. MON – CW Sessions 49 QNI 58 QTC 20 NM K9ZTV MO Phone Sessions 31 QNI 752 QTC 79 NM NYØT MESN Sessions 5 QNI 61 QTC 1 NM AEØS Callaway CARL Sessions 3 QNI 38 QTC 0 NM KBØHKN Boone Co Sessions 4 QNI 62 QTC 1 NM WMØH Howell Co Sessions 7 QNI 49 QTC 0 NM KØRWL Jackson Co ARESR Sessions 5 QNI 62 QTC 1 NM KØUAA Macon Co Sessions 4 QNI 34 QTC 0 NM KØKY CSRS Wellsville Sessions 3 QNI 21 QTC 4 NM KCØYNE Rolla RRARS (19 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:58 PM] Section News for December 2006 Sessions 30 QNI 427 QTC 8 NM KB9ZBO St. Louis Co Sessions 8 QNI 113 QTC 7 NM KBØH 10th Reg Sessions 60 QTC 124 MO 80% with K9ZTV, WØRTO NDØN, WØSJS, NM WØSS

New England Division Connecticut WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO A very Happy and healthy New Year to you all. Some of you have seen this on the local news. We in the Ct Section send our profound sympathy to Don Moore K1QPN of Bloomfield and his family on the loss of their sawmill and other valuables from fire. The mill has operated in the family for many generations; this is a significant loss. Don was active for many years in ARES as an EC. Don, please know that the CT Section ARRL wishes you and your family all the best in dealing with this very unfortunate incident. Several of us operated W1AW during the operating event commemorating the 100th anniversary of the first voice transmission over radio. What fun! Many thanks to Media and Public Information Manager Allen Pitts W1AGP and to Joe Carcia,WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO NJ1Q Chief Op at W1AW for their wonderful accommodations. Your SM K1EIC, K1EIR, N1BDF, K1SFA, W1KRB, K1RfD, KB1KIX, WV1X and others whose calls I do not have at this writing operated the event. This event officially closed the Hello Radio campaign focused at new hams, although the Hello-Radio Web Site will still be up. The next focus for the recruiting of new hams will be to explain our emergency communications capability in a crisis. New brochures are ready—go to I will personally see to it that all club presidents, DECs and ECs will receive a few brochures which can be used to facilitate your communicating with town officials. Let’s get the word out, welcome newcomers and either participate as an elmer or refer one to an elmer. I will be in contact with clubs asking for elmers on various operating specialties with the goal of putting a list together which can be shared. So please begin thinking about the possibility of your participating in this important work. Remember, we all need to be doing something new. Another goal for us this year is the training of more operators on digital modes. Here are some words that should clarify this Section’s position on the use of various modes in emcomm from DEC Chuck, Rexroad, AB1CR and CLIDE: CT Leaders in Digital Emcomm. Packet radio is a vital communication technique for digital communication. While CLIDE continues to evolve the technologies available to Connecticut served agencies, we recognize that packet radio will be one of the user links into any digital data radio system for many years to come. The current Flexnet/FBB system is the only 100% RF system we have today. It provides coverage of much of Connecticut and its coverage is expanding. The Flexnet/FBB system can handle text-only messages, NTS traffic, and bulletins. The Winlink2k system is more e-mail based, allowing for attachments of status reports and other small attachments. Today, all state Regional offices can access the Winlink2k server on Box Mountain through 100% RF links. This means they can exchange messages with each other, even if all Internet connections are down. We plan to provide more 100% RF links into the Winlink system during 2007. This means that all the State offices will have two 100% RF systems for exchanging digital messages, each system providing digital communications support and serving as a backup to the other. If a user station is configured for Flexnet/FBB that station can use Winlink2k. If a user station is configured for Winlink2k (20 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:58 PM] Section News for December 2006 that station can use Flexnet/FBB. While the two systems work somewhat differently, the underlying user technology is the same. We encourage users to become familiar with both. As CLIDE continues to work towards a goal of providing one megabit or higher data speeds for state regional offices and key Red Cross offices, we realize that even if that were in place today there will still be many people who have 1200 baud packet as their user station. Our long-term plan includes 1200 baud packet as one way of entering any digital data system. We have also been experimentingWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO with 9600 baud packet and that mode shows promise as another technology for state regional offices, EOCs and anyone who wants to buy 9600 compatible packet equipment. In short, the Flexnet/FBB system is vital to the plans for digital data communication in Connecticut today, and for many years to come. Newer, faster technologies such as Winlink2k are being developed to provide additional capabilities for our served agencies. Both systems will be used for many, many years. Please see http://www. And now, on a personal note, your SM had the pleasure of attending the club meeting of The Daytona Beach Amateur Radio Association while in Florida recently. It was a wonderful meeting but very different! You see, the person who was to open the meeting place was not thereWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO and so it was decided to move the cars relatively close to each other and sit on tailgates and a few chairs that were available and have the meeting outside anyway! We were in a lighted parking lot. This is one thing that in CT, we would not be able to do! It was a privilege for me to be there; I was invited by Rose WA1VOP formerly a very active member of The Candlewood ARA. Many thanks to all at DBARA for their hospitality and welcome. I also had the happy occasion to attend the holiday and recognition dinner for members of The Newington Amateur Radio League. At the NARL Dinner, the club recognized the following: NARL Ham of the Year (2006) -- Paul Gibson, N1TUP two NARL “Decade” Awards: Charles Griffen, W1GYR, and Steve Ewald, WV1X; special Recognition to John Di Sarro, KA1HQK, for his service as the NARL Club Historian; 25 Year Club Member Recognitions to John Di Sarro, KA1HQK, and to Al Cohen, W1FXQ; life Achievement Award was presented to Al Cohen, W1FXQ. NARL Certificates of Merit were presented to Al Gerke, N1JWF, and Steve Ewald, WV1X. N1TUP was specially recognized for participating in several activities and for his many hours teaching and mentoring new hams. The life achievement award was the first of its kind given to Al W1FXQ for his continuing efforts to help others, coordinate speakers, recruit volunteers, share his experience gained from Amateur Radio and other personal experience. He is currently president of QCWA. Warm and hearty congratulations to you all—I’m proud to be among you. TO: ALL ARES AND CARA MEMBERS FROM Oscar, KB1LQV: As you all know there is growing emphasis on training that will allow us to participate in support of our served agencies and communities using the Incident Command System. Many of us have already completed several on-line FEMA courses. We have a rare opportunity to get some advanced training for emergency service and support. With the support of ARES Region 5 south and the Brookfield Police Department we are able to present two advanced courses to better prepare ourselves to operate should we be deployed to support served agencies during / after a general emergency. There is NO cost for these courses: Course title - IS-300 Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents; IS-400 Major / complex incident management Both courses are targeted toward the management of the large or expanding incidents and would provide hams with a better understanding of how larger incidents are handled so we could provide better (21 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:58 PM] Section News for December 2006 communications coverage. The focus of the course is on Operation / Logistics / Planning Location - Stony Hill Fire Department - 59 Stony Hill Rd - Bethel, CT 06801 Date / Time - February 3, 2007 / 8:30AM sharp (Doors will open and coffee and doughnuts will be available at 8:00AM) There are NO prerequisites for these courses -open to all regardless of whether or not you are IS-100 trained. Both courses are covered in about 8 hours. This will be an all day event so there will be a short break for lunch. There are several alternatives for lunch in the immediate area rangingWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO from sit-down restaurant to familiar drive-through The instructor is Officer Jared Turner of the Brookfield Police Department. Please confirm back to me by January 27, 2007 if you can attend and to reserve your seat. Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions. Email is [email protected] or [email protected]. Phone is 203-744- 8062 or 914-841-4896

Eastern Massachusetts

Hello and Happy New Year to all; Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve as the new E.M.A. SectionWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Manager. I got my feet wet in Nov.& Dec. 2006 ARRL and personal issues got me up and running, after being notified of the possition. I want to say " GOOD LUCK " to (W1MPN),Mike Nielson, in his future endeavors. My first experience as incoming E.M.A.Section Manager was meeting the ARES group, on Nov 8,2006, at the Bridgewater, MA. location, a very well oiled machine ready to GO!!! Prepared to handle any and all emercency's to be execuited during disaters. These exercises are done 3 times a year with other agencies involved, such as MEMA, ARES,& RACES. I learned we have communication problens, E0C HDQS worked well, but there was a problem with S.E, MA.. Simplex was weak in response to Essex, Middlesex, and North Shore Group provided quick responce to correct the issues, it was poor communication to the south mainly because of inside antenna & portable repeaters. Middlesex worked hard to solve station location to operate the drill. It suceeded in correction the issues. * WELL DONE * MARS did well but needs to work on proper operation proceedures (WA1FIA). Western,MA. does well because of simplex operation their repeaters on MOUNTAIN TOPS!! We need a repeater for Middlesex County, they can't hear over the (MENDEN) Mountains."PLEASE TRANSMIT TONES ON ALL FREQUENCY'S" We also talked about workshop (BASIC) MEMA & FEMA, they do not offer communication classes, but there are ARES CLASSES & local communication proceedures. Contact - KA1RSF/LUCIEN. The winter E.M.A. drill to be held on Saturday 2/24/07, also an all section drill, due to weather cond., it will be held 3/3/07. All in all, I was very taken by these dedicated amatures, KD1CY, W1MPN, N1BDA, KB1EKN, W3EVE, KA1NCF, K1BTH, N1LKJ, N1FY, N1BDA, K1EJ, N1IST, K3HI, N1FY. 73 Section Mgr.Ema, K1GBX Art Greenberg, Georgetown, MA. [email protected]

Rhode Island

Greetings fellow Rhode Islanders: I will assume that everyone reading this knows about the recent changes made to our regulations by the FCC. If someone has just returned from exploring the headwaters of the Amazon and hasn't followed news in the last month, please go to and get caught up. Also check (22 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:58 PM] Section News for December 2006 the FAQs at The number one question many hams ask me these days is when we will no longer have to pass any code test to get a General or Extra ticket. The answer to this has been published in bulletins, on the ARRL website, in newsletters, and discussed at club meetings. The easy answer is that no one as of this day, January 12th, knows when this effective date will take place. We do know for sure that FCC has stated its ruling that no code will be required for any license in the future but this will not be implementedWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO until the 30th day after the Report & Order (R&O) appears in the Federal Register. It has not appeared yet and when it does, I guarantee that special notices will be issued on the ARRL website, and all the popular ham radio sites. For the first time in a long while, I was able to attend the recent semi annual Director's Cabinet Meeting, held on January 6th in Framingham. This is a very worthwhile meeting to which all Section Managers and affiliated club presidents are invited. Sharing thoughts with counterparts is very useful and can help us better understand common issues in our division. Director Frenaye, K1KI runs through a long list of items he expects to be discussed at the ARRL Board meeting on January 19-20. As you might expect, there was a good deal of talk at the Cabinet meeting about the Omnibus bill and the dropping of CW as a licensing requirement. Early reports aroundWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO New England and from my friends in Texas suggest that these changes will cause a large upturn in interest in our hobby especially from those who have been discouraged from seeking a license by the code requirement. ARRL expects 25,000 new Amateurs to be produced in 2007. That's a pretty remarkable number but they feel it will happen and may even be conservative. Our RI Chief Instructor, W1VH has reported a flood of new interest in becoming a ham. He is presently working with the RI Red Cross and teaching a new class in North Kingstown will soon have a good sized class going in North Smithfield and is planning several more in the next six months. For further information, contact Bill directly at [email protected] . In November, I reported the successful activation of the Point Judith Lighthouse by the Blackstone Valley ARC. BVARC recently joined the Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society and was featured in a terrific picture feature article in the weekly northern RI newspaper, Valley Breeze. I sent a copy of the very well written article to ARRL HQ. This was a great PR job and thanks to BVARC President, Norm W1AUT and Treasurer, Bob WB1P. Bob is also our RI Public Information Coordinator. The picture from the Valley Breeze is posted on our RI web page. PRA President, W1EYH was recently contacted by Gary, N5KDA in Mississippi. Gary is seeking a RI contact to help complete his WAS. He needs only three more states. Not an unusual request, you might be thinking. Many RI hams have been asked similar questions. But Gary is looking for someone who can work him on 2 meter EME! He claims that anyone who runs some power with a yagi antenna can do the job. His 4 x 17 array will do most of the work. If interested in trying this feat, please contact Gary at [email protected] and set up a schedule. This reminds me of the time I visited K5GW's contest station, northeast of Plano, TX. K5GW, the owner of Texas Towers, has two separate EME arrays for 144 and 440 MHz, each with nearly 500 elements. The moon heard K5GW very well, indeed. On December 30th, Marian, AA1VU, some family members and friends activated the Russian Juliett 484 submarine docked at Collier Point Park in Providence. They used the special call, W1S and worked many US and DX stations. They are planning a repeat operation during the "Submarines on the Air" weekend, April 28-29. I'm sure they will need operators for this (23 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:58 PM] Section News for December 2006 ambitious activity, so if you're interested in participating, contact Marian at aa1vu@hotmail. com . In my frequent SWLing on the bands, I've noticed a disregard for our rules. Maybe it has always been that way but as I get older and more cranky, I guess I'm just less tolerant of it. To prove a point to myself, whenever I hear a station on any repeater or someone on the HF bands mention where they are, I jot down the information and check it against the FCC data base. There's hardly a day when I do not find someone not licensed for the location in which they claim to be.WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Part 97.23, Sub Part A of the rules that govern all of us states that our permanent station must be where we have listed it at our mailing address to the FCC. Further checking of my list of call signs indicates that nearly every one of the violators is not an ARRL member. League members like us tend to take our licensing seriously and always operate our stations in accordance with the regs. Our Director, K1KI has reminded me on several occasions that the majority of active Amateurs are League members. We are self policing, just as FCC expects us to be. However, non-members don't read my monthly activity report and may not be aware that they are in violation. Let's be diplomats and gently remind our uninformed friends when we can do so. You might also suggest that they become a League member. Fewer than one out of four US Amateurs are ARRL members. Yes, I know that many licensed hamsWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO are not active and the true percentage of ARRL members is closer to half of those who are active. Never the less, the December headcount indicates that 85% of ARRL sections showed an increase in membership from November and RI is one of only 15% that lost members. All of ARRL gained nearly 1,000 members in December. That's great! RI lost 3. That's not great. Club support isn't what it once was, personal on air activity is down, we're all busy making a living, sunspots are down and band conditions are poor. Sure, but this is true in all 71 sections. Why did 61 sections add League members when our RI Amateurs and those of 9 other sections lost members? It's discouraging to say the least. Did I do something to drive them away? I took part in Straight Key Night, using my vintage Collins gear; 32V-3 and 75A-4. It was great fun. You all should do it on New Year's Eve. It also demonstrates why we love our modern gear with memory keyers, auto tuning, etc. Finally, on December 16th, we had to put down our rescued Cavalier Spaniel who couldn't walk. She had nearly six years here with us after doctors had estimated she had six months left following being rescued from an illegal puppy mill. Bridget traveled to all the Field day sites with me and met many of you. Finally, her heart couldn't stand the strain of her problems and her body gave out. We miss her greatly. I shall resume my club visitations later in January, so have your questions ready. I'll do my best to get you answers. 73, Bob W1YRC

Northwestern Division


Sorry to be so late in submitting this page. I have been working out of town until late in the evenings. We are finally past the holidays and off into the new year. I hope that all of our members had a happy time off at the end of December and are now keeping warm with the sub-zero temps we've had over the past week and a half. There is still a need for NTS traffic types to represent Montana on the daily RN7 nets and then bring any incoming traffic to MTN (24 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:58 PM] Section News for December 2006 at 530pm local on 3910 khz. Jack, KD7HWV and a few others have been covering these nets daily and could use a break. This is the opportunity to see how NTS works and participate in an important function. We could use your help. Any who might be interested, please contact Jack before the MTN and sign up. RN7 is a phone net and message traffic is passed via voice in most cases, CW is not required, but helpful. Keep us in mind. The League is gearing up for the new "Legislative Action Program". Details are in Feb QST. If you might have a knack for working in the politicalWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO arena and would like to help out, we can use your expertise. Please contact this station with your information. The usual Legislative bill to outlaw use of any (that's right ANY) electronic communications device in your personal vehicle is coming up before committee again this year in Helena. Bill, K7MT and others have been there before to represent us during this hearings. Be aware of this little monster and be there to help out if you can. Date and time of the hearing are yet to be set, but we'll do our best to make it known ahead of time. Watch this one, it could bite. The annual Argus Barker Stevensville Hamfest will be the 24th of February at the old Burnt Fork School near Stevensville, MT. It's our first gathering of the year and usually brings many out to swap and sell gear, listen to Bluegrass andWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO eat pot luck supper. Bring your junk and be prepared to bargain, it's always a good time. Glacier Hamfest is coming around again in just 6 months. If you have always had a reserved campsite at Glacier Meadow's Campground, be sure and contact the owner, Hank Zomer, notify them you'll be there again this year. Otherwise, they may release your spot to the top one on the waiting list. IMN-W5UYH, QNI-495, QTC-138 MTN-KD7HWV, QNI-2246, QTC-138 MSN-K7LMT, AE7V, K7MT, QNI-78, QTC-3 Thanks to all who participate in our nets and move traffic for us. 73 to all Doug, K7YD


EARLY-EARLY SEA*PAC REGISTRATION The SEA*PAC CoChairmen have announced that the SEA*PAC Ham Convention has opened up early online registration through their web site Like last year, paypal or credit card will be accepted. This early early- bird registration will be available until February 17th (Rickreall ham fest). For those who take part in the early early-bird registration, there will be a special drawing for them. The prize for this special drawing will be a Yaesu ‘VX 6R’ HT. The drawing will take place along with the other prizes to be given out on Sunday at SEA*PAC. You need not be present for this prize. 2007 COMMUNICATIONS ACADEMY The academy will be held on the campus of Seattle Pacific University March 31 – April 1, 2007. See their website for details. The focus of the academy is emergency communications. CLATSOP COUNTY TOWER ISSUE For several months, Steve and Kelly Larkins in Clatsop County have been battling attempts to have their 85’ tower removed. Apparently towers are not allowed in RA-1, RA-2 or RA-5 zoned areas. After their first application to retain the tower was rejected by the planning commission, they filed an appeal which also failed. They are appealing to the county commissioners now. Phil Kane, K2ASP, a volunteer counsel for the ARRL, has been assisting them and their attorney in this process. Clatsop County’s zoning ordinance needs to be rewritten and Phil is willing to assist in the process of attempting to have that done. According to Phil, the county ordinance regulating “wireless communication facilities” (i.e. towers and (25 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:58 PM] Section News for December 2006 antennas) exempts amateur (and CB) transmitters and antennas but not “support structures” or “towers” in those words. So basically, Steve and Kelly can have an antenna, but no support structure for that antenna. Phil has written a model ordinance about ten years ago that has been adopted in about a dozen California and Oregon jurisdictions. This is a good time for everyone to take a look at your county and city zoning ordinances for towers and other antenna structures. If you have questions about how well they are written, please contact either Phil or me. SOUTHWESTERNWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO OREGON REPORT Dan Bissell, W7WVF, is actively working throughout the Southwestern portion of the state and will make more contacts around the area when the weather improves this spring. He attended a Saturday morning coffee get together with the Hams in Gold Beach for informal conversation and communications. He also sent information throughout the area on FCC rule changes and included the new ARRL color band plan. He is also making plans to visit the Umpqua Valley Club in Roseburg and the club in Florence and will work on getting to Grants Pass and Medford when the weather gets better. He is working with his own club, the Coos County Radio Club on getting special service club status. If any other groups exist, formal or informal, that would like to have him come visit, feel free to contact him. The annual Bandon Hamfest, sponsored by the Coos County Radio Club, WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.ROis on the ARRL web page and has been approved by the Division Director. This will occur on July 21. The biggest activity in Southwestern Oregon during December was the involvement of ARES folks in the search for the Kim family. This was reported last month along with the November ARES reports. They had good support from the repeater owners, one of who climbed a mountain tower in snow and near darkness to improve communications. OREGON GOVERNOR’S PLANS FOR FUNDING EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS Since plans to provide money to fund emergency communications was announced by the press, I have been receiving questions about this. I looked around the governor’s website and this does not seem to be one of the highest priorities. There are no press releases, references in his speeches that I can find, or new task forces. According to Bill Morris, W7IH, the Section Emergency Coordinator, a little money did go to the state police but nothing else that he has been able to identify. He is monitoring the situation and will let the appropriate people know if something develops that we can get involved in. The money seems to routing through the State Interoperability Executive Council (SIEC), which was created in 2002. Vince Van Der Hyde, K7VV, the EC for Oregon Emergency Management, is also monitoring activities of this council and says that it appears to be a trunked 800 or 900 MHz system that could fail when actually loaded in an emergency. Bill Morris, W7IH, also said that the funding for this is at the will of the state legislature. OFFICIAL OBSERVER REPORTS During December, three observers reported a total of 119 hours of monitoring. NTS REPORTS Scott Gray, W7IZ, is the Section Traffic Manager. His complete report is posted on the section website. Station Activity Report (SAR) Totals December 2006: W7IZ 274, N7CM 182, KD7ZLF 174, N7YSS 147, K7PMB 91, K7EAJ 66, W7VSE 40, KC7SRL 37, WS7L 26, N7APE 10, KK1A 6, AB7X 1 Public Service Honor Roll (PSHR) Totals for December 2006: K7EAJ 150, N7CM 140, KD7ZLF 115, N7YSS 110, KL7OR 110, W7VSE 94, KD7THV 80, KK1A 73, KK7TN 71 ARES REPORTS I did not receive many ARES reports but will submit those I did receive to you in a separate email to section. I received reports from Jackson County, Clatsop County, Clackamas County and one OES report from a Washington County OES station. If anyone else has reports to submit, please get those (26 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:58 PM] Section News for December 2006 to me before this coming weekend to get into this email to section.

Western Washington

In District 1, Stanwood/Camano Island reports Team Members were on standby for the December 14 wind storm at the Camano Island EOC ( Terry’s Corner Fire station). San Juan County was also on standbyWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO but not activated. Island County reports the December wind storm brought out most of the Team to help with Health and Welfare requests and local information to be passed to the EOC. It was a learning situation for all those involved. District 2 reports that Peter Apgar, from Medical Services, made a presentation on the Medical Services organization at the regular meeting of Jefferson County ARES/RACES. The team was activated December 14th in response to high winds and associated damage. They manned the five fire stations and the EOC that form the County Area Command Emergency Strategy. Their support continued until about 0400 on 12/15 and that gave them one shift change which had recently practiced in the Crystal Thunder exercise. The City of Port Townsend's Central Command CenterWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO is co-located at one of the fire stations so they also supported backup communications from the city to the county EOC. Their efforts were recognized by a letter of thanks from the City of Port Townsend. Clallam County ARES was also was also called up by CEMD for the Dec.15 storm watch and team members were deployed to EOC. Kitsap County ARES/RACES/ACS was called out Thursday evening, December 14, by the Kitsap County Department of Emergency Management in response to the massive windstorm. Alternate communications system stations at the county EOC and five area command centers were activated. They brought up their emergency net on the Kitsap County ARES/RACES/ACS repeater, which was running on backup power for the duration of the event. Emergency communications volunteers were on duty and ready, but fortunately normal communications facilities did not suffer any outages and no need arose to pass traffic on their communications circuits. After the wind storm on Dec 14th District 3 teams in Lewis, Mason and Thurston Counties were activated for various tasks from setting up generators and manning shelters to being on “warm standby”. The Grays Harbor team was out helping people set up their weather radios, and unfortunately had to release four members for failing to pass their NIMS requirements. Pacific County participated in the EOC to EOC drill from their home stations this quarter. Down in District 4, the Clark County Team continued to provide the CEM NET Tuesday check-ins for the county. The Clark County EOC was activated on Thursday December 13th and ARES/RACES was put in standby mode with over 35 operators standing by until 11:30 PM at which time they were released. Members of the Silver Star Search and Rescue team provided a snow cat and operator, Rick, KE7FHK, to assist in locating 3 missing climbers on Mt. Hood December 16th and 17th. On December 15, Cowlitz County EC Randy, NU7D was contacted by Columbia County Oregon EC/RO, Martin Anderson, KC7ILK to see if Cowlitz County could help in case they needed any assistance. The previous nights wind storm left most of Columbia County without power. They also lost their primary and backup 2 Meter Repeaters during the storm. The ARES/RACES Team was put the on standby but not needed. District 5 activities included a District meeting, the EOC-EOC drill, and support for the December Windstorm (Operation Blowhard). Once again ARES members received high praise (27 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:58 PM] Section News for December 2006 and heartfelt thanks from Emergency Management and other served agencies for the quality of support provided. In District 6, All of the King Co. teams reporting for December assisted their local served agencies in the wake of the windstorms and power outages that occurred during the 12th through the 15th. Several Sammamish team members were activated by East Side Fire & Rescue on Dec.15 due phone system outages related to the wind storm. They were stationed at Carnation Station 85 and S. Issaquah Station 76. Their mission was to provide communicationsWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO for any individuals that walked in. Because there was no 911 service available, they relayed incidents to net control to notify 911 officials. Puget Sound Energy ARES was activated to “Code Yellow” alert once during the wind storm of December 13th, and to “Code Red” to assist Eastside Fire & Rescue during the power/communications outage to their fire stations on December 15th. The North Bend ARES Team supported Eastside Fire & Rescue by manning Stations 87 & 88 in North Bend during the power and communications outages December 12 and 13th. The Fire Dist. 40 Team was activated for the December 14, 2006 Windstorm. They supported 2 fire stations, 2 fire engines and an aid car. 18 team members were activated. In District M, the Medical Services team in King Co had a joint training meeting with Seattle ACS which included a holiday award luncheon and HIPAA training. WhileWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO the hospitals did not require communications support, several team members responded to local EOCs for short periods. Lots of lessons can be learned from the bad weather. They are planning another ham class which is scheduled for early February. The SEC wishes to thank all of those who provided support for the various missions during the past year, especially the time spent on the December windstorm. This is a valuable resource to make available to our customers. Even when we are just on standby, (an especially boring activity) we are giving up time which could have been used for other activities. Have a great 2007! 73 de K7TAG

Pacific Division

East Bay

Happy New Year Wow another year passed, seems it was field day a few weeks ago. I really enjoyed all the holiday events and meeting as many of you that I did. I would have liked to visited all the clubs but, alas, I can’t be in two places at once. The new year brings forth new club leaders, congratulations to the following officers: EBARC, Jack, K6JEB president; Ron, KE6RS, !st VP; Vaca Valley ARC, Jerry, KD6WKY, president, Mike W6MAV VP; SBARA, Steve, KA6S; Adam, KG6HDT, VP; HARC, John, KE6PID, president, Terry, N6MON, VP; I will list more when I get the updates. Plans for the EB section ham radio expo are getting underway. Looks like the most likely date will be May 19, 2007 and will be held at Alameda Point. I am looking for someone willing to co- chair this event, if you are interested in helping, please contact me at [email protected] The Red Oak Victory is looking for folks knowledgeable in WWII Japanese radio equipment if you or someone you know wants to help please contact Dick KG6SXM; [email protected] EBARC is holding a crab feed on Feb 17,2007 contact Joe Lee, [email protected] 73 Ti-Michelle Connelly (28 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:58 PM] Section News for December 2006


Nevada Section News Summary See the Nevada Section website at for the complete, unedited stories. January 11, 2007 - December'06 SEC Summary - Doug Abramson, KA7FOO has resigned as our Northwest DEC. Doug has a new job, which will take much of his time. Thanks to Doug for your work and efforts. In the interim, I will be taking over as Northwest DEC for theWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO time being. Also, Glenn Thomas, WB6W, has stepped down as Douglas County EC and is succeeded by Dick Young, KD7JMR. Dick brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the position, and we look forward to working with him. Planning for EMCOMMWEST 2007 continues. The web site has been recently updated. Our keynote speaker this year will be Allen Pitts, W1AGP from ARRL HQ. Vendor applications are now available, and the speaker roster continues to grow. I have been voicing stories for Amateur Radio Newsline on a regular basis, so keep listening as we attempt to put the Nevada Section on the map! Here's wishing everyone a very happy New Year. - Don Carlson, KQ6FM Nevada Section Emergency Coordinator. SOUTHERN DISTRICT REPORT: Comments from Glenn Hale, KB7REO - SKYWARN WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RORecognition Day started things off with Jeff KC7PK, myself and Frank KL7IPV setting up and operating from the Las Vegas NWS office. The highlight of the event was one of the forecasters talking to their former NWS office in Florida. Esmeralda County EC Ron WB5KLJ and Jim KB7PPG installed the Mt. Oddie repeater on 146.64, 123 tone. IRLP node 3396 was moved to the repeater as well, which was used to check into the Clark County ARES/ RACES New Year's Eve net. Thanks to the net control operators of the NV Section SKYWARN Net who have offered to add detailed weather and earth science topics to the weekly net. South Nye County ARES report by EC, Jerry KC6ILH - The public service event was passing out Christmas meals and items to the elderly and indigent. We also provided a HAM CRAM class and have 13 new hams in the Pahrump valley. This took place on the 30th of Dec. All have a Happy New year and keep your batteries charged. Clark County ARES/RACES report by EC, Charlie AA5QJ - The NE Clark County area with Roy Wilmer K7WYF as AEC has been redistricted, with Roy now AEC Moapa Valley, and Charlie Lum Kee KH6AB as AEC Mesquite. Congratulations to Charlie, and thanks to Roy for his continuing leadership. I attended the Virgin Valley Amateur Radio Club meeting in Mesquite on Dec 13. I talked to the group about Clark County ARES/RACES and the important part they play in our organization. A Certificate of Appointment as Assistant Emergency Coordinator for Mesquite was presented to Charlie Lum Kee KH6AB, club president. Our information flyer and applications were passed out, and questions answered. Red Cross initiated an informal net on New Years Eve with 29 check-ins throughout the evening. A test all-call page was sent via the Emergency Notification System, part of the City of Las Vegas' Reverse 911 system, one of our ways to notify members of activations. Several AECs and members worked with the new Amateur Radio pages in WebEOC, the county's web-based EOC Coordinating software. NORTHEAST DISTRICT REPORT: Comments from Joe Giraudo, N7JEH. The Elko Amateur Radio Club and Elko National Weather Service Club participated in SKYWARN Recognition Day this month. Two HF stations were operated on Friday night and Saturday. The total QSO count was 458 with 48 States and 36 Weather Service Stations contacted. So far, Elko is eighth in the nation. Results have been posted on the SKYWARN Website. HF Section Net activity has been steady. Participation is (29 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:58 PM] Section News for December 2006 included in the numbers above. Propagation has been good enough for reliable Section-wide communications. NORTHWEST DISTRICT REPORT: Comments from Doug Abramson, KA7FOO: Over the past few years many weather related events have kept the ARES staff busy. But not this year! A good thing is happening in the district with the upgrading of governmental communications systems that are upgrading the ARES equipment as well. This is taking place in Douglas, Lyon, and Washoe counties. Thanks go to the respective Emergency CoordinatorsWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO and their staffs. Bob Miller, WA6MTY, Washoe County EC - Thanks to Frank KE7ZJO for coordinating our first DUAL One Day Ham Cram and thanks to Gary K7VY for running the General Ham Cram. WC-ARES was on standby for the Red Cross during the Wild Fire December 27th, fortunately nobody was evacuated and there was no damage. Thanks to Gary K7VY and Dee KA7LOZ for helping with the Red Cross shelter after the Mizpah Hotel fire. Thanks to all of the Assistant Emergency Coordinators that are helping me to build Washoe County ARES team. Dick Young, KD7JMR Douglas County EC, - Douglas County proceeds with a upgrade of the Communications Dispatch Center. This includes upgrade of the ARES/RACES "shack" located within the Dispatch Center. Completion is anticipated prior to end January, resulting in further VHF/UHF/HF NCS capabilities for DCART. December 21, 2006 - SIERA Hears AboutWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Skywarn - Rhett Milne, the Warning Coordination Meteorologist from the NWS Reno Office conducted the SKYWARN Spotter Program for SIERA. The Sierra Intermountain Emergency Radio Association General meeting took place on December 21 at 7:00 PM at the United Methodist Church in Gardnerville. December 18, 2006 - Nevada Section Manager Dick Flanagan K7VC is pleased to announce that Paul Cavnar K7IN (ex-NN7B) has re-qualified for appointment as an Official Observer (OO) for the Nevada Section and will report to Official Observer Coordinator Tim Hunt WA6TNW. Paul was an Official Observer almost 28 years ago and has re-qualified. Please congratulate Paul and give him your full support. Paul can be reached by e-mail at [email protected]. December 17, 2006 - The Quarter Century Wireless Association, Silver State Chapter #190, N7QC, presented awards to seven amateur radio operators at its 13th annual Christmas Party, on December 8th, 2006. Max Cornell, K0MC presented the Amateur Radio Operator of the Year Award to Steve Kometz, N7KP. Steve has assisted virtually all the amateur radio organizations within our community and deserves praise for his accomplishments. Max also presented awards to Gary Grant, K7VY, Joe Muncey, W7DIK, Larry Oakley, W7AB and William Galvez, K6ING for being continuously licensed for 50 years . Awards for being continuously licensed for 65 years were presented to Gordon Harris, W7UIZ and Robert "Buster" Brannin, W7TQZ. -30-


Happy New Year to you and your family. See the Pacific Section webpage for details on events mentioned in this news letter. The new questions and frequencies are now in effect as of December 15 and soon the rules will change again with the elimination of the code requirement. Check the ARRL main website for the details. With careful shopping for airline tickets and sharing the room at Pacificon, the Pacific section manager came in under budget by $10. Next year the big budget item will be a meeting of the section staff on Oahu. Rick, KH7O, said the HSRAC repeater coordination webpage has changed. http://home.hawaii.rr. (30 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:58 PM] Section News for December 2006 com/ecom/december2006.html. OR Congratulations to Guam's 23 new hams! They passed on December 21 (Dec 20 Hawaii time). We hope to hear them on the air soon. We also hope they join ARRL or better yet become life members of ARRL. Your SM went to Maui for the MARC meeting in December and was just in time to witness exams there. Congratulations to the new hams on Maui. The Big Island had one test session with one new ham that aced the exam. Unfortunately with the holiday mail, the papers got lost andWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO had to be resubmitted. That is why it is a good idea for VE teams to keep a copy of the paperwork for a reasonable length of time. We are sad to report the passing of two long time hams in December. They are Yozo Endo, KH6HHD, and Roy Blackshear, KH6BAI. Big Island ARC will have its regular meeting 1/13 at 2PM. Special guest will be Hawaii County CD Director, Troy Kindred. Dues $20 The Kona Amateur Radio Society will have a regular meeting 1/21 2-5PM BBQ theme is American food. Dues are $20 Honolulu ARC will have their regular meeting 1/20 at 9AM. Your section Manager is going to attend. It is at Sizzler in Pearl Ridge. $15 dues. EARC will meet Thur 1/25 at 7PM. Meeting at Aiea United Methodist Church. The regular dues are $20. Theme is Mini-swap meet. Warren Monroe reports that the Kaimuki Adult Education classes are set up and ready to go with a February start day butWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO pending enough registration. The Great Aloha Run will start at dawn on Monday 2/19. If you would like to participate contact Wayne Jones, NH6K. There are at least seven aid stations to be supported. Bart Aronoff, WH6AA, Kimo Chun, KH7U, Jackson Tsujimura, KH6DQ and Ray Moody, AH6LT all ask for your support for the Hawaiian Ultra Running Team or HURT 100 race on Sat. & Sun. 1/13 & 1/14. This is a very long race so shifts may be eight hours or more. Please contact Bart Aronoff, WH6AA, as soon as possible with your primary and secondary choices of shifts. Jack, KH6DQ, said our First State HealthComm Net for the New Year will be 1/7 at 9AM on 7.088 with alternates of 3.888 and 5.3715 MHz. The PacSecARES HF Net meets Tuesday 1900W but will come up on 3.888 MHz because of propagation. Someone will monitor 7.080 MHz. A second alternate is 1.888 MHz ARRL CEO David Sumner, K1ZZ, is urging League members to turn their outrage at the FCC's unreasonably favorable treatment of unlicensed BPL systems into generous donations to the 2007 ARRL Spectrum Defense Campaign. The ARRL is suing the Commission in the US District Court of Appeals. More information is available on the ARRL web pages. Bob Vallio, W6RGG, Pacific Division Director called a special meeting of Section Managers and club officials on December 2. Your Section Manager was unable to attend due to budget restrictions. From the minutes of that meeting : "Dean, KH6B, wrote an e-mail asking that QST be mailed first class to a subset of members (e.g. Life Members, New Members [1st year], etc.) It was noted that members can pay an additional annual fee to get first class postage. Bob, W6RGG noted that the people in Alaska complained to their congressional representatives about slow mail speed and it was much improved thereafter. The hams in Hawaii have not expressed interest in approaching their congressional representatives. The majority in the room felt this issue was a non-starter." Your Section Manager sent a statement to all ARRL Directors, Vice Directors and staff officers so that the problem of QST delivery delay will be brought up at the upcoming ARRL Directors meeting later in January. Since the Pacific Division Director and the people attending the special meeting did not see the importance of the QST delivery issue. It is up to us. It is time to contact your congress people on this issue. (31 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:58 PM] Section News for December 2006

Sacramento Valley

SECTION NEWS January 2007 Well Happy New Year everyone and here’s to what appears to be a very interesting year for the ARRL and Amateur Radio in general. We’ll be keeping close tabs on the outstanding changes to the Morse code elimination requirement and the “grandfathering” of TechnicianWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO with code operating privileges to all Tech Licensees. Please remember that none of these changes go into effect until 30 days after the FCC publishes the Report and Order in the Congressional Register and at the time of this writing it has not been submitted. Once it has taken effect you must file a 605 form with your VE team. I look forward to getting out to the clubs I the Section as often a possible this year and I hope to meet many of you at that time. In the meantime, please feel free to contact me directly with any questions that you may have regarding the ARRL Sacramento Valley Section. ARES: As was reported back in December, Dave Thorne, K6SOJ stepped down from the SEC roll effect December 31. Dave’s service to the Section will be missed, but I now look forward to working with Richard Cloyd, WO6P of Palo Cedro in his new SEC appointment. Once again, welcome aboard Richard!WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO EMCOMM: I received this information regarding the two-day 2007 Communications Academy held in the Pacific Northwest; this will be the 9th annual academy. The Academy will be held on the campus of Seattle Pacific University March 31 - April 1, 2007. The Academy's web site is for details. The 2006 Academy attracted more than 200 people, most hams. The Communications Academy is open to anyone with an interest in emergency communications, volunteer or professional. The presentations are designed to promote the development of knowledgeable, skilled emergency communicators who will support their local communities during a disaster or emergency response. Those that I know who have been able to make the time to travel and attend have thought the Communications Academies well worthwhile. CLUBS: As mentioned in Jettie’s November Section News, many of the clubs have elected new officers for 2007. If you haven’t done so, please take a few moments and go to and update your club’s information. This should be updated any time there is a change in the club’s status, and your doing is much appreciated. Sierra Foothills ARC elected 2007 officers at their November meeting and new President Don, WB6LPJ takes over the gavel at the meeting this Friday, January 12th at the Library in Auburn. The December meeting involved the annual Christmas Dinner, held in Newcastle – as usual, a great time was reported by all in attendance. Golden Empire ARS reports that they have recently added Echolink to the already IRLP equipped W6RHC repeater. Motherlode DX & Contest Club will be holding their January meeting on the 27th at the “usual place”, the Round Table Pizza at Hiway 88 near Hiway 49 in Martell. Get together will start about 11am with lunch followed by the meeting. Due to the relocation of the Round Table in Martell, the location for the February meeting is TBD. Nevada County ARC held their regular monthly meeting on January 8 at the Salvation Army Building in Grass Valley. 2007 Officers were elected and a presentation entitled “Everything You Want To Know About APRS” was given by Grover Cleveland, K7TP. Oroville Amateur Radio Society was been reestablished in November and will meet on the First Friday of every month at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church at 1400 Pine Street in Oroville. The club website is where more information can (32 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:58 PM] Section News for December 2006 be found. Yuba Sutter ARC has elected its 2007 slate of officers headed up by President Bob McClard, W6OWH. Bob will be ably assisted by VP Don Fair KB6RHJ, Treasurer Clara Ashley KC6JPP and Secretary Manna Whelchel KG6PNE. The officers are competently supported by the board consisting of Ron W6KJ, Herb W6HBU, Lee KC6MCI, Steve K6YCS, and David WD6SCD. The club is actively supporting Technician License Classes and VE testing for local amateurs. The club’s website is Well that wraps it up for this month. If I missed your club, I apologize.WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO If I haven’t received any information from you, I’d love to get it. All, please continue to support your ARRL. Your input is very important. ‘Til next time, best 73 Casey, W7IB

San Joaquin Valley

SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY SECTION Report for the month of December 2006: SM Charles McConnell, W6DPD- ASMs K6YK and W6FRH, ACC W6DPD, SEC N6ZFN, OOC N1VM, STM K6RAU, PIC KE6IGJ, TC W6TE. Greetings from the ARRL San Joaquin Valley Section. Your San Joaquin ValleyWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Section staff sends hope for the best in 2007. Thanks to all the volunteers who participate in the ARRL Field Organization. They put in lots of hours for the benefit of Amateur Radio. Keep up the good work in 2007. Thanks to Rex, KE6ZOC for maintaining the SJV Section page on This is a reminder to all Field Organization Appointees that you must keep your ARRL membership active to keep your appointment. You also need to make a monthly report of your activities. If you desire your club information and events to be listed in Section News, please send the information to [email protected]. Mark your calendars: The International DX Convention is April 27-29, 2007 at Visalia. Check http://www. for information. EMCOMM West is May 4-6, 2007 at the Atlantis Resort and Casino in Reno NV. Check for information. Field Day 2007 is the fourth full weekend of June. The 65th Fresno Hamfest is August 4, 2007 at the Holiday Inn at the Airport in Fresno. Check for information. Pacificon 2007 is October 19-21, 2007 at the Marriott Hotel in San Ramon CA. Check for information. When your affiliated club elects officers for the next year, be sure to update your club’s information on the affiliated club area of the ARRL web page. If you fail to update your clubs information for 2 years, your club will be placed in the inactive file. Need to take an Amateur exam? Check the ARRL web page, for exam information. You can also search for Amateur Radio Classes in your area. The Northern California Net (NCN), the Section Traffic Net, meets nightly on 3.533 MHZ at 7 PM Pacific Time. The slow speed training session of the net meets nightly on 3.533 MHZ at 9 PM Pacific Time. Handling traffic on CW is a good way to improve your CW skills. The Daytime Region 6 Traffic Net meets daily at 3:30 pacific time on or near 7.275 MHZ. The California Traffic Net meets daily on 3.906 MHZ and 6:30 PM local time. It is my sad duty to report that KE6ZQ, WA6FGM, WB6HQU, and K6RES are Silent Keys. They will be missed. Fresno County and Kings County ARES groups operated W6H for the SKYWARN Recognition Day from NOAA Hanford. Turlock ARC members provided communications support for the Turlock Christmas parade. The Radio Club of America awarded its 2006 Barry Goldwater Award to Frank Clement, W6KPC, of Bakersfield for his lifetime achievements. Congratulations Frank. The Fresno ARC named KF6CL as its 2006 Amateur of the Year. (33 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:58 PM] Section News for December 2006 W6TLM earned the Boner Award and WB6GBS earned the Alligator Award. The Golden Empire DX Club (KI6GWR) is a new club in Bakersfield. Gordon West, WB6NOA, will visit the Sequoia Amateur Group in February 2007. Bakersfield ARA 2007 officers are pres KB6JFL, vp KG6ZBK, sec K6JAG, and treas KA6VXC. Check for information. The club named N6RSK its 2006 Ham of the Year. Central California DX Club 2007 officers are pres WA5VGI, 1st vp N6AWD, 2nd vp WS6X, sec/treas W6DPD, Directors W6YDE, AA6LY and W6RFL. For information contact [email protected] The club will celebrate 25 years of ARRL affiliation in 2007. Stockton-Delta ARC 2007 officers are pres WB6NVB, vp KD6FVA, sec/editor N6LHL, and treas KB6QIT. The club celebrated its 75th Anniversary in December. Congratulations!! The club is planning for its 80th anniversary in 2011. Check for information. QCWA Fresno Chapter 213 2007 officers are pres W6YEP, vp W6VPS, sec/treas W6DPD and Directors K6XJ and WA6NIF. The chapter meets the 4th Tuesday at Carrow’s, 4280 N. Blackstone at noon in Fresno. All QCWA members are welcome to attend. Check htm for information. Traffic for December K6RAU 28, N6SUZ 23 and W6SX 2. Total 53. PSHR: K6RAU 73, N6SUZ 36. WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Santa Clara Valley

Santa Clara Valley Section News Summary. January, 2007 SANTA CLARA VALLEY: SM, Bill Dale, N2RHV [email protected] ASM Admin, John Amos, KC6TVM, mailto:[email protected] SEC, DEC, ASM, Santa Clara Co, Larry Carr, KE6AGJ, [email protected] DEC, Monterey Co, David J. Burbidge, W6IIQ, [email protected] DEC, San Benito Co, Kathy Hill, KB6INO, kathyhill_99@yahoo. com DEC, San Mateo Co, Peter Liljequist, KD6BXY, [email protected] DEC, San Mateo Co, Laurence Nelson, KC6NYG, [email protected] DEC, Santa Cruz Co, Cap Pennell, KE6AFE, [email protected] ASM, Jim Oberhofer, KN6PE, [email protected] BM/Webmaster, Frank Kibbish Jr, WB6MRQ, [email protected] OOC, Andy Korsak, KR6DD, [email protected] TC, Kit Blank, WA6PWW, [email protected] =Larry Carr will resume the SEC position. He is looking for Assistant SEC appointees, possibly a North and South Section ASEC. =Section positions open include Affiliated Club Coordinator (ACC), Net Manager (NM), Section Traffic Manager (STM), Public Information Coordinator (PIC) and Public Information Officers (PIC) and several others. =Monthly reports from all DEC’s/EC’s are still expected. Documenting your volunteer hours is extremely important. Larry will be collecting this information. It will give League HQ ammunition to keep our frequencies and privileges. I need information on your activities to share with the section in this monthly news summary. Include activities your group participates in and lists of the people, calls participating. Keep it short and pithy! =The “Saratoga News” ran a cover story on amateur radio operators last month. The article is located on-line at; the published date is December 6th. The photo captions are missing call-signs; Yin Shih is N9YS, Richard Crouch is N6RC, and Christina Sand (not Sands as quoted in the article) is KG6ORH. The guy on the tower is Rob Vance, N6ROB, Saratoga EC. =Joe WB6RIY found Michael, K6MFW, presenting ATV on YouTube. This was at the Linux Picnic earlier this year where he demo-ed ATV. Bill N2RHV and Ian KO6YQ had HF and 2 meter setups there as well. Here is the link v=Pxt9l4abPiw =The Jamesburg Earth Station in Cachagua Valley, California (about 20 miles S. (34 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:59 PM] Section News for December 2006 E of Monterey) is the new discovery by Hams. They have posted huge numbers of high resolution pictures of the Photogenic Jamesburg Station. See: http://www.longandflatsociety. com for pictures. Click on Galleries, Jamesburg, and then any of the portfolios of pictures. This facility was closed in 2002, and sold to a private investor. The new owner is cooperating with a group of Ham Radio operators to find a new use for the antenna, which may include Radio Astronomy, EME, educational or Deep Space applications. Please contact Pat Barthelow, AA6EG at [email protected] for more information if you would like to contribute to or monitor their efforts. =A local elementary school participated in the ARISS program January 8. Don Anastasia, AA6W, assisted the Dilworth Elementary School with a radio contact with the International Space Station. A brief mention of a ham operator was made in the NASA space station piece in SJ Mercury News. See local/16416633.htm?source=rss =The National Conference of Volunteer Examiners Coordinators released the new 2007 General Class - Element 3 question pool on January 9th 2007. Please visit their web site for a PDF copy. =Russ K6KLY, located in Belmont is the ARRL card checker for the VUCC awards in the SCV. He may be reached at 650- 592-3165 or by Email at [email protected]. Most of the cards checking he has done are for contactsWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO on the satellites, or 6 meters, but the VUCC award is available for any band. See rules on ARRL awards page. Thanks, Russ. =A four-session course to get your Amateur ("Ham") Radio Technician License will be given Tuesdays: 6:30 pm - 9 pm, January 23, 30, Feb. 6 & 13 (Feb. 13th is exam night.) There will also be a special Emergency Communications Training Class on Feb. 27th (ideal for new radio operators or those wishing to learn about ARES/RACES and CERT). The class will be given at the Menlo Park Fire Department Station 77, 1467 Chilco St. (off Ivy off Willow), Menlo Park. Cost is $35.00 [make check payable to "Menlo Park Fire Protection District"] Register via Ken Dueker: [email protected] or 650-617- 3100 x1281. Sponsored by the Menlo Park Fire Protection District CERT: cert. =The first Santa Clara County Mutual Aid Communicator (MAC) training for 2007 will occur on Saturday, February 10, 2007, at the ground floor auditorium in the Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office building at 55 W. Younger Ave, San Jose. This training will be ICS 100 and 200, given by a certified US Coast Guard ICS Trainer. The class will be eight hours, starting at 0900, ending at 1700 hours. Class size is limited. You can sign up for this course by going to our county web site using the following site information: http://www.scc-ares-races. org/MACDrill/maclist.html. Contact Larry Carr at [email protected], or at 650-269-9638 if you have any questions. For other training events see htm =The National Weather Service long awaited /Bay Breezes/ is now ready for your viewing pleasure. The Winter 2006/2007 NWS Monterey spotter newsletter, /Bay Breezes/ is now available online. Please visit the following link to view this document: http://www.wrh.noaa. gov/mtr/baybreezes_fall06.pdf. If you have any questions or comments please contact: [email protected]. =The ARRL CLUB NEWS is now being sent by e-mail to those members subscribing. Issues of The ARRL CLUB NEWS are available at FandES/field/club/clubnews/. The “50 MHz & Up Group of Northern CA” is listed as having been affiliated for 10 years this January. Congratulations! =The FCC acted last month to announce that the Morse code test requirement for all Amateur Radio license classes will be dropped. The effective date is still unknown. See the FAQ at (35 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:59 PM] Section News for December 2006 regulatory/wt05-235/ =The wiki-based SCV web site on is up and running. Please take a look around and let me know what you think. Here's the link: scvsec/index.php ------ARRL Santa Clara Valley Section Section Manager: William L. Dale, N2RHV [email protected]

Roanoke DivisionWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO North Carolina

DECEMBER NORTH CAROLINA SECTION NEWS SKYWARN RECOGNITION DAY ACTIVITIES Thanks to all of you who participated in the Skywarn Recognition Day activities on December 2. Both the Raleigh and the Greer, SC national weather service offices were on the air. Thanks to Central Carolina SKYWARN EC Virginia Eznor, NC4VA, for her leadership of the Raleigh effort. A HAM RADIO WEDDING! Congratulations to Mooresville’s Buck McDaniel, N4PGW and Cat Hage, WB4CAT who were married on the Dallas, NC 145.35MHz repeater on December 30! The Rev.WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO David Roberts, KI4JSQ of Lenoir led the service and they had 63 check-ins. Thanks to Buck and Cat for sharing this special time with the amateur radio community! PACKET RADIO STUDY GROUP Although many areas have effective local packet networks, effective statewide communications is more of a challenge. Section Emergency Coordinator, Bernie Nobles, WA4MOK, is leading a study team on the use of packet radio for emergency communications in North Carolina. The study will analyze the current state of packet networks in the section, identify gaps, and develop a plan for the future. If you have input you’d like to offer, contact me at [email protected] or Bernie at [email protected]. MEDIA HITS An article appeared in the Perquimans Weekly in November. “Radio Operators are Hams on the Air” described a donation of amateur repeater equipment by the Columbia Emergency Repeater Association to Perquimans County emergency management. The article provided excellent coverage of ARES activity in the county. Wilmington’s WECT-TV (NBC Affiliate), The Big Talker FM (WLTT) and the Wilmington Star-News had coverage over New Year’s weekend of the 100th anniversary of the first voice broadcast. Look for ARRL’s public relations theme for 2007 of EMCOMM. ARRL will publish brochures and sponsor events coming in 2007 to showcase the emergency communications capabilities of amateur radio to the public. UPCOMING HAMFESTS March 10-11: North Carolina Section Convention/Charlotte Hamfest March 25: Down East Hamfest, Kinston, NC April 1: North Carolina State Convention/Raleigh Hamfest DECEMBER TRAFFIC W4EAT 911 (BPL), W0UCE 900 (BPL), W2EAG 333, W4UEF 282, K4RLD 119, KI4YV 119, K4IWW 114, W4DNA 104, KE4JHJ 103, N3BW 82, WA4OBR 73, KD4FUN 58, W3HL 49, W4FAL 45, KG4YNM 35, W4LN 34, KE4AHC 31, W4NCD 28, W4TTO 23, W4EHF 17, WA2YBM 13, W4CC 12, K4ND 7, KR4ZJ 6 DECEMBER PUBLIC SERVICE HONOR ROLL W4DNA 195, K4RLD 145, KI4YV 135, W4EAT 130, W4FAL 130, K4IWW 120, W0UCE 120, WA2YBM 115, KE4JHJ 110, KG4YNM 105, W4NCD 103, W2EAG 100, W4TTO 93, KD4FUN 90, W4LN 84, W4CC 82

South Carolina (36 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:59 PM] Section News for December 2006

Greetings to all Amateur Radio Operators. This is Dr. Jim, N2ZZ with the January 2007 South Carolina Section Manager’s Report! Please remember that the SC Section website can be found at: where my full SM report will be listed as well as up-to-the-date information on Amateur Radio in South Carolina! Happy New Year to all! On January 1st, I began my third term as Section Manager of South Carolina. It has been my privilege serving as your ARRL representative, and I would like to thank everyone for their support over the last four years! It was myWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO pleasure to attend the Greenwood Hamfest on January 13th. The weather was excellent, and the turnout was reportedly better than last year! I am pleased to report that we had an ARRL Forum at the hamfest for the first time since I became Section Manager. The room was filled, and there was a lot of interest in the latest FCC actions, including their “Omnibus” Report and Order and the dropping of Morse Code for USA licensing requirements. Incidentally, there has been no mention of the latter action being published in the Federal Register. It will become law one month after publication in the Federal Register, perhaps by February. Check the website for further developments. I would like to thank the ARRL-SC team for coming out in force. Those attending were: Bob WA2EMF, ASM2; MarcWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO N4UFP, TC; Brian KR4SP, ACC; Sue N4ENX, OCC; Mac N4MEH, STM and Bob, K4NJN, ASM6. As many know, I have been looking for an Assistant Section Manager for AREA 1, which is in the Western part of the Upstate. I have had many express interest, and gave careful consideration to all. I thank everyone for offering to assist me in this capacity. After much consideration, I offered the position to our former Roanoke Division Vice Director, Les K4NK. Les is well known in the Upstate, as he has lived in several locations there, and has been a member of several Upstate clubs. Les is a former Section Manager of SC and also was an Affiliated Club Coordinator at one time. After much thought, Les agreed to become part of the ARRL-SC team! Les, thanks and congratulations! For those who have still not become part of the arrl-sc@yahoogroups group, please consider joining. Send an e-mail to arrl-sc- [email protected] , and after approval, you will become a member! Please include your call when you subscribe. I mentioned last month that the PALSNet Association applied for the vanity call W4APE. The call belonged to Jack Pegues who became a silent key in September 2003. Mac K4AVR reports that as of December 27th, 2006, the Association was granted that call. It will not be long before that call will again be heard on the PALSNet repeaters! Remember; be sure to set your rigs to transmit a 123.0 Hz tone if you use the PALSNet repeaters, as we mentioned last month. I noted that Bill KA4TWK copied VE testing information off the ARRL-SC website to publish in the Midlands newsletter. I do want this information to be as helpful as possible, so if you are involved in testing and your club has set times to give exams, please send me a current update on your testing sessions. Please do not give individual dates. A notice that says, for example, “Testing will be on the third Saturday of each month at 9AM” is preferred. Please send it to me [email protected] in “cut and paste” format, and include day, time, location and contact information. Please indicate any special instructions, and if the testing information will expire at a certain time. This will ensure that I have current information. Thanks! If you do join the [email protected] group, you will receive a copy of Bill’s newsletter. It has a lot of very useful information, and I appreciate the time he takes to compile all the information in a quick-read format! Mac, K4AVR also report that the Sandblast Rally will be held on February 17th this year. Information on the event can (37 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:59 PM] Section News for December 2006 be found at . The CCARS club will again sponsor the Sandblast Communications, and they need volunteers. I did not receive contact information, but if you do have an interest, send an e-mail to Mac [email protected] , and I’m sure he will pass it on! Well, that is it for this month. Be sure to mark your calendars for the Charleston Hamfest on February 3rd. It is the South Carolina State Convention, and Allen Pitts W1AGP, PR manager from ARRL HQ will be there with a presentation. As the Forums are currently planned, I will presideWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO over the ARRL Forum at 10am, and Allen will give his presentation at 11 am! I hope to see everyone there! Again, Happy New Year 2007! December 2006 National Traffic System Report for SC by Mac N4MEH, STM Net Reports: (Net Name/Check Ins/Traffic/ Sessions/Reported By) Anderson Radio Club 2M Net/944/49/31/N4MEH BRARS 2 Meter Net/2125/54/31/K4SUG Carolina's Net/355/186/62/W2EAG Carolina Slow Net/210/60/31/ W4EAT Grand Strand ARC 2M Net/208/19/14/N4XML Greater Pee Dee 2 Meter Net/841/38/31/ K4DTT Greenwood ARC 2 Meter Net/97/5/4/W4DEW Greenwood Friendly Net/548/52/31/ W4JAK Lancaster County 2 Meter Net/116/20/11/N4WMB Oconee 2M Net/295/19/13/KE4OGG SC SSB Net/1338/75/30/WB4DLD York County ARS 2M Net/630/9/50/KI4NBA Station Activity Reports: (Station/Sent/Received/Delivered/Originated/Total) KA4LRM/2/3/1/0/6 KA4UIV/29/51/17/0/97WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO WB4DLD/2/35/8/2/47 N4MEH/8/39/4/2/53 Public Service Honor Roll: (Station/Cat. 1/Cat. 2/Cat. 3/Cat. 4/Cat. 5/Cat. 6/Total) N4MEH/40/40/20/0/0/0/100 Have a great month! ’73 de Dr. Jim N2ZZ ARRL Section Manager South Carolina Section www.arrl-sc. org


Section Manager's Report 12/06 The month of December was filled with preparations for a Simulated Emergency Test spanning much of the Virginia Section. The later part of the month was spent in collecting data from the SET. The following is the summary of the training event. Operation North Wind 2006 "Operation North Wind" a Simulated Emergency Test held on December 9th in the Virginia Section was a huge success. This emergency communications drill was participated in by at least 87 hams that operated from 57 locations. Much of the activity took place in the 40 county area covered by the National Weather Service office in Blacksburg Virginia. Due to the massive nature of the simulated storm, hams across the Virginia Section participated in supporting the areas that were in the simulated impact area. This event also included the National Traffic System in the Virginia Section. There were two NTS nets that operated simultaneously during the SET, passing health and welfare traffic that was moved outside the impact area by digital modes (packet and Winlink). The traffic was then passed to local areas via the voice and CW nets. The National Weather Service opened the exercise by issuing simulated forecast bulletins on the 10 repeaters that serve as Skywarn repeaters for the forecast area. This bulletins were issue on December 8th. Skywarn was activated the following morning to open the SET. The Blacksburg office continued to be active throughout the SET. The scenario consisted of a snowstorm reminiscent of a couple of storms that hit SW Virginia in the 1990's. In the eastern forecast area the simulation was an ice storm with 1" of ice on road surfaces and utility lines. Having the Skywarn nets in operation eliminated the need to utilize "calling trees" and other call-up vehicles to alert the Amateur (38 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:59 PM] Section News for December 2006 Radio community as we moved from Skywarn into our role of communications support for many agencies. This major storm event created stranded traffic on Interstate highway systems along with communications and power failures throughout the impact area. Blocked Interstates created the need for mass migration (40,000 people from I-77), which is a disaster within itself. This required opening shelters, providing 4-wheel drive radio equipped vehicles that provided transportation for stranded motorist and medical transportation. Agencies such as the Red Cross, rescueWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO squads, Emergency Operations Centers, E-911 Centers, hospitals, search and rescue units, shelters and the National Weather Service were supported by ARES units. There was also a group of hikers that was caught by this storm system while they were backpacking through the Mount Rogers Wilderness area. They were located at an elevation above a mile (5540 ft) above sea level where the simulated snowfall was in excess of 3 feet. These hikers had one ham in the group but the microphone on their HT failed due to getting wet in the storm. There were 2 medical problems with the hikers. The rescue party that was sent to find the "lost hikers" was carrying direction-finding equipment, and APRS. They copied CW sent with the PTT on the HT microphone of the lost hikers. Hams located at Whitetop Mountain Shelter and the Wythe County EOC monitored the progress of the rescue team on APRS mappingWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO software. The hikers were found within about 2 hours after the rescue team began their search. Hundreds of pieces of traffic were passed on tactical nets across the Virginia Section during this drill. Most of out our stated goals for the SET were achieved. These included passing traffic between multi-agencies and jurisdictions. ICS-213 forms were used for this tactical traffic. We utilized Radiograms for the handling of health and welfare messages. We utilized many modes and bands to communicate across Virginia and into neighboring states. ARES used HF voice and CW, VHF FM on repeaters and simplex, digital modes such as APRS, packet and Winlink along with VHF direction finding techniques. We tested our ability to provide vital weather related information to the NWS via our 10 designated Skywarn repeaters. Our mutual support system was also tested as appeals were made to locations all across the Commonwealth of Virginia for supplies, equipment and needed personnel. We used the Section database information to locate hams that had 4-wheel drive vehicles with 2 meters installed from across the state. We had 5 pages of listings on ARES members that had registered their radio equipped 4-wheel drives. The SET provided a real challenge in operating conditions over a wide geographical area with varied topography. The impact area ranged from over 5500 ft in the mountains to a few hundred feet in Franklin, Henry and Pittsylvania counties. Weather varied from heavy icing to huge snowfall, falling temperatures and extreme winds. There are meetings planned for evaluation and critiquing of this training exercise. The first will be held at the Carroll County Virginia EMS building located on Floyd Pike in Hillsville Virginia on January 22 at 7:30 p.m. There will be a second meeting held in the Roanoke Valley to review this training event. The second meeting date will be announced at a later date. These meetings are open to the public with the ham community and agencies encouraged to attend and contribute their input. All reports on "Operation North Wind" have not been submitted at this writing but from those that we have received, our score is over 2700 points for this one exercise. We have learned a tremendous amount from this event and especially the new ARES members. These new hams have also grown in confidence due to their participation. One county had 15 of their 25 members that met the criteria as new hams for (39 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:59 PM] Section News for December 2006 this exercise (licensed since Jan of 2002). Our score on this SET along with other local SETs should place us among the top Sections in the nation again this year. In the early planning this Simulated Emergency Test was planned as a local SET but continued to grow in scope and interest as the plan unfolded. Next year it would be great to have a planning committee from across the Section and make the SET a true Section wide event. I want to extend a special thanks to all the Section and ARES leadership for their time and effort in making this training a great experience forWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO all. Glen Sage, W4GHS Virginia Section Manager

Rocky Mountain Division

New Mexico

Section News, December, 2006 Albuquerque Winter Tailgate The annual Winter Tailgate will take place January 27, 2007, in the north student parking lot of Del Norte High School in Albuquerque. From the intersection of San Mateo and Montgomery, take San Mateo north to McLeod, go WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.ROeast on McLeod to San Mateo Place, and south on San Mateo Place to the parking lot. The activities start at sunrise and last until around 1 p.m. Entry and tailgating is free, so bring your treasures and have a good time. Two commercial vendors are scheduled to be there. This Tailgate is dependent on weather conditions, as there are no indoor areas available. Remember, this is in January, so dress accordingly. Talk in frequency is 145.330 (negative off-set, 100 Hz tone) and 444.000 (positive off-set, 100 Hz tone). For any additional information, contact Gary, KH6JTM, at (505) 299-3280. No More Morse Code Test For U.S. Amateur Licenses The FCC finally dropped the other shoe on the Morse code requirement for a U.S. amateur radio license, examination element 1, by eliminating it entirely. You can find the full text of the Report and Order via the ARRL web site. The effective date of the Report and Order implementing this decision will be 30 days after publication in the Federal Register. Publication is expected to happen sometime in January, making it effective in February. In addition to dropping the Morse code requirement, the FCC eliminated the distinction between holders of Technician and Technician Plus licenses. As of the effective date of the Report and Order eliminating the Morse code requirement, Technician Class license holders will have the same HF privileges now reserved for holders of Novice and Technician Plus licenses. It’s ironic that the same action that eliminated the requirement for Morse code testing gave Technician Class licensees CW privileges on 80, 40, 15, and 10 Meters. These actions by the FCC have upset a number of hams, some of whom have gone so far as to turn in their VEC credentials. This is not the way to ensure the continued existence and growth of our hobby and here are some things to think about: Is the elimination of Morse code testing the end of an era? Yes, of course it is. Is it the end of civilization as we know it? Absolutely not! Does it signal the death of amateur radio in this country? That depends on us. If you really want to kill amateur radio in this country totally ignore the newcomers who will be getting their licenses under the new rules. Don’t talk to them when you hear them on the air. Don’t invite them to join local ham clubs. Don’t encourage them to upgrade. Don’t ask them to get involved in any of the activities common to ham radio. That will ensure they will never renew their licenses, if they even bother to get on the air more than once when nobody talks to them. Then, when things (40 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:59 PM] Section News for December 2006 quiet back down, those few of us left who can still remember where the radio is and which button to push to turn it on, can lament the death of the hobby and wonder what happened. One very important thing we all need to keep in mind is that just because CW is no longer mandatory does NOT mean it is prohibited! There are too many avid CW fans in the world- wide hobby that is amateur radio to let CW die. Those who enjoy using it will continue to do so, and hopefully, encourage others to join them. We managed to survive the purported benefits of IncentiveWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Licensing and we will survive this. The world has changed. Technology has changed, and not too many radios glow in the dark these days, do they? Silent Keys We’ve lost some good people lately. Joe Boyd, KC5GPY; Loyt Lathrop, W5YSK; Alan Mattison, W5NTM; Lyman Bliven, KC5JPB; Robert Hartley, KL7JFL; Eric Brand, KE5DSL; and Jerry Mozer, W5BLJ. In addition, Paul Thomson, K5TCU, lost his wife, Elaine. Each was unique and special in their own way and will be missed. We extend our sympathies to their families. ARRL Scholarships The deadline for applying for ARRL college scholarships for the 2007-2008 academic year is February 1. The list of recipients will be released in the spring. There are 44 scholarships available and some of them provide multiple awards. If you are, or know, a young ham WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.ROheading to college this fall you should look into this. More information is available on the ARRL web site DXCC and LOTW Questions There has been a lot of chatter in various on-line forums about DXCC and LOTW going away since Wayne Mills, N7NG, resigned from the League staff in Newington. He was the manager of the Membership Services Department which is responsible for DXCC and LOTW. Rest assured both activities will continue. There have been resignations and retirements before and there will be others in the future, and League activities have continued. This event is no different. Net Counts New Mexico Breakfast Club 1188/31; New Mexico Roadrunner Traffic Net 989/67; Rusty’s Raiders 731/96; Valencia County ARA Net 51/15; Four Corners Net 510/37; Yucca Net 898/52; Caravan Club Net 53/3; High Desert ARC Net 68/12; Sacramento Mountain Training Net 44/8. Until next time, stay well, do good work, and keep in touch. 73, de KM5FT

Southeastern Division


SM: Susan Swiderski, AF4FO; ASM/South GA: Marshall Thigpen, W4IS; ASM/Legal: Jim Altman, W4UCK; ASM/Webmaster: Bob Smith, K4PHE; ASM/Youth: Andrea Hartlage, KG4IUM; ASM/ Scouting: David Pearce,ABØNG; SEC: Jim Cote, N4PJR; STM: Jim Hanna, AF4NS; OOC: Mike Swiderski, K4HBI; TC: Ed Tanton, N4XY; PIC: Norm Schklar,WA4ZXV; SGL: Bill Cherepy, WB4WTN; ACC: Robin Cutshaw, AA4RC Greetings, All. Let's try to keep this first mid-monthly summary of 2007 short. Unfortunately, it's not going to start off very "sweetly". Legislation has been introduced here in Georgia which threatens the legality of the mobile operations of amateur radio. It is House Bill 5, and while it started out with the obvious intention of curtailing the usage of cellphones by teenaged drivers, as is often the case, it has mutated and become much more encompassing. The current law regarding the usage of wireless communications while driving is concerned with "exercising (41 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:59 PM] Section News for December 2006 due care" and holds drivers responsible for CAUSING AN ACCIDENT while distracted, i.e. while using said wireless communications device. The new bill contains wording that says that drivers "SHALL NOT ENGAGE in any actions which shall distract". Right now, this bill only has five supporters, but it certainly does bear watching. Though it seems unlikely that this bill will garner enough support to be passed, it wouldn't hurt to contact your legislator and urge a more common sense approach. You can read the bill (and see who is supporting it) at http:// You can identify your state legislator and contact that person by visiting JOHN LANEY, K4BAI, passed along the information that, as of December 15, both GTN and GSN have changed their frequency of operation from 3.593 MHz to 3.560 MHz. (So, if you were looking for them and couldn't find them, that's why.) Thanks, John. Another net change: The 6M Hole in the Wall Gang net has changed time, from 9PM to 8PM. They meet every Wednesday night on 50.135, and I hear tell that you can earn a nice certificate by checking in with them three times. So, check 'em out! And while you have your rig on 6M, after this net, you might switch from SSB to repeater mode, and see if you can check in with the Gwinnett ARS 6M net at 9PM, on 53.110/ 52.110. Talking about the Gwinnett ARS, (GARS)if you missed their tenth annual Tech Fest thisWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO past Saturday, you missed a really great event. This was the best one yet. Congratulations to the club leadership and members for doing such a fantastic job. Details to follow in the February newsletter. Several clubs have held elections recently, and we'll share those results with you in the next newsletter. But it is a pleasure to tell you now about some of our clubs' Hams of the Year. For the Alford Memorial ARC, it is GEORGE COLLETTI, KE4SFO; for the Dalton ARC, it's LARRY BRUNSON, K4SSP; for the Newton County RC, it's CHARLES DAVIS, WA4UJC; and for the West GA ARS, it's WILLIAM PARRISH, KI4MJO. Congratulations to all of these fine gentlemen, and many thanks to each of them for their many contributions to amateur radio, their clubs, and their communities. While we're handing out congratulations, a very hearty "thank you" and "way to go!" goes out to MARSHALL THIGPEN, W4IS, who has officially become our second DXCC Card Checker for the state. Marshall lives in south GA, and we really appreciate his willingness to help serve the DX community. Congratulations, Marshall, and thank you. Talking about the DX community, tomorrow evening, Friday the 19th, the SEDX Club will be holding a special meeting at 8PM at the W. Clair Harris Textile Building (M100) on the Southern Polytechnic State Universty campus in Marietta. (same place KARC meets) They will be hosting noted DX-er BERNIE MCCLENNY, W3UR, who will be offering a special presentation on the VU4AN, Andaman 2006 operations. For directions, please see COMING UP: January 27- Statewide ARES meeting, at the Public Safety Training facility in Forsyth. All are welcome. February 24- Dalton hamfest. Hope to see you there. (Think warm) Sadly, a couple of SKs to report: JIM MARTIN, W4PFF, and DON ENNEST, KS4WR. Sincere condolences to their families and friends. Well folks, that's about it for now. Wait! One more thing! SANDY DONAHUE. (There! Sandy, W4RU, always likes to see his name mentioned in these monthly musings.) In case you haven't heard, Sandy up and left us in December and moved to Dothan, AL. (No joke!) He seems to be very happy there, and we'll still be seeing him at a lot of our hamfests and other activities here in Georgia. OK, until next time, this is AF4FO, signing clear. Take care of yourselves. And each other. 73, Susan QTC December: **WB4GGS-516; N4VAD-113; AF4NS- (42 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:59 PM] Section News for December 2006 70; K4GK-58; K4BAI-42; WB4BIK-40; K4BEH-21; K4WKT-18; K8GA-17; WA4UJC-14. ***CONGRATULATIONS to SID HUTCHINSON, WB4GGS, for yet another BPL listing, for 260 messages received, and 256 messages sent. +++ No trees were killed in the sending of this message. However, a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced. +++

Southern Florida WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Hi everyone, As I complete this news summary several items keep rising to the top of the list for needed discussions. The news that we will no longer have to prove CW proficiency for any amateur radio license causes rejoicing for some and sadness for others. I am reminded of a passage from a novel that was popular in the 1960s. Herman Hesse in Sidartha said: Nothing is constant except change. (That may be a paraphrase but many of you will recall the book.) Change is a good thing, whether or not you like the idea of no more CW testing. We need to be mentors to the newcomers to HF and we need to realize that HF operating is not like talking on local repeaters. Here is a great PowerPoint program, is a good intro to HF operating and a good WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.ROrefresher for the rest of us: Why not show it at an upcoming club meeting? The other news item is the two recent train accidents in Kentucky. We need to remember that as emergency communicators we need to be ready to do more than operate a radio at a hurricane shelter. Every county in the section has a major railroad running through it and many of these rail lines are in critical commercial and hospital areas, not to mention residential areas. Encourage discussion about this at your next ARES meeting and don’t wait for the EC to bring it up. ARES is YOU. For those with interest in working DX or just a curiosity about DXing: SMOM Soverign Miltary Order of Malta video on you-tube 1A4A check it out.... Here is the link to the photos of several local hams on a trip to NP2B during the CW WW SSB contest. click on the slide show section and enjoy. If you are experiencing line noise problems ( this is for FP&L customers but it may apply to others) go to their website and initiate a complaint. The term they use is TVI for this category. This gets the ball rolling and you'll be contacted within five days. QFN has moved to 3547 at 7 PM and 10 PM EST. All interested in learning traffic handling are welcome. REPORTS SAR DEC 2006: KA4FZI 541, NY4E 145, WA2YL 110, N3OZP 83, K4FQU 74, AA4BN 57, WA4EIC 28, KI4OUD 14, W4WYR 12, KI4KQQ 9, KI4MGF 1 SFL PSHRs for December 2006 KA4FZI 120, K4FQU 117, WA2YL 100, NY4E 90, AA4BN 86, N3OZP 70, W4DKB 17 NET ABB. SESS QNI QTC MGR All Florida CW Traffic Net QFN, 62, 759, 365, NY4E FL Amateur SSB Traffic Net FAST, 31, 236, 31, K4SCL Florida Medium Speed Net FMSN, 31, 253, 70, AG4RJ/AB4XK Jupiter-Tequesta Rptr Group JTRG, 5, 58, 18, AG4BV Palm Beach County ARES PBCAN, 4, 30, 10, KG4PFY Saint Lucie Repeater Assn SLRA, 6, 46, 7, KE4UEI Southeast Florida Traffic Net SEFTN, 59, 649, 76, AG4RJ/AI4GE Southwest Florida Traffic Net SWFTN, 26, 350, 43, K4FQU Bulletin Report from David Smith KE4UEI: Recd 21, Sent 5, Total 26 ARES Report for December 2006 There are 1235 ARES members in the 10 counties reporting. There were 16 nets, 5 with NTS liaison, holding 57 net sessions. ECs reporting: WA4GUK (Lee), AD4RZ(Okeechobee), AA4BN(Hendry), N1XC (Martin), WA4ASJ (Indian River), N4QPM (Palm Beach), KF4MJJ (Collier), KF4IHX (St Lucie) & N4LEM (Brevard). Net Manager KF4CUP reported for Miami-Dade. There were 3 drills, (43 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:59 PM] Section News for December 2006 tests and training sessions and 42 total ARES operations. Reports from Technical Specialists KI4QJL, our newest TS from Brevard county reports helping local hams with antenna work and doing some experimenting with a 20 meter NVIS antenna system. KF4KDO has been working on a mic project with a local ham and helping with licensing classes. Reports also received from N4TZH, K9KB, and WB9JTK. There will be two hamfests in the section in March – 3/17 in Stuart by the Martin County ARA and 3/31 in Oakland Park by the Broward ARC. Many Palm Beach and Broward WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.ROcounty hams are manning an information and NTS message booth at the South Florida Fair. Several groups hosted young folks for Kid’s Day. Send me photos of those and other events for the web page. (Please send photos as soon as possible after the event. If you have event photos already posted on a web site, send me the link and I will include it.) The web page is updated and rearranged a bit. Please visit it for more information about upcoming club programs, public service opportunities, and in-depth information. sections/SFL.html There is a new site coming soon. Notice, there is no link to this since it is under construction as of now. Look for it soon and remember that www. is still going to be around and you can still use it as a site for prospects to visit for simple information about our hobby. In case you haven't been reading a lot of the Amateur Radio relatedWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO postings, EmComm is going to be a big push this year and the new website will be like Hello for emergencies--simple, non-tech talk, but good information. May 2007 be a year of Peace, good health and prosperity for each of you. May you have Gud DX, many multipliers, NTS check agreement, and may your signal report always be Five-Nine. Stay safe and stay on the air. 73, Sherri, W4STB

Southwestern Division


ARIZONA SECTION NEWS January 2007 FCC RULE CHANGES On December 15, 2006, the FCC released a Report and Order in WT Docket 05-235 that eliminates the Morse code testing requirement for all license classes. The effective date of this FCC order will be 30 days after its publication in the Federal Register. This should be published sometime this month and effective in February. Check on the ARRL website for updates. NEWS LETTER In order to receive this newsletter automatically you need to go to the ARRL website at http:// and log in where it says “ARRL Member Login”. Click on the link “Member Data page”. Click on the link in the lower left corner that says “Modify membership data”. Then click in the box to choose to “News and information from your Division Director and Section Manager” All clubs have permission to reprint any or all of this newsletter for use by their clubs. Copies of the older newsletter are available on the website: ARIZONA LICENSE PLATES The new amateur radio plate is not available yet. We are hoping that it becomes available very shortly. Watch the MVD website mvdplate.asp SILENT KEYS Richard "Dick" L. Martin W7CRZ passed away on December 30, 2006. Before his retirement, Dick worked as a radio and electronic engineer for Bell Aerosystems, Chance-Vaught Aircraft, Gates Learjet, Hughes Aircraft, Spectrum Research Laboratory and EG&G. He has been a faithful member of Navy MARS (Military Affiliate Radio (44 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:59 PM] Section News for December 2006

System) for over 30 years and licensed for over 50 years. NEW HAMS The following Arizona hams just received their FCC license, Congratulations! John Harris KE7JLM, Will Freer KE7JJZ, Cynthia Botello KE7JKA, Yvette Torres KE7JKB, Charles Capwell KE7JLF, Kelly Morris KE7JLL, Angelica Hernandez KE7JKC, Robert Lugo KE7JLG, David Lee KE7JLN, David Lee KE7JLO, Jerry Davis KE7JVW, Thomas Taylor KE7JVY, Mark Stephens KE7JLE, Thomas Jones KE7JLJ, Edward Root III KE7JLI, Monty Dana KE7JVX, Paul Zyskowski KE7JWA, Teverly Langford KE7JVU, Robert Kessler KE7JKV,WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Nilo Thomas KE7JLK, Sean Heaton KE7JLH, Maria Garcia KE7JVV, Jaime Figueroa KE7JNA, Donald Savill KE7JNB, Marvin Mansfield KE7JVZ, Abraham Tucker KE7JUW, Kyle Niederer KE7JKU, Eric Nelson KE7JKT, Charles Richardson KE7JKW, Lois Landis KE7JNJ, John Ainlay KE7JNM, John Holstead KE7JNO, William Baron KE7JNL, Michael Perryman Sr KE7JNK HAMFESTS January 13, 2007 Westfest sponsored by the Thunderbird ARC,, Talk-In: 146.70 - (PL 162.2). Contact: Steve Grouse, W1ADW, [email protected]. Glendale Community College 5900 West Olive Avenue Glendale. See you there. January 21-27, 2007 Quartzsite Hamfest. This is the ultimate in RV hamfests. Check out the website: February 5, 2007 Annual Ham Radio Equipment AuctionWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO sponsored by the West Valley Amateur Radio Club wvarc Talk-In: 147.300 MHz, +600 offset (PL 162.2) Contact: Ken Solheim, WN7DRX [email protected] St. Clements of Rome Social Hall 15800 North Del Webb Blvd. Sun City, AZ February 16-18, 2007 YUMA HAM EXPO sponsored by the Yuma Amateur Radio Hamfest Organization. Talk-In: 146.840 (-) PL 88.5 Hz Contact: Hal Johnson, WB6SLA at [email protected] Yuma County Fairgrounds 2520 East 32nd Street. March 10, 2007 Springfest sponsored by ARCA & Scottsdale ARC. http://members. Talk-In: 147.18 (no tone) Contact: Ed Nickerson, WU7S at sarc2007@cox. net Scottsdale Community College 9000 East Chaparral Road Scottsdale. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about ARRL. If your club or group has an activity or event that would be of interest to other hams throughout our section please email me with the specifics. 73, Tom Fagan WB7NXH ARRL Section Manager Arizona Tucson Arizona 520 574- 1129 [email protected] or

Santa Barbara

ARRL Council of Clubs Meeting Notice The ARRL Santa Barbara Section Council of Club serves all amateur radio clubs within the San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties. ARRL Santa Barbara Section Council of Clubs - The Official Meeting will be at 10 a.m. on the second Saturday in February at the regular location: 10060 Telegraph Road Ventura, California 93004 Regular Meeting Location Map: < > Be sure your Club Representatives will represent your club at this important meeting. Any council business may be offered by any attending representatives of the paid member clubs. Plan ahead: The second meeting of the council for 2007 will be on the second Saturday of August. The ARRL Santa Barbara Section Council of Clubs Official Meeting is an opportunity to bring your club's dues up to date. For those clubs that can not attend the meeting, annual dues may be sent by mail to assure continued membership. Download the renewal application or if your club is one of the few that has never applied for membership, download the new member (45 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:59 PM] Section News for December 2006 application. Membership Renewal Form: < RenewAp2007.pdf > New Member Form: < NewAp2007.pdf > Those clubs that have overlooked paying the yearly membership dues for this year are listed below: Amateur Television Network, W6ATN Paso Robles ARC, W6LKF San Luis Obispo Emergency Communications Council Satellite Amateur Radio Club, W6AB ======Subscribe to the ARRL Santa Barbara WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.ROSection e-mail reflector. Send an e-mail to < [email protected]. net?subject=subscribe >. Not only will you receive up-to-the-minute reports and items of interest, but you will be able to post your own responses or comments that will be read by all of the other subscribers on the list. Subscribe to the ARRL Santa Barbara Section Council of Clubs e-mail reflector. Send an e-mail to < [email protected]? subject=subscribe >. If you are a club leader, or just an active member interested in seeing your club grow and prosper, you must subscribe to this list. Your club doesn't have to be a member of the ARRL Club Council for you to subscribe. View the ARRL Santa Barbara Section Web site on your browser at < >. Check to be sure that your club information is included and is correct, as you browse all of the information-packed pages on the ARRL SantaWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Barbara Section Web site. As an active member of the ARRL Santa Barbara Section (Santa Barbara, Ventura and San Luis Obispo Counties), you'll want to be on the cutting edge of all developments in today's Ham World. ======

West Gulf Division

South Texas

Most of South Central Texas came to a stand still this week. All the schools and most of the businesses closed due to the ice on the roads and streets. The radio and TV stations advised people to stay home. Several of the County EOC's were active including Bastrop and Huntsville that I heard from. Bastrop got to use their new equipment for the first time since it was installed. The officials were very pleased with the results. Jim, KE5AMB, and Mike, KG5TL, and some of the others had just gotten the station installed a couple of months ago. This was a great time to test the system even though they didn't lose normal communications. The State EOC made contact with all of the RACES DRO's to standby and be ready to activate their personnel, although that did not happen. There were a lot of accidents until they got the highways closed. I'm not sure what the final death count was due to the storm. We're scheduled for another one this weekend or Monday at the latest. I want to thank all those that were ready to help if needed. Trees broke and fell across power lines causing a lot of power outages. I have a few limbs to remove before this next storm hits. I want to welcome the new Section Traffic Manager for South Texas, Doug Gollihar, KA5KLU, to his new position. Doug I know you will do a great job. We're having training on the 7.290 Traffic Net at 11 AM on Tuesday and Saturday. So far it's working very well for the far out stations. The band has been so bad in the morning we're thinking about having an afternoon session. It seems that about noon the band clears up. We will be going over the material several times so everyone (46 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:59 PM] Section News for December 2006 should be able to get all the training. I do recommend that you record the sessions if possible, just like the old days when I lead the training on the DTTN in the late 1980's and early 1990's. Those that attended my classes then might like a refresher. Be sure to have a copy of a radiogram it will be to your benefit. I hope everyone survives. If you can lower your antennas it might be a good idea. Don't get out in this mess when it's bad unless you just must. God Bless America and ourWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Troops. Ray N5NAV SM STX

WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO (47 of 47) [10/18/2007 2:59:59 PM] Section News for January 2007

Section News for January 2007

Atlantic Division


SOUTHERN NEW JERSEY NEWSLETTER FOR FEBRARY 2007 SECTION MANAGER, JEAN PRIESTLEY, KA2YKN Over the years I have reported the passing of many silent keys but this time the loss is personal because I worked on many projects over the many years I knew Wes. Wes Sammis, W2YRW, age 86, became a silent key on January 27, 2007. Wes lived an extremely full life not only in his family life but in Amateur radio, the service of his country and in service to his community. Wes joined SJRA on August 18, 1948 at the age of 28 with the callsign he still holds, W2YRW. He served as President for 3 terms, organized the 75th anniversary WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RObanquet and so many other things over the years. It was my privilege to be his assistant for the 75th anniversary banquet. Wes was a Registered Professional Engineer, worked for PECO, was a volunteer firefighter for Haddon Fire Co NO 1 and later at Woodcrest Fire Co in Cherry Hill. He served as Fire Marshal for Fire District 6 in Cherry Hill and was elected a Fire commissioner for District 6 and Assistant Chief for Camden County Fire Police. He served in the Army Air Force as a Navigator with the Rank of 1st Lt. Among his awards are the Presidential Unit Citation and Good Conduct Metal. Wes was also a proud member of the Masons. He passing is a great loss to all of the hundreds of people whose lives he touched. Wes truly belongs to the ages. Russell Dean Stafford age 53, W3CH of Glassboro, died Jan 25, 2007. Russ was born in Hawaii and raised in North Carolina. He was a member of the 96 Over the Hill Gang Ham Radio Club and, of course, a volunteer for the MS Society and the American Cancer Society. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions in Russ’s memory may be made to St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Woodstown, New Jersey. Over the years, he worked with hundreds of hams and leaves a great sadness in the world of Public Service. There is some news on the horizon. A new team has been formed by the members of the Bellmawr team. The first test session will be on Monday, March 5, 2007. The location is at the Canale Training Center at 5033 English Creek Avenue in Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey. The doors will open at 6:45pm and testing starts at 7pm. There will be no walk-ins so please call Robert, WA2ARP at 609-338-7038 to reregister. The sponsor is the Southern Counties Amateur Radio Association (SCARA). If you have been planning on testing, here is a great opportunity to get the testing done and get your upgrade. Contests will be coming up and you will be ready. You will find the same fine qualities with this team as you found in the Bellmawr team. In view of the recent bad weather, please make a note or bookmark the following site: http://www.erh. I would also suggest that you carry salt, deicer, sand, a blanket or two, some snacks, drinks, a WINDUP flashlight, a backup ( does not need batteries), a second flashlight of a larger size and extra batteries, tools, extra keys, cell phone charger for the car and have it programmed with all those important people who could help you in an emergency. After hearing about all those people who were stranded on Route 78, (1 of 42) [10/18/2007 3:00:53 PM] Section News for January 2007 you need to consider many variables in planning a trip. You would need maps of the area you will be going through. Just think of all those trapped travelers who wished for their long johns that night. Thermal undies are a good idea along with extra hats, gloves, dry socks and extra shoes. In snow or even rain, shoes and socks can get wet. I have only touched the surface. The needs for each trip would need to be tailored to the area and distance you go. Also important is to apply the tips to your home in a storm or power outage. Oh yes, don’t forget to stock up on candles.WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO There is a young soldier who has just got set up on the computer and internet and he is serving in Iraq. He would very much like to hear from other hams. He is Alex McCaughrean, KC2MKW and his email address is as follows; [email protected] and comes from a family of hams. The Battleship New Jersey is on winter hours Thursdays to Sundays and closed Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. If your club is thinking about visiting the NJ2BB club station, please be sure to make arrangements ahead of the scheduled date to insure that someone will be there. Just go on our website at for information to schedule a visit. If you have worked NJ2BB and want to send a card, the QSL manager is Margaret Burgess, KB2BRR 150 Schooner Ave, Barnegat, NJ 08005. Please send your cards with an SASE to insure receiving a card in return from NJ2BB. Delaware Valley Ragchew Club (DVRC) will WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.ROsponsor a one-day bus trip to ARRL Headquarters in Newington, CT. The date is tentative for May 11, 2007 and the cost will be about $50 per person. For more information contact John McCaughrean by email at [email protected]. This will be a “brown bag” lunch trip. If you have an activity coming up or want to report something that happened, please send a short write up to me and I will put it in next month. Please remember that if you work traffic to report it to Dan, K2UL. If you do an event, remember to send the information to the league. Those numbers may seem small to you but they add up like pennies in a jar. These numbers go to Washington and help us when a need arises. Traffic report for January, Traffic manager, K2UL, Dan Ostroy SNJ/NNJ Section Net Reports QNI reports NJM 61 N2GJ NJPN 269 W2CC NJSN 155 K2PB NJN(E) 254 AG2R NJN(L) 188 AG2R (the above nets are dual section nets of both SNJ and NNJ. Liaisons with 2RN) SNJ Local Net Reports JSARS 353 W2HOG SJTN 26 KB2RTZ 179 SJVN WB2UVB Station Activity Reports (SAR) KB2RTZ 88 K2GW 60 WB2UVB 54 WA2CUW 43 WA2NDA 28 K2UL 23 AA2SV 20 W2QOB 13 KC2IYC 1 Public Service Honor Roll (PSHR) KB2RTZ 140 K2GW 103 WB2UVB 1OO K2UL 80 N2HQL 77 W2QOB 69 KA2YKN 63 KC2IYC 50 WA2NDA 38 STM reports that the past six years have been posted on the web at Do you know that at military funerals, the 21 gun salute actually stands for the sum of the numbers in the year 1776? I hope you have noticed the honor guard pays meticulous attention to correctly folding the American flag 13 times. They quit teaching this around 1955 in the public schools. The first fold is a symbol of life and the second fold is a symbol of our belief in eternal life. The third fold is made in honor and remembrance of the veterans departing our ranks who gave a portion of their lives for the defense of our country to attain peace THROUGHOUT THE WORLD.

Western New York

February 2007 Western New York Section News Broome County ARES Activity Report (2 of 42) [10/18/2007 3:00:53 PM] Section News for January 2007 December, 2006 Upon receipt of information of the anticipated severe storm to hit the Broome County area, amateur radio operators made appropriate preparations. Ford Drake, AB2HS, ARES District Emergency Coordinator SKYWARN responded to the NWS office at Link Field to coordinate storm reports from affected areas within the NWS 24 county area of responsibility. ARES Emergency Coordinator for Broome County Brian K2DLB activated the SKYWARN net on the WA2QEL linked repeater system which now covers the entire area of Broome County. Our Broome County RACESWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Radio Officer WB2GHH activated the EOC RACES communications facility WB2MIS. Through the mid morning and late afternoon of December 1st many storm related communications were monitored and those assessed as important were presented to the 911 dispatch area. Of significance were the following: A Tioga county amateur reported receipt of an e-mail picture reportedly of a Tornado at Dryden, NY. (unconfirmed). Many reports various areas curb to curb water and ponding on the roads. Runoff water over the East Maine Road, Maine NY in the Pollard Hill Rd area. Amateur Radio report at the NWS through a Luzerne County Repeater, that a HAM near Wilkes-Barre, Pa reported a possible tornado in his vicinity. (later confirmed as an F2) Note: The recently acquired ICOM V800 (2 Mtr 144- 148MHZ) at the NWS proved its worth with ease of frequency hoping. The Kenwood 570 (HF 3 - 30 MHZ) atWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO the EOC and the Kenwood 450 at the NWS monitored activities within 300 miles (ECARS 7.255). The following amateur radio operators and stations were participants in the Broome County net on 146.82 MHZ. AA2OJ, AB2HS, K2CM, K2DLB, K2DLT, KC2GIL, KC2KUY, N2RFP, W2ADE, W2DLO, W2GTW, W2IFA, WA2FBT, WA2IVD, WA2JOB, WB2GHH, WB2JDT, WB2MIS, WE2K, WX2BGM, WX2USA. Thanks to Brian K2DLB Broome County ARES EC, for the report. New WNY Appointments Please welcome the following new appointees to the Western New York field organization: John KC2LAB new Emergency Coordinator for Delaware County Vince N2JRS new Emergency Coordinator for Erie County Alan N5ILN new Local Government Liaison Robert K2RLD new Official Emergency Station in Niagara County ISS Ham Radio Contact in WNY Monday Jan. 8th at 0935 hrs., live radio contact was made with Astronaut Sunita Williams, Flight Engineer on-board the International Space Station, made possible by Ham Radio Operators from the Rochester Amateur Radio Assn. The event took place in Henrietta, NY at the Sherman Elementary School, where 5th graders are participating in science units that focus on a possible mission to Mars. The students are also studying robotics and how robots are used for space exploration. To prepare for their communication with the Space Station crew, the students researched the history of the Space Station and examined the work of the astronauts while living on the Space Station. Students also researched satellite and radio communication in space. The Space Station was passing overhead at 17,000+ MPH, and the contact window was 9 minutes, requiring precise tracking with an antenna array that hams placed on the roof of the school over the weekend (which was held down with 500 lbs of rock salt due to the high winds). This event was made possible by: Pete Fournia - W2SKY, Primary Radio Rocky Chambers - W2ROC, Backup radio/School Liaison Jim Karpick - K2TTP, Primary Antenna; Jon Dickason - N2JAC, Backup antenna Jim Stefano - W2COP, Audio Mix and Video Web stream Rashmi Shah - KC2PZF, RIT Student, Local Audio/Video Adam Gutterman - N2VSZ, RIT Student, Up streaming audio to AMSAT, IRLP Matt Antonio - KC2GIW, RIT Student, Monitored upstream radio transmissions to the Space Station and reflectors for quality control Andrea Catena - 5th Grade Teacher and TA - Gladys Fingland Special thanks to: (3 of 42) [10/18/2007 3:00:53 PM] Section News for January 2007 Mike Rink - W2HYP and Steve Clary - KC2FIT, University of Rochester Medical Center Repeater System providing local radio coverage of the event and uplink audio streams to the AMSAT/ IRLP Discovery Reflectors Tony - VK5ZAI Australia, AMSAT Reflector Coordinator Rob - VE1KS and Wayne - VE1WPH Canada, IRLP Discovery Reflector Coordinators Dieter - KX4Y ARISS Audio Coord.; Dan Pusateri, John Poland - School District Sidney's Troop 88 Working on Radio Merit Badge Troop 88, Chartered to Sacred Heart Catholic church, has completed 2 of 6 classes toward their WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RORadio merit Badge. Al K2EZK showed his DX QSL cards and awards to Scouts: Kevin , Tim, Dakota, Dallas, Paul, Charlie, Brian and Shawn. K2EZK, DXCC awardee many times over, showed the group his excellent collection of QSL cards and awards for his extensive DX work. The days lesson applied to the requirements to: [1.d] "Discuss why some radio stations are called DX and others are called local." And [7.1] Additionally, the differences of block diagrams and schematic diagrams were explained; as were the symbols and definitions for resistor, capacitor, diodes and transistors, etc. and their and uses. [6.a -- d]. Scouts studied propagation: line-of-sight, ground wave and the curvature of the earth along with ionospheric bounce or skip. [2.a] They explained the difference between a receiver, a transmitter, a transceiver, an amplifier and an antenna [4]; as well as an open, closed and a shorted circuitWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Scouts have also talked on CB radio and checked in to a local 2M ARES net while explaining the differences between broadcast and 2-way radio as well as between broadcast and "hobby" radio. [1.a & 1.b]. Troup 88 also made up their own callsigns and reported them to the group using the phonetic alphabet and naming a real city within their chosen call region numbers. [1.c] Scout Connor KC2JJY [TR99] worked with the candidates on Tech Class requirements and privileges [7.4] as well as callsigns and phonetics. [1.c]. Other instructors were Gus WA2GRS and Jim WA2IAX. Thanks to Jim WA2IAX for the report. Thank you. 73 Scott W2LC, WNY SM.

Central Division


QST DE KA9QPN From the top... **We welcome several new DECs. First, Pat Stowell NP9N has agreed to serve as At Large DEC, acting as Assistant SEC. Pat will also help Pat KC6VVT on special projects. Terry Jones WT9J's appointment as Central DEC is now permanent. John Van Sandt N9YRX has been appointed DEC of the Eastern Border District. John has a long history as Clark County EC. After a long search, we also welcome Allison Gillespie N9ZBE as DEC for VOAD and Training. Alli has a wealth of experience in public safety and emergency management. She will be a wonderful resource for our team. Welcome and thank you to our new and old appointees! Also, a big 'thanks' to Pat KC6VVT for recruiting and retaining this talented group. Get informed... **The R&O removing the Morse Code requirement for Amateur Radio testing is effective 0000 EST on 23 February 2007. Are you working to bring someone in to share in our fraternity? Our future depends upon the people that you will recruit and mentor! **The League's new EmComm website is live at www.emergency-radio. org. Along these lines, the League has established a new Emergency Communication Manager position at HQ. If anyone finds that they might be interested in that position, contact me for (4 of 42) [10/18/2007 3:00:53 PM] Section News for January 2007 qualifications and particulars. **Dates for the ARRL Teachers' Institutes on Wireless Technology have been announced. These are hands-on workshops featuring ways to teach Amateur Radio in the classroom. We need inroads like this to grow the next generation of hams. Details at **The final report of the ARRL Board's National Emergency Response Planning Committee is available at announce/reports-2007/january/NERPC-32aa.pdf. Those interested in our future in EmComm should read this Report.WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO **A point to ponder from that report: "If 'lessons learned' are not followed by 'behaviors changed,' then the lessons have not been learned at all," the report concludes. The report describes disaster preparedness as "a moving target, moving faster all the time." No recommendations, plans or systems should be considered "the permanent answers for all circumstances and hazards." The League provides structure, guidance, and organization. Ultimately though, it's the individual Amateur that gets the job done using the framework and guidelines in place. 'Somebody' has to do something. Let's not forget that we are all 'somebody'. **Spotter training is in full swing in our Section. The 'official' severe weather season begins 1 March, but we had at least one severe weather event before that date in the lastWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO few years. Consult the website of the NWS office nearest you for a list of spotter talks, or contact your local or county EMA/ESDA. **Deep down inside every SKYWARN participant beats the heart of a true weather geek. If you are anything like me, the science and history of severe weather is truly fascinating. To satisfy those fascinations, the National Weather Service office in Paducah KY is presenting the Infamous Tornadoes Severe Weather Seminar on 16 March 2007 at the O'Neil Auditorium on the campus of John A. Logan College in Carterville, IL. The featured speaker is Dr. Charles A. Doswell III, who is one of the premier living researchers of severe storms. New research on the Tri-State Tornado of 18 March 1925 and the Evansville Tornado of 6 November 2005 will be presented. Additional information will be posted here as it is announced. Around the Section... **From the 'lessons learned' department: During one of the recent snow/ice storms, Vince Berman W9OES (Morgan County EC and active with the local Red Cross Chapter) reports that the local ARC chapter received a request from Springfield for cots. These cots were secured in the local chapter building. The local ARC director was stuck at home and unable to get out of her driveway to unlock the building. Fortunately, the chapter had installed a multi-code digital lock on the door, so the director could share the code and get the necessary supplies liberated. The code was changed afterwards. **The Macoupin County ARC and Sangamon Valley RC are combining forces to grow the next generation of hams. Last fall, the clubs unleashed twenty new hams on the bands. They hope to do much the same with a General class beginning 7 March and a Technician class starting on 21 March. Contact is Bob Carson KC9HGW (robert. [email protected]). **The Starved Rock RC is holding a one day Technician class and Exam on 10 February. Contact is Joe Tokarz KB9EZZ at [email protected]. Some people favor the 'blitz' approach, others the 'time' approach. I favor new hams...and bringing them in as many ways as we can! **The 2007 ARRL Illinois State Convention will be held in conjunction with the Bolingbrook ARS 22nd Annual Hamfest on 5 August. What makes BARS unique is the strong support that they enjoy from the Village of Bolingbrook and its Mayor. Details at **I received an interesting email from a Dutch YL, Maria ON4AW, with good wishes and the links (5 of 42) [10/18/2007 3:00:53 PM] Section News for January 2007 ID=40 and Now, I remember nearly nothing of my high school French, let alone know any Dutch. But the sites not only contain some fun links to Amateur Radio related sites around the world and photos of vintage QSLs, but some wonderful art-related links. If you have a taste to explore and like surprises, check the links. **New officers for the Rockford Amateur Radio Association have been announced. Don Russell KB9AYF--President, Bob Neumann W9TZU--Vice President, Chuck Derwent K9SAN--Secretary, Gene Harlan WB9MMM--Treasurer,WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Carl Cacciatore W9TQ, Kurt Eversole KE9NJ, Shari Harlan N9SH, Dan Hunt KC9ATR--Board Members. Thanks for volunteering to help grow our Service! **I was able to kick of the hamfest season on 21 January at the Wheaton Community Radio Amateurs Hamfest in St. Charles, in the company of Dick Isely W9GIG, our Central Division Director and Ron Morgan KB9NW, one of our supremely able ASMs. I always enjoy the opportunity to meet you folks in person. It's the best part of this job, and I hope to see as many of you as I can in as many places as possible during the year.

Wisconsin WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO WISCONSIN: SM: Don Michalski, W9IXG, SEC: KB9ENO, STM: K9LGU, SGL: AD9X, OOC: KC9IS, PIC: KB9NUM, TC: K9GDF, BM: WB9NRK, ACC: N9LVS ASM: K9UTQ, W9DGI, N9VE. ** With regret, I am informing you of the following Silent Key: -- Viktor Zerkinel, KA9FLQ, 74. ** Congratulations to Gregg Seidl, K9KL on being appointed VHF Awards Manager for the Green Bay Mike & Key Club, an ARRL Special Service Club. Gregg will be responsible for validating VUCC applications. Email [email protected] ** John Townsend, State Representative to the WI Legislature from Fond du Lac, is working on a Bill, to create 341.26 (2) (p) of the statutes; that would change the Motor Vehicle License (registration) plate fee from $55 or more per year to $5 for five years for "a motor vehicle that is equipped with mobile emergency communication equipment, that is owned by an amateur radio organization and that is operated by a person who holds an un-expired amateur radio license issued by the Federal Communications Commission." Please write to your state legislators in support of John's effort and ask their reps to co-sponsor the bill, if possible. This needs to be done by mid-February. ** MRAC FM Simplex Contest—this Sunday!!! Purpose: To promote FM simplex operation and VHF/UHF contesting while giving new hams an opportunity to develop their contesting skills. Date: Sunday, February 11, 2007 Time: 2PM to 4PM (all bands run simultaneously) designed to promote mobile operation from multiple grid squares. Region: Southeastern Wisconsin (Grids-EN52, EN53, EN62, EN63) Contacts with other grid squares are also welcomed. Bands: 2 meters, 1.25 meters, 70 centimeters, 6 meters Categories: Base, Mobile, HT’s, and Club Log Information Required: Call sign of station worked, frequency, time, and grid square. Detailed Contest Information: Detailed contest information and entry forms can be downloaded from the MRAC web site at ** Wisconsin Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES)/ Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services (RACES) received a $72,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Public Health to improve emergency communications for hospitals throughout Wisconsin. The money will be used to improve communications infrastructure involving amateur radio methods to ensure essential communications for hospitals in the case of terrorism and other emergencies that may disrupt normal communications. Wisconsin ARES/ (6 of 42) [10/18/2007 3:00:53 PM] Section News for January 2007 RACES surveyed the emergency communications capabilities of Wisconsin hospitals, and worked with interested hospitals to develop amateur radio communications support equipment and programs tailored to meet each hospital’s specific needs. Then activation plans were jointly developed and practiced to ensure effective assistance in the event of need. This work put Wisconsin ARES/RACES in position to request this grant funding. Wisconsin ARES/RACES incorporated WeComm, Ltd. to determine appropriate infrastructure upgrades around the state, and to projectWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO manage implementation of those upgrades. WeComm Ltd. elected a board of directors, and has been meeting and investigating communications needs. Non-profit status has been sought. Congratulation to Bill Niemuth, et al, for making the grant possible! ** STM Report Wisconsin Section January 2007 FAQ #64 - Where did all the section CW nets go? 3555 KHz. Same good times ( 6, 6:30, 7, and 10) same great operators. (in case 3555 KHz is occupied, nets are most likely operating up frequency a little bit. Ed.) FAQ #65 - Is it too late for a New Year's resolution? Nah. This is as good a time as any. In fact, I resolved to make these ten suggestions for your resolutions. NYR -1 I will check in to some traffic nets. For many good ops, this resolution is already completed. NYR -2 I will send and receive some formal traffic. We all need practice, so I will prepare and send a message - even if it's only a greeting to testWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO the system. NYR -3 I will listen more. I'll spend some time listening to traffic nets - both phone and CW just to review the protocol. I'll listen to some of the good traffic handlers to pick up some hints on how to do it well. NYR -4 I will review the Prosigns and Prowords for traffic handling. (See the famous pink card - FSD-218.) NYR -5 I will volunteer to serve as a net control station - on a local net, a section net, an ARES net, or for a special event. NYR -6 I will offer to be the liaison station to another net - perhaps to WIN, to the BWN, to 9RN, or to the BEN. NYR -7 I will tell a new Ham about traffic handling - how much fun it can be, how it prepares us to serve the public, how easy it is. NYR -8 I will expand my operation. If I usually only check the BEN, I'll make an effort to check in on the BWN, WNN, or WSSN. NYR -9 I will check my knowledge of the protocol for severe weather traffic. That's especially important traffic. NYR -10 I'll review my resolutions periodically to check my progress, and I will be proud of my accomplishments. --73 K9LGU/STM-WI MONTHLY NET ACTIVITY SUMMARY JANUARY 2007 NET QNI QTC QTR SSNS NM BWN 2011 2923 5189 31 W9IXG BEN 643 45 1211 31 KE9VU WSBN 857 46 1199 31 K9FHI WNN 249 15 381 31 KB9ROB WSSN 197 25 316 29 N9JIY WIN/E No report 0 0 0 WB9ICH WIN/L 161 35 300 31 W9UW WRACES 73 0 205 4 N9VAO TOTALS 4191 3089 8801 188 ** We enjoyed participating at the D.A.R. (Daughters of American Revolution) Boys & Girls club Special Event, K8D, on January 31. This was in celebration of their first year of operation. The youngsters (Hammers) enjoyed working the pileups. Congratulations and appreciation in developing this radio room go to the M&M ARC for their involvement with these kids. Special recognition go to KG8CX and KS8O for their daily participation with these Hammers. 73, Don, W9IXG

Dakota Division


ARRL MINNESOTA SECTION SUMMARY FOR JANUARY 2007 SUMMARY FROM SM ++ The MN (7 of 42) [10/18/2007 3:00:53 PM] Section News for January 2007 section ARES and Traffic summaries are enclosed below. ++ See the ARRL Section web site for up-to-date information and bulletins. ++ Go to the new section website at ++ Do you have any interesting news to report? Have you had a good special event, a good class result, good contest results, a special program? Send me a report to be posted on the section news website. Send a copy by email. ++ Do you or your club want to hold a class? Want some help with your class in the form of content or publicity? Let me know and I will help. ++ WithWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO the recent and impending changes in amateur radio, I feel it is time to reinvigorate our OO corps. John Thomas, W3FAF, will assume the responsibility of OO Coordinator and will temporarily remain Technical Coordinator until a suitable replacement is available. We will be recruiting more Official Observers and spent more time listening to the bands. We need to help those newcomers to the HF bands to operate properly and within the law and acceptable good practices. Our first approach will take the form of mentoring. If you can spare a few hours a month listening, please contact me for an appointment to that position. Respectfully submitted by Skip Jackson, KS0J, MN SM MN SEC REPORT SUMMARY FOR JANUARY 2007 Total number of ARES members reported: 187 Change since last month: +55 County WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.ROEC’s reporting: Anoka (KC0KEP), Dakota (AB0XE), Lac Qui Parle (KC0QED), Lincoln (WD0BZU), Lyon (WD0BZU), Olmsted (AB0BW), Ramsey (N0NAS), Scott (N0BHC), Sherburne (N0JHU), Wadena (K0JO), Washington (KC0OIO), Local Net Names: Anoka County ARES Net, CCART, River Valley, SEMARC, Scott County, Chisago County, Carver County, Washington County, Fox Valley Monday Night Net, Lac Qui Parle Phone, Lac Qui Parle Packet, Mankato Area Radio Club Emergency Services Net, Marshall Area Emergency Net, Redwood County, Wadena Area Ham Net, Northern Lakes Radio, NE MN Public Service, SE St. Louis Emergency Service, Dakota County ARES, Scott County ARES Total sessions: 49 NTS liaison is maintained with the MN Section, Tenth Region, and NTSD Traffic Nets by N0UC, W0LAW Number of drills, tests and training sessions this month: 15 Person hours: 147 Number of public service events this month: 5 Person hours: 48 Number of emergency operations this month: 1 Person hours: 23 Total number of ARES operations this month: 21 Total Person hours: 218 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Frank Karnauskas, N1UW, MINNESOTA SEC MN STM SUMMARY FOR JANUARY 2007 NET FREQ TIME QNI/QTC/SESS MGR ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ MSPN/E 3860 5:30 P WO0A MSPN/N 3860 12 P WA0TFC MSSN 3710 6 P N/A VACANT MSN/1 3605 6:30 P K0WPK MSN/2 3605 9:50 P k0wpk PAW 3925 9A-5P KA0IZA/ wa0tfc MONTHLY STATION ACTIVITY REPORTS (SAR) STATION ORIG. REC'D. SENT DLVD. TOTAL BPL NO.OPS. ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ W3FAF 0 163 165 3 321 WA0TFC 0 97 47 0 144 K0WPK 0 82 36 1 119 W0LAW 0 35 50 4 89 KB0AII 0 19 42 0 61 KA0IZA 0 43 7 0 50 KB0AIJ 0 19 19 0 38 W0HPD 2 9 21 0 33 WD0GUF 0 10 11 0 21 N0JP 0 1 7 0 8 PUBLIC SERVICE HONOR ROLL (PSHR) STATION 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL ~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ W0LAW 40 40 20 10 110 WA0TFC 40 40 20 100 WD0GUF 40 21 30 91 SECTION TRAFFIC MANAGER MONTLY REPORT NET ABBR. SESS. TFC. NMCALL NTS LIASON ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ MINNESOTA SECTION MSPN/E WO0A MSPN/E PHONE NET/EVENING 1,873 31 74 MINNESOTA SECTION MSPN/N WA0TFC PHONE NET/NOON 711 31 83 MINNESOTA SECTION MSN/1 k0wpk RN-10, C4 NET (CW) 6:30P 178 29 114 MINNESOTA SECTION MSN/2 k0wpk RN- 10, C4 NET (CW) 10:00P 64 22 9 PICONET ALLDAY PAW HRS KA0IZA ALL DAY WATCH 4,190 (8 of 42) [10/18/2007 3:00:53 PM] Section News for January 2007 96 100 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Robert Meyer, W0LAW, MINNESOTA STM

North Dakota

NORTH DAKOTA: SM, Kent Olson, KAØLDG - The cold weather lately doesn’t give much credence to Punxsutawney Phil’s prediction (the official Ground Hog)of an early spring, but that must be somewhereWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO else. It was great to see all of those who ventured out in the -20° temps to the Grand Forks hamfest. It just proves that most weather won’t stop hams from going to a hamfest. Correction from last month - the Bismarck 94 repeater CTCSS is 107.2 - thanks to those who set me straight. Just a couple of weeks till the FCC drops the CW requirement for access to the HF bands. My advise is to accept the change, welcome the new HF’ers and move on teaching them proper etiquette on the HF bands. Please don’t ostracize them, as it’s not their fault the FCC changed the rules. Complaining about the change does about as much good as it does to complain about the weather. This will be a crucial time in ham radio, and we all need to make the change a positive one. Club activities have been slow, as winter usuallyWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO slows things down. If you’re looking for something to do, why don’t you enroll in one of the FEMA emergency courses. Please consider supporting the ARRL’s Spectrum Defense Fund. Your contributions all add up when they go to Congress to fight for our frequencies. The next upcoming hamfests are: Bismarck February 24th, and Fargo on April 21st - hope to see you there. Section's web site: HF NM KØJIM net reports for Jan: Goose River Net, 4/44/1; WX Net 54/452/6; Data Net 31/428/9.

South Dakota

Here is the section news for South Dakota, if there are any clubs that have material that they wish to have posted please email me the information no later than the 5th of the month so that I can get it posted to both the summary and the web site before the cut off date. Hot Springs Amateur Radio Club Our recent ham testing produced 1 new general and 2 new extras in our club. KC0WET, Matt Leubeck, is a high school senior in Hot Springs. He became one of the last hams to pass a code test in South Dakota. He also is the youngest Extra ever in our club, at the age of 18. He also will soon be part of our VE team. Good luck on the scholarship applications Matt! Our club supper on Feb. 2, was attended by 38 people. Everyone had a great time. The Old Timer Award was given to N0IQS, John. The Elmer Award was given to Dave, KE0WM. First Contact Certificate was given to Robert, KC0WID. A Kenwood TS-570DG was recently purchased for the school club and will hopefully be on the air soon. By the time you read this, our club will have ordered our new 40' tilt over/ crank-up tower for our trailer. Many thanks for the grant from Emergency Management. We have big plans to upgrade and fix-up our club shack and antenna system this spring and summer. Stay tuned. 73 Tim K0OR President Northern Hills Amateur Radio Club Committee Reports: · Public Service Events: · The tentative event list for 2007 has been distributed and is available on the NHARC web site ( ). · Technical Committee: · The noise problem with the .85 repeater was found to be in the duplexer harness. Harry Martins, WA0MFZ, and Doug Aldrich, W0WSP, are working on replacing part of the harness. · The UHF repeater on (9 of 42) [10/18/2007 3:00:53 PM] Section News for January 2007

Terry Peak has no audio. ARES: · Gene McPherson, N0MHJ, is continuing to work NVIS antennas. · The Memorandum of Understanding with the state of South Dakota is nearing completion. · ARES vests are available from Gene McPherson, N0MHJ, for $10. Reports and Announcements: · In an attempt to reduce interference, a tone decoder has been installed on the Terry Peak repeater (146.76). The tone is 146.2. · The BHARC annual auction is scheduled for February 17th at the Canyon Lake Senior Citizen’s Center. Doors will open around 9:30am. The dinner will be atWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO the Rapid City Elks Lodge at 6:00pm. · The Wyoming state hamfest is scheduled for May 25th, 26th and 27th. Old Business: · State link repeater maintenance will be done in the spring. · Volunteers are needed for special presentations. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2029. Respectfully submitted, Doug Aldrich, W0WSP Secretary

Delta Division

Arkansas WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO ARKAN News- Minutes of ARKAN Board Meeting – January 8, 2007. Goals for the year, List of Activities, Scouting activities specifically JOTA (getting them more involved) Second Saturday Activities, Drawing the crowds to meetings and to the hobby. More VE’s are needed immediately; prefer extra class VE's. Education Committee, looking to donate several Now You're Talking books to local libraries, also establish High School level ham clubs if possible. Also, E.C. chairperson should look into Big Program getting kids licensed and funding for that program with ARRL, and providing Adult education classes. Public Relations office needs to find a person to do this for the club. Second Saturday Plans on 13 Jan 2007 Scott will be Stringing an Antenna in a Rail car in prep for the Memorial troop train project in work. Also, same day 13, Jan 2007, Delphand Taylor will be putting together a dipole antenna for the club from 10-12, and setting up the club H.F. station. Arkansas Diamond ARC News- that we needed to re institute our weather net and that would be the program for the meeting. After the loss of our emergency coordinator Rick N5HQO (sk) we had gone some time without a plan and we needed to be ready. In the plan that we set up at that regular meeting, four persons were to be the control operators George KC5RED from Perry County, Jim AC5RT Morrilton and Conway County, Charles N5IBP for Faulkner County, and AC5RU Tom from North Conway County. The idea was to separate the four persons so that if something happen in the area of the control operator, one of the other two would take over. Everything worked out as planned. KD5LBE Mayor and KE5DOR Jim monitored the communications and kept in contact with OES in Conway County. We maintained our link after the tornado to OES command for about 5 hours until the area was shut down. Batesville ARC News By Mark Turner PIO -The Batesville Area Radio Club is once again starting the new year “Under New Management”. This year we will have a President and a Vice-President who have never served as an officer of the BARC. Please attend the club meetings (and check the club web pages) so that you can be informed about all the local ham radio activities planned for this year! Ham License Courses - Once again, I (KC5EVZ) will teach a course for those wishing to obtain their entry-level ham radio license. A short Upgrade to General course will start soon for those who (10 of 42) [10/18/2007 3:00:53 PM] Section News for January 2007 wish to test before July 31. -- The President’s Pen- wish to express my appreciation for the confidence placed in the elected leadership of the BARC for the year of 2007. I would like to encourage ALL OF THE MEMBERS OF THE BARC to attend club meetings to offer your input regarding club business. The following is a current list of the officers for 2007: PRES. TOM ELLIOTT KK5YN, V. P. ED HAMILTON KE5JMO, SEC. ROBBIE TURNER KD5ATO TREAS. TERRY STANDARD KE5EXL, P.I.O. MARK TURNER KC5EVZ. CAREN News- CAREN Club 2007 Upcoming Public ServiceWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Events. Everyone is welcome to join in the fun, practice and fellowship: March 4, 2007 Little Rock Marathon--- April 7, 2007 Capital City Classic--- April 14, 2007 MS Walk--- April 21, 2007, Ouachita Trail 50 K--- April 21, 2007 Rocket 5K--- June 9, 2007 Tour de Rock--- September 8-9 MS 150 Bike Tour--- September 15, 2007 CAREN Club ALL ARKANSAS HAMFEST--- September 29, 2007 Arkansas Marathon--- September 29, 2007 Big Dam Bridge 100--- October 20, 2007 Raid the Rock--- December 6, 2007 CAREN Club Christmas Party. Check for updates throughout the year. 73 Dale W5RXU. Faulkner Co. ARC News- The Faulkner Co. ARC held an emergency exercise Thursday night during it's regular 2 meter net at 7:30pm. The scenario was a failure of regular communication between theWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Little Rock MEMS headquarters, and the Conway MEMS headquarters after a part of the building collapsed at the Conway MEMS location. Primary net operations were held on the 145.210 repeater, while traffic and other business was handled on the 146.970 repeater, or by relay through 2 meter simplex. Several messages were sent from the MEMS headquarters in Conway, to the Conway Regional Medical Center, and also to the LR MEMS headquarters. Faulkner Co. ARC can proudly say that we had 100% copy and relay of all of the message traffic. The exercise was a true success because it was set up as almost a complete surprise to the club members who were asked to respond and participate with no prior warning or planning. Perry Carlton (AE5EE) acted as net control, and around 15 members participated in the drill. 73 DE Frankie Parks, K5FRP President. Fort Smith ARC News- The Hanging Judge Hamfest - March 31, Columbus Acres, Fort Smith, AR. For more info go to This is one of the best hamfests in the region! Our next club meeting will be held on Monday, February 19th, 7:00pm Boreham Conference Center, UofA Fort Smith Baldor Technology Center located on the corner of North 52nd and Kinkead, Fort Smith, Arkansas. All are welcome. Club President Dennis Burton opened the first meeting of 2007 and introduced the new club officers; Vice President Chuck Johnson, N5JUD; Secretary Larry Carmack, KE5BOR, and Treasurer Mike Bell, K5JMB. A warm welcome was given to guests and new members. A special thanks was given to Andrew Austin for the time he spent working on our club website. Andrew has a demanding course load and has requested to step down. Jim Scott AD5YU has graciously agreed to take over this responsibility. The club also gave a special thanks to Mark Clayton, N5AZQ for setting up a special Christmas gathering that was enjoyed by everyone. President Burton opened old business to discuss the 501C3 application status. Thanks was given for the Herculean effort put forth by John and Jan Eddleman, Keith Newman, Art Sellers, and John Samuels to ensure it’s finalization. New business included a report by John Eddleman on the upcoming hamfest. John sent out information to vendors and will make follow-up calls to secure vendors for this event. President Burton introduced and gave kudos to our new club Webmaster Jim Scott for the progress he has made. Jim briefed the group on his plans to update our website and (11 of 42) [10/18/2007 3:00:53 PM] Section News for January 2007 consolidate it with the Hanging Judge website following this years hamfest. Dr. Charles Floyd, W5JE provided a status report for the upcoming White Rock Mountain DX Expedition on March 2,3, and 4. The plan is to have one or two stations with the usual antenna, great food, and a lot of fun. President Burton applauded David Overston for the excellent newsletter that he created in December. SHARP COUNTY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB-The end of 2006 was saddened for members of the Sharp County ARC with the loss of one of our longtime members WE5I Joe Davis. Also last SeptemberWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO our longtime Treasurer KE5HD Bill Griffin had asked the club that due to his health he would like for us to get someone else to be treasurer. Mr Bill has been with the club since it first started and will surely be missed as a club officer. For our January meeting Mark K0XXX demonstrated a 6 meter quad antenna he had made. Coming up at our March meeting Mike Nettles will be our guest speaker with the topic being Winlink. He will also be doing a demo for all interested. If you live close by and would like to come to the meeting it will be March 10, 2007, @ 9:00 am at the Sharp County Courthouse in Ash Flat. Officers for the year are as follows: President, Robin Norris AD5JA; Secretary, Sue Legg KD5LKG; Treasurer, KD5LKF Ann Reynolds; new Sharp County EC LaDonna Bailey KE5DMX. We may be one of the only club's in AR with all women officers. K5UZ will check into this for us. MONTHLY TRAFFIC REPORTWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO FOR JANUARY 2007 by TERRY R. BREWER,WB5HIL ARK PHONE NET ARKANSAS MOCKINGBIRD NET ARK RAZORBACK NET SESSIONS 27 SESSIONS 23 SESSIONS 31 QNI 614 QNI 995 QNI 2507 QTC 18 QTC 7 QTC 60 TIME 719 TIME 596 TIME 745 ET MGR. W5SXV NET MGR. K0ON NET MGR. K5BOC ARK OZK CW NET ARK SECTION NET SESSIONS 10 SESSIONS 1 ARK STATION ACTIVITY SUMMARY QNI 24 QNI 31 K5BOC 35 QTC 0 QTC 0 K5WTH 12 TIME 55 TIME 34 AD5JA 7 NET MGR WA5JAN NET MGR K5UZ


LOUISIANA SECTION NEWS – JANUARY 2007 I'm happy to report that WA5CWE has volunteered to be the "Educational Coordinator" for the LA Section. Frank was first licensed in 1961 and earned his Ph.D. degree in 1976. He was a curriculum writer for the Communications Electronics program for the State of LA and has 32 years experience as an electronics instructor. Frank has also worked for a number of broadcast radio and TV stations in LA and MS. Because the Educational Coordinator appointment is not currently available within the League's Field Organization, Frank's official title is Assistant Section Manager. If you have a keen interest in promoting ham radio in your local schools, please let Frank know via email [email protected] W5ELM, W5MVP, and WA5TNK are the new Emergency Coordinators for Allen Parish, Beauregard Parish, and Lafayette Parish, respectively. In addition to thanking Earl, Alan, and Ed for volunteering to lead their local ARES groups, I want to acknowledge the previous ECs KA5NXT (Allen Parish) and KC5AHA (Beauregard Parish) for their service as well. The 2007 National Hurricane Conference will be in New Orleans during the first week of April. As in past years, an Amateur Radio session is planned for the Tuesday afternoon of the conference (April 3 from 1:30 PM to 5:00 PM at the Hilton Riverside Hotel on Poydras Street in New Orleans). Tentatively scheduled speakers from the LA Section include K5GLS (LA SEC), NO5FD (Orleans Parish EC), and K5CFW (Technical Specialist). ARES leaders are particularly encouraged to attend, although any interested ham who attends only the Amateur Radio (12 of 42) [10/18/2007 3:00:53 PM] Section News for January 2007 session on April 3 will not have to pay any registration fees. W5AFD reports that the United State Coast Guard (USCG) Auxiliary Members of Flotilla 081-04-05 were deployed to seven critical locations around the New Orleans area (the Superdome, Orleans OEP, Orleans Fire and Police Command Center, Louis Armstrong Airport, West Jefferson Hospital, USCG Station New Orleans, and USCG Air Station New Orleans) during the Sugar Bowl football game. Most of the flotilla's members are hams living in or near New Orleans. Of the 100 total radio contacts conducted by the flotillaWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO during its deployment on January 3, 75 occurred on HF, VHF, or UHF ham bands. The National Emergency Response Planning Committee (NERPC) submitted its report to the ARRL Board of Directors during the Board's January meeting. You can view the full report at The report points out that although a typical concept of ham radio emergency communications is tactical traffic using voice via VHF FM, an important part of emergency communications in many disasters is the handling of formal messages via a variety of bands and modes. Furthermore, item 8 on page 5 in the report's Messaging Recommendations section states the following: "It must become and remain a perpetual priority for the ARRL and ARES to enhance training in basic message handling, particularly with respect to message accuracy through the major communicationsWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO phases of transport and delivery. Message accuracy was reported to be lacking during the acute phases of Hurricane Katrina, which undermined response and relief activities." The NERPC report supports my long held belief that every ARES member should learn how to originate, send, receive, and deliver formal messages! Although a beginning traffic handler can learn much about the subject by reading, one must actually send and receive an occasional message to become and remain reasonably proficient in the art of handling formal messages. The LA Traffic Net (LTN), the LA CW Net (LCW), and the LA Slow Net (LSN) welcome every ham interested in formal message handling to participate to whatever degree he or she desires. The LA Section welcomes the following new hams: Jerald Jatho KE5LYK, Patrick Barbot KE5MEN, David Laity KE5MEL, Carl Doisher KE5MEP, John Haley KE5MEO, Lane Director KE5MEQ, Veronica Ward KE5MEM, Marilyn Mitchell KE5LYC, Georgia Baker KE5MCH, Dewayne Campbell KE5LXE, Kent Martin KE5MCG, Pamela Holsted KE5MCE, Lisa Westerfield KE5LXF, Juanita Meador KE5LXC, Joanna Villavicencio KE5MCF, Kurt Olinde KE5LXD, Sherree McCain KE5MFC, Van McCain KE5MFD, Billy Brown KE5MCY, Joey Guy KE5MCX, Miles Bowman KE5LXV, and Richard Greig KE5LXB. I am very sorry to report that KD5FMM is a Silent Key. Traffic totals: K5MC 117, WA5LQZ 84, W5PY 48, N5KWB 40, AE5V 10, WA4ERU 2. Public Service Honor Roll: W5PY 168, N5KWB 115, K5MC 110, K5ER 80, AE5V 68, KB5SDU 50, WA4ERU 45, N5MEL 35, W5HUD 35, N5HMH 32. Section net reports: sessions/ check-ins/messages handled. Louisiana Traffic Net: 31/477/50. Louisiana CW Net: 61/343/42. Louisiana Slow Net: 9/45/5. Louisiana ARES Net: 4/101/0. Local/district net reports: sessions/ check-ins. Avoyelles Parish ARES Net: 1/1. Caddo/Bossier Parish ARES Net: 4/55. Calcasieu Parish ARES Net: 2/6. Livingston Parish ARES Net: 30/150. Orleans Parish ARES Net: 4/30. Ouachita Parish ARES Net: 5/80. Rapides Parish ARES Net: 2/18. Richland Parish ARES Net: 5/45. St. Charles Parish ARES Net: 1/19. St. Mary Parish ARES Net: 4/38. St. Tammany Parish ARES Net: 5/38. Terrebonne Parish ARES Net: 4/25. Union Parish ARES Net: 5/40. Vernon Parish ARES Net: 6/20. Washington Parish ARES Net: 4/60. ARES reports: parish/EC. Allen/ W5ELM, Avoyelles/KD5IGG, Beauregard/W5MVP, Caddo/Bossier/NZ5S, Calcasieu/KC5FGO, (13 of 42) [10/18/2007 3:00:53 PM] Section News for January 2007 Claiborne/KD5JJP, DeSoto/AA5HY, East Baton Rouge/N5ULA, Franklin/N5ASA, Livingston/ W5RR, Morehouse/KB5SAR, Orleans/NO5FD, Ouachita/K5ER, Plaquemines/AI5B, Rapides/ KD5DFL, Red River/KD5IUZ, Richland/N5MEL, St. Bernard/AI5B, St. Charles/K5CFJ, St. John/ AI5B, St. Mary/KA5LMZ, St. Tammany/KC5EAK, Terrebonne/AD5XJ, Union/KA5JNL, Vernon/ W5JZQ, Washington/AI5B, Winn/KC5EWJ. 73, Mickey Cox K5MC LA Section Manager Email: [email protected] LA SectionWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Website: Great Lakes Division


Greetings everyone, I am pleased to announce the appointment of our new Section Public Information Coordinator, Bobby N8CY. Bobby is replacing our long-term PIC Harold KC8QMH who has served for several years and now is retiring from the position. Thanks Harold for your sincere dedication. The PIC works with all of our Section Public Information Officers to present a coordinatedWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO effort in presenting amateur radio to the public. With the recent very positive image portrayed by ham radio, we are continuing with a very aggressive effort to keep the public informed and interested. Bobby’s plans for the coming year include more involvement within clubs and ARPSC groups to organize and plan getting information in clear and concise form to the media. There are several national award programs that recognize the efforts of radio amateurs and their dedication to this hobby, in addition the ARRL Great Lakes Division offers several select awards and Michigan has over the years offered several of our own. With the goal of providing distinct recognition to outstanding hams, I am pleased to announce the inception of the Michigan Section Awards Committee. This committee is charged with coordinating the efforts of all League sponsored recognition programs in the state, to insure that Michigan hams are provided the opportunity to be nominated for national Division and State award programs. Assistant Section Managers Roger WB8WJV [email protected] and John N8ZE [email protected] will coordinate this program. They will be working with clubs and ARPSC organizations as well as our list of League appointees in the state to begin this task. WE will be determining the awards Michigan will be offering and the criteria for qualification. Needless to say, your input is valued and you may contact Roger and John to provide your suggestions. As this is program in its early formative stages, we have an excellent opportunity to consider a wide range of options. It was observed that many clubs were not receiving the latest news releases of material directly related to club activities. One of the discussions at the recent Section Staff meeting related to offering the opportunity to have an assigned liaison at each ARRL Affiliated radio club. This person would receive direct emails from League Headquarters and the Michigan Affiliate Club Coordinator that were directly related to radio club activities. Clubs can contact Dan KB6NU [email protected] to name a liaison person to serve as an interface. This will be an easy solution to insure the club gets the latest data on national and state happenings. Good news on the National Traffic System front. ARRL is emphasizing its continued support of the NTS and our Michigan Section Traffic Manager reports that Michigan NTS-ers are really doing an over-the-top job. Check this out: MI NTS check-ins for 2006 were up 30% over the previous year and traffic is up 50% over 2005. OUTSTANDING and even (14 of 42) [10/18/2007 3:00:53 PM] Section News for January 2007 better yet, considering the bands have been so tough for the latter part of the year. Jill KC8PVQ from the Traverse City area reports: “I would like to introduce you to the efforts of the Cherryland ARC in building the BSA camp in the region. It includes a Ham shack for the scouting youth in Michigan that visit the camp in the summer. Plans are underway to hold a license class and test sessions at the camp. We now have 8 scouts with tech class licenses and several adults that visit the station in the summer to help the boys earn the radio merit badge. We have our own call,WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO W8BSC, and are open to youth groups that want to camp and work the station arranged through the camp office. We have rental cabins and wilderness cabins to rent. The shack is heated and would make a great outing for the youth groups in Michigan. We have 2 HF rigs, a VHF rig, 80m loop, tribander beam, 6 M beam, and a RigblasterTM for digital modes”. Congratulation to the Movers and Shakers: These newly elected club officers for the Genesee County ARC are Pres K8KZB, Treas K8VW, Sec L8LJG Trustee K8LJG. The new officers of the Saginaw Valley ARA are Pres. Keith N8XD, VP Jim WA8GRI, Sec Jeff KC8BDQ, Treas Judy KC8BYI. New officers of the Monroe County RCA are Pres N8YQW, VP KB8JAI, Sec KB8KQC, Treas KA8EBI, Dirs KB8VIU, W8PI and W8JDY. Amateur Radio continues to receive plaudits andWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO recognition from our served agencies. The Amateur Radio Public Service Corps in Michigan consists of ARES, ARCES, NTS and Skywarn and is considered to be a “First Responder” in disasters. With this thought in mind, it bears reminding that when a disaster occurs, hams should first check in with their EC/RO before taking any step to mobilize. This insures that you will be assigned to the most appropriate location, insures that you will not waste travel time going to an area where you may not be needed, and insures the continued excellent relationships with our served agencies. Station Activity Reports (SARs for January, 2007: WB9JSR 805, KC8WSE 274, K8AE 220, K8LJG 148, KC8MLD 113, AB8SY 101, K8AMR 60, W8RNQ 49, KD8BGQ 47, AA8SN 38, WB8RCR 35, AB8WF 34, WI8K 29, K8RDN 25, KD8BMV 16, AB8CB 14, WD8USA 14, KC8ZCF 10, K8ZJU 9, WA8OOH 7, N8UN 4, KC8ZGB 1. SARs are reports of all the radiogram traffic you have handled in the past month. Public Service Honor Roll Reports (PSHRs) for January, 2007: WB9JSR 270, WB8RCR 219, KD8BGQ 205, K8AE 128, K8MFK 120, KC8WSE 90, K8AMR 83, AB8SY 78, K8ZJU 71, K8RDN 58. PSHRs include your net and public service activities for the month. PSHRs and SARs should be filed monthly with WB8RCR. You can access a simple reporting form at: PSHR_entry.shtml to provide your reports to WB8RCR. January Official Emergency Station reports came in from KC8ULE, N8HA and W8RAE. Your OES reports should be filed with WA8EFK. In all cases, reporting by radiograms encouraged. 73, Dale WA8EFK

Hudson Division

Northern New Jersey

SM Bill Hudzik-W2UDT, ASM-N2WZB, STM-WB2FTX, ACC-N3RB, SEC-K2SO, OOC-K2ZD, PIC- W2WJO, TC-NR2H NNJ Webpage: MONTHLY ARES NET: Second Monday of each month (8PM) on the Morris County OEM Repeater: WS2Q 146.895 MHz (PL 151.4) minus 600Hz. Just a reminder that the NNJ hamfest season is starting. The New (15 of 42) [10/18/2007 3:00:53 PM] Section News for January 2007 Providence ARC is holding its annual auction/hamfest on Friday, February 23rd followed by the Split Rock ARA hamfest on March 3rd and the Bergen ARA’s annual auction on Sunday March 4th. Check your QST for details and times. Thanks, also, to the various club newsletters for spreading the hamfest announcements. Be sure that you receive the monthly Hudson Division news as club events are listed there as well. Speaking of newsletters many clubs are taking advantage of software publishing to produce some very nice looking and informative papers. Some recent ones I’veWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO received are from Metroplex ARC, Bergen ARA, Raritan Bay RA and County Line ARA (which is observing its 15th year as a club). They often contain interesting articles and various news items which make for good reading. Be sure to thank those club members who put in the time and effort to produce these quality newsletters. And, they may even be happy to receive an article or two! In the area of news many of you may have already read about the ARRL Public Relations campaign for 2007. Its centered on EmComm or, Emergency Communications. The League has a very nice 4 page brochure titled “Ham Radio – getting the message through for your family and community” available for the asking. Geared to attracting new comers it explains what amateur radio can do in emergencies, where to find information about getting licensed and what ARES does. Information about the program and how to get moreWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO public relations information is on the ARRL website at: Allen Pitts, W1AGP, the Media & PR Manager is looking forward to making this campaign as successful as last year’s “Hello- Celebrating 100 of Voice”. As you can see there is a lot of information available to help us inform the public about what we do and how valuable our service is. Take advantage of what’s offered and incorporate it into your club’s and group’s activities. Both NNJ and SNJ ARES groups took part in the recent Air Force MARS Operation Deepfreeze exercise to test joint planning and communication capabilities between MARS, RACES and ARES. This exercise took place over several days and simulated the effects of blizzard conditions covering much of the Northeast (sound familiar?). The early evaluations indicated that the response by various amateur radio groups more than met the anticipated turnout. It also showed that the capability to have both HF and VHF frequencies was necessary. As an example, when I attempted to check into the MARS 40M net I could not here the NCS because propagation made the band rather long; switching to 75M I was able to be recognized immediately by the NCS. This exercise also gave both the NNJ SEC – K2SO and SNJ SEC – K2GW an opportunity to work together again. And, as Steve and Gerry know, a part of any Emcomm exercise is that being able to coordinate with your counterpart is just as important as working within your own group. Thanks to all the New Jersey groups who activated for the exercise. The W2 QSL Bureau, run by the North Jersey DX Association, will be increasing its subscriber rates. Effective April 1st the minimum credit purchase will be ten postage credits for $6.00. The bureau has kept rates flat for several years absorbing four postage rate increases by cutting expenses and streamlining its operations as much as possible. Based upon news of more postage increases due this spring the Bureau felt it could no longer absorb rate increases without a change. In spite of the increase using the bureau option is still the best dollar value around as evidenced by the amount of QSL cards still handled. More information can be found on the NJDXA webpage: It also lists meeting and program dates as well as other DX news and links. Traffic Handling is still alive and well in New Jersey as evidenced by the following peer recognition: congratulations to (16 of 42) [10/18/2007 3:00:54 PM] Section News for January 2007 AG2R who received the Outstanding Public Service to NJ Traffic Handling award, KC2PFV received the Newcomer of the Year Award and W2LTF received the Outstanding Service on NJ VHF Traffic Nets. Also, welcome to traffic handler KC2ANN who is a new Official Relay Station appointee and N1EZO who has joined the NNJ Official Observer ranks. Thanks for taking the time to become an ARRL appointee. The NNJ Section webpage lists the various ARRL appointments available to members who wish to volunteer there skills. 73, Bill Hudzik, W2UDT SECTION TRAFFIC Jan-07WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO NORTHERN NJ PUBLIC SERVICE HONOR ROLL ORIGINATED RCVD SENT DLVD TOTAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL N1JX 0 219 241 5 465 40 40 10 90 KC2PFV 0 37 35 18 90 40 40 80 N2GJ 0 28 18 18 64 40 40 30 15 10 135 WB2KNS 0 21 35 3 59 40 40 20 45 145 W2CC 0 23 0 0 73 40 23 30 93 TOTAL 701 NET MGR. SESS. QNI QTC QSP QTR STNS LIAISONS NJMORNING(NJM) N2GJ 12 61 14 14 120 11 2RN N PHONE(NJPN) W2CC 35 269 96 84 283 31 2RN NJ SLOW(NJSN) K2PB 31 155 14 13 405 16 2RN NJ NET (NJN/E) AG2R 31 254 41 38 389 18 2RN NJ NET (NJN/L) AG2R 31 188 20 17 324 11 2RN CEN.JER (CJTN)KB2VRO NJSN,2RN,PACKET NJ VHF (NJVN/E) N2RPI 31 553 106 89 495 62 NJN,NJPN NJ VHF (NJVN/L) N2OPJ 31 378 45 39 223 45 NJN,NJPN UCTN KY2MMM NJVN, CJTN,NJP WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Midwest Division


Kansas Section News Summary- January 2007 SM, Ron Cowan, KB0DTI-- SEC/OOC: Robert Summers,K0BXF ASM: Orlan Cook,W0OYH ASM-Youth: Emily Stewart, KC0PTL SGL: Steve Hamilton, KB0JYL PIC: Larry Staples, W0AIB ______Silent Keys: WØFHT- Ernie Lam, Kingman. WBØYWZ reports that he just recently had contact with Ernie’s wife and was told of his passing in August. WØNIM- James Lumpkins, Lenexa W9LRU- Bob French, Salina KØOCS- Mary Dyson, Leavenworth ______The year has started off with several significant things worth noting. Our licensing structure has changed again. The common language that all hams spoke, and were required to know, is now going away. What will the next thing be that gives us a common bond ? The League’s PR campaign for 2007 is based on emergency communications. The focus of the public service announcements and literature will all be about hams having communications available when the general public does not. I think there is an opportunity for us here if we use this information correctly. Kansas Sideband Net has resumed sessions at 6:30 PM. Propagation is better now and should improve as we get into spring. ______SECTION EMERGENCY COORDINATOR REPORT Dec '06 activity for JAN'07 REPORT The two big snowstorms that hit Kansas, a week apart, brought some problems for a few residents. Large power outages were very evident, however cell Phones for the most part were OK. Not too much excitement in the communication phases of the aftermath of the storm were reported. For most it was just another typical Kansas storm that we seem to handle very well. Satern members were active just in case and the same for RACES and Army MARS. December activity reported by 17 EC with 159 net sessions reported. 1421 QNI and 231 QTC. Chapter 110 QCWA reported 5 (17 of 42) [10/18/2007 3:00:54 PM] Section News for January 2007 sessions and 41 QNI. Tornado season about ready to start. Let us all keep an alert eye and ear working. 73 Bob Summers K0BXF ARRL SEC KS ------Newsletters received: Feed Back, Grain of Wheat (Wheat state Wrls), Trojan ARC Harmonic, QRZ, QNU H.A.R.C. DCARC ______December Sessions/QNI/QTC/Mgr: KSBN/31/835/36 N0KFS KPN/23/249/41/N0KFS KMWN/31/574/508/WB0YWZ KWN/31/669/495/WB0YWZWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO CSTN /26/1795/49/N0BFB QKS/ 45/159/23/ NB0Z QKS SS 4/7/1 KB0DTI Traffic: N0ENO 36 KC0HHO 62 NB0Z 36 N0ZIZ 20 KB0DTI 24 K0BXF 33 W0OYH 21 W0WWR 19 73, Ron


JANUARY 2007 MISSOURI SECTION NEWS Dale Bagley, KØKY MO SM The January Willard Hamfest sponsored by the 49ers Repeater Group had to cancel their Hamfest due to gigantic winter storm that covered almost all of SW Missouri with ice. The Hamfest site lost power about 8:00 p.m.WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO the Friday night before the Hamfest and didn’t get power back for several days. Bottom line is that there was no money raised at the Hamfest to fund the 145.49 repeater and they actually lost about $250. I was inspired by Ron Potter, AG1P, to send a few dollars to the 49ers group to help fund the needed Skywarn Repeater. If some of those in the Missouri Section (in the spirit of Amateur Radio) would send a dollar or two to the 145.49 Repeater Group, P.O. 567 Willard, MO 65781, I’m sure that they would appreciate your thoughtfulness. I want to make it clear, the 145.49 Repeater group had nothing to do with this suggestion and are unaware that it is being made. The Following is from a reflector hosted by Larry Staples, WØAIB and I thought it was worth passing on to Amateurs in MO. The text below is taken from a message sent by Jack McGuire, Interim President and CEO and Kate Forbes, National Chair of Volunteers (American Red Cross): I am not aware of the source of this letter, but it seems like a response that the American Red Cross would make to the concerns expressed by Amateur Operators and other Volunteers. I apologize for the length, but I didn’t want to edit the text. "On December 22, 2006, we announced that the background check deadline was extended until March 31, 2007 and that a leadership team would examine specific aspects of the program so that they were better understood and accepted across the organization. This week, we approved key modifications to the program, specifically related to the consent form. We believe these changes respond to legitimate concerns and still maintain a strong organization-wide background check program. The following summarizes the changes: * A new consent form will be developed that eliminates all references to credit checks and mode of living. * The Red Cross will not run future credit checks or mode of living checks on anyone who has signed the previous consent form. The Red Cross will consider that consent form null and void as to the credit check and mode of living authorizations, and promises not to conduct a credit check on individuals unless we obtain a second consent form from them authorizing those checks. Mode of living checks will not be conducted under any circumstances. * In an effort to establish and maintain consistency across the organization, Jane Gilbert, Senior Vice President, Service Area Support, will convene a working group to establish an ongoing credit check policy that will define which positions require a credit check (18 of 42) [10/18/2007 3:00:54 PM] Section News for January 2007 in the future and how to evaluate credit checks for those positions. We listened to your concerns and feedback and determined that adding another consent form in the event that a credit check is needed best met the needs of our volunteer force. All other aspects of the program remain unchanged, including the deadline of March 31, 2007, by which all employees and volunteers must undergo and clear a background check. Employees and volunteers who have not cleared a background check by this date will no longer be able to serve with the Red Cross until they do so.WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO " Thanks for all that ARRL members do for the Red Cross, both at the Chapters and across the Red Cross organization. I hope that this change to our program eases some of your concerns and that we'll continue to work together for the benefit of our neighbors." AFFILIATED CLUB NEWS KEITH HAYE, WEØG, ACC While preparing a talk on Morse Code for members of the Mid-MO Amateur Radio Club, current president Kent W. Trimble, K9ZTV, discovered that a local Jefferson City teenager had figured prominently in the early history of American radio. Thus began a three year research into the life and achievements of Willis Porter Corwin, 9ABD. During the night hours of January 27, 1917, eighteen year old Willis P. Corwin received and re-transmitted three Morse Code messages which became the first successful one-way transcontinental relay of formal message traffic in the history ofWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO American radio. On January 27, 2007 there was a short wreath-laying ceremony held at Willis Corwin’s grave in the Jefferson City National Cemetery and later a granite plaque was dedicated at the site of the Corwin home by Mayor John D. Landwehr. Joplin ARC President Andy Gabbert, KAØTUD, expanded the Technical Committee and stressed the importance of the efforts of the Membership Committee. On Aug 24th and 25th, the JARC will host the Missouri State Convention as part of their outstanding Hamfest. The Heart of America ARC, held its dinner meeting at the Jumpin’ Catfish Restaurant and elected their new officers. Dennis Gedeon will begin a hybrid class for the ARRL Level II Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Course. Dennis does an excellent job as an instructor and has had great success with the courses he instructs. The Amateur Radio Club of the Ozarks, in Gainesville, MO in its newsletter that Gary Rheuark, K5QNM, is getting together the necessary equipment for some 10,400 MHZ contacts. The goal will be to qualify for the for the 1000 miles/watt award. That require a minimum of 8 miles distance for the contact to qualify. The Bootheel ARC and the Southeast Missouri ARC are joining forces to conduct a special event station honoring the “Stars & Stripes” military newspaper. The “Stars and Stripes” began in Bloomfield Missouri in 1861. The operation will be held at the site of the museum at Bloomfield, MO in June 2007. SECTION ARES REPORT FOR January 2006 DON MOORE, KMØR SEC Total # of ARES members: 602 Number of drills and training sessions this month: 72 Man hours: 677 Number of public service events this month: 4 Man hours: 221Number of emergency operations this month: 4 Man hours: 300 Total number of ARES operations this month: 80 Total Man hours: 1139 Comments: 5 of 9 districts SECTION TRAFFIC REPORTS FOR OCTOBER 2006 DALE HUFFINGTON, AEØS, January 2007 will be Phil Urquolia, (ex WØDAT) NYØT last month as MOTRAN (Phone) net manager. He will be missed. Dale AEØS MON – CW Sessions 61 QNI 140 QTC 32 NM K9ZTV MO Phone Sessions 30 QNI 807 QTC 78 NM NYØT MESN Sessions 4 QNI 190 QTC 2 NM AEØS Audrain Cjo ARRC Sessions 4 QNI 47 QTC 0 NM KBØKWC Callaway CARL Sessions 4 QNI 59 QTC 0 NM KBØHKN Boone Co Sessions 5 QNI 99 QTC 1 NM WMØH Howell Co Sessions 8 QNI 70 QTC 1 NM KØRWL Jackson Co ARESR Sessions 4 QNI 75 (19 of 42) [10/18/2007 3:00:54 PM] Section News for January 2007 QTC 5 NM KØUAA Macon Co Sessions 4 QNI 32 QTC 0 NM KØKY CSRS Wellsville Sessions 3 QNI 17 QTC 2 NM KCØULK Rolla RRARS Sessions 31 QNI 422 QTC 21 NM KB9ZBO Sullivan ARC Sessions 30 QNI 212 QTC 12 NM KBØROX WAARCI Sessions 4 QNI 96 QTC 0 NM WBØTOM St. Louis Co Sessions 5 QNI 33 QTC 5 NM KBØH 10th Reg Sessions 61 QTC 140 MO 69% with K9ZTV, WØSJS, NM WØSS

New England DivisionWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO


Section Leadership: ASMs: N1FNE, K1STM, NK1J, W1FXQ; Bulletin Manager KD1YV; OOC W1GC; PIC K1SFA; SEC K1BRF; SGL K1MK; STM K1HEJ; TC N1KHB. Two exciting training opportunities are coming up next weekend—February 24 and February 25. ARES Region 4 is hosting a hands-on workshop covering hardware and software for packet (including Winlink Airmail) and APRS on Saturday, 24 Feb 07. Bill W1GTT and Wayne N1CLV will be the workshop presenters.WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO The event will be held from 0900-1300 at Leonard J. Tyl Middle School, 166 Chesterfield Rd, Oakdale. For those already running APRS, just look for the W1TYL schoolhouse icon on the map! The workshop will cover installation/setup/operation of several different software applications for both packet and APRS. Some of the possible hardware configurations that can be used for these modes will also be demonstrated. If you have a laptop that you want to setup for packet/APRS, bring it along. If you have a TinyTrak kit you want to build, bring it and the necessary tools (including a small soldering iron) to the workshop. If you plan to attend the workshop, please send an email to both [email protected] and [email protected] so we'll know how many handouts to prepare, etc. Hope to see you on the 24th!!!—Wayne, N1CLV DEC Region 4 Jonathan, KB1KIX invites you to attend a workshop on formal written message traffic handling in the NTS format conducted by noted trainer Dan Brochu, KY1F as part of the Region 3 quarterly meeting on Sunday, February 25 at noon at American Red Cross Farmington. Members of Region 3 should be on hand one hour earlier for the Region meeting. Dan’s tutorials have been published for many years in the ARRL Net Directory and in other ARRL publications so don’t miss this opportunity to learn this art from a dynamic trainer! The other reason why next weekend is so important is because of the change in rules come Friday, February 23. Brennan, N4QX writes: I want to remind you that at least two teams of volunteer examiners (and I'm reasonably sure there will be at least three) will be on hand at ARRL Headquarters in Newington starting at 11 p.m. on Thursday, February 22, to administer exams at the first possible opportunity under the new rules and the last possible opportunity under the old rules. As mentioned on the ARRL Web site, W1AW will be open for visitors until at least 4 a.m. The examiners will administer live examinations both before and after midnight and process valid CSCEs for upgrade under the new rules once midnight hits. The live exams will proceed as any standard test session would. Candidates submitting CSCEs for so-called paper upgrades are invited to arrive and claim a spot in line as early as 11:00. Once midnight strikes, each VE team will examine the documents of three paper upgrade candidates at a time until we get through what we anticipate will be a heavy volume. Once the live exams are through, the live exam team will contribute to getting through the paper (20 of 42) [10/18/2007 3:00:54 PM] Section News for January 2007 candidates. All are welcome. If you are taking an exam or just converting paper, please bring: * Your original amateur radio license AND A PHOTOCOPY THEREOF * Any original CSCEs AND A PHOTOCOPY OF EACH * Photo ID * $14 for the examination fee (exact change appreciated, checks payable to ARRL/VEC). Walk-ins are welcome, but calls ahead are appreciated also. Let me know at 860-561-1773 or [email protected]. Also, any VEs with ARRL/VEC accreditation who would like to take part are more than welcome to come examine. The more bodies we have, the WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.ROquicker we can go to bed. A good time should be had by all. 73 de Brennan N4QX Congrats on N1MIE now president of RASON. Wish Mat KB1LCS the best of luck; he has unfortunately moved out of Section. Chip has lots of ideas for the club and is looking forward to a productive year. Have fun! CARA enjoyed a program on antique radio given by a real collector and enthusiast Marty K1CVF. You know, if your club is looking for a good program, contact Marty because he does enjoy giving his talk and showing some of the collection. The club has their new 6 meter repeater operational: input/output 52.130/53.130, PL 100. Look for W1QI/r on the air; send signal reports to Joe, AB1DO, [email protected]. It is presently located in his basement in Redding for testing. The repeater is a GE Master II Station, modifiedWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO for the ham bands, which is connected to a set of four 7ft tall cavity resonators (also known as cans) which together act as a duplexer. These “cans” had to be moved from Hamden to Redding, not an easy feat! Thanks to Bill, N1PJG, the job got done. Ah but much more to the story—it truly is an incredible one—nothing good comes easy! AB1DO, KD1DD, N1PJG, N2FEX, and KF6AJ with his lab for retuning the duplexers worked very hard to make the repeater operational. Watch for pictures of the duplexers on the Section news page at Click on CT Section. Congrats on the operation!

Rhode Island

Greetings fellow Rhode Islanders: Since last month's report, FCC's latest rule change eliminating the code requirement from any testing criteria has been made official with an effective date ending code tests. As of 12:01 AM on February 23rd, no one taking an exam for General or Extra licenses will need to be tested for Morse code proficiency. The Technician Plus license, as such, will be eliminated as well on that date and the list of codeless Technicians will be combined with the list of Tech Plus folks which will result in one single list of the combined Technician classification, all with identical operating privileges. Again, all this happens on February 23rd, not any earlier despite what you might hear from others. There seems to be a great deal of confusion in understanding this new ruling. No Technician will become a General automatically on the 23rd nor is any Technician permitted General privileges now, before processing upgrade paperwork with a VE Team on or after the 23rd. Clear? If not, please call me at 401-333-2129 or write [email protected] and I'll explain it further. It is with great sadness that I must report that one of our RI leadership team, Walt Lototski WA1MKS, our RI OO Coordinator, became a Silent Key on Feb 6. I do not know the details but it apparently was sudden and unexpected. Walt was a long time contester, member of YCCC and CT-RI Contest clubs and a very active 20 meter CW DXer. He will be missed by a great many friends and family. Bill Ewan W1VH, our ARES Chief Instructor and an experienced OO stepped up and was willing to take over as our new OOC. I am extremely grateful to Bill (21 of 42) [10/18/2007 3:00:54 PM] Section News for January 2007 for taking on this important post. With the revised band plans taking effect in December and probably thousands of new Generals and Extras becoming HF active in the next several months, OOs will have their hands full monitoring band edges, signal quality, and operating practices. In the end, we want our OOs to find violations ahead of FCC monitoring stations that will send out pink slips. FCC expects the Amateur service to be self policing and our Official Observer program and the Amateur Auxiliary is an integral portion of our ability to be successful in that effort.WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO If you are interested in the program and want to see if you meet the requirements, you may contact Bill at [email protected] . Last month, I reported the disastrous fire that destroyed Don Dorson W1GBO's home and business. Through the generous effort of many of you and some of our clubs, over $3500 has been collected and turned over to Don and his wife Lenore to help out. Thank you all so very much. I know how appreciative they are. Having painful personal experience in 1992 in losing everything in a house fire, I can assure you that no amount of help is enough. Pete, AA1PL is the collecting agent for the Dorson relief fund. If you're able to give anything at all, please send your support to Pete Harrison, AA1PL, 24 Forest Glen Drive, Hope Valley, RI 02832. He is coordinating the assistance from our ham brethren. Thank you all again. I am extremely proud to announce the addition to ourWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO ARRL team of Steve Hodell, KA1RCI. Steve has accepted the position of Asst Section Manager for RI. Many know Steve as the owner of and the guru behind the elaborate network of repeaters throughout our state on 50, 144, 220, 440 and 900 MHz bands. In all, a dozen repeaters are (or will soon be) linked together into a seamless network covering all of RI and border areas, including off shore waters of Long Island Sound and Block Island. You make a call on any of his repeaters and your voice will be repeated on all of them.... Cool! Steve is also President of the Narragansett Bay Amateur Radio Club. Steve has more than twenty years experience in the world above 50 MHz. Half of our Amateurs are licensed to use repeaters and VHF, so it made sense to add strength in my own department so between us, we can serve your needs far more completely. You may reach Steve by calling him on any of his repeaters or writing to [email protected] . All of our team is listed on sections/?sect=RI . I have resumed visiting an unannounced meeting of each of our ARRL affiliated club. I couldn't do so for the last couple of years because of home care issues but can once more get out and about. In the last few weeks, our new Asst SM and I have visited Fidelity ARC, The Kent County AR Group, Narragansett Bay ARC and Newport County ARC. Our Chief Instructor, W1VH is teaching Technician classes around RI that are supported by the RI chapter of Red Cross. The final exam of the course is provided by one of our fine VE teams and is done where the class has been given for the weeks before. Passing results in a Technician license. Possibly a future class may be coming to a town near you. If you know someone who is interested and is not a Red Cross volunteer, you might direct them to Bill, W1VH. You may wish to sign up with the Red Cross team but even if you don't, Bill should be able to include you in his class but you may have to purchase your own study manual and pay for your own VE test. I'm sure that Bill can find an extra seat or two. Bill's e-mail address is [email protected] . Many ARES members participated in the combined MARS/ARES Operation Deep Freeze-07, simulating a severe winter blizzard in northern Ohio through northern New England. This ambitious exercise on Feb 10 involved volunteers in EOC and EMA centers from Pennsylvania to New York and all of New England. The directed net lasted about five hours (22 of 42) [10/18/2007 3:00:54 PM] Section News for January 2007 with many stations jumping between several different 75 meter and 2 meter frequencies. It was a most impressive demonstration of how training pays off in creating and supporting an efficient operation. In closing, I want to stress how important supporting ARRL is, more now and in the next months and years, than in most past years. World Radio Conference -07 will take place this autumn in Geneva. Who is prepared to represent and fight for Amateur Radio, if not the ARRL? Even if you don't absolutely love every single thing done in Newington, they are our dedicated representativesWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO who will fight hard to keep our operating privileges. That means a lot. ARRL will meet with and lobby strongly with other member countries to gain consensus for us and privileges for all Amateurs. The key is that whether you are an ARRL member or not, your privileges, bands and mode segments will be fought for, equally. It's impossible to only fight for League members and their privileges. That would be nice since members paid all the expenses. But all Amateurs have equal privileges according to their respective license. So, if being a freeloader doesn't bother our non-member brethren, they will enjoy the same benefits that ARRL supports for ALL Amateurs, including them. There's no free lunch. You and I will pay our share plus pay our non-member brethren's share, who prefer to freeload from us. That's the way it is. The right thing to do is join and support ARRL, of course. WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO

Northwestern Division


Well, we finally have snow in the high country! Hope this leads to a cool Summer, we dont need another extensive fire season. The Annual Argus Barker Hamfest in Stevensville is the 24th of this month at the Burnt Fork School. Starting around Noon, we'll have some equipment to buy, sell, swap and the usual BS sessions all afternoon. Pot luck at aroun 5 pm, then music until ya drop, or the musicians do I guess. This is the first gathering of our short season, and is always a great time. Be sure and make the trip if you can. The Missoula Club has distinguished itself by having an active year for tests and successful completions. Led by K7VK and the crew, there were many happy new licensees on the air in the area. Thanks to them for all the effort! IMN-W7GHT, QNI-527, QTC-100 MTN-KD7HWV, QNI-2573, QTC- 83 MSN- WZ7V, AE7V, K7MT, K7LMT, QNI 92 73 Doug, K7YD


CALL TO ACTION UPDATE A priority at the present time in the section is to write as many letters as possible to your legislature members and the judicial committee requesting that amateur radio be exempted from SB293. Suggested points to make are posted on the section website in the call to action document. According to the ARRL Counsel Chris Imlay, when you try to do things by definition you leave loopholes for interpretation. He recommends going the blanket exemption route for amateur radio, which is pretty cut and dried. On Tuesday, February 13, Everett Curry, W6ABM, the section Public Information Coordinator and Kevin (23 of 42) [10/18/2007 3:00:54 PM] Section News for January 2007 Curry, KA7KYQ, the State Government Liaison, visited the capital without having been notified that the SB293 hearing date had been changed. They dropped our written testimony off at the Senate Judiciary Committee office, visited with Senator Burdick’s staff and learned that some amendments had been submitted for the bill but would not be added prior to the hearing. They also met with Senator Beyer and he agreed to support the amendment. I attended the hearing on Wednesday, February 14 and provided testimony to support our amendment. After hearing Senator BurdickWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO’s closing summary of the hearing, it was very clear to me that we do need an amendment specifically for amateur radio as the ARRL recommends. If we collaborate with other public service agencies, we are likely to end up with a bill that will only allow us to use our radios when we are supporting public service events. We want an amendment that will allow us to transmit on our radios anytime we are mobile. After the hearing, I stopped by Senator Gary George’s office, in whose district I live, and gave his staff a copy of my testimony. I just missed him as he was going to a committee meeting. Then I went to Representative Brian Boquist’s office. He met with me and I gave him a copy of my testimony and told him we would like the same amendment in HB 2482. Due to an email from Mary Anne Sanford, W7MAS, Representative Tina Kotek’s office is submitting the amendment to the transportationWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO committee. Brian Boquist said that is good news since she is in the majority party and that the amendment will probably be there. He said it will take awhile since because of a backlog they are not taking amendments until the 25th. After a reasonable length of time, if it’s not there, he told me to give him a call. One member of the amateur radio community suggested that this would be a good time to ask clubs to focus on educating their members on good operating practice as well. SECTION LEADERSHIP REPORTS The February 2007 report of January activities from Scott Gray, W7IZ, STM (Section Traffic Manager), is posted on the section website. It contains reports from a number of nets, activities of a number of individual amateurs and an invitation to the NTS meeting at Rickreall. Dan Bissell, W7WVF, ASM (Assistant Section Manager) for Southwestern Oregon submitted a report of activities in that portion of the state and it is posted on the section website as well. The ARES/RACES unit reports will be sent out in a separate email to section in a few days. During January, four OO’s (official observers) reported a total of 147.75 hours of monitoring with one possible serious infraction that may need attention noted. ACTIVITIES PLANNED There have been changes to the road and exits on highway 22 near Rickreall that you need to be familiar with when coming to the Salem Hamfair this weekend. Information on that is posted on the section website. The Idaho Section Manager requested that the neighboring sections announce that the Voice of Idaho Amateur Radio Club will host the annual Southwestern Idaho Hamfest on Saturday, April 28, 2007 at Vallivue Middle School in Caldwell, Idaho. Talk-in will be on 146.840 PL 100. Registration is $6 in advance and $7 at door. Visit them on the web at http:// ELIMINATION OF CODE REQUIREMENT February 22 at 9:01 p.m. (midnight eastern time zone) is the earliest that operators can upgrade to general or extra class licenses without taking a code test. If you have a CSCE for the written test, you must go to a test session, pay the fee and get a CSCE that shows you are qualified for the general or extra class license prior to operating with the new privileges using /AG. Let’s use this as an opportunity to work on our mentoring skills. Work on your operating procedures and help others learn. Remember that all of us were new to amateur radio and new to HF at one time. (24 of 42) [10/18/2007 3:00:54 PM] Section News for January 2007 ARRL CCE COURSE COMPLETIONS Mary Anne Sanford, W7MAS, has successfully completed ARRL's Level I - Introduction to Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Course (EC-001). Art Sochor, KD7AUE, has successfully completed Level II (EC-002). He sent me an email during the course to find out about HF and VHF emergency nets. I respond to all the emails I get from students taking the courses and if I don’t have the information they are asking for, copy someone in their portion of the state who can help. I am trying to gradually get all the information needed WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.ROfor the activities posted on the section website. AFFILIATED CLUB ADDITION Gorge East Amateur Radio Club (GEAR) in The Dalles has achieved affiliated club status. It was a long slow process and Phil Hawkins, KC7KI, ASM (Assistant Section Manager) for Eastern and North Central Oregon, deserves credit for pushing the process along. He emailed me and reminded me to follow up on it a number of times. The club contact is Bryan Dean, KE7AQD. There is an affiliation application in the pipeline for another club and that one is waiting for ARRL Executive Committee approval at the moment so I should have another affiliation to announce to you in a month or two. We now have 29 affiliated clubs, including three special service clubs listed on the ARRL website. If a club applies for affiliation status, please let me know so I can follow-up on it if needed. After the application is sent to the ARRL by the club, WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.ROthe ARRL sends copies to Jim Fenstermaker, K9JF, the Division Director, and to me for our approval. Once the ARRL receives our approvals, it goes to the Executive Committee for their approval. The ARRL notifies the club that their affiliation was approved and they send the affiliation certificate to either Jim or me. I will attend a club meeting to present the affiliation certificate if possible. This process does take time, so when you apply, be prepared to be patient.

Western Washington

District 1 Whatcom County ARES participated in Black Orca, a joint drill sponsored by Whatcom Co. DEM and St. Joseph Hospital. It was a terrorist drill involving a dirty bomb. They also had 2 callouts for Search & Rescue. Island County reports that while they did not activate for the snow storm, the group did an on-the-air standby and passed information to the EOC. Skagit County ARES/RACES reports they are in the process of building up a new motor home received for emergency work. Snohomish County reports that significant work was performed during January on the Snohomish County ARES website which is expected to be fully operational by the 2nd half of February. The web site can be found http://www.snocoares. com In District 2, Jefferson County will be installing VHF/UHF equipment in the Port Ludlow Fire Station within the next month or so, pending the building of a room to hold the equipment and will also be installing an HF antenna at the Jefferson County backup EOC located in Fire Station #16 in Port Townsend. Both of these projects have resulted from an enhanced appreciation of Amateur Radio’s potential emergency communications contribution. District 3 held its quarterly meeting this month in Montesano, One of the tasks resulting from the meeting was to put together a district wide packet drill with a target date of April 7 after the WSEN net. Mason County has a new Sheriff and a new Director of Emergency Management. The DEM is now under Public Works. The team is looking forward to a great year. The Pacific county team attended a Tsunami workshop, provided a ham stick dipole (25 of 42) [10/18/2007 3:00:54 PM] Section News for January 2007 antenna, antenna mast and coax for the county command vehicle, and also upgraded the EOC packet computer system. Thurston county held their Yearly Holiday Pot Luck Dinner. This is a combined event with ARES/RACES, OARS and the Olympia Search and Rescue unit who sponsored the event this year. Down in District 4, the Clark County ARES/RACES group met on Monday January 15th with Rob, K7JAO, reviewing the new Winpack system. Phil, W7OZE demonstrated a PSK 31 VHF program. They also discussed the Clark County ARES/RACES Operational manual WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.ROas it appears on their website. In Cowlitz County EC Randy, NU7D provided transportation for a dialysis patient on January 17, during the ice storm, to the St. John Dialysis Center from Deer Island, Oregon for treatment. District 6 had two members receive letters in January thanking them for their support These members had provided support even though their own house was damaged The King County Medical Services Team had a well attended training session on the new Hospital Incident Command System. Pierce County had a training meeting on HIPAA. Brian, WB7OML made a presentation to the Seattle ACS team. Marina, N7LSL attended a number of meetings throughout W. WA on hospital and MST issues. The MST Technical Committee had 3 work parties at the VA Hospital to repair an antenna and coax damaged in the winter storms. The SEC wishes to thank all team members for their assistanceWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO and support during 2006. Especially during the past few months when we have had an unusually active and trying storm season. While we do not have a complete set of records for 2006, here is the data that is available: Drills Test and Training Sessions: 1,489 Hours: 34,119 Public Service Events: 154 Hours: 4,327 Emergency Operations: 39 Hours: 1,971 Total Activities 1,682 Hours 40,416 and 87,441 Miles driven in support of these activities. At $0.405 per mile this adds up to $35,414 These figures denoting the time and effort that we have put into supporting our served agencies are very impressive. All teams deserve a big congratulations on the hours and commitment expended on these activities! Communications Academy is coming up March 31 and April 1 at Seattle Pacific University and is a great opportunity to get some valuable training at very low cost. On-line registration is now open and information can be found at We look forward to seeing everyone there!

Pacific Division


See the Nevada Section website at for the complete, unedited stories. February 10, 2007 - WADG Annual Meeting is approaching - The Wide Area Data group (WADG) General Election meeting will be held on Saturday, March 24, 2007, at 11:30 am at Round Table Pizza, Old Town Mall. The main topic for this meeting will be the election of three members for the Board of Director's positions. On-line voting will be operational prior to the election. Lunch will be provided for those who have cast ballots and for new members. February 10, 2007 - LVRAC changes meeting day - The Las Vegas Radio Amateur Club has changed its meeting night to the 4th Tuesday of the month. The meetings start at 7 PM and are held at the Nevada Power building, 6226 W Sahara Ave (west of Jones) More information on their website February 10, 2007 - ARES Monthly Report for (26 of 42) [10/18/2007 3:00:54 PM] Section News for January 2007

January'07 SEC Summary - Happy New Year to everyone! Since I am not only SEC but acting Northwest DEC, I have submitted comments from the reporting EC's from that district below. An announcement of a new DEC for that district will be made during February, and will be reported next month. Work still continues with EMCOMMWEST 2007. Many changes and additions to the website, including a preliminary forum schedule. More information as it becomes available. Lots going on in Washoe County as you will see below, including the adventure into ATV trainingWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO and production. Very exciting to see what can happen in this part of amateur radio! Dick Flanagan, K7VC our SM and I will travel to Las Vegas on April 28 for their quarterly meeting. Work continues on the update of the Section Emergency Plan, which should be completed by spring. Frequency input and information being gathered from all parts of the state so that it can be included. Staff and Net information also being updated. 73 de Don KQ6FM SOUTHERN DISTRICT REPORT: The first Northern Nye County ARES meeting was held in Tonopah this past month. Northern Nye County EC Dave KE7LC, Esmeralda County EC Ron WB5KLJ and AEC Bruce K7LAF attended the meeting at my house. We discussed plans regarding the Mt. Oddie repeater 146.64 (123PL), membership, ARES mutual aid support and coordinationWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO with Southern Nye County ARES. Much thanks goes to Jerry KC6ILH for his group's efforts in coordinating the communications support effort during the Pahrump valley power/communications outage. We are still working on getting signed ARESMAT agreements with neighboring counties. South Nye County ARES(r) report by EC, Jerry KC6ILH On 14 Jan 07 and 16 Jan 07, the Pahrump Valley experienced power outages. The first one was valley wide due to a drop of a main feed line. The second was due to a switch burning due to overload and ware. The first one we had to rely on knocking on doors and intermittent phone service to notify everyone. The second we had enough time prior to loss of phones to let all know to respond. The first outage we served for over 20 hours, the second call out lasted more than 4 hours. We set up communications between shelters and the EOC for the first outage. On the second we had personnel at the Sheriff, Valley Electric (Also the EOC site), as well as the shelters. Lessons learned. Make sure that you recharge and replenish as soon as you return to your home site. You never know when you will be called out again. UHF works well inside of buildings and also having pre-assigned working frequencies assisted due to the loss of all repeaters. Everyone came up on the assigned frequencies and communications went smoothly. We also now have some more sites that the town wants to have HAM antennas installed so that we can provide better assistance in the future. Clark County ARES(r)/RACES report by EC, Charlie AA5QJ ARES/RACES Meeting held Sat Jan 27. Updates from leadership. Discussed Amateur Radio Comm Team concepts, including resource typing. 73 de Glenn KB7REO NORTHEAST DISTRICT REPORT: All pretty quiet in Northeast Nevada. The Elko Volunteer Examineer team performed their final scheduled morse code test session in January. The Section net is averaging 15 members through January. Suggestions for a 40 meter net have been presented and will be explored before the summer months arrive. 73 de Joe N7JEH NORTHWEST DISTRICT REPORT: Bob Miller, WA6MTY EC Washoe County: On January 11th, 2007 I attended the Nevada Statewide Evacuation Conference. IHCC: January 12th I was invited by Stefanie McCarty from the District Health Department to attend the Inter-Hospital Coordinating Council meeting. I met with Steve Matles KC7FEN who is the Safety Officer for Renown Medical Center as well as the Liaison to the Medical Community and will meet with (27 of 42) [10/18/2007 3:00:54 PM] Section News for January 2007 Steve later to bring ARES into the picture with the hospital emergency backup communications plan. . VOAD: January 12th, Frank Walsh KE7AJO Washoe County AEC attended the VOAD meeting at the REOC. The topic of discussion was Earthquake safety and preparedness including the plans by the Red Cross for regional Mass Sheltering. ARES/CERT EXERCISE: We had a good exercise with a CERT team on January 13, 2007. The exercise took place at the Grand Sierra Resort. The exercise scenario was a small plane crash on the East Wing. The CERT teams were providedWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO radios by the hotel Security Director and ARES was there to support their communications. Thanks to Andy KD7ZEV, Steve KE7HLS, Joe WA6RKN, Frank KE7AJO. Dee, KA7LOZ LEPC: January 25th, Frank and I attended the Local Emergency Planning Committee meeting at the REOC as representatives of ARES. DOAg: January 26th, I met with Dr. Keith Forbs of the Department of Agriculture, who is the Task Force Leader responsible for the rescue of family pets and service animals. I explained what Amateur Radio is and discussed what ARES can do to provide emergency communications between the animal shelters and hospitals within the state. ATV: 1/28/07, KE7FPR-Mark, KE7BQX-Kevin performed our first on-the-air Amateur Television (ATV) broadcast from the Washoe County Regional EOC. Also present at the test were, WA6MTY-Bob and KE7FYF-Sean. RENOWN: January 30th I had my firstWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO meeting with Steve Matles KC7FPS to plan for backup communications for Renown Medical Center. That evening Frank KE7AJO, Andy KD7ZEV Technical AEC and I took inventory in the radio room. SNCAT: Wednesday the 31st, Andy KD7ZEV and I met with the director of Sierra Nevada Community Access Television (SNCAT) to discuss the final plans for the three day crash course for the WC ARES ATV Team in the use of the SNCAT cameras, control room, studio and editing capabilities that will start Saturday February 3rd. WCSEOC: During January I worked with Chris Smith KC7PZS the Emergency Manager of Washoe County School District to program the VHF/UHF radio in his mobile command vehicle and the school District EOC. Andy and I will be working with Chris to setup the computer in his mobile command vehicle for Packet. REOC: Kevin KE7BQX, AEC for the REOC reported that the two commercial VHF antennas and VHF Bandpass filters ordered for the REOC have arrived. We are waiting on a quote from Tower Services to install them. The antennas and filters should reduce the interference problems from Red Peak installations. NWS: Dee KA7LOZ AEC for the NWS reported that the commercial VHF antenna arrived. Installation arrangements are in work. - 73 de Bob Dick Young, KD7JMR EC, Douglas County had no comments due to it being a slow month with no activity other than the continuing ICS training with DCART.

San Francisco

San Francisco Section News - February 2007 Continuation of 2006: Throughout the Spring, Summer and Fall, many clubs participated in a variety of public service events. The list is long and distinguished resulting in many hundreds of volunteer-hours being logged. Over the past couple of years, there has been true cooperation between clubs in and out of the Section on these events. EBARC and the Silverado ARC in the East Bay Section, and, the Marin Amateur Radio Club and the Sonoma County Radio Amateurs worked together sharing resources to help staff their respective events. All of this inter-club cooperation will serve well when an area wide incident occurs. If your club needs help with an event, please feel free to contact a (28 of 42) [10/18/2007 3:00:54 PM] Section News for January 2007 neighboring club for assistance. If you don't know who to contact, get in touch with me. I'll help you out. Thanks to all of the clubs and their members for their service! Pacificon is the highlight of October every year. Held in San Ramon again at the Marriott, Pacificon had many informative seminars and, of course, the vendors were attracting the leaking dollar bills from our wallets. The Friday Antenna Forum was full as usual. All seven Pacific Division Section Managers were able to attend, a rare event in that the Pacific Section Manager is from Hilo, HI. The SMs met to WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.ROcontinue their work on mutual aid protocols between the Sections. Two SF Section clubs put up display booths showing off their clubs. The San Francisco ARC has had a booth for a bunch of years. The primary booth sitter was 2007 SFARC President George Hughes W0WEB. Marin Amateur Radio Society joined the ranks with a new booth. It was primarily manned by John Boyd KE6ORI. Please check the pictures on the Section website at (Side note on the pics: I left the earlier pictures on the site for now, so if you have already seen them, scroll to the bottom.) October 2006 ended with a great public service event taken on by the San Francisco ARC. On the 31st, once again club members headed out on their Pumpkin Patrol keeping their eyes and radios open looking for any potential dangers to Halloween participants. November was the month for the state wide Golden Guardian and Emergency MedicalWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Services drills. ARES and other emcomm organizations participated. Along with local communications tests in each county of the Section, inter-Section communications were established between the Sections on HF, including a station in Nevada. The purpose was to test NVIS HF capabilities which were widely used in Katrina and Rita as VHF/UHF systems were either down or busy. 2007 is presenting another busy calendar for Amateur Radio activities. I believe that I read that so far, 2007 has been the third driest year in recorded history. While we haven't been battling floods and slides, there is the possibility of a record fire hazard season. So, plan and train accordingly. Kicking off the conventions on the first weekend in May is EmComm West in Reno, NV. The conference will again be held at the Atlantis hotel in the southern end of Reno. If you have not attended or been there in a while, take the time and show up. You can always pick up a new idea or technique. For information and reservations check The first weekend in June will be the San Francisco Section Convention in Ferndale, CA. The Humboldt ARC and other Humboldt clubs put on the convention each year. It is a great escape to Victorian Ferndale. If you are into antiques, there are plenty of shops on the way and in Ferndale to visit. A great, laid back function. Go to their website at for more info. If your club is having a event, doing public service or some other activity that you wish to share, please draft a short article and send it on to me. If you have some photos, even better. I'd like to see your club in print! Have a great 2007! 73, Bill

San Joaquin Valley

SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY SECTION Report for the month of January 2007: SM Charles McConnell, W6DPD- ASMs K6YK and W6FRH, ACC W6DPD, SEC N6ZFN, OOC N1VM, STM K6RAU, PIC KE6IGJ, TC W6TE. Greetings from the ARRL San Joaquin Valley Section. Welcome to 2007. Morse Code testing will end on February 23, 2007. Anyone can earn an Amateur Radio License or upgrade after that date without having to demonstrate knowledge of the (29 of 42) [10/18/2007 3:00:54 PM] Section News for January 2007 Morse Code. Check the ARRL exam listing to find an exam session near you. Your club has received a petition to get the governor to declare June 17 to 23, 2007, Amateur Radio week in California. This is a statewide effort. It is hoped the number of petitions that are send to the governor will influence him to act positively on the request. This is a reminder to all Field Organization Appointees that you must keep your ARRL membership active to keep your appointment. You also need to make a monthly report of your activities. If you desire your club information andWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO events to be listed in Section News, please send the information to [email protected]. Mark your calendars: The M2 Inc., open house is March 31, 2007. The gates open for the swap meet at 07:30 AM. Check for information. The International DX Convention is April 27-29, 2007 at Visalia. Check http://www.dxconvention. org/ for information. EMCOMM West is May 4-6, 2007 at the Atlantis Resort and Casino in Reno NV. Check for information. Los Banos ARC special event station is May 12. Field Day 2007 is the fourth full weekend of June. The 65th Fresno Hamfest is August 4, 2007 at the Holiday Inn at the Airport in Fresno. Check for information. Pacificon 2007 is October 19-21, 2007 at the Marriott Hotel in San Ramon CA. Check for information. When your affiliated club elects officers for the next year, be sureWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO to update your club’s information on the affiliated club area of the ARRL web page. If you fail to update your clubs information for 2 years, your club will be placed in the inactive file. Need to take an Amateur exam? Check the ARRL web page, for exam information. You can also search for Amateur Radio Classes in your area. The Northern California Net (NCN), the Section Traffic Net, meets nightly on 3.533 MHZ at 7 PM Pacific Time. The slow speed training session of the net meets nightly on 3.533 MHZ at 9 PM Pacific Time. Handling traffic on CW is a good way to improve your CW skills. The Daytime Region 6 Traffic Net meets daily at 3:30 pacific time on or near 7.275 MHZ. The California Traffic Net meets daily on 3.906 MHZ and 6:30 PM local time. It is my sad duty to report that W6NLX, K6IDG, KI6FNS, W6MUV, W6MTJ, WB6AYV, NA6J, K6YO, KB6MOK, and exW6TAT are Silent Keys. They will be missed. The Tulare County ARC now meets the third Thursday at the Tulare County Board of Supervisors Bldg at 7:30 PM. AE6ZG went from no license to Amateur Extra Class in one sitting. Congratulations. K6YK contacted all California Counties (58) and all states (50) during 2006. W6XK contacted is last zone for 5BWAZ (200 zones). Congratulations to NG6NG, KM6JM and WB6EPD on completing ARECC Level One. Southern Sierra ARS 2007 officers are pres Ed Gordon, 1st vp Ted Wyman, 2nd vp Keith Graves, sec Laura Sherwood, and treas Caroline Parsons. Clovis ARP 2007 officers are pres N6JXL, vp KG6YLE, sec W6ALE, and treas KD6WAW. Check for information. Sierra ARC 2007 officers are pres KI6LO, 1st vp KC6UWM, 2nd vp KG6STR, sec WA6KZV, and treas KC6UUS. Check wa6ybn for information. Mountain ARC 2007 officers are pres W6LSU, vp WA6ONA, sec W6NDR, and treas W6HYY. Check for information. Traffic for January K6RAU 8, and W6SX 1. Total 9. PSHR: K6RAU 60, W6SX 17.

Roanoke Division

North Carolina (30 of 42) [10/18/2007 3:00:54 PM] Section News for January 2007

JANUARY NORTH CAROLINA SECTION NEWS GLOBALSTAR SATELLITE PROBLEMS Our served agencies are increasingly relying on satellite phones for back up communications and some think it has lessened the need for HF and the other services provided by amateur radio. You should refer your emergency management contacts to a recent SEC filing made by Globalstar. The performance of the S-band power amplifiers in the company’s satellites is degrading, likely to due radiation exposure. Globalstar is working to reorient the satellites in order to reduce the impact of the problemsWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO and plans to start replacing the satellites in 2009. But there is apparently a significant chance that the new satellites won’t be up in time and that sometime in 2008 substantially all of the Company’s currently in-orbit satellites will cease to be able to support two-way communications services! UPDATED ARES PRESENTATION AVAILABLE I enjoyed visiting folks in the eastern part of our state during the Area 1 & 2 meeting in Columbia, NC. We’re lucky to have such a strong ARES organization in that part of our state that is so vulnerable to hurricanes. I shared a revised version of my ARES introduction and Susan, WA4AKB, will be posting it on I’ve added some comments about the vulnerabilities of the public carrier networks and satellite services during disasters. The key point I makeWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO is that recent advances in telecommunications technology have given our public network greater capability, but NOT better reliability. In fact, in some ways the public networks are LESS reliable. Amateur Radio is more important than ever! FROM THE SECTION TRAFFIC MANAGER – Dave Roy, W4DNA I know that some of our traffic handlers get frustrated sometimes by the volume of redundant traffic that moves into the section. We do seem to get a lot of the “Congratulations on your license renewal” kinds of messages. Some people even use this as an excuse not to get involved in traffic handling. But I believe the content of the message is irrelevant. Our business as NTS traffic handlers is to pass and deliver the traffic accurately and efficiently. If you want to “get good” at handling traffic, then you need to get involved in traffic handling. Step up to the HF nets and support your local traffic nets. “Get good” at what, in the end, is what we are all about – organized communication – passing traffic! QCWA SCHOLARSHIP Congratulations to North Carolina’s own Reid Morine, W4RSM, for winning a memorial scholarship from QCWA! Reid is the son of our Section PIC, Bill Morine, N2COP. Reid will be majoring in engineering at UNCW. SKYWARN CLASSES IN AREA 11 Iredell County ARES is sponsoring Skywarn Spotter Training on March 17th from 10am to 3pm at the Iredell County Agricultural Center, 444 Bristol Drive in Statesville. Basic, Advanced and Radar classes will all be offered. If you’re interested, email Catherine McDaniel, WB4CAT at [email protected]. NC QSO PARTY What better way to note the passing of Morse Code testing than to spend the weekend operating CW during a contest? Or Phone? The North Carolina QSO Party will be February 25, from Noon to 10pm. The QSO party is sponsored each year by the Forsythe Amateur Radio Club, W4NC. More information is available at NEW “EMERGENCY RADIO” FOCUS FROM ARRL 2007 publicity efforts from headquarters include a focus on Amateur Radio’s emergency communications capability, both as a resource to the community and individual families. Check out the new web site at MEDIA HITS Our outstanding Public Information Coordinator is at it again! Thanks to Bill Morine, N2COP, for some outstanding coverage of the Morse Code changes. The Wilmington (NC) Star-News (NY Times owned, 58,000 circulation) did a front page story above the fold on Saturday (Feb. 10th) on the last (31 of 42) [10/18/2007 3:00:54 PM] Section News for January 2007 Morse Code VE session in the area. The Wilmington ABC-TV affiliate came out and the VE session was the lead story at 6 PM and the #2 story at 11 PM! UPCOMING HAMFESTS & MEETINGS February 17: Area 13 ARES Meeting, Lincolnton March 10-11: North Carolina Section Convention/Charlotte Hamfest March 25: Down East Hamfest, Kinston, NC March 31: State ARES Meeting, Raleigh (time & location TBA) April 1: North Carolina State Convention/ Raleigh Hamfest JANUARY TRAFFIC W0UCE 978 (BPL), W4EAT 572 (BPL), W2EAG 343, W4UEF 318, KI4YV 150,WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO N3BW 141, KE4JHJ 99, WA4OBR 96, K4IWW 91, W4DNA 78, KD4FUN 60, WA2YBM 58, W4FAL 53, K4RLD 52, W3HL 35, W4NCD 33, KE4AHC 29, W4EHF 28, W4TTO 28, W4LN 15, KI4PNL 12, KF4VXJ 9, W4CC 5 JANUARY PUBLIC SERVICE HONOR ROLL W4DNA 150, W4TTO 148, K4RLD 140, W4EAT 130, W4FAL 130, WA2YBM 125, K4IWW 120, W0UCE 120, KE4JHJ 110, W2EAG 110, W4NCD 101, KD4FUN 90, KI4YV 90, W4LN 75.

South Carolina

Greetings to all Amateur Radio Operators. This is Dr. Jim, N2ZZ with the February 2007 South Carolina SectionWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Manager’s Report! Please remember that the SC Section website can be found at: where my full SM report will be listed as well as up-to-the-date information on Amateur Radio in South Carolina! I had the pleasure of attending the Charleston Hamfest, the South Carolina State Convention, held in Ladson, SC. The Exchange Park building was packed with both vendors and hamfest attendees! I spoke with Jennie Myers, Hamfest Chairperson, after the hamfest and she estimated about 500 participants! I spoke with a number of the hamfest committee members and vendors, and they were very happy with the turnout. We were pleased to have Allen Pitts, Media and Public Relations Manager from ARRL HQ at the hamfest. Allen was happy to return to South Carolina, as he has roots here; He is a graduate of USC, worked for SLED earlier in his career, and has family in Lexington! The ARRL Forum was held at 10 am, and I am very happy to say that it was packed! It was the best turnout for an ARRL forum that I have seen! There was a fairly extensive discussion of the SCHEARTS Project, which deals with the statewide linking of hospitals. Charlie AE4UX, SEC initiated the discussion, and John Crockett KC4YI, Manager of Transmitter Operations at SCETV also made a presentation. I thank them and all involved in the SCHEARTS project, as it appears to be rapidly moving forward! Following the ARRL Forum, Allen Pitts W1AGP gave a presentation on Emcomm and Public Relations activities for 2007. His main message was that we are doing an excellent job in providing communications during emergencies, but not telling anyone about it! He mentioned that there was not one picture of a ham providing communications during the Katrina disaster. He envisions PIO's being close to ARES activations to document their efforts; one at the Joint Information Center, and one in the field. Being a media guru, I asked Allen to give us a comment: [One of the joys of traveling to various sections is to watch the reactions of hams when an idea or opportunity is presented and see who picks up on the situation. The SC trip has been more than usually enjoyable as not only were ideas presented, but within hours there was a response and a plan formed by the attendees. There is no question but that we must create closer ties between PIOs and ARES activities so that ham operations in emergencies are not only recognized, but shared with the public through the media. For most of the American population, it is only (32 of 42) [10/18/2007 3:00:54 PM] Section News for January 2007 through the eyes of the media that they hear or see anything about us, and without PIOs in in the right place with a good message, this will not happen. By presenting this need and to the SC convention, I had hoped that there would be some thought given to the problem. Well, not only was there thought, but before the end of the day there was a plan and even some well- qualified volunteers reporting to the Section Manager to make it happen. The "can-do" attitude of the South Carolinian ham community, in this PR/ARES effort, in the SCHEARTS project, and in supportWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO for the Amateur Radio Service overall, is a credit to the Section leadership and once again will result in templates for activity that can be reproduced in other areas. This indeed is a joy to see.] --Allen Pitts W1AGP, Media and Public Relations Manager, ARRL HQ As Allen mentioned above, two PIO's came up to me after the talk, and offered me their services as PIC (Public Information Coordinator)! Thanks to Jenny Myers WA4NGV, Hamfest Chair; Doc W4MUR, Forum Organizer; and the entire Charleston Hamfest Committee for a wonderful hamfest! As I mentioned above, the South Carolina Section now has a Public Information Coordinator! Dennis Zabawa KG4RUL, PIC was appointed to that post this month! Dennis has functioned as PIO for the Trident Amateur Radio Club, currently is an ARRL PIO for the SC Section and also an Assistant EC and Information Officer for Berkeley County South Carolina ARES.WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO He has maintained several informational websites and is currently the webmaster for Berkeley County ARES. Dennis has experience in formal traffic net operations both with ARES and MARS and as Net Control for ARES traffic and training nets. He has a background in Computer System Analysis and Programming, specializing in Embedded Computer Systems. He has experience in technical and training publications and as a technical instructor. We welcome Dennis to his new post! It is official! Proficiency in Morse Code will no longer be required for obtaining any class of amateur radio license in the United States, as of February 23rd. It is important to realize that there will be no automatic license upgrades on that date, with the exception of Technician licensees who will automatically gain Technician Plus privileges. For those licensees with a valid CSCE for a higher class license, Applicants must upgrade at a VE test session by presenting the certificate for element credit, fill out an application and pay any applicable exam session fee. There are a few clubs that have scheduled special testing sessions immediately after the February 23rd date, and I have listed them on the home page of the website. Realize of course, that there are many scheduled VE sessions, and that information is also available on that same website and the website. The ARRL anticipates a large influx of new HF users, and will have a special 8 page insert in March QST that reports on the new opportunities for every ham including newcomers to Ham Radio and the HF bands. I have reviewed a copy, and it looks great! There will be quite a lot of “Elmer” opportunities in the very near future! In closing for this month, I wanted to bring attention to a door prize being offered by the Charleston ARS at their meetings. A drawing is held each meeting, and the winner is awarded an ARRL membership! I thought this might be a great idea for other clubs to consider, even if the drawing is held only a few times each year! That’s it for now! See you next month! January 2007 National Traffic System Report for SC by Mac Heaton N4MEH, STM Net Reports: (Net Name/Check Ins/Traffic/Sessions/Reported By) Anderson Radio Club 2M Net/950/40/31/ N4MEH BRARS 2 Meter Net/2403/41/31/K4SUG Carolina's Net/445/136/62/W2EAG Carolina Slow Net/216/35/31/W4EAT Grand Strand ARC 2M Net/143/18/12/N4XML Greater Pee Dee 2 (33 of 42) [10/18/2007 3:00:54 PM] Section News for January 2007 Meter Net/809/35/31/K4DTT Greenwood ARC 2 Meter Net/104/5/4/W4DEW Greenwood Friendly Net/480/63/31/W4JAK Lancaster County 2 Meter Net/155/23/13/N4WMB PALS Net (December 2006)/893/79/31/KG4KOE PALS Net (January 2007)/839/67/31/KG4KOE SC SSB Net/1868/111/31/WB4DLD York Co. ARS 2 Meter FM Net/683/3/50/KI4NBA Station Activity Reports: (Station/Sent/Received/Delivered/Originated/Total) KA4UIV/36/44/13//93 WB4DLD/6/31/6/6/49 N4MEH/16/36/4/10/66 Public Service Honor Roll: (Station/Cat. 1/Cat. 2/ Cat. 3/Cat. 4/Cat. 5/Cat.WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO 6/Total) N4MEH/40/40/20/0/0/0/100 Have a great month!


Section Managers Report January 2007 Special Events This month begins a year of special event stations across the Commonwealth of Virginia. These events are in celebration of the establishment of the first English settlement in Virginia. Ham clubs and organizations are offering a number of awards during the year 2007. The Vic Clark Chapter of the Quarter Century Wireless Association is offering a certificate for any station working 25 or more Virginia stationsWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO during the year. I am already receiving request for QSL cards from contacts around the world so they can comply with this requirement to receive their certificate. The first special event station of the years is the Mount Vernon ARC operating from the Mount Vernon Estate on Presidents Day, February 17-18 from 1500Z to 2100Z. You may see additional details on this and other special event stations by going to arrlva/va400/va400_index.html. There is also a link to a registration form on this page to allow you to register your special event. It is ideal to locate and operate from a site that has historical significances. Please list the historical event that occurred at you site in your registration information. Opportunity or Crisis The requirement for passing a code test has been removed from all classes of Amateur Radio license. Hams have lined up on both sides of this issue during the proceedings and continuing through this becoming a new rule and order. To debate issues of importance to the Amateur Radio community is vital to our health and it creates an atmosphere of growth as we learn from each other's opinions. Many of us hams took time both to comment to the FCC and to read the opinions of others during the time that the decision making process was ongoing. Many views were expressed that were different from my own but I feel that we all profited from these diverse views of what is good for the future of Amateur Radio. What is disturbing is that there were some hams that didn't attempt to express their views at a time when this rule was being considered and in a forum (comments to the FCC during the period that comments were enlisted) but have been very vocal in the aftermath of the decision. Some had declared if they discover they are "talking with a ham that has received a no-code license, they will sign off the air and not continue to talk with that ham." Others have threatened to discontinue serving as a VE and will return their badge with a note as to why (the why was passing this new rule). There are people that I know that made these kinds of comments but didn't comment to the FCC during the rule- making window, when their view could have made a positive difference. I see this time of change as an opportunity. There will be a large increase in the number of hams that will be pursuing an upgrade. This is an ideal time to institute upgrade classes to ensure that these new hams moving to new HF privileges will be well trained and will make a positive (34 of 42) [10/18/2007 3:00:54 PM] Section News for January 2007 contribution to the hobby. Ham clubs can plan programs around the needs of these new hams moving up the license advancement ladder. To rebuff or demean these advancing hams is not the historical approach to Amateur Radio. All through our long history we have been known, as an organization where we have reached out to those that needed our assistance. Now is not the time to reverse that trend. One thing has always been consistent with ham radio and that is change. We moved from spark gap to pure CW, then to phone on AM then SSB and FM. Later we adapted to WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.ROdigital communications and even the marriage with the Internet, with voice over IP. We may not agree or like it but the new rules are the rules that we now operate under. Let's look for and capitalize on the opportunities that will present themselves as a byproduct of change. Glen Sage, W4GHS

Rocky Mountain Division

New Mexico

Section NewsWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO January, 2007 Tailgates The January Tailgate had a good turnout, despite the cold and the fog. Gary, KH6JTM, and Tom, K5TEE, deserve our thanks for putting on another good event. Next up is the annual Spring Tailgate in April, so watch for details. 2007 Duke City Hamfest and Rocky Mountain Division Convention The 2007 Rocky Mountain Division Convention will be held in conjunction with the 2007 Duke City Hamfest. The Duke City Hamfest Board welcomes assistance from local and area clubs in support of this event. If you or your club would like to be involved, please contact Board President Mike Pendley, K5ATM, at [email protected]. License Information The Morse code requirement for an amateur radio license in the U.S.A. will be eliminated as of 12:01 AM, Eastern Standard Time, February 23, 2007. There will be no instant upgrades to General or Extra for CSCE holders. If you hold a CSCE for a written examination you have passed (CSCE’s are valid for 365 days from date of issue), but do not have Morse code credit, that CSCE is not valid for an upgrade until the new rules go into effect. You must attend a VE session, pay the appropriate fee, apply for the upgrade and fill out the necessary paperwork to have your CSCE processed. You cannot operate with new privileges until you have completed the paperwork process at a VE session. Technician Class license holders who took their exams between March 21, 1987, and April 15, 2000, do not get automatic General Class Element 3 credit. The Element 3 examination prior to March 21, 1987, was different from the current Element 3 examination. The Element 3 examination, prior to March 21, 1987, was the same for General and Technician Class licenses. The only difference in the two examinations was the 13 word per minute Morse code test for the General and the 5 word per minute Morse code test for the Technician. If you hold a current Technician Class license that was issued before March 21, 1987, and can prove it, you qualify for an upgrade to General. When the new rules go into effect Technician Class license holders who have not passed a Morse code test will automatically gain new privileges without having to apply at a VE session. As of the effective date cited above, all Technician Class license holders, i.e., Tech’s and Tech Plus’s, will have HF (CW) privileges on 80 meters, 40 meters, and 15 meters, plus CW, RTTY, data, and phone (SSB) privileges on 10 meters. These are the same privileges now enjoyed by Novice Class and Technician Plus Class license (35 of 42) [10/18/2007 3:00:54 PM] Section News for January 2007 holders. The FCC removed the distinction between Technician and Technician Plus Class licenses in the same Report and Order that eliminated the Morse code testing requirement. A current band chart showing license class operating privileges is available for download from the ARRL web site. Net Counts New Mexico Breakfast Club – 1221/152 New Mexico Roadrunner Net – 1017/54 Rusty’s Raiders Net – 746/106 Valencia County ARA Net – 80/18 Yucca Net – 1078/57 (this net has been adopted by the Pecos Valley ARC) Four Corners Net – 535/31 Caravan ClubWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Net – 56/3 High Desert ARC Net – 56/11 SCAT Net – 570/21 Sacramento Mountain Training Net – 38/4 Silent Keys We mourn the loss of seven hams this past month: John Sikes, W5NQG; Glenn Williams, N0HN; Jack Elston, K5CYD; Bill Laskar, ex-K5YZJ; Art Block, W3YK; Henry Keith, W5CAL; and Hal Hall, W5GID. Each made a contribution to our world and our hobby and each will be missed. Newsletters Thank you for the club newsletters. I enjoy reading them so please keep them coming. Save postage and send them to me via e- mail. Until next time, just remember that humans are the only animals that blush – or need to. 73, de KM5FT

SoutheasternWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Division


SM: Susan Swiderski, AF4FO; ASM/South GA: Marshall Thigpen, W4IS; ASM/Legal: Jim Altman, W4UCK; ASM/Webmaster: Bob Smith, K4PHE; ASM/Youth: Andrea Hartlage, KG4IUM; ASM/ Scouting: David Pearce,ABØNG; SEC: Jim Cote, N4PJR; STM: Jim Hanna, AF4NS; OOC: Mike Swiderski, K4HBI; TC: Ed Tanton, N4XY; PIC: Norm Schklar,WA4ZXV; SGL: Bill Cherepy, WB4WTN; ACC: Robin Cutshaw, AA4RC Greetings, All. Well, here we are, halfway through February, and I'm about halfway through a mountain of Valentine's day chocolate. (which means when you see me next time, there will probably be MORE of me to see...) I'm very sorry to report that JIM HANNA, AF4NS, has stepped down as our Section Traffic Manager, effective immediately. (I couldn't bring myself to remove his name from the top of this page just yet... so it's there just one more time) Jim has done an outstanding job as STM, but his much more important job right now is to make it through his treatments and to get onto the road to recovery. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. CONGRATULATIONS to the recently elected leadership of the Kennehoochee ARC: Chairman- JIM STUDER, KI4ET; Vice Chairman- SID BISHOP, KB4QKZ; Treasurer- LEW CASON, N4HRA; and Secretary- CLARK MACAULAY, KE4RQ. Best wishes to all of them for a terrific year. (P.S. Put it on your calendars NOW: the KARC hamfest will be held on March 17, at the Jim Miller Park in Marietta) KUDOS to the members of the Cobb county ARES group for taking the lead in providing communications for the recent GA Special Olympics. Many thank to all who participated. Details to come in the March newsletter. CONGRATULATIONS to BEAU BARRETT, KI4KYI, of Albany, for recently earning his Eagle Scout award, the most prestigious award in all of Scouting. We're very proud of him for this wonderful accomplishment. Congratulations, also, to another brand new GA Piglet, 12 year old AUSTIN BRANNEN, KI4TMK, from Sandersville. Welcome to the hobby. Coming up this weekend: FEBRUARY 17-- (36 of 42) [10/18/2007 3:00:54 PM] Section News for January 2007 The Southeastern Antique Radio Society (SARS) will be holding a swapmeet in the Barrington Ballroom of the Doubletree Hotel, at 1075 Holcomb Bridge Road, in Roswell. Set-up at 7AM, with sales to begin at 8. For more info, please see Also, the ARC of Augusta will be holding their Winter Swapfest, beginning at 8 AM, at Pendleton King Park in Augusta. Talk-in on 145.490. And at noon, QCWA Peach State Chapter 49 will be meeting at the Fire Mountain Grill, near the intersection of Peachtree Industrial Boulevard and Jummy Carter Boulevard, in WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RONorcross. Good lunch, good meeting, good people. All are welcome. The count-down is on for the implementation of the FCC's new rules, eliminating element one, and giving all technician licensees a taste of HF privileges. It's also expected that a whole slew of operators will upgrade to general class that weekend. In honor of the occasion, during the weekend of February 23-25, the ARRL will be holding a Special Event "Welcome Weekend", operating W1AW on both CW and SSB, to welcome our new HF operators. Technicians, you might listen out for W1AW on or around 28.480 MHz. To commemorate your first foray onto HF, you can request a First Contact certificate by registering at HFWelcome/ Clubs, in light of the fact that we will be welcoming so many new operators onto HF, you might consider allowing some time at your next club meeting to talk about HF operations, andWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO to answer any questions. It's up to us to provide guidance to all of our new HF operators on proper and courteous HF operations. Coming up: February 21- Statewide Tornado Drill, 11AM.(or "rain date" of the 23rd) February 24- DALTON HAMFEST!!!! Hope to see you there. Stop by the ARRL booth to say Howdy. SILENT KEYS: Sadly, there are several to report. TOMMY BURNSIDE, KE4SIX; ELLIOTT KANTER, W4PGI; and STANDUP STRAIN, JR, AG4FS. Sincere condolences to their families and friends. Well, folks, that's it, for a couple of days, anyhow. Expect to hear from me very soon on an upcoming ARES exercise. Until then, this is AF4FO, signing clear. Take care of yourselves. And each other. 73, Susan QTC January: N4VAD- 339; K4GK- 53; WB4BIK- 39; WA4UJC- 8 +++ No trees were killed in the sending of this message. However, a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced. +++

Southern Florida

Hello Everyone, Once again it is time for the monthly summary of reports and news. As always this is a brief summary and detailed news from individuals and clubs can be found on the section page at and the web site at Weather this time of year is unstable so keep your eyes on the sky and your ear on the NWS alerts. Attend Skywarn training or visit the NWS web site for on-line training. Remember, do not give what is known as blue sky reports during a Skywarn net. These nets are for severe weather information and your casual comments could delay critical information and posibly endanger life and property. To celebrate their arrival and welcome Technician class licensees to HF, Friday, February 23, 2007 through Sunday, February 25, 2007 has been designated as "Welcome Technicians to HF Weekend"! There are several test sessions on 2/24 – see the alert at the top of the page at: for details on events of this weekend. REPORTS: SFL SAR for January 2007 KA4FZI 443, NY4E 196, AA4BN 89, WA2YL 76, K4FQU 75, KI4MGF 26, KI4KQQ 22, W4WYR 15, KI4OUD 6 ======SFL PSHR for January 2007 KA4FZI 120, K4FQU 118, WA2YL 110, NY4E 100, AA4BN 84, W4DKB 28 ====== (37 of 42) [10/18/2007 3:00:54 PM] Section News for January 2007 NET ABB. SESS QNI QTC MGR All Florida CW Traffic Net QFN 62 707 380 NY4E Florida Amateur SSB Tfc Net FAST 31 240 49 K4SCL Florida Medium Speed Net FMSN 264 70 31 AG4RJ/AB4XK Jupiter-Tequesta Repeater Gp JTRG 5 90 30 AG4BV Saint Lucie Repeater Assn SLRA 33 8 4 KE4UEI Southeast Florida Traffic Net SEFTN 62 605 83 AG4RJ/AI4GE Southwest Florida Traffic Net SWFTN 27 304 45 K4FQU ======Bulletin Report from David Smith, KE4UEI: Recd 20, Sent 8, Total 28 ARES Report for January 2007: 566 ARES Members in theWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO 9 counties reporting. 11 Nets held 39 sessions and 4 nets maintained NTS liaison. ECs reporting: WA4GUK, AD4RZ, AA4BN, N1XC, WA4ASJ, AG4AN, KF4MJJ, KA4HLO and N5KFR. There were 3 drills, tests and training sessions and 42 total ARES operations. OES reports received from: KE4UEI, W4DKB, N3HOE, KE4NUZ, WN4DHI, WB2CKM, N4ZEB, N6USP, KC2DPP. Don’t forget the 2 Meter SSB net, Thursday at 8:30PM local time, 144.210 USB. Luis, AG4AN in Osceola is net control. We have a new Net Manager for SFAN (Saturday at 8AM local, 3.940MHz ) – Thom, N5KFR. Thank you for stepping up to the plate, Thom. All ECs are encouraged to check into these nets or send an OES representative if you cannot join the net. All ARES members are welcome to join the nets. Reports received from Technical Specialists (TS): WA4AW, W4KPG, K8KB, KF4KDO, KI4QLJ, and N4TZH.WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Details of the TS activities are on the section news page (URL above). ======Wayne, KA1VRF has been elected to the position of Director of District 3 of FADCA . District 3 consists of Okeechobee, St Lucie, Indian River and Brevard Counties. P25 Webcast - This is a video explaining PS 25. This type of radio is becoming used at many EOCs and we should be familiar with them. webcasts/p25/ Special Service Club renewal has been approved for North Brevard Amateur Radio Club. Our Affiliated Club Coordinator, Jeremy K4OCD has set up a special page for clubs on his web site. Be sure to check it out, especially the link to media resources. http://www. Jeff, WA4AW has issued a challenge to member clubs of the PBAR Council to dig deep in your pockets & support the Spectrum Defense Fund. The Boca Raton ARA has kicked off this challenge with a substantial donation collected at their last meeting. BRARA officers presented a check to ARRL President Joel Harrison, W5ZN and ARRL Chief Development Officer Mary Hobart, K1MMH at the Southeastern Division Convention at Orlando Hamcation on February 10. Many club newsletters and meeting minutes are referring to Field Day planning. It is not too early to plan for that event. While the event is designed to be a simulated emergency it is generally a time for club members to work as a team, have fun, and demonstrate ham radio to the public and served agencies. Be sure to assign someone to publicity for this event. If your club does not have a PIO that is familiar with ARRL resources have your publicity chairperson visit www.arrl. org/pio. Remember, Field Day is not enough when talking about public relations and publicity. That’s all for now. Check the section news page frequently for new information and photos. Stay safe and stay on the air. 73, Sherri, W4STB

Southwestern Division

Arizona (38 of 42) [10/18/2007 3:00:54 PM] Section News for January 2007

ARIZONA SECTION NEWS February 2007 On a personal note, my father, had been suffering from cancer. He had gone thru several surgeries to remove the cancer, including one just before Thanksgiving and one just after Christmas. Dad did not recover from the last surgery and passed away on January 3rd. Dad wasn’t a ham but he was my greatest supporter. I remember, he was always mystified at my antennas that had graced his house. When I moved to Tucson, I removed all the antennas or so I thought. Years later, dad called, he said I had forgotten an antenna.WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO I thought and thought and I could not remember what I had forgotten. I had taken down the verticals, the towers, the beams, and the dipoles. Turns out, as they were re-roofing his house, they found wire, lots of wire under the shingles. I had wrapped the house with several large spools of bell wire for a low frequency antenna. I think I had wrapped the house at least 10 times and this was a large ranch home. I guess the workmen were tripping on all of this wire that came loose when they replaced the shingles. I can still hear dad tell a friend about that funny day with all the wire lying around his house from his sons forgotten ham radio antenna. FCC RULE CHANGES On February 23rd the Morse code requirement will be history. I know all the VEC’s are gearing up for testing. For VE test sessions in Arizona:WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO ARIZONA EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS PRESERVATION ACT HB 2595 This bill incorporates the Federal Communications Commission preemption known as PRB1 that requires local communities to make “reasonable accommodation” for Amateur Radio antennas and structures. It further applies that “reasonable accommodation” to HOA’s. This bill also calls for no “special charge” on Arizona Ham Radio license plates. Your help is vital to this bill passing. Please contact your senator and representative now and ask them to support and co-sponsor HB 2595. http:// Go to for sample language to include in your emails and phone calls. Each district in Arizona has two House Representatives and one Senator. Your district can be found by calling your local County Elections department. The Arizona Legislature House Membership Roster can be found at: The Arizona Legislature Senate Membership Roster is at: Our thanks to Dan Brown, NA7DB, Mayor, City of Page, 928-614-0306, [email protected] for putting this together. ARIZONA LICENSE PLATES The new amateur radio plate is not available yet. We are hoping that it becomes available very shortly. Watch the MVD website http://www. SILENT KEYS Hillard Kolzak, WA9OAC, Sun City West passed away on Dec 6, 2006. Jim Palmer, AB7AR, Tucson passed away Jan 5, 2007. Sharon Gould, KA7SEG, Lake Havasu City passed away Jan 8, 2007. NEW HAMS The following Arizona hams just received their FCC license, Congratulations! Lloyd Shaw AD7KM, Joseph Gaylor KE7JXO, Paul Hancock KE7JXP, Larry Purchase KE7JXQ, Charles Nelson KE7JXU, Brandon Lorenz KE7JXV, John Wood KE7JYP, Joseph Jette KE7JYQ, Robert Brooks KE7JYS, Kevin Peck KE7JYT, Glenn Tooley KE7JYU, Gregory Ansel KE7JYV, Mary Branson KE7JYW, Samuel Fuller KE7JYX, Robert Sliwinski KE7JYY, Brian Mcvickers KE7JYZ, Cary Ansel KE7JZA, Geoff Allen KE7JZB, Tim Lubbering KE7JZC, Julian Flores KE7JZD, Catherine Cameron KE7JZE, Mark Towsley KE7JZF, Nanette Towsley KE7JZG, Pamela Lynn KE7JZH, Ronald Schowe KE7KAC, Joel Rich KE7KAL, Preston Huntting KE7KAM, Carlos Challa Espinosa KE7KAN, Jack Wesely KE7KBC, Roberto Ramirez KE7KBD, Jose Amorin KE7KBR, Janel Deppe KE7KBS, Jonathan (39 of 42) [10/18/2007 3:00:54 PM] Section News for January 2007 Massey KE7KBT, Maureen Maloney KE7KCJ, Barbara Taylor KE7KCQ, Dora Mcgowan KE7KCR, Delores Gross KE7KCS, Linda Cadell KE7KCT, Edward Lord KE7KCU, Charles Branson KE7KCV, James Powell KE7KCX, Sara Lang KE7KCY, John Dunn KE7KFQ HAMFESTS February 5, 2007 Annual Ham Radio Equipment Auction sponsored by the West Valley Amateur Radio Club Talk-In: 147.300 MHz, +600 offset (PL 162.2) Contact: Ken Solheim, WN7DRX [email protected] St. Clements of Rome Social Hall 15800 North Del Webb Blvd. Sun WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.ROCity, AZ February 16-18, 2007 YUMA HAM EXPO sponsored by the Yuma Amateur Radio Hamfest Organization. Talk-In: 146.840 (-) PL 88.5 Hz Contact: Hal Johnson, WB6SLA at [email protected] Yuma County Fairgrounds 2520 East 32nd Street. March 10, 2007 Springfest sponsored by ARCA & Scottsdale ARC. http:// Talk-In: 147.18 (no tone) Contact: Ed Nickerson, WU7S at [email protected] Scottsdale Community College 9000 East Chaparral Road Scottsdale. April 14, 2007 Arizona Amateur Radio Club Swapmeet. Contact Bob Hodges, K7JJT. The south parking lot of DeVry located at Dunlap and about 21st Avenue in NW Phoenix. May 5, 2007 Cochise Amateur Radio Association hamfest in Sierra Vista, AZ Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about ARRL. If your club or group has an activity or event that would be of WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.ROinterest to other hams throughout our section please email me with the specifics. 73, Tom Fagan WB7NXH ARRL Section Manager Arizona Tucson Arizona 520 574-1129 [email protected] or

Los Angeles

Community Service to maintain our Frequencies Community Service is a key reason that we have our bands and operating privilegs today. Now you have a chance to play an important role in Public Service with ARES. KA6GSE, Dennis Smith, ([email protected]) is our Section Emergency Coordinator. (SEC) Within ARES you will find numerous classroom and field training opportunities and the chance to work with other like minded hams. Add to this the on- line courses available from ARRL and FEMA and you have the power to increase your level of knowledge and skill to better serve our Community. I encourage you to sign up with ARES today. Just follow this link to retrieve the application: or call (818)992 5507, between the hours of 9 am and 4 pm weekdays. Please check out the ARES 2 meter net operationg every Monday at 9 pm on Magic Mountain repeater. (147.735, pl 100 Hz) and soon to be on other repeaters in the area with even more coverage. ARES is GUNG HO!!! Please help!!! vy 73, Phineas, W6BF Los Angeles Section Manager

Santa Barbara

ARRL Council of Clubs Meeting Notice The ARRL Santa Barbara Section Council of Club serves all amateur radio clubs within the San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties. ARRL Santa Barbara Section Council of Clubs - The Official Meeting will be at 10 a.m. on the second Saturday in February at the regular location: 10060 Telegraph Road Ventura, California 93004 Regular Meeting Location Map < > Be sure your Club Representatives will represent your club at this important meeting. Any council (40 of 42) [10/18/2007 3:00:54 PM] Section News for January 2007 business may be offered by any attending representatives of the paid member clubs. Plan ahead: The second meeting of the council for 2007 will be on the second Saturday of August. The ARRL Santa Barbara Section Council of Clubs Official Meeting is an opportunity to bring your club's dues up to date. Download the renewal application or if your club is one of the few that has never applied for membership, download the new member application. Membership Renewal Form: < > New Member Form: < > Those clubs that have overlooked paying the yearly membership dues for this year are listed below: Amateur Television Network, W6ATN Paso Robles ARC, W6LKF San Luis Obispo Emergency Communications Council Satellite Amateur Radio Club, W6AB ======Subscribe to the ARRL Santa Barbara Section e-mail reflector. Send an e-mail to < [email protected]. net?subject=subscribe >. Not only will you receive up-to-the-minute reports and items of interest, but you will be able to post your own responses or comments that will be read by all of the other subscribers on the list. Subscribe to the ARRL Santa Barbara Section Council of Clubs e-mail reflector. Send an e-mail to < [email protected]? subject=subscribeWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO >. If you are a club leader, or just an active member interested in seeing your club grow and prosper, you must subscribe to this list. Your club doesn't have to be a member of the ARRL Club Council for you to subscribe. View the ARRL Santa Barbara Section Web site on your browser at < >. Check to be sure that your club information is included and is correct, as you browse all of the information-packed pages on the ARRL Santa Barbara Section Web site. As an active member of the ARRL Santa Barbara Section (Santa Barbara, Ventura and San Luis Obispo Counties), you'll want to be on the cutting edge of all developments in today's Ham World. ======Special FCC License Test and Paperwork Upgrade Session Saturday, February 24! In recognition of the FCC dropping the requirement for Morse Code testing effective February 23, the Conejo Valley Amateur Radio Club will conduct a special VE Test and "paperwork upgrade" session on Saturday, February 24 at 9:00 a.m. at the East County Sheriff Station, 2101 E. Olsen Rd, between Hwy 23 and the Reagan Presidential Library. Please note the following information: For "Paperwork License Upgrades." You must bring a copy and the original of your existing FCC license You must bring a valid government-issued photo ID (eg: passport, driver's license, school district ID) CSCE documents must be less than one year old - bring the original and a photocopy. The regular $14 test fee applies - cash payment preferred. NOTE: You must process an upgrade BEFORE using your new privileges on the HF bands! According to the ARRL VEC, if you do not have Element 1 credit, it is not permissible to apply a previously issued CSCE by using "Temporary AG" or "Temporary AE" until you have completed the paperwork process. The ONLY exception applies to Technician Class licensees - They will automatically have HF privileges that currently apply to "Technician with HF" operators effective February 23, 2007. Testing for elements 2, 3 and 4 will also be conducted at the February 24 session. See the information on Exams on the CVARC website: Questions? Contact the VE session manager Jeff Reinhardt AA6JR [email protected] or call (818)706-3853. (41 of 42) [10/18/2007 3:00:54 PM] Section News for January 2007 ======


WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO (42 of 42) [10/18/2007 3:00:54 PM] Section News for February 2007

Section News for February 2007

Atlantic Division


SOUTHERN NEW JERSEY NEWSLETTER FOR MARCH 2007 SECTION MANAGER, JEAN PRIESTLEY, KA2YKN If you haven’t changed your clocks yet, well you could be in trouble with your boss. If you have, just think how much extra time you have to check your antennas, towers etc for winter weather wear. JSARS Is still holding their testing sessions the third Thursday of each month at 7:30 pm at the Riverwood Recreation Building on Riverwood Drive in Toms River, NJ. For more information, call Ed, GENOINO, WA2NDA at 609-693-3729. Holiday City ARC is also still holding their test sessions every other 2nd Saturday from 10am to 12 noon, (May,WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO July, Sept, Nov. Sessions are held at the Holiday City South Clubhouse area in meeting room #1 on Mule Road at the corner of Santiage Dr in Toms River. Your contact person is Bill Haldane, AC2F and the phone is 732-240-7064 or [email protected]. When going to any test session, you must have your original license and at least one Xerox copy and original and one copy of any credit sheets you may have. Also bring 2 forms of id. Testing sessions by SJRA are on the 4th Tuesday of each month at the Winslow Senior center. Contact is Mark, K2AX at [email protected] or (609)820-1523. The Absecon Lighthouse 150th Birthday operation was a great success. Operations were held in the hallway between the lighthouse tower and the main visitor’s room. Radio operations during the 3-day event yielded 260 contacts. Most contacts were SSB but a few CW contacts were also completed. Special accolades go out to Ed, W2KP, who coordinated this special event station, set up and operation and to everyone who participated or helped. As we realize spring is almost here and we think of the renewal of life, we also need to think about the renewal of the life of Amateur Radio. Over the last year I have heard of several Silent Keys, a few were very close friends we had to bid farewell. We need to look to our youth first but how do we get their interest. Bring them to a meeting. I have seen it work. Contact a Scout troop and mentor the radio merit badge program. Kids are into computers these days and learn the computer in school. Show them the tie-in between Amateur Radio and computers. This last one is always a favorite. Put the Mike in their hands and let them talk to some one in another country or a distant state. Take a picture of them talking and keep it in a frame near the rig. Many adult hams today got their license as youngsters. A new team has formed by the members of the Bellmawr team. The location is at the Canale Training Center at 5033 English Creek Avenue in Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey. The doors will open at 6:45pm and testing starts at 7pm. There will be no walk-ins so please call Robert, WA2ARP at 609-338-7038 to reregister. The sponsor is the Southern Counties Amateur Radio Association (SCARA). If you haven’t already, please make a note or bookmark the following site: It May look like spring is here but March and sometimes April can produce some bad weather. I would still suggest carrying salt, deicer, sand, a blanket or two, some snacks, drinks, a (1 of 46) [10/18/2007 3:01:47 PM] Section News for February 2007 WINDUP flashlight, as a backup ( does not need batteries), a second flashlight of a larger size and extra batteries, tools, extra keys, cell phone charger for the car and have it programmed with all those important people who could help you in an emergency. Carry extra hats, gloves, dry socks and extra shoes. In snow or even rain, shoes and socks can get wet. As I write this paragraph, the wind is tossing coax and antennas around. The weather is freezing, icy and a good night to stay home. We recently conducted an emergency drill entitled “Deep freeze”. How could we possiblyWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO know that it would actually happen just 3 days after temperatures in the 70 degree range? The drill went like this: Soulthern New Jersey and Northern New Jersey sections conducted combined Operation Deep Freeze operations per their emergency plans and the NJ State RACES Plan. The NJSP OEM State EOC (NJ2EM) and six counties elected to participate in the short notice drill. Statewide NJ ARES? ARES ‘nets were established on 3990.5 KHz and 147.57 MHz. Beginning at 0900 local and secured at 1200. Formal traffic was passed in both directions on both frequencies. One message requiring USAF attention was passed via the NY ARES? RACES net on 3925 kHz. 37 hams participated at the state or county level. The state EOC also checked into the Army MARS net using its Army MARS callsign. NJ NTS ran special sessions of the NJ Phone net on 3950 at 9, 10, 11, and 12 local. 9 NYS stations participated WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.ROin these nets. A Total of 42 hams participated in New Jersey. The Battleship New Jersey is still on winter hours Thursdays to Sundays and closed Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. If your club is thinking about visiting the NJ2BB club station, please be sure to make arrangements ahead of the scheduled date to insure that someone will be there. Just go on our website at for information to schedule a visit. If you have worked NJ2BB and want to send a card, the QSL manager is Margaret Burgess, KB2BRR 150 Schooner Ave, Barnegat, NJ 08005. Please send your cards with an SASE to insure receiving a card in return from NJ2BB. Delaware Valley Ragchew Club (DVRC) will sponsor a one-day bus trip to ARRL Headquarters in Newington, CT. The date is May 11, 2007 and the cost will be $50 per person. For more information contact John McCaughrean by email at macjacobite@yahoo. com. This will be a “brown bag” lunch trip. If you have an activity coming up or want to report something that happened, please send a short write up to me and I will put it in next month. Please remember that if you work traffic to report it to Dan, K2UL. Traffic report for February, Traffic manager, K2UL, Dan Ostroy SNJ/NNJ Section Net Reports QNI reports NJM 80 N2GJ NJPN 256 W2CC NJSN 145 K2PB NJN(E) 283 AG2R NJN(L) 169 AG2R (the above nets are dual section nets of both SNJ and NNJ. Liaisons with 2RN) SNJ Local Net Reports JSARS 371 W2HOG SJTN 35 KB2RTZ 147 SJVN WB2UVB SCARS 72 NW2Y Station Activity Reports (SAR) KB2RTZ 80 K2GW 64 NW2Y 50 K2UL 50 WB2UVB 44 WA2CUW 40 WA2NDA 27 AA2SV 24 W2QOB 17 KC2IYC 15 Public Service Honor Roll (PSHR) KB2RTZ 175 K2GW 139 K2UL 120 WB2UVB 1OO NW2Y 94 WA2CUW 90 N2HQL 75 WA2NDA 67 W2QOB 63 KC2IYC 59 KA2YKN 46 STM reports that the past six years have been posted on the web at http://k2ul.home.att. net/stm_monthly.htm March News: We welcome the new SCARS VHF Traffic Net, meeting Monday-Friday at 9pm on the 146.805 repeater in Milmay (Atlantic County), PL110.9

Central Division

Illinois (2 of 46) [10/18/2007 3:01:47 PM] Section News for February 2007

QST DE KA9QPN-- From the top... **It is with deep sadness that we learn of the passing of Edmond Metzger W9PRN on 26 February 2006. Ed rendered service to our Section and our League for many years. He became Section Communications Manager (now called SM) in 1957, and progressed over time to Vice Director of the Central Division, Division DIrector, an ARRL Foundation Director, and President of the ARRL Foundation. He 'retired' from League offices in 2001, only WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.ROto be elected an Honorary Vice President by the League Board. To put the length of Ed's service in perspective, I was only a few months old when he became SCM. I did not know Ed personally, but I appreciate the depth and breadth of his contributions. Ed has been a mainstay of our Section, our League, and our Service. My deepest condolences go out to Ed's immediate and extended families: Thanks for letting us borrow Ed. We will miss him. **Neil Ormos N9NL has taken EC responsibility for all of Cook County including Chicago. This is such a monumental task that it requires the post of DEC. We wish Neil all the best in organizing the Byzantine patchwork known as Cook County and Chicago. Get informed... **Daylight Savings Time starts earlier this year! Spring forward on 11 March or be late! **Severe weatherWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO preparations continue with Severe Weather Awareness Week in Illinois 4-10 March, the annual state drill on 6 March, and a severe weather event throughout the state on 1 March (followed by more oh-my-gosh cold and wind!). Along with many Chicago area hams, ECs, and AECs, I attended the Advanced Spotter class at Wheaton College on 3 March. There are still plenty of basic and some advanced classes yet to be held. Check your nearest NWS office's web site, your local/county EMA, or your EC. **The upgrade rush has begun! Many VEs are adding extra or 'paperwork only' sessions to accommodate the flood that began with the end of Morse Code testing. Each of us knows someone who showed an interest in our fraternity. It's time to bring that person into the Service. Let's mentor some new folks! **Please remember that there is no automatic upgrade associated with the rules changes. You, your paperwork, and your fee need to visit your local VE. Around the Section... **By the time that you see this News, another ARISS school QSO will be history. This one will have been at the Boulder Hill Elementary School in Montgomery. The contact was facilitated by John Spasojevich K9COE, the Boulder Hill School Radio Club (we don't hear the phrase 'School Radio Club' nearly enough any more!), and the Fox Radio Relay League. Another school contact is in the works for later this spring with Rockford Christian Life School. **The March QST carries a nice article on page 76 concerning Annah Smith WB0LJF's response to Danielle Jenkins KG8FP's distress call. The article was written by our Eastern Border DEC, John Van Sandt N9YRX. **Rumblings have been heard about Ameren's new Automated Meter Reading being a form of BPL. Some amateurs report a serious increase in HF hash after installation even though the equipment isn't live at this time. We are closely monitoring these developments. **If it ever thaws out for good, our thoughts will turn to spring. Time to repair the antennas that the ice got, or tear them down and plan some new ones. While you are planning those new antennas, how about trying a new band or mode? There's a lot of folks with eyes toward HF and the phone bands since the rule changes. There's also the other HF digital modes, including good old CW (which has suddenly become a treat rather than a requirement...try it!). Contesting sharpens your ability to hear and work weak signals. You don't have to do the whole contest period--it's OK to do a few hours and get your feet wet. (3 of 46) [10/18/2007 3:01:47 PM] Section News for February 2007 Back on VHF/UHF, it'll soon be time for crazy propagation with the season change. Time to try weak signal work on 2m, 222, and 432. There's also fast-scan TV and the VHF/UHF digital modes. Each mode or band that you try adds to your knowledge and experience, and fills your toolbox in case of emergency. **Via the Kankakee ARS newsletter, we learn of the passing of Ray Flesher WB9RCA on 8 February. Ray was a past President and longtime member of KARS, and rendered invaluable service to the blind. What is notable is that Ray himself was also blind. 73, OM. SleepWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO well. **Do you have a NOAA All-Hazards Radio in your home? Your answer is probably 'no, but I have pounds of radios, some that receive the NOAA broadcasts'. I'm sure that you do. But do you have an alerting, SAME-capable NOAA All-Hazards Radio that will alarm for weather watches/warnings and other hazards as determined by local emergency managers? Your family can't necessarily figure out your gear in order to listen to the Weather Service. Do them a favor and get a NOAA radio, before storm season. It's as necessary as a smoke or CO detector. More at ema/nwr.html. More at Indiana WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Indiana Section News for February 2007 The following Amateur Radio Operators became a Silent Key (SK) during February: Homer Keesling WB9OZZ Feb 4th, Whiteland; Jim Fonte K9FI, Feb 18th, LaPorte; Edmond A Metzger W9PRN, Feb 28th, Springfield, IL. A Charter Life ARRL member, Ed held a number of offices and appointments. Ed was the Central Division Director from 1981 to 2001. Ed was also an honorary Vice-President of the ARRL, and President Emeritus of the ARRL Foundation. Condolances to the Family and Friends of these amateurs. They will be missed. Time for a reminder about 2-meter FM activity, especially when using repeaters, which we all do. Of all the amateur frequencies and modes that we hams have access to, 2-meters is THE most public band that we use. By this, I mean that anyone can be listening to the local repeater at ANY time of the day or night. Consider for a moment how many programmable scanner receivers have been bought by hams and by the non-ham public. The listening public can get a very bad image of amateur radio if a couple of hams carry on a risque conversation, or a conversation that is truly stupid. For example, several years ago, I was monitoring a local repeater. Two hams were in a QSO. What brought me up short in my chair was the subject of their conversation.....They were discussing the b.m. elimination habits of their dogs!....What kind of impression does this leave with Joe Citizen, who is not a ham??? So, have fun on the air, but PLEASE think about what topic you are discussing. You never know who is out their listening (a City Councilman, the Mayor, an EMA Director, a Fire Chief, County Commissioner, ETC., etc.). Even at 3:00am, you don't know who might be monitoring the local repeater.... From Dave Pifer N9YNF, Indiana SEC: Several people participated with Operation Deep Freeze based out of New York RACES on Feb 10th. Communications on 40M was the only open channel to New York for the exercise. Thanks to all who participated in this event. Several counties then participated in our own version of Operation Deep Freeze just a few days later. Northern Indiana had Blizzard conditions while the further south you went the conditions changed to a mix and then to rain. Marion County disaster exercise announcement: Marion County will be the focus of a Disaster Exercise in (4 of 46) [10/18/2007 3:01:47 PM] Section News for February 2007 May, from the 10th thru the 13th. Working in cooperation with Emergency Management, Amateur Radio will have an active role and Mike Palmer N9FEB is the ham radio Point of Contact. The Communications Plan is still a 'work in progress' and volunteers are needed.This exercise will involve the use of VHF/UHF repeaters, Simplex operations, and HF. All MARS groups and the IDHS Ham Team have been identified as players' as well. This exercise take place over a wide geographical area. In support of the Marion County Disaster Exercise the Indiana Traffic Net onWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO 3910KHz and the section ARES net on 3910KHz or 7280KHz +/- 20 KHz for QRM are anticipated to be utilized for this event. As most everyone knows, with the elimination of the Morse Code requirement on February 23, Technician licensees gained new HF privileges. Many of these Technician licensees may not have the correct information, or may be misinformed as to what these privileges are. I would urge everyone to check out the story on the League's website about this topic. nc=1 According to Dan Henderson N1ND, at League Hq, he has been getting calls that indicate some misinformed individuals believe Technicians my operate 'digital voice' on 80, 40, and 15, where they have only CW privileges, "Not True," he says. So, to those who wish to be fully informed, please check out this story at the above URL. INDIANA QSO PARTY - From Mel KJ9C: The 2007WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Indiana QSO Party will be Saturday May 5, 1600Z - 0400Z. There will be plaques for top portable, mobile, fixed, and out of state scores. And certificates for "significant effort" such as turning in a big score and NOT winning, or activating the most counties. For rules and complete information, go to: The following VHF/UHF Net Managers reported their net's activity during December: KC9BHJ, KA9KOG, N9ZMY, KC9IFU, KE9WI, WD9HTN, KB9UAG, KF9EX, NA9L, WD9BKA, WB9NCE, WR9G, W3ML, W9THD, and KA9QWC. If your net manager's callsign does not appear here, then no report of your net's activity was sent to John Kinley KC9BHJ, Indiana Section VHF/UHF Net Manager. < [email protected] > Please be certain to report your VHF/UHF net activity to him. My thanks to all those club newsletter editors who send me a complimentary copy of their club's newsletter. I do read them. February Section Net Activity: NET FREQ DAILY TIMES (UTC) QNI QTC QTR SESS ITN 3910 KHZ 1230/2030 2786 135 1265 56 QIN 3656 KHZ 1330/2300 129 111 740 50 ARES 3910 KHZ 4TH SUN/MO @ 1200Z 9 0 14 1 HOOSIER VHF NETS 15 REPORTING 992 17 5757 88 HOOSIER DIGITAL NETS (2) NO RPT RECD February ORS Traffic Reports: K9PUI 175, K9GBR 100, W9PC 15, AB9AA 12, N9HM 12, KA9QWC 10. James S. Sellers K9ZBM Indiana Section Manager


WISCONSIN: SM: Don Michalski, W9IXG. BWN 3985 0500-0715 W9IXG. BEN 3985 1200 KE9VU. WSBN 3985 1715-1800 K9FHI. WNN 3555 1800 KB9ROB. WSSN 3555 1830 N9JIY. WIN-E 3555 1900 WB9ICH. WIN-L 3555 2200 W9UW. (All times are Central time) ** With regret, I am informing you of the following Silent Keys: -- Art Vahovius, W9VSO, 89. Art is survived by his wife, Terry, N9VKF. -- Bob Wilkinson, KB9VEM, 59. He was a member of several Racine area clubs, including Lakeshore Repeater Assn and Racine Amateur Television Society. -- Cyril Martin, KB9PCV, 75. He was a member of ARES/RACES. -- Walter Mulloy, Jr., WB9NFW, 73. -- Ed Metzger, W9PRN, 93. Ed was the former Central Division Director. ** The (5 of 46) [10/18/2007 3:01:47 PM] Section News for February 2007 Four Lakes ARC had one of the two annual Technician weekend classes and all 12 students came out with, at least, a Technician license. Two passed the General exam. This was done using the ARRL Ham Radio License Manual and accompanying Instructors Manual and PowerPoint slides. Our thanks to K9REO and W9DGI for a job well done instructing the class! And, our appreciation to all the VEs who supported this class as well as the last-of-the-old/first- of-the-new exam sessions on February 22-23. ** Is your club getting a little stale? Need some ideas to perk it up? IWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO recommend reading this article: features/2007/03/05/1/?nc=1 It provides Ten Steps toward a Healthier Radio Club ** Duane Haas, W9BCV, received a very nice certificate of appreciation from the Rock River Club for his years of service and dedication to the club. Congratulations, Duane! ** As expected, the VE testing sessions are standing room only since the recent changes in FCC licensing requirements. This has caused a lot of stress for the VE teams. We’d like to thank all the VEs (e.g., NQ9A, W9GOC, KB9NUM, W9GPI, etc.) who are running around the state and volunteering to support the VE testing sessions outside their area. ** STM Report - Wisconsin Section - February 2007 Don't forget to submit your reports before the 8th of the month so they can be included. FAQ #66 - Why use the NTS format for messages? It's what we do. The ARRL formalWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO message form was developed and refined over the years because it works. Formal traffic is documentation. It contains specific information that can be very helpful in tracing, replying, authenticating, and assuring delivery. Remember the parts? The preamble has these: NUMBER - PRECEDENCE - HANDLING INSTRUCTIONS - STATION OF ORIGIN - CHECK - PLACE OF ORIGIN - TIME - DATE Then comes the addressee, address, phone number and a break. The text is clear and counted (That count is the check.) and is followed by another break. The signature isn't counted, but it concludes the message. There are more details in the traffic handling section of the Wisconsin page of the ARRL website, http://www. and . Shortcuts such as "Here's my message number 1 from me to you today. . ." might save a little time, but they don't help us practice the right format. It's good practice to send all formal messages in proper form - even net reports, end-of-month summaries, etc. Using the form keeps us familiar with it. When we need to handle messages with more important content - emergencies, welfare inquiries, etc. - we will have the pattern firmly in mind. The famous pink card (FSD-218) has all the information you need for a proper format of a message. Need one? Just ask me. Please. - 73 - K9LGU/ STM-WI MONTHLY NET ACTIVITY SUMMARY - February 2007 NET QNI QTC QTR SSNS NM BWN 1856 2519 4679 28 W9IXG BEN 551 33 1058 28 KE9VU WSBN 736 58 1086 28 K9FHI WNN 187 15 286 22 KB9ROB WSSN 202 17 271 28 N9JIY WIN/E 164 28 259 28 WB9ICH WIN/L 140 18 253 28 W9UW WRACES 70 7 182 4 N9VAO TOTALS 3906 2695 8074 194 Note: BWN is Badger Weather Net; BEN is Badger Emergency Net; WSBN is Wisconsin Side Band Net; WNN is Wisconsin Novice Net; WSSN is Wisconsin Slow Speed Net; WIN/E is Wisconsin Intrastate Net/Early; WIN/L is Wisconsin Intrastate Net/Late; WRACES is Wisconsin Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service net. Details on all these nets are found on this site: under Wisconsin Traffic Nets. ** Note that the weekly topic of discussion for the Sunday ARES/ RACES (WRACES) net is now posted every Thursday on the Wisconsin site. Join us! ** Skywarn training sessions are in full swing! A complete listing is given on the Wisconsin site. (6 of 46) [10/18/2007 3:01:47 PM] Section News for February 2007 ** With all this activity, we have been keeping Richard Regent, K9GDF, busy updating the Wisconsin site. Our sincere appreciation to Rich for the excellent job he does maintaining one of the finest Section sites in the country! ** It is great to hear all the new /AGs on the air participating in the Wisconsin Nets! I hope you welcome them and give them a lot of encouragement to join the nets on a regular basis. March is going to be busy with hamfests. This weekend, you will find me at the Eau Clair ARC Amateur Equipment Auction on Saturday. Last year, it was quiteWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO an event. We expect it to be another success. Hope to see you there. On Sunday, we travel to the popular Jefferson Hamfest. And, the end of the month we have the AES Superfest to look forward to. This year, Joel Harrison, ARRL President, will be behind the table with us! Details on these and upcoming hamfests can be found on the Wisconsin site: 73, Don, W9IXG

Dakota Division

Minnesota WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO ARRL MINNESOTA SECTION SUMMARY FOR FEBRUARY 2007 SUMMARY FROM SM ++ The MN section ARES and Traffic summaries are enclosed below. ++ See the ARRL Section web site for up-to-date information and bulletins. ++ Go to the new section website at http://www. ++ Do you have any interesting news to report? Have you had a good special event, a good class result, good contest results, a special program? Send me a report to be posted on the section news website. Send a copy by email. ++ Do you or your club want to hold a class? Want some help with your class in the form of content or publicity? Let me know and I will help. ++ With the recent and impending changes in amateur radio, I feel it is time to reinvigorate our OO corps. John Thomas, W3FAF, will assume the responsibility of OO Coordinator and will temporarily remain Technical Coordinator until a suitable replacement is available. We will be recruiting more Official Observers and spent more time listening to the bands. We need to help those newcomers to the HF bands to operate properly and within the law and acceptable good practices. Our first approach will take the form of mentoring. If you can spare a few hours a month listening, please contact me for an appointment to that position. ++ Please send me links to your club newsletters and I will post them on the section links page. Most clubs are publishing newsletters in this manner to save costs. ++ Be sure to sign up for the Clubs E-Letter from the ARRL. It contains valuable info for conducting clubs. Respectfully submitted by Skip Jackson, KS0J, MN SM MN SEC REPORT SUMMARY FOR FEBRUARY 2007 Total number of ARES members reported: 152 (Total about 275) Change since last month: -30 County EC’s reporting: Carver (N0EN), Dakota (AB0XE), Lac Qui Parle (KC0QED), Lincoln (WD0BZU), Lyon (WD0BZU), Scott (N0BHC), Sherburne (N0JHU), Washington (KC0OIO) Local Net Names: Anoka County ARES Net, CCART, River Valley, SEMARC, Scott County, Chisago County, Carver County, Washington County, Fox Valley Monday Night Net, Lac Qui Parle Phone, Lac Qui Parle Packet, Mankato Area Radio Club Emergency Services Net, Marshall Area Emergency Net, Redwood County, Wadena Area Ham Net, Northern Lakes Radio, NE MN Public Service, SE St. Louis Emergency Service, Dakota County ARES, Scott County ARES Total sessions: 152 NTS liaison is maintained with the MN (7 of 46) [10/18/2007 3:01:47 PM] Section News for February 2007

Section, Tenth Region, and NTSD Traffic Nets by N0UC, W0LAW Number of drills, tests and training sessions this month: 28 Person hours: 74 Number of public service events this month: 4 Person hours: 45 Number of emergency operations this month: 0 Person hours: 0 Total number of ARES operations this month: 32 Total Person hours: 119 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Frank Karnauskas, N1UW, MINNESOTA SEC MN STM SUMMARY FOR FEBRUARY 2007 NET FREQ TIME QNI/QTC/SESS MGR ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ MSPN/E 3860 5:30 PWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO WO0A MSPN/N 3860 12 P N0YR MSSN 3710 6 P N/A VACANT MSN/1 3568 6:30 P K0WPK MSN/2 3568 9:50 P k0wpk PAW 3925 9A-5P KA0IZA/ wa0tfc MONTHLY STATION ACTIVITY REPORTS (SAR) STATION ORIG. REC'D. SENT DLVD. TOTAL BPL NO.OPS. W3FAF 0 77 89 4 170 W0LAW 0 48 65 3 116 K0WPK 0 62 37 8 107 KB0AII 0 16 58 0 74 KA0IZA 0 57 6 1 64 W0HPD 1 14 22 3 40 N0YR 0 24 7 7 38 KB0AIJ 0 16 16 0 32 WD0GUF 0 5 4 0 9 N0JP 0 1 7 1 9 ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ PUBLIC SERVICE HONOR ROLL (PSHR) STATION 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL ~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ N0YR 40 38 0 85 163 W0LAW 40 40 20 10 110 WD0GUF 40 9 30 79 SECTION TRAFFIC MANAGER MONTLY REPORT NET ABBR. SESS. TFC. NMCALL NTS LIASON ~~~ ~~~~~WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ MINNESOTA SECTION MSPN/E WO0A MSPN/E PHONE NET/EVENING 1,682 28 38 MINNESOTA SECTION MSPN/N N0YR PHONE NET/NOON (CW) 592 26 62 MINNESOTA SECTION MSN/1 k0wpk RN-10, C4 NET (CW) 6:30P 189 27 90 MINNESOTA SECTION MSN/2 k0wpk RN-10, , C4 NET (CW) 950 PM 56 22 8 PICONET ALLDAY PAW HRS KA0IZA ALL DAY WATCH 3,866 88 71 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Robert Meyer, W0LAW, MINNESOTA STM

North Dakota

NORTH DAKOTA: SM, Kent Olson, KAØLDG - Had a great time at the Bismarck Hamfest a few weeks ago. The weather was once again lousy, but that didn’t stop die-hard “hamfesters” from showing up. The day also saw the first VE test session in the state which the CW requirement was no longer required for upgrading to General & Extra. 22 tests were given, and of those, Generals were in the majority. A nine-year-old tested and received his Technician licence too. It’s not know if he is the youngest ND ham, but if not, he’s close. Congratulations to Ethan, KCØZWN of Litchville who is that new ham. He comes from a ham family where both mom, Katrina, KCØKCU, and dad, Jeremy, KCØFGH are very proud of Ethan’s achievement. Congratulations also to Lance Lee, WAØLIA, of Fargo who recently retired from WDAY in Fargo after 38 years of keeping WDAY on the air. Time to chase some DX, Lance. Please pass on condolences to the family and friends of Jack Riley, WØDIV, of Fargo and Larry Schroeder, KAØDPL of Carrington who recently passed away. The Bismark hams are also busy with holding MIMS training. I encourage all the clubs to do this, as soon this will have an impact on our ARES functions and your club’s ability to get funding for emergency services. Fargo Hamfest happens on April 21st - hope to see you there. Congratulations to all those new club officers in the state. Please give them your support to help your local club be successful. Section's web site: HF NM KØJIM net reports for Feb: Weather Net: 52,1001,7. Data Net: 26,563,13. Goose River Net: 4,51,1. Note: The WX NET will go till the last day in April and start in the fall on the first of October from now on. (8 of 46) [10/18/2007 3:01:47 PM] Section News for February 2007

South Dakota

Here is the section news for South Dakota, if there are any clubs that have material that they wish to have posted please email me the information no later than the 5th of the month so that I can get it posted to both the summary and the web site before the cut off date. Black Hills Amateur Radio WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.ROClub Please let me know if you have upgraded your license or got a new call sign. This information will help me update our BHARC roster. As a reminder we will have a special VE test session on Saturday, March 24th. Show time is 8:30 AM at the School of Mines in the EE/Physic building. Don't forget to bring the original paper work and a photocopy of it; examiners will need to see both the original and copy. A photo ID will also be needed. If you have any questions please contact me. 73 Frank, NU0F VE Contact Person email: nu0f@arrl. com Pierre Amateur Radio Club Activities report: A suggestion was made that we could make an ice fishing special events station. We will come up with a special event station in the spring. Hughes County is planning an exercise on May 5th, not sure what involvement we will have now. WB0RJHWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO committed himself to attend the planning meetings. Greg mentioned that the WX Radar is down; KD0S says he will take care of it. Activities are also on the website; www. Technical report: The Club’s Kenwood 440’s radios have been checked out and are working OK and do not require any repairs. Old business: talked about Wed night’s 2 m net. New business, Hughes County exercises. There is a requirement that we have an exercise at the airport before October. Tough for PARC to get involved in the Airport exercises. The guys may be here on the 24th and they may take the IRLP back. Jim Ward made a motion to buy a 2m radio for the IRLP, Rich made the second for the motion On Feb. 10th at 11:00 the Medicine Buttes Club is having their meeting in Pierre at Pizza Ranch. They have a concern they will lose their 501 status, they may want some of our members KD0S has a short presentation on APRS Wayne made the motion to adjourn meeting, Todd made the second. Meeting adjourned 21:12 KI4NEA Congratulations go out to the five new general licensees’ who tested on 2/24/07: NØPIZ, NØNPO, KI4NEA, KBØYXZ, and KB0PZX. Northern Hills Amateur Radio Club Beginning Tuesday, March 6, the Western South Dakota and the Tri-State Emergency Weather Nets will be combined into one net at 9:00 PM mountain time. The net will be called on the 146.76, 146.94 and 146.85 repeaters, which are all linked together. We wish to thank all those who assisted in getting the Black Hills area repeaters all linked together. 73 Doug, WØWSP Sioux Empire Amateur Radio Club Board of directors report included having a special event station at Walmart this year and raising dues to $30 per year read and accepted. Announcements and Upcoming Events Cabin Fever Reliever Hamfest: Saturday, February 10, 2007, National Guard Armory, St. Cloud, MN. VE Testing (All license classes): Saturday, February 24, 2007, 9:00 AM, EOC. SWIARC Hamorama: Saturday, March 3, 2007, Westside Community Conference Center, Omaha, NE. ARRL International DX Contest (Phone): Saturday – Sunday, March 3-4, 2007 Next SEARC Business Meeting: Tuesday, March 6, 2007, 7:30 PM, EOC – Program on Fiber Optics. VE Testing (All license classes): Tuesday, March 13, 2007, 7:00 PM, EOC. Community Science Celebration: Saturday, April 7, 2007, Washington Pavilion Fairbault Hamfest: Saturday, April 7, 2007, Moose Lodge, Fairbault, MN MS Walk: Saturday, April 14, 2007, 8:00 AM, University of Sioux Falls Stewart Center. Field (9 of 46) [10/18/2007 3:01:47 PM] Section News for February 2007 Day: Saturday – Sunday, June 23-24, 2007. Location TBD. MS Bike Ride: Saturday – Sunday, August 4-5, 2007, Sioux Falls to Brookings, SD. Old and Ongoing Business 2007 Club Dues ($20) are due to Jim, WJØS. Committee organization and signups. IRLP on 440 repeater – Node 3908. Technician classes and testing results. Morse code requirement change. New business. Discussion of science celebration delayed until March business meeting. March net control TBD. Program for next business meeting fiber optics presented by Dave K9VKG. Meeting adjourned atWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO 7:55 pm

Delta Division


ARKAN News- Arkan Club monthly meeting Date: 22 Jan 2007 Opening Comments: New Board Members for this year introduced. (see website for specific contact information) Thursday night net was great, a need was expressed for more net callers. Great turn out for the first general meetingWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO of this year. 24+ members and visitors. Presentation: Given by Bill Smith K1ARK, (W5YM coordinator,) who showed to us an overview of a presentation that he gave recently for the Emergency Management Coordinators of the 4 state area. (AR, KS, MI, OK) Their needs when working with us are as follows: They highly “Stress the importance of Training” and “Emphasize a Great need for Team players”. We wish to express our appreciation to Mr. Bill Smith for the work he is doing to further our efforts within the local community emergency services. Joe Dunn KD5TLH: has accepted the roll of Public Information Officer for this present year. John Robinson K D5NFX: Presented the purchase of a new Auto Tuner for the club equipment, reported that the club saved some money on the exchange. Second Saturday activity for February 10th will be a trip to the Tulsa weather bureau for Sky Warn Training. Motion presented by Bill Smith, Suggestion to put the following materials into the public library system, specifically the Fayetteville and Springdale Libraries system. Four books total will be donated with a cap on cost to be $250. for the library manuals. Motion seconded by Stephen Brandt, KD6TZF. Motion passed unanimous. Announcement of “Elmering” program, specifically to have the club HF rig up and going before Meetings in the future to provide training for club members. ARVARF News- MINUTES OF THE MEETING Sonia read the minutes of the December meeting. Keith made a motion to accept the minutes of the December meeting. Seconded by Bob, motion passed. Sergio introduced Allen Powers who is visiting our club; Allen is an active Marine. Dennis Schaefer announced there will be an ARES/ RACES meeting Tuesday, January 23rd at 7:00 PM. Charles will be talking about the digital electronics. Nick told us the updates about the Ham Fest. March 3rd is the big day at the Hughes Center. There will be a VE testing there at 10 am. Aulton told the club that there is now over 120 people that are getting the newsletter, 42 people are receiving the hardcopy. Wayne told the group that as of the meeting, there were no students enrolled in the Technician license class. I did happily find out that later people did get enrolled so there IS a class. Discussion was made that the club needs to get more involved with our community. There were parades, fairs and lots of other stuff that was mentioned. Dennis volunteered that Sergio be our PR, public relations man, which he gladly accepted. Sonia announced that we (10 of 46) [10/18/2007 3:01:47 PM] Section News for February 2007 need a net control for February. Ben Hillis volunteered to be net control for February. Steve made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Keith, the meeting was adjourned. Sonia Picado - KE5EIW Secretary Batesville ARC News- Plans for the year 2007. There is more to the BARC than monthly business meetings! Club members are encouraged to get more out of the amateur radio hobby by participating in various club activities. Many Planned Activities: All club members and their guests are invited to these activities. Some of these activities are listed below. Spring Picnic WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO– The first of the quarterly (season) meetings. Antenna Work Day – A chance to build your own antenna. Tower Workshop – Instructional meeting to learn how to safely work on your tower. Tower Work Day – Trained club members will assist members with various tower projects. Field Day Event – The annual ARRL emergency communications contest style event. Independence County Fair – Club members promote amateur radio and our club to the crowds at the fair. Scouting Canoe Race – Providing communications support for the Scouts racing down the White River. Fall Picnic – The third seasonal meeting for food and fun! Cross County ARC News - A meeting was held Thursday February 8th at the Wynne Fire Department in order to organize and plan Amateur Radio License classes. Here is the result: TECHNICIANWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO LICENSE CLASS Feb. 22 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM, Feb. 24 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM maybe 12:00 noon depending on conditions. Feb. 27 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM, March 1 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM, March 3 9:00 AM till?? FINAL TEST!! We will be using the same written material as used in the class last summer. I will send the file to everyone attached to a separate email. We will print up booklets (from the same file) for any students who have not already printed their own. We also plan to have a DVD for a teaching aid. All classes will be held at the Wynne Fire Department. GENERAL LICENSE CLASS This is the schedule, subject to change if needed: March 13, 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM, March 15 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM, March 17 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM, March 20, NO CLASS, March 22, 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM, March 24, 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM maybe 12:00 noon depending on conditions, March 27, 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM FINAL TEST!! All classes will be held at the Wynne Fire Department. Written material will be provided. Final schedule may be adjusted to fit class progress. Fort Smith Area ARC News - Hanging Judge Hamfest - March 31, Columbus Acres, Fort SmithMore info at www. Contact the Hamfest Chairman, John Eddleman, KC5JBY for more details.Club President Dennis Burton opened the first meeting of 2007 and introduced the new club officers; Vice President Chuck Johnson, N5JUD; Secretary Larry Carmack, KE5BOR, and Treasurer Mike Bell, K5JMB. A special thanks was given to Andrew Austin for the time he spent working on our club website. Andrew has a demanding course load and has requested to step down. Jim Scott AD5YY has graciously agreed to take over this responsibility. The club also gave a special thanks to Mark Clayton, N5AZQ for setting up a special Christmas gathering that was enjoyed by everyone. Dennis Burton stated the secretary’s minutes are published each month in the club newsletter and placed in an archive for future reference. This gives everyone the opportunity to review the minutes before the next meeting and therefore recommends the minutes not be read at each club meeting to save time. Mike stated he is accepting membership and ARRL dues and will provide receipts and update the member records. President Burton opened old business to discuss the 501C3 application status. Thanks was given for the Herculean effort put forth by John and Jan Eddleman, Keith Newman, Art Sellers, and John Samuels to ensure it’s finalization. Keith Newman was asked to give an (11 of 46) [10/18/2007 3:01:47 PM] Section News for February 2007 overview of what took place. He stated the application was passed around for review and changes. New business included a report by John Eddleman on the upcoming hamfest He stated he had completed the necessary paperwork to have the ARRL approved event listed on the ARRL website and in the upcoming QST magazine. John sent out information to vendors and will make follow-up calls to secure vendors for this event. John also contacted the Quest House Motel to obtain hamfest rates. This year’s rate will be $62.00 per night. Hamfest entry fees for current clubWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO members who pre-register will be $5.00; non-members who preregister will pay $8.00 and all others will pay $10.00 at the door. President Burton introduced and gave kudos to our new club Webmaster Jim Scott for the progress he has made. Jim briefed the group on his plans to update our website and consolidate it with the Hanging Judge website following this years hamfest. Dr. Charles Floyd provided a status report for the upcoming White Rock Mountain DX Expedition on March 2,3, and 4. The total lodge cost is $125.00 per night (approximately $20.00 per person). The plan is to have one or two stations with the usual antenna, great food, and a lot of fun. Chuck Johnson presented an informative movie on the Peter 1 DXpedition. Lawrence Co. ARC News- The Lawrence County ARC Winter-fest was February 17th 2007 Attendance was excellent and prize ticket sales were up. Travis Pitts KE5EAV wasWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO the winner of the grand Prize, a Yaesu FT-7800 with separation kit Congratulations to Travis, enjoy the new radio! Thomas L Lloyd, JR N5AS was the winner of the 2nd grand prize this year, a Yaesu VX-150 Congratulations to Tom, enjoy the new radio.!


LOUISIANA SECTION NEWS – FEBRUARY 2007 The Southern University Amateur Radio Club (SUARC), call sign KD5ZUP, held a charter party on the Southern University campus in Baton Rouge on February 4 in celebration of the club's new affiliation with the ARRL. WD4Q (Delta Division Director) presented the ARRL Certificate of Affiliation to KE5LSE, SUARC President. Other ARRL officials in attendance were N5NVP (LA Section Affiliated Club Coordinator) and yours truly. Congratulations to N8JTC (SUARC Faculty Advisor) and all the student members for achieving this significant club milestone! KD5DFL reports that the following ARES/RACES and CLARC members assisted KB5CX (Parade Staging Area Chairman) during the Alexandria Mardi Gras Parade: AC5PW, KE5ASQ, N5VNP, KE5DJA, WB5ISL, KE5BCQ, KE5LXV, and KD5SLN. The hams supporting this event gathered at the staging area at 9 AM on February 18 and did not leave until 3 PM after all of the parade participants and float entries had departed the staging area as the parade began. The 2007-2008 officers for the Acadiana Amateur Radio Association are KE5DCI, President; KI5XP, Vice President; N5MLJ, Secretary; and N5YCS, Treasurer. KE5DJA is a new ARRL Public Information Officer. Good luck to all in your new duties! With the expected influx of new operators on the HF bands, the rest of us should be extra careful in our operating procedures so that we set a good example for others to follow. In addition to listening to experienced operators on the air, hams new to HF can learn much by reading about the various operating activities, such as DXing, contesting, and traffic handling. Probably the single best source of information on operating is the ARRL Operating Manual; I believe every active ham will find something useful in this excellent publication. Visit to download the new ARRL band (12 of 46) [10/18/2007 3:01:47 PM] Section News for February 2007 chart showing all the recent changes as of February 23. As mentioned in last month's report, the annual National Hurricane Conference returns to New Orleans this year. The special session on ham radio, which any licensed ham can attend free of charge, will be on April 3 from 1:30 PM to 5 PM at the Hilton Riverside Hotel on Poydras Street. The LA hams scheduled to speak are K5GLS, NO5FD, and K5CFW. Upcoming LA hamfests include the ARRL Delta Division Convention in Rayne on May 25 and May 26, the Ozone ARC Hamfest in Slidell on July 21, and the WCLARCWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Hamfest in Leesville on August 11. Traffic totals: K5MC 91, AE5V 62, WA5LQZ 60, W4DLZ 50, W5PY 48, WA4ERU 2. Public Service Honor Roll: W5PY 173, W4DLZ 121, K5MC 110, AE5V 99, W5HUD 78, N5MEL 78, K5ER 52, KB5SDU 50, N5HMH 46, WA4ERU 37. Section net reports: sessions/check-ins/messages handled. Louisiana Traffic Net: 28/422/41. Louisiana CW Net: 55/363/86. Louisiana ARES Net: 4/96/0. Local/district net reports: sessions/check-ins. Avoyelles Parish ARES Net: 2/10. Caddo/Bossier Parish ARES Net: 4/60. East Baton Rouge Parish ARES Net: 4/20. Franklin Parish ARES Net: 2/36. Orleans Parish ARES Net: 4/46. Ouachita Parish ARES Net: 4/101. Rapides Parish ARES Net: 9/97. Richland Parish ARES Net: 4/46. St. Charles Parish ARES Net: 1/16. St. Mary Parish ARES Net: 4/38. St. Tammany Parish ARES Net: 3/28. Tangipahoa Parish ARES Net: 4/105. Terrebonne Parish ARES Net: 4/12.WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Vernon Parish ARES Net: 6/109. Washington Parish ARES Net: 4/48. ARES reports: parish/EC. Allen/W5ELM, Avoyelles/KD5IGG, Beauregard/W5MVP, Caddo/Bossier/ NZ5S, Calcasieu/KC5FGO, Claiborne/KD5JJP, DeSoto/AA5HY, East Baton Rouge/N5ULA, Franklin/N5ASA, Jefferson Davis/K5WNV, Lafourche/N5PZJ, Morehouse/KB5SAR, Orleans/ NO5FD, Ouachita/K5ER, Plaquemines/AI5B, Rapides/KD5DFL, Richland/N5MEL, St. Charles/ K5CFJ, St. John/AI5B, St. Mary/KA5LMZ, St. Tammany/KC5EAK, Tangipahoa/KD5PKS, Terrebonne/AD5XJ, Union/KA5JNL, Vernon/W5JZQ, Washington/AI5B, Winn/KC5EWJ. 73, Mickey Cox K5MC LA Section Manager Email: [email protected] LA Section Website: http://www.


SM: Malcolm Keown, W5XX. Section Web Site: Web Master: w5kwb@arrl. net. District Emergency Coordinators: KD5CKP, WB5CON, KD5FUO, KA5ICO, AB5WF, W4WLF, AG5Z, and N5ZNT. Emergency Coordinators: KB5AAB, K5CBS, KD5CKP, KD5CQT, WB5CON, WV5D, AD5DO, K5DSG, KC5EAK, KD5FUO, W5GEJ, WB5GUD, KD5GWM, W4HOZ, KA5ICO, KC5IJP, AD5IT, KB5JN, W5JVK, KD5KXJ, N5LJC, W5LMW, WX5N, K5NRK, KD5NMB, KD5NSP, N5TBB, KC5TYL, W4WLF, K5WSY, KM5WX, KD5XG, N5XXX, KB5ZEA, N5ZNT, and KB0ZTX. Ham Radio has gone through a number of evolutionary changes over the past 50 years all seemingly destined to doom Ham Radio, as we know it. First it was the Novice and Conditional Licenses which would open the HF bands to a hoard of teen-agers. Then SSB came along to replace AM and turn our bands into a “Donald Duck” Zoo. Then the last straw was incentive licensing. Here we are in the 21st Century. The teen-agers that inundated the bands in the 50’s and 60’s are our Olde Timers of today. Everybody now realizes that SSB is more effective than AM, and its narrower bandwidth allows more users on the bands. Incentive licensing made some of us strain our brains a little to get our privileges back, but in spite of all of this Ham Radio has survived. And now we find out that our hard earned CW skills are seemingly (13 of 46) [10/18/2007 3:01:47 PM] Section News for February 2007 worthless as far as licensing is concerned. Is this the final bitter death knell for Ham Radio? Will the “No-Coders” grab their freebie and overrun the HF bands with CB Jargon? Doubtful. Anytime someone feels they are getting something for nothing, the “new” usually wears off fast. But for those that found that CW was truly a barrier to their advancing up the ladder, they will be with us for the long haul. Let’s welcome all of these folks to HF and hope that most of these new comers fall into the latter category instead of the former. The fourth Mississippi QSO PartyWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO of recent times is now history. HF conditions were not as good as last year which is to be expected at the bottom of the Sunspot Cycle, in addition, a squall line moved through the state late in the QSO Party which sent most of the mobiles to the barn and fixed stations QRT due to lightning. In spite of all of this, an initial review of logs received indicate that a record number of Mississippi Stations were on the air passing out QSOs for WAS and 5BWAS as well as new counties for the deserving. Thanks to mobiles NO5W, K4ZGB, N5CW, and W5XX, who put a bunch of rare counties on the air. Remember all logs need to be in by the end of March. What was good during the QSO Party was to hear was all of the /AG’s and /AE’s on the air just after they had received their new privileges at a VE Session. Thanks to all of the VE Teams who held Saturday Sessions. We’ll know by this time next month how many folks actuallyWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO upgraded. The Vicksburg ARC again provided communications along the trail for the 10K ‘Run Through History’ which wound among the monuments in the Vicksburg National Military Park. No major problem incidents occurred; however, VARC Members relayed race progress information to officials in a timely manner. Those participating were N5JGK, K5VXV, KB5WJJ, KD5WYJ, N5KWT, KD5WCN, KC5QZW, KD5ZIP, KJ5RC, N5EZX, and W5XX. EC K5DSG reports that with the assistance of the Lafayette County EMA Director the ARES group now has an operational communications trailer which has been used in two search and rescue missions. In addition, Tippah County EC N5TBB has started training classes for ARES Members on how to assemble various station configurations and how to pass traffic. AC5Y reports that 50 plus were in attendance at the NWS Storm Spotter Training sponsored by the Crystal Springs ARC. Good Show! The MDXA is sponsoring classes in a big way. Pres N5FG reports that KA5VFU’s Tech Class graduated 15 (see end of list below). In addition KE5HKV has a Technician Class in progress in Wiggins, and AE5DX is conducting an Extra Class in Gulfport. KD5VMV, Deputy Director of DeSoto County Emergency Services, reports that DeSoto County received a Department of Homeland Security Citizens Corps Grant last Fall to construct a Mobile Communications Center and four portable “go-kits.” The RACES/ARES Group recently had a workday to fabricate the go-kit coax sections and power cords. The four go-kits were then assembled and put in Pelican Cases. Each go-kit consists of a HF/VHF/UHF radio, 2M/440 radio, coax, and antennas. Those helping with effort were N5PYQ, KE5BXL, W5LJD, W5KK, KB0ZTX, KD5ARO, N5UOV, K5OMC, KD5CKP, KE5AKT, KD5SM, and KD5VMV. DeSoto County is ready to deploy! Welcome to new Mississippi Hams: KE5MFT, Lawrence – Lumberton; KE5MFV, Robert – Byhalia; KE5MFW, Rachael – Byhalia; KE5MIV, James – Pascagoula; KE5MLC, David – Hattiesburg; KE5MLD, Jacob – Brandon; KE5MLE, Carson – Ridgeland; KE5MLF, Greg – Clinton; KE5MLG, Gregory – Pelahatchie; KE5MLH, Heidi – Carriere; KE5MLI, Joseph – Philadelphia; KE5MLJ, Edward – Carriere; KE5MLK, Frank – Myrtle; KE5MLM, David – Clinton; KE5MLM, Danny – Taylorsville; KE5MLO, Waldemar – Inverness; KE5MMR, Kevin – Ponotoc; KE5MMS, Joshua – Ponotoc; KE5MOR, Luther – Booneville; (14 of 46) [10/18/2007 3:01:47 PM] Section News for February 2007 KE5MOS, Benny – Booneville; KE5MOT, Everett – Baldwyn; KE5MOY, William – Gulfport; KE5MOZ, Christopher – Vancleave; KE5MQL, Donald – Iuka; KE5MQN, Jordan - Iuka; KE5MQS, Christopher – Byram; KE5MVM. Thomas – Gulfport; KE5MVN, Jana – Gulfport; KE5MVO, Pierre – Gulfport; KE5MVP, Anthony – Gulfport; KE5MVQ, Johnnie – Gulfport; KE5MVR, Karen - Gulfport; KE5MVS, Joseph – Saucier; KE5MVT, Rebecca – Gulfport; KE5MVU, Cillo – Lucedale; KE5MVV, Stephen – Gulfport; KE5MVW, Michael – Gulfport; KE5MVX, Peggy – Gulfport; KE5MVY, Raymond –WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Gulfport; KE5MVZ, Gene – Gulfport; and KE5MWA, Justin – Gulfport. Congratulations to the following on their upgrades: KE5AJI – Petal; KE5GUK – Tupelo; KE5HJN – Tupelo; KE5HJP – Dumas; KB5PMN – Magee; KA5PSG – Meridian; N5SPE – Brandon; WB5TTM – New Albany; N3TZJ – Jackson; and WB5VOQ – Corinth. Welcome to new ARRL members: KE5AQU – Columbus; KE5BRF – Jackson; KE5BRG – Jackson; KB5DRD – Nettleton; KD5GGJ – Lena; KT5GS – Long Beach; KC0IKK – University; KE5HJN – Tupelo; KD5JXL – Tupelo; KE5LRA – Lucedale; KE5MFV – Byhalia; KE5MFW – Byhalia; KE5MLD – Brandon; KE5MLL – Richland; KE5MOY – Gulfport; KE5MOZ – Vancleave; KD5MYW – Saucier; W0NNN – Jayess; N5ODV – Little Rock; KB5RFJ – Perkinston; KD5SBC – Falkner; KD5TUB – Diamondhead; N3TZJ – Jackson; KA5WGF – Hernando; N5YKB – Stringer; KB0YTW – Starkville; andWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO N5ZX – Jackson. Also Welcome to N5LJC as EC for Marion County. Regret to report the passing of KK5ED of Jackson. PIC Report: N5TBB. Club Newsletters/Reports: Hattiesburg ARC (AC5E), Jackson ARC (K5VU), Meridian ARC (W5MAV), and Vicksburg ARC (W5WAF). DEC/EC Report: K5CBS (Stone), WB5CON (NE MS/Alcorn), KD5CQT (Jackson), K5DSG (Lafayette), KC5EAK (Pearl River), WB5GUD (Newton), KD5GWM (Lauderdale/Clarke), N5TBB (Tippah), and N5ZNT (SW MS/Lincoln). Net reports: sessions/QNI/QTC (Net Manager): DRN5 62/Miss 100% Rep by N5FP, W5MLO, KB5DZJ, WA5FB, WB5ZED, W5XX (WB5ZED); MS Section Phone Net 28/2810/42 (K5NRK); MS Section Traffic Net 28/141/8 (KB5W); Magnolia Section Net 28/1017/16 (AD5J); Jackson County EN 28/503/6 (KD5CQT); MS Section Slow Net 20/53/1 (W3TWD); Hattiesburg AEN 5/118/0 (N5MZ); MDXA 4/63/0 (N5FG); MCARA CARES 4/47/0 (KA2KMU); NE MS ARES 4/65/0 (W5LMW); Newton County ARES 4/36/0 (WB5GUD); Meridian Area EN 4/53/0 (KD5GWM); Jackson ARC EN 4/70/1 (AB5WF) MS-LA EN 4/35/0 (K5NRK); Lowndes Co ARC Net 4/82/0 (AD5DO); Monroe ARC 4/52/0 (AD5DO); Metro Jackson ARES 4/70/0 (AB5WF); MS Baptist Hams Net 3/32/1 (WF5F); Pearl River ARES 3/28/1 (KC5EAK); PSHR: WB5ZED 150, W5XX 112, AB5WF 92. Traffic: WB5ZED 3063 (BPL), AB5WF 17, W5XX 6. Compilation of Net and Traffic Statistics provided by N5FP, Mississippi Section Traffic Manager.

Great Lakes Division


Greetings Everyone, Announcing the 2007 MICHIGAN QSO PARTY All Michigan amateurs are invited to mark their calendars for Saturday, April 21, 2007 for the 2007 Michigan QSO Party (MiQP). This is the one weekend a year when Michigan amateurs are in the limelight, as amateurs from across the USA and around the world are looking for QSOs with us. This is a great opportunity develop HF operating skills, represent the great state of Michigan, and last (15 of 46) [10/18/2007 3:01:47 PM] Section News for February 2007 but not least, have a bunch of fun. The operating period is a convenient twelve hours long, from noon local time (1600Z) until midnight local (0400Z) here in Michigan. Stations outside of Michigan may only work Michigan stations, while Michigan stations may work anybody. Activity takes place on the 80 thru 10 meter bands, on both phone and CW. The exchange is simple: a sequential QSO number (starting with 001) and your location (county for Michigan stations, and state or province for others). A station may be worked once per band and mode. CW QSOs count two pointsWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO and phone QSOs count one point (just like Field Day). Multipliers are states, provinces, and Michigan counties, counted once on phone and once on CW. Final score is total QSO points times total multipliers. See the MiQP website at for complete rules. MiQP offers an extensive awards program, with handsome plaques awarded for the in-state winners of the major categories. Our special thanks go to the many organizations that have contributed by sponsoring the plaques. Certificates are awarded for the top single-operator score in each Michigan county, and there is a simultaneous competition for Michigan clubs where scores of its members are combined into an aggregate score for that club. New for 2007 is a plaque for the "MiQP Rookie Of The Year", awarded to the top single-opWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO score submitted by a Michigan station who has never participated in MiQP before. We're also hoping to be able to offer a certificate commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Mackinac Bridge for operation in MiQP. As mentioned before, there is a wealth of information about the Michigan QSO Party available on the MiQP website at http://www.miqp. org, such as official log and summary sheets, results from past years, and free logging software. Questions about MiQP can be directed via e-mail to: [email protected]. There is also an e-mail reflector for those interested in MiQP - details are on the web site at http://www. We hope to see a great turnout of Michigan amateurs on the air on April 21st! 73 from the MiQP Organizing Committee. Congratulations to these newly elected radio club officers and our thanks to all for accepting the challenges of leadership: Southern Michigan ARS Pres WB8WXS, VP WB4BKO, Treas KG8GZ, Sec KC8EIC, Past Pres KD8BME. Delta County ARS Pres N8DP, VP KC8NUR, Treas N8OYR, Sec W8JRT, Editors WA8LE & WD8TRH, Librarian KC8NUR. Kalamazoo ARC Pres KB8SFR, VP KC8WLD, Treas KI8HF, Sec KC8ZTJ, Directors KC8OQM & N8CML. Station Activity Reports (SAR) for February, 2007: KC8WSE 326, K8LJG 223, K8AE 210, AB8SY 133, KD8AAD 89, K8RDN 68, KC8MLD 61, VE3EUI 60, WB8RCR 57, W8RNQ 50, K8AMR 49, AA8SN 39, KD8BGQ 35, WA8OOH 16, WD8USA 15, KB8UZP 14, AB8WF 13, K8ZJU 11, AB8CB 10, K8YB 6, KC8BMV 4, N8UN 4, N8XX 2, KC8ZGB 1. Public Service Honor Roll Reports (PSHRs) for February, 2007: KD8BGQ 400, WB8RCR 161, VE3EUI 120, K8MFK 115, K8AE 110, KC8WSE 110, K8AMR 95, AB8SY 90, K8ZJU 77, K8RDN 76, KC8DQH 29, KB8UZP 27. SARs are reports of all the radiogram traffic you have handled in the past month. PSHRs include your net and public service activities for the month. PSHRs and SARs should be filed monthly with WB8RCR. You can access a simple reporting form at: http:// to provide your reports to WB8RCR. January Official Emergency Station reports came in from KC8ULE, W8RAE, and W8WRB. Your OES reports should be filed with WA8EFK. In all cases, reporting by radiograms encouraged. 73, Dale WA8EFK

Hudson Division (16 of 46) [10/18/2007 3:01:47 PM] Section News for February 2007

Northern New Jersey

SM Bill Hudzik-W2UDT, ASM-N2WZB, STM-WB2FTX, ACC-N3RB, SEC-K2SO, OOC-K2ZD, PIC- W2WJO, TC-NR2H NNJ Webpage: MONTHLY ARES NET: Second Monday of each month (8PM) on the Morris County OEM Repeater: WS2Q 146.895 MHz (PL 151.4) minus 600Hz.WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Obviously, the latest news is the deletion of the Morse code as a license requirement. Even before the FCC rule change NNJ VE groups were busy during the month of February with 41 new Licensees! Let’s make sure we mentor the “newbies” and get them on the air and involved in club activities. The rule change has created a bevy of VE sessions. And, the one I observed at the recent Split Rock RC Hamfest was very well attended which, I’m sure, resulted in a number of successful upgrades. Those of us who have been operating the HF bands for a number of years should make sure we welcome the new HFers by helping them however we can whether its understanding propagation or what the operating protocols are.for the various modes. Between the recent changes in HF band allocations for technicians and the latestWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO FCC code rule change band charts have become very popular items. A very good one is part of the “new ham” pull-out featured in February QST. Also, an equally attractive one can be downloaded from the ARRL webpage as well. Make them a part of your operating position so you don’t add an “out of bands” report to put next to the frequency chart. Speaking of operating, don’t forget to check into our section ARES net which is listed at the top of the column. Net Control rotates each month among the various county DECs and you don’t have to be an ARES member to participate. Also, the various county nets meet on their own and that info can be obtained from our SEC Steve Ostrove-K2SO. Bob Crifasi- KC2RFC is still looking for members for the Essex County ARES whose net is held the first Tuesday of each month at 8PM on the WA2JSB repeater (146.415 + 1 MHz with a PL of 85.4Hz). KC2RFC is the net control as well. Another operating item to mention, which seems to be associated with repeater operation, is proper identification. This has been covered before but still needs to be reinforced: identify at the beginning and end of your transmissions. The easiest way to remember this is whenever you hear the repeater ID sign your call whether or not you just gave it. FCC rules dictate station ID every 10 minutes. Amateurs have received FCC warning notices and, in some cases, fines for not adhering to this rule. And, some have lost repeater operating privileges for this failure. Don’t be reluctant to tell your fellow amateur that IDs are required as well as leaving a few seconds pause before keying the microphone. Oh yes, these are also good net operating procedures. Another operating event is coming up and that is what may be considered the premier ARRL operating event, Field Day. Please make sure your club or group checks the rules as some new changes are in effect this year concerning the JOTA stations and satellite contacts. Also, the ARRL has just made available the 2007 Field Day Tee-shirt and some good accessories such as a small carry bag with sun screen, bug repellant and some minor first aid items. There are club discounts available for these items. I actually find the Tee-shirts to be collector items. Please be sure to post your Field Day site on the NNJ web page so others know where to find you. Our webmaster, Mark- N2WZB, came up with this very good idea. A few years ago we had over 12 groups list their Field Day sites. Last year the result was rather poor so, let’s try to do better this year! Finally, (17 of 46) [10/18/2007 3:01:47 PM] Section News for February 2007 I would like to pass along some calls who have become Silent Keys. Bob Barnes-KB2IKC will be missed by the members of the New Providence RC. As well, GSARA members and friends will miss Vic Colaguori-W2VC, Gene Carola-KV2J, Ken Hopper-KD7KH, Joe Questore-WA2JDL, and Sunny Bernstein- XYL of W2PAT. All were very talented people and contributed much to their community and amateur radio. 73, Bill Hudzik, W2UDT SECTION TRAFFIC Feb-07 NORTHERN NJ PUBLIC SERVICE HONOR ROLL ORG RCVD SENT DLVD TOTAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL N1JX 1 229 257WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO 2 489 40 40 10 90 KC2PFV 0 38 40 19 7 40 40 80 WB2KNS 0 23 21 8 52 40 40 20 110 210 N2GJ 0 19 7 5 41 40 31 30 15 116 KC2ANN 0 9 13 8 30 40 30 10 80 W2CC 0 27 0 0 27 40 27 30 97 N3RB 1 0 9 8 18 40 18 20 20 98 TOTAL 754 NET MGR. SESS. QNI QTC QSP QTR STNS LIAISONS NJMORNINGNJM)N2GJ 12 80 17 17 149 12 2RN NJPHONE (NJPN)W2CC 36 256 69 63 268 24 2RN NJSLOW(NJSN K2PB 28 145 12 12 388 16 2RN NJNET (NJN/E) AG2R 28 283 38 28 426 17 2RN NJNET(NJN/L) AG2R 28 169 29 27 269 13 2RN CENJER(CJTN) KB2VRO 28 301 48 35 222 35 NJSN,2RN,PKT NJVHF(NJVN/E)N2RPI 28 503 135 123 546 58 NJN,NJPN NJVHF(NJVN/L)N2OPJ 28 352 54 43 243 45 NJN,NJPN UCTN KY2MMM 28 320 34 27 486 NJVN, CJTN,NJPN WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Midwest Division


Kansas Section News Summary- February 2007 SM, Ron Cowan, KB0DTI-- SEC/OOC: Robert Summers,K0BXF ASM: Orlan Cook,W0OYH ASM-Youth: Emily Stewart, KC0PTL SGL: Steve Hamilton, KB0JYL PIC: Larry Staples, W0AIB ______Silent Keys: KBØAMY - Wayne Pederson Horton WBØC - David Bishop, Canton KØEFZ - Gail Scheuerman, Otis WDØDOT - Charles Logan, Leavenworth ______With the change in licensing there has been a great deal of activity for the VE teams. I have heard several upgraded operators on the air over Kansas recently. I want to remind the newcomers to HF to do a lot of listening before you do a lot of talking. I suppose it could be called situational awareness. With the WX getting nicer and the days longer we have more opportunities for our clubs to get out and enjoy activities. What does your club have planned for spring ? Bunny hunts are always good now that the snow and ice are mostly gone. You might even work in an early picnic. Affiliated clubs: Have you updated your ARRL info this year ? WØDEW received the British Post Office Key award at a Johnson County RAC meeting. This Key was originally presented to KØORB /SK at a QCWA event a long time ago. Air Capitol Amateur of the Year is Randy Woelk- KØDSY. NØYXE Received VUCC for working 100 grid squares on 6 meters. W.A.R.C. is planning for more work on the 146.82 repeater. I’ve heard rumblings of a swap meet out west sometime this spring. The 146.610/RP in Harvey County is up and running again. Newton now has IRLP. The node is #3906 on the WØBZN 146.610/RP. Wheat State Wireless Assn. members are experimenting with P.A.L. one of the newer image modes. KØFJ attended a digital emergency communications workshop in . Welcome these new ECs: WAØCCW, NØVJJ, WØTEA. ______From our ASM for Youth Activities: (18 of 46) [10/18/2007 3:01:47 PM] Section News for February 2007

Hello all! Kid's Day was a blast! I made about 12 contacts and talked to a gentleman in Canada. I was very happy to hear all of the young kids on the air. I hope they get interested in how ham radio works. Thank you to everyone who encouraged your children to participate! On February 10, I visited a local event called Freeze Your Keys. It tests how well equipment works in very cold weather. We did have snow, ice, and of course, the freezing part. The chili and soup were the perfect things to warm up to during the day. Spring is coming! That means weather spotter trainingWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO is on its way. This is another opportunity to expose kids to ham radio and one of its most recognized activities. I try to attend at least one event every season. Take your children or grandchildren to one of the training programs and let them find out about the service aspect of amateur radio. If you would like to distribute some ARRL Kid's brochures at a weather spotter training event, e-mail me at [email protected]. 73, Emily KCØPTL ______SECTION EMERGENCY COORDINATOR REPORT Jan. '07 activity Slowly but surely, our Emergency Coordinator monthly reporting is improving. This month we received reports from 23 of our 48 Zone EC's. 198 total net sessions with 1865 QNI and 118 messages handled. Total membership is down quite a bit from the 1000 a few yearsWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO ago to only 370 members being now registered as available should the need for emergency communication be asked for. You could help increase that figure. Need I say how?? We still have the need for an additional 9 people to step forward and take on the EC spot for others to follow. I guess, if the math is correct that puts 17 EC's in the NO SHOW column for this month. Maybe that could be 26 good people could step forward and really improve our state ARES activity. WD0DMV, State Races Officer reports that the monthly net QNI was 11 with Montgomery, Neosho, Mitchell, Riley, Linn, Brown, Johnson and Shawnee being acknowledged. Very probably a few more tried but due to poor propagation QNI was down. Larry, N0LL reports QNI of 38 for 4 session of the Chapter 110 QCWA net, Saturday mornings 3920 at 7:30 AM after the KS Wx Net. 73 Bob Summers K0BXF SEC KS ______Newsletters received: Feed Back, Grain of Wheat (Wheat state Wrls), Trojan ARC Harmonic, QRZ, QNU H.A.R.C. DCARC, Shawnee Mission Med. Ctr. ______January Sessions/QNI/ QTC/Mgr: KSBN/31/912/45 N0KFS KPN/22/265/13/N0KFS KMWN/31/716/635/WB0YWZ KWN/31/882/659/ WB0YWZ CSTN /27/1924/70/N0BFB QKS/ 45/158/27/ NB0Z QKS SS 4/11/0 KB0DTI Traffic: KI0BK 336 NB0Z 46 KC0HHO 44 N0ENO 30 K0BXF 29 KB0DTI 21 W0OYH 13 N0ZIZ 11


MARCH 2007 MISSOURI SECTION NEWS Dale Bagley, KØKY MO SM As expected, the change in Amateur Radio License Requirements has sparked an upsurge in License Exam activity. The ARRL Website has informed us that “ARRL VEC Manager Maria Somma, AB1FM, reports that paperwork from upward of 450 Amateur Radio exam sessions held since the new rules went into effect February 23 has arrived so far this week. …with some 650 examination sessions already on the calendar for March and more arriving daily, it doesn't look like the pace will slacken anytime soon.” This is a great opportunity to reach-out to those interested in getting their Amateur Radio License and help mentor all those new to the Amateur Radio Service. I (19 of 46) [10/18/2007 3:01:47 PM] Section News for February 2007 recently attended a Storm Spotter Training Session and saw many non-amateur radio operators interested in serving their communities as spotters. This seems like a good group to get involved in Amateur Radio as well as the A.R.E.S. program. The Boeing Employees Amateur Radio Society- St Louis (BEARS) will again sponsor the 2007 Missouri QSO Party. The QSO Party will be held on April 7 and 8 this year, the first full weekend in April. The time and frequencies and log submittal instructions will be announced in the March edition of the ARRL QST Contest Corral, WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RObut are the same as last year. All Missouri stations are encouraged to participate. Last year, the ROVER/MOBILE stations were able to produce QSO points for many non-Missouri and DX contestants who were looking for Missouri Counties that have sparse ham populations. The BEARS station W0MA will again be on the air providing the additional one time 100 QSO points to contestants. Rules for the QSO Party can be found on the BEARS Website at This is the last reminder from me this year for all affiliated clubs to update their club info. This can be done by going to club/biglist.html and selecting Missouri, finding your club (which will be listed alphabetically by city) and at the bottom of the club data there is a hyperlink for a club officer to update the club information. Note: If by chance your club has been dropped because it has not updated its informationWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO in the past 3 years then in addition to selecting Missouri you will need to select inactive club to get the information about your group. Fill in the new President’s data and etc and then submit. This should get the club back on the active Affiliated Club Roster. HAMFEST APRIL 2007 The next Hamfest will be the Ararat Shrine Hambash in Kansas City, MO on April 21, 2007. There will be Seminars by the ARRL, MARS, and an auction of equipment from the Flea market. To get to the Hamfest just exit south off I-70 on I-435 and proceed until you exit I-435 at Eastwood Traffic-way and make a right on Ararat Drive. Table for Trader tables are $17.00 each including 3 admission tickets. Reservations or more information can be obtained from Steve Dowdy, WJØI by e-mail at [email protected] or by mail at 12411 Olive Kansas City, MO 64146 (Phone: (816) 941-3392 Tickets by mail can be requested by sending $7.00 for three (3) tickets and an SASE to Ray Pautz, NØRP 13 SE 125 Road Warrensburg, MO 64093. Tickets at the door will be $4.00 each. The Ararat Amateur Radio Shrine Club is expecting a great turn-out this year, so it will be another great ARARAT SHRINE HAMBASH. For More info go to . Talk-in on 145.13 – I have finally updated my Hamfest Calendar for 2007 so if you want to visit that link click on the following hyperlink. Hope it works. AFFILIATED CLUB NEWS KEITH HAYE, WEØG, ACC The Mississippi Valley DX & Contest Club has a new Club QSL Card and they are going to need a bunch if they QSL all the contacts the MVDXCC members made in the ARRL CW Contest Feb 17th and 18th. Operating from the excellent Station at K9SD’s, the crew composed of K9SD, KI9A, KØJPL, KWØA, & KØRAY made 1474 QSOs and worked the entire contest. That was an excellent effort. Rick Crockett,WØPC reports that there will be a License exam session at the St.Charles Amateur Radio Club meeting on March 13th. The exam cost is $14.00 and you need to bring your original License and a copy to send in with the paperwork.. Rick was disappointed that the scheduled General Class License course didn’t have enough takers to hold. Dick White, KSØM, of the Callaway Amateur Radio League reports that there will be a National Emergency Drill on Tuesday March 13, 2007. The following club repeaters will participate at the times specified. All are invited to check in. Columbia ARC 1:30 PM (20 of 46) [10/18/2007 3:01:47 PM] Section News for February 2007 146.760 MHz, Mexico ARC 6:00 PM 147.255 MHz Fulton CARL 6:30 PM 147.315 MHz. The Kimberling Amateur Radio Club is off to a great start in 2007 according to a report from New KARC President Paul Ward, KC8JRF. At a recent Club meeting they enjoyed a program about the Civil Air Patrol by Major Ed Leonard, KCØUAU and Lt. Col. Jim Wiley, NØILB. The club meets the first Saturday of the month for Breakfast at Michel’s Restaurant in Branson West at 8:30 a.m. and following the meal V.E.Testing is done. The Club also meets once a month at the Kimberling City CommunityWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Center at 7:00 p.m. on the Third Tuesday of the Month. The Macon County ARC will be holding Technician License Course on the weekend of March 16th through the 19th with a V.E. Session to be held the next weekend. There about 10 prospective Amateur Operators signed up for the class. In February 15 of the MCARC members attended the National Weather Service Storm Spotter Training session in Macon. There were about 50 individuals at the training. The Central Missouri Radio Association received a report from Dave, KVØS that the Club had issued the first Worked All Missouri Counties to an active Ham from St. Louis. There will be more info about the award in a future issue of CQ Magazine. SECTION ARES REPORT FOR FEBRUARY 2007 DON MOORE, KMØR SEC Heath Rose, NØYLN of Clinton Missouri has been named to be the Emergency Coordinator for Henry County. Heath was former EC forWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO St. Clair County, MO until he moved from that county. Total # of ARES members: 605 Number of drills, tests and training sessions this month: 81 Man hours: 693 Number of public service events this month: 2 Man hours: 31 Number of emergency operations this month: 5 Man hours: 125 Total number of ARES operations this month: 88 Total Man hours: 849 Comments: 5 of 9 districts SECTION TRAFFIC REPORTS FOR FEBRUARY 2007 DALE HUFFINGTON, AEØS, MON – CW Sessions 43 QNI 78 QTC 24 NM K9ZTV MO Phone Sessions 29 QNI 821 QTC 116 NM NYØT MESN Sessions 4 QNI 182 QTC 1 NM AEØS Audrain Co ARRC Sessions 4 QNI 70 QTC 0 NM KBØKWC Callaway CARL Sessions 3 QNI 39 QTC 0 NM KBØHKN Boone Co Sessions 4 QNI 99 QTC 1 NM WMØH Howell Co Sessions 7 QNI 59 QTC 1 NM KØRWL Jackson Co ARESR Sessions 5 QNI 85 QTC 1 NM KØUAA Macon Co Sessions 4 QNI 30 QTC 0 NM KØKY CSRS Wellsville Sessions 3 QNI 20 QTC 3 NM KCØULK Rolla RRARS Sessions 28 QNI 422 QTC 10 NM KB9ZBO Sullivan ARC Sessions 30 QNI 212 QTC 12 NM KBØROX WAARCI Sessions 4 QNI 70 QTC 2 NM WBØTOM St. Louis Co Sessions 10 QNI 112 QTC 8 NM KBØH 10th Reg Sessions 56 QTC 180 MO 79% with K9ZTV, WØSJS, NM WØSS

New England Division


Section Leadership: ASMs: N1FNE, K1STM, NK1J, W1FXQ; Bulletin Manager KD1YV; OOC W1GC; PIC K1SFA; SEC K1BRF; SGL K1MK; STM K1HEJ; T N1KHB. The Eastern CT ARA is holding its flea market Saturday March 17 rain or shine at Pomfret Community School corner of Rt. 169 & 101 Pomfret, CT. from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00. Admission $2.00, tables $10.00. VE sessions and more! So if you can, come on out and support ECARA! Did you know that Ted, K1BV publishes the K1BV DX Awards Directory. Here’s the scoop : This is a collection of ham radio awards and certificates. 2007 is the 20th Anniversary of this specialized publication. He is always looking for rules for any kind of award, you might know about. So if your club has an (21 of 46) [10/18/2007 3:01:47 PM] Section News for February 2007 award or certificate for working members, Ted is willing to give this effort publicity by adding your award immediately to his listing in his online directory at htt :// and in the next printed version of the Directory, now containing over 3,200 awards. For more information and details contact Ted at [email protected]. Another list that might be of interest is Craig’s List features free classified advertisements and forums sorted by various topics. The pages of this centralized network of online communities are viewed over 5 billionWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO times per month, making Craigslist the 8th most viewed website in America. If you are looking to reach people in your town and tell them about your club and ham radio then craigslist is a great way to reach hundreds or thousands of potential hams in your community.—ARRL Club News Why not reward a new ham with a certificate for their first contact! Do you remember how excited you were making your first contact? Why not award a new ham, especially someone you have mentored, with a certificate! Go to http://www.arrl. org/FandES/ead/award/certificate/ for more information. Don’t forget The Eastern VHF Society Conference weekend sponsored by The Northeast Weak Signal Group April 20-22 http://www. at the Crown Plaza Hotel 1 Bright Meadow Blvd. Enfield. There will be a workshopWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO on microwave antennas and operation by Paul W1GHZ patterned after the UK Microwave groups suitable for newcomers. Mark your calendars now—April 29 -- the Southington Ham Fest and ARES Annual Meeting! SEC Brian K1BRF and the DECs are really looking forward to seeing you all and give you some good information so don’t miss it! By then, the snow that is falling hard at this writing will not be an issue, hi. The Northville Amateur Radio Association will be having a technical program on oscilloscopes. Members are invited to bring one along and learn more about how to use it. Dell, K1UHF will talk at the CARA Ham Fest about radio in connection with R/C airplanes. Ham Radio operators have a segment of the 6m band devoted to this task. NARL is participating in the CPTV Expo again this year, a special event station at The Boy Scout Camporee May 19, the 90th anniversary Newington Fire Department parade, planning the ham fest for June and much more. The Meriden ARC will be celebrating its 60th anniversary as a club in October! BSA Radio Merit Badge class –given by Skip W1SKP - Dates 3/10, 3/24, 4/21, and 4/28 at 8:00 AM to late afternoon. Your Section Manager updated members of the Middlesex Amateur Radio Society about Section happenings and plans to give a similar talk at the Meriden Amateur Radio Club and RASON in the near future. It’s always fun to visit clubs and learn firsthand about what you’re doing and talk with you about Amateur radio in CT.

Eastern Massachusetts

Hello all ARRL Eastern Massachusetts members, As of March 14th, I will be off line for 7-8 days, due to my xyl, Shirley, having a knee replacement. If you need to speak with me, please call me at my home 978-352-2095. Phone calls will be easier for me to handle than than emails at this time. Thank you. First of all, CONGRATULATIONS to "MARS" Deep Freeze drill exercise participants. The February 10 exercise had an excellent showing from KD1CY, Rob, Assistant Section Manager and SEC. Also, congratulations to our dedicated ARES and RACES members including Tom, N1CPE. Even K1GBX got involved on 40 & 80 Meters. Now it is with great pride to let all know that I had a 1 1/2 hour phone call overseas with Mr. Luigi Belvederi, (22 of 46) [10/18/2007 3:01:47 PM] Section News for February 2007 President of the Associazione Radioamatori Italiani. Look for his article in November 2006 QST, page 49. It is overwhelming to read President Belvederi's writing. It is amazing to find someone with the emotions for this GREAT hobby, and educational experience, as I have had for fifty years. We will work together to bring our youth forward in our schools and educational system nation wide as they have done in Italy. I would like to thank Mr. Giancarlo Moda, I7SWX, my good friend and "family member" for helping me with this introduction. 73, Arthur Greenberg, K1GBX P.S.WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Watch for next month's SM report!!! An even bigger surprise is coming! ciao ciao 73

Northwestern Division


Well, it's warming up in the high country, green starting to pop up all over. Dont know for sure, but think Spring may be here. Argus's Hamfest in Stevensville was a good time. Lots of attendance andWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO some good deals on gear. Also, there were 4 successful exam candidates, all smiles. Many may not be aware that Will, WA7GQF is at the hospital in Denver recovering from an operation to remove a tumor. He is in intensive care at the VA hospital and will no doubt be there for some time. Keep him in your thoughts. The Ratpod Bike Race is shaping up for this year. We'll need some mobile ops and APRS gear, along with folks to work directly with the riders at checkpoints. Check with Larry, N7YET (the fisherman) in Dillon for further info. The race is a great way to support these folks who ride for charity donations to Camp Make a Dream in the Gold Creek area of MT. Last year was a great success, we can do it again this year. The Billings club had several successful test candidates pass the new, code free test. I think we'll see many more come up the ladder as time goes by. Lets' do our best to help new amateurs learn the ropes and get a good start in the hobby. We should not be afraid to point out actions that may become poor operating practices or cause trouble for others. We've already seen an upswing in interference, distorted signals, music broadcast over our nets and bad language. Help 'em out folks! IMN-W5UYH, QNI 487, QTC 78 MTN-KD7HWV, QNI 2364, QTC 67 MSN-WV7Z, AE7V, K7LMT, K7MT, QNI 78, QTC 5 Best to all 73 Doug, K7YD


TOWER UPDATE Some of you know about the tower problems in Clatsop County, where in a fairly rural area, no towers were allowed. In fact, the ordinance permitted antennas but no support structures for those antennas. Hams in that area believed towers were permitted and were putting them up, but discovered they were not when there was an interference complaint from a neighbor. This particular interference occurred while the ham radio operators and tower owners were asleep. For about six months they have been attempting to work with the planning department, followed by a hearing that they lost, and then appealed to the county commissioners. I was pleased to learn that they won that appeal, they can keep their 89' tower at the 70' level and raise it to full height in an emergency, and the county staff has (23 of 46) [10/18/2007 3:01:47 PM] Section News for February 2007 been directed to work with the hams to rewrite the county ordinance to comply with PRB-1. I have more information to send out regarding towers that I will do in a separate e-mail to section. I planned to send that information earlier but I fractured a bone in my foot and for a couple of weeks didn't feel like doing much but elevating my foot and putting ice on it when I got home from work. But that is better and I will catchup on other things that I want to get out to the section now. AFFILIATED CLUB UPDATE We have a new affiliated club in the Oregon section. It isWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO HEART, the Hospital Emergency Amateur Radio Team, in Portland. Also the OSU Amateur Radio Club has updated it's affiliation paperwork and is back on the active affiliated list. OO (OFFICIAL OBSERVER) SUMMARY During February, three OO's monitored 241 hours. Michael Califf, AB7OC, the OO Coordinator commented that he noted with pleasure the increased activity on the HF Bands with lots of /AG and /AE callsigns heard and is also pleased with the promptness with which the FCC appears to be processing the new additions to the HF Bands and other upgrades. Another OO commented that there has been a lot of /AG activity and he is pleased with the questions they are asking about HF operations. 7QP MOBILES May 5th is 7QP. This event has been going for the past ten years as the Oregon QSO Party. Last year it was expanded it to include all the W7 states. The objective is to activate all 259WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO counties in the eight state area. This provides the county hunters a special chance to get a few rare ones and gives all the participants an opportunity to hone their operating skills. 7QP rules, entry forms, and lots of support information is available on the web site. KI6Y is sponsoring the 7QP Mobile plaque. Make your plans now to cover the Oregon counties mobile, and let Dick Frey K4XU in Bend know so he can put the routes up on the 7QP web page. ARES/RACES AND CLUB UPDATES Due to time-constraints, I failed to distributed the reports received for January to the section and will be distributing the January and February ones together. David Kidd KA7OZO, the newly appointed District 1 EC, has been appointing a number of people to help him with various responsibilities. Some of these include: D-1 AEC - PIO - John Bartley - K7AAY D-1 AEC - Digital Manager/Web Master - Ken Wilhelmi - N7QQU D-1 AEC - HEART - Mike Brooks - K7ESM D-1 AEC- D-1 Staff Coordinator - Bill Packard - N7HOT He has also appointed Steve Jensen, KE7GXC, as the AEC for Special Projects & Technical Support for CARES, Clackamas County ARES. I will get the appointments updated on the section website at this weekend. The Salem Amateur Radio Club (SARC) has a new PIO (public information officer), Jerry Gaule KE7GGV, who is retired from 30 years in broadcasting. SECTION APPOINTMENT UPDATE The ARRL is developing a local membership recruitment program and Oregon will be one of the states where they are piloting this. As part of this, a membership manager needs to be appointed for the section. Everett Curry, W6ABM, who is presently the public information coordinator as well, will be taking on this responsibility. NEWS FROM SOUTHWESTERN OREGON Dan Bissell, W7WVF, ASM (assistant section manager) for Southwestern Oregon passed on a report from Dar Rassmussen KA7GNK about a 9-year-old girl in Brookings who obtained her ham radio license and was featured in the newspaper. She was competing with her father for the best score and both scored 100% on the exam, although Daisy, the 9-year-old, did finish first. She wants permission to install an RF filter on her sister's mouth to prevent spurious emissions.

Western Washington (24 of 46) [10/18/2007 3:01:47 PM] Section News for February 2007

District 1 Skagit County reports that modernization continues on the new mobile command post donated to Skagit County. Care is being taken to complete the job, as the Goldilocks story goes, ". . . just right." Snohomish County reports a monthly ARES meeting was held. The SnoCoARES interactive website is now fully operational. In District 2, Jefferson County ARES is working with the Port Ludlow Amateur Radio Club to find a new site for the Port LudlowWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO repeater (441.575 MHz) used for coverage in the southern part of east Jefferson County. It must be relocated due to the site becoming unavailable. The group appears to have finally resolved the nagging reliability problems they were having with their WinLink 2K VHF project. The Clallam County ARES February general meeting was well attended with 38 members and guests. Judy Larson, CERT trainer, explained the functioning of Citizen's Emergency Response Teams. Also, John Moore, K7NIA, announced the creation of a weather observer network which can be activated to report weather observations to County Emergency Management Department staff. ARES members who are interested will be called on when the county requires weather reports. On February 28th Clallam County ARES conducted a 2-1/2 hour winter-earthquake drill designed to test the ability to communicate between populationWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO centers in Clallam County and the Clallam County EOC using simplex transmissions and emergency and battery power only. Approximately 10 members participated. A five person EOC staff handled 17 messages, with three sent by packet and four responses by the EOC. They learned the receiver front ends at the EOC were desensitized by EOC transmissions requiring a high number of repeats. Also operators using single ear headphones had difficulty handling the simultaneous VHF voice traffic. Strength and readability suffered from poor VHF simplex paths over Clallam County's difficult terrain. Traffic was handled by HF (80m) from Forks; VHF was employed across the rest of the county. The exercise opened their eyes to some shortcomings of the system, which need to be addressed. District 3 had several members attend the Microhams Digital Conference seeing several good presentations on APRS along with an introduction to Software Defined Radio, on the Microsoft Campus in Redmond. Pacific County held EOC training classes and updated EOC Operating Procedure for the South Bend EOC. They also held ARES discussions and NOAA WX radio programming sessions for the City of Bay Center. The Thurston County team participated in the annual Mock Search event sponsored by the Thurston County Search and Rescue Council. In District 4, Clark County has a new CEM NET radio and ARES provided the check-ins for each week. Rob, K7JAO and Bob, K7YFJ, participated in the Eastern Washington SET utilizing HF voice and Winpack 2000. The digital packet group met and discussed PSK 31. At the monthly Team leaders luncheon, they discussed the requirements of ICS courses IS-100 and IS-700. At the Monthly ARES/RACES meeting Patrick, KC0MIR, a new member from Colorado, gave a power point presentation about going to the Katrina area to help with communications. District 5 – No report District 6 – No report District M taught a Technician Level ham class to hospital personnel. They passed 14 new hams and 2 upgrades. Brian, WB7OML taught an EmComm Level 2 class. Marina, N7LSL taught a HIPAA class to the Mason Co team. Several repeater work parties were held at St. Peter's Hospital and the Seattle VA Hospital. A lot of time was spent preparing for the upcoming Communications Academy. The SEC would like to thank everyone who provide time reporting data during 2006 because that data was what we (25 of 46) [10/18/2007 3:01:47 PM] Section News for February 2007 provided to the House of Representatives Finance Committee on March 2 to support our position on HB-2335 the Repeater Leasehold Excise Exemption. It assisted us in justifying our position. As you can see by our success so far, this data is used to assist our efforts both locally and nationally to show our value to emergency communications. Thanks again! We look forward to seeing all of you at the Communication Academy 2007 on March 31-April 1, 2007 at Seattle Pacific University. You can find more information and register on line at http://www. WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO

Pacific Division

East Bay

Hello All LARK: SWAP MEET SCHEDULED FOR MARCH 4TH Weather permitting, the monthly swap meet will be held at Robertson Park, Livermore starting at 7AM. For more information contact Ian Parker W6TCP or George Moorehead WG6WIU, or check the klub website at http:// www.livermoreark.orgWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO John WB6ETY spoke about the upcoming radio supported events. He said that the next one is the Cinderella Bike Ride on Saturday March 31st. George KG6WIU and Mike AD6TA will be coordinating this event. Let Mike AD6TA know if you can help. Clancy N6FQQ said the he needs 6 to 8 volunteers to help him with the Walk America – March of Dime walkathon on Saturday April 28th from 7am to 11:30am at the Alameda County Fairgrounds. The Wente Bike Race will be held on April 21st. LARK has been asked to again support this race with about 6 operators stationed around he course. Operators are needed from about 7 am until approximately 3 pm, but partial shifts are easily accommodated so if just a morning or afternoon would work, please sign up. This is a RACE with professional and amateur riders following a course in the hills to the east of Livermore. For amateur radio this is a relaxed event with a few communication challenges and it serves as a good "first try" at participating in field events. People rotate to different positions so they see different venues as well as serving as "net control" to gain some real-world experience on handling a net. Lunch and a tee shirt are provided. If you are interested or have questions, please contact me. Alan KK6ZL [email protected] MDARC :Trevor Hall also reported that all was working well on the hill and that a work party was planned for the 24th of February to do some minor work to further improve the ATV equipment that is running quite well. Pete Harris, KE6ZIW, Public Service Events Chairman presented four events and asked for volunteers. r. Nine people came for VE testing and all but one passed their exams. One person passed Morse Code, General, and Extra Class elements in one session. At least one more passed the General exam after passing the code element recently,. Harvey Casson, AD6OG told the meeting about applying for a vehicle license plate using his ham call. He reminded us that it is not a vanity plate and there is a one-time processing fee of $21.00. Apparently, not everyone in the DMV office knows about this program so be prepared for some confusion. Also, be prepared to remove your license plates and turn them in with the application. They issue a paper temporary sticker for your window for the six to ten weeks they claim it will take to get the new plates. After a break, Todd Pearson, KF6GXR gave a speech about Search And Rescue and talked about his experiences and some of the interesting searches done around Contra Costa County. It was a (26 of 46) [10/18/2007 3:01:47 PM] Section News for February 2007 good talk and he had spirited questions from the floor. From Steve KA6S at SBARA: We've had our first meeting to organize the General Radio Theory Class and have made lots of progress. We have the dates and location chosen. Classes will be held on May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, and June 6 in the Fire Administration Training room. (Availability is still being confirmed). So far, Al Rendon and myself are signed up as teachers for this course. If you are interested in teaching one of these evenings, drop me a note. ([email protected] ) I'd also like to announce that Doug Wilson (definitely a relation)WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO has accepted the position of “Club Photographer” and that Isaac Feriante will serve as “Raffle Chairman” for this next year. Thanks to both young men (and their families). Isaac Feriante, KI6DIL passed Element 3 and is now a General Class Licensee. Isaac is now on HF— Take a look for him on the Low-Bands and give him some contacts!!! Not to be out done by his son, Adam Feriante also recently upgraded his license.North Bay Amateur Radio Association: Solano County Fair: Gary, KE6QR, and Dave, K6KON, have volunteered to organize the NBARA operating station and Amateur Radio display at the 2007 Solano County Fair. Still waiting on word from the Fair Board. Fourth of July Parade: We are in need of a volunteer to organize and chair the Fourth of July Parade. NBARA has been providing communicationsWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO and support to the City of Vallejo for the July Fourth Parade for many years and, in fact, is the only Public Service event that the club now provides to the City. A few years ago we provided support for many such events throughout the year. Please consider volunteering for the position to chair the Parade so that our participation will continue. The CCCC has a new web site stop by an check it out The design was done by Jack, K6JEB EB section PIC. Jack, by the way will put on a forum at Pacificon entitled "How I stopped worrying about HTML and Put My Club On The Web" NTS Traffic Report Feb 2007 Steve WB6UZX: Orig 5 Recd 83 Sent 74 Deld 16 Total 178 PSHR 1/40 2/40 3/10 4/5 Total 95 Gary KE6QR: R-10 D-10 O-1 S-1 Total 22


Nevada Section News Summary See the Nevada Section website at for the complete, unedited stories. EMCOMMWEST'07(R), the "The Biggest Little Ham Convention in the World" now has on-line registration available via the EMCOMMWEST website, http:// There is also a link to the Atlantis for booking of rooms. EMCOMMWEST'07 will happen on May 4-6, 2007 at the Atlantis Resort and Hotel in Reno, Nevada. There will be a lot of new material introduced from some great speakers who will be coming to us from around the west and of course, our keynote speaker, Allen Pitts W1AGP from the League HQ in Newington, CT. If you wish to take part in the Saturday morning swap meet, be sure and check the box for that. Registration for the banquet Saturday night is already filling up, so be sure and register early. Lots of neat vendors will be coming this year, with tons of stuff for us to look at and maybe even spend money on! For information or questions, please write to [email protected] Nevada Mustang Roundup 2007 (Nevada QSO Party) will be this May 11 for 24 hours starting at 0000Z. The purpose of the Mustang Roundup is to provide an opportunity for ops everywhere to contact Nevada stations for awards, rig testing or just plain fun. For details, see the Nevada Mustang Roundup web page at The Nevada State RACES Plan is now available as a PDF file on the section website. It has been (27 of 46) [10/18/2007 3:01:47 PM] Section News for February 2007 extensively revised to include a 3-tier level of membership based on training and brought into line with the concept that there is one Amateur Radio service, not a set of small Balkanized services. March 10, 2007 - ARES Monthly Report for February'07 SEC Summary - First off, welcome to our new DEC; Glenn Thomas, WB6W. For those you who are not familiar with Glenn, his past includes gigs as SM, SEC, DEC, EC and is also currently our Section's ACC, and EMCOMMWEST Webmaster whew! We could not be happier that he agreed to accept the position and I know WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.ROhe will do a great job for all of us. Tip of the hat to the guys in Washoe County for starting an ATV team. More on that as it takes shape. Hard work continues on EMCOMMWEST, which is fast approaching May 4-6 at the Atlantis in Reno. 73 de Don KQ6FM SEC/NV SOUTHERN DISTRICT REPORT: Southern NV ARES(r) DEC Report for February 2007: This past month was focused on working with the ARES leadership on revising the Nevada ARES and RACES plans. I had visited with the Tonopah area members and we discussed training. I've finally had a chance to complete ICS-700 as well. It is highly recommended that all ARES/RACES members consider completing the online courses for ICS-100, 200, 700 and 800. Check the FEMA site at: South Nye County ARES(r) report by EC, Jerry KC6ILH - Other than our monthly meeting/training nothing else of interest this WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.ROmonth. Planning for up coming fire season under way. Thinking that with lack of rain it is going to be bad. North Nye County ARES(r) report by EC, Dave KE7LC Group conducted a meeting this month and has decided to form the "Central Nevada Amateur Radio Association." Other titles were unavailable to us. KE7LC and KB7TRI have completed IS-100 and 700. Reports not difficult - only 2-3 hours to study manual and take the test. Glenn Hale, KB7REO, DEC NORTHEAST DISTRICT REPORT: The Elko Amateur Radio Club has been sponsoring training classes on the use of the Motorola Service Monitor, recently donated by Dave, W7GK. Dave and Gerry, KG7TD have also been presenting weekly basic electronics classes aimed at preparing candidates for the General and Amateur Extra examinations. Plans are being made for the upcoming Nevada QSO Party and Field Day Operations. 3 Open Road Races will be run this year in Wendover, Elko and Battle Mountain. Emergency communication support will be supplied. The Elko IRLP Node has been repaired at is operating at this time. The Section HF Net on Saturday continues with good participation. An average of 16 operators have checked in weekly. Joe Giraudo, N7JEH - DEC NORTHWEST DISTRICT REPORT: Hi all. This is my first report at DEC. Thanks to Doug Abramson KA7FOO for all his work as my predecessor. Doug will be a tough act to follow! EC reports follow: Douglas County - Douglas County ARES has rebuilt the Amateur Radio facility located within the Douglas County Dispatch Center. This rebuild is in line with the upgrade of the Dispatch Center to meet DHS requirements. Douglas County has provided upgraded antenna systems and negotiations are underway for the County to provide new HF transceiver capabilities. - de KD7JMR Washoe county - NEVADA STATEWIDE EVACUATION CONFERENCE: This was a busy month so I will be brief. On January 11th, 2007 I attended the Nevada Statewide Evacuation Conference in Las Vegas. Each state is required to develop a mass evacuation plan. Aaron Kenneston, manager of our Regional EOC took on the task of coordinating the state evacuation plan. IHCC: On February 8th, Frank KE7AJO and I attended the IHCC Inter-Hospital Coordinating Council Meeting and gave a presentation on Amateur Radio and ARES. We were very well received. Lots of good questions from the Council members. SNCAT: The WC-ARES ATV team (28 of 46) [10/18/2007 3:01:47 PM] Section News for February 2007 went through three days of intense training at Sierra Nevada Cable Access Television in the proper use of their facilities. The first PSA has been airing on Reno Cable Channel 16. Anyone interested in attending this class or for more information about the PSAs that are being produced contact Andy Munoz at [email protected]. The first attendees were myself WA6MTY, Andy KD7ZEV, Frank KE7AJO, Ron K6RON, Kevin KE7BQX, Mark KE7FPR, Joe WA6RKN and Adrian KD7ZEM. LEPC: I was able to attend the Local Emergency Planning Committee where we saw a presentationWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO on what the Fire Department had to do to make the Mizpah Hotel safe during the disaster. Thanks to Bill Nichols AA7WB for accepting the position as AEC for the VA Medical Center. Also thanks to Steve Kometz N7KP for accepting the position as AEC Communications Engineer. - de WA6MTY EC 73 de Glenn Thomas, WB6W-DEC February 16, 2007 - SIERA Meeting is big success - SIERA heard a highly informative talk by Paul Gulbro WA6EWV on EchoLink, including a demonstration QSO with a ham in Massachusets via his 2M HT. SIERA is sponsoring a license class for the tech class license. Rather than a "ham cram", the class will take the time to ensure that the topics are understood. The classes will be from 6:30PM to 9:00PM and will be on Friday evenings from April 13 through May 18, 2007 and will be held at: Carson Valley Methodist Church 1375 Centerville Lane Gardnerville, NV The textbook willWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO be the Ham Radio License Manual, available from the ARRL or from the instructors for $25. There is no other charge for the class. The standard $14 fee will be charged for the final exam on Saturday, May 19. Those who pass the exam will have their Amateur radio license as well as a very good idea of what it is all about. Contact instructors Dale Anderson KV7S at 775-267-4218 or Will Lewis KD7NIR at 775-782-6949 for more information. -30-


January 2007 Section Manger’s Report: Your SM went to Maui and Honolulu for meetings recently and was just in time to witness exams being held in both places. The Big Island had one test session also. Each of these clubs had several new hams however the champion is Guam's Marianas ARC with 31 new licenses in the past month. Kauai ARC is supposed to have had an exam session also. Now is the time of year to renew your local club membership. Big Island ARC had its regular meeting 1/13 at 2PM. Special guest was Hawaii County CD Director, Troy Kindred. There was a good attendance with lots of new information and questions. The Kona Amateur Radio Society had its regular meeting 1/21 2-5PM. The BBQ theme was American food. Honolulu ARC had their regular meeting 1/20 at 9AM. Your section Manager was there at Sizzler in Pearl Ridge. It was somewhat crowded and noisy as the restaurant did not have the back area available where they usually meet. EARC will meet Thursday 1/25 at 7PM at Aiea United Methodist Church. The theme is a Mini-swap meet. Warren Monroe reports that the Kaimuki Adult Education classes are set up and ready to go with a February start day but depending enough registration. Contact him for details. The PacSecARES HF Net meets Tuesday 1900W but will come up on 3.888 MHz because of propagation. Someone will monitor 7.080 MHz. A second alternate is 1.888 MHz. Bob Vallio (W6RGG), Pacific Division Director, called a special meeting of Section Managers and club officials on December 2. Your Section Manager was unable to attend due to budget restrictions. From the minutes of that meeting: (29 of 46) [10/18/2007 3:01:47 PM] Section News for February 2007 Dean, KH6B, wrote an e-mail asking that QST be mailed first class to a subset of members (e. g. Life Members, New Members [1st year], etc.) It was noted that members can pay an additional annual fee to get first class postage. Bob, W6RGG, noted that the people in Alaska complained to their congressional representatives about slow mail speed and it was much improved thereafter. The hams in Hawaii have not expressed interest in approaching their congressional representatives. The majority in the room felt this issue was a non-starter. Your Section Manager sentWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO a statement to all ARRL Directors, Vice Directors and staff officers so that the problem of QST delivery delay would be brought up at the ARRL Directors meeting that was recently held. Since the Pacific Division Director and the people attending the special meeting did not see the importance of the QST delivery issue. It is up to us. Incidentally ARRL is trying to alleviate the problem somewhat by publishing earlier. The February issue was printed around the first of January and should be arriving around the third or fourth week in January. There may be a delay in some areas due to the Christmas mail rush. It is time to contact our congress people on this issue. Lee, KH6BZF, suggests that it is better to write to them at their local addresses rather than the Washington address. The congressional post office is delaying delivery because of the Anthrax inspection necessary for all mail going to congress. TheWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO club on Guam wanted to know if the ARRL board would approach the FCC on having the 40 meter frequencies expanded for US stations in Region 3 similar to what Australia and New Zealand have done. Bob Vallio reports that the board does not feel it is proper to suggest FCC not follow the IARU guidelines as some countries have done. There was a Tsunami Watch January 12 caused by a great earthquake north of Japan. Your SM used IRLP and echo link to make sure CNMI and Guam were aware of the situation. It turns out this was the first notice to some people on Guam & Saipan. In Hawaii there are a lot of deficiencies apparent so there is now a big push for state and local governments to better inform the public of problems. There is a nice write up by Ron Hashiro on the ARRL webpage covering the Tsunami. To get to it click the down arrow at the bottom of the main ARRL page. That same day the 100 mile wilderness marathon took place on Oahu. This is one of many events that Hams in Hawaii support with communications. February 2007 Section Manager’s Report: The big news for February is FCC's elimination of the Morse code requirement for all Ham Licenses. The result is an Avalanche of applications at ARRL. There have been 450 sessions since the February 23 start date. Normally there are only 70 sessions per month. Depending on how many people are in each session it could mean several thousand new amateurs just came through the ARRL system. The first of these came from Guam since they are on the other side of the date line and the first people in the US to see any new day. They had a testing session just before and after midnight. That way they could give the last code test and also give the first no code license. Happenings: March 4: Great Aloha Run Volunteers picnic at 1300 to 1800 -- Contact NH6K March 4: QCWA ch. 194 will be on the air on the 1st Sunday on 7088 KHz at1500.-W6ORS March 5: Kauai ARC meeting -- 1900 various locations -- KH6HU March 6: Marianas ARC meeting at KSTO Nimitz Hill, Guam at 1900 - WH2M March 9: VE Exams at Hawaii Community College Electronics lab at 1333 -- AH6HN March 10: Koolau ARC meeting Ho'omaluhia Park at 0930 March 10: Big Island ARC meeting at Keaau Comm. Center 1400 -- NH7FY March 12: Samoa ARC meeting -- 1900 -- No other information March 14: Maui ARC meeting at State CD conference room 1900 -- KH6XT March 17: Honolulu ARC (30 of 46) [10/18/2007 3:01:47 PM] Section News for February 2007 meeting at Sizzlers Pearl Ridge at 0900 -- K1ER March 18: Kona ARS meet at OTEC Beach Park at 1400 -- Potluck theme Irish. - NH7IT/AH6RR March 21: Kohala Hamakua ARC meeting at Kohala Comm. Center, Hawi at 1900 -- NH7UA March 22: Emergency ARC, meeting at Aiea United Methodist Church 1900 -- AH6QO April 14: March of Dimes walk. Kapiolani park 0730 Contact Wayne Jones, NH6K if you can help. June 23-24 Field Day weekend July 28: Volcano Marathon and Rim Run October 13: Hamfest in Waimea (Kamuela) Warren Monro reports that the Kaimuki Adult EducationWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO classes going good. The PacSecARES HF Net meets Tuesday 1900W but will come up on 3.888 MHz because of propagation. Someone will monitor 7.080 MHz. A second alternate is 1.888 MHz. Last month a white paper was sent out explaining the latest known information about QST delivery. It turns out there was some out of date information. QST is no longer published in Kentucky. It is now being printed in Pontiac, Michigan. This is one of the reasons for the printing date being moved back. The printing company is now RR Donnelly. Please check out the quality of printing in the March issue. Your SM has written an e-mail to Representative Abercrombie concerning HB 462 which would mandate the FCC to follow their own rules and do a complete investigation of BPL. Jim Yuen, WH6GS, reports there was an incident of inappropriate behavior on the HamRadioHawaii list. It is thereforeWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO very important to again reemphasize the Amateur's Code. The Radio Amateur is: Considerate, Loyal, Progressive, Friendly, Balanced, Patriotic.

San Joaquin Valley

SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY SECTION Report for the month of February 2007: SM Charles McConnell, W6DPD- ASMs K6YK and N2NS, ACC W6DPD, SEC N6ZFN, OOC N1VM, STM K6RAU, PIC KE6IGJ, TC W6TE. Greetings from the ARRL San Joaquin Valley Section. Your club has received a petition to get the governor to declare June 17 to 23, 2007, Amateur Radio week in California. This is a statewide effort. Please keep collecting signatures and return the petitions to the address in the email by April 25, 2007. With the change in Part 97 of the FCC Rules eliminating the code exam as a requirement for upgrading, many Amateurs have upgraded to General and Extra Class. Congratulations to those getting upgraded licenses. Enjoy your new privileges. Technician Class Amateurs now enjoy limited HF privileges on 80, 40 and 15 CW and 10 meter SSB and CW. As the year progresses, more Amateurs will upgrade to General and Extra. Just a reminder, the sidebands of your signal must be within the band edges. As a rule of thumb, on SSB you should operate no closer that 3 KHZ to the band edge to ensure that your sidebands remain within the band. On CW you can get closer to the band edge as the CW signal are not as wide as SSB signals, but your signals must remain with in the band. Technicians may NOT operate FM on 10 meters. They may only operate SSB on 28.300 to 28.500 MHZ. FM on 10 meters can only be used above 29.5 and 29.7 MHZ. Courtesy dictates that you should listen, and then ask if a frequency is in use before calling CQ. You need to call CQ when soliciting a contact on HF. Just giving your call sign on HF is not enough to usually get a contact. If you desire your club information and events to be listed in Section News, please send the information to [email protected]. Mark your calendars: The M2 Inc., open house is March 31, 2007. The gates open for the swap meet at 07:30 AM. Check for information. The Turlock ARC Spring Auction will be (31 of 46) [10/18/2007 3:01:47 PM] Section News for February 2007 Saturday April 7, 1007, at 9:00 AM at the Youth Center at 1030 East Avenue in Turlock. The International DX Convention is April 27-29, 2007 at Visalia. Check http://www.dxconvention. org/ for information. EMCOMM West is May 4-6, 2007 at the Atlantis Resort and Casino in Reno NV. Check for information. Los Banos ARC special event station is May 12. Field Day 2007 is the fourth full weekend of June. The 65th Fresno Hamfest is August 4, 2007 at the Holiday Inn at the Airport in Fresno. Check for information. The CaliforniaWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO QSO Party is October 6-7, 2007. Check for information. Pacificon 2007 is October 19-21, 2007 at the Marriott Hotel in San Ramon CA. Check for information. When your affiliated club elects officers for the next year, be sure to update your club’s information on the affiliated club area of the ARRL web page. If you fail to update your clubs information for 2 years, your club will be placed in the inactive file. Need to take an Amateur exam? Check the ARRL web page, for exam information. You can also search for Amateur Radio Classes in your area. The Northern California Net (NCN), the Section Traffic Net, meets nightly on 3.533 MHZ at 7 PM Pacific Time. The slow speed training session of the net meets nightly on 3.533 MHZ at 9 PM Pacific Time. Handling traffic on CW is a good way to improve your CW skills. The Daytime Region 6 Traffic Net meetsWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO daily at 3:30 pacific time on or near 7.275 MHZ. The California Traffic Net meets daily on 3.906 MHZ and 6:30 PM local time. The noon time net meets on 7.268.5 MHz. This net handles a lot of messages. It is my sad duty to report that W6DKI Mark, W6LIN Paul, W6DUD Howard, WB6KLL Chris, and KC6DVJ Pat, are Silent Keys. They will be missed. Manteca ARC and San Joaquin County ARES will hold a one-day "Ham Cram" Study session, followed by FCC testing, on Saturday, April 14, 2007 from 8:30am until 5 pm in Manteca. Fee for the training session is $16 plus $14 for testing ($30 total). All license classes offered. No walk-ins. Limited retesting available. Location: TBA, Manteca, CA (95336) Space limited, pre- registration required. Contact: David Coursey, Emergency Coordinator, SJ ARES, (209) 835- 6893, [email protected] W5YI-VEC The Los Banos ARC is having a transmitter hunt on March 10. Meet at the Police Annex Bldg, 525 I Street in Los Banos at 4 PM. The hunt begins at 4:30 PM. SJV scores in the ARRL September VHF QSO Party were 1st KR7O, 2nd KE6BZY, and 3rd KF6CNV. The SJV was well represented at Radiofest in Monterey. Mike, AD6AA, won a prize. AK6DV Chuck qualified for WAZ. The Tulare County ARC now meets the third Thursday at the Tulare County Board of Supervisors Bldg at 7:30 PM. Turlock ARC members provided communication and safety support for the McLane-Pacific-Merco Bike Race. Traffic for February: K6RAU 19, and W6SX 4. Total 23. PSHR: K6RAU 65 W6SX 18.

Santa Clara Valley

Santa Clara Valley Section News Summary. February, 2007 SANTA CLARA VALLEY: SM, Bill Dale, N2RHV [email protected] ASM Admin, John Amos, KC6TVM, mailto:[email protected] SEC, DEC, ASM, Santa Clara Co, Larry Carr, KE6AGJ, [email protected] DEC, Monterey Co, David J. Burbidge, W6IIQ, [email protected] DEC, San Benito Co, Kathy Hill, KB6INO, kathyhill_99@yahoo. com DEC, San Mateo Co, Peter Liljequist, KD6BXY, [email protected] DEC, San Mateo Co, Laurence Nelson, KC6NYG, [email protected] DEC, Santa Cruz Co, Cap Pennell, KE6AFE, [email protected] ASM, Jim Oberhofer, KN6PE, [email protected] BM/Webmaster, (32 of 46) [10/18/2007 3:01:47 PM] Section News for February 2007 Frank Kibbish Jr, WB6MRQ, [email protected] OOC, Andy Korsak, KR6DD, [email protected] TC, Kit Blank, WA6PWW, [email protected] =Yep, I missed the January News Summary. I need a "News Summary Editor" among many other open positions within the section. These include Affiliated Club Coordinator (ACC), Net Manager (NM), Section Traffic Manager (STM), Public Information Coordinator (PIC) and Public Information Officers (PIC) and several others. =Welcome Jack Eddy, WA6YJR, [[email protected]] as the new EC in La Honda. He is president of the SC4ARAWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO and is building a great club with Field Day plans and an active ARES group. =The wiki-based SCV web site on is up and running. Here's the link:http:// =Monthly reports from all DEC's/EC's are still expected. Documenting your volunteer hours is extremely important. Larry will be collecting this information. For DEC/EC's under Larry Carr see the web site at ec-report.html. All others will have to report via their DEC and then to Larry as SEC. =Section news has been sparse. Please send me any items you find the whole section might like to hear about. =RadioFest 2007 was an exciting event with a huge number of upgrades done the day after the rule change. Congratulations to all who helped put on the conference (the only one inside the section by the way!) =Volunteers at the Jamesburg Earth Station in Cachagua Valley, CaliforniaWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO (about 20 miles S.E of Monterey) made history with the first EME contacts on the same Saturday as RadioFest. Much work still is needed and new volunteers are welcome. =Santa Clara County Mutual Aid Communicator (MAC) Training is being offered at the Santa Clara County OES. See A new yahoo group and e- list is also available: =The ARRL web site has a search tool for license classes and VE sessions. Please enter your events in these sites so visitors can find us! Please list any license classes in location.html (members only) and =Mark Spencer, WA8SME [[email protected]], Manager of the ARRL’s Education and Technology Program, announces the ARRL Teachers Institutes for summer 2007. See FandES/tbp/ti.html. The application deadline is May 15, 2007. Four ARRL Teachers Institutes are scheduled for 2007: June 18 - 21 in Rocklin, California, July 26- 29 in Spokane, Washington, July 30- August 2 in Newington, Connecticut, August 6 -9 in Newington, Connecticut. =Andreas Junge, N6NU, [email protected] reminds me that he is a local DXCC Card checker. See for a complete list. See http:// for information on all ARRL contest awards. See this article for some of the benefits of contest operation: =The 2007 International DX Convention [] will take place April 27, 28 & 29, 2007 in Visalia, California. Sponsored this year by the Northern California DX Club it is expected to draw visitors from around the World and will feature programs from recent DX- Peditions and contest operations. =As we roll into spring many outside events hit the street with communications needs. Baker to Vegas is coming in April - see http://www.bakervegas. com/. Many other bike, running, and parades are coming up. Post any events you know about in Public events are excellent emergency communications training. =I held an open discussion on Scouting and Youth at the RadioFest event and have been visiting the local Scout council district adult (scouter) monthly meetings (roundtables.) I plan to visit more in the next few months. If you are interested in connecting (33 of 46) [10/18/2007 3:01:47 PM] Section News for February 2007 scouts and youth with Ham Radio please join these groups: ScoutRadio (international scouting), (local scouting/youth.) =ARRL Media and Public Relations Manager Allen Pitts ([email protected]) announced a new program after the most successful "Hello Radio" project last year. This effort is a major Emergency Communications promotion. The news story about it is at http://www. Large format four page handouts are available. See =The East Bay Section has started a grass roots movement to petition the Governor to issue a proclamation declaring June 17th - 23rd 2007 as Amateur Radio Week. Contact Ti-Michelle Connelly, NJ6T, at [email protected]. =Electronics Flea Market calendar is available. The first DeAnza Flea has already come and gone. The link is: =An amateur radio demonstration station will be set up at the Sequoia Yacht Club, (Redwood City) on Saturday March 31st. Contact Grant Willner, AD6RE, at [email protected] if you would like to help. =Check your clubs information on the ARRL web site. Affiliated clubs need to update this information every year to remain current. See this site Local ham clubs please see http:// as well. ------WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO ARRL Santa Clara Valley Section Section Manager: William L. Dale, N2RHV [email protected]

Roanoke Division

North Carolina

FEBRUARY NORTH CAROLINA SECTION NEWS PRB-1 BILL INTRODUCED IN NORTH CAROLINA! Thanks to the efforts of Ham Hicks, KB4BR and Bill Morine, N2COP, Senator Julia Boseman (D-New Hanover) has introduced a bill that would ease antenna restrictions for radio amateurs. The bill has been referred to the state senate’s Commerce, Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee. Ham hopes to have Representative Danny McComas (R-New Hanover) introduce a similar bill in the House. The bill isn’t as broad as we would like and needs to be revised before it can receive our full support. But it’s a step in the right direction to help North Carolina become the 23rd state to pass Amateur Radio antenna legislation! Stay tuned….we’ll soon need you to help by asking your legislator to support this bill! NEW NON- PROFIT LAW IN NORTH CAROLINA – George Fryer, KI4KK Amateur Radio is supposed to be “just a hobby”, but our activities frequently require the support of an incorporated entity. Incorporation helps limit the liability of individual club members and allows an organization to own property, open bank accounts, buy insurance, and apply to the IRS for tax exempt status. A new law in North Carolina offers non-profit groups an easier and less expensive alternative to formal incorporation. The “Uniform Unincorporated Nonprofit Association Act” became law in January and has also been passed by 12 other states. This act provides a less costly and faster path to forming a club than setting up a corporation, and at the same time provides the association with property ownership rights and protection of the members with regards to liability. The requirements are simple: At least two persons are required to form an association. An affidavit must be filed with the county clerk of courts ($5.00, like a deed) (34 of 46) [10/18/2007 3:01:47 PM] Section News for February 2007 specifying the name and address of the nonprofit association or club and the fact that the association is a non-profit. You must also provide the name and address of a person or “agent” authorized to receive real property (gifts, donations, dues) and legal documents. Compared to the $90.00 fees for articles of incorporation and search for full incorporation, this is a much easier path. So what’s the downside? The act is new and untested in a court of law. Hopefully a small radio club with few assets would not be a target for any such test. The association can not beWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO set up as perpetual and it expires in 5 years unless the appointment of agent is amended ($5.00). You will also need to apply to the IRS if your group wants to become a 501(c) (3) organization that can receive tax deductible donations. Of course, it’s always a good idea to consult a local attorney for advice. There are also some good resources available from the North Carolina Center for Non-Profits at MEDIA HITS Our Section PIC Bill Morine, N2COP, orchestrated extensive coverage on the end of the Morse Code requirement. Articles appeared in the Raleigh News & Observer, Wilmington Star News, Fayetteville Observer, the Robesonian, Durham Sun-Herald, Jacksonville Daily News, Greenville Daily Reflector, Savannah (GA) Morning News and the web portion of the Winston-SalemWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Journal. Reports also appeared on Fox21 TV in Greenville/Spartanburg and WLOS-TV in Asheville. Congratulations to members of the Moore County ARS, Montgomery County ARS, and the Stanley County ARS for great coverage of communications they provided for the Uwharrie Mountain Race. UPCOMING HAMFESTS & MEETINGS March 25: Down East Hamfest, Kinston March 31: State ARES Meeting, Raleigh, State EOC April 1: North Carolina State Convention/Raleigh Hamfest April 21: Catawba Valley Hamfest, Morganton May 12: Rockingham County Hamfest, Reidsville May 26: Durham Hamfest, Durham May 26: Area 13 ARES Meeting, Lincolnton FEBRUARY TRAFFIC W0UCE 748 (BPL), W4EAT 645 (BPL), W4UEF 376, W2EAG 233, K4IWW 124, N3BW 114, W4DNA 101, KI4YV 91, KE4JHJ 83, WA4OBR 83, KD4FUN 76, K4RLD 63, W3HL 63, W4EHF 54, W4FAL 51, W4NCD 50, WA2YBM 50, K4LKN 48, W4TTO 48, KG4YNM 43, W4LN 33, KE4AHC 32, KI4PNL 6, KI4RBB 6, W4CC 5. FEBRUARY PUBLIC SERVICE HONOR ROLL K4RLD 185, W4EAT 170, W4TTO 170, W4DNA 140, W4FAL 130, K4IWW 120, W0UCE 120, KE4JHJ 110, W2EAG 110, WA2YBM 110, W4LN 108, KD4FUN 90, KG4YNM 90, KI4YV 90.

South Carolina

Greetings to all Amateur Radio Operators. This is Dr. Jim, N2ZZ with the March 2007 South Carolina Section Manager’s Report! Please remember that the SC Section website can be found at: where my full SM report will be listed as well as up-to-the-date information on Amateur Radio in South Carolina! As of February 23rd, Morse Code Proficiency was removed as a requirement for Amateur Radio Licensing in the United States. Maria Somma AB1FM, ARRL VEC has indicated that there are nearly 800 exam sessions on the books for March, with another 600 for April. She indicates that she does not think things will slow down any time soon. She mentions that the majority of test session paperwork is being received at ARRL HQ in good order, and she thanks the VE teams for their diligence. There was a great deal of furor by ARES groups over the American Red Cross requiring background checks on their volunteers. The ARRL has released a position statement on this matter and it (35 of 46) [10/18/2007 3:01:47 PM] Section News for February 2007 is available on the ARRL website: . It is apparent from the position statement that there are still questions to be answered, and the ARRL will inform its members of any changes conveyed to the ARRL by the American Red Cross immediately. I was asked to bring the following information to my Section Report by John Crockett KC4YI, Manager of Transmitter Operations, SCETV. This is a letter from William Dease, KI4PKO, Project Coordinator, USC Center for Public Health Preparedness: Amateur (Ham) Radio Training/LicenseWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Course The South Carolina Healthcare Emergency Amateur Radio Team (SCHEART) project is a state-wide initiative designed to provide backup communication support for the Palmetto 800 MHZ system, using an amateur radio network to link healthcare facilities. This system will be open to all licensed operators for routine transmissions. However, in the event of an emergency or during training exercises the system will be strictly controlled and operated by trained hams under the direction of the Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) organization. The SCHEART project will begin testing systems in June 2007 and the infrastructure is schedule for completion on August 31, 2007. To meet the demands of the hospitals that will be a part of the SCHEART network, the USC Center for Public Health Preparedness (USC-CPHP) in partnership with the South Carolina Department WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.ROof Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) and the South Carolina Hospital Association (SCHA) will sponsor a two day training and licensing course via satellite broadcast on April 20- 23, 2007. We have decided to have the training on Friday and Monday to encourage weekend study prior to taking the exam. The USC-CPHP will cover the cost of training materials and food, however, each participant will be responsible for the testing fee on day two ($14.00). The actual viewing location will be determined after each region has had the opportunity to sign up. I have attached a flyer for circulation or posting. Please take a look at your calendars and send us the name and e-mail address of each individual interested in attending a session in your area. Participants may contact us at 803-978-7570 or e-mail [email protected] , additional information can be found at hams_scheart.htm. Note: The flyer mentioned above is available on the website. I am happy to report that the next SCHEARTS meeting will be held in Columbia this coming Tuesday the 20th. I look forward to bringing a report of their activities and findings to my Section Report next month. For questions regarding the SCHEARTS meeting, please contact Charlie AE4UX, SEC [email protected] . I was contacted by Brian KR4SP, ACC, and found out that his wife Cecelia is in the hospital. She is improving, and should be home soon. We give our best wishes to Cecelia, and wish her a speedy recovery! February 2007 National Traffic System Report for SC by Mac Heaton N4MEH, STM: Net Reports: (Net Name/Check Ins/ Traffic/Sessions/Reported By) Anderson Radio Club 2M Net/719/30/28/N4MEH BRARS 2 Meter Net/2101/34/28/K4SUG Carolina’s Net/348/155/56/W2EAG Carolina Slow Net/173/42/28/ W4EAT Columbia ARC 2 Meter Net/165/8/8/K4RKC Grand Strand ARC 2M Net/215/16/12/ N4XML Greater Pee Dee 2 Meter Net/796/40/29/K4DTT Greenwood ARC 2 Meter Net/109/5/4/ W4DEW Greenwood Friendly Net/418/40/28/W4JAK Lancaster County 2 Meter Net/143/25/11/ N4WMB Oconee 2M Net/279/19/12/KE4OGG PALS Net /675/69/29/KG4KOE SC SSB Net/1657/80/28/WB4DLD York Co. ARS 2 Meter FM Net/611/4/43/KI4NBA Station Activity Reports: (Station/Sent/Received/Delivered/Originated/Total) KA4LRM/1/8/1/1/11 KA4UIV/26/51/34/0/111 WB4DLD/4/31/4/4/43 N4MEH/19/31/7/4/61 Public Service Honor (36 of 46) [10/18/2007 3:01:47 PM] Section News for February 2007 Roll: (Station/Cat. 1/Cat. 2/Cat. 3/Cat. 4/Cat. 5/Cat. 6/Total) KA4LRM/40/11/20/0/0/0/71 N4MEH/40/40/20/0/0/0/100 Have a great month! ’73 de Dr. Jim N2ZZ ARRL Section Manager South Carolina Section


Section Manager's ReportWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO for February 2007 This is the 400th anniversary of the first permanent English settlement in America. The Vic Clark Chapter of the Quarter Century Wireless Association, is offering a special certificate for stations that have confirmed contacts with 25 Virginia stations. An ideal time to gather these QSLs is during the many special event stations operating across Virginia during this year. One of these is coming up in March. It is the annual Virginia QSO party. Please note details of this event below. Virginia QSO Party The Virginia QSO Party - March 17th through the 19th - will be here before you know it. Sponsored by the Sterling Park Amateur Radio Club, the objective is "To promote amateur radio activity in the 95 Virginia Counties and 39 Virginia Independent Cities". Here's the link for the detailed rules for theWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO QSO Party. The scoring program used by Stering Park is available for download here. If you're interested in what counties and independent cities are hard to reach, you can take a look at this.PDF file which includes a VA map of QSOs logged during the 2006 QSO Party. Andy Arnold, WV8AA, has made his VA QSO Logger program available again this year. This software can be downloaded from Andy's Last Name Software web site. Several other logging programs for the QSO party are available also. Check the Sterling Park web site for more details. As the folks at Sterling Park say: Ultimately the success of the QSO Party depends upon participation of Virginia Amateur Radio Operators. There are about 23,406 amateur radio operators in Virginia and we encourage everyone to get on the air. This year we hope to activate all of the 134 counties and independent cities in Virginia; we were only short by 7 last year. But we need your help to make this happen. Please take a few hours, get on the air, and help make this a fun event. For VTM and SEC reports please click links below. To view the report from the Virginia Traffic Manager, please go to The Section Emergency Coordinator's report can be seen at Successful ARISS QSO with Virginia Run Elementary School March 8, 2007 Kudos to the Vienna Wireless Society for pulling off a successful QSO between Virginia Run Elementary School and Astronaut Suni Williams, KD5PLB, onboard the ISS on March 2nd. The main ARRL web site is currently running an expanded version of this story. If you're interested in details about what happened "behind the scenes", follow this link. Pete Norloff, KG4OJT sent in this report: Friday [March 2nd] was a pretty exciting day, and I thought you might be interested in hearing about it. The Vienna Wireless Society had our amateur radio contact between students from Virginia Run Elementary School and astronaut Suni Williams aboard the International Space Station (ISS) on Friday. After five months of planning and countless hours of preparations including equipment failures, ice and wind storms and more, we were successful. It was not without several new problems Friday morning and an incredibly tense 3 minutes and 36 seconds between the time we were supposed to make contact and when we actually connected with the astronaut over the radio. The contact was supposed to last as long as 9 minutes and 59 seconds (the time the ISS would be above the horizon during this pass from (37 of 46) [10/18/2007 3:01:47 PM] Section News for February 2007 our location.) I don't know yet, but I believe that the radio on board the Space Station either had the volume turned down or was tuned to listen on a different frequency than the one we planned on. Either way, it was clear that Suni Williams could not hear us for the first 3+ minutes of the pass. We had thirteen children asking questions of the astronaut and listening to the answers plus the school student president saying a few words at the end. Despite the shortened contact, we accomplished everything we set out to do. One of our Vienna Wireless Society members PhilWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Wherry videotaped the contact and the results are available here. He has provided the 10-minute video in low, medium, and high resolution, making for video file sizes of 40, 100, and 300 MB. Also, NBC Channel 4 was there with Bob Ryan who recorded the event and plans a segment on the news on Monday night [March 5th]. The teaser for that broadcast is included in Phil's web page above. Fairfax County Public Schools channel 21 also recorded the event and is planning to produce a program which will air next month on Cox Cable channel 21 Frostfest: The Frostfest, the Virginia State Convention was held in Richmond Virginia on February 18th. At a special Virginia Section Forum the attendees heard from the Roanoke Division Director, Dennis Bodson, W4PW. Several members of the Virginia Section Cabinet spoke during this forum. There was a later cabinet meeting where current and future projects for WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.ROthe section were discussed. More will follow on these projects as they unfold in future months. 73 Glen Sage, W4GHS, SM

Southeastern Division


SM: Susan Swiderski, AF4FO; ASM/South GA: Marshall Thigpen, W4IS; ASM/Legal: Jim Altman, W4UCK; ASM/Webmaster: Bob Smith, K4PHE; ASM/Youth: Andrea Hartlage, KG4IUM; ASM/ Scouting: David Pearce,ABØNG; SEC: Jim Cote, N4PJR; STM: Charles Pennington, K4GK; OOC: Mike Swiderski, K4HBI; TC: Ed Tanton, N4XY; PIC: Norm Schklar,WA4ZXV; SGL: Bill Cherepy, WB4WTN; ACC: Robin Cutshaw, AA4RC Greetings. Here we are, halfway through another month. It's the ides of March, it is, it is, and soon, the pollen will be as high as an elephant's eye. You know, if Julius Caesar had spent his last fateful ides of March in Georgia instead of in Rome, his last words would have probably been, "Ah- CHOO, Brute!" (groan, groan) (Blame Cooper Morris, WA4PZD, for sending me a pun along those lines) First up: Help wanted. URGENTLY. CHARLES DELONEY, KI4RZU, has stepped up to take on the job of coordinating the communications for a brand new marathon, which will be taking place in and around the Atlanta area, on Sunday, March 25. The ING Marathon will kick off early in the morning with the wheelchair division, and the day's events will include both a half-marathon and a full marathon. There's a great need for MORE volunteers to cover the entire area adequately. If you can help, please contact Charles at [email protected] For more info on the marathon itself, please see The Gwinnett ARS held elections recently, and the following people were unanimously railroaded... oops! I mean "elected"... for another term: President: NORM SCHKLAR, WZ4ZXV; VP- EARL WHATLEY, AF4FG; Treasurer- AMY WOODRICK, KE4IFK; Secretary- RANDY COLLINS, N4COR; and Program Director- DAVE BRUCE, W4DTR. They've all done an outstanding job; that's why they're back for another (38 of 46) [10/18/2007 3:01:47 PM] Section News for February 2007 year. Best wishes to all of them for another successful year. A couple of changes in ARES-- A new EC: Congratulations, and many thanks to JONATHAN STRAUB, N0JMS, who has accepted the appointment as the new EC for Lowdes county. And a new DEC: BOB SMITH, K4PHE, has stepped down as DEC for SW GA, a job he has held and performed beautifully for the past several years, and he is passing the reins into the capable hands of GENE CLARK, W4AYK. Many thanks to Bob for a job well done, and for continuing to serve as our esteemed Section Webmaster. And manyWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO thanks to Gene for adding this new hat to his hat rack. He is already an active and valued ARES-MAT member. Talking about ARES-MAT, from all initial reports, the team, under the fine leadership of DEC SCOTT ROYLE, KK4Z, executed another great HURREX on March 10, in support of the National Guard. And so did all of you who participated in the concurrent ARES nets that day. Details to follow in the April newsletter. The exercise was for a hurricane, but the real challenge came earlier in the month, when March came on like a lion, with a multitude of tornadoes causing problems around the state. As always, GA hams rose to the challenge. For those who ran and participated in the many VHF SkyWarn nets, for those operating from NWS offices, for those running the HF net for hours on end, and for those providing communications,WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO damage assessment, and disaster relief assistance in those areas hardest hit, our sincere and heartfelt gratitude. (There is a special letter of recognition posted on our website, written by our ASEC for Operation GREG TILLMAN, N4VAD, in honor of the hard-working, dedicated hams in Americus.) Coming up this weekend: March 17 is the Kennehoochee ARC hamfest, at Jim Miller Park in Marietta. Hope to see you there. You can celebrate St. Paddy's Day by "spreading around some green" with the vendors, and then stop by the ARRL booth to say howdy to SANDY O'DONAHUE, W4RU, and.... O'me. NEXT MONTH: GA QSO Party, April 14-15. This contest is sponsored by the South East Contest Club and the Southeastern DX Club, and they could probably use some more sponsors to cover the cost of plaques that are awarded to high-scorers in a multitude of different categories. Becoming a sponsor would be a great way for your club (or you) to show your support and pride in the state's QSO party. See for more info. ALSO, the SE VHF Conference will be held at the Marriott Atlanta Century Center on April 27-28. And good news! You can save a little bit of money by registering for this conference before the end of March. See for more info. That same weekend, on the 28, is the Calhoun hamfest, at the Sugar Valley Community Center, always a fun time. Looks like the better half and I will be moving and shaking that weekend. SILENT KEYS: CARL HAYES, K4QVZ; BOBBY JARRELL, KE4KXQ; RAY JONES, K4CXS; JEFF KENNEDY, KE4SLO; and ZEBULON VANCE "PETE" SCARBOROUGH, JR, AI4E. Sincere condolences to the families and friends of all of these fine men. Well folks, that's about it for now. Until next time, this is AF4FO, signing clear. Take care of yourselves. And each other. 73, Susan QTC: WB4GGS-507; K8GA-153; K4GK-99; WB4BIK- 45; K4WKT-40; WA4UJC-28; N4VAD-24; K4BEH-23; K4BAI-22; K4EV-5. +++ No trees were killed in the sending of this message. However, a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced. +++

Southern Florida

March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb. For ARRL the lion part is true. We have had (39 of 46) [10/18/2007 3:01:47 PM] Section News for February 2007 many license test sessions and many new hams. Some groups have not held a test session since the changes took effect on February 23 so I doubt the month will go out like a lamb. Are you working on an antenna project? I bet many of you and your fellow club members did not know that informational web pages from ARRL are there for the asking. Join ARRL – pass the message – this is just one of the advantages of the existence of the ARRL and membership in the organization. For more information visit: It is noted that many ARESWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO groups are holding EmComm training sessions and making classroom NIMS training available. It is only two and a half months till hurricane season and this training may be beneficial this year. But don’t wait for hurricane season to use the training. Why not schedule a surprise tabletop SET for your next ARES meeting and make the scenario something other than a hurricane. Please work with your EC to schedule training sessions. For training requirements for ARES members go to (You will also find additional reports, useful web sites and club activity information here, including some special operating events to introduce newcomers to HF operating). We now have an ARES Emergency Coordinator (EC) in all 14 counties. Please welcome Brad Humelsine, K4NNX as the EC for Monroe County. David Wagner, WA2DXQ is the EC for Broward County. Other ARES changes: DonWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Thomas AF4NR has stepped down as Net Manager (NM) of the South Florida ARES Net (SFAN). He has changed work hours and is devoting more hours to career, family and church. Thank you Don, for many years of managing the net. Thom Street, N5KFR is the new NM for SFAN. Reports: SFL SAR FEB 2007: KA4FZI 274, NY4E 111, WA2YL 79, KE4UOF 78, AA4BN 71, K4FQU 62, KI4MGF 53, KI4KQQ 24, KI4OUD 16, K9GZT 14, W4WYR 5 ======SFL PSHR FEB 2007 WA2YL 145, K4FQU 120, KA4FZI 120, NY4E 100, AA4BN 87, W4DKB 16 ======NET ABB. SESS QNI QTC MGR All Florida CW Traffic Net QFN 56 588 318 NY4E Florida Amateur Sideband Traffic Net FAST 28 214 56 K4SCL Florida Medium Speed Net FMSN 25 190 16 AG4RJ/AB4XK Jupiter-Tequesta Repeater Group JTRG 7 103 33 AG4BV Palm Beach County ARES Net PBCAN 8 93 16 KG4PFY Saint Lucie Repeater Association SLRA 4 29 5 KE4UEI Southeast Florida Traffic Net SEFTN 56 580 50 AG4RJ/AI4GE Southwest Florida Traffic Net SWFTN 24 251 49 K4FQU ======Bulletin Report from David Smith KE4UEI: Recd 22, Sent 5, Total 27 ARES Report for February 2007 There are 614 Members in the 9 counties reporting. 12 Nets held 51 sessions, 6 with NTS liaison. ECs reporting: WA4GUK (Lee), AD4RZ (Okeechobee), AA4BN (Hendry), N1XC (Martin), WA4ASJ (Indian River), KF4MJJ (Collier), KA4HLO (Miami- Dade), N5KFR (Glades) and WA2DXQ (Broward) There were 6 drills, tests and training sessions and 57 ARES operations. SFL ARES Net Report -- QNI 26 QTC 3 Run time 36 min. Sessions 3. Martin County ARES joined the Red Cross in an Emergency Drill as part of an evaluation by American Red Cross. Eleven members participated by providing Amateur Radio communications. In total it amounted to 55 volunteer hours Lee County ARES began six weeks of EmComm training on February 24 with Level 1 and Level 2 self study mentoring sessions on Saturdays. Okeechobee County ARES supplied communications on February 17th and 18th for a group of 15 people who were doing a run/walk of about 118 miles, non-stop around Lake Okeechobee. Five people finished the trip in about 31 hours. They used VHF and HF communications to keep track of the runners. The licensing changes that went into effect last month brought some publicity for amateur radio in the section. AI4GK, W3ALE, W4STB, and (40 of 46) [10/18/2007 3:01:47 PM] Section News for February 2007 AG4BV scored media hits in February. Does your club have a Publicity Chairperson? Is there a Public Information Officer for your ARES group? Are these people actively promoting amateur radio on an ongoing basis and are they known at the EOC by the county or city PIO? For more information read the e-magazine Contact, at Please remember to register all of your licensing classes (you need to log in as a member to do this). Recent experience has taught us that people will drive 100 miles for a test session and I had someone drive 100 miles for a licensing class thatWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO I am currently teaching. Also, if you become a registered instructor you can purchase textbooks and instructors manuals at a discount. Don’t forget to send an e- mail to me and to Jeremy, K4OCD our Affiliated Club Coordinator when you schedule the licensing class – we can help you publicize the class. That’s all for now. Stay safe and stay on the air. 73, Sherri, W4STB

Southwestern Division

Arizona WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO ARIZONA SECTION NEWS March 2007 NEW HAM Years ago, when I was dating my wife, Margie, she saw my ham radios and told me that her father, who passed away in 1967, was a ham. She had always wanted to get her license and find her father’s callsign (Jacob Jacobson). Last November, she asked me to enroll her in the ARRL technician course. Well I did and what a great course that is. She finished last Thursday and she took the test on Saturday and passed. She has been patiently waiting for her new Technician callsign. Would you believe, it just appeared on the FCC database as KE7LHY. Hopefully, one day she will find out her father’s callsign. ARIZONA EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS PRESERVATION ACT HB 2595 Good news! House Bill 2595 was heard in the Arizona House Appropriations Committee last Wednesday, February 21st. This bill recognizes the Federal preemption known as PRB 1 that requires "reasonable accommodation" from Cities and Counties for Amateur Radio Antennas and structures. What makes this bill different is that it extends "reasonable accommodation" to CC&R's and HOA's. The bill passed Committee on a bipartisan 15 to 1 vote. We have won 1 Battle, but we have not yet won the War. The bill will be voted on by the House and then sent over to the Senate. In the Senate, we then go to Committee again. If we pass the Senate Committee, we then go for vote by the full Senate, then on to the Governor. Our thanks to Dan Brown, NA7DB, Mayor, City of Page, 928-614-0306, [email protected] for putting this together. ARIZONA LICENSE PLATES The new amateur radio plate is available. http://www. The fee for the new AZ ham plate if you already have the old AZ ham plate is $5.00 remake fee and a $2.40 for mailing and wait at least 4 weeks for delivery. Ingo WA7KUM EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS As you know our EMCOMM database is growing quickly here in Arizona. We put together the next generation of the database for the Orange Section in California headed by Section Manager Carl Gardenias WU6D. Our database received national attention when Tom's article was published in the January QST. Since that time, Jim Hoff, N7XXX has built a "demo" database without any personal information in it so that we were able to give other sections the ability to review what our EMCOMM management can see. We have received about 20 requests to review the database, (41 of 46) [10/18/2007 3:01:47 PM] Section News for February 2007 and a couple sections are getting set to give it a try. Without Jim's effort on a "Demo”, we'd not be able to let people see the "backend" of our site, and they wouldn't be able to leverage the work we have done to bring EMCOMM registration into the 21st century! If you haven't signed up, please go to to register. Rick Aldom W7STS. 2008 SOUTHWEST DIVISION CONVENTION The 2008 Southwest Division Convention is tentatively scheduled for August/September 2008. At this point, the Superstition club has offered to assist in the management WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.ROof the event and had offered to provide seed money, however, it probably would have put them short on funding. The ARA has graciously stepped up and offered to provide seed money. Rick is in the process of getting corporation papers drawn up so that we can open a bank account and finalize the dates. The convention will most likely be at the Mesa Convention Center. It's an excellent site, and they are eager to work with us. RV parking will be available at a nominal cost, and we will be able to hold a flea market in the main parking lot. It's got ample space for the vendor area, and a host of meeting rooms for us to hold our seminars (Emcomm, Digital, Satellite, Public Service, DX, etc). We will have about 8 meeting rooms to facilitate seminars. There will be a mixer on Friday night, banquet on Saturday and the DX breakfastWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO on Sunday Morning. We are also going to make a strong effort to have a plethora of prizes. If you would like to help out, please drop me a note. Rick Aldom W7STS SEC Arizona. SILENT KEYS Buck Bradley, KB7RXI, passed away February 23. Buck was with the Pinal County Sheriff Dept. NEW HAMS The following Arizona hams just received their FCC license, Congratulations! Leonardo Penuelas KE7KHN, Matthew Conneran KE7KHM, Douglas Voltin KE7KHP, Paul Schickel KE7KMI, Wade Osterhaus KE7KLO, Steven Fahrner KE7KMJ, Camilla Van Sickle KE7KHO, James Edmunds KE7KLR, Leo Cauley KE7KLS, Emogene Randall KE7KLT, Ralph Buell KE7KQP, George Kramer KE7KMH, Bill Pennington KE7KHQ, Oliver Butler KE7KKV, Richard Saunders KE7KQK, Marc Allen KE7KQT, John Rizley KE7KQU, Robert Moody KE7KQR, James Livingstone KE7KQX, Brent Comsa KE7KQM, Laurence Johns KE7KQY, Scott Richardson KE7KQO, Sean Hinton KE7KQL, Gary Wagner KE7KQS, Grant Call KE7KQV, Rachel Despain KE7KQW, Mitchell Atkinson KE7KQN, Cory Farley KE7KQQ, Richard Schreiber KE7KRF, Dennis Mcavoy KE7KRE, Eric Johnson KE7KRG, Wren Keller KE7KRH, Arthur Paisley KE7KGN, Lawrence Bush KE7KRD, Jeremy Ramirez KE7KRJ, Shawn Degan KE7KRI, Willem Vankerk KE7KID, Delmer Hoover KE7KKW, Robert Erdmann KE7KKX, George Bellis KE7KLY HAMFESTS The Yuma Hamfest was great. They had some great seminars, a test session and a wonderful Banquet. We even had several special folks who showed up including Tom Abernethy W3TOM Vice Director Atlantic Divison, Carl Gardenias WU6D Section Manager Orange Section and Cathy Gardenias K6VC Assistant Section Manager Orange Section. Tom was part of the International Order Of Krazies. They all get together at Dayton and Yuma. What a great group they are. March 10, 2007 Springfest sponsored by ARCA & Scottsdale ARC. http://members. Talk-In: 147.18 (no tone) Contact: Ed Nickerson, WU7S at sarc2007@cox. net Scottsdale Community College 9000 East Chaparral Road Scottsdale. April 14, 2007 Arizona Amateur Radio Club Swapmeet. Contact Bob Hodges, K7JJT. The south parking lot of DeVry located at Dunlap and about 21st Avenue in NW Phoenix. May 5, 2007 Cochise Amateur Radio Association hamfest in Sierra Vista, AZ Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about ARRL. If your club or group has an activity or event that would be of interest to other hams throughout our section please email me with the specifics. 73, Tom Fagan (42 of 46) [10/18/2007 3:01:47 PM] Section News for February 2007 WB7NXH ARRL Section Manager Arizona Tucson Arizona 520 574-1129 [email protected] or


February News It's taps for Morse code A new FCC rule is seen as a sign that the language is fading into history likeWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO smoke signals. By ERIK ORTIZ THE ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER - February 23, 2007 Morse code is in need of some serious SOS. The language of dots and dashes, first used during the infancy of electronic communication in the mid-1800s, is going the way of Latin. Beginning today, amateur or "ham" radio operators in the United States won't be tested in Morse code – also known as Continuous Wave – in order to be licensed by the federal government. In an effort to advance the hobby, the Federal Communications Commission in December agreed to eliminate the five-words-per-minute Morse code requirement for people seeking their upper-level class licenses. So with another nail in Morse code's coffin, some of the 15 or so ham radio clubs in Orange County are hoping the less stringent testingWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO will ignite interest and beef up declining membership. There are more than 9,600 licensed ham operators in the county, according to FCC data. But the loss of Morse code has also created a rift between longtime operators, some who say the tap, tap, tapping is a skill steeped in tradition. "There's a tendency for people who use Continuous Wave all their lives to shun or think of the people who don't use it as second-class citizens," said Fullerton Radio Club President Larry McDavid of Anaheim. Walt LeBlanc, a member of the Anaheim Amateur Radio Association, learned Morse code when he first got licensed in 1976. He laments its loss as part of the licensing process. "I think it's all part of the dumbing down of America," said LeBlanc of Westminster. "They keep lowering requirements like they did (for ham radio beginners) in 1991. But it didn't do anything then, and I don't think it'll do anything now." The Anaheim association, which formed in 1964, saw as many as 300 members in its heyday; now there are about 30, with only 10 active. The Fullerton Radio Club began in 1950, but while its ranks peaked at about 300 members in the early 1960s, there are only about 60 today. Most of the members are over age 50. Amateur radio operators say cell phones, text messaging and the Internet have easily become more popular outlets for making long-distance contact. But the need for ham operators is great, especially during disasters, operators say. Ham radio played a key role in early communications during the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and Hurricane Katrina. "We're often there first, and we're often the only communication early on," McDavid said. Wayne Spring of the Orange County Amateur Radio Club is one of the ham hopefuls who think nixing Morse code testing can only help the hobby. Spring, who lives in Orange, learned Morse code as a search-and-rescue radio operator for the U.S. Coast Guard in the 1940s. While his code has gotten a little rusty, he isn't quite ready to say "73" (Morse code for "goodbye") to the electronic language. His wife, Sharon, has gotten into ham and wants to become more adept at Morse code."I'm going to teach her," Spring said. Searching: Wayne Spring scans the airwaves for fellow ham operators from his Orange home. He uses Morse code, but doesn't oppose licensing operators who don't know the language. JOSHUA SUDOCK, THE REGISTER February 16, 2007 IEARC (Inland Empire ARC) introduced amateur radio to some of Pomona’s youth. Fists of Gold is a community boxing club. Way to go IEARC. (43 of 46) [10/18/2007 3:01:47 PM] Section News for February 2007 February 17, 2006 – 3rd Annual Yuma Hamfest and Electronics show – Meeting friends and making new friends in amateur radio is always a treat. It is a growing hamfest and thanks to the Yuma Amateur Radio Hamfest Organization for putting on another great event. We also had the pleasure of once again meeting the International Order of Krazies, which is a group of hams. Their club has a president and everyone else is a vice-president. We had the honor of meeting one of the vice-presidents – Tom Abernathy W3TOM, Atlantic Division Vice-Director. February 16, 2007 –WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Yes Fried and Sandy are still around – It stopped snowing in Mammoth so they showed up at the Orange County ARC meeting – It was a sighting that only lasted a couple of weeks – off to Mammoth after new snow left the mountain white again. January 27, 2007 – SATERN – had their annual seminar – It was a great success as always with plenty of speakers and refreshments. January 21 – 27, 2007 – Once again Gordon West, WB6NOA was in Quartzite AZ, enjoying ham radio, teaching and educating hams on emergency communications. Gordon has and hopefully will continue to do great work for the Orange Section and Ham Radio in general. Well done my friend! January 20, 2007 – Diamond Lake Marothon – Amateur operators were from Hemet and Riverside County RACES teams. Job well done. January 2007 – Special thanks to my OOC – Dan Welch – for helping hams who venture out of the frequenciesWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO and also checking up on those who don’t belong on the ham radio airways. Thanks to you and your OO’s for all your help. Cheryl Day KI6AFL, Affiliated Club Coordinator for the Orange Section, she has encouraged our clubs to update their information on the website of the ARRL. If you have any questions on how to update information, please feel free to contact her at [email protected] . To all my other cabinet members who are out their assisting other hams and non-hams to better understand our hobby – Thank you for your loyal service to the Orange Section, ARRL and Amateur Radio. If you have any questions or concerns about amateur radio, clubs in the area, or what is happening in the section or at ARRL HQ, please don’t hesitate to call or e-mail. 73’s Carl WU6D ARRL Orange Section Manager SWD [email protected]

West Gulf Division


Oklahoma Section Report March 25, 2007 Topics Green Country Hamfest 2007 McCurtain County ARC League Affiliation Elk City Hamfest 2007 Traffic Report By KK5GY Silent Key- KE5UL Oklahoma Centennial Celebration sponsored by OK DX Asssociation Balloon launches in full spirit and accomplishment Upcoming Events Green Country Hamfest-Oklahoma State Convention 2007 March 16-17 Indeed what a wonderful event was the time in Claremore. Special thanks to all who contributed many hours of time, blood and perhaps tears to make the event so successful. As stated before, most of us get to enjoy the fruits of labor of the GCHF committee and others. Just good folk having a great time while enjoying Amateur Radio. Plenty of good vendors to display, show and of course sell all those special goodies. These dealers are as important to our events as they are to being friends. Sure appreciate all who came by the ARRL and ARES booths. The sight, sound and color of the American Radio Relay League was in abundance as was levity. Yes, we enjoy Amateur Radio in Oklahoma and even (44 of 46) [10/18/2007 3:01:47 PM] Section News for February 2007 more so in our centennial year! It was great to have Coy-N5OK West Gulf Division Director and David-K5RAV West Gulf Division Vice-Director in attendance. Each discussed challenges facing Amateur Radio and suggestions to foster better presence in our Section to decision makers as to legislation and public policy. Certainly appreciate the support provided by Section leaders to connect with hamfest attendees and to improve visibility of the National Association of Amateur Radio at GCHF. McCurtain County ARC League Affiliation visit March 10, 2007 Southeastern OklahomaWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO was its usual splendor on the second Saturday in March. The club was presented its ARRL club affiliation and was most hospitable. Great club turnout for the event… but the bountiful breakfast serving likely was a good draw. A tip of the hat to Gary-K5OLO, Club President, and Harold-K5HLB for the effort, communication and coordination which resulted in the affiliation and public service to their community. Recognition to Joe-KB5BQG of Durant who drove over to the gathering to be a part of the event and to encourage ARES activity. KB5BQG is zone ARES coordinator for SE Oklahoma and is an Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator (ASEC). Elk City Hamfest March 3, 2007 Super time in western Oklahoma on a cold windy Saturday but with warmth of great Amateur Radio operators relishing gatheringWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO for the ARRL sanctioned event. Sure enjoyed meeting up with a great number of attendees from Woodward, Elk City, Altus and points between and beyond. Sure want to note Earl-N5NEB and a cadre of support who keep the candle lit for us. We look forward to the 2008 version of the Elk City Hamfest as Earl has applied for League sanction and know it will be a good one, as well, in 08. Oklahoma Section February Traffic Report by Arlyn-KK5GY February 2006 Traffic Sessions 173 Stations 2099 Traffic 1084 Public Service Honor Roll KK5GY W5CU WA5OUV Station Activity Report KI5LQ, WA5OUV, WB5NKC, WB5NKD, KK5GY and W5CU KE5UL SK Appreciation to Cathy-KE5AGO for advising of the passing of Billy Fred Lund-KE5UL who died on March 12, 2007. Mr. Lund was an Oklahoma Section Communications Manager (now termed SM) and was President of the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club and a Volunteer Examiner. Our sympathies to family and friends. Centennial Fun by Oklahoma DX Association Wonderful QSO party held on the weekend of March 10 honoring Oklahoma centennial as we became a state in 1907. Sure sounds like the bands were hopping while putting Oklahoma on the bands in a large way. Kudos to the OK DXA for putting together an enjoyable and emergency preparatory event. Balloon Launches Deluxe Most enjoyable launched balloon activity all about the Oklahoma Section! Most every area of our great state is influenced by the fun and purposefulness of Amateur Radio aboard balloons. It has been mentioned that when this activity gets in your blood you are never the same. At least that is the word from Harry-KC5TRB…sure enjoyed seeing him at GCHF. Upcoming Events March 31 Hanging Judge Hamfest, Ft. Smith, AR http://www.hangingjudgehamfest. com/ April 29 Oklahoma City Marathon Contact person is Tom Webb with email of: [email protected] July 20-21 OK Section Convention, Oklahoma City Know of God’s blessings…Matthew 18:20 73, John Thomason-WB5SYT

South Texas

February was a rough month for South East Texas, we had several storms in the same area that was so hard hit by Rita, only this time it was Tornadoes. Most of the damage was trailers (45 of 46) [10/18/2007 3:01:47 PM] Section News for February 2007 furnished by FEMA during Katrina. The storms went on into Louisiana with New Orleans being the worse hit. My computer went down for almost 2 weeks so you didn't get a February News Letter. Now for the month of March, we have really had the bad weather with lots of flooding. We had 2 deaths due to the high water. One in New Braunfels and one in Seguin. Then we had several tornadoes. The local radio station, KGNB, gave ham radio operators a great plug during one of the tornadoes near New Braunfels when they relayed to the Weather Station in New Braunfels that theWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO tornado was on the ground. We have several bills in Texas that if they go through we won't be able to operate mobile. I really don't think we have anything to worry about. When I called DEM and got Homeland Security involved, I was told they could not do that. We also had a team visit the fine Senator on SB-154 to explain what ham radio was and what we do for all the communities during a disaster. I want to thank Glen Reid, K5FX, John Stratton, KE5ISX, and Lee Cooper, W5LHC for the time they took out of their day to visit with Senator Wentworth on SB-154. We had two SK's this week. Floyd Isaacs, WD5BTN, and then today at 11 AM Homer Franks, AC5CI. They were very active during emergencies and will be missed by all. Our Sympathy goes with the families. May God Bless America and our Troops. Ray N5NAV WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO (46 of 46) [10/18/2007 3:01:47 PM] Section News for March 2007

Section News for March 2007

Atlantic Division


The Delmarva Emergency Task Force Tri-State Federal Exercise held on Wednesday, March 28 2007 was designed to assess the response and recovery abilities of DETF member jurisdictions and agencies involved with a category 3 hurricane making landfall on the Delmarva Peninsula. The agreed upon exercise objectives are listed below: 1. Test communications among mobile command vehicles and with other EOC’s on the Delmarva Peninsula. 2. Determine the level of interoperability of communications, both primary and backup, among state and local agencies. 3. Determine the ability to coordinate, brief, and maintain a viable regional interoperability communicationsWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO plan. 4. Develop and implement standardized reporting procedures for damage assessment for the Delmarva Peninsula. I wish to thank the following stations that participated in the exercise, Steve WB3LGC, Dave WX3NCC, Mike WB3FUP, John W3JKS, Jim WJ3I, Don WA1DWX, Jay W3NUR, Paul N3BUH, Pat KW3Z, Dennis KB3MJ, Wilson KB3ISA, Martin W3MLK, Sussex Tech K3STR, George N3ZFM, Dallas W3PP, Dick W3GNQ, Jerry KB3NZJ, Tom WA3CDV, Bob W3RMM Carol N3NKK and Jon AA1K. Lessons Learned: 7:30 a.m. Wednesday, March 28, I arrived as the only amateur radio participant at the EOC for this exercise, I was advised that I should act as if the simulated conditions were real and should adhere to all regular organizational procedures for the simulated conditions presented by this exercise scenario. It became evident early to me that I would have difficulty handling both the radio communications portion and answering the questions and requests that were being submitted in the Essentials Suite Software “internal multi- agency computer messaging system” in the State Emergency Operations Center. As a result I was not able to activate a net on 3.905 Mhz. at 08:00 Hrs. I did not hear any Delaware station attempt to activate a net control operation on this frequency. With this entire activity-taking place, I was finally able to call a net at 09:15 Hrs. at 5 Khz. higher because the 3.905 frequency was occupied, and I did not receive any responses from Delaware station's. It is apparent that in the future more than one amateur operator and an amateur operator and assistant will need to respond to the emergency operations centers per eight-hour shift in order to handle the various responsibilities for this assignment. Training for assisting personnel in the Essentials Suite Software in the State Emergency Operations Center will be needed. It has been observed that there is a reluctance of operators to take the responsibility for opening a net, or to act as a net control station more training in this area is needed! Since this is the third exercise involved activating the State Emergency Operations Center by myself, some comparison to previous exercises is necessary. In March of 2006, we had no high frequency antenna system and the very high frequency system caused interference with the operations internal intercom system, I am happy to report that recently installed high frequency antenna worked fine at the State EOC, however, problems were encountered both in Kent County and New Castle County EOC’s (1 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for March 2007 antennas, also it may be noted that Sussex County did not participate at a EOC level. Individual amateur stations not stationed at the EOC did participate. Operations on very high frequency were less effective at the State Emergency Operations Center, especially on simplex frequencies compared to our October 2006 simulated emergency test exercise due to different gain antennas used. This current exercise relied more on repeaters to relay information among participants. If this were a real event, such as a hurricane, would these circuits to be reliable and have the power WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.ROsufficient to last for several days? I think not. During the mid-portion of this exercise, it was announced that all power, all Internet, and all phone lines were out of order and I was asked to provide backup communications for the state of Delaware. I regretfully advised the operations center that we had communications with only New Castle County and Kent County Delaware and no communications with Sussex County or the city of Wilmington. For me, this exercise simulated very real conditions. Since a daytime exercise with limited participants would reflect actual numbers during an emergency, many operators would be dealing with family or personal problems. It is also apparent that more needs to be done to provide backup power sources to our repeater systems and more practice relaying information “traffic” on simplex frequencies both high and very high also different modes of operation. In summary someWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO areas that need members attention are: 1. “Are You Ready” do you have a plan to sustain your family with food, potable water and shelter for a minimum of 3 days? 2. Are you willing and able to support your community in an emergency with your radio equipment? 3. Do you have emergency power available if a generator do you test it regularly? Do you have a 3-day supply of fuel stored in safety containers? If you use batteries, are they vented and how do you recharge? Solar? 4. Do you have a portable or secondary antenna system that you can deploy if your existing antennas should fail? Have you tested their operation? 5. Have you checked into traffic net recently? Do you know the ITU Phonetic Alphabet? Could you open a net and guide its members?

Southern New Jersey

SOUTHERN NEW JERSEY NEWSLETTER FOR APRIL 2007 SECTION MANAGER, JEAN PRIESTLEY, KA2YKN Welcome to April and to the official start of Spring. It is the season of allergies, nor’easter storms after Easter and of course those wonderful April showers that bring may flowers that bring more allergens. But there is one part of April that does a lot of good and that is the March of Dimes Walkamerica the end of April. This year the date is April 29, 2007. There are many ways to be a part of Walkamerica. You can do radio communications in your county. If there is no organized group or no county ARES group participation, then start one. This year will be the 37th year of Walkamerica. Your support of this event will help the March of Dimes continue its’ mission to make sure that every baby is born health. Did you know that every 15 minutes another American baby dies before his or her first birthday. We celebrated Christian’s first birthday yesterday. He is our nephew. He is healthy and learning everyday. Now imagine that is was your nephew who died after a few hours or a few days his birth. You would never have the joy of his first birthday. You can make a small donation, you can volunteer with the March of Dimes or you can organize a group, walk and raise lots of money. It is with great sadness that I report that Marty Rodman, Kf2BA became a Silent Key (2 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for March 2007 on Wednesday, April 7th of this year. Marty was a contributor of self and wisdom to his community, his beliefs and to people. Marty was unassuming and low key, but a real take charge type. Not many knew that Marty was one of the few US Army soldiers on the South Pacific Island of Iwo Jima. The battle county among the bloodiest US Marine combats actions of the WW2r. He was a member of the small group known as the “Iwo Jima Survivors" Marty will be missed. JSARS Is still holding their testing sessions the third Thursday of each month at 7:30 pm at the RiverwoodWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Recreation Building on Riverwood Drive in Toms River, NJ. For more information call Ed, GENOINO, WA2NDA at 609-693-3729. Holiday City ARC is also still holding their test sessions every other 2nd Saturday from 10am to 12pm, (May, July, Sept, Nov). Sessions are held at the Holiday City South Clubhouse area in meeting room #1 on Mule Road at the corner of Santiage Dr in Toms River. Your contact person is Bill Haldane, AC2F and the phone is 732-240-7064 or [email protected]. When going to any test session, you must have your original license and at least one Xerox copy and original and one copy of any credit sheets you may have. Also bring 2 forms of id. Testing sessions by SJRA are on the 4th Tuesday of each month at the Winslow Senior center. Contact is Mark, K2AX at [email protected] or (609)820-1523. A new team has formed by the members of the Bellmawr team.WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO The location is at the Canale Training Center at 5033 English Creek Avenue in Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey. The doors will open at 6:45pm and testing starts at 7pm. There will be no walk-ins so please call Robert, WA2ARP at 609-338-7038 to reregister. The sponsor is the Southern Counties Amateur Radio Association (SCARA). If you haven’t already, please make a note or bookmark the following site: index.html. SCARA will be operating K2BR as a special event station from “Lucy the Elephant” national historic site in Margate, New Jersey on Saturday, May 5. Volunteers are needed to help set up the station starting 9 AM. We hope to be on the air at approximately 10 AM. Volunteers are also needed to operate the station. A single operating point will be established and we will operate on 40 meters and 20 meters SSB. A special QSL car with Lucy on the front of it will be available for confirmed contacts. The Battleship New Jersey will be changing the hours in a few weeks. Check on their website for hours change. If your club is thinking about visiting the NJ2BB club station, please be sure to make arrangements ahead of the scheduled date to insure that someone will be there. Just go on our website at for information to schedule a visit. If you have worked NJ2BB and want to send a card, the QSL manager is Margaret Burgess, KB2BRR 150 Schooner Ave, Barnegat, NJ 08005. Please send your cards with an SASE to insure receiving a card in return from NJ2BB. Delaware Valley Ragchew Club (DVRC) will sponsor a one-day bus trip to ARRL Headquarters in Newington, CT. The date is May 11, 2007 and the cost will be $50 per person. For more information contact John McCaughrean by email at [email protected]. This will be a “brown bag” lunch trip. If you have an activity coming up or want to report something that happened, please send a short write up to me and I will put it in next month. Please remember that if you work traffic to report it to Dan, K2UL. Traffic report for March, Traffic manager, K2UL, Dan Ostroy SNJ/NNJ Section Net Reports QNI reports NJM 76 N2GJ NJPN 231 W2CC NJSN 161 K2PB NJN(E) 244 AG2R NJN(L) 185 AG2R (the above nets are dual section nets of both SNJ and NNJ. Liaisons with 2RN) SNJ Local Net Reports JSARS 430 W2HOG SCARS 79 NW2Y SJTN 67 KB2RTZ SJVN WB2UVB no report Station Activity Reports (SAR) KB2RTZ 140 K2GW 31 (3 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for March 2007 WA2NDA 28 K2UL 25 AA2SV 18 W2QOB 12 WA2CUW 11 KC2IYC 10 Public Service Honor Roll (PSHR) KB2RTZ 110 K2UL 105 K2GW 101 N2HQL 70 WA2NDA 68 W2QOB 55 KC2IYC 55 KA2YKN 45 STM reports that the past six years have been posted on the web at http://k2ul. March News: We hope for a quick and complete recovery from his illness . Tom is our longtime traffic man Tom Wagner WA2 CUW. We continue to welcome the new SCARS VHF Traffic Net, meeting Monday-Friday at 9pm on the 146.805 repeater in Milmay (Atlantic County),WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO PL110.9

Western New York

Western New York Section News April 2007 Train Wreck ! ARES and RACES support Response to Train Mishap in Central New York The normally quite community of the City of Oneida in Madison County New York was the scene of an explosion after a 78-car CSX freight train derailment Monday morning March 12, 2006. Approximately 28 of the cars derailed at about 7 AM with at least five, including two filled with pressurized liquid propane, caught fire, resulting in an explosion.WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO A one mile voluntary evacuation zone was declared and the local chapter of the American Red Cross opened up a shelter. Emergency personnel for both Madison and Oneida Counties responded. Oneida-Madison Counties ARES responded to support the American Red Cross with backup Emergency Communications at the Red Cross shelter at the New Beginnings Church in Wampsville (the county seat for Madison County). The shelter was manned by Dave, KC2PCN, who is the liaison between O-M ARES and the Oneida Chapter of the ARC. As an ARC volunteer he is called by the ARC chapter President whenever amateur radio support is anticipated. He then will assess the EMCOM need and will notify the EC or AECs to activate what resources are needed. In this particular case, he went to the shelter himself and set up a communications station and contacted Mike, KB2CCD, the AEC for Planning and Administration. An informal resource net was conducted on the ARES primary repeater and a handful of local Hams were put on standby just incase they were needed. According to Dave, KC2PCN, 120 people went to the ARC shelter during the evacuation. Dave is quoted as saying " the Executive Director of the Madison Oneida County Red Cross said something to me today that hit home. During the evacuation and shelter set up she was on two phones for 10 hours straight. She looked at me and said that I would be handling all of that same communication in the event that the power and cell phone service were disrupted." It had been less then a month since we had drilled on supporting ARC shelter operations during the MARS sponsored "Exercise Deep Freeze 2007". In that scenario, an ice storm of epic proportions had devastated our portion of the country. Our portion of the response was to communicate between red cross shelters, the busses delivering those that needed to utilize the shelters, the local hospitals and county emergency services. Although we did not have to handle any traffic this time, the practice from the exercise made it easier to jump right in and be ready. One of the key things we have gotten from this is to have prepositioned hardware at key locations (i.e. the Red Cross Headquarters) set up so that time is spent communicating and not fumbling around putting together hardware. Oneida County RACES also played a key role. They provided on scene communications information to the Oneida County Office of Emergency Services, since this incident occurred in Madison County which is right on the (4 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for March 2007 boundary of Madison and Oneida counties a mutual aid response had been requested for both fire and police. The 2 counties operate different radio systems covering different frequencies in the public safety band allocations. Oneida County RACES was able to provide critical real time information to the Oneida County Office of Emergency Services as to the current status of the incident so if further response was needed it could be provided. Because the ARES group covers two counties, ARES and RACES are not the same group. However, for the most part we are dual hated.WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO The ROs are considered part of the ARES leadership, the equivalent to an AEC. We work as a common group and we train as one group. However, when respond to the call, we grab the hat that corresponds to the served agency we are assisting. All in all, things went very smoothly considering is was an unexpected accident. The amateur community in our area has been very active lately. Busy is more the word for it. We have had multiple SKYWARN activations for winter storms, providing the NWS with snow fall rates and depths, a major exercise, and the normal twice a month on the air training. One might think that it would wear us out, but what it has really done, is toned us in to providing the best backup EMCOM support we possibly can to our served agencies. 73 Mike KB2CCD (AEC Oneida-Madison Counties) and Mike KB2AUJ (RO Oneida County) 73 Scott W2LC WNY Section Manager WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO

Central Division


QST DE KA9QPN From the top... **The fallout has finally subsided from the bad editing in the ARRL's revised proposal for RM-11306. Our esteemed Division Director, Dick Isely W9GIG, explained it fully in his email shortly after the storm of misunderstanding broke. Bottom line: nobody around here is about to see the end of CW, nor is the League championing one mode over another. **So much for storm season's beginning! As I write this, the Radio Shack weather station says 29 degrees with a wind chill factor. In April. Something is dreadfully wrong here. I think that they call this global warming. The first storm of note this season left wind damage in a swath from ten miles north of my QTH into DeKalb and on into the western suburbs of Chicago. The SKYWARN nets crackled to life from Moline through Peoria into Libertyville, giving all hands a real-world activation to shake out whatever cobwebs were left from last month's drill. This is our opportunity to shine in public service as we provide real time ground truth to the Weather Service and our local emergency managers. The training is done, let the season begin. Good luck and stay safe. **A personal wish: whatever spring holiday that you favor, be it Easter or Passover or just the change of seasons, I hope that it brings happiness and renewal to your family. Please take a moment to remember our kids in harms' way around the globe. Speaking as an Army Dad, I feel that they are worthy of our support and prayers. Get informed... **The Swains Island DXpedition is on the air! Details at As an aside, there were some initial announcements that the operation would use the new 5 MHz allocation. This hasn't pulled through into the final announced plans, which isn't all bad. The thought of contesting on 5 MHz has opened a brisk discussion in some quarters as to the intent of the FCC in making the 5 MHz allocation. (5 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for March 2007

Fortunately, it's all abstract for the time being. **The upgrade juggernaut rolls on. Reports received here tell of both crowded and successful VE sessions since the R&O. License classes are springing up like the tulips. Our numbers are growing! More importantly, Western Civilization hasn't collapsed because of either the new hams or the upgrades. New Extras especially: now it's time to give back. Become a VE or mentor a newcomer. Every one of us can benefit by adopting a new ham or a wannabe ham. Not only does it help the new guy or gal, but it forces youWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO to recall just how tough those study questions were, how many practice tests you blew, how nervous you were in front of the VEs (or the FCC if you've been around a while!), and how proud you were to pass that test. Mentoring invigorates the student and renews the mentor. Now is the time for us to grow! **Rumblings that I hear tell me that the time is ripe for private groups to set up the means to measure code proficiency now the the VEs aren't in that business any longer. I have had several inquiries from folks looking to test their mettle even though the requirement is gone. Now that it's for fun, a club or entity could set up freelance proficiency testing and make it as loose (or difficult) as they pleased. How about the old FCC office standard of a measured time period of solid copy at a given speed? Obviously, thisWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO would be for bragging rights only, but many of us will go to some lengths for measurable bragging rights. This trend bears watching to see if any club or group steps into the breach. Any takers? And who says that CW is dying? Start your paddles! **As I pointed out in my Section Alert last month, I found a neat piece on the Electrical Construction & Maintenance Magazine website, at index.html. This article gives a nice primer on the current National Electric Code and how it pertains to Amateur Radio antenna installations. Worth a look if you intend to install antennas this spring and if your intention is to do the job right. **A reminder that we found in the Kankakee Amateur Radio Society's 'KeyKlicks' newsletter: "The annual meeting of the Illinois Repeater Association will be held Saturday, April 21, 2007 at the Eastland Suites Lodge and Conference Center, 1801 Eastland Drive, Bloomington, IL. The Conference Center is located at Eastland Drive and Prospect just off Veterans Parkway (Business 55). Exit Veterans Parkway at Route #9, which is also Empire Street. Proceed east approximately one block to Prospect then south to Eastland. For Map to Conference Facility: html/map.asp. IRA Delegate check-ins and any dues payments will start at 9:00 AM, with the meeting starting at 10:00 AM sharp. When dues are paid in advance the check-in process is quicker and eliminates much of the delay. As in the past we anticipate the meeting to conclude around 1:00 to 2:00 PM. An IRA "Membership Information" form on file listing the delegates (max of two) and signed by the president and/or trustee and showing paid up dues for 2007 are all that are needed to vote at the meeting. Every vote is important so that your association can effectively represent you in the multi-faceted problems facing the repeater owners of the country and Illinois in particular." This is a very busy day around the Section, with the Tom Skilling FermiLab presentations in Batavia, a remembrance ceremony in Utica for the victims of the 2004 tornado, and the IRA meeting. If you own a repeater, it is in your best interest to attend the IRA meeting in person or by proxy and to join the IRA. Too much for an email this month---Full News at

Indiana (6 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for March 2007

How is your "grab it and go bag?" I got to looking at mine, and it is time for a renewal and refurbishment. Every active ARES member who is preparing for a future emergency, has a grab it and go bag. If your have just started out with the Amateur Radio Emergency Service, you will likely be considering a grab it and go bag/kit. There are numerous "lists" of items to have with you when you leave your home location to help with emergency communications. Your location, situation,WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO license class, and other considerations will dictate what you have with you. I can't begin to tell you exactly what to have. But, with a recommended list, you can start preparing your kit. A discussion of the number and types of items is like hams discussing antennas.... So, if you don't have a grab it and go kit, now would be a good time to get a list and start preparing. Marion County will be the focus of a Disaster Exercise in May, from the 10th through the 13th. Working in cooperation with Emergency Management, Amateur Radio will have an active role and Mike Palmer N9FEB, Marion County EC, is the Point of Contact. As this is a 72-hour exercise, shift operation of the amateur radio equipment at the EOC in 6 hour shifts. Please contact Mike if you can help out. In support of this exercise, the ARES Indiana Section Net on 3910 KHz, or possibly 7280 KHz +/- QRM is anticipated to be utilized for this event. This exerciseWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO is anticipated to involve many counties in Indiana. Our SEC Dave Pifer N9YNF reports that there are 411 active ARES members registered in Indiana. The number of Emergency Coordinators and District Emergency Coordinators reporting during March was 16. Number of local emergency nets active: 15. Drills and tests during March 73, with public service hours reported 404.39. I have not heard of anyone who is working on a Public Service Honor Roll Award for over a year. An ongoing challenge for someone who is working on this award is how to effectively balance the many different facets of public service communications. Areas such as Traffic Handling, Net Operations, on-the-scene Emergency Response, Public safety and support communications are all needed to be covered. This award is not easy to work toward, but it is entirely do-able. If you are interested go to: http://www2. Amateur Radio stations that qualify for PSHR for 12 consecutive months, or for 18 out of a 24 month period, will be awarded a certificate from League Headquarters upon written notification of qualifying months to the Public Service Branch of ARRL HQ. The following VHF/UHF Net Managers reported their net's activity during December: KC9BHJ, KA9KOG, KE9WI, WD9HTN, KB9UAG, WA9PSV, KF9EX, WB9RVN, NA9L, WD9BKA, WB9NCE, WR9G, W3ML, W9THD, and KA9QWC. If your net manager's callsign does not appear here, then no report of your net's activity was sent to John Kinley KC9BHJ, Indiana Section VHF/UHF Net Manager. < [email protected] > Please be certain to report your VHF/UHF net activity to him. My thanks to all those club newsletter editors who send me a complimentary copy of their club's newsletter. I do read them. March Section Net Activity: NET FREQ DAILY TIMES (UTC) QNI QTC QTR SESS ITN 3910 KHZ 1230/2030 2786 135 1265 56 QIN 3535 KHZ 1330/2300 129 111 740 50 ARES 3910 KHZ 4TH SUN/MO @ 1200Z 3 0 10 1 HOOSIER VHF NETS 16 REPORTING 1194 12 3240 101 HOOSIER DIGITAL NETS (2) NO RPT RECD March ORS Traffic Reports: K9PUI 171, K9GBR 96, N9HM 20, AB9AA 14, KA9QWC 10, W9PC 7. James S. Sellers K9ZBM Indiana Section Manager

Wisconsin (7 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for March 2007

WISCONSIN: SM: Don Michalski, W9IXG, SEC: KB9ENO, STM: K9LGU, SGL: AD9X, OOC: KC9IS, PIC: KB9NUM, TC: K9GDF, BM: WB9NRK, ACC: N9LVS ASM: K9UTQ, W9DGI, N9VE. ** With regret, I am informing you of the passing of the following Amateur: -- Tom Chia, KB9EWK, 56. Tom was a member of the Green Bay Mike and Key Club and was active in ARES. ** Richard Regent, K9GDF, received his 50 year ARRL pin! ** Congratulations to Ed Engleman, KG8CX, whoWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO received the M&M Club 2006 Ham of the Year award and, also, the DAR Boys and Girls Club’s Outstanding Volunteer of the Year award!! ** The Wisconsin Valley Radio Association gave their annual Excellence in Amateur Radio award to Mike Wild, KB9DED, for his long time amateur radio achievements and Mark Rasmussen, N9MEA, won the Ham of the Year Award for his contributions to the club during the past year. ** We are looking for Wisconsin attorneys to join the ARRL Volunteer Counsel program in order to provide a better means of tracking and, when necessary, opposing local ordinances and statutes that might have a detrimental effect on the Amateur Radio Service and League members. And, also, to represent amateurs involved in antenna or RFI disputes. The League does not expect a Volunteer Counsel to represent an amateur free of charge. If you are an attorney and interested inWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO becoming a VC, check this site for more information and/or contact me. http:// ** STM Report Wisconsin Section March 2007 FAQ #67 What's an originated message? Even though a formal message may be sent first from your station, it isn't counted as an "originated" message unless it comes from someone other than you. Messages that are originated are started from a third party. They are sent on behalf of someone else. It could be someone in charge such as an Emergency Manager, a fellow Ham who asks you on a local repeater to send a message on her behalf, or the recipient of a message you delivered. The important part to remember about an originated message is that it doesn't come from you. If you have a report to send, and you send it, it counts as a message sent. It doesn't count as an originated message - just as one sent. When you send that message from the Emergency Manager, it counts for two, as a message originated as well as one sent. We appreciate being able to keep track of the traffic handled by operators in our section on a monthly basis. Please send your Station Activity Report (messages originated, received, sent, delivered, and the total) to K9LGU before the 7th of each month. And if you send that report by radiogram, it counts as a message sent - but not originated. Thanks. 73 K9LGU - STM / WI MONTHLY NET ACTIVITY SUMMARY MARCH 2007 NET QNI QTC QTR SSNS NM BWN 2104 3032 5332 31 W9IXG BEN 596 42 1119 31 KE9VU WSBN 770 67 1150 31 K9FHI WNN 225 19 376 24 KB9ROB WSSN 206 20 328 30 N9JIY WIN/ E 157 26 263 29 WB9ICH WIN/L 178 43 317 31 W9UW WRACES 75 2 201 4 N9VAO TOTALS 4311 3251 9086 211 Note: BWN is Badger Weather Net; BEN is Badger Emergency Net; WSBN is Wisconsin Side Band Net (now starting at 1715 throughout the year); WNN is Wisconsin Novice Net; WSSN is Wisconsin Slow Speed Net; WIN/E is Wisconsin Intrastate Net/Early; WIN/ L is Wisconsin Intrastate Net/Late; WRACES is Wisconsin Radio Amateur Civil EmergencyService net. Details on all these nets are found on this site: sections/?sect=WI under Wisconsin Traffic Nets. ** Note that the weekly topic of discussion for the Sunday ARES/RACES (WRACES) net is now posted every Thursday on the Wisconsin site. Join us! ** We enjoyed meeting many of you at the AES Superfest. So did Bob (8 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for March 2007 Inderbitzen, Marketing Manager, and Joel Harrison, ARRL President. As you may have seen, we were busy taking in new and renewed ARRL memberships and offering great gifts in return! It was a record breaking event for the ARRL at 2007 Superfest. Well over 120 memberships received! We appreciate your support of the ARRL! If you missed Superfest, you will find me at other hamfests with more of the same gifts being offered in exchange for your renewal. Remember, you don’t have to wait until the last minute to renew. Do it at anytime and we just add anotherWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO year or more to your current membership. Hope to see you soon!!! 73 de Don, W9IXG

Dakota Division


ARRL MINNESOTA SECTION SUMMARY FOR MARCH 2007 SUMMARY FROM SM ++ The MN section ARES and Traffic summaries are enclosed below. ++ See the ARRL Section web site for up-to-dateWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO information and bulletins. ++ Go to the new section website at ++ Do you have any interesting news to report? Have you had a good special event, a good class result, good contest results, a special program? Send me a report to be posted on the section news website. Send a copy by email. ++ Do you or your club want to hold a class? Want some help with your class in the form of content or publicity? Let me know and I will help. ++ With the recent and impending changes in amateur radio, I feel it is time to reinvigorate our OO corps. John Thomas, W3FAF, will assume the responsibility of OO Coordinator and will temporarily remain Technical Coordinator until a suitable replacement is available. We will be recruiting more Official Observers and spent more time listening to the bands. We need to help those newcomers to the HF bands to operate properly and within the law and acceptable good practices. Our first approach will take the form of mentoring. If you can spare a few hours a month listening, please contact me for an appointment to that position. Respectfully submitted by Skip Jackson, KS0J, MN SM MN OOC REPORT SUMMARY FOR MARCH 2007 Reports from OO’s received for March: KB0OHI, N0OH, W3FAF, WO0A Respectfully submitted by John H. Thomas III, W3FAF, MN OOC MN SEC REPORT SUMMARY FOR MARCH 2007 Total number of ARES members reported: (omitted) Change since last month: (omitted) County EC’s reporting: Itasca (KG0FD), Lincoln (WD0BZU), Lyon (WD0BZU), Scott (N0BHC), St. Louis-North (WD0GUF), St. Louis-South (KB0LC), Sherburne (N0JHU), Steele (N0UW), Washington (KC0OIO), Local Net Names: Anoka County ARES Net, CCART, River Valley, SEMARC, Scott County, Chisago County, Carver County, Washington County, Fox Valley Monday Night Net, Lac Qui Parle Phone, Lac Qui Parle Packet, Mankato Area Radio Club Emergency Services Net, Marshall Area Emergency Net, Redwood County, Wadena Area Ham Net, Northern Lakes Radio, NE MN Public Service, SE St. Louis Emergency Service, Dakota County ARES, Scott County ARES Total sessions: 46 NTS liaison is maintained with the MN Section, Tenth Region, and NTSD Traffic Nets by N0UC, W0LAW Number of drills, tests and training sessions this month: 12 Person hours: 185 Number of public service events this month: 4 Person hours: 49 Number of emergency operations this month: 0 Person hours: 0 Total number of ARES operations this month: 16 Total Person hours: 234 RESPECTFULLY (9 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for March 2007

SUBMITTED: Frank Karnauskas, N1UW, MN SEC MN STM SUMMARY FOR MARCH 2007 NET FREQ TIME QNI/QTC/SESS MGR ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ MSPN/E 3860 5:30 P WO0A MSPN/N 3860 12 P N0YR MSSN 3710 6 P N/A VACANT MSN/1 3605 6:30 P K0WPK MSN/2 3605 9:50 P k0wpk PAW 3925 9A-5P KA0IZA/ wa0tfc MONTHLY STATION ACTIVITY REPORTS (SAR) STATION ORIG. REC'D. SENT DLVD. TOTAL BPL NO.OPS. W3FAF 0 96 104 0 200 W0LAW 0 50 71 4 125 W0HPD 2 61 15 3 79 K0WPK 0 61 15 3 79 KB0A11 0 14 54 0 68 KA0IZA 0 56WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO 7 0 64 N0YR 3 23 5 3 34 KB0AIJ 0 14 14 0 28 KE0G 1 6 5 1 13 KA0RMP 0 2 4 0 6 N0JP 0 0 5 0 5 WD0GUF 0 2 3 0 5 ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ PUBLIC SERVICE HONOR ROLL (PSHR) STATION 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL N0YR 40 34 30 60 164 W0LAW 40 40 20 20 120 WD0GUF 40 5 30 75 ~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ SECTION TRAFFIC MANAGER MONTLY REPORT NET ABBR. SESS. TFC. NMCALL NTS LIASON ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ MINNESOTA SECTION MSPN/E WO0A MSPN/E PHONE NET/EVENING 1,724 31 40 MINNESOTA SECTION MSPN/N N0YR PHONE NET/NOON 667 31 61 MINNESOTA SECTION MSN/1 k0wpk RN-10, C4 NET (CW) 6:30P 165 28 68 MINNESOTA SECTION MSN/2 k0wpk RN-10, C4 NET (CW) 10:00P 81 26 7 PICONETWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO ALLDAY PAW HRS KA0IZA ALL DAY WATCH 4,168 97 71 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Robert Meyer, W0LAW, MN STM

North Dakota

NORTH DAKOTA: SM, Kent Olson, KAØLDG - Well, it finally looks as if the weather is changing for the better. A lot of clubs are starting to schedule and host SKYWARN classes. It’s always a good idea to brush up on weather spotting information and be ready for potential call-outs. Field Day preparations are in progress around the state. This will be a great time to get those new Generals as well as everyone else on the bands. Let’s put North Dakota all over the airwaves. The Bismarck hams are getting involved with the city and county officials in case there’s a flu pandemic. This is a good idea, and I hope all the clubs are looking into this. Fargo Hamfest this Saturday, April 21st - hope to see you there. I’m always looking for interesting stuff you folks are up doing to print here. Section's web site: ~qtipf16/. HF NM KØJIM net reports for March: Weather Net: 54,986,6. Data Net: 27,642,12. Goose River Net: 4,40,1. Note: The WX NET will go till the last day in April and start in the fall on the first of October from now on.

South Dakota

Here is the section news for South Dakota, if there are any clubs that have material that they wish to have posted please email me the information no later than the 5th of the month so that I can get it posted to both the summary and the web site before the cut off date. Pierre Amateur Radio Club - Activities Report: Idea? How about a contest in April on who can contact the most special event stations, and we will have a prize for the winner. Idea? Could we have work day on club trailer. Also we need to have training on equipment in trailer. We have 5 cross-band radios and 4 handhelds are available for exercises. Who would be available May 5th to fly with the CAP, Zeke and Jim Ward are available to help if needed. We will meet (10 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for March 2007

March 18th at Greg Bond's house on 2829 Buhl Street at 1300 for trailer and radio training. - Trustee's Report: Eldon made a motion to consider Jim Ward as a trustee, KD0S seconds, motion carried. - Technical Report: we need to get an interface BOX to tie the radios together in the trailer. - KD0S gives brief overview of IRLP - Old Business: Greg talked on the importance of 2m linked net. We can't let it fall apart because it is crucial for the maintenance of the link. We need people to do the net and control it. - New Business: Wayne believes that we may now operateWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO on CD2 with the aircraft although CD-2 will be very busy during an emergency. The best might be to put an amateur in the aircraft.. WB0RJH gives thanks to Wayne and Myra for their coordination on this matter.. March 22nd at 7:00, at the Lutheran Church we are having the 2007 weather spotting training. Hot Springs ARC News: KE0WM has an Echolink node set up on 146.350 Mhz, simplex. It covers the Hot Springs area real good and is seeing a fair amount of activity. Our latest exam session produced a new Tech in Hot Springs, Joe, KD0AAF. We also have a new certified volunteer examiner, Matt, KC0WET, who is a high school senior. With our club outgrowing our shack, we are looking at possible ways to get the most use out of our building or possibly adding onto the shack. We will be losing Dr. Todd, KC0KNE,WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO to the east river area. Our loss is their gain, in more than just ham radio. Come join us for our annual big Field Day operation in June! Tim K0OR Northern Hills Amateur Radio Club The February meeting was held at the Sturgis Fire House Gene showed ARES vests which are for sale for $10 each. There will be no SD Section convention in Sioux Falls this spring. Minutes for March meeting: Meeting called to order at 7:30 at the Sturgis Fire House. 11 people were present. Public Service Activities were mentioned and explained. Field Day was discussed. We voted to have it somewhere in the northern hills, and to consider a location which would be very visible to the public. More discussion at the next meeting. We also discussed a northern hills hamfest perhaps in September. Next meeting will be at the Lead Fire Hall. Gene McPherson Announcements and Upcoming Events MS Walk: Saturday, April 14, 2007, 8:00 AM, University of Sioux Falls Stewart Center. Field Day: Saturday – Sunday, June 23-24, 2007. Location TBD. MS Bike Ride: Saturday – Sunday, August 4-5, 2007, Sioux Falls to Brookings, SD.

Delta Division


ARVARF News- The Russellville Hamfest held Saturday March 3rd was another success. Attendance was on par with last year even though the flea market was smaller. This seems to be a trend at most hamfests as Ebay seems to be quickly becoming the mode of choice for “Hoss Traders” these days. The forums were very well attended and quite informative with BPL being the hot topic at the ARRL Forum and of course the BPL. Congratulations for all those involved and we look forward to next year’s event. Benton Co. Radio Operator’s News- The BCRO will be hosting the Benton County Radio Operator’s NWA Hamfest Saturday April 28. The location has changed from last year as the event will be held at R.E. Baker Elementary School 301 NW 3rd Street, Bentonville, AR. There will be dealers, flea market tables, forums, (11 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for March 2007 food and fun. Directions are on the website or contact Jay Harrison, KC0CNB email: [email protected]. Batesville ARC News- The BARC officers have made big plans for the year 2007. There is more to the BARC than monthly business meetings! Club members are encouraged to get more out of the amateur radio hobby by participating in various club activities. All club members and their guests are invited to these activities. Some of these activities are listed below. Spring Picnic – The first of the quarterly (season) meetings. Antenna Work Day –WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO A chance to build your own antenna. Tower Workshop – Instructional meeting to learn how to safely work on your tower. Tower Work Day – Trained club members will assist members with various tower projects. Field Day Event – The annual ARRL emergency communications contest style event. Independence County Fair – Club members promote amateur radio and our club to the crowds at the fair. Scouting Canoe Race – Providing communications support for the Scouts racing down the White River. Fall Picnic – The third seasonal meeting for food and fun! Tailgate Party – A social gathering of hams interested in buying, selling, or trading assorted ham radio gear. Annual Banquet and Elections – The club Christmas Party, Annual Meeting and Officer Elections. Emergency Communications ARES / RACES- Many club members have asked about our local ARES / RACES activities. It is good to haveWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO interest in volunteering for these services by so many local hams. Noel Seeley, KD5HPK is our county emergency coordinator (EC). Noel is in the process of revising our county volunteers database. In the meantime, all emergency communications volunteers should become familiar with the National Incident Management System (NIMS). Browse the ADEM and FEMA websites for more information about the NIMS. Training -Proper training makes performing a task much easier. The more complex the task, the more important it is to receive thorough training. If the task is to be performed at a quick pace or under stressful situations, the need for training and practice increases. Emergency communications tasks can be both quick paced and stressful. ARES and RACES volunteers need to properly trained to be able to perform their assigned tasks efficiently. Both ARES and RACES exist to assist the served agencies. A good understanding of those agencies needs, goals, and procedures is crucial for providing effective assistance to them. FEMA has provided a common procedure (NIMS) to allow those agencies to intercommunicate. We as the communicators for those agencies must learn those procedures. FSARC News- President Dennis Burton called to order the February meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club at 7 pm. This meeting was located at the Baldor Center at the University of Arkansas Fort Smith. All club officers were present. President Burton also requested that everyone in attendance introduce him or herself and give their call sign. President Burton requested a motion from the floor to accept the minutes as published on the website and in the newsletter. Mark Clayton moved that it be accepted as given. The motion was seconded and carried. Mike Bell gave the Treasurer’s report. John Eddleman moved the treasurer’s report be accepted. The motion was seconded and passed. Under old business, President Burton requested reports on the upcoming White Rock Mountain expedition, the 501C3 tax exemption application status, and the Hanging Judge Hamfest. Dr. Charles Floyd stated the White Rock Mountain Lodge is reserved for the first weekend in March. Wives are welcomed to attend. The plan is to setup two HF radios for everyone to use. Each person will be responsible for their on towels and bedding. The club has the facility until 2pm on Monday. Dr. Floyd also stated he would bring a tower and rotor. Keith (12 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for March 2007 Newman provided an update to the 501C3 tax exemption application. Keith received an IRS response to our February 15th reply. The IRS requests we provide them with a file copy of our articles of incorporation and an amendment to the articles of incorporation. The club 501C3 must demonstrate that we meet the organizational test to be exempt from federal income tax. The IRS recommends paragraphs A & C be amended. This response is due back to the FCC by March 1, 2007. Keith read a suggested response that would meet the FCC recommendation. The amendment wasWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO read and presented at the regular February meeting. David Overton made a motion to proceed with the amendment and ratify the changes at the March meeting. The motion was seconded and passed. John Eddleman presented the Hamfest report. He stated that Radcom Rick and the Wireman confirmed they would attend this year’s event. John Samuels and John Eddleman attended the Ada Hamfest and distributed flyers to people from Oklahoma, Texas, and Missouri who were in attendance. They invited everyone to attend our upcoming hamfest on Saturday, March 31st. David Overton made a motion to accept the budget proposal. The motion was seconded and passed. John Eddleman requested input on prizes. John recommended HT’s radios be presented at the hourly drawings, and either an HF rig or high-end mobile radio be presented as the grand prize. Keith Newman stated in view of the climate changeWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO with no code requirement; we would sell more raffle tickets if the grand prize was a HF radio. The hamfest committee decided the best choice would be to purchase 1 ICOM 718 and 3 ICOM 2200 radios. Mike Bell reminded everyone that tickets for the hamfest are $5.00 for all who are current members and pre-registered. It will cost $10.00 at the door on hamfest day. Wayne Johnson stated the repeater site needs a tune-up. The work will proceed as soon as arrangement can be made with Tom Ransom. President Burton stated he had two proposed from Jim Scott, who was unable to attend tonight. Jim requested the proposals be presented to the membership now and be discussed at our March meeting. John Eddleman stated that 32 students enrolled in the new ham radio class. This is a very good response. John had purchased 35 books. David Whiteis stated that his organization had received confirmation they are on the list for Sebastian County to receive 4 trailers, 2 large house type trailers and 2 FEMA travel trailers. One will be designated for Emergency Management and ARES/RACES operations. They hope to have the approval in February and receive the trailer by March or April. Mike Bell moved the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded and passed. Wayne Johnson showed a DVD titled the “Ice storm of 2000”. HB 1589 BPL Enabling Act- After a hard and protracted Senate committee fight the BPL bill - HB 1589- passed the Arkansas House and the Senate. We were unable to stop this legislation in the House since it was moved up on the agenda before the website was updated. ARRL Arkansas SGL Stewart, KD5LBE met with the Senate Committee numerous times, and we were able to slow the bill down after the rushed passage in the House. Unfortunately the BPL and Power lobby was able to outlast us and by some parliamentary maneuvering in the committee, pass the bill through the Senate. The bill has passed conference and is now an Act on its way to Gov. Beebe. We may have lost this battle; however we did make our case known to the Senators and we will revisit RF interference issue with Entergy and the Legislature in the near future. We were successful getting the Hands Free Cell Phones in Autos bills (SB6, and SB7). The Senate had NO intention of those laws infringing on mobile amateur operations. TNX to KD5LBE for many hours at the capitol! (13 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for March 2007


LOUISIANA SECTION NEWS – MARCH 2007 KD5BUI and KD5OGV from the Lake Charles National Weather Service conducted a SkyWarn class on March 22 at the Lafayette Salvation Army. Attending this training class were KE4GQE, KD5VPC, N5NVP, KA5BSE, KB5SMX, KE5KJD, W4JHC, NA5Q, KE5JXC,WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO N5RLZ, AD5HA, KE5I, KE5GDZ, KN5GRK, and WA5TNK. ARES members from four parishes (Jackson, Lincoln, Ouachita, and Union) joined together to provide communications for the Calhoun Baptist Church's "Run to the Cross" in northeast LA on March 31. Participating in this event were KA5JNL, KD5OQC, AD5XM, W5KGT, N5WLG, NB5K, KD5IGZ, KD5ITA, and K5ER. W5JZQ reports that the Vernon Parish ARES Group provided communication support for several hours at the local LA Lions Camp. The LA Section very much appreciates all of these amateurs for their devotion to public service. I'm sure there are many public service events, emergency drills, and special training sessions that are not reported in the monthly section report. Sometimes I fail to include reports that I've received, but most often these activities aren't recorded here because I didn't receive the reports in the first place! Therefore,WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO in addition to submitting their monthly reports to K5GLS (LA SEC), ECs are encouraged to inform me via email whenever their local ARES groups participate in such activities so that I can pass along the good news to the rest of the section membership. The 2007 LA QSO Party results are now in. The overall winner and mixed mode winner was K5FMC (W5EW, operator) with 37,360 points. N5YE (14,960 points) and non-resident AC4PQ (2,010 points) had the highest phone and CW/digital scores, respectively. W5WZ scored 31,238 points as the lone rover station. The number of logs submitted this year is quite a bit lower than last year, probably in part because of poor propagation conditions. Click on the Louisiana QSO Party link at for the complete results. In November 2005 the ARRL filed a Petition for Rule Making that was designated RM-11306 by the FCC. This petition proposed that the FCC regulate the ham bands by bandwidth rather than mode. On February 13, 2007, ARRL President Joel Harrison and several other League representatives met with the FCC in Washington in an oral ex parte presentation to discuss some proposed modifications to RM-11306 that were necessitated by the recent rule changes dealing with operating privileges. An error in the written ex parte filing submitted by the ARRL the day after the FCC meeting on February 13 was then corrected by an erratum filed by the League approximately five weeks later. The ARRL apparently learned of this error from hams who read the written ex parte filing on the FCC's Electronic Comment Filing System site at The ARRL Board of Directors will likely discuss RM-11306 at its upcoming meeting in July. After you have carefully studied the proposed modifications to RM-11306, you might want to pass along your comments to WD4Q (Delta Division Director). I am very sorry to report that W5FZQ is now a Silent Key. Upcoming LA hamfests include the Amateur Radio Club of Shreveport (ARCOS) Swapmeet in Bossier City on May 5, the ARRL Delta Division Convention in Rayne on May 25 and May 26, the Ozone ARC Hamfest in Slidell on July 21, and the WCLARC Hamfest in Leesville on August 11. Traffic totals: K5MC 81, W4DLZ 42, W5PY 35, AE5V 17, WA4ERU 2. Public Service Honor Roll: W5PY 195, K5ER 115, K5MC 110, W4DLZ 88, W5HUD 78, AE5V 72, N5MEL 70, KD5ITA 68, WA4ERU 55, KB5SDU 50. Section net reports: sessions/check-ins/ (14 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for March 2007 messages handled. Louisiana Traffic Net: 31/528/25. Louisiana CW Net: 62/337/68. Louisiana ARES Net: 4/106/0. Local/district net reports: sessions/check-ins. Allen Parish ARES Net: 5/5. Avoyelles Parish ARES Net: 1/2. Caddo/Bossier Parish ARES Net: 4/60. East Baton Rouge Parish ARES Net: 4/40. Orleans Parish ARES Net: 4/30. Ouachita Parish ARES Net: 4/66. Rapides Parish ARES Net: 2/12. Richland Parish ARES Net: 4/33. St. Charles Parish ARES Net: 1/12. St. Mary Parish ARES Net: 4/30. St. Tammany Parish ARES Net: 4/30. Tangipahoa Parish ARES Net: 4/104. UnionWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Parish ARES Net: 4/23. Vernon Parish ARES Net: 2/26. Washington Parish ARES Net: 4/73. ARES reports: parish/EC. Allen/W5ELM, Avoyelles/KD5IGG, Beauregard/ W5MVP, Caddo/Bossier/NZ5S, Calcasieu/KC5FGO, Claiborne/KD5JJP, East Baton Rouge/ N5ULA, Franklin/N5ASA, Jefferson/KD5EWD, Lafourche/N5PZJ, Livingston/W5RR, Orleans/ NO5FD, Ouachita/K5ER, Plaquemines/AI5B, Rapides/KD5DFL, Red River/KD5IUZ, Richland/ N5MEL, St. Bernard/AI5B, St. Charles/K5CFJ, St. John/AI5B, St. Mary/KA5LMZ, St. Tammany/ KC5EAK, Terrebonne/AD5XJ, Union/KA5JNL, Vernon/W5JZQ, Washington/AI5B. 73, Mickey Cox K5MC LA Section Manager Email: [email protected] LA Section Website: http://www.laarrl. org/ WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Mississippi

Mississippi Section Report for March 2007 SM: Malcolm Keown, W5XX. Mississippi Section Web Page at Web Master W5KWB at [email protected]. STM: N5FP. NM: WB5ZED, K5NRK, KB5W, AD5J, W3TWD, KA2KMU, N5MZ, and KM5UH. The Andrew Jackson Council in cooperation with the Copiah County EMA and the Crystal Springs ARC conducted Search and Rescue (S&R) Training for Scouts during the Spring Camporee at Camp Hood in Copiah County. Hams provided communications from the S&R Lanes between the Strike Teams and the Incident Command Post. Additionally, hams ensured that the Strike Teams stayed in their search lanes and didn’t get lost themselves (the woods had very dense vegetation; only one Scout got lost, but was quickly located). Those Hams that risk the elements and kept the Scouts headed in the right direction were KD5KTP, AC5Y, AB5WF, KD5CQX, KA5JNG, KB5UDF, KM5GE, and W5XX. 600 Meter DXer WD2XSH/6 (W5THT) has completed his new amp (four 811A’s) with an ERP of 7.9 watts using his backyard antenna farm. With some more work Pat hopes to push this to 20 watts ERP which is the maximum allowed for the experimental stations. WD2XSH/6 is being heard well in the eastern US with some reports from the west. See for maps of completed QSOs, reception reports, and photos of 600-Meter stations. Can WAS/DXCC be far away? Mississippi has for the most part escaped the severe weather bullet as compared with years past. However, EC KB0ZTX reports one round of severe thunderstorms in the Memphis area requiring ARES net activation with several hail reports being passed to the Memphis NWS. Those on the net were KD5VMV (DeSoto EMA), N5UOV, KE5EOR, KE4OFA, KI4TGQ, KE5MXY, W9IK, KE5BXL, KD5ONH, KE5EOS, KD5MYQ, N5PYQ, KB4FLW, and KB0ZTS (NCS). In addition, N5MZ reports that the Hattiesburg ARC Emergency Net was activated during the storm event on March 1. Ham stations at the Forrest EOC, Wesley Medical Center, and Forrest General Hospital monitored the progress of the storm and advised officials of tornado warnings and provided reports of hail and downed trees to the NWS. KB5JN reports that the Mississippi Baptist Disaster Team had their annual training at (15 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for March 2007 Central Hills Baptist Assembly at Kosciusko. The mobile communications trailer is now fully operational and 30 hams are ready to man the trailer in the event of an emergency.Gulf Coast DEC W4WLF represented Mississippi in the Ham Forum at the National Hurricane Conference in New Orleans. Tom presented a paper on his experiences during Katrina. The Ham community was also represented by speakers from Alabama and Louisiana. Forrest County EC KD5XG reports that the Hattiesburg ARC provided communications for the 1.5-mile run sponsored by the USMWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Sports Recreation Department. The race was held along the Longleaf Trace Trail with communications being provided by N4FF, W5KGJ, and KD5XG. AC5Y passes along that the Crystal Springs ARC sponsored a SkyWarn Training Class for emergency responders in Copiah County. Steve Wilkinson from the Jackson NWS presented the training to 50 plus attendees! WB5BNV reports that a reliable 2-Meter packet link between Meridian and the Gulf Coast is now a reality. With a packet link having been in place between Meridian and Jackson for some time, Central Mississippi now has a firm link to the Coast that can be used to pass emergency traffic during hurricane events. For more info contact [email protected]. Be sure to clear your calendar for April 14th. This Saturday will be Ham Radio all day. Starting at 8:00 AM the Hattiesburg ARC will host their annual ‘Junk in the Trunk Sale’ in the parking lot of the LongleafWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Trace Building on the north side of the USM Campus next to the watertower. POC is AC5E at [email protected]. VE Exams will be held at 1 PM in Allen’s Trophy Shop in Historic Downtown Hattiesburg. And then a few miles down the road at Wiggins, the Magnolia DX Association will have their Spring Picnic at the Roadside Park on US 49 starting about noon. You are guaranteed to hear plenty of QRM/QRN regarding Tall towers and Tall tales about strange places like Swains Island and Scarborough Reef. POC is [email protected]. Following the Picnic (about 2:45), Gulf Coast DEC W4WLF will lead an expedition from the Roadside Park to the newly activated McHenry Emergency Repeater Site which is located at the WXXV Transmitter Facility east of US 49 on Wire Road. This is about 15 minutes from the Roadside Park. Located in the facility are a D-Start Repeater, the 147.165 K5GVR Repeater, and the 147.375 MDXA Repeater, as well APRS and Digi Machines. If you don’t come to the picnic, but want to visit the WXXV Site, contact [email protected]. And to finish out April, The Tupelo ARC is sponsoring ‘Papa Jack Trade Day’ at the Tupelo Club House at the Airport on April 28 starting at 8 AM. Prizes and food. POC: WJ5K at [email protected] or KD5NSP at [email protected]. Congratulations to the following on their upgrades: KE5AZT – Brookhaven; KE5BOC – Cleveland; KE5CAO – Gautier; KE5DHD – Meridian; KD5EFG – Guntown; KC5FAC – Jackson; KE5FTF - Ocean Springs; KE5HJC – Flora; KE5IHO – Hattiesburg; KE5IKC – Purvis; KE5JJB – Purvis; KE5KBG – Falkner; KE5KRD – Corinth; KE5KRE – Corinth; KE5KJS – Petal; KE5KRF – Corinth; KE5KRG – Iuka; KE5KVM – New Site; KE5LCP – Batesville; KE5LWZ – Iuka; KE5LXA – Iuka; KE5MAV – Iuka; KE5MIS – Coffeeville; KE5MLG – Pelahatchie; KE5MOZ – Vancleave; KD5NDU – Water Valley; KD5NOI – Hattiesburg; KC5PIA – Laurel; KD5RGT – Smithdale; KE4RXB – Glen; KD5SBB – Baldwyn; KD5UBC – Jackson; KC5UDM – Oxford; KD5UJJ – Laurel; N5VWS – Meridian; N5VYW – Osyka, KB5WAT – State Line; KB5WAU – State line; KD5WYM – Brookhaven; N5XZF – Ellisville; KD5YBE – Saltillo; N5YWP - Flowood; KD5ZXL – Natchez; N5ZNT – Bogue Chitto (way to go Jeffery!). Also congratulations are in order for KE5JKC who completed FEMA Courses 100/200/700/800. Welcome to new Mississippi Hams: KE5MUO, Marion – Columbus; KE5MUP, William – Starkville; KE5MWB, Jon – Meridian; (16 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for March 2007 KE5MWC, Ronnie – Richton; KE5MWD, John – Hattiesburg; KE5MXC, Richard – Oxford; KE5MXD, Wendy – Meridian; KE5MXY, Bennett – Olive Branch; KE5NBC, Samuel – Hernando; KE5NBD, Tommie – Hernando; KE5NBE, Dan – Columbus; and KE5NGT, Melanie – Gulfport. In addition, welcome to new ARRL Members: KE5AZT – Brookhaven; KC5BBY – Brandon; KE5BYF – Columbus; AB5DA – Jackson; KD5GHV – Magee; N5ILU – Hattiesburg; WJ5K – Tupelo; AC4JB – Hernando; KC5KPG – Starkville; WB5LKC – Saucier; KE5MFN – Mississippi State; KE5MUP – Starkville;WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO KE5MWA – Gulfport; KE5MWB – Hattiesburg; KE5MVZ – Gulfport; KE5NBC – Hernando; KE5NBD – Hernando; WA4RAU – Lumberton; KG5SX – Hattiesburg; KD4OFA – Hernando; AD5TJ – Poplarville; N5UCF – Gulfport; N5UIQ Gulfport; KD5VHX – Senatobia; WV5Z – Union; Newsletter/Club Reports: Hattiesburg ARC (AC5E), Jackson County ARA (KB5FHX), Vicksburg ARC (W5WAF).DEC/EC Monthly Reports: WB5CON (NE MS), KD5CQT (Jackson), KC5EAK (Pearl River), WB5GUD (Newton), KD5GWM (Lauderdale/Clarke), WX5N (Prentiss), N5TBB (Tippah/Benton), W4WLF (Gulf Coast), K5WSY (Tishomingo), KD5XG (Forrest), N5ZNT (SW MS), KB0ZTX (Marshall). PIC Report: N5TBB. Net Reports: Session/QNI/ QTC (Net Manager) DRN5 62/MS 100% rep by N5FP, W5MLO, W5OXA, WB5ZED, WA5FB, W5XX (WB5ZED) MSPN 31/3305/38 (K5NRK); MS TFC Net 32/151/4 (KB5W); Magnolia Section Net 31/1027/6WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO (AD5J); Jackson Co ARES 31/544/10 (KD5CQT); MS Slow Net 21/55/1 (W3TWD); Hattiesburg AEN 6/151/2 (N5MZ); Itawamba Co ARES Net 5/57/0 (KB5NMB); Newton County ARES 5/36/0 (WB5GUD); MS Baptist Hams Net 4/48/1 (WF5F); Magnolia DX Assc 4/96/0 (N5FG); Tishomingo Co ARC 4/82/2 (KU4WW);MLEN 4/35/0 (K5NRK); MS Em Digital Net 4/20/0 (K5ASL); Meridian Area EN 4/38/0 (KD5GWM); JARC EN 4/64/0 (AB5WF); Monroe Co ARC Net 4/52/0 (AD5DO); NE MS ARES 4/51/0 (W5LMW); Lowndes Co ARC Net 4/66/0 (AD5DO); Pearl River Co ARES 4/30/2 (KC5EAK); Stone County ARES 4/65/0 (N5UDK); Metro Jackson ARES 4/70/0 (AB5WF) MCARA CARES 4/44/0 (KA2KMU). PSHR (minimum 70): W5XX 170, WB5ZED 150. Traffic: WB5ZED 2970 (BPL). Compilation of Net and Traffic statistics provided by N5FP, Mississippi Section Traffic Manager.

Great Lakes Division


Greeting Michigan hams We are pleased to announce the Winners of the 2006 Michigan Section Club Newsletter Contest. The winners have received their award plaques at their most recent club meetings. In First Place is The Blossomland ARA’s RUSTY KEY, Second Place is the Hazel Park ARC’s ZERO BEAT, and Third Place is the Utica-Shelby ECA’s EXPRESS. Congratulations to each winning club and the individual newsletter editors for their outstanding effort. It is simply amazing to see how much the quality of our club newsletters is improving each year. Just examine yours and note the differences. Think back a few years when they were all type written and printed on mimeo, some were done on model 19 teleprinters and were in all caps. Now, most are very “professionally” done, emailed and contain great photos in high res color. The job of the independent judges has always been tough and we wish to thank them and ACC Dan KB6NU for coordinating this program for 2006. The 2007 program is getting kicked off under the auspices of the Michigan Section’s new (17 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for March 2007

Awards Committee and you will soon see the announcement for the next contest. Robert “Scotty” Wright, KB8APS has been appointed by the Great Lakes Director Jim Weaver, K8JE as the Legislative Action Coordinator (LAC) for the State of Michigan. He provides the following message for all amateurs in the Michigan Section: The ARRL recently adopted a program called “Grassroots Legislative Action”. The purpose of the program is to organize hams, at the local level and communicate with their US Congressional Representatives on matters dealing with Amateur Radio.WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Part of my responsibility is to recruit and train volunteers for the post of Legislative Action Assistants (LAA) within Michigan. Ideally I would like to have three LAAs, to work as a team, in each of Michigan’s fifteen US Congressional Districts. The duties of the LAAs are not overly time consuming; much of the work can be accomplished casually without the rigors of schedules. I break the duties into four groups: 1. Training and Organization. Training materials and organizational forms are available as well as training seminars from time to time. 2. Familiarization. Get to know your representative and staff. 3. Awareness. Get to know the ARRL affiliated clubs and their members in a given district, either by visits or e- mails, emphasizing the value of a letter from a constituent. These three items should be done, hopefully, beforeWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO a bill comes on the horizon. 4. Action. Once a bill is introduced, a series of sequential action steps are planned. These are likely: To ask selected LAA teams to visit the home offices of US Representatives or Senators who belong to key legislative committees that will consider the legislation first. To ask all LAA teams to visit the home offices of their US Representatives of Senators. Finally, to ask all members to write letters to their US Representative and Senators. In each of these action steps all background material, information to be left with the Representative or Senator or his aide and boilerplate letters will be developed and provided to us by ARRL HQ. To learn more information or to volunteer, contact me at [email protected] I will respond with some material for you to browse, followed by a phone call to get things started. Success of this program could determine the future of Amateur Radio as we know it today. If you would like to become involved in a worthwhile project, this could be it. In the mean time check out the article “The ARRL Legislative Action Program Needs You” in February’s 2007 QST by Great Lakes Director, Jim Weaver, K8JE. Thanks Scotty, for this informative article. The Mad River Radio Club invites all amateurs to join in the Michigan QSO Party this coming weekend, April 21, 2007 from 1600Z to 0400Z Sunday, April 22. This is noon to midnight EDST (local Michigan) time on Saturday. Historically, MiQP has a good turnout of Michigan stations for non-MI stations to work. We have plans for a dozen or so mobile teams roaming around the state, and a good number of fixed operations promised by stations scattered around the state. All 83 counties have operations planned, which would be the eight straight year that the state is completely covered. One additional attraction this year is the offering of the "Mackinac 50" Award, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the completion of the Mackinac Bridge, which joins the Upper and Lower Peninsulas of the state. Those outside of Michigan may not be aware of the Mackinac Bridge, which is the world's longest suspension bridge between anchorages (8,614 feet). It is so long that it takes seven years to paint as part of its regular maintenance. It's suspension towers rise 552 feet above the water, and it's suspension cables contain 42,000 miles of wire. Full information, log/check/summary sheets and free logging software for MiQP is available on the MiQP web site; More information about MiQP will be (18 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for March 2007 announced during the week, leading up to the event. We hope to see a lot of you on the air this coming weekend. 73, MiQP Committee . We hope to see a great turnout of Michigan amateurs on the air on April 21st! 73 from the MiQP Organizing Committee. Station Activity Reports (SAR) for March, 2007: WB9JSR 595, KC8WSE 318, K8AE 220, AB8SY 217, K8LJG 156, K8AMR 122, KC8MLD 68, KD8AAD 51, W8RNQ 50, KB8UZP 46, AA8SN 45, K8RDN 44, W8RIT 37, WB8RCR 33, KD8BGQ 30, W0WCH 16, WD8USA 13, K8ZJU 10, WA8OOHWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO 5, KC8ZGB 2. Public Service Honor Roll Reports (PSHRs) for March, 2007: KD8BGQ 455, WB9JSR 195, K8AMR 121, K8AE 110, WB8RCR 108, KC8WSE 90, AB8SY 85, K8ZJU 75, K8RDN 73, K8VFZ 61, W8RIT 57, KB8UZP 56, WU8Y 53. SARs are reports of all the radiogram traffic you have handled in the past month. PSHRs include your net and public service activities for the month. PSHRs and SARs should be filed monthly with WB8RCR. You can access a simple reporting form at: to provide your reports to WB8RCR. March Official Emergency Station reports came in from K8COP, KC8ULE, W8RAE, and W8WRB. Your OES reports should be filed with WA8EFK. In all cases, reporting by radiograms encouraged. 73, Dale WA8EFK WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Hudson Division

Northern New Jersey

SM Bill Hudzik-W2UDT, ASM-N2WZB, STM-WB2FTX, ACC-N3RB, SEC-K2SO, OOC-K2ZD, PIC- W2WJO, TC-NR2H NNJ Webpage: MONTHLY ARES NET: Second Monday of each month (8PM) on the Morris County OEM Repeater: WS2Q 146.895 MHz (PL 151.4) minus 600Hz. The elimination of the Morse Code requirement has continued to see an increase in VE sessions in the section with a number already scheduled for April. For example, the Cherryville Hamfest, held the end of March, had three VE sessions scheduled during the course of the day. And, I will be sending out “Welcome to Amateur Radio” letters to 27 newly licensed hams this month. One question that I’ve been asked numerous times by Techs is “can I operate 20M SSB now?” Unfortunately, the answer is no, as Technician privileges only allow voice on 10M between 28.3 MHz and 28.5 MHz. Morse Code is still allowed on those segments within the 80M, 40M, 15M and 10M bands. We need to make sure that our new licensees are aware of their new HF privileges and use them properly. The new ARRL frequency charts that I talked about last month are excellent guides and make good handouts at VE sessions along with club invitations. Aside from VE sessions we have two SKYWARN spotter classes that I’m aware of scheduled for April. One is set for Friday, April 20th from 7PM to 10M at the Bergenfield High School, Bergenfield (info is at and the other on April 30th from 7PM to 10PM at the Union County Police Academy, Scotch Plains (info can be found from KY2MMM at:[email protected]) These classes are worth the time and will give you valuable training and insight on how to support the National Weather Service’s SKYWARN program. The NWS is one of the few government agencies who actively recruit amateur radio operators to act as their eyes on the ground. On another issue concerning volunteer activities be sure to check the ARRL web site for the latest update on discussions with the American Red Cross on its background check policies. Please carefully read the summary as its contents are (19 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for March 2007 very important to those of us involved as volunteers. As reported, the position taken by the Red Cross could have a severe impact on its relation with amateur radio volunteers and what the next Memorandum of Understanding could look like between the ARRL and the American Red Cross. The background check issue could also affect its relationship with other volunteer groups as well. In spite of this issue the Bergen ARA was asked to help with shelter activities due to flooding in Lodi caused by the recent Northeaster this past weekend. They successfully responded by havingWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO a number of volunteers turn out to support the Red Cross request for communications. As in many instances local needs must often rise above national policies and we still should offer our expertise whenever possible. The Northern New Jersey Council for the Boy Scouts will be hosting a Scout Show at Liberty State Park on Saturday, May 12 from 10AM to 4PM. Special Event station K2BAR (BARA) will be set up for the event. Volunteers are needed for the various stations as well as acting as hosts to the visitors. Please contact Phil- WA2LXE if you would like to help. Finally, that the NNJ website is available to post upcoming events. And, remember that Field Day is coming up soon so, make posting your club’s FD site on the NNJ page a part of your checklist. 73, Bill Hudzik- W2UDT WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Midwest Division


Kansas Section News Summary- March 2007 SM, Ron Cowan, KB0DTI-- SEC/OOC: Robert Summers,K0BXF ASM: Orlan Cook,W0OYH ASM-Youth: Emily Stewart, KC0PTL SGL: Steve Hamilton, KB0JYL PIC: Larry Staples, W0AIB ______Silent Keys: KDØAY - Roger Wilson, Topeka K2AEF - John Finlay, Shawnee WØAYL - Ella E. Koons, Wichita/KCK KA0ZXJ - Larry Swallow. Topeka ______Kansas Amateur Radio Homeland Security Council [KARHSC] formed in 2004 by Kansas Dept of Emergency Management has fulfilled it's purpose. The members have decided to dissolve the group and will continue, meeting informally, retaining officers and the name for purposes of correspondence amongst the group. Kansas City now has a 902 repeater with Echolink. KØKN reports the station is located at Shawnee Mission Medical Center in Northern Johnson Co. KØKN/R 902.7125 input (151.4 tone) 927.7125 output Echolink Node # 307578 ______From our ASM for Youth Activities: March seemed to be the month for emergency preparedness training. Weather spotter training began in many locations and continues this month. On March 21, Leavenworth County ARES supported a county-wide emergency preparedness exercise. Ham radio operators provided support at five locations. Earlier in March, Johnson County had their nighttime search exercise, which had participation from operators young and old. Exercises like these give young operators the opportunity to practice skills taught in ARRL’s Level I Emergency Communications Course. The Level I course is an online course that youth can understand and use to benefit their community. Your local group might consider using the Level I material to get kids interested in the public service side of ham radio. If you can’t get an instructor, you (20 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for March 2007 might consider a scholarship that would allow one of your younger members to take the class. March was also a busy month because I was studying for my General Class written exam. March 31st was the magic day. I took the exam and passed it the first time, but it wasn’t easy. It sure was worth all of the work and effort. Now I can participate in Kansas Sideband nets and start working some contests and DX. I’m trying to get one of my friends to start studying so she can upgrade, too. If anyone is interested in participating in youth activities, please e- mail me at [email protected] 73, Emily- KC0PTL ______Kansas Section Emergency Coordinator report of activity for Feb 2007. Twenty (20) Zone EC reports received this month indicating 146 total net sessions being called with 1666 QNI and handling 50 messages. Not all zones reporting yet, however part of those that did report, show our membership setting at 393 registered ARES applicants. The Kansas Chapter 110 of QCWA reports 4 net sessions and 23 QNI thanks to N0LL for acting as net manager. Kansas RACES Officer WD0DMV reports only 5 stations reporting into the monthly net, first Thursday of each month on 3940 khz 7PM following the Kansas Sideband net. Let us all remember and check in with Joseph each month to keep your county as an active RACES participant. Had a report of an F2 Tornado reported in Linn County WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.ROFeb 28. Pictures show the destruction, However no deaths reported. Tornado season is on us now. Make sure your Assistant EC'(s) for each zone is registered with the respective DEC and especially this office of the Section Emergency Coordinator. Gives us the upper hand if we need to make contacts for additional emergency communication. PLEASE, LET US ALL BECOME MORE PUBLIC SERVICE reminded for emergency communication needed in times of disasters. 73 Bob Summers K0BXF ARRL SEC KS ______Newsletters received: Feed Back, Grain of Wheat (Wheat state Wrls), Trojan ARC Harmonic, QRZ, QNU H.A.R.C. DCARC, ______February Sessions/QNI/QTC/Mgr: KSBN/28/894/38 N0KFS KPN/20/239/16/N0KFS KMWN/28/648/571/WB0YWZ KWN/28/805/575/ WB0YWZ CSTN /24/1689/49/N0BFB QKS/ 32/111/18/ NB0Z QKS SS 4/11/0 KB0DTI Traffic: KC0MRJ 64 NB0Z 58 KC0HHO 48 N0ENO 26 W0OYH 17 KB0DTI 15 K0BXF 13 N0ZIZ 13 I inadvertently left out KCØMRJ last time so here is her work for January: Orig 1 Rcv 12 Sent 3 Dlvd 12 Total 28


APRIL 2007 MISSOURI SECTION NEWS Dale Bagley, KØKY MO SM There are many unsung heroes in Amateur Radio. Some of my heroes are those that mentor new Amateur Ops, teach license courses, train and participate in ARES or SKYWARN, and those that take on the important task of the Official Observer. Being an OO is a tough job. You have to be capable of functioning as a detective; have outstanding communications skills, having the tenacity to work long and hard to resolve a problem, and the admirable quality of keeping your emotions in check under very difficult conditions. Because of the legal nature of what Official Observers do I can’t report on the many successes that the OOs have achieved or the nature of some of the problems that may be ongoing, but I know each of us appreciate the important contributions of the OO and the OOC to the quality of our operating experiences. HAMFEST (21 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for March 2007 APRIL 2007 The Ararat Shrine Hambash in Kansas City, MO will be held on April 21, 2007. There will be Seminars by the ARRL, MARS, and an auction of equipment from the Flea market. To get to the Hamfest just exit south off I-70 on I-435 and proceed until you exit I- 435 at Eastwood Traffic-way and make a right on Ararat Drive. Table for Trader tables are $17.00 each including 3 admission tickets. Reservations or more information can be obtained from Steve Dowdy, WJØI by e-mail at [email protected] or by mail at 12411 Olive Kansas City, MO 64146 (Phone:WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO (816) 941-3392 Tickets by mail can be requested by sending $7.00 for three (3) tickets and an SASE to Ray Pautz, NØRP 13 SE 125 Road Warrensburg, MO 64093. Tickets at the door will be $4.00 each. The Ararat Amateur Radio Shrine Club is expecting a great turn-out this year, so it will be another great ARARAT SHRINE HAMBASH. For More info go to . Talk-in on 145.13 – click on the following hyperlink.2007 Hamfest Calendar to see the latest MO Section Hamfest Info. AFFILIATED CLUB NEWS KEITH HAYE, WEØG, ACC (Note: Don’t forget to go on the ARRL Website and update your club Info for 2007) The Heart of America ARC will have a presentation at their next meeting by a team of Red Cross Emergency Communications personnel. Larry Widener, KAØYJE and Jerry Gorrell, WØCLR, (also HARC members ) were training with their Emergency CommunicationsWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Vehicle in Baton Rouge, LA when they were sent east to Georgia to respond to the tornadoes that ravaged that state. Mr. Widener will show pictures of the damage done by the Tornado and to a hospital in Americus, GA during the presentation. The April 6th ARRL Letter reports on Titanic Commemoration events in the world including one in Missouri. “The Special event WØS (for "White Star Line") will be on the air from the Titanic Museum in Branson, Missouri, commencing at 1300 UTC on Saturday, April 14, and concluding at 2400 UTC on Sunday, April 15. Members of the Nixa Amateur Radio Club and the Southwest Missouri Amateur Radio Club (SMARC) will be among those at the helm of WØS. Look for WØS on or around: SSB, 3.860, 7.260 and 14.260 MHz; CW, 3.560, 7.060 and 14.060 MHz. Operators will be listening 2 kHz up for calls. Visitors are welcome. E-mail the Nixa club for more information . In conjunction with the WØS operation, GB2MGY will be on the air from Belfast, Northern Ireland.” The Community Service Radio Club, headquartered in Wellsville, MO will have a Charter Presentation Party at 6:30 PM on April 17, 2007 at Maggie’s Café in New Florence, MO. Their current President is Tim Ahrens, KCØVMW. The other officers are Dick Thompson, K2HT-VP, and Joel Bower III, KC0YEW-Secy/Treas. The CSRC meets on the 4th Friday of each month at 7 PM in the conference room of Poindexter Trucking. in Wellsville, MO. Some of their 2007 planned activities include: Field Day, Fox Hunt, Assist Montgomery City, MO with their 150th anniversary celebration, Fire Safety in October, QRP Program, Elmer program-license classes and standardization of equipment wiring for emergencies. The St. Charles ARC Secretary Mike McCrann, WDØGSY, will be contacting the Greenway Network to determine how much Communications and coordination assistance that they will need from the SCARC with their August 2007 “Race for Rivers” event. At their most recent meeting, SCARC Treasurer Jim Richardson, N5MU, reported on the Antenna CD that will reside on their website. SECTION ARES REPORT FOR MARCH 2007 DON MOORE, KMØR SEC Total # of ARES members: 678 Number of drills, tests and training sessions this month: 93 Man hours: 734 Number of public service events this month: 4 Man hours: 72 Number of emergency operations this month: 4 Man hours: 53 Total number of ARES operations this month: 101 (22 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for March 2007 Total Man hours: 859 Comments: 5 of 9 districts To view this and other Monthly Section ARES reports go to SECTION TRAFFIC REPORTS FOR FEBRUARY 2007 DALE HUFFINGTON, AEØS, MON – CW Sessions 38 QNI 110 QTC 45 NM K9ZTV MO Phone Sessions 31 QNI 975 QTC 142 NM KØRWL MESN Sessions 5 QNI 181 QTC 1 NM AEØS Audrain Co ARRC Sessions 6 QNI 117 QTC 2 NM KBØKWC Boone Co Sessions 4 QNI 99 QTC 1 NM WMØH Howell Co Sessions 8 QNI 68 QTC 1 NM KØRWL Jackson Co ARESR Sessions 6 QNI 99 QTCWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO 1 NM KØUAA Macon Co Sessions 4 QNI 36 QTC 0 NM KØKY CSRS Wellsville Sessions 4 QNI 27 QTC 3 NM KCØYNE Rolla RRARS Sessions 28 QNI 407 QTC 8 NM KB9ZBO Sullivan ARC Sessions 31 QNI 212 QTC 12 NM KBØROX WAARCI Sessions 4 QNI 75 QTC 2 NM WBØTOM St. Louis Co Sessions 8 QNI 91 QTC 9 NM KBØH 10th Reg Sessions 62 QTC 153 MO 71% with K9ZTV, WØSJS, NDØN NM WØSS

New England Division

Connecticut WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Section Leadership: ASMs: N1FNE, K1STM, NK1J, W1FXQ; Bulletin Manager KD1YV; OOC W1GC; PIC K1SFA; SEC K1BRF; SGL K1MK; STM K1HEJ; TC N1KHB. Don’t forget The Eastern VHF Society Conference this weekend sponsored by The Northeast Weak Signal Group April 20- 22 at the Crown Plaza Hotel 1 Bright Meadow Blvd. Enfield. There will be a workshop on microwave antennas and operation by Paul W1GHZ patterned after the UK Microwave groups suitable for newcomers. Mark your calendars now— April 29 -- the Southington Ham Fest and ARES Annual Meeting! SEC Brian K1BRF and the DECs are really looking forward to seeing you all and give you some good information so don’t miss it! By then, we should have bright sun shine! A huge thank you to everyone who stood by last Sunday during the Noreaster ready to assist. DEC Art K1WMQ spent the day into the early hours of the morning at Region 2 DMHS Hq despite its being his 40th wedding anniversary! We surely owe him and his understanding wife a certificate! Roger K1PAI, Skywarn Coordinator Hartford County tracked the storm as he always does and ran nets in between celebrating his 60th birthday! Many of you stood by in communities all over the Section. Our SEC kept us current on several aspects of the storm. Shelters were opened in Eastern CT as well as in Norwalk and Westport areas. Just the day before, 15 members in Region 4 took part in the third annual Recon Rally which was organized by DEC Wayne N1CLV. The primary purpose of this Rally was to familiarize ARES Rapid Response Teams (RRTs) with important locations within Region 4. This year's Rally covered from Old Lyme to Colchester to Norwich to Mashantucket; local Red Cross shelters, and the two Tribal Nation casino sites. They also had five Scouts from Troop 240 East Lyme and two leaders (Dan KA1IAX and Wayne’s wife Becky participate for the first two hours. The Scouts are working on Emergency Preparedness merit badge and needed to participate in an emergency drill. They got the briefing about the area, some intro to ham radio, ARES, and APRS. From my perspective, this is a really fine example for all of us to follow in our clubs and in our own smaller groups. Great work everyone! Members of Area 4 also took part in the Colchester Dept of Public Health Point of Dispensing (POD) Drill this week, again coordinated by Wayne N1CLV who has boundless (23 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for March 2007 energy! ‘Amateur radio was integrated into the drill from the beginning of their planning. We had a total of 11 hams involved - 3 at the Bacon Academy POD, 5 at the Colchester EOC and 3 at the Westchester Transportation site. These operators played a large role in the overall success of the drill and received some very nice compliments at the debriefing from both the participants and the evaluators, e.g., great, tremendous, phenomenal, invaluable, not sure how we would have done it without them!’ Fantastic – thanks all! Your DEC is proud of you and so are we all!—K1EICWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO The Meriden Amateur Radio Club very much appreciated the training class on Airmail presented by DEC Wayne N1CLV and TS Bill, W1GTT. Twelve ops, mostly from the Club, attended the class in Wallingford. If your group is interested in learning about Airmail, contact either of the trainers or send me a note to investigate the possibility of arranging a workshop. Speaking of digital comms, Betsey K1EIC added an M2 7- element 220 beam which is pointed at the W1EDH packet node to enhance communications to the center of the State. For details on this older but still useful digital mode, go to http://www. and click on Digital Communications. Both Airmail and classic packet are in our ecomm plans so don’t miss out! Enjoy the networks. Four volunteers are needed to help out with the communicationsWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO for the MS Walk this Sunday, April 22. If you can help, please contact either DEC Art, K1WMQ or EC Chris, WA1VXH who is coordinating the effort. Field Day is just around the corner and thanks to PIC Khrystyne, K1SFA’s effort, Governor Rell has proclaimed June 17-23 Amateur Radio Week in CT. The text of the proclamation will be up on the Section news Page on the ARRL Web site soon so watch for it. Thanks much Khrystyne! Division Director Tom Frenaye spoke at The Greater Norwalk Amateur Radio Club recently. He updated them about various aspects of Amateur Radio news and what’s going on at Hq. Tom always has interesting stats about our service. DXCC Manager Bill Moore, NC1L spoke at the April NARL meeting about DXCC, various related awards which ARRL offers, Logbook of the World and the QSL Bureau. Be sure your new members know about these wonderful operating opportunities! NARL is still looking for help for the CPTV Science Expo on April 26-28. For further details, contact Al W1FXQ [email protected] or coordinator Ethel, KB1NMO, kb1nmo@arrl. net. You can also help from home! Get CW training Sunday evenings 1930 145.45 repeater from Rick N1JTB—two way participation so get that code practice oscillator going and have fun! Many thanks to Skip W1SKP of the Meriden Club for running several classes for the BSA Radio Merrit Badge—great!

Eastern Massachusetts

Hello Everybody!! Well, I asked for telephone calls, but got lots of e-mails while I was at home taking care of Shirl. Thank you for all your prayers and good wishes for her. Now for some business at large. I am now mostly informed about the questionable testing of our repeaters by the Air Force. ARES members, RACES members and Lou Harris, N1UEC, also gave me a call this past weekend and asked for help. I will to try and get the President's ("W") ear. If it manages to go, perhaps Rob, KD1CY, Eastern Massachusetts Assistant Section Manager, Lou Harris, and others would also attend. First, the door must be open and an appointment set. As I have suggested to ARRL, ARES and RACES must decide to take on this project themselves. It can be done. We have amongst us terrific technical advisors throughout our organization (24 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for March 2007 along with affilliated clubs that will help us with this situation. Maybe it could be called -- well, you all know I like naming things, HI HI -- the National ARRL, ARES and RACES, Emergency & Security Repeater Network. [whooooeee!] Sounds good to me. Please see the April 17th article about “PAVE PAWS” on the ARRL Web’s “Amateur Radio News” page at this link: http://


Greetings fellow Rhode Islanders: As you read this, shortly after Easter weekend, you probably need my reminder that we are only a few days short of being a full month into spring. Snow, sleet and cold wet weather is all around in much of the country. We even saw some sleet this morning as I was writing this report on 4/15. Is this what global warming is all about? Golly! I can hardly wait to see what warm weather brings. Seriously, we native Rhode Islanders know very well that we’ll wake up one morning in the next few weeks to greet a day in the 80s and we’ll all be reaching for the A/C control. We’ll forget all about snow and drag our shorts out of the closet. OurWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO ARES team has been moving along with regular net sessions on 146.70 repeater on the 1st and 3rd Monday evenings at 8PM. All Emergency Coordinators were invited to attend a meeting on April 14th in the Newport Police Department. Family obligations prevented my attending, but SEC KE1AB submitted a report that it was a very useful meeting. A total of 19 including ECs, SATERN and Newport Co club members took part. Discussion covered net control training, RI EMA Amateur Radio initiative, NTS, state frequency plan, Tall Ships, EOC comm. abilities and the value and importance of digital modes to handle volumes of data. In addition, Red Cross planning, SATERN and SKYWARN and W1XX’s important zoning issue was discussed. The meeting was well received and attendees went away pleased and already anxious to plan a repeat of this sort of event. Good job everyone! John Lindholm, W1XX is facing his South Kingstown Zoning Board on Wednesday April 18th at 7PM in Town Hall on High Street. John is asking all who can come to the meeting and show their support to please do so. His attorney is asking that no one come to the meeting with call letter caps, HTs hanging on their belts, or in any way not look professional. A solid show of strength would help John and help Amateur Radio in general. Wearing a call letter badge is OK. Until RI gets a PRB-1 bill codified, these individual demonstrations of support in official meetings will be an extremely important substitute. Thanks to all. An ambitious demonstration is scheduled for the public to be held on Monday, April 30th at Quonset Point Naval Air Station. It is being called Hurricane Awareness Tour or HAT. Political figures, media people and hundreds of school children have been invited to attend. Public tours of a visiting P3 Orion hurricane hunting aircraft will take place from 2:30 to 6:00 PM. The aircraft is assigned to the National Hurricane Center in Miami. The HAT demonstration is being led by the National Weather Service, Taunton. Local groups; including the Taunton Amateur Radio group, RI Emergency Management Agency, SKYWARN, SATERN and ARES are participating and demonstrating what they are all about to the hundreds of visitors. I hope to attend as well and shall report on the event with pictures that I shall take and gather from others. The report will appear on our two websites, and The BVARC VE team experienced an interesting “first” at their April session. Visiting DXer and Contester from (25 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for March 2007 Thailand, Champ E21EIC passed his Technician exam to award him a US call sign, KB1OVL. From RI, he went to Florida where he passed his General and plans to take his Extra exam before the end of April. From there, Champ will attend the Visalia (CA) DX Convention and then the Dayton Hamvention where he will be a speaker on the subject of contesting in a DX country. He wants to apply for Vanity call N1EIC and/or W1IC. He is a big contester and participated July 5-10th in the World Radiosport Team Championship, WRTC2006 held in Florianopolis, Brazil. WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.ROOn the topic of the VE program, I have heard from several sources that exam activity is at a record high. Through March, the ARRL has recorded more VE sessions taking place than in all 12 months of 2006. Dropping the code requirement on February 23rd surely seems to be a huge stimulant of interest in upgrading and becoming an Amateur. I reported this last month and there has been no decline in the substantial new interest in ham radio since the code test has been dropped. Hopefully, this will continue and draw many new people into our fraternity. There appears to be some fairly convincing evidence that sunspot cycle 23 is at its minimum. With only one direction for the spot count to go now, one would think that new cycle 24 may be getting ready to launch. NASA scientists have stated that when this new cycle starts climbing, it will reach levels not seen since the late 50s when cycle 19 set a recordWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO for being the strongest in the 250+ year recorded history of formal sunspot recordings. Cycle 24 is expected to become the second strongest cycle in history. This means that within a couple of years, 12, 10 and even 6 meters will be filled with DX nearly every day and 20 meters will be open around the clock. I’d suggest that you get your old 10 and 6 meter monoband beams out of storage and get them ready to be raised toward the sky. Finally, those Radio Shack 25 watt 10 meter radios hanging around in the garage will be put to good use once again as an inexpensive DX capable mobile unit . Congratulations to our CT-RI Contest Group after a very successful operation at NP3U during the CQWW SSB Contest in late March. Some visits from Murphy took place but despite that, our crew ran up an impressive score which will hopefully place them into a good competitive position. I was happy to work them on a couple of bands. In February, a few of our RI brethren attended the Orlando Hamcation hamfest and reported having a great time. How could they not enjoy 75 degree weather in February? April 27th to the 29th is the famous DX Convention in Visalia, CA. http:// and . I hope that some of our RI DXers will be in Visalia and if anyone does attend, please send me a summary of your comments and impressions. I shall include them in my monthly report. The largest hamfest of all is the Dayton Hamvention, May 18-20th I know that many RI hams regularly attend the Dayton event. Your reports are also invited. I’d like to report your impressions as well. Above all, have fun and don’t try to see everything and attend every forum. It’s impossible to do. Well, that’s about it for another month. Remember to check into our nets; the ARES net on the 1st and 3rd Monday at 8PM on the 146.70 repeater, the RI/ Eastern Mass Traffic Net on the KA1RCI repeater network (147.075 PL 67) on Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 9PM and the ARES Tactical Net on the 2nd and 4th Monday at 8PM, also on the KA1RCI network. 73, Bob Beaudet W1YRC

Northwestern Division (26 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for March 2007 Montana

March was a tough month for many of us. Weather was the worst we've seen over the entire Winter. Maybe now, we'll be able to get some antenna repairs accomplished. May 5th is the 2nd annual Seventh District QSO party. It was a great time last year and promises to be the same this time around. The plan is to get as many counties in the 7th area on the air. If you have an HF mobile, I'mWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO sure they'd love to have you go out into one of Montana's far flung counties where there are no amateurs living. If you do, be prepared to send lots of QSL cards (order 'em NOW) and keep a good log. Contact Bob Leo, W7LR for information. For those of you who know Will Wilburn, WA7GQF, he's still in Denver at the VA hospital recieving treatment. Hope is that he'll be home next Saturday. We all pray he'll make that date and get back to Montana soon. Best wishes Will. Some changes in proceedure for the Montana Traffic Net. Many have expressed comments regarding the new plan, more pro than con. Our effort is to streamline net operations and improve traffic throughput to feeder nets and message recipients. Net manager Jack, KD7HWV has put many hours into thinking these changes through andWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO is working to sort out any problems. Constructive criticisms are always welcome, but should also be accompanied with suggestions. Just because we "always did it that way before" dosent mean we cant change now. Keep up with the net and you'll hear the new preamble and operations. May will be a busy month for your SM. I'll be out of sight for a few weeks. If you need to contact me, email would be the best. IMN-W5UYH, QNI-316, QTC-121 MTN-KD7HWV, QNI-2825, QTC-188 MSN-K7YD, AE7V, K7MT, K7LMT and others, QNI-98, QTC- 4 Thanks to all who read this column. 73 Doug, K7YD


HOUSE BILL – HIGH PRIORITY!!!! Kevin Curry, KA7KYQ, the state government liaison for Oregon Section, reported Friday that House Bill 2482 has popped onto the public hearing agenda for April 16, 3:00 p.m. in the House Transportation Committee: He has provided the following information. Here is the committee make-up: E. Terry Beyer, Chair George Gilman, Vice-Chair Carolyn Tomei, Vice-Chair Peter Buckley R. Tom Butler Tobias Read Greg Smith The message is the same as the Senate Bill we activated Hams to send emails and letters about. Your contacts with those on the committee, and with your own Representative should use the same arguments we applied on the Senate side. Here's the link to the online form to submit an email to legislators: Following is the amateur radio exemption we are requesting: Nothing in this act shall be construed to apply to voice or data transmissions by an Amateur Radio operator possessing a valid amateur service license issued by the Federal Communications Commission. OO REPORTS Four OO's (official observers) monitored a total of 597 hours and are working on some potential concerns. STM REPORT The section traffic manager monthly report will be posted on the section website and can be viewed there. ARES/RACES REPORTS These will be sent out in a section report to section in a few days. John Bartley, K7AAY is compiling the reports so I will be able to send them out on schedule. There is a SET scheduled for April 28, 2007. If you have not heard about it, please (27 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for March 2007 contact your EC, DEC, or the SEC. CLATSOP COUNTY TOWER HEARING We thought the tower issue was settled at the last hearing. However, the neighbors complaining about interference contacted local newspapers and accused the county, hams, and sheriff's office of being an "old boys club", so the decision was rescinded and there will be another hearing on April 25th at 6:00 p.m. in Seaside. If anyone is interested in attending, more information can be provided regarding the location. CLUB ACTIVITIES The Salem Amateur Radio Club is offering a new Worked Oregon CountiesWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Award. More information is available from the club for those who are interested in participating. NEW APPOINTMENTS Jerry Gaule, KE7GGV, has been appointed PIO (public information officer) for Salem Amateur Radio Club. He has worked 30 years in Radio Broadcasting. He has done many things over the years from Management/Ownership to Sales. He has experience in Public Relations and Promotions. He has also been The Public Service Director at several stations here in the Northwest and understands how the media works and how to present it to the public. He has experience in news, public affairs and writing releases. After retiring, he was the PR/Media contact for all outlets in the valley for The Helping Hands Gleaners in Albany. Steve Sanders, KE7JSS, was appointed as Washington County ARES PIO. Everett Curry, W6ABM, the section PIC (public information coordinator), will be sharing contactsWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO with him since they are located in the same area. Steve has already submitted a news release to the Oregonian regarding volunteer awards given to the ARES EC and others in the ARES group by the County Emergency Manager. They join the recent PIO appointments of John Bartley, K7AAY, as the District 1 PIO, who is actively monitoring and reporting important news items. A number of the organizations with local appointments available need development throughout the state. If you are interested in a PIO, TS (technical specialist), or LGL (local government liaison) appointment for your area, work with your club or ARES group. If those groups are interested in having you represent them one of those those capacities and you are an ARRL member, I will submit the appointment request. We will be looking for a new PIC (public information coordinator) for the section soon as Everett moves into the membership manager role, and would like to locate someone with professional experience in the area and who is active in promoting amateur radio to the public. The best first step is obtaining a local appointment and reporting your activities so we can see the results.

Western Washington

In District 1, San Juan County reports that during the Evergreen Sentry exercise, three NTS format messages were passed from the San Juan County EOC to State DEM using the CEMNET. Skagit County reports after many years of service as Skagit County Emergency Services Director, Tom Sheahan retired the end of March. No replacement has been announced as yet. Snohomish County reports they supported a 10K race for handicapped runners/walkers on March 31, in Arlington, WA. 3 Members attended the EmComm event on March 31. A roster adjustment reflecting removal of long time inactive, no longer interested members has resulted in a significant reduction of membership. Stanwood/Camano Island reports Vic Henry, N7KRE, has been appointed AEC for Camano Island. In District 2, WWA Section Manager Ed Bruette, N7NVP, attended the Clallam County ARES March general (28 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for March 2007 meeting and gave a great pep-talk accompanied by a video on amateur radio produced by the Eastern Washington Section. Clallam County ARES extends a special welcome to its two youngest members, Jody, KE7LKA (age 14), and Jeff, KC9HNL (age 16), and congratulates those members who upgraded their licenses at the March VE session. Jefferson county is in the process, in concert with the Jefferson County DEM, of formulating a set of standards for repeater use during emergencies, drills and public service events. Due to the proliferation of cell phones and the WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.ROcost and non-use of the autopatch, the Jefferson County ARC has elected to do away with the autopatch on the Port Townsend repeater. In District 3 DEC Duane, WB7ROZ, would like to thank all who volunteered from the district this month for NCS duty for the WSEN. Duane says it was good to see several familiar faces from the district at the Communications Academy this year. This is always a good event. Lewis County has received news that they have AC power in the EOC radio room, now to get those antennas. In Mason County, Ron, K9RKI, hosted the second interesting and informative Packet Users Get Together. The attendees of this meeting represent a lot of knowledge regarding packet operation in the region. The meeting was also attended by several new KE7s. YEA! Pacific county replaced transmit and receive antennas on the 146.86 repeater. They also performed troubleshootingWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO on Ham Radio equipment in the County Command Vehicle and general repeater maintenance. Thurston County: had their first SAR activation this month and is starting to gear up for an active spring with lots of Public Service actives. Clark County in District 4 covered 4 CEM NET check-ins for the county and met 3 times with the DEM staff. The digital packet group met on March 12th and discussed WinLink 2000 and PSK 31. The regular ARES/RACES meeting was held on March 19th. 8 teams set up an emergency VHF station with portable power and explained their station and antenna. On March 31, 9 ARES./ RACES team members attended the Communication Academy in Seattle. Judi, KD7GZR Cowlitz County ARES/RACES Net Manager reports first quarter check-ins with 159 and 1 visitor and there were 6 announcements in March. District 5 - No Report In District 6, Fire District 40 had SkyWarn training this month which was held in conjunction with Federal Way Emergency Management at King County Fire District 40. The North Bend ARES Team now has a VHF/UHF radio and antenna at Eastside Fire & Rescue Station 87 in downtown North Bend. District M, the Medical Services Team (MST) had 30 members attend the very successful Communications Academy on March 31/April 1. MST had an exhibit table at the Mike & Key Hamfest - both of these events attracted several prospective members. Brian, WB7OML, is attending planning meetings for a Region 6 hospital exercise called Blue Cascades to be held May 30. Alan, KD7KUS, participated in an employee safety fair with a display and demonstration at Group Health Central Hospital, and will also do so at Group Health Eastside next week. From the SEC: Thanks to everyone who came to Communications Academy 2007 at Seattle Pacific University. A special thanks to the team that spent so many hours organizing the event. They out-did themselves this year to put on a great event with over 400 people in attendance. Both of the Keynote speakers gave us a great start to the day. We are already looking forward to next year’s event.

Pacific Division (29 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for March 2007 East Bay

• There is a new East Bay Section Web Page : http//. www. please check it out. • Saturday, April 28, 2007 March of Dimes Walk America in Alameda. Contact Gene Alga: [email protected]. Start Time: 0800. • Sunday, May 6, 2007 Grizzly Peak Century bike ride (7:00 AM - 7:00 PM). Contact Randy KA6BQF or Rich KD6JCT to volunteer. Rest stop communicationsWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO and sag drivers needed. The Wente Bike Race will be held April 21st. In immediate need of 2 or 3more people to help with the race.The time commitment is from about 7:30 am until 3 pm, If you can help, please contact me at [email protected] or 462- 5202. Alan Training Class Hosted by East Bay Amateur Radio Club, Oakland Radio Communications Association, Amateur Radio Club of Alameda, and West Contra Costa Adult Education.If you are interested in obtaining the entry level Amateur Radio License which is granted by the FCC please attend this class.Starting: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 Time: 7pm to 9:30pm Duration: 8 weeks - April 18th through June 6th Text: The ARRL Ham Radio License Manual, 1st Edition at 1st class Location: Alvarado School, 5625 Sutter Avenue, Richmond, CA. South Bay AmateurWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Radio Association SBARA – Fremont Basic Electronics Class Six Consecutive Wednesdays DATES: May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, June 6 For Technician Class Licensed Operators interested in understanding Electronic Theory as it applies to Amateur Radio TIME: 7:30PM to 10:00PM - EVERYONE WELCOMED *** No Prior Subject Knowledge Required *** Required Text: ‘Basic Electronics‘ by McWhorter & Evans HRO (limited stock. REGISTRATION: There is no cost to attend the class other than your purchase of the Text Book. To Register or for further questions contact:Brad Douglas, KB8UYR E-MAIL: [email protected] Alameda County Sheriff’s Communications Team (ACSCT) Brigadier General Jerry Griffin, (Ret. US Army)K6Ml talked about his experiences as YI9MD during his recent tour of duty in Iraq. The meeting was held at Fairmont Hospital April 4th Amateur radio operators desiring to participate in the Alameda County Sheriff’s Communications Team are invited to attend the general membership meetings held on the first Wednesday of each odd numbered month at 1930 hours (local time) at the Alameda County Office of Emergency Services, 4985 Broder Blvd, Dublin, CA. On even numbered months meeting are held at the Eden Adult CSC Building (# 2045) on the Fairmont Hospital Campus 15400 Foothill Blvd, San Leandro, CA. also at 1930 hours, local time. For further information you may call the Alameda County Office of Emergency Services at 925-803-7800. Red Oak Victory Amateur Radio Club (ROVARC) The ROVARC meets on the first Saturday of the month on board the SS Red Oak Victory. The location of the Museum Ship - SS Red Oak Victory is: At the south end of Canal Street, Berth 6A (see also the detailed set of maps and directions at: contact.htm) of the graving docks in Richmond, CA Directions: Take Highway 580 to Point Richmond, exit at Canal St. and head south. In about 1/2 mile Canal Street ends at a security checkpoint for a large parking area used for off loading newly imported cars from Japan. Just before this checkpoint you bear to the right and follow the road around the car lot, out toward the water to Berth 6A. North Bay Amateur Radio Association (NBARA) Meetings take place monthly on the fourth Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m.(this varies during November and December). The meeting place is 822 Walnut Ave Vallejo, CA on Mare Island. Use the repeater on 145.310 PL 88.5 for directions to the meeting. The club also holds an informal Breakfast (30 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for March 2007 meeting at 7:30 am on the first Saturday of each month at Denny’s located near the intersection of Highway 37 and Highway 29 (Sonoma Blvd), 4355 Sonoma Boulevard Vallejo, CA All club members and their guests are encouraged to attend. Hayward Amateur Radio Club (HARC) Club meets on the 3rd Friday of every month, 1930 hours local, at 1401 West Winton Ave, Hayward, CA (map), behind Hayward Fire Station #6.The Club maintains 3 active repeaters: 52.76 (-500) PL 114.8; 145.130 (-) PL 127.3; 444.825 (+) PL 127.3. Nets on the HRC repeaters: • MONDAY,WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO 1930 hours, Hayward ARES/RACES 2 meters net; • TUESDAY, 1900 hours, HRC 6 meters Round Table Net / SSTV; • WEDNESDAY, 1900 hours HRC 2 meters net / swap meet / ARRL Audio News (all repeaters linked for above nets); • WEDNESDAY, 2000 hours, HRC 10 meters Round Table Net, 28.350 MHz. All nets are open and everyone is welcome. Contra Costa Communications Club The ‘Four Cs’ meets on the 2nd Sunday of every month, breakfast at 7:15 AM, meeting begins 8:00 AM. Location: Denny’s the corner of San Pablo Ave and Potrero Ave (11344 San Pablo Ave) El Cerrito, CA. The club maintains an active set of repeaters: 145.110MHz (minus offset), 224.300MHz (minus offset), 444.275MHz (plus offset), PL is 82.5Hz for all of the frequencies. For membership information, email Barbara, KD6OKJ Silverado Amateur Radio Society Meets on the 3rd Tuesday at 7:30 pm in the Veterans HomeWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO - Lincoln Theater 100 California Drive Yountville, CA The next meeting of SARS will be on April17th, 7:30 PM in the Lee Lounge, at the Veterans Home in Yountville. Bring a friend. The next License Training will begin April 28th. See the Links Below for details.The Next Test Session will be May 6th at the Senior Center. Amateur Radio Club of Alameda ARCA meets on the fourth Friday of the month at 7:00 pm except November and December. Meetings held at 431 Stardust Place, (Bldg 522, Alameda Point), Alameda, CA Shop Nights - Location: 431 Stardust Place, Alameda, CA 94501 (Alameda Point, old Navy base) What is Shop Night? Shop Nights “…consist of members bringing in tools, parts, and test equipment, so that they can work on projects together. This gives people a chance to use test equipment they may not own, and provides a chance to learn new skills.” –from the ARCA web site ( Shop Nights are planned for the first and third Mondays of the month at 7pm. All ARCA members and friends are invited to attend Shop Nights. South Bay Amateur Radio Association (SBARA) SBARA now meets at 7:30 PM on the second Friday of every month at the Washington Township Veteran’s Memorial Building at 37154 Second St. on the corner of Second and E street in the Niles district of Fremont. Hello all, the SBARA CW Practice Group will attempt to move from 10 to 80m. The hope is that we can reach a little farther, so that more people can participate. Please join us, we will happily adapt the speed to the necessary levels! Don’t be shy! To break in, send “BK” and your callsign, and to request a slower speed send “QRS”. The SBARA CW Practice Group meets every Tuesday and Thursday at 8:30 p.m. local time on 3880 +/- 5 kHz (or, if this fails, on 28.400 MHz) East Bay Amateur Radio Club Club meetings held on the 2nd Friday of the month at 7:30 PM at the Salvation Army 4600 Appian Way, El Sobrante, CA Oakland Radio Communication Association OCRA meets on the 1st Saturdays 9AM Fire Station 1 16th & MLK in Oakland. Alameda County Radio Club (ACRC) Club meetings are held on the 4th Friday of the month at 7:30 pm. at Alameda County Fire Department Station #4 - 20336 San Miguel Avenue, Castro Valley, CA Livermore Amateur Radio Klub (LARK) Club meetings are normally held on the 3rd Saturday of the month at 9:30 at the Livermore City Council Chambers 3575 Pacific Ave, Livermore, CA Mt Diablo (31 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for March 2007 Amateur Radio Club (MDARC) Meetings are held on the 3rd Friday of the month at 7:30 PM at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church 1035 Carol Lane Lafayette, CA Benicia Amateur Radio Club (BARC) The club meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm Location: Fire Station 11 - 150 Military West, Benicia, CA W6BB Amateur Radio Club at the University of California, Berkeley (W6BB ARC) Club meetings are announced on the website. Normally monthly meetings are held during Fall and Spring semester. U.C. students, staff, faculty as well as alumni, retired and emeritusWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO are invited to join.


Nevada Section News Summary See the Nevada Section website at for the complete, unedited stories. April 10, 2007 - ARES Monthly Report for March'07 SEC Summary - Lots actitity on the Emcommwest 2007 website with many recent updates including some additional program schedule changes. You can still register online with the link to the Atlantis for booking of rooms. We especially would like to have those who plan on attending the Saturday nightWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO banquet register as soon as possible, since seating is limited and we need to get a firm head count. Swap meet sign ups online too. Some new vendors added with more on the way. For information or questions, please write to [email protected]. I am very sad that Lyon County EC Harry Bryant, KC7HVM will be leaving us to move to Oregon. Harry has been a mainstay there for many years, and has done a fantastic job. Thanks Harry, you will really be missed. Our Thursday night ARES/RACES VOIP Net is off to a great start. You can check it out at 1900 Hrs. on IRLP Node 9258, the Western Reflector, as well as Echolink # 152566. Many thanks to the system owners and NARRI s Kent Johnson, W7AOR for putting in a lot of time to help get us up and running. I will be traveling to Las Vegas on April 28 to attend the Clark County ARES/RACES meeting, and looking forward to seeing everyone again. 73 Don Carlson, KQ6FM - SEC SOUTHERN DISTRICT REPORT: Spent the month assisting the ARES leadership with putting together a weekly NV Section ARES VoIP Net. I was net control for the first VoIP ARES net introduced this past March. I met up with Ron WB5KLJ at his home QTH during a visit to Tonopah. Announced the changes to the NV State RACES Plan to ARES/ RACES members during the Monday night nets in Clark County. South Nye County ARES(r) report by EC, Jerry KC6ILH - Meeting/training the only thing to report. Glenn Hale KB7REO. NORTHEAST DISTRICT REPORT: Planning continues for Field Day 2007. The Spring Creek Marina is the proposed site to be used again this year. This site offers good public exposure and has good facilities including BBQs and covered tables. Planning is also underway for communication support for the Open Road Races to be held in Wendover, Elko, and Battle Mountain this summer. The snow is rapidly retreating up the mountains in Elko County. The snowline is currently at about 7,000 feet. This looks to be a dry season so far. Several small wildland fires have already erupted throughout the area, but have been rapidly contained. The Section HF ARES Net continues to grow. Average net counts have risen from 15 to 17 this month. Some new members are newly upgraded General Class licensees. Propagation is improved due to the early shift to daylight savings time. Some QRM has been encountered from a nearby shortwave broadcast station. Joe Giraudo, N7JEH NORTHWEST DISTRICT REPORT: We have two new EC's this month. Paul Willcoxen KE7CRZ has picked up the reins (32 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for March 2007 and is doing an excellent job of reviving the ARES/RACES organization in Churchill county. In Lyon county, the new EC is Patty Polish KE7JIV. Patty has extensive incident management experience with SAR. Many thanks to outgoing EC Harry Bryant KC7HVM for a job well done. 73 de Glenn WB6W Churchill county - EC Paul L. Willcoxon KE7CRZ- Training will continue on a weekly basis on the local net. The new RACES plan for Nevada has been distributed to all of the membership. Members have also received applications to update any of the information that may be out of date.WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO New I.D. cards are being made in order to update pictures and properly sign the cards. A formal drill is being planned for the second quarter and the scenario will be submitted for approval to the DEC upon completion. A monthly meeting of the membership is planned and the first of these is to take place in April 2007. Recruiting is ongoing. Lyon county - EC Harry Bryant KC7HVM - Boy, have things been slow lately. I hope this isn't the calm before the storm. This is my last report as EC of Lyon County. Patty Polish KE7JIV has assumed the reins as of the 1st. I am positive that she will take LCARES to the next level and beyond. Good luck to her and the group. I wish all well. Washoe county - EC Bob Miller WA6MTY- On March 9th I attended the Inter-Hospital Coordinating Committee meeting. On Friday March 23nd, Frank KE7ZAJO and I attended the Incline Village Evacuation Drill planningWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO meeting. April 7, 2007 - Outpost v2.2 is available - For those not on the OutpostPacket Yahoo Group list, Version 2.2.0 is now available on the Outpost website www. April 2, 2007 - HR 462 in Congress - Please consider writing a letter in support of HR 462, the House bill that requires the FCC to report back to congress on interference issues associated with the BPL technology. There is an article on BPL in the March issue of QST. April 1, 2007 - New ARES(R) EC in Lyon county - Lyon county has a new ARES Emergency Coordinator as of today. She is Patty Polish KE7JIV. Patty has extensive incident management experience with SAR. We are looking forward to using that experience to further build and improve ARES/RACES in Lyon county. Former EC Harry Bryant KC7HVM is leaving the state. Many thanks to Harry for his excellent work as EC in Lyon county. March 22, 2007 - New Hams net - There is a New Hams Net every Sunday afternoon at 1 PM PDST in the Northern Nevada area on the WADG radio system 147.150 PL 123 linked 147.210 PL 100 linked 444.925 PL 100. Many questions/topics for new and older hams as well. Out of town and still like to get involved? Join the New Hams Net Yahoo group at group/NewHamsNet or contact the Net Manager Steve Smythe KE7HLS steve@smythefamily. com. March 23, 2007 - New ARES(R) EC in Churchill county - Churchill county has a new ARES Emergency Coordinator as of today. He is Paul Willcoxon KE7CRZ. Paul has been very active in the reorganization of ARES in Churchill county. Paul is also very active in Navy MARS. Welcome aboard Paul! March 15, 2007 - SIERA meeting - Have you ever wondered how they measure the snow depth and water content of the Sierra snowpack as well as transmit that information from the mountain back country to their offices for analysis? The March SIERA meeting heard from Dan Greenlee, the person who makes those measurements. SIERA meets every third Thursday at the United Methodist Church building, 1375 Centerville Lane in Gardnerville. -30-

San Joaquin Valley (33 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for March 2007 SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY SECTION Report for the month of March 2007: SM Charles McConnell, W6DPD- ASMs K6YK and N2NS, ACC W6DPD, SEC N6ZFN, OOC N1VM, STM K6RAU, PIC KE6IGJ, TC W6TE. Greetings from the ARRL San Joaquin Valley Section. Your club has received a petition to get the governor to declare June 17 to 23, 2007, Amateur Radio week in California. This is a statewide effort. Please keep collecting signatures and return the petitions to the address in the email by April 25, 2007. With the change in Part 97 of the FCC Rules eliminating the codeWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO exam as a requirement for upgrading, many Amateurs have upgraded to General and Extra Class. Congratulations to those getting upgraded licenses. Enjoy your new privileges. Technician Class Amateurs now enjoy limited HF privileges on 80, 40 and 15 CW and 10 meter SSB and CW. As the year progresses, more Amateurs will upgrade to General and Extra. Just a reminder, the sidebands of your signal must be within the band edges. As a rule of thumb, on SSB you should operate no closer that 3 KHZ to the band edge to ensure that your sidebands remain within the band. On CW you can get closer to the band edge as the CW signal are not as wide as SSB signals, but your signals must remain with in the band. Technicians may NOT operate FM on 10 meters. They may only operate SSB on 28.300 to 28.500 MHZ. FM on 10 meters can only be used between 29.5 and 29.7 MHZ. New General Class AmateursWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO should get a frequency chart so they will know where their bands end. You can get a new frequency chart from the March 2007 QST or down load it from the ARRL web page. Some new generals are operating outside the General Class bands. General Class Amateurs need to know where the General Class bands end and stay within them. You don’t want to receive an OO notice or an FCC Citation for out of band operation. Courtesy dictates that you should listen, and then ask if a frequency is in use before calling CQ. You need to call CQ when soliciting a contact on HF. Just giving your call sign on HF is not enough to usually get a contact. If you desire your club information and events to be listed in Section News, please send the information to [email protected]. Mark your calendars The International DX Convention is April 27-29, 2007 at Visalia. Check for information. EMCOMM West is May 4-6, 2007 at the Atlantis Resort and Casino in Reno NV. Check for information. Los Banos ARC special event station is May 12. Tuolumne Swap Meet June 2, 2007, 8 AM to 3 PM at the Sonora East Shopping Center in Sonora. Contact Jerry WA6AVR, [email protected] for information. Field Day 2007 is the fourth full weekend of June. The 65th Fresno Hamfest is August 4, 2007 at the Holiday Inn at the Airport in Fresno. Check for information. The California QSO Party is October 6-7, 2007. Check for information. Pacificon 2007 is October 19-21, 2007 at the Marriott Hotel in San Ramon CA. Check for information. When your affiliated club elects officers for the next year, be sure to update your club’s information on the affiliated club area of the ARRL web page. If you fail to update your clubs information for 2 years, your club will be placed in the inactive file. Need to take an Amateur exam? Check the ARRL web page, for exam information. You can also search for Amateur Radio Classes in your area. The Northern California Net (NCN), the Section Traffic Net, meets nightly on 3.533 MHZ at 7 PM Pacific Time. The slow speed training session of the net meets nightly on 3.533 MHZ at 9 PM Pacific Time. Handling traffic on CW is a good way to improve your CW skills. The Daytime Region 6 Traffic Net meets daily at 3:30 pacific time on or near 7.275 MHZ. The California Traffic Net meets daily on 3.906 MHZ and 6:30 PM local time. The noon time (34 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for March 2007 net meets on 7.268.5 MHz. This net handles a lot of messages. It is my sad duty to report that KA6RCP Ernie and AD6RP Jack are Silent Keys. They will be missed. Stanislaus County ARES was activated to help search for a missing person. An ARES member found the missing person who was in fine health. Manteca ARC and San Joaquin County ARES will hold a one-day "Ham Cram" Study session, followed by FCC testing, on Saturday, April 14, 2007 from 8:30am until 5 pm in Manteca. Fee for the training session is $16 plus $14 for testing ($30 total). All license classes offered. No walk-ins.WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Limited retesting available. Location: TBA, Manteca, CA (95336) Space limited, pre-registration required. Contact: David Coursey, Emergency Coordinator, SJ ARES, (209) 835-6893, [email protected] W5YI-VEC Congrats to NG6NG and W6NBK on completing the ARECC Level One course. W6MSU, Guy, participated in the 2006 ARRL Frequency Measuring Test with an entry of 1 HZ or less. Congrats Guy. TCARES provided communications support for the Jamestown Run. Stanislaus ARA 2007 officers are pres W6UHF, vp KF6NPG, sec KD6YWO, and treas KC6TVE. Check www.saraclub,net for information. Calaveras ARS 2007 officers are pres AE6LA, vp KO6HV, sec WB6QVU and treas AC6CY. Check for information. SJV Scores in the 2006 CW Sweepstakes were: High Power WC6H first, and W6SX second; Low Power K2VCO first, K6CSL second, and WA6IQZ; UnlimitedWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO N6EE first, N6NZ second and WK6I third. Congratulations!! W6WTG earned DXCC. N2NS earned DXCC on 80m and 5BDXCC. W6XK qualified for WAZ on RTTY. AB6CF qualified for WAS on 10 M. Traffic for March: K6RAU 14, Total 14. PSHR: K6RAU 44.

Santa Clara Valley

Santa Clara Valley Section News Summary. March, 2007 SANTA CLARA VALLEY: SM, Bill Dale, N2RHV [email protected] ASM Admin, John Amos, KC6TVM, mailto:[email protected] SEC, DEC, ASM, Santa Clara Co, Larry Carr, KE6AGJ, [email protected] DEC, Monterey Co, David J. Burbidge, W6IIQ, [email protected] DEC, San Benito Co, Kathy Hill, KB6INO, kathyhill_99@yahoo. com DEC, San Mateo Co, Peter Liljequist, KD6BXY, [email protected] DEC, San Mateo Co, Laurence Nelson, KC6NYG, [email protected] DEC, Santa Cruz Co, Cap Pennell, KE6AFE, [email protected] ASM, Jim Oberhofer, KN6PE, [email protected] BM/Webmaster, Frank Kibbish Jr, WB6MRQ, [email protected] OOC, Andy Korsak, KR6DD, [email protected] TC, Kit Blank, WA6PWW, [email protected] =Section positions open include Affiliated Club Coordinator (ACC), Net Manager (NM), Section Traffic Manager (STM), Public Information Coordinator (PIC) and Public Information Officers (PIC) and several others. =Monthly reports from all DEC's/EC's are still expected. Documenting your volunteer hours is extremely important. Larry will be collecting this information. It will give League HQ ammunition to keep our frequencies and privileges. I need information on your activities to share with the section in this monthly news summary. Include activities your group participates in and lists of the people, calls participating. Keep it short and pithy! =The Jamesburg Earth Station in Cachagua Valley, California (about 20 miles S.E of Monterey) has a new web site: http://www. Progress continues with EME contacts. Look for the artical in CQ-VHF soon. Also see the history of the site at =Many classes are being held this spring. See or contact Larry Carr at [email protected], or at 650-269-9638 if you have any questions. =A (35 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for March 2007 new e-mail list has been created specifically for Mutual Aid Communicators (MACs) in Santa Clara County. If you are currently a MAC or are interested in becoming a MAC, then you are encouraged to join this list. Send an e-mail to [email protected] =Some local ATV posted at various site: And ATV on YouTube: ATV Presentation:, ATV at the 2006 Linux Picnic, and Joe WB6RIY heading the K6BEN Late Night video net at: http:// W2NYC Portable ATV: watch?v=3TQpbfJqWU8. Join the simplex net on 145.55Mhz Wednesday at 8:30pm. =Vicky KI6GNT, grandaugter of Rod Stafford, W6ROD, past ARRL President, has set up the Santa Clara Valley Kids Net. Hams under 18 and others are invited to check in at 7:30pm Tuesdays on the Charlie repeater on 147.855-100pl. =From OES Milpitas: The CDPH continues to emphasize to the public that all dead bird AND squirrel reports are extremely useful helping to identify “hot spots” of West Nile virus activity..."California Department of Public Health, WEST NILE VIRUS and DEAD BIRD HOTLINE, (877) 968–BIRD (2473) or online at =Totally retro: And if you follow his instructions you can start listening to your email in Morse code! =From Donald, AE6RF, there are now TelpacWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO nodes available on 145.050 (AE6RF-10 via K6FB) and 144.91 MHz (KE6AFE-10 via LPRC2). Many thanks to Scott and the LPRC for making this happen. =Michael N6EMR reports its time for a old battery roundup. Be quick, good until April 22, via AAA see http:// =There's a local 2m SSB net on Wednesday at 8:00PM, 144.230 MHz ± 5kHz USB. See From Peter KG6WOX. =Norm Fusaro, W3IZ, Editor ARRL Club News reports in the ARRL Club Newsletter for April. Once a club is affiliated, it remains affiliated. To stay actively affiliated, a club leader must complete and submit an Annual Report. A club's status will be changed to inactive should two years go by without the submittal of an Annual Report. A club can return to active status at any time by simply completing and submitting an Annual Report. ARRL sends reminder emails pointing to the Annual Report form. club/forms/fsd2/ Please update your information only if something has changed or if it is past due. I know many active local clubs are not up-to-date. =Foothills Amateur Radio Society (FARS) is planning a General License Preparation Class to be held on Wednesday evenings, tentatively May 16 through June 20 in Los Altos. This class will prepare you to pass the general exam, just in time for Field Day 2007 (June 22-24). Course cost will be $25, text book not included. Please contact Kevin, KG6YYV at [email protected]. =On April 14th Pack 411, Den 3 from West San Jose visited the W6MLP/KM6BSA club station in Milpitas. Contacts were made by several Scouts and adults. Later that day I met a family from the event at HRO getting a Tech Manual and asking about radios! A new Ham family! Thanks to all who helped especially Tom, K1TW and Robert, KG6YOP. =ARRL: It's all about money - they always want money"? Yes, money makes the world go around. Here's a link to an article to help answer that question. =The wiki-based SCV web site on is up and running. Please take a look around and let me know what you think. Here's the link: ------ (36 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for March 2007 Roanoke Division

North Carolina

MARCH NORTH CAROLINA SECTION NEWS PRB-1 BILLS INTRODUCED IN NC HOUSE & SENATE! Amateur Radio antenna legislation has been introduced in the North Carolina House and Senate! Bill S404WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO is sponsored by Senator Julia Boseman of Wilmington. Bill H1340 is sponsored by Rep. Danny McComas from Wilmington and Rep Nelson Dollar of Cary. It’s a great first step but, as Rep McComas said “We’ve still got a long way to go”. Both bills have been referred to committee and Ham Hicks, KB4HR, is working with Sen. Boseman on some wording changes in the Senate bill. Both bills will soon be scheduled for hearings before their respective committees and we need to be prepared to show our support! I’ll be sending a Section Alert email to everyone with more information on where and when we should focus our efforts. FIELD DAY PUBLIC RELATIONS - Public Information Coordinator Bill Morine, N2COP Believe it or not, we're less than 70 days from the 75th Annual Field Day! As you complete yourWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO planning, don't forget the media and public relations value of this big event - and the extra points you can add to your score! Your local ARRL Public Information Officer can help and ARRL has Field Day materials available, such as T-shirts, sample press releases, and brochures. You get 100 extra points for being in a public location, 100 points for issuing press releases for media coverage, and 100 points for setting up a public information table at your Field Day site. I strongly recommend that your club purchase a supply of the new ARRL Emergency Communications brochures and share them with public officials, served agencies and the press as part of your publicity efforts. Now is the time to line up media appearances in your local markets and invite elected officials and representatives from our served agencies. Have an elected official kick off Field Day by cutting a ceremonial piece of scrap coax tied with ribbons! Then invite the official to make the first QSO and take pictures to offer to the local press. Invite local served agencies (Red Cross, Salvation Army, Baptist Men's group, etc.) to participate in Field Day by hosting a feeding exercise as a training event. Ask local grocery stores, pizza restaurants and coffee shops to donate supplies to feed your hungry operators (and offer these businesses some publicity in return). Consider inviting a representative from your local library to the opening ceremonies and present the library with copies of ARRL publications (be sure to take pictures to share with the press and library). Offer to send radiogram messages for visitors to your Field Day site (you get 10 points for each message, up to 100 points). As the section PIC, I will file for a proclamation from the governor's office declaring June 17-24 as "Amateur Radio Recognition and Appreciation Week". Official copies of the proclamation will be available from the governor's office and look nice on the public information tables at your Field Day site. Local clubs can contact the clerk for your county and city governments and ask if they could issue a proclamation supporting Amateur Radio Recognition Week. Does your club need a banner to hang at Field Day? Staples is offering a $25 on-line coupon at for banner orders placed before May10. A medium weight banner with one logo costs between $25 and $75 and you can use it again and again. Public relations have never been more important as we seek political support for state antenna legislation! YOUTH PROFILE: Grant Morine, N2COP I was pleased recently to join others in our (37 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for March 2007 section who nominated Grant Morine, W4GHM for ARRL's Hiram Percy Maxim award. This award is given annually to a licensed radio amateur under the age of 21 to recognize exemplary contributions to both the community of Amateur Radio and the local community. Licensed since 2001, Grant is an Eagle Scout and an outstanding student and leader in his community. He has utilized Amateur Radio during his education, using a ham radio related project to win first place statewide in the technology division at the North Carolina Science Fair in 2004. Grant won localWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO awards for other Amatur Radio science projects in 2002 and 2003. Grant's Eagle Scout project was to build thirty 220MHz J-pole antennas for the Coastal Carolinas Health Alliance. This project was crucial to our efforts to install 220MHz Amatur Radio in all the hospitals in the eastern portion of the state. Grant regularly participates in Field Day, JOTA and the School Club Roundup. He provides us with a great example of the positive role Amateur Radio can have on the lives of our young people. Good luck to Grant in the Maxim award competition and as he continues his education! MEDIA HITS Congratulations to Dave Roy, W4DNA for getting great coverage for the Down East Hamfest in Kinston. An article on the hamfest was the top story in the Kinston Free Press on March 26. UPCOMING HAMFESTS & MEETINGS April 21: Catwba Valley Hamfest, Morganton May 12: Rockingham County Hamfest,WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Reidsville May 12: Area 1 & 2 ARES Meeting, Columbia May 26: Durham Hamfest, Durham May 26: Area 13 ARES Meeting, Conover MARCH TRAFFIC W4EAT 796 (BPL), W0UCE 550 (BPL), W2EAG 228, N3BW 210, K4IWW 170, W4DNA 103, K4RLD 102, KI4YV 86, KG4YNM 72, KE4JHJ 65, KD4FUN 64, W4LN 58, WA4OBR 58, W3HL 57, W4NCD 56, W4FAL 50, WA2YBM 46, W4TTO 44, K4LKN 43, KI4RBB 38, KE4AHC 36, KI4PNL 13, KI4QHM 10, W4CC 8. MARCH PSHR K4RLD 215, W4DNA 195, W4EAT 130, W4FAL 130, W4TTO 130, KI4RBB 128, W1REP 125, K4IWW 120, W0UCE 120, WA2YBM 120, KE4JHJ 110, W2EAG 110, W4LN 105, KD4FUN 90, KI4YV 90, KG4YNM 80, W4CC 78.

South Carolina

Greetings to all Amateur Radio Operators. This is Dr. Jim, N2ZZ with the April 2007 South Carolina Section Manager’s Report! Please remember that the SC Section website can be found at: where my full SM report will be listed as well as up-to-the-date information on Amateur Radio in South Carolina! I would like to congratulate the South Carolina Sideband net on their 49th anniversary! The net celebrated their anniversary on April 7th and held a special net session with what appeared to be a record number of check-ins. Regrettably, I was unable to attend, but I appreciate Bob K4NJN, ASM6 reading my prepared announcement congratulating the net on their many years of service to Amateur Radio and to the people of South Carolina. I was also pleased to hear that Riley Hollingsworth K4ZDH, FCC Enforcement Special Agent and Allen Pitts W1AGP, PR director from ARRL Headquarters participated in this special net session. I was also fortunate to receive the SC SSB net roster, which is full of useful information. For those who participate in the SC SSB net and did not receive a roster, please contact Ms. Emmie KA4LRM. Emmie will also be collecting donations toward next year’s 50th anniversary issue, and any help would be greatly appreciated! I enjoyed attending the 29th annual Lake Hartwell Hamfest in Anderson this past Saturday, the 14th. Charlie AE4UX, SEC and I traveled to Darwin Wright Park, a new location for the (38 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for March 2007 Anderson hamfest. The turnout was excellent, and the fine weather was enjoyed by all! I would like to make special mention of a few individuals who took it upon themselves to put on an estate sale for the widow of Roy Sisk, KD4KIE, now a silent key. WD4BUH, Jimmy; KA4LRM, Emmie; and K4NK, Les, ASM1; They together dismantled his station, stored his equipment, and then sold his equipment at the Anderson Hamfest, with proceeds going to his widow. Les did a fantastic job as auctioneer. Thanks to all! This is one of those deeds that show the true spirit ofWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO amateur radio! I was asked by Rodger, N4NRW to pass along this information: The Ridge Amateur Radio Club of Batesburg/Leesvillle invites you all to a free TAIL GATE PARTY on Saturday, April 28th 8AM - 2PM at Shealy’s BBQ grass parking lot on US # 1. Breakfast is available at 6AM at the Whistle Stop one block from Radio Shack toward the RR tracks (BYOB). Have lunch at Shealy’s BBQ from 11 AM. Come join the fun, fellowship and great food! Swap, sell, buy, trade and do it all in sun and shade. The ARRL has released an update regarding background checks by the American Red Cross. The full report is on the ARRL website: . It states that if Amateur Radio volunteers provide communications to the Red Cross for more than seven days, that they would be subject to the same background checks as Red Cross volunteers. The background WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.ROchecks are not only criminal background checks, but also credit and mode of living checks. The Red Cross was not willing to modify their background check procedure or accept background checks from other companies for ARES volunteers. The ARRL cautions all that decide to submit to these background checks review any consent carefully prior to signing. The SCHEARTS licensing class that will be held state-wide and reported in my Section Report last month will have a two day training course on Friday April 20th and Monday April 23rd. For further information, please refer to my March SM report on the website along with the flyer that is available there. I received this link from KE4RVF via WA4GPS. This is emergency communications, 1950's style: docid=2943570522939177086&hl=en I am happy to report that Brian KR4SP, ACC’s wife Cecelia is recovering from her hospitalization, and other than becoming tired easily, she is in excellent spirits! That’s it for this month! I’m enjoying the warmer weather, and thinking of putting up a few more antennas! National Traffic System NET REPORTS FOR MARCH by Mac Heaton, N4MEH, STM: Net Name/Check Ins/Traffic/Sessions/Reported by Anderson Radio Club 2M Net/811/30/11/N4MEH BRARS 2 Meter Net/2339/38/31/K4SUG Carolina's Net/372/148/62/ W2EAG Carolina Slow Net/229/42/31/W4EAT Columbia ARC 2 Meter Net/169/8/8/K4RKC Grand Strand ARC 2M Net/232/22/13/N4XML Greater Pee Dee 2 Meter Net/988/35/31/K4DTT Greenwood ARC 2 Meter Net/106/6/5/W4DEW Greenwood Friendly Net/473/41/31/W4JAK Oconee 2M Net/322/17/13/KE4OGG SC SSB Net/2068/81/31/WB4DLD York Co. ARS 2 Meter FM Net/663/7/49/KI4NBA STATION ACTIVITY REPORTS: KA4LRM/7/3/0/0/10 KA4UIV/28/52/33/0/113 WB4DLD/2/29/2/2/35 N4MEH/8/39/1/3/51 PUBLIC SERVICE HONOR ROLL: Station/Cat1/Cat2/Cat3/Cat4/Cat5/Cat6/Total KA4LRM/40/10/20/0/0/0/70 N4MEH/40/40/20/0/0/0/100 Have a great month! ’73 de Dr. Jim N2ZZ ARRL Section Manager South Carolina Section

Virginia (39 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for March 2007 Section Manager Report for March 2007 Volunteer Examiners have continued to be very busy with the strong interest in obtaining an Amateur Radio license or to test for an upgrade. More staff has been added to the ARRL license department and they are still running about 2 to 3 weeks behind. Prior to the rule change in February, call signs would be placed on the FCC database within 3 to 5 days following testing. Clubs are gearing up over the next few months to operate special event stations across the commonwealth for the celebration of our 400th anniversary as an EnglishWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO settlement. To view these special events planned, go to http://www. There are still many good open dates for additional special event stations that would allow you to operate from a historical site near your home. This would provide an opportunity to promote Amateur Radio and to inform people worldwide of some happening of historical significant at a site in your area. To register your event go to and click on the form for 400th Anniversary Special Event Registration. The new sectional digital traffic net is operating on Chip64 on 3.578 USB with a 1300-hertz offset. The net has moved to a five nights a week (m-f) schedule from a two nights per week. Interest continues to grow as tests are run to check on the effect of propagation on the message accuracy. This mode is run from freeware and your computerWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO soundcard and about 30 watts of power. To view reports by the Section Emergency Coordinator go to for the Section Traffic Manager report go to Members of the Section cabinet and several ARES appointees met with VDEM leadership at the Virginia Emergency Operation Center this month. We explored ways that ARES and the Virginia Section traffic system can best support VDEM and our local emergency management in times of communication emergencies. Our visit also included a tour of the facility and the VDEM ham station. This station has been setup to allow for dependable HF,VHF and UHF communications to and from the center. There is also a packet node and BBS located at the center. This operates on the frequency of 145.73 with a call of W4ZA and the aliases of VAEOC. This VEN system covers much of the state with the exception of far SW Virginia. We are hearing W4ZA on HF and VHF nets more frequency. Our plans are to continue to explore ways to strengthen this relationship. We have two new cabinet members that have been appointed this past month. Ron Ramsey, AB4A is our new Affiliated Club Coordinator and Howard (Gene) Wood, WA4PGI is the new Technical Coordinator. Bios can be found on the website at on the two new appointees. Much of what happens within the section is dependant on the fine pool of volunteers that serve in the various cabinet positions. Some of our cabinet spend as much time serving the section as they did as full-time employees prior to retirement. Much of what is done happens behind the scene but makes a positive impact on the Virginia Section. We all owe a big thank you to those that have given so much of themselves. Upcoming meetings for evaluation and planning will bring real change to the section over the next few months. Since 911 and Hurricane Katrina and Rita the world of emergency response has changed and those that serve in volunteer or full-time professional capacities, as responders will have to be dedicated and prepared. These skills require constant training and drilling. This is true of volunteer firemen or EMTs. Why should less be required of Amateur Radio operators? Just obtaining a license 25 years ago and working a local disaster in your hometown back in the 90’s doesn’t make us immune to these requirements. If this preparation (40 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for March 2007 is viewed as drudgery, many hams will avoid any attempt to update their skills. If we see this as an adventure that will prepare us to be more competent and confident it can be a positive experience. It will also allow representatives of agencies that we serve to view us as a real asset. Glen Sage, W4GHS Virginia Section Manager

Southeastern DivisionWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Georgia

SM: Susan Swiderski, AF4FO; ASM/South GA: Marshall Thigpen, W4IS; ASM/Legal: Jim Altman, W4UCK; ASM/Webmaster: Bob Smith, K4PHE; ASM/Youth: Andrea Hartlage, KG4IUM; ASM/ Scouting: David Pearce,ABØNG; SEC: Jim Cote, N4PJR; STM: Charles Pennington, K4GK; OOC: Mike Swiderski, K4HBI; TC: Ed Tanton, N4XY; PIC: Norm Schklar,WA4ZXV; SGL: Bill Cherepy, WB4WTN; ACC: Robin Cutshaw, AA4RC Greetings, All. This mid-monthly summary is coming to you a bit earlier than usual, just to make sure that y'all get oneWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO more reminder in time for you to make plans to attend this weekend's Big Party... the GA QSO Party, that is. The fun begins at 1800Z tomorrow (the 14th) and ends at 2359Z on the 15th. (with ample "down time" from 0359Z- 1400Z on the 15th) For more info, please see It's a huge pleasure to once again offer CONGRATULATIONS to our own ANDREA HARTLAGE, KG4IUM, our Assistant SM for Youth. She's already got a whole string of impressive accomplishments and awards under her belt, but even SHE is a bit awestruck over this one. Andrea has been awarded the ARRL's most prestigious William R. Goldfarb Memorial Scholarship, a FULL 4-YEAR scholarship, in honor of her superior academic performance, (96.05 GPA, and that's counting a whole slew of AP courses!)outstanding leadership, and extraordinary amateur radio and community service. Andrea will be turning 18 next week, will be graduating from Grayson High School next month, and will be entering the hallowed halls of GA Tech later this year, to begin her path towards a degree in aerospace engineering. Mark my words: in the future, one of those amateur radio operators operating from the Space Station will be our own Andrea. Congratulations, Kiddo, and congrats, also to parents, SCOTT, KF4PWI, and LISA. See the full story at stories/2007/04/12/101/?nc=1 ALERT: The Statewide ARES Paging Program is again operational with Severe Weather Alerts. ROBERT TYLER, KF4VBR, requests that Skywarn and ARES members please turn on those pagers again. (Don't forget the fresh batteries)If you have severe weather in your county tomorrow and your pager does NOT issue an alert, please contact Robert at [email protected] to let him know. Also, if your pager DOES issue the proper weather alert, please send him that information, as well. Some new ECs to announce: Effingham county- TODD HARGRAVE, KD6RYQ; North Fulton-TOM KOCH, W4UOC; and Newton county- CHARLES DAVIS, WA4UJC. Many thanks to each of them for their willingness to serve. Coming up on Tuesday, April 17, there will be a public health emergency drill, which will be kicking off at approximately 8:30 AM, and running for several hours. BARRY KANNE, W4TGA, our ASEC for Public Health, will be serving as NCS, and will be operating from Grady Hospital, using the Alford Memorial ARC's 146.76 (PL 107.2) repeater. Plans are to also activate a station at the East Metro Health District EOC, and so far, others involved in the net (41 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for March 2007 operations will be ED ROLLOR, N4ZRA, LARRY DODD, K4LED, TOM BURKHART, KI4MDU, and TOM KOCH, W4UOC. Barry says, "All hams in the coverage area of the repeater are welcome to check into the net and register their presence with net control." APRIL 21 is the date set for the Auburn University Student Space Program to launch their High Altitude Balloon. Details on this activity will be sent out in a separate email, and will also be posted on our www.arrl-ga. org website. The last weekend of the month offers a whole host of activities: * The 10th annual Calhoun hamfest,WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO sponsored by the Cherokee Capital ARS, will be held on April 28 at the Sugar Valley Community Center, beginning at 8 AM. (VE session at 11) * March of Dimes will be holding a multitude of walk-a-thons around the state on the 28th, providing a public service opportunity for many of our clubs and ARES groups. * SE VHF Society Conference, at the Marriott Atlanta Century Center, on April 27 and 28. * The Atlanta Asterisk Users Group will be holding an Install Fest and Conference at GA Tech, in the Klaus Advanced Computing Building, on Ferst Drive, beginning at 9 AM. STEVE HENKE, W9SH, says, "For radio amateurs, Asterisk has the potential to link your home QTH, club stations, community service stations, and emergency dispatch centers via IP connectivity. Because it isWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO completely Open Source (i.e. free!) anyone can contribute or customize the software to meet their unique local requirements." SILENT KEY: OGDEN DOREMUS, KI4ID. Sincere condolences to his family and friends. Well folks, that's about it for now. Until next time, this is AF4FO, signing clear. Take care of yourselves. And each other. 73, Susan QTC March: **WB4GGS-546; K8GA-158; K4GK-142; WB4BIK-83; N4VAD-82; WA4UJC- 18; K4BAI-15; K4WKT-15; K4BEH-12; K4EV-4 **CONGRATULATIONS to SID HUTCHINSON, for yet another BPL award. +++ No trees were killed in the sending of this message. However, a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced. ++

Southern Florida

Hello everyone, Please vist the section news page for information about hamfests, free fleas, Field Day locations, details of club events, public service opportunities, useful web sites, ARES reports and events, licensing classes, training opportunities, and more: sections/SFL.html With HF privileges for everyone there is new interest in DXing. Are you a DXer or someone interested in DXing but need more information? If you answered Yes you may want to consider joining a DX club. A DX club brings together hams with a mutual interest in the DX field, helps newcomers to the world of DXing and encourages proper DX operating techniques on the bands. We have an established DX club based in the Broward county area: SOUTH FLORIDA DX ASSN, Call sign: K4FK. Web: Contact: WILLIAM H MARX, W2CQ. E-mail: [email protected] There has been some interest in DXing and in forming a DX club on the Treasure Coast. If you are interested in forming a DX club in the Treasure Coast area (Martin, St Lucie, Indian River, Brevard and Okeechobee counties)? Send a short message with your call sign and hometown to: [email protected] We will attempt to set up a convenient meeting place for an exploratory meeting. Pass the word to all DXers, post on group reflectors and in club newsletters. ------You may have received an e-mail about the Florida scanner law with an old version of the law. It was updated in the fall of 2005 and it did change wording about transporting scanners. The statute (42 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for March 2007 number is: 843.16. Full text can be found at: App_mode=Display_Statute&Search_String=&URL=Ch0843/SEC16.HTM&Title=->2006- >Ch0843->Section%2016#0843.16 ------AWARDS for SFL Hams Congratulations to Mike Raskin W4UM on reaching the 2500 Level in the Challenge. Congratulations to Steve Adams, N4JRW, the 2007 Firefighter of the Year in Dania Beach. Steve is a firefighter and emergency medical technician (EMT). A 31-year fire department veteran was cited forWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO his "unselfish dedication to the department and his fellow firefighters." Adams oversees the ham radio program for the Dania Beach and Hollywood emergency operations centers (EOCs). During hurricane emergencies, Adams and his son Josh, N4OSO, staff both EOCs. Over the years, Adams has spent many hours of his own time to put equipment and procedures into place so Amateur Radio can back up normal telecommunications in an emergency or disaster. Ham radio also permits the local EOC to link with the Broward County EOC. ------Club Updates -- Once a club is affiliated, it remains affiliated. To stay actively affiliated, a club leader must complete and submit an Annual Report. A club's status will be changed to inactive should two years go by without the submittal of an Annual Report. A club can return to active status at any time by simply completingWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO and submitting an Annual Report. The Annual Report form is at: http:// Please update your information only if something has changed or if it is past due. ------For ARRL VEs: Maria Somma AB1FM, ARRL VE Department Manager, requests that VEs administering exams to students who are part of a licensing class include the names of the instructors of the class on the reverse of the Test Session Report. This information can be reported in the Session Evaluation Section. ------ARES Report for March 2007 There were 722 ARES Members in the 11 counties reporting. 15 nets were held with 68 sessions and 10 nets maintain NTS liaison. ECs (County) reporting: WA4GUK (Lee), AD4RZ (Okeechobee), AA4BN (Hendry), N1XC(Martin), WA4ASJ (Indian River), AG4AN (Osceola), KF4MJJ (Collier), KA4HLO (Miami-Dade), K4NNX (Monroe), N4QPM (Palm Beach) and N5KFR(Glades) There were 17 drills, tests and training sessions with 85 total ARES operations. So FL ARES Net Report -- QNI 50, QTC 4, Sessions 5, Run time 64 minutes Lee County ARES continued Emcomm Level I & Level II Training on Saturdays in March. They will be holding exams on April 21, 2007 at Noon. The Exam session is open to walk-in. Exams will be at the Lee County EOC located at 2665 Ortiz Av. Fort Myers, Florida. Indian River County ARES is conducting on air EMCOMM Level 1 and 2 classes on the 145.13 repeater Tuesday evenings after the traffic nets (7:30 PM). OES KB5FKG is assisting WA4ASJ, EC with these sessions. Communications Exercise (COMGAPFILL 2007) was held on March 31, 2007 Collier County. Members of the Amateur Radio Association of Southwest Florida and the Marco Island Radio Club participated in cooperation with the Collier County EOC).Several teams both mobile and stationary (some on emergency power) participated in a 3 hour emergency communications exercise in response to simulated Hurricane Xantippe. (Full details on the SFL web page). ------SFL SAR March 2007: KA4FZI 581, NY4E 158, K4FQU 74, KE4CB 64, AA4BN 53, WA4EIC 33, WA2YL 31, KC4TM 19, KI4MGF 12, W4WYR 10, K9GZT 8 ------SFL PSHR March 2007: KA4FZI 120, K4FQU 102, WA2YL 99, NY4E 90, AA4BN 86, W4DKB 28 ------SFL NETS March 2007 NET ABB. SESS QNI QTC MGR All Florida CW Traffic Net QFN 62 679 420 NY4E Florida Amateur (43 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for March 2007 Sideband Traffic Net FAST 55 232 55 K4SCL Florida Medium Speed Net FMSN 31 238 45 AG4RJ/AB4XK Jupiter-Tequesta Repeater Group JTRG 6 74 27 AG4BV Saint Lucie Repeater Association SLRA 4 76 2 KE4UEI Southeast Florida Traffic Net SEFTN 62 722 51 AG4RJ/AI4GE Southwest Florida Traffic Net SWFTN 27 299 54 K4FQU ------Bulletin Report from David Smith KE4UEI: Recd 22, Sent 2, Total 24 ------Why do we need training? ------The BIG One has hit. ARES is mobilized. AmateursWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO put in up to 72 hours each. The mayor is on the front page of the local newspaper, the relief groups and the National Guard are mentioned in articles, but where are the hams mentioned? We do good work but rarely get credit for it. It is critical that someone be designated as PIO to be at the JIC during an emergency. A JIC is a joint information center - it may or may not be at the EOC. Visit this site: wa4zxv/SAK07/index.htm Open the CD on the web and scroll down to section 11. For everyday events, and the "big ones" scroll up to this: Handouts for Media, Politicians and others in section 8. ------Stay safe and stay on the air. Remember, ham radio is a contact sport – make a QSO. 73, Sherri, W4STB WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Southwestern Division


ARIZONA SECTION NEWS April 2007 ARIZONA EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS PRESERVATION ACT HB 2595 The bill is currently being held by the Chairman of the Committee on Government, Mr. Jack Harper. We are working on this, and I will keep you informed. YOUTH AND SCOUTING We have a new assistant section manager for Arizona. He is working with other assistant section managers for youth and scouting across the country. This young man has been busy introducing scouts and youth to amateur radio. He asks that if you have a club that encourages youth to let him know. He plans on attending as many hamfests and club meetings as school permits. Please contact Jim Fagan KE7IDC at [email protected] EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS I have accepted an invitation to speak at the upcoming EMCOMM West in Reno, Nevada the first weekend of May to describe the Arizona Secure ARES registration system. Speaking of the ARES system, we are talking to Colorado and Wyoming to see if they want the system. Many states have utilized the demo database to preview the capabilities of the system (all the data has been sanitized), all with nice comments. With all the ARRL hams that this letter reaches, I am a bit surprised that we haven't had more response to the Registration site. It costs you nothing, we only have one commitment, and that's to be available should the need to activate ARES arise. If you want more than that, nearly every county has some kind of program that you may participate in or help organize. ARES is a great way to help others in need! On a more personal note, my significant other's son took and passed his technician's test at the Scottsdale Ham Fest, and the ink on the FCC paperwork is still drying on his new call sign, KE7LYY. Josh has already put it to good use on the Tour de Cure metric century bike ride and will be working the Nova Desert Classic as we roll into April. He's already plotting the chores he will have to do to get that dual band handheld he wants! If you haven't already done so, please sign up for ARES at (44 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for March 2007 org/secure and also make April your month to get involved in "Public Service". Rick Aldom W7STS. SILENT KEYS Myron Cohn W9EUZ passed away on March 8th. Myron had been a board member of the Scottsdale ARC and volunteer for W7ASC at the Arizona Science Center. Walt Rieke K7KYW A long time EMCOMM volunteer in Tucson and member of TRA/OPRC. George Boross N7BT. George was a longtime member of TRA/OPRC. NEW HAMS The following Arizona hams just received their FCC license, Congratulations! Stephen Clark AD7KR, Richard Mckee KE7KRL, RobertaWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Mckee KE7KRM, Marilyn Kalandek KE7KRW, Marina Acosta KE7KRX, John Valencia KE7KSC, Daniel Carrillo KE7KSD, John-mark Linnaus KE7KSE, William Cunningham KE7KSF, Clyde Edwards KE7KSG, Bruce Stewart KE7KSI, Rita Francisco KE7KUB, Wilfred Keeto KE7KUC, Cj Woodie KE7KUI, Ron Russell KE7KUP, Daniel Eicher KE7KUQ, David Mckinley KE7KUR, Kurt Kochendarfer KE7KUS, Bryan Purtyman KE7KUT, Herman Wahlers KE7KUU, Mathew Dixon KE7KUV, Paul O'dair KE7LAG, Jonathan Crookston KE7LAH, Kenneth Davis KE7LAI, William Bigler KE7LAJ, David Hancock KE7LAK, Patricia Hancock KE7LAL, Raymond Brewer KE7LAM, Greg Gomez KE7LED, James Kennelly KE7LFO, David Stenz KE7LFP, Ryan Dougherty KE7LFQ, William Harrison KE7LFR, Keith Bedwell KE7LFS, Anthony Lucisano KE7LFT,WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Jay Smith KE7LFU, William Shine KE7LFV and Lucy Slim KE7LFZ. HAMFESTS Springfest in Scottsdale was great. Lots of sunshine, sellers and buyers. It was good to see all of you there. April 14, 2007 Arizona Amateur Radio Club Swapmeet Contact Bob Hodges, K7JJT Phone: 602-274-1647 [email protected]. The south parking lot of DeVry located 2149 West Dunlap Ave in NW Phoenix. Talk-In: 147.06 no pl May 5, 2007 Larry Warren Memorial Hamfest, hosted by the Cochise Amateur Radio Association in Sierra Vista, AZ,, Talk-In: 146.76 (PL 162.2), Contact: Pat Thies, KD7HAB, 520-378- 6829, [email protected] June 2, 2007 White Mountain Hamfest Hosted by the Kachina Amateur Radio Club Show Low, AZ ARCA Meeting - 11:00 AM Jul 6-8, 2007 Arizona State Convention Amateur Radio Council of Arizona Talk-In: 146.78 (PL 91.5) Contact: Doug Collins KE6JUK 760-220-7710 [email protected] Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about ARRL. If your club or group has an activity or event that would be of interest to other hams throughout our section please email me with the specifics. 73, Tom Fagan WB7NXH ARRL Section Manager Arizona Tucson Arizona 520 574- 1129 [email protected] or

San Diego here is a report how our ARES Group is doing: AMATEUR RADIO EMERGENCY SERVICES 2006 ANNUAL REPORT PART 1 SDGARES recorded a number of significant accomplishments in 2006. These accomplishments would not possible without the generous support of the Ham Radio Community. ARCEC, CERO, EARS, ECRA, Fallbrook ARC, PARC, RACES, ROARS, SANDRA, Six Shooters and SANDARC have provided their repeaters, nets and have advertised our events. Since July 2006, SDG ARES Membership has surged from 160 Members to over 275 making it the largest and fastest growing Official Emergency Communications (EMCOMM) organization in San Diego. The synergy between the experienced and new younger members has been remarkable. Dedicated Hospital Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Responders more than doubled from 30 to 78. SDGARES EMS Coverage of (45 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for March 2007 major hospitals leaped from less than 50% to almost 100% In a time when most ham groups are experiencing declining membership, such a surge is a remarkable testament that the leadership is doing something right. SDG ARES was incorporated as a 501 © 3 charitable foundation. In 2006 SDGARES Inc raised more than $20,000 to fund vital Public Safety EMCOMM Operations, equip the County EOC with radios, constructed Emergency Go Kits and started working on a new Mobile Command Center. SDG ARES has moved its meeting location from the less than idealWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO back room of a restaurant and its training from a community center 6 miles further away to a catered breakfast and the plush first class training amphitheatre at Scripps Green Hospital. The move resulted in an immediate increase in attendance at training and meetings and a general upgrade in professionalism of the meetings and training. SDGARES now has its own URL with a dynamic web site with up to the minute breaking news such as Red Flag Alerts, detailed online operations manuals, membership rosters and communications plans. New members now register online for membership, members can sign up for drills and SDG ARES even accepts donations online. . Post 911, all emergency services agencies were required to use the National Incident Management Systems (NIMS) Incident Command Systems (ICS). Today, SDG ARES fully complies withWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO ICS. As a result, SD American Red Cross and CERT have reestablished their close working relationship with SDGARES. Post 911, under NIMS, all Responders wear colored reflective vests to identify their functions. Anyone who has ever been to the EOC or MOC will see that everyone complies with the vest directive. Starting with the Miramar 2005 Air Show, SDG ARES adopted the standard ARRL Radio Communications Reflective Orange Vest as its uniform in addition to the yellow shirts, jackets, and caps. In order that Public Safety Agencies can quickly contact ARES responders, today SDG ARES responder contact information is available through web. Under ICS, the first responder on the air is Net Control until relieved by a superior. SDG ARES now trains all responders to be Net Controls. Under NIMS ICS, responders are required to go to the place where they would do the most good for the most number of people. As SDG ARES now follows NIMS, the EMS image of SDG ARES has been upgraded and most hospitals and the MOC are in the process of building permanent in place radio facilities for SDG ARES For the past 10 years, SDG ARES has known that it could not handle the volume of EMCOMM traffic for EMS without delays on two voice channels alone as the complex message traffic often exceeds bandwidth. Today SDG ARES has a proactive Winlink program to equip all hospitals with Winlink. In the latest EMS Drill, more than 60% of message traffic went via Winlink which significantly freed up voice channels enabling the first EMS drill in a long time, to perform without any standbys or delays. TO BE CONTINUED NEXT MONTH Please join us at our monthly meeting at Scripps Green Hospital, La Jolla (8AM on the 2nd Saturday), and visit our website 73 Pat WA6MHZ ARRL San Diego Section Manager

West Gulf Division

South Texas

What a great Easter Day...Or was it really Christmas or maybe Thanksgiving? It was colder on (46 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for March 2007

Easter here than it was during winter. A friend of mine at church asked me if we should start a new group and call it Global Cooling so we could get some warm weather. We have some real problems in Texas with the new bills before the Senate and the House. Most of this came about because of the cell phone and those who use the cell phone while driving. Now the police are exempt from all these laws. However, on Sunday, March 25, when we were on the way to church, we were going through an intersection. A local policeman almost ran the red light and almost hit usWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO because he was talking on his cell phone and not paying attention to driving. You should have seen his expression when he realized what he was doing. And they worry about a ham radio operator with one hand holding a mic and talking on the radio with eyes on the road. I hope that all of the Texas hams will get involved in these matters, and not leave it to South Texas to fight for our rights. These laws will include all of the hams in Texas. Jim Robinson, K5PNV, is our SGL, and all Texas hams need to thank Jim for all his fine work in these matters. He can't do it alone. The clubs should get involved both in North and West Texas. On April 28, the 7290 and TTN will have their annual picnic. The BBQ plates are $7.00 this year, and we hope to see you all there. The BBQ is always great, but the best thing of all is the chanceWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO to meet the people you talk to on the air. Smithville has always been a great place for the picnic. We have games and prizes that I'm sure all will enjoy. I hope to see everyone there. God bless America and our Troops. Until next month, Ray N5NAV (47 of 47) [10/18/2007 3:02:39 PM] Section News for April 2007

Section News for April 2007

Atlantic Division


ARRL Delaware Section Update for May 2007 DELAWARE SECTION CABINET APPOINTMENTS Please note the following Delaware Section Cabinet appointment change: Public Information Coordinator: I wish to announce that Tim Murray K3MU who has served the Delaware Section as a Public Information Officer and Public Information Coordinator for years has requested to step down. Thank you Tim for your years of service to the Delaware Amateur Radio Community. I am also announcing the appointment of Walt Palmer W4ALT to the position Delaware Section Public Information Coordinator replacing Tim Murray K3MU. Events Calendar for May Friday May 4th Dover Days more info contact Saturday May 5 Dover Days info contact Also Rocket Launch Lewes, DE info Sunday May 6th CARES Event: CERTS Second annual Run for Their Future Date: May 5, WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO2007 Event start time: 0900 Location: 720 Academy Street - Kappa Signa Fraternity. Route: James Hall Trail in Newark Meeting time: 0800 Meeting place: To be determined. Finish time: The event should be over by roughly 11am, give or take. Event operations frequency: Simplex 147.420 MHz Talk-in/Resource Net: 146.700 MHz (-) PL 131.8 More info Monday May 7th Modern Maturity Center in Dover on Monday 11 June 2007 @ 1pm. Info contact Don....ka1dwx [email protected] Tuesday May 8th Kent County Amateur Radio Club Meeting 7:00PM Info www. Wednesday May 16th Penn-Del ARC Meeting 7:00PM Info new website @ www.PennDelARC. org SUSSEX AMATEUR RADIO ASSOCIATION Next meeting Wednesday 16 May 2007 at 7:30 P.M. Repeater KB3BHL 147.075 Output 147.675 Input P/L 156.7 Meeting at the Bethany Beach Delaware Town Hall Saturday May 19th DELAWARE HAMFEST AND SECTION CONVENTION Saturday May 19, 2007 7:00 am - 5:00 pm Sussex Technical High School US Route 9 between Routes 20 & 113 Georgetown, Delaware INFO Sunday May 20th CARES Delaware Marathon Wilmington Delaware Info Thursday May 24th First State Amateur Radio Club Meeting Info Saturday June 9th Basic and advanced Skywarn class on June 9th at Christiana Hospital. The basic class starts at 10:00 AM and the advanced will start at 2:00 PM. If you know anyone who is interested in attending, if you would please pass along the message, I would greatly appreciate it. Anyone interested in attending can sign up on

Southern New Jersey

SOUTHERN NEW JERSEY NEWSLETTER FOR MAY 2007 SECTION MANAGER, JEAN PRIESTLEY, KA2YKN It was a wonderful trip up to ARRL HQ in Newington Ct on May 11, 2007 and the welcome mat was out when we got there about 11AM. The DVRC (Delaware Valley Ragchew Club sponsored a bus trip to ARRL but the bus trip that hoped for 45 people turned into a Van trip of 11 people. Each person had their own agenda. Larry wanted to find out some information on SK calls, while Norm wanted to work at W1AW on the HF bands. I had DXCC cards to get checked. Eight people in the group were making the trip for the first time. Dave had been there in the 1960s and wanted to see the new headquarters. At W1AW Carol worked Spain but was unable to hear Israel. Lenny made 5 contacts on 20 meters and the rest of the group just checked out every inch of the antennas. We had pit stops, lots of good (1 of 36) [10/18/2007 3:03:34 PM] Section News for April 2007 conversation and much laughter. On the way back we stopped at a buffet and Norm met with friends whom he had not seen in twenty years. Lou, my OM purchased some items for us. If you have been there before, keep in mind that there have been many changes. The museum area as you come in the door is no longer there but there is wheel chair ramping. As you come down the ramp you come into the store area and are greeted by a tour guide to take you around to the various departments. Our tour guide was Bob. We took the tour and then those hams who wanted to operate showed their licenses and proceeded to operate at W1AW. Did I have 100 confirmed countries? No, I had 104 confirmed cards and receivedWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO my certificate. Several of my cards had to checked at HQ. A few of the cards are for countries that no longer exist. As we pulled into the parking lot at home, we all agreed that we had to do this again. Much kudos and much praise must go to our driver John, (Pops) for organizing the trip and 9 hours of hard driving. If anyone has been thinking about taking a trip, don’t hesitate. Get together with a group of friends and make the plans. Just remember to pick a date when there wont be bad weather (yea, sure) and call ARRL a few weeks ahead. There are several modes of transportation. You may want to go up the night before, get a hotel room, have a leisurely breakfast and go to HQ nice and refreshed. On May 26 and May 27 1300Z to 2200Z, in Millville, New Jersey the Thunderbolts Amateur Radio Club, N2M will operate at the Air show at “America’s First Defense Airport”. Amateur operations will be on 145.550, 14.265, 7.265, 14.070PSK. There will be a certificate. Send your cardWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO to KB2OLT, Thunderbolts ARC. The address is 356 Briar Drive Millville, New Jersey 08223. The Memorial Day event will feature US Navy Blue Angels http// Other dated to look for are N2OB Lighthouse Event on August 4, 2007 and W2T Lighthouse Event on August 18 and 19, 2007. The MS Foundation will have there annual MS 150 bike ride the end of September. While we are mentioning activities, DON’T FORGET FIELD DAY. JSARS Is still holding their testing sessions the third Thursday of each month at 7:30 pm at the Riverwood Recreation Building on Riverwood Drive in Toms River, NJ. For more information call Ed, GENOINO, WA2NDA at 609-693- 3729. Holiday City ARC is also still holding their test sessions every other 2nd Saturday from 10am to 12pm, (May, July, Sept, Nov). Sessions are held at the Holiday City South Clubhouse area in meeting room #1 on Mule Road at the corner of Santiago Dr in Toms River. Your contact person is Bill Haldane, AC2F and the phone is 732-240-7064 or [email protected]. When going to any test session, you must have your original license and at least one Xerox copy and original and one copy of any credit sheets you may have. Also bring 2 forms of id. Testing sessions by SJRA are on the 4th Tuesday of each month at the Winslow Senior center. Contact is Mark, K2AX at [email protected] or (609)820-1523. A new team has formed by the members of the Bellmawr team. The location is at the Canale Training Center at 5033 English Creek Avenue in Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey. There will be no walk-ins so please call Robert, WA2ARP at 609-338-7038 to reregister. The sponsor is the Southern Counties Amateur Radio Association (SCARA). Next test is scheduled for 9:00AM on June 9th, If you haven’t already, please make a note or bookmark the following site: index.html. The Battleship New Jersey has changed the hours. Check on their website for hours change. If your club is thinking about visiting the NJ2BB club station, please be sure to make arrangements ahead of the scheduled date to insure that someone will be there. Just go on our website at for information to schedule a visit. If you have worked NJ2BB and want to send a card, the QSL manager is Margaret Burgess, KB2BRR 150 Schooner Ave, Barnegat, NJ 08005. Please send your cards with an SASE to insure receiving a card in return from NJ2BB. If you have an activity coming up or want to report something that happened, please send a short write up to me and I will put it in next month. Please remember that if you work traffic to report it to Dan, K2UL. Traffic report for March, Traffic manager, K2UL, Dan Ostroy SNJ/NNJ Section Net Reports QNI reports NJM 74 N2GJ NJPN 173 W2CC NJSN 162 K2PB NJN(E) 214 AG2R NJN(L) 157 AG2R (the above nets are dual section nets of both SNJ and NNJ. Liaisons with 2RN) SNJ Local Net Reports JSARS 205 W2HOG SJTN (2 of 36) [10/18/2007 3:03:34 PM] Section News for April 2007

41 KB2RTZ SJVN 161 WB2UVB SCARS no report Station Activity Reports (SAR) WB2UVB 68 K2GW 47 K2UL 30 AA2SV 19 WA2CUW 18 W2QOB 13 K2RET 1 Public Service Honor Roll (PSHR) WB2UVB 280 K2UL 110 N2HQL 105 K2GW 103 KA2YKN 95 WA2CUW 68 W2QOB 62 STM reports that the past six years have been posted on the web at

Central Division WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Illinois

QST DE KA9QPN... From the top... **For those who came in late, RM-11306 has been withdrawn by the ARRL. Not even the cessation of code testing has caused more bad feelings and divisiveness than this proposal. Not being either an avid CW operator or traffic handler, I personally had no opinion other than believing that we need to make room for new technology while preserving space for other viable modes. RM-11306 won't be that solution. **Kathleen Ryan KB9WPT, has regretfully resigned as Section Public Information Officer, citing time pressures from her day job. I personally want to thank Kathy for her service. I hate to lose good people, as volunteers are hard to find and harder to keep. Family and work have to come ahead of fun stuff, though, and we thank Kathy for her service. Now, we're lookingWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO for a replacement. Qualifications and expectations are at field/org/pio.html. Applications to [email protected]. Get informed... **Did you get it? The Scarborough Reef BS7H operation is history. Eighteen nutty guys braved water, sharp coral, rocks, heat, and salt spray to activate what is basically a damp spot in the South China Sea for DXCC. Hopefully, if you needed the contact, you got it. More after action reports at As a commentary, one of the press releases on the site contains a very disturbing email from a disgruntled ham on the East Coast. This gentleman saw fit to whine about his inability to contact the operation, and accused the team of bad planning. Personally, I think that the team should have publicized this particular person's call. These guys are out there literally risking their lives to provide us entertainment and a challenge from the comfort of our shacks. Some days, we are our own worst enemies... **Dayton is calling! It's almost time for one of the premier ham gatherings in the world. If you haven't been, you need to go. If you've gone once, you want to go again. I personally have only been once, and I'm itching to get back. My last visit coincided with the birth of my nephew, and caused our little expedition to be cut short when my wife had us paged on the Hara Arena floor with news of my sister- in-law's labor pains. I still hold the land speed record for motor homes measured between Dayton and Munster, IN for my performance that day. And, yes...we beat the stork by fifteen minutes. If you are going, travel safely and allow enough time to see all of the events that make up that wonderful HamVention. **Field Day preparations are underway all around the Section. Many clubs approach this as a social occasion or a contest rather than the original concept of deploying Amateur Radio under emergency conditions. It's great to have fun with Field Day, but we should keep that original premise in focus. It's also a great time to showcase our Service by operating in a public place. Extra points are easily gotten for getting local officials to attend, and it's a wonderful opportunity to educate the decision makers on what we can do. Don't forget to be ready to mentor the folks who might be bitten by the bug! **A week before Field Day is Kids Day 2007. On 16 June, it's suggested that you open your station to children, in an effort to get them interested in our service. Kids Day is actually ten years old and makes a great club activity. The suggested exchange is name, age, location, and favorite color, with the call of 'CQ Kids Day'. More at Around the Section... **On 17 and 18 April, the fledgling Vermilion County ARES® participated in the Newport Chemical Depot Exercise 2007. This was a joint exercise of FEMA and the U. S. Army. The new group was given an opportunity to mobilize for the first time under drill conditions, and to observe the county (3 of 36) [10/18/2007 3:03:34 PM] Section News for April 2007

EMA as they exercised their EOC. The after action report is quite lengthy, but the bottom line is that it was a great exercise for the new ARES® group. **Gary Auerswald WB9UDJ reports on the Radio Amateurs Downstate Illinois Organization (RADIO...clever, eh?) VE efforts. "The R.A.D.I.O. VE group held a testing session in Mt. Carmel on the 14th (of April). Due to some problems in scheduling we had to hold it a week before we wanted to. We had only one test taker and several others that expressed desire to take the test but due to a one week lead were not ready. The test taker drove an hour and a half one way to take the test. He found about it on the ARRL website. He became a new tech. We are going to be giving a testWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO in Olney, IL on April 28th. We still have to verify the test location. Ben, KQ9DX, is hot on the trail of a location for the test. We are also looking for a location in the Princeton, IN area within the next month. Dave Christmas, AB9NT, is looking for a location and an open date for that one. There are people out there that are wanting to test. They just evidently do not want to travel for the test (shades of the day that it was a 4 hour drive to some FCC office to sit in a dank room with a test giver who was not happy that he had to give the test). We now have a nice sized group of VEs which make it easier to give tests. With VEs on the outer edges of our club's activities it is easy to venture out into surrounding areas to administer tests." The upgrades keep on coming! **From Pat Ryan KC6VVT, our SEC, comes a report on one of his 'fifth week' drills. "The ARES® second quarter Drill was a special net conducted April 29, 2007. In this quarterly section ARES® test the exercise simulated needWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO for special pharmacy items in answer to a request from state authorities. A widespread communications interruption due to the simulated emergency required relay by amateur radio. This exercise scenario convened a special HF net, and requested those attending to activate local ARES® nets. Then, the HF Net liaisons were challenged with accurate copy of a request of three complex named medical items to relay to their local nets. Local ARES nets were asked to copy the relay information, then were to simulate delivery of this three item pharmacy request to local hospitals. The local stations responding that the requested items and quantities were in stock and available, were then passed unique delivery instructions by their ILARES HF Net liaison. Confirmation of local hospital delivery of request was also requested, and if quantities were available. In many cases, the estimated time needed to deliver was also volunteered. Well done to the many who participated in this hospital supply type theme, and results still coming in email and in EC reports." **Charla Evinger N9TRS, AEC of Clark County, reports the following goings on in the County: "Clark Co. ARES® donated a weather radio to the Marshall Public Library this month to promote weather awareness and for community service. In addition, Clark Co. ARES® has obtained an emergency vehicle. This vehicle is an old ambulance. There has to be a lot of work done on it to get it ready to use: removing signage and adding ARES® symbol, changing light bars to amber, re-working the inside for radio gear, mounting different antenna types, and much more. However, we are excited for this opportunity and appreciate the Wabash Valley ARA for helping us to obtain this vehicle. This vehicle will be able to be used for self- contained emergency operation at any location where our assistance is requested. We will also use this vehicle to promote ARES® and amateur radio during Field Day, community events, and other promotional type events to get the word out that we are available to help out and to educate the communities in Clark Co. about ARES® and amateur radio." You know, I do have space here on this site for pictures...I hope to see some photos of the finished project. Any pictures of similar projects or other events will be considered for posting. FULL SECTION NEWS AT sect=IL


WISCONSIN: SM: Don Michalski, W9IXG. BWN 3985 0500-0715 W9IXG. BEN 3985 1200 KE9VU. WSBN 3985 1715-1800 K9FHI. WNN 3555 1800 KB9ROB. WSSN 3555 1830 N9JIY. WIN-E 3555 1900 (4 of 36) [10/18/2007 3:03:34 PM] Section News for April 2007

WB9ICH. WIN-L 3555 2200 W9UW. (All times are Central time) ** With regret, I am informing you of the passing of the following Amateurs: -- Vernon Reuterskiold, WA9SGH, 89. -- Tom Duemling, W9TND, 71 More information on his career on this site: -- Gregory Schanke, KC9HYA, 22, died from injuries sustained in an auto accident. He was a member of the Calumet Amateur Radio Emergency Service and Calumet Amateur Radio Club. His parents are Wayne and Joan Schanke, KE9VU and N9JAE, respectively. ** Ken Meyer, K9KJM, has taken all three EmComm courses, received over a dozen FEMA certifications, and now has added the National Registry of Certified EmComm Volunteers,WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO NRCEV, certification. Ken is the first in Wisconsin to receive this certification! More information is available on this site: ** Harvey Baalke, W9HNX, turned 100 years young! He has been an ARRL member since 1936. ** We enjoyed visiting the ManCoRad Special Event aboard the USS Cobia. This annual April event honors the 52 submarines that perished in WWII. Photos are on the Wisconsin site: ** STM Report Wisconsin Section April 2007 FAQ #68 Please take a number. . . Every formal message sent in the National Traffic System starts with a number. The number is assigned by the originating station and stays with the message until it's delivered. That number is important, because it gives us a way to check on or respond to a message. So how are messages numbered? That's the choice of the originating station. There are a number of ways. Some start with number one at the first of each year. Some begin numberingWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO with the first of each month. An ARES station might start numbering with an event such as serving at shelter. Sometimes, operators who don't file many messages adjust the number to reflect the date. Occasionally, a station may use a message number with a decimal in it. That's not a problem on voice or digital modes - but it can be confusing on CW where an "R" is used to represent a decimal and is also used as the abbreviation for "routine" in the preamble. It's only a small problem in the big scheme of things. After all, when your number's up. . . Numbers. You know what seems odd? Numbers that aren't divisible by two. No matter. Any way you count it, the message number's important and should be copied and relayed correctly. That will keep us number one in accuracy. 73 - K9LGU/STM -WI MONTHLY NET ACTIVITY SUMMARY April 2007 Net QNI QTC QTR SSNS NM BWN 2127 2965 5248 30 W9IXG BEN 569 38 1104 30 KE9VU WSBN 765 79 1187 30 K9FHI WNN 222 11 360 30 KB9ROB WSSN 196 15 305 30 N9JIY WIN/E 171 21 269 29 WB9ICH WIN/L 202 31 300 30 W9UW WRACES 132 0 331 5 N9VAO TOTALS 4384 3160 9104 214 Note: BWN is Badger Weather Net; BEN is Badger Emergency Net; WSBN is Wisconsin Side Band Net; WNN is Wisconsin Novice Net; WSSN is Wisconsin Slow Speed Net; WIN/E is Wisconsin Intrastate Net/Early; WIN/L is Wisconsin Intrastate Net/Late; WRACES is Wisconsin Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service net. Details on all these nets are found on this site: under Wisconsin Traffic Nets. ** Public service events are in full swing and we hope that you can find the time to participate in them with communications support. These events are a lot of fun, provide a valuable service to the community, and you have the chance to hone your communications skills in the event of an emergency later. Please support them and put Amateur Radio in the public eye! 73, Don, W9IXG

Dakota Division


ARRL MINNESOTA SECTION SUMMARY FOR APRIL 2007 SUMMARY FROM SM ++ The MN section ARES and Traffic summaries are enclosed below. ++ See the ARRL Section web site for up-to-date information and bulletins. ++ Go to the new section website at ++ Do you have any interesting news to report? Have you had a good special event, a good class result, good (5 of 36) [10/18/2007 3:03:34 PM] Section News for April 2007 contest results, a special program? Send me a report to be posted on the section news website. Send a copy by email. ++ Do you have planned or want to plan a JOTA event? Our interaction with Scout groups is a very important activity for the future of Amateur Radio. Please contact your section manager for an information exchange. [email protected] Respectfully submitted by Skip Jackson, KS0J, MN SM MN OOC REPORT SUMMARY FOR APRIL 2007 Reports from Official Observer’s received for April: N0OH, W3FAF, WO0A Respectfully submitted by John H. Thomas III, W3FAF, MN OOC MN SEC REPORT SUMMARY FOR APRIL 2007 Total number of ARES members reported: (omitted) Change since last month: (omitted) WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.ROCounty EC’s reporting: Itasca (KG0FD), Lincoln (WD0BZU), Lyon (WD0BZU), Scott (N0BHC), St. Louis-North (WD0GUF), St. Louis-South (KB0LC), Sherburne (N0JHU), Steele (N0UW), Washington (KC0OIO), Local Net Names: Anoka County ARES Net, CCART, River Valley, SEMARC, Scott County, Chisago County, Carver County, Washington County, Fox Valley Monday Night Net, Lac Qui Parle Phone, Lac Qui Parle Packet, Mankato Area Radio Club Emergency Services Net, Marshall Area Emergency Net, Redwood County, Wadena Area Ham Net, Northern Lakes Radio, NE MN Public Service, SE St. Louis Emergency Service, Dakota County ARES, Scott County ARES Total sessions: 46 NTS liaison is maintained with the MN Section, Tenth Region, and NTSD Traffic Nets by N0UC, W0LAW Number of drills, tests and training sessions this month: 12 Person hours: 185 Number of public service events this month: 4 Person hours: 49 Number of emergency operations this month: 1 Person hours:WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO 18 Total number of ARES operations this month: 17 Total Person hours: 262 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Frank Karnauskas, N1UW, MN SEC MN STM SUMMARY FOR APRIL 2007 NET FREQ TIME QNI/QTC/SESS MGR ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ MSPN/E 3860 5:30 P WO0A MSPN/N 3860 12 P N0YR MSSN 3710 6 P N/A VACANT MSN/1 3605 6:30 P K0WPK MSN/2 3605 9:50 P k0wpk PAW 3925 9A-5P KA0IZA/ wa0tfc STATION ACTIVITY REPORTS: MONTHLY STATION ACTIVITY REPORTS (SAR) STATION ORIG. REC'D. SENT DLVD. TOTAL BPL NO.OPS. ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ W0LAW 0 95 115 4 210 W3FAF 0 89 93 0 182 K0WPK 0 60 27 1 88 N0YR 4 38 17 12 71 KB0AII 0 17 53 0 70 KA0RMP 0 28 30 0 58 KA0IZA 0 47 5 1 53 W0HPD 0 14 24 0 39 KB0AIJ 0 17 17 0 34 WD0GUF 0 4 5 0 9 N0JP 0 0 6 0 7 PUBLIC SERVICE HONOR ROLL (PSHR) STATION 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL ~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ N0YR 40 40 30 117 227 W0LAW 40 40 30 10 120 WD0GUF 40 9 30 79 SECTION TRAFFIC MANAGER MONTLY REPORT NET ABBR. SESS. TFC. NMCALL NTS LIASON ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ MINNESOTA SECTION MSPN/E WO0A MSPN/E PHONE NET/EVENING 1,371 30 40 MINNESOTA SECTION MSPN/N WA0TFC PHONE NET/NOON 701 30 95 MINNESOTA SECTION MSN/1 k0wpk RN-10, C4 NET (CW) 6:30P 180 86 28 MINNESOTA SECTION MSN/2 k0wpk RN-10, , C4 NET (CW) 10:00P 99 25 15 PICONET ALLDAY PAW HRS KA0IZA ALL DAY WATCH 3,365 85 75 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Robert Meyer, W0LAW, MN STM

North Dakota

NORTH DAKOTA: SM, Kent Olson, KAØLDG - Finally the nice weather has come to ND. The Fargo hamfest was a great success again; weather was great, food was great, flee tables were great - you get my point. It was nice to see all of you who stopped by the ARRL booth to chat or caught me roaming around. Field Day is closing quickly...are you ready? I hope to make it to a few club sites. Please pass on your condolences to the family and friends of Walt Pfeifer, KØHLT, who passed away recently. Walt loved motorcycles and you could always see him and his wife Maxine, WBØOTF, at the Minn. Steam Threshers Reunion at Rollag each year. You won’t need your passport this year if you are planning on attending the Peace Gardens Hamfest. It will be held from July 13-15th. Grand Forks will be hosting their hamfest this October 6th. SKYWARN season is here, and a few clubs have already been activated. Get to a local refresher course if you can, as you never know when it may come in (6 of 36) [10/18/2007 3:03:34 PM] Section News for April 2007 handy. Please send me what your clubs are doing so I can print it here and let others know around the state. Section's web site: HF NM KØJIM net reports for April: Weather Net: 50/706/3. Data Net: 30/801/22. Goose River Net: 4/40/2. Note: The WX NET will go till the last day in April and start in the fall on the first of October from now on.

South Dakota WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Here is the section news for South Dakota, if there are any clubs that have material that they wish to have posted please email me the information no later than the 5th of the month so that I can get it posted to both the summary and the web site before the cut off date. Brookings Area Hams We had 12 hams helping with the Marathon today in Brookings. Worked from 6am to around 2pm. A couple left around noon. Ran APRS to track lead and tail runners. Race officials watches along and could tell where the racers where. Some hams had APRS along the route also and made it easy to relocate and send to areas the needed extra help. We had a laptop set up with AGWTracker and a 17" monitor for other to watch. We also had a weather station setup. Ran the net on the 146.940 repeater in Brookings. Kurt - N0VEK Pierre ARES Disaster Drill a Success On May 5th the Hughes/Stanley county Emergency Management hosted a multi county-multi agency drill aimed at testing emergency preparednessWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO while concentrating on communications. A design team met almost weekly for the last 4 months making preparations and designing the scenario for the drill. The drill was held north of Pierre near the Outpost Lodge at Cow Creek where it was known that communications and cell phone service would be marginal. On the morning of the drill, many participants started at around 5:00 AM setting up for the drill. At 5:45 AM the weather spotters (consisting solely of Pierre Amateur Radio Club members N0NPO, KC0YCB,WB0NNI, and N0PIZ) were called out by KD0S to begin the scenario of a tornadic thunderstorm approaching the area. Some real weather made for an interesting start to the drill with rain and lightning helping to give the drill members a few tense moments. At 6:20 AM, N0NPO reported a tornado on the ground near the Spring Creek, Cow Creek area and reported massive damage as well as many fires and injuries. This started out the other agencies participation in the drill. N0NPO along with KI4NEA, N0PIZ, N0OMP, KB0GGM, N0RQY, KC0WVG, and KC0ZHF set up command and began putting together a communications system for the effected area. As fire, police, and other rescue services began to show up and get organized, N0NPO released command to the Sully County Sheriff at 8:00 AM. PARC members were placed with each of the other agencies to help with communications back to Incident Command and the Emergency Operations Center which was staffed by KD0S, KC0OCH, and WB0QVE. At 8:50 AM all commercial radio communications went down and amateur radio was utilized as a communications tool between search and rescue teams as well as traffic back to EOC where WB0QVE was relaying requests for equipment and supplies to the elected officials there and working as a liaison with St. Mary's hospital relaying victim counts, conditions and their transport status. PARC members passed 141 pieces of traffic during the drill, plus we used APRS tracking on the hams at the drill as well as the Fire Rescue boat where KC0WVG provided communications. The elected officials in the EOC were quite impressed to be able to view the locations of the PARC members and the rescue boat on an aerial view map in near real time. From now on APRS will be included in all upcoming disaster drills. The drill was brought to a close at about 11:00 AM when debriefing of all agencies was held and lunch for over 100 disaster exercise players was served by the American Red Cross. With the nearly constant heavy rain, very few photo's were taken at the exercise but I have attached a few... Jim KD0S Hot Springs ARC News: We had a busy work day in April with a great turnout of helpers. Our new 2 meter yagi was installed along with the new rotor. The grounds around the ham shack were groomed with a lot of stuff going for a trip to the dump. Next work day, on May 19, will involve installation of the new HF yagi and moving surplus items into our new storage shed. We (7 of 36) [10/18/2007 3:03:34 PM] Section News for April 2007 also plan to remodel the interior of the shack to set up multiple operating positions. Field Day will take place at the Mammoth Site. Burgers and bratwurst on the grill for Saturday night's picnic. Come join us for a great time. K0HS will be on the air! 73 Tim K0OR Northern Hills Amateur Radio Club Members of the Northern Hills Club are getting ready for a busy summer of Public Service Events Area Hams Respond as Red Cross Volunteers Dave, NØGMP and Joyce, KBØWCE Jefferies are responding to Kansas to aid the Red Cross in helping the tornado victims. articles/2007/05/11/news/local/news10.txt Announcements and Upcoming Events Field Day: Saturday – Sunday, June 23-24,WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO 2007. Location TBD. MS Bike Ride: Saturday – Sunday, August 4-5, 2007, Sioux Falls to Brookings, SD.

Delta Division


LOUISIANA SECTION NEWS – APRIL 2007 Thanks to a grant from the Southern Baptist Convention Disaster Relief and Alabama ARES, the W5GAD D-Star repeater system is on the air. AL Section Manager W4OZK delivered the repeater to the Jefferson Amateur Radio Club on April 1. I believe that there are someWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO other clubs or groups around the state that have installed or are planning to install digital repeaters, but I have no specific information at this time concerning those other efforts. Field Day is only about five weeks away as I'm writing this monthly report! As I recall, no complaints were received from any FD participants last year concerning our plaque program. Therefore, the LA Section will use the same rules again this year. Visit if your affiliated club plans to compete for a plaque in 2007 and be sure to follow the rules as outlined. (For this year's plaque program, entries must be postmarked, emailed, or submitted by August 25, 2007.) The official 2007 FD rules are posted on the League web site at In late April the ARRL requested that the FCC dismiss the League's "Regulation by Bandwidth" petition (RM-11306). The League cited "widespread misconceptions" surrounding the petition as a primary reason for deciding to remove it from FCC consideration and has left open the option of refiling the same or a similar petition in the future. W5ZN (ARRL President) has assured members that the League intends to offer a "far better explanation" of the consequences of regulation by bandwidth before filing a new petition proposing that regulatory concept, "so that the misunderstandings that occurred with respect to RM-11306 do not happen again." For more details, check out stories/2007/04/27/101/?nc=1 The LA Section welcomes the following new hams: Flavio Garcia KE5MUS, Lester Palmisano KE5MUR, Marlin Talbert KE5NFA, Herbert O'Neal KE5NFB, Jeffrey Guidry KE5MXW, Benjamin King KE5MXS, Melissa King KE5MXR, Roy Mascari KE5MXX, Michael Klenke KE5NIL, Mark Olivier KE5NIO, Brandon Augereau KE5NII, Nicholas Romero KE5MWX, Donna Spears KE5NCX, Rachel Bellard KE5NIM, Ronald Dejean KE5NIK, Paul Trahan KE5MXT, Bobby Wadzeck KE5MWZ, Jared Landreneau KE5NIQ, Wade Lohse KE5NIN, Richard Gray KE5NIP, John Ingram KE5NCY, Christopher Rust KE5NBF, David Ables KE5NIJ, Billy Wright KE5NBH, Debbie Dean KE5NBG, John Paul KE5NFX, Sulin Campbell KE5MYP, Ron Swiger KE5MYN, Hollis Phillips KE5MYL, James Howard KE5MYM, John Dellinger KE5MYQ, James Swayze KE5NFW, Jerre Hurst KE5MXG, Heather Bandy KE5MWF, Howard Thrasher KE5NAE, and Mark Maines KE5MYO. I am very sorry to report that K5JET is now a Silent Key. Upcoming LA hamfests include the ARRL Delta Division Convention in Rayne on May 25 and May 26, the Ozone ARC Hamfest in Slidell on July 21, the WCLARC Hamfest in Leesville on August 11, Swampfest 2007 in Lake Charles on September 15, and the CLARC Hamfest in Pineville on October 13. Keep submitting those monthly activity reports! (If I have left someone's traffic/PSHR report off below, please send it to me again so that I can include it in next month's report.) Traffic totals: K5MC 74, (8 of 36) [10/18/2007 3:03:34 PM] Section News for April 2007

W5PY 50, AE5V 6. Public Service Honor Roll: W5PY 135, K5MC 110, W5HUD 76, K5ER 75, N5MEL 70, KD5ITA 66, AE5V 60, KB5SDU 50, KB5UHH 33. Section net reports: sessions/check-ins/messages handled. Louisiana Traffic Net: 29/496/62. Louisiana CW Net: 60/309/68. Louisiana ARES Net: 5/110/0. Local/district net reports: sessions/check-ins. Allen Parish ARES Net: 5/4. Avoyelles Parish ARES Net: 1/2. Caddo/Bossier Parish ARES Net: 4/75. East Baton Rouge Parish ARES Net: 4/40. Orleans Parish ARES Net: 4/40. Ouachita Parish ARES Net: 4/65. Rapides Parish ARES Net: 6/49. Richland Parish ARES Net: 5/47. St. Charles Parish ARES Net: 1/9. St. Mary Parish ARES Net: 5/36. St. Tammany Parish ARES Net: 4/17. Terrebone ParishWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO ARES Net: 4/4. Union Parish ARES Net: 5/39. Vernon Parish ARES Net: 6/94. Washington Parish ARES Net: 4/60. ARES reports: parish/EC. Allen/W5ELM, Avoyelles/KD5IGG, Caddo/Bossier/NZ5S, Calcasieu/KC5FGO, Claiborne/KD5JJP, East Baton Rouge/N5ULA, Franklin/N5ASA, Lafourche/N5PZJ, Livingston/W5RR, Morehouse/KB5SAR, Orleans/NO5FD, Ouachita/K5ER, Plaquemines/ AI5B, Rapides/KD5DFL, Red River/KD5IUZ, Richland/N5MEL, St. Bernard/AI5B, St. Charles/K5CFJ, St. John/AI5B, St. Mary/KA5LMZ, St. Tammany/KC5EAK, Terrebonne/AD5XJ, Union/KA5JNL, Vernon/ W5JZQ, Washington/AI5B. 73, Mickey Cox K5MC LA Section Manager Email: [email protected] LA Section Website: Great LakesWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Division Michigan

Greeting Michigan hams Governor Granholm declares the week of June 23 as Amateur Radio Awareness Week. The official proclamation marking the week of June 23 has been released by the Governor’s Office and sent to all Michigan Section Public Information Officers. Additionally, a downloadable copy is posted on the Michigan Section Web Page Clubs and FD teams are encouraged to incorporate this document into their publicity arrangements for Field Day next month. Our thanks go to PIC Bobby N8CY for making these arrangements well in advance so everyone has the material for PR purposes. With severe weather season upon us and with a few storm events already in our recent past, we are reminded to evaluate our ability to operate under a prolonged power outage. Last fall’s Simulated Emergency Test called for operating without the use of repeaters and to make use of alternate frequencies. We found that many operators were not prepared for simplex operating and had not become familiar with the range and capabilities of either their home stations or their mobile units in this mode. We all need to maintain our operating abilities to that highest levels and practice to insure that we can react on a timely basis in the event of prolonged outage. Your local Emergency Coordinator can assist you with a set of guidelines for preparedness and will welcome you to participate in tests and exercises to keep your operating skills honed. Visit for more details. Local VHF & UHF Net Managers should consider reporting their net activities to WB8RCR. There appears to be a large number of nets that are not getting credit for all of their dedication and service to their communities. Take a look at for information on Michigan Nets and their activities. Consider adding you net to the roster of active and reporting nets. The presentation of the Marinette & Menominee ARC 2006 Ham of the Year Award highlighted the Charter Night Banquet held at the Best Western Riverfront Inn in Marinette on Sunday April 15th. Ed Engleman, KG8CX became the first two-time winner of the award for his work on the DAR Boys and Girls Club Radio Project, as well as his many other contributions to club activities throughout the year. Ed also serves as Net Control for the Sunday night M&M ARC net, and as SKYWARN coordinator for Marinette, Menominee, and Oconto Counties. Newly elected club officers for the River Raisin Repeater Assn. are Pres KC8SKP, VP WB8FBG, Sec-Treas N8KUF, Dirs W8PI & (9 of 36) [10/18/2007 3:03:34 PM] Section News for April 2007

WA8EFK. Station Activity Reports (SAR) for April, 2007 WB9JSR 546, KC8WSE 520, AB8SY 227, W8RIT 166, KD8AAD 113, K8AE 102, N8FPN 101, KC8MLD 83, K8RDN 73, K8AMR 67, W8RNQ 52, WB8RCR 38, AB8WF 23, K8ZJU 12, KC8BMV 12, WD8USA 10, WA8OOH 3, KC8ZGB 2. Public Service Honor Roll Reports (PSHRs) for April, 2007: KD8BGQ 874, K8MFK 193, WB9JSR 185, WB8RCR 183, K8RDN 145, KB8UIH 124, WU8Y 119, K8AMR 102, N8FPN 100, KC8WSE 90, K8ZJU 84, W8RIT 80, AB8SY 80, K8AE 78, K8VFZ 61. SARs are reports of all the radiogram traffic you have handled in the past month. PSHRs include your net and public service activities for the month. PSHRs and SARs should be filed monthly with WB8RCR. You canWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO access a simple reporting form at: to provide your reports to WB8RCR. April Official Emergency Station reports came in from K8COP, KC8ULE, WU8Y, and W8WRB. Your OES reports should be filed with WA8EFK. In all cases, reporting by radiograms encouraged. Packet messages can be routed to [email protected] and [email protected] 73, Dale WA8EFK

Hudson Division

Northern New Jersey

SM Bill Hudzik-W2UDT,WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO ASM-N2WZB, STM-WB2FTX, ACC-N3RB, SEC-K2SO, OOC-K2ZD, PIC-WO2U, TC- NR2H NNJ Webpage: MONTHLY ARES NET: Second Monday of each month (8PM) on the Morris County OEM Repeater: WS2Q 146.895 MHz (PL 151.4) minus 600Hz. Recently, our Hudson Division Vice Director, Joyce Birmingham- KA2ANF, sent an announcement out to all affiliated clubs in the division that nominations are open for selecting this year’s Hudson Division Award Winners. Nomination forms were attached to the announcement and can also be found on the Hudson Division webpage: The deadline is May 25th so, if you or your club has not done so, submit your nomination to the committee soon. Please remember this is an opportunity to recognize those individuals who have contributed much to amateur radio and the Hudson Division. As a reminder, the categories are: Ham of the Year, Grand Ole’ Ham and Technical Achievement. The NNJ VE sessions are still going on to accommodate the request for new licensees and upgrades. Two that I’m aware of happen to be on the same date, May 26th, at opposite ends of the section. In Monmouth County, the Middletown RACES is sponsoring an all-day amateur radio class at the Middletown OEM offices. Contact Mario Sellitti-N2PVP ( [email protected]) for more information. While up north, the Bergen ARA, in conjunction with the BARA hamfest, at the Westwood Regional HS, is holding a VE session from 8AM to 10AM. Contact Don Younger-W2JEK ([email protected]) for information. No matter what session you attend or where, the following documents are required by the FCC: two forms of ID, if asking for prior test credit the original CSCE and if a license upgrade the original license and a copy. The current FCC mandated fee per exam or retest is $14. I’m sure many clubs and groups are finalizing plans for Field Day. Don’t forget to place your site/location on the NNJ web page which is listed at the header. As I’ve said in past months it’s a great way to let others (including me) know where your club is operating. While on the topic of listing events please be sure your club has updated information on the ARRL web site. Many newly licensed amateurs use the club and VE search feature to find local contact information. Before I get off the topic of the NNJ Section webpage I’ve updated the Section Manager Comments part with a reference to the Amateur’s Code. Even though the Morse code is no longer required to obtain a license the Amateur’s Code is something that many of the newer amateurs are not aware of but is a continuing part of our history. Please read it and you will see that it’s just as important today as it was in 1928, when it was first written. Congratulations to fellow NJDXA member Bill Wadsworth- W2ZKE for receiving a 60th Anniversary Award (that’s 60 years of being licensed folks!) from the QCWA Marconi Chapter at its annual banquet. Bill, however, was upstaged by (10 of 36) [10/18/2007 3:03:34 PM] Section News for April 2007

Marv Bernstein- W2PAT who received an award for being licensed 75 years! Likewise, congrats to Bill Fitzsimmons- N2LMU for being appointed Region 2 Director (NY-NJ) for Army MARS. Bill is a member and past president of the Roseland ARC. On a sad note I have to report that two long time NNJ hams are now Silent Keys. John Richardt- W2WIY, was a member of the County Line ARA and a Fellow of the Radio Club of America. Also, a personal friend and active member of the ETS of NJ, Al Blasucci- W2KOG passed away early this month. Both will be missed by their many friends, both on and off the air. 73, Bill Hudzik- W2UDT SECTION TRAFFIC Apr-07 NNJ PUBLIC SERVICE HONOR ROLL ORG RCVD SENT DLVD TOTAL 1 2WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO 3 4 5 6 TOTAL N1JX 0 197 225 4 426 40 40 10 90 KC2PFV 0 44 52 11 107 40 40 10 90 KC2ANN 0 18 16 11 45 40 40 10 90 WB2KNS 0 13 11 6 30 40 30 20 40 130 N3RB 1 2 11 12 26 40 26 20 25 111 W2CC 0 1 9 10 19 40 19 30 89 WB2VUF 0 6 11 0 17 35 17 10 62 Total 670 NET MGR. SESS. QNI QTC QSP QTR STNS LIAISONS NJ MORNING(NJM) N2GJ 13 77 16 16 143 12 2RN NJ PHONE(NJPN) W2CC 35 202 50 45 230 22 2RN NJ SLOW(NJSN) K2PB 30 158 11 11 390 2RN NJ NET (NJN/E) AG2R 30 237 41 40 429 20 2RN NJ NET (NJN/L) AG2R 30 165 30 29 296 13 2RN CENJER (CJTN) KB2VRO 30 262 57 43 262 36 NJSN,2RN,PACKET NJVHF(NJVN/E) N2RPI 30 468 124 113 476 55 NJN,NJPN NJVHF(NJVN/L) N2OPJ 30 303 48 47 298 34 NJN,NJPN UCTN KY2MMM 30 257 30 24 375 NJVN,CJTN,NJPN

Midwest DivisionWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO


Kansas Section News Summary- April 2007 SM, Ron Cowan, KB0DTI-- SEC/OOC: Robert Summers, K0BXF ASM: Orlan Cook,W0OYH ASM-Youth: Emily Stewart, KC0PTL SGL: Steve Hamilton, KB0JYL PIC: Larry Staples, W0AIB ______WAØGWA- Larry Thomas, Olathe is now a Silent Key ______Hello- I want to give you an update on the Amateur Radio activity in Greensburg. It’s been nearly 2 weeks since the tornado destroyed Greensburg. We’ve been assisting The Salvation Army this entire time with communications between their 4 to 5 canteen trucks and the supply/staging area in Haviland at Barclay College. Also, there is an HF station at Haviland on 3920. The HF link is used to communicate with the SATERN stations around Kansas that are supporting the effort and with the SATERN leaders in KC. The nets are conducted at 9AM and 9 PM each day that hams are supporting The Salvation Army’s efforts. A majority of the hams involved are members of SATERN the Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network. Some are ARES. Hams have jumped in to help coming from all parts of the state. There have been 7 or 8 from Kansas City, 3 from Montgomery County went out and there are several more from there scheduled to deploy next week. I’m told a team drove up from Woodward, OK that Friday nite but were turned away because of the evacuation ordered by the State Of Kansas. Many of the hams from central and SW Kansas responded to help. Due to the duration of this event our operator resources are being depleted. The Salvation Army is operating 4 canteens. There is an NCS at the supply area in Haviland and an official that is shadowed. WGØQ Dist. 5 DEC coordinated the hams for the first week along with WBØOAO and EC Pratt Co. KØUO. NØENO and WØPWJ are currently handling the ham volunteers. I’m told now that the 444.125 repeater in Haviland is not 100 percent useable with HTs in Greensburg. Some relaying is required. Mobiles with outside antennas are great and a 5 watt HT with a gain antenna works fairly well. Most of the canteen trucks have a power point for plugging into that is good for 10 watt settings or medium power. FEMA is in Greensburg and there are portable cell phone towers operating. I’m told there is internet available at several sites for residents and volunteers to use. Still the cell phones become overloaded at times because of the number of users and Internet is (11 of 36) [10/18/2007 3:03:34 PM] Section News for April 2007 not always practical as a mobile service. Sometimes there’s no substitute for trained hams. Last week I appealed to the Oklahoma SM for ARES and SATERN operators and a couple have responded. There is a team of 5 from Colorado on site now according to NØENO who is coordinating the volunteer scheduling. With the magnitude of the disaster and the number of volunteers of all kinds involved at this time, along with the residents themselves, The Salvation Army plans to be active in Kiowa County thru May 27th . We have hams scheduled thru Saturday May 20th. You can see there is a gap. If you can help please contact Rich- NØ[email protected] or call him at 913-888-9118. Please let Rich know if you’re an ARES or SATERNWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO member. ______Kansas Amateur Of The Year nominations are due before the end of May. Clubs should send their nominations along with supporting letters to: Stan Creitz- WAØCCW Kansas ARC, 965 KS-14 Hwy, BELOIT, KS 67420 Trojan ARC is offering a scholarship to Colby HS student that will persue a Technical or science related field. Spring picnics were held by Pilot Knob and also Mine Creek . Pilot Knob is holding another Kit Day in June. This time it will be the Handi-Finder. DCARC members provided communications for a half marathon. ______From the desk of K0BXF, ARRL SEC KS And the storms continue. This report includes the activities of Kansas ARES activity for the month of March. We had 24 of 48 zones reporting with 174 net sessions, 1713 QNI and 61 messages handled. WD0DMV our State RACES Officer reported only seven counties reporting to theWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO monthly radio test session. Poor band conditions was probably the main reason for low participation, Members from Johnson County, Marshall, Linn, Wyandotte, Neosho, Montgomery and Shawnee Counties were acknowledged. Kansas Chapter 110 of the Quarter Century Wireless Association reported 5 net session 48 QNI and no traffic handled. K0FJ started his new occupation as Asst to the Thomas County Emergency Management Director. Slowly we are beginning to accumulate Zone Emergency Communication Plans. When all EC have complied with the request to provide same, we will perhaps be in a better position of being able to others requests of additional communication support during those times of need. Check the web site for the latest appointments of DEC and EC for the state. That wraps up the March activity report with one exception: Don't forget to send your personal activity report each month to Ron KB0DTI and cc W0OYH so they can pat each one of us on the back in their respective newsletters, and of course each DEC and EC send your latest activity totals to K0BXF for the Kansas Section Emergency Coordinator's report to the SM and ARRL Hdq. 73 Bob K0BXF KS SEC. ______Newsletters received: Feed Back, Newton ARC, Trojan ARC Harmonic, QRZ, QNU H.A.R.C. , DCARC, SMMC ARC ______March Sessions/QNI/QTC/Mgr: KSBN/31/956/60 N0KFS KPN/22/288/33/N0KFS KMWN/31/689/588/WB0YWZ KWN/31/882/638/ WB0YWZ QKS/ 40/149/28/ NB0Z QKS SS 6/10/0 KB0DTI Traffic: KI0BK 327 NB0Z 40 N0ENO 32 KC0MRJ 30 KB0DTI 17 W0OYH 17 K0BXF 21 N0ZIZ 9


MAY 2007 MISSOURI SECTION NEWS Dale Bagley, KØKY MO SM I want to thank Jim Harrell, NØOSV, for his work as the Official Observer Coordinator for the past three years. Jim has expressed his decision to relinquish the OOC appointment, but he will continue to serve as an OO and as a Technical Specialist. The requirements for the position of OOC include being a licensed Amateur for four years and being an active OO for two years. I have selected Mike McCrann, WDØGSY, to be the new Section OOC. Mike has had lots of experience in the OO position and in working with Chuck Skolaut, WØBOG the ARRL Headquarters OO Coordinator. I know that Mike will do a great job in leading the important and sensitive OO program in the Missouri Section. All of the 17 Official Observers have been contacted and asked if they wish to remain active in their appointments. After about 3 weeks, those not (12 of 36) [10/18/2007 3:03:34 PM] Section News for April 2007 responding will have their OO appointments rescinded. HAMFEST 2007 There are no Section Hamfest in May or June, but on July 15th we can look forward to 45th Annual Zero Beaters Hamfest Zero Beaters ARC at Hillerman Park in Washington, MO and on July 21st the always well attended Warrensburg Area Amateur Radio Club Hamfest at the Johnson County Fairgrounds in Warrensburg, MO. There will be more detail in the June Section News. The ARRL recently has sanctioned the August 19, 2007 St. Charles Hamfest sponsored by the St. Charles ARC and the January 19, 2008 St. Joseph, MO Hamfest sponsored by the Missouri Valley Amateur Radio Club and the Ray-Clay ARC. AFFILIATED CLUB NEWS KEITH HAYE,WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO WEØG, ACC The Old-Timers Day special event will be held in Milan, MO at the Milan Depot Museum from 9 am until 6 pm on May 26, 2007. Amateur operators from Amateur Radio Operators from Northeast Missouri Amateur Radio Club (Kirksville), North Central Missouri Amateur Radio Club (Trenton), Macon County Amateur Radio Club (Macon) All other licensed hams are also invited to participate. You supply your own equipment. The Mid-MO ARC will assist with the Jefferson City Easter Seals Walk on May 19th. Volunteers will meet in front of the Cole County Court House at 7:30 a.m. Mike Theyer, KØJNW is coordinating the communications volunteer effort. The Mississippi Valley DX and Contest Club sponsor the ZERO QSL Bureau and they have been busy getting the DX cards to Hams in MO, KS, CO, NE, IA, SD, ND, & MN. The Bureau requires lots of volunteers from the St. Louis area and Norm Mc Court and the gang do a great job do sorting and mailing on the incoming QSLWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Cards. The postage rate has increased so if any active DXers would like to donate a few bucks to make-up the two cents some of the envelopes are going to be short. Mike Bellinger, KØUAA, and the Heart of America ARC, are looking for volunteers to provide help with special event communications project on Sunday June 10th. The Kansas City Corporate Challenge Triathlon / Duathlon will be held in Shawnee Mission Park at Renner Road and 77th Street. Volunteers need to arrive at about 6:00 a.m. and the event will be over at about 10:00 a.m. SECTION ARES REPORT FOR APRIL 2007 DON MOORE, KMØR SEC Richard Webb, KCØUNF, of Lexington, MO has been appointed as the new Lafayette County Emergency Coordinator. It’s great to welcome Richard on board and we in the Missouri ARES program are looking forward to working with him. Sam Cook, KCØWZA, of Milan, MO has been appointed to the position of Official Emergency Station in District B. Total # of ARES members: 678 Number of drills, tests and training sessions this month: 93 Man hours: 734 Number of public service events this month: 4 Man hours: 72 Number of emergency operations this month: 4 Man hours: 53 Total number of ARES operations this month: 101 Total Man hours: 859 SECTION TRAFFIC REPORTS FOR APRIL 2007 DALE HUFFINGTON, AEØS, NOTE: The following report is related to both Traffic Nets and Emergency Coordination in the Missouri Section. KØKY edited this report somewhat from a larger e-mail sent by Dale Huffington, AEØS, and any mistakes can be attributed to KØKY and not to AEØS. I know that Don Moore, KMØR and Dale Huffington, AEØS would appreciate active participation in the Counties selected by SEMA To summarize the exercise, SEMA has agreed to set up an exercise on June 2, 2007 from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM involving county/city emergency management agencies, amateur radio operators, and SEMA. The purpose of the exercise is to look at how Amateur radio can handle emergency traffic for SEMA and selected Missouri counties. Speed and accuracy will be carefully monitored. During each of the four hours of the exercise, messages appropriate to successive days of the response and recovery process are to be sent. For example, damage reports, requests for assistance, for supplies, and acknowledgement of supplies or personnel being sent or received. All messages are to be given to the amateur radio operators in written form. We will need to log when the message was received, from whom, to whom sent, and when. There will be an analysis by SEMA of our handling of their traffic as part of their after action report. The slippery part, from my point of view, is making sure that a MESN or MOTRAN net member has contacted his/her ARES EC to let him/her know that the net will be standing by for their traffic. I have asked NØRIC, who will be at work on June 2, to have someone prepared to step up and contact his EOC so they know whom to call (13 of 36) [10/18/2007 3:03:34 PM] Section News for April 2007 when they want to send their messages. We need people primed to take that initiative in other counties, as well. If you can prime that pump with the people you know, I would surely appreciate it. We must be certain that the hams in each participating county are working together and that they have established contact with their emergency management agency. I will ask for a list of the counties that AJ Lehmen at SEMA expects to participate, so we can be sure people have made the contact, and the messages can be picked up properly. Dale requested that Don Moore, KMØR, SEC, assist with the exercise by encouraging his District and County Emergency Coordinators to contact NTS people in their areas. That way, we canWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO help the people in each county make the contacts needed between their Public Safety agency, the ARES EC, and the traffic handlers. Since many of us are already active in ARES and NTS, that should happen smoothly – IF people are made aware of the exercise and asked to help in a coordinated manner. MON – CW Sessions 38 QNI 94 QTC 77 NM K9ZTV MO Phone Sessions 30 QNI 975 QTC 174 NM KØRWL MESN Sessions 5 QNI 187 QTC 7 NM AEØS Boone Co Sessions 4 QNI 79 QTC 1 NM WMØH Howell Co Sessions 7 QNI 57 QTC 0 NM KØRWL Jackson Co ARESR Sessions 4 QNI 69 QTC 1 NM KØUAA Macon Co Sessions 4 QNI 36 QTC 0 NM KØKY CSRS Wellsville Sessions 3 QNI 21 QTC 2 NM KCØVMW Rolla RRARS Sessions 30 QNI 379 QTC 9 NM KB9ZBO Sullivan ARC Sessions 19 QNI 146 QTC 11 NM KBØROX St. Louis Co Sessions 5 QNI 76 QTC 27 NM KBØH Taney Co TLARC Sessions 1 QNI 6 QTC 11 NM KCØOFD 10th Reg Sessions 60 QTC 175 MO 73% with K9ZTV, WØSJS, NDØNWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO NM WØSS

New England Division


Section cabinet: ASMs: K1STM, NK1J, W1FXQ; Bulletin Manager KD1YV; Official Observer Coordinator W1GC; Public Information Coordinator K1SFA; Section Emergency Coordinator K1BRF; State Government Liaison K1MK; Section Traffic Manager K1HEJ; Technical Coordinator N1KHB. Field Day is right around the corner so please do get your FD sites to TC Joe, N1KHB who annually collects them for a listing on the Section Page ARRL site. Members of the Candlewood ARA enjoyed operating W1AW again this year for the New England QSO Party in early May; thanks for putting W1AW on the air for that event. Approximately twelve participants learned about Airmail and a bit about classic packet at each of two workshops given by DEC Wayne, N1CLV and TS Bill W1GTT. All 25 participants really learned a lot; if your group would like a similar workshop, contact Wayne or Bill: [email protected], [email protected]. CT congratulates Rick N1RL on his retirement after many years as editor of The ARRL Letter and the voice of ARRL news. We have all appreciated his professional work and wish him the very best in his new endeavors. We’ll look for you on the air. Congrats to Khrystyne K1SFA who is now going to be writing The Letter; Khrystyne is resigning from the cabinet as PIC as she takes on this important work nationally. Lots of luck Khrystyne. Speaking of ARRL staff, did you know that Steve Ewald WV1X has worked at Hq for 25 years? He told me the other day that he achieved this milestone in March! Steve is a very big help to all the Section Managers in the country pointing us to resources and good ideas. Of course, he is helpful to huge numbers of field org volunteers. Additionally, he is active in our Section as secretary of the Newington Amateur Radio League and as an ARES member. A big thank you Steve! On Sunday, April 29th, members of the ICRC once again contributed their time and effort providing radio communication for the annual Fat Tire Classic mountain bike race at the Winding Trails Recreation Center in Farmington. Positioned at various locations along the course were: George KB1JYX, Allan W1LOZ and daughter Lori KB1MYL, Rick N1JGR, Dan W1ZFG, Larry K1HEJ, and Pete KB1KZC. Chuck K1DFS was stationed with the paramedics, and net control was handled by Al N1JWF. The weather was nice and there were no major accidents fortunately. They all had a fine time (14 of 36) [10/18/2007 3:03:34 PM] Section News for April 2007 working together. And that’s what it’s all about. So now have fun at The Hartford Ham Fest May 26 sponsored by the Natchaug ARC and the Newington Ham Fest sponsored by NARL June 3. The Natchaug Amateur Radio Club will host the Hartford Hamfest at the Tolland County Agricultural Center in Vernon, CT, rain or shine on Route 30 near the intersection of Route 31. Directions: Interstate 84 to Exit 67, north on Rt. 31, right at light at Rt. 30, short distance on right is the Tolland County Agricultural Center. Admission is $4.00, unlicensed spouse and children are free. Tailgaters $6.00, indoor tables $20.00. Sellers admitted at 6:00 AM, Buyers at 8:00 AM. Talk in on 145.110, PL 77.0. Food and beverages byWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO authorized vendors only. Indoor table reservations or information: Wayne Rychling, N1GUS, 860 487 1921 or Dave Johnson, W1EY, 860 684 4923. Email [email protected]. I’ll send more info on the NARL Ham Fest in another week. Call changes are fun to hear about. Congrats to Chris, formerly KB1OLS on his new call N1FAA! Incidentally, Chris works professionally for the FAA! Both Chris and Richard, KB1ONS are two new ECs in the ARES program. Chris is working hard under DEC Art K1WMQ and Richard is working with DEC Jonathan, KB1KIX. Thanks to both of the DECs for recruiting new leaders and congrats to Chris and Richard—welcome aboard! Your SM sent a certificate of merit to Phil N1BOW for his tireless work each Monday evening except during the summer taking NCS for our Section traffic net CT Phone Net for 25 years. You know, when George Hart, W1NJM created the NTS, it was his vision that ops would take their skeds once per week so that no one would be burdened.WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO NM N1DIO, asst. NM NX1Q, STM K1HEJ and I along with everyone on CPN thank you Phil for your commitment and fine nets over the years. We’ll look for you on the weekends! It was great to see so many of you at the Southington Ham Fest and wonderful to find a big crowd at the ARES Annual Meeting. SEC Brian, K1BRF, the leadership team and I thank you for your continuing support of ARES as together we look toward growth both in numbers and in service. There was a lot of good info shared at the meeting; congrats Brian on a great annual event—it’s important to get together! And finally, while I think of it, all ARES members need to be sure and check the new on-line database and complete your information there. Go to and click on ARES membership. If you have questions about the database, contact DEC Art, K1WMQ, [email protected]; as always, contact your SEC K1BRF [email protected] for questions you have about the ARES program or ideas you want to share.

Eastern Massachusetts

Hello Everyone!! Here comes FIELD DAY, ARRL's answer to HOW TO RIP DOWN SOME OF YOUR SHACK! OR A FRIEND'S ( HI HI ), or a club's shack, and then try to put it up in this large area, full of rutts - mosquito's, ants, etc!! I CAN'T WAIT, WOW!! This is the best fun, and bring the family, B.B.Q. grills, first aid kit, water, and of course the kids. PLEASE. I ask all to get involved. You will remember June 23rd & 24th, 2007, for the rest of your life. Believe me, HOGBACK MOUNTAIN in Vermont in 1958 was my first Field Day. I even have photos of all of the Shoreline Amatuer Radio Club members who took part. I am asking for directions to your events!! Now that Shirl, my XYL, is getting back on track, I will try to cover as many as possible that you invite me to! I like my steak RARE and my lobsters JUICY!! Anything else is satisfactory. HI HI !! Also, our two new Eastern Massachusetts Assistant SMs, KD1CY, Rob Macedo, and WB1CMG, David Upton, came to my home for a dinner/meeting on April 28 concerning the new structure of NATIONAL YOUTH AMATUER RADIO TEAM, as we call it, including ideas for youth and equipment. At this time, I was also asked to let ARRL personnel handle the Pave Paws affair by our Assistant Director. Good air waves all, Art Greenberg/K1GBX, Eastern Massachusetts Section Manager

Rhode Island (15 of 36) [10/18/2007 3:03:34 PM] Section News for April 2007

Greetings fellow Rhode Islanders: On April 30th, the National Weather Service made an official visit to the Ocean State and hosted an Open House for the public at Quonset Point, with a special invitation to school children. They showed off one of their Hurricane Hunter aircraft, a modified Orion P3. Although the P3 is a relatively old aircraft, this one is bristling with modern electronic equipment and kept in extremely flight worthy condition. It has to be kept that way because its mission is to fly through the outer walls of hurricanes! Incredible! It has about 86 named storms labeled on its fuselage that it has flown through. NWS hostedWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Our Leadership team, ARES team along with SATERN and SKYWARN members from RI and Massachusetts set up HF and VHF stations for the public to see how Amateurs work with the Weather Service. Contact was made with the National Hurricane Center in Miami. A most impressive showing of Amateur Radio equipment and about fifty operators displayed how communications capabilities are supported when nothing else can get through. The Director of NWS, David Johnson flew to Quonset for the event and I had the privilege of speaking to him for quite a while. Mr. Johnson left RI with a solid understanding of Amateur Radio’s role in any emergency. He was keenly aware that regular communications between police, fire, etc didn’t work in the hours immediately following the 9/11 attacks to the twin towers of the World Trade Center and hams were able to immediately establish effective communications as soon as they were permitted into the area to serve the officialWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO ground zero workers. I regret that the staff and brass at the QP Open House did not mention Amateurs and their support during any of their speeches or news releases. They will acknowledge the importance of hams when spoken with privately but don’t seem to wish to be on the record in saying so. One person I spoke with actually assumed that we hams were simply an extension of the great work done by the Weather Service. Clearly, we have more PR work to do. Thanks to KA1BNO, KB1G and others, there are plenty of digital pictures available of this event, far more than we have space to post. Let me know if you want to see some more and I’ll find a way to get them to you. I received an e mail from one of our section’s hams who was listening to the different VHF stations transmitting from the Quonset Point event via one of the repeaters and commented that the background noise was very loud and suggested that operators would benefit from using headphones. Some just don’t realize that it was a show and tell event, open to the public, including a dozen bus loads of school kids. It was designed to be seen and heard by as many of the visitors as possible. There were hundreds of ten year old school kids running around and layers of officials talking with their teams. Four TV trucks were on site for all day coverage back to their studios. How could anyone keep the event quiet? We want all the kids to learn what Amateur Radio is about along with others simply trying to stay out of the rain. Take a look at the picture on our RI web page of the exhibit tent and you’ll understand. The URL is in the following paragraph. Your RI ARRL leaders, those named on our RI web page, held our first all-hands meeting in three years on May 2. Because of personal home issues, I couldn’t call for such a meeting before now. Regular meetings between all the section level appointees are important to hold and we all agreed that we need to repeat holding these meetings, possibly again in the fall but certainly annually. Pete Lawson, W1LAB our Section Government Liaison and his most understanding wife Marshall generously offered to host our meeting with a truly marvelous dinner in their comfortable and gorgeous water front home in North Kingstown. Thank you sincerely, Marshall and Pete. A picture taken that evening is posted on our web page, referenced above. For one week in April, DXers around the world were excited to a fair thee well by the first operation from Scarborough Reef in the South China Sea since 1995. As you might well imagine, the passage of twelve years is enough to have given birth to a large crop of new DXers who haven’t worked Scarborough. The thousands of ‘deserving’ were lined up trying to net a five second QSO with this group of rare rocks, most no larger than your pick up truck. Check some of the pictures of this unusual DX operation at . The KA1RCI (16 of 36) [10/18/2007 3:03:34 PM] Section News for April 2007 state wide repeater network, personally owned and maintained by your Asst Section Manager, continues to grow and be improved. Steve’s goal for his network is for anyone in RI to be able to reach one of the network’s interconnected repeaters and thereby communicate with anyone else in RI. Making this happen is not simple and without having a 15,000 foot mountain in the center of the state upon which to install interconnected repeaters on each VHF and UHF band, an interconnected network of repeaters must be designed and maintained. Steve does this with his own funds and mostly with his own work, both of which is considerable. I have asked him why he does it and he says it’s simply because he wants to. OK,WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO he might ask why I want to work a silly DX station sitting on a rock in the middle of an ocean. The ARES and NTS nets are continuing to operate and grow under the leadership of your SEC KE1AB and STM W1EOF. See the detailed schedule for these nets in my March Activity Report. You do keep past reports, don’t you? Field Day is coming up soon, on June 23 and 24. The usual ARRL affiliated clubs are planning to participate at their usual places. I have not reconfirmed these yet but will list them below for your reference. Club members know where their club is setting up but I encourage those of you who aren’t a member of one of our fine clubs to visit a Field Day operation and see the fun you’re missing. I’m sure you will be welcomed by the FD participants. They might even put you to work. Consider joining a club and be part of the team for next year. Blackstone Valley ARC will be at the former Chopmist Hill Inn, Rt 102, No Scituate Providence Radio Association will be at BeavertailWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO on Jamestown Island. Fidelity ARC will at Leyden’s Christmas Tree Farm, West Greenwich Narragansett Bay ARC will likely be aboard s/v Bellerophon, on the Bay. Newport County RC will be at Glen Park, Portsmouth OSARG will be at City Park in Warwick CT-RI Contest Group will be Crandall Field, Ashaway ARA of SNE (W1AQ) East Providence Fire Department Training Grounds. I am unaware of FD plans of other clubs or unaffiliated groups. I am planning to personally visit every Field Day site and hope to see you there. I may even sit in my club’s operator chair if time permits. Six meters has opened a few times into southern states, the Carribean and So America. Solar activity is still quiet, at the bottom of the sunspot curve. The solar index appears to have hit bottom and may be heading up. It’s much too early to know but possibly, we’ve turned the corner at the bottom and are heading up once again. We won’t know for sure until fall or winter, but maybe conditions will improve. Now that nice weather has returned, don’t put off that antenna work any longer. Do yourself a favor and get a 6 meter and 10 meter antenna up. You won’t be sorry. 73 for now, Bob Beaudet, W1YRC

Northwestern Division


Summer is on the way. Time is speeding up here in Montana. Lots to do this Summer, along with everything we need to accomplish in the good weather. Remember to inspect every piece of gear in the air, check out your coaxes for damage and water leakage. If it's wet, replace it. We had the 7QP again this year, but too early for any results here in this column. Ratpod comes in June, the 23rd. This is a great charitable cause, making money for the cancer kids and their families at Camp Make a Dream, near Gold Creek, Montana. Last year, the final tally was somewhere near $200,000. This year, the race is limited to 400 riders, and it is expected to break last year's record. If you have that day available, bring your HF mobile, 2 meter mobile and APRS gear if you have it. We'll start with breakfast in Dillon, around 6 am. Contact Larry, N7YET for further info and to get on the list of support personel. BTW-Ratpod stands for "Ride Around the Pioneers in One day" It's about 157 miles with 2 high mountain passes along the way. Rooms can be had at the College, paid for by the race committee. Join us. It'll be a great race. This is also Field Day weekend, but this is a super event to support. The 2007 Payden Memorial bike race will be held the weekend before Glacier Hamfest. The race will be staffed by (17 of 36) [10/18/2007 3:03:34 PM] Section News for April 2007 the Bozeman club. If you have any desire to participate, contact the Club. There is a Section ARES net every Thursday nite on the MRLA system. If you have 2 meter access to the Link system, listen at 8pm MDT. Or, for information, contact [email protected]. IMN-W7GHT, QNI-488, QTC-136 MTN-AE7V, QNI- 2539, QTC-146 MSN-K7YD, WV7Z, AE7V, K7LMT, QNI-87, QTC-4 Thanks and 73 Doug, K7YD

Oregon WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO FIELD DAY COMING UP Field day is coming up on June 23 and 24. Everett Curry, W6ABM has volunteered to issue invitations to your local state representatives and senators to visit your field day site. He is prepared to send invitations now with a follow-up reminder right before field day. Please make sure he knows where your field day is to take advantage of this opportunity to educate our legislature members. His email address is [email protected]. SUMMER PLANS For about the last month I have been exceptionally busy with work and school and that will be the case until about June 1 but then my schedule will settle down. I am starting to mark up my calendar with summer plans so let me know about events, especially weekend events, that I might be able to make it to. This coming Saturday I plan to be at the 145.29 repeater chili cook-off in Salem. I have the hamfests in Bandon (Coos Bay Radio Club) and Pendleton on my calendar and of course, Seapac. I hope to find events in Central OregonWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO and Southeastern Oregon that I can attend. OO (OFFICIAL OBSERVER) REPORTS Four OO's reported 362 hours of monitoring with one possible unlicensed violation requiring more monitoring. PENDLETON SKYWARN COORDINATION MEETING AND NWS OPEN HOUSE The Pendleton National Weather Service (NWS) Weather Forecast Office (WFO) will hold a SKYWARN Coordination Meeting on Saturday, May 19, 2007, beginning at 3:00 PM PDT. The meeting will address the creation and implementation of an Amateur Radio SKYWARN Net on the Amateur Radio HF bands for the purpose of collecting real-time severe weather reports in the Pendleton NWS WFO's County Warning and Forecast Area (CWFA). The Pendleton NWS WFO will also host an Open House on May 19, from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. All hams are invited to attend the SKYWARN Coordination Meeting and the NWS Open House. The Pendleton NWS WFO has responsibility for issuing weather forecasts, advisories, watches, warnings, and Terminal Aerodrome Forecasts (TAFs) for civilian aviation, for a total of nineteen counties in south central and southeast Washington and in central, north central, and northeast Oregon. Twelve Oregon Counties are in the Pendleton WFO's CWFA: Crook, Deschutes, Gilliam, Grant, Jefferson, Morrow, Sherman, Umatilla, Union, Wasco, Wheeler, and Wallowa. NTS REPORTS The complete report from Scott Gray W7IZ will be posted on the Oregon Section website at Net Activity April 2007 (All reporting nets had 30 sessions): Western Oregon VHF Emergency Net, 525 QNI, 38 QTC, K7WWB Net Mgr Northwest Traffic and Training Net, 390 QNI, 126 QTC, N7YSS Net Mgr Oregon ARES Traffic Net, 667 QNI, 135 QTC, WA7FXF Net Mgr Beaver State Net, 787 QNI, 70 QTC, N7CM Net Mgr Oregon Section Net #1, 161 QNI, 117 QTC, WS7L Net Mgr Oregon Section Net #2, 83 QNI, 49 QTC, KC7SRL Net Mgr Station Activity Reports April 2007, (SAR, Totals): W7IZ 298, N7CM 215, N7YSS 203, K7PMB 123, W7IG 95, K7EAJ 92, W7VSE 46, K7HQA 44, KD7ZLF 42, KC7SRL 33, WS7L 22, N7APE 8 Public Service Honor Roll April 2007 (PSHR, Totals): K7EAJ 189, N7CM 170, W7IG 120, KD7THV 112, N7XG 110, N7YSS 110, K7HQA 100, W7VSE 97, KD7ZLF 90, KK7TN 82 REQUEST FROM ARRL 7TH AREA QSL BUREAU – K SORTER The K sorter for the incoming QSL cards has cards for the following people and would like help getting in contact with them. If they want their cards, there are instructions for obtaining your cards are the Willamette Valley DX Club website at The cards at the bureau for: NK7K, Hillsboro; W7KA Portland; W7KAQ, Newberg; KA7KBW, Baker City; KA7KEF, Portland; K7KEV, Forest Grove; W7KFB, McMinnville; AA7KH, The Dalles and N7KNF, Portland. (18 of 36) [10/18/2007 3:03:34 PM] Section News for April 2007

Western Washington

In District 1, Island County RACES and Whidbey Is. and Stanwood Camano ARES groups conducted a mapping exercise designed to test simplex 2 meter coverage on and between the islands. At least 22 operators participated. Each station recorded signals from all other stations and the data is being analyzed by Mike Simmons, KE7BNR of Island County DEM. Paul KE6BNQ was NCS from the Island County EOC in Coupeville. San Juan County ARES is planning for the San Juan County Marathon on June 3, 2007. In DistrictWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO 2, at the Clallam County ARES April meeting the new weather spotters net was discussed. There was also a review of the ARES resources function. On April 24th, 13 operators participated in a tsunami evacuation drill with the county EMD and the Elwha Klallam community. Community members actually evacuated in response to sirens which sounded in response to a statewide “Drop, Cover and Hold” earthquake drill notification received over NOAA weather radio. CCARES members acted as observers for the county and the Elwha tribe, using VHF voice communications. The community was largely evacuated within 10 minutes after the sirens sounded.. Kitsap County ARES successfully supported two MS walks in April, one on Bainbridge Island and one in Silverdale. These events provided excellent opportunities for public service and training for ARES team members in operating in the field and as part of a team. Jefferson County reports that it appears they may be able toWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO keep the Port Ludlow UHF repeater where it is currently located. This is good news because most of the alternative sites did not yield the coverage needed to serve the southern part of east Jefferson County. They also report that one of their members, Chuck Chuljian, W7RPD, became a silent Key and will be missed District 3 DEC, Duane, WB7ROZ would like to welcome Keith, N5MUR to his new position as Region 3 MST EC and looks forward to working with him.. Keith will be supporting the hospitals in District 3. District 3 held its first District wide packet drill. As with all drills, the first time was a learning experience. Grays Harbor County has installed a new 440 repeater on Capitol Peak which is linked to the Beach-net repeater system. Along with the repeater, they installed dual port packet digi on 145.63 & 145.01. This digi has the potential to reach the State EMD station W7EMD. Both systems should be reachable by all EOCs in District 3. During the packet drill Lewis County was able to work station to station on 145.01 just fine. They encountered a problem trying to use 145.630. It was just too busy. Based on these results, they have decided that they will pursue a separate local gateway to the internet for airmail and relegate the 145.630 as a backup alterative. They have discussed the situation with the Lewis County DEM and will be pursuing the installation of an HF Pactor 3 Airmail system at the EOC. In Mason county three members are taking classes with Timber Lakes CERT given by Fire District 5. Pacific County did trouble shooting on the ICOM radio in the Command Vehicle and determined it needed repair. The radio was replaced by one from the EOC and a 706 was loaned to the EOC. Thurston County participated in an Emergency Preparedness Fair, the MS- Walkathon, and members both attended and taught classes in the county Mini SAR training weekend this month. In District 4, Clark County continues to cover Tuesday CemNet check-in. The Digital Packet group met on Monday, April 9th and looked at a PSK 31 presentation on 40 meters. At the Regular ARES/RACES certificates were presented to all of our volunteers by CRESA the Clark Regional Emergency Service Agency. Tom Griffith, KD6LVG, Director of CRESA made the presentations and spoke highly of our work. They also provided refreshments. Mike, AB7RU, gave a power point presentation on different radio combinations and antennas we might use during emergencies in the field. In District 5, Pierce County ARES supported the MS Walk and the Orting water emergency mission. In District 6, Fire Dist. 40 had a joint training drill with Maple Valley ARES that simulated a communications emergency in Maple Valley, where they needed to ask for mutual aid for radio assistance. The Fire District 40 Team responded with 9 members to Maple Valley, combining teams to go out in the community and report information back to Maple Valley EOC. One team member stayed (19 of 36) [10/18/2007 3:03:34 PM] Section News for April 2007 in the Maple Valley EOC. In District M Alan, KD7KUS, staffed an information table and ham station at 2 different GHC Employee Safety Fairs. The MST had a training meeting on Message Handling and Message Forms. Marina, N7LSL visited 13 healthcare sites to do communications surveys.

Pacific Division


The Mt Diablo ARC provided communications support for the Concord Mt. Diablo Trail Ride on May 5th and the Devil Mountain Run the following day. The next event for the club is the Escape from Alcatraz Swim and Triathlon on June 3rd 2007. MDARC will return the the top of Mt. Diablo for Field Day The club meets on the 3rd Friday of each month for more info go to their web site The Alameda County Sheriff’s Dept presented service awards to the following members at the annual volunteer appreciation dinner on April 14th : Jerry Miller, K6UZG; Jim Latham, AF6AQ; Andy Oppel, N6AJO; Art Anderson, K6JNW; Jerry Dunn, KE6MTN;And Gene Alga, KA6FYI. On April 23rd Comm Team Members Denis Franklin, W6EW; and Varon Smith, WS6V; who helped out during the EOC exercise with the City of Dublin, simulating an earthquake disaster. Denis Franklin, W6EW and Varon Smith, WS6V WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.ROwho are also working with the AlCo Sheriff’s Marine Patrol Unit reported that the Winlink communications station is up and running on the boat. The Comm Team will be providing communications support for the Rowell Ranch Rodeo on May 19 & 20. Vaca Valley Radio Club members provided communications support for the March of Dimes Walk-a-Thon at Lagoon Valley and will help the Vacaville Chamber of Commerce with communications support for their 100 mile Bike-a-Thon in May. The Club will hold their June meeting at the Round Table Pizza parlor in Alamo Plazza. Talk-in on 145.470 pl 127.3. Contra Costa Communications Club members bid so long to Natalie WA6QVM, who moved to Tagard Or. Natalie is a long time member of the club. Burgie, KE6MSF, reports that Red N6UMG is doing much better now that he is home from the hospital. The Club held Pizza Night on May 9th a good time was had by all. I went to Emcomm West in Reno and met with the Pacific Division Section Managers from SF, Sacramento, SCV, and Nevada. Also present were the SM’s from Orange Section and Idaho Section. I would like to report a plan for mutual aid support from other sections has been agreed on The SM’s also established a weekly Pacific Division Leadership HF Net. The net is open to SM’s and their staff.


Nevada Section News Summary See the Nevada Section website at for the complete, *unedited* stories. May 10, 2007 - ARES Monthly Report for April'07 - SEC Summary - Things were quite busy in April as we prepared for ECW07. I had a wonderful visit on 4/28 with the Clark County Folks and others from the southern District. Worked with Southern DEC, Glenn Hale, KB7REO and Kent Johnson, W7AOR to complete the updates to the Section Emergency Plan. It will be posted on the NV ARES website. Gary, KK7LV has resumed his position as PIO for Clark County. We're happy to have him in this position. Planning on a visit to DCART group in Douglas County at their May meeting, and Elko sometime in the not too distant future. Have a great month! --Don Carlson, KQ6FM - SEC SOUTHERN DISTRICT REPORT: Don Carlson KQ6FM, NV SEC visited Las Vegas. Kent W7AOR, Don and I discussed section plans for IRLP in Reno. We had pretty good turn out during the NV Section VoIP ARES Net on Thursday nights. Dave Downing KE7LC completed ARECC Level III training. Clark County EC Charlie Kunz AA5QJ reports an ARES/RACES Meeting was held Sat Apr 28. Don Carlson KQ6FM SEC briefed on (20 of 36) [10/18/2007 3:03:34 PM] Section News for April 2007 the State RACES Plan, RACES Officer appointments, and changes in the Section Emergency Plan. Gary Hartman KK7LV volunteered to fill a vacant PIO position. He discussed the success of the ARES/RACES Quarterly Newsletter that he emails to local emergency personnel. Dave Blankenburg KD7CMA volunteered to fill the vacant Net Manager position. Dan Starr AA7I briefed on the coordinated GMRS network being set up. Jay Peskin KE7EGO has been appointed AEC for Henderson. The Red Cross will conduct a full-scale exercise on Sat June 9, and ARES/RACES will participate. Getting set for a dry summer and bad fire season. NORTHEAST DISTRICT REPORT: Elko area amateurs started checking into the Nevada SectionWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO IRLP net this month. It was simulcast on two Elko-area IRLP nodes on 2 meters and 70 cm. HF Section Net participation has increased slightly due to a few newly upgraded General Class licensees. Joe Giraudo met with newly elected Elko County Sheriff Dale Lotspeich. He stated that in the Incident Command training he recently received, Amateur Radio was recommended as a resource that should be utilized. He expressed interest in forming a relationship with the Amateur community. He stated that the LEPC command bus was to be renovated and that he was planning on building a command vehicle as well and would welcome assistance from the Amateur Radio operators in the community. Report de Joe Giraudo, N7JEH DEC NE. NORTHWEST DISTRICT REPORT: Churchill county: EC Paul Willcoxon KE7CRZ: I will meet with the Churchill County Emergency Manager. I feel it will be beneficial. I will contact the City of Fallon Emergency Manager to set up an emergency communicationsWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO plan for the city. I also plan to meet with both Emergency Managers to develop a combined communications plan for city and county. A phone tree call up was conducted and 9 of 12 members were contacted successfully. We are currently working on a suitable date for our May meeting. Our newest member is Gary Fahl, K6GAF, welcome aboard Gary. Douglas county & Carson City: EC Dick Young KD7JMR: On 9 April, 2 ARES (DCART) operators responded to a call by El Dorado County (CA) for communications assistance in a SAR effort to locate a downed aircraft in the Sierra Nevada mountains. A public service event is scheduled for 23 June, requiring 12-20 ARES operators. This will be a kick off function for a week of activities planned by the Carson Valley Visitor Center and Chamber. Event location is Minden-Tahoe Airport. Washoe county: EC Bob Miller WA6MTY: I attended the Planning Meeting for the Incline Evacuation Exercise that will take place on May 11th. I helped Aaron Kenneston with a tour at the Regional EOC of members of the Elder College here in Reno. Frank KE7AJO and I attended the 800Mhz radio training with the County Communciations Technician. I met with Jim Miller N7GNJ of the County Health Department with the selection of portable emergency communications systems for the Health Department. DEC Glenn Thomas WB6W: I've rewickered the weekly district ARES/RACES net. The purpose of the net is to assist the ECs/ROs in their two main jobs, recruitment and training. May 1, 2007 - Rural Amateur Radio Association - The RARA “The Loneliest Ham Club in America” newsletter is out. It's available via the RARA website group/w7fun. There is an excellent article by Dave Hough W7GK describing in words and pictures several repeaters in rural Nevada. April 23, 2007 - Congratulations to Tom Taormina K5RC of Virginia City for being elected to the CQ Contest Hall of Fame. April 22, 2007 - Lyon County ARES met on March 29, 2007. The guest speaker was Glenn Thomas, Northwest DEC. Harry and Gay Anne will be moving to Oregon, so Patty has been appointed the new EC. Patty thanked Harry and Gay Anne for all of their hard work and said that they will retain their memberships in the LCARES organization. Gretchen is our new treasurer and Jim is the new secretary. Harry said that Jeff Paige has great plans for LCARES, but we need to see if we can attract a larger membership. Leonard Mitchell and Collin Watts are new prospective members. November 2nd is the scheduled date for a county-wide readiness exercise. April 20, 2007 - Nevada Nets - The new Nevada section ARES/RACES net is on VHF at 7PM every Thursday, linked by both IRLP (Western Reflector 9258) and EchoLink (NV-GATE 152566). All Amateurs are invited to check in. April 19, 2007 - Sierra Intermountain Emergency Radio Association heard from Major Douglas Williams of the Salvation Army in Reno on SATERN. SIERA also discussed upcoming club (21 of 36) [10/18/2007 3:03:34 PM] Section News for April 2007 projects including the Pony Express ReRide, Nevada Days parade and the club's technician class. The SIERA weekly 2 meter nets will be conducted on the SIERA Repeater, 147.330+ MHz, PL 123 Hz. The repeater antenna system has been repaired, thanks to Dorothy N7MXA, Bill K7NHP, and George WW7E. SIERA meets at 1900L the third Thursday of most months at the Carson Valley Methodist Church. SIERA monthly social breakfasts are held at 0800L the fourth Saturday of each month at Jimmy G's in Minden. Additional news and information is available at their excellent web site, http://www.siera- April 12, 2007 - Reno QRP Club - The meeting is the third Monday of the month, 11:30am at Amelia's restaurant,WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO inside the Mercury Air Center on Rock Blvd in Reno. Bring your show'n tell. Reno QRP will have a booth at EMCOMM West convention. Last months lunch was attended by Fred, N6FME; Tim, W7YQ; Steven guest prospective Ham; Ed, WD7Y; Carl, K5HK; Dave, WB6ZFG; and Steve, NU7T who showed a 40m, handheld, battery powered, single tube transceiver. Field Day - June 23 and 24 at the Slide Mountain Lodge, 8260' elevation, 24 hour operation, multi-op, all QRP----We need digital, CW and SSB operators. Time slots of 1 hour and more are available. To volunteer your time, comments or suggestions, contact Tim, W7YQ at [email protected], Field Day Marshall. Welcome new member Steve, KE7JIP who runs an Argonaut 515 to 187' long wire. -30- Pacific WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO April Section Managers Report Check the Pacific Section, Pacific Division and Main ARRL web pages for more details on recent events. ARRL members should check out the many special interest mailings and the Members Only webpages. Pacific Section now has 551 members. This is a 4.8% increase from last year but a slight drop from last month. The last section wide e-mail from the Section Manager went to only 267 members out of the 551 listed. On April 1, 2007 about 10:30AM HST, there was a large 8.0 earthquake in the Solomon Islands followed by many aftershocks. The state of Hawaii was on advisory status however it was determined that a large tsunami was not generated. On April 29 there was a 6.5 earthquake in the Region of Andreanof Island in the Aleutian Islands. Again no tsunami was generated however it was another reminder of some of the hazards we face. Do you have your emergency supplies up to date? Kevin Bogan, AH6QO made a brief appearance on local TV news to remind everyone to have a disaster pack ready at all times. ARRL HQ is still experiencing a flood of new license applications since the elimination of the Morse code requirements for all Ham Licenses on February 23. They have been shifting staff to accommodate the rush and new licenses are coming about two weeks after application. Coming Events other then regular meetings: May 19: Kauai Visitor Industry Charity Walk. Tnx WH6KS June 1: First official day of Hurricane Season. June 2: Hurricane Preparedness Day – Kukui Grove Shopping Center on Kauai. Tnx WH6KS June 9: Big Island ARC will meet at Puna Congregational Church at 2PM instead of the Keaau Community center. The May and July meeting will be at the Community Center as usual. June 23-24 Field Day weekend – Contact your local club for their details. July 28: Volcano Marathon and Rim Run at Hawaii Volcano National Park. See BIARC webpage August 4: Honolulu Heard Walk starting at 7:30AM. Thanks Wayne Jones September 22: Together We Prepare at the Kukui Grove Shopping Center, Kauai. Tnx WH6KS October (TBA): 2007 Simulated Emergency TEST October 6: EARC/KARC Hamfest on Oahu. October 13: Big Island International Ham fest in Waimea (Kamuela) – Tnx KH7T/AH6J October 27: Kauai United Way Walk-a-Thon. Tnx WH6KS December: Christmas party time. Contact your local club. The PacSecARES HF Net meets Tuesday 1900W but will come up on 3.888 MHz because of propagation. Someone will monitor 7.080 MHz. A second alternate is 1.888 MHz The ARES net on Saturday at 7PM is growing in numbers. It is held on the BIWARN (Big Island Wide Area Network) system. At the moment BIWARN consists of six VHF repeaters on the Island of Hawaii plus two UHF hubs. This is a reminder to all Field Organization Appointees that you must keep your ARRL membership active to keep your appointment. You also (22 of 36) [10/18/2007 3:03:34 PM] Section News for April 2007 need to make a monthly report of your activities. You’re SM and others read the various club web pages so please try to keep them up to date. The following clubs need to update their information with ARRL: Kauai ARC, Pacific Radio Amateur Transmitting Society, Hawaii DX Assoc (Hilo) and Maui ARC. In a couple months Guam will also need to update. The April study of QST delivery is not complete. Preliminary results look similar to March with a large random factor. The American Red Cross has a policy that all workers and volunteers must have a background check. There are a lot of mixed feelings about this especially when it was revealed a non-government contractor would be doing the job. Since ARC has a written agreementWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO with ARRL, it is inappropriate to comment further. In last months column the abbreviation “UST” should have been UTC which stands for Coordinated Universal time. The letters are mixed in order for English. In June the Big Island will have five clubs with separate Field Day sites. They are BIARC, HARC, KHRC, SPARK AND Kona ARC. I believe this is the most for any island. Kauai, Maui and Guam plan to have at least one site on each island. I have not heard about the plans for Oahu, Molokai or other areas yet. The call sign K6G has been approved for Liberation Day Guam from 15 Jul until 23 July. Warren Munro said there will be two Amateur Radio classes in the Fall 2007. Both classes will be held at Kaimuki High School. Registration will be in late August. 1. Introduction to Amateur Radio will be Sept. 13 to Nov. 1 with 8 sessions on Thursdays. 2. Intermediate Amateur Radio will be Sept. 11 to Nov. 13 with 10 classes on Tuesdays. Cost will be $10. Contact Warren Munro for more specifics.WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO West Honolulu Amateur Radio Groups meets June 7, Aug 2, Oct. 4 and Dec. 6, 2007 at 7:30 PM at Diners at Waimalu Shopping Plaza. All Hams and visitors are welcome. Thanks to Herb, KH7TK and George, AH7GK. WHARG is not an ARRL affiliated club. Maui ARC will meet May 9th at 7PM in CD EOC. Mel Fukunaga, KH6H will talk on How Amateur Radio Operators Can Participate in Emergencies. MARC meets on the 2nd Wednesday. Mel is the DEC for Maui. Big Island Citizens Corp had their last meeting on April 10th. New members are Rolland Spoon from Kona and Ron Phillips from East Hawaii. Good News: Lynne Unemori of HECO Corporate Relations has stated that HECO will be dropping its McCully BPL project from the BPL database of projects. We hope this means HECO is no longer pursuing this flawed technology. Be aware that slower speed data has been a main stay on power lines for years. It is called by many names but is basically slow speed data inserted on power lines, mostly for control. Not all utilities use it and they don’t use it on all lines. It doesn’t cause interference.

San Francisco

San Francisco Section News - May 2007 We are well into Spring and the club activities have picked up. Members of Sonoma County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) participated in the annual Safety Fair held in Santa Rosa’s Old Courthouse Square on Saturday April 14th, 2007. ARES members, also members of the Sonoma County Radio Amateurs (SCRA) club, passed out literature and answered questions about emergency communications and ham radio in general. A number of very interested members of the public stopped by the booth and learned about the vital role of amateur radio during emergencies. Participating in the Safety Fair were EC Fred Polkinghorn KQ6OB, SCRA President Dave Harrison W6IBC, John KI6CAU, Bob Olsten WD6DPE, Lee Dibble KE6EAQ and Becky Pippin KE6PZV. (See photo on Section website.) The Humboldt Amateur Radio Club (HARC) helped out with the Foggy Bottoms Run on March 11, 2007. It was reported to be a warm 72 degrees, but with flooded roads from the recent rains which cut the usual ten mile run to a 10K. The club also ran ATV for the duration of the run which was impressive to the event coordinators. Club members working the event included George Ritscher WA6DYJ, Don Nelson WA6NBG, Sally and Ralph Marx KG6WWK/KG6UUF, Jim Falls KG6FWT, Steve DiLeo AE6UU, Claire Christen KF6FLF, Bernie Christen WA6HZG, Marci Campbell KE6IAU, Don Campbell KE6HEC, Mike/Laura Brennan KA6PGN/KA6VKF, Dick Bennett AE6XW and Bill (23 of 36) [10/18/2007 3:03:34 PM] Section News for April 2007

Beers K6ERQ. (Couldn’t rip their photos from their .pdf newsletter) And from San Francisco ARC via club President George Hughes W0WEB: The SFARC was once again asked to help with communication for the M.S. walk on April 15th in the Presidio’s Crissy Fields. It was a sunny morning as the members of the SFARC showed up for the M.S.Walk, San Francisco/Northern California Chapter. There were over 10,000 walkers for this event and the only emergency that occurred was due to wind when two canopies tried to fly, but were caught by those at Net Control. Club members participating were K9JBR, KI6BQV, KG6YEM, KI6ARM, WA6LES, WD6U, KI6FQB, KG6CFC, KB6KM, K6TZK, KG6CEL and WØWEB. Event Coordinator JeanetteWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO had nothing but praise for the communicators and hopes to see us again next years event. From John Lemmer W6FQX of the Willits ARC: On March 28, members of WARS and many others around the county participated in a communications test from each of the 11 school district offices around the county plus the office of the Mendocino County Office of Education (MCOE) in Ukiah and the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) emergency communications trailer. Hams from Piercy to Gualala staffed school district offices from Leggett to Point Arena. Some 22 licensed amateurs in all participated and demonstrated to the educational establishment that ham radio could provide a useful alternate communications utility in the event of a disaster making normal communications means unavailable. The exercise was observed by Mendocino County Sheriff Tom Allman and county OES Coordinator Bill Woodworth, both of whom were impressed with the capability of Amateur RadioWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO to perform. Field Day is rapidly approaching. If you have been hesitant about showing up at a local FD site, don’t miss the opportunity. Each club or group have different opinions about what FD is: a hard core contest or a social, low pressure operating event. Either way, FD is an emergency communications exercise where we set up stations under the worst case scenario (like in a field!) and operate, passing messages (“exchanges”) to other stations. It is a great chance for the general public to be reminded that Amateur Radio is still there and available when all else fails. So get out to a Field Day site anywhere. Just go and have fun! And don’t forget, June 2nd will be the San Francisco Section Convention in Ferndale, CA. The Humboldt ARC and other Humboldt clubs put on the convention each year. It is a great escape to Victorian Ferndale. If you are into antiques, there are plenty of shops on the way and in Ferndale to visit. A great, laid back function. Go to their website at for more info. Want to see your club activities in print? I get most of the material from you who read this column, from club newsletters and from club officials. If your club is having a event, doing public service or some other activity that you wish to share, please draft a short article and send it on to me. If you have some photos, even better. See you on the air on Field Day! 73, Bill (Check photos at

San Joaquin Valley

SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY SECTION Report for the month of April 2007: SM Charles McConnell, W6DPD- ASMs K6YK and N2NS, ACC W6DPD, SEC N6ZFN, OOC N1VM, STM K6RAU, PIC KE6IGJ, TC W6TE. Greetings from the ARRL San Joaquin Valley Section. With the change in Part 97 of the FCC Rules eliminating the code exam as a requirement for upgrading, many Amateurs have upgraded to General and Extra Class. Congratulations to those getting upgraded licenses. Enjoy your new privileges. Technician Class Amateurs now enjoy limited HF privileges on 80, 40 and 15 CW and 10 meter SSB and CW. As the year progresses, more Amateurs will upgrade to General and Extra. Just a reminder, the sidebands of your signal must be within the band edges. As a rule of thumb, on SSB you should operate no closer that 3 KHZ to the band edge to ensure that your sidebands remain within the band. On CW you can get closer to the band edge as the CW signal are not as wide as SSB signals, but your signals must remain with in the band. Technicians may NOT operate FM on 10 meters. They may only operate SSB on 28.300 to 28.500 MHZ. FM on 10 meters can only be used between 29.5 and 29.7 (24 of 36) [10/18/2007 3:03:34 PM] Section News for April 2007

MHZ. New General Class Amateurs should get a frequency chart so they will know where their bands end. You can get a new frequency chart from the March 2007 QST or down load it from the ARRL web page. Some new generals are operating outside the General Class bands. General Class Amateurs need to know where the General Class bands end and stay within them. You don’t want to receive an OO notice or an FCC Citation for out of band operation. Courtesy dictates that you should listen, and then ask if a frequency is in use before calling CQ. You need to call CQ when soliciting a contact on HF. Just giving your call sign on HF is not enough to usually get a contact. If you desire your club information and events to be listedWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO in Section News, please send the information to [email protected]. Mark your calendars. Los Banos ARC has a special event station active on May 12. Tuolumne Swap Meet June 2, 2007, 8 AM to 3 PM at the Sonora East Shopping Center in Sonora. Contact Jerry WA6AVR, jerry. [email protected] for information. Field Day 2007 is the fourth full weekend of June. The 65th Fresno Hamfest is August 4, 2007 at the Airport Holiday Inn in Fresno has been CANCELED. The California QSO Party is October 6-7, 2007. Check for information. Pacificon 2007 is October 19-21, 2007 at the Marriott Hotel in San Ramon CA. Check for information. The International DX Convention is April 25-28, 2008 at Visalia. Check for information. When your affiliated club elects officers for the next year, be sure to update your club’s information on the affiliated club area of the ARRL web page. If you fail to update your clubs information forWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO 2 years, your club will be placed in the inactive file. Need to take an Amateur exam? Check the ARRL web page, for exam information. You can also search for Amateur Radio Classes in your area. The Northern California Net (NCN), the Section Traffic Net, meets nightly on 3.533 MHZ at 7 PM Pacific Time. The slow speed training session of the net meets nightly on 3.533 MHZ at 9 PM Pacific Time. Handling traffic on CW is a good way to improve your CW skills. The Daytime Region 6 Traffic Net meets daily at 3:30 pacific time on or near 7.275 MHZ. The California Traffic Net meets daily on 3.906 MHZ and 6:30 PM local time. The noon time net meets on 7.268.5 MHz. This net handles a lot of messages. It is my sad duty to report that AD6Z William, K6LSK Ken, KJ6PZ Hugh WB6JDG, Erwin, and N6TST David are Silent Keys. They will be missed. N6TST was a cover plaque winner for his articles published in QST. He was the main speaker at the 2006 Fresno Hamfest. KB6CLV completed the ARECC Level One Course. Congratulations!! The Kings ARC has returned to active status. New officers are pres KA6PNL, vp NW6K, sec WA7YHX, and treas N6SDD. The club meets the third Thursday in Hanford. Check for information. The Stockton- Delta ARC held a 440 MHZ homebrew antenna Shootout. K6YK had an 8 element beam built on a hockey stick. SJV Clubs are providing communications support for the March of Dimes Walk America fundraiser. SJV scores in the 2006 Phone Sweepstakes were: 1st WC6H, 2nd N6NZ and 3rd N6EE in the high power category. N6YMM had the high score in the SJV in the low power category. Congratulations!! SJV scores in the 2006 ARRL 160 meter contest were 1st KA6BIM, 2nd K6OA, and 3rd N6IV. Congratulations!! Congratulations to WB6NVB and KG6ZWZ on being elected to Life Membership in the ARRL. K6XJ and W6UA were on the winning golf team at the golf tournament at the 2007 International DX Convention. Congratulations!! Several SJV hams won prizes at the DX Convention. If you want an alternative to EBay, check out Traffic for April: K6RAU 15 and W6SX 35. Total 50. PSHR: K6RAU 61 and W6SX 35.

Santa Clara Valley

Santa Clara Valley Section News Summary. April, 2007 SANTA CLARA VALLEY: SM, Bill Dale, N2RHV [email protected] ASM Admin, John Amos, KC6TVM, mailto:[email protected] SEC, DEC, ASM, Santa Clara Co, Larry Carr, KE6AGJ, [email protected] DEC, Monterey Co, David J. Burbidge, W6IIQ, [email protected] DEC, San Benito Co, Kathy Hill, KB6INO, [email protected] DEC, San Mateo Co, Peter Liljequist, (25 of 36) [10/18/2007 3:03:34 PM] Section News for April 2007

KD6BXY, [email protected] DEC, San Mateo Co, Laurence Nelson, KC6NYG, [email protected] DEC, Santa Cruz Co, Cap Pennell, KE6AFE, [email protected] ASM, Jim Oberhofer, KN6PE, [email protected] BM/Webmaster, Frank Kibbish Jr, WB6MRQ, [email protected] OOC, Andy Korsak, KR6DD, [email protected] TC, Kit Blank, WA6PWW, [email protected] =The wiki-based SCV web site on is up and running. Here's the link: =Section positions open include Affiliated Club Coordinator (ACC), Net Manager (NM), Section Traffic Manager (STM), Public Information Coordinator (PIC) and Public Information Officers (PIO) and several others. =The K6BEN ATVWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO simplex net on Wednesday at 8:30 pm is on 145.510...not 145.55. =Field Day, June 23-24, 2007, coming on fast. Go to Please send information on your Field Day plans as soon as possible. Extra bonus points for an ARRL official visit and I can’t get there if I don’t know where to go! Send info to Bill Dale, N2RHV at [email protected]. =The Silicon Valley Tour de Cure is scheduled for June 10, 2007. The 120K ride is from Palo Alto to Pescadero along Skyline. See for links to route maps, locations of rest stops, and the link for volunteers. =43rd Annual Watsonville Fly-In and Air Show, http://www., May 25, 26, 27, 2007. Contact Bob Wiser K6RMW at Safety Communications Unit, =Bicycle Event, Sequoia Century, sequoia/index.htm, June 3, 2007. Contact Ned Rice KE6ZOZ, mailto:[email protected] =Disaster PreparednessWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Fair, "Dangers in Paradise", Cabrillo Farmer's Market,, June 9, 2007, Cap Pennell KE6AFE =Jack, WA6YJR, EC La Honda reports that La Honda ARES is teaching a General class. On June 16 is the La Honda Fair and they will set up a Ham Radio station and operate in Kids day and promoting Amateur Radio and emergency communication. =Scout-O-Rama in two counties: Norm Franklin, W6NCF and Brian KC6UZK set up a station at the Santa Clara County BSA Council Scout-O-Rama at the San Jose History Park. They operated KM6BSA and attempted contacts with many stations including the Skyline Councils Scout-O-Rama in San Mateo. PAARA operated a HF Station at the San Mateo Scout-O-Rama. Those who helped from PAARA were Kristen K6WX, Doug KG6LWE, Elaine WA6UBE, Elaine's partner Carla (no callsign), Peter K6WEB, and Rick K6RDM. Gary Arden, K6GDA, and Venturing Crew 27 also operated using their club call KG6WFO. Gary runs a high adventure scout crew and most of his scouts are licensed hams. See Thanks to all who helped on both of these events. =Michael Wright, K6MFW, AEC, Ames Amateur Radio Club [] reports on May 11, 2007, NASA Ames Research Center had a center wide earthquake drill where all employees had to evacuate the buildings and meet at designated areas. AARC members assisted DARTCOM members to staff ECC, run the 1700KHz stations, do a HF contacts to another center, provide shadows but use Ames trunking radios for comms. The exercise was good training. =Our Pacific Division Director was on a small Dxpedition. See Bob Vallio's "vacation" photos, visit =QSL info for new HF hams see the 6th Area QSL Bureau located at: Send them a check for $10 to purchase a supply of envelopes and stamps so they can postal mail you the QSL cards that have come in. You also need to send them a supply of address labels with your call sign on them. =Stratofox assisted Stanford University's Aerospace Engineering Dept with tracking and recovery of the second "BioLaunch" balloon recently. A diagram of the flight based on its transmitted APRS packets is at http:// =Bill Ashby, N6FFC, was in the hospital but is now at home and recovering from pneumonia. Kristen K6WX also was in the hospital for an operation. She is home and recovering also. Get well soon to both! =Glenn Thomas, WB6W/7, is asking for nominations for the Pacific Division Ham of the Year 2007 award, to be presented at the Pacificon Banquet in October. The award is given for contributions to the community in general and Amateur radio in particular that are above and beyond the usual. Nominations should include a description of why the nominee is deserving of the award. The deadline for nominations is August 1, 2007. They (26 of 36) [10/18/2007 3:03:34 PM] Section News for April 2007 should be sent to me at [email protected] ([email protected] still works too!) or directly to Bob. =For recruiting and handout material check out this ARRL web page: Note the info on the right box - scroll down to find stuff. Note the new video PSA's. Way COOL! I have DVD versions of these if you have a TV or Cable system that will run them. =Recruiting handouts are here: http:// Online order form: html and the PDF mail-in order form is here: ------WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO ARRL Santa Clara Valley Section Section Manager: William L. Dale, N2RHV [email protected]

Roanoke Division

North Carolina

APRIL NORTH CAROLINA SECTION NEWS PRB-1 BILL PASSES IN NC HOUSE! North Carolina House Bill H1340, was reported favorably out of the House Ways and Means Committee on May 3, and unanimously approved by the full House on May 8. The bill has been referred to the Senate. Thanks to all of you whoWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO contacted your state representative as the House bill was considered. None of us imagined this would happen so quickly! We will need you to make the same great effort to build support with your state Senator as soon as a number is assigned for the companion bill. Thanks also to the bill's sponsor Rep Danny McComas (R-New Hanover) and to former Wilmington Mayor Hamilton "Ham" Hicks, KB4BR, for shepherding the bill through the House with overwhelming success. H1340 would not help us much with restrictive covenants and home owners associations. But it does require municipalities and counties to require ordinances based on health, safety, or aesthetic considerations regulating placement, screening or height of Amateur Radio antennas or antenna support structures "must reasonably accommodate Amateur Radio communications and must represent the minimum practicable regulation necessary to accomplish the purpose" of the city or county. In addition, the measure would establish a minimum regulatory height of 90 feet "unless the restriction is necessary to achieve a clearly defined health, safety, or aesthetic objective" of the city or county. LEADERSHIP ROLES In my job as Section Manager I get to see the best of ham radio...... and sometimes the worst. The worst generally involves a squabble between groups of hams. You know the saying: "If there's three hams in a city there's going to be at least two radio clubs!" I understand the passion folks feel for this hobby and how opinionated we can become. That passion can bubble over when things aren't going the way we think it should. Friction between hams is of particular concern when it involves ARES because it puts our services at risk and compromises our ability to provide emergency communications. If one of our served agencies gets involved or even hears about it, it's very embarrassing and gives them the perception that we aren't professional and can't be reliable in an emergency. Their thought might be that if we can't manage ourselves, then how can we manage in a disaster? If you're a leader in the ARRL - and especially if you have a leadership role in ARES - as EC, DEC, AEC's etc., I encourage you NOT to get involved in controversial issues, disputes and squabbles. As amateurs we're all volunteers and the only way we can make decisions is by collaboration and consensus. If it looks like that isn't going to happen, consider recusing yourself from the issue and use your EC appointment as an excuse. The risk is that if you offend any of your constituents then they aren't going to want to volunteer for your next public service event, training exercise, or disaster. I'm not suggesting that you shouldn't get involved in a local club - that's important of course. But it's also important for you as an EC not to take a central role in an issue that is going to cause lots of dissention in the local ham community. That means that sometimes things won't go the way you think they should. But is having (27 of 36) [10/18/2007 3:03:34 PM] Section News for April 2007 your way in a situation really important enough to lose 1, 2, 3 or 10 volunteers at your next public service event? The issue I think is that an EC has the most difficult management task there is - managing volunteers. You can't motivate them with pay, promotion or glory. They have to WANT to work for you because it's a cause they believe in or maybe it's just because they like you. So it's important that we have EC's who can get along with mostly everyone, because you're going to need mostly everyone when the big one hits! WITHER HAMFESTS? - Ward Silver, N0AX Note the difference between "wither" (meaning to shrivel or dry up) and "whither" (meaning "to what place? where?"). Very often, I hear hamfestWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO more closely associated with the former as attendance falls and familiar events "go dark." Is the hamfest doomed? To be sure, on-line auction and for-sale sites have decimated the amount and diminished the quality of equipment and parts for which hamfests were once the premier source. After all, with information on nearly anything available for the effort of a few keystrokes, why go to all the trouble of making the trek, standing in line, and wandering the aisles? Without that guaranteed need, can the traditional hamfest survive? Well, probably not if the primary focus remains on selling and buying - technology has overcome the tailgate laden with dusty boatanchors and heaps of semi-identifiable gadgetry. Instead, let's look at what the hamfest can provide that the on-line venue just can't: demonstrations, seminars, classes, and lectures, competitions, equipment testing, and of course: face-to-face meetings and license exams. These just don't work asWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO well over the Internet. A hamfest that evolves from an "intergarage junque transfer" to more of a convention-style show may very well prosper. Today's newer hams - in their 30's and 40's - need a good reason to mark off a weekend day on the refrigerator calendar. They need to have an experience unavailable on line and they should be able to take away something of value. Dayton is coming up this weekend and the enthusiasm on the email reflectors and Web sites is palpable, even as the legendary flea market continues to shrink. Around 25,000 hams will flock to southwestern Ohio this weekend to partake of the main activities, hold their own sub-hamfests, meet old friends, make new friends, check out the new gear from all the manufacturers - drinking great draughts from the deep well that is Amateur Radio in the 21st century. Wither hamfests? I don't think so! (Note from N4IB: Ward Silver, N0AX, writes the "ARRL Contest Rate Sheet" every other Wednesday and you can subscribe to the newsletter by updating your profile on UPCOMING EVENTS May 26: Durham Hamfest, Durham May 26: Area 13 ARES Meeting, Conover June 9: Winston Salem Classic Hamfest June 9-10: Tour de Cure, Cary June 23-24: ARRL Field Day July 7: Salisbury Firecraker Hamfest July 21: Mid-Summer Swapfest, Cary July 28: Western Carolina Hamfest, Waynesville APRIL TRAFFIC W4EAT 706 (BPL), W4UEF 293, W2EAG 190, N3BW 150, K4IWW 144, W4DNA 115, K4RLD 109, KD4FUN 100, KE4JHJ 89, W4NCD 74, W4LN 72, WA4OBR 66, K4LKN 63, W4TTO 56, W4FAL 48, KE4AHC 34, W3HL 33, KG4YNM 24, WA2YBM 21, KI4RBB 20, KI4PNL 13, KI4QHM 10, W4CC 3. APRIL PSHR K4RLD 185, W4DNA 155, W4LN 145, W4EAT 130, W4FAL 130, K4IWW 120, W4TTO 120, KE4JHJ 110, W2EAG 110, WA2YBM 110, KE4YHR 92, KD4FUN 90.

South Carolina

Greetings to all Amateur Radio Operators. This is Dr. Jim, N2ZZ with the May 2007 South Carolina Section Manager’s Report! Please remember that the SC Section website can be found at: www.arrl-sc. org/ where my full SM report will be listed as well as up-to-the-date information on Amateur Radio in South Carolina! Suzie KG4YVJ and Mac K4AVR report that there will be an Air Show at the Florence Regional Airport on Saturday and Sunday, May 26 and 27 (Memorial Day weekend). Radio operators with 2 Meter HTs are needed to help with safety communications on each of the two days. The show runs from 8AM to 5PM both days. The more Hams that help, the shorter the shifts will be. If you can assist, please contact John Germain, KA3JAL, at [email protected] or Bob Austin, K7DVB at (28 of 36) [10/18/2007 3:03:34 PM] Section News for April 2007 [email protected] as soon as possible. You will receive two passes for your family ($15 each value) together with an entry pass and a lunch pass for yourself for your help and efforts. For further information about the event, check out Kudos to the Columbia Amateur Radio Club for their Amateur Radio demonstration at the 2007 Sparkleberry fair held at Clemson Extension at Sandhills on Saturday April 28th. Tammy Livingston, CARC PIO reports that the event was a success, and presented a highly public opportunity to share with the community what Amateur Radio is doing today! The South Carolina Healthcare Emergency Amateur Radio Team (SCHEART) project is a state-wide initiative designedWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO to provide backup communication support for the Palmetto 800 MHZ system, using an amateur radio network to link healthcare facilities. This system will be open to all licensed operators for routine transmissions. However, in the event of an emergency or during training exercises the system will be strictly controlled and operated under the direction of the Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) organization. The SCHEART project will begin testing systems in June 2007 and the infrastructure is scheduled for completion on August 31, 2007. It is my understanding that the tower work at the Whitehall site (900 feet!) is complete, and Conway is the next site on the list. Thanks to Dennis Zabawa KG4RUL, PIC for the above information. The two day training and licensing course sponsored by the USC Center for Public Health Preparedness (USC-CPHP) in partnership with the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) and the South Carolina Hospital Association (SCHA)WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO on April 20 and 23, 2007 was a success! Charlie AE4UX, SEC reports that 85 individuals were tested across the state, with 77 granted licenses, giving a pass rate of 91%! Congratulations to all involved in this project! I had the pleasure of traveling to Spartanburg for the Upstate Hamfest on Saturday, May 5th. This was the South Carolina Section Hamfest, and we were pleased to welcome Dan Henderson N1ND, Regulatory Specialist from ARRL Headquarters in Newington, Connecticut. Dan’s talk at the ARRL Forum covered a number of topics ranging from the influx of new hams into Amateur Radio and their need for mentoring by experienced hams to DX and Field Day. He talked about the BS7H DXPedition to Scarborough Reef and gave a brief discussion on Logbook of the World. My thanks to the ARRL-SC team who attended: Adam WY4N, ASM; Bob WA2EMF, ASM2; Marc N4UFP, TC; Brian KR4SP, ACC; Mac N4MEH, STM and Sue N4ENX, OOC. Foxhunting is alive and well! YCARS in York County had a foxhunt on Saturday, May 12th, conducted by Brent KI4RAY. Congratulations to first place winner Mike WA2TGE and second place winner Terry KG4RFQ! Bob WA2EMF, ASM2 reports that a good time was had by all, and valuable experience was gained from the exercise. I went to my local club (North Augusta-Belvedere ARC) meeting tonight and was pleased to be presented with my SC RACES ID card by Charlie AE4UX! When I started as Section Manager in January 2003, I traveled with Charlie to the state EOC to discuss Amateur Radio involvement with the SCEOC Director, Ron Osborne. One of his (and our) goals was to produce a State recognized RACES ID card that would identify us as emergency communicators and allow us access to EOC’s throughout the state. Charlie has spent a great deal of time working through the SCEOC system to make this a reality, and deserves a lot of credit in seeing this project through! Another plus is that this project was not held up in requiring photographs. The ID card is linked to an individual’s driver’s license, so no photograph is required on the card itself. In order to obtain a card, you must register for ARES/RACES through your county Emergency Coordinator. Well, this week is the Dayton Hamvention and I will be making my annual trip. I was asked to make a presentation at the Section Manager Forum within the ARRL EXPO, so I am currently gathering information to present. That’s it for this month! Have a great month, and see you in June! April 2007 National Traffic System Report for South Carolina by Mac Heaton N4MEH, STM: Net Reports Net Name/Check Ins/Traffic/Sessions/Reported By Anderson Radio Club 2M Net/835/47/30/N4MEH BRARS 2 Meter Net/2225/40/30/K4SUG Carolina's Net/359/125/60/W2EAG Carolina Slow Net/209/48/30/W4EAT Columbia ARC 2 Meter Net/164/9/9/ K4RKC Grand Strand ARC 2M Net/187/18/12/N4XML Greater Pee Dee 2 Meter Net/945/36/30/K4DTT (29 of 36) [10/18/2007 3:03:34 PM] Section News for April 2007

Greenwood ARC 2 Meter Net/87/5/4/W4DEW Greenwood Friendly Net/344/61/30/W4JAK Lancaster County 2 Meter Net/127/18/12/N4WMB Oconee 2M Net/277/17/17/KE4OGG PALS Net for March 2007/816/64/31/KG4KOE PALS Net for April 2007/723/72/30/KG4KOE SC SSB Net/2222/81/30/ WB4DLD York Co. ARS 2 Meter SSB Net/698/19/51/KI4NBA Station Activity Reports Station/Sent/ Received/Delivered/Originated/Total KA4LRM/6/14/0/0/20 KA4UIV/27/48/25/0/100 WB4DLD/2/31/2/0/35 N4MEH/6/49/5/4/64 Public Service Honor Roll Station/Cat1/Cat2/Cat3/Cat4/Cat5/ Cat6/Total KA4LRM/40/20/20/0/0/0/80 N4MEH/40/40/20/0/0/0/100 Have a great month! ’73 de Dr. Jim N2ZZ ARRL SectionWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Manager South Carolina Section


Section Managers Report for April 2007 The month of April has been active as a number of special event stations prepare to operate during the 400th Anniversary Celebration at Jamestown and the site of the first landing of English settlement in America. Other special event stations are planned for later in the year. The section traffic system continues to experiment with a new digital mode on HF. This is the VDN that is held each weekday on 3.578 USB at 1915 EDT, utilizing the Chip64 mode. Additional stations are being heard on this net as others are installing the software that is required for using their soundcard to WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.ROoperate this mode. The Virginia Department of Emergency Management conducted their annual disaster exercise during April. This was a multi-day drill this year for the first time and Amateur Radio participated on 2 days of this exercise. The VDEM RACES station was up and running on both April 25th and 26th. The drill was a simulation of a category 3 hurricane hitting the SE coast of Virginia and moving north into northern Virginia. Amateur Radio stations were up and running along the entire path of this simulated storm and there was a flurry of activity from stations across the commonwealth in support of this exercise. The ODEN was operating on both 75 meters SSB, 40 meters SSB and digital on 75 meters and 440 and 2 meter packet. CW nets operated on HF. Propagation was poor on 40 and 75 meters but still supported needed traffic requirements via the use of relay. We also used the long- range capabilities of some of the broad coverage mountain top repeaters that exist within our state. Some of these allowed for traffic to be passed over 200 miles without requiring linking. Participation between the VDEM and field operations were as follows; VDEM / VEOC RACES was able to provide enough radio operators from the local amateur community to handle all of the emergency traffic was passed to the VEOC by the participating localities and agencies that included: VDH EOC, Norfolk Medical Examiners Office, Newport News EOC, VA Beach EOC, Norfolk EOC, Spotsylvania EOC, Carroll Co EOC, Portsmouth EOC, James City Co EOC, Norfolk Sentara Hospital, NWS Blacksburg, Loudoun Co EOC, Prince William Co EOC, Buckingham Co EOC, Charlottesville, Albemarle EOC, Hertford Co NC EOC, Winslow CNC EOC and NWS Sterling Va. There were 142 contacts made on HF, VHF and packet modes including normal check ins, Initial Damage Assessments, Local Situation Reports and Resource Requests. A number of other stations were active within their local area and would not be a part of the records of VDEM. I encourage all jurisdictions to complete their Simulated Emergency Test (SET) reports and sent them to Steve Ewald at the ARRL. The e-mail address is [email protected] please send a copy to our SEC, Henry Wyatt, K4YCR at [email protected] 73 Glen Sage, W4GHS Virginia Section Manager

Southeastern Division

Georgia (30 of 36) [10/18/2007 3:03:34 PM] Section News for April 2007

Greetings, All, OK, it's mid-month summary time, but there's not a whole lot to share with you at this time. But short is good, right? So, here goes... First thing, the weekend of May 25-27 is GA Special Olympics, and MORE HELP is desperately needed. The summer games will be held on the Emory campus in Atlanta again this year, and yes, I do realize that this is Memorial Day weekend, so many of you may have plans to go out of town. However, if it is at all possible for you to volunteer to help out with the communications needs for these events, please contact STEVE GARRISON, N4SEG, asap. Many hams are needed to fulfill the needs, but so far, few have committed. The GA Special Olympics folks have come to dependWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO on amateur radio operators. And Steve, who has done an excellent job coordinating the communications for the past several years, is depending on you. Let him know when you're available to help: [email protected] Looks like BPL may be rearing its ugly head again. Several of you sent me info on how DirectTV is considering doing some BPL testing in a "major", as yet unnamed, city next year. This bears some watching. For more info, please see: technologyNews/idUSN1433448320070514?feedType=RSS&rpc=22 With the rapid approach of yet another hurricane season, GA ARES is planning a check of local SkyWarn nets, by briefly activating them, assessing their capabilities, and then reporting the results to the State net. At the suggestion of PAUL BENNETT, N4LXB, sometime over the weekend of June 2-3, but prior to the State net at 1800 on the 3rd, local SKYWARN nets will conduct a small, simple drill to assess communications capabilities in the event a majorWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO tropical storm were to strike Georgia. They will self-assess emergency power capabilities, and report total checkins to the State net on June 3. This drill should also give the DECs a good idea of their local capabilities and any issues they may need to address. As Paul puts it, "Hurricane season has already tapped us on the shoulder with that little storm off the coast. The next one might be a big one. To ensure we are ready, there will be a State wide SkyWarn Readiness Drill conducted on the 2nd or 3rd of June 2007. The date and time of your local drill will be up to you. Just make sure all Drills are completed by 18:00 local time 3 June so you can report your results on the State ARES Net at 18:00 local on 3 June on 3.975. When checking into the net give your report as, SkyWarn check ins 27 or what ever your check in count is. We want to know how many local drills were conducted and the total number of check ins. I may be contacted at [email protected] or 706 863 8351." (info de LYNN BIANCO, KN4YZ, ASEC, NWS) Info on some of your Field Day plans has been slowly trickling in, and I want to especially thank Albany ARC, N4N, (our favorite eclectic group)Bartow ARES, and West GA ARS for sending me such nice write-ups about their field day plans. I'm only too happy to compile a list of field day sites every year, but remember: If you want your club or group listed, you gotta let me know. You've gotta send me your info. At a minimum, where ya gonna be? Who can people contact if they'd like to attend? As much or as little as you want, but I'm not gonna make it up; it has to come from you. I must confess that I was a weather wimp, and missed the Byron Heart of Georgia Hamfest this year. But from what I've heard, the rain did hold off, and everyone who made it there had a terrific time. There were even a couple of commercial vendors this year. Sorry we missed it. Our loss. Coming Up: The Atlanta ARC hamfest, in Jim Miller Park in Marietta, on June 2. Hope to see you there. SILENT KEYS: WILLIAM BENNISON, SR, WB2AWE, and WAYMON BLACKBURN, W4KXT. Sincere condolences to their families and friends. Well, folks, that's about it for now. Until next time, this is AF4FO, signing clear. Take care of yourselves. And each other. 73, Susan QTC April: K4GK- 108; K8GA-75; WB4BIK-54; K4BAI-10; WZ4UJC-6; K4BEH-6 +++ No trees were killed in the sending of this message. However, a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced. +++

Puerto Rico

It is a great honor to be appointed Section Manager for Puerto Rico. I will do my best to unite all the local hams and promote ham radio and the ARRL. The work done by Victor, KP4PQ is really great. It (31 of 36) [10/18/2007 3:03:34 PM] Section News for April 2007 includes a website, a monthly printed bulletin, a book on the history of ham radio in Puerto Rico, field & technical activities and many more. He has done a lot for all of us. During last month, I was able to attend various ham gatherings. A call was made for the various Section positions available. I am still looking for a few brave hams to join me. A personal website, was developed to bring local hams basic information about local clubs, nets, activities, etc. There is a lot of enthusiasm from young hams to promote field activities. Most of the local groups are active at different aspects of ham radio. An effort is being planned to make an all-group activity sometime this summer. I would like to thank all hams that helpedWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO me someway or another. I will not disappoint you. Also, I would like to invite those that want to help ham radio to join me in this effort. 73’s de kp4ac ======Es un gran honor haber obtenido la posición de Section Manager de Puerto Rico. Haré lo mejor para unir a los radios aficionados, promover la radio afición y la ARRL. El trabajo realizado por Víctor, KP4PQ es realmente enorme. Incluye una página de Internet, un boletín impreso mensual, un libro sobre la historia de la radio afición en Puerto Rico, actividades técnicas y de campo y muchas más. Él ha hecho mucho por todos nosotros. Durante el mes pasado pude asistir a varias actividades. Se hizo un llamado para voluntarios para las varias posiciones disponibles dentro de la sección. Todavía estoy buscando unos pocos dispuestos radio aficionados que me acompañen. Se preparó una página de Internet, www. paraWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO mantener información sobre todas las actividades locales, ruedas e información sobre agrupaciones locales. Hay mucho entusiasmo de radio aficionados jóvenes por las actividades de campo. La mayoría de las agrupaciones locales están activas en diferentes aspectos de la radio. Se planea una actividad que involucre a todos los grupos para el verano. Quiero agradecer a todos los radio aficionados que me ayudaron de alguna forma. No les fallaré. También, quiero invitar a los que quieran ayudar a la radio afición a que se unan a mí en este esfuerzo. 73’s de kp4ac

Southern Florida

Hello everyone, April has been a busy month for many of us. First of all, Congratulations to Harry Newell, N3HN, as the 2007 recipient of the Joseph Chwick, AC4TV Memorial CHAMP Award. Pictures are available at: http://sffma. net/champ_ 2007.htm Since mid April there have been many ARES activities in the section. Several counties participated in Hurricane Tolbert Exercise and Indian River ARES participated in an exercise named Hurricane Zena. Let us hope that these exercises are practice for a slow hurricane season. ARES Report for April 2007: (data is from reporting counties only) 620 ARES Members in the 11 counties reporting. There were 14 nets holding 58 sessions, and 6 nets maintain NTS liaison. There were 17 drills, tests and training sessions and a total of 75 ARES operations. ECs (county) reporting: WA4GUK (Lee), AD4RZ (Okeecobee), AA4BN (Hendry), N1XC (Martin), WA4ASJ (Indian River), KF4MJJ (Collier), KA4HLO (Miami-Dade), AG4AN (Osceola), WA2DXQ (Broward), N5KFR (Glades) and K4NNX (Monroe). OES Reports received from: KC2DPP, W4DKB, N3HOE, and W3ALE. -- Lee County completed 6 weeks of EmComm Level 1 and Level 2 training and held those exams on April 21st. -- Martin County held their annual spring SET during the weekend of April 28. At the last minute they were notified that MCARA had been asked to provide radio communications for March of Dimes Walkathon on the same date, so they quickly converted the drill to cover the walkathon. Russ AI7Q was in charge of the drill and acted as net control for the walkathon. They had 16 participate in the drill. Three members camped out at the SET site Friday night. Saturday morning they put up 20 and 40 meter dipoles for HF and a 2 meter yagi for 2 meter sideband. After the SET they served hamburgers, hot dogs as well as side dishes brought by members. SFL SEC Jeff, WA4AW and Hugh, AG4HC stopped by to visit. (Photos are on section news page: sections/SFL.html). -- Indian River County is continuing on-air EmComm Level 1 and 2 classes on a (32 of 36) [10/18/2007 3:03:34 PM] Section News for April 2007 local repeater Tuesday evenings after the traffic net. KB5FKG is assisting WA4ASJ with the training. Technical Coordinator Don, N4TZH received several reports from the Technical Specialists. WB9JTK gave a talk about the technical aspects of satellite internet at the May 1 BRARA meeting in Boca. KI4QLJ is still busy with EBS-1 and the fleet of EMCOMM vehicles getting them ready for the upcoming hurricane season, assisting Ray, N4LEM with assembling a 2 meter side band array, and assisting KI4VIO (a new ham) with installation and testing of a mobile VHF/UHF antenna system. K8KB spent some time helping a new member with his station and additional time setting up radios and HF& VHF antennas for Martin ARESWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO SET/Camp out. W4KPG is helping locate the source of intermittent line noise in Canal Point. ======April SAR, PSHR and Net Reports SFL SARs April 2007: KA4FZI 556, NY4E 118, KE4CB 69, K4FQU 53, WA4EIC 48, AA4BN 36, WA2YL 30, KC4TM 15, K9GZT 12, KI4MGF 11, W4WYR 10, KI4OUD 8 ======SFL PSHRs April 2007: K4FQU 120, KA4FZI 120, WA4EIC 100, NY4E 90, WA2YL 90, AA4BN 80, W4DKB 28 ======Bulletin Report from David Smith KE4UEI: Recd 17, Sent 2, Total 19 ======NET, ABB, SESS, QNI, QTC, MGR All Florida CW Traffic Net, QFN, 60, 556, 247, NY4E Florida Amateur Sideband Traffic Net, FAST, 30, 165, 64, K4SCL Florida Medium Speed Net, FMSN, 30, 228, 57, AG4RJ/AB4XK Jupiter-Tequesta Repeater Group, JTRG, 4, 74, 27, AG4BV/KF4NJB Palm Beach County Ares Net, PBCAN, 8, 115, 14, KG4PFY Saint Lucie Repeater Association, SLRA, 5, 39, 2, KE4UEI Southeast Florida Traffic Net, SEFTN,WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO 60, 721, 56, AG4RJ/AI4GE Southwest Florida Traffic Net, SWFTN, 25, 260, 53, K4FQU Do the Officers of your club subscribe to the ARRL Club newsletter? It is full of ideas to recruit and retain members for your club as well as ideas for activities and meeting program ideas. Here is a sample: "I used the suggestion of asking our members what one of their OTHER hobbies were as we went around the room and introduced ourselves at our last meeting. What a hit! People that you've known for over ten years had some real surprises for the group! I plan to ask for favorite contacts, favorite modes, strangest contacts, rarest, and anything else that you can think of at future meetings." Charlie Chapman, KB8SFR, President of Kalamazoo Amateur Radio Club Hamfest season is taking a break in SFL, except for those that are traveling to Dayton. Summer, on non-storm days, is a good time to enjoy the air-conditioned shack. Try participating in a contest, other than Field Day, or try some DXing. Why not meet with a few Technicians and newly upgraded Generals for an Elmer session in someone’s shack or at a club picnic? Lastly, check all emergency supplies, buy the needed ones in early June during the tax-free days (save money to spend at the next hamfest), and check your Amateur gear – rigs, cables, extension cords, generator, message forms, maps, connectors, etc. Stay safe and stay on the air. 73. Sherri, W4STB

Southwestern Division


ARIZONA SECTION NEWS May 2007 ARIZONA EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS PRESERVATION ACT HB 2595 We were unable to "pull a rabbit out of the hat". Thought we may have a chance to attach our bill to another but that did not work out. We need to thank all the Representatives in the House who supported our bill in such a bipartisan manner. They understood and appreciated the value of what Amateur Radio Emergency operators do for their communities and the State of Arizona. Unfortunately we hit a major roadblock with a Senate committee chairman. But we will return next January to work on getting the job done and passing a bill that will strengthen Amateur Radio in Arizona. This fall we will have our Emergency Communications Preservation Act introduced in both the House and Senate at the same time. This will make it so that we do not get caught in a time crunch and have time to place the bill with committees that are favorable. Please send out thank you's to all (33 of 36) [10/18/2007 3:03:34 PM] Section News for April 2007 your Representatives and Senators. Let them know that we will be back next January to once again ask for their support. Dan Brown NA7DB NEW OFFICIAL OBSERVER COORDINATOR We have a new Official Observer Coordinator in Arizona, Carla Ackley, KD7JGJ. Carla has done an outstanding job as an Official Observer and she will do a fine job as the new OO coordinator. Carla can be reached at [email protected] YOUTH AND SCOUTING Dail Terry N6DGT has put up a new repeater for youth under the age of 18 in Tucson. Dail is working on another repeater for youth that will be up on Mt. Lemmon. They will be linked together. Are you going to summer camp? Are you taking your radio? If so, let me know. There is a group of Scouter Ham'sWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO who are trying to get the Scout Camp Calling Protocol (SCCP) going. Information can be found at http://homepage. The SCCP involves setting up frequencies and times for ham radio contacts between Scout Camps, not unlike nets but less formally operated similar to JOTA. During Scout summer camps, it is planned that stations be set up to call other camps and get boys and girls around the country talking to each other. Jim Fagan KE7IDC ASM Youth and Scouting [email protected] EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS Well, we are almost at a milestone on the database. We took the system live in June last year, and we are still seeing a steady stream of new sign ups. Our system is just under a year old, and we have about 350 registered operators. My goal for this year is to pass 500 registered operators. I would like to see more activity from the rural counties too. I have only 5 operators each in Yuma and Gila counties and 18 in Cochise which is my mostWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO active county for emergency operations. It's not a novelty anymore, it's a real, secure and robust system. Did you know that in the past year operators around the state have logged more than 3300 hours on Public Service Events, 1100+ hours on drills, and 150+ on actual emergencies? Pretty amazing statistics! Keep up the good work. The wildfire season is knocking at the door. When traveling or camping, be careful and aware of your surroundings. Know more than one way in and OUT of remote areas. Keep your radios charged and go pack ready, you might get the call. Rick Aldom - W7STS SEC Arizona [email protected]. 2008 SOUTHWESTERN DIVISON CONVENTION MESA AZ The 2008 convention planning is progressing. I am in need of someone to be my Public Relations Chair. If you are interested, please send me a short bio about yourself and I will contact you. Rick Aldom - W7STS 2008 SWD Chair [email protected]. NEW HAMS The following Arizona hams just received their FCC license, Congratulations! James Cooper AD7KT, Carl Olberg AD7LA, Perry Shirley AD7LZ, Charles Smith AD7MD, Alex Jakubin KE7LHX, Marjorie Fagan KE7LHY, Hector Mendoza KE7LHZ, Lev Vsevolozhskiy KE7LIA, Kenny Largo KE7LIO, Robert Kappler KE7LIY, Roy Eaton KE7LIZ, James Griffin KE7LJA, Mark Nichols KE7LJB, William Eschelbacher KE7LJD, Robert Oliver KE7LKJ, Michael Bollinger KE7LKK, Andrew Deppe KE7LKL, Kenneth Hall KE7LKY, Cynthia Mccauley KE7LOS, Andrew Keefer KE7LOT, Frederic Hill KE7LOV, Lonnie Slawson KE7LOZ, Trevor Slawson KE7LPA, Larry Heywood KE7LPB, Anthony Heywood KE7LPC, Jeffrey Haws KE7LPD, Jeffrey Haws KE7LPE, Connie Starks KE7LPF, Calvin Starks KE7LPH, David Godemann KE7LPI, Jonathan Godemann KE7LPJ, Patty Stapley KE7LPK, Steven Stapley KE7LPL, Jonathan Seiter KE7LPM, Steven Seiter KE7LPN, Ward Andrews KE7LPO, Dean Athmer KE7LPP, Kray Arnold KE7LPQ, Andrew Brown KE7LPR, Jay Brennan KE7LPS, Eugene Brauer KE7LPT, Phillip Gray KE7LPU, Arvil Hughes KE7LPW, Charles Haltigan KE7LPX, Tanner Jhiland KE7LPY, Carl Jacobson KE7LPZ, Philip Joslin KE7LQA, Jeffrey Kvavle KE7LQB, Jay Kristofferson KE7LQC, J Gregory Lake KE7LQD, Dennis Lemon KE7LQE, Anjanette Ludwig KE7LQF, Cynthia Lines KE7LQG, Drew Moffitt KE7LQH, Jack Oplinger KE7LQI, Michael Pantoja KE7LQJ, Duane Peterson KE7LQK, Michael Ritchey KE7LQL, Jan Root KE7LQM, John Reynolds KE7LQN, Eugene Romney KE7LQO, Richard Sawyer KE7LQP, Jay Sims KE7LQQ, Scott Salmon KE7LQR, Matthew Thompson KE7LQS, Stanley Villalobos KE7LQT, Nicholas Van Vleet KE7LQU, Steven Walters KE7LQV, Nathanael Joslin KE7LQW, Loren Wise KE7LQX, Paul Lines KE7LQZ, Lloyd Winward KE7LRF, Eugene Kazup KE7LRI, Samantha Rivenburg KE7LRJ, Sherrlyn Seward KE7LRT, Stephen Tschappler KE7LRU, Rodney Neiman KE7LRV, John Batzel KE7LRW, Michael Hutchison KE7LSI, Harold Hamman KE7LSJ, Glen (34 of 36) [10/18/2007 3:03:34 PM] Section News for April 2007

Reynolds KE7LVP, Walter Mccormick KE7LVQ, Lowell O Grady KE7LWC, Joshua Campbell KE7LYY, Stanley Bock KE7LYZ, Jason Leach KE7LZA, Stanley Kublin KE7LZB, Kevin Jacobson KE7LZC, Michael Baker KE7LZD, Eino Heikkila KE7LZE, Mary Mason KE7MBC, Janet Ramirez KE7MBK, George Hupp KE7MCL, Graham Kelvin KE7MCU HAMFESTS June 2, 2007 The Yavapai Amateur Radio Club is hosting its first annual swap meet June 2nd at Granite Mountain Middle School, Prescott, AZ. The gates open at 6:00 a.m. for vendor set-up and 8:00 a.m. for the swap meet. June 2, 2007 White Mountain Hamfest Hosted by the Kachina Amateur Radio Club Show Low, AZ ARCA Meeting - 11:00 AM JulWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO 6-8, 2007 Arizona State Convention Amateur Radio Council of Arizona http:// Talk-In: 146.78 (PL 91.5) Contact: Doug Collins KE6JUK 760-220-7710 [email protected] 73, Tom Fagan WB7NXH ARRL Section Manager Arizona

San Diego

SAN DIEGO AMATEUR RADIO EMERGENCY SERVICES 2006 ANNUAL REPORT PART 2 (continued from last month) Since 2005, SDG ARES demonstrated a new “Can Do” attitude under ICS with proactive Search and Rescue Efforts that reunited 46 lost children in 2005 and 44 lost children in 2006. As a result, SDG ARES has been upgraded to primary EMCOMM backup for MCAS Miramar and the Marines are donating WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.ROand installing a permanent in place radio system for SDG ARES at MCAS Miramar. Servicing Public Safety Agencies such as ARC, EMS, CDF, Lifeguards, CERT, and Marines requires a huge commitment of manpower and resources. The staffing of "Community Events” such as walks, runs, parades and races drained critical resources. In many cases, these are commercial events that can be handled just as well if not better by cell phones. Today SDG ARES has removed the Cell Phone events from its calendar choosing to concentrate on Public Safety where SDG ARES resources are actually needed and can and do “Make a Difference”. This concentration on Public Safety has resulted in a spike in new membership. SDG ARES still supports “Community Events” where there may be a Public Safety need such as longer back country runs, Special Olympics Greater Games and that can operate under ICS training environment but with the huge post 911 Public Safety demand on SDGARES, the number of “Community Events” on the calendar is limited. Today SDGARES has recruited 40 active people in leadership position who are bringing new vitality and ideas to the organization. Getting responders to respond in an emergency can be difficult as not every emergency starts with the shaking of the earth or the smell of smoke. Today SDG ARES has an Automated Phone Dialer Activation System that can call all 302 responders in under 3 minutes. Frankly there have been so many recent changes in the way that SDG ARES operates that it is difficult to list them all. Yes! So many changes happening so fast can be frightening to those who fear change. But the Served Public Safety Agencies such as ARC, EMS, CDF, CERT, Marines and Lifeguards approve of the new ways SDGARES does things as best demonstrated by their newfound financial support for our efforts. Are we perfect? No! Obviously we have lots of areas that still continue to need improvement. But no one can deny that the SDG ARES service upgrades have already resulted in a significant improvement to Public Safety EMCOMM in San Diego. This month, we registered our 302nd ARES member.. This is an increase of more than 140 New ARES members since I took over as SM on July 1, 2006 and is a testament that the ARES leadership must be doing something right. About San Diego Amateur Radio Emergency Services The Amateur Radio Emergency Services of the American Radio Relay League has been providing Emergency Communications since 1935. The 302 members of San Diego Amateur Radio Emergency Services (SDGARES) provides vital public safety communications when other commercial and government systems fail. SDGARES serves many public agencies including San Diego County Emergency Medical Services, American Red Cross, Community Emergency Response Teams, California Department of Forestry, MCAS Miramar Air Show, Coronado Lifeguard as well as many local and (35 of 36) [10/18/2007 3:03:34 PM] Section News for April 2007 community functions. For example, during the 2006 Miramar Air Show SDGARES Search and Rescue teams were responsible for reuniting more than 44 lost children with their care givers. During the 2003 San Diego Fires, SDGARES responders manned Red Cross Shelters around the County as the only communications and provided primary communications between fire fighting teams when the government 800 MHz radios failed. Please visit our website for up to the minute information on EMCOMM in San Diego and Imperial counties! Finally, It is the beginning of the area's Fire season, and with very poor rainfall this year, San Diego could be in for a terrible year. LA is on fire as I type, accordingWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO to CNN. Prepare yourself and family for the unthinkable by having all your needed supplies and Emergency equipment ready to go on a moments notice. Though you may live deep in the city, as we saw in the 2003 Firestorm, no area is safe from the ravages of Wildfire! Besides radio equipment, think of what items are absolutely irreplacable. Family Heirlooms, pictures, memorablia. I have my most treasured item, my DX QSL Book, ready to go. Most of Crest was lost in 2003, but my house miraculously survived. I may not get a 2nd chance. Our community has set up a 1 call automated system to alert us in an emergency, and a Siren when things get out of hand. Ham Radio will be there when disaster strikes! 73 for this month, Pat. West Gulf WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RODivision South Texas

The 7290 and the Texas Traffic Net picnic was a great success this year despite the cost of gasoline. We had around 80 that attended. We had a great time. There were several awards given. One of the greatest things about this group they are always there to serve when we have an emergency. Most are first responders for NCS and other jobs when the time comes. These two nets are always active during emergency for the State of Texas, but they never get any recognition. They have trained over the years for that time. We have had some bad storms here in South Texas. Eagle Pass had a lot of damage and several deaths due to a Tornado. We had several Tornadoes and some flooding. Ham radio was not used much but they were on standby in case they were needed. Weather is a big issue here because we are enjoying cool weather in the day time instead of the heat that we normally have at this time of year. One can enjoy going out in the middle of the day and mow the lawn. We have a lot of new hams that are looking for something to do, so lets get them involved in the bike rides and walks for the different medical fund raising. Our clubs are doing a great job helping in this but you need to interest the new hams. Field day is just around the corner so let's get ready. Don't forget the extra points that can be yours. Until next month. God Bless America and our Troops. Ray N5NAV (36 of 36) [10/18/2007 3:03:34 PM] Section News for May 2007

Section News for May 2007

Atlantic Division


Subject to: ARRL Delaware sectionWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO update for June 2007 Delaware Section Cabinet Appointments Delaware Section Technical Coordinator: I wish to announce that Randy K. Murray W3LF has accepted and has been appointed to this important cabinet position. Randy will be responsible for appointing Technical Specialists and if you are interested In such a position contact Randy at 302-934-8875 (H) or 302-856-9000 (W) again Thank You Randy and welcome aboard. Field Day June 23 – 24, 2007 This is the time of year that we test our communications capabilities on a national level. Again I would remind members to look at their plans to support such communications if a local emergency were to hit home. Are you willing and able to support your community in an emergency with your radio equipment? Do you have a plan to sustain your family with food, potable water and shelter for a minimum of 3 days? Do you have an alternate source to power your equipment and do you test it? Do you have a portable or secondary antenna system that you can deploy if your existing antennas should fail? Field Day is an excellent time to check yourself and equipment. The following Clubs and Organizations will be conducting Field Day exercises: The 146.995 Repeater Group will set up at the Claymont Elementary School practice field Green Street, Claymont, Delaware 19703 The First State ARC will set up at the WDEL / WSTW Radio station parking lot 2727 Shipley Road Talleyville, Delaware 19803 The Kent County WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.ROARC will set up at the Petersburg C&R Center, off C&R Center Rd Norman G Wilder Wildlife Area Kent County, Delaware 19943 The Lewes Amateur Radio Society (W3LRS) will be participating in the ARRL 2007 Field Day SET on Saturday, June 23rd and Sunday, June 24th, 2007 next to a single story storage shed which is adjacent to the Overfalls Light Ship, Pilottown Road Lewes, Delaware 19958. We will be operating two HF stations and will net to set up the equipment and string the antennas at 11:00 am on Saturday. We plan to operate until 5:00 pm Saturday and return Sunday at 10:00 am and operate until 4:00 pm (weather permitting). We will operate 2 meters and 70 cm from our parked cars. Sussex ARC and Nanticoke ARC How to get to our Field Day site: From "The Circle" in Georgetown, take route 9 east through Georgetown. Continue about 1.2 Miles East on Route 9 to the first traffic signal out-of-town. The DELMARVA Christian High School will be on your right. Turn right onto Airport Road. Drive about a half-mile to a Stop Sign just past the Railroad Tracks and turn right. Travel only about 200 feet to Rudder Lane and turn left. The Field Day Site will be in the open area on your left. From Eastern Sussex county, at the junction of Route 1 and Route 9 - "Five Points", near Lewes, DE, take Route 9 West about 11.1 miles to the traffic signal at Airport Road. Turn left onto Airport Road. Drive about a half-mile to a Stop Sign just past the Railroad Tracks and turn right. Travel only about 200 feet to Rudder Lane and turn left. The Field Day Site will be in the open area on your left. I have received confirmation from Governor Minner's office that the Governor of Delaware will attend the SARA / NARC Field Day activities at the Sussex County Airport, June 23 at 2:00 pm. At that time the Governor will be given a tour of the facilities and amateur radio, and make remarks regarding the event as well as proclaiming June as Amateur Radio Awareness Month in the State of Delaware. The Governor will be invited to sit down to "call CQ" and make contacts. Her aide tells me that the Governor is particularly excited about the opportunity to go on the air. We have a few minor security issues to work out with her staff, but otherwise we are on the books!! 73, W4ALT If you are unable to attend one of the above club functions by all means use this time as an opportunity to test your own station and check your own individual preparedness.

Southern New Jersey

SOUTHERN NEW JERSEY NEWSLETTER FOR JUNE 2007 SECTION MANAGER, JEAN PRIESTLEY, KA2YKN The "HOT" topics of this newsletter will be the Field Day activities, hamfests and weather. The Ragchew club is happy to announce that their repeater on 146.82 pl 131.8 is back on the air. Their 440 machine is now up at 448.025 pl 131.8 But first a word from our sponsor. I hope I have successfully dangled the carrot with the write up about the trip to Newington and ARRL in last month's newsletter. It was still the "HOT" topic at our club meeting this morning. This is the best time of the year to go because travel conditions are better than in winter. You would be fighting bad weather conditions otherwise. A fall trip, when all the leaves are turning color, would be beautiful for the nature lover. For the staunch hamfest connoisseurs, mark August 18 and September 16, 2007 on you calendar. Hamfest by the Shore on August 18th is at Riverwood Park on Riverwood Drive and Whitesville Road in Toms River, New Jersey. Talk-in is on W2DOR/R on 146.910 Pl (1 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:05 PM] Section News for May 2007

127.3 minus. Admission is $5 for buyers and $10 tailgaters and inside Vendors $15 with bring your own table. There will be VE exams at 11:10 am with registration at 11:00am. But come early and give yourself time to relax. Questions can be addressed to [email protected] or call Darleen at 732-237-9448. You can also go to JSARS website at HTTP://WWW.JSARS.ORG. The Gloucester County Amateur Radio Club will hold their 30th annual hamfest in Mullica Hill, New Jersey this year on September 16, 2007. I will have additional information in the next newsletter. Come with a friend or come in a group or bus but don't miss these hamfest. The hot topic in the world of amateur radio is Assembly Bill A4146 and Senate Bill S2764 In its present form, while intending to ban text messaging, it bans use of any "electronic communication device" while driving. It would impact our mobile operation as well as RACES and ARES work from the mobiles. Please let them know about our workWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO with these operations and request that they change the wording to exclude Amateur Radio from these bills. A simple changing of the wording to "text messaging device" would Eli mate banning your radios while fulfilling the intent of the bills. Contact your legislators online at http://www. Now, on the subject of weather, we all know that one of the basics of surviving in the heat is to drink enough water but you can drink too much water and have a different kind of problem. Limit your sun and heat exposure. At the first sign of feel ill or dizzy, seek a cool environment for at least a half an hour and drink some water. Field Day is next week and it may be hot. If setting up, wear a hat, wear light clothing and, if you can find them, wear those neck scarves you soak in water and they swell up. Be sure to use a sun block and use it generously. Remember to put it on your face and back of your neck. TAKE PRECAUTIONS. The Camden County SKYWARN Coordinator is looking more people to become active in the Camden County SKYWARN program. Especially needed are New Control Stations. You would be trained before being asked to run any nets. Of course, you must hold a current Amateur Radio license. Also needed are 3-4 deputies to assist in the overall function of the SKYWARN Program. If you have an interest in this, contact Rick Tighe, Coordinator.WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO He can be found on the Camden County SKYWARN Training New 2nd Thursday of the month at 7:30 on the Camden County RACES Repeater 145.895 PL 192.8. The above information is just for Camden County, but if you are in a different county, check with you local coordinator to see if they are in need of trained people. I would seem to me that well trained people can only be an asset and you can never have too many trained spotters, net control people or deputies. Here are some dates to look for this summer. In August is the N2OB Lighthouse Event on August 4, 2007 and W2T Lighthouse Event on August 18 and 19, 2007. In September there will be the MS Foundation annual MS 150 bike ride the end of September. This is a two day event. While we are mentioning activities, DON'T FORGET FIELD DAY. JSARS Is still holding their testing sessions the third Thursday of each month at 7:30 pm at the Riverwood Recreation Building on Riverwood Drive in Toms River, NJ. For more information call Ed, GENOINO, WA2NDA at 609-693-3729. Holiday City ARC is also still holding their test sessions every other 2nd Saturday from 10am to 12pm, (May, July, Sept, Nov). Sessions are held at the Holiday City South Clubhouse area in meeting room #1 on Mule Road at the corner of Santiago Dr in Toms River. Your contact person is Bill Haldane, AC2F and the phone is 732- 240-7064 or [email protected]. When going to any test session, you must have your original license and at least one Xerox copy and original and one copy of any credit sheets you may have. Also bring 2 forms of id. Testing sessions by SJRA are on the 4th Tuesday of each month at the Winslow Senior center. Contact is Mark, K2AX at [email protected] or (609)820-1523. Testing is also available in Atlantic county. The location is at the Canale Training Center at 5033 English Creek Avenue in Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey. There will be no walk-ins so please call Robert, WA2ARP at 609-338-7038 to reregister. The sponsor is the Southern Counties Amateur Radio Association (SCARA). Check at for the next date. If you haven't already, please make a note or bookmark the following site: The Battleship New Jersey is on summer hours. Check on their website for hours and other information. If your club is thinking about visiting the NJ2BB club station, please be sure to make arrangements ahead of the scheduled date to insure that someone will be there. Just go on our website at for information to schedule a visit. If you have worked NJ2BB and want to send a card, the QSL manager is Margaret Burgess, KB2BRR 150 Schooner Ave, Barnegat, NJ 08005. Please send your cards with an SASE to insure receiving a card in return from NJ2BB. If you have an activity coming up or want to report something that happened, please send a short write up to me and I will put it in next month. Please remember that if you work traffic to report it to Dan, K2UL. Traffic report for May, Traffic manager, K2UL, Dan Ostroy SNJ/ NNJ Section Net Reports QNI reports NJM 77 N2GJ NJPN 184 W2CC NJSN 154 K2PB NJN(E) 230 AG2R NJN(L) 194 AG2R (the above nets are dual section nets of both SNJ and NNJ. Liaisons with 2RN) SNJ Local Net Reports JSARS 432 W2HOG SJTN KB2RTZ NO REPORT SJVN WB2UVB NO REPORT SCARS 26 Station Activity Reports (SAR) AA2SV 3I WA2NDA 28 K2GW 27 K2UL 25 W2QOB 12 WA2CUW 10 KC2IYC 6 Public Service Honor Roll (PSHR) K2UL 105 K2GW 80 W2QOB 70 WA3NDA 68 N2HQL 60 KC2IYC 50 KA2YKN 50 STM reports that the past six years have been posted on the web at

Central Division (2 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:05 PM] Section News for May 2007


QST DE KA9QPN: From the top... **Another HamVention is in the books. I didn't get to enjoy it, but those that did report a splendid time was had by all. The FCC Forum featured another of Riley Hollingsworth's exhortations to 'lighten up'. Some of his remarks bear repeating here: "We live in a rude, discourteous, profane, hotheaded society that loves its rights, prefers not to hear about its responsibilities, and that spills over into the ham bands... We can enforce our rules, but we can't enforce kindness and courtesy or common sense... And a very wise person, who happens to be standing to my left [FCC Wireless Telecommunications Bureau staffer Bill Cross, W3TN] once told me:WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO 'You can't regulate stupid.' If we could, we'd be working for the United Nations instead of the FCC." Let's all try to be the one that gets caught doing something polite. **Field Day is near. It's time for our annual combo platter of emergency operations under field conditions, attempt to educate the public on our Service, and weekend of camaraderie. It's 23-24 June, rules at contests/rules/2007/fd.html. There is still time to get a relationship with your local or county EMA/ESDA for that Class F station. It could also be the beginning of a beautiful (and productive!) relationship. More Field Day this's and that's below. **Don't forget: a week before Field Day is Kids Day 2007. On 16 June, it's suggested that you open your station to children, in an effort to get them interested in our service. Kids Day is actually ten years old and makes a great club activity. The suggested exchange is name, age, location, and favorite color, with the call of 'CQ Kids Day'. More at Get informed... **The ARRL Foundation Scholarship winners have been announced. Again, I am very pleased to note several young people of our Section honored. They are: THE EARL I. ANDERSON SCHOLARSHIP-- Neil Gebhardt, KB9ZGZ THE SETH HOREN, K1LOM, MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP--Nicholas Ruhs, KB9YBX THE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA DX FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP--Nicholas Bauer, KC9GZY THE SIX METER CLUB OF CHICAGO SCHOLARSHIP--CharlesWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Richie II, KB9TSX Congratulations to all, and good luck in your studies. We are proud of you all. **There has been a bit of a controversy (surprise!) with the latest partnering of ARRL and MetLife. There was a direct mail solicitation of ARRL members from MetLife for a new group insurance benefit. Some members took offense at the solicitation, going so far as to accuse the League of 'selling the membership list'. Not so. Some of the other offers are sound and have become staples. The Equipment Insurance is the best way to protect your gear, as regular homeowners' policies are sadly deficient in understanding Amateur Radio (ask me about my lightning strike!). The ARRL Visa Card is just a 'prestige' thing. Both offer more benefit than harm. That was the spirit in which the MetLife partnership was created. You can always 'opt-out' of direct mail solicitations by marking your ARRL renewal in the appropriate place or by contacting HQ. Or use the trusty trash can. **As part of your Field Day preparations, how would you like another fast 100 points? Joe Tokarz KB9EZZ and others are involved in trying to connect all EOCs in the Section via packet radio, using 147.555MHz. This is where the 100 points comes in. The bonus comes from setting up a 'complete portable packet system...included as one of the demonstration modes. This system must include a temporary, portable node and must be completely separate from the existing packet infrastructure of your area.' (, Field Day Rules) Joe suggests setting up your demo system on 147.555MHz, adding 'FD07' to your beacon, and attempting to gain border to border coverage for the Field Day period. There are already quite a few EOCs on line to help extend your FD signal. **Don't forget your NTS message to me during your FD operation. I'll be running around between local sites and will be happy to get these messages. Hey, it's a quick 100 points over and above the 10 allowed NTS messages. Don't forget the properly serviced and formatted copies of all NTS messages with your reports. **Did you get that NOAA All-Hazards Radio purchased and programmed for the family? Why not? Around the Section... **Don Whitney K9DRW reports 'My article “Disaster Planning and Supplemental Emergency Communications” is now out in the May issue of “Public Safety Communications” the monthly APCO magazine. It discusses what supplemental communications resources are available to public safety agencies. It touches on Mutual Aid and Commercial Services but basically features Amateur Radio. If you are an APCO member or know one, take a look, it starts on page 262.' Kudos to Don on ink in such a prestigious publication on a subject dear to my heart. **The North Shore Radio Club will be placing the second D-Star repeater on air in the Chicago Metro area. This system will have digital voice and data on 1.2GHz and digital voice on 440MHz. This exciting new mode keeps growing as we discover the great potential that it has. **I've always had a soft spot for ATV. Maybe it's got to do with my wife freaking out as I shorted out the plate transformer of a strip that I was trying to convert for ATV (my last project with tubes--filled the house with black smoke!). Maybe it was the fact that my nephew didn't have baby pictures in the conventional sense...his dad sent out video of the newborn lad on 439.25MHz. (I told you that we were hardcore!) And on it went. I like ATV. Don't play much with it any more, as I loaned out my gear and never got it back, and my JayBeam is behind the shed. All that said, Gene Harlan WB9MMM reports that 'Last night (5/8), the ATV group in Rockford, IL exchanged video and audio with the group of ATV'ers based in California, all being part of the Amateur Television Network (ATN). Tuesday night is ATV Net night in the Los Angeles area at 8 PM (10 PM in Illinois). During the net, video and audio was transmitted from Don Hill, KE6BXT, who is located in Mission Viejo, CA over the Internet (3 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:05 PM] Section News for May 2007 using a Slingbox, picked up on my computer, using the video out to give a full screen picture that was then re-broadcast over the local W9ATN ATV repeater here in Rockford, IL. Likewise, when it was our turn to transmit, we used another Slingbox at our QTH in Rockford to transmit video received from myself (WB9MMM), John, KA9SOG, and Mikayla, KC9HVQ to the group of ATV repeaters that are all linked together. So, we were all able to see each other checking into the ATV net across the country. Many of you have heard of IRLP, and I would like to suggest that this might be working towards ITVLP (not my term, someone else thought of it), but I need to clarify that this was all done manually where IRLP you can dial in using DTMF. Will we get there some day. I bet we will! Will others that have ATV repeaters join in on Tuesday nights? I hope so. It was a lot of fun. Invitation from ATN - everyone can watch and check in via keyboard: I also would like to invite you to check-in to the WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.ROATN Net held every Tue. @ 8:00 PM PacificTime/Wed. 0300 UTC. We will have a special control operator watching the web site to take your check-in via the link. (Sign into the chat room below the streaming video and type in your call and message and press "send".) The special control operator will then relay your check-in to "Net Control" and your call and message will be announced on the air. That web site is **Don't forget to invite the public on Field Day. Bring some kids into your shack the weekend before. Spread the word...our Service is vital and fun! FULL SECTION NEWS AT http://www.arrl. org/sections/?sect=IL 73 DE KA9QPN


Condolances to the Family and Friends of these Amateurs who became a Silent Key during May: Lewis Hartzler NZ9S, Angola, May 1; Otis A Beamer WA9NLO, Camden, May 3; Homer Bruce K9BMB, Spencer, May 7; LouisBeam N9VKH, Cayuga, May 13; Jeffrey L. Mausteller KB9TOP, Evans City, May 17. They will be missed. As of late May, ourWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO long time Section Emergency Coordinator, David Pifer N9YNF, has resigned. Dave cited family, job responsibilities, and "burn-out" as his reasons for wanting to resign. With sadness, I have accepted his resignation. I have enjoyed working with Dave over the last 5 years, and he has done a marvelous job for the Indiana Section. I have appointed as his replacement Tony Langer W9AL, of North Judson. Dave left a large pair of shoes to fill, and I know that Tony will do his best to fill them. Please give Tony your support and cooperation in managing the League's ARES program here in Indiana. Due to the changeover in SECs, my own busy life, and job responsibilities, I was not able to get the Indiana Section News for April published during May. Please forgive me. I hope what is here will in some part make up for the absence of this monthly report to the ARRL members here in Indiana. Some of you may have heard about the Ardent Sentry Disaster Exercise. From May 10th thru May 12th, many hams were involved with this exercise. An estimated 2990 volunteer hours is attributed to this exercise. Impressive!! On April 25, LaPorte County SKYWARN was activiated for a confirmed tornado. 18 spotters volunteered their spotting talents for 3 hours. A total of 56 person-hours. The Indianapolis hamfest is coming up on July 7th. At this event, the Indiana Radio Club Council will be presenting the Annual Award for Outstanding Technical Excellence at a Forum there. To the best of my knowledge, Central Division Director, Dick Isley W9GIG will be attending. Look for him and likely me too at the ARRL Table. The following VHF/UHF Net Managers reported their net's activity during April: WA9CWE, KC9BHJ, N9ZMY, KB9NYC, WD9HTN, N9VXB, KB9UAG, WA9PSV, KF9EX, WB9RVN, NA9L, WD9BKA, WB9NCE, KB9RFO, WR9G, W3ML, W9THD, KA9QWC. The following VHF/UHF Net Managers reported their net's activity during May: WA9CWE, KC9BHJ, N9ZMY, KB9NYC, KE9WI, N9VXB, KB9UAG, WA9PSV, KF9EX, WB9RVN, NA9L, WB9NCE, KB9RFO, WR9G, W3ML, W9THD, KA9QWC. If your Net Manager's callsign does not appear on these lists, then your net's activity is not being reported to our Section VHF/UHF Net Manager, John Kinley KC9BHJ. Please send net activity reports to John at: kc9bhj@arrl. net . April Section Net Activity: NET FREQ DAILY TIMES (UTC) QNI QTC QTR SESS ITN 3910 KHZ 1230/2030 2666 115 1346 60 QIN 3535 KHZ 1330/2300 105 106 590 47 ARES 3910 KHZ 4TH SUN/MO @ 1200Z 1 0 6 1 HOOSIER VHF NETS 16 REPORTING 1157 6 2008 87 HOOSIER DIGITAL NETS (2) NO RPT RECD May Section Net Activity NET FREQ DAILY TIMES (UTC) QNI QTC QTR SESS ITN 3910 KHZ 1230/2030 2663 175 1487 62 QIN 3535 KHZ 1330/0000 105 105 590 48 ARES 3910 KHZ 4TH SUN/MO @1200Z 14 1 26 1 HOOSIER VHF NETS 17 REPORTING 1180 9 2157 92 HOOSIER DIGITAL NETS (2) NO RPT RECD April ORS Traffic Reports: K9PUI 157, NA9L 68, K9GBR 59, W9PC 46, W9ILF 36, N9HM 11, AB9AA 10, WB9NCE 5. May ORS Traffic Reports: KJ9J 175, K9PUI 168, K9GBR 90, NA9L 83, W9PC 19, N9HM, 15, N9HZ 13, AB9AA 12, KA9QWC 3. May PSHR Report: NA9L 1/40 2/40 3/30; Total 110 Points James S. Sellers K9ZBM Indiana Section Manager


WISCONSIN: SM: Don Michalski, W9IXG, SEC: KB9ENO, STM: K9LGU, SGL: AD9X, OOC: KC9IS, PIC: KB9NUM, TC: K9GDF, BM: WB9NRK, ACC: N9LVS ASM: K9UTQ, W9DGI, N9VE. ** With regret, I am informing you of the passing of the following Amateurs: -- Jack Krause, W9JK, 93. Jack was an Amateur for 75 years! -- (4 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:06 PM] Section News for May 2007

Christ Bauer, W9RF, 92. He was a member of Sheboygan County Amateur Radio Club and the initial President of the Sheboygan County DX Association. Among his many achievements, Christ was an A-1 Operator, member of QCWA, Chief Engineer at WHBL, and a mentor to countless Amateurs. ** With the Wisconsin website expanding with more information to help you, Richard Regent, Section Webmaster, has added some features to the Wisconsin site that makes it easier to navigate and locate what you are looking for. Just click on the subject icon near the top and you will get forwarded to that section. He has, also, added "On The Air Events". If you have a special event, let us know and we’ll have it posted. ** Congratulations to Chuck Rogers, KE7DYM, on passing his General license. Why is that so unique? Chuck had seen the Madison General Class posted on the ARRL website phtml and hopped on a commercialWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO flight from Mesa Arizona and flew to Madison just to attend the weekend class! We think he was flying well above Cloud Nine on the way back home! Never underestimate the importance of posting your classes with the ARRL or on the Wisconsin site! You never know who might take advantage of the class. ** The Wisconsin Valley Radio Association has been contacted by the 24 of 9 bike race organizers for the assistance of Amateur Radio. The event is a 24-hour bike race in the Nine Mile Recreation Area in Marathon County. The race will be held July 28th and 29th. This will require as many radio operators as we can get to cover the 14-mile course for the good and welfare of the competitors. At this time we would hope to work in 4-6 hour shifts. Transportation to the locations on the course will be provided. At this time we are looking for three aid stations and a net control, more location could be used. This would be the least we would need. If we have enough help we would also like to have an HF station worked as a special event. This is the National Championship. Last year they had over 800 competitors. You can get more information about the group at This is a good chance for the area clubs to work together and promote Amateur Radio in Wisconsin. Jerry Graebel – W9GLG, WVRA Public Education Director, [email protected] ** June 16 is ARRL Kid’s Day! Kid's Day is intended to encourage young people (licensed or not) to enjoy Amateur Radio. It can give young people hands-on on-the-air experience so they might develop an interest in pursuing a license in the future. It is intended to give hams a chance to share their station with their children. Complete rules are given on this site: kd-rules.html Hope you can participate and help make their day! ** Field Day is approaching! We are looking forward to receiving your messages. Remember, a formal NTS message sent to me or SEC, KB9ENO, is good for 100 points! A reminder from STM, Denny, K9LGU: Anyone can pass a Field Day message as long as it's passed during the period of your team's operation. If you start at noon Saturday, that would include someone on the BEN. Your message to Don or Bill only has to be sent during that period - so, as I did last year, I'll be glad to pick up any messages going to W9IXG or KB9ENO, if they're not around to take 'em. You can look for me on the BEN Saturday and Sunday, as well as on WIN on Saturday night. If you don't hear my call, you can give your message to W9MQB (our club station in FD operation). FD rules and bonus points that are available can be found on this site: ** STM Report Wisconsin Section May 2007 FAQ #69 What takes precedence? Right after the message number in the preamble comes the precedence. There are four possibilities – Routine, Priority, Welfare, and Emergency. Routine messages (R) are the everyday birthday greeting, net report, etc. Priority (P) messages are used when there’s possible danger to life or property, a need for quick information transfer. Welfare messages (W) are exchanged with a disaster area. Emergency messages are just that, an e-m-e-r-g-e-n-c-y. That’s why the precedence of emergency is always spelled out and such messages are always handled first. You might hear a net control station asking for "emergency, priority, or time-value traffic," but there’s no such precedence as "time-value." The NCS may just be asking if there’s any traffic that can’t wait its turn. Obviously, an emergency, priority, or welfare message would have to be handled before routine messages. They take precedence. And that’s our word for the day. Don’t forget to send your messages on Field Day. 73 – K9LGU/ STM - WI MONTHLY NET ACTIVITY SUMMARY May 2007 NET QNI QTC QTR SSNS NM BWN 2241 2868 5590 31 W9IXG BEN 545 60 1081 31 KE9VU WSBN 724 79 1130 31 K9FHI WNN 136 16 287 24 KB9ROB WSSN 153 20 321 31 N9JIY WIN/E 150 28 270 31 WB9ICH WIN/L 162 50 304 31 W9UW WRACES 84 0 185 4 N9VAO TOTALS 4195 3121 9168 214 MCRN 182 66 398 4 WA9ZTY Note: BWN is Badger Weather Net; BEN is Badger Emergency Net; WSBN is Wisconsin Side Band Net; WNN is Wisconsin Novice Net; WSSN is Wisconsin Slow Speed Net; WIN/E is Wisconsin Intrastate Net/Early; WIN/L is Wisconsin Intrastate Net/ Late; WRACES is Wisconsin Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service net. MCRN is the Midwest Classic Radio Net Details on all these nets are found on this site: under Wisconsin Traffic Nets. ** I hope everyone has a chance to participate in Field Day and show off Amateur Radio to the general public, local officials, and news media. This is our time to shine and demonstrate what we can do! 73, Don, W9IXG

Dakota Division (5 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:06 PM] Section News for May 2007


ARRL MINNESOTA SECTION SUMMARY FOR MAY 2007 SUMMARY FROM SM ++ The MN section OOC, ARES and Traffic summaries are enclosed below. ++ See the ARRL Section web site for up-to-date information and bulletins. ++ Go to the new section website at ++ We plan on reconstituting the ARES HF net later this summer. Stay tuned for the announcement from our SEC and STM. It will precede the section net on Sunday evening as before. ++ Please copy me on your Field Day Report. [email protected] + + What are your plans for Amateur Radio Classes for the fall? Respectfully submitted by Skip Jackson, KS0J, MN SM ______MN OOC REPORT SUMMARY FOR APRIL 2007 Reports fromWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Official Observers received for May: N0OH, W3FAF, WO0A, KB0OHI Respectfully submitted by John H. Thomas III, W3FAF, MN OOC MN SEC REPORT SUMMARY FOR APRIL 2007 Total number of ARES members reported: 103 (Partial listing) Change since last month: County EC’s reporting: Lac Qui Parle (KC0QED), Lincoln (WD0BZU), Lyon (WD0BZU), Scott (N0BHC), St. Louis-North (WD0GUF), St. Louis-South (KB0LC), Sherburne (N0JHU) Local Net Names: Anoka County ARES Net, CCART, River Valley, SEMARC, Scott County, Chisago County, Carver County, Washington County, Fox Valley Monday Night Net, Lac Qui Parle Phone, Lac Qui Parle Packet, Mankato Area Radio Club Emergency Services Net, Marshall Area Emergency Net, Redwood County, Wadena Area Ham Net, Northern Lakes Radio, NE MN Public Service, SE St. Louis Emergency Service, Dakota County ARES, Scott County ARES Total sessions: 41 NTS liaison is maintained with the MN Section, Tenth Region, and NTSD Traffic Nets by N0UC, W0LAW Number of drills, tests and training sessions this month: 16 Person hours: 149 Number of public service events this month: 6 Person hours: 70 Number of emergency operations this month: 4 Person hours: 94 Total number of ARES operations this month: 26 Total Person hours: 313 Comments: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Frank Karnauskas,WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO N1UW, MN SEC MN STM SUMMARY FOR APRIL 2007 NET FREQ TIME QNI/QTC/SESS MGR ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ MSPN/E 3860 5:30 P WO0A MSPN/N 3860 12 P WA0TFC MSSN 3710 6 P N/A VACANT MSN/1 3605 6:30 P K0WPK MSN/2 3605 9:50 P k0wpk PAW 3925 9A-5P KA0IZA/ wa0tfc MONTHLY STATION ACTIVITY REPORTS (SAR) STATION ORIG. REC'D. SENT DLVD. TOTAL BPL NO. OPS. ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ W0LAW 0 57 70 3 130 W3FAF 0 58 66 0 124 KA0RMP 0 43 53 0 96 N0YR 3 26 16 15 60 KB0AII 0 15 32 0 47 KA0IZA 0 37 3 0 40 W0HPD 3 10 20 4 37 KB0AIJ 0 15 15 0 30 WD0GUF 7 4 2 0 13 N0JP 0 0 4 0 4 PUBLIC SERVICE HONOR ROLL (PSHR) STATION 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL ~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ N0YR 40 40 10 240 330 W0LAW 40 40 20 20 120 WD0GUF 40 13 30 84 SECTION TRAFFIC MANAGER MONTLY REPORT NET ABBR. SESS. TFC. NMCALL NTS LIASON ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ MINNESOTA SECTION MSPN/E WO0A MSPN/E PHONE NET/EVENING 1,224 31 55 MINNESOTA SECTION MSPN/N WA0TFC PHONE NET/NOON 651 31 83 MINNESOTA SECTION MSN/1 k0wpk RN-10, C4 NET (CW) 6:30P 144 29 89 MINNESOTA SECTION MSN/2 k0wpk RN-10, , C4 NET (CW) 10:00P 98 26 31 PICONET ALLDAY PAW HRS KA0IZA ALL DAY WATCH 2,786 72 49 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Robert Meyer, W0LAW, MN STM

North Dakota

NORTH DAKOTA: SM, Kent Olson, KAØLDG - Field Day is closing fast, and hopefully a new tradition will be started. In an effort to spur some friendly competition, the Section is sponsoring a “Field Day Top Gun” award for the affiliated club that scores the highest during Field Day. A plaque will be awarded, and of course bragging rights for the year. The winning club will be announced when the results are available. Lynn, WØCQ, and I will be out visiting Field Day sites this year. Keep the bug spray handy, and we hope to see a lot of you. Some Fargo hams participated in the Boy Scout Ripley Rendezvous, held at Camp Ripley, MN. They helped provide communications for the event which hosted over 11,000 Boy Scouts. Please pass on your condolences to family and friends of Gary Blankenship, KB8CL, who recently passed away. He was a member of the Bismarck, Dickinson, and Minot clubs and an avid ARES member. John, WØOSP and Bonnie, KBØJGM are leaving the Grand Forks area. Please wish them well in their future endeavors and hope they return frequently to visit - Best wishes from all of us. Upcoming hamfests: Peace Gardens Hamfest July 13-15th (no Passports required). Grand Forks October 6th. Section's web site: ~qtipf16/. HF NM KØJIM net reports for May: Weather Net: 27/548/7. Data Net: 30/708/21. Goose River Net: 4/30/2.

South Dakota

Here is the section news for South Dakota, if there are any clubs that have material that they wish to have posted please email me the information no later than the 5th of the month so that I can get it posted to both the summary and the web site before the cut off date. Pierre Amateur Radio Club - meeting started 8:06 P. (6 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:06 PM] Section News for May 2007

M., after a debrief of the May 5 exercise by Rob Fines and Jim Z. Good job everyone. - Field Day is next month, it will be held at the same location as last year. - ARES report, Jim Z. is working on establishing a RACES group. We talked about the state MOU and PARC. - trustee report, AZDEN PX 2000 has been moved to Snake Butte. - new business, WB0RJH thanked the hams for their involvement in the May 5th drill. Eldon gave WB0RJH a copy of the drill report he gave to Rob Finds. KI4NEA Zeke Saukel Hot Springs ARC News: Our Field Day operation will be from the Mammoth Site here in Hot Springs. It offers great exposure to the public and always get a lot of hams that are on vacation. Set up will be Friday night at 6pm, with operation on Saturday and Sunday. Our potluck cookout is on Saturday at 5pm. Burgers and brats will be provided by the club. We hope to win back the Field Day trophy from the Chadron, Nebraska club. Anyone is welcome to join us or stop by. If the weather cooperates, we WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.ROwill try to install the hf yagi at the club on June 30. We are also planning a transmitter hunt on July 5. Get those direction finders ready. 73 Tim K0OR Northern Hills Amateur Radio Club Committee Reports: • Public Service Events: • The event list for 2007 has been distributed and is available on the NHARC web site ( ). ARES: • The Tri-State Emergency Net is going well. • The Turkey Ridge repeater is back on-line. • Volunteer needed for Pennington County Emergency Coordinator. Reports and Announcements: • W0MZI Frankie Kruse is a silent key. Old Business: • The NHARC UHF repeater has an audio problem. • Volunteers are needed for special presentations. • Doug Aldrich volunteered to do a special presentation if network addressing for the next two meetings. New Business: • Information on the Northern Hills Hamfest will be provided in the near future • Authorized the purchase of a UHF corner reflector for the rebuilt 76 repeater ($130).. Special Presentations: • Chris, W0ADZ gave a demonstration of his APRS suitcase. Doug Aldrich, W0WSP Secretary Crazy Horse Volksmarche -- sponsored by the Black Hills Volksmarche Association Two day total -- just over 9400 walkers Saturday -- 14 amateur radio operators N0DUX Butch, N0DUW Karen, and WS0V Lon at the Start line and Medical tent WA0FPR Bob at Checkpoint 1 K0NLEWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Bruce, KC0UXC Chuck, and KC0ZKD Sarah at Checkpoint 2 KC0YYL Don and N0XYF Norm at Checkpoint 3 N0UKO Chuck and N0UKP Frances at Checkpoint 4 N0GMP Dave and KB0WCE Joyce at the Top KB0GWU Cathy in Rover 1 Sunday -- 10 amateur radio operators N0DUX Butch at the Start line and Medical tent KB0JKO Jack and Mary at Checkpoint 1 N0DUW Karen at Checkpoint 2 KC0YYL Don at Checkpoint 3 N0UKO Chuck and N0UKP Frances at Checkpoint 4 W0HGZ Dwight and N0GMP Dave at the Top KB0GWU Cathy in Rover 1 KB0WCE Joyce in Rover 2 We had several people who needed rides down from various checkpoints; on Sunday, the ambulance responded to a possible cardiac problem on the top. Also handled various lost items and a couple of kids who separated from their parents / grandparents. Norm N0XYF had an interesting day. Some person threw a rock throught the back passenger window on his pickup -- totally shattering it. Someone who witnessed it, thought they knew who the thrower was, so hopefully, it will all be taken care of. Dave N0GMP and Joyce KB0WCE brought the Red Cross Emergency Response Vehicle and parked it at the top of the mountain, right behind the face. It's pretty nice having the ERV up there, because the Custer ambulance is parked down below by the medical tent and start line. 73's Karen NØDUW

Delta Division


ARKAN News Next Wednesday, June 20th, the Kansas City branch of the Civil Air Patrol will conduct a high altitude balloon launch. The balloon will carry a 2-meter repeater which is designed to test the feasibility of putting a repeater aloft in the event that a wide-area emergency called for broad range communications. Agencies such as FEMA, DHS, USAF, and others are interested in the effectiveness of such a means of communication. ARKAN will run special event station W5T on Memorial Day May 28th from 1200Z - 2200Z on a special Troop Train which will travel from Springdale to Winslow and back. We will operate on or around 14.240. QSL to Joe Dunn, 12358 W Ervan Beeks Rd, Farmington, AR 72730. See www.arkansasmissouri-rr. com/passenger.html for more information on the excursion train. Veterans will ride for free. Club station AA5AR will also be active at the Arkansas Air Museum. ARVARF News- Sonia read the minutes of the May meeting. Sergio made a motion to accept the minutes of the meeting. Seconded by Clarence, motion passed. Since Andy was missing, Sergio took over. Sergio talked about the Field Day. He gave us a list of parks that are in the area so that we could choose one. The options were Washburn Park, Nebo, the B.A.T. tower, the Hughes Center Park, and Caudle. The club voted and the Field Day site this year will be at the Washburn Park. We briefly discussed about whether we would like to be 3A or 4A. Mike said he’ll try and bring the generator. We talked about the software used to keep the logins. John Evans will be the computer Guru. Steve Felkner will be the Safety Guru. Steve, seconded by Clarence made a motion for funds available to someone who will get the food. Dennis talked about perhaps we could get the EOM maybe coming out to Washburn like last year. Dennis announced that the ARES/RACES meeting will be May 19th at 7:00pm at the 911 building. Wayne talked about the upcoming fall license class at Tech. Rich made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded (7 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:06 PM] Section News for May 2007 by Steve, the meeting was adjourned. The May Elmer session at Dennis and Melissa Schaefer’s house was successful. We built an antenna and tested it, worked some DX, and some made their first HF contact. The theme for the June session will be Field Day preparation. The 10-meter net has been meeting on Thursday evenings at 7 p.m. on 28.415 MHz with an average of three check-ins each session. We will continue to hold the net, even though the sunspot cycle is still descending. This is a real challenge to communicate on a band which has such poor propagation that it is difficult to communicate more than 10 miles. We need some innovative antennas. The best, so far, is the "Hentenna" that Michael, KE5EIY built. Of course, Dennis's, W5RZ, 3-element beam works well, also. Batesville ARC News-Field Day 2007 By Mark Turner PIO Field Day is always the fourth full weekend in June, beginning at 1800 UTC on Saturday and ending at 2100 UTC Sunday. Because we setupWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO before the contest begins, we may only operate the first 24 hours of the contest period. The joint BARC and area clubs operation will compete in the Class A category as a club operating without the use of commercial mains for power. We will run one HF station for phone and one HF station for CW. This makes us a 2A operation. We also get to run bonus stations for GOTA and UHF/VHF operation. The ARRL field day event offers many opportunities for participants. There are many things to do at field day and speaking into a microphone is only one of them. And don’t let your license class [or lack of a license] worry you. Thanks to the FCC rules on third party operators, you can experience the excitement of making contacts across the country and beyond! There are even activities away from the radio at field day. Food and fellowship are an important part of a successful field day event so come on out and help with both. Please remember that field day is in a field so wear your sunblock and bug repellant. Talk-in will be on the 147.270 + repeater for those needing assistance finding the field day site. BARC Events: July 4th- from your shack! Independence Day -Celebrate our great country’s independence by making a few contacts from Independence County! July 19 – Regular Meeting at the Citizens Bank Annex- We will discuss Amateur radio communicationsWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO for the BSA White River National Canoe Race July 25-28 Mountain Home to Batesville White River National Canoe Race We will provide communications support for this annual Scouting event. Benton County Radio Operators News- BCRO Hamfest was a tremendous success in Bentonville this year. The attendance was double that of last year. Jay and the crew deserve a round of applause. Next year the hamfest moves to Springdale and a larger venue as a NWA ham event! K5UZ had a great time so mark your calender for next year's event. Online Membership Roster - If you are interested in having your name and call on an online membership roster please send an email to [email protected] and I'll have you added. If you are interested in taking a class for your Technician or General Class operators license, we are gearing up for a eight hour training class soon. Please send an email with your name, call sign and phone number to [email protected] and we'll let you know more information as soon as possible. New Meeting Location (June 13, 2007) Starting August 14th we will move the BCRO meetings to the Roger's Public Library. Date and time schedule is the same, this is just a location change. This will make it easier to get into the meeting without having to pass through a county building. We will try this for a few months and if all works out we'll use it, if not we have the option of moving back to the Administration Building. July's meeting will still be at the Admin Bldg. A.R.R.L. ARKANSAS SECTION TRAFFIC MONTHLY REPORT FOR MAY 2007 by WB5HIL ARKANSAS PHONE NET ARKANSAS MOCKINGBIRD NET ARKANSAS RAZORBACK NET SESSIONS 27 SESSIONS 23 SESSIONS 31 QNI 591 QNI 633 QNI 2565 QTC 20 QTC 4 QTC 53 TIME 791 TIME 499 TIME 733 NET MGR. W5SXV NET MGR. K0ON NET MGR. K5BOC ARK OZK CW NET ARKANSAS SECTION NET STATION ACTIVITY SUMMARY SESSIONS 24 SESSIONS 1 K5WTH 65 QNI 49 QNI 31 AD5JA 38 QTC 2 QTC 0 K5BOC 32 TIME 136 TIME 34 NET MGR WA5JAN NET MGR K5UZ


LOUISIANA SECTION NEWS – MAY 2007 K5LND (LA Section Webmaster) has recently updated our section's website. Be sure to check out Ellen's great handiwork at You can also email Ellen at [email protected] for corrections or updates. Lots of hams attended the ARRL Forum at the 2007 Delta Division Convention/Rayne Hamfest on May 26. Henry WD4Q (Delta Division Director) and Karl WA5TMC (Delta Division Vice Director) brought us up to date on a variety of issues facing the Board of Directors, including the status of the League's recent bandwidth proposal. Henry also emailed a short survey to the Delta Division members in mid May concerning the League's bandwidth proposal and related issues. If you didn't receive the questionnaire from Henry, you can request a copy from him by sending an email to [email protected] I announced during the ARRL Forum in Rayne that I will not be a candidate for Section Manager in the upcoming election cycle this fall. Two years ago I announced at the Leesville Hamfest that it was time for new leadership, but a few weeks later Hurricane Katrina changed almost everything in our state, including my reluctant decision to serve one more term since no other nominating petitions were submitted to ARRL Headquarters. Regardless of what happens during the 2007 hurricane season, it is definitely time for our section to have a new SM. Overall, I have enjoyed my tenure as LA SM, but it's time for someone else to (8 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:06 PM] Section News for May 2007 have some fun! Twelve members of the Southeast LA ARC were active during the LA Special Olympic Games held in Hammond. Answering the call for radio volunteers from KB5BKF, the Communications Director for the LA Games, were the following SELARC members: K5NDT, AE5RN, KE5DOV, KE5LQH, KE5NG, KD5PCM, KD5PCK, WB5FBS, KD5LWJ, K5QNT, KE5GOC, and K5CAV. In addition to the 12 SELARC members, former LA hams NF5B and KC0HZU participated. The 15 hams provided a total of 214 manpower hours over the 3- day event. The LA Section welcomes the following new hams: David Rhymes KE5NVY, Jonathan McCullough KE5NVW, Johnny Bear KE5NVZ, Howard Rogers KE5NWU, Mark Brockmann KE5NTW, Steven Mudd KE5NRN, Bryan Haviland KE5NTY, Steven Garner KE5NRJ, Donnie Grider KE5NRM, Tysen Stein KE5OAI, Holly Domiano KE5ONZ, Billy Booth KE5OKU, Henry Jobin KE5ONX, James Fried KE5ONY, Charles Ives KE5OOA, Frederick Mayer KE5OFZ,WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Andrew Fontenot KE5OGA, Bryan Patterson KE5OKV, Dallas Arceneaux KE5OKX, Tina Taylor KE5OBE, Colette Daley KE5OBF, Elgin Austin KE5OBC, Jack Payne KE5OBG, Wiber Keene KE5OBD, Alan Braud KE5OLN, Cornelius Smith KE5OLM, and Joe McKeithen KE5OLO. Billy Gore KD5ETB is the new Emergency Coordinator for Caldwell Parish. I am very sorry to report that KB5EKC, N5GF, and KB5OR are now Silent Keys. Upcoming LA hamfests include the Ozone ARC Hamfest in Slidell on July 21, the WCLARC Hamfest in Leesville on August 11, Swampfest 2007 in Lake Charles on September 15, and the CLARC Hamfest in Pineville on October 13. K5GLS (LA SEC) notes that the number of ARES reports from our Emergency Coordinators is down quite a bit this month. ECs are reminded that they are expected to submit reports to the SEC every month! Traffic totals: WA5LQZ 84, N5KWB 56, K5MC 56, W5PY 51, AE5V 3. (April: WA4ERU 5.) Public Service Honor Roll: W5HUD 170, N5MEL 162, W5PY 151, N5KWB 135, K5MC 110, KD5ITA 101, AE5V 55, KB5SDU 50, N5HMH 47, KB5UHH 36. (April: WA4ERU 70.) Section net reports: sessions/check-ins/messages handled. Louisiana Traffic Net: 31/493/67. Louisiana CW Net: 60/272/49. Louisiana Slow Net: 8/40/7. Louisiana ARES Net: 4/86/0. Local/district net reports: sessions/check- ins. Allen Parish ARESWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Net: 5/3. Avoyelles Parish ARES Net: 1/2. Caddo/Bossier Parish ARES Net: 4/55. Calcasieu Parish ARES Net: 1/5. Ouachita Parish ARES Net: 4/86. Richland Parish ARES Net: 4/41. St. Charles Parish ARES Net: 1/11. St. Mary Parish ARES Net: 4/28. St. Tammany Parish ARES Net: 5/47. Terrebone Parish ARES Net: 5/35. Union Parish ARES Net: 4/35. Washington Parish ARES Net: 5/55. ARES reports: parish/EC. Allen/W5ELM, Avoyelles/KD5IGG, Beauregard/W5MVP, Caddo/Bossier/NZ5S, Calcasieu/ KC5FGO, Claiborne/KD5JJP, Concordia/N5AVN, Lafourche/N5PZJ, Ouachita/K5ER, Plaquemines/AI5B, Red River/KD5IUZ, Richland/N5MEL, St. Bernard/AI5B, St. Charles/K5CFJ, St. John/AI5B, St. Mary/KA5LMZ, St. Tammany/KC5EAK, Terrebonne/AD5XJ, Washington/AI5B. 73, Mickey Cox K5MC LA Section Manager Email: [email protected] LA Section Website:


SM: Malcolm Keown, W5XX. Section Web Site: Web Master: [email protected]. District Emergency Coordinators: KD5CKP, WB5CON, KD5FUO, KA5ICO, AB5WF, W4WLF, AG5Z, and N5ZNT. Emergency Coordinators: KB5AAB, KD5CKP, KD5CQT, WB5CON, WV5D, AD5DO, K5DSG, KC5EAK, KD5FUO, W5GEJ, WB5GUD, KD5GWM, W4HOZ, KA5ICO, KC5IJP, AD5IT, KB5JN, W5JVK, KD5KXJ, N5LJC, W5LMW, WX5N, K5NRK, KD5NMB, KD5NSP, N5TBB, KC5TYL, N5UDK, W4WLF, K5WLP, K5WSY, KM5WX, KD5XG, N5XXX, KB5ZEA, N5ZNT, and KB0ZTX. Clear your calendar for a number of upcoming events. Field Day is June 23-24 when Mississippi Hams charge off into the boonies to make QSOs, fight the heat and humidity, and swat the mosquitoes. Don’t miss the fun, food, and fellowship! Following FD is the ARRL National Convention at the Von Braun Center in Huntsville August 18-19. The Convention will be preceded by the Global Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Conference August 16-17 in the Embassy Suites adjacent to the Van Braun Center. See for more details. And on September 7-8 MFJ will host the 2007 ARRL Day in the Park in conjunction with MFJ’s 35th Anniversary. See for more details. Forest County EC KD5XG reports a number of major initiatives to improve area emergency response capabilities. Operational procedure packages were prepared for the newly established stations at Forest General Hospital and Wesley Medical Center. In addition, the antennas at the Forrest County EOC were repaired. In preparation for the MEMA Hurricane Zora Exercise, Lex indicates that coordination was effected with the EOC and security personnel at the hospitals. In addition K5GVR worked through the night before Zora at the McHenry Repeater Site to ensure communications with the Coast. As the Zora Exercise unfolded Lex reports that communications were established with EOCs in the Southern Counties including Harrison, Jackson, Stone, George, Pearl River, Green, Lamar, Marion, and Simpson. Only Perry and Jones were not contacted. The Forrest County EOC Station also helped relay messages to MEMA. Lex says he is particularly proud of the operation at Forest General Hospital. Thirteen of the fourteen recently licensed operators participated in Zora. Lex notes that the following hams made a major contribution to the preparation and execution of the Zora Exercise: N5LRQ, AC5E, N4FF, K5JXL, KE5IHP, W5TMM, N1AFG, KE5IUJ, AG5Z, K5GVR, and KE5AJI. Local Hams from the Golden Triangle area supported the "Rockcrusher Classic" Mountain Bike Race on Sunday, May 20th, 2007. The race was held in the Tombigbee National Forest between Ackerman (9 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:06 PM] Section News for May 2007

& Louisville. This race was the 2007 South Central Regional Championship Series 3rd Race. Local Ham's providing support and emergency communications were AC5MR, NCS, KC5AKX, AD5HM, N5VSB, and KD5YTC. There were several crashes putting a few riders out of the race, but no serious injuries occurred. Lafayette County EC K5DSG reports that ARES responded to a HAZ-Mat Exercise on the Ole Miss Campus by manning the Mobile Communications Center. A number of equipment and operational problem areas were identified that will be rectified as well as administrative understandings that need to be clarified. The Weather Man treated the Dayton Hamvention well this year. No rain in the flea market except for a few sprinkles on Sunday Morning. The commercial vendors featured a lot of new European equipment giving the JA’s some competition. Those Mississippi Hams enjoying the festivities were KE5BMO, WB8BZH, KF5C, K5FLU, KB5JNZ, AA5MT, KC5NIS,WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO KB5OXI, KC5RC, WB5TTE, W4WLF, W5XX, KB5YBH, WB4YBY, and KB5YJF. Event Coordinator AB5BL (formerly KD5WEA) reports that the Jackson ARC provided communications for the annual Heatwave Triathlon. This event consisted of a swim in the reservoir, a run through the woods, and finally a bike ride on the Trace. Those providing assistance included K5BLL, K5RWB, K5CPO, KE5JKD, KE5IMJ, and KD5SBP. Due to their communications support responsibilities, none of the hams had time to participate in the Triathlon (or so they said). ARRL Headquarters has announced the 2007 Scholarship recipients. There was not a single applicant from Mississippi! We are letting scholarship money slip through our fingers. We need to do better next year. Welcome to new Mississippi Hams: KE5OBP, Matt – Madison; KE5OBR, Ken – Guntown; KE5OFR, Gary – Gulfport; KE5OFS, Melvin – Gulfport; KE5OFT, Teri – Gulfport; KE5OFU, James – Gulfport; KE5OFV, Kenneth – Gulfport; KE5OFW, Gary – Gulfport; KE5OGB, Cecil – Gulfport; KE5OGC, Jean – Gulfport; KE5OGD, Branden – Hattiesburg; KE5OKH, Roy – Moss Point; KE5OFI, James – Ocean Springs; KE5OFX, Bradley – Saucier; KE5OFY, Carol – Saucier; KE5OKR, Donal – Biloxi; KE5OKS, James – Gulfport; KE5OKW, Don – Gulfport; KE5OOB, Paul – Olive Branch; KE5OPJ, James – Hernando; KE5OPM, Denise – Southaven.WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Congratulations to the following on their upgrades: KD5BXX – Wiggins; KC5CHP – Gautier; KE5DHC – Florence; KE5FHV – Meridian; KD5GHV – Magee; KE5IMJ – Crystal Springs (way to go, David!); KE5MVZ – Gulfport; KE5NSP – Monticello; KE5OBQ – West Point; KI4OGY – Southaven; N5UCF – Gulfport; KA5VFU – Gulfport. Also congratulations are in order to the Central Mississippi ARA which was approved for ARRL Club Affiliation, and further to WJ5C and Prentiss County EC WX5N, who both completed ECC-001. Welcome to new ARRL members: KE5AIJ – Maben; KE5AJF – Maben; KE5AJI – Petal; KD4EGP – Oxford; WA4EWG – Walls; K5LMB – Oxford; KI5MW – McComb; KE5NQO – Oxford; KE5NSG – Perkinston; KE5OGB – Gulfport; KE5OGC – Gulfport; KE5OKI – Ocean Springs; KD5YCP – Houston; KB5YEE – Vicksburg; N5ZNN – Vicksburg. Regret to report the passing of W5NTV of Vicksburg; PIC Report: N5TBB. Club Newsletters/Reports: Hattiesburg ARC (AC5E), Meridian ARC (W5MAV), and Vicksburg ARC (W5WAF). DEC/ EC Report: WB5CON (NE MS/Alcorn), KC5EAK (Pearl River), K5DSG (Lafayette), WB5GUD (Newton), KD5GWM (Lauderdale/Clarke), KD5KXJ (Leake), WX5N (Prentiss), K5NRK (Warren), N5TBB (Tippah/ Benton), W4WLF (Gulf Coast/Harrison), and KD5XG (Forrest). RACES Report: KD5VMV (DeSoto). Net reports: sessions/QNI/QTC (Net Manager); DRN5 62/Miss 100% Rep by W5MLO, WB5ZED, WF5F, KG5EJG, WA5FB, W5XX (WB5ZED); MS Section Phone Net 31/2905/17 (K5NRK); Magnolia Section Net 31/891/5 (AD5J); MS Section Traffic Net 30/110/5 (KB5W); MS Section Slow Net 23/34/0 (W3TWD); Hattiesburg AEN 5/126/0 (N5MZ); Newton County ARES 5/40/0 (WB5GUD); Meridian Area EN 5/56/0 (KD5GWM); Lowndes Co ARC Net 5/60/0 (AD5DO); Pearl River ARES 5/47/2 (KC5EAK); Stone Co ARES Net 5/123/1 (N5UDK); MDXA 5/104/0 (N5FG); MCARA CARES 4/52/0 (KA2KMU); NE MS ARES 4/51/0 (W5LMW); MS-LA EN 4/44/0 (K5NRK); Itawamba Co, ARES 4/31/0 (KB5NMB); Monroe ARC 4/36/0 (AD5DO); MS Baptist Hams Net 3/24/0 (WF5F); PSHR: WB5ZED 150, W5XX 124. Traffic: WB5ZED 3707 (BPL) (Wow!) Compilation of Net and Traffic Statistics provided by KB5RCJ.

Great Lakes Division


Greetings fellow Michigan Hams, My thanks go to everyone who assisted in the outstanding effort for last October’s Simulated Emergency Test (SET). Our plan called for some interesting repeater outages and a demonstration of our skills in circumventing these problems. The results of the SET (July QST) include tallies of communities where contacts were made and agencies for which communications were handled. These community and agency contacts weighed heavily on the outcome. Net activity was high, both in our local and regional nets. Again, Michigan ranked first in the nation for ARES/RACES, and third for NTS net reporting. Congratulations to each and every participant for making this happen. Newly elected to the Hazel Park ARC Board for 2007-2008 are President Jeff N8WR, 1st Vice President Jim K8ABZ, 2nd Vice President Murray KE8UM, Treasurer John K8UP, Secretary Sean K8KHZ and Director Rich KC8WPW. Just recently organized is the Montcalm Area Amateur Radio Club. Membership is open and one does not have to live in Montcalm (10 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:06 PM] Section News for May 2007

County to belong. They have a constitution and by-laws and have elected these officers: President Larry W8WR, Vice President KC8ILM, Secretary Junior Searles KC8ZPF, and Treasurer Patricia Searles KD8AFJ. In other club news, The Motor City Radio club will be running a Special Events Station again this year from the Trenton Mid Summer Festival in Trenton Michigan. They will be operating these dates and times: Following set-up up the evening of July 13th they may be on after 17:00 for about 1 hour. July 14,15 2007 From about 10:00 to 18:00, the club Will be operating as W8MRM on one of the following Frequencies 7044, 14044 CW, 7244, 14244 Phone. They will be running a single HF CW/Phone station and will be operating a 2 meter station on the Wyandotte Repeater 147.24/84. There will be a certificate available for a contact with the station. Please send an SASE for your certificate. Send your QSL & SASE to: Motor City Radio Club, P. O. Box 337, Wyandotte, MI 48192-0337WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Make your calendar for the celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Big Mac Bridge. This very exciting special event will be on the air from 2:00 to 9:00 on Friday July 27 and 10:00 am to 9:00 pm on Saturday July 28. Stay up to date with the schedule at Michigan’s annual Family Outing (AKA Campout) is planned for Woodlands Campground near Hale, MI July 12, 13, 14 and 15, 2007 at the Woodlands Conference Center and Campgrounds, 318 S. Sage Lake Road, Hale, MI 48739. Contact Debbie [email protected] for registration information. Full detains and the planned schedule are listed on the website, but we want to remind everyone that all are welcome and it is a time to visit and have family fun - plus we include a few informational forums as well. I thought I would take this opportunity to update everyone on the Section’s Field Organization groups. The Field Organization of the ARRL includes a number of very active teams that operate very viable and specific functions. These include the Amateur Radio Emergency Service, ARES; National Traffic System, NTS; Official Observer Corps, OO; Public Information Officers, PIO; Affiliated Club Program, ACC; Local Government Liaison, LGL; and Technical Specialist, TS Program. We are fortunate to have an outstanding cadre of volunteers who fill positions serving in these groups. ShouldWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO you have an interest in contributing your skills to the benefit of your fellow amateurs in Michigan, please let me know. We can discuss where you feel you can best contribute. Station Activity Reports (SAR) for May, 2007: WB9JSR 622, KC8WSE 528, AB8SY 188, K8AE 160, K8KV 108, K8LJG 107, KD8AAD 100, K8AMR 79, K8RDN 56, W8RNQ 54, WB8RCR 26, KC8MLD 25, KD8BGQ 24, AB8WF 15, WD8USA 15, KB8UZP 14, K8ZJU 14, KC8ZGB 8, WA8OOH 2, KC8BMV 0, AB8CB 0. (Missing from last month’s totals: K8LJG 145) Public Service Honor Roll Reports (PSHRs) for May, 2007: : KD8BGQ 249, AB8SY 185, K8MFK 185, WB9JSR 180, WB8RCR 120, K8AE 110, KC8WSE 100, K8AMR 93, K8ZJU 85, K8RDN 85, K8KV 80, K8VFZ 64, WU8Y 53, KB8UZP 27. SARs are reports of all the radiogram traffic you have handled in the past month. PSHRs include your net and public service activities for the month. PSHRs and SARs should be filed monthly with WB8RCR. You can access a simple reporting form at: to provide your reports to WB8RCR. May Official Emergency Station reports came in from KC8ULE, W8UY and W8WRB. Your OES reports should be filed with WA8EFK. In all cases, reporting by radiograms encouraged. Packet messages can be routed to [email protected] and [email protected] 73, Dale WA8EFK

Hudson Division

Northern New Jersey

SM Bill Hudzik-W2UDT, ASM-N2WZB, STM-WB2FTX, ACC-N3RB, SEC-K2SO, OOC-K2ZD, PIC-WO2U, TC-NR2H NNJ Webpage: MONTHLY ARES NET: Second Monday of each month (8PM) on the Morris County OEM Repeater: WS2Q 146.895 MHz (PL 151.4) minus 600Hz. Field Day is coming up this weekend and I know many clubs and groups are finalizing their plans. Don’t forget to invite your local elected representatives not only for the bonus points but to let them know what we can do. On that note, for the 46th consecutive year, the various mayors of Englewood have issued Amateur Radio Proclamations to the Englewood ARA. I wonder if this is a record of some sorts. By keeping amateur radio’s emergency capabilities in the public eye we will continue to gain support from our elected officials. In that regard, the recent letter writing campaign from NNJ hams concerning A4146, the Text Messaging Bill, has hopefully brought some changes in the wording. The Bill’s sponsor, Paul Moriarty, from Camden County acknowledged that amateur radio is an emergency volunteer service and stated that he would change the wording of the Bill. Assemblyman Moriarty was personally contacted by SNJ SEC K2GW who provided suggested rewording of the Bill. The letter writing campaign was helped on by NNJ PIC Walter O-Brien-WO2U who sent a suggested letter format to all NNJ and SNJ clubs. This is grassroots campaigning at its best. But, let’s see if Assemblyman Moriarty makes the changes he promised. This Bill, along with the Distracted Driving Bill, is being rapidly pushed through both Houses so we may just see a final vote before the end of the month. Earlier this month I was happy to present Certificates of Merits to 14 members of the Bergen ARA who assisted the Red Cross during the severe flooding this past April. Our Hudson Division Vice Director, Joyce Birmingham- (11 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:06 PM] Section News for May 2007

KA2ANF, was there, as well, to help with presentations and thank everyone for their efforts. As the motto says “When All Else Fails… Amateur Radio Is There” and this was certainly the case. SEC Steve Ostrove-K2SO, and I will be presenting similar certificates to our Monmouth County ARES group who had several operators on stand-by at the request of the Red Cross. Amateur Radio was also recognized for its volunteer work in the Citizen Corps (CERT) June Newsletter. This short article talked about amateur radio’s long history of providing a resource for technical skills and volunteerism as well as providing a link to the ARRL web site. At last month’s Liberty State Park Scout show the Roseland ARC and BARA combined their member’s time to put on an amateur radio display for the scouts. WA2LXE coordinated the BARA team and Paul Kelm- KC2QEP from the Roseland ARC used the WA2JSB repeater to give a demonstration of IRLP to the interested scouts. Between events like this andWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO the ARRL sponsored Kid’s Day I really think we are building the next generation of hams. Thanks to all! As many of you may know I will not be seeking a 4th term as SM for Northern New Jersey. The past 6 years have certainly been a learning experience as well as rewarding. To me, one of the better aspects of the position was visiting clubs to talk about the ARRL and how the section works within its framework. The other was traveling to hamfests throughout the section and just being able to talk to people about amateur radio. With the help of the section-level appointees listed above we were able to meet a few goals but not all the ones we had wished for (such as a PRB-1 Bill). Thanks to our OOC, Mario Karcich- K2ZD, we now have a viable OO program. As well, SEC Steve Ostrove-K2SO, reached his goal of having a DEC in each county and managed to build the ARES program. Steve came onboard right after September 11th and learned the ropes very quickly! Between K2SO and N3DV we had the first rewrite of the NNJ ARES Manual since Mike Hoffert-K2MPH put the original one together several years ago. Rich Bilon-N3RB our ACC has continued to help with the Affiliated Club program and has mentored several through the initial process. Dave Strubel-WB2FTX our STM has been handling traffic for so long I couldn’t even guess and has been instrumentalWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO in the recent move to digital paths. And, NNJ PIC Walter O’Brien-WO2U, (I still can’t get used to the new call!) has given that position a real boost with a section-level PIO web group and placing ham radio news items with NNJ papers. Both our webmaster, Mark Ellis-N2WZB and our TC Don Mazak-NR2H have managed to keep their areas running in spite of various work and travel demands. My thanks to all these fine gentlemen; without their expertise my job would have been more difficult. Congratulations to long time friend and fellow NJDXA member Doug Rue-W2EN for his 40 years as a volunteer fire fighter! On a sad note another friend and fellow NJDXA member, Hans Meurer-W2TO, became a Silent Key. Hans was a fine gentleman and devoted DXer who will be missed by his many friends around the world. 73, Bill Hudzik – W2UDT SECTION TRAFFIC May-07 NORTHERN NJ PUBLIC SERVICE HONOR ROLL ORG RCVD SENT DLVD TOTAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL N1JX 0 224 263 3 490 40 40 10 90 N2GJ 2 17 16 6 41 40 40 30 5 10 125 WB2KNS 0 16 15 8 39 40 39 20 65 164 N3RB 1 3 12 12 28 40 25 20 15 100 W2CC 0 23 0 0 23 38 23 30 91 WB2VUF 0 3 7 2 12 37 12 10 59 TOTAL 633 NET MGR. SESS. QNI QTC QSP QTR STNS LIAISONS NJMORNINGNJM) N2GJ 12 77 17 16 131 15 2RN NJPHONE(NJPN) W2CC 35 184 65 59 250 21 2RN NJSLOW(NJSN) K2PB 31 154 13 13 420 14 2RN NJNETNJN/E) AG2R 31 230 25 17 374 16 2RN NJNET(NJN/L) AG2R 31 194 39 38 328 16 2RN CENJER(CJTN)KB2VRO 31 240 63 49 226 36 NJSN,2RN,PACKET NJVHF(NJVN/E)N2RPI 31 426 116 112 488 48 NJN,NJPN NJVHF(NJVN/L)N2OPJ 31 297 40 38 217 35 NJN,NJPN UCTN KY2YMM 31 264 19 19 366 NJVN,CJTN,NJP

Midwest Division


Kansas Section News Summary- May 2007 SM, Ron Cowan, KB0DTI-- SEC/OOC: Robert Summers,K0BXF ASM: Orlan Cook,W0OYH ASM-Youth: Emily Stewart, KC0PTL SGL: Steve Hamilton, KB0JYL PIC: Larry Staples, W0AIB ______Silent Keys WØZL - Bill Cramer, Overland Park KAØWTJ - Larry Fager, Topeka WØWWR - Preston Barrett, Wichita ______May was quite a month for us. It began with the huge tornado that destroyed Greensburg. Photos give you some idea of the total devastation- the town was leveled. Using numbers from KBØWEQ’s SATERN report, The Salvation Army used 42 hams during the 19 days that there was no reliable cell phone coverage. These hams, maybe some from your club, provided coordination communications for The Salvation Army’s canteen trucks that served meals for the volunteers and government responders at Greensburg as well as the staging area at Haviland. As with any disaster of this magnitude there was some confusion with all parties involved. We will talk about these communication difficulties. I thank all those operators that took their time from family and work to help those volunteers as well as the employees that were in the Greensburg area. Don’t forget about Field Day this weekend. If you don’t know where your spending FD this year take a look at the list on the KSN page. ______Local Scholarship Recipients: KCØIVR- Robert Anderson, Great Bend, has received the WAØCGS- Irving Cook Scholarship and KCØVNH - (12 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:06 PM] Section News for May 2007

Kerry Manderbach, St Louis, received the Paul and Helen Grauer Scholarship award. Collegiate Bike Race benefits from Ham Radio. In mid May 200 participants competed in the National Collegiate Bicycle Finals at Perry Lake. Operators from Pilot knob, Douglas Co. and Johnson in Kansas as well as Platte Co in Missouri provided safety communications for the event. The sponsor found out that cell phones used in the past didn't have good coverage and the hams did. QKS-SS the Slow Speed Net will break for the summer after June 25th session. ______From our Youth Activity Manager: Dayton. The name says it all. Last month was a step out of the ordinary with my first trip to the 2007 Hamvention! Emily Bishop, W6EMB; Rebekah Dorff, WG4Y; Ben Mills, N4CV; Simon Rosen, VE2RSE; and myself staffed the ARRL Youth Lounge under the leadership of Andrea Hartlage, KG4IUM. Many kids interested in ham radio stopped by the booth for a scavengerWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO hunt, fox hunt, and food. I explained many fun parts of ham radio to youth and met representatives of the Kuwait Amateur Radio Society! Bill McArthur, ISS astronaut, spent quite a bit of time with us, too. A group of Venezuelan and Colombian visitors challenged me with a conversation in español! I had tons of fun working with everyone over the weekend and getting to experience THE Dayton Hamvention, and I can't wait until next year! As you probably know, Field Day is 23-24 June. The ARRL added an incentive for getting youthful operators on the air. You can claim bonus points for any operators under age 18--licensed or not--who make a single contact. This is a separate bonus category from the GOTA station. Each participant age 18 or younger at your Field Day operation that completes at least one QSO gives you one bonus point, in addition to the regular credit your station gets for the completed QSO itself. See the Field Day rules at for additional information. I would like to compile a list of school amateur radio clubs in Kansas. The club can be from elementary, middle school, high school, or college. Please send me the name of the club, location, and contact person. I'll publish the list at the August state convention. As always, if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, you can e- mail me at [email protected] 73, Emily ______Newsletters received: Feed Back, Newton ARC, Trojan ARC Harmonic, QRZ, QNU H.A.R.C. , DCARC, SMMC ARC, Grain of Wheat ______April Sessions/QNI/QTC/Mgr: KSBN/30/1041/52 N0KFS KPN/22/283/9/ N0KFS KMWN/30/690/579/WB0YWZ KWN/30/880/644/ WB0YWZ QKS/ 30/107/20/ NB0Z QKS SS 5/13/0 KB0DTI Traffic: KI0BK 284 NB0Z 59 KC0MRJ 54 KB0DTI 20 W0OYH 16 K0BXF 22 N0ZIZ 6


JUNE 2007 MISSOURI SECTION NEWS Dale Bagley, KØKY MO SM This issue of the MO Section News is a little different because my trusty Computer decided to take June off and therefore I’m on one that has no access to any of my records. I know that some times things do come back to life so I’m hoping. (did I hear someone say back-up your archives and records?) I want to welcome Rod Kittleman, KØADI as the Public Information Officer for Southwest MO ARC and that area. Rod is a great appointment to the ARRL MO Section and I know he’ll do a wonderful job. Sam Cook of Milan, MO has been appointed to the position of Official Relay Station. Gary Jones of Forsyth, MO has also been appointed as an Official Relay Station. I appreciate the great volunteer spirit that all these and other ARRL appointees exhibit. Field Day will be June 23rd and 24th and there will be a very large number of MO Section Amateurs operating. Those Field Day sites that want to send a Field Day message to the Section Manager can go to the MO Traffic net on 3.963 MHz at 5:45 or the MO Net CW on 3.585 MHz at 7:00 p.m. I speak CW badly as a second language, so please be patient. I would like to thank Paul Minor, AAØSB, Dwight Sorensen, WAØITU, Jason Tuggle, K2ENG, and Gerald Johnson, KEØKI for all their service to the ARRL, the Missouri Section, and Amateur Radio in general. These individuals have served in the Official Observer and have for a variety of reasons elected to step down from that position. I know that they will continue to serve amateur radio and their communities in the future. HAMFEST 2007 Summer is almost here and we will be having a bunch of Hamfest to enjoy shortly. On July 15, 2007 Zero Beaters ARC will host their 45th Annual Zero Beaters Hamfest in Hillerman Park in Washington, MO. Talk-in is 147.240 and for more information check out the or contact Jim Glasscock, WØFF at [email protected] or by phone at 636-584-8888. You can mail Jim at 8300 Whiskey Creek Road Union, MO 63084 On July 21, 2007 the Warrensburg Area Amateur Radio Club will host the WAARC Hamfest at the Johnson County Fairgrounds on Highway 50 west of Warrensburg. Talk-in for the Hamfest is 146.880 (PL 107.2). For more information contact Keith Raihala, NØVJ c/o WAARC Inc. P.O. Box 1364, Warrensburg, MO 64093 or by phone at 660-422-7273 or E-mail to [email protected] To check out the latest updates on MO Sections click on the following hyperlink.2007 Hamfest Calendar . AFFILIATED CLUB NEWS KEITH HAYE, WEØG, ACC The Callaway Amateur Radio League will be setting up their tent for Field Day next to their repeater site in Calwood, MO. They are encouraging a good turn-out of members so they can keep the radio transmitters humming all 24 hours of the FD test. The Macon AREA Repeater Council will be installing new antenna at their Repeater site at the Troop B Highway Patrol Tower in Macon, MO. They plan to replace their coax with hardline. The group has already put in place new antenna on their digipeater tower. One is a DB24 type that will be for the two meter system and a 6 meter yagi for the six meter part of the MO Emergency (13 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:06 PM] Section News for May 2007

Packet Network. The Southwest MO ARC has been approved for an ARRL Sanctioned Hamfest in Springfield, MO on October 12th and 13th of 2007. Lee Brown, NAØLB, and the gang are combining the Hamfest with a Homeland Security Expo. That should be an interesting event to attend. The Northeast MO ARC Special event and get together at the Milan Old Timers Days May 26th was a great success. Hams from all over the area attended and Sam Cook, ACØOK dressed up as a Railroad Train Engineer and gave tours of the Depot Museum. The station consisted of a Tempo-one, a triband beam on a crank-up tower and several dipoles. The St. Charles ARC is looking for volunteers to assist with the Race for the Rivers which will take place Aug. 25th and 26th 2007. The “Race” starts at Washington, MO and goes 60 beautiful miles of the Missouri River with a break in the event at the Race for the Rivers Festival in Frontier Park. The second day is a sprint to the Columbia BottomsWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO at the Confluence of the Missouri River and the Mississippi River. More that 20 Amateurs are needed at intervals along the race route. For more information, contact Mike McCrann, WDØGSY at [email protected] . SECTION ARES REPORT FOR MAY 2007 DON MOORE, KMØR SEC Total # of ARES members: 577 Number of drills, tests and training sessions this month: 81 Man hours: 715 Number of public service events this month: 1 Man hours: 50 Number of emergency operations this month: 5 Man hours: 95 Total number of ARES operations this month: 87 Total Man hours: 860 Comments: 4 of 9 districts To view this and other Monthly Section ARES reports go to SECTION TRAFFIC REPORTS FOR MAY 2007 DALE HUFFINGTON, AEØS, MON - CW Sessions 48 QNI 84 QTC 51 NM K9ZTV MO Phone Sessions 31 QNI 746 QTC 112 NM KØRWL MESN Sessions 4 QNI 201 QTC 2 NM AEØS Audrain AARC Sessions 5 QNI 78 QTC 1 NM KBØKWC Boone Co Sessions 54 QNI 84 QTC 1 NM WMØH Howell Co Sessions 9 QNI 93 QTC 0 NM KØRWL Jackson Co ARESR Sessions 4 QNI 69 QTC 0 NM KØUAA Macon Co Sessions 4 QNI 30 QTC 0 NM KØKY CSRS Wellsville Sessions 3 QNI 7 QTC 0 NM KCØVMW Rolla RRARS Sessions 30 QNI 408 QTC 11 NM KB9ZBO Sullivan ARC Sessions 18 QNI 205 QTC 15 NM KBØROX St. Louis Co Sessions 9 QNIWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO 124 QTC 36 NM KBØH Taney Co TLARC Sessions 1 QNI 5 QTC 41 NM KCØOFD 10th Reg Sessions 62 QTC 156 MO 66% with K9ZTV, WØSJS, NDØN NM WØSS

New England Division


Section Leadership: ASMs: N1FNE, K1STM, NK1J, W1FXQ, KD1YV, N1TAI; OOC W1GC; PIC KA1TCH; SEC K1BRF; SGL K1MK; STM K1HEJ; TC N1KHB. Don’t forget the 16th annual Southern Berkshire ARC Hamfest this Saturday, 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. June 16 at the Goshen Fair Grounds. Admission $3; children free with adult. Plenty of tailgating room and I think the weather will be just fine this weekend; guest we’d best ask the Sky Warn ops! For vendor information, contact Henrietta KA1JVN at (860) 491-3129 or [email protected] . I am pleased to announce the appointment of PIC Albert Petrunti, KA1TCH who will be joining the Section cabinet immediately. Albert is filling the position previously held by Khrystyne, K1SFA who is now very busy as news editor at Hq as N1RL retires. Congrats to Khrystyne! Al has spent his career primarily in media and information technology. Growing up in family business, he spent several years getting his start working for his father, Nick, and then started a production and communications company which HE ran for a number of years before expanding into technology. While in technology, HE had the opportunity to work in Retail, Banking and Insurance where HE had a variety of experiences, both hands on and management, primarily building new departments and processes while also keeping his hands in media and Internet broadcasting. Most recently HE was a Director of Information Technology for a fortune 500 company prior to moving back to “private life” and concentrating on smaller ventures in media, technology and Internet broadcasting. HE has had the great fortune to do many things from television commercials, theatre, and audio/visual forensics to computer security, systems design and management, QA and engineering. HE currently owns and runs a company that specializes in Video, Audio, Photo and Technology. His interest in all of this began early when HE was around 11 or 12. His late grandfather, Albert Dorman N1TCS, and Al were active members of the NRI (National Radio Institute). HE has been very involved with electronics (tubes and all) for many years and initially went to computer school when HE was 12. HE currently resides in Litchfield County with his beautiful wife Michele, a graphic artist, teacher and jewelry maker, along with their wonderful daughter, Savannah. They are very excited to mention that they are expecting a baby boy to arrive on July 5th. Albert currently serves as the president of the CQ Radio Club of Torrington as well as the SKYWARN EC for Litchfield County. Albert can be reached at [email protected] 24/7 or by phone at 860.626.8572. Ray N1TAI is joining the cabinet as ASM and will be hosting our CT Section Web Page which, ladies and gentlemen, I'm finally getting around to coordinating! The Section has been involved in lots of larger projects and your SM just has not made this a priority. It will be nice to have our own web site. Ray has been in Connecticut for 15 years and moved to Florida 4 years ago but returned after experiencing Hurricane Season 2004. He was involved in the disaster events of Charlie, Francis, and Jeanne. These hurricanes hit Florida where he was living. Charlie (14 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:06 PM] Section News for May 2007 was the most significant for him, as it affected his home. Ray received a handsome certificate of appreciation from the American Red Cross for his ecom work in those hurricanes. Ray has been a ham for many years; continuously since 1985. He is currently the assistant DEC in Region 3 assisting Jonathan, KB1KIX. He owns his own hosting company and has done Web hosting for many years. He hosts the TIPS Net Web Site and, along with Dana, KB1AEV, helps with the technical end of running that net each Tuesday. You may visit his website at . I am hoping to form a small committee to give input to the creation of our Section site. Jim, KD1YV will assist with the site. We'll keep it simple but informative. Many thanks to Ray for joining the cabinet and thanks to Jim for agreeing to help with both the ARRL Page and the new Section Page. Since official bulletin stations are no longer appointed, Jim will move from Bulletin Manager to Assistant Section Manager. ARESWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO members should look for the link to the next newsletter end of June. Talking about newsletters, did you know that Media and Public Information Manager Allen Pitts, W1AGP puts out a monthly newsletter for public information officers? It’s called Contact; the June issue resides at http://www. . This issue is full of good ideas for Field Day and kids day which, this year is on June 16. In club news, everyone is getting ready for Field Day June 23 and 24. It is imperative that all groups get their FD info to TC Joe, N1KHB ASAP because I want to post this info on one of the Section Web sites. In my Section-wide publicity to TV and other news media, I will be pointing to one of those Web sites to assist those who wish to find your FD location so please get it to Joe no later than this Friday. Thanks all. The BEARS of Manchester participated in a 36-hour shelter drill with the town of West Hartford using Airmail point-to- point. The technology worked very well to Manchester EOC and Region 3 DEMHS. They had some unique experiences and found the drill to be very successful and worthwhile. Great work! Eastern MassachusettsWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Hello Everyone, I hope your summer is starting off as well as mine is. Just a few things for all of you, plus a reminder of CAARA Field Day in June. Don't pass up a good time for all! Now down to business; Those trying to reach Rob Macedo (KD1CY) has had connection problems with his carrier. If you need to reach him here is another email address: [email protected]. Just a little health article about heart attacks; "HEART ATTACKS". The Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals, not cold water, maybe it is time we adopt their drinking habit while eating. For those who like cold water, this note is applicable to you. Cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just comsumed. It will slow down the digestion. Causing a "sludge" reaction with acid. Drinking a warm drink helps to break this down. A serious note about heart attack - you should know that not every heart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting. Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line. This pain can wake you during the night! Let's be careful and be aware. "CONGRATULATIONS' For the follow people; Sue Downey winning with the 1st successful 2 meter Yagi beam completed from CAARA in Glouster,MA.,"MAKE YOUR OWN YAGI"! Sue won 1st out of 12 contestants!! Also I am pleased to pass along the congratulatory messages from ARRL Chief Operinting Officer Harold Kramer, WJ1B, that recognize ARRL Headquarters staff member Ed Hare, W1RFI, was the recipient of the Hamvention 2007 Special Achievement Award at Dayton, Ohio, for his extensive work in addressing the BPL hazards to radio communications! Also, I just wanted everyone to know that Rick Lindquist,N1RL, our ARRL Sr. News Editor, has been named to THE CQ AMATEUR RADIO HALL OF FAME. I would like to thank Skip Denault, KB1CNB of Norton, MA, for his offer in assisting me with the future NATIONAL YOUTH TEAM project. At this moment we are moving forward but in the future we may call upon you Skip! Thank you. For the clubs in the Eastern MA area who are on break for the summer or are not, here is a list of available staff who can help you. You might want to include: Below is a wealth of info and expertise. Call them, maybe the will assist you in your quest or if you ask up for the meeting as speakers. TERRY STRADER, KA8SCP, [email protected], Tel:(W) 781-257-3585 (H)978-692-2069. MEMA Area One R.O. A great resource, and well versed on emergency communications. ROB MACEDO, KD1CY, EMA ASM (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM) [email protected] (Rob is the SKYWARN Facilitator. Yes, he does have experience in Emergency Communications.) ART GREENBERG,K1GBX (EMA SM) 978-352-2095 [email protected] I am available by phone or for your meetings. Please allow me some time to schedule. Thanks. PHIL TEMPLES, K9HI, (D)617- 331-0183 (N)617-3331-0183, [email protected] Phil Temples has served in the capacity and worn many hats in the Eastern Mass Section. Believe he is now doing CMARC activities now!. 73 Art Greenberg, EMA SM Good air waves all

Rhode Island

Greetings fellow Rhode Islanders: I surely hope you are planning to participate in Field Day with one of our affiliated clubs? Every one of them is participating this year. Last month, I listed their sites but if you missed it and want the list, simply go to our website and check it out or drop me (15 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:06 PM] Section News for May 2007 a line or phone call. My e mail address and phone number is listed on the website or page 16 of June QST. I’ll tell you personally what club is nearest to you. I hope you will join the fun. As is customary for the Section Manager, I am planning to visit each affiliated club’s Field Day site for a few minutes hopefully on the first day, Saturday, June 23rd. Even though our state is small, the drive will surely take me all day. I know this from experience. If I don’t make it to every site by dusk, I’ll finish up on Sunday. Let me extend my sincere wishes to every group for a successful and fun filled Field Day. Let’s all hope for good weather and band conditions. The Amateur Radio Association of Southern New England, probably better known by its call sign, W1AQ held its 80th anniversary celebration on June 3rd at its club headquarters. Club President, N2RDF invited your Section Manager to attend and I was happy to do so and enjoy a delicious burger prepared personally by the clubWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO President. A picture of the occasion taken by club member K1JBP appears on our section website . Thank you ARASNE for your warm hospitality and please accept my wishes for many more solid years of League affiliation. Blackstone Valley ARC, W1DDD activated the Beavertail Lighthouse on June 3rd. This is their second lighthouse activation and is proving to be a very popular club activity among its members including non-licensed XYLs of members. The club activated the Point Judith Light in November for its first adventure into the lighthouse program. It’s so much fun that the club is looking forward to activating more lights during 2007 and beyond. Next to Field Day, this is proving to be a most popular club activity and lots of fun. The SATERN Amateur Radio Emergency group provided communications support for the 42nd annual Gaspee Days parade held on June 9th. This significant RI event marks the burning of the British schooner, HMS Gaspee by RI patriots near Pawtuxet Village in 1772. This marked the first armed conflict leading to the American Revolution. SATERN members W1BSN, W1CSL and W1ZAP led the effort of several members and volunteers to provide assistance in the timing of the march and presentation of the event at the review stand area. The group is looking forward to clearer skies for next yearWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO’s event which is already on the planning table. In the past, RI has not been very successful in sustaining regular traffic net activity but with some help and expertise from across our Massachusetts border, we have been able to hold down a regular spot on the traffic list. In May, our RI –E Mass Traffic Net met 12 times, had 54 check-ins, handled 36 pieces of traffic and logged 412 minutes in session. Very respectable indeed! Net Manager, Byron K1YCQ reports that we need more participation to make the net grow and provide good service. Give it a try and exercise your traffic handling skills. Don’t be concerned if you haven’t handled much traffic before now. You won’t make any mistakes that will upset anyone. We have all made more mistakes than you can imagine and that’s how we learned the right ways. We’re still learning also. Please give it a try and check in on any Monday, Wednesday or Friday at 9PM on your Asst SM KA1RCI’s repeater network, 147.075 or 146.985 MHz PL 67.0 Hz. You’ll have fun, provide a useful public service and sharpen your operating skills at the same time. Six meters has been open several times to southern states, the Caribbean and South America. Are you ready for the six meter fun that lies ahead? Low power and a simple yagi with a light TV rotator a few feet up will help you make amazing QSOs. Don’t miss out. There are plenty more openings where these came from. ARRL has three advisory committees to keep track of the rules and awards involved in VHF/UHF, contesting and DX. The DX Advisory Committee is comprised of one Amateur from each division, one from Canada and three liaisons with HQ. That makes 19 in all. The committee’s function is to study submitted criteria for new entities, proposed new operating awards, DXCC rule changes and generally any changes or questions that could effect the complex world of DX and especially how it relates to the gold standard award, DXCC. Our New England Division representative to the DXAC has been Jim Reisert, AD1C for some time. His work has required that he move to Colorado, making a replacement necessary. New England Director, K1KI asked me to take on this role and I have agreed to do so. Of course, this is entirely distinct from my job as Section Manager. The nature and purposes of these posts have very little in common. I was asked by friends if this meant that I’d have to give up being your SM and the answer is no. As I said, these two jobs are mutually exclusive. Speaking of DX, I plan to reissue the listing I manually put together last year showing all living RI hams I could identify who either have attained DXCC or have sufficient confirmations in hand to qualify for at least one of the different DXCC awards available. My version of the RI DXCC list is far from perfect but it does provide a reasonable benchmark to show you all how you’re doing relative to fellow DXers in the chase. I’ll update the list and send it out by the direct e mail program to all RI hams who have indicated on their member data page, only/memdata.html . This would be a good time to check your data and see if it is all current to what you wish. That’s it for this month. Good luck in your Field Day fun. 73, Bob W1YRC

Northwestern Division


Sorry to be so late this month. Got my daughter graduated from UM and married off the following week (16 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:06 PM] Section News for May 2007 in Hamilton. Lots to do. Now, to get them moved to OR for her first real job. Thanks for your patience. Ratpod is next weekend, June 23rd. If you have any interest at all in participation, please contact Larry, N7YET in Dillon, MT. He is the communications guru for the race. Each year, Mt amateurs work with the race committee to help ensure a safe and enjoyable race for each participant. And, money to help support Camp Make a Dream kids and their families have a quality experience camping during the Summer. We are again (still)looking for Net Control Stations and Alternate NCS for the Montana Traffic Net. If you are at all interested in moving NTS traffic via radio, please contact Todd, AE7V with your desires. Several spots are available. This is a great way to support our nets and NTS traffic in Montana and neighboring states. Our Traffic Net exists to move messages and isnt just a "QRU" net. Sometimes it might require a little effort should there be message traffic headed to your location.WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO But, it's a rewarding job once you call a message to someone who is waiting to hear from a loved one. Having stations aboard in the state to accept and move traffic is a great help, moving messges quickly and efficiently. If you'd like to help out, check in with us on 3910 at 0030 hours Zulu. Checking in five times in a calandar month will get you on the role, then four times to stay on. Also, if you have any CW skills, dont forget IMN on 3578.5 each evening at 0300Z. The normal net speed is 15 wpm and proceedure is easy to pick up. Just listen to a few nets and get the hang of it, then check in at the end of the roster. It's great fun and good way to pick up your Morse speed. Glacier Hamfest is on the way the third weekend of July. You can sign up at the Campground or contact W7GMC in Great Falls to apply. Each year is a great time. Bring your tent, trailer or RV and have an enjoyable weekend. IMN, W7GHT-QNI 486, QTC 145 MTN, AE7V, QNI 2265, QTC 159 MSN, K7LMT, AE7V, WC7V-QNI 78, QTC 3 Thanks to all, hope to see you at Glacier. 73 Doug Dunn, K7YD Oregon WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO NEW APPOINTMENTS Congratulations to the newly appointed ARES/RACES officials. Due to the resignation of Walt Cooper WA7VGR as District Emergency Coordinator (DEC) for District 6, Bill Morris W7IH, Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC), has appointed Ron Morell KA7U as the new DEC. Ron resides in Ontario, Oregon, Malheur County and has experience as an EC in Idaho. Ron Morell KA7U, DEC for District 6, and Bill Morris W7IH, SEC, have announced the appointment of Al Pion, KK7XO as the Klamath County EC. Al has also been appointed by emergency management of Klamath County as the RACES Radio Officer. Al contributed to the advancement of Pactor in the section and led the development of a statewide ARES/RACES net in his previous tenure as DEC. David Kidd, KA7OZO, DEC for District 1, has appointed Polly Alexander, W7HMG, to the position of Liasion - American Red Cross (ARC) for ARES. He has also appointed Steve Sanders, KE7JSS, as the Public Information Officer (PIO) for District 1 ARES. He will be available to assist District 1 counties with PIO activities. APPOINTMENT RECRUITMENTS There are available appointments that have few or no active appointees. I believe there are many people throughout the section who are fulfilling the functions of these appointments. I would like to find those people, give them the appointment, and link them with each other and the responsible section leaders to share ideas. The positions available are: Public Information Officers at This person helps promote club or ARES activities to the public. Anyone interested in a PIO appointment should contact Everett Curry W6ABM. Technical Specialists at This person helps build technical skills within a club or ARES group. Those interested in a TS appointment should contact Lynn Hurd WB7UNU. Local Government Liaisons at This person monitors local government activities and is familiar with zoning regulations, monitoring changes to them. They work on getting changes to those regulations that benefit ham radio. Individuals interested in an LGL appointment should contact Kevin Curry KA7KYQ. Those with these appointments should report their activities regularly to the responsible section leader and their peer appointees. If someone is interested in working with a specific club or ARES group with these appointments, a recommendation should come through the club president or ARES EC. UPCOMING HAMFESTS AND RECENT EVENTS The Bandon Hamfest will be held July 21, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. It is sponsored by the Coos County Radio Club at The Barn (Bandon Community Center), 1200 SW 11th Street. Talk-in: 146.61 (no tone) and 145.19 (PL 146.2). W7PL Pendleton Amateur Radio Club is sponsoring their first annual swapmeet on August 18, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. at SW 13th Street and Emigrant. Talk-in frequency is 146.520 simplex. The 2007 7QP contest was successful with all 36 Oregon counties on the air! According to Dick Frey, K4XU, there were a lot of new calls logged this year. JOINT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS AND OCEAN POLICY COMMITTEE – LEGISLATIVE Vince, Marty and I participated in the joint emergency preparedness and ocean policy committee meeting at the capitol recently. Dean Davis was there as well. It was an informational session rather than a hearing. The committee wanted to educate themselves on what amateur radio can do. They were very eager to learn about our capabilities. Jim Hawley, W7VTW, the Lincoln County Emergency Manager was invited to speak as well regarding local use of amateur radio. The value of having ham radio as a resource available in emergencies is not something we had to sell them on. They believe it is their responsibility to understand all the various resources that are available throughout the state. (17 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:06 PM] Section News for May 2007

They will be meeting in between sessions and I will be assembling a group of people to attend so they can put some faces with amateur radio. There will be more discussions on how to best participate with this committee at the ARES/RACES leadership conference. COUNTY CERTIFICATIONS The following county ARES/RACES groups have earned Certifications and have had letters sent to the County Emergency Manager notifying them of the Certification. Clackamas - Advanced Clatsop - Advanced Columbia - Basic Washington - Advanced, Provisional Coos - Advanced, Provisional Crook - Basic West Lane - Advanced, provisional Deschutes - Advanced Umatilla/Morrow - Basic Wasco - Intermediate The rules have been modified so that certification awards will be given out at the ARES meetings at Seaside and both events at Rickreal for any county ARES unit earning them. In order to obtain certification for you county, EC's should contact their DEC. OOWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO REPORTS For the month of May, 2 Official Observers reported a total of 68 hours of monitoring. CONGRESSIONAL QUARTERLY Apparently someone in the West Lane County ARES group reads the Congressional Quarterly and fowarded this link to Bruce Bjerke, K7BHB. They contacted Bill Morris, W7IH, the Section Emergency Coordinator, to find out how amateur radio operators may be involved in the Topoff exercises and quoted him in this article. The link is: 000002527324.html NTS REPORTS Scott Gray, W7IZ, the Section Traffic Manager, submitted his report for May. It is posted on the section website at STATION ACTIVITY REPORT MAY 2007 (TOTALS): N7CM 204, W7IZ 193, W7IG 103, KD7ZLF 72, K7EAJ 64, K7PMB 60, N7YSS 48, W7VSE 42, KC7SRL 41, WS7L 25, N7APE 9 PUBLIC SERVICE HONOR ROLL (PSHR) MAY 2007 TOTALS: N7CM 140, K7EAJ 135, W7IG 120, N7XG 110, N7YSS 94, KD7ZLF 90, W7VSE 88, KK7TN 86

Western Washington

In District 1, SkagitWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO County reports that they are preparing for Field Day. Work on the new mobile command post continues and it may even be available for Field Day. On Saturday May 19 Island County ARES had an open meeting to talk about training. San Juan County reports a joint Fire District #2 and ARES training exercise with a mock accident between a school bus and propane tanker. On May 27 the ARES group supported the annual bicycle climb to the summit of Mt. Constitution on Orcas Island. In District 2, thirty- two members of Clallam County ARES attended the May general meeting where Ken, K7TAG, Western Washington SEC, gave a presentation about ARES & RACES in the section and answered questions. Clallam County EC, Chuck, N7BV, Bob, KI7ZC, and Paul, W6IAM, also held a Q&A session to help some of the newer members of the group understand the organization and operations. Six CCARES members reported 39 hours of communications support for the Olympic Cycling Classic bicycling event held yearly in May. Jefferson County provided communications support for the Rhody Parade and Rhody Run. They installed a DEM provided VHF/UHF base station at Cape George as part of a program to have equipment in place for emergencies. They also have another Technician License class scheduled for June 9th and 10th. Kitsap County ARES/RACES/ACS leaders held their quarterly meeting with the county's DEM to discuss NMIS, ICS, future training exercises, public service events, and equipment upgrades. In District 3, for the 6th year, the Lewis County ARES team supported the Lewis County Historical Bike Ride organized by the Centralia- Chehalis Chapter of Optimists International, hosting 128 bike riders on four separate courses in Lewis County. Ten ARES members; Loyann, KC7KCJ, Jeff, KE7ACE, Ted, KE7GZN, Howard, KB7RYJ, Mike, AC7UP, Doug, KC7TPK, Terry, KQ7K, Jon, KD7SXV, Ken, K7TAG, and Bill, AC7SR, provided checkpoint and Sag wagon services for the event. If you were listening to the BAWFAW repeater on Saturday you would have heard a new voice on the air, Joshua Denton, who is eleven years old. As his first serious introduction to ham radio, he was a guest worker at the Napavine checkpoint and the finish line with his dad, Ted, KE7GZN, announcing the rider’s numbers as they completed the course. Hams logged a total of 97.5 hours and 574 miles during this event. In Mason County three members completed CERT training. First Aid training is planned for next month. They are also working on their Field Day plan using the same Victor Hill site as last year. Pacific County, has procured a Pactor 3 Modem for emergency packet email. They are currently evaluating the modem and looking at integrating it into their EOC operations. They performed repeater maintenance and installed a new 440 repeater to provide District 3 EOC interconnectivity. The Thurston County ARES team plans to support two Field Day operations this year. The first is with the Olympia SAR team at their building on Yelm Hwy. The second site is on the State Capital Campus in Olympia and sponsored by the Olympia Amateur Radio Society (OARS). In District 4 Cowlitz County activities included installing three new VHF Narrow Band Radios and the cabling for Mobile Data Terminals (MDT) in the Comm-Van. MDTs are the computer system found in most patrol cars and fire vehicles. On May 09, EC Randy, NU7D, met with Mark Nelson from the Cowlitz County Sheriff’s Office to get additional info on the new narrow band radios. On May 17, Randy, NU7D, and Butch, KD7DCM, attended a Tour-De-Blast Bike Ride meeting at the Cowlitz County EOC. On May 23, ARES/RACES met at the Cowlitz County EOC. Clark County continues to provide the CEM NET check- ins for the county. At the May 8 Team Leader’s and Assistant’s lunch an exercise was planned for the regular meeting in May. Also at the lunch, Patrick Kelly, KC0MIR, a new member from Colorado, was (18 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:06 PM] Section News for May 2007 introduced. Patrick will run a weekly training session for Winpack V6.80. On May 14, the Digital packet group met and reviewed the Winpack V6.80 program. A county-wide exercise on May 21 began with call-out at 6:40 PM. After each station set up, they checked in with the net control, then used mostly simplex, but also 220, 440, and packet radio, to contact other teams. 9 teams participated and many messages on all modes were sent. It was a good exercise and ended at 8:55PM. District 5 supported both the Search and Rescue Conference at Crystal Mountain and the responders at the Nisqually train wreck. In District 6, the teams from Seattle, Sammamish, Shoreline, Vashon-Maury Island, Maple Valley, and Redmond will be participating in Field Day. The Puget Sound Energy Team installed 20m and 40m Near Vertical antennas at the PSEARES EOC. In District M, King Co. hospitals participated in a Hospital Evacuation exercise in conjunction with the Zone 1 Cascade Foothills exercise.WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO The Medical Services Team staffed all but two of the 26 facilities in the county for this middle of the week daytime exercise. Several of the operators were newly graduated hams and they did a great job. On May 23, Marina, N7LSL, made a presentation to the Maple Valley ARC about the MST. On May 30, the Medical Services Team had a training meeting on “Preparing for Deployment” and a briefing on the Hospital Evacuation exercise held earlier in the month. The SEC wants to remind everyone to participate in the ARRL Field Day 2007!

Pacific Division

East Bay

Wedding Bells are going to ring for Kyle, KI6FYW and Jack, K6JEB Lets all extend them congratulations and wish them a longWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO life together. Jack is the East Bay Section Public Information Coordinator (PIC) and president of the East Bay Amateur Radio Club as well as a director of the Contra Costa Communications Club. I regret to announce that the East Bay Section Emergency Coordinator David Harnish, AD6ME has resigned. Should any of you wish to fill this appointment please contact me. NBARA: Doug, KC6UET, has volunteered to chair the annual Forth of July Parade. Kids Day will be held the third weekend of June this year at Mare Island. NBARA has hosted many fine Field Days over the years (60 years to be exact) since 1947 and Field Day 2007 will be a great one also. As in recent years, the Mare Island Historic Park Foundation will host us and we will be operating from the Mare Island Waterfront in the alcove behind building 46, the Mare Island Museum. The May 11th EBARC program was presented by Denice Stoops, KI6BBR. It featured a discussion of the history of KPH and Denice's commercial operator adventures. Denice suggests for more information have a look at the Maritime Radio Historical Society's web page at If your group wants to contact her regarding tours of KPH or the upcoming Night of Nights VII on July 12, 2007. You can also contact her about the Racal receivers that the Maritime Radio Historical Society has for sale. Denice can be contacted at: [email protected] USS Hornet: We are inviting amateurs from the Bay Area to visit the Hornet Museum and NB6GC to participate in the Museum Ships on the Air event. Visitors will be able to operate the station on HF bands and will be able to tour public areas of the aircraft carrier. We will have special tours of the ship's main radio room and other electronic rooms. .submitted by Ken Fowler, KO6NO USS Red Oak Victory:The USS Red Oak Victory will be using its original WWII Mackay Radio/Federal Telephone [ FT-106 ] CW equipment for Museum Ships Weekend. The ROV's FT-106 is probably the last original FT-106 in existence. Also the Vietnam era AM equipment [Northern] will also be in operation. SSB, PSK 31 and modern equipment CW will also be in operation. Submitted by Gary Elliot, WA6KCP OCRA: we were most saddened to learn that Bill Hardy, KF6VOG, passed away Friday, May 25th SARS: Search and Rescue (SAR) to teamed up with local hams to conduct a county wide foxhunt. Teams were formed consisting of SAR personnel and foxhunters. The exercise was successful with 4 teams sent out after the "fox" , hidden by Eric KG6ABG and Brittany KG6SNO. We caught up with them in Pope Valley just south of Pope Valley Crossroad. Laurie KI6JTH made the catch less than 2 hours after the chase began. A great job and congratulations to all the participants! SBARA: Doug-KG6RHG and Steve-KA6S will talk about their experiences at the Dayton Hamvention and tour of the Wright-Patterson AFB museum at the June meeting W6BB: UC Berkeley ARC: A big welcome to Fred - KI6IHO who just got his license earlier in March. Fred works here on campus. MDARC: George Zafiropoulos, KJ6VU, Northern California Cactus Radio Association, talked about the Cactus Intertie radio network and his Sierra Radio repeater controllers at the May meeting.


May Section Managers Report Pacific Section has 549 members compared to 551 members last month. Regular club meeting are listed on the ARRL Pacific Section website. Coming Events other then regular meetings are: June 1: First official day of Hurricane Season. June 2: Hurricane Preparedness Day – Kukui Grove Shopping Center on Kauai. Tnx WH6KS June 9: Big Island ARC will meet at Puna Congregational Church (19 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:06 PM] Section News for May 2007 at 2PM instead of the Keaau Community center. The May and July meeting will be at the Community Center as usual. June 23-24 Field Day weekend – Contact your local club for their details. SEE Below. July 28: Volcano Marathon and Rim Run at Hawaii Volcano National Park. See BIARC webpage August 4: Honolulu Heard Walk starting at 7:30AM. Thanks Wayne Jones September 22: Together We Prepare at the Kukui Grove Shopping Center, Kauai. Tnx WH6KS October (TBA): 2007 Simulated Emergency TEST October 6: EARC/KARC Hamfest on Oahu. October 20: Big Island International Ham fest in Waimea (Kamuela) Tnx KH7T/AH6J – Please note this is a change from last month. October 27: Kauai United Way Walk-a-Thon. Tnx WH6KS December: Christmas party time. Contact your local club. The PacSecARES HF Net is Tuesday nights, 1900W - 7.080/7.088, 3.905/3.888, or 1.870 MHz depending on band conditions and freq availability. Practice messageWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO handling. Stations are encouraged to send formal messages in ARRL Radiogram form. The Big Island ARES net is Saturday at 7PM. It is growing in numbers and held on the BIWARN (Big Island Wide Area Network) system. At the moment BIWARN consists of six VHF repeaters on the Island of Hawaii. They are located at Kau, Kulani, Pepeekeo, Mauna Loa, Hualalai and Waimea. Guam Liberation Day will be celebrated July 15 to 23 with a special call K6G. For more information contact the Marianas Amateur Radio Club. Contact Michael Wendt, AH2G, president of MARC for special instructions. Two Oahu Amateur Radio Classes will be held Fall 2007. Both classes will be held at Kaimuki High School. Registration is late August. Cost will be $10. Contact Warren Munro for more specifics. Introduction to Amateur Radio will be Sept. 13 to Nov. 1 with 8 sessions on Thursdays. Intermediate Amateur Radio will be Sept. 11 to Nov. 13 with 10 classes on Tuesdays. Special Oahu Testing will be held Saturday June 9 at 9AM just before the KARC meeting (9:30) at Ho`omaluhia Botanical Garden in Kaneohe. Contact Ray Moody, AH6LT at 808-941-9239 if you plan to attend. West Honolulu Amateur Radio Groups meets June 7, Aug 2, Oct. 4 and Dec. 6, 2007 at 7:30 PM at Diners at Waimalu Shopping Plaza. All Hams and visitors are welcome. Thanks to Herb, KH7TK and George, AH7GK. WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.ROWHARG is not an ARRL affiliated club. South Point Amateur Radio Club will have a picnic and organizational meeting Sunday June 3 at noon at Kahuku Park in Hawaiian Ocean View Estates. This is a newly formed club which is not yet ARRL affiliated. Your SM will be there with brand new repeater directories for anyone that joins ARRL. Thanks Dennis, NH7OI EC Ocean View Field Day: June 23 the Big Island will have five clubs with separate Field Day sites. They are BIARC, HARC, KHRC, SPARK AND Kona ARC. I believe this is the most for any island. Kauai, Maui and Guam plan to have at least one site on each island. There will be a combined EARC – KARC Field day at Kualoa Beach Park AKA Chinaman’s Hat on Oahu. This will probably be the biggest effort in the state. Happenings in May: Big Island Citizens Corp had their last meeting on April 10th. New members are Rolland Spoon from Kona and Ron Phillips from East Hawaii. On Kauai the 147.04+ MHz RACES repeater is back in service. At the moment it is not linked to the rest of the state RACES system. Coverage is good from Kalaheo to Kapa’a. Thanks Jerry, KH6HU. One of the many benefits of ARRL membership is the Volunteer Counsel program. Recently there was another antenna case in which the county refused to grant a tower permit. While the case has not been resolved, there is a good chance it will. First indications are the county employee involved was not familiar with PRB-1. Our VC informed him of the law. Hawaii State VOAD met May 17, 2007. Thanks Kevin, AH6QO. HDXA awarded a Tiki to Richard Darling, AH7G on May 13, 2007. See the Pacific Section webpage pictures to see the event. Annual Makani Pahili hurricane emergency communications test was held Saturday May 19th from 9AM to 11AM. Thanks to all that participated. June first is the beginning of the Central Pacific Hurricane season. There have already been two named storms in the Eastern Pacific. Are you prepared? Thanks Kevin, AH6QO This is a reminder to all Field Organization Appointees that you must keep your ARRL membership active to keep your appointment. You should also make a monthly report of your activities. Your SM and others read the various club web pages so please try to keep them up to date also. The following clubs need to update their information with ARRL: Kauai ARC, Pacific Radio Amateur Transmitting Society, Hawaii DX Assoc (Hilo) and Maui ARC. Next month Marianas ARC in Guam will need to update.

San Francisco

San Francisco Section News - June 2007 Over the weekend of May 4 to 6, the ARRL Specialty Convention EmComm West took place in Reno, NV. This convention is specifically geared toward the emergency communications aspect of the Amateur Radio service. There were plenty of seminars on a variety of subjects related to EmComm. Attendees came from all over the western states. If you haven’t attended an EmComm and you are involved in emergency communications for any entity, put it on your calendar for the first weekend in May 2008. You won’t be disappointed. More information: The Pacific Division Section Managers used EmComm as a second meeting opportunity in addition to their annual meeting at Pacificon to discuss inter-section issues. The Pacific Division SMs were joined by SM Doug Rich W7DVR from Idaho and Carl Gardenias WU6D from Orange Section in . I was able to reintroduce the use of frequencies in the Bay Area issue to East Bay SM Ti-Michele Connelly NJ6T and Santa Clara Valley SM Bill Dale N2RHV. Bill Dale will check the information he has with his ASM. We are working (20 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:06 PM] Section News for May 2007 to see that there is progress on this long standing issue. The San Francisco Section Convention was held in Ferndale on June 1st and 2nd. Hosted by the Humboldt County clubs, Humboldt ARC, Redwood ARC, Southern Humboldt ARC and FarWest Repeater Association, the convention features a swap, VE session, a Fox Hunt and other activities. The capstone for the event is the well attended Saturday banquet. ARRL Pacific Division Vice Director Andy Oppel N6AJO and I attended and spoke to those gathered in various venues. HARC showed off their newest CommVan which is quite roomy. I didn’t even have to duck to walk around in it. Dave Abell K6XG and PIO Rachael Shryne KE6SDB were presented with awards for their service to the clubs and the Amateur Radio community. Pictures are on the San Francisco Section website at http://www. The same weekend, members of the San Francisco ARC held their annual camping trip. SFARC President GeorgeWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Hughes W0WEB reports the following: June 1st 2007, members of the SFARC & MDARC took to the woods. Once again members of both radios club got together for the yearly camp out in the Tahoe National Forest Rocky Ridge camp grounds. First time attendees were George Hughes WØWEB, Bill Gerrey WA6NPC and Steve Harper KI6AQT. The camp area is near Sugar Pine reservoir where great hiking and fishing is within short walking distance. Our camp area had about 15 tents sites and many tables. There were two HF stations set up making contacts on 40 meters. APRS was active as well as 2 meter FM, but 2 meters SSB was disappointing. A great Saturday night BBQ was enjoyed by all. Photos of the camp out can be found at: (Thanks, George.) The ARISS Telebridge W6SRJ at the Santa Rosa Junior College has been busy. On Tuesday, May 29, the SRJC crew handled a contact between Sainte-Marie Suarlee school in Suarlee, Belgium and Sunita (Suni) Williams KD5PLB on the International Space Station. The school is for elementary and middle school children. This was contact number 299 for the ARISS project. The telebridge station was operated by Tim Bosma W6MU and Bill Hillendahl KH6GJV. ARISS contact number 301 occurred on Friday, June 8, where students at the Colegio La Salle in Palencia, Spain made contactWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO with ISS via the SRJC telebridge. Ten students asked 14 questions of astronaut Suni Williams KD5PLB as a crowd of 200 gathered to watch. Students from several schools visited the college to participate in the contact. The SRJC station was operated by Tim Bosma W6MU, Bill Hillendahl KH6GJV and Herb Sullivan K6QXB. Tim, Bill and Herb have been operating and running the station since 1995 when it was built. For more information on the ARISS program, visit ARISS audio can be heard on IRLP and Echolink when contacts are made. See for more information. Field Day is upon us this weekend! I hope that you have as much fun at Field Day as I do. This year I will be escorting a group of Civil Air Patrol cadets and their leaders to participate in the Humboldt ARC’s Field Day. The cadets will learn about Amateur Radio and will get “on the air” experience. ASM Marci Campbell KE6IAU has also arranged tours of the local National Weather Service office and the Maritime Museum. If you or your club wants to get your Field Day message directly to me (its worth 100 points), listen for K6XG or W6ZZK (GOTA station) on the air. HARC will be active on all the HF bands, I’m told. Please go the San Francisco Section website to see photos of some of the activities. Want to see your club activities in print? I get most of the material from you who read this column, from club newsletters and from club officials. If your club is having a event, doing public service or some other activity that you wish to share, please draft a short article and send it on to me. If you have some photos, even better. See you on the air on Field Day! 73, Bill

San Joaquin Valley

SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY SECTION Report for the month of May 2007: SM Charles McConnell, W6DPD- ASMs K6YK and N2NS, ACC W6DPD, SEC N6ZFN, OOC N1VM, STM K6RAU, PIC KE6IGJ, TC W6TE. Greetings from the ARRL San Joaquin Valley Section. If you desire your club information and events to be listed in Section News, please send the information to [email protected]. Mark your calendars. Field Day is June 23-24, 2007. The 65th Fresno Hamfest is August 4, 2007 has been CANCELLED. The California QSO Party is October 6-7, 2007. Check for information. The California Historical Radio Society Central Valley Chapter Swap Meet is October 6, 2007 at the corner of 13th and X Streets in Merced. Check for information. Pacificon 2007 is October 19-21, 2007 at the Marriott Hotel in San Ramon CA. Check for information. The International DX Convention is April 25-28, 2008 at Visalia. Check for information. When your affiliated club elects officers for the next year, be sure to update your club’s information on the affiliated club area of the ARRL web page. If you fail to update your clubs information for 2 years, your club will be placed in the inactive file. Need to take an Amateur exam? Check the ARRL web page, for exam information. You can also search for Amateur Radio Classes in your area. The Northern California Net (NCN), the Section Traffic Net, meets nightly on 3.533 MHZ at 7 PM Pacific Time. The slow speed training session of the net meets nightly on 3.533 MHZ at 9 PM Pacific Time. Handling traffic on CW is a good way to improve your CW skills. The Daytime Region 6 Traffic Net meets daily at 3:30 pacific time on or near 7.275 MHZ. The California Traffic Net meets daily on 3.906 MHZ and 6:30 PM local time. The noon time net meets on 7.268.5 MHz. This net handles a lot of messages. Field Day is June 23-24, 2007. If you have not done so, you should download the Field Day Package from the ARRL (21 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:06 PM] Section News for May 2007 web page. Be sure you plan to get all the bonus points that you can to enhance your club score. Don’t forget your Field Day message to the Section Manager. This must be in proper ARRL radiogram form in order for you to get the points. In previous years, many of the messages were not correct and should not have earned any bonus points. It is my sad duty to report that WD6GVS Kenneth and W6HAV RF are Silent Keys. They will be missed. Louis Tristao, KG6VY, (SK) the inventor of the crank up tower was inducted in to the CQ Amateur Radio Hall of Fame at the 2007 Dayton Hamvention©. Congratulations to K6RYD on completing the ARECC Level One course and to WA6KZV on completing ARECC Level Two. New Generals are welcome to join the Sunday night net on 3.820 MHZ at 8 PM. KA6PNK, KA6PNL, AE6SX and AE6QP put on a demonstration of Amateur Radio for sixth and eighth grade students of the Huron Secondary School in Huron CA. The Stockton- Delta ARC provided communicationsWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO support for the Stockton Bike Club’s Delta Century bike ride and for the March of Dimes Walk America campaign. The Sierra ARC provided communications support for the Git-R-Done 100 mile endurance horse ride. SJVARS is sponsoring a General Cram class in June and an Extra Cram Class in July. It’s open to everyone, so if there is anyone who would be interested in taking it, they are welcome. Classes will be held at the Sentinel Building, 3rd and Clovis Avenue, in Clovis. For the General Cram, hours will be 6-9 pm on Friday, June 15th, and 8 am – 2 pm on Saturday, June 16th, with a test session available on Sunday June 17 at the Fig Garden Public Library at Bullard and Marks in Fresno. The Extra Cram will be over three weekends in July, starting on July 7th, with the exam available on July 21st. Pre-registration is required so that we have enough materials for everyone. Anyone interested can go to our website at http://www.sjvars. com for more details or call 559-288-7597. Traffic for April: K6RAU 17 and W6SX 16. Total 33. PSHR: K6RAU 48 and W6SX 52. Santa Clara ValleyWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Santa Clara Valley Section News Summary. May, 2007 SANTA CLARA VALLEY: SM, Bill Dale, N2RHV n2rhv@arrl. org ASM Admin, John Amos, KC6TVM, [email protected] ASM Web/Wiki, Tom Walsh, K1TW, [email protected] SEC, DEC, ASM, Santa Clara Co, Larry Carr, KE6AGJ, [email protected] DEC, Monterey Co, David J. Burbidge, W6IIQ, [email protected] DEC, San Benito Co, Kathy Hill, KB6INO, [email protected] DEC, San Mateo Co, Peter Liljequist, KD6BXY, [email protected] DEC, San Mateo Co, Laurence Nelson, KC6NYG, [email protected] DEC, Santa Cruz Co, Cap Pennell, KE6AFE, [email protected] ASM, Jim Oberhofer, KN6PE, [email protected] BM/Webmaster, Frank Kibbish Jr, WB6MRQ, [email protected] OOC, Andy Korsak, KR6DD, [email protected] TC, Kit Blank, WA6PWW, [email protected] =Section positions open include Affiliated Club Coordinator (ACC), Net Manager(NM), Section Traffic Manager (STM), Public Information Coordinator (PIC) and Public Information Officers (PIO) and several others. =The wiki-based SCV web site on is up and running. My new ASM, Tom, K1TW, is going to work on getting the content on both old and new sites up to date. Send him your corrections and get your club access to the wiki. Here's the link: =Field Day Section Manager Challenge! June 23-24, 2007, this coming weekend! The Section Manager Challenge is a photo contest! I want to see the BEST stills and video of your Field Day event. The goal is to use pictures these to present Ham Radio to the public. Show your FD effort as a fun and social activity with something for everyone! Action is a priority! Get pictures of the antennas going up. Show the great food on the grill. Show the splendid surroundings of your FD site. I will be visiting FD sites and running mobile as N2RHV as a 1C station. Look for me on APRS as well. I will check into the NTS nets to collect SM reports. See the Wiki and the Section Web site sections/?sect=SCV for a list of Field Day Sites. =SC4 Amateur Radio Club has applied for and will soon receive ARRL Affiliation. Jack Eddy, WA6YJR, is the new EC and founder of this new club and ARES group in La Honda. =John Miller, K6MM, Secretary/Treasurer of the Northern California Contest Club has an excellent Ham Radio resources page at This includes links to NCCC and NCDXC and many others. Good job, John. =Doug, W6JD, reports that the NCDXC picnic will be held at Mitchell Park in Palo Alto. The date is Sunday July 29 from 11am to 3pm. Contact for information on this group and activity. =The ARRL Education Services Department has started publishing a new monthly e-newsletter for ARRL instructors and teachers. Debra Johnson, K1DMJ, the Education Services Manager, is the editor. See this Web page to read the latest issue: pdf. =Ken Dueker, KB6BPM , [[email protected] or 650-617-3100 x1281] announces a Amateur Radio ("Ham") License Class, Tuesdays: 6:30 pm - 9 pm: July 10, 17, 24 & 31 (Jul. 31 is exam night) to be held at the Menlo Park Fire Sta. 77: 1467 Chilco St. in Menlo Park. The cost is $35.00. The ARRL Ham Radio License book will be provided for this class. Also contact Ken about the August 7th Emergency Communications Class. This class is designed for CERT members, ham radio operators, neighborhood teams, and others who want to learn about communications in a disaster. Covers all radio and communications systems, including Ham, FRS, police, fire, etc. You don't need a ham license for this class, but it is preferred. The class will be held Tuesday, Aug. 7, 2007: 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm in the Menlo Park area. The cost is FREE! (22 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:06 PM] Section News for May 2007

=Mike, K6MFW, reports that ATV is featured in June issue of QST, see pages 80-81. This brief article discusses ATV deployment at the SJ Grand Prix, two photos he took are also shown. One photo shows the camera overlooking the Market St bridge. =The ARRL has been working with the US Department of Defense to develop a plan to mitigate alleged interference from 70 cm ham radio repeaters to military radar systems on both coasts. Letters went out to repeater owners and a plan is to be implemented. In August, it is expected that Air Force contractors will be conducting new tests. See stories/2007/06/11/100/?nc=1 for the latest story on this issue. =Glenn Thomas, WB6W/7, is asking for nominations for the Pacific Division Ham of the Year 2007 award, to be presented at the Pacificon Banquet in October. The award is given for contributions to the community in general and Amateur radio in particular that are above and beyond theWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO usual. Nominations should include a description of why the nominee is deserving of the award. The deadline for nominations is August 1, 2007. They should be sent to me at glennt@charter. net ([email protected] still works too!) or directly to Bob. =For recruiting and handout material check out this ARRL web page: Note the info on the right box - scroll down to find stuff. Note the new video PSA's. Way COOL! I have DVD versions of these if you have a TV or Cable system that will run them.

Roanoke Division

North Carolina

MAY NORTH CAROLINA SECTION NEWS PRB-1 BILL PASSES NC SENATE COMMITTEE North Carolina House Bill H1340, was passed unanimously by the NC House on May 8 and was referred to the Senate Commerce, Small Business andWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Entreprenureship Committee. On June 14 the bill received unanimous endorsement from the senate committee and has been sent to the full senate. HB1340 was introduced to the committe by Rep Daniel McComas (R-New Hanover), the bill's sponsor and received key support in the senate by Sen. Julia Boseman (D-New Hanover). Our own Ham Hicks, KB4BR provided the committee with details on the bill and answered questions. Another key player behind the scenes has been the state legislature's Director of Bill Drafting, Gerry Cohn, N4GC, who authored the bill. If the bill continues to receive such good support from our lawmakers, it could be signed by the governor in the next few weeks! JUNE 17-24 IS AMATEUR RADIO RECOGNITION AND APPRECIATION WEEK From a proclamation by Governor Easley on April 24: "WHEREAS amateur radio operators have a proud tradition of public service and have provided emergency communications following numerous hurricanes, floods, tornadoes and storms in North Carolina; and WHEREAS June 23rd and 24th mark the 75th annual Field Day, an event in which amateur radio operators around the world test their equipment simultaneously under simulated emergency conditions; and WHEREAS all North Carolinians have benefited from this dedicated corps of volunteer communications professionals; NOW, THEREFORE, I, MICHAEL F. EASLEY, Governor of the State of North Carolina do hereby proclaim June 17-24, 2007, as “AMATEUR RADIO RECOGNITION AND APPRECIATION WEEK” in North Carolina, and I call upon all citizens to pay tribute to the Amateur Radio operators of our state." NEW STATE GOVERNMENT LIASON - BOB CONDER, K4RLC I'm pleased to announce that Dr. Bob Conder, K4RLC has accepted the position of State Government Liason in the North Carolina Section. Bob is a North Carolina native and has been an ARRL member since 1962. He brings a wealth of ham radio experience to this position, as well as knowledge of state government and personal relationships with influential folks in Raleigh. Bob is uniquely qualified for this position and I'm happy to have him on the team. Thanks and welcome Bob! NC HAMS WIN ARRL SCHOLARSHIPS Five hams in North Carolina have won ARRL scholarships! Join me in congratulating Daniel Ellis, KG4IVC, Pikeville; Catherine Vest, WA4QVI, Sanford; Reid Morine, W4RSM, Wilmington; William Fisher, W4WJF, Vale; and Robert Rickard, KG4MBQ, New Bern. MEDIA HITS Bill Morine, N2COP had a great op ed piece published in the Wilmington Star-News. The article, "Hams Protect Neighborhoos" discusses the importance of our PRB-1 bill, HB1340. SECTION JOB OPENINGS PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICERS needed in Mecklenburg County, Wilson/Rocky Mount, High Point/ Lexington, Fayetteville, Jacksonville, Greenville/Kinston, Greensboro, and Hickory/Statesville. Also, we believe there are a lot of “informal” PIOs, meaning someone in a club who helps to publicize test sessions and club meeting notices. If they’re an ARRL member, we'd like to consider upgrading you to an official PIO appointment! Contact Section PIC Bill Morine, N2COP at [email protected]. TRAFFIC LIASONS: Energetic, trustworthy, responsible individuals to serve as Liaison Stations between the NCEN and the SENCTN. Also looking for a liaison with the same qualifications for the PCTN and the SENCTN. Apply on your local net or contact Section STM Dave Roy, W4DNA at [email protected]. UPCOMING EVENTS June 23- 24: ARRL Field Day July 7: Salisbury Firecraker Hamfest July 21: Mid-Summer Swapfest, Cary July 28: Western Carolina Hamfest, Waynesville MAY TRAFFIC W4EAT 501 (BPL), W4UEF 402, N3BW 204, W2EAG 146, K4RLD 116, W4DNA 111, KE4JHJ 87, K4IWW 81, K4LKN 73, WA2YBM 65, W4TTO 58, W4NCD 54, W4FAL 45, WA4OBR 41, W4EHF 37, W4LN 32, W3HL 28, K8SKX 21, KI4QHM 16, KI4PNL 13 MAY PSHR K4IWW (23 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:06 PM] Section News for May 2007

120, K4RLD 180, KE4JHJ 110, W2EAG 110, W4DNA 160, W4EAT 130, W4FAL 130, W4LN 137, W4TTO 115, WA2YBM 115, N4MH 110, KA3VVJ 110

South Carolina

Greetings to all Amateur Radio Operators. This is Dr. Jim, N2ZZ with the June 2007 South Carolina Section Manager’s Report! Please remember that the SC Section website can be found at: where my full SM report will be listed as well as up-to-the-date information on Amateur Radio in South Carolina! This coming weekend, the fourth full weekend in June, is Field Day! This is a chance for all amateur radio operators to shine by showingWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO the public what we are all about, and demonstrate our ability as professional communicators in less than perfect conditions! For us, we again have an opportunity to meet and defeat Murphy and hone our operating skills. I hope that everyone has an opportunity to operate, set up, tear down or just socialize this weekend. The ARRL Field Day Packet can be downloaded from the ARRL website here: . Charlie AE4UX, SEC and I will again be traveling around the state to visit Field Day sites throughout South Carolina. I ask that everyone that would like us to visit this weekend to send me [email protected] and Charlie [email protected] the following information As Soon As Possible: Your club or organization name, detailed driving directions (address if possible) and whether you will be operating both Saturday and Sunday. Charlie will be mapping out the route again this year, so please send your information along today! Over the last few years, I was fortunate to have Bob K4NJN, ASM6 divide the state with us. Bob and Paul KB4GYT have different plans this year. They are traveling to Montana to operate Field Day as KB4GYT/7. Bob asked me to pass along to the SC section that they will be looking for stations from the Roanoke Division (of which we are a part) to work prior to the contest, and during the contest. So, ifWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO you are looking for Montana to boost your Worked All States totals, now is the time! Don’t forget your extra points for sending an NTS message to Charlie or me. I plan to have someone take traffic for me and Charlie on the SC SSB net which meets at 7pm local time on 3915 kHz. Full information is contained in the FD Packet noted above. Have a great weekend! Governor Mark Sanford has declared the week of June 18- 24 as "Amateur Radio Week" in South Carolina. Thanks to all involved in making this proclamation a reality! Dayton 2007 has come and gone, and I enjoyed the opportunity to attend the Hamvention again this year. The ARRL EXPO was one of the highlights, and was a success. I encourage all who have not had the opportunity to experience the Dayton Hamvention to make plans to visit next year. Hotel reservations open up in about one week, and information can be found at . I had the honor of being the Section Manager selected to present the topic "Messages to Newington from SM’s" at the Section Manager Forum. The topic was intended to formulate a better working relationship between ARRL HQ and the 71 Section Managers who administrate the ARRL field service in their respective sections. I spent a great deal of time with Harold Kramer WJ1B, Chief Operating Officer of the ARRL, discussing these issues, and I am very pleased to see how receptive he was to our needs. Perusing through July QST, I noted a very complimentary article on page 13 written by Harold. I thank him and all the HQ staff for the support they give us in performance of our ARRL functions. This year’s state-wide emergency exercise was held on June 6th and 7th. The scenario was that of a 7.3 magnitude earthquake in the Charleston area. As most know, amateur radio stations have been placed in various hospitals throughout the state, and this was the first opportunity to test them out with a major exercise. Charlie AE4UX, SEC/State RACES officer is currently requesting reports from all that participated so that he can complete his report regarding Amateur Radio involvement. Please forward that information to him at [email protected] as soon as possible. Thanks to all involved, especially to the PALS repeater system for the use of their linked repeater system throughout the exercise. That’s it for this month! Hope to see everyone on Field Day! May 2007 National Traffic System Report for South Carolina by Mac Heaton N4MEH, STM Net Reports Net Name/Check Ins/Traffic/Sessions/Reported By Anderson Radio Club 2M Net/788/37/31/N4MEH BRARS 2 Meter Net/2206/39/31/K4SUG Carolina's Net/325/83/60/W2EAG Carolina Slow Net/205/46/31/W4EAT Columbia ARC 2 Meter Net/174/11/9/K4RKC Grand Strand ARC 2M Net/211/22/13/N4XML Greater Pee Dee 2 Meter Net/931/36/31/K4DTT Greenwood ARC 2 Meter Net/127/7/5/W4DEW Greenwood Friendly Net/299/40/31/W4JAK Lancaster County 2 Meter Net/144/12/13/ N4WMB Oconee 2M Net/255/16/13/N9GSX PALS Net/739/88/31/KG4KOE SC SSB Net/1963/72/31/WB4DLD York Co. ARS 2 Meter FM Net/682/12/50/KI4NBA Station Activity Reports Station/Sent/Received/ Delivered/Originated/Total KA4LRM/4/4/1/0/9 KA4UIV/20/29/12/0/61 WB4DLD/2/31/2/2/37 N4MEH/5/51/7/4/67 Public Service Honor Roll Station/Cat1/Cat2/Cat3/Cat4/Cat5/Cat6/ Total N4MEH/40/40/20/0/0/0/100 Have a great month! ’73 de Dr. Jim N2ZZ ARRL Section Manager South Carolina Section

Virginia (24 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:06 PM] Section News for May 2007

Section Mangers Report for May 2007 The month of May has been marked by several Simulated Emergency Test in the section. One of these major events was the Dulles International Airport Triennial Airport Emergency Plan Exercise on Saturday, May 5th. This event simulated a plane crash and was responded to by a number of county, state and federal agencies. Amateur Radio was a major player in the exercise with around 150 hams taking part. APRS was used for tracking all the vehicles used to transport victims to local medical facilities. The Virginia Section Manager participated as a VIP observer. The communications role, handled by the local ARES units was handled in a very effective way. There appears to be a lot of excitement in the Amateur Radio community in anticipation of this year’s Field Day. This is an important happening that brings out many hams that may not be active in the monthly activities of their clubs but see this as a “must attend” event. Field Day provides anWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO ideal time to renew acquaintances, meet old friends, to introduce Amateur Radio to the public, to allow public officials and agency people to become better acquainted with our emergency capability. It also allows us to brush up on operating skills and use it to introduce new hams to HF operations. One opportunity that we can miss is that of inviting new hams to the setup for Field Day. It is common to find the same people year after year caring for the setup. This new skill could be a real aid in their setting up their own station. I hope to hear each of you on Field Day. Those wishing to generate a packet message to the SM can do so by addressing the message to W4GHS@W1SLS.#d14.VA.USA.NOAM. You receive extra credit for sending a FD message to the SM. Attempts at restrictive local tower restrictions have surfaced again in Virginia. Following the federal preemption on Amateur Radio towers (PBR-1) we were able to very quickly reason with local zoning people and Board of Supervisors. Most localities quickly backed off these tower codes when it came to application to Amateur Radio towers. Those that failed to see this federal preemption as applying to their city or county lost suits in court. Virginia became one of the first states to pass a state version of this preemption. It is now part of the Code of Virginia (15.5-2293.1). The code contains the muchWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO of the same wording as PBR-1, that localities must have codes that “shall reasonably accommodate radio antenna”. The Virginia law allows for antenna structures of 200 ft in low population density areas and 75 ft in height for high-density populations. Franklin County in Virginia has adapted a code that requires a set back of 120 % of your antenna height from another parcel and 500 foot from a dwelling on a neighboring parcel. This code also requires a set back of 120 % from your dwelling. If you had a 100 ft tower with a UHF antenna on top of the tower, you would have a minimum of 240 feet of coax just to reach the outer wall of your house. Can you image the losses at 450 MHz? This Franklin County code would make it impossible for any ham in a residential section to comply with the set back requirements. There are a number of other restrictive items in this code that was drafted to primarily govern cell towers but included all towers in its adoption. The cost of compliance is prohibitive to the average citizen but would be reasonable for a commercial tower providing huge monthly revenues. The Franklin County code is in violation of both the letter and the spirit of PBR-1 and 15.2-2293.1 Code of Virginia. This code doesn’t “reasonably accommodate an Amateur Radio Antenna.” The surrounding counties have adapted a code that have complied with PBR-1 and the Code of Virginia. Franklin County has cited a local ham Phil Jung, K9PJ as being in violation of the code and is requiring a $200.00 fee to appeal their finding. If this issue cannot be resolved with reasoning with Franklin County, the entire Amateur Radio community across Virginia needs to stand behind the proper resolution. There are over 20,000 licensed Amateur Radio operators in the Commonwealth and we need to unite behind this struggle. If it happens in Franklin County, your county may be next. 73 Glen Sage, W4GHS Virginia Section Manager

Southeastern Division


SM: Susan Swiderski, AF4FO; ASM/South GA: Marshall Thigpen, W4IS; ASM/Legal: Jim Altman, W4UCK; ASM/Webmaster: Bob Smith, K4PHE; ASM/Youth: Andrea Hartlage, KG4IUM; ASM/ Scouting: David Pearce, ABØNG; SEC: Jim Cote, N4PJR; STM: Charles Pennington, K4GK; OOC: Mike Swiderski, K4HBI; TC: Ed Tanton, N4XY; PIC: Norm Schklar,WA4ZXV; SGL: Bill Cherepy, WB4WTN; ACC: Robin Cutshaw, AA4RC www.arrl- Greetings, All, Well, folks, the count-down is on for Field Day. Two additional Field Day sites have been added to the list that was provided for you in the June newsletter, and they are the Jasper Radio Club, and Forsyth ARES. The **new and improved** list is currently posted on our section webpage, and any other latecomers who would like to be included, please send your info to our esteemed webmaster BOB SMITH, K4PHE, at [email protected] The big event happening after Field Day is the 4th of July Peachtree Road Race in Atlanta, which is expected to draw better than 55,000 entrants. Once again, DAVID ZISKIND, KE4QLH, is heading up the communications efforts for that, and he is still in need of some additional volunteers. David writes: Peachtree time is quickly approaching! I am looking forward to your support again this year. I am trying to increase the number of hams to a total of 25 for (25 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:06 PM] Section News for May 2007 better communications support. The details: - Wednesday, July 4, 2007 - Most report times are around 6am. Most assignments are through by 10am. Some are shorter, some are longer. How to volunteer: 1. Send me an email ([email protected])letting me know your availability, AND 2. Fill out the volunteer form and return to the Atlanta Track Club. Write in 'communications' towards the bottom. Coming up this weekend is the Peach State Chapter 49 QCWA meeting, on Saturday, at the Ryans Restaurant at the corner of Jimmy Carter Boulevard and Peachtree Industrial. Eat at noon, with a fantastic program on WCC, one of the original Marconi stations on Cape Cod, to follow. All are welcome. Also on Saturday is Kids Day. ead/kd-rules.html NOTE: In support of Kids Day, the uplink frequency on AO-51's FM repeater will be changed to 145.88 MHz, with no PL tone. And Sunday, of course, is Fathers Day. To all of you special fathers out there, may you have a very specialWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO day. Well, it's unofficially official. (insert dramatic drum roll here) It looks like y'all are gonna be stuck with me as Section Manager for another two years. No one chose to challenge me, so I have been informed by HQ that my next term will begin on the first of October. Many thanks to all of you who signed my petition for nomination. I really do appreciate all of your kind words and support. SILENT KEY: TRACY SNYDER, WD4DMA. Sincere condolences to his family and friends. Tracy, recently appointed as EC for Evans county, was on a mission vist to Hondoras at the time of his untimely death. He will truly be missed. Okay, folks, short and sweet. Until next time, this is AF4FO, signing clear. Take care of yourselves. And each other. 73, Susan QTC May: K4GK-94; K8GA-79; K4BEH-73; WB4BIK-46; N4VAD-42; WA4UJC-30; K4BAI-14; K4EV-2 +++ No trees were killed in the sending of this message. However, a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced. +++

Puerto Rico

Last month was oneWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO of some nice activities. First visit was to the Puerto Rico DX Club at the University of Puerto Rico at Rio Piedras. All members were very cooperative and enthusiastic. There I was given the opportunity to talk to the group. I asked for volunteers for the various positions available to complete my team. The Puerto Rico Amateur Radio League, PRARL, also invited me to their staff meeting. Their staff, also very cooperative and enthusiastic, offered me a space in their monthly bulletin ¡Eureka! I was also invited to the Arecibo Observatory. There I met various members of the Arecibo Observatory Amateur Radio Club as well as various scientists and their director. We talked about a possible interference problem that was not managed correctly. It seems that the Observatory thought that they were primary users in the 70 cm band and made some declarations that were simply not true. They apologized and recognized that were led into wrong belief because they were advised by the wrong persons. Anyway, the issue is now on the FCC hands that will make the official final decision. There will be a Special Event Station the ninth of June. A group of hams from the RODE ARC will be transmitting from the Jesus T Piñero’s house. He was the first puertorrican governor of Puerto Rico and his house is now a museum. Next month I will visit various ARRL Field Day sites and will let you know what happened. Today (June 1, 2007) starts the 2007 Hurricane Season, it is expected 16 tropical storms, 9 of which will become hurricanes,5 of which will be maximum intensity. Let’s all be prepared. Until then, 73’s to all. ======El mes pasado fue uno de buenas actividades. Mi primera visita fue al Puerto Rico DX Club en la Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Río Piedras. Todos los presentes fueron muy cooperadores y entusiastas. Me dieron la oportunidad de hablarles. Les expliqué la necesidad de voluntarios para las distintas posiciones disponibles para completar mi grupo de trabajo. La Liga de Radio Aficionados de Puerto Rico, PRARL, también me invitó a su reunión de la directiva. También fueron muy cooperadores y entusiastas. Me ofrecieron espacio en su revista mensual ¡Eureka! También fui invitado al Observatorio de Arecibo. Allí conocí a varios miembros del Arecibo Observatory ARC, a varios científicos y al director del Observatorio. Hablamos sobre un posible problema de interferencia que no fue correctamente manejado. Parece que el Observatorio creía ser usuario primario de la banda de 70 cm y emitieron declaraciones que eran simplemente erróneas. Ellos se excusaron y reconocieron que fueron llevados a esa situación por personas que no sabían sobre el asunto. De todas formas, el asunto está en manos de la FCC quienes tomarán una decisión oficial final. El nueve de junio saldrá al aire una estación de evento especial. Un grupo de radio aficionados del club RODE (Radio Operadores del Este) estarán transmitiendo desde la casa de Jesús T. Piñero, primer gobernador Puertorriqueño. Su casa está convertida en un museo. El próximo mes visitaré varios lugares donde se esté llevando a cabo el Field Day de la ARRL y les dejaré saber. Hoy, 1ro de Junio de 2007, comienza la temporada de huracanes. Se esperan 16 tormentas tropicales, 9 de las cuales se convertirán en huracanes, 5 de los cuales serán de intensidad máxima. Que todos estemos preparados. Hasta entonces, 73’s para todos.

Southern Florida (26 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:06 PM] Section News for May 2007

Hurricane season is off to a quick start. We had two named storms by the second day of the official season. Hopefully we will have only rain events for the rest of the season. But we can’t control Mother Nature. The Southern Florida section will see some changes at the start of the second month of the storm season. Effective July 1st Karen Briggs, K8KB will assume the appointment of Section Emergency Coordinator. Jeff Beals, WA4AW will assume the appointment of District Emergency Coordinator for the Gold Coast District. Both Karen and Jeff are working to make this a smooth transition. Many thanks to Jeff for the dedication and leadership he has brought to the SEC position for the past several years. Information about Karen can be found at: She has been in a leadership position with Martin County ARES for severalWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO years and was recently acting SEC when Jeff was traveling. Also on July 1st, Harry Newell, N3HN will assume the appointment of Official Observer Coordinator. Harry is the 2007 recipient of the Joseph Chwick, AC4TV Memorial CHAMP Award. Pictures are available at 2007. htm. He is also very involved in Miami-Dade ARES/RACES, volunteers as an ARECC Instructor and Examiner and ARRL VE. We have a new Public Information Officer in Monroe County – John Gassler, KI4QMK. He has already had several media hits and is working to promote the ARES program in Monroe County. In July the section’s ARES leadership and the Public Information Officers will meet for training and planning. Reports: SAR - MAY 2007: KA4FZI 278, NY4E 110, KE4CB 84, K4FQU 70, WA4EIC 69, WA2YL 56, AA4BN 38, KI4MGF 15, KC4TM 11, W4WYR 10 ======PSHR - MAY 2007: KA4FZI 120, K4FQU 117, WA4EIC 100, and WA2YL 100. NY4E 90, AA4BN 84 ======SFL Bulletin Report from David Smith KE4UEI: Recd 21, Sent 6, Total 27 ======SFL NET REPORTS - MAY 2007 NET, ABB, SESS, QNI, QTC, MGR All Florida CW Traffic Net, QFN, 62, 610, 259, NY4E Florida Amateur Sideband Traffic Net, FAST, 31, 182, 55, K4SCL Florida Medium Speed Net, FMSN, 31, 205, 31, AG4RJ/ AB4XK Jupiter-Tequesta Repeater Group, JTRG, 8, 91, 49, AG4BV/KF4NJB Palm Beach County ARES Net, PBCAN, 10, 144, WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO38, KG4PFY Saint Lucie Repeater Association, SLRA, 4, 35, 6, KE4UEI Southeast Florida Traffic Net, SEFTN, 62, 663, 63, AG4RJ/AI4GE Southwest Florida Traffic Net, SWFTN, 27, 27, 4, 50, K4FQU So FL ARES Net, SFAN 3, 33, 2 N5KFR ======ARES: In the 8 counties reporting there were 463 members. Eleven nets held 60 sessions and six of these nets had NTS liaison. The ECs reporting: WA4GUK (Lee), AA4BN (Hendry), WA4ASJ (Indian River), KF4MJJ (Collier), KA4HLO (Miami-Dade), WA2DXQ (Broward), N5KFR (Glades) and K4NNX (Monroe) There were six drills, tests & training sessions and a total of 66 ARES operations. I will be updating the section news page this weekend with some new photos, Field Day sites, and club and ARES events. Please continue to send me club newsletters and photos (no larger than 1 meg in jpg format please) for the section news. I will not be doing a Field Day tour this year, however don’t be surprised if you hear my call responding to your CQ. Karen, Jeremy, our Affiliated Club Coordinator and Jeff will be visiting several sites. Don’t forget the NTS messages to me and to Jeff, your SEC, for those bonus points. Enjoy the challenges and camaraderie of Field Day. I wish everyone a fun and safe Field Day weekend. Stay safe and stay on the air. 73, Sherri, W4STB

Southwestern Division


ARIZONA SECTION NEWS June 2007 FIELD DAY ARRL's annual Field Day takes place on June 23 and 24. Dino Darling, K6RIX, has put together a listing of Field Day groups in the Southwest Division. Maps are provided for most. See If your field day is not listed let Dino know. EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS Wow, have you noticed it's getting hot now? The winter and spring have flown by, and soon the official start to summer will be arriving. We've had a couple relatively small fires this year already, but I think we are just getting into the real dangerous part of the season. Several forests have put into effect fire and camping restrictions although, the Arizona Emergency Net - Maricopa managed to gather last month in the cool pines of Payson for a BBQ. It was an informal pot luck affair and pretty well attended. Several people brought displays, and Bil Munsil even brought an ATV setup and showed it off. Sometimes I think we forget the social aspect of Emergency Communications, and I have to thank Mike Pulley for pulling this event together. If you haven't had a good social event for your Emcomm teams now is as good a time as any to get together! The EMCOMM database has reached about 350 hams. We are still working behind the scenes to make it better. One item I have asked Jim Hoff to implement is a system generated email to anyone who hasn't logged into the system in the last year. People move, or may loose interest, but may not take the time to let their DECs or ECs know, and this will help us keep only active hams in the database. If you get such an email, it's because you haven't logged into the database in a year, so remember to check the message board at least once a year so you won't get the reminder! Have a safe and fun summer season! The wildfire season is knocking at the door. When traveling or camping, be careful and aware of your surroundings. Know more than one way in and OUT of remote areas. Keep your radios charged (27 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:06 PM] Section News for May 2007 and go pack ready, you might get the call. Rick Aldom - W7STS SEC Arizona [email protected]. 2008 SOUTHWESTERN DIVISON CONVENTION MESA AZ I would like to solicit some additional help for the Southwestern Division Convention in September 2008. We have the first stages of a website up at https:// and more will be following soon. We have chosen the Mesa Convention Center for our event, and are working to sign the contract in June. I am still in need of someone to chair the prize committee. If you are interested, please let me know, we need a self starter who can hit the ground running! Rick Aldom - W7STS 2008 SWD Chair [email protected]. NEW HAMS The following Arizona hams just received their FCC license, Congratulations! Steven Koebler KE7MMX, Scott Soto KE7MRJ, Andrea Infante KE7MQD, Vincent Infante KE7MQE, Joshua Preston KE7MQC, Mark Hopeman KE7MRI, Nathan Tschappler KE7MRP, Joseph Beck KE7MRN,WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Gene Geisel KE7MRH, Michael Brumme KE7MWS, Brian Shaw KE7MMU, Constance Anderson KE7MRM, Dean Hill KE7MRL, Richard Decker KE7MWT, Carolyn Ratajack KE7MRK, Ivan Rojas KE7MWV, Don Bean AD7MR, Israel Vicente AD7ND, James Austin KE7MVO, Glenn Searls KE7MVP, Ronald Phillips AD7NJ, Jack Mc Gowan AD7NK, Delores Gross AD7NM, Christopher Reynolds KE7MMP, Effie Williams KE7MMM, David Cray KE7MRT, Stephen Minor KE7MMO, Michael Jarvis KE7MML, James Keane KE7MMN, David Scholl KE7MRS, Michael Weaver KE7MWW, Christine Kirchner KE7MVR, Steve Kirchner KE7MVQ, Don Beezley KE7MQB, Barry Fone KE7MQA, Debra Brown KE7MMQ, Brian Gunnoe KE7MMR, Michael Kolb KE7MMT, Andrew Jackson KE7MMS, Thomas Freeman KE7MYI, Walter Hyde KE7MYJ, Angel Largo KE7MNX HAMFESTS June 2, 2007 The Yavapai Amateur Radio Club is hosting its first annual swap meet June 2nd at Granite Mountain Middle School, Prescott, AZ. The gates open at 6:00 a.m. for vendor set-up and 8:00 a.m. for the swap meet. June 2, 2007 White Mountain Hamfest Hosted by the Kachina Amateur Radio Club Show Low, AZ at the Show Low Intermediate School. Doors open from 7:00 am to noon. ARCA Meeting - 11:00 am. http://hamfest.kachina-arc. org I’ll see you there.WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Jul 6-8, 2007 Arizona State Convention Amateur Radio Council of Arizona http://www.arca- Talk-In: 146.78 (PL 91.5) Contact: Doug Collins KE6JUK 760-220-7710 ke6juk@hotmail. com September 7-9, 2007 ARRL's Southwestern Division Convention in Torrance, CA. See Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about ARRL. If your club or group has an activity or event that would be of interest to other hams throughout our section please email me with the specifics. 73, Tom Fagan WB7NXH ARRL Section Manager Arizona Tucson Arizona (520) 574-1129 [email protected] or

San Diego

June 2007 San Diego Section News *** The 2007 Nationwide Emergency Communications Drill (Field Day) is almost here!!! June 23 and 24 is EMCOMM DRILL weekend, and many local clubs are setting up for the big event. Here is a listing of some of the activity so you may go and enjoy all the excitement! Amateur Radio Club of El Cajon WA6BGS will run their EMCOMM Drill Site at the Al Bahr Shrine camp on Mt Laguna (Mile marker 26 on Sunrise highway off of I-8) More info at Palomar ARC W6NWG will hold EMCOMM Drill Site in San Marcos at the corner of Rancheros Dr and Santar Place. Full data available at http:// Fallbrook ARC N6FQ will hold EMCOMM Drill Site on the athletic field behind Frazier Elementary School, 1835 Gum Tree Lane, Fallbrook. All the details available at http:// Escondido Amateur Radio Society N6SD will run EMCOMM Drill Site at Dixon Lake 1700 N La Honda Escondido. Thomas Guide: SD 1110-B4 Visit the EARS website at http:// North Shores Amateur Radio Club K6HAI is having EMCOMM Drill Site at the South Clairemont Rec Center,3605 Clairemont Dr, San Diego Thomas Guide: SD 1248-E5 Relay for Life K6S will have their EMCOMM Drill Site on the UCSD Campus (North Track) 9500 Gilman Dr. La Jolla, CA 92093-5004 Thomas Guide: SD 1207-J7 San Diego DX Club W6PT is running their EMCOMM Drill Site from the Pt Loma Naval facility. Check the website for updates. SOBARS (South Bay ARS) K6QM holds Site at the elementary school in Eastlake, on Greensview Drive. Check out ROARS (Ramona ARS) has their EMCOMM Drill Site at Fire Station 82, Corner of Highway 67 and Dye Road, Ramona. Webpage is Convair 220 Club has their EMCOMM Drill Site at Kearney Mesa Rec Center, 22 Armstrong St There will be alot of individual groups going out too, I didn't get the data on them, but visit any high mountaintop or park and you may run into Hams doing the EMCOMM Drill!... Many Southern California Sites are listed at: ***** There is a new New Handi Hams Net on Sundays at 1900 local on the 147.130 Palomar repeater. Two visually challenged hams, Jerry Moe KI6FII and Tom Howard KI6IET have been appointed ARES ECs for Net Control Stations and will run this net. Tom is also currently the ARES Duty Phone Operator and is on call 24/7 to respond to emergency calls from Served Agencies. **** Terry Runyon K3PXX has been appointed ASM for Communications and Public Information is very busy promoting the Nationwide Emergency Communications Drill (Field Day) around the Section. Terry came up with our new name for Field Day so that Politicians and the Press could easily understand what it was all about. Terry is also a very active RACES officer and ASM for the ARES to (28 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:06 PM] Section News for May 2007

RACES Liaison *****In other ARES News, Membership has more than doubled since this time last year to over 325 responders! In 2007, ARES has already responded to 7 incidents which is already significantly more than recent years and demonstrates the new respect that ARES has earned with the Served Agencies. ARES Automated Call Out System was used to activate responders to Grossmont Hospital to support communications for a 7 person injury accident on Hwy 94. July 4th is Cal Fire (CDF) Red Flag Patrol Day… Responders are needed…. More details on all these topics at: ARES is selling up to 500 Raffle tickets as a tax deductible fund raiser. 1st Prize: Icom 7000, 2nd: MFJ-259 antenna Analyzer, and 3rd: Heil Traveler headset With such a limited number of tickets your chance of winning is 3 in 500. Visit for all the details. And finally, thanks to Gordon Shackelford AE6QW for donating a beautiful Collins 75A-1 and 32VWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO to the Crest Radio Museum. These are especiallly treasured!! If you would like something mentioned in the San Diego Section News, email me the data and we will get it in. 73! Pat Bunsold WA6MHZ San Diego Section Manager

Santa Barbara

How Hams Celebrate Father's Day President Calvin Coolidge recommended it as a national holiday in 1924. In 1966, President Lyndon Johnson made Father's Day a holiday to be celebrated on the third Sunday of June. The holiday was not officially recognized until 1972, during the presidency of Richard Nixon. In recent years, retailers have adapted to the holiday by promoting male-oriented gifts such as electronics and tools. Families of Amateur Radio operators insist that he or she attends the Santa Maria Radio Swapfest. This year as in years past, Amateur Radio operators will celebrate Father's Day on June 16, 2007 at the Santa Maria Radio Swapfest The Santa Maria Radio Swapfest is sponsored by the Satellite Amateur Radio Club. You can get all of the informationWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO by downloading the swapfest flyer at < %20Flyer.pdf >. In Santa Maria, California Saturday morning June 16th. Elks Lodge Parking Lot 1309 North Bradley Road Talk-In: 147.300+ (PL 131.8) The information contact is Eric Lemmon, WB6FLY 4416 Titan Avenue Lompoc, CA 93436-1027 Phone: 805-733-4416 Fax: 805-733-4418 Email: < [email protected] > < > ======Subscribe to the ARRL Santa Barbara Section e-mail reflector. Send an e-mail to < [email protected]?subject=subscribe >. Not only will you receive up-to-the-minute reports and items of interest, but you will be able to post your own responses or comments that will be read by all of the other subscribers on the list. Subscribe to the ARRL Santa Barbara Section Council of Clubs e-mail reflector. Send an e-mail to < arrlsbclubs- [email protected]?subject=subscribe >. If you are a club leader, or just an active member interested in seeing your club grow and prosper, you must subscribe to this list. Your club doesn't have to be a member of the ARRL Club Council for you to subscribe. View the ARRL Santa Barbara Section Web site on your browser at < >. Check to be sure that your club information is included and is correct, as you browse all of the information-packed pages on the ARRL Santa Barbara Section Web site. As an active member of the ARRL Santa Barbara Section (Santa Barbara, Ventura and San Luis Obispo Counties), you'll want to be on the cutting edge of all developments in today's Ham World. ======

West Gulf Division

South Texas

The 7290 and the Texas Traffic Net picnic was a great success this year despite the cost of gasoline. We had around 80 that attended. We had a great time. There were several awards given. One of the greatest things about this group they are always there to serve when we have an emergency. Most are first responders for NCS and other jobs when the time comes. These two nets are always active during emergency for the State of Texas, but they never get any recognition. They have trained over the years for that time.

We have had some bad storms here in South Texas. Eagle Pass had a lot of damage and several deaths due to a Tornado. We had several Tornadoes and some flooding. Ham radio was not used much but they were on standby in case they were needed.

Weather is a big issue here because we are enjoying cool weather in the day time instead of the heat that we normally have at this time of year. One can enjoy going out in the middle of the day and mow the lawn.

We have a lot of new hams that are looking for something to do, so lets get them involved in the bike rides (29 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:06 PM] Section News for May 2007 and walks for the different medical fund raising. Our clubs are doing a great job helping in this but you need to interest the new hams.

Field day is just around the corner so let's get ready. Don't forget the extra points that can be yours.

Until next month. God Bless America and our Troops.WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Ray N5NAV

WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO (30 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:06 PM] Section News for June 2007

Section News for June 2007

Atlantic Division


Field Day 2007 This is an afterWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO action report: As I traveled about the state of Delaware during Field Day visiting various clubs and organizations it became apparent to me that amateur radio's most important asset during this operation was not the antenna or the transceivers or the computers but the cooperation and knowledge of our amateur radio community. Field Day is meant to be a learning experience and as an amateur radio operator we encounter many obstacles to obtain the results that we want, each and every one of you must possess the skills of a system integrator, and I mean by that if you encounter some obstacle that prevents you from obtaining the results from you want and need that you need to step back and analyze the situation and come up with a diagnostic approach to repair the problem. Some of the problems that were encountered this past Field Day ranged from getting that new multi-band antenna to work properly, attempting to make a change in a transceiver setting such as the mode setting, the frequencies stepping rate, etc. Most of these problems occurred in because we haven't used a particular radio for some time; again practice was necessary to become proficient in its use. Another problem that was evident was networking in 2.4 GHz radio systems for logging purposes when we drag out these computers once a year during FieldWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Day. How about those bad antenna connector problems do you know how to properly use solder a PL 259 connector? Have you ever considered using a type N connector? I would offer her some suggestions to practice for each individual during the upcoming summer months one of these would be to learn the ITU phonetics alphabet you've probably all heard some of the weird phonetics used during Field Day that often causes confusion when spelling out a call sign or other information. I would suggest either getting a copy of or memorize the US amateur radio band plan both for high frequency and very high- frequency operations. Please take the time to review or look into training of passing traffic that is messages using amateur radio in order to learn a new skill or polish up on one that you've previously learned that may be necessary during an emergency. We are in the process of negotiating getting statewide training available for the Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Course and will be asking if you are interested in participating in the near future. Upcoming events for the month of July 2007: On Saturday 14 July 2007 Nanticoke amateur radio club will be demonstrating amateur radio at the River fest in Seaford Delaware. Saturday 14 July 2007 and Sunday 15 July 2007 IARU HF world championship Saturday 21 July 2007 CQ WW VHF contest Saturday 21 July 2007 and Sunday 22 July 2007 North American QSO party--RTTY Sunday 22 July 2007 CQ WW VHF contest Also a reminder that the ARRL simulated emergency tests will take place Saturday 6 October 2007 and Sunday and 7 October 2007 mark your calendar! I am still looking for some one to assist me in the Delaware Section Cabinet by applying for the position of Section Traffic Manager this job requires basically Administrative skills and may be reviewed at this URL: For an overview of last months 2007 Field Day with pictures bookmark this URL: sections/?sect=DE 73 Frank Filipkowski AD3M

Northern New York

Wow, its' hard to believe but here we are in July. The year is passing quickly. I know we are all busy doing whatever it is we do to put bread on the table, family time, hobby time and other things that must get done. June was one of my busiest months ever and others I have spoken to indicate the same. However, let's all make an effort to give back to the hobby, and our communities. Take part in those public service drills and events. Show amateur radio in a positive light to the public. Keep our hobby in front of people all the time, not just on Field Day Weekend. Be sure your family knows enough about the hobby so they are able to answer questions like "what does your (enter applicable relation) do with all those antennaes" or "radios" or "in those contests " or"insert applicable query". You don't think that knowledge and ability is important? Remember, they are answering a non-ham in non-ham language. They just might be our best recruiters. My daughter-in-law recently told me that she has had several opportunities to present the hobby to others. My son is the ham, VK2KDP / KB2KDP. Well, it has helped the hobby grow in New South Wales. Just maybe it can here in the US also. That conversation with Rebecca got me thinking. I came up with this idea. I am issuing a challenge to all amateur radio operators in Northern New York. Since we are half way through the year and most of us have blown our New Years Resolutions, which we usually make around whatever (1 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:37 PM] Section News for June 2007 holiday we celebrate in December, I am going to call it the Christmas In July Challenge. I challenge all hams to resolve to personally shepherd at least one person into the Amateur Radio Ranks during the next 12 months. I mean from helping them learn enough to pass the exam to helping them get radio-active to helping them with the "hands on" where they will really learn what they studied to get their license to joining the ARRL to giving back to their community. Think about it, we in NNY can start a trend! In one short year we can double the ham population. Will that help us find the volunteers for Ironman - Tinman - The Carp Tourniment - The Hamfest - The Blizzard - The Icestorm - The "you name it"? You bet it will! Hey, I know it is a dream, but even a trip to the moon started with a dream. Lets do it! Lets be the spearhead for the next ARRL Membership Campaign. (Are you listening Katie?) I hope this finds all of you enjoying what passes for summer in NNY - and a safe season toWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO all. Be careful with those antenna projects, Bar-B-Ques and Vacations. Please do not forget to plan a great weekend in Lake Placid during the Columbus Weekend. The is plenty for all members of the family and you can take part in the Annual NNYARA sponsored Northern New York Hamfest and Convention on Saturday October 6th. Don't forget the hamfest BBQ on Friday evening.

Southern New Jersey

SOUTHERN NEW JERSEY NEWSLETTER FOR JULY 2007 SECTION MANAGER, JEAN PRIESTLEY, KA2YKN We really got lucky for Field Day with the weather. Congratulations to everyone for just being there. Field Day is a time to just relax with friends when you are not working a station and it is a time to learn new things. Thanks for of the all field day reports and messages. It is a great time to let the communities know what emergency communications by ham radio is all about. It is not too early to start planning for Field Day 2008 or even setting upWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO a demo somewhere to promote our hobby and public service. It is with deep regret that we note the passing of Karl Kuhn Kryk, W3ZVK/VK6IP, a.k.a. “KK” or the Zero Velocity Kid”. He was a likeable chap. At the time of his passing he was living in Australia. He was a life member of ARRL, licensed in 1952 first as DL4IZ while with the US Army and later as WA9RYN in 1966. In 1967 he was VK6IZ and held it until 1981 while in Australia. He raised alpacas, enjoyed rag chewing and dxing. Also passing in May was Charles S. Gilbert, Jr. W3YJM, a.k.a. “Buc”. He was active in the Cape May county ARC and a member of the Old Miss International Sideband Society, better known as OMISS. He had been an active ham since 1954 with the same call sign. His main interests were net operations and skeds with old friends. He resided in Egg Harbor Township at the time of his passing. As we speak, the MS Foundation is preparing for the MS150 bike ride the last weekend of September on Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th. There is a new coordinator for the walk and I can personally say that he is the best man for the job having worked with him for 15 years on the Philadelphia Channel 6 Thanksgiving Day Parade. His name is Carmen DeCicco, KE3QB. The riders leave Saturday morning early and return to this area Sunday afternoon. More information is on the MS website at For the staunch hamfest connoisseurs, mark August 18 and September 16, 2007 on you calendar. Hamfest by the Shore on August 18th is at Riverwood Park on Riverwood Drive and Whitesville Road in Toms River, New Jersey. Talk-in is on W2DOR/R on 146.910 Pl 127.3 minus. Admission is $5 for buyers and $10 tailgaters and inside Vendors $15 with BYOT. There will be VE exams at 11:10 am with registration at 11:00am. But come early and give yourself time to relax. Questions can be addressed to [email protected] or call Darleen at 732-237-9448. You can also go to JSARS website at HTTP://WWW. JSARS.ORG. The Gloucester County Amateur Radio Club will hold their 30th annual hamfest in Mullica Hill, New Jersey this year on September 16, 2007. Come with a friend or come in a group or bus but don’t miss these hamfest. Testing will be available. The Camden County SKYWARN Coordinator is looking more people to become active in the Camden County SKYWARN program. Especially needed are New Control Stations. You would be trained before being asked to run any nets. Of course, you must hold a current Amateur Radio license. Also needed are 3-4 deputies to assist in the overall function of the SKYWARN Program. If you have an interest in this, contact Rick Tighe, Coordinator. He can be found on the Camden County SKYWARN Training New 2nd Thursday of the month at 7:30 on the Camden County RACES Repeater 145.895 PL 192.8. The above information is just for Camden County, but if you are in a different county, check with you local coordinator to see if they are in need of trained people. It would seem to me that well trained people can only be an asset and you can never have too many trained spotters, net control people or deputies. Here are some dates to look for this summer. In August is the N2OB Lighthouse Event on August 4, 2007 and W2T Lighthouse Event on August 18 and 19, 2007. JSARS Is still holding their testing sessions the third Thursday of each month at 7:30 pm at the Riverwood Recreation Building on Riverwood Drive in Toms River, NJ. For more information call Ed, GENOINO, WA2NDA at 609-693-3729. Holiday City ARC is also still holding their test sessions every other 2nd Saturday from 10am to 12pm, (May, July, Sept, Nov). Sessions are held at the Holiday City South Clubhouse area in meeting room #1 on Mule Road at the corner of Santiago Dr in Toms River. Your contact person is Bill Haldane, AC2F and the phone is 732-240-7064 or [email protected]. When going to any test session, you must have your original license and at least one Xerox copy and original (2 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:37 PM] Section News for June 2007 and one copy of any credit sheets you may have. Also bring 2 forms of id. Testing sessions by SJRA are on the 4th Tuesday of each month at the Winslow Senior center. Contact is Mark, K2AX at [email protected] or (609) 820-1523. Testing is also available in Atlantic County. The location is at the Canale Training Center at 5033 English Creek Avenue in Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey. There will be no walk-ins so please call Robert, WA2ARP at 609-338-7038 to reregister. The sponsor is the Southern Counties Amateur Radio Association (SCARA). Next session is Sept 29th If you haven’t already, please make a note or bookmark the following site: The Battleship New Jersey is on summer hours. Check on their website for hours and other information. If your club is thinking about visiting the NJ2BB club station, please be sure to make arrangements ahead of the scheduled date to insure that someone will be there. Just WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.ROgo on our website at for information to schedule a visit. If you have worked NJ2BB and want to send a card, the QSL manager is Margaret Burgess, KB2BRR 150 Schooner Ave, Barnegat, NJ 08005. Please send your cards with an SASE to insure receiving a card in return from NJ2BB. If you have an activity coming up or want to report something that happened, please send a short write up to me and I will put it in next month. Please remember that if you work traffic to report it to Dan, K2UL. Traffic report for JUNE, Traffic manager, K2UL, Dan Ostroy SNJ/NNJ Section Net Reports QNI reports NJM 93 N2GJ NJPN 192 W2CC NJSN 167 K2PB NJN(E) 215 AG2R NJN(L) 185 AG2R (the above nets are dual section nets of both SNJ and NNJ. Liaisons with 2RN) SNJ Local Net Reports JSARS 429 WA2NDA SJTN KB2RTZ NO REPORT SJVN WB2UVB NO REPORT SCARS NO REPORT NW2Y Station Activity Reports (SAR) WA2CUW 78 WA2YL 64 WA2NDA 43 K2UL 42 K2GW 40 AA2SV 38 K2BR 24 KC2IYC 6 W2QOB 5 KA2YKN 3 Public Service Honor Roll (PSHR) K2GW 158 WA2YL 150 K2BR 147 K2UL 120 WA2CUW 90 WA2NDA 80 W2QOB 44 KC2IYC 50 KA2YKN 38 N2HQL 28 STM reports that the past six years have been posted on the web at Central Division


QST DE KA9QPN Field Day... **Another Field Day has come and gone. I was fortunate to visit the Kishwaukee ARC operation in DeKalb and the Starved Rock RC effort a stone's throw from my home. What impresses me most was the level of ingenuity in getting the stations on the air. I saw messenger lines for wire antennas being lofted over support poles using a home-made compressed air cannon. I saw military surplus telescoping masts pressed into use once again as supports for wire antennas, omnidirectional VHF/UHF sticks, and incredibly, a tribander. I also saw ARES® people explaining our capabilities to an interested Mayor of a neighboring town and several Sheriff's Deputies. People of all ages were operating, including many young people. Who says that we're no longer relevant? Most of all, I saw dedicated people having fun and proving our ability to set up and function under the gun. Congratulations to all who participated in any capacity. **An ambitious goal was set by several Section officials. Several were bound and determined to visit as many sites as possible. ACC Eric Rademacher K9QKB visited fourteen different FD locations from Wauconda to Bolingbrook. He started at 1300 on Saturday and continued past 0400 on Sunday. Eric surprised more than a few bleary-eyed souls overnight. Cook County DEC Neil Ormos N9NL, not to be outdone, visited eighteen sites from Aurora past Oak Forest to Lake Forest. Operators that Neil found awake were left with a handshake and an ice cream sandwich. An amazing job by these two folks, and also by the clubs that were visited. **All of our FD operations are outstanding exercises in their own right, but one in particular deserves a bit of recognition for 'above and beyond'. The Fox Radio Relay League had both a well-staffed visitors tent, where those unfamiliar but interested would be properly welcomed and briefed; and a tent to further FRRL's highly successful 'Next Gen Hams' program. Not every club can mount an effort like FRRL's, but the lesson there is don't forget the uninitiated and the kids when setting up in a public place (distilled from an N9NL email). **The Rockford Amateur Radio Association got a nice look on WREX-TV 13. Other clubs got mention in their print media, and just in time for FD was a proclamation by the State of Illinois declaring Amateur Radio Week. **From Ron Orr K9RST, President of the North Shore Radio Club, comes this take on FD: 'As tired as I get on Field Day, it is always worth the hard work that it requires. Field Day is a social event – it is meant to bring us together as a family. So, I was thrilled to see so many from our club come out to the picnic and bring their wives and families with them. To me, the delicate job is to balance the social side of the event with the competitive side. Yes, it is great to see so many people exposed to parts of the hobby like RTTY and CW, but I would argue this is not the time or the place to demonstrate these modes to the public. As the bands become more active, and the competition becomes more intense, I would expect to see us focus much more on our scores. We need to find better ways to demonstrate the working parts of the hobby in the pavilion, rather than in the contesting tents. Field Day is far too much work for too many people to think of it as a totally casual affair. I think we have managed to do a good job of balancing – contest, social and education. (3 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:37 PM] Section News for June 2007

Fact is, we have nurtured some really fine operators in the past two years, that would not have happened if we didn’t have competitive stations. ...(Y)ou quickly learn that you have to operate differently for different bands. For instance, on VHF, most of the time is spend begging for stations to come back to you. When you catch a live one, many want to chat a while, and then invite you to work CW on 2 meters and then move to 6 meters, so you can capitalize on the contact. It is a completely different experience than HF contesting bands.' (from the NSRC Transmitter, July 07) **All of the emails and newsletters haven't landed here as of today. Don't feel left out if I haven't covered your FD operation. We'll catch some more next month as we receive word. Much more at WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Wisconsin

WISCONSIN: SM: Don Michalski, W9IXG. BWN 3985 0500-0715 W9IXG. BEN 3985 1200 KE9VU. WSBN 3985 1715-1800 K9FHI. WNN 3555 1800 KB9ROB. WSSN 3555 1830 N9JIY. WIN-E 3555 1900 WB9ICH. WIN-L 3555 2200 W9UW. (All times are Central time) ** With regret, I am informing you of the passing of the following Amateurs: -- Jerry Paczesny, AA9UZ, 75. He was a member of the Milwaukee "Stokken" club. ** The Fox Cities Amateur Radio Club (W9ZL) will be hosting a Special Event Station from the grounds of EAA AirVenture 2007 in Oshkosh. The station will operate Thurs – Sun (26-29 July) from 1300-2100Z on 14.270 +/-, 7.250+/-, 146.520 and on 146.760/- (100.0Hz) from the Vette Hanger at Pioneer Airport. The shack is located just north of the grass runway by the EAA Museum. One thing new this year is the W9ZL station will be part of the Kid Venture program at EAA. We are pleased to be able to introduce our hobby to so many more young people. On Friday 27 July starting at 0630, W9ZL will be hosting the second annual "ALL HAM" (Dutch treat)WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO breakfast at the I-HOP on Koeller Ave in Oshkosh. All visiting hams to EAA are encouraged to join the group and meet some hams from all over the world. Certificate for all HF contacts. Send 9x12 SASE to FCARC, Attn: N9YMC, PO Box 5233, Appleton, WI 54912 Guest operators are always welcome. If you are planning to be at EAA this year, please email Bernie at [email protected] with your planned schedule. ** Jackson Tenor, KC9KVU, age 8, recently passed his General license and almost passed the Extra!! Congratulations!! He is a member of the Green Bay Mike and Key Club and will be in the 3rd grade at Holy Apostles Catholic School in Green Bay. His proud father is Joe, N9UPU. ** Field Day reports! Here are some FD reports I received: -W9ZL Field Day Site was in Greenville with FCARC Members and 3 ARES ops on site. - N9NNN reports Columbia County ARES participated in FD from Firemans Park in Rio. They had 9 ARES members operated and 2 guests visited. - K9KR reports that West Allis Club had 14 participants, 0 ARES members at FD. - KB9STB reported seven operators. Visitors were showing up while setting up! - Randy reported that the KZ9B group operated at Mukwonago Park with 15 operators and 3 ARES members. - WI9M reported Ozaukee Radio Club operating from the Lazy Days Campground with 32 ARES members! - KC9IKI reported the Tri County ARC and Jefferson County ARES operating from Korth Park with 12 operators and 4 ARES members. - KA9WYK reported making the front page of the Herold Times Reporter in Manitowoc County while operating 3A. Nice article, too! - KG8CX reported that the M&M ARC had 61 visitors and 17 operators. 8 of them were youngsters under the age of 20. They made 669 contacts for the weekend! - W9EBV reported that FDL WI ARES had 55 Participants, 34 ARES operators, at the UWFDL Campus Fond du Lac. - KI9H reported the ECARC Field Day, W9EAU, had a recent record of 1620 QSOs operating 3A, low power, all bands! Impressive. ** STM Report Wisconsin Section June 2007 FAQ #70 What’s the difference? The difference, that is, between the NTS message format and the ICS Form 213 format? First, some similarities. Each form creates a record of what happened – perhaps for review, critique, or evaluation. The form is concise. It often takes less time than informal messages. It’s easier to copy. Receiving operators know the sequence of the information resulting in fewer errors and repeats. Formal messages make a record, help to establish priorities, and are, in a word, official. Many agencies use specific forms for their formal communications – especially in times of emergency. They do this to create a record, update situations, make a formal declaration, make requests, and document events such opening and closing of shelters. Of course, formal messages on behalf of agencies should be signed by the appropriate official to establish authenticity and responsibility. Whereas the NTS format has a "check," the ICS form has a “group count” that can accomplish the same thing. The NTS form may have a precedence of Routine, Welfare, Priority, or Emergency. ICS traffic will be Routine, Immediate, or Urgent. Either system helps a traffic handler or net control operator schedule passing of traffic. While NTS format has parts such as the number, precedence, station of origin, etc., the ICS system form has numbered lines with the parts as well. There are more likenesses and differences, but here’s the important aspect – don’t worry about the form. Learn to copy without relying on any form. Be flexible. Follow the directions. Use the same skills of careful copying, prosigns, and confirmation no matter what form is required. That’s the real skill of handling traffic. 73 – K9LGU / STM – WI ** The 2006 Simulated Emergency Test results were published in the July 2007 QST. Our Section ended up third in ARES activity behind Michigan and Virginia with 3755 points, but we were Number 1 in the nation in (4 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:37 PM] Section News for June 2007

Section/Local Nets with 1983 points, toping number 2 North Carolina by over 200 points! In addition, we had the most reporting county ARES teams and most nets in the county, again Number 1! I know many of you worked hard to participate and get your documentation in and thanks also to Skip Sharpe, W9REL, for organizing it all. This recognition is a tribute to the dedication and professionalism of WI ARES/RACES members! I am extremely proud of this team. Bill Niemuth, KB9ENO, Section Emergency Coordinator ** We were pleased and impressed with the success of the past Field Day. There was a lot of good press that came out of it. Congratulations to all the teams! 73, Don W9IXG Dakota Division WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Minnesota

ARRL MINNESOTA SECTION SUMMARY FOR JUNE 2007 SUMMARY FROM SM ++ The MN section OOC, ARES and Traffic summaries are enclosed below. ++ See the ARRL Section web site for up-to-date information and bulletins. ++ Go to the new section website at ++ We plan on reconstituting the ARES HF net later this summer. Stay tuned for the announcement from our SEC and STM. It will precede the section net on Sunday evening as before. This is directed net preceding section net. ++ We have a new DEC for ARES District Five, Dan Anderson KD0ASX. ++ Please send me your plans for Amateur Radio Classes for the fall. ++ Have you any local stories for the section news? Please send to me. Respectfully submitted by Skip Jackson, KS0J, MN SM MN OOC REPORT SUMMARY FOR JUNE 2007 Reports from Official Observers received for June: N0OH, W3FAF, WO0A, KB0OHI. Respectfully submitted by John H. Thomas III, W3FAF, MN OOC MN SEC REPORTWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO SUMMARY FOR JUNE 2007 Total number of ARES members reported: (incomplete list) Change since last month: County EC’s reporting: Anoka (KC0KEP), Carver (N0EN), Cook (KBØBDN), Dakota(AB0XE), Itasca (KG0FD), Lac Qui Parle (KC0QED), Lincoln (WD0BZU), Lyon (WD0BZU), Redwood (KA0ISD), Scott (N0BHC), St. Louis-North (WD0GUF), St. Louis-South (KB0LC), Sherburne (N0JHU), Washington (KC0OIO), Local Net Names: Anoka County ARES Net, CCART, River Valley, SEMARC, Scott County, Chisago County, Carver County, Washington County, Fox Valley Monday Night Net, Lac Qui Parle Phone, Lac Qui Parle Packet, Mankato Area Radio Club Emergency Services Net, Marshall Area Emergency Net, Redwood County, Wadena Area Ham Net, Northern Lakes Radio, NE MN Public Service, SE St. Louis Emergency Service, Dakota County ARES, Scott County ARES. Total sessions: 38 NTS liaison is maintained with the MN Section, Tenth Region, and NTSD Traffic Nets by N0UC, W0LAW Number of drills, tests and training sessions this month: 11 Person hours: 1265 Number of public service events this month: 6 Person hours: 444 Number of emergency operations this month: 10 Person hours: 110 Total number of ARES operations this month: 27 Total Person hours: 1819 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Frank Karnauskas, N1UW, MN SEC MN STM SUMMARY FOR JUNE 2007 NET FREQ TIME QNI/QTC/SESS MGR ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ MSPN/E 3860 5:30 P WO0A MSPN/N 3860 12:00 P N0YR MSN/1 3605 6:30 P K0WPK MSN/2 3605 9:50 P K0WPK PAW 3925 9A-5P KA0IZA MONTHLY STATION ACTIVITY REPORTS (SAR) STATION ORIG. REC'D. SENT DLVD. TOTAL BPL NO.OPS. ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ W0LAW 0 67 85 5 151 K0WPK 0 75 9 5 89 W3FAF 0 21 33 0 54 KB0AII 0 17 43 0 50 W0HPD 0 18 24 0 42 N0YR 0 25 11 10 41 KB0AIJ 0 16 16 0 32 KA0IZA 0 21 5 0 26 WD0GUF 0 4 3 2 9 PUBLIC SERVICE HONOR ROLL (PSHR) STATION 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL ~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ N0YR 40 40 10 130 220 W0LAW 40 40 20 10 110 WD0GUF 40 9 30 79 SECTION TRAFFIC MANAGER MONTLY REPORT NET ABBR. SESS. TFC. NMCALL NTS LIASON ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ MINNESOTA SECTION MSPN/E WO0A MSPN/E PHONE NET/EVENING 1,217 30 53 MINNESOTA SECTION MSPN/N N0YR PHONE NET/NOON 617 30 62 MINNESOTA SECTION MSN/1 k0wpk RN- 10, C4 NET (CW) 6:30P MINNESOTA SECTION MSN/2 k0wpk RN-10 C4 NET (CW) 10:00P PICONET ALLDAY PAW HRS KA0IZA ALL DAY WATCH 2,888 69 46 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Robert Meyer, W0LAW, MN STM

North Dakota

NORTH DAKOTA: SM, Kent Olson, KAØLDG - Greetings, I hope your summer is going well. Field Day activities around the State seemed to be going along at a good pace. North Dakota clubs put us on the air in at least six locations. We won’t find out till later this year who the winning club was though. The weather held up, as well as the spirits at all the locations I visited. Baring a few minor setbacks (and some not so minor), hams were having a great time. The Hawksnest node of the Superlink will be off the air by the time you read this. There have been ongoing structural problems with the tower, and now it must come down. Presently, there are no new leads on where to re-connect this node, so if you have any ideas, please contact me, and I can put you in touch with the Superlink trustee. Also, the Pillsbury tower which connects the eastern part of (5 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:37 PM] Section News for June 2007

ND with the western part via the Superlink, will also will be lost. More to follow as this issue continues. Upcoming hamfests: Grand Forks October 6th. Section's web site: HF NM KØJIM net reports for June: Weather Net: 26/332/5. Data Net: 30/691/18. Goose River Net: 4/33/1.

South Dakota

Here is the section news for South Dakota, if there are any clubs that have material that they wish to have posted please email me the information no later than the 5th of the month so that I can get it posted to both the summary and the web siteWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO before the cut off date. I receieved very little news this month so the section news is pretty short, I suppose everyone is busy with summer outdoor projects. Jerry KGØGG Hot Springs ARC News: Our Field Day was a huge success. With set up at the world famous Mammoth Site on Friday night and had everything ready to go at noon on Saturday. We even had air conditioning in our army field tent! Our SSB and CW totals were some of the best we have had in a few years. We had 3 of our teenage hams get on the air and make lots of contacts. Our pile up on 1Ø meters was solid for 3 hours. The only mishap was the flag pole breaking in the wind on top of our 5Ø' tower. The transmitter hunt on July 5 was a lot of fun. Glen, KAØSIN, made a good fox and gave us some much needed practice. We will probably try another hunt this summer. Our new storage shed should be in place by the time you read this and our new crank up tower has now been ordered. 73 and CU down the log. Tim KØOR Pierre Amateur Radio Club WBØRJH expressed his appreciation of those helping in the May Emergency drill and cited positive comments from others in the after action report. Certificates in recognition of their dedicated service were issued to: Laura-KCØYCB, Eldon-WØRTD, John-NØPIZ, Karen-KCØOCH, Bob-WBØNNI, Vickee-NØRQY, Randy-KBØGGM, Sara-KCØWVG, Greg-NØNPO, Rod-KCØZHF,WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Gary-AAØCT, Ed-NØOMP, Jody-WBØQVE, and Zeke-KI4NEA. WBØRJH asked for a vote by PARC to accept the merger of the Medicine Butte Radio Association into PARC. Jim-KCØWVF made a motion to accept the merger of Medicine Butte Radio Association and PARC, with their members becoming PARC members for the current year with Medicine Butte being responsible for their current liabilities and the termination of their legal status. Eldon-WØRTD second. The motion passed unanimously. Jim-KDØS discussed future support of the Reliance and Murdo repeater sites. Electrical costs will have to be absorbed at both Reliance and Murdo. KDØS reported that cost for the 2 sites is estimated at $35-$4Ø per month. PARC has been donating surplus equipment such as feed line, antennas, etc but has not directly contributed cash to the support of the Murdo and Reliance site. WØRTD pointed out that PARC had made a direct cash contribution to the SD Amateur Radio Council but that money did not go directly to the support of either Reliance or Murdo and that the electrical costs for Murdo have ranged from $15 to $25 per month for the last 5 years and this should be caught up to date. KDØS reported that at the link meeting held in Pierre in 2ØØ5, PARC was asked to be responsible for Pierre, Reliance, and Murdo repeaters but PARC had never stepped up to the plate and voted our support. KCØOCH asked if membership could be assessed to support the link. WBØNNI offered that PARC members that wanted to use the link could be assessed dues with the proceeds going to SDARC. KDØS asked for a motion to support the link with the extent of monetary support to be voted on later. The motion died without a second. Jim-KDØS made a motion to appoint Greg-WBØRJH as mediator between SDARC and PARC in setting up a meeting in Pierre that PARC would sponsor. Bob-WBØNNI second. Motion carried. All members will be notified of the meeting. Greg-WBØRJH reports the MOU with the state has stagnated and we need to have another meeting with them. Kristi Turman needs to address the issues between State and OEM. Field Day Rich KØPIR talked about field day. The location will be at the KDØS- WDØT property 6 miles east of Pierre on highway 14. WDØT and KDØS both have camper trailers that will be available. KCØWVF will check to see if OEM trailer is available. KØPIR needs a list of radios and computers that will be available. A GOTA station will be set up this year. The triband antenna donated by WBØRJH will be used on the clubs crankup tower. Members are asked to bring their own meat and a covered dish for the barbecue and to kick in $5 each for the breakfast on Sunday morning. WBØRJH said we need 2-1ØØ ft and 2-5Ø ft extension cords. We will meet at noon at EDØT-KDØS property. VE testing will be held at 4PM at fire station #4. KDØS showed slides of the 2ØØ7 Dayton Hamvention as well as a video of the K3LR contest station. Meeting was adjourned at 21:45. KDØS Black Hills Amateur Radio Club General Meeting Minutes June 15th, 2ØØ7. Meeting called to order by Gary Peterson at 1933 MDT. Twenty seven (27) members and guests were present. Old Business: Gary Johnson, KØKLR, reported to Gary Peterson that he may have come up with some very large batteries for our repeaters. The 1ØM Dish is going to be removed. New Business: The light timer was inquired about and it has been decided that all outdoor projects are going to be suspended until we know more about the Radar project. A motion was approved to allow the treasurer investigate CDs and reinvest at his discretion. Jay Roman took the floor to talk about his work with youth on the OST. His group works with the NSF and NASA/JPL. Their work is in simulations of Mars and Moon exploration programs. He asked for help with coordinating and working with him to get youth involved in HAM radio. Field day is impromptu this year, show up at the club house on next Saturday morning. It was (6 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:37 PM] Section News for June 2007 voted on and approved that the dish group fund would be rolled into the general fund. Meeting was adjourned at 2Ø:Ø3 MDT. Respectfully Submitted, Charles M Douvier, Secretary

Delta Division


ARKAN News - The 3rd annual Parkfest will be held at Lowell Park in Lowell, Ark., on Saturday, September 22, 2007, from 10 a.m. to 1 WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.ROp.m. (setup begins at 9 a.m.) Buy, sell,or trade your items and meet the hams you hear on the air. There is no charge for admission or for selling! This is an event for the entire family and there are two playgrounds at the park. Contact John W5HB ([email protected]) with questions. ARKAN Meetings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Monday of each month at the Arkansas Air Museum located at Drake Field on Highway 71 in Fayetteville. Amateur Radio testing is available following each club meeting. Please email the club testing coordinator for more information. ARKAN conducts a 2 meter net on the 146.955 MHz repeater (PL tone 110.9) in Springdale, Arkansas, every Thursday at 8:00 p.m. Anyone with 2 meter privileges is welcome to participate. ARVARF News- I hope everyone participated in Field Day somewhere. The ARVARF Field Day was a real success, especially if you consider success as communicating well under difficult conditions! If you weren’t there, it rained, then it rained some more, and then it rained really hard! In spite of this, all stations did well, making lots of contacts and overcoming any problems. Hams are very resourceful and learn from their experiences. The Ward family used a large rain shield over their tent and screenhouse. That was a good idea! Sergio did an excellent job of coordinating Field Day activities. We won’t have an ARES/RACESWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO meeting again this month. We will begin again with monthly meetings in August. Justin said he would teach the IS-100 FEMA course and we will try to get that done in the fall. I’m always open to suggestions for meeting programs, and if you have something you’d like to present, that would be even better. 73, Dennis W5RZ Batesville ARC News- The 41st Annual Invitational White River Canoe Race will begin July 26th and end on July 28th. Independence County Crew 320 will compete in this Scouting event again this year. Many of these local Scouts have recently earned their Radio merit badge and some are studying for their amateur radio Technician class license. Last year was the first year that amateur radio was used in support of the race. This year’s plans expand on the operations of last year. In addition to using VHF for local communications and mobile HF for nightly communications between the campsites and home, APRS technology will be used each day during the race. This year there will be two tracker units in boats and a display station for viewing the tracker positions. A mobile digi-peater may be used to increase the effective range of the trackers. In addition to all that digital technology, we will be using ordinary ham radio HTs for person-to-person communications. Some HF communications, mainly in the late afternoon and early evening hours, may be used in the 40 and 80 Meter bands. This is an important event for the Scouts and our city. Many thanks, in advance, to all those who help to make this operation a success. CAREN News- John Norlund, AD5FU and Lynette Dowdy, have put together a Technician Class and New General Class Study Guide. These guides will be current until July 1, 2010 (Tech) and July 1, 2011 (General). Congratulations to the following persons in the advancement of their license: New General - Dave Weaver KB5SBP; New Extras - Steven Porter N5JPL and Tommie Black KE5JNR (To Extra from Tech!!!); New License (Tech) Amandia Acebedo. John Norlund (AD5FU) along with Pete Koop (AC5MM) and Emil Mackey (AA5BE) held the testing session at the regular monthly CAREN Club Meeting. Thanks to everyone for organizing this test session! Faulkner County ARC News - Field Day is quickly approaching. Several details are ironed out now. This year we are going to hold Field Day on Hendrix University's campus. We are going to be on the southwest corner of campus across from the railroad tracks. The campus is normally closed to the public during the Governor's School, but the public will be allowed in the Field Day area. We will have restroom access in the building next to this spot. On Saturday, the club will have lunch for everyone present. The club will supply the meat tray, soft drinks, and anything else needed. On Saturday night, we will have dinner in the cafeteria. Since we have to have a count of those that plan to eat dinner, only those that plan to attend the invited guests will be allowed in the cafeteria. Each member will need to pay for their own meal that night. Craig will send out an email and also have a signup sheet at the next club meeting for the Saturday night dinner. Most of the equipment needed has been covered. George Carroll volunteered to get a write-up in the paper before Field Day. 2-Meter Net Reminder: The FCARC net meets each Thursday night at 7:30pm on 145.210MHz PL 114.8Hz. Net Control for June is Craig Mangrum, N5CTM. A volunteer is needed for the month of July. If you are willing to volunteer, please email Frankie at [email protected] Don't forget about lunches at Smitty's BBQ on Fridays at around 11:00 am till we leave. Fort Smith ARC News - The severe weather has stayed away from us so far this year and let's hope it stays that way. The rain we have had is great to get. I hope we can receive even more. We have had mostly calm weather this year. Don't let you guard down. We are still in storm season for this area and we should never really forget that we could have severe weather any time of year anyway. (7 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:37 PM] Section News for June 2007

The repeater site will need some attention again before the summer gets here. Grass and small trees surrounding the building need to be cut down and trimmed. Also, we have some junk that needs removed from the building. We will be planning a cleanup Saturday in the near future. If you have never been to the repeater site or if it has been a while since you have helped with a cleanup, try to come on up when we get a work day scheduled. It won’t take long if a dozen or more of us get involved. Stay tuned to the repeater and FSAARC Thursday Night Net for more discussion. The 444.500 UHF repeater is still inoperable due to a non-functioning amp and some other minor items. Tom (N5HIG) has the project on his to do list along with installing an audible alert on the repeater to tell us if the power is out at the repeater site. We appreciate Tom’s willingness to step forward with the repairs especially considering his tight schedule. That's all for now hope to see you at theWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO next club meeting. 73 Wayne W5OFN ARES/RACES REPORT by Dave Whiteis – KC5YAF -Sebastian County ARES/RACES Coordinator - Thanks to all who attended the last meeting and survived my photo presentation of the new FEMA trailer. At this time, we are still waiting for the final paperwork to be completed so that we can take physical possession of this trailer and begin the process of making it "Radio Active". Your attendance a the ARES/RACES meeting this month will help shape what is in this trailer and how we will best use it to benefit the agencies we serve and the citizens of our area. As always, the meeting is the 3rd Thursday of the month at First United Methodist Church in Fort Smith at 7:00 PM. Enter at the corner of North 15th and C Streets. Call 414-9669 for assistance or directions. As you may know, this has been a very active tornado season so far, but fortunately for us, not in our back yards most of the time. With the hurricane season looking to be a full one, and all sorts of things happening around the world, every day is a chance for us to be called to service. NEARC News - The NEARC meets the first Monday night of each month at about 6 p.m. at the Our Savior Lutheran Church on Wood St. next to Fire Station No. 5. We encourage members to attend every meeting. Guests and other interested parties are always welcome. Yearly membershipWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO dues are $25.00 and this helps support club activities and projects. An Expanded Version of this News Summary will be posted on the Arkansas ARRL Page and the site as soon as I get it edited. As usual, the traffic report will be in a separate emailing; too much good news!! 73 DE K5UZ!


LOUISIANA SECTION NEWS – JUNE 2007 For the third consecutive year, ARES provided communications for the annual Marengo Swamp Ride Fundraiser for Wish I Could of NE LA near Hebert, LA. The following NE District ARES members participated: N5ASA, KE5HLT, N5MEL, W5PEM, KA5JNL, KE5ESU, W5HUD, W5KGT, W5DSG, and K5ER. On June 9 members of the Acadiana ARA manned K5CMA, the club station of the Children's Museum of Acadiana, in support of the museum's Ice Cream Freeze Off Festival. A number of visitors of all ages participated in QSOs with special event stations, including some DX stations, during the event. AARA members who helped out were NA5Q, K5QXJ, KA5BSE, KB5SMX, WO5G, KE5KJD, KE5KJF, N5RLM, N5YCS, WA6MDI, KA6RKI, and KN5GRK. It sounds like a lot of LA clubs were active for Field Day! I've just received a detailed copy of the FD entry from the Minden ARA and have seen claimed scores for some other groups via club newsletters. Affiliated clubs wanting to be considered for a FD plaque need to remember to forward me a copy of their entry via email or regular mail. With a little luck, the 2007 plaques should be ready to present at the Monroe Hamfest in November. After over 15 years of excellent service, K5ER has decided to step down as the Ouachita Parish Emergency Coordinator. During Mark's tenure, Ouachita Parish ARES developed into one of the most outstanding groups in LA. David W5DSG has volunteered to serve as the new Ouachita Parish EC and, in an attempt to prevent "leadership burnout" to David, Mack KA5JNL has agreed to replace David as the new Northeast District EC. David will continue to serve as the section's Public Information Coordinator and Mack will remain as the Union Parish EC. I am very sorry to report that W5LMR is now a Silent Key. Upcoming LA hamfests include the Ozone ARC Hamfest in Slidell on July 21, the Piney Hills ARA Swapfest-Tailgate Party in Ruston on July 28, the WCLARC Hamfest in Leesville on August 11, Swampfest 2007 in Lake Charles on September 15, and the CLARC Hamfest in Pineville on October 13. June had the highest percentage (73%) of monthly ARES reports submitted so far this year. ECs, please keep them coming! It would also be nice to receive more traffic and PSHR reports from individual stations to include in our monthly section reports. Traffic totals: WA5LQZ 64, K5MC 48, W5PY 42, N5KWB 40. Public Service Honor Roll: W5HUD 245, N5MEL 240, W5PY 132, N5KWB 115, K5MC 110, KD5ITA 64, KB5SDU 50, AE5V 40, KB5UHH 34. Section net reports: sessions/check-ins/messages handled. Louisiana Traffic Net: 30/419/47. Louisiana CW Net: 54/240/49. Louisiana Slow Net: 7/27/6. Louisiana ARES Net: 4/67/0. Local/ district net reports: sessions/check-ins. Avoyelles Parish ARES Net: 1/13. Caddo/Bossier Parish ARES Net: 4/56. Concordia Parish ARES Net: 4/18. East Baton Rouge Parish ARES Net: 4/28. Orleans Parish ARES Net: 4/20. Ouachita Parish ARES Net: 4/83. Rapides Parish ARES Net: 4/7. Richland Parish ARES Net: 4/42. St. Charles Parish ARES Net: 1/13. St. Mary Parish ARES Net: 4/39. St. Tammany Parish ARES Net: 5/37. Tangipahoa Parish ARES Net: 4/78. Terrebone Parish ARES Net: 4/30. Union Parish ARES Net: 4/21. Vernon (8 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:37 PM] Section News for June 2007

Parish ARES Net: 8/135. Washington Parish ARES Net: 4/40. ARES reports: parish/EC. Allen/W5ELM, Avoyelles/KD5IGG, Beauregard/W5MVP, Caddo/Bossier/NZ5S, Calcasieu/KC5FGO, Caldwell/KD5ETB, Cameron/W5JFW, Concordia/N5AVN, East Baton Rouge/N5ULA, Franklin/N5ASA, Livingston/W5RR, Morehouse/KB5SAR, Orleans/NO5FD, Ouachita/W5DSG, Plaquemines/AI5B, Rapides/KD5DFL, Red River/ KD5IUZ, Richland/N5MEL, St. Bernard/AI5B, St. Charles/K5CFJ, St. John/AI5B, St. Mary/KA5LMZ, St. Tammany/KC5EAK, Tangipahoa/KD5PKS, Terrebonne/AD5XJ, Union/KA5JNL, Vernon/W5JZQ, Washington/ AI5B, Winn/KC5EWJ. 73, Mickey Cox K5MC LA Section Manager Email: [email protected] LA Section Website:


Mississippi Section Report for June 2007 SM: Malcolm Keown, W5XX. Mississippi Section Web Page at arrlmiss. org. Web Master W5KWB at [email protected]. NM: WB5ZED, K5NRK, KB5W, AD5J, W3TWD, KA2KMU, N5MZ, and KM5UH. Although we were short on sunspots and sporadic E, Mississippi Hams were out in full force for Field Day fellowship, fun, and operating. Preliminary score estimates across the State are not record setters because most activity was limited to 20, 40, and 80; however, W5UE does report that the K5MDX log shows over 3,000 QSOs. Good Show! Some 18 clubs/groups went to the field or air conditioned EOC. They were the Alcorn County ARES (W4TX), Delta ARA (N5LRL), DeSoto RACES (W5K), Hattiesburg/Lamar County ARCs (K5PN), Magnolia/Columbus ARCs (AA5MT), Magnolia DX Association (K5MDX), Meridian ARC (W5FQ), Mississippi Coast ARA (W5SGL), Ole Miss ARC (W5UMS), Olive Branch ARC (W5OBM), Pearl River ARC (K5PRC), Simpson County EOC (KA5LNY), Southwest Mississippi ARC (W5WQ), Sundancer ARC (KD5YBU), TippahWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO County ARA (K5DGL), Tishomingo County ARC (W5TCR), Tri County ARC(Covington, Simpson, Smith) (W5EKB), and Tupelo ARC (KK5K). Although QSOs were down, local publicity was really up. Thanks to the efforts of Jackson ARC members K5RWB and K5BLL, several interviews were conducted on local radio stations during the week before Field Day. During Field Day WLBT-TV came on-site and interviewed K5XU and AB5WF. WCBI-TV came to the Magnolia – Columbus ARC Field Day Site near the Golden Triangle Airport and interviewed KD5FUO and AA5MT resulting in a nice spot on the 10 PM News. The Ole Miss ARC, operating from the Goose Egg in the center of the Campus, had the top story in the Sunday Morning Oxford Eagle, and the Mississippi Coast ARA had a nice write up and picture in the Sun Herald. DeSoto County RACES set up HF/VHF stations at the Nesbit Fire Department Open House to demonstrate to DeSoto County Officials and the public how Ham Radio could assist local first responder agencies. Those participating were KB0ZTX, KD5VMV, KD5CKP, N5UOV, KC5KLL, and KE5MXY. Vice Director WA5TMC, N5TBB, Tippah County EC, and KD5SBC, Tippah County EMA Director, gave a presentation entitled “Amateur Radio – Your Communications Toolbox” at the MEMA Hurricane Conference in Biloxi. The questions from the audience indicated that there is great interest in Ham Radio response capabilities in the emergency management community. Results and certificates have been mailed out for the 2007 Mississippi QSO Party. If you sent in a log and have not received the results by mail or email, please advise W5XX. Welcome to K5DSG as Assistant Section Manager and W5MPC as EC for Lafayette County. In addition, congratulations are in order for WB5HQH on completing FEMA Course 200. Newsletter/Club Reports: Hattiesburg ARC (AC5E), Meridian ARC (W5MAV), Ole Miss ARC (W5MPC), and Tishomingo ARC (KU4WW). DEC/EC Monthly Reports: Alcorn County/ NE MS (WB5CON), Jackson County (KD5CQT), Lauderdale/Clarke (KD5GWM), Newton County (WB5GUD), Pearl River County (KC5EAK), Stone County (N5UDK), and Tippah County (N5TBB). PIC Report: N5TBB Regret to report the passing of K5GHS of Forest. Net Reports: Session/QNI/QTC (Net Manager) DRN5 62/MS 100% rep by W5XX, WB5ZED, WA5FB (WB5ZED) MSPN 30/2186/30 (KB5RFJ) MS TFC Net 30/110/0 (KB5W) Magnolia Section Net 30/962/11 (AD5J) Jackson Co ARES 30/441/5 (KD5CQT) MS Slow Net 21/40/2 (W3TWD) Stone County ARES Net 6/128/0 (N5UDK) Meridian AEN 4/54/1 (KD5GWM) NE MS ARES 4/58/0 (W5LMW) Hattiesburg AEN 4/95/0 (N5MZ) Newton County ARES 4/31/0 (WB5GUD) MS Baptist Hams Net 4/26/1 (WF5F) Magnolia DX Assc 4/68/0 (N5FG) UMARC 2 Meter Net 4/32/0 (W5MPC) Monroe Co ARC Net 4/33/0 (AD5DO) Lowndes Co ARC Net 4/51/0 (AD5DO) St. Tammany/Pearl River ARES 4/37/1 (KC5EAK) MS Coast ARA CARES 4/36/0 (KA2KMU) South MS YL Net 4/61/0 (KB5CSQ) Jackson ARC EN 3/30/0 (AB5WF) Metro Jackson ARES 3/27/0 (AB5WF) PSHR (minimum 70): WB5ZED 150, W5XX 95. Traffic: WB5ZED 3843 (BPL) (Wow!), W5KWB 8. Compilation of Net and Traffic statistics provided by KB5RCJ

Great Lakes Division

Michigan (9 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:37 PM] Section News for June 2007

We send our thanks to Marty N8MG as he departs his SEC role and heads off to a new career taking him out of state. Good luck and our thanks, Marty. The SEC position will now be filled by John WB8RCR who will hold the post concurrently with that of STM. This will allow a closer bond between our ARES/RACES organization and the National Traffic System. We will now concentrate on our successes in improving tactical messaging and the handling of long-range traffic for our served agencies. We completed another successful ARRL Michigan Section Outing this past weekend thanks to the tireless efforts of K8ZE, KA8YKK and WB8WJV. John, Debbie and Roger planned and implemented this annual event and held it at Woodlands Campgrounds. Guests included Great Lakes Division Vice Director Gary KI4LA and Ohio SM Joe K8QOI as well and Midland County Emergency Manager Roger Garner KB8VSS. Roger was able to present the EM’s perspective of communications needs fromWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO the ARES/RACES program at one of several forums held at the outing. Other sessions included NCS Training by K8AMR, NTS from WB8RCR, Networking and collaboration from AB8CB, Digital Radio from WB8TKL and an ARRL Forum. An occasional shower did not “dampen” anyone’s spirit as a large pole barn adequately houses all of the key activities. The Annual Section Breakfast was provided by the Michigan Section Staff, and the traditional Campfire entertainment was enjoyed by everyone. Of Special Note: On Saturday and Sunday, October 6 and 7, 2007, The Steam Railroading Institute will be conducting its fall excursion from Kawkawlin to Grayling, Michigan. Amateur Radio has been asked to play a significant role in this event. During the 2005 excursion, it was discovered that cellular coverage along the route was very problematic. Therefore, Amateur Radio operators are being asked to provide periodic reports of train location and handle any operational traffic or emergency communications that might arise during the excursion. Our plan is to place two radio amateurs on-board. One would be equipped with a handheld radio (and spare batteries!) and the other with a portable VHF (two-meter) radio, mag-mount antenna, and power supply. Communications will be provided through assigned stations monitoring excursion progress via VHF repeaters alongWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO the route. "Shore" stations must be willing to place periodic telephone calls and should have some real experience handling third-party traffic. As this event occurs on SET weekend, ARES groups supporting the excursion by providing this service can count the activity toward their SET points. The Saturday excursion leaves Kawkawlin at 8-AM and is scheduled to arrive at Grayling at 4-PM. However, one should allow extra time for any delays, which may arise. The Sunday excursion leaves Grayling at 4-PM and is scheduled to arrive at Kawkawlin at 8-PM. Again, volunteers should allow for delays. We can set this up for two teams, one team for each day, or, if one team wants to spend the night in Grayling and return the following day, we can accommodate this as well. Grayling will be holding a big event that weekend, with plenty to do in the area. This is an ideal opportunity for an ARES or NTS member who is also a rail fan! A safety certification briefing will be conducted at Owosso in advance of the event for those who will be riding the train. This will take place before the event, most likely in September. This briefing is required for insurance purposes and to insure both volunteer and passenger safety. If you are a rail fan or enjoy railroad history, you will not want to miss this opportunity. If you would like to volunteer for this event, please contact Jim Wades, K8SIW at: [email protected] For those interested in railroad matters, the excursion will be pulled by the famous Pere Marquette 1225 steam locomotive. The 1225 was built to haul fast freight between the steel mills of Indiana and Illinois and the "arsenal of democracy" (Detroit) during the war years. The 1225 is, in many respects, the pinnacle of steam locomotive technology, having been designed and built at the close of the steam era. Movie fans will recognize the 1225 as the authentic "Polar Express" locomotive utilized for the initial filming and modeling of the animated Christmas move "Polar Express" starring Tom Hanks. A link to the train’s routes can be found at Gra.gif Don't forget - big doin's at the Mackinac Bridge the 27th and 28th of this month - the Mackinac Bridge 50th Anniversary Special Radio Event. Most of us won't be around for the 75th anniversary, so get involved if you can - it's not too late. If they have enough operators, the event will open extra operating positions to accommodate. If you can't work at the event proper, try to work W8M over the air - see the operating plan at for times, modes and suggested frequencies. Thanks to Marv, KC8MLD, Ron, WA8OOH, Hank, N8XX, Diane, WI8K and John, KC8ULE for their efforts to take this grand bit of Michigan to the world by radio. Station Activity Reports (SAR) for June, 2007: WB9JSR 602, KC8WSE 316, AB8SY 249, K8KV 200, K8AE 164, K8LJG 161, K8AMR 138, KD8AAD 132, WB8RCR 75, K8RDN 48, W8RNQ 45, KD8BGQ 27, AB8WF 25, KC8MLD 15, KC8ZGB 15, WD8USA 13, N8UN 10, K8ZJU 9, K8YB 5, K8KHZ 2, WA8OOH 0, KC8BMV 0. Public Service Honor Roll Reports (PSHRs) for June, 2007: KD8BGQ 280, WU8Y 174, K8MFK 140, K8AE 140, K8AMR 123, WB9JSR 120, WB8RCR 120, KC8WSE 120, K8ZJU 104, K8RDN 95, AB8SY 80, K8KV 80, K8VFZ 66. SARs are reports of all the radiogram traffic you have handled in the past month. PSHRs include your net and public service activities for the month. PSHRs and SARs should be filed monthly with WB8RCR. You can access a simple reporting form at: to provide your reports to WB8RCR. June Official Emergency Station reports came in from W8UY and W8WRB. Your OES reports should be filed with WA8EFK. In all cases, reporting by radiogram is encouraged. Packet messages can be routed to [email protected] and [email protected] 73, Dale WA8EFK (10 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:37 PM] Section News for June 2007

Midwest Division


Kansas Section News Summary- June 2007 SM, Ron Cowan, KB0DTI-- SEC/OOC: Robert Summers,K0BXF ASM: Orlan Cook,W0OYH ASM-Youth: Emily Stewart, KC0PTL SGL: Steve Hamilton, KB0JYL PIC: Larry Staples, W0AIB ______Silent Keys WAØNPK - Karl Pruett, Topeka KBØSTV - Kent Stanzel, Andover WØJUV - Emma Berg, Lawrence WAØEDA- Rolland "Slim" Cummings, Pittsburg WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO______Two big stories for this June were Field Day and the flooding that occurred in South East Kansas the following week. Field Day by all accounts appeared to be well attended in 2007. Several clubs went to new locations and received increased public inquiries and the opportunity to show off Amateur Radio to a new audience. In fact the number of invited officials was also up and I know that DCARC also went a step further and received proclamations from the city of Lawrence and Douglas Co. Kansas Convention is August 19th at Salina. WØNBT is back on the air and checking into our Kansas nets. Arlan re-appeared a couple months ago and is once again a regular. Coffeyville ARC presented a county commissioner with a mounted certificate of appreciation for his assistance in the club's response to Greensburg. A local businessman and friend of the club also received recognition for the clubs ability to respond to the emergency last month. Route 66 Special Event is being handled by NØYKG. If you would like to help represent Kansas please get with David. ______From: Robert Summers K0BXF, SEC KS Twenty-one (21) EC reporting activity for the month of May, 2007. 167 nets were in operation with 1995 checkins and 109WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO pieces of traffic handled. Of course there were several emergency sessions held because of the bad weather, most of those reported activity directly to Ron, KB0DTI and the results have been published elsewhere so there is no need of repeating. Many thanks goes out to all those who helped directly and to those who helped with supporting rolls. As the old saying goes, Kansans do stick together when the going gets rough. In fact, sometimes it is just routine and we think nothing about the effort put forth. Again Thanks to all. N0LL reports 4 net sessions of the Chapter 110 QCWA net with 34 QNI. Why not join the group on Saturday mornings, 3920 at 7:30 AM after the Weather net. WD0DMV our State RACES Officer report 17 checkins with 12 counties being represented on the monthly RACES net. Brown, Harvey, Johnson, Linn, Mitchell, Neosho, Phillips, Osage, Montgomery, Saline, Shawnee and Wyandotte being the active ones. Let each one of us recruit another new comer to join us on each of the state nets. Makes our jobs a bit easier if we have more people public service oriented. 73 Bob K0BXF ______Newsletters received: Feed Back, Newton ARC, Trojan ARC Harmonic, QRZ, QNU H.A.R.C. , DCARC ______May Sessions/QNI/QTC/Mgr: KSBN/31/874/45 N0KFS KPN/21/273/17/ N0KFS KMWN/31/689/589/ WB0YWZ KWN/31/766/554/ WB0YWZ QKS/ 48/164/31/ NB0Z QKS SS 4/10/0 KB0DTI Traffic: KI0BK 155 NB0Z 61 KB0DTI 28 KC0MRJ 24 W0OYH 23 N0ZIZ 17 N0ENO 14 K0BXF 12 To receive or contribute to Orlan's Kansas Amateur Radio News E-mail News Letter contact Orlan-W0OYH-Editor at [email protected] See KSN on ARRL and more Kansas news:


JULY 2007 MISSOURI SECTION NEWS Dale Bagley, KØKY MO SM I would like to thank all the Radio Clubs and groups that sent Field Day Messages on June 23rd. Conditions were better than I expected although some QRN made 75 meters and 80 meters operations a little tough. A special thanks to Dale Huffington, AEØS, who relayed a very large number of Field Day messages following the MO Traffic Net SSB. I was late checking in to the Net because I got bogged down in some highway construction on Highway 63. It was nice to actually hear so many Missouri Stations operating Field Day this year. Last year I didn’t hear a single Missouri Station. Field Day is a great chance to have some important training in setting up operating stations under emergency situations. Dale Huffington, AEØS, MO Section Traffic Manager has prepared an after action report on the Statewide Emergency Drill and sent it to Don Moore, KMØR, The Missouri Section Emergency Coordinator. The full text is available by using the link provided. The following is the first two paragraphs that provides a good update on the June 2nd Drill. Participation in the June 2 exercise was strong. A total of 231 HF, VHF, mobile, portable or base check-ins were recorded for the exercise. 205 individual stations participated, of which 122 were HF and 85 were on VHF frequencies. Twenty four stations checked in on one or more combinations of HF/VHF, mobile and/or portable operation. 116 messages were passed, ranging from formal messages with a tracking number to informal status reports. Delivery methods included voice, pactor, packet and combinations of radio links with the internet. To view entire report (11 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:37 PM] Section News for June 2007 click on the following link HAMFEST 2007 JULY 2007 Summer is essentially here and lots of Hamfest will soon be happening all over the state. On July 15th the 45th Zero Beaters Hamfest will be held in Washington, MO in Hillerman Park. Information can be found at or by contacting WØFF 8300 Whiskey Creek Road Union, MO 63084-2715 636-584- 8888 [email protected] . On July 21st the Warrensburg Area Amateur Radio Club Hamfest will be held at the Johnson County Fairgrounds in Warrensburg, MO. For the latest info, check-out Or contact Keith Raihala, NØVJ WAARC Inc P.O. Box 1364 Warrensburg, MO 64093 and e-mail to n0vj@arrl. net . AUGUST 2007 Central Missouri Radio Association will be holding their Hamfest on August 18th at the Ashland Optimist Complex in Ashland, MO. The St. Charles ARC is sponsoring their annual Hamfest August 19thWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO at the American Legion Post 312 , 2500 Raymond Drive Street in Saint Charles, MO. [email protected] . Talk-In: On the 146.670 (no tone) machine Joplin Amateur Radio Club is hosting the 2007 ARRL Missouri State Convention on August 24th and 25th at the John Q. Hammons Convention Center in Joplin, MO. For the latest information about Missouri Section Hamfest you can always check out the ARRL Website MO Hamfest List or you can go to Missouri Section Hamfest 2007 that list all the Missouri Hamfests in 2006. AFFILIATED CLUB NEWS KEITH HAYE, WEØG, ACC The Affiliated Club News comes to some extent from newsletters either paper or e-mail that are sent to the ACC and/or the SM. If your club has done something interesting or has a great project going forward, then please send that information to either WEØG [email protected] or KØKY kØ[email protected] . The Hannibal Courier-Post website reports that Mark Carpenter, NØZOF, Hannibal Amateur Radio Club president, said " We made approximately 700 contacts in the 24-hour period and he was very satisfied with the performance of the Hannibal Club efforts. The emergency radio stations are all run on generators for a period of 24 hours with all radio stations being manned by "Ham Radio Operators." The object of the weekend is to make as many contacts with other amateur radio stations as WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.ROthey can in the 24-hour period and keep a record of it on log books of the contacts made. Note: this is a great way to get out the Amateur Radio Message to those that have a technical bent. The Joplin ARC will again this year be part of the Route 66 On the Air event. This year will be the 81st anniversary of the "Route 66" highway network and the 8th year for "Route 66 On the Air." The dates chosen for this years' Special Event will be from Saturday, September 8th (0000Z) thru Sunday, September 16th (2400Z). The website for more information is For 2007, Joplin has been assigned the callsign W6N. The Nixa Amateur Radio Club will be holding a testing session on Saturday, July 28th at 4:30 p.m. Testing will be held at the Nixa Fire Department District Headquarters, 301 S. Nicholas Rd., Nixa, Missouri. To test, please pre-register by contacting Chris Cochran by July 27th by one of the following means: e- mail [email protected] or over the air on 145.270 MHz repeater, PL 162.2 Hz. The Mississippi Valley DX and Contest Club is gearing up for their Summer Cookout and is encouraging their members to wear the new MVDX/CC Tee Shirt to the Zero Beaters annual Hamfest in Washington, MO. They will be having a table at the Zero Beaters Hamfest for their members to sell their 4-sale items. SECTION ARES REPORT FOR JUNE 2007 DON MOORE, KMØR SEC Total # of ARES members: 710 Number of drills, tests and training sessions this month: 98 Man hours: 1226.5 Number of public service events this month: 52 Man hours: 556 Number of emergency operations this month: 14 Man hours: 239 Total number of ARES operations this month: 164 Total Man hours: 2021.5 Comments: 6 of 9 districts SECTION TRAFFIC REPORTS FOR JUNE 2007 DALE HUFFINGTON, AEØS, MON – CW Sessions 38 QNI 94 QTC 77 NM K9ZTV MO Phone Sessions 30 QNI 767 QTC 111 NM KØRWL MESN Sessions 7 QNI 302 QTC 156 NM AEØS Boone Co Sessions 4 QNI 76 QTC 2 NM WMØH Howell Co Sessions 7 QNI 66 QTC 0 NM KØRWL Jackson Co ARESR Sessions 7 QNI 108 QTC 2 NM KØUAA Macon Co Sessions 4 QNI 24 QTC 0 NM KØKY CSRS Wellsville Sessions 3 QNI 7 QTC 0 NM KCØVMW Rolla RRARS Sessions 30 QNI 437 QTC 12 NM KB9ZBO WAARCI Sessions 4 QNI 88 QTC 12 NM KBØTOM St. Louis Co Sessions 6 QNI 96 QTC 12 NM KBØH Taney Co TLARC Sessions 1 QNI 7 QTC 165 NM KCØOFD 10th Reg Sessions 60 QTC 125 MO 73% with K9ZTV, WØSJS, NDØN NM WØSS

New England Division


Section Leadership: ASMs: N1FNE, K1STM, NK1J, W1FXQ, KD1YV; OOC W1GC; PIC KA1TCH; SEC K1BRF; SGL K1MK; STM K1HEJ; TC N1KHB. I hope this finds all of you having a refreshing summer. I traveled to Minneapolis and during my visit, I visited my twin friends Janet and Janice K0JA and K0JE and had the chance to see Sister Alverna WA0SGJ, formerly director of Handi Hams. While in MN, I attended a convention of The American Council of the Blind and each year, we have our meeting of radio amateurs. This year, we were pleased to have Pat Tice, Director of Handi Hams, WA0TDA speak to the group. It was special to see so many of my ham friends while vacationing! DEC Jonathan, KB1KIX needs volunteers for Friday, July 27 for a multi-town/jurisdictional exercise. This exercise will cover more than a half dozen towns in Central CT. (12 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:37 PM] Section News for June 2007

Volunteers are needed from 7:45 AM to about noon. This is a chance to also test NIMS/ICS compliance. If you can help, please contact Jonathan immediately [email protected]. On Saturday, July 28, N1YAE is coordinating a seminar on Amateur Radio and Public Preparedness at Great Hill Hose Company, Seymour. Time: 8:00am to 12:30pm. “There is concern that we may be facing a very bad hurricane/storm season this year. Although we cannot predict the weather, we can prepare for it. That is the purpose of this symposium. Our keynote speaker will be Frank Krasnicki, K1CRU who will speak about Connecticut weather history.” Invited speakers include: DEC Region 2 Art K1WMQ, Sky Warn coordinator New Haven County Glenn, N1HAW, OEM directors from Shelton, Derby, Ansonia and Seymour, SM Betsey Doane, K1EIC, leaders from The Naugatuck Valley Health District, American Red Cross, Griffin Hospital, and Salvation Army. Each of the agency speakers will provideWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO a brief presentation on preparation and communication needs. Those representing amateur radio will present what amateur radio offers and how we can help. There will be a panel discussion: “How Can We Prepare For the Coming Storm” with all the invited speakers and CTARES staff. A Q&A session will follow. Come on out and support this effort—this is a good chance to meet leaders in our served agencies. RSVP today email [email protected]. Don’t miss the current issue of Connected, our Section ARES Newsletter edited by Bill W1WJB. Download the PDF edition at or read it on line at . Congrats Bill and to all the writers for a very fine issue. Nutmeg Chapter QCWA August meeting will be held on August 11 at The Paradise Restaurant, corner of East and South Streets, New Britain. Social hour starts at 11:30 a.m., lunch at 12:30 Contact President Al Cohen, W1FXQ if you are coming: [email protected]. The next weekend, August 18 is the NARL picnic at Churchill Park—you are invited! Bring a salad or desert to share. Contact President AB1GL if you are coming, [email protected]. Starting time: 11:00am. I’m hoping that many of you will attend. August 18 and 19 are the dates for International Lighthouse Weekend. The Greater Norwalk ARC will operate from Sheffield Island. This event is not a contest—it’s a chanceWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO to get QSL cards toward various certificates. In addition to the lighthouse award programs Sheffield Island qualifies for the following awards: US Islands, Islands On The Air (IOTA), and Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society. GNARC has operated this event for several years and has found it to be a whole lot of fun and very active on the air! Last year, they sent out 500 QSLs! They will operate for 24 hours and will camp out on the island. N1OLO is coordinating this effort which involves quite a bit of detail—they need transportation to the island so they need the cooperation of boat owners in addition to the usual equipment coordination we all know about. Good luck to GNARC—more details as they become available. Mark your calendars for The Western CT Ham Fest September 16 at Edmond Town Hall Newtown. The RASON Ham Fest is September 29 at The Gales Ferry Firehouse, 1772 Route 12, Ledyard. I’ll have more details for you next month. For all the digital enthusiasts out there, don’t forget the ARRL/TAPR Digital Communications Conference September 28-30 in Hartford. This is an international forum for radio Amateurs to meet, publish their work and present their ideas and techniques. Newcomers to the digital arena are welcome! Those who attend will have the opportunity to exchange ideas and learn about recent hardware and software advances, theories, experimental results and practical applications. For more information and conference details see

Rhode Island

Greetings fellow Rhode Islanders: Well, were you radio active over Field Day weekend? I surely hope so because if you weren't, you missed out on a terrific experience. Weather was perfect, the bands cooperated, Murphy stayed away (mostly) and everyone I spoke to at each of our nine League affiliated club sites had a very good time and are already planning for next year. All Field Days aren't as picture perfect because of weather, aurora, etc. Old timers can tell stories about carrying boat anchors through mud, operating through monsoons and spending all night watching the dancing northern lights. But, if you stayed home this year, you missed a great event. Most groups told me that they're fairly confident that they exceeded previous scores by a considerable margin. All logs must be postmarked, e mailed or submitted by July 24, 2007. Late entries cannot be accepted. So, don't be left out of the composite Field Day report. Get your logs turned in NOW. ARES regional leaders met at the Cranston EOC and discussed the statewide communications plan being compiled for presentation and adoption by the state Director. If approved, this plan will include Amateur frequencies and capabilities as an integral part of the state's strategic communications plan. Our value has been recognized by state officials and will play a part in future emergency operations. We can thank our SEC KE1AB and Asst SEC K3OQH for making this happen. Your Section Manager along with representatives of The Kent Co. AR Group, Newport Co. RC and PRA, participated in the all day meeting of the New England Director's Cabinet on July 7th in Manchester, NH. Thirty five New England leaders took part, discussing issues that affect us all in one way or another. The most import value of this meeting is to prepare our Director and Vice Director for the semi annual ARRL Board of Director's meeting held in Newington, CT. By being "in touch" with issues in our sections, they can more effectively work for us on the Board. There is always much to discuss and this (13 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:37 PM] Section News for June 2007 meeting was no exception. I was contacted to help some old timers this month. Charles, W4OYB in Ashaway came to the CT-RI Field Day site to inquire if someone could help him get back into ham radio. His ticket had expired and he had moved and didn't know how to proceed. Ken, K3IU reported the visit to me. A few days later, Jerry, K6JRY reported that KA1ABE in Warwick had recently moved into an assisted living home and believed that his ticket had expired at one of his previous addresses. Once again, he didn't know how to proceed. All his equipment was left behind and he didn't know where it was. I'm very pleased to say that thanks to quick reporting by K3IU and K6JRY, both octogenarians were again properly licensed and happy within a few days of their being reported. It only took a few keystrokes on the FCC website. Beyond that, our RI hams went the extra mile for one who had no station. Thanks to the very generous efforts of Ron W1TEM and Dan KA1BNO, Herb KA1ABE WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.ROis once again on the air. Ron provided a dual band transceiver and Dan provided a power supply and antenna for Herb to use. All of this took place in a total span of five days. Dan also brought some recent QSTs, CDs and other items. The generosity shown without question for a brother ham is truly inspiring. No one asked Ron or Dan to do this. It brought a sincere smile to Herb's face for the first time in quite a while. His picture, taken by KA1BNO, may be seen on our web page, sections/?sect=RI . Check it out. Have you ever seen a happier ham? Incidentally, neither of these OT's are ARRL members. Obviously, I'd love to see them become members and maybe they will. Despite that, we must offer help to all fellow Amateurs who need help. Both initially had been stumped by their licensing issues which, as I said only took a few key strokes to fix. A while back, I appealed to all League members to notify me of any Amateur who becomes a Silent Key. None of us know every one of the 2200 Amateurs in RI and can't possibly hear of every passing. Therefore, we cannot honor them by listing their call in Silent Keys. Well, on a similar note, I'm asking all to please let our leadership team know when you hear about one of our senior hams who might need a helping hand. The problem is usually a simple issue but without any computer skills or knowing who toWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO deal with, they often don't know which way to turn. Stay vigilant and be ready to help our older hams. You'll make us all proud when we make them as happy as Herb, KA1ABE was. If you hear Herb or Charles, W4OYB on the air, please call and make them feel welcome. I received my ARRL Annual Report and Rules and Policies of the ARRL Advisory Committees today. They're both filled with detailed information and must be read carefully. I'll be quite busy for the rest of the week. 73 and stay cool,

Northwestern Division


It's hot in Montana. Ninties and one hundreds have been common for the past week. Fire warnings are flying. Spend some time ensuring that your important assets are protected from fire by a break in the brush and trees. Things can happen quickly. Glacier Hamfest is almost here! It starts on the 20th of July and is always a great time. If you havent signed up yet, registration is on at the Hamfest. Be sure to sign up and get a shot at the prize drawings. It looks like good weather is on for that week, although it might be hot. Ratpod went well. Larry, N7YET is to be congratulated for a great job of coordination and direction of race communications. We had a beautiful day and cool temps. The last participant crossed the finish line at around 7 pm. It was a long day for the riders, but what a great place to ride! The Bozeman Club is helping out with our Peydon Memorial bike race out of Livingston, MT. It's about 100 miles, over Battle Ridge and down US 89 back to the start. They can use our help. Many of the riders rode in RATPOD and were impressed with the support from Amateur Ops. We were thanked many times by riders and staff alike. We STILL need NCS and alternates for our Montana Traffic Net. I know we keep asking, but a few are carrying the load for the many. We have one of the best nets in the Country. I'd hope we could keep it going for years. Please contact Todd, AE7V for information. MTN-AE7V, QNI-2123, QTC-100 IMN-W7GHT, QNI-409, QTC-150 MSN-WV7Z and the multitude, QNI-101, QTC-8 73 Doug, K7YD


PLANS FOR THE NEXT YEAR During the next year, I plan to send out more information on club activities, and accomplishments of other appointees, such as PIO's, technical specialists and local government liaisons. Please send any reports of activities to me. I will review any club newsletters for activities to report. NEW PIO APPOINTMENTS AND ACTIVITIES Becky Marks, KE7DXT, is the PIO in Pendleton. Stuart Lent, KE7BJQ, and Anita Ragan, KE7BJR, are the PIO's for the Salem Amateur Radio Club. The District 1 ARES PIO, Steve Sanders, KE7JSS, sent a lot of press releases regarding field day to newspapers and radio stations. As a result, a radio station, KAST, in Astoria requested hams to appear for an interview. David Kidd, KA7OZO, the District 1 DEC, participated in that interview. There was an announcement on Field Day in the Oregonian (14 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:37 PM] Section News for June 2007 on June 19th. The Statesman-Journal visited the Salem Amateur Radio Club field day site and took photos, publishing an article on June 24th. I visited their field day site and was impressed with their activities. There was an article in the Daily Astorian on July 3 about ham radio demonstrations in the radio room of the Lightship Columbia, put on by members of the Sunset Empire Amateur Radio Club (SEARC). ACTIVITIES The Treasure Valley Radio Association, with members from Idaho and Oregon had a public display of ham radio at the Fiddle Festival in Weiser, Idaho on field day weekend, led by Ron Morell, KA7U, the Oregon District 6 DEC. Weiser, Idaho is just across the border from Ontario, Oregon and the groups work closely together. Oregon hams contributed to help purchase new radio equipment that will help keep a prominent Bangladesh Dxer on the air. His equipment died as a result of an electrical storm. He asked his QSL manager, John Core, KX7YT, for help in locatingWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO a radio. Those contributing are listed on the section website. MINI-SET COMING AND ARES/RACES REPORTS If you do not hear about the mini-SET utilizing airmail during August, please contact your ARES EC. I will catch up on the sending the ARES/RACES reports out next week. MOBILE COMMUNICATION BILLS I want to thank everyone who wrote to your legislature members to support a ham radio exemption to the mobile communication bills. The only bill that passed does not allow underage drivers with an instructional permit or provisional license to use any mobile communications device. We can expect to see more bills next legislative session. We will be on the alert and will let all of you know what action is recommended. MY ACTIVITIES Since the last report, I visited a meeting of the Central Oregon Radio Association, Jackson County ARES, and the Klamath Basin picnic. I also visited the field day sites of the McMinnville Amateur Radio Club and the Salem Amateur Radio Club. Next year I will pick another section of the state and visit some sites there. For upcoming visits, I will be at the Hoodview Amateur Radio Club, the Coos County hamfest, the Pendleton Hamfest, and the ARES Leadership Conference. OO REPORTS 3 active OO's reported 86 hours of monitoring. STM (SECTION TRAFFIC MANAGER) REPORT Net Activity June 2007: (All reporting netsWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO had 30 sessions) Western Oregon VHF Emergency Net, QNI 472, QTC 44, K7WWB Net Mgr Northwest Traffic and Training Net, QNI 458, QTC 74, N7YSS Net Mgr Beaver State Net, QNI 732, QTC 72, N7CM Net Mgr Oregon ARES Traffic Net, QNI 564, QTC 71, WA7FXF Net Mgr Oregon Section Net/1, QNI 179, QTC 143, WS7L Net Mgr Oregon Section Net/2, QNI 100, QTC 58, KC7SRL Net Mgr Station Activity Report (SAR) June 2007 (Totals): W7IZ 353, N7CM 171, N7YSS 152, W7IG 100, KD7ZLF 74, K7EAJ 56, K7PMB 43, KC7SRL 37, W7VSE 36, K7HQA 24, WS7L 21, W7WAT 4, N7APE 3 Public Service Honor Roll (PSHR, Totals) June 2007: K7EAJ 270, N7CM 215, W7IG 120, N7XG 110, N7YSS 110, KD7ZLF 90, W7VSE 85, KD7THV 81, K7HQA 78, KK7TN 77, W7WAT 61

Western Washington

The weekend of June 23 & 24 was the Annual ARRL Field Day and all teams reported that they had a great time. In District 1, Island County reports that Field Day got a lot of help from the weather. All weekly Red Cross nets were completed. Skagit County's GOTA (Get On The Air) Station for Field Day utilized the new Skagit County Mobile Command Post. In San Juan County ARES/RACES provided communications for the annual San Juan County 26 mile Marathon. SJC also participated in a joint training exercise with the Orcas Island Fire Dept. involving a mock traffic accident with casualties. The District 1 Meeting was held on June 16 in Mt. Vernon. Bill Frazier DEC/RCC covered topics including: ARRL and FEMA required courses for ARES members; The NTS; Recruitment via Field Day, Public Service and media; WSEN participation; EOC-to- EOC quarterly exercises; OPS-1 net; and Digital Communications. In District 2, at their general meeting Clallam County ARES conducted a message handling exercise involving the ICS 213 Form which included message logging. Jamye Wisecup, Clallam County EMD, talked briefly about upcoming training opportunities. CCARC members provided communications support for the North Olympic Marathon held June 10th. Ten to fifteen members of CCARES also participated in the Field Day activities sponsored by the Clallam County Amateur Radio Club. Jefferson County ARES had a busy month with many members participating in the Field Day activities as well as taking advantage of the EOC to EOC drill to train several newly licensed hams to operate the equipment at the EOC. Kitsap County ARES/RACES/ACS members held Field Day operations at the South Kitsap Community Park in Port Orchard and in the Wal-Mart parking lot in Poulsbo. Great success was had by both groups with an abundance of public exposure. They also supported the Hot Foot 5K Race in Port Orchard with public service communications. District 3 reports with great regret the retirement of the Mason County EC Jean Kroum, AA7JK. She has provided the district many years of excellent service and her leadership will be missed. Hopefully she will now have the time to catch up on those weeds. Omer Fournier, AD7DY will be acting EC until a new EC appointment can be made. Mason County had a great Field Day on Victor Hill again this year. The galley crew estimated they fed thirty people Saturday. The new MCDEM Manager for Mason County visited the MCA/R meeting. He gave them a brief history of his last several years in emergency management in Washington, and his plans for the future. Field Day was used as a training exercise for Pacific County’s upgraded Command Vehicle with repaired radio and antenna system. (15 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:37 PM] Section News for June 2007

The Thurston County ARES team supported two Field Day sites this year, a large scale site with the OARS club at the Capital Campus in Olympia and a field deployment site located at the Olympia Search and Rescue (OSAR) building out on Yelm Highway. People had the opportunity to work both sites. The Team also participated in the Swede Day Parade in Rochester. In District 4, many of the Clark County members helped with security at Sea Pac again this year on June 2nd and 3rd. A call-out exercise was held on Monday June 18th from 6:40 to 8:55PM. All teams reported to their designated locations. As each station became operational, teams checked in with the net control, providing information about their location and members. Nine different sites sent messages back and forth on simplex 2-meters, 220, 440 and packet radio. Although results were good, some areas still need to be reviewed and problems solved. Many of the members participated in the local club's Field Day operation.WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO In Cowlitz County, DEC Randy, NU7D reports that Woodland Fire Department requested the Comm-Van for the Planter’s Day Parade to assist in ICS training. Field Day was held with good attendance at the Cowlitz County’s 911 back-up site where the club ran 4-F. The Tour-De-Blast Bike Ride on June 23 started at the Toutle Lake High School and went to the end of SR-504 at Johnston Ridge. Hams manned Mt. St. Helens Visitor Centers along SR-504 to assist the sponsors with the event and emergency communications. Judi, KD7GZR, Net Manager, reports there were 165 check-ins to the Cowlitz/Wahkiakum Counties ARES/RACES Net this last quarter. And a thanks goes to Barbara, KE7KEV, for filling in for Judi. District 5 supported Pierce County DEM in three Mobile Command Vehicle displays at Safety Fairs in the cities of University Place, Fife, and Roy. District 6 DEC Kirk, N7UK, had the pleasure of visiting five King Co. ARES-RACES venues during Field Day: Seattle, Vashon-Maury Island, Mercer Island, Sammamish, and Redmond. He said, “It's always a pleasure for me to meet with the team members and to see their collective ingenuity in getting their stations on the air.” He also helped to set up Shoreline's stations and made a few contacts from there. Fire Dist. 40 held a training session on making emergency portable antennas. The Puget Sound EnergyWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO team had a 2m and 440MHz radio and antenna installed at the PSE Kent Operations Base in Kent, where it is now operational. In District M, the King Co MST conducted a training meeting on Hospital Radio Systems. There was a debriefing for the May exercise as well. Pierce Co. MST has started their own weekly net, and held their first Field Day operation. They have added several new members over the past six months. In District/Region 2 MST, Kitsap Co. hospitals held an exercise, without other counties’ participation. In District/Region 1, much progress has finally been made in getting radios installed in the hospitals. They will participate in an exercise on July 24. The SEC would like to remind everyone that the ARRL SET for 2007 will be held on Saturday, September 29, to coincide with the Quarterly EOC-EOC Communications Exercise. Everyone is encouraged to participate with their local team.

Pacific Division

East Bay

Well Field day is over and from the reports that I received, everyone had a darn good time. North Bay Amateur Radio Association ( NBARA) and Livermore Amateur Radio Klub (LARK) both reported local media coverage of their FD activities. As I write this the 4Th of July has also passed and I am glad to report no major incidents occurred. It is always worrisome when the bay area experiences Hot WEATHER and FIREWORKS and there were plenty. Members of North Alameda County RACES (NALCO) patrolled the Berkeley Hills and members of Oakland Radio Communications Association (ORCA) patrolled the Oakland Hills. Members of the North Bay Amateur Radio Association (NBARA) provided communication support for the City of Vallejo 4th of July parade. N6AJO, NJ6T, AD6ME and KZ6Y from the Alameda County Sheriff’s Comm Team (ACSCT) along with KG6HM, KF6YRG and KI6CYT from the Amateur Radio Club of Alameda (ARCA) and KE6MOW from the Oakland Radio Communications Association (ORCA) provided communications support for the City of Alameda Mayors 4th of July Parade. Comm Team members W6RGG, N6AJO, KE6NEZ, KE6LEV, AF6AQ, KA6FIY, W6EW, K6UZG, KE6MTM, KF6CRZ, AD6ME, WB6UZX AND NJ6T patrolled unincorporated section of Alameda County providing extra “eyes and ears” for the Sheriff’s Fireworks suppression unit. NBARA members participated in Kids Day and had a write up in the local newspaper. The Museum Ship USS Red Oak Victory participated in the Museum Ships on the Air event. Members operated the ships restored original radios as well as the club station. Club members educated the public about the important role Amateur radio played during WWll, providing the pool of trained radio technicians and operators so badly needed for the war effort. Also participating in the Museum Ships event were the USS Potomac and USS Hornet located in Oakland and Alameda respectively. The USS Pampanito located in SF also participated.. By the way these ships are open to the public and they are always looking restoration and docent help. LARK members provided communications support for The Mount Hamilton Classic May 26th, the Green Belt alliance on June 5th., the Livermore Rodeo with events on June 6, 7, 9&10, the Devil Mountain Double held April 28th. 176 riders started the race 120 finished. 17 radio operators used 4 (16 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:37 PM] Section News for June 2007 repeaters, APRS trackers, and for the first time passed info from rest stops by packet. SK report: Eliot Ross, WA6PYH. Eliot was a member of LARK.


Nevada Section News Summary See the Nevada Section website at for the complete, unedited stories. July 10, 2007 - ARES Monthly Report for June'07 SEC Summary - June has seen summer get off with busy start with many wildfires popping up. NARRI Chair and section technical coordinator Kent Johnson W7AOR has seen thatWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO we have full time IRLP coverage to the state via node 9258 of the Western Reflector. Our statewide VoIP net is held on Thursday evenings there at 7pm. June was also Field Day month. Dick Flanagan, K7VC our SM is due to head down for the quarterly meeting in Las Vegas at the end of July. Great newsletters coming from all parts of the section. Just a few deserving of kudos include: PIO/ ASM Gary, KK7LV for his coming from Las Vegas, Linda, WO0HOO (gotta love those calls), for the SNARS Cracklin Static, and Zahra, W7ZMA for WADG's newsletter. Great job you guys! I will be attending more club meetings over the next few months. That's it for now. 73 from Don, KQ6FM SEC. SOUTHERN DISTRICT REPORT: Glenn Hale, KB7REO Southern DEC - This past month was quite busy. Field Day for me consisted of participating from Leavenworth, MO. I attended the Las Vegas Regional SKYWARN meeting as well as the SKYWARN refresher training class. For the first time, the IRLP node 9258 was used to coordinate the State during the So. Lake Tahoe fire. Noon time updates were discussed between Sparks, Las Vegas, Tonopah and Elko. South Nye Co. EC Report by Jerry KC6ILH - Our Field Day went well. We had more personnel spend the full 24 hours than ever before and we had more help set up and break down than last year. We made overWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO 150 contacts and put in a total of 159 manhours. Some contacts where made for the first time by some new HAM's and I know of one that was very elated when she made it. Now that the fun part is over we can start planning for SET. Have a coooool summer if you can. Clark County EC Report by Charlie AA5QJ - Red Cross Exercise held Sat Jun 9. Jack N8RRL, AEC Red Cross, submitted details in a Public Service Activity Report to the ARRL. This was probably the best exercise we have had to date - most activities; lots of comm required - no cell phone use was allowed, and simplex was the primary mode; innovation was required at every location. 25 members participated, many for the entire period 0700 to 1700. SKYWARN Net Control Meeting Jun 25th. NORTHEAST DISTRICT REPORT: Joe Giraudo, N7JEH Northeast DEC - The major activity for the month of June was communications support for the Bonneville 100 Open Road Race. The Elko Amateur Radio Club supplied two seperate communications systems comprised of portable commercial and Amateur linked repeaters for communicatons down the race course, US93A between Wendover and Laggies Junction. No emergencies occurred during this event. The other event of interest this month was Field Day. The Elko Amateur Radio Club held their operation at the Spring Creek Marina, south of Elko. NORTHWEST DISTRICT REPORT: Glenn Thomas, WB6W - NW District EC - Churchill County - EC Paul Willcoxon KE7CRZ - One of our members has moved out of the area. W7VPK, Gale Conard, has moved to Helena Montana and will be missed here in Churchill County. Patrick McCartin, KC7ORU and I, were available to assist the Pony Express Riders in their annual ride. They did a great job and it also allowed us to determine the areas covered by our local repeater. The on air training of ICS-100 has been completed and the members have been encouraged to take the test on line for their certificate. We will have our monthly meeting on Saturday July 7th in Fallon at Jive and Java Coffee Shop. We will discuss our upcoming exercise at that time and the date of the exercise will be determined. We have a new member, Dan Gibbs, KE7NCL. Welcome to the group Dan! Carson City/Douglas County - EC Dick Young KD7JMR - Public Service Events include a Auto Rally Race, Carson Valley Days Demonstration Booth, "America's Most Beautiful Bike Ride" and "Wings of Change" Airshow. Emergency Operation consists of manning two Red Cross Shelters (Incline High School and Carson High School) in support of the Red Cross for the Angora fire. Lyon County - EC Patti Polish KE7JIV - Several times during June we asisted the Lyon County Sheriff's Search and Rescue (LCSSAR) with communications. On June 23rd we trained with LCSSAR in Desert Creek Canyon. This training pointed out some weaknesses with individual hardware and procedures. Therefore, we will be reviewing the basics at this months quarterly meeting. Washoe County - EC Bob Miller WA6MTY - Sunday June 24th the Angora Fire started in South Lake Tahoe. On Wednesday the 27th the Northern Nevada Chapter of the American Red Cross activated two shelters, Carson City High School and Incline High School in preparation for additional evacuees. ARES AEC Bruce N7ZA called for ARES team members KD7QDL Joe and KE7DOS Nancy to open Red Cross chapter Radio Station NN7RC. Fortunately the winds were not as bad as anticipated and additional evacuations were not needed. July 9, 2007 - Reno QRP Field Day Wrap - The results are in for the 2007 Field Day effort by the Reno QRP Group. Thanks to Ed, WD7Y, and Steve, NU7T, for compiling the information. The total claimed score is 3,670. The operators at the 2007 event at Slide Mountain were: Operating station W7FST: WD7Y Ed, W7IEX Van, K5HK Carl, W7YQ Tim. Operating the GOTA station, WD7Y: KE7KPY Lee, KE7HLR Scott, KE7HLS Steven, W8ENG Michael, K7UAL Swede, Bernadette. The GOTA (17 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:37 PM] Section News for June 2007 station operators did a fine effort and put in long, dedicated hours. Thank you! Food was carefully planned and cooked by Van, W7IEX. Hats off to Van for a job well done! Ed WD7Y summed it up quite well when he wrote, "... last of all the whole effort was a great experience, there were no personality conflicts, everybody had a great time and before the whole thing was over people were already talking about next year. I have been on lots of FD events, I feel that this was the happiest group that I was ever with for FD." Ed, thank you my friend. Thanks everyone!!! 73, W7YQ May 30, 2007 - Nevada Ham Plays Role in Radio Rescue - We want to recognize and honor one of our own, Eric Christianson, KE7DZZ. for his timely assistance to an injured hiker. The full story is available on the main ARRL web site . Well done, Eric! May 17, 2007 - SIERA meeting - SIERA heard from Steve and Carolyn Notterman. Steve is the President of the Nevada Division of the Pony Express. They spoke aboutWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO the history of the Pony Express from its start to the end, including what today's riders face as they travel day and night across the Nevada terrain. Bruce N7CPP followed with the communication plan for this years Pony Express Reride, which is supported every year by SIERA. They will be using VHF and HF to pass the information to the hotline. Each year brings something new and challenging. They are looking forward to having a fun time, and a learning experience. The Carson Valley Days Festival takes place this year from the 6th - 10th of June. JD Fowler AD7CD, and Ed Goldberg KE7EAA are managing the SIERA booth at Lampe Park again this year. The booth is located at Lampe Park, in about the same location as last year. Look for the SIERA banner. The talk-in-frequency is 146.550 simplex. (thanks to John Abrott KD7NHC and the SIERA web site for this) -30-

Pacific June Section ManagersWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Report - Upcoming events: July 28: Volcano Marathon and Rim Run at Hawaii Volcano National Park. See BIARC webpage or Contact Sean Stueber, NH7SA. August 4: Honolulu Heart Walk starting at 7:30AM. Tnx NH6K August 5: (First Sun.) Chapter 194 of the QCWA (Hawaii) will be on the air at 1500HST on 7088Kc. This is a monthly occurrence. Tnx W6ORS. September 22: Together We Prepare at the Kukui Grove Shopping Center, Kauai. Tnx WH6KS October 6: EARC/KARC Hamfest on Oahu. October 13: 2007 Simulated Emergency TEST October 20: ARRL Big Island International Ham fest in Waimea (Kamuela) Tnx KH7T/AH6J October 27: Kauai United Way Walk-a-Thon. Tnx WH6KS December: Christmas party time. Contact your local club. The PacSecARES HF Net is Tuesday nights, 1900W - 7.080/7.088, 3.905/3.888, or 1.870 MHz depending on band conditions and freq availability. Practice message handling. Stations are encouraged to send formal messages in ARRL Radiogram form. The Big Island ARES net is Saturday at 7PM. It is growing in numbers and held on the BIWARN (Big Island Wide Area Network) system. At the moment BIWARN consists of six VHF repeaters on the Island of Hawaii. They are located at Kau, Kulani, Pepeekeo, Mauna Loa, Hualalai and Waimea. Guam Liberation Day will be celebrated July 15 to 23 with a special call K6G. For more information contact the Marianas Amateur Radio Club. Contact Michael Wendt, AH2G, who is the president of MARC for special instructions. Two Oahu Amateur Radio Classes will be held Fall 2007. Both classes will be held at Kaimuki High School. Registration is late August. Cost will be $10. Contact Warren Munro, KH6WM, for more specifics. Introduction to Amateur Radio will be Sept. 13 to Nov. 1 with 8 sessions held on Thursdays. Intermediate Amateur Radio will be Sept. 11 to Nov. 13 with 10 classes held on Tuesdays. West Honolulu Amateur Radio Groups meets Aug 2, Oct. 4 and Dec. 6, 2007 at 7:30 PM at Diners at Waimalu Shopping Plaza. All Hams and visitors are welcome. Thanks to Herb, KH7TK and George, AH7GK. WHARG is not an ARRL affiliated club. The results of the 2007 ARRL International DX CW contest held in February are in the August issue of QST. Congratulations to KH7X, KH6NF, AH7C, NH6P (Operator W6YM is now KH7Y) and KH6LC for taking top slots in their categories for Oceania. June 3: Your SM visited the meeting of our newest club, South Point Amateur Radio Club AKA SPARC, at Kahuku Park in Hawaiian Ocean View Estate. Look for this club to become much more active as Rick Ward, WH6FC, has proctored a large group to get licensed. The driving force seems to be last years October Earthquake. June 9: Big Island ARC Meeting. Richard Darling, AH7G, received the Tiki award from Harry Nishiyama, KH6FKG, for working over 300 DX countries from Hawaii DX association. June 23: Your Section Manager visited four Field Day sites this year. Stop one was SPARC at Wittington State Park. This was the southern most operation in the USA. They used ropes to suspend their beam between two coconut trees. Stop two was Kona Amateur Radio Society. The ran from the parking lot of the Solar Energy Farm near Keahole Airport. All their power was natural solar and wind energy although they did have a generator available if needed. Stop Three was The Hilo ARC located at Laupahoehoe Point. Theirs was a low power CW solar station. Their antenna was a array of four phased verticals. Stop four was the Big Island ARC at Hawaiian Paradise Park. They ran with a generator, two beams and one wire antenna. Kauai ARC had a minimal operation at Lydgate Park. On Oahu the Emergency ARC and Koolau ARC combined efforts for the biggest field day at Kualoa Beach aka Chinaman’s Hat. I understand members of Honolulu ARC were also there. The newspaper published a picture of Boy Scouts looking over the operation. Maui ARC had a good effort at beautiful Hookipa on the North Shore. This was (18 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:37 PM] Section News for June 2007 their documented 50 year at the same location. June 26: Ham Kaneshiro, AH6HB, former active member of BIARC came back from Las Vegas for a short visit. He said he misses Hilo. June 30: QCWA chapter 194 meeting. Officers for next year were nominated. Plans for the next meeting were not finalized. This is a reminder to all Field Organization Appointees that you must keep your ARRL membership active. You should also make a monthly report of your activities. You’re SM and others read the various club web pages so please try to keep them up to date also. It is OK for anyone to report happenings in Ham Radio to the SM. We are always in need of good material. 73, Bob Sacramento Valley WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO We are in the grip of a hot dry spell, with rainfall amounts and snow pack in the Sierra down to as little as 30 percent of normal in some locations. This has the effect of putting us in prime wild land fire season for a greater portion of the year. Already we have wild land fires burning thousands of acres throughout the state, and inevitably, more will occur. During the South Lake Tahoe fire, Sacramento Valley Section Emergency Coordinator, (SEC), Richard Cloyd, WO6P, put all counties on alert for possible mutual aid. This is a wake up call to ARES members to keep ready, keep equipment in readiness, and be aware at all times of the fire situation. Before leaving this subject, our SEC could use some volunteers to step up for additional responsibility. Three of our Section’s districts (1, 2, and 4) need District Emergency Coordinators. If you can help with this effort by stepping into a DEC position, please contact Richard at rcloyd0296@charter. net . Let him know your interest, background, and availability. SILENT KEY: Bill McJunkin, N6FAB, of Yuba City is now a SK. Bill was an active member of the Yuba Sutter ARC for years. I once introduced Bill as Yuba City’s ‘renaissanceWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO man’, and that was no exaggeration. Bill could do most anything, and was an expert at, among other things, photography, flint knapping, , and computers. He even helped cook up the annual Christmas feed of prime rib. Bill was 70, is survived by XYL June, N6JEY, a son and a daughter. FCC: The ARRL is acting as intermediary in the 440 MHz repeater interference issue with PAVE PAWS radar at Beale, AFB, and at Otis AFB, in Massachusetts. Ed Hare, W1RFI, at HQ, is running interference susceptibility studies on each named repeater. In addition, each named 440 MHz repeater trustee has been asked to reduce transmitter power output to 5 watts. This issue is not resolved. Certainly the interfering repeater nomination process was flawed, but the issue remains, and amateur radio is secondary in this band. NETS: The Sacramento Valley Section Net meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 7 pm local on 146.085 MHz, plus offset, PL 127.3 and again at 7:30 pm local on 3987 KHz, upon completion of the VHF net. NCN – Northern California Traffic Net meet twice each evening. At 7 pm on 3533 KHz and the slow speed training net meets at 9 pm on 3533 KHz. NCN/V, a VHF voice net, is at present inactive. CLUBS: Nearly all clubs in this section hold weekly VHF nets. You can find out about club meetings, which are an excellent place to get information if you are having trouble or need help in understanding a particular problem. FIELD DAY: Each June brings the opportunity to explore the realities of operating in the field under real emergency restrictions. Here in the Sacramento Valley, we had diverse plans for sites and operations. Yuba Sutter ARC. Sutter County airport was the site for YSARC’s 2-A operation this year. Mark, K6CSQ, leases land there for his crop dusting business, Twin Cities Aviation, and offered room to set up and operate for the duration of field day. When the 24 hours was up, he took yours truly on a quick hop around South Sutter County in his very own Citabria. With over 7000 hours of Air Force time to my credit, would you believe I had never been in a single engine aircraft before? What a treat. Thanks to Mark for his generosity. The club had VHF, UHF, and GOTA stations operating. Mother Lode DX Contest Club--MLDX/CC operated 1-A from Peddler Hill in Amador County across the road from the Bear Valley Reservoir. They made over 1500 Qs. Thanks to Carl AI6V, Jim WX6V, Jack KF6T, Dave WB6GEF, Rick N6RK for their hard work and contributions. Trinity County Amateur Radio Club operated from Lowden Park in Weaverville. The operation was located near the parking lot, just 100 paces or so for easy access. They set up a SWL position and planned to show ham radio to as many as possible. El Dorado County ARC held their field day on high terrain on the Mormon Immigrant Trail 23 miles northwest from Pollock Pines on a dirt side road. A club meeting was held at 5:30 pm on Saturday. If I missed reporting on your club’s field day activity, I’ll try to do better when I get more information. I have gleaned what I could from each club’s website. In this regard, clubs that go the extra mile to open and maintain an Internet website for their members, do a wonderful service for the community and the nation. The job of webmaster requires a new level of expertise and is too often overlooked by those of us not maintaining a website. In order to make the site useful, constant update is required and I, for one, appreciate all the webmasters in the section. MISC: I am your new section manager. I come to the job with a lot of enthusiasm, but with big shoes to fill. For years, Jettie, W6RFF, and for a brief time, Casey, W7IB, set an example that is my goal. You can all help me by keeping me informed. I have attempted to contact each club in the section via listed e-mail addresses, and the replies are coming in, but it is the late breaking things for which we will need an e-mail or phone call for from time to time. My e-mail is [email protected] . Please drop me (19 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:37 PM] Section News for June 2007 a line. My phone number is 530 674 8533. The only courtesy I request is keep the phone calls to between 9 am and 9 pm. It is my aim to attend at least one meeting of each club in the section. As time and opportunity allow, I hope to meet you all for an ‘eye-ball qso.’ I am retired, from a USAF career that spanned 25 years, and since 1989, teaching here in the Yuba Sutter area. Being retired, I needed something to do, and visiting your club meetings is high on my list. 73, Ron Murdock, W6KJ

San Francisco San Francisco Section News WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO- July 2007 Field Day! My favorite operating event. I traveled with my Civil Air Patrol contingent to Eureka to join the Humboldt Amateur Radio Club. We arrived in the late afternoon and established the encampment on Woodley Island. Also visiting were Jay Peskin KE7EGO from Las Vegas and former Santa Rosan Randy Black KE6VMZ. HARC members joined us for dinner at the Samoa Cookhouse where I hosted the CAP Cadets to dinner. The kitchen crew were kept very busy by the voracious teenagers. The poor waitress made many return trips for more plates of food. The adults wisely stayed to the other end of the table to avoid the splatter from the feeding frenzy. I remember one point where an arm came around me and a voice behind me asked, “Are you through with that?” , as a serving dish was scooped up before an answer was heard and it disappeared. Once all the teeth gnashing had stopped, we toured the logging museum and headed back to camp. The group was formally greeted by HARC President John Olson KG6MAR and ASM Marci Campbell KE6IAU, and told of the activities that had been arranged for the weekend. Dave Abell K6XG and I did a little classroom presentation on Ham Radio, Field Day and a bit about propagation. Saturday morning was busy setting up the site with the necessary antenna structures and stringingWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO feed line around the area. HARC used their ERVs for two of the stations and a classic Volkswagen bus for the CW operation. Once things were up and running, the CAP group got a tour of the US Coast Guard vessel Barracuda that is stationed in Eureka. They also had a tour of the National Weather Service station where they learned the proper method of filling, moving and stacking sand bags. The Saturday tours were capped off by a seagoing trip around the harbor on the Madaket hosted by ASM Marci Campbell KE6IAU. After the well executed (and delicious!) pot luck dinner where over 40 HARC members joined the party, the CAP crew got into the radio aspects of the trip. Every cadet took a turn at the GOTA station with several coming back for seconds, thirds and more. And, they were good at it! They picked up the rhythm of the contest easily. I think we have a few converts! Hey, isn’t that the best part? I was able to make a contact with my home club, Sonoma County Radio Amateurs late Saturday night (or was it early Sunday morning) connecting with Kyle Cummings KG6QJL. Sunday morning we were graced with Rachael KE6SDB and Jim AC6YV Shrynes’ traditional hosted breakfast that they do for HARC’s Field Day each year. Rachael and Jim put on a magnificent feast for all in attendance. HARC’s Field Day activities were chronicled in the Sunday Eureka Reporter. Tear down started right after the 11:00 AM bell with everything coming down as smoothly as it went up. The CAP crew and I took off at noon as we were to tour the US Coast Guard air base before heading home. It was a great weekend and I think that we inspired a few youngsters to get into the hobby. Heading south, John Lemmer W6FQX of the Willits Amateur Radio Society reports: The annual Amateur Radio Field Day event came off as scheduled. The Low Gap Park setting in Ukiah did provide some creature comforts that exceeded what some of the group had experienced on previous field day outings. In addition to the overhead sun shelter, we had a generous number of picnic tables available for operating positions and a great BBQ pit for roasting the beef. WARS members W6FQX, WB9NJS and KI6FRW together with W6ANI, W6JRC, KI6MJC, and WA6JBK provided the operating forces. We had occasional visitors from the sheriff’s office including elected Sheriff Tom Allman. With some coaching, we actually got Sheriff Allman to make a contact even though it took several tries to break through the QRM. WB9NJS took the prize for lasting the longest on the air as he did not quit until about 1 AM. Some of the operators slept on the site in trailers and a motor home and a few went home overnight. W6ANI came back the next morning with the Sunday edition of the Ukiah Daily Journal. Our field day site with three great pictures made the front page, even above the fold, and a great article accompanied the pictures. Operators W6ANI, KI6FRW, and KI6MJC had their first field day and HF band operating experiences and, from all indications, had a great time. Although often each position had both an operator and a logger present, even when the logger took some time off, one or another of these YLs stuck to the radios and continued to make contacts. We made 135 QSOs for 270 points and 750 bonus points for a total of 1020 points. From Lake County ARC, President Harold Jones KD6WTV reports: We had a great Field Day. Sorry, no photos of this year's FD, but we had a great time. We had two HF stations and made many contacts. I will try next year to get a couple general photos. Dave Harrison W6IBC, President of the Sonoma County Radio Amateurs reported as follows: SCRA's Field Day was a great event! Particularly our GOTA station. Quite a number of new hams, and Technician class operators made 40 meter SSB contacts throughout the event. Toward morning the east coast opened up and the operators were thrilled. We operated 2 Alpha at the Oakmont site, (20 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:37 PM] Section News for June 2007 southeast Santa Rosa, using CW, PSK-31 and SSB. We also operated 2 meter SSB. A number of visitors stopped by the site. Everyone enjoyed the barbecue on Saturday night. Great time had by all. The Redwood Empire DX Association and the Marin Amateur Radio Society joined up and had a top notch Field Day. Bruce Butler W6OSP reports: Well another Field Day is behind us and indeed it was a good one. REDXA along with the Marin Amateur Radio Society has a joint Field Day from the Marin Rod and Gun Club. A terrific location on the Bay across from the entrance to San Quentin. Our total score was, including bonus points, 8,398. This should place us in the Top Ten of 3A. As expected 20, 40 and 75/80 were the productive bands at this point of the cycle. We had not initially planned on a GOTA station but as it turned out we were able to field one and it generated a total of 82 Q's. The food and weather was terrific. We put up two of the REDXA military towers and mounted a 4L SteppIR onWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO one and a 2L Steppir on the other along with W6UDS's 40 meter beam. Along with that we had a water location for N6YEU's HF-2V for 40 and 80 along with inverted Vees for 75 and 80. Operating was done from some of the sheds on site and there were bathroom facilities along with running water, etc. Marilyn, N6VAW provided food on Friday evening and again on Saturday morning along with her TS-450. Bruce N6CT provided his 4L SteppIR and his Orion radio. John, KE6ZSN did his usual fine job of helping us set up and tear down. Chuck supplied the Solar Panel's which gave us an additional 100 pts. Alan K6KLL and San N7PIB took care of the literature table. The Marin folks provided cooking and food along with the generator and very able computer networking and computer logging capability. The Field Day committee of KE6UAR (Chair) W6UDS and W6OSP appreciate your operating and logistical support. This Field Day proved that a group of Hams can get together and satisfy all types of operating desires and enjoy the camaraderie as well. More Field Day stuff from other clubs in next month’s column. (I've reached the size limit.) Please visit the San Francisco Section website to see photos of some of the activities. I love Field Day! Fun, food, friends, “hooking” newcomers and playing radio all in one weekend. I canWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO’t wait until next year. Have a great July! 73, Bill

San Joaquin Valley

SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY SECTION Report for the month of June 2007: SM Charles McConnell, W6DPD- ASMs K6YK and N2NS, ACC W6DPD, SEC N6ZFN, OOC N1VM, STM K6RAU, PIC KE6IGJ, TC W6TE. Greetings from the ARRL San Joaquin Valley Section. If you desire your club information and events to be listed in Section News, please send the information to [email protected]. Mark your calendars. The California QSO Party is October 6-7, 2007. Check for information. The California Historical Radio Society Central Valley Chapter Swap Meet is October 6, 2007 at the corner of 13th and X Streets in Merced. Check www. for information. Pacificon 2007 is October 19-21, 2007 at the Marriott Hotel in San Ramon CA. Check for information. The International DX Convention is April 25-28, 2008 at Visalia. Check for information. When your affiliated club elects officers for the next year, be sure to update your club’s information on the affiliated club area of the ARRL web page so you club will get any information sent from the ARRL Club department. If you fail to update your clubs information for 2 years, your club will be placed in the inactive file. Need to take an Amateur exam? Check the ARRL web page, for exam information. You can also search for Amateur Radio Classes in your area. The Northern California Net (NCN), the Section Traffic Net, meets nightly on 3.533 MHZ at 7 PM Pacific Time. The slow speed training session of the net meets nightly on 3.533 MHZ at 9 PM Pacific Time. Handling traffic on CW is a good way to improve your CW skills. The Daytime Region 6 Traffic Net meets daily at 3:30 pacific time on or near 7.275 MHZ. The California Traffic Net meets daily on 3.906 MHZ and 6:30 PM local time. The noon time net meets on 7.268.5 MHz. This net handles a lot of messages. PACIFICON, the ARRL Pacific Division is October 19-21, 2007 at the Marriott Hotel in San Ramon CA. This is a good time for new Amateurs and new upgrades to view the new radios and other accessories, attend many of the numerous sessions on the various aspects of Amateur Radio where you can learn something new. Amateur Exams will be given and there is a 1-day Technician class so anyone can earn an Amateur License. You can download the PACIFICON brochure at This is a .pdf file. Advanced registration is $10 and it is $15 at the door. The Antenna Seminar is all day on Friday. There is a breakfast on Saturday Morning and a banquet on Saturday night. ARRL members can be initiated into the Royal Order of the Wouff Hong at midnight Saturday night. The Swap meet is Sunday morning. This is a great event for all Amateurs, experienced and new. Full details for Pacificon can be found at http://www. This site has all the prices for the various activities that take place at the convention. Keep watching this site as new information is posted from time to time as the details are worked out. It is my sad duty to report that K6ENQ Hal is a Silent Key. He will be missed. A number of Amateur Radio Clubs did fireworks patrols on July 4, 2007, to look for improper fireworks and fires in the very dry San Joaquin Valley. Top SJV Section Scores for the ARRL 2006 Ten Meter Contest were 1st KA6BIM, 2nd KW6N, and 3rd KI6VC. Top SJV Section Scores for the 2007 ARRL RTTY Roundup were 1st NN6NN, 2nd KE6RAD, and 3rd AK6DV. Top (21 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:37 PM] Section News for June 2007

SJV Section Scores for the 2007 ARRL International DX Contest (CW) were 1st, WS6X, 2nd N2NS, and 3rd K6OQ. WS6X was 4th in the Pacific Division. Congratulations to WS6X who earned DXCC on 160 Meters. Congratulations to KB6CLV on completing the ARECC Level One Course. Traffic for June: K6RAU 15, W6DPD 2, and W6SX 15. Total 32. PSHR: K6RAU 63 and W6SX 49.

Santa Clara Valley

Santa Clara Valley Section News Summary. June, 2007 SANTA CLARA VALLEY: SM, Bill Dale, N2RHV [email protected] ASM Admin, WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.ROJohn Amos,KC6TVM, [email protected] ASM Web/Wiki, Tom Walsh, K1TW, [email protected] ASM Jim Oberhofer,KN6PE, [email protected] SEC,DEC,ASM, Santa Clara Co, Larry Carr, KE6AGJ, [email protected] DEC, Monterey Co,David J. Burbidge, W6IIQ, [email protected] DEC, San Benito Co, Kathy Hill,KB6INO, [email protected] DEC, San Mateo Co, Peter Liljequist, KD6BXY,peterl@cisco. com DEC, San Mateo Co, Laurence Nelson, KC6NYG, [email protected] DEC, Santa Cruz Co, Cap Pennell, KE6AFE, [email protected] BM/Webmaster, Frank Kibbish Jr, WB6MRQ,[email protected] OOC, Andy Korsak, KR6DD, [email protected] TC, Kit Blank,WA6PWW,[email protected] =Section positions open include Affiliated Club Coordinator (ACC), Net Manager (NM), Section Traffic Manager (STM), Public Information Coordinator (PIC) and Public Information Officers (PIO) and several others. Among them are an “ASM for Scouting and Youth” and several more ASM position to cover the five counties. This is YOUR Section - please consider helping Hams by filling one of these important positions. =The wiki-based SCV web site on is up and running. My new ASM, Tom, K1TW, [email protected] is going to work on getting the content on both old and new sites up to date. Send him your corrections and get your club access to the wiki. Here's the link: =The Field Day Section Manager Challenge is drawing some attention! The Section Manager Challenge is a photo contest! I want to see the BEST stills and video of your Field Day event. The goal is to use these pictures to present Ham Radio to the public. Show your FD effort as a fun and social activity with something for everyone! Action is a priority! Get pictures of the antennas going up. Show the great food on the grill. Show the splendid surroundings of your FD site. Send three entries per FD Site to me at [email protected]. Look for more information on my blog and the section web sites. I visited eight Field Day sites, five to the South starting with Saratoga, San Lorenzo Valley, University of Santa Cruz and ending at the NPGS Club in Monterey on Saturday. On Sunday I visited the WVARA, FARS, and PAARA site on Sunday. All stations reported an excellent turnout and a fine time Hamming! See the Wiki and the Section Web site for a list of Field Day Sites. = The Dept. of Homeland Security is seeking public comments on the need for HF radio broadcasts of weather information: http://www.navcen. =Links ‘n stuff: The Pacificon Brochure is available at Check out the hip music about Ham Radio here http:// Maybe not so hip? =Tom Smith, KD6SOJ, will be out of commission for a while. He has been diagnosed with a tumor on his right kidney. Jim Clark, N6JRC, will be the ARES Los Altos Emergency Coordinator in Tom’s absence. Please cooperate with him and give him all the support you can. Here's wishing Tom "Get Well Soon!" =Jim, N9JIM, Jamesburg Dish Operations are moving along. They were successful at changing the 2M feed for the big dish (29.6M.) They are now able to operate both 1296 & 144 at the same time. The next bands to be set up are 3456 & 10GHz. See are their website at =Another great AM-TECH Day June 2. We are now up on Dark Mater and Dark Energy! Next AM-TECH Day at SLAC IS July 7. See =The new General question pool is now in use. The Technician and Extra question pools are not changing this year. See for an excellent on-line practice test and drill tool. The full text of all question pools and corrections is located here: =Ken Dueker, KB6BPM, [[email protected] or 650-617-3100 x1281] announces a Amateur Radio ("Ham") License Class, Tuesdays: 6:30 pm - 9 pm: July 10, 17, 24 & 31 (Jul. 31 is exam night) to be held at the Menlo Park Fire Sta. 77: 1467 Chilco St. in Menlo Park. The cost is $35.00. The ARRL Ham Radio License book will be provided for this class. Also contact Ken about the August 7th Emergency Communications Class. The class will be held Tuesday, Aug. 7, 2007: 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm in the Menlo Park area. The cost is FREE! =Tour de Peninsula Needs Amateur Radio Operators. The event is for the San Mateo County Parks Foundation Tour de Peninsula and takes place on Sunday August 5th, 2007, from 0500 to about 1400hrs. This is a bike ride running through cities in San Mateo County. The Comm. Boss is Richard Tidd KE6HNY, 877-309-7516 or [email protected]. On-line Registration form is at =Mike, K6MFW, reports that ATV is featured in June issue of QST, see pages 80-81. Like last year, the San Jose ARES/RACES crew will be supporting the San Jose Grand Prix with voice and video communications on July 27-29. =Loma Pioneer Repeater Club [] BBQ is July 21 and Shorty will be there to talk about the winsystem. Please see the link about the July 21st event. All are invited and they hope you all can come. There will be fun and good food. Any questions E-mail [email protected] =Glenn Thomas, WB6W/7, is (22 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:37 PM] Section News for June 2007 asking for nominations for the Pacific Division Ham of the Year 2007 award, to be presented at the Pacificon Banquet in October. The deadline for nominations is August 1, 2007. They should be sent to me at [email protected] ([email protected] still works too!) or directly to Bob. =For recruiting and handout material check out this ARRL web page: Note the info on the right box - scroll down to find stuff. Note the new video PSA's. Way COOL! I have DVD versions if you have a TV Station or Cable system that will run them. Roanoke Division WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO North Carolina

JUNE NORTH CAROLINA SECTION NEWS GOVERNOR EASLEY SIGNS NC PRB-1 ANTENNA BILL Beginning October 1, 2007, Article 19 of Chapter 160A of the North Carolina General Statutes will require "city and county ordinances regulating antennas to reasonably accomodate amateur radio communications." Governor Easley signed the bill on Friday, June 29. North Carolina is the 25th state to have PRB-1 type accomodations included in state law. Thanks to all of you for the phone calls, letters and emails to your legislators. Please thank your representatives for their support. Thanks again for the leadership of Ham Hicks, KB4BR and the bill writing talents of Gerry Cohen, N4GC. NC TEENAGER NAMED YOUNG HAM OF THE YEAR Grant Morine, W4GHM, of Wilmington has been named the 2007 Young Ham of the Year. The award is sponsored by Amateur Radio Newsline and will be given to Grant as part of the 2007 ARRL National Convention at the Huntsville Hamfest. Grant is a 17 year old Eagle Scout who has also been nominated for ARRL's Hiram PercyWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Maxim award. Grant's Eagle Scout project was the construction and donation of 30 220MHz J-pole antenna to the Carolinas Amateur Radio Emergency Services (CARES). Grant is the son of our Section Public Information Coordinator, Bill Morine, N2COP. Congratulations Grant! NC JOTA PREPARATIONS UNDERWAY The 50th annual Jamboree On-The-Air (JOTA) will be held October 21 & 22. JOTA is scouting's largest annual event and involves about 500,000 scouts from all of the world. It's also the single best opportunity we have to share amateur radio with lots of enthusiastic young people. This year's event will last 50 hours, which gives you time to offer the radio merit badge, a Technician licensing class and a VE session along with the JOTA stations on the air! "NCJOTA" is a Yahoo Groups reflector dedicated to JOTA in North Carolina. If someone is interested in leading a NC section-wide JOTA event in some central location, contract Bill Morine, N2COP at [email protected]. MEDIA HITS We had lots of great media coverage during Field Day. Ham radio was featured in the Durham Sun-Herald, the Charlotte Observer, the News at Norman, the Burlington Times. I'm sure there were many others. Bill Morine, N2COP, was a guest on a local radio call-in show on WBAG in Wilmington. HELP WANTED Our Section Traffic Manager (STM) needs liaison stations between the North Carolina Evening Net (6:30pm on 3.923MHz) and the Southeastern North Carolina Traffic Net (147.045MHz at 8:00pm). We also need assistance with HF digital NTS traffic. Is anyone interested in establishing a formal NTS net on VHF/UHF in the Northeastern or Western parts of the state? Contact STM Dave Roy, W4DNA at [email protected]. UPCOMING EVENTS July 21: Mid-Summer Swapfest, Cary July 28: Western Carolina Hamfest, Waynesville Aug 11: Cape Fear Swapfest, Fayetteville Aug 31 to Sept 2: Shelby Hamfest Sept 1: Traffic Handlers' Lunch, 11:30am, Jackson's Cafeteria, Shelby JUNE TRAFFIC W4EAT 592 (BPL), N3BW 188, W3EAG 177, W4DNA 150, K4RLD 117, K4IWW 101, W4TTO 98, W4LN 65, KI4YV 62, WA2YBM 60, W3HL 58, WA4OBR 55, K4LKN 43, W4FAL 42, W4NCD 40, KE4AHC 36, K8SKX 32, W4EHF 30, KD4FUN 28, KI4QHM 13, KI4PNL 12, KD4WAX 11, KR4ZJ 8 JUNE PSHR W4DNA 315, K4RLD 215, K4IWW 145, W4EAT 130, W4FAL 130, W4LN 125, WA2YBM 125, KE4JHJ 110, W2EAG 110, W4TTO 105, KE4YHR 100, KI4YV 90, KD4FUN 78 NC ARES MEMBERS: 1,693

South Carolina

Greetings to all Amateur Radio Operators. This is Dr. Jim, N2ZZ with the July 2007 South Carolina Section Manager's Report! Please remember that the SC Section website can be found at: where my full SM report will be listed as well as up-to-the-date information on Amateur Radio in South Carolina! Field Day was a success! Charlie AE4UX, SEC and I traveled around the state again this year, logging about 700 miles and spent over 15 hours driving from site to site. Charlie took all replies from Field Day Chairmen and mapped out a route the Wednesday before Field Day. There were a few replies after the mapping was completed, and we were able to visit those sites if they were near our original route. Our visits included North Augusta/Belvedere, Batesburg-Leesville (Ridge Club), Columbia (CARC/PARC), Walterboro (Coastal), Beaufort, Charleston (CARS), Grand Strand, Kershaw County and Rock Hill (YCARS). Charlie and I were hoping to loop back towards the Upstate but found that our travels would be cut short by (23 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:37 PM] Section News for June 2007 the 1400 hr deadline on Sunday. I do appreciate everyone's hospitality during our visits, and all the messages originated to Charlie and me for the extra credit points! Charlie and I have been modifying our route over the last several years. We realize that there are some sites we have not visited in a while, and some that we usually visit we missed this year. I would like everyone to know that we wish we could visit every site, but South Carolina is a huge state! Hope to see everyone next year! On a side note, Bob K4NJN, ASM6 and Paul KB4GYT who traveled to Montana for Field Day had a great time, great location, and worked several stations from the Roanoke Division, as they had planned! I was asked to pass some information about JOTA (Jamboree on the Air) from Jim Baker, KQ4BH: Jamboree on the Air 2007 is the 50th year for JOTA, and of course 2007 is the 100th year for World Scouting. Scouts from all over the world will be contacting each other viaWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO ham radio on the third weekend of October. This year JOTA will run 50 hours instead of the usual 48 in recognition of the anniversary. Radio Scouters (a Yahoo Group) have proposed to try to get every ARRL Section represented in this year's JOTA October 20-21. I have been trying to find other radio scouters in the local council to plan our local event, but have not had much luck. There are six local councils in South Carolina. More information on this years JOTA event is available at nav/enter.jsp?s=xx&c=ds&terms=jota Please make plans to participate. Jim Baker can be contacted by e- mail: [email protected] . I received a note from John KC4YI, regarding updates on the SCHEARTS repeater system: The first SC HEARTS hub repeater is on the air as of 12:30 7/24/2007. We are range testing the VHF antenna with the 147.36 100 Hz PL repeater until the 146.715 repeater is ready to go on the air. The tower crew is moving on to Awendaw in the morning (Wednesday 7/25). If all goes well the antennas will be up there by the 31st of July. That will give us antennas installed at Whitehall, Conway, Florence, Columbia and Awendaw. Regarding SCHEARTS, I did want to add a note. I have been receiving e-mails and even certified letters asking me to not let SCHEARTS take their repeater away. I have been a ham since 1969, and the most highly chargedWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO political issue in amateur radio that I have seen in my years is that of repeaters. I must emphasize that the SCHEARTS program will not take away your repeater or frequency pair. What the program offers is that if your club, organization or individual owner of a repeater in a critical area desires to become part of the SCHEARTS system, your repeater can be replaced with a state-of-the art commercial grade repeater, a professionally installed antenna system and professional maintenance of the repeater. Additionally, it will have linking capabilities. The only requirements that I see at this time is that during an emergency or drill, SCHEARTS will use your repeater. Additionally, there will need to be some coordination of nets to prevent conflicts on the linked system. Otherwise, local hams would be free to use the repeater during all other times. This is entirely voluntary. I also see that SCHEARTS is looking for local hams to work with them on a local level as engineers of the repeater. I do encourage all who desire to do so to work with the SCHEARTS system. It is the first of its kind in the US, and it has definitely captured the attention of the ARRL Headquarters personnel. It will provide a strong backbone for Hospitals to communicate during emergencies. Finally, during this time of frequency auctioning and Homeland Security, It shows the public what we can do, and how we are needed during compromising times. If there are attempts to take away our frequency spectrum (such as the 220-222 MHz segment we lost several years ago) it will be much easier to protect our spectrum, with non-hams knowing our capabilities. The SC Hospital Association, as well as their national organization would be a strong ally in this case. From The ARRL Letter vol 26, no. 30: The ARRL Board of Directors named four ARRL award recipients at their July 20-21 meeting in Windsor, Connecticut. The recipient of the 2006 Maxim Award is Greg S. Davis, N3ZL, of Florence, South Carolina. This award, given annually to a licensed radio amateur under the age of 21, takes into account the nominee's most exemplary nature of accomplishments and contributions to both the community of Amateur Radio and the local community. Davis, first licensed at 14, upgraded to Amateur Extra class before he turned 16. While his first love is ragchewing, he likes to DX, contest and operate all digital modes and SSTV. Davis is interested in and active in emergency communications. As part of his Eagle Scout project, he was responsible for planning, assembling and installing emergency communications antennas at Red Cross emergency evacuation centers. Congratulations to Greg! Well, that is it for July! I apologize for the late issue this month. I just returned from a two week vacation in Mainland China and Hong Kong. My older son works in Beijing so we decided to pay him a visit, and have him travel with us to other areas of China where he did not yet have a chance to visit. The 12 hour time difference really produces the jet lag! June 2007 National Traffic System Report for South Carolina by Mac Heaton N4MEH, STM. Net Reports: Net Name/Check Ins/Traffic/ Sessions/Reported By Anderson Radio Club 2M Net/762/32/30/N4MEH; BRARS 2 Meter Net/2013/40/30/ K4SUG Carolina's Net/629/127/56/W2EAG; Carolina Slow Net/878/48/30/W4EAT; Columbia ARC 2 Meter Net/187/0/8/W4RWL; Grand Strand ARC 2M Net/200/16/12/KI4HEE; Greater Pee Dee 2 Meter Net/863/34/30/K4DTT; Greenwood ARC 2 Meter; Net/99/5/4/W4DEW; Greenwood Friendly Net/369/51/30/W4JAK; Lancaster County 2 Meter Net/107/17/13/N4WMB; Oconee 2M Net/296/15/13/ N9GSX; PALS Net/884/65/30/KG4KOE; SC SSB Net/1608/87/30/WB4DLD; York Co. ARS 2 Meter FM Net/717/42/53/KI4NBA; York Co. ARS 2 Meter SSB Net/11/0/1/KI4NBA Station Activity Reports: Station/ (24 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:37 PM] Section News for June 2007

Sent/Received/Delivered/Originated/Total KA4LRM/6/11/4//21; AE4FA//3/2//5; KA4UIV/11/31/23//65; WB4DLD/2/27/2/2/33; N4MEH/9/46/7/6/68; Public Service Honor Roll; Station/Cat. 1/Cat. 2/Cat. 3/Cat. 4/Cat. 5/Cat. 6/Total; KA4LRM/40/21/20/0/0/0/81; N4MEH/40/40/20/0/0/0/100. Have a great month! '73 de Dr. Jim N2ZZ, ARRL Section Manager,South Carolina Section,


Section Mangers Report for June 2007 Field Day marked a flurry of activity in the Virginia Section. I receive about twice as many Field DayWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO messages sent to the Section Manager as last year. There was also an increase in the use of digital modes to send this traffic. I enjoyed my visits at each Field Day location that I was able to visit. The fellowship, meals and new ideas that I picked up provided a wonderful day of hamming for me. The SEC Henry Wyatt, K4YCR and Assistant SEC Dave Damon K4DND were also out making rounds visiting other Field Day sites. It was great to see the large cross section of those attending the event. There were public officials there to learn more about how Amateur Radio could be of assistance to their agencies. You could see non-hams wanting to discover what this hobby might have to offer them and what means it would offer them to be of public service to their communities. There were both young and older hams operating side by side in a hobby that transcends generational barriers. We just received the Simulated Emergency Test results from last years SET and found that the Virginia Section had moved from 7th in the nation to 2nd place in national scoring. This indicates a strong interest in emergency communication participation. Last year we only had 4 ARES units that submitted a SET report compared to 14 jurisdictions that reported on SET activity this year. We have also been working more closely with supporting the Virginia Department of Emergency Management in theirWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO emergency communications exercises. The RACES station at the Virginia EOC has been available for support of our local exercises each time that it has been requested. All of this growth, preparation and activity are vital if we are to be prepared for the unset of the peak of the Atlantic Hurricane Season. Our Assistant Section Manager, Dan Edwards, AG4YU serves as Webmaster for both the section and the ARES website and has been working diligently behind the scenes to update our websites. A major part of this improvement will be a dynamic registration form for both ARES and also for qualified hams to register for our Emergency Response Teams. A major emphasis is being placed on security of information that is submitted. This new system will allow instant updating of informational changes. Those making updates will not have to have a printout of their last registration to see what changes need to be made. They will be able to view their own registration information but will not be able to view other members unless they are in a leadership role. This will provide a means of submitting current contact information, new training that has been completed or other vital information. When this task is completed it will allows us to provide a stronger and better-organized approach to mutual support within the section. The ARRL is working on a national database to provide a better response to major disasters that exceed the resources of local or sectional resources. The Section Cabinet is now involved in development of a section “Emergency Communications Plan”. The cabinet has been exploring different section plans from other areas. Cabinet members are writing drafts of specialized areas where they have expertise. When the plan is complete it will provide an important guide for those involved in leadership and for the rank and file of emergency communications within the section. In the future we will have increasing pressure from served agencies to be well prepared and consistent in our training requirements. It is important that we provide multi options for those needing to complete emergency communications courses EC-001, EC-002 and EC-003. The online course has a $45.00 tuition required. The manual cost is another $19.95. There are no longer grants to cover the cost of these courses. A number of sections have been certifying students through the other three options. These are hybrid classes with a cost of $20.00. Onsite classes can be taken with Certified Instructors and Certified Examiners administering the test, which cost $10.00. The last option is self-study and taking the $10.00 exam. The ICS and NIMS classes are still available free of charge as online courses and can be taken as onsite classes. Volunteers for almost all agencies are being required to prepare by completing more courses and demonstrating their ability to perform the task for which they volunteer. Amateur Radio will not be exempt from this trend. Glen Sage, W4GHS Section Manger, Virginia Section

Southeastern Division


SM: Susan Swiderski, AF4FO; ASM/South GA: Marshall Thigpen, W4IS; ASM/Legal: Jim Altman, W4UCK; ASM/Webmaster: Bob Smith, K4PHE; ASM/Youth: Andrea Hartlage, KG4IUM; ASM/ Scouting: David Pearce, ABØNG; SEC: Jim Cote, N4PJR; STM: Charles Pennington, K4GK; OOC: Mike Swiderski, K4HBI; TC: Jim (25 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:37 PM] Section News for June 2007

Worsham, W4KXY; PIC: Norm Schklar,WA4ZXV; SGL: Bill Cherepy, WB4WTN; ACC: Robin Cutshaw, AA4RC Greetings, All, It's the middle of yet another month. Can ya believe it? Before we know it, we'll be looking at summer in the rear-view mirror. First off, many many thanks to all of the clubs who have already sent pictures from their field day operations to our esteemed webmaster BOB SMITH, K4PHE. For those of you who haven't yet found one of those elusive "round tuits", please find yourself one, and send your pictures his way. It's really great for us all to have the opportunity to take a peek at your activities. [email protected] Thanks a lot. And if you haven't checked out our website for a while, take a few minutes to check it out. There's some great stuff on there. One of the things that was recently added is the text of the presentation that RILEY HOLLINGWORTH gave at the Dayton Hamvention this year. I think it's something that every ham shouldWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO read. Riley isn't just our favorite Enforcer; he's got some genuine wisdom to share with us all. It's worth a read. CONGRATULATIONS to the new officers of the SE DX Club: President- BOB ALPHIN, K4UEE; VP- BOB CARROLL, W2BW; Secretary- GEORGE NICHOLSON, N4GRN; Treasurer- MIKE WEATHERS, ND4V; and Activities Chairman- GARY MCCONVILLE, WB2SQ. SEDXC members have always done an excellent job of Elmering other hams, but in this, the club's 50th anniversary year, they've started a more formal Elmering program, called "Helping Hand", where anyone who has any questions about DX-ing, or about over-all ham operations, can now receive special one-on-one attention (i.e. Elmering) from one of these knowledgeable club members by simply clicking on a button found on their website. Check it out: While you're there, you might want to take a peek at the directions on how to get to their next club meeting, which will be this Wednesday, the 18th. PAUL PESCATELLI, KU4J, will be doing a presentation on his adventures as part of the recent Scarborough Reef DX-pedition. Should be very interesting. (And if you can't make it there, Paul has also agreed to do the same presentation for our October 27 QCWA meeting.) RONNIE JULIAN, K4RJJ, shared news about a unique sale that's coming up this weekend in Bethlehem, GA. BOB NIVEN is unloadingWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO a LOT of top-notch goodies, and as Ronnie put it, "Prices will be very low and a mix like you have never seen. Bring cash and a truck!" There will be a lot of stuff from the former Austin Electronics, from MnB Engineering, as well as from Bob's own personal collection. The list of items that are to be sold is very extensive and includes such things as electronic components, generators, test equipment, tools, office furniture and equipment, amps, transmitters, table and console radios, X-ray machine, batteries, transformers, microphones, computers and computer gear, video cameras, etc. etc. etc. Even a robot! (dunno what it can DO, but sounds very intriguing...) The bottom line is, from the long list of items to be offered, it pretty much sounds like if you want it, you'll probably find it there. And for a good price, to boot. This sale will be held at MnB Engineering, at 737 Harry McCarty Rd. Suite 102, in Bethlehem. (about 4 miles from Winder) Phone 678 227-2283. Starts at 9:00 AM Saturday and runs thru Sunday. Sounds like a hamfest.... PLUS. And hey! There's even gonna be free refreshments! (Thanks, Ronnie) Many thanks to JAY REID, KG4OJJ, who has been serving as one of our NWS DECs, for the Tallahassee office. Because of an increased work load, he has regretfully had to step down. We do appreciate all that he's done, and I do suspect that he will remain one of our more active Storm Spotters. SILENT KEYS: LEE MATTTHEWS, N8LM; MAURICE "MAC" MCALLISTER, KE4MGB; and WEEMS PENNINGTON, W4WHS. Sincere condolences to their families and friends. Well folks, that's about it for now. Time to start working on the August newsletter.... Until next time, this is AF4FO, signing clear. Take care of yourselves. And each other. 73, Susan QTC June: K4GK-87; K8GA-81; WB4BIK-62; WA4UJC-41; K4BAI-24; K4BEH-13; N4VAD-8 +++ No trees were killed in the sending of this message. However, a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced. +++

Puerto Rico

June was the Field Day month. Everybody made plans for the famous Field Day Weekend. I managed to visit three different sites the same day! Enthusiasm and joy was present everywhere. My plans were to visit the most far away sites saturday and the closest on sunday but saturday was a day of many unexpected happenings at home. The first visit was to Radio Operadores del Este (RODE) at Rio Grande. This group was operating from a hill side about 1,000 ft above sea level with a beautiful view of the Atlantic Ocean. They had two emergency generators alternating them and two simultaneous stations operating the HF bands. A representative of the City's Mayor went to the site with the Mayor's official greetings. They used the call KP4RE. Second visit was to the city of San Lorenzo where the Samaritanos Group were operating from the Emergency Management facilities. They were operating various rigs with several antennas. By the time I got there they were taking down their setup and antennas because a huge black cloud with high winds was approaching. Joel, WP3ME led the group. The third visit was to the Puerto Rico Amateur Radio League (PRARL) at the rum Bacardi facilities. The group had a couple of tents with emergency generators and various equipment and antennas. This group had the opportunity to send traffic to the SM. They used the club call sign, KP4ES. Overall, after 6 or 7 hours and 108 miles, I can say that everybody enjoyed the FD activities. It was a great weekend for Amateur Radio and for all who participated one way or another. I am sure that next (26 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:37 PM] Section News for June 2007 year everybody will be better prepared for the occasion. Congratulations to all !!! On other things, the gray zone regarding the use of the 440 MHz band was finally resolved. The facts are: a) Hams are secondary users of the band, b) primary user is the military, c) the Arecibo Observatory has no priority over Amateur Radio users, d) the Arecibo Observatory director sent a letter apologizing for their misunderstanding of the rules. Now, everybody is expected to act according to the FCC Rules and Regulations, avoid interference and live in peace. The 50 MHz band has been open almost daily to the US and sometimes to Europe. There is quite activity from Puerto Rico in this band. We are still looking for a few good hams interested in working hard as Emergency Coordinators / Directors. Send your resumé. We deeply regret the loss of Ramón A. Vilá Rodríguez, KP4SV, Moncho as he was known. He passed away the 16th of june 2007. More information can be found at,WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO // and 73's to all de Robert, kp4ac. ======Junio fué el mes del Field Day. Todo el mundo hizo planes para el famoso fin de semana del Field Day. Yo me las arreglé para visitar tres campamentos el mismo día. El entusiasmo y la alegría estuvieron presentes por todas partes. Mis planes eran los de visitar los sitios mas lejanos el sábado y el domingo el mas cercano pero el sábado se me complicó en mi casa. La primera visita fué al grupo Radio Operadores del Este (RODE) en Rio Grande. Este grupo operó desde la falda de una montaña como a 1,000 pies sobre el nivel del mar con una hermosa vista del océano Atlántico. Ellos tenían dos generadores alternándolos y dos estaciones simultáneas en las bandas de HF. Un representante del alcalde se presentó con la proclama. Usaron las siglas KP4RE. La segunda visita fue a la ciudad de San Lorenzo donde los Samaritanos estaban operando desde las facilidades de Manejo de Emergencias. Ellos operaron varios equipos con varias antenas. Para cuando yo llegué, habían bajado las antenas porque se acercaba una gran nube negra con fuertes vientos. Joel, WP3ME dirigió elWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO grupo. La tercera visita fué al campamento de la PRARL en la Bacardí. El grupo tenía varias casetas con generadores de emergencia, varios equipos y antenas. Este grupo tuvo la oportunidad de enviar un mensaje de tráfico al SM. Usaron las siglas KP4ES. Al final, luego de 6 ó 7 horas y 108 millas, puedo decir que todos disfrutaron las actividades del FD. Fué un gran fin de semana para la Radio Afición y para todos los que participaron de un modo u otro. Estoy seguro que el próximo año todos estaremos mejor preparados para dicha ocasión. ¡¡¡ Felicitaciones a todos !!! Entre otros asuntos, el área gris sobre el uso de la banda de 440 MHz finalmente se resolvió. Los hechos son: a) Los radioaficionados son usuarios secundarios de la banda, b) el usuario principal es la milicia, c) el Observatorio de Arecibo no tiene prioridad sobre los Radio Aficionados en dicha banda, d) el director del Observatorio de Arecibo envió una carta disculpándose por la mal interpretación de las leyes por parte de ellos. Ahora, se espera que todas las partes actúen de acuerdo con la reglamentación de la FCC, evíten interferencias y vivan en paz y armonía. La banda de seis metros se está abriendo casi todos los días hacia los Estados Unidos y a veces hacia Europa. Hay mucha actividad local en esta banda. Seguimos buscando unos pocos buenos radio aficionados interesados en trabajar árduamente como coordinadores / directores de emergencias. Envíen su resumé. Sentimos grandemente la pérdida de Ramón A. Vilá Rodríguez, KP4SV, Moncho como se le conocía. Pasó a morar con el Señor el 16 de junio de 2007. Más información puede encontrarse en, // y 73's a todos de Robert, kp4ac.

Southern Florida

Hi Everyone, Weather is always good to talk about and it seems to be on our minds this month. There are several Skywarn training sessions scheduled in the next 30 days. Some of us are seeing some relief from the drought but those counties bordering Big Lake O still need rain. The busy part of the hurricane season is yet to come so we must remain ready. In a few weeks the ARES leadership and the public information officers will meet for training and planning. They will be bringing good information back to your local groups so be sure to attend the club and ARES meetings in August. Changes, oh yes we have changes again this month. Jeremy Briggs, K4OCD has moved to Assistant Section Manger and his duties will be that of webmaster for or visit the section news page at and click on website. (After you read the news and view the photos of course.) Jeremy will unveil the new site in early August and I think you will enjoy the changes. He certainly is keeping me busy with the planning. More changes. Jeff Beals, WA4AW has graciously agreed to resume the position of Affiliated Club Coordinator. And he will also be District EC for the Gold Coast District. Thank you, Jeff for doing double duty again for the section. If you are attending the Ft Pierce Hamfest on August 11 please stop at the ARRL table and meet your section leadership. Attend the ARRL forum for the latest news. I look forward to talking with you. Several of us will also be at the ARRL national Convention in Huntsville later in August and we will be at the Southeastern Division booth in the ARRL Expo area. If you are attending that event please stop and say hello. From the reports I received I know everyone had a good Field Day. There are some photos on the section news page and there is room (27 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:37 PM] Section News for June 2007 for more. If you prefer to send a link to the site where your group houses photos we can list that in the club news area. There are several areas experiencing interference on local VHF frequencies. If you hear the interference note the day, time and location where you heard it and give this information to your EC, a local OO, or the local interference committee. Can’t find anyone in those categories? Send the info to me and I will relay it. The interference being heard is not necessarily on repeaters nor does it fall into the OO job description. I always have a list of useful websites on the section news page and from time to time I add one in this message. Here is one for newcomers, but it would not hurt any of us to visit the site and read it: http://www. REPORTS: SFL SARs June 2007: KA4FZI 312, NY4E 157, KE4CB 84, WA4EIC 63, K4FQU 58, AA4BN 51, KC4TM 14, W4WYR 7 ======SFL PSHRs June 2007: KA4FZI 120, K4FQU 115,WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO WA4EIC 100, NY4E 90, AA4BN 87, W4DKB 58 ======Bulletin Report from KE4UEI: Recd 18, Sent 2, Total 20 ======SFL NET Reports for June 2007 NET, ABB, SESS, QNI, QTC, MGR All Florida CW Traffic Net, QFN, 60, 596, 273, NY4E Florida Amateur Sideband Traffic Net, FAST, 30, 188, 49, K4SCL Florida Medium Speed Net, FMSN, 30, 214, 42, AG4RJ/AB4XK Jupiter-Tequesta Repeater Group, JTRG, 7, 94, 30, AG4BV/KF4NJB Palm Beach County Ares Net, PBCAN, 9, 85, 19, KG4PFY Saint Lucie Repeater Association, SLRA, 4, 41, 2, KE4UEI Southeast Florida Traffic Net, SEFTN, 60, 632, 68, AG4RJ/AI4GE Southwest Florida Traffic Net, SWFTN, 30, 249, 64, K4FQU ======NOTE: If, like WA2YL, you spend a month or months in northern states and operate on traffic nets there, you should send your SARs and PSHRs to the STM of the section you operated in so that state gets the credit. If you can't locate the STM, please send the report information to me and I'll add it to ours. We miss you, wish you safe traveling, and look forward to your return .-- de [email protected] ARES: June, 2007 ARES Members in the 12 counties reporting: 1038 EC reporting: KF4IHX (St Lucie), WA2DXQ (Broward), KF4MJJ (Collier), N5KFR (Glades), AA4BN (Hendry), WA4ASJ (Indian River), WA4GUK (Lee), N1XC (Martin),WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO KA4HLO (Miami-Dade), K4NNX (Monroe), AD4RZ (Okeechobee), N4LEM (Brevard) There were 18 nets that held 74 sessions and 6 nets have NTS liaison. Members participated in 38 drills, tests and training sessions and there was a total of 112 ARES operations. SFL ARES Net Report --- QNI 34 QTC 4 Time 43 Min. EC Comments: Collier County: ARES and ARASWF members provided communications support for the Naples Marathon. Members also participated in Field Day. We will have D-Star repeaters up in both 2mtr and 440; the repeaters will be located 200ft. up the tower at county barn. We are due to be operational in early July. We have built additional EMRN kits, this is a box with 464 radio, power supply, 12v pigtail, and mag-mount antenna. These are radios for use by our shelter teams and use a robust 70cm repeater system. We currently have 16 kits ready to go. Martin County: Our next Technician License class begins 17 July. Palm Beach County: Hospital Corporations of America (HCA) initiated a Table Top disaster exercise including their JFK Medical Center facility in Palm Beach County that included Amateur Radio emergency communications. Hugh Connolly, AG4HC was acting as the local back-up HF operator on the net while Dan Baker, KC4TCK, was at the JFK Medical Facility in Atlantis. Dan and Hugh established VHF communications on the 146.360 repeater and Hugh was able to maintain HF contact across the 40, 20, 18, 15 and 12 meter bands with the net participants. There were four amateurs in Tennessee participating in the drill: K1KY, K1YJ, KG4DCI and N1EMP. That’s all for now. Check the section web sites for breaking news, club news, and ARES information. Stay safe and stay on the air. 73, Sherri, W4STB

Southwestern Division


ARIZONA SECTION NEWS July 2007 FIELD DAY Hope your Field Day weekend was fun, and that everyone had an exciting time. Did you help someone get on the radio for the first time? If you have something exciting to write about, the ARRL Contest Branch Web page sponsors a “soapbox” area that clubs, groups or individual operators can post their Field Day stories and photos for everyone to read and enjoy. Post your fun at: EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS Well, another month has slipped by. We've seen some wildfires, but for the grace of those tough and dedicated firefighters, we've managed to keep them mostly under control. Knock on wood, the monsoon should arrive fairly soon to bring added relief. From the Amateur Radio Perspective, I was invited to speak in front of a group of emergency management folks from around the state about ham radio. The conference is hosted by the Arizona Emergency Services Association and is well attended by emergency professionals from around the state. I was able to field some good questions as well as presenting briefly our ARES Section Database. Speaking of our database, the Colorado section is getting ready to deploy our system in the near future. I hope to have them up and running shortly. Hope you attended a field day party somewhere in the state; I did at the Maricopa County Emergency Operations Center. The county PIO put out a great news release, which resulted in Walt Schuknecht being interviewed at the Channel 12 studios on Sunday (28 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:37 PM] Section News for June 2007 morning. Walt did a great job of promoting amateur radio as well as amateur radio emergency communications. It's nice when the press invites you to their house for the interview! Hope to see you in Williams and if not have a fun, safe summer! Rick Aldom - W7STS SEC Arizona [email protected]. CLUBS We welcome the Eastern Arizona Amateur Radio Society in Soloman Arizona as the newest ARRL Affiliated club. Mary Ahls W4NZJ Affiliated Club Coordinator [email protected] SCOUTING/ YOUTH More and more young people are getting their license. Are you being a mentor to these new hams? Make an effort to reach out and help them. They are the future of amateur radio. Let me know of some good mentoring stories. One of those is Lloyd Miller N7GV in Green Valley who has been teaching electricity and electronics course for several years. The Scouting Jamboree on the Air will be October 20th html How about your club settingWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO up a booth at the local mall and inviting the scouts to show up and participate? It’s good for your club and the scouts. Let me know your plans for JOTA. Jim Fagan KE7IDC (BSA Troop 157 Tucson AZ) [email protected] 2008 SOUTHWESTERN DIVISON CONVENTION MESA AZ https:// September 12-14, 2008 Mesa Convention Center Rick Aldom W7STS 2008 SWD Chair [email protected]. NEW HAMS The following Arizona hams just received their FCC license, Congratulations! Lance Blair KE7NKP, Marian Tallon KE7NKQ, Mike Summerhill KE7NDZ, Dianna Campbell KE7NGF, Jeff Jerry KE7NGN, Michael Fissel KE7NEB, Jim Lancaster KE7NDX, Riley Heywood KE7NEF, David Armentrout KE7NEG, Alan Crossman KE7NDW, Kevin Bierstedt KE7NGM, Raymond Dyer KE7NEE, Terry Dyer KE7NED, Barry Berthlett KE7NDV, James Berrigan KE7NGK, James Burnite KE7NJH, Dennis Rasmussen KE7NJG, Paul Zelez KE7NEA, Paul Jackson KE7NGP, Kerry Mitchell KE7NID, Barbara Taylor AD7NS, Charles Hedgpeth KE7NGQ, Sara Lang AD7NR, Russell Werner KE7NGB, Tanya Trubee KE7NDL, Robert Brewer KE7NGA, Tim Jordan KE7NDK, Zachary May KE7NDM, Timothy Sapio KE7NAN, Mark Decker KE7NGC, Rebecca Cooke KE7NAK, Michael Langlais KE7NAV, Barbara Andres KE7NAQ, James Miller KE7NAZ, ChristopherWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Campbell KE7NAR, Ronald Madler KE7NAL, Ellis Rackoff KE7NAP, Cameron Stewart KE7NGD, Meagan Nelson KE7NAW, Dale Hudson KE7NAT, Glenna Hudson KE7NAU, Harry Lampros KE7NAM, Thomas Thurman KE7NAO, Timothy Duke KE7NAS, David Morris KE7NAX, James Faulkner KE7NCZ, Carl Schiller KE7NDA, Melvin Young KE7NGL SILENT KEY Steve Towne NN7X became a SK on June 19th. Steve was a member of the CADXA. HAMFESTS July 6-8, 2007 Arizona State Convention Amateur Radio Council of Arizona Talk-In: 146.78 (PL 91.5) Contact: Doug Collins KE6JUK 760-220-7710 [email protected] September 7-9, 2007 ARRL's Southwestern Division Convention in Torrance, CA. See October 20, 2007 OPRC Hamfest Hosted by the Old Pueblo Radio Club Tucson Electric Park, Kino Sports Park, Tucson, AZ ARCA Meeting 11:00 am Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about ARRL. If your club or group has an activity or event that would be of interest to other hams throughout our section please email me with the specifics. 73, Tom Fagan WB7NXH ARRL Section Manager Arizona Tucson Arizona (520) 574-1129 [email protected] http://www. or

Santa Barbara

Council of Clubs Saturday August 11, 2007 is the day for the semi-annual meeting of the ARRL Santa Barbara Section Council of Clubs. The time is 10 a.m. and the location is10060 Telegraph Road in Ventura. See the map at < >. The primary subject of the August meeting is the election of officers for the next year. Be sure your club is represented and be sure your club representatives are active -- perhaps even running for election as the Chairman, Vice chairman or Secretary/Treasurer. All of these positions are open for new leadership opportunities. The council is always open to new ideas and new challenges. "Helping You Club Grow and Prosper" has been the goal of the Club Council since its inception. The ARRL Santa Barbara Section Council of Clubs is supported entirely by the yearly dues of $5 paid by each of the amateur radio clubs within the ARRL Santa Barbara Section. See < >. ======Save Sunday August 12 2007 for the Santa Barbara ARC Annual Hamfest. Get all of the details at < http://www. >. Everything gets going at 8:30 in the morning. It will be held at the Elks Lodge, located at 150 N. Kellogg Avenue in Goleta., Just north of Calle Real between Patterson Avenue and Fairview Avenue in Goleta. The parking lot has space for our swap tables, as well as lots of parking space. The Elks Grove is a beautiful, shady area with many picnic tables and a stage area.Visitors are requested to park on the mountain side of the building. Talk-In: K6TZ 146.79/.19 (PL 131.8) Contact: Dave Hackleman, K6VML 326 Hollipat Center Drive, #13 Santa Barbara, CA 93111 Phone: 805-967-9313 Fax: 805-967-3735 (c/ o WA6VNN) Email: [email protected] Elk's Lodge #613 Picnic Grounds 150 North Kellogg Avenue Goleta, California ======Subscribe to the ARRL Santa Barbara Section e-mail reflector. Send an e-mail to < [email protected]. (29 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:37 PM] Section News for June 2007 net?subject=subscribe >. Not only will you receive up-to-the-minute reports and items of interest, but you will be able to post your own responses or comments that will be read by all of the other subscribers on the list. Subscribe to the ARRL Santa Barbara Section Council of Clubs e-mail reflector. Send an e-mail to < [email protected]?subject=subscribe >. If you are a club leader, or just an active member interested in seeing your club grow and prosper, you must subscribe to this list. Your club doesn't have to be a member of the ARRL Club Council for you to subscribe. View the ARRL Santa Barbara Section Web site on your browser at < >. Check to be sure that your club information is included and is correct, as you browse all of the information-packed pages on the ARRL Santa Barbara Section Web site. As an active member of the ARRL Santa Barbara Section (Santa Barbara, Ventura and San Luis Obispo Counties), you'll want to be WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.ROon the cutting edge of all developments in today's Ham World. ======

West Gulf Division

South Texas

We had a great Field Day. It rained and caused some delay in Austin in the set up mode, but once they got going they did a great job. The teacher from LBJ school with his students. I hope others are doing the same. The future of ham radio depends on our youth. We must depend on our teachers and clubs to help. I do want to thank Governor Perry for the use of the solar system that he uses when on the road because a generator makes so much noise when he has to speak. What a great system to have at our disposal. I think the system would runWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO the White House or at least close to it. It's great to have a Governor that has a heart and thinks the ham operators are worth helping. We had bad weather all the Field Day week end. So far this year we haven't had a Hurricane to deal with. However, we have had constant rain and flooding all over a great part of Texas. We've had several deaths as a result of the flooding and low water crossings. We've had several cases where a person gets out of their vehicle and move a barricade put up by the police and then go into the water and wonder why they get a fine when they have to be rescued. I hope the clubs are training their members for emergency operators. Some of our clubs are teaching some of the latest technology in the digital field -- good work. I hope the young hams are getting in on this and the young non hams can also be attracted with word of mouth advertisement. I saw more youth this Field Day than I've seen in several years. Keep up the good work. Austin Summerfest for 2007 is on August 3 and 4, with Saturday being the main day for ARRL Forum. Hope to see everyone there. I would like to see more participation with you in the Section Manager Net every Tuesday night after the Texas Traffic Net, at 7:30 PM. We need you to bring some input to the net. God Bless America and our Troops. Ray N5NAV (30 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:04:37 PM] WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO

Section News for July 2007

Section News for July 2007

Atlantic Division


Mentoring Activity Is Active Mentoring Amateur Radio has always been an activity of exploration and discovery as well as personal growth and social interaction. The people who often receive the most satisfaction from Amateur Radio are those who have spent time developing skills. They have made a commitment to increase their knowledge of the subject and who have become a part of the fabric of the amateur community. Obtaining a license and purchasing a radio does not make you a radio amateur any more than purchasing a tennis racket makes you a tennis player. If I may carry this analogy a step further, mentoring in ham radio is like coaching in sports; it is ineffective unless there is an effort from the participant. "Without involvement, there is no commitment. MarkWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO it down, asterisk it, circle it, underline it. No involvement, no commitment." -- Stephen Covey Too often time and energy is wasted by well-meaning amateurs who want to help people discover Amateur Radio. Fueled by their good intentions, these disciples of Amateur Radio try to spoon- feed information to apathetic newcomers who somehow meandered through the door to ham radio or have found themselves handcuffed to ham radio either through school, career or family involvement. License mills that systematically churn out call signs and don't offer any follow up training are not the least bit beneficial to the Amateur Radio Service. One new ham who gets involved in a local club and is active on the air will have far more impact on Amateur Radio than a hundred call signs who may never even purchase a radio let alone get on the air. Unfortunately the dormant call signs will clutter the census of Amateur Radio for up to ten years, misleading the actual number of active hams. New hams should already have that wide-eyed zeal of any person who has willingly embarked on a new hobby or venture. The enthusiasm of new hams is often contagious and this can have a positive effect on a club by invoking renewed excitement to the group. A recent example of this wide-eyed enthusiasm happened at our club's Filed Day event when I met a newcomer to Amateur Radio who had only been licensed about six weeks at the time. I could instantly see in the eager but curious way that he immersed himself in the weekend's activities that this person had the potential to be an asset to our club and to Amateur Radio. Soon after Field Day, the novice operator had a General class license manual in his hand but, more importantly, he was in my shack experiencing DX, SSB, digital and CW operating. Soon after that, I had him in the chair participating in the IARU contest. Immediately after his inoculation of on-the-air operation, my new protégé was planning his first wire antenna and the layout of his shack. He even designed a QSL card to confirm future contacts with other radio amateurs. By the time this newsletter is released I am certain that he will probably have upgraded to General and started logging contacts from his own station. Amateur Radio has a wide variety of things to offer but the fact remains that in this post 911 and post-Katrina world, many people have been attracted to Amateur Radio through the emergency communications feature of the service. It is wonderful that these new people are using the EmComm portal to come into the exciting world of Amateur Radio however, if the intention is to get an entry level license, buy a hand-held radio and keep it in a box only to be used for emergencies. All of the spoon feeding in the world is not going to enable these people to become good operators and effective communicators. Active radio operators are effective communicators and are essential to "maintaining a reservoir of trained communicators," as stated in FCC Part 97 as the basis and purpose of the Amateur Radio Service. Not only do active hams make good communicators, active hams "enhance international goodwill" which is also part of the FCC's basis and purpose of the service. Effective mentoring in ham radio requires coaching, teaching and above all, encouragement. The mentor who is a cheerleader and promotes activity on and off the air gives new hams a purpose and lets them learn by doing. Activity introduces new hams to other operators and offers opportunities for new friendships and resources that can help develop communication skills. Contests and awards are not just for collecting certificates and other wallpaper. Operating events are fun and they can be used as mentoring tools to encourage new operators to set goals and get involved. More time spent on-the-air with other hams not only increases an operator's ability to be able to pass information, but it cultivates good listening skills, creates a familiarity and comfort level in using the equipment, and it helps to understand complex topics like propagation. Proficiency comes by doing, and as one becomes more proficient at something, the more enjoyment there is to be derived from it. People who enjoy what they are doing are more likely to share their avocation with others who show an interest. Mentors (1 of 34) [10/18/2007 3:06:04 PM] WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO

Section News for July 2007

who promote activity kick start the machine that generates momentum in a club. Active hams are enthusiastic hams, and enthusiastic hams create commotion that others want to be a part of. As the passion for ham radio activity grows, soon the students become the teachers who mentor a new group of excited wide-eyed novices. Radio amateurs have many opportunities to be recognized for their operating achievements and mentors ought to be using these programs as training aids. ARRL sponsors or supports many events and awards programs that are designed to get hams on the air. In fact, the very first tab on the ARRL Web page < > is "Operating Activities." Along with contests and awards, there are many special event operating activities. On any given weekend there are operating events that hams can participate in. Besides the structured events and activities mentioned we can always sit down with a new ham and call CQ. Effective mentoring comes not from spoon feeding, but by setting a buffet table full of activity and inviting new hams to join in the feast.

Southern New Jersey

SOUTHERN NEW JERSEY NEWSLETTER FOR AUGUST 2007 SECTION MANAGER, JEAN PRIESTLEY, KA2YKN It is with mixed feelings I WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.ROannounce that Dennis Dura, K2DCD has joined ranks with ARRL and is already performing his duties. The official announcement went like this, “The ARRL is pleased to welcome Emergency Preparedness and Response Manager Dennis Dura, to the Headquarters staff in Newington. His major responsibilities include addressing the development and implementation of an organizational disaster response plan as well as a continuity operations plan, complete with supporting procedures and training. Integral to these plans are the recommendations of the National Emergency Response Planning Committee (NERPC) report. I have known Dennis many years and enjoyed many meetings together. We will miss the good times but know that this is a great honor and opportunity for him. American solders who are also hams serving in Iraq continue the tradition of teaching others even in a war zone. This comes from the 2006 Annual Report. This is the caption under a picture of 9 military personal with 4 of the 9 proudly displaying certificates and sporting fatigues. As I have often asked, please support our front line in whatever way possible. Many hams have family members in Iraq and in other countries. Let’s also shake the hand of a father or grandfather who says our Alex or my Robert is over in Iraq. If is not unusual to find that the solder is third or even fourth generation military. As we speak, the MS Foundation is preparing for the MS150 bike ride the last weekend of September on Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th. There is a new coordinator for the walk and I can personally say that he is the best man for the job having worked with him for 15 years on the Philadelphia Channel 6 Thanksgiving Day Parade. His name is Carmen DeCicco, KE3QB. The riders leave Saturday morning early and return to this area Sunday afternoon. More information is on the MS website at The JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) walk will be at Cooper River Park on October 28th. KB2ADL is lead on this one. The Gloucester County Amateur Radio Club will hold their 30th annual hamfest in Mullica Hill, New Jersey this year on September 16, 2007. Come with a friend or come in a group or bus but don’t miss these hamfest. Testing will be available. The Camden County SKYWARN Coordinator is looking more people to become active in the Camden County SKYWARN program. Especially needed are New Control Stations. You would be trained before being asked to run any nets. Of course, you must hold a current Amateur Radio license. Also needed are 3-4 deputies to assist in the overall function of the SKYWARN Program. If you have an interest in this, contact Rick Tighe, Coordinator. He can be found on the Camden County SKYWARN Training New 2nd Thursday of the month at 7:30 on the Camden County RACES Repeater 145.895 PL 192.8. The above information is just for Camden County, but if you are in a different county, check with you local coordinator to see if they are in need of trained people. It would seem to me that well trained people can only be an asset and you can never have too many trained spotters, net control people or deputies. TECH CLASS TO BE HELD On Monday, Sept 17, and for the next 12 weeks a class will be conducted at Southern Regional High School on the Tech Class License. All classes will start at 7pm and conclude at 9pm. The schedule is ten weeks of classes, one week of review and the exam on the last week. The class will be listed under the adult classes for the fall. For more info please contact Southern Regional HS Adult School at 609-597 9481. Ext 4410. The class will be taught by Joe, WA2LTT. JSARS Is still holding their testing sessions the third Thursday of each month at 7:30 pm at the Riverwood Recreation Building on Riverwood Drive in Toms River, NJ. For more information call Ed, GENOINO, WA2NDA at 609-693-3729. Holiday City ARC is also still holding their test sessions every other 2nd Saturday from 10am to 12pm, (May, July, Sept, Nov). Sessions are held at the Holiday City South Clubhouse area in meeting room #1 on Mule Road at the corner of Santiago Dr in Toms River. Your contact person is Bill Haldane, AC2F and the phone is 732-240-7064 or [email protected]. When going to any test session, you must have your original license and at least one Xerox copy and original and one copy of any credit sheets you may have. (2 of 34) [10/18/2007 3:06:04 PM] WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO

Section News for July 2007

Also bring 2 forms of id. Testing sessions by SJRA are on the 4th Tuesday of each month at the Winslow Senior center. Contact is Mark, K2AX at [email protected] or (609)820-1523. Testing is also available in Atlantic County. The location is at the Canale Training Center at 5033 English Creek Avenue in Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey. There will be no walk-ins so please call Robert, WA2ARP at 609-338-7038 to reregister. The sponsor is the Southern Counties Amateur Radio Association (SCARA). Next session is Sept 29th If you haven’t already, please make a note or bookmark the following site: phi/skywarn/index.html. The Battleship New Jersey is on summer hours. Check on their website for hours and other information. If your club is thinking about visiting the NJ2BB club station, please be sure to make arrangements ahead of the scheduled date to insure that someone will be there. Just go on our website at for information to schedule a visit. If you have worked NJ2BB and want to send a card, the QSL manager is Margaret Burgess, KB2BRR 150 Schooner Ave, Barnegat, NJ 08005. Please send your cards with an SASE to insure receiving a card in return from NJ2BB. http:// If you have an activity coming up or want to report something that happened, please send a short write up to me and I will put it in next month. Please remember that if you work traffic to report it to Dan, K2UL. Traffic report for JULY, Traffic manager, K2UL, Dan Ostroy SNJ/NNJ Section Net Reports QNI reports NJM 89 N2GJ NJPN 202 W2CC NJSN 174 K2PB NJN(E) WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO259 AG2R NJN(L) 219 AG2R (the above nets are dual section nets of both SNJ and NNJ. Liaisons with 2RN) SNJ Local Net Reports JSARS 429 WA2NDA (report for June) SJTN KB2RTZ NO REPORT SJVN WB2UVB 115 SCARS NO REPORT NW2Y Station Activity Reports (SAR) WA2YL 94 WA2CUW 72 K2UL 51 AA2SV 18 KC2IYC 13 K2GW 5 Public Service Honor Roll (PSHR) K2UL 110 WA2YL 100 N2HQL 100 KA2YKN 100 K2GW 95 KC2IYC 93 WA2CUW 90 STM reports that the past six years have been posted on the web at

Central Division


QST DE KA9QPN From the top... **A few more Field Day reports here, but first the State Convention, held on 5 August in conjunction with the Bolingbrook ARS Hamfest. The BARS folks did an admirable job at setting up the original configuration of the fest. They also proved to be quite adaptable by squeezing a few more tables indoors due to the torrential rains that visited Northern IL on Sunday morning. The rain probably kept more folks at home than it should have, but those who did show up were treated to clearing skies (although steamy!) and acceptable conditions in the outdoor flea market due to the parking lot at Bolingbrook High School, where the event was held. The forums were attended in proportion to the fest, and the VEs were busy. The food concession run by a local service club was an interesting change from the usual 'grease dog' fare. Hats off to Dale Marzano KB9LMK, Tom Ballard N9LJY, and their crew for a nicely executed event despite the weather. **From the deepest part of the Section comes the Egyptian RC's newsletter, the Podunk Hollow News, and their chronicle of Field Day. Lot's of nice photos showing the assembly of their antennas de jour, and a bunch of folks having fun. Guys older than me will remember that the Podunk Hollow Radio Club was the mythical group created by cartoonist Phil 'Gil' Gildersleeve W1CJD. The 'club' graced the cover of QST every Field Day for many years in some kind of FD predicament, and Gil's 'Jeeves' livened up the interior of QST during those decades. for more. **The 'Hamgab', newsletter of the venerable Hamfesters RC carries their FD tale, and is available at The rain didn't get the best of this bunch, and a nice GOTA station was the centerpiece of the exercise. **The Kankakee ARS 'KARS Key Klicks' newsletter ( pdf) contains a nice gallery of FD pictures. Noteworthy is the use of the County ESDA mobile Incident Command Center to operate 80 & 20M along with the VHF/UHF stations. Get started now in partnering with your Emergency Management folks. As I've said before, it could be the start of a beautiful friendship. **Still seeking a Public Information Coordinator. The ideal appointee would be someone versed in media workings, so he or she can be up and speaking to the media in the fashion that they understand. Contact me... Get informed... **Open registration is underway for several ARRL Certification and Continuing Education Courses through 19 August. These courses start 7 September and include ARECC Level 1. More at http://www. **As I write this, teacher Barbara Morgan KD5VNP, is orbiting the Earth in shuttle Endeavour. Why is this important, you ask? Given that many of us are frustrated scientists, space exploration holds a special fascination for hams. Barbara was Christa McAuliffe's backup and scheduled to be the second Teacher In Space (now the Educator Astronaut Project). The Challenger accident delayed Barbara's departure for twenty-one years. Sadly, there will be no lessons from space for Earthbound (3 of 34) [10/18/2007 3:06:04 PM] WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO

Section News for July 2007

school children during this flight. **The next QST (September) will be the first ever EmComm issue. Looking forward to see how this is treated. Around the Section... **SEC Pat Ryan KC6VVT conducted another one of his 'fifth week specials' on 29 July. This one featured the annual earthquake drill and was well received. An earthquake is not an abstract issue in our Section, which I found out to my dismay early on 28 June 2004. That was the morning that I discovered that I live nearly atop the 'Sandwich Fault'. The folks down south are keenly aware of the New Madrid Fault, and its being overdue for some stress relief. Best to prepare for it. **The Wayne, Hamilton, Edwards Radio Enthusiasts (WHERE...I love it!) has been established, consisting of hams from the referenced counties. They already have a website ( and a MySpace page. Good luck, folks! **Our population is getting older, and that manifests itself in the number of SKs each month. Notable this month is the passing of Edwin Matysik W9RQR. He served his community and the League with distinction as Chief of the Belleville Auxiliary Police, Communication and Warning Officer for St. Clair County, Communications Officer for the southern part of the state for the predecessor to IEMA, and ESDA Coordinator for Belleville. He was also EC for St. Clair County, and active as both a RACES RO and traffic handler. Godspeed, sir. They don't make many like that any more. **In the August 'Feedline', Danny Pease NG9R writes a neat little article about the cost of gear and how to manage it. More at http://www., linking to the newsletter of the Western Illinois ARC. **From Pat KC6VVT: 'Far Horizons Balloon launchWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO on 7/20/07 by the Adler Planetarium club group offered a good opportunity to check out direction finding techniques using the FM CW beacon on the national T-Hunt frequency of 146.565 MHz, as well as homing in on APRS position beacons. You can make a good T-Hunt Yagi antenna from a broken tape rule using the metallic tape for antenna elements and a wood or PVC boom and attach to an HT, then practice. Automatic ELT also sends GPS positions for downed aircraft, lost hikers, and more. Local ARES® should be available for ground search communications and support of CAP overhead search operations, and cross band operation may be used with coordination with your local CAP unit that may be unaware of your capabilities.' ** More from Pat: 'Congratulations to Jim Morris N9PLM, Joe Tokarz KB9EZZ OES/IL and Mark Gebhardt K9ZQ OES/IL who were awarded ARRL Local Net Certificates earned as Net Control Stations (NCS) for the weekly ARES net held on the Starved Rock RC Repeater in LaSalle County area. These ARRL certificates were presented by Frank Carrano KF9NZ, ARRL Emergency Coordinator, at the July SRRC meeting, and are for their recognized efforts on the Sunday ARES Net at 7:00 PM on W9MKS/R.' **The Rockford ARA is planning a fundraiser at Rockford's 'On the Riverfront' event 31 August through 2 September. This is great exposure at what is billed as the largest music festival in the State. **The Central Illinois RC via their 'Short CIRCuits' newsletter reports that they are fighting a sick VHF repeater but making inroads with their local CAP wing. More at With all of the lightning over the last two weeks, I'm amazed that more equipment hasn't been fried. For your own equipment in your shack and car, there's always ARRL 'All-Risk' Equipment Insurance. Most insurance companies do not understand ham radio (ask me about my lightning strikes), so this offer helps get you back on the air faster after a loss. **Tod West KB9AIL, EC Madison County, notes his ARES® group's participation in the Tri- State Earthquake Drill on 19 June (not to be confused with Pat's fifth week special) and subsequent commendation by the Region 4A Hospital Disaster Committee. **And, it's peak Hamfest time! I've enjoyed meeting you at the Kankakee ARS fest, the State Convention hosted by BARS; and coming up at the Hamfesters gathering, the Peoria Superfest, and Radio Expo. Our ASMs are joining in as well, notably Ron Morgan KB9NW joining me at Bolingbrook, and Brad Pioveson W9FX carrying the ARRL flag to the West Central Illinois Hamfest at Carlinville. Again, I'll probably only ask your to renew your membership a few times, so come on up and say hello.


WISCONSIN: SM: Don Michalski, W9IXG, SEC: KB9ENO, STM: K9LGU, SGL: AD9X, OOC: KC9IS, PIC: KB9NUM, TC: K9GDF, BM: WB9NRK, ACC: N9LVS, ASM: K9UTQ, W9DGI, N9VE. ** With regret, I am informing you of the passing of the following Amateurs: -- Jean Mueller, KA9VAM, 84. He was a member of WARAC. His son Carl, NF9P, and grandson Karl, N9NFQ, are also club members. -- Mark Colbert, WD9BGC, 46. -- John Viney, K9CMW, 80. -- Don Franzmann, W9NFJ, 82. Don was a member of the Eau Claire ARC. -- Al Van Dynhoven, K9ALS, 45. Al was very active in ARES and AEC for Outagamie county. ** We appreciate all the Wisconsin Amateurs who volunteered for communications support in the GRABAAWR, SAGRAW, and Bike Northwoods Tours!! ** 24 Hours of Nine Mile 24/9 Bike Race Completed on July 28 & 29th. Hundreds of cyclists converged on the Nine Mile Recreation Area for a 24 hour bike race. 2007 marked the first year the WVRA has assisted with communications at the event. The WVRA has been asked to help again next year! ** The Foundation for Amateur Radio (FAR) has announced the 2007 winners of 56 scholarships it (4 of 34) [10/18/2007 3:06:04 PM] WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO

Section News for July 2007

administers. The scholarships were open to all licensed radio amateurs who met the qualification and residence requirements of the various sponsors. Congratulations to Diann Hallam, KC9III, who received a $1000 10-10 International Net Scholarship; and to Pete Johnson, AB9PJ, who received a $1500 WARAC Memorial Scholarship from the West Allis Radio Amateur Club; and to Devin Berg, N9DRB, Madison, who received the $1000 South Milwaukee Amateur Radio Club Scholarship! ** STM Report Wisconsin Section July 2007 FAQ # 71 – I’m licensed as a Technician Class operator so I’m not on the HF phone nets. How can I get some message-handling practice? Great! You’re interested! We need you! The first technique you might try is learning to handle traffic on CW. You have CW privileges on 80, 40, 15, and 10 meters. The Wisconsin Novice Net and the Wisconsin Slow Speed Net both meet on 3555 KHz. The WNN is at 6:00 p.m. and the WSSN at 6:30. For voice, Local VHF nets are an excellent training ground to learn traffic handling. In fact, local nets and repeaters are the perfect route for that last mile before delivery of messages. If someone can pick up a message on HF and then relay it to its destination via two meters, that works very well. Local nets can easily practice traffic handling by referring to operating aid FSD-218, the famous pink card. Remember, it’s the National Traffic System. Local nets are part of that system. So are you. FAQ #72 – What are some housekeeping items to remember for our nets? Glad you asked. By following some basic procedures, we all help our nets to run WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.ROmore efficiently. Here are a few reminders. - Be friendly. Learn calls and names. Be polite. - If the net control doesn’t start the net on time, call. Then offer your NCS services. - Keep a copy of the net preambles handy. - When you’re NCS, keep things moving. List the traffic often. - When checking in, listen first. Avoid doubling. - If conditions are poor, listen to help with relays. - If you can take traffic that’s listed, please offer. That’s what we do. - If traffic doesn’t move, offer to take it to another net. - Use the NTS format in its complete form for your formal messages. It’s good practice. - Avoid Q signals on voice. They work fine on CW. - Send your net reports to the net manager in as soon as possible after a net. - Send your SARs and PSHRs to your STM by the 7th of the month.. - Encourage a new Ham to learn traffic handling. 73 K9LGU/STM-WI WISCONSIN SECTION MONTHLY NET ACTIVITY SUMMARY July 2007 NET QNI QTC QTR SSNS NM BWN 2035 2515 5353 31 W9IXG BEN 563 46 1124 30 KE9VU WSBN 714 55 1035 31 K9FHI WNN 169 15 349 29 KB9ROB WSSN 131 16 240 27 N9JIY WIN/E 142 25 267 30 WB9ICH WIN/L 179 41 345 31 W9UW WRACES 116 1 247 5 N9VAO TOTALS 4049 2714 8960 214 MWCRN – Jun 196 59 371 5 WA9ZTY MWCRN 157 57 404 4 WA9ZTY Note: BWN is Badger Weather Net; BEN is Badger Emergency Net; WSBN is Wisconsin Side Band Net; WNN is Wisconsin Novice Net; WSSN is Wisconsin Slow Speed Net; WIN/E is Wisconsin Intrastate Net/Early; WIN/L is Wisconsin Intrastate Net/Late; WRACES is Wisconsin Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service net. MCRN is the Midwest Classic Radio Net Details on all these nets are found on this site: under Wisconsin Traffic Nets. ** Fox Cities ARC sponsored a Special Event Station at the EAA AirVenture. Many contacts were made with the multi-op station. We appreciated the opportunity to represent the ARRL and look forward to being there next year! 73, Don, W9IXG

Dakota Division


ARRL MINNESOTA SECTION SUMMARY FOR JULY 2007 SUMMARY FROM SM ++ The MN section OOC, ARES and Traffic summaries are enclosed below. ++ See the ARRL Section web site for up-to-date information and bulletins. ++ Go to the new section website at ++ We plan on reconstituting the ARES HF net later this summer. Stay tuned for the announcement from our SEC and STM. It will precede the section net on Sunday evening as before. This is directed net preceding section net. ++ We have a new DEC for ARES District Five, Dan Anderson KD0ASX. ++ Please send me your plans for Amateur Radio Classes for the fall. ++ Have you any local stories for the section news? Please send to me. Respectfully submitted by Skip Jackson, KS0J, MN SM MN OOC REPORT SUMMARY FOR JULY 2007 Reports from Official Observers received for July: N0OH, W3FAF, WO0A, KB0OHI. Respectfully submitted by John H. Thomas III, W3FAF, MN OOC MN SEC REPORT SUMMARY FOR JULY 2007 Total number of ARES members reported this month: 209 Change since last month: (Some EC, DEC reports missing due to vacations) County EC’s reporting: Cook (KBØBDN), Lac Qui Parle (KC0QED), Lincoln (WD0BZU), Lyon (WD0BZU), Olmsted (AB0BW), Redwood (KA0ISD), Scott (N0BHC), St. Louis-North (WD0GUF), Sherburne (N0JHU), Washington (KC0OIO), Local Net Names: Anoka County ARES Net, CCART, River Valley, SEMARC, Scott County, Chisago County, Carver County, Washington County, Fox Valley Monday Night Net, Lac Qui Parle Phone, Lac Qui Parle Packet, Mankato Area Radio Club Emergency Services Net, Marshall Area Emergency Net, Redwood County, Wadena Area Ham Net, Northern Lakes Radio, NE MN Public Service, SE St. Louis Emergency (5 of 34) [10/18/2007 3:06:04 PM] WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO

Section News for July 2007

Service, Dakota County ARES, Scott County ARES Total sessions: 52 NTS liaison is maintained with the MN Section, Tenth Region, and NTSD Traffic Nets by N0UC, W0LAW Number of drills, tests and training sessions this month: 35 Person hours: 305 Number of public service events this month: 0 Person hours: 0 Number of emergency operations this month: 1 Person hours: 5 Total number of ARES operations this month: 36 Total Person hours: 310 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Frank Karnauskas, N1UW, MN SEC MN STM SUMMARY FOR JUNE 2007 NET FREQ TIME QNI/QTC/SESS MGR ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ MSPN/E 3860 5:30 P WO0A MSPN/N 3860 12 P N0YR MSSN 3710 6 P N/A VACANT MSN/1 3605 6:30 P K0WPK MSN/2 3605 9:50 P K0WPK PAW 3925 9A-5P KA0IZA MONTHLY STATION ACTIVITY REPORTS (SAR) STATION ORIG. REC'D. SENT DLVD. TOTAL BPL NO.OPS. ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ W0LAW 0 77 90 5 172 W3FAF 0 34 41 0 75 K0WPK 0 52 15 6 73 W0HPD 2 16 27 2 47 KX0N 0 22 18 0 40 KB0AIJ 0 19 19 0 38 N0YR 0 30 3 5 38 K0BLR 8 7 7 4 26 KA0IZA 0 18 4 0 22 KE0G 3 7 4 3 17 KA0RMP 0 6 4 2 12 WD0GUF 0 5 4 0 9 N0JP 0 0 6 0 6 PUBLIC SERVICE HONOR ROLL (PSHR) STATION 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL ~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ N0YR 40 38 10 160 248 K0BLR 24 26 0 60 110 W0LAW 40 40 20 10 110 WD0GUF 40 9 30 79 SECTION TRAFFIC MANAGER MONTLY REPORT NET ABBR. SESS. TFC. NMCALL NTS LIASON ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ MINNESOTA SECTION MSPN/ E WO0A MSPN/E PHONE NET/EVENING 1,278 31 68 MINNESOTA SECTION MSPN/N N0YR PHONE NET/NOON 719 69 31 MINNESOTA WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.ROSECTION MSN/1 k0wpk RN-10, C4 NET (CW) 6:30P 145 61 28 MINNESOTA SECTION MSN/2 k0wpk RN-10, C4 NET (CW) 10:00P 71 14 22 PICONET ALLDAY PAW HRS KA0IZA ALL DAY WATCH 2,654 51 72 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Robert Meyer, W0LAW, MN STM

North Dakota

NORTH DAKOTA: SM, Kent Olson, KAØLDG - Greetings, and I hope your summer is going well. A lot of clubs are having their summer picnics which are a great place to get together for some good food and comradery. Our thanks go out to Jim, KØJIM, who has been the Sections Net Manager for the past few years. He is resigning his position so I’m looking for a new Net Manager - if you have any interest, please let me know. No totals yet for Field Day, so we’ll have to wait a little longer to see which club will win the coveted “Top Gun” award. Congratulations to Bonnie, WBØJGM, and John, WØOSP, who were voted to be Co-Hams of the Year at the Peace Gardens hamfest. So far, ND has had relatively few Skywarn events. Keep you eyes and ears open though, as the season is still not over. Upcoming hamfests: Grand Forks - October 6th. Section's web site: HF NM KØJIM net reports for July: Weather Net: 26/354/6. Data Net: 30/587/12. Goose River Net: 5/40/1.

South Dakota

Here is the section news for South Dakota, if there are any clubs that have material that they wish to have posted please email me the information no later than the 5th of the month so that I can get it posted to both the summary and the web site before the cut off date. Hot Springs ARC The new shed is now next to the club shack. Plans are being made to fix up the shack for multiple operating positions, both HF and VHF. The new HF yagi will go up when the weather cools off. The new crank-up tower should be delivered by mid- August and then we can start mounting it on the trailer. A big THANK YOU to Dwight, W0HGZ, for donating new padded folding chairs for the club shack. The recent fire caused 3 ham families to evacuate. Thankfully they were able to return to their houses, although some had property destroyed. Our 2 meter repeater and auto-patch were working hours before the cell phones were usable during the fire! Our Field Day report was sent to the ARRL on time. Thanks to Phil, KA0FUI, and Sue, KA0IGV, for all the help in getting the FD log sorted and ready. 73 Tim K0OR Center of the Nation Special Event Special Event Station NØC will operate 20- 22 August from Belle Fourche, South Dakota. The event marks the dedication of the Geographic Center of the Nation Monument, with main festivities on 21 August. Operation will be on 75, 80, 40 and 20 mtrs, ssb and cw, as well as PSK. Additionally, NØC plans to check into the Tri-State Weather net on 2 mtrs. A special certificate is offered; send your QSL and a 9 x 12 s.a.s.e. to Craig Nickisch, WØWN, 316 Yellowstone Place, Spearfish, SD 57783. Announcements will appear in QST, World Radio and CQ. Northern Hills Amateur Radio Club Committee Reports:Public Service Events: • The event list for 2007 is available on the NHARC web site ( ). • The next event for the Northern Hills will be the Wyoming MS-150 on August 18th and 19th. If you are interested in helping please contact Gene McPherson, N0MHJ. • SET is October 6th. A planning meeting may be held in the future. ARES: • The Tri-State Emergency Weather Net is in need of NCS for Monday and Fridays. Gene McPherson, N0MHJ will be taking Thursdays. • The Northern (6 of 34) [10/18/2007 3:06:04 PM] WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO

Section News for July 2007

Hills ARC has volunteered to take the State Link NCS for three months. • There will be a State Link meeting in Pierre on September 22nd at 1330 hours. The location is TBD. Old Business: • Chris Stallkamp, W0ADZ is working on the NHARC UHF repeater. • The .76 repeater has been replaced and a UHF control link added. The APRS and Packed systems are being worked on. New Business: • There will be a special event station, N0C operating from the Center of the Nation Visitors Center in Belle Fourche on August 21st and 22nd. • Doug Aldrich, W0WSP has resigned as secretary. Gene McPherson, N0MHJ will be acting secretary until a permanent replacement is found. Special Presentations: • Doug Aldrich, W0WSP presented part two of a two part presentation on IP addressing. Respectfully submitted, Doug Aldrich, W0WSP Secretary

Delta Division


LOUISIANA SECTION NEWS – JULY 2007 The Jefferson ARC reports that a Hurricane Katrina Special Event Station will be active on August 25 and 26 from the National World War II Museum in New Orleans. A certificate will be availableWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO for making contact with the station. Check out the club's website at http://www. for the latest news. K5APB of the Minden ARA recently presented four club members the ARRL Elmer Award for their mentoring activities. KD5JJP received his recognition for being an Elmer to the Boy Scouts in the JOTA Program. N5FJ, KB5PKW, and KD5LKB received their awards for all the work they have done the past three years teaching ham classes and conducting test sessions. Great going, John, for taking the initiative to present these Elmer Awards and congratulations to Wayne, John, Bill, and Fran. As described at http://www. any League member who would like to honor a fellow ham can request the Elmer Award certificate. KE5DJA, Public Information Official (PIO), reports that the Rapides Parish ARES Group has been conducting training sessions during June and July on formal message handling and the League's National Traffic System (NTS) structure. KD5IGG (Central LA DEC) has served as the primary instructor, supported by KD5DFL (Rapides Parish EC) and N5NVP (ORS). The Vernon Parish ARES Group is also in the process of conducting formal message handling classes. It's great to see our ARES groups take advantage of these opportunities and a big pat on the back to all the instructors like Jim, Scott, and Jim for teaching such classes. The LA Section welcomes the following new hams: Ronald Bicksley KE5PFE, Shellie Phillips KE5OYK, Ian Langmead KE5OUX, Charlotte Rivet KE5PGM, Jerome Hebert KE5PCX, Todd Danos KE5OXC, David Anderson KE5OUK, Robert Parish KE5OUM, Robert Thompson KE5PDB, Billy Palmisano KE5OUL, Kathy Tuel KE5OUN, Mary Reyes KE5PDA, Benjamin Morris KE5PCZ, Tony Samrow KE5PDC, Jennifer Wales KE5OUV, Jeffery Fails KE5OZW, Chad Shockley KE5PEX, Hanson Cater KE5PEU, Richard Shaw KE5PET, William Dean KE5PEV, Jennifer Renfrow KE5PCT, Joshua Nichols KE5PCV, Donna Young KE5PCP, Meranda Boeta KE5PCS, Michael Johnson KE5PCW, Jacqueline Morse KE5PCR, Ladonna Mock KE5PCU, Robert Langston KE5PFQ, Haskel Roshong KE5PFV, Marlease Manteufel KE5PCQ, Donald Hargrave KE5OUW, Andrew Falcon KE5PAM, and Mike Harper KE5PAC. K5GLS (LA SEC) reports that the LA Section is planning to have its 2007 Simulated Emergency Test on Saturday, October 27. As last year, we again are looking to our local ARES leaders (ECs and DECs) to work with their local officials in planning their SET scenarios. In addition, our section made the SET Top Ten last year in both the ARES Activity and the Section/Local Nets categories! (You can read the 2006 SET results in the Public Service column in July QST starting on page 71.) Field Day logs have been received from the Minden ARA, the Bayouland Emergency Amateur Radio Service, the Greater New Orleans Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Committee, the Central LA ARC, the Shreveport ARA, the Ascension ARC, and the Twin City Ham Club. As reported last month, we are planning to present the 2007 FD plaques at the Monroe Hamfest on November 10. I am very sorry to report that W5CLN is now a Silent Key. Upcoming LA hamfests include the Swampfest 2007 in Lake Charles on September 15, the CLARC Hamfest in Pineville on October 13, the Twin City Hamfest in Monroe on November 10, and the MARA Hamfest in Minden on December 15. July had an even higher percentage of monthly ARES reports than June, 76% versus 73%! We did have a drop in station activity reports, but I'm sure things will start picking up again as the summer winds down. Traffic totals: K5MC 87, WA5LQZ 55, W5PY 53, N5KWB 38, WC5M 13. Public Service Honor Roll: W5PY 148, K5MC 110, N5KWB 108, KB5SDU 50, AE5V 42, KB5UHH 35, W5HUD 31. Section net reports: sessions/check-ins/messages handled. Louisiana Traffic Net: 31/517/54. Louisiana CW Net: 59/278/63. Louisiana Slow Net: 8/42/14. Louisiana ARES Net: 5/95/0. Local/district net reports: sessions/check- ins. Allen Parish ARES Net: 5/4. Caddo/Bossier Parish ARES Net: 4/65. Concordia Parish ARES Net: 5/15. Orleans Parish ARES Net: 4/40. Ouachita Parish ARES Net: 4/87. Rapides Parish ARES Net: 4/73. Richland Parish ARES Net: 5/50. St. Charles Parish ARES Net: 1/11. St. Mary Parish ARES Net: 5/50. St. Tammany (7 of 34) [10/18/2007 3:06:04 PM] WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO

Section News for July 2007

Parish ARES Net: 5/69. Tangipahoa Parish ARES Net: 5/126. Terrebone Parish ARES Net: 5/38. Union Parish ARES Net: 5/29. Vernon Parish ARES Net: 6/101. Washington Parish ARES Net: 4/60. ARES reports: parish/ EC. Allen/W5ELM, Avoyelles/KD5IGG, Beauregard/W5MVP, Caddo/Bossier/NZ5S, Calcasieu/KC5FGO, Caldwell/KD5ETB, Cameron/W5JFW, Claiborne/KD5JJP, Concordia/N5AVN, DeSoto/AA5HY, Franklin/ N5ASA, Lafourche/N5PZJ, Livingston/W5RR, Morehouse/KB5SAR, Orleans/NO5FD, Ouachita/W5DSG, Plaquemines/AI5B, Rapides/KD5DFL, Red River/KD5IUZ, Richland/N5MEL, St. Bernard/AI5B, St. Charles/K5CFJ, St. John/AI5B, St. Mary/KA5LMZ, St. Tammany/KC5EAK, Tangipahoa/KD5PKS, Terrebonne/AD5XJ, Union/ KA5JNL, Vernon/W5JZQ, Washington/AI5B, Winn/KC5EWJ. PIO reports: KE5DJA. 73, Mickey Cox K5MC LA Section Manager Email: [email protected] LA Section Website:


SM: Malcolm Keown, W5XX. Mississippi Section Web Page at arrlmiss@org. Web Master W5KWB at [email protected]. ASM: W5KWB, K5DSG, KA5ICO, SGL: AB5WF, PIC: N5TBB, TC: N5JGK. We are just a few days away from ‘Heading to Huntsville’ for the 2007 ARRL National Convention and Huntsville Hamfest on August 17 and 18 at theWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Von Braun Center. This year’s activities will include the ARRL Expo 2007 giving you a chance to buttonhole League Officials and Headquarters Staff. In addition, there will be numerous presentations and the huge ARRL Bookstore. See and for more information. During the two days prior to the Convention and Hamfest, the Global Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Conference will be held in the Embassy Suites Hotel adjacent to the Von Braun Center. See for details; however, be aware that the cutoff for registration was August 1st as noted in the July QST. After resting up for a few days from the events in Huntsville, it will be time to ‘Head to Starkville’ on September 7 and 8 for the ‘ARRL Day in the Park’ hosted by MFJ as part of their 35th Anniversary Celebration. Martin and the Crew at MFJ are going all out to provide you with an exciting weekend featuring factory tours and tailgating (Saturday) as well as plenty of door prizes and freebies plus no admission fee and free food. VE Exams will be given on Saturday and Special Event Station K5MFJ will be on the air during the weekend. For more information see or email to [email protected]. See you in Starkville! The Mississippi Baptist Hams Fellowship again held one hour ‘Introduction to Ham Radio Sessions’ for campers at the Central Hills Baptist Assembly near Kosciusko. These sessions included topics such as radio and sound waves, the history of radio communications, Ham Radio emergency response, building a ham station, and learning Morse Code. Fellowship President KB5JN estimates that over the past five years some 2500 campers have had their first exposure to ham radio through these sessions. Those serving as counselors/instructors this year were WB5VYH, W5XX, KB5JN, KE5IMJ, WA5VFP, and N5DUZ. Lafayette County EC W5MPC reports that Lafayette and Panola Counties received a substantial joint grant that will provide both counties with 2 HF stations (one base and one mobile), a new two meter repeater with all the bells and whistles, 2 VHF/UHF stations (one base and one mobile), an APRS digipeater, 5 ARES field packs that contain dual band hand helds and GPS, and a library of books pertaining to emergency communications from the ARRL, along with coax and accessories. Additionally, local emergency management will provide computers for use by ARES. In other ARES News, KM4MW reports that the Itawamba County EMA is moving into new quarters along with KE5LUX, the Ham Station at the EOC. In Prentiss County, EC WX5N reports that VHF Equipment has been installed at the County Justice Center with HF capability to follow. And, lastly, the Meridian ARC headed up by W5ED has a major effort underway to put up a tower at the new Lauderdale EOC. 600-Meter experimenter W5THT reports that he continues to improve his antenna system and has been heard in New England. Pat’s beacon is on 506.1 KHz from 0100 to 0500Z subject to lightening. Pat has several handouts on his station that can be requested from [email protected]. More info on the 600-Meter national experiments can be found at Looking for a club program? You might check, which features some 14 episodes that are mostly oriented toward Ham Radio and are produced right here in Mississippi. The latest episode features the Jackson ARC Field Day operation on the Reservoir. You can also view these episodes online at YouTube and Goggle Video. Just search for AmateurLogic. High speed Internet access is necessary. For more info contact [email protected]. Did you miss Bill Cross’ comments and Riley’s ‘lighten up speech’ during the FCC Forum at Dayton? Check shtml. Welcome to new Mississippi hams: KE5OVP, Victoria – Amory; KE5OVU, Phyllis – Waynesboro; KE5OVV, John – Laurel; KE5OVW, Patsy – Laurel; KE5OVX, David – Laurel; KE5OVY, Joseph – Laurel; KE5OWY, William – Madison; KE5OYF, Brandon – Booneville; KE5PAX, Matthew – Sumner; KE5PCH, Timothy – Meridian; KE5PGY, William – Houston; KE5PGZ, Arthur – Houston; KE5PHA, David – Houston; KE5PHB, Victoria – Vardaman; KE5PKH, Frances – Laurel; KE5PKI, Zelphia – Shubuta; KE5PKK, Susan-Heidelberg; KE5PKL, Minnie (8 of 34) [10/18/2007 3:06:04 PM] WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO

Section News for July 2007

– Sandersville; KE5PKM, Cynthia – Laurel; KE5PKN, Daniel – Laurel; KE5PKO, Lonnie – Laurel; KE5PKP, Charles – Richton; KE5PKQ, Deborah – Richton; KE5PKR, Donna – Laurel; KE5PKS, Shirley – Laurel; KE5PKX, John – French Camp; KE5PKY, Walter – Shubuta; KE5PKU, Kenneth – Taylorsville; KE5PKY, Johnny – Kosciusko; KE5PLL, Judy – Perkinston; KE5PLM, Jack – Gulfport; KE5PMU, Theresa – Vancleave; KE5PMV, Aaron – Wiggins; KE5PMW, Donald – Waveland; KE5PPU, Jimmy- Abbeville; KE5PRK, Matthew – Ponotoc; KE5PRL, Patrick – Oxford; KE5PTF, Steven – Kiln; KE5PTI, Cecilia – Kiln; KE5PTO, and Dave – Waveland. In addition, welcome to KA5ICO as Asst. SM, KM5WN as EC for Hinds County, K0RIS as Technical Specialist, and KD5JHE as Assistant EC for Lafayette County. KA5ICO has retired as DEC – Thanks for your efforts, Bob. Mississippi continues to be the only ARRL Section (out of 71) with a double-digit increase in membership over the past year. Keep up the good work! Congratulations to the following on their upgrades: KE5AVE – Columbus; KE5AZT – Brookhaven; KD5CJR – Saltillo; KE5FNA – Greenville; KE5HJQ – Booneville; KD5HVF – Steens; KD5IFA – Liberty; KE5IUH – Purvis; KE5IUJ – Collins; KE5JIO – Nicholson; KE5JPE – Purvis; KC5KLW – Oxford; KE5KTS – Leland; KE5LCN – Oxford; KE5LPZ – Hattiesburg; KE5MDF – Kosciusko; KD5MIS – Purvis; KE5MMR – Pontotoc; KE5MMS – Pontotoc; KE5MVR – Gulfport; KE5NQO – Oxford; KE5OGB – Gulfport; KE5OTJ – Verona; KE5OYE – Corinth; KD5PGA – Starkville; N5SOX – Clinton; KD5TDP – Columbus; KC5TGC – Indianola; KD5VBU – Houston;WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO N5YCK – Kosciusko; and KC5ZMJ – Blue Springs. Also congratulations are in order for the MDXA, the Ole Miss ARC, and the Jackson ARC, who all were approved as Special Service Clubs. In addition, congratulations to W5MPC, who has been appointed as a WAS/VUCC QSL Checker, to Union County EC W5LMW, who completed IS 100/200/700/800, and to KE5PTL, who completed ARRL ECC-001. And last but not least AD5J completed ECC-001 in July 2005, but the notification got lost in my computer. Sorry about that, Paul. DEC/EC Monthly Reports: WB5CON (NE MS/Alcorn), KD5CQT (Jackson), KC5EAK (Pearl River), WB5GUD (Newton), KD5GWM (Lauderdale/Clarke), W5MPC (Lafayette), WX5N (Prentiss), N5TBB (Tippah/ Benton), KC5TYL (Lamar), AB5WF (West Central MS), K5WLP (Sunflower) and K5WSY (Tishomingo). Club Newsletter/Reports: Hattiesburg ARC (AC5E), Jackson ARC (K5VU), Meridian ARC (W5MAV); PIC Report: N5TBB. Regret to report the passing of N1WB of Tuscaloosa at age 95. Wiley was a retired railroad telegrapher. He was formerly from Hattiesburg and was a regular checkin on the MSPN. Also regret to note the passing of Jim Butch formerly the Warning Coordination Meteorologist at NWS Jackson. Jim made many visits to clubs over the past 15 years in support of SKYWARN with his unique ability to explain complex meteorology in simple terms. I never failed to learn something new from one of his presentations. Net reports: sessions/QNI/QTC (Net Manager): DRN5 62/MS 100% Rep by WA5FB, WF5F, WB5ZED and W5XX (WB5ZED); MSPN 31/2785/20 (K5NRK); MS TFC Net 31/125/4; (KB5W); Magnolia Section Net 31/865/6 (AD5J); Jackson Co ARES 31/498/6 (KD5CQT); MS Slow Net 22/54/1 (W3TWD); Stone County ARES 6/152/0 (N5UDK); Miss/Lou WX Net 5/45/0 (K5NRK); UMARC 2 Meter Net 5/59/0 (W5MPC); Monroe Co ARC Net 5/48/0(AD5DO); MS Baptist Hams Net 5/31/0 (WF5F); Hattiesburg Area EN 5/132/0 (N5MZ) Magnolia DX Assn 5/90/0 (N5FG); Jackson ARC EN 5/43/0 (AB5WF); MCARA CARES 5/36/0 (KA2KMU); Lowndes Co ARC Net 5/51/0 (AD5DO); Meridian Area EN 5/67/0; (KD5GWM); Pearl River/St. Tammany ARES Net 5/69/1 (KC5EAK); Newton County ARES 4/30/0 (WB5GUD); Metro Jackson ARES 4/41/0 (AB5WF); South MS YL Net 4/89/0; (KB5CSQ); Tishomingo County ARES 4/70/0 (K5WSY); PSHR: WB5ZED 150, AB5WF 89, and W5XX 80. Traffic: WB5ZED 3437 (BPL) (Wow!);Compilation of Net, PSHR, and Traffic statistics provided by KB5RCJ.

Great Lakes Division


Greetings everyone, The Hiawatha ARA in Marquette celebrated its 75 anniversary on August 2, 2007. They began in 1932 as the Marquette Amateur Radio Assn. and the following year chose the new name of Hiawatha ARA of Marquette County. Their newsletter, The Standing Wave will be highlighting the major events of the club since its inception. The Michigan Section congratulates the Hiawatha ARA on this memorable event. Congratulations to the Kalamazoo ARC as they celebrate their 75th anniversary. What a wonderful milestone and we recognize them as being among the oldest continuously active radio clubs in Michigan. We wish them well as they honor their founders and supporters at a special ceremony August 18. This month we begin to afford more recognition for the efforts of ARES/RACES groups’ communications activities in their respective communities. While this information is reported at Nets_and_Reports.htm, my feeling is that we need to keep the entire Section advised of how much actual time these devotees spend in support of this activity. As this is the first attempt at creating this report, please understand the format may change in the future. For now, we will list the counties who provided a (9 of 34) [10/18/2007 3:06:04 PM] WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO

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report during the month with the total for all participants. ARES/RACES reports for July: Dist 1: Gratiot, Hillsdale, Ingham, Lenawee. Dist 2: Macomb, Oakland, St Clair, Washtenaw. Dist 3: Alcona, Bay, Lapeer, Saginaw. Dist 5: Berrien, Branch, St Joseph. Dist 6: Isabella, Kent, Mason, Mecosta, Montcalm, Muskegon. Dist 7, Antrim, Benzie, Grand Traverse, Otsego, Presque Isle. Dist 8: Alger, Dickinson, Houghton, Marquette, Menominee. Total operator-hours for July: 7,896. Equally, we are reporting activity for our Section and Local nets. Our thanks to all of these individuals who are regular net participants and make Michigan’s NTS and local nets so effective. By the way, if your local net is not listed, please contact STM WB8RCR ([email protected]) and provide him with a report so your group can take credit for all you do. The term “local net” does also include ARES/RACES nets. Michigan Nets reporting for July: MiTN, QMN, MACS, WMTN, UPN, TMMTN, SEMTN, GLETN, NLEUPN, Motor City, Hiawatha, Benzie County, MIARPSC, Branch County. Total Operator-hours for July: 2,512. Station Activity Reports (SAR) for July, 2007: WB9JSR 585, KC8WSE 422, K8KV 276, AB8SY 201, KD8AAD 113, K8AE 107, K8RDN 105, K8LJG 101, K8AMR 97, WB8RCR 44, W8RNQ 30, AB8WF 27, WD8USA 20, K8ZJU 13, KC8MLD 12, KD8BGQ 10, WA8OOH 6, KC8ZGB 4. Public Service Honor Roll Reports (PSHRs) for July, 2007: KD8BGQ 372, K8MFK 195, WU8Y 155, WB8RCR 155, WB9JSR 145, K8RDN 130, K8AMR 125, K8AE 110, KC8WSE 100, AB8SY 95, K8KV 80, K8ZJU 79, K8VFZ 67. SARs are reports of all the radiogram traffic you have handled in the past month. PSHRs include your net and public service activitiesWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO for the month. PSHRs and SARs should be filed monthly with WB8RCR. You can access a simple reporting form at: to provide your reports to WB8RCR. July Official Emergency Station reports came in from K8DD, KC8QNE, KC8ULE, KC8ZCF, N8HA, WB8WRB, and WU8Y. Your OES reports should be filed with WA8EFK. In all cases, reporting by radiogram is encouraged. Packet messages can be routed to [email protected] and [email protected] 73, Dale WA8EFK

Midwest Division


Kansas Section News Summary- July 2007 SM, Ron Cowan, KB0DTI-- SEC/OOC: Robert Summers,K0BXF ASM: Orlan Cook,W0OYH ASM-Youth: Emily Stewart, KC0PTL SGL: Steve Hamilton, KB0JYL PIC: Larry Staples, W0AIB ______There was a lot of water in Kansas the beginning of July. About the only ham activity I know about was RACES in Mongomery CO. Pony Express Special Event August 26th 9 to 4. The Crown ARA will operate KØASA from the historic Hollenberg Pony Express Station near Hanover, KS as part of the local Pony Express festival. Look for them on 7040, 14040, 18085 and maybe 14245. The station will be set up to look like an 1860s telegraph office. QSL available Director Frahm has been using the IRLP node at Newton. ______Newsletters received: Feed Back, Newton ARC, Trojan ARC Harmonic, QRZ, QNU H.A.R.C. , DCARC ______June Sessions/QNI/QTC/Mgr: KSBN/30/732 /32 N0KFS KPN/22/317 /41 / N0KFS KMWN/30/ 726 / 605 / WB0YWZ KWN/30/719/ 506 / WB0YWZ CSTN 26/1684/47 N0BFB QKS/ 47 /172 /36 NB0Z QKS SS 3/6 /1 KB0DTI Traffic: KI0BK 298 NB0Z 40 KB0DTI 12 KC0MRJ 33 12 K0BXF Reports received: Technical Specialist WN8P To receive or contribute to Orlan's Kansas Amateur Radio News E-mail News Letter contact Orlan- W0OYH-Editor at [email protected] See KSN on ARRL and more Kansas news: sections/?sect=KS


AUGUST 2007 MISSOURI SECTION NEWS Norm McCourt, ACØN, and the Mississippi Valley DX & Contest Club are looking for a few more amateurs that would be interested in being DX card sorters for the Zero QSL Bureau. Send an e-mail to Norm at [email protected] if you want to help out with the sorting process. You will not only be helping Missouri Amateurs, but those in all the other Zero states. The Amateur Radio effort in assisting with the Three MS-150 Bike Tours in Missouri probably involves the largest number of Amateur Radio volunteers each year. The Bike Tours also provides one of the best opportunities for Amateur Radio emergency communications training. Several Missouri Section Clubs will be helping with this year’s Express Scripts MS-150 2007 Central Missouri Bike Tour The Express Scripts MS Bike Ride route is a figure 8, starting and finishing both days at the Midway Expo Center in Columbia, Missouri. This is an event held on Sept.8th and 9th to raise money for Multiple Sclerosis research. There is a need for 60 volunteers and to get more (10 of 34) [10/18/2007 3:06:04 PM] WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO

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information about signing up to volunteer can be found at the following site The Kansas City Area Jack Miller Subaru MS 150 Bike Tour will also be held on Sept. 8th and 9th 2007 offers the opportunity for Ham operators to help with Public Service communication and share a weekend of fun, traveling an out-and-back route through scenic Missouri countryside. In 2006 Amateur volunteers were asked to contact Duane Haverty, WA0BVX - 816-223-5842 - [email protected] (I couldn’t find any update on this information) The Ozark version of the MS 150 will be held on Sept. 15 & 16, 2007. The FedEx Freight MS 150 Bike Tour contact person is Heather Hodges her e-mail is [email protected] or 1-800-344-4867 and press 2. The Ozark MS 150 Bike Tour will take participants on a two-day journey of scenic Missouri countryside. The route is from Willard to Joplin and back to Willard the second day. The event is needing volunteers to assist in communications and also if you have a van or pick up truck they will also need people that can pick up riders between rest stops and take them to the next rest stop. If you can assist with communications please e-mail Kenneth Baremore at [email protected]. Ken is in charge of communications again this year and he does a great job at planning and coordinating this event. AUGUST HAMFEST 2006 Central Missouri Radio Association will be holding their Hamfest on August 18th at the Ashland Optimist Complex in Ashland, MO. Ashland is about 9 miles south of Columbia, MO / I-70 on Highway 63. Last year was a real nice Hamfest and well worth the trip. For more info, contact Daniel Johnson,WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO KC0UTW 18357 Old Highway 63 in Ashland, MO 65010 Phone: 573-635-6311 Email: [email protected] . The talk-in will be on 146.76- (PL 127.3); back-up 146.610- (PL -127.3) The St. Charles ARC is sponsoring their annual Hamfest August 19th at the American Legion Post 312 , 2500 Raymond Drive Street in Saint Charles, MO. This a great St. Louis area Hamfest and always has lots of quality vendors and flea marketers. For more info you can check out the website or contact David J. Livingston, WBØRAB 280 Diekamp Lane, St. Charles MO 63303-5138, by phone at 314-973- 0783 or e-mail to : [email protected] . Talk-In: On the 146.670 (no tone) machine Joplin Amateur Radio Club is hosting the 2007 ARRL Missouri State Convention on August 24th and 25th at the John Q. Hammons Convention Center in Joplin, MO. This year’s Convention will feature a program titled “Newington to Your Home Town” involving Directors or vice-Directors from Three ARRL Divisions, MO. Section Manager Dale Bagley, KØKY will provide an update on MO Section activities and you can learn more about the ARRL Grassroots Campaign from its manager Amy Bullock, N5TBB. The keynote Address will be given by Ward Silver, NAØX. Also featured will be Forums on the Remarkable SWR meters by Don Cochran, WQØJOW, and Small Power-Big Fun QRP operation by Dave Bixler, WØCH. They have a really nice cook-out meal you can enjoy on Friday evening. For more information you can check out the website at or contact Jim Johannes, N0ZSQ, PO Box 2983, Joplin, MO 64803-2983 Phone: 417-781-2211 Fax: 417-781- 2234 and Email: [email protected] . Talk-In: 147.210 +600 WØIN (no tone) SEPTEMBER HAMFEST 2007 The Macon County’s Radio Rendezvous / Ham Radio Camp-Out will be held September 28th through the 30th at the Macon County Fairgrounds Park. Camp sites will be on a first come first choice basis. You can camp in a tent or sleep in your car/van for no charge I believe, unless of course you park in a campsite and use the electricity to run an air conditioner. The Rendezvous will be great fun for those that want to camp, but if you don’t want to camp and just want enjoy the get together you can drive to Macon on Saturday. If you want you can set-up a flea market stand in the location provided. It is suggested you bring a lawn chair so that you can share some of those really long stories about your experiences in Amateur Radio. Macon has lots of nice Motels, Restaurants, and fast food places so no one will lack a place to sleep or eat. If you need more information about the Radio Rendezvous, contact Larry Ballew [email protected] or Ed Brockelmeyer, KØEB at [email protected] AFFILIATED CLUB NEWS KEITH HAYE, WEØG, ACC The Northeast Missouri Amateur Radio Club is providing communications for the 23nd annual Northeast Missouri Triathlon. The Amateur radio operators have provided this public service for all of those 22 years and have been instrumental in getting needed first aid and emergency services to injured participants many times. The Heart of America Radio Club newsletter reports that Craig Martin, WAØWPJ presented a program on operating on 6-meters given the recent frequent band openings. The Program included information about VHF propagation & QRP operating techniques. The Bootheel Amateur Radio Club and the SEMO ARC operated a special events station June 8th and 9th in Bloomfield, MO the headquarters of the Stars and Strips Military Newspaper. The S & S Newspaper was founded in 1861 by union soldiers that found an abandon newspaper office during the civil war. The operators made 467 contacts and several DX contacts. The St. Charles ARC is leading the effort to provide communication for the RACE FOR THE RIVERS & CLEAN WATER CHALLENGE. The “Race” starts in Washington, MO with an overnight break at the Rivers Festival in Frontier Park. The “Challenge” is a 20 mile sprint from Weldon Spring to Frontier Park for experienced paddlers. Mike McCrann, WDØGSY is looking for interested volunteers and he can be contacted at [email protected] . SECTION ARES REPORT FOR JULY 2007 DON MOORE, KMØR SEC Total # of ARES (11 of 34) [10/18/2007 3:06:04 PM] WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO

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members: 685 Number of drills, tests and training sessions this month: 93 Man hours: 939.5 Number of public service events this month: 5 Man hours: 67 Number of emergency operations this month: 2 Man hours: 16 Total number of ARES operations this month: 100 Total Man hours: 1022.5 Comments: 5 of 9 districts reporting SECTION TRAFFIC REPORTS FOR JULY 2007 DALE HUFFINGTON, AEØS, MON - CW Sessions 52 QNI 84 QTC 44 NM K9ZTV MO Phone Sessions 31 QNI 814 QTC 09 NM KØRWL Callaway CARL Sessions 3 QNI 28 QTC 0 NM WBØHKN Boone Co Sessions 4 QNI 77 QTC 3 NM WMØH Howell Co Sessions 8 QNI 59 QTC 0 NM KØRWL Jackson Co ARESR Sessions 4 QNI 61 QTC 0 NM KØUAA Macon Co Sessions 4 QNI 30 QTC 1 NM KØKY Rolla RRARS Sessions 31 QNI 166 QTC 8 NM KBØZBO SULLIVAN SARC Sessions 31 QNI 9 QTC 19 NM KBØROX St Louis CO ARC Sessions 6 QNI 96 QTC 12 NM KBØH Tanney Co TLARC Sessions 1 QNI 5 QTC 54 NM KCØOFD WAARCI Sessions 5 QNI 84 QTC 0 NM WBØTOM 10th Reg Sessions 62 QNI 96 QTC 87 MO 60 % with K9ZTV, WØSJS, WØSJS, NM WØSS

New England Division Connecticut WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Section Leadership: ASMs: N1FNE, K1STM, NK1J, W1FXQ, KD1YV; OOC W1GC; PIC KA1TCH; SEC K1BRF; SGL K1MK; STM K1HEJ; TC N1KHB. As I am writing this, the weather is feeling like Fall—at least, for those of us who did not go to the National Convention! I hear it was hot in Alabama! A warm welcome to Dennis Dura, K2DCD, ARRL’s emergency preparedness and Response Manager. ‘Dura's major responsibilities include addressing the development and implementation of an organizational disaster response plan as well as a continuity operations plan, complete with supporting procedures and training.’—ARRL Web Site. See http:// and a recent issue of The ARRL Letter. Dennis has already looked at our CTARES Web Site and immediately subscribed to the Discussion list. We’re all looking forward to meeting you Dennis—best of luck and welcome aboard to ARRL and to the CT Section! August 18 and 19 were the dates for International Lighthouse Weekend. The Greater Norwalk ARC operated from Sheffield Island under the direction of John N1OLO. GNARC has operated this event for several years and has found it to be a terrific experience with some good operating. It was fun for me to read about the preparations they were making on their club reflector. Last year, they sent out 500 QSLs! They operated for 24 hours and camped out on the Island. September 16 is the date for the Western CT Ham Fest at Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street (Rt. 6), Newtown! Time: 8:30-12:30. Come join the fun with some excellent seminars: Mechanical TV – Those were the days;Airmail – How it works, including demo; Satellite Communications – How to do it; NVIS Antennas (courtesy of ARRL) Admission $5 (under 10 free); Tables $12.50 (includes 1 admission); Tailgating $8 (includes 1 admission). Commercial Vendors Include: QuickSilver Radio Products, Ham Source, Radio Oasis. Directions: Take exit 10 off Rt. 84. Go West onto Rt. 6 (westbound make a right, east bound make a left). Approx. ¾ mile at flag pole make a right onto Rt. 25. Edmond Town Hall will be approx. 100 yds on left. For further information, contact Joe AB1DO ab1do@arrl. net or Jim KD1YV [email protected] . Hope to see you there! Now—listen up! The FIFTEENTH annual Nutmeg HamFest and ARRL CT State Convention will be held at Mountain Ridge in Wallingford on Sunday, October 7 and promises to be very exciting! Don’t miss The Doctor –yes, the famous Doctor of ‘The Doctor Is In’ and Commissioner James Thomas from The Connecticut Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security! Commissioner Thomas will outline the State's Emergency Communications plans, including the role of Amateur Radio Operators. Lots of surprises this year—see ASEC Rod Lane, N1FNE and DEC Chuck Rexroad, AB1CR plan to demo D-Star digital voice so be sure and stop by their table. Director Tom Frenaye K1KI and Vice Director Mike Raisbeck, K1TWF will also be on hand to greet you and answer your questions. Doors open at 8:30 and VIP admission at 8:00. You can register on the Web site if you want to get a VIP ticket! Admission: $7.00. Mark your calendars for the RASON Ham Fest September 29 at The Gales Ferry Firehouse, 1772 Route 12, Ledyard. I’ll have more details for you in September. For all the digital enthusiasts out there, don’t forget the ARRL/TAPR Digital Communications Conference September 28- 30 in Hartford. This is an international forum for radio Amateurs to meet, publish their work and present their ideas and techniques. Newcomers to the digital arena are welcome! Those who attend will have the opportunity to exchange ideas and learn about recent hardware and software advances, theories, experimental results and practical applications. For more information and conference details see Why not try your hand at contesting. Look what Greg N1KPW did with his station which he calls modest. He writes: ‘I was quite surprised to find a 8x11 manila envelope in my mail box with a certificate for taking Top Rover for the New England Division in last year’s 2006 CQ WW VHF Contest. A little proof-positive that even a modest (12 of 34) [10/18/2007 3:06:04 PM] WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO

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station can compete with the Big Guys in the contesting arena. My modest, everyday use mobile station consists of only 3 bands with horizontal loops for 6m, 2m and 432, so even us little guys can have fun and be competitive when the bands are right. Although my activity has slacked a bit of late, the reception of this certificate and a change in location has renewed my ‘hamming life’ and interest in the hobby. Hope to catch you and everyone else on the air again soon.’ Congrats Greg—great work and excellent example for us all tofollow. Actually, I have done a bit of contesting and earned a certificate in the VHF Contest some years ago —great fun!

Eastern Massachusetts

Hello Eastern Massachusetts Section Hams, Well, so far no one called to help our section as I advertised in last month’s report. Again, please call. Here is some more news about a gift to our youth (as I mentioned last month). Well, for those e-mailers who thought it was wrong to hold back on the news, good things come with a little time. It's our right to have our Eastern Massachusetts members guess and have a little fun. Our group of volunteers (who are from around the world) are tops in their fields. We will very soon be ready to build the gift. After DavidWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO (WB1CMG) finishes the schematics and parts lists, we hope to call it the Youth Team Card (YTC). It is a plug and play card with a 5 – 15 or 25 RF output, depending on parts SDR/group. Bands: 50-160 MHz. (Maybe even 2 meters?) Hoping QSD/QSE will work 6 meters, also DA-AD conversions digital only sound card. David and I talked about use of USB or Ethernet (more power). Possible expanded spectrum system filters. Well, that is it for this subject, hopefully, until next month. There are more ideas to create. The youth sale price kit target is $200.00 to $300.00 for your children becoming new hams. Also, built kits will be available. I do believe this is my job as Section Manager. For the club presidents that received an anonymous letter about me, if you need to know the truth, call me. 978 352-2095. As of Wednesday. August 15th, I will be heading for Huntsville, AL, with my XYL, Shirley. Hopefully, we will be home by the 22nd or 23rd. We plan to make some stops along the way home to see old friends and family. 73, Good Air Waves Art Greenberg, Eastern Massachusetts SM

Rhode Island

Greetings fellow Rhode Islanders: On August 11th, a memorial service was held at our New England Wireless and Steam Museum to honor one of Rhode Island’s Amateur Radio legends, Merrill Budlong W1MB who became a Silent Key on July 21st at the age of 95. Rev. Bob Peterson, K1TXP officiated at the memorable ceremony, conducted in the chapel on the Museum grounds. Rev. Bob invited members of the gathering to stand and share their memories of Merrill and several took the offer, including many graying hams who were members of the ubiquitous endless gang of the famous “14 year olds” in the 70s and 80s. For decades, Merrill loved to encourage newbies into learning about radio and challenge themselves into learning new technology. Pictures of the service and reception are posted on our ARRL web page http://www.arrl. org/sections/?sect=RI . All the pictures I have of the event (many thanks to expert photographer KA1BNO) will soon appear on our own web page, Early this summer, I received an e mail note with a question from a new RI resident who wanted to register his car with his call letters on the plate. His attempts in getting help at the registry or finding information on the Internet failed. This question came up a while back and I published the RI law in my monthly report for the benefit of our RI League members and their non- member friends. This latest inquiry suggests to me that I should publish it every year or so because finding help is fairly difficult and the same question comes up all the time as new hams, residents or frustrated DMV registry customers come along. I suggest that clubs retain this information and include it in their newsletters, web pages, etc. so that future hams may avoid having a problem. As has been pointed out, information on this appears to be difficult to find when someone needs it. RI law § 31-3-39, which enacted the law in 1958 may be found unabridged and unedited at . My suggestion to all our new RI hams and Elmers is to make a few paper copies of this law and have them in hand to bring to the registry when you or those you are helping apply for registration plates. It would be wise to also bring a copy of your FCC license, in case the clerk asks for it. The clerk should ask for proof that you are eligible. One more thing, THERE IS NO EXTRA FEE for these plates. THEY ARE NOT VANITY PLATES!!!! Don’t let the DMV clerk convince you. Call for a supervisor if necessary. Read the law yourself. RI is one of only four states that do not charge any extra fee for application, transfer or registration beyond your normal registration charges. That’s awfully hard to believe in Rhode Island, isn’t it? Sunspot Cycle 23 has probably hit its minimum and most experts I know believe that the Solar Flux Index might remain at current (13 of 34) [10/18/2007 3:06:04 PM] WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO

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low numbers through fall and into next year before starting its climb back up. NOAA believes that new Cycle 24 will hit its peak about 2012. It is felt by many scientists that the beginning of Cycle 24 will be delayed about six months because plasma circulation between the sun’s equator and its poles has slowed during Cycle 23 and may continue to decelerate further. What this means to the rest of us, including “Deserving DXers” is that the old cycle will remain a little longer than 11 years. Cycle 24 won’t begin until Solar Flux numbers over a few months indicate a rising pattern. One or two higher monthly readings won’t start our engines. It must be a pattern. Scientists at National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) including Dr. Mausumi Dikpati and her colleagues are studying indicators carefully for any change in their activity and will sound the alarm loud and clear for all of us to be ready for the new cycle, #24. August 18-19 will mark International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend. Approximately 380 lighthouses in some 51 countries will be on the air to celebrate the event. See more at . Members of at least three of our RI clubs will operate K1BTL from the Beavertail Lighthouse in Jamestown. Blackstone Valley ARC, Newport County and Fidelity ARC members will share operating fun at K1BTL. With so much lighthouse activity on the air this weekend, you should have no trouble finding lighthouses to work. It is planned that the old 60 ft beacon vertical antenna will be used on HF. They want to respect the fact that it’s a museum with historical significance. Nothing modern like SteppIR beams will be permitted, except for the SSB transceiver. (Pictures of this operation will be shown next month inWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO this report) The weekend will also mark the week long celebration on the island of the 350th anniversary of the purchase of Conanicut Island and the beginning of what led to formation of the town of Jamestown in 1657, 119 years before US independence. Activity at the Beavertail Lighthouse will be led by Allen Bestwick, W1PX who also serves as volunteer tour guide for the museum shop. Come and enjoy our beautiful shoreline, tour the shop and see RI’s participation in the international lighthouse weekend. You might even be lucky enough to catch Allen, W1PX in his authentic 1896 lighthouse keeper’s uniform. Our RI Affiliated Club Coordinator (ACC) position remains open. This is a very challenging post and requires someone who has energy, creative ideas and patience to work with our nine clubs to help them thrive and ideally, provide some synergy between our clubs so that best practices can be shared by all. If you feel that you are the person we have been seeking, please contact me and we’ll discuss the matter. I hope you are because in the absence of an ACC, I’ve been trying to do the job and frankly, I’m not very good at it. Antenna weather is getting short. Get that repair work done soon. Snow is coming. 73, Bob Beaudet, W1YRC

Northwestern Division

Eastern Washington

August is here already, and it's most likely time for many clubs to hold annual pic-i-nicks. These are great times to invite served agency officials over for a hot dog, or burger, and get to know them a bit better. The more we interact, the better our relationship, and we are all better for it. We are getting close to the end of Hamfest season, but we still have a few left. Be sure to check the web for upcoming events in your section or division. The section web page at has a link, and you can broaden the search from there. Don't forget to check up on local, and regional club news at the new web page at it includes links to clubs and groups from outside our section, but that let's us see what's going on in other areas as well. If you know of a newsletter of club bulletin that could be posted, please let me know the address, and I can add it to the link. These would need to be generic addresses, or in other words, they would need to be the same every month. Or, I can link to the main club page, and folks can navigate to the news from there. Just let me know. I will be attending the PNW DX Convention this weekend, and the Spokane Hamfest on the 22nd of September. I am looking forward to seeing many of you in both locations. 73.. Mark, KB7HDX


I was reminded at the Bandon Hamfest that not everyone is familiar with the many abbreviations we use in amateur radio, so I will try to go through this report and spell those out. I hope to see some of you at the Pendleton Hamfest this weekend. NEW APPOINTMENTS Some new appointments have been made during this last month. Russ Mickiewicz, N7QR, is the Assistant Section Manager for Youth Activities. If you have question about working with youth, he would like to hear from you. He is building an email distribution list of people interested in youth activities so let him know if you would like to be on this list. Let him know what your activities currently are in working with youth around the state. He has attended conferences that (14 of 34) [10/18/2007 3:06:04 PM] WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO

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have provided him with some good ideas. You can reach him at [email protected]. Julian (J.C.) King, N7LND, is the publicity officer for the Coos County Radio Club. He lives in northern Curry County and participates in Curry County ARES/RACES. He has received a PIO (Public Information Officer) appointment to recognize the work he is doing in that area. Dan Bissell, W7WVF, the Assistant Section Manager for Southwestern Oregon, introduced me to J.C. and Bev at the Bandon Hamfest. An appointment request was sent by the Yamhill County EC (Emergency Coordinator), Steve Long, K7SLL, through the DEC (District Emergency Coordinator), Bruce Bjerke, K7BHB, for two new OES (Official Emergency Station) appointments. A couple members of Yamhill County ARES were requesting OES status with a responsibility to work with emergency communications in the city where they live. Todd Terp, W7ILD, is the OES for the City of Yamhill, and Fred Rodley, N0NNO, is the OES for the City of Lafayette. Fred is a former EC of Yamhill County and Todd was an AEC (Assistant Emergency Coordinator) while Fred was EC and also while I was EC for Yamhill County. OO (OFFICIAL OBSERVER) JULY REPORTS Five OO's reported 301 hours of monitoring during July. APPOINTEE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS All those with ARRL appointments in the Oregon Section should review the job descriptions posted on the ARRL website. All position descriptions mention reporting of activities. There are benefits to this reporting. When the reports are shared around the section, others may obtain good ideas to borrow. Others will know who to contact if they have questions about how to organize a particular activity sinceWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO they will know who has done that before. When we need new section-level appointees to provide oversight to a program, we will know who the most experienced and reliable candidates are from their reports. TRAINING AVAILABLE Dean Davis, N7XG, the Assistant Section Manager for Communications and Training, is available to teach the ARRL EmComm courses and provide testing around the state. He can also offer new licensing and upgrade courses. For information on this service, please contact him at [email protected]. SWAPTOBERFEST Swaptoberfest is coming up on October 27. Meeting, class and license testing information will soon be posted on their website at There will be NTS and ARES meetings. There is confusion around the state about the two hamfests at Rickreall. Although the events occur at the same location, they are organized by different groups. Swaptoberfest in October is organized by Mid-Valley ARES. Salem Hamfair in February is organized by the Salem Repeater Association. OREGON'S SESQUICENTENNIAL It has been brought to my attention by Vince, K7VV, the EC (Emergency Coordinator) for the OEM (Oregon Emergency Management) ARES Unit, that 2009 will be Oregon's Sesquicentennial (150th Birthday). Information is located at html. Planning will soon begin for activities to celebrate that event in amateur radio. CLATSOP COUNTY TOWER UPDATE We have been hearing for nearly a year about the saga of the tower in Clatsop County. I looked back in my emails and it was last year in August, soon after I was elected section manager, that my cell phone rang during an ARES meeting. I stepped out of the room to answer the call and it was the Larkins. This was all new territory for me. I put out a call for help to the section leadership and was directed to Phil Kane, K2ASP, for assistance. He and others have been working with the Larkin's in all the hearings they have been dealing with. They finally have received their tower permit from Clatsop County. It was a long battle to obtain that. Now the club in that area will be keeping an eye on the rewriting of the ordinance. NTS (NATIONAL TRAFFIC SYSTEM) REPORTS Station Activity Report (SAR): N7CM 195, N7YSS 192, W7IZ 151, W7IG 117, KD7ZLF 63, K7PMB 52, K7EAJ 47, KC7SRL 41, WS7L 27, W7VSE 27, N7APE Public Service Honor Roll (PSHR): N7CM 185, K7EAJ 180, W7IG 120, N7XG 110, N7YSS 110, KD7ZLF 90, KK7TN 89, KD7THV 75 For the complete report from the Section Traffic Manager, Scott Gray, W7IZ, visit the section website at

Western Washington

In District 1, Island County reports good turnouts for the 4th of July Parade in Oak Harbor, the Ragnar Relay and the Pony Trials. Members gained valuable experience in using simplex mode and working with the public. All Red Cross nets were completed. San Juan County reports a great turnout for the annual picnic on Lopez Island. Planning is in progress for using the Incident Command Vehicle at the August County Fair and for the 8.8 K run on San Juan Island. Whatcom County participated in The Evergreen Sentry Exercise on July 24. The drill began with law enforcement activity only, followed by EMS participation. After cell phones were banned, emcomm traffic immediately picked up. The use of words that were difficult to understand or pronounce slowed them down. The field crew handled medical data for 101 patients and transmitted all the data using both voice and data via AirMail. They received kudos from the medics in the field and all the hospitals. EC, Matt, KB7UHN attended the "hotwash" a few days later and almost every speaker praised the ARES/RACES Team. The State Health Dept. representative said he monitored their traffic and was impressed. In District 2, Dave Hull, KD7IFP, gave a presentation on SAR at the July meeting of Clallam County ARES. (15 of 34) [10/18/2007 3:06:04 PM] WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO

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The CCARES voice nets continue to have check-ins using both the repeater and simplex. Jefferson County established fixed VHF/UHF stations at the Tri-Area and Quilcene centers. These would be major shelters during an emergency. They have started a formal net on the Port Townsend repeater each Wednesday at 9:00 AM. This brief net provides formal net operations experience for members. Kitsap County ARES/RACES/ ACS conducted EOC operations training on July 10th and provided public service communications support to the Tour de Kitsap bicycle event on July 29th. District 3 would like to take this opportunity to announce the appointment of Omer Fournier, AD7DY, to the position of Mason County EC. This month both the Lewis and Mason County teams had Searches, and the Mason county team manned a booth at the Mason County fair. The Pacific County team installed a VHF marine Transceiver in the Long Beach EOC, repaired antennas, and upgraded packet capability on Capitol Peak. The Thurston county team participated in the Tumwater 4th of July Parade. In District 4, at the Clark County team meeting, Tom McConathy, KC7OZJ, the local Red Cross team leader showed a PowerPoint presentation from the National Red Cross Headquarters on their new communications equipment and how it is deployed. Tom was in the East for two weeks during a flooding emergency. Bob, K7YFJ, will be meeting with the head of DEM to discuss the role of amateur radio in the TOP OFF 4 exercise coming in October. Cowlitz County EC Randy, NU7D, attended a meeting at the Cowlitz County DEM to WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.ROplan the activities for the Emergency Services area for the Cowlitz County Fair. Net Manager Judi, KD7GRZ, reports there were 60 check-ins for July and thanks everyone who checked in. There was no report this month from District 5 In District 6, the North Bend team members assisted with the Tour de Peaks bicycle ride as tour drivers. The Bellevue team visited the new 911 center which is the future home of NORCOM. District M, the W. WA Med Services Team, participated in the quarterly VISN (VA System) exercise. They had installed an NVIS antenna the previous week, but did not have time to tune it correctly. It worked, but needs refinement. Other activities in which team members participated included the Kitsap bicycle race, and a number of Seafair events. Marina, N7LSL, visited several hospitals in Homeland Security Region 7 and consulted on ham radio installations. She also made a presentation at the WA. Community and Migrant Health Center conference in Wenatchee, on Alternative Communications for Health Care. The SEC would like to thank all of the teams that participated in the Evergreen Sentry (Region Response 07) Exercise for the excellent job they did in representing Amateur Radio and its capabilities. The annual Simulated Emergency Test (SET) will be held on September 29 this year in conjunction with the 5th Saturday EOC-EOC Drill. The scenario for the exercise will be based on a winter storm. More information will be sent to the leadership in the next weeks. It’s not too early to mark your calendars for Communications Academy 2008 which will be held on April 5 & 6 at South Seattle Community College.

Pacific Division

East Bay

AlCo Comm Team members with a number of non-team hams provided safety and logistical communications for the City of Alameda parks and recreation department' "Run for the Parks" Comm Team members participating were: N6AJO, KF6CRZ, KA6FIY, KE6LEV, K6NCX, KE6NEZ, NJ6T and WS6V. The Non- Comm Team participants were: KI6HBF, KO6JF, WA6KGD, KA1MAX, KE6MQW, K6TYF, AE6VB, K6VUG, KF6YRG. SBARA members AE6YN, KB8UYR, and WT6K went down to the Jamesburg Comsat dish in Carmel Valley. That's what you need if you want to do Earth-Moon-Earth radio. From all reports they had great fun. Oakland Hills fire patrol was activated on July 4 and July 10th. ORCA members responding to the call out were: KI6AWR, KI6GFT, K6JAT, KE6MQW, W6THD, W6BUR, KI6HKY, KI6JJR, WB6NER, KF6YRG, WB6BYA, KI6HWJ, KI6JJS, KD6OAQ, KA6GEM, KE6IUE, KG6MAC and KD6OCW. The CCCC / EBARC picnic was reported to be scheduled for Sunday, September 16 at Miller-Knox Park. Kirsten McIntyre, K6WX, was the guest speaker at the EBARC July meeting. Her topic was on HF operating; VE Testing: EBARC, ORCA, and ARCA sponsor joint ARRL VEC Amateur Radio Test Sessions quarterly at 9 a.m. The remaining session for 2007 will be Sunday Oct. 28th. Exams are held in the 2nd floor conference room of the Kaiser Building, 1950 Franklin, Oakland (1 block from the 19th St. BART station). The 2007 fee (and retest fee) remains at $14. For info call 510-846-1587 or 510-741-8227 MDARC Volunteer Examiners hold exam sessions prior to each club meeting.which is the 3rd Friday of the month Sessions begin at 6:00 PM. Please arrive no later than 7:00 PM to be seated for your exam. MDARC meetings are held at Our Savior's Lutheran Church, 1035 Carol Lane, Lafayette CA. The entrance to the test room is on the south side of the church near the second parking lot. Check out the improved Pacificon Web Site: The site is being updated regularly. Congratulations to the East Bay Section's newest hams: John W Diedenhofen, KI6LBV,Danville; Howard L Keiper, KI6LDC, (16 of 34) [10/18/2007 3:06:04 PM] WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO

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Benicia; James M Geidl, KI6LBU, David S Demasi, KI6KYI, Edward W White, KI6LBS Andrew B Renwick, KI6KYP, Brian J Noble, KI6LEQ, Concord; James R Anderson, KI6LER,Pleasant Hill; Christopher G Porter, KI6KZZ, Fairfield; Elizabeth D Reed, KI6LDO; Parijat Sharma, KI6LDX; Choon Kit Chan, KI6LCN; Toya L Young, KI6LEO; Joseph G Farenkamm, KI6LCX; Frank Wang, KI6LEH; Zeeshan R Khan, KI6LDD, Fremont; Arthur Sullivan, KI6LED; Angel E Ricasata, KI6LDP, Hayward; Adrian J Bunting, KI6KRW; Yotam Margalit, KI6KZU, Castro Valley; Wei Chen, KI6LCO; Jacob M Schlobohm, KI6LDQ; Luke M Schlobohm, KI6LDR, Fremont; Tena M Oakley, KI6LDI; Wayne C Slack, KI6LDZ; James M O'leary, KI6LDJ; Lesli L Mays, KI6LDE, Newark; Laurel D Rickerd, KI6LBX; Leslie M Rickerd, KI6LBW, Pittsburg; Mark B Nash, KI6LDH, San Leandro; Anthony M Grandstaff, KI6LEP, San Lorenzo; Raymond R Zapanta, KI6LBE,Union City; Nickolas S Bianchi, KI6LCD; Neal R Gregory, KI6LCC; Joiann M Dawa, KI6LCA; Karl E Tatom, KI6LCE, Vallejo; Charles W Hollbrook, KI6LBT, Walnut Creek; Steve S Lucas, KI6KYM; Luisa M Buada, KI6LCL; Jaymi Devans, KI6LCV; Robert A Gendreau, KI6LCY; Steven C Olsen, KI6KXE, Oakland; Deepanjan Banerjee, KI6KYE, Emeryville. Congratulation the these recent upgrades: Herbert M Cole, KI6ATB; Albert E Norman, KI6CBA James F Botts, KI6KCR; Paul M Parker, KD6HXK; Andrew G Potter, KI6KVZ; Robert R Davis, KI6BEO; Ned A Bass, KI6HBF; George E Ricasata, KI6HVX; Ernest J Breakfield, N6ZES; Ronald F Susztar, N7TVE; Benjamin D Yip, KI6ACU; Mark A Dawson, KF6WJK; Rodolfo R Entrolezo, KE6SMY; Charles J Kreling, KB6QCM; Michael P Fahmie, WA6ZTY; JoyceWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO G Ruiz, KI6CCN; Keith Lyon, KG6SKG ;David C Chamberlin, KI6KPU; Heather Ovenden, KG6ADL; John C Rabold, KI6GFT; Keith E Nowell, KG6VLY.


Nevada Section News Summary (see the Nevada Section website at for the complete, unedited stories) August 13, 2007 - ARES Monthly Report for July'07 - The Northeast District saw one of the largest fires in the nation's history. I remind everyone to stay prepared and to be ready, the season is not over yet. SM, Dick Flanagan K7VC went to Las Vegas for the ARES/RACES meeting. I enjoyed working a Washoe County Ride For The Red in support of the ARC. Thanks to Bruce Wade, N7ZA, AEC/RenoARC for helping to put this together and a great job as NCS. These events help us to stay sharp, everyone is encouraged to do several each year. Try getting some of the newer folks to take a hand at being NCS. With some coaching from some of the seasoned Elmers, we can help develop these skills. Have a great month, and 73! De Don Carlson, KQ6FM, SEC. SOUTHERN DISTRICT REPORT: Monsoonal moisture arrived as expected and SKYWARN groups were active reporting significant weather. Northern Nye Co. ARES Report by EC, Dave KE7LC - Activities include Skywarn activation, Fire assistance standby, brush/forest fires and Western Nevada Noon Net. Also at Tonopah ARC meeting, a discussion on establishment of Packet Node in Tonopah and future experimentation on 6 meters. Southern Nye Co. ARES Report by EC, Jerry KC6ILH - No fires and no flooding. Still high fire danger. We are starting into the monsoon season so flooding will be on the list of things to watch for. Nothing else to report this time, see all next month. Lincoln Co. ARES Report by EC, Lee K7NKH - Meeting with Lincoln Co. Sheriff and county commission this month. More later. Clark County ARES/RACES Report by EC, Charlie AA5QJ - MOU signed with the City of North Las Vegas to provide backup radio communications. Vern K0EGA, AEC Operations/Training, attended a planning meeting for the Southern Nevada Health District POD exercise on Aug 24. The quarterly ARES/RACES Meeting Jul 28 had 40 members in attendance, including Dick Flanagan K7VC, NV Section Manager. Several members provided safety communications for the 16 hour Lake Mead Night Adventure Race. NORTHEAST DISTRICT REPORT: The Elko Amateur Radio Club provided emergency communications for the Gamblers' Run road race on July 14, utilizing the W7LKO 147.300 mhz. repeater and the 2-meter remote base, as well as the linked commercial repeater system. A large wildland fire threatened the town of Winnemucca, including critical infrastructure (power and telephone lines). DEC Joe Giraudo, received a call that a Red Cross shelter was being opened to accomodate evacuated families. Due to this threat, the Elko Amateur Radio Club connected their IRLP-capable W7LKO 444.95 repeater to their hard-linked 2-meter repeater system to facilitate communications between Winnemucca and the Reno area. Elko hams monitored the system throughout the night. This was the first time the two systems had been interconnected. The test went extremely well. Fires measured in the thousands of square miles also raveged the northeastern portion of the state. Evacuations were made of several remote communities and ranches. Power was interrupted for an extensive time to several communities. Public Safety communications were interrupted and the Amateur Radio community was consulted to see if they could be of assistance. Due to the fact that there was extreme fire behavior and no escape routes, a safety decision was made to not deploy. The Saturday morning HF Section Net continued through the month. Propagation has remained surprizingly good, while not as good as winter, the 75 meter band is still usable at net time. Participation is off a little due to summertime demands (17 of 34) [10/18/2007 3:06:04 PM] WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO

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on members time. NORTHWEST DISTRICT REPORT: Churchill County - EC Paul Willcoxon KE7CRZ - Our monthly meeting was July 7th in Fallon. It was our pleasure to have Ed "Otto" Tune-KV7J and Cynthia Bagley-KB7BZE attend the meeting. An exercise for the group was scheduled for July 28th, a large simulated earthquake east of Fallon. The following stations participated: Bob Moore-AD7CP, KE7CRZ- Paul Willcoxon, K6GAF-Gary Fahl, KC7ORU-Patrick McCartin III, KX7B-John Hughes, KD7TRT-Judy Nay, KD7UKX, Everett Nay, KD7ZPP, Mark Beadle. Special thanks to Ed "Otto" Tune for taking the time to work us from Carson City and accept traffic from the Churchill County EOC. This is the first exercise for the group in quite a while and was an excellent example of good emergency communications procedures. Everyone was enthusiastic and performed exceptionally well. Mark-KD7ZPP acted as net control and Patrick-KC7ORU was operating from the EOC. Both did an excellent job. Thanks to all who participated for a job well done! Carson City/Douglas County - EC Dick Young KD7JMR - Our primary public service event this month was participation by 13 ARES members supporting the well known "Death Ride", a gruelling bike ride of 129 miles in the Sierra Nevada range, requiring climbing of over 15,000 feet. Average time by the membership was 9 hours of active radio communications, with the longest time being 16.5 hours. The "Death Ride" could not be accomplished without the health and welfare reports provided by Amateur Radio, primarily ARES members. Washoe CountyWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO - EC Bob Miller WA6MTY - On July 14th, Kevin Marriott KE7BQX transmitted ATV pictures of two locations south of Reno up to the Regional EOC during field tests demonstrating ATV for damage assessment. On July 19th, the USFS Type 1 Communications Management Team for the Hawken Fire west of Reno contacted Deputy Mike Mathews of the Washoe County Sheriff's department Search and Rescue Communication unit looking for assistance for their communications unit. The Sheriff's department turned the request over to CERT who contacted Washoe County ARES and the Search and Rescue Communication unit. Frank Walsh KE7AJO my Assistant EC for Washoe County, took on the task of coordinating the ARES team. Frank and I reported to the Incident Command Post at 1800 hours to help with the first shift and learn about what our job was going to entail. Several times the Type 1 Communications Managers expressed their appreciation. ARES members also helped cloning fire fighters radios, inventorying of the com-unit equipment as it was returned form the field, and any other tasks the com-team needed help with. We provided support for a total of 114 hours. Thanks to Frank Walsh KE7AJO, George Njirich KD7VOL, Dee Arnold KA7LOZ, Joe Consolo KD7QDL, Gary Grant K7VY, Dan O Connor KE7HLR, Fred Twigge K7DTU, Joe Wolfe WA6RKN, Rob Gilmore KI6DWX who drove down from Truckee, Doug Abramson KA7FOO and David Serviss, Richard Swartzendruber and Norman Erickson of the Washoe County Search and Rescue communication Unit. On July 24th I met with the Emergency Manager of the Reno Sparks Indian Colony and gave a presentation on Amateur Radio and ARES to a group of teenagers. On July 29th ARES members Bruce Wade N7ZA, Joe Consolo KD7QDL, Don Carlson KQ6F M, Harold WA1RAT, and Dick KD7JMR provided communications for the Red Cross Ride for the Red, a motorcycle poker run. July 20, 2007 - SIERA meeting - The SIERA meeting was an opportunity to build a dual band (2 meter & 70 CM) copper J- pole. The design is a bit different than the ones we have done in the past. SIERA meets the third Thursday of the month and starts promptly at 7:00 PM. Meetings are held at: The United Methodist Church building, 1375 Centerville Lane, Gardnerville, Nevada. (thanks to John Abrott KD7NHC and the SIERA web site for this) -30-


July SM Report During the first part of July the local military tested several UHF balloon repeaters on Hawaii Island. They were launched from Hilo and could have landed anywhere from the Saddle Road on Hawaii all the way to the ocean off Waikoloa. At maximum altitude there was communications from Kauai to the Big Island of Hawaii. Blake Stene, KH7MS, took advantage of the lucky day 7-7-07 and married Beth in Kailua Kona. Several hams attended. Big Island ARC met Saturday July 14. The SM, AH6J, gave a Power Point synopsis of recent happenings. Thanks to Harvey Motomura, AH6JA for doing the projector. Guam Liberation Day was celebrated July 15 to 23 with a special call K6G. For more information contact the Marianas Amateur Radio Club or Michael Wendt, AH2G, Tropical Storm Cosme threatened the state the weekend of July 21 but left behind only extra rain. It was downgraded to a tropical depression before it passed south of Hawaii. The storm was a welcome relief as several wild fires were burning throughout the state. Ed Hare, W1RFI, was on Kauai Saturday July 21 and visited the Kauai ARC breakfast. Saturday July 28th Hams on the Big Island especially BIARC members supported the Volcano Rim Run with communications. This is one of the toughest marathons in the world. There was a chance it might be canceled because of the recent volcanic activity. Tuesday July 31st the BIWARN system (Big Island Wide Area Network) was reconnected with the repair of the link at Mauna Loa. There are now six VHF repeaters that can tie together from Kau, Hilo, Kona and (18 of 34) [10/18/2007 3:06:04 PM] WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO

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Waimea. The Haleakala 146.94 repeater has been replaced. It is on the air with a PL of 110.9Hz. Thanks to the work of AH6GR and NH6BO. See their picture on the Section webpage. KHRC (Kohala – Hamakua Radio Club) reports light meeting attendance but active ARES operations throughout the month especially during the threat of TS Cosme. Other activities include building NVIS antennas for better statewide HF communications on forty meters and searching for the military balloon repeaters. Thanks Norm NH7UA. Upcoming special events: Saturday August 4: Honolulu Heart Walk starting at 7:30AM. Thanks NH6K Sunday August 5: (First Sun.) Chapter 194 of the QCWA (Hawaii) will be on the air at 1500HST on 7088Kc. This is a monthly occurrence. Thanks W6ORS. Wednesday August 8: Testing in Waimea (Kamuela). Contact John Buck, KH7T for information. Sunday August 19: Kona ARS meeting – Pot luck after. Saturday September 15 will be the 61st Aloha Festival Parade and as a special treat the USAF Thunderbirds will perform off Waikiki Beach. Saturday September 22: A special presentation “Together We Prepare” is at the Kukui Grove Shopping Center, Kauai. Thanks WH6KS Saturday October 6: Emergency ARC/Koolau ARC Swap Meet on Oahu. Saturday October 13: 2007 Simulated Emergency TEST Saturday October 20: ARRL Big Island Hamfest in Waimea (Kamuela) Thanks KH7T/AH6J Saturday October 27: Kauai United Way Walk-a-Thon. Thanks WH6KS December: Christmas party time. Contact your local club. Discussion: It seems that QST is now arriving in a more timely manner. Further reports of arrival times are not needed at this time. The improvement is mostly due to the changeWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO in printing time and the new publisher in Michigan. I would still like to know of any QST that arrives after the 20th of the month of publication. I have received two reports of excessively late QST in the last month so there is still room for improvement. Please send any report directly to me and don’t send the information on the reflectors as it just clutters up peoples mailboxes. The PacSecARES HF Net is Tuesday nights, 1900W - 7.080/7.088, 3.905/3.888, or 1.870 MHz depending on band conditions and frequency availability. There will be practice message handling. Stations are encouraged to send formal messages in ARRL Radiogram form. The Big Island ARES net is Saturday at 7PM. It is growing in numbers and held on the BIWARN (Big Island Wide Area Network) system. The ARRL Board met July 20 to 21. For complete information on the board meeting see the ARRL WebPages. Selected highlights are: The board considered this years Field Day a Public Relations success. There is a large size bulletin board in the downstairs hallway of ARRL HQ. It is currently wallpapered with listings of Field Day media articles. It is not the items themselves just a list of them. The credit for the avalanche of news articles goes to the hundreds of Public Information Officers and others who contacted the press. In other news the ARRL EXPO will be August 18-19 in Huntsville, Alabama. The board discussed the requirement for background checks for volunteers of some agencies like the American Red Cross. The board is not in favor of full background checks however criminal background checks were OK. One unusual happening was that Texas now allows amateur radio in schools. In the past no radios of any kind were allowed in Texas schools. The reasoning was that it prevented drug dealing. Licensed Amateur Radio Operators are now exempt however rules about conduct and disturbing class etc. are still in place. Eddy Miller, W7GMH, will be celebrating his 70th year in ham radio in August. Eddy is a former radio operator of the Battleship Missouri during WW2. The Missouri is now on exhibit in Honolulu and has the station KH6BB licensed to the Battleship Missouri ARC. There are several new pictures on the Pacific Section Webpage.

Sacramento Valley

July, 2007, Section Summary Hot weather and dry, dangerous conditions continue to hold our attention in the Sacramento Valley Section. A trip to the University of California’s Sierra Foothill Research Station in Yuba County July 30 made the point quite clear. Entire sections of the foothill region remain to be cleared of dangerous levels of thick, low brush, tinder dry and ready to burst into flame. Art Craigmill, K6ALC, the station’s director, took David Wainer, WD6SCD, and I on a tour of the station. We saw projects aplenty, some of which study the effects of different levels of deforestation, un-irrigated grazing, and even how colonies of ravens migrate to areas of irrigation system leakage. Art is the EC now for Sutter and Yuba County allowing me to doff one of my ‘hats.’ Another of the station’s efforts lately was the clearing by controlled burn of a few acres to train new fire fighters and to demonstrate how fast fires can do their worst. Art showed David and I a brief video taken the day of the burn that illustrates how fast a tree could burst into flame, shooting flame from the ground to over forty feet high in a second. Art has offered the facility for a Saturday section meeting if we can use it. While it is off the beaten path a bit, the presentation put on by Art is well worth the trip. He has an air- conditioned meeting room that can hold over 100. We may be taking him up on the offer. On July 7, I had the honor of escorting Jettie Hill, W6RFF, to a joint meeting of the Northern California DX Contest Club and the Mother Lode Contest Club held in Jackson, CA. Jettie was presented the Joe Knight Distinguished Service Award by Pacific Division Director, Bob Vallio, W6RGG. Jettie’s service to our Section and the Santa (19 of 34) [10/18/2007 3:06:04 PM] WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO

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Clara Valley Section, as well as his tour as Pacific Division Vice-Director (from January 1982 through December 1983) would probably be enough for the award but we all know there is a lot more to the story. An active contester and DXer, Jettie has a varied career in the ARRL Field Organization. One of the few individuals to serve as an SM in two different ARRL sections, Jettie was Santa Clara Valley Section Communications Manager from 1978 until 1982. Upon moving to Roseville, he held the post of Sacramento Valley SM from 1989 until 2000 and again from 2002 until he stepped down last December 1. He remains active as our Affiliated Club Coordinator, Assistant Section Manager, and Official Relay Station. Division Director Bob Vallio, W6RGG has appointed Jettie to be the “District Legislative Action Chair”, to help us with a grass roots letter writing campaign on the subject of BPL and U.S. Senate bill S. 1629, the “Emergency Amateur Radio Interference Protection Act”. CLUBS OF THE SACRAMENTO VALLEY SECTION The newsletter of the Nevada County Amateur Radio Club reminds us that ARRL HQ has produced five new Public Information aids plus a link to the new website for emergency communications: The five aids are: 1. A public service spot announcement text 2. Audio PSAs for use on local radio stations 3. An emergency communications brochure 4. A “Talk on a Disk”, Power Point presentation with notes and slides 5. An article, Katrina, The Untold Story These items can be downloaded from to help present our story to theWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO non-ham public. By the way, if your club needs a Public Information Officer, contact our Section PIO Coordinator, Bob McClard, W6OWH. We can all use help getting the word out to our communities. Does your club have a newsletter? The North Hills Radio Club, lists their net control stations for three months at a time in their newsletter. Paper memory is better than no memory at all when you have to remember which night is your night as net control. The newsletter also has a helpful list of Sacramento area VHF nets, times, frequencies, etc. The Oroville Amateur Radio Society, OARS, has a web presence; and for a reorganized club, they are doing fine. A new ham training class, contest participation, and elmering are all addressed. The club meets the first Friday of each month in the First Presbyterian Church, 1430 Pine St, Oroville, CA. Contact information and a club roster of over 30 area amateurs is available on the website. The Amateur Radio Club of Anderson website, arca/ announces that there will be no meetings in July or August, but when they resume in September meetings will be held at a location 9/10 of a mile south of Rancho Road, directly across the road from Hayes Pump, or 1.0 mile north of the entrance to the Airport (stoplight) just past the Forest Service sign for North Ops. It is the new two-story building on the east side of Airport Road. See the website for a map. Shasta Cascade Amateur Radio Society, SCARS, meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 7:30 pm in the CDF conference room located on Grape Street in Redding (between Cypress & Park View). There are no meetings during summer months (June, July & August). Check out their website at: The Tahoe Amateur Radio Association, TARA, at South Lake Tahoe, proudly proclaims 31 years of ARRL affiliation. The website has important links, for sale, wants, and club information on an attractive web presence. Our Pacific Division Convention, Pacificon 2007 will occur October 19-20-21 at the San Ramon Marriott in San Ramon. The general admission tickets are $10 each, and you should consider the opening breakfast, $14 each, and the Banquet $39 each. The tickets are available with a PayPal payment or by mail. Compared to some convention meals I have paid for in past years, the Marriott does it quite well. is the website. One note of importance: I incorrectly used old information regarding the Section Voice VHF net last month. It is not inactive. NCN/V is on the air, Sundays only, 1930 local time, on the WB6EZC repeater (San Pablo Ridge), 145.110 (-), PL 82.5 Hz. W6DOB is the NCN/V Net Manager and usual net control. I wish I had definite news regarding the 440 MHz repeater interference issue with Pave Paws radars. There is nothing new to report at this time. The requested repeater power output reduction to 5 watts has been accomplished, and there are some reports of lost coverage. It may be months before we hear if this was successful. 73, Ron Murdock, W6KJ

San Francisco

San Francisco Section News - August 2007 More on Field Day! From San Francisco Amateur Radio Club President George Hughes W0WEB - "I’m happy to report that Field Day was a great hit. People worked very hard to make this one of the best Field Days in many years. The Weather was perfect, we had plenty of sunshine, Low winds and a great time." Please go to the club website at to see their pictures. Just in time for Field Day, SFARC’s Bill Noonan W6BN held a training session at the pre-Field Day club meeting to show new Hams and old timers a like the fine art of tuning radios and using antenna tuning boxes. SFARC has had an ongoing program of mentoring for their membership. Jim Hill K6UUW reports from the Valley of the Moon ARC - "Ken McTaggart N6KM, Dave Dammuller KD6FIL and Jim Hill K6UUW participated in this (20 of 34) [10/18/2007 3:06:04 PM] WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO

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year's VOMARC Field Day. Around 250 QSOs were logged with half on CW. The site of this year's Field Day was Maxwell Park, near the Sonoma Valley Boys & Girls club. The club operated in the 3A category. Antennas included a 3 element tri-bander, a 3 element beam for 6 meters and wire antennas for 80 and 40 meter bands. Solar powered batteries were used for all stations. A highlight was working Oklahoma on 6 meters. A tasty Bar-B-Que was prepared by Darrel WD6BOR. As always, it was a fun event for all the participants." The ARISS Telebridge W6SRJ at the Santa Rosa Junior College made another contact with the International Space Station today (7/17/07). Don Dalby KE6UAY and I ran the station for children at the Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children in Orlando, Florida. The contact was with Astronaut Clay Anderson KD5PLA. 33 questions were asked and answered before the ISS went over the horizon. I believe that this is a record for a single ground station pass. Needless to say, the kids at the hospital were ecstatic. Gene Chaplin K5YFL was the ARISS Mentor helping the hospital children prepare for the contact. Joe Singer N4IPV was the Amateur Radio Coordinator for the hospital. For more information on the ARISS program, visit ARISS audio can be heard on IRLP and Echolink when contacts are made. See for more information. Jim Walden W6ESJ SK - I am saddened to report the passing of Jim Walden. Jim was an EC in Sonoma County and an OES in the Section. I have known Jim since I got back into the hobby some years back. He was a great guy and a good friend to all. Jim had just turned 74. Jim was retired from Kodak and is survived by his wife ofWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO 53 years, Marilyn, two sons and daughter, as well as four grandkids. I will miss Jim greatly. The Sonoma County Radio Amateurs had an information booth with operating stations at the Pacific Coast Air Museum’s annual Wings Over Wine Country air show the weekend of August 18 and 19. The air show is held at the Charles M. Schulz - Sonoma County airport. President Dave Harrison W6IBC reported that a lot of people stopped by the booth to learn about Amateur Radio or to reminisce about their activities with radio in the military and the like. SCRA had both antique and modern radios on display. Of course, SCRA members had a great time at the air show, too! Please visit the San Francisco Section website http://www.arrl. org/sections/?sect=SF to see photos of some of the activities. Per some requests, I left the July photos on the website. To check out the new photos for August, scroll to the bottom. I frequently get questions as to what other hobbies I enjoy. Photography is one. To find out another one, you have to look in the pictures on the SF Section web page. ;-) Have a great August. 73, Bill

San Joaquin Valley

SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY SECTION Report for the month of July 2007: SM Charles McConnell, W6DPD- ASMs K6YK and N2NS, ACC W6DPD, SEC N6ZFN, OOC N1VM, STM K6RAU, PIC KE6IGJ, TC W6TE. Greetings from the ARRL San Joaquin Valley Section. If you desire your club information and events to be listed in Section News, please send the information to [email protected]. I get very little information. If your club has a newsletter, please send it to me, email to [email protected] or via U.S Mail. Mark your calendars. The ARRL Southwest Division Convention, HAMCON, is September 7-9, 2007 at the Marriott Hotel in Torrance CA. Check for information. The California QSO Party is October 6-7, 2007. Check www.cqp. org for information. The California Historical Radio Society Central Valley Chapter Swap Meet is October 6, 2007 at the corner of 13th and X Streets in Merced. Check for information. Pacificon 2007 is October 19-21, 2007 at the Marriott Hotel in San Ramon CA. Check for information. The International DX Convention is April 25-28, 2008 at Visalia. Check http://www. for information. When your affiliated club elects officers for the next year, be sure to update your club’s information on the affiliated club area of the ARRL web page so you club will get any information sent from the ARRL Club department. If you fail to update your clubs information for 2 years, your club will be placed in the inactive file. Need to take an Amateur exam? Check the ARRL web page, www. for exam information. You can also search for Amateur Radio Classes in your area. The Northern California Net (NCN), the Section Traffic Net, meets nightly on 3.533 MHZ at 7 PM Pacific Time. The slow speed training session of the net meets nightly on 3.533 MHZ at 9 PM Pacific Time. Handling traffic on CW is a good way to improve your CW skills. The Daytime Region 6 Traffic Net meets daily at 3:30 pacific time on or near 7.275 MHZ. The California Traffic Net meets daily on 3.906 MHZ and 6:30 PM local time. The noon time net meets on 7.268.5 MHz. This net handles a lot of messages. PACIFICON, the ARRL Pacific Division is October 19-21, 2007 at the Marriott Hotel in San Ramon CA. This is a good time for new Amateurs and new upgrades to view the new radios and other accessories, attend many of the numerous sessions on the various aspects of Amateur Radio where you can learn something new. The tentative schedule of sessions is posted on the Pacificon web page. Amateur Exams will be given and there is a 1-day Technician class so anyone can earn an Amateur License. You can download the PACIFICON brochure at html. This is a .pdf file. Advanced registration is $10 and it is $15 at the door. The Antenna Seminar is all day (21 of 34) [10/18/2007 3:06:04 PM] WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO

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on Friday. There is a breakfast on Saturday Morning and a banquet on Saturday night. ARRL members can be initiated into the Royal Order of the Wouff Hong at midnight Saturday night. The Swap meet is Sunday morning. This is a great event for all Amateurs, experienced and new. Full details for Pacificon can be found at This site has all the prices for the various activities that take place at the convention. Keep watching this site as new information is posted from time to time as the details are worked out. It is my sad duty to report that W6TD Terry is a Silent Key. He will be missed. Norm, N6JV, won the Pacific Division Single Operator Low Power in the 2007 ARRL CW International DX Contest. The Central California DX Club sponsors this plaque and another plaque in the ARRL SSB International DX Contest. The Turlock ARC provided communications support for the July 4th parade in Turlock. The Club has the W6HHD D Star System active on Mt. Bullion. The system is on 144.62 MHZ, 444.1125 MHZ and 1284.100 MHZ voice and 1249.225 MHZ for data. Contact Grady, K6IXA for information. The California QSO Party is October 6-7, 2007. This state contest is perhaps the best of the state QSO Parties. This gives California stations the opportunity to be the “DX” stations and sought after by stations in other states and countries. Check www.cqp. org for information on the California QSO Party. It begins at 1600 UTC on October 6 and ends at 2200 UTC October 7. The exchange is serial number (the number of the contact) and county. You will received a serial number and stateWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO from out of state contacts and county for California contacts. Traffic for July: K6RAU 32, W6DPD 1, and W6SX 11. Total 44. PSHR: K6RAU 71 and W6SX 40.

Santa Clara Valley

Santa Clara Valley Section News Summary. July, 2007 SANTA CLARA VALLEY: SM, Bill Dale, N2RHV n2rhv@arrl. org ASM Admin, John Amos, KC6TVM, [email protected] ASM Web/Wiki, Tom Walsh, K1TW, [email protected] ASM Jim Oberhofer, KN6PE, [email protected] SEC, DEC, ASM, Santa Clara Co, Larry Carr, KE6AGJ, [email protected] DEC, Monterey Co, David J. Burbidge, W6IIQ, [email protected] DEC, San Benito Co, Kathy Hill, KB6INO, [email protected] DEC, San Mateo Co, Peter Liljequist, KD6BXY, [email protected] DEC, San Mateo Co, Laurence Nelson, KC6NYG, [email protected] DEC, Santa Cruz Co, Cap Pennell, KE6AFE, [email protected] BM/Webmaster, Frank Kibbish Jr, WB6MRQ, [email protected] OOC, Andy Korsak, KR6DD, [email protected] TC, Kit Blank, WA6PWW, [email protected] =Section positions open include Affiliated Club Coordinator (ACC), Net Manager (NM), Section Traffic Manager (STM), Public Information Coordinator (PIC) and Public Information Officers (PIO) and several others. Among them are an "ASM for Scouting and Youth" and several more ASM position to cover the five counties. This is YOUR Section - please consider helping all Hams by filling one of these important positions. =The wiki-based SCV web site on is up and running. My new ASM, Tom, K1TW, [email protected] is going to work on getting the content on both old and new sites up to date. Send him your corrections and get your club access to the wiki. Here's the link: =The Field Day Section Manager Challenge is still on! The Section Manager Challenge is a photo contest! I want to see the BEST stills and video of your Field Day event. The goal is to use these pictures to present Ham Radio to the public. Show your FD effort as a fun and social activity with something for everyone! =The winner of the QST Cover Plaque Award for July is Jim DeLoach, WU0I, for his article "Balloon-Lifted Full-Wave Loop Antennas." Congratulations, Jim! The winner of the QST Cover Plaque award -- given to the author or authors of the best article in each issue -- is determined by a vote of ARRL members on the QST. =The August DXer from the NCDX Club is available on the club web site. Please see -> The DXer -> August. The September 20th, 2007 meeting will be held at Holder’s Country Inn, 998 South De Anza Blvd., San Jose (408 244 2798) at 7:30 PM. =Registration is now open for the Seventh USA Championships of Amateur Radio Direction Finding (ARDF), which take place September 14-16, 2007 near South Lake Tahoe on the California/Nevada border. The registration form and more information is at along with a photo page of Camp Concord. =Sunday, September 23, 2007: Tour for Woodside. Contact Peter Liljequist, KD6BXY, for details or to volunteer. =On September 29, the Bay Area Ridge Trail organization and the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District will host the 2nd Annual Ridge Trail Cruz. An event description can be found here: http://www.ridgetrail. org/calendar/detail.cfm?ID=203 =California QSO Party (CQP) 2007. 1600 UTC - 6 October 2007 to 2200 UTC - 7 October 2007. Perhaps the most fun that a new HF ham in California can have on the radio. Operating hints at Rules - =Coyote Creek Cycling Classic supporting the local Santa Clara BSA Council will be held on October 13, 2007 in Morgan Hill. Ham Radio Operators will be needed to support this event. =Ken Dueker, KB6BPM , [[email protected] or 650-617-3100 x1281] announces a Amateur Radio ("Ham") License Class, Tuesdays: 6:30 pm - 9 pm: Oct. 2, 9, 16 & 23 (Oct. 23 is exam night) to be held at the Menlo Park Fire Sta. 77: 1467 Chilco St. in Menlo Park. (22 of 34) [10/18/2007 3:06:04 PM] WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO

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The cost is $35.00. The ARRL Ham Radio License book will be provided for this class. There will also be a special Emergency Communications Training Class (ideal for new radio operators or those wishing to learn about ARES/RACES). Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2007: 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm Location is TBD. COST: $35.00 [make check payable to "Menlo Park Fire Protection District" please bring your check to first class and give to Carol Parker]. =Announcing an Amateur Radio ("Ham") One-Day License Class, Sunday, October 14th, 2007, 8:00am - 5pm, to be held at the Washington Hospital West, Fremont. The cost is $30.00. REGISTER here: QUESTIONS: Ross Peterson, VOICE: 650-349-5349, E-MAIL:[email protected] Pass along the flier at =Pacificon 2007 is just s few weeks away. The American Radio Relay League Pacific Division & the Mt. Diablo Amateur Radio Club Presents: PACIFICON 2007 Amateur Radio Convention October 19-21, 2007, San Ramon Marriott Hotel San Ramon, California. For Events, Schedules and Ticket Sales go to: For Hotel Reservations Call 1-800-228- 9290 Before October 4, 2007. Ask for the Special Pacificon 2007 Rate of $84 per night. =The ARRL Club monthly newsletter is out: Mentoring Activity Is Active Mentoring. Check it out! =Once your club is affiliated, it remains affiliated. To stay actively affiliated, you must complete and submit an Annual Report at least once a year. Your club's status will be changed to inactive should 2 years go by without our receiving an Annual Report. Your club can return to active status at any timeWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO by simply completing and submitting an Annual Report. The NASA ***AMES Amateur Radio Club is late – get online and update your reports! **** Please update your club record at this time: • Locate your club in the club search • If you can't find your club then it may be listed as inactive. Try the big club list: club/biglist.html (Search inactive clubs as well as active clubs.) Click on the highlighted club name to see the club detailed information. At the bottom of this page click on the highlighted phrase "submit updated data for this club record." After you've made your changes, HIT the "SUBMIT REPORT" key and your update will be sent to us. After the submitted data is reviewed, updates are made and changes can be viewed on the web in a few days. Please hit the submit key only once.

Roanoke Division

North Carolina

JULY NORTH CAROLINA SECTION NEWS NC SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS Congratulations to the following North Carolina hams who have won Foundation for Amateur Radio (FAR) scholarships: Josh Fisher, W4WJF of Vale; Daniel Ellis, KG4IVC of Pikeville; Robbie Rikard, KG4MBQ of New Bern; and Catherine McDaniel, WB4CAT of Mooresville. KB4C AWARD Larry Withrow, AF4HX, of Marion, NC has received the 2007 Miriam Smith, KB4C Memorial Award for outstanding contributions to amateur radio emergency and public service communications in Western North Carolina. The award was presented at the Western Carolina Hamfest on July 28th. Larry has participated in many SET's and simulated Disaster drills and almost single- handedly coordinated the 15 county participation in the Homeland Security terrorist & hostage drill held in 2005. Larry and the Marion club (MARA) pulled it off almost flawlessly. The award is named in honor of Miriam Smith, KB4C who became a silent key in July 1995. Miriam was one of those amateur radio operators who felt deeply about her emergency and public service communications. SIMULATED EMERGENCY TEST It's not too early to begin planning your 2007 SET exercise. The national weekend is October 6-7, but your excercise can be held anytime before the end of the year. During September, the ARRL will be among dozens of organizations and agencies taking part in National Preparedness Month. "The Ready Campaign," produced by the Ad Council in partnership with the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS), is aimed at making citizen preparedness "a priority for every city, every neighborhood and every home" in the US. The ARRL encourages you to consider this year's Simulated Emergency Test and preparations for it as a demonstration of Amateur Radio's readiness and as an active participant in National Preparedness Month. One area of emphasis you might consider excercising this year is your ability to deploy resources quickly with little advanced notice. The ARRL's recent National Emergency Response Planning Committee empahsized the importance of this capability, stating "in the USA, we see a post-Katrina emphasis on speeding up the deployment of sophisticated communications systems after disasters so that governmental and non-governmental organizations can get to work quickly. As the emergency telecomm world as a whole speeds up its reaction time, so we hams must be better organized, more capable, and as quick as possible on the scene after our help is requested, if we are not to arrive after our window of usefulness has closed. Given ham radio’s dependency on emergency communications as our reason to exist in this country, it would be (23 of 34) [10/18/2007 3:06:04 PM] WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO

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suicidal to assume that what we have always been able to do, at the speed we have always been able to do it, will be just fine to maintain our relevance into the indefinite future." CSN CHANGE OF COMMAND The Carolina Slow Net (CSN) meets daily at 8pm on 3695kHz for training operators at CW traffic handling. The net generally runs at 8 to 10 WPM and is a great opportunity to get your feet wet in a supportive, no- pressure environment. Carl Starnes, W4EAT, has been CSN net manager for over seven years and has decided to take a well earned break from these duties. Don Negas, N0SU, has agreed to take over as CSN Net Manager for Carl. Thanks to both Carl and Don for their support of our National Traffic System. ANY NEWS ITEMS? The email you are reading is sent to almost 2,000 ARRL members in North Carolina and posted at www.arrl. org. I'm happy to share announcements or events that might be of interest in the section. I know there's lots going on that I miss every month, so let me know via email at [email protected]. UPCOMING PUBLIC SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES Sept 8: Light the Night Walk, Raleigh Sept 11: Light the Night Walk, Durham Sept 15-16: MS-150 Breakaway to the Beach, Myrtle Beach (coordinated by Mecklenburg ARS). Oct 6: RTP Diabetes Walk Nov 4: City of Oaks Marathon, Raleigh UPCOMING EVENTS Aug 25: Area 12 ARES Meeting, Lenoir Aug 28: Central Carolina Skywarn Spotter Dinner, Raleigh Aug 31 to Sept 1-2: Shelby Hamfest Sept 1: Traffic Handlers' Lunch, 11:30am, Jackson's Cafeteria, Shelby Oct 14: Mayesville Hamfest Oct 20: Pfafftown Swapfest JULY TRAFFIC W4UEF, 655 (BPL), W2EAG 213, K4IWW 125, W4DNA 106, KE4JHJ 82, W4NCD 80, N3BW 77, W4TTOWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO 58, K4RLD 57, KI4RBB 56, WA4OBR 56, KI4YV 55, W4LN 54, WA2YBM 45, W4FAL 43, KE4AHC 36, K4LKN 29, W4EHF 28, W3HL 19, K8SKX 18, KI4PNL 9, KD4WAX 8, KR4ZJ 6l JUNE PSHR W4DNA 170, K4RLD 160, WA2YBM 150, KI4RBB 148, W4FAL 130, K4IWW 120, KE4JHJ 110, W2EAG 110, W4LN 105, W4TTO 100, KI4YV 90, W4WNT 40 NC ARES MEMBERS: 1,699

South Carolina

Greetings to all Amateur Radio Operators. This is Dr. Jim, N2ZZ with the August 2007 South Carolina Section Manager's Report! Please remember that the SC Section website can be found at: where my full SM report will be listed as well as up-to-the-date information on Amateur Radio in South Carolina! The Trident Amateur Radio Club (TARC), Charleston, SC, had their first annual Tailgate Party on August 11th. I'm happy to report that Charlie AE4UX, SEC and I were able to attend their inaugural event! Twelve sellers attended along with many lookers and buyers, and a good time was had by all. My thanks to Dennis KG4RUL, PIC and Vince KI4AOC, EC for taking Charlie and me on a guided tour of the Berkeley County Emergency Operations Center during our visit! Our best wishes to Johnnie WA4UGD who is recovering from Back Surgery. I was notified by Jim WB4DLD that Johnnie is undergoing physical therapy to get him back on his feet, and that things are going well. I just returned from the Huntsville Hamfest, the site of the 2007 ARRL National Convention. The hamfest was preceded by the GAREC (Global Amateur Radio Emergency Communication) conference . Charlie AE4UX, SEC attended the GAREC conference. He indicated to me that the conference allowed a great deal of networking between attendees. The difficulties and hurdles faced by hams around the world in providing emergency communications were truly eye-opening. It is anticipated that this opportunity of hams around the world to interact and share ideas regarding emergency communications will break down barriers, both technical and legal, over time. A position statement was agreed upon during the conference, and should be published and on the internet soon. Keep a watch on the website above as well as the www.arrl. org website for updates! The Huntsville Hamfest was a great opportunity for me to meet and interact with a number of ARRL officials. I arrived in Huntsville after the GAREC conference, and while looking at the emergency vehicles parked outside the hotel, Dave K1ZZ, CEO of the ARRL came up to speak with both me and Charlie, discussing the conference and the future of emergency communications. He introduced us to Dennis Dura K2DCD, who is the new manager of ARRL Emergency Preparedness and Response. We had the opportunity to apprise both of the work being done in South Carolina, including the SCHEARTS program. Dennis had a chance to review our new SC RACES ID cards, and was intrigued that our cards are referenced to our driver's licenses for photo identification. Dennis has only logged two weeks on the job, but I can tell you that he has the drive, interest, and personality to move the ARRL forward with emergency communications. I also had the opportunity to meet with other SM's and several Directors. In fact, I had a pleasant breakfast with Earl Smith VE6NM, President of Radio Amateurs of Canada and George Isely W9GIG, Central Division Director. Both were former pilots, and they certainly had some interesting "war stories"! One of the highlights, however, was the retirement party of Frank Butler W4RH, Southeastern Division Director. Frank is completing 50 years of elected service to the ARRL. Frank was honored at a reception in his honor on Saturday. Dave Sumner K1ZZ presented a plaque to Frank for his service to the ARRL and to Amateur Radio in general. There will be at least four individuals running in the next (24 of 34) [10/18/2007 3:06:04 PM] WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO

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Southeastern Division election to fill the resulting vacancy. I had a pleasant surprise when returning home. I, like many others, spent a great deal of time trying to work BS7H, Scarborough Reef, despite poor propagation to the East Coast. After the online logs were uploaded, I had no QSO's listed in the log. I was sure I worked them at least one time, and after submitting my QSL to their QSL manager with a request to re-examine the logs, I received a QSL card from BS7H in the mail! I hope others in SC had the same opportunity to work this much needed DX entity! That's it for August! Have a great month, and don't forget the Shelby Hamfest in North Carolina which now is a three day hamfest, August 31st, Sept 1st and 2nd. Information can be found at: . See you next month! July 2007 National Traffic System Report for South Carolina by Mac Heaton N4MEH, STM NET REPORTS: Net Name/Check Ins/ Traffic/Sessions/Reported By Anderson Radio Club 2M Net/812/37/31/N4MEH Carolina's Net/302/97/57/ W2EAG Carolina Slow Net/180/32/31/W4EAT Columbia ARC 2 Meter Net/242/0/9/W4RWL Grand Strand ARC 2M Net/175/15/13/KI4HEE Greater Pee Dee 2 Meter Net/752/33/31/K4DTT Greenwood ARC 2 Meter Net/87/5/4/W4DEW Oconee 2M Net/255/20/13/N9GSX PALS Net/937/63/31/KG4KOE SC SSB Net/1742/65/31/WB4DLD York Co. ARS 2 Meter FM Net/718/10/50/KI4NBA York Co. ARS 2 Meter SSB Net/3/0/1/KI4NBA STATION ACTIVITY REPORTS: Station/Sent/Received/Delivered/Originated/ Total KA4LRM/6/10/4/0/20WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO AE4FA/1/1/1/0/3 KA4UIV/24/43/26/0/93 WB4DLD/3/28/1/3/35 N4MEH/7/48/7/5/67 PUBLIC SERVICE HONOR ROLL: Station/Cat1/Cat2/Cat3/Cat4/Cat5/Cat6/ Total KA4LRM/40/20/20/0/0/0/80 N4MEH/40/40/20/0/0/0/100 Have a great month! '73 de Dr. Jim N2ZZ ARRL Section Manager South Carolina Section


Section Manager’s Report for July 2007 Work continues to progress on the Virginia Section Emergency Communications Plan. Henry Wyatt, K4YCR our SEC is serving as editor on the project as different section cabinet members are working on various portions of the manual. This document will serve as both a field manual and reference tool by the NTS within Virginia as well as Amateur Radio Emergency Service. This doesn’t eliminate the need for local emergency communications plans and ECs are encouraged to continue to develop and refine their local plans. This will allow local ARES units to better understand how they can incorporate the district and section in mutual support for their local ARES unit. We will be making contact with persons that have completed ARECC level one and have expressed an interest in serving on an Emergency Response Team (ERT). Only those that have registered with ARES at the section level will be contacted. There will be other qualifications for these teams consistent with the recommendations of the National Emergency Response Planning Committee (NERPC). These include the following minimum standards; ARRL’s ARECC Level 1 Red Cross combined course in Adult CPR/First Aid Basics Red Cross online Introduction to Disaster Services ( FEMA IS-100 (Introduction to Incident Command System) FEMA IS-200 (ICS for Single Resource and Initial Action Incidents) FEMA IS- 700 (National Incident Management System) We will be requiring a criminal background check to ensure that the members do not have a felony conviction as part of their history. This is a requirement in many areas now. Aside from the ARECC level 1 training we will phase in the other course requirements to allow team members time to achieve the other qualifications by July of 2008. Our ASM Dan Edwards continues to work on programming of an interactive Virginia Section Registrations form. This will allow ARES members and all section appointees to view and update their files as changes are made in the contact information as well as personal or station capabilities. Your information will be password protected Scholarships Awarded! Congratulations to those Amateur Radio licensees within our section that were recently awarded scholarships by The Foundation For Amateur Radio. These include the following hams, Andrew M Krumm, KG4OTL of Greenbackville Virginia, $1,000 from the Naticoke Amateur Radio Club. Seth T. Price, N3MRA of Blacksburg Virginia $1,000 from the 10-10 International Net Scholarship, Hao Q: Li, KI4LDJ of Fairfax Virginia, $1,500 from the Mary Lou Brown Memorial Scholarship We would like to thank Steve Krumm, KV4AN for providing a steady hand of leadership as our Section Traffic Manager. Steve has served not only as traffic manager but also has assumed net control of traffic nets in their day-to-day operation. Steven plans to continue to be active in the NTS but will be passing the responsibility of STM to Art Williams, W4TY. Let’s give Art our support as he assumes this new responsibility. Tower Ordinances Since PRB-1 was enacted as the federal preemption of state and local regulations pertaining to Amateur radio facilities, we have seen state after state adapt a state law to clarify support of these efforts at the state level. The Commonwealth of Virginia was one of the earlier states to adapt a state code compatible with the national preemption. Virginia’s was also one of the strongest and clearest enacted to date. As a result most localities that have written (25 of 34) [10/18/2007 3:06:04 PM] WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO

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tower coding in the commonwealth since 1998 have researched and followed the requirements of this statue to provide for a “reasonable accommodation” for Amateur Radio antennas in regard to the placement, and screening heights of Amateur Radio antennas. Localities are to “impose the minimum regulation necessary to accomplish the locality’s legitimate purpose.” Amateur Radio has encountered a real problem with antenna instillations in Franklin County Virginia. Recently I attended a Franklin County Zoning Board meeting in which a decision to uphold citing a local ham for tower construction was upheld by the board. The board was acting on their county code that was adapted since the Virginia Code of Virginia 15.2-2293.1 was passed and signed into law. The Amateur Radio Licensee, in question, had researched the property prior to his purchasing the land and was assured that there was no CC&R associated with his lot of about 1.25 acres. He obtained permission from the homeowner’s association board prior to his construction project and also checked with the local building inspector to see if a permit was necessary prior to the erection of his tower. He was told that a permit was not required. Franklin County government has been very supportive of Amateur Radio in the county and there is a very active ARES unit in the county supporting both local government and local agencies. It is hoped that this issue can be resolved in the near future. It is the feeling of many of the Amateur Radio operators in the county that the county adapted a tower code out of concerns over the proliferation cell towers in the area. The problem is that the entire maze of restrictions applied to these towers has been superimposedWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO unto Amateur Radio towers. It appears that the language of this county ordinance may have been borrowed from another document and was never intended as a document to allow for “a reasonable accommodation” for Amateur Radio. Some of these restrictions include such requirements as “each applicant for a tower shall provide the department of planning and community development with an inventory of its existing facilities that are within the jurisdiction” or within 5 miles of its border. You are required to verify evidence of the lack of antenna space on an existing tower. An engineering report certifying that the proposed tower is compatible for a minimum of (4) users must be submitted by the applicant. All towers shall set back from any property line a distance of (120) percent of the tower height and can’t be situated within 500 feet of residential dwelling unit located on a adjacent parcel except this setback will not apply to residential dwellings on the property owner etc, etc. Any reasonable person can see this is not even close to making a “reasonable accommodation" as both state and federal preemption requires. Nor does it represent minimum regulations necessary. The neighboring county to the north (Roanoke County) has a much higher population density and their code for Amateur Radio towers has a 40 % rather than a 120 % setback requirement. Roanoke doesn’t have a 500 ft setback from a dwelling, the 40% of tower height is the requirement. Towers do not collapse by shearing at the bottom and falling full length. I have not found any jurisdictions in the Commonwealth of Virginia that have attempted to apply this type of code to Amateur Radio structures. If this proceeds to litigation, Franklin County would have an impossible task of defending this code as being a “reasonable accommodation” or “representing the minimum regulations necessary”. This type of local code needs to be a concern to all the 20,000 plus hams in Virginia and the 700,000 plus Amateur Radio operators across the nation. As SM I will continue to keep the Amateur Radio community informed of developments.

Rocky Mountain Division

New Mexico

Section News, July, 2007 The League has announced the upcoming election for a New Mexico Section Manger. For personal reasons, I do not intend to stand for re-election. The details on the nomination and election process can be found on page 78 of the August, 2007, edition of QST. I have enjoyed my tenure as your Section Manager and I thank you for your support during the past four years. The 2007 Duke City Hamfest will take place Friday and Saturday, August 17 and 18, at the UNM Continuing Education Center. The location is the corner of University and Indian School. This year’s event will also host the 2007 ARRL Rocky Mountain Division Convention. The hours are from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Friday, and from 8:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, with a banquet at 6:00 p.m. Saturday night. The banquet is sold out, but prize tickets are still available. Check out the web site for details, maps and more information. The “Voice of the Duke City Hamfest”, otherwise known as Dee, KC5JBO, will be on the 145.33 and 444.00 repeaters to help you find the place. Admission is free and there is plenty of parking. Tail-gating is free this year and takes place on Saturday. Space is on a first-come, first-served basis And if that isn’t enough excitement for you, head to Alamogordo on Saturday, September 1, for the Alamogordo Amateur Radio Club’s 23rd annual Hamfest. It will be at the Otero County Fairgrounds and will be open from 7:00 a.m. until 2:00 p. (26 of 34) [10/18/2007 3:06:04 PM] WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO

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m. Admission is free, and the talk-in frequencies are 146.800 (negative off-set, 100 Hz) and 444.825 (positive off-set, 67 Hz). The AARC puts on a good event and really would like to see you there. For more information contact Charley Carpenter, W5NMX, at (505) 434-2543 or Larry Moore, WA5UNO, at (505) 437- 0145. The next event after Alamogordo will be the Socorro Hamfest in October. Watch this space for information on that one as the date approaches. Ed Rico, N5LI, is actively recruiting volunteers for various public service events around the state. This would be a great chance for you to really help out and put your talents to good use. A number of us have volunteered in the past and enjoyed it. Please volunteer if you can and contact Ed via [email protected] or [email protected] to learn more. A lot of good newsletters are showing up in my mailbox, for which I thank you. The editors are doing good work, helping to let their communities know what the clubs are doing. Not everybody can make every meeting and the newsletters help keep everyone informed. The Albuquerque ARC, The Local Oscillator from the MVRC, Totah ARC in Farmington, HDARC News from Rio Rancho and Albuquerque’s West Side, The Deming ARC Communicator, and the Valencia County ARC newsletter. Thank you all, and keep up the good work. Net counts for July: Breakfast Club 1196/166, NM Roadrunner Traffic Net 1204/71, Valencia County ARA Net 64/10, Rusty’s Raiders 756/89, Yucca Net 796/31, Four Corners Net 403/18, Caravan Club Net 54/5, SCAT Net 704/11 High Desert ARA Net 44/9. We were saddened to learn of the passing of Alcide “Al” Santilli, W5QPW, a renowned glider pilot,WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO age 93, who was still flying gliders at the age of 92; Lowell Richardson, ex-W5UBW; Jodie Trout, N5VXY; and Bob Henderson, KG5GB. Until next time, keep smiling – it makes people wonder what you’ve been up to. 73, de KM5FT

Southeastern Division


SM: Susan Swiderski, AF4FO; ASM/South GA: Marshall Thigpen, W4IS; ASM/Legal: Jim Altman, W4UCK; ASM/Webmaster: Bob Smith, K4PHE; ASM/Youth: Andrea Hartlage, KG4IUM; ASM/ Scouting: David Pearce, ABØNG; SEC: Jim Cote, N4PJR; STM: Charles Pennington, K4GK; OOC: Mike Swiderski, K4HBI; TC: Jim Worsham, W4KXY; PIC: Norm Schklar,WA4ZXV; SGL: Bill Cherepy, WB4WTN; ACC: Robin Cutshaw, AA4RC Greetings, All, Well, here we are, just about at the mid-way point of yet another month. Not much in the way of news to report, but this mid-monthly summary is supposed to be part of every SM's duty, and as you all know, I'm now a well-seasoned SM. ('Course, with the triple digit and near triple digit weather we've all been enduring this month, the seasoning I'm talking about is SALT...) This past weekend was the hamfest up in Ellijay, and though it was a little disappointing to discover that they didn't have much in the way of "cool mountain air" up there either, it was a jim-dandy hamfest. They call themselves the "biggest little hamfest" in Georgia, and that's no exaggeration. By guesstimate, the attendance appeared to be even larger than last year, with hams there from all over GA, and from TN and AL, too. And everybody I talked to was having a terrific time. Lots of good deals to be made, lots of friendly people to talk to, great door prizes, and a really good BBQ lunch to top it all off. Can't ask for more than that! Many thanks to all of the members of the Ellijay ARS for all of the hard work they put into hosting this fun event. And they still don't charge anything to attend! Amazing! If you missed it this year, try to make it next year. Talking about hamfests, don't forget.... this coming weekend is the big ARRL National Convention at the fest in Huntsville. Hope to see a lot of GA hams there. Tons of activities and forums will be offered, along with an ARRL EXPO.(there's even gonna be a Woulff Hong ceremony on Saturday night!) CONGRATULATIONS to the recently elected officers of the Atlanta ARC: President- JIM FARMER, N4IBW; VP- GEORGE LANE, KI4DSO; Secretary- BILL PERKINS, KB4KFT; Treasurer- CHARLES GOLSEN, W4CHG; and Activities Chairman- ROB OSATTIN, KI4UTY. Best wishes for a great year. Premature congratulations, also, to the officers and members of the La Grange ARC, who are in line to become the next ARRL Affiliated Club in Georgia. Final approval should be coming up very shortly, so allow me to be the first to tell them "Welcome aboard." One more offer of congratulations, but it's to an individual, not a club. CHARLES DAVIS, WA4UJC, has been selected by the GA Single Side Band Association as its Ham of the Year. So, congratulations to him. He's well-deserving of this honor. It's good to report that the Liberty county ARES group has recently signed a formal MOU with the county EMA there. Good work, guys. For those of you in the metro Atlanta area, there's a club meeting in Gwinnett county tonight that you might enjoy. PAUL PESCITELLI, K4UJ, will be doing a presentation, based on his adventures as part of this year's DX-pedition to Scarborough Reef, at tonight's GARS meeting. See www. for directions to the meeting place. Should be very interesting. (and if that great program isn't enough to make you want to come, the club also provides some great donuts!) SILENT KEYS: HASKELL MAY, KC4BQC; (27 of 34) [10/18/2007 3:06:04 PM] WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO

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W.R. RANDALL, W5ADB; PAUL SLIGH, K4UYC. Sincere condolences to the families and friends of each of these fine men. Well, folks, that's about it for now. If you have any news that you'd like to share for the September newsletter, please send it this way. I can't report it if I don't know it. Until then, this is AF4FO, signing clear. Take care of yourselves. And each other. (And keep coooool) 73, Susan QTC August: K4GK- 93; WA4UJC-62; K8GA-52; WB4BIK-50; N4VAD-27; K4BAI-21 +++ No trees were killed in the sending of this message. However, a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced. +++

Puerto Rico

August, 2007 We are still recovering from last hamfest. It was the FRA's (Federación de Radio Aficionados) summer hamfest at Rincón, PR, about a hundred miles west of San Juan. As usual, we met many fellow hams, there was a flea market, lunch and a raffle. This month many are preparing for the International Lighthouse & Lightship Weekend 2007. It's a natural for us with so many lighthouses around the island. We know of at least three groups that will participate. These are The Caribbean Amateur Radio Group from Arecibo, the Cofresí Radio Club from Cabo Rojo and the RODE ARC from Fajardo. I will not be on the island that weekendWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO because will be attending the ARRL Southeast Division convention at Huntsville, AL. I'll let you know when I get back. The MRPR (Movimiento de Radioaficionados de Puerto Rico) has already started planning their Christmas activity to be held sometime during december. It will be open to all hams and their families. The ARRL's VHF/UHF award manager, Julio Medina, NP3CW, kindly has given us details about the VHF/UHF certificates. The information was posted on my personal web site, Three months have passed without any storm or hurricane visit. However, next three months are the most active. Therefore, it is very very important that we all keep informed. We have various groups that are keeping up to date on this. There is the Skywarn, the weather net, the info net, the local TV and radio stations, the local newspapers and the internet. There is no reason not to know. Thats all for now, thanks to all. More information can be found at, // and 73's to all de Robert, kp4ac. ======Agosto 2007 Estamos recuperándonos del último hamfest. Fué la actividad de verano de la FRA (Federación de Radio Aficionados) en Rincón, PR como a cien millas al oeste de San Juan. Como de costumbre nos encontramos a muchos compañeros radioaficionados, hubo cambalache y venta de cachibaches, almuerzo y una rifa. En este mes muchos se están preparando ya para el fin de semana del los faros. Es natural para nosotros dado la cantidad de faros alrededor de Puerto Rico. Sabemos de por lo menos tres grupos que van a participar. Estos son el Caribbean Amateur Radio Group de Arecibo, El Radio Club Cofresí de Cabo Rojo y el RODE (Radio Operadores del Este) de Fajardo. Yo no estaré en la isla durante ese fin de semana ya que estaré asistiendo a la asamblea de la División Sur Este de la ARRL en Huntsville, AL. Les contaré a mi regreso. El MRPR (Movimiento de Radioaficionados de PR, mejor conocido como la "Polilla") ha comenzado a planificar su actividad de navidad que se celebrará durante el mes de diciembre. Están todos los radio aficionados y sus familias invitados. Nuestro administrador de los certificados de la ARRL para VHF/UHF, Julio Medina, NP3CW, bondadosamente nos ha suministrado detalles sobre estos certificados. La información fué puesta en mi página personal de internet, Tres meses an pasado sin que nos visite alguna tormenta o huracán. Sin embargo, los próximos tres meses son los mas activos. Es muy importante que nos mantengamos informados. Hay varios grupos que se mantienen al día en esto. Está la rueda de Skywarn, la del tiempo, el info net, las emisoras de radio y TV locales, los periódicos y el internet. No hay razón para no estar informado. Eso es todo por ahora, Muchas gracias a todos. Más información puede encontrarse en www., // y 73's a todos de Robert, kp4ac.

Southern Florida

Hi Everyone, From time to time I see good comments in club newsletters that I like to share. Here is a recent comment from the Fort Myers ARC Modulator: When Hams get together, only good things happen with long lasting friendships. Be a participating Ham and share your presence at meetings and on the nets. You’ll be happier for the effort – de Darrell Phillips, N4OKS. Thanks for the great words, Darrell. Here’s 3 links with useful information for every EmComm operator. Pass them to others: training/SimplexOPSRev11Aug06.doc +Personal+Preparedness.doc More changes in your SFL leadership team. Hugh Connolly, AG4HC has rejoined us as Assistant Section Manager for Training. He has (28 of 34) [10/18/2007 3:06:04 PM] WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO

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put together a great PowerPoint presentation for teaching Level 1 ARECC classes and it is available to Instructors and ECs in the SFL section only. He is also working on other presentations for our use. After many years serving the SFL section in various ways Bruce Reid, K9SHT has stepped down as ASM and DEC. Bruce will be devoting more time to family and personal matters and hopefully will rejoin the team at a later time. Thank you Bruce for all of your time, energy, and ideas for many years. Filling Bruce’s slot as Treasure Coast DEC is Steve Blary, N1XC. Steve has been EC of Martin County for several years and is well known in the district. Stepping into the Martin EC position is Russ Ackerman, AI7Q. He has been active in Martin ARES for several years, most recently as Lt. EC. Thank you all for stepping up to the plate! Last month I mentioned changes in our website. Miss Evelyn, W4WYR has retired as webmaster. She began the site years ago when there were few websites for small groups. I have kept her busy with news articles, changes in personnel, requests for additional information and she has kept pace. Thank you, Evelyn. In lieu of an Attagirl we planned a special presentation at the recent ARES meeting, which unfortunately was changed at the last minute. A special Certificate of Merit has been presented to Evelyn and the photo is on the section news page at The newly designed website will be live later this week. Visit www. and let us know what you think. It is still a work in progress. We will be adding photos and bios of the section leadership team. Also to be added is a Speakers Bureau page that will list speakers for club meetings as well as speakers for WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.ROnon-ham groups. That page needs volunteers. Send me ([email protected]) your name and contact information if you wish to be on either list and please include whether or not you want to appear on the web or you want someone to act as an agent. We also need someone to volunteer to be a Speakers Agent – someone to sort e-mail and phone requests and match speakers and groups needing a speaker. Next, let’s talk about PR. The question was raised recently about why do we care about public relations – we are just doing our job as emergency communicators. First, what is PR? It helps establish and maintain mutual communications, understanding, acceptance and cooperation between an organization and its various audiences. It's about building reputations, developing relationships, creating a positive image and informing and persuading people, and changing behavior. People act on their own perception of the facts before them, which leads to predictable behaviors. Ask yourself what your neighbor, local government officials, local business leaders, your relatives, your co-workers, fellow members of non-ham groups that you belong to, and cashiers at the local grocery store or restaurant think about ham radio. If their behavior and perception is not 100% positive and accurate, then we need to be concerned about PR. Some simple ways to create a positive and accurate image for ham radio: Are your club or ARES group brochures accurate and current? Does your group have and regularly use local brochures and ARRL brochures? Are your websites up to date – no more than six weeks old? Do all brochures and websites have the ARES ® registered trademark notice? Are all group meetings and test sessions listed (correctly) on local community websites and with local media outlets? REPORTS: AMATEUR RADIO EMERGENCY SERVICE: Total number of ARES members: 1239, Change since last month: -64 Number of DECs/ECs reporting –11, ARES nets active: 17 Sessions 66, 6 nets have NTS liaison. DECs/ECs reporting: N4LEM, WA2DXQ, N5KFR, AA4BN, WA4ASJ, WA4GUK, AI7Q, AD4RZ, AG4AN, KA4HLO, K4NNX Number of drills, tests and training sessions this month: 24, Person hours 143 Number of public service events this month: 3, Person hours 62 Number of emergency operations this month: 1, Person hours 1 Total number of ARES operations this month: 28, Total Person hours 206 SFL ARES Net Report --- QNI 15 QTC 1 Time 14 Min. Comments: The Southern Florida Section held a section wide ARES staff meeting on July 21st at the Palm Beach County EOC. There were 45 in attendance and 11 of our 14 counties were represented. Attendees were ECs, DECs, AECs and PIOs. Osceola County: We have been successful in establishing our relationship with the Board of County Commissioners and the Emergency Operation Center. We are conducting meetings at the EOC and started our NIMS training schedule for new members. A new MOU (ILA) has been approved by the county commissioners. SARs for July 2007: KA4FZI 386, KE4CB 57, K4FQU 48, WA4EIC 47, AA4BN 44, NY4E 41, KC4TM 14, W4WYR 10 ======PSHRs for July 2007: KA4FZI 120, K4FQU 110, WA4EIC 100, AA4BN 82, NY4E 57, W4DKB 40 ======Bulletin Report from KE4UEI: Recd 21, Sent 0, Total 21 ======NET REPORTS for July 2007 NET, ABB, SESS, QNI, QTC, MGR All Florida CW Traffic Net, QFN, 62, 546, 282, NY4E Florida Amateur SSBTraffic Net, FAST, 31, 179, 29, K4SCL Florida Medium Speed Net, FMSN, 30, 205, 39, AG4RJ/AB4XK Jupiter-Tequesta Repeater Group, JTRG, 6, 104, 23, AG4BV/KF4NJB Saint Lucie Repeater Assn, SLRA, 5, 34, 0, KE4UEI Southeast Florida Traffic Net, SEFTN, 37, 517, 51, AG4RJ/AI4GE Southwest Florida Traffic Net, SWFTN, 26, 270, 46, K4FQU ======I will be happy to mail traffic handling information to anyone interested... Just ask. KA4FZI@ AOL. COM ======That’s all for now. Photos and updates will be done later this week on the section news page. Please continue to send me information about your club and ARES activities. Don’t forget the photos. Stay safe and stay on the air. 73, Sherri, W4STB (29 of 34) [10/18/2007 3:06:04 PM] WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO

Section News for July 2007

Southwestern Division


ARIZONA SECTION NEWS August 2007 EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS I hope you found the time to make your way to Williams this year. Not as much rain meant there was more time to search for treasure and to socialize with those you haven't seen since last year. These are good things! The Arizona Emergency Net - Maricopa activated a couple times this month during severe weather in and around Maricopa County. These activations gave the general ham public some practice in net operations, as well as a place to turn to, for up to date emergency information. A liaison station was established to bridge to the SkyWarn net which allowed us to pass any NWS criteria traffic to the SkyWarn Net Manager. I believe it functioned very smoothly, and did a service to not only the general ham population, but tended to reduce the number of non-criteria reports to the NWS. If you are a "new" ham, and have an interest in the Arizona ARES program, please take a moment and register on our website at We need everyone who has an interest in using their skills to help others. Also,WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO if you are interested in attending the Maricopa County Emergency Communications Group (MCECG) public service training class, you can go to and sign up for the class in September. Seating is limited, so please sign up early. Hope to see you there. Rick Aldom W7STS Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC) Arizona [email protected]. YOUTH AND SCOUTING We welcome another young amateur radio operator this month. Brandon Holman just passed his technician test. Brandon KE7ODY is the son of Dave Holman KE3HF and Brenda Holman N3QVK. Brandon is a Boy Scout in Troop 157 in Tucson Arizona. If you hear Brandon on the air make sure you say hi. Jim Fagan KE7IDC Assistant Section Manager (ASM) Youth and Scouting [email protected] 2008 SOUTHWESTERN DIVISON CONVENTION MESA AZ The committee for the Southwest Division Convention is making good progress on the event. I have had several people tell me that we are caught up on the time line after having a bit of a slow start. The committee is spread across the state and is making good use of technology to get the work done. Got to love the internet for bringing people together. Our website has some limited information on the convention, but is going through significant development as I write this. Our registration system will be online for this convention and it will be secure through the use of an SSL (like the Arizona ARES site), and will allow you to pay via a credit card! Personally, I think this offers a degree of flexibility that has been long overlooked in the past. September 12-14, 2008 Mesa Convention Center Rick Aldom W7STS 2008 SWD Chair [email protected]. ARIZONA OFFICIAL OBSERVERS NEEDED If you are in Arizona and would like to become an ARRL Official Observer, you are invited. The Official Observer program has been sponsored by the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) for more than 50 years to help amateurs help each other. OO appointees have assisted thousands of amateurs to maintain their transmitting equipment and operating procedures in compliance with the regulations. The object of the OO program is to notify amateurs by mail of operating/technical irregularities before they come to the attention of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The OO performs his function by listening rather than transmitting, keeping an ear out for such things as frequency instability, harmonics, hum, key clicks, broad signals, distorted audio, over deviation, out-of-band operation, etc. The OO completes his task once the notification card is sent. Amateur Auxiliary Information html Official Observer Application Carla Ackley Official Observer Coordinator (OOC) Arizona [email protected] NEW HAMS The following Arizona hams just received their FCC license, Congratulations! James Jaskie AD7OH, John Bradfield AD7OM, Andrew Barber KE7NNL, Shantel Foshie KE7NNM, Robert Karp KE7NNN, Norman Hahn KE7NNO, Arthur Moore KE7NNP, Frank Saputo KE7NNQ, Bradley Collister KE7NNR, Enrique Aleman KE7NNT, Gregory Lacosse KE7NNU, Ted Christensen KE7NNV, Donna Stanger KE7NOI, Virginia Mc Bride KE7NOJ, Gilberto Valenzuela KE7NOM, Charles Painter KE7NOV, Richard Edwards KE7NOX, Larry Kimber KE7NOY, Gerald Innis KE7NOZ, Jesse Fleming KE7NPA, Mark Lesniak KE7NQY, William Hartley KE7NRQ, William Cowell KE7NRW, Tris Floyd KE7NRX, Colton Floyd KE7NRY, John Walker KE7NRZ, Jo Keener KE7NSB, Chris Walsh KE7NTK, Clyde Pretti KE7NTL, Berkeley Krueger KE7NTM, Dylan Martin KE7NWK, Joseph Kayior KE7NZU, Stewart Ritchey KE7NZV, Andrew Gibbons KE7NZW, Fred Mccann KE7NZX, Samuel Bomyea KE7NZY, Bernard Korczyk KE7NZZ, Jeffery Veselovsky KE7OAA, Phillip Martin KE7OAB, Mark Grayczyk KE7OAD, Catherine Christy KE7OAE, Jared Beckwith KE7OAG HAMFESTS Hope you went to Williams for the Arizona State Convention. As you could tell, Cliff Hauser KD6XH and I were not there. We were on a business trip and we had to be there on Saturday. I want to thank Mark Kesauer N7KKQ Assistant Section Manager Arizona, Carl Gardenias (30 of 34) [10/18/2007 3:06:04 PM] WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO

Section News for July 2007

WU6D Section Manager Orange Section, Kathy Gardenias K6VC Assistant Section Manager Orange Section and Dick Norton N6AA Southwestern Division Director for taking care of the ARRL Booth. Carl and Kathy kept me posted on a daily basis. Pictures will be posted on the website at Congratulations to Cliff KD6XH who was elected as the new ARCA Chair. He is looking at ways to improve The Arizona State Convention. Let Cliff know of any thoughts you have [email protected] Congratulations to Lloyd Miller, N7GV - ARCA 2007 Ham of the Year. Lloyd who is a member of the Green Valley Amateur Radio Club teaches electrical theory and circuit design programs at elementary and intermediate schools in Green Valley. He also teaches amateur radio classes. There were also lots of prizes given away. Congratulations to the winners. Check out the website for the list of the winners. asp September 7-9, 2007 ARRL's Southwestern Division Convention in Torrance, CA. See October 20, 2007 OPRC Hamfest Hosted by the Old Pueblo Radio Club Tucson Electric Park, Kino Sports Park, Tucson, AZ ARCA Meeting 11:00 am Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about ARRL. If your club or group has an activity or event that would be of interest to other hams throughout our section please email me with the specifics. 73, Tom Fagan WB7NXH ARRL Section Manager Arizona Tucson Arizona (520) 574-1129WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO [email protected] or Orange

JULY NEWS Orange County Fair The OC Fair is now completed and the Clubs and volunteers that participated are to be congratulated for a job well done. Cathy and I participated at the both on August 4 and had a great time talking to the folks, helping the young learn Morse code and do some electronics. They also got to talk on ATV and see themselves, which was a great hit. July 2007 the 100th Year of Scouting at the World Jamboree in England Members of our very own Orange Section, Yucaipa Venture Crew 800, were selected to participate in this year’s festivities. They were selected to greet Prince William when he came to visit the Scouts. Three Cheers for the Venture Crew! AUGUST Monsoon season is here, so please be aware of lightning strikes, flash floods and possible fires. We are having a slight cooling trend at the moment, but brush is still severely dry. Report any fire that you may see started by lightning. ORANGE SECTION DATABASE – We are still having a great success with sign-ups on the emergency communications database. It is nice to see that there are volunteers ready to serve in a time of need. Visit to sign up on the database if you are truly interested in being a volunteer. August 11, 2007 - Transmitter Hunting Lake Los Carneros Park in Goleta, CA This will be the site of Southern California’s next international-style on-foot foxhunt on Saturday. A ham radio license and knowledge of radio equipment are not required. Bring the kids and grandkids, and then go out on the course with them! This event is being hosted by Marvin Johnston KE6HTS. There will be five fox transmitters on 146.565 MHz FM with international-rules timing. The site area is slightly less than 140 acres. It is relatively flat, making it a good site for foxtailers of all skill levels. There will be no charge to hunt the beginner transmitters. Bring any 2-meter RDF "sniffing" gear you have. If you don't have any, just bring your handi-talkie or scanner. If you don't have that, come anyway, because a limited number of RDF sets will be available for loan. Also be sure to bring anything you'll need while going after those radio foxes, such as munchies, bottled water and sunscreen. Bring your own compass, protractor and pencil if you plan to use them for map marking. Make sure that all batteries are fresh. Meet at the Stow House Parking Lot just off of Los Carneros Road. Look for the orange-and-white orienteering flag. A map to help you get to the site is at Special note: The annual Santa Barbara Hamfest takes place on Sunday, the day after this ARDF event. There will be a flea market, exhibitors, demonstrations, VE testing and contests, including the famous transformer toss. Why not make a weekend of it? 73, Joe Moell K0OV USA ARDF Coordinator AUGUST 12 – Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club presents THE GREAT SBARC HAMFEST & FAMILY REUNION Sunday, August 12, 2007 8:30 am to 2:30 pm Santa Barbara Elks Lodge #613 150 Kellogg Avenue Goleta, California "Talk-in" on K6TZ Repeater 146.79 MHz PL 131.8 includes Swap Tables, Raffle Prizes, and Santa Barbara Style BBQ For more information, contact Dave Hackleman, K6VML at (805)967-9313 or [email protected] AUGUST 18 - Topanga State Park, northwest of Santa Monica. This session will feature another five-fox two-meter ARDF course with a fine map, plus some two-meter transmitters for beginners and an 80-meter transmitter. No pre-registration is necessary. September 14 - 16 The big event takes place -- the USA and IARU Region 2 ARDF Championships at South Lake Tahoe, . It's open to anyone at any foxhunting skill level. You can camp out in the cabins and hobnob with ARDF experts from USA, Germany, Australia and perhaps other countries. You might take home a medal or two! For even more fun, participate in the ARDF training camp, led by medal-winner Bob Cooley KF6VSE on September 12 - 13 in the same area. Pre-registration is a must, and you can do it now. Details of all these events, directions and registration information can be found at . 73, Joe Moell K0OV AUGUST 26 – San Diego DX Club is (31 of 34) [10/18/2007 3:06:04 PM] WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO

Section News for July 2007

sponsoring this year, “The Annual Summer Bash” will be held in Poway at Gayle Olson, K6GO QTH, please visit for further information and directions. AUGUST 26 - DARE Bike Race Time; 7:00am to 6:00pm or so depending on the number of spills Location: In Ontario in the business area. The street boundaries are Mission and Philadelphia to the north and south and Archibald Ave. and Turner Ave. to the east and west. This is an all day event, but the time that you can help out will not be turned down. Lunch and break snacks are provided by DARE. You are welcome to bring your own snack food and drinks for the other times of the day. But NO Alcoholic drinks. Also please bring your own chair, umbrella, and sun screen, and your straw hat. We will be operating on a simplex frequency. This is a long race track what they do is the streets that are used are roped off by the City of Ontario, and that is the race track is used. The more operators that volunteer for this event the more fun is had. So dust off the hand-held and come out and help to do a public service event. You can also use mobile radios and the placing the car on the trace out of the way will be done at the race. Anyone wishing to volunteer please contact me via e mail and that address is Mike Unfried WB9MJQ, Email: [email protected], Cell phone number 909-200-0670 and can be reached 24/7 SEPTEMBER 7-9, 2007 – Southwestern Division Convention Hamcon 2007 at the Marriot Hotel in Torrance, CA – Updates have been made to website, so please visit and join and meet new friends. Visit www.hamcon. com for directions and furtherWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO information. SEPTEMBER 8-16 – 8TH Annual “Route 66 On The Air” again will be sponsored by the Citrus Belt Amateur Radio Club please visit for further information on getting involved. Hope this information is helpful. If anyone has events coming up or meetings that could draw Amateurs to your meeting please e-mail me [email protected]

San Diego

HELLO to ARRL SECTION MEMBERS in San Diego and Imperial County! I am Loren "Mitch" Mitchell K6BK, and I have been appointed the new Section Manager of SDG. I have used the radio nickname "Mitch" since I became a ham in 1961, because back then on CW my real name sounded like a YL and caused a pileup! It all started when I taught myself Morse code as a Boy Scout using a $1.95 Fleron telegraph key with a buzzer and a blinking light. Then after I earned my Eagle Scout at age 12, and passed my Novice test in the mail, I persuaded my father to drive me 150 miles to the nearest FCC Office for the General exam. That was certainly motivation to pass the test, but then I work well under pressure. I got on the air with a third- hand Hallicrafters SX-100 and a homebrew 75 watt CW 6146 tube rig, to a longwire up in some trees. By adding a VFO and modulator I built for AM, and eventually a Heathkit SB-10 phasing adapter for SSB, I quickly earned the WAN (Worked All Neighbors) award from all the TVI. But Solar Cycle 19 (the highest ever recorded at more than 200 sunspots) let me work plenty of serious DX, and the skip was so hot that just for fun I began operating QRP SSB. And that cured the TVI. It is still my favorite mode on 10 and 6 meters, and years ago through patience, determination, and good listening I earned DXCC, WAS, WAZ, and IOTA all using just 5 watts and portable antennas. My passion for ham radio, and building many different homebrew stations, led to my lifelong professional interest in electronics. As an engineering student at RPI (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) I spent my spare time between EE classes at club station W2SZ, rebuilding surplus mechanical RTTY gear and tuning the bands for DX on their wonderful new Collins 75S-1. My Emcomm experience goes way back in years. In fact, when the Great Northeast Blackout hit in 1965, my college dorm room was within walking distance of W2SZ and I helped activate it as one of the very few ham stations on the entire East Coast with emergency power. After I graduated from RPI, I returned in 1970 to California for Graduate School at UCSD, where I completed Masters Degrees in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Science. My first job was Electrical Engineer designing advanced avionics circuits for the Firebee II Drone at Ryan Aeronautical in San Diego. Later I earned a Professional Certificate in Management while working at Linkabit Corp for Irwin Jacobs on the VideoCipher Television Scrambling project. I got results with this complex encryption product, and being committed to its success, I stayed with it through difficult times, as well as several promotions and company acquisitions. Eventually as the Director of Operations Engineering at General Instrument, I was a Leader on the VideoCipher II Team that won an Emmy Award for Television Technology in 1986. As a volunteer Safety Officer at Linkabit Corp, I had joined ARES back in 1981 under Art Smith, when I got my Extra as NG6U. But not much was happening then, and it wasn't until the Cedar Fire of 2003 devastated 345 homes in Scripps Ranch where I now live, that I got serious about ARES and Emcomm. My last corporate position in 1993 was Vice President of Manufacturing and Services for Satellite Systems at Titan Corp in San Diego. Now retired, with the time to volunteer, I joined CERT and became the EC for Scripps Ranch, and then really got down to work as the Section Emergency Coordinator. I am proud to say that I provided new leadership as SEC and was able to more than double the membership (32 of 34) [10/18/2007 3:06:04 PM] WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO

Section News for July 2007

of SDG ARES in the last year to 330 hams. I gained renewed confidence in ARES from the members, and through my efforts steadily recruited new volunteers, to a total now of 60 in Leader Positions (including 5 new Assistant SECs), 75 EMS Responders, and 20 Official Emergency Stations. I succeeded in my goals to restore the broken relationships with ARC American Red Cross and CDF Cal Fire, and helped develop the County EMS Hospital Responder Teams to make SDG ARES a viable Emcomm group. Now these Served Agencies are really taking ARES seriously and even finding ways to provide radio equipment at in-place stations for responders. As Section Manager I have the new goal of using my professional managerial experience as a top executive to revitalize the SDG Section, just as I have already done with the SDG ARES Field Organization. Bringing the SDG Section up to full effectiveness will not be an easy task. Essential Section Staff must be recruited and trained, and the renewed relationships with the Served Agencies must continue to be strengthened. Local Government Liaison is currently completely lacking, the Section has no Technical Resources working for it, and Public Information is badly needed for all events. Serving out the remainder of the term until April will just me allow me to begin making progress on these important tasks, which I see as a project needing several years of hard work. SECTION HAPPENINGS SDG ARES has already had 10 emergency activations this year. See: This weekend, SDG ARES will be working with Cal Fire Red Flag and Red Cross for the first time during the SET (Simulated EmergencyWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Test) to prepare our responses for the Wildland Fires we expect this year. Take a look at the drill plan at: This weekend is also the California QSO Party. On Sept 7,8,9, 2007 the South Western Division ARRL Convention will be held in Torrance. For more information see: SDG ARES is raffling an Icom IC-7000 transceiver and other valuable prizes, with only 500 tickets, to raise funds for a new Mobile Command Center. Be sure to check for all the latest information and happenings. Tnx es 73, Loren "Mitch" Mitchell K6BK Section Manager SDG

Santa Barbara

ARRL Santa Barbara Section Council of Clubs Saturday August 11, 2007 is the day for the semi-annual meeting of the ARRL Santa Barbara Section Council of Clubs. The time is 10 a.m. and the location is10060 Telegraph Road in Ventura. See the map at . The primary subject of the August meeting is the election of officers for the next year. Be sure your club is represented and be sure your club representatives are active -- perhaps even running for election as the Chairman, Vice chairman or Secretary/Treasurer. All of these positions are open for new leadership opportunities. The council is always open to new ideas and new challenges. "Helping Your Club Grow and Prosper" has been the goal of the Club Council since its inception. The ARRL Santa Barbara Section Council of Clubs is supported entirely by the yearly dues of $5 paid by each of the amateur radio clubs within the ARRL Santa Barbara Section. See http:// tinyurl. com/2jzwr4. ======Save Sunday August 12 2007 for the Santa Barbara ARC Annual Hamfest. Get all of the details at < http://www. >. Everything gets going at 8:30 in the morning. It will be held at the Elks Lodge, located at 150 N. Kellogg Avenue in Goleta., Just north of Calle Real between Patterson Avenue and Fairview Avenue in Goleta. The parking lot has space for our swap tables, as well as lots of parking space. The Elks Grove is a beautiful, shady area with many picnic tables and a stage area.Visitors are requested to park on the mountain side of the building. Talk-In: K6TZ 146.79/.19 (PL 131.8) Contact: Dave Hackleman, K6VML 326 Hollipat Center Drive, #13 Santa Barbara, CA 93111 Phone: 805-967-9313 Fax: 805-967-3735 (c/ o WA6VNN) Email: [email protected] Elk's Lodge #613 Picnic Grounds 150 North Kellogg Avenue Goleta, California ------The Southwestern Division's largest Amateur Radio gathering in 2007 will be at the Division Convention on September 7, 8, and 9, at the Torrance Marriott Hotel. More information is at www.hamcon. org ======Subscribe to the ARRL Santa Barbara Section e-mail reflector. Send an e-mail to < [email protected]?subject=subscribe >. Not only will you receive up-to-the-minute reports and items of interest, but you will be able to post your own responses or comments that will be read by all of the other subscribers on the list. Subscribe to the ARRL Santa Barbara Section Council of Clubs e-mail reflector. Send an e-mail to < arrlsbclubs- [email protected]?subject=subscribe >. If you are a club leader, or just an active member interested in seeing your club grow and prosper, you must subscribe to this list. Your club doesn't have to be a member of the ARRL Club Council for you to subscribe. View the ARRL Santa Barbara Section Web site on your browser (33 of 34) [10/18/2007 3:06:04 PM] WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO

Section News for July 2007

at < >. Check to be sure that your club information is included and is correct, as you browse all of the information-packed pages on the ARRL Santa Barbara Section Web site. As an active member of the ARRL Santa Barbara Section (Santa Barbara, Ventura and San Luis Obispo Counties), you'll want to be on the cutting edge of all developments in today's Ham World. ======

West Gulf Division

South Texas

I hope this finds everyone having a great day. I lost everything on my computer due to a lighting hit. I'm trying to rebuild my address book first then if anything can be recovered from my old hard drive I'll be happy. I hope everyone is surviving the heave rains and flooding here in South Texas. So far we have had 13 deaths due to ERIN. I just got an update on the death count now 16. I understand that everyone is getting ready to activate for Hurricane DEAN. The Baptist Men's Kitchens are already feeding some of those that have been evacuated due to WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.ROERIN. I also just got the word they were evacuating on of the children's home in the valley just in case DEAN comes in there and they want a head start before the big rush. Several of the groups will activate sometime Monday 20 August. I was talking to one of the operators of the Marshal's communications unit, in Louisiana, and they are getting ready to head for the coast. That is a real mobile unit. I hope I can get a picture of it. We hope Dean will die out before landing anywhere along the coast. We had a wonderful time in Austin at the Austin Summerfest. There was a great group that turned out. Jeff looked like he was buying out the whole tailgate section. Hi Jeff. They even had cosmetics for the ladies, or was that to give the ham shack a face lift. I saw a lot of great old and new equipment. If you are just getting started in ham radio you could have found some great bargains. The new location had some real nice features. Hope all goes well during this storm. We really don't need another one at this time. May God Bless America and our Troops. Ray N5NAV (34 of 34) [10/18/2007 3:06:04 PM] Section News for August 2007

Section News for August 2007

Atlantic Division


MDC Section News + HAMFESTSWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO + ECHOLINK NET + MARINE CORPS MARATHON + MS 50 MILE CHALLENGE WALK + FOUNDATION FOR AMATEUR RADIO (FAR)/ARRL MDC SECTION DIGITAL CONVENTION + FOUNDATION FOR AMATEUR RADIO NEEDS HELP + VISITS + SECTION REPORTS + NETS + GET ON THE AIR DAY + FINALLY HAMFESTS October 7 Columbia Amateur Radio Association is holding its annual hamfest from 8:00 am until 4:00 pm at the Howard County Fairgrounds. License exams will be given. For more information please click . October 28 The Carroll County Amateur Radio Club will be holding its annual Mason- Dixon Hamfest at the Carroll County Agricultural Center. There will be a seminar entitled "Getting Started with Software Defined Radio". License exams will be given. For more information please click . ECHOLINK NET Our Section-wide Echolink Net will be held on September 21 at 8:00 pm on the WASH_DC server. During the last net we had 15 checkins and the following repeaters linked: K3GMR, KA2JAI, W3ICF and N3HF. Thanks to Murray (K3BEQ)Green for taking over the net control duties at the last minute. MARINE CORPS MARATHON The annual Marine Corps Marathon, the fifth largest in the world, will be held on Sunday October 28. Over 120 operators are needed for this premier area event making full use of amateur radio, digital through voice. While the majorityWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO of the event is within our Maryland-D.C. ARRL Section, only about 15% of the amateur radio participants who help are from our section. This is an excellent training opportunity for emergency communications. I hope that more of you will volunteer either from my website, , or click . There will be a briefing at the Armed Forces Retirement Home in Washington D.C. on October 20 so that everyone will know what is expected of them. MS 50 MILE CHALLENGE WALK Volunteers are needed to support comms on the MS Challenge walk September 28, 29 and 30. If you can help on any of these days please contact Brian Cochran at . Staffing is needed for rest stops and shadows for MS staff. HT's are ok for most of the route but mobiles are preferred. The MS Challenge Walk is a 3-day 50-mile walk starting at the Rockville Town center in Maryland and ending at the steps of the US Capitol. There is good food and overnight rest area available to all. FOUNDATION FOR AMATEUR RADIO (FAR)/ARRL MDC SECTION DIGITAL CONVENTION On Sunday, November 11, the Foundation for Amateur Radio will sponsor our MDC Section Convention. It is being hosted by the Armed Forces Retirement Home Amateur Radio Club and will be held in their movie theater. There will be an explanation of many digital modes from 10 am to 12 noon. After lunch, Atlantic Division Assistant Director Albert (W3MIV) Schramm will discuss the results of the recent Atlantic Division survey and their implications. Following that will be a panel discussion of the various modes and issues with moderated questions from the audience. Our guest from League Headquarters will be someone well versed in digital, Mr. Steve (WB8IMY) Ford, editor of "QST" magazine. An online registration form will soon be posted my website, . Since the facility rules DO *NOT* permit the collection of funds at the door, you MUST pre-register for this. Walk-ins are *not* accepted. We plan to have a CD available to attendees with a great deal of information and software to get you started with digital. FOUNDATION FOR AMATEUR RADIO NEEDS HELP The Foundation for Amateur Radio (FAR) still needs volunteers to help with a variety of tasks related to the awarding of scholarships. These tasks include reviewing and ranking applications, performing reference checks, supporting the award process with spreadsheets and documentation, and other work. Meetings are held in various places. The Committee's work is mainly seasonal, concentrated in the fall, when the Committee does the annual planning and publicity, and May through July, when the Committee does the work directly related to making the awards. For more information or to volunteer, please contact Diane (AA3OF) Zimmerman at or 301-937-0394. VISITS On September 5, ASM Al (KZ3AB) Brown and I visited the Kent Amateur Radio Society in Chestertown. We enjoyed talking about how the section is organized, what's going in amateur radio around the section and exchanging ideas. On September 18, Al and I will be visiting the Baltimore Radio Amateur Television Society for their regularly scheduled meeting. SECTION REPORTS Thank you to the following Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES®) Emergency Coordinators for sending in their monthly reports: Allegheny, Anne Arundel, Carroll, Cecil, Garrett and Howard. Congratulations to Bob (KB3ENU) Lovell for his recent appointment as the ARES EC and RACES Radio Officer for Kent County. Anne Arundel County reports 24 members providing communications for the Annapolis 10 Mile run. Howard County reports 15 members participating with Iron Girl Triathlon. Thanks to Allan(KH6ILR) Hubbert for preparing and submitting the Section Emergency Coordinator report to ARRL. NETS Formal National Traffic System (NTS) nets are an excellent way to learn to accurately pass messages. We have several very active nets (1 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:06:35 PM] Section News for August 2007 in our section. For those amateurs with a General Class or higher license, you should check in to the Maryland Emergency Phone Net (MEPN) at 6 pm local time on 3.820 MHz daily. The Baltimore Traffic Net (BTN) meets at 6:30 pm everyday on the 146.670 (no tone) repeater. And for the folks who would like to get their code speed up, try the Maryland Slow Net (MSN) at 7:30 pm on 3.563 MHz daily. Check my website for traffic handling information. Also, please see STM Al (W3YVQ) Nollmeyer's NTS Net Report below. GET ON THE AIR DAY Ken (KB3IIE) Greenhouse, the Public Information Officer (PIO) for Prince George's County, came up with an interesting idea and several counties are planning to implement it. A letter will be sent to all the amateur radio operators in the county urging them to "dust off" their radios and on September 29 between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm and check into the local repeater that will be normally be used for emergency communications.WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO In case they are ever in a position to have to provide emergency communications for themselves, their family or neighbors, they will, at least, know where to go and that they can hit their local repeater. Some simplex tests may also be run. This ties in with National Emergency Preparedness Month. We're trying to get some proclamations from chief executives for Amateur Radio Appreciation Day on September 29th. FINALLY..... To better serve the entire amateur radio community of the Maryland-D.C. ARRL Section, I look forward to receiving your comments and suggestions. If you would like to volunteer as a Public Information Officer, Local Government Liaison, Official Observer, Official Emergency Station, Official Relay Station, or any other position, please let me know. I am at your service. 73, Jim (WI3N) Cross ARRL MDC Section Manager ======August 2007 MDC NTS NET REPORT MEPN 0708 W3YVQ QND/31 QNI/250 QTC/37 MINS/697 BTN 0708 K3CSX QND/31 QNI/357 QTC/78 MINS/617 MDD 0708 AA3SB QND/61 QNI/253 QTC/156 MINS/676 MSN 0708 W8CPG QND/31 QNI/132 QTC/82 MINS/791 PSHR: KK3F 140, W3YVQ 135, K3CSX 125, AA3SB 100, W3CB 98, K3IN 90, N3ZOC 90, KB3LFG 50; 0707, WB4FDT 100 TFC: KK3F 2748 WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO(BPL), N3ZOC 132, W3YVQ 123, AA3SB 114, K3CSX 65, K3IN 54, W3CB 35, KA3KID 26, KC3Y 13, KB3LFG 11; 0707, WB4FDT 133. ======MSN (3563 kHz 1930L, daily, W8CPG) is the slow speed CW traffic handling and net-operating training net. Daily liaisons from all jurisdictions are needed on our Section nets: MEPN (3820 kHz, 1800L, daily, W3YVQ), MDD (3557 kHz, 1900L/2200L, daily, AA3SB), and BTN (146.67/R, alt. 145.33/R, 1830L, daily, K3CSX). MANUAL NET OPERATIONS Each MDC ARES® jurisdiction is requested to provide a liaison to at least one of the three nets above on a daily basis for both traffic outlets and emergency communications preparedness. DIGITAL OPERATIONS If jurisdictions can not assign stations for daily contact via the nets above, they should advise the call sign of an interim selected target station to receive and originate messaging for the jurisdiction on a daily basis (via an email address, address, or Echolink via the WASH_DC conference bridge) between 1800L and 1930L daily. The EC (default), AEC, or any other designated station may perform this task. --- All jurisdictions are encouraged to develop and deploy manual net, Winlink (WL2K) and Echolink liaisons to ensure Section-wide emergency communications preparedness for infrastructure independent ICS/NIMS and welfare support. Please advise the STM of your assigned representatives for all of the modes above. The Section database will provide the means to advise all jurisdictions of the available target stations on and other routes. NTS/ NTSD radiogram messaging is handled via authorized Section stations and liaisons per specified routing. Single and multiple welfare and agency radiograms may be sent via Batch Files to the designated NTSD representatives on (contact the STM). All radiograms sent via email or WL2K must contain a request to confirm receipt of the message(s), using an HXC in the subject line, prompting a reply message from the recipient. See the NTS NETS, MDC ERP Summary, individual net tabs, and the WL2K tutorials (general information topics) at the Section Manager's web page: . Please remember the deadline for net reports to any NM is 48 hours after the session run. Net, SAR and PSHR reports to the STM are due no later than the 6th of the following month. Thank you. --- >From the recently released ARRL NERPC report "Messaging Recommendations" (extracts): "1. The establishment of semi-automatic networks should be considered a priority for surviving and mutual assistance resources, but never to the exclusion of voice networks. Forward-based, self-contained mobile or portable equipment should include provisions for all modes of message transport possible, including voice, NTS-Digital, Winlink 2000, WiFi, and others that may be developed in the future. When possible, out-of-area gateway stations should be identified and scheduled to handle messaging in the most efficient method available to both ends of the circuit. If prior arrangements are not possible, the gateway stations in the affected area should immediately identify out-of-area capabilities, and set up the most efficient method of message transfer possible." "8. It must become and remain a perpetual priority for the ARRL and ARES to enhance training in basic message handling, particularly with respect to message accuracy through the major communication phases of transport and delivery." --- Thanks to all for your continued support of integrated ARES® and NTS/NTSD operations. 73, W3YVQ, MDC STM w3yvq@arrl. net _AR_

Southern New Jersey (2 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:06:35 PM] Section News for August 2007

SOUTHERN NEW JERSEY NEWSLETTER FOR SEPTEMBER 2007 SECTION MANAGER, JEAN PRIESTLEY, KA2YKN A few days ago we remembered 9/11 with silence, ceremonies and tears. It has been 6 years since that dark hour and in that time we have not had another attack. Are we doing something right? Are we just lucky? Are we more watchful in all the right ways? We need to remember and not become complacent. We have become more united. We fly the flag more and we will never be innocent again as to our safety in our own land. We need to be united against the evil that caused so many people to instantly disappear from our lives. We are very lucky to have the personal freedoms that we have and we must remember that the freedoms do not come without a price to pay. Millions do not have the freedoms that we enjoy and sometimes take for granted. On a lighter note, TheWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Gloucester County Amateur Radio club’s own Doug Gehring reached the top of the Honor Role when he confirmed his contact with Scarborough Reef. A coveted card indeed. Doug now has a confirmed contact with every county on the current list. Congratulations for this super achievement. Doug also finds time to work with the scouting program and volunteer on the Battleship New Jersey. It has come to my attention that the Gloucester City Amateur Radio Club has activated a 447.775 repeater with an offset and 146.2 PL at 65 watts. Anyone is welcome to use it but, of course, are asked to observe the same rules that apply to all repeaters. Final preparations are underway for the MS Foundation MS150 bike ride the last weekend of September on Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th. There is a new communications coordinator for the walk and I can personally state that he is the best man for the job having worked with him for 15 years on the Philadelphia Channel 6 Thanksgiving Day Parade. His name is Carmen DeCicco, KE3QB. The riders leave Saturday morning early and return to this area Sunday afternoon. More information is on the MS website at The JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) walk will be at Cooper River Park on October 28th. KB2ADL is lead on this one. The Gloucester County Amateur Radio Club has a NEW DATE: SEPTEMBERWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO 23, 2007. It is still their 30th annual hamfest and it is still in Mullica Hill. Come with a friend or come in a group or bus but don’t miss these hamfest. Testing will be available. If you have any questions, please e-mail them to Harry at [email protected]. The time is still 8am to 2pm and it is rain or shine. Talk-in is 146.865/265 Pl 131.8. If anyone is interested in walking or donating to the Southern New Jersey Fall Heart Walk, the information is as follows: October 13, 2007 with registration at 8:30 and official start at 10am. It is at Camden Riverfront beginning at Campbell’s field. Come out and meet Vai Sikahema of NBC fame. For more information go to Why come out and walk? Physical inactivity significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Ignoring fitness and health increases an individual’s risk of heart disease, stroke and other diseases. The Camden County SKYWARN Coordinator is looking more people to become active in the Camden County SKYWARN program. Especially needed are New Control Stations. You would be trained before being asked to run any nets. If you have an interest in this, contact Rick Tighe, Coordinator. He can be found on the Camden County SKYWARN Training New 2nd Thursday of the month at 7:30 on the Camden County RACES Repeater 145.895 PL 192.8. This information is for Camden County, but if you are in a different county, check with you local coordinator to see if they are in need of trained people. It would seem to me that well trained people can only be an asset and you can never have too many trained spotters, net control people or deputies. TECH CLASS TO BE HELD On Monday, Sept 17, and for the next 12 weeks a class will be conducted at Southern Regional High School on the Tech Class License. All classes will start at 7pm and conclude at 9pm. The schedule is ten weeks of classes, one week of review and the exam on the last week. The class will be listed under the adult classes for the fall. For more info please contact Southern Regional HS Adult School at 609-597 9481. Ext 4410. The class will be taught by Joe, WA2LTT. JSARS Is still holding their testing sessions the third Thursday of each month at 7:30 pm at the Riverwood Recreation Building on Riverwood Drive in Toms River, NJ. For more information call Ed, GENOINO, WA2NDA at 609-693-3729. Holiday City ARC is also still holding their test sessions every other 2nd Saturday from 10am to 12pm, (May, July, Sept, Nov). Sessions are held at the Holiday City South Clubhouse area in meeting room #1 on Mule Road at the corner of Santiago Dr in Toms River. Your contact person is Bill Haldane, AC2F and the phone is 732-240-7064 or [email protected]. When going to any test session, you must have your original license and at least one Xerox copy and original and one copy of any credit sheets you may have. Also bring 2 forms of id. Testing sessions by SJRA are on the 4th Tuesday of each month at the Winslow Senior center. Contact is Mark, K2AX at [email protected] or (609)820-1523. Testing is also available in Atlantic County. The location is at the Canale Training Center at 5033 English Creek Avenue in Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey. There will be no walk-ins so please call Robert, WA2ARP at 609-338-7038 to reregister. The sponsor is the Southern Counties Amateur Radio Association (SCARA). Next session is Sept 29th If you haven’t already, please make a note or bookmark the following site: http:// The Battleship New Jersey is on summer hours. Check on their website for hours and other information. If your club is thinking about visiting the NJ2BB club station, please be sure to make arrangements ahead of the scheduled date to insure that someone will be there. Just go on our website at for information to schedule a visit. If you have worked NJ2BB and want to send (3 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:06:35 PM] Section News for August 2007 a card, the QSL manager is Margaret Burgess, KB2BRR 150 Schooner Ave, Barnegat, NJ 08005. Please send your cards with an SASE to insure receiving a card in return from NJ2BB. http:// If you have an activity coming up or want to report something that happened, please send a short write up to me and I will put it in next month. Please remember that if you work traffic to report it to Dan, K2UL. Traffic report for August, Traffic manager, K2UL, Dan Ostroy SNJ/NNJ Section Net Reports QNI reports NJM 90 N2GJ NJPN 223 W2CC NJSN 198 K2PB NJN(E) 252 AG2R NJN(L) 224 AG2R (the above nets are dual section nets of both SNJ and NNJ. Liaisons with 2RN) SNJ Local Net Reports JSARS 382 ( 211 for July) WA2NDA SJTN KB2RTZ NO REPORT SJVN WB2UVB SCARS NO REPORT NW2Y Station Activity Reports (SAR) K2UL 55 WA2CUW 46 WA2YL 39 AA2SV 26 WA2NDA 24 KC2IYC 4 W2QOB 1 Public Service Honor Roll (PSHR) K2UL 116 WA2YL 99 WA2CUW 90 WA2NDA 64WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO N2HQL 58 KA2YKN 59 KC2IYC 40 W2QOB 24 STM reports that the past six years have been posted on the web at

Central Division


QST DE KA9QPN-- From the top... **After a long search, I give you Fritz Bock WD9FMB, as our new Public Information Coordinator as of 1 October. Fresh from a two year term as President of the Peoria Area ARC, Fritz has agreed to tackle the challenge of helping to promote our Service and also riding herd on the local PIOs. I'm pleased to have Fritz join the Section cabinet. **The effects from the storms of 23 August are still being felt throughout the northern and central parts of the Section. Many SKYWARN nets were active. The heavy rain causedWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO flooding that has yet to completely drain. The persistent straight-line winds left a strip of damage along IL64 from Kane County to deep within the city of Chicago. Our EmComm efforts were noted throughout the event. First, from Cook County AEC Kevin Thomas KG9IL (via DEC Neil Ormos N9NL): "The following hams assisted the Village of Palatine by manning down(ed) power lines and guarding flooded streets. We did maintain a net on our 440 repeater. Originally deployed at approximately 4:00PM, many stayed until after midnight: KB9ZTL, KE9LN, KG9IL, KA9ORD, WB9YLP, WA9YUS, N9SXR, KB9YQX, W9KQJ, KC9LZN. Non-ARES® members WA9INF and K9JK also assisted in net control functions." From the York RC ( and paraphrased from an article in the Elmhurst (IL) Independent, comes the following: "During the storms of Thursday, August 23 the York Radio Club was instrumental in assisting the City of Elmhurst in its response. Seventeen members checked in to the net, with Les, WK9U, reporting to the Emergency Operations Center at Fire Station #1 and acting as Net Control of an emergency weather net on the W9PCS 70 CM repeater. This net remained in operation for approximately five hours, from 1500 - 2000 CDT. As a direct result of the club's efforts, 40 blocked streets and 7 downed wires were reported, freeing police and fire officials for other duties. ...(O)ur efforts did not go unnoticed by the city. From the mayor on down, officials praised the club for its rapid response and assistance. Mayor Tom Marcucci was quoted in the article as noting that "our cell phone systems are certainly not reliable," and saying, "I'd like to make a point to thank the York Radio Club. They came out and provided spotters, they acted as our eyes and ears throughout the City. They were able to relay back to the [Emergency] Center and keep us posted about what was going on around town. They are a completely volunteer organization, so we were lucky to have them and we deeply appreciate their efforts." " Additionally, DEC Bob Cockream AB9EE and his Grundy County ARES® crew provided EmComm support for shelters in the city of Morris during their flood episode. According to Bob 's report: "The Grundy County ARES® Leadership was called into the county EOC at 8:00 AM on Friday August 24th for stand-by and assistance with possible activation. AB9EE and K9NYX were stationed at the EOC and asked to monitor Public service frequencies and keep the Director of EMA informed about the situation. At 11:00 AM it was decided to put out a call for operator's just incase shelters were needed. I had 15 people check into our repeater and acknowledge their availability. At 2:00 pm a shelter was set up at Shabbona School directly across from the EOC. As such we used simplex frequencies as well as supplied radios from the served agency (EMA). We sent two operators there to man communications and pass traffic. This shelter was not a Red Cross shelter but actually a special needs shelter for residents of a nursing home with 125 patients and was under the direction of Morris Hospital with Christ Hospital as the region 7 POD supplying their medical assistance from other hospitals. An overflow surge team from Riverside Medical Center in Kankakee was brought in as well as other assets. At 3:00 PM a Red Cross shelter was set up at the Morris High School for residents of a few areas that were now flooding. We sent 2 operators there as well to assist the red cross. There were only 37 residents at the peak of this shelter and people quickly found other accommodations so by 5:00 pm the shelter was closed and we were released from our duties. We handled 18 messages between the EOC and the two shelters mostly routine traffic dealing with Cots and transportation. There was no HW traffic or emergency traffic needed. By 5:30 pm the County had (4 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:06:35 PM] Section News for August 2007 its communications vehicle set up at the special needs shelter and hams were no longer needed so we recalled everyone and closed out the incident. Participating were K9NYX, KC9KKO, KC9GCK, KC9LCL, KC9KKP, N9UCP, AB9EE." We continue to strive to become the premier volunteer public service providers to our communities. Get informed... **The Western Illinois ARC again presents the Illinois QSO Party on 21 October. More at **SEC Pat Ryan KC6VVT reminds us that "The 2007 Simulated Emergency Test has been announced by the ARRL and is an annual measure of EmComm readiness by local clubs and ARES® units. The SET target weekend is October 6-7, but a SET may be any time soon. SET guidelines and forms have been emailed to all our ARRL Illinois Section EmComm staff and are posted on the ARRL web pages." I've already been advised of two SET events; Three of DuPage County's Amateur Radio Clubs, the Wheaton CommunityWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Radio Amateurs Club, York Radio Club, and the DuPage Amateur Radio Club will participate in the SET See John N9JZX is the DuPage club point of contact. Also, Kendall County ARES® got a jump on us all by naming their participation in the recent 'Rolling on the River' event as their SET effort, according to Dirk Wolgast W9QA, EC. **The latest ARISS contact in the Section was held on 5 September at the Gail Borden Library in Elgin, involving local schoolchildren. The contact was part of a series of exhibits at the library called 'Space: Dare to Dream'. The exercise was facilitated by Greg Braun N9CHA and John Spasojevich AG9D. It was heavily supported by members of the Fox Radio Relay League as part of their top-notch youth outreach programs. The contact went well with much media coverage, including a slideshow with audio at index.html, video here, and mentions in several print and at least one broadcast outlet. The detailed and successful publicity blitz is a testimony to what occurs when an interesting subject meets enthusiastic promotion and a supportive venue. Well Done to all participants! **Frank Crescenzi K9KTU reports in a press release that:WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO "Members of the Chicago Suburban Radio Association (CSRA), The Ravenswood Community Council, State Representative Harris, Alderman Schulter, and Lake View Realty will participate in operating a special Amateur Radio station at the Neighborhood Boys & Girls Club 2501 W. Irving Park Rd. Chicago, IL 60618 on Saturday September 22nd from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. CSRA will set up its station to demonstrate the many modes of the amateur radio hobby. Some of the many techniques of communication that you will see are voice, RTTY - radio teletype type, CW--Morse code, PSK31--computer digital, and other free wireless means of talking with your friends around the world. The public is invited to stop by and tour the station. We will have information for obtaining an Amateur Radio License, and times and locations for classes. Remember, Amateur Radio uses the same radio waves that TV, FM and AM radio stations use, and are required to be licensed by the Federal Communications Commission. We will help you get a license so you can participate in talking to the world without wires or the internet." In this world of cell phones and instant messaging, we need all of our skill to show the magic of our Service to the hams of tomorrow. Events like this help seal the deal. Notable are the city alderman and state representative among the participants. Lot's more at 73-- Tom KA9QPN


WISCONSIN: SM: Don Michalski, W9IXG. BWN 3985 0500-0715 W9IXG. BEN 3985 1200 KE9VU. WSBN 3985 1715-1800 K9FHI. WNN 3555 1800 KB9ROB. WSSN 3555 1830 N9JIY. WIN-E 3555 1900 WB9ICH. WIN-L 3555 2200 W9UW. (All times are Central time) ** With regret, I am informing you of the passing of the following Amateurs: -- Ron Warczynski, K9RON, 71. -- Carl Templin, KC9IFJ, 52. Carl was very active in communication support for public service events. -- Carl Heinritz, W9ZCU, 89. ** SEC Report on ARES Activation initiated due to the August floods: To my knowledge we had activations in the following counties. If I missed someone, please let me know: Richland, Vernon, Crawford, Racine, Kenosha In Richland County, Emergency Coordinator Bob Naegele, W9MZ, reports 21 ARES/RACES members were activated in his county for communications between the Richland County EOC and the Red Cross, Volunteer and Donation Center at Krouskop Park, and to mobile damage assessment teams. They also answered the main incoming phone line to the EOC and passed messages to and from the Incident Command team. Richland was activated on Saturday, August 18, 2007. Richland has had its share of activations over the past two years! Vernon County Assistant Emergency Coordinator Dave Owen, N9TUU, reported their group was activated for flooding in Vernon and Crawford Counties for a week! Dave and his wife, Vernon County Emergency Coordinated Melody Owen, N9ZWZ, provided great reports through incident action plans and requested mutual assistance for mainly damage assessment within Vernon and Crawford Counties. Great job communicating! In Southeast Wisconsin, Racine and Kenosha County ECs, Jim Markstrom, KB9MMA, and Frank Moss, KC9ILZ, respectively, worked jointly on behalf of the Red Cross and Emergency Management in their counties to provide communications for damage assessment and evacuation shelters. I believe this was both Jim's and Frank's first activation and they stepped up to the plate! Mutual assistance was formally (5 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:06:35 PM] Section News for August 2007 requested by several of the counties and all but two operating positions were staffed! This is a great tribute to the teamwork and mutual assistance training we have done in Wisconsin. In addition, these were the first significant activations we have had since the changes in responsibilities for DECs. Gary Payne, N9VE, Southwest Wisconsin DEC and Peter Sweeney, WD9JIB, Southwest Wisconsin DEC, provided district coordination and took a more significant role than any time in the past. The training pays off. In addition, early in the event Mark Smick, N9UNW, DEC West Central Wisconsin was active in determining the extent of damage in his District. Winlink 2000 was used extensively for the first time during a Wisconsin ARES/RACES activation. Its presence provided effective e-mail reports from the field and command posts. This is only an estimate, but it appears we had at least 50 ARES/RACES members activated in the State for the flooding situation. Special thanksWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO to those who had damage to their homes and property and still provided communications for the benefit of their communities! Finally, I learned a couple of things from this incident. First, I need to add my business e-mail to the Leadership Roster because I don't have access to my personal e-mail while in the office or while traveling. Second, I need Internet access at our cabin in Boulder Junction. Third, and this is primarily from Dave Owen, N9TUU, but I concur, pre-activation of mutual assistance teams needs to be done in these types of events before they are needed or requested. Unfortunately, by the time the teams were requested and communicators could be deployed a lot of hours were lost. We will take this incident to learn and get better because that is what we do. On behalf of Wisconsin ARES/RACES, thank you to those who put in the long and overnight hours to provide critical communications to our served agencies. We continue to gain respect from them and they know when they request our help, we will answer the call and will work as a professional team. 73! -- Bill Niemuth, KB9ENO, Section Emergency Coordinator ** STM Report Wisconsin Section August 2007 FAQ # 73 -- It's significant thatWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO we have reached the Frequently Asked Question number 73. Years ago, when W9CBE suggested the format for this column, I wondered how many FAQs there might be. Hale was right. There are plenty. Here are some short answers to a few of the many questions. · I just handled a message from someone the recipient didn't know. Why was it sent? Answer: There are several reasons -- (1) to practice (2) to test the system (3) to encourage participation from the recipient. · When sending a formal message by voice, is there a pause to listen between the address or phone number and the text when you say, "Break?" Answer: Why not? The "Break" is just used to show that the text is starting, but it's also a nice spot to pause and listen to see if the receiving station needs a fill in what has gone before. A brief pause here is handy but optional. It doesn't require a response from the receiving station. If he or she doesn't say anything, you continue by sending the text. · On CW, how do I send that "break" before and after the text? Answer: BT. Send it even if you have full break-in and can hear the receiving station interrupt mid-word. · For ARRL Numbered Texts, are they in figures or words? Answer: They're always spelled out in words. · Should "73" be written out or in figures? Answer: In figures. It figures. · Does the "73" before the signature in a message count in the check? Answer: You bet. It's part of the text. It counts for one. · Is it 73 or 73's? Answer: It's 73. No "s." It means "Best regards." It's already plural. If one adds an "s," it would probably mean, "Best regardses." The English teacher in me says, "Huh?" Until next month, 73 -- K9LGU/STM -- WI Wisconsin Section MONTHLY NET ACTIVITY SUMMARY August 2007 NET QNI QTC QTR SSNS NM BWN 2151 2780 5689 31 W9IXG BEN 534 76 1154 31 KE9VU WSBN 691 50 1146 31 K9FHI WNN 115 8 242 21 KB9ROB WSSN 130 16 246 29 N9JIY WIN/E 139 28 235 29 WB9ICH WIN/L 174 34 281 31 W9UW WRACES 96 0 272 4 N9VAO TOTALS 4030 2992 9265 207 MWCRN WA9ZTY Note: BWN is Badger Weather Net; BEN is Badger Emergency Net; WSBN is Wisconsin Side Band Net; WNN is Wisconsin Novice Net; WSSN is Wisconsin Slow Speed Net; WIN/ E is Wisconsin Intrastate Net/Early; WIN/L is Wisconsin Intrastate Net/Late; WRACES is Wisconsin Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service net. MCRN is the Midwest Classic Radio Net Details on all these nets are found on this site: under Wisconsin Traffic Nets.

Dakota Division

North Dakota

NORTH DAKOTA: SM, Kent Olson, KAØLDG - Fall is upon us, cooler weather, raking leaves, and back to school for the kids. It’s also time to get those last minute antenna projects completed before the cold winter snow and winds start blowing. Welcome to the ND Radio Association. Recently this new club formed in the Minot area, and is open to all. Larry, KIØW, the section’s SEC spent time in tornado damaged Northfield. He reported of massive destruction throughout the small community. Communications never broke down so ham radio was not needed, but thanks to all who volunteered their services for that possibility. I know we will hear more as first responders reflect on the event, and how thinks can be improved. Bismarck hams continued work on the 85 machine, and there are no plans at present to get a Pillsbury connection re-established; path analysis says it (6 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:06:35 PM] Section News for August 2007 is a no-go. No winner in the “Top Gun” club for Field Day yet. I’m still waiting on the official results from the League. Upcoming hamfests: Grand Forks - October 6th. Section's web site: http://home.earthlink. net/~qtipf16/. Looking for a new net manager - please let me know if you are interested. HF NM KØJIM net reports for August: Weather Net: 27/654/4. Data Net: 31/672/16. Goose River Net: 4/34/1.

South Dakota

Remember that the Simulated Emergency Test is coming up on October 6th and 7th You can download a copy of the 2007 SET reporting formsWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO and read the SET Guidelines on the ARRL Web Page. See http://www.arrl. org/FandES/field/setguide.html for appropriate links. The reporting forms (Forms A, B, and C) are found at this specific address in Adobe PDF and Rich Text RTF formats: Hot Springs ARC Our new hf yagi is now installed on the club tower. The new crank-up tower is due to be shipped any day now. We can now start fixing up the inside of our club shack for operating positions. Thanks to those who helped with providing communications for the Southern Hills Triathlon on Labor Day weekend. John-KC0WIB, Robert-KC0WID, Larry-W7VOK,Sue- KA0IGV, Phil-KA0FUI, Dwight-W0HGZ and Tim-K0OR all did a great job at helping the race run smoothly. We will also be providing communications for the big parade celebrating the Hot Springs VA 's 100th anniversary on Sept. 15. John, KC0WIB, did a fantastic job at producing a video of our 2007 Field Day operation. Our annual business meeting will be on October 4. Dues will be collected and officers will be elected. 73 Tim K0OR President HSARC Northern Hills Amateur Radio Club Regular August meeting was called to order at 1930 at the clubhouse. 10 members and 2 guests were present. Minutes were read and approved. Treasurer's report was read and approved. We received nice donation fromWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO the Crazy Horse ARC for repeater maintenence. Gene will send thank you card. Gene reported a successful WYO MS. Bruce reported on the successful Mt. Rushmore Century Ride. He had volunteered to head it with only 2 days' notice! We had an extensive discussion of the Tri-state Net its consistent success. Now we can link it to the SD State Link. Technical reporting included Doug's trip to the 85 tower. It is very noisy when the wind blows because it is bolted together, rather than welded, and so the noise will not be eliminated. The noise is not a problem for other tower users. He also stated that a temporary IRLP node will be established at the BH clubhouse in a month or so. Chris reported on his APRS efforts, and reminded us of a State Link meeting in Pierre on 22 Sep. That is the same date as the SD MS. For new business, Bruce reported on the request to support the Mt. Rushmore Marathon. We nominated new officers, election will be at the September Meeting: Pres. Gene McPherson VP Chris Stallkamp Treas. Carroll Cash Sec. Bruce Conlee Dir. Jerry Hawley Dir. Neil Richmond Dues are due: $10/year Gene McPherson Outgoing Sec. Pierre Area News KB0GGM, AA0LY and myself took a trip yesterday to work on the Reliance repeater. The repeater has been working well, but the transmitter has been dead for a couple weeks. The TX problem was pretty simple with it being a bad pot on the power control board. I swapped the power control board from another Micor and it took off running like it should have. I was able to borrow a Micor test set for the trip from W0RTD so we did an alignment on the radio, even though it didnt appear to really need it. The new antenna installation at Reliance appears to be working quite well. The vent fan for the building had lost its pressure hose so was not venting to the outside and cooling the building. We had the same problem with Murdo the last time I was down there and when this happens, the fan doesnt shut off until the outside temperature gets low enough that the buildings inside temperature decreases. I think we have both problems fixed now. Jim KD0S

Delta Division


LOUISIANA SECTION NEWS – AUGUST 2007 WB5FBS reports that as part of the "Hot August Nights" event, Southeast LA ARC members participated with an amateur radio exhibit for the Children's Museum in Hammond. In addition to the banners and ham radio literature, there was a DVD presentation of area hams and their participation in post-Katrina activities, an interactive computer demonstration with Morse code, and an operating VHF station. Club members who participated during this event were K5QNT, KE5GOC, KD5PCM, WB5FBS, K5CAV, K5SHY, K5COY, KD5PCK, KC5WDH, K5NDT, and KB5YZF. Great going, SELARC! KE5DJA, Public Information Official (PIO), reports that the West Central LA ARC has obtained a club emergency trailer using funds received from the Vernon Parish Police Jury and FEMA. Some club members are also donating radios and other equipment for the trailer. KE5JXC, Vermillion Parish Emergency Coordinator, was featured on several local TV stations operating from the Vermillion Parish EOC. Our Emergency Coordinators (ECs) and District ECs should be well in the process of planning their Simulated Emergency Test (SET) scenarios by now. This year our intent is to focus more on local activities (7 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:06:35 PM] Section News for August 2007 planned by local/district ARES leaders. Our SET will begin at 8 AM local time on Saturday, October 27, and will run about three or four hours. HF nets will meet on 7285 kHz (tactical traffic) and 7280 kHz (health/welfare traffic) during our SET to help move traffic between local/district groups as necessary, as well as provide outlets for traffic addressed to parties outside of LA. If propagation is spotty on 40 meters, our backup tactical frequency on 75 meters will be 3873 kHz. Digital frequencies (PACTOR) will be 7079.9 (center) kHz and 3595.9 (center) kHz. All ARES members and traffic handlers are strongly encouraged to participate in our SET exercise this year! AE5V reports that the National Integration Center's (NIC) Incident Management Systems Division (IMDS) has developed a Five-Year National Incident Management System (NIMS) Training Plan. The plan establishes aWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO common national foundation for NIMS training and qualifying emergency management/response personnel. A copy of the draft Five-Year NIMS Training Plan is available at http://www. If you would like to submit comments concerning this plan, you can request a comment form via email at mailto:[email protected] Questions and comments on the process can also be directed to the Incident Management Systems Division via email at mailto:[email protected] or by calling (202) 646-7289. The LA Section welcomes the following new hams: Robert Thomson KE5PJB, Nobuyuki Eguchi KE5PLO, Jeffery Guidry KE5PTK, Clifton Price KE5PJC, David Levy KE5PTQ, Troy Ordoyne KE5PJW, William Manning KE5PJV, Jamie Stewart KE5PJU, Charles Greer KE5PTR, Barry Borchers KE5PTP, Marcus Bell KE5PTS, Errol Augustine KE5PTN, Jefferel Waldrop KE5PIH, Christopher Kersey KE5PQO, Ricky Nichols KE5PTM, Michael Davis KE5PQL, Kurt Braun KE5PQM, Benjamin Stacy KE5PQN, Gregory Guzik KE5POJ, Eric Whiteside KE5PQQ, Evan Rinehart KE5POI, Matthew Persson KE5POA, Jack Noble KE5POB, Morgan Cole KE5PKF, Michael Floyd KE5PLD, and David Oelschlager KE5PPY. I am happy to report that KE5PWN is the new EC for St. Tammany Parish. Field Day logs have been received from the Acadiana Amateur Radio Association,WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO the Baton Rouge ARC, the Minden ARA, the Bayouland Emergency Amateur Radio Service, the Greater New Orleans Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Committee, the Central LA ARC, the Shreveport ARA, the Ascension ARC, and the Twin City Ham Club. With a little luck, the 2007 FD plaques will be presented at the Monroe Hamfest on November 10. Upcoming LA hamfests include the CLARC Hamfest in Pineville on October 13, the Twin City Hamfest in Monroe on November 10, and the MARA Hamfest in Minden on December 15. Traffic totals: WA5LQZ 64, W5PY 61, N5KWB 45, K5MC 32, WC5M 15, AE5V 4. Public Service Honor Roll: W5PY 141, N5KWB 135, K5MC 102, W5HUD 66, N5MEL 60, KB5SDU 50, AE5V 46, KB5UHH 43, KD5ITA 29. Section net reports: sessions/check-ins/messages handled. Louisiana Traffic Net: 31/629/51. Louisiana CW Net: 52/229/60. Louisiana Slow Net: 9/35/11. Louisiana ARES Net: 4/83/0. Local/district net reports: sessions/check-ins. Allen Parish ARES Net: 5/4. Caddo/Bossier Parish ARES Net: 4/55. Calcasieu Parish ARES Net: 2/10. East Baton Rouge Parish ARES Net: 4/15. Lafayette Parish ARES Net: 4/26. Orleans Parish ARES Net: 4/35. Ouachita Parish ARES Net: 4/67. Rapides Parish ARES Net: 5/64. Richland Parish ARES Net: 4/50. St. Charles Parish ARES Net: 1/13. St. Mary Parish ARES Net: 4/27. St. Tammany Parish ARES Net: 5/69. Terrebone Parish ARES Net: 5/32. Union Parish ARES Net: 3/22. Vermillion Parish ARES Net: 3/23. Vernon Parish ARES Net: 6/60. Washington Parish ARES Net: 5/60. ARES reports: parish/EC. Allen/W5ELM, Avoyelles/KD5IGG, Beauregard/W5MVP, Caddo/Bossier/NZ5S, Calcasieu/KC5FGO, Caldwell/KD5ETB, Cameron/W5JFW, Claiborne/KD5JJP, DeSoto/AA5HY, East Baton Rouge/N5ULA, Franklin/N5ASA, Jefferson/KD5EWD, Lafourche/N5PZJ, Livingston/W5RR, Morehouse/ KB5SAR, Orleans/NO5FD, Ouachita/W5DSG, Plaquemines/AI5B, Rapides/KD5DFL, Red River/KD5IUZ, Richland/N5MEL, St. Bernard/AI5B, St. Charles/K5CFJ, St. John/AI5B, St. Mary/KA5LMZ, St. Tammany/ KC5EAK, Terrebonne/AD5XJ, Union/KA5JNL, Vermillion/KE5JXC, Vernon/W5JZQ, Washington/AI5B. PIO reports: KE5DJA. 73, Mickey Cox K5MC LA Section Manager Email: [email protected] LA Section Website: http://


Thanks to MFJ for hosting the 2007 ARRL Day in the Park in Starkville as part of their 35th Anniversary Celebration. Chairman KC5NSZ reports that over 400 were in attendance for the two-day event. Participants were given the opportunity to tour all four MFJ Facilities and ask all of the questions they could think of. Special guests were K1MMH from ARRL Headquarters and K9JA from ICOM, who brought along an IC-7800 for the participants to drool over. Also in attendance were Delta Division Director WD4Q and Vice Director WA5TMC, who presented Martin (K5FLU) with a plaque recognizing his contributions to Ham Radio over the past 35 years. The MFJ 35th Anniversary was surely an event that provided a unique opportunity see the results of American entrepreneurship at its best and an opportunity for fun, food, and fellowship. Sorry, if you missed it. At the section level Mississippi is better prepared for an emergency communications response than we were before Katrina. However, because Katrina wiped out the 2005 SET and there wasn't much enthusiasm for a Post Katrina Simulated Emergency Test (SET) in 2006, local level ARES exercises have been rather hit and (8 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:06:35 PM] Section News for August 2007 miss since our last SET in 2004. With this in mind, we will have a Section SET on October 27 focused on local ARES emergency response with the proviso that if we have a major hurricane in the interim then the SET will be cancelled. The local SET Scenarios will be developed by District Emergency Coordinators and/or Emergency Coordinators (DEC/EC). Scenarios can be set up on a district or county basis such that the scenario is appropriate for the area. The SET will be conducted on Saturday Morning October 27 with a start time for each local exercise to be determined by the DEC and/or EC. The training value we realize from this year's SET will depend on how well the DEC/ECs have done their Pre-SET homework. This is a golden opportunity to resurrect a dormant ARES Group that has Post Katrina Letdown and to get back on the radar screens of your local EMA Director, law enforcement officials, Red Cross Director, Salvation Army Corps, etc. Contact your EC and see what part you will playWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO in the SET. EC W5MPC reports that Lafayette County Emergency Management contacted ARES to assist the Lafayette County Fire Department and the Mississippi Forestry Commission in fighting a large wildfire in a densely wooded area in the northwestern part of the county. The assistance rendered was not directly communications related. Due to the size and scope of the fire and other emergencies going on simultaneously local law enforcement was not available to secure the roads leading to the fire scene. ARES members responded within minutes of the request for assistance and secured the roads leading into the area. This prevented local residents from getting to close to the scene and kept a clear path for the fire equipment to get through. Those hams participating in this effort were K5DSG, K5LMB, K5MHB, KE5PPU, W4DQK, KD5JHE, KE5JQZ, WB5VYH, and W5MPC. DEC W4WLF reports that the McHenry D-Star is a work in progress. Through the efforts of Harold K5GVR, Ray K5XXV and Tim N5UDK, the receive antennas for the 2 meter and 440 digital voice repeaters have been split from the transmit antennas. The receive antennas are now at about 1100 feet. It was found that the 440 amplifier was bad. The removal of itWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO allows the signal to be heard all the way to the coastline in Gulfport. It is hoped that the addition of preamps to the 2 meter and 440 receive systems will bring them up to par. Hopefully the Internet Gateway will be activated soon, in addition to waiting on Icom to give the go ahead for the national/international system. The Mississippi Coast ARA activated K5K focusing on the second anniversary of Katrina's Landfall. W5ACS reports making over 200 QSOs. QSL with SASE to W5ACS. The DeSoto County RACES group attended the City of Olive Branch Neighborhood Watch 'Safety Fair' on Saturday August 11. They displayed the DeSoto County EMA Rescue Truck (you have to see this!), handed out disaster preparedness materials, and demonstrated how simple and efficient amateur radio communications could be set up by using a G5RV, battery and a 'Go Box.' The demonstration was a hit and a bunch of potential hams asked a lot of questions. Members in attendance were KB0ZTX, KD5VMV, KE5EOQ, KI4OTF, KE5MXY, KD5ARO, and KC5KLL. Also welcome to N5UDK, who has been appointed Assistant DEC on the Gulf Coast, and WX5N as EC for Tishomingo County. Former EC K5WSY has retired from this position, Congratulations to the following on their upgrades: KC5RFL -- Sumner; KA5DON - Vancleave; KE5KBF -- Marks; KE5KMF -- Poplarville; N3MHJ -- Poplarville; KE5OVP -- Amory; KE5PYM -- Pearl; N5WDG -- Madison; and WA5TPM -- Tupelo. Also congratulations are in order for KA5DON, who passed ARRL ECC-01, ECC-02, and ECC-03, as well as congratulations to KB5CSQ for being nominated and appointed as a HF QSL Checker and KA5VFU as a VUCC QSL Checker. We now have HF/VUCC Checkers in the Southern, Central, and Northern Parts of the state, so no one should have to mail their cards into ARRL Headquarters. The complete list of Card Checkers is on the Section Web Site. Additional congratulations are in order for Griffin, KE5QEK, who passed his Tech Exam at the ripe old age of 8. Has anyone passed an exam at an age equal to or younger than 8? Is Griffin now the youngest ham in the state? Welcome to new ARRL members: AE5CX -- Jackson; W5EHZ -- Terry; N5EKR -- Ellisville; W5ESV -- Raymond; KE5MIT -- Alligator; KD5NSO -- Tupelo; KA9OFM -- Walnut; KE5PKO -- Ellisville; KB5PMP -- Picayune; KE5QCS -- Gulfport; KE4RXB -- Glen; K5SHE -- Fulton; WW5OJ -- Philadelphia; N5SOX -- Clinton; AC5SU -- Jackson; KA5TTR -- Buckatunna; WA5UAW -- Starkville; and N5WDG -- Madison. PIC Report: N5TBB; Club Newsletters/Reports: Hattiesburg ARC (AC5E), Mississippi Coast ARA (WE5Y), University of Mississippi ARC (W5MPC), Vicksburg ARC (W5WAF); DEC/EC Report: WB5CON (NE MS/Alcorn), KD5CQT (Jackson), KC5EAK (Pearl River), WB5GUD (Newton), KD5GWM (Lauderdale/Clarke), N5TBB (Tippah/Benton), W4WLF (Gulf Coast/Harrison), K5WLP (Sunflower), and K5WSY (Tishomingo). Net reports: sessions/QNI/QTC (Net Manager) DRN5 62/Miss 100% Rep by W5XX, WA5FB, WB5ZED (WB5ZED) MS Section Phone Net 31/2065/10 (K5NRK) Magnolia Section Net 31/873/2 (AD5J) MS Section Traffic Net 31/118/6 (KB5W) Jackson County EN 31/479/6 (KD5CQT) MS Section Slow Net 23/56/1 (W3TWD) Hattiesburg AEN 5/116/0 (N5MZ) South MS YL Net 5/83/0 (KB5CSQ) Newton County ARES 5/47/0 (WB5GUD) Tishomingo County ARC 5/115/5 (KU4WW) Stone Co ARES Net 5/133/0 (N5UDK) Jackson ARC Em Net 4/34/0 (AB5WF)Meridian Area EN 4/48/0 (KD5GWM) Lowndes Co ARC Net 4/51/0 (AD5DO) Pearl River ARES 4/64/1 (KC5EAK) NE MS ARES 4/62/0 (W5LMW); Late report for July 5/68/0. MS-LA EN 4/32/0 (K5NRK) Monroe ARC 4/48/0 (AD5DO) MS Baptist Hams Net 4/30/0 (WF5F) UMARC 2M Net 4/44/0 (W5MPC) Metro Jackson ARES 3/16/0 (AB5WF) MDXA 2/36/0 (N5FG) PSHR: W5XX 170, WB5ZED 150, and AB5WF 83 (9 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:06:35 PM] Section News for August 2007

Traffic: WB5ZED 3148 (BPL) Compilation of Net and Traffic Statistics provided by KB5RCJ

Great Lakes Division


Greetings everyone, Roger Edwards WB8WJV has served as our Assistant Section Manager since August of 1997. After ten years in the position (and three of those where he has begged to resign), your SM has finally and reluctantly relented to RogerWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO’s request. Roger is one of those people who is involved in his community and has the ability to really make things happen. He has been a most valuable asset to the Michigan ARRL Section. Fortunately for all, he will remain active in his home town of Caro and with amateur radio in Tuscola County. Roger, thanks for everything. The IRA link repeater system has a new repeater on-line in Mackinaw City, Michigan operating on 146.84 MHz with a 103.5 CTCSS on receive and transmit. WB8DEL, W8HVG, W8BCI and KC8GXO installed it on September 1. It is located about seven miles south of Mackinaw City. Initial tests indicate that it will extend the IRA link system coverage to Sault Ste. Marie and most of the eastern half of the Upper Peninsula. It will provide handie-talkie coverage in the area around the Mackinac Bridge and Mackinac Island. Although there are a few minor technical issues still to be worked on involving audio frequency tailoring and link RF signal level, the new repeater is working very well. The Mackinaw City link repeater should be a tremendous adjunct to the IRA link system communications capability providing users with enhanced emergency communications, opportunities to meet new hams, make new friends, and learn new things about Michigan. The Annual election results for the Midland Amateur Radio Club: President: WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.ROKC8ITI, Vice Pres: KB8SOE, Sectary: KC8MUD, Treasurer: N8CGP. Congratulations to these newly elected officers. Congratulations to Sam K8SN. Sam has been awarded the Pillars of Society Award by the Michigan DX Assn. for his many years of advancing emergency communications in the western Michigan area. As you read this, the final preparations are being made for our ARRL Great Lakes Division Convention in Independence, Ohio. This major event is scheduled for September 21 & 22. The banquet Keynote speaker will be ARRL President Joel Harrison W5ZN. Seminar Topics include DX, EMCOMM, ARDF and AMSAT. The seminar speakers include W3UR, K8MFO, K8YSE, K4UEE, K2DCD, WA6EZV and WB4GCS. Check your QST for September, page 92 for details or visit the Convention web page for all of the latest updates. A gathering of the Royal Order of the Wouff Hong will follow the banquet. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet with the people who are the pacesetters of ham radio, I hope I will see you there. We are beginning to emphasize more of our local and club net activities. If your ARES/RACES group or club has a regular net that handles traffic, you can report that activity to WB8RCR and we will be pleased to post the participation in the Monthly Section News. And now, some comments from John WB8RCR our SEC/ STM: SET is coming soon. Be sure to mark October 6th on your calendar. Last year we learned a lot by having a lot of simplex operation. Although most emergency operation tends to be local, we sometimes need longer distance communications. HF conditions are often poor from many parts of the state to the SEOC, so this year we want to emphasize other VHF paths. We are asking every county to route messages to the SEOC through their nearest VHF traffic net, as well as to the SM via packet. For many of you, this will require organizing some help from adjacent counties. This will help you be prepared for the possible pitfalls should you need to do this in a real incident. There may be some more exciting developments about SET yet to come. Keep an eye on the SET page which can be reached by clicking on the SET link on the "Events" page of the mi-arpsc site, or by clicking on 2007 SET on the left menu of the mi-nts site. I will also post any news on the MIARPSC Yahoo group. The direct link is . On August 24, the NWS confirmed six tornado touchdowns across the state. A number of programs activated, most were clear by late in the evening. I was particularly impressed by the response from areas that were not affected. Kent proactively offered help to Eaton, who, as it turns out, were able to handle the problem themselves. Genesee, the hardest hit, had 120 volunteers on scene with another 60 standing by. ARES programs from all over the state responded, and Greg Allinger, the DEC for District 3 asked me to pass along a big thank you to those that participated, and those that stood by in case they were needed. The incident did point out to me a weakness we have. When we have an event that may require assistance from outside the affected area, information can be quite sketchy. Generally, the EC is tied up and even if communication circuits are available, probably isn't interested in giving updates to those from outside. I would urge you to contact your DEC any time you are activated. If you can't reach your DEC, contact me. As s minimum, we will be starting to identify who might have the skills and capacity to help should it be needed. More and more ECs are paying attention to E-Team, so if at all possible, please keep your SitRep up to date there. Normally this would be an EC job, but you can't always schedule a disaster for when your EC is in town, so everyone should be aware of where to go for help. Emcomm organizations are a little bit "upside-down". The DEC is there to help the EC, and the SEC is there to help the DEC. You shouldn't (10 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:06:35 PM] Section News for August 2007 be afraid to contact your section officials; it's our job to support you, not the other way around. Unfortunately, we won't be able to organize an EC meeting before SET, but I would like to have one shortly after. Right now I am thinking of October 27 in Lansing. This will give us an opportunity to share learnings from SET, and ideas for next year's event. Following the SET please share with your EC anything you felt could be improved, or which worked particularly well, so (s)he can be prepared to share that with the other ECs in Lansing. The date and location isn't cast in concrete yet, so if you can think of a better time or venue, please share it with me. Enough rambling for this month, I'll try to keep you all posted on what is happening, both here, and on the MIARPSC group. 73 de WB8RCR Michigan Nets reporting for August: MiTN, MACS, WMTN, UPN, TMMTN, SEMTN, GLETN, NLEUPN, Hiawatha, Benzie County, MIARPSC, and Branch County. Total Operator- hours for August: 1,758. StationWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Activity Reports (SAR) for August, 2007: WB9JSR 668, KC8WSE 251, K8KV 233, K8LJG 151, AB8SY 98, K8AMR 69, W8RNQ 43, WB8RCR 31, AB8WF 27, KC8MLD 17, KD8BGQ 16, WD8USA 14, K8ZJU 9, KC8BMV 4. Public Service Honor Roll Reports (PSHR) for August, 2007: KD8BGQ 383, WB8RCR 341, K8MFK 265, WB9JSR 145, K8ZJU 108, WD8USA 105, KC8WSE 100, K8AMR 90, K8RDN 86, K8KV 80, AB8SY 80, K8VFZ 63. SARs are reports of all the radiogram traffic you have handled in the past month. PSHRs include your net and public service activities for the month. PSHRs and SARs should be filed monthly with WB8RCR. You can access a simple reporting form at: shtml to provide your reports to WB8RCR. July Official Emergency Station reports came in from K8COP, WB8WRB, and WU8Y. Your OES reports should be filed with WA8EFK. In all cases, reporting by radiogram is encouraged. Packet messages can be routed to [email protected] and [email protected] 73 until next month, Dale WA8EFK

Midwest DivisionWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO


Kansas Section News Summary- August 2007 SM, Ron Cowan, KB0DTI-- SEC/OOC: Robert Summers,K0BXF ASM: Orlan Cook,W0OYH ASM-Youth: Emily Stewart, KC0PTL SGL: Steve Hamilton, KB0JYL PIC: Larry Staples, W0AIB ______Our convention was held in Salina at the Bicentennial Center. Central Kansas ARC did a wonderful job of putting it together. Attendance was approximately 370, about the same as last year and pretty good considering the cost of gas. The forums and meetings were well attended, as they always are in Kansas. Nearly 70 of you found your way upstairs for the Directors and Section meetings. Take a look at the pictures on the web. One of them shows a map that KCØPTL provides at the youth table. Not everyone dotted their county however. Not shown but Thomas Co. was represented by KØBJ. (I was going to do it for him but was distracted) The Kansas Nebraska ARC was represented this year by WAØCCW who presided over the presentation of the Kansas Radio Amateur of the Year award to Don Fitzgerald-KAØEIC. Don has been involved with section activities, CKARC for many years. Don is also active with QCWA. SATERN, CAP and NWS Wichita all had a presence this year with displays in the fleamarket and meetings. This was an excellent time to talk with Bruce and Cliff that represent us to the League and locally Bob, Orlan, Joe and Myself while we were all together. I hope you did not pass up this opportunity. A big thanks to all the Central Kansas ARC club members for another fine show. ______Crown ARA operated KØASA from the historic Hollenberg Pony Express Station near Hanover, KS as part of the local Pony Express festival. Conditions were not the best so the number of contacts ended up being less than in years past. Only a few locals were able to make contact. A group of dedicated operators lead by WDØDPB provided the communications support for the Johnson County fair parade in mid August. Staging of all entries and the judging stand was handled by approximately 20 hams. Cider Mill Ride (Louisburg) was supported again this year by operators from DG, JO, MI counties in Kansas and a couple more from Missouri. McPherson County A.R.E. S. supported the Mowbray bike ride in July. Simulated Emergency Test is the first weekend in October. This is shaping up to be a good year for the drill. There may be more players this year than before. Check with your county emergency manager or CD director for their participation or ideas on what your group can do for them. Upcoming ham events: Chanute Hamfest October 6th Johnson Co. RAC Auction October 6th at Ensor Museum Valley Center\Wichita Hamfest October 6th Simulated Emergency Test October 6- 7th ______Newsletters received: Feed Back, Trojan ARC Harmonic, QRZ, QNU H.A.R.C. , DCARC ______July Sessions/ QNI/QTC/Mgr: KSBN/ 31/ 852 / 52 N0KFS KPN/22 / 235 / 21 / 0KFS KMWN/31/ 733 / 621 /WB0YWZ KWN/31/743/ 519 / WB0YWZ CSTN 26/1734/44 N0BFB QKS/ 44 /177 /34 NB0Z Traffic: KI0BK 349 NB0Z 58 KC0MRJ 44 W0OYH 35 K0BXF 20 KB0DTI 12 N0ZIZ 11 To receive or contribute to Orlan's Kansas Amateur Radio News E-mail News Letter contact Orlan-W0OYH-Editor at [email protected] See KSN on ARRL (11 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:06:35 PM] Section News for August 2007 and more Kansas news:


SEPTEMBER 2007 MISSOURI SECTION NEWS DALE BAGLEY, KØKY MO SM The Missouri State ARRL Convention in Joplin was outstanding. A big vote of thanks to Andy Gabbert, KAØTUD, JARC President and all those members that worked so hard to make the Convention and Hamfest a success. This year Ward Silver, NØAX, presented several forums and did an award winning job starring as “The Old Man” in the drama that is part of the Wouff Hong ceremonyWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO at Midnight Friday night. The Tri-Division Director’s workshop was informative and well attended. There were several other excellent workshops dealing with MARS, SWR measurement, ARRL Grassroots Campaign, QRP and the MO Section ARRL. It was exciting to visit with all the Hams in attendance and meeting the Division Leaders from the West Gulf Division and the Delta Division. Midwest Division Director Bruce Frahm and Midwest Division Vice-Director Cliff Ahrens were very helpful at the ARRL Table. The good news for the month is the improvement in the health of Dale Huffington, AEØS. Dale’s back has gotten much better and indicated that he would be sending in this month’s Section Net Report. I want to thank Bill Hudson, WAØKBZ, for helping with the Net Reports in August. SEPTEMBER HAMFEST 2007 The Macon County’s Radio Rendezvous / Ham Radio Camp-Out will be held September 28th through the 30th at the Macon County Fairgrounds Park. Camp sites will be on a first come first choice basis. You can camp in a tent or sleep in your car/van for no charge I believe, unless of course you park in a campsite and use the electricity to run an air conditioner. The Rendezvous will be great fun for those that want to camp, but if you don’t want to camp and just want enjoy the get together you can drive to Macon onWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Saturday. If you want you can set-up a flea market stand in the location provided. It is suggested you bring a lawn chair so that you can share some of those really long stories about your experiences in Amateur Radio. Macon has lots of nice Motels, Restaurants, and fast food places so no one will lack a place to sleep or eat. If you need more information about the Radio Rendezvous, contact Larry Ballew [email protected] or Ed Brockelmeyer, KØEB at [email protected] OCTOBER HAMFEST 2007 The Ozarks Regional Hamfest and Homeland Security Convention will be held on October 12th and 13th at the Remington’s Entertainment Complex in Springfield, MO. To get more information or register for the Hamfest visit their website at The Southside ARC Octoberfest will be held in Grandview at the Grandview Middle School October 20th . You can contact Donna Quick, KBØYJN, PO Box 1670 Lee's Summit, MO 64063 Phone: 816-537-7464 Email: [email protected] or check out their website at http:// The St. Louis ARC is sponsoring their 16th annual Halloween Hamfest on October 27th at the Kirkwood Community Center located at 111 South Geyer Road in Kirkwood, MO. To get more information contact Bob Sluder, NØIS 47 Wells Road Fenton, MO 63026 Phone: 636-349-6584 Email: [email protected] . For more information you can also go to http://www.halloweenhamfest. org. AFFILIATED CLUB NEWS KEITH HAYE, WEØG, ACC The Mississippi Valley DX and Contest Club members now have a new hat to wear to Amateur Radio Events. The hat cost about $10.00 and sports the “DX HOG” logo with the member’s callsign. They also now have available for their club members QSL cards with the Club logo. The MVDXCC will continue their two websites. One is the official club website and other for the zero QSL bureau. The St. Charles ARC’s newsletter the “GARBLE” reports that the Race for the Rivers was a tremendous success and had scores of club members that helped with the communication during the event. They also were appreciative of all of the members that made the St. Charles Hamfest so successful this year. On August 7, 2007 the JPL Contest Club in Chesterfield, MO became the latest Amateur Radio Club to be affiliated with the ARRL. Paul Haefner, KØJPL is the club’s first president. The club is interested in Contesting and has a membership that covers a very wide area. The NEMO ARC conducted another a successful public services operation at this year’s 23rd annual Northeast Missouri Triathlon. The Northeast Missouri Amateur Radio Club has provided this public service for all twentythree of the Triathlons. Members of the Macon County ARC assisted with the operation. SECTION ARES REPORT FOR AUGUST 2007 DON MOORE, KMØR SEC The Missouri Section ARES is happy to announce the appointment of Lance M Davis, KCØUFP of Kennett, MO to be the EC for Dunklin County and Johnnie Wolfe, WAØBNZ of Raymore, MO as the EC for Cass County. Gene Bess, WØGAB, the District I Emergency Coordinator and Pulaski County EC has resigned. Gene has enjoyed working with ARES as a volunteer, but the time commitment was becoming more than he could continue. Thanks to Gene for his nearly 8 years of service to the ARES program. Total # of ARES members: 383 Number of drills, tests and training sessions this month: 33 Man hours: 203 Number of public service events this month: 1 Man hours: 23 Number of emergency operations this month: 0 Man hours: 0 Total number of ARES operations this month: 34 Total Man hours: 226 Comments: 3 of 9 districts reporting To view this and other Monthly Section ARES reports go to SECTION TRAFFIC REPORTS FOR AUGUST 2007 DALE HUFFINGTON, AEØS, MON - CW Sessions 51 QNI 114 (12 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:06:35 PM] Section News for August 2007

QTC 43 NM K9ZTV MO Phone Sessions 31 QNI 838 QTC 95 NM KØRWL MESN Sessions 4 QNI 143 QTC 2 NM AEØS Audrain Sessions 5 QNI 88 QTC 0 NM KBØKWC Callaway CARL Sessions 3 QNI 28 QTC 0 NM WBØHKN Boone Co Sessions 5 QNI 79 QTC 1 NM WMØH Howell Co Sessions 8 QNI 58 QTC 0 NM KØRWL Jackson Co ARESR Sessions 4 QNI 59 QTC 1 NM KØUAA CSRCD Wellsville Sessions 4 QNI 17 QTC 2 NM KCØYNE Macon Co Sessions 4 QNI 30 QTC 1 NM KØKY Rolla RRARS Sessions 27 QNI 362 QTC 10 NM KBØZBO SULLIVAN SARC Sessions 15 QNI 140 QTC 7 NM KBØROX St Louis CO ARC Sessions 6 QNI 96 QTC 12 NM KBØH Taney Co TLARC Sessions 1 QNI 5 QTC 97 NM KBØOFD WAARCI Sessions 5 QNI 84 QTC 0 NM WBØTOM 10th Reg Sessions 60 QNI QTC 125 MO 73 % with K9ZTV, NDØN, WØSJS, WØSJS, NM WØSS Station Activity Reports forwardedWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO to ARRL for WØSJS and NDØN New England Division


It sure was great to see many of you from all across the Section at the Western CT Hamfest. Congrats to chairs Joe AB1DO and Jim KD1YV on a fine job. I understand that there were very few leftovers in the food department—congrats to food chair Judy, N1TGK. There is a lot of activity going on this weekend, September 28-30. The ARRL and TAPR 26th annual Digital Communications Conference will be held at The DoubleTree Hotel - Windsor Locks. See for conference details. Beginners and longtime digital ops are welcome. The RASON Hamfest will be held this coming Saturday, September 29 9:00-1:00 at The Gales Ferry Firehouse, 1772 Route 12, Ledyard. Talk-in 146.73 PL 156.7 Hz. Admission $4; 6ft tables $15; 5ft,WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO $13. Contact Wayne, KB1NKK; phone and fax 206-350-3064; e-mail [email protected]. VE exams will be given at 10; registration at 9:30. Paul, N1TUP, president CSMA will chair a meeting of CSMA Sunday, Sept. 30 at 10:00am Marcus Communications, 275 New State Road, Manchester. Many thanks to Bruce, N1XG for hosting this meeting at his office. Some may not know this but TS Bruce and TS Dana KB1AEV worked very hard to re-establish the 147.18 repeater now located in Prospect for use over the long Labor Day holiday weekend. A lot of hard work and significant investment goes into repeater systems so be sure and thank Bruce and Dana: [email protected], [email protected]. STM Larry, K1HEJ announces that The Nutmeg VHF Traffic Net will temporarily meet on the 147.09 repeater sponsored by the Middlesex Amateur Radio Society. Many thanks to MARS and to their president Mark, K1PU for giving the net permission to operate there. It’s HERE! The FIFTEENTH annual Nutmeg HamFest and ARRL CT State Convention will be held at Mountain Ridge in Wallingford on Sunday, October 7 and promises to be very exciting! Don’t miss The Doctor –yes, the famous Doctor of ‘The Doctor Is In’ and Commissioner James Thomas from The Connecticut Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security! Commissioner Thomas will outline the State's Emergency Communications plans, including the role of Amateur Radio Operators. Lots of surprises this year—see ASEC Rod Lane, N1FNE and DEC Chuck Rexroad, AB1CR plan to demo D-Star digital voice so be sure and stop by their table. Director Tom Frenaye K1KI and Vice Director Mike Raisbeck, K1TWF will also be on hand to greet you and answer your questions. Don’t miss the ARRL Forum where I will be announcing a couple of new initiatives and give a few awards for really significant work. Doors open at 8:30 and VIP admission at 8:00. You can register on the Web site if you want to get a VIP ticket! Admission: $7.00. IMPORTANT! SEC Brian K1BRF and Committee Chair DEC Wayne N1CLV Announce The 2007 Simulated Emergency Test. The 2007 Simulated Emergency Test (SET) for the Connecticut Section is coming! Are you ready? According to the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) website "The ARRL Simulated Emergency Test is a nationwide exercise in emergency communications, administered by ARRL Field Organization Leaders including Emergency Coordinators, District Emergency Coordinators, Section Emergency Coordinators and Net Managers..." General guidelines for the SET are given at the following ARRL weblink: Please note that because of various scheduling conflicts, the date for the Connecticut Section SET will be Saturday, 13 October 2007 -- repeat -- Saturday, 13 October 2007. Participants should expect that the primary portion of the exercise will take place from approximately 0830-1200 EDT on that Saturday. We are purposely trying to conduct the test using a compressed timeline so that we can maximize participation by all radio amateurs in Connecticut and contiguous states. In addition to the SET purposes outlined on the ARRL website, the CT Section SET Planning Committee has established the following Exercise Objectives: 1. Establish emergency communications (both voice and digital/data) between and within the five CT ARES/DEMHS Regions - to include fixed, mobile, and field-deployed Stations; (2) Encourage the use of emergency power (battery, generator, and/or mobile) by all stations during the exercise; (3) Maximize the number of amateur radio participants - DECs will establish Regional Resource Nets and coordinate within their respective areas; (4) Utilize National Traffic System (NTS) format for all record message traffic. We are looking for (13 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:06:35 PM] Section News for August 2007 maximum participation from ALL radio amateurs, not just CT ARES members! Anyone with questions about the SET should contact one of the members of the SET Planning Committee using their [email protected] for email: • Allan NN1H, DEC Region 1, • Wayne N1CLV, DEC Region 4, SET Committee Chairperson, • David K1DAV, DEC Region 5, • Steve K1SJW, DEC Skywarn, • Larry K1HEJ, CT STM, • Brian K1BRF, CT SEC. Thanks and 73 —Wayne, N1CLV DEC Region 4 and SET Chair. The CQ Radio Club will celebrate sixty years as a club on Saturday, October 6 with a whole day of events culminating in a dinner complete with video of club historical events. The Meriden Amateur Radio Club is also celebrating sixty years and will have their special meeting at the end of October! Your SM will be on tap to congratulate, thank and celebrate at both events! This month we have a re-activated club: The Greater Bridgeport Amateur Radio Club which will offer entry- level license classes, VE sessions,WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO and repeater operation. This is a general-interest club; contact John, KA1JXW [email protected]. The New England Amateur Radio Festival (NEARFEST) Deerfield Fair Grounds NH is coming up October 12-13. This is a Friday / Saturday event so those of you who want to go can still be back for SET on Saturday! There will be another NEARFEST in May. See for full details.

Eastern Massachusetts

Hello fellow Hams! Sorry this is late, but due to my Holiday this past weekend, I ran out of time. Vacations are over so back to business. First on the list is the 2007 ARRL National Convention in Huntsville, AL. on August 18- 19, 2007."THE HEAT WAS BLISTERING HOT", it reached 110 degrees on the day of our arrival, but we sturdy enthusiasts took it all in. K1GBX was there with his XYL Shirl, who is a ARRL member, went right to work handing out leaflets for "the ARRL Scavenger Hunt"! It was great fun! The youth really enjoyed doing it. We met and talkedWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO with our President "Joel Harrison" and many other Executives of ARRL, also of course all the SM's and National Headquarter's Managers. The forums were run beautifully!! As for the STAFF MEMBERS meeting on Sept. 29,2007, we will be looking for a new Traffic Manager! Jim Ward "K1LKJ", has requested to be retired. At this meeting, we will be giving a presentation to "Mike Goldberg" (K1LJN), our Official Observer Co-ordinator, for many years. Mike will be the "First" new receiptient of another program being put into place! There will be many more who have worked hard over the years, to receive an award in the E.MA. Section under my leadership. This includes affiliated clubs and, just good hams. Please get in touch with Art,want to attend the Staff Meeting? Volunteer for open position? (978-352-2095) It would be nice to be made aware of club or organizations looking for help from our ARRL Managers. A heads up always helps your Section. It would be pertinent also to have all Presidents of Affiliated Clubs to report any problems to the Sec. Mgr., so that issues can be properly taken care of truthfully and helpfully in our Section. Our N.E. Dir., Tom Frenaye "K1KI" reports the NE.Div. Cabinet donation was acknowledged by the ARRL B.O.D.. For the Eucation and Technology Program. August has been a vey busy month, and I hope we can cover the items not discussed in the S.M. News Letter at the Staff Meeting on Sept. 29, from 8:30-11:30 A.M. in Brockton, MA.. Good Airs Waves Arthur Greenberg E.MA.S.M. (K1GBX)

Rhode Island

Greetings fellow Rhode Islanders: Saturday, Sept 15th is the date of the RIAFMRS Flea and Auction in Forestdale RI., otherwise known as RI’s only annual hamfest. Talk-in on 146.76 and flea market setup starts at 8AM. Auction with W1HQV as host and auctioneer starts at about 11AM. Lots of stuff to buy and lots of friends to see. Coffee, donuts, hot dogs, etc all available. It is the sole source of funding to keep the organization’s five repeaters in repair and running. Saturday, September 29th is the date of the annual Yankee Steam-up from 9AM to 4PM. Site is the New England Wireless & Steam Museum in East Greenwich. It’s a terrific opportunity to see huge century old steam engines powered up and turning 12 ft diameter flywheels. It’s a truly humbling experience to watch. More details at . Also taking place on Saturday, Sept 29th is the Harvest Fair in Middletown. The Newport County Radio Club will be working with the Norman Bird Sanctuary's 33rd Harvest Fair to be held on their 300 acre wildlife refuge at 583 Third Beach Road in Middletown, RI. Hours are 10AM to 5PM. More details available at http:// The club will provide communications and be on hand to demonstrate Amateur radio to the thousands of people who come to the event. NCRC will have ham radio brochures and be showing an Amateur Radio DVD. I was just informed that ARRL has become a member of Army MARS, effective September 13, 2007. Their call is AAN1ARL. We are probably the first to announce this information. Congratulations and best wishes to HQ. Thanks to our Army MARS Director, Matt Hackman, KA1FUP/AAA1SN, for the information. Good recruiting Matt! Aim high and recruit more new members. We must strongly congratulate several RI Amateur brethren for providing a most remarkable piece of public service in August. After several weeks of long days of work, on August 13th, a team of “Radio (14 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:06:35 PM] Section News for August 2007

Geeks” being led by Warwick Police Sergeant DeAngelis closed in and apprehended five individuals and an illegal police transceiver from a house in Warwick. Their malicious interference had been causing serious disruption of police communications in the city and posed a serious threat to public safety. The full detailed story with illustrations has been submitted to QST for consideration as an article in a future edition. A picture of the “Radio Geeks” as named by Sergeant DeAngelis, is posted on our RI web page, sections/?sect=RI . The team included our Asst SM, KA1RCI Please go check out our five Amateur police, fire and EOC staff members plus two Warwick PD civilians (at least for the present). These guys performed a great public service for the citizens of Warwick by taking these pirate radio operators off the air, using their ham “fox hunting” techniques. On behalf of your brethren Amateurs, please accept our sincere thanks, gentlemen. We are extremelyWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO proud to be hams today because of your hard work. Three of our clubs collaborated to activate K1BTL at the Beavertail Lighthouse in Jamestown on August 18th and 19th. That weekend was the 350th anniversary of the founding of Jamestown, so activation of the Beavertail Lighthouse on our Amateur bands was most appropriate and significant. The Newport County Radio Club, Fidelity ARC, Blackstone Valley ARC worked together to set up and operate the station. The leader of the effort was Allen, W1PX who contributed hundreds of hours of his time preparing demonstrations and even served as historian and tour guide, dressed in an authentic 1896 Asst Lighthouse Keeper’s uniform. Pictures are on our website. The weekend was an outstanding illustration of how multiple clubs can work together supporting a common goal that will benefit all of us. Nice job everyone! Again, check a few pictures on the http://www. . I have many more great pictures than I have space for. I’ll post a link to them on our own RI website, . Go check them out and while there, look over the website. It was designed by our STM, W1EOF and is pretty neat. Log in is not necessary to read any content but is required to upload material.WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO On the Beavertail Lighthouse weekend, the BVARC VE Team remained on the island and conducted a VE session for one of W1VH’s many Red Cross Technician classes that was ready to graduate. The VE session successfully produced seven new Techs including the Jamestown Police Chief, Tom Tighe who is now KB1PJS. To my knowledge, he is the only Police Chief in Rhode Island who holds an Amateur ticket. I know of at least one Fire Chief (Portsmouth) who holds a ticket but I believe that KB1PJS is our first Police Chief. Welcome to ham radio, Tom. Quite accidentally, I came across a really useful freeware program that is useful to anyone wanting an instant reference of the beam heading of any city or town in the USA or any country in the world. The program will also give you the time difference to UTC, the exact location (latitude and longitude) of any country, prefix ID, world and map, grid square and other neat stuff. All for free. How can you beat that? Simply go to[id]99211[cid]150[SiteID] and download the zip file. Even old DX goats like me will find this program to be useful. Go try it. It’s a very useful tool. I’m sure that you’ll like it. Finally, I’d like to introduce our new Affiliated Club Coordinator to you. Last month, I mentioned that we still are searching for the right person to fill this important post of ACC and Ed Haskell, K5RJI responded. Ed and his non ham wife recently moved to RI from Minnesota and expressed interest in contributing his skills to benefit our clubs and members. I met with him over lunch and very quickly determined that he was a strong candidate for the post, so I offered him the appointment on the spot. I also appointed him as an Asst SM to strengthen his ACC role. Our other Asst SM is Steve Hodell, KA1RCI. His recent activity is mentioned above in this report. Clubs are a very important element of keeping our hams active and informed. We’d love to see our clubs attracting members and growing. Collaboration of their resources into achieving a common goal such as the recent Lighthouse activity is a great example of how well that effort worked. Ed will be visiting every one of our clubs and getting personally acquainted. I’m confident that you’ll be as impressed with Ed as I was. We’re very fortunate that out of many choices that he and his wife Naomi had available along the east coast to retire to, they selected Rhode Island. We must have done something right. Thank you, Ed and good luck in your work. We’re here to support you. 73 for another month, Bob, W1YRC

Northwestern Division


I have been traveling for work over the past 3 months, so this will be short. Montana Section has experienced several wildfires over the past weeks, some serious and some not. Many of our members have signed up with the USFS to participate in the fire control effort and have served many hours in their capacity as communications techs and radio ops. A pat on the back for all as the hours are long and sleep is little. Our hot summer has brought us extremely dry conditions. Take time this Fall to ensure you have sufficient fire break around your home and outbuildings. A little time spent now will save damage later. If you have an open wire transmission line, be sure it dosent contact any brush or dry grass along the route. Sparks can jump to (15 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:06:35 PM] Section News for August 2007 nearby objects when you are tuning and talking with your radio and amp. I traveled to Great Falls for the Cascade County emergency drill in August. The Great Falls club responded with their gear and trailer to support this exercise. A great job was done by all, very impressive. In addition, the Great Falls group responded to a wildland fire near Craig, MT, providing communications support to the County Sheriff and fire officials. Thanks to all who make my job enjoyable. 73 Doug, K7YD MTN-AE7V, QNI-2058, QTC-96 IMN-W7GHT, QNI- 477, QTC-132 MSN-QNI-72, QTC-4 Oregon WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO SECTION LEADERSHIP CHANGES Everett Curry, W6ABM, has been the section Public Information Coordinator (PIC) for a number of years. He has accomplished a lot in the role. He obtained proclamations from the governor for amateur radio week for the week of field day each year. He also worked with me and Kevin Curry, KA7KYQ, on the legislative activities that we have been involved in. This year, he compiled a list of field day sites across the state and sent invitations to state legislature members to visit field day sites in their district. Everett has chosen to give up the PIC position and begin working with the Oregon Section as an Assistant Section Manager (ASM) for ARRL Membership Development. If anyone has ideas on how to promote ARRL membership or who would like assistance in promoting membership in your organization, he would like to hear from you. Everett states that, "We are going to be finding our way with strategies to get the attention of non-ARRL licensees in Oregon Section. I am open to your ideas...and would appreciate your help in identifying opportunities in clubs and events. I will work closely with Will N7THL our Club Coordinator. Our work will cross over regularly." Steve Sanders, KE7JSS, began his Public Information Officer (PIO) assignments withWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Washington ARES as their PIO. He moved from there to a position as the PIO for District One ARES. Steve has agreed to participate with the Section Leadership Team as the Public Information Coordinator (PIC). If there are PIO's in your ARES group, Club, or other amateur radio organization, who are an ARRL member and have not yet received an official PIO appointment, please provide the information to Steve so he can submit the appointment to me. We currently have PIO's in Salem, Pendleton, and Southwestern Oregon (Coos/Curry County area). Steve would like to recruit more PIO's spread around the state and will be available to advise them as needed. According to Everett, "Steve Sanders KE7JSS is a competent and highly-motivated member of our team. He will be doing a great job for us. Welcome him, and get to know him at one of our gatherings." OREGON SECTION ARES NET The ARES/RACES Leadership in Oregon will be starting a new Oregon Section ARES Net. It will begin on Tuesday, October 2, and will meet on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 8:00 PM local time on a new frequency of 3885.0 kHz. This replaces the former state leadership net that ceased to exist around the end of last year. Note the frequency change. This new frequency is being tried because the former frequency was in between an Arizona net below and regular activity above. There was not enough available space in that frequency range to move to avoid interference with other activity. This net is intended for all ARES/RACES membership. It can be used to test radios and antennas and to arrange a schedule to test WinLink communications and to test antennas on other bands. It can also be used to test EOC radios and antennas for statewide communications. Each DEC will be responsible to be net control or arrange for a net control each month, beginning with District 4, Bruce Bjerke, K7BHB, in October. This information has already been sent out to the DEC's and EC's and hopefully, they have forwarded it to their ARES/RACES members. I am continuing to be active in my local ARES/RACES group and plan to participate in this net regularly. ARRL EMCOMM COURSE COMPLETION Larry Francis, KD7ZIK, forwarded me his completion notice of the ARRL's Level I – Introduction to Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Course (EC-001). Congratulations Larry. ARRL EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION TEST The ARRL conducted an unannounced emergency notification test recently to test the reliability of email for notification to the field organization of an emergency. The newly hired ARRL Emergency Preparedness Manager sent an email to all division directors with instructions to obtain specific weather information for their location and email it to him and then to contact the section managers in their division. The section manager was instructed to complete their same tasks and notify the section emergency coordinator (SEC). Due to the unavailability of Oregon's SEC, Bruce Bjerke, K7BHB, responded promptly in his behalf when I contacted him. OFFICIAL OBSERVER (OO) HOURS Four OO's reported over 93 hours of observation during August. OREGON SECTION TRAFFIC MANAGER (STM) REPORT The complete report is posted on the section website. I try to post it as soon as Scott Gray, W7IZ, sends it to me. It is normally available a week or two prior to sending out the section news. NET ACTIVITY AUGUST 2007 (ALL REPORTING NETS HAD 31 SESSIONS): OREGON EMERGENCY NET, QNI 5159, QTC 11, N7RBO NET MGR WESTERN OREGON VHF EMERGENCY NET, QNI 486, QTC 47, K7WWB NET MGR NORTHWEST TRAFFIC AND TRAINING NET, QNI 424, QTC 87, N7YSS NET MGR BEAVER STATE NET, QNI 768, QTC 79, N7CM NET MGR OREGON ARES TRAFFIC NET, QNI 559, QTC 92, WA7FXF NET MGR OREGON SECTION NET/1, QNI 191, (16 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:06:35 PM] Section News for August 2007

QTC 140, WS7L NET MGR OREGON SECTION NET/2, QNI 126, QTC 82, KC7SRL NET MGR STATION ACTIVITY REPORT (SAR) AUGUST 2007 (TOTALS): W7IZ 248, N7YSS 172, N7CM 159, W7IG 94, K7PMB 72, KD7ZLF 63, K7EAJ 54, W7VSE 48, KC7SRL 34, WS7L 18, N7APE 2 PUBLIC SERVICE HONOR ROLL (PSHR) TOTALS AUGUST 2007: N7CM 276, K7EAJ 260, KD7THV 197, W7IG 120, N7XG 110, N7YSS 110, KD7ZLF 90, W7VSE 88, KK7TN 83 ARES/RACES ACTIVITIES A separate report of ARES/RACES activities during August will be coming out soon. The August mini-set using Airmail that Kevin Hedgepeth, NB7O, planned and distributed was very successful. He is currently in the process of planning the November SET. Kevin is the Oregon ARES Exercise and Training Coordinator. WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Western Washington

District M had a very quiet month. About 10 people from the King County team attended the King Co. ARES picnic which provided lots of fun and good food. The Steering Committee attended the first Communications Academy planning meeting and are off to a good start. A couple of members participated in Federal Way Festival Days. The MST Technical Committee performed several activities this month, including some repeater configuration and planning, and removal of an unused ham station. There was no report from District 6 this month. No news in District 5 this month. In District 4, the Clark County team supported the county by checking into the CEM NET for August. The digital packet group met August 13 and discussed a new packet program from Russia. Chip, WB7TFD, and Bob, K7YFJ, met with Cherl Bledsoe, the Vancouver EOC director, to discuss TOP OFF 4 and what the role for ARES/RACES might be. The team leaders and assistants met for lunch August 14 to discuss the SET for September 29 and TOP OFF 4 for October 16th andWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO 17th. They have formed a committee of 4 to plan the SET event. At the Cowlitz County Fair, Hams helped man the Comm-Van/booth in the Emergency Services Area, passing out Public Safety information. The hams also explained the operations of the Communications Van. On August 7, EC Randy, NU7D, took the Comm-Van to Longview and participated in National Night Out on behalf of Cowlitz County DEM. Randy passed out Public Safety literature and answered questions. In District 3 this month the Pacific County AREA team set up and demonstrated capabilities of the PACCO Command Vehicle at the county fair. Demonstrations included both voice and data modes. In District 2, at the Clallam County ARES August meeting, Mike McCarty, KE7EZO, presented an incident command system (ICS-200) training module. Six CC-ARES members spent 23 hours assisting the county EMD in their booth at the Clallam County Fair. Jefferson County reports Golden Rabbit, a major drill scheduled for late October, has been postponed until a later date. Their weekly training net is gaining check-ins. It is now meeting on the repeater and then moving to unprogrammed simplex frequencies. Kitsap County ARES/RACES/ACES participated in an EOC management team training exercise with the served agencies. This exercise gave them the opportunity to practice procedures for efficiently transferring messages between the ham radio operations and the EOC personnel. They also supported the RAPSody (Ride Around Puget Sound) bicycle ride by providing communications and SAG wagon support for the safety of the ride's participants. Sadly, they must announce a silent key. For years Ed Pietras, KA7UJA, who was a vital member of Kitsap County ARES/RACES/ACES and Red Cross liaison, passed away unexpectedly. He will be greatly missed. In District 1, Skagit County reports work is continuing on the Mobile Command Post. Island County had a good turnout for the Poker Run in support of the local families in August. They are also getting ready for a county exercise in October. San Juan County reports the HF dipole on the Sheriff Dispatch building is up and they now have HF/VHF/UHF capability. ARES/RACES members manned the Sheriff's Incident Command Vehicle during the San Juan County Fair. Many thanks to Wayne Rankin, WA6MPG, along with Peter McCorison, K2SPR, for their work installing all the communications gear. They also provided communications for the 8.8K run on San Juan Island. (ed note: they are on an island and it is tough to go very far!) The SEC would like to remind everyone that the combined EOC-EOC and SET exercise is coming up on September 29. Make plans to participate with your local team.

Pacific Division

East Bay

MDARC Reports that the last VE session 6 passed the Tech Eorted that all shifts werxam, 3 passed the General exam and 3 passed the Extra exam. Dick Brown KT6X, reported that Pacificon had filled the exhibit booths, and that preparations were going well. The first block of room have been sold. SBARA's biggest fundraiser took place last month:the Hayward Zucchini Festival. The club reported that they filled in all shifts, so the festival organization was very happy. The club is still on air practicing CW. Isaac, KI6DIL, Amanda, (17 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:06:35 PM] Section News for August 2007

AF6YL, Al, WT6K would be happy to meet you, too! The CW practice group is active every Tuesday & Thursday on 75 meters —3.880 Mhz. & on 10 Meters at 28.400 MHz., @ 8:30 p.m. The Mt Tam Double Century was a great opportunity to combine ham radios and a challenging bike ride reported ORCA President Dave, AE6PX. Dave completed his 40th DC, that’s 200 miles up and down the mountain. This year ORCA initiated a modest effort to link up with National Night Out activities as part of our overall Club outreach efforts. Paul KA6GEM and Bob KE6IUE set up an information table at one of the larger, more active parties, an informal net solicited ORCA hams at other NNO events and over the course of the evening they had a half-dozen check-ins. Of more interest was the fact that they were able to sign up nine people interested in taking the fall Technician License class. ThroughWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO continuing efforts like participation in NNO, ORCA hopes to build increased interest in ham radio and the local Clubs. At last it is time for the Fall license classes. This time as promised we have put together plans for both a Technician and a General Licensing class. Instructors from the East Bay Amateur Radio Club (EBARC), Oakland Radio Communication Association (ORCA) and the Amateur Radio Club of Alameda (ARCA) have teamed up once again to put together two informative and hopefully enjoyable classes. Instructor team for the for the upcoming amateur licensing classes: Tom, KG6MAC, David, KI6AWR, Art, W6THD and Paul, KA6GEM. Technician Class The first class is targeted at newcomers to Amateur radio and covers the material for the entry level Technician license. The class is five weeks in length beginning on Tuesday September 25th, 2007, at 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm, and continuing each Tuesday evening from 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm. Classes will be held at the Alameda Fire Department Training Building at 431 Stardust Place, Alameda, CA 94501. There is ample free parking adjacent to the building. There is no charge for tuition, but students will need to purchase a copy of the ARRL Ham Radio License Manual (Level 1) which will be used as the course material. New Amateur Report: Congratulations to the following newWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO licensees: Michael P Regennitter, KI6LNC, Danville; James E Waters, KI6LMM, Alamo; Jeffrey L Erickson, KI6LNI, Antioch; Christopher J Tate, KI6LGJ, Brentwood; Larry S Loomer, KI6LNB Concord; Alan R Vogt, KI6LLN; Erik A Ayer, KI6LIO; Detlef Meincke, KI6LIS, Fremont; Tom T Ness, KI6LLM, Hayward; Stacy S Spell, KI6LMX, Orinda,; Valerie W Hartzell, KI6LMY, Bay Point; James M Mikulik, KI6LMZ, Pittsburg; Charles F Crothers, I6LJR, San Ramon,; Sarah J Duggan, KI6LNH; Robert M Duggan, KI6LNG, Suisun City; Hwasook Woo, KI6LJV, Union City. Congratulations to these license upgrades: Edward W White, KI6LBS; David P Mulkearns, KI6LBY; Everett L Solen, KI6AZT; Howard W Hammermann, KE6ORS; James F Wood, KE6IVA; Roger W Di Ruscio, KG6QKZ; Steven L Hancock, KG6DJM; Bruce M Schlobohm, KG6QLZ; Antoinette L Schlobohm, KG6QLY; Paul B Carlin, KE6NVU; Timothy D Thatcher, KC0KZA; Mike Berke, KI6EGL; Vincent A Longarini, KG6WPD; Andrew A Tsienyev, KI6LNA; Sherry L Scheiding, KI6HKK; Hugh A Reid, KF6VZV; Charles W Hollbrook, KI6LBT; John M Artim, KI6EWY. Welcome to these new ARRL members: KI6LMM, WD6DKW, KI6LBY, K6CBK, KI6GDJ, KI6LDJ, WB6FKV, K6SZJ, K6HT, KI6LCE, KB6LPB, KG6WWQ, KI6KOU, KI6KOV NTS Traffic Report: Gary ke6qr: r-6, d-6, o-0, s-0, Total:12 Steve WB6UZX: Orig 0 Recd 114 Sent 119 Del 8 Total 241. PSHR: 1/40 2/40 3/10 4/10 Total 100 Traffic Nets: • 1200 hours-Noon Net SSB net on 7268.5 KHz • 1900 hours- Golden Bear Net-SSB net 3975 KHzM • 1530 hours-Sixth Region CW net 7275 KHz & 3916 KHz • 1900 hours-Northern Ca High speed Cw 3655 KHz • 1945 hours-Sixth Region CW net 3655 KHz • 2100 hours- Northern Ca. Slow speed CW 3533 KHz • 2130 hours-Sixth Region CW net 3655 KHz Local VHF Nets • 1930 hours - Sundays -145.110 MHz (pl 82.5) • 2100 hours - Tuesdays- 146.640 MHz (pl 162.2) Your check-ins are always welcome!!!


Nevada Section News Summary See the Nevada Section website at for the complete, unedited stories. On September 2, ARRL NV Section manager Dick Flanagan K7VC sent the follwing message: "I will be temporarily transferring my authority as ARRL Nevada Section Manager to ARRL Nevada Assistant Section Manager Joe Giraudo N7JEH. During this time Joe will have full authority as listed at http://www.arrl. org/FandES/field/org/sm.html without limitation. On September 12, Dick's wife Melissa wrote, "Just wanted to let you know that Dick's surgery went very well today! The surgery took less time than expected." ARES Monthly Report for August'07 - SEC Summary - August has seen more fires yet. We have not been called though. Plans are being made to incorporate a state exercise on Saturday October 13 into a statewide SET. Details soon. Great exercises and Skywarn activity in southern district. Thanks to all who participated. Our Northwest DEC, Glenn Thomas, WB6W has been touring into Canada and Alaska, and in his absence, turned his DEC duties over to Washoe County EC, Bob Miller, WA6MTY. Don't forget our IRLP/Echolink Statewide ARES Net on Thursday nights at 7pm. It is on Western Reflector Channel 8, 9258 and Echolink Nevadagate 152566 . We're having great response and check-ins from all over the state. Pacificon 2007 is scheduled for weekend of October 19-21 at San Ramon Hilton. If you are planning to attend, you should make reservations soon. Details online at Have a great month, and 73 to all. Don (18 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:06:35 PM] Section News for August 2007

Carlson, KQ6FM SEC. SOUTHERN DISTRICT REPORT: Exercises and late night SKYWARN activation dominated the ARES/RACES activity in Clark County. See below for details. Southern Nevadans awoke to thunder, and heavy rain due to a remnant of Hurricane Dean. The storm took out a power substation, left localized flooding and debris filled roads for early morning commuters. SKYWARN activated late that night forwarding reports to NWS. At least one amateur radio report was noted in the NWS bulletins issued that evening. Thanks to all the SKYWARN operators who helped with the late night SKYWARN net effort. South Nye Co. EC Report by Jerry KC6ILH - Started informal training on HF. With a lot of people not knowing that much about how it sounds, what to listen for, how to set up the equipment, I decided that something needed to be done. After our normal weekly net we switch to an HF frequency and check in and make sure our equipment is correctly set up. It will help the peopleWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO that do not use HF that much to understand some of the ins and outs. Have had a few regulars and some that just are there once and awhile. Once our new EOC becomes operational I plan to have Saturday morning check in from it as well as training. The more we know about our equipment the better we can perform when needed. Clark County EC Report by Charlie AA5QJ - Vern K0EGA, AEC Operations/Training, attended 2 planning meetings for the Southern Nevada Health District POD exercise. The Southern Nevada Health District POD exercise was held on Aug 24 at 2 operating locations. Locations and members participating were: Henderson: Ken Johnson W7BES, Sam Sottosanti N2CGG, Jay Peskin KE7EGO, Charlie Kunz AA5QJ, Dan Starr AA7I, Andy Gagliardo N7SGV, Primm: Arnie Zelig WA2SOE, Jeff Green KC7PK, Jack Cook N8RRL, Bill Smith W4HMV, Vern Garman K0EGA, Keith Aurich KD7TOF. The Health District held 3 days of training for over 100 of their personnel in supporting a public health emergency. ARES/RACES provided communications for the exercise portion of their training between multiple Points of Distribution and their Mobile Command Post, all in Primm, and their Alternate District Operations Center in Henderson. VernWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO K0EGA, AEC Operations/Training, and Art K7ZE, AEC North Las Vegas, attended a planning meeting for an Incident Command Post Rodeo to be held in October. It will be a functional exercise to task command resources and their communication capabilities. Many of the mobile command posts operated by first responder agencies in the County will participate. One of the items to be evaluated is their amateur radio capabilities and interface with ARES/RACES. Lincoln County EC Report by Lee K7NKH - This month Chuck AD7OY met with county officials. It looks like a good possibility that we may get funding for radios at Pioche and Alamo and to equip a mobile (retired ambulance) with radios that can be used in the field if needed or at Caliente and Panaca. We also set up a special events station W7P at the town park for the labor- day celebration, which Chuck operated Friday and Saturday. I was only involved in the set up and take down due to a houseful of company. NORTHEAST DISTRICT REPORT: The Elko Amateur Radio Club provided emergency communications for the Pony Express 100 Open Road Race in mid August. Communication were provided through a linked commercial itinerant repeater system with backup communications provided through a portable linked 2-meter Amateur system. An accident occurred during one of the last high speed racers' runs, requiring response by the site stationed air and ground ambulances and crash crews. The injured parties were transported to hospitals in Elko and Battle Mountain. The race was "black flagged" which means it was terminated before all racers could run and before the return leg of the race was held. This event takes two days to set up communication equipment and consumes the entire day on race day. De Joe Giraudo, N7JEH Northeast DEC NORTHWEST DISTRICT REPORT: DEC Glenn Thomas WB6W - This month a big thanks goes out to our newest ADEC (and EC for Washoe county) Bob Miller WA6MTY for filling is as "DEC pro tempre" while I was on an extended trip. It's great to have a team with so much depth that we can fill in for each other when needed. Thanks Bob! Churchill County - EC Paul Willcoxon KE7CRZ - It's been a quiet month here in Churchill County. We are currently working on a scenario for a next quarter exercise. I have been distributing ICS-200 student manuals to the members and as soon as everyone receives one, we will begin on air training. We had our monthly meeting on August 25th and it was a great meeting. Once again Otto and Cynthia attended and their presence is most appreciated. Our next meeting is scheduled for 10 A.M. September 22, 2007 at Round Table Pizza in Fallon and all are welcome. On August 14th, Mark Beadle-KD7ZPP, Patrick McCartin III-KC70RU and I were able to operate from NAS Fallon's Mobile Command Unit at the Fallon Farmers Market. The Navy brought several pieces of equipment to the event including fire equipment and Explosive ordinance disposal equipment. Mark was able to make several contacts on HF, one as far away as Mexico. It was a lot of fun and several people were interested in the communications capabilities of the MCU. Washoe County - EC Bob Miller WA6MTY - On August 25th we held the first workshop of the WC D-STAR Team. Thanks to Jim Miller N7JNG the WC Health Department has 6 new IC2820 D-STAR radios and all the accessories to setup portable stations. We had a workshop this Saturday the 25th at 10:00 to unpack, setup and test these systems. Thanks to KB7ZBN, KE7DZZ, KE7FGP, KA7LOZ, AA7WB, KD7ZEV and KA7FOO for helping setup this equipment. We will be participating in the WC Health Department POD Exercise using these new systems on October 13th. -30- (19 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:06:35 PM] Section News for August 2007

Sacramento Valley

Section summary, August 2007 One of the most fulfilling activities in amateur radio is teaching licensing classes and testing at exams. I know something of this. For the past 24 years in the Yuba-Sutter area I have helped out in beginner’s courses, even taught them at Yuba College. The most fun is watching someone sweat through the exam and emerge qualified for the first license. A request for assistance by qualified examiners at a test session is almost a command performance. Such a request is now circulated by N6BOA, Barbara Olson-Arenz, for an October 20, 2007 test date in Placerville. While this conflicts with Pacificon 2007, there may beWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO some ARRL VEs able to help at this session. Barb is going to need a total of seven and has five so far. Contact Barb at [email protected] . In contrast to the fulfilling things about this job, one of the saddest is to announce to the larger ham community of our section the passing of two more ardent amateur operators. John Boski, July 29, 1928 -- April 21, 2007. John, KA6BUM, a resident of Pine Grove for 14 years, formerly a resident of the East Bay Area for 50 years, passed away April 21 at the age of 78. John was a member of the Amador County Amateur Radio Club. Major Robert Anderson, USAF, Ret., July 8, 1918 -- July 24, 2007. Bob, WQ6M, born July 8, 1918, in San Francisco -- died July 24 in Sacramento. Bob was also a member of the Amador County Amateur Radio Club. According to Kay Anderson, K6KO, ‘Both gentlemen were active in the club -- John was the official photographer for the club, while Bob, who always signed ‘WQ6Mike, Bob’ and affectionately became known as ‘Mike Bob’, was also active in CalFire's VIP (Volunteers-in-Prevention) program and as a Volunteer Examiner in our local VE group, and was an active Elmer to many of our new, young members.' Both of these experienced amateurs will be missed. Thanks to Kay for the above information. Our Pacific Division Convention, Pacificon 2007 will occur October 19-20-21 at the San Ramon MarriottWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO in San Ramon. The general admission tickets are $10 each, and you should consider the opening breakfast, $14 each, and the Banquet $39 each. The tickets are available with a PayPal payment or by mail. Compared to some convention meals I have paid for in past years, the Marriott does it quite well. is the website. USA ARDF Championships near Lake Tahoe in September. Here's an opportunity to spend a weekend in the mountains of California and immerse yourself in international-rules on-foot transmitter hunting. Registration is now open for the Seventh USA Championships of Amateur Radio Direction Finding (ARDF), which take place September 14 -16, 2007 near South Lake Tahoe on the California/Nevada border. The best radio-orienteers in the USA will be there. Thanks to Joe Moell, K0OV for this information. Joe can be reached at [email protected] The Oroville Amateur Radio Society, OARS, has a new meeting place. Since I incorrectly listed their old meeting place, we’ll endeavor to get this one right. OARS now meets at the Oroville Adult Education Building, 78 Table Mountain Blvd., in Oroville, CA, starting at 7 PM, on 7 September, the first Friday of the month. Watch this space for more up to date information. Vanity call sign fees are going down September 17th to $11.70. The old fee was $20.80 so you can count this as one thing that went down. We’re all disgusted with fees that always go up. FCC expects to collect over $170,000 this coming year from this revenue source. The full story is at: . Two citations have been issued by FCC in a protracted power line noise (QRM) complaint by a Lubbock, TX, ham. Bryan Edwards, W5KFT, of Lubbock, first reported the interference concerning the two involved utilities, Lubbock Power & Light (LP&L) and Xcel Energy, as early as 1994. Bryan had the complaint, LP&L was making the noise. The full story, once again at: . This is a large section—over 41,000 square miles in area. It would take me days just to figure out how to see it all, let alone visit all the clubs in a timely manner. So I have appointed some new assistant Section Managers to help me primarily with communications between me and our members. I am thankful that Jettie, W6RFF, and Ray Parker, N6DS, continue to help out in this regard. I have also appointed Bob McClard, W6OWH, of Yuba City, and Richard Zanni, KJ6RA, of Mount Shasta, CA, as Assistant Section Managers. I need all the help I can get, and I appreciate all the section staff serving us all for so many years. Another special appointment goes to Curtis Maccoun, KI6ESK, of Lincoln, CA. He is to serve as ASM for Youth. This position represents ham radio to the youth of our section. Be sure to read the September, 2007, QST article on page 34-35 by Pacific Division Assistant Director James Michener, K9JM. It details the construction, installation, and results of a Field Day 40/20M 2 element beam. A note from Dave Potter, W4RPI, ASM of the Virginia section, wanted to know our ARES membership statistics and mentioned he wished he could get more section members to sign up for ARES. My own wish is to get as many of our top operators, dxers and contesters, to sign up and be up front about the importance of emergency response operations. I don’t expect busy people to do all the leadership jobs. However, if more top ops would lend a hand in training new ARES operators, the transition from novice to effective communicator would serve us all. On August 13, the ARRL began sending ‘specific mitigation reduction numbers’ to 122 repeater owners, recommending that they reduce their signal anywhere from 7 dB to 56 dB, according to ARRL Regulatory Information Branch Manager Dan Henderson, N1ND. These reductions, requested by the US Air Force and the Department of Defense, only concern those repeaters identified by the DoD as affecting the (20 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:06:35 PM] Section News for August 2007

PAVE PAWS radar system. ’Some reductions are going to be attainable,’ Henderson said. ‘You can do 7 dB, but 56?' He said such a reduction would ‘not be realistic to achieve. While many of the affected repeater owners may not be able to achieve the required reductions, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't try to meet the goal. Everyone involved needs to continue trying to meet the DoD's requirements. This gives us the best chance to keep as many of these machines as possible on the air.’ The full text of this announcement is in ARLB019, released 31 August 2007, and can be read at: . The Amador County ARC will hold a swap meet on 13 October 2007 from 7am to 3 pm somewhere in the Martell/Jackson area. Contact Ray Parker 209 267 5958, or Edel Maiers at 209 304 1628 for reservations and more information. Seller parking spaces will be $10 and food will be available from a bake sale table with all the normal swap meet fare. 73, Ron Murdock, W6KJ SectionWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Manager Sacramento Valley Section

San Joaquin Valley

SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY SECTION Report for the month of August 2007: SM Charles McConnell, W6DPD- ASMs K6YK and N2NS, ACC W6DPD, SEC N6ZFN, OOC N1VM, STM K6RAU, PIC KE6IGJ, TC W6TE. Greetings from the ARRL San Joaquin Valley Section. If you desire your club information and events to be listed in Section News, please send the information to [email protected]. I get very little information. If your club has a newsletter, please send it to me, email to [email protected] or via U.S Mail. Mark your calendars. The California QSO Party is October 6-7, 2007. Check for information. The California Historical Radio Society Central Valley Chapter Swap Meet is October 6, 2007 at the corner of 13th and X Streets in Merced. Check for information. The Turlock ARC Auction is October 6, 2007, at the Turlock Youth Center,WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO East Ave and Minerva in Turlock. Doors open at 8:00 AM and the auction starts at 9:00 AM. Check for information. Pacificon 2007 is October 19-21, 2007 at the Marriott Hotel in San Ramon CA. Check for information. The International DX Convention is April 25-28, 2008 at Visalia. Check for information. When your affiliated club elects officers for the next year, be sure to update your club’s information on the affiliated club area of the ARRL web page so you club will get any information sent from the ARRL Club department. If you fail to update your clubs information for 2 years, your club will be placed in the inactive file. Need to take an Amateur exam? Check the ARRL web page, for exam information. You can also search for Amateur Radio Classes in your area. The Northern California Net (NCN), the Section Traffic Net, meets nightly on 3.533 MHZ at 7 PM Pacific Time. The slow speed training session of the net meets nightly on 3.533 MHZ at 9 PM Pacific Time. Handling traffic on CW is a good way to improve your CW skills. The Daytime Region 6 Traffic Net meets daily at 3:30 pacific time on or near 7.275 MHZ. The California Traffic Net meets daily on 3.906 MHZ and 6:30 PM local time. The noon time net meets on 7.268.5 MHz. This net handles a lot of messages. PACIFICON, the ARRL Pacific Division is October 19-21, 2007 at the Marriott Hotel in San Ramon CA. This is a good time for new Amateurs and new upgrades to view the new radios and other accessories, attend many of the numerous sessions on the various aspects of Amateur Radio where you can learn something new. The tentative schedule of sessions is posted on the Pacificon web page. Amateur Exams will be given and there is a 1-day Technician class so anyone can earn an Amateur License. You can download the PACIFICON brochure at This is a .pdf file. Advanced registration is $10 and it is $15 at the door. The Antenna Seminar is all day on Friday. There is a breakfast on Saturday Morning and a banquet on Saturday night. ARRL members can be initiated into the Royal Order of the Wouff Hong at midnight Saturday night. The Swap meet is Sunday morning. This is a great event for all Amateurs, experienced and new. Full details for Pacificon can be found at This site has all the prices for the various activities that take place at the convention. Keep watching this site as new information is posted from time to time as the details are worked out. It is my sad duty to report that ex K6IKT now K7IKT John, ex W6AKS Arthur, K6BCL Dwain, W6ALT Walt, KE6CZ Gary, W6REZ Ludwig, and WA6RDX Cecil are Silent Keys. They will be missed. The John H Pittman Memorial Radio Society has the W6HHD D Star System active on Mt. Bullion. The system is on 144.62 MHZ, 444.1125 MHZ and 1284.100 MHZ voice and 1249.225 MHZ for data. Contact Grady, K6IXA for information. The California QSO Party is October 6-7, 2007. This state contest is perhaps the best of the state QSO Parties. This gives California stations the opportunity to be the “DX” stations and sought after by stations in other states and countries. Check for information on the California QSO Party. It begins at 1600 UTC on October 6 and ends at 2200 UTC October 7. The exchange is serial number (the number of the contact) and county. You will received a serial number and state from out of state contacts and county for California contacts. Call CQ and the world will respond to you (well mostly the USA and Canada). All entrants with 100 or more QSOs receive a free certificate of achievement and are eligible to purchase a T-shirt ($12), Kings ARC 2007 Officers are pres KA6PNL, vp NW6K, sec WA7YHX, and treas N6SDD. The club meets the third Thursday in Hanford. Check fro information. (21 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:06:35 PM] Section News for August 2007

Porterville Repeater Association 2007 officers are pres W6BJ, vp N6JQL, sec KC6ZOG and treas K6LSB. The club meets the first Saturday at 9:00 AM local time at Country Waffles in Lindsay CA. Check www.ke6wdx org for information. The Amateur Radio Association of Central California has provided communications support for 3 bicycle races since January 1. Officers for 2007 are pres W7POR, vp WA6PTG, sec KI6JCY, and treas KI6FLR. The club is affiliated with ARRL. Check for information Congratulations to AA6K, Shirl, who had the top score for the single operator low power category for the 6th call area in the 2006 CQ WW DX SSB Contest. Traffic for August: K6RAU 22, W6DPD 1, and W6SX 8. Total 31. PSHR: K6RAU 79 and W6SX 38. Santa Clara Valley WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Santa Clara Valley Section News Summary. August, 2007 =Larry Carr, KE6AGJ, has resigned as Section Emergency Manager (SEC) and Assistant Section Manager (ASM.) This position remains open. All DECs should report directly to the Section Manager (SM) until further notice. There will be a Section leadership meeting soon, perhaps at Pacificon. =Section positions open include Affiliated Club Coordinator (ACC), Net Manager (NM), Section Traffic Manager (STM), Public Information Coordinator (PIC) and Public Information Officers (PIO) and several others. Among them are an ASM for Scouting and Youth and several more ASM position to cover the five counties. This is YOUR Section; please consider helping all of us by filling one of these important positions. See for information on the ARRL Field Organization and all appointee positions. =The wiki-based SCV web site on is up and running. My new ASM, Tom, K1TW, [email protected] is going to work on getting the content on both old and new sites up to date. Send him your corrections and get your club access to the wiki. Here's the link: http://www.pdarrl. org/scvsec/index.php.WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO =PACIFICON 2007, the American Radio Relay League Pacific Division Convention It is Coming Soon! October 19-21, 2007, San Ramon Marriott Hotel San Ramon, California. See the web link for Events, Latest Updates and Ticket Sales: PACIFICON 2007 Events Include: ** Friday All-Day Antenna Seminar ** Friday Evening Open MDARC Meeting ** Saturday Keynote Breakfast & Evening Banquet ** Outstanding Technical Forums ** Ham Equipment Exhibitors ** Great Swap Meet ** Daily Radio Prize Drawings ** ARRL Forum ** Transmitter Hunt ** Legal Seminar ** ATV Activities ** HFpack Activities ** QRP Activities ** Ham License Exams ** Saturday All-Day Technician License Class =August included an ARES/RACES activation by Cupertino ARES in support of the Stevens Creek/Montebello Fire. The After Action Report is now up on the website at, first article. - Jim o KN6PE =Jack, WA6YJR, EC La Honda, reports that they will be holding a Tech. class on the first weekend of Nov. Since the club was organized they have licensed 16 new Tech's, with 5 upgrades to general and 2 to extra. =October will be a very active month. Here is a quick outline. October 6, AM-TECH Day, SLAC, http:// MAC Training, Santa Clara Sheriffs Office, CQP – California QSO Party, (And Livermore Flea Market on Sunday, Oct 7 - Whew!) October 11: EC Council meeting, 7-9 pm, moved up a week to be before the the quarterly Santa Clara County ARES drill. October 13: Quarterly county wide ARES/RACES drill, 2-4 pm, moved up a week to not conflict with Pacificon. October 13, DeAnza Flea Market, October 19, 20, 21 PACIFICON, October 21: Red Cross event needing hams. October 26: Emergency Volunteer Center drill. There are also ARES/RACES-related events occurring in November: November 3: SVECS breakfast, moved to this date due to non-availability of normal location on normal date of event, November 10: MAC Training, Packet; moved to this date to not conflict with SVECS breakfast November 14: Golden Guardian state-wide exercise. =October 6th is the 2007 California QSO Party (CQP.) The California QSO Party (CQP) is the most fun that a new HF ham in California can have on the radio. This will be the 42nd running, starting at 1600 UTC, 6 October 2007 (Saturday 9AM PDT) and ending at 2200 UTC, 7 October 2007 (Sunday 3PM PDT). All the info about the contest can be found on the web page at =The September issue of the Citizen Corps Newsletter is now available online at this link: September is National Preparedness Month, and that is a main focus for this month’s edition. =You can download a copy of the 2007 SET reporting forms and read the SET Guidelines on the ARRL Web Page. See for appropriate links. =New Event Exhibit Materials online ordering form is now available. The ARRL Web page has a new on-line page that enables someone to conveniently place an order (using credit card) for event and exhibit kit materials. The direct Web page link is =In the only contested Section Manager race this summer, Bill Hillendahl, KH6GJV, was re-elected as the ARRL San Francisco Section Manager. Hillendahl, of Santa Rosa, California, begins his third two-year term of office on October 1, 2007. =The PAARA trip to the KPH Station on August 18th was a resounding success. The visit to the Point Reyes National Park and to both the KPH transmitter and receiving stations was very interesting and a ton of fun. Photos of the trip can be found here: From Richard. =The next MAC training will be an ICS/SEMS/ (22 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:06:35 PM] Section News for August 2007

NIMS Combination Course for amateur radio operators, prepared by the Santa Clara County Office of Emergency Services. This class covers ICS 100, ICS 200, NIMS 700, and SEMS Introduction. The class will be taught by Alexander Gordon, Senior Emergency Planning Coordinator, Santa Clara County OES. After completing this class, attendees will be NIMS compliant with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and will receive a certificate from County OES. The class will be held in the Sheriff's Office Auditorium, 55 W. Younger, San Jose, CA, October 6, 2007, 0900-1200. Check the web site at for information. =There is a request to provide communications for the First Annual Trek for Treatments in Los Gatos on October 21 of this year. This event is to benefit the Eric Drew Foundation (www.drewfoundation. org) The event will be held on the Los Gatos Trail starting at Vasona Park and going to the Lexington Dam, and then returning to Vasona.WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO I think we could use 5 or 6 stations and perhaps a few mobile (foot or bike) operators. Check the web site or contact mailto:[email protected].

Roanoke Division

North Carolina

AUGUST NORTH CAROLINA SECTION NEWS NC AMATEUR ANTENNA BILL EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1 The North Carolina Amateur Radio Antenna Bill goes into effect on October 1. The bill requires county and city governments to "reasonably accomodate" amateur radio communications in their zoning ordinances. Note that local governments can still regulate our antennas, but it should be the "minimum practicable regulation necessary to accomplish the purpose of the city or county." We need hams in each community to work with their localWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO governments to make sure their area is "ham friendly" and that local regulations don't conflict with the new state law. I've posted several reference documents at, including a copy of the bill and some personal comments on its application. The introductory document includes a list of ARRL's Volunteer Counsels in North Carolina who have volunteered to help hams with antenna and RFI issues. I've also posted a copy of a PowerPoint presentation describing the trials and tribulations of my own tower construction project in Mooresville. The ARRL's Antenna Restrictions web site has some excellent information: Please send me information about your anntenna ordinace efforts so we can track our progress. STATEWIDE SET Our Section Emergency Coordinator, Bernie Nobles, WA4MOK, is making plans for a statewide Simulated Emergency Test. He's looking for some good ideas on test scenerios, especially if we can integrate our statewide test with local ARES efforts. Share your ideas with Bernie at [email protected]. NATO REPORT ON BPL If you watch the ARRL web site, you've already read about the NATO report on the interference potential of broadband over powerline (BPL). The paper's introductory section includes an excellent summary of the capability of HF radio and its importance in military communications. These sections of the report might be helpful to use when explaning HF capability to your local emergency management officials. Our served agencies are relying increasingly on satellite communications for their disaster communications. Satellite solutions are useful, but have their own limitations and vulnerabilities. It's important that disaster relief groups have HF radio ready to provide another layer of capability, and no one is better at HF communications than radio amateurs! PUBLIC SERVICE WEB SITES North Carolina has a couple of helpful resources for those of us who enjoy public service communications. Carolina Helping Hams ( was founded seven years ago to serve as a clearing house for non-public safety related service events. Bill Cole, KG4CXY and Eric Christensen, W4OTN, maintain a calandar of NC public service events and also help coordinate some of the events on their calandar. To have your public service event posted to their website, select the "Contact Us" link on the website. Bill and Eric will then publish the information you need and setup a volunteer page for the event. There's no better practice for a real disaster than working a public service event. Bill Cole noted that "There's nothing like operating out of the front seat of your car for a couple days, or on battery power in all weather, to really build one's emergency communications skills. The range and unpredictability of experiences you find working a PS event are unmatched - short of the real thing." Another great public service website is maintained by Elena Scott, KS4OX. The site www.ridemaps. com started with a focus on Multiple Sclerosis bike rides, but now includes information on other public service events in the Charlotte area. By the way, Elena's interest in ham radio started when she met the hams working a public service event! Be sure to take brochures, banners, signs and such to your next public service event so that everyone knows about the contribution of amateur radio. Also consider issuing a press release to publicize your club's activities. UPCOMING EVENTS Oct 6: RTP Diabetes Walk Oct 6-7: National ARRL SET Weekend Oct 14: Mayesville Hamfest Oct 14: Charlotte CROP Walk Oct 20: Pfafftown Swapfest Oct 20-21: Savannah River MS Ride, McCormick, SC (with Mecklenburg ARS) Oct 20-21: Scouting Jamboree On The Air Oct 26: Habitat Family Fun Ride, Durham Oct 27: Habitat Halloween 100, (23 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:06:35 PM] Section News for August 2007

Durham Oct 27: ADA Walk, Charlotte Nov 4: City of Oaks Marathon, Raleigh AUGUST TRAFFIC W2EAG 174, K4IWW 133, N3BW 107, W4DNA 99, KE4JHJ 97, KI4YV 86, W4TTO 56, KI4RBB 53, W4FAL 45, K4RLD 42, W4NCD 42, WA2YBM 41, WA4OBR 41, KE4AHC 34, K4LKN 26, W3HL 25, W4LN 24, K8SKX 20, KI4PNL 10, KD4WAX 9. AUGUST PSHR W4DNA 175, KI4RBB 160, K4RLD 145, W4FAL 130, K4IWW 120, KE4JHJ 110, W2EAG 110, WA2YBM 110, W4TTO 100, KI4YV 90, W4LN 83. NC ARES MEMBERS: 1,716

South Carolina

Subject: Monthly South CarolinaWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Section News Summary Greetings to all Amateur Radio Operators. This is Dr. Jim, N2ZZ with the September 2007 South Carolina Section Manager's Report! Please remember that the SC Section website can be found at: where my full SM report will be listed as well as up-to- the-date information on Amateur Radio in South Carolina! The Shelby, NC hamfest was held over Labor Day weekend, and one of the highlights was the presentation of the Hiram Percy Maxim award to Greg Davis, N3ZL. The prestigious award was presented to Greg at the ARRL forum by Pat N4ROS, Vice Director of the Roanoke Division, who also presided over the forum. The Hiram Percy Maxim award is a national award, presented to a ham under the age of 21, who has an exemplary record of accomplishments and contributions to both the community of Amateur Radio and their local community. I regret I was unable to attend due to my medical call responsibilities, but I would like to offer my personal congratulations to Greg, and I know that all of us are very proud of him and his contributions to Amateur Radio. Our next hamfest will be the 55th annual Rock Hill hamfest, which will be held on October 6th at the American Legion Post #34, 199 South Cherry Road, in Rock Hill, SC. Gates open at 7 am, and talk-in will be on 147.03- . Admission is $7 at the gate, and FleaWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Market/Tailgate spaces are available on a first come-first served basis. There is a large indoor dealer area. VE testing will be held and door prizes will be given! Go to the hamfest website: for more information! I will be presiding over the ARRL forum at 9:30a, and hope to see a great turnout for the hamfest! While on the subject of hamfests, I received convention approval letters for the Charleston ARS who will host the SC State Convention on February 2nd, 2008 and the Blue Ridge ARS who will host the SC Section Convention on May 3rd, 2008. Congratulations to both! Well, the 2007 South Carolina QSO party is now history, and I hope that everyone had a good time. I thank the Columbia ARC for sponsoring the event! Be sure to submit your logs by the October 16th deadline! Go to for details. Congratulations to our newest Affiliated Club, The Coastal Amateur Radio Association! Their affiliation date was August 7th, 2007 and their primary contact is Steven English KG4WNL. Please welcome the Coastal ARA to our South Carolina family of affiliated clubs! A note from Suzie, KG4YVJ: This years PALSNet Picnic will again be held at Cheraw State Park on Sunday Sept. 30, 2007, food starting at about Noon. All Amateurs interested in Two Meters and all PALSNet users are invited. The picnic is a family reunion style picnic where everyone brings something they would like to share, we pile it all on the table and everyone eats too much. We again have the Boat Launch Picnic Area reserved and this year the signs say that the Parking Fee is a donation and is not mandatory. Be sure to read the sign on the collection box in case they change it again before the Picnic. The Boat Launch Picnic Shelter can be reached by turning into the Cheraw State Park Main Entrance on US-52, just south of the intersection of US-52 and US-1 south of Cheraw. Follow the main road to the Stop sign. The picnic area is to the left beyond the old bathhouse/Main Park Office, the Golf Course Clubhouse, where the VE session will be held, is to your right. For those interested in upgrading, the Florence WCARS VE Team is scheduling a session at the PALSNet Picnic. The session is scheduled for 1:30PM, so mark your calendars. The VE session will be held in the Golf Clubhouse in the room across from the Pro Shop. Further information can be found on the website. A note from Ralph Mott N4RM: The Palmetto State Chapter #89, QCWA will hold a meeting Saturday September 29, 2007. The meeting will be held at Ryan's 1304 Bower Parkway (exit 104 off I-26) in Columbia, SC. The meeting is in the same restaurant as before. Please try to arrive about 11:00 AM for a period of fellowship prior to the meeting, which will begin about 11:30 AM. Please make every possible effort to be present. Note that there will be a presentation of certificates to Forrest, W4MPR (60 years), Ken, K4KXO (50 years) and Don, W3MIF (50 years). Congratulations to these three on attaining these milestones. P.S.....Dues Renewal! Please join the QCWA Palmetto State Chapter #89 net held every Saturday at 9:00 AM on 3930 kHz. Come join in the fun! Congratulations to our Roanoke Division Director Dennis Bodson W4PWF! From the ARRL Letter, Vol. 26 No. 38: The Radio Club of America (RCA) has named ARRL Roanoke Division Director Dennis Bodson, PhD, PE, W4PWF, of Arlington, Virginia, as the recipient of the Sarnoff Citation. The award is given to recognize significant contributions to the advancement of electronic communications. Barry Goldwater, K7UGA (SK), was the first recipient of the Sarnoff Citation in 1973. Well, that's it for September! See you next month! August 2007 National Traffic System Report for SC by Mac N4MEH, STM Special Thanks to Ms. Emmie KA4LRM, for her support in relaying these totals! Net Reports Net/Check Ins/Traffic/Sessions/Reported (24 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:06:35 PM] Section News for August 2007

By Anderson Radio Club 2M Net/778/37/31/N4MEH Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Net July 2007/2146/44/31/ K4SUG Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Net August 2007/2163/30/31/K4SUG Carolina's Net/382/112/62/W2EAG Carolina Slow Net/152/40/31/N0SU Columbia ARC 2 Meter Net/256/0/9/W4RWL Grand Strand ARC 2M Net/188/16/13/KI4HEE Greater Pee Dee 2 Meter Net/787/45/31/K4DTT Greenwood ARC 2 Meter Net/103/7/5/W4DEW Greenwood Friendly Net/370/30/29/W4JAK Lancaster County 2 Meter Net/112/16/12/ N4WMB Oconee 2M Net/336/15/14/N9GSX PALS Net/911/58/31/KG4KOE SC SSB Net/1785/79/30/WB4DLD York Co. ARS 2 Meter FM Net/663/0/50/KI4NBA Station Activity Reports Station/Sent/Received/ Delivered/Originated/Total KA4LRM/1/15/10/0/26 AE4FA/1/0/0/0/1 KA4UIV/11/21/15/0/47 WB4DLD/3/28/1/0/32 N4MEH/4/52/7/2/65 Public Service Honor Roll Station/Cat. 1/Cat. 2/Cat. 3/Cat. 4/Cat. 5/ Cat. 6/Total KA4LRM/40/20/20/0/0/0/80WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO N4MEH/40/40/20/0/0/0/100 KA3UIV/40/3/0/10/0/20/73 We are still maintaining Day By Day. Thanks for your continued support. Have a great month! '73 de Dr. Jim N2ZZ ARRL Section Manager, South Carolina Section


Section Manager Report August 2007 We are currently in the middle of the Atlantic hurricane season, which is a time of real concern especially on the east coast of the section. In order to be in a position to support districts, counties and municipalities in vulnerable areas we have started active recruitment for the Emergency Response Teams. The purpose is to have people in place for rapid deployment if required. Those persons volunteering are required to have completed ARECC, level one (EC-001) and have the recommendation of their EC or DEC. Following this year’s hurricane season the requirements that were outlined by the ARRLWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO National Emergency Response Planning Committee will be the minimum training requirements. Bart Bartholomew, N3GQ is continuing to work on the overall description and function of this group. Henry Wyatt, K4YCR our SEC is handling the registrations for the ERT. If there is a crisis in your local area that exceeds your resources, the EC or DEC should contact Henry Wyatt for deployment of the ERT. We are just around the corner from our national Simulation Emergency Test. This year the SET is to take place on October 6th & 7th. A section wide SET is being planned for October 6th. There are local ARES units that have planned local SETS and they are encouraged to continue with their planned event. Our Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator Dave Damon, K4DND is working on the scenario for the section wide exercise. For ARES units that will be unable to participate on the national SET weekend there is the latitude to select a date between now and the end of November. Remember that the exercise is not complete until you send your SET report to Steve Ewald at the ARRL with a copy to your SEC, Henry Wyatt. The section traffic system has undergone changes in this past month with STM Steven Krumm, KV4AN stepping down following a year of outstanding service to the section. Art Williams, W4TY has agreed to assume this position. Art has a strong background in NTS and excellent CW traffic handling skills. Let’s all give Art our full support in directing traffic handling within the Virginia Section. Bruce Freund, K7BC has accepted the position of net manager of the Virginia Digital Net. This net is currently using Chip 64 mode on HF to handle traffic and is active each weeknight at 1915 local time. JOTA (Jamboree on the Air) will be taking place in October. This is the largest Amateur Radio operating event in the world with over 400,000 people being involved. JOTA is held the third weekend in October of each year. JOTA takes place starting Saturday at 00.00 hours local time (12:00 AM) to Sunday, 24.00 hours local time (12:00 PM), though some activity continues over from Friday to Monday to take advantage of long distance (DX) time differences. Rudy Stuteville, KA4PHL is our ASM with responsibility for youth and scouting. Contact Rudy for ideas about setting up a group of scouts to participate from your home or club station. The Blue Ridge Bonanza is a special event that involves a number of clubs participating from locations scattered along the length of the Blue Ridge Parkway. These include the Roanoke Valley Amateur Radio Club, the Lynchburg ARC, Covington Amateur Radio Club, Forsythe Amateur Radio Club, Franklin County Amateur Radio Club, and the Briarpatch Amateur Radio Club. Locations include, Apple Orchard Mountain, Buena Vista - Mile Post 45.6, Explore Park - Mile Post 115.1, Groundhog Mountain - Mile Post 188.8, Fancy Gap - Mile Post 199.5, Blue Ridge Music Center - Mile Post 213, Cumberland Knob - Mile Post 217.5. This event will run from September 21st, 1300-2100 hours and on September 22, 1300-2100 EDT. All stations will operate on 14.215 through 14.270 and 7.230-7.280. Certificates and QSL cards: To obtain a certificate from any of the special-event stations send your QSO information along with a 9×12 inch self-addressed, stamped envelope to address listed in the announcement. To receive a special event QSL card (when offered), be sure to include a self-addressed, stamped business envelope along with your QSL card and QSO information to Ray Crampton, 1670 Catawba Rd, Troutville, VA 24175. [email protected] To view the STM report please goes to To view the SEC report go to Terry Hebert, operations watch officer for the Virginia Department of Emergency Management (VDEM) continues to work at establishing Amateur (25 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:06:35 PM] Section News for August 2007

Radio support to local Emergency Mangers or other appropriate contacts. The following is from a recent survey by Terry. Locality Amateur Radio Survey 2007 VDEM is seeking information from emergency managers throughout the Commonwealth about amateur radio capabilities within each jurisdiction's emergency operations center. Please submit the information listed below to Terry Hebert, operations watch officer, at [email protected]: · The amateur group each locality is working with · A point of contact and contact information · The type of amateur radio equipment in use, such as HF, VHF, UHF, packet and other digital radio equipment. If your locality does not currently have amateur radio capabilities in its EOC and would like to, please indicate this in the e-mail, and VDEM will assist you in acquiring them. Glen Sage, W4GHS WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Rocky Mountain Division

New Mexico

The Duke City Hamfest/Rocky Mountain Division Convention went off well. Attendance was up a bit and everybody seemed to have a good time. Scott Westerman, W9WSW, was the banquet speaker and told about his experience in ham radio as a youngster. Many of us could relate to his experiences. The Duke City Hamfest Board is looking for volunteers to help with next year’s event. They need board members and others to assist in putting on this event. If you’ve been looking for a way to give back something to the hobby, this is your chance. Contact Mike Pendley, K5ATM, at [email protected] for information on how to become a member of this event. Another event that drew a good crowd was the Alamogordo Hamfest. This event was well attended and should be on your schedule for next year. It’s worth the trip. Coming up is the Roswell Tailgate/Swap Meet. This will beWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO held in the parking lot of the Cahoon Park Clubhouse in Roswell on Saturday, October 6. Setup starts around 0700. Talk-in will be on the W5BLO repeater, 146.94, negative offset, no tone. For more information, including directions to the clubhouse, go to the CARES web site, ares/index.htm. The annual Socorro Hamfest will take place on October 27 from 8:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. at the New Mexico Fire Fighters Academy. The talk-in frequency is 146.88, negative offset, 100 Hertz PL tone. This event will include a VE session for all license classes. Registration for the exams will be from 11:00 a.m. until 11:55 a.m., with the test session starting at 12:00 noon. As a preliminary activity a tour of the VLA has been arranged for Friday, October 26, at 1:00 p.m. You need to be at the VLA site, located 50 miles west of Socorro, no later than 1:00 p.m. to be included in the tour. If you haven’t been on this tour, you’ve missed a great experience. They may even show you where the lake was that Jody Foster had to deal with in the movie “Contact.” A banquet is scheduled for Friday, October 26, at 6:00 p.m., but the location has not been determined as of this writing. For more information you can call (505) 835-3370, or contact ac5bx@juno. com or check out their web site at As you know, I am stepping down as Section Manager. In accordance with the election procedures outlined in the August issue of QST I have been informed by ARRL Headquarters that only one candidate’s petition was received and Don Wood, W5FHA, has been declared elected. Don will assume his duties in January, 2008. Ed Rico, N5LI, is actively recruiting volunteers for various public service events around the state. This would be a great chance for you to really help out and put your talents to good use. A number of us have volunteered in the past and enjoyed it. Please volunteer if you can and contact Ed via [email protected] or [email protected] to learn more. The September issue of World Radio magazine has a picture of our own Ralph Clark, NM5RC, on the cover. Inside, there is a very interesting article about Ralph’s travels and travails as he activated a large number of islands in the U.S. His goal, which he made, was to activate a new island in each of the 50 states. Congratulations to Ralph, and his XYL who had to suffer through it all. The High Desert Amateur Radio Club will have a station active at this year’s Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta. The details are still being worked out and contact and other information will be passed along as soon as it is available. They are looking for volunteers to operate the station, with the caveat that all shifts will be a full day, not a half-day as last year. Thank you for the news letters. They’re a great way to keep up with club activities. I enjoy reading them so please keep them coming. August net counts: NM Breakfast Club Net 1133/169; NM Roadrunner Traffic Net 1261/86; Yucca Net 889/42; Four Corners Net 435/33; Rusty’s Raiders Net 683/77; Valencia County ARA Net 76/13; SCAT Net 759/18; Caravan Club Net 55/3; High Desert ARA Net 59/9. Until next time, if vegetarians only eat vegetables what do humanitarians eat? 73, de KM5FT

Southeastern Division

Georgia (26 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:06:35 PM] Section News for August 2007

SM: Susan Swiderski, AF4FO; ASM/South GA: Marshall Thigpen, W4IS; ASM/Legal: Jim Altman, W4UCK; ASM/Webmaster: Bob Smith, K4PHE; ASM/Youth Activities: Brittney Hancock, KI4WNY; ASM/Youth Advisor: Andrea Hartlage, KG4IUM; ASM/ Scouting: David Pearce,ABØNG; SEC: Jim Cote, N4PJR; STM: Charles Pennington, K4GK; OOC: Mike Swiderski, K4HBI; TC: Jim Worsham, W4KXY; PIC: Norm Schklar,WA4ZXV; SGL: Bill Cherepy, WB4WTN; ACC: Robin Cutshaw, AA4RC Greetings, All, 'Tis the middle of another month, so it's time for a quick summary. First, a couple of corrections. (So, what else is new?) In last month's newsletter, I gave the incorrect call sign for BOB VARONE, W4ETN. Sent out a correction a day later, and doggone if I didn't get his call sign wrong again. Bob's call is W4ETN. Let's hope it's embalzoned in my brain now. Also, in last month's newsletter, I told about some of the happenings in Thomas county. That's all well and good, but I calledWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO it Wayne county. (Would it help any if I told you that I went to school with a fella named Wayne Thomas??) No, I didn't think so. MIKE BROWN, KE4FGF, is serving as the EC for both Thomas and Grady counties. KENZIE TYRE, KE4ZFR, is the Wayne county EC. Sorry for the mix-up. Tomorrow is the Paulding County ARC hamfest, to be held at Paulding Meadows Park, 2 miles north of the Dallas courthouse on hwy 61. FREE admission and FREE tailgating. 8AM-4PM. Good location, good fellowship, and a great lunch for a super price. Talk-in 146.895+ PL 77. I'll have advance tickets for the upcoming (Nov 3- 4) Lawrenceville fest with me, so come see me to save yourself a couple dollars on the admission to one of THE BEST hamfests in the southeast. (Saves you a big ol' wait in line come November, too!) I'll also have GA Piglet shirts in all sizes. And as always, you can join the ARRL or renew your current membership, and receive a repeater directory absolutely FREE. Woo HOO! Hope to see you in Dallas tomorrow. There's another hamfest coming up at the end of the month, and that's the TenTec fest, on September 28 and 29 in Sevierville, TN. Also offers FREE admission and tailgating, but this one also includes the opportunity to tour TenTec. Fri: 3-8PM, and Sat: WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO9AM-3PM. 1185 Dolly Parton Parkway. While you're in Tennessee, you might want to take in another ham activity. After the fest, the Southeastern DXers and Contesters (SEDCO) will be holding a big conference and dinner at the Mainstay Suites in Pigeon Forge. See for details. HAM CLASSES coming up this month: Night school classes will be starting next week at Central Gwinnett High School in Lawrenceville, and Tuesday the 18th will kick off a ham radio class, designed to instill a basic understanding of the topics covered in the technician test. This course usually lasts for 5 or 6 weeks. Registration fee and book required. Contact the school to register. ALSO, there will be a technician class taught at the Henry county EOC from 9AM to 3PM on September 22 and 29. Contact ROY BAKER, WB4WQE for info. ( CONGRATULATIONS to the slate of recently elected officers for the North GA Tri-State ARC: President- RICHARD DEEMERS, JR, KI4SZW; VP- DON DEYTON, KF4CU; Secretary- RULISON "ARCH" ARCHER, III, KG4KVZ; and Treasurer- WALT BOWERS, JR, KF4ZOT. Best wishes for a great year. SILENT KEY: BILL WINTERS, KG4KTC. Heartfelt condolences to his family and friends. Well folks, that's about it for now. Until next time, this is AF4FO, signing clear. Take care of yourselves. And each other. 73, Susan QTC August: K4GK-90; K8GA-77; WB4BIK-43; WA4UJC-24; K4BAI-12 +++ No trees were killed in the sending of this message. However, a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced. +++

Puerto Rico

Septiembre 2007 Durante el pasado mes se celebraron dos actividades importantes que coincidieron en el mismo fin de semana (Agosto 18-19). Estas fueron el Internacional Lighthouse Weekend y la ARRL Nacional Convention at the Huntsville Hamfest. Participaron en el Internacional Lighthouse Weekend los siguientes grupos: Radio Operadores del Este (RODE), Faro las Cabezas en Fajardo Caribbean AR Group (W4L), Faro de Arecibo Cofresí Radio Club, Faro Los Morillos en Cabo Rojo Debido al paso del huracán Dean, algunas de las actividades fueron suspendidas. Tuvimos la oportunidad de compartir con varios oficiales de la ARRL. Entre estos se encontaban: Frank Butler, K4DH, South Eastern Division Director, Dennis Dura, K2DCD, Emergency Preparedness & Response Manager, Hill Moore, NC1L ARRL DXCC Manager, Greg Sarratt, W4OZK, Alabama Section Manager Entre los temas mas importantes estuvieron los siguientes: La posibilidad de ampliar los cinco canales existentes en los 5 MHz (60 metros) a una banda contínua de frecuencias en lugar de canales. Esto se tiene que discutir en próxima reunión del WRT en Ginebra. Ya se conoce de varios casos ganados por radio aficionados en contra de compañías de electricidad que implementaron sistemas de BPL (Broadband over Power Line). Los aficionados tuvieron que hacer querellas ante la FCC para lograrlo. Tenemos entendido que en Puerto Rico se está experimentando con BPL en urbanizaciones de Guaynabo y Gurabo. Vea mas información en la página de la liga El programa de bitácora de comunicados que tiene la liga llamado LoTW (Log of The World) contemplará, entre otros cambios, el que se pueda solicitar crédito para el DXCC utilizando dicho mecanismo en lugar de tener que enviar las QSL a la liga o llevárselas a uno de nuestros QSL Card Checkers. Sentimos mucho la partida de NP4V (ex KP4EDW) Eduard Irizarry y de KP4BQ Patricio “Tito”Torres. Nuestras condolencias a sus (27 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:06:35 PM] Section News for August 2007 familiares. KP4PQ, Víctor Madera, está haciendo un inventario de todas las islas, islotes y cayos de Puerto Rico. Favor de enviarle información al respecto. Aprovechamos para felicitar a Víctor y a su grupo pues según la página 40 del QST de este mes, están en los primeros 25 ARRL VEC con 261 secciones. Pablo Soto, KP4SJ le sigue con 196 secciones. Dos titanes forjando el futuro de la radio afición en Puerto Rico. José Luis Román, WP3HY, invita a todos los radioaficionados a reunirse todos los viernes en estacionamiento del coliseo Francisco Dida de Hatillo (Carretera #2) de 6:30 pm en adelante. Con esta actividad ya tenemos dos actividades semanales, ésta y la del Movimiento de Radioaficionados de PR (La Polilla), todos los jueves a las 7:00 pm en el estacionamiento del centro comercial Santa Rosa Mall en Bayamón. ¿Quién dice que estamos inactivos? Los exhortamos a que sigan enviándonos información y visitando mi página personal También quieroWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO acordarles que todavía pueden enviarnos solicitudes para Emergency Coordinator de la ARRL. Hasta la próxima. 73. ======September 2007 Last month there were two major activities held the same weekend (Aug. 18-19). These were the International Light House Weekend and the ARRL National Convention at the Huntsville Hamfest. The following groups were active in the LHW: Radio Operadores del Este (RODE), Faro las Cabezas en Fajardo Caribbean AR Group (W4L), Faro de Arecibo Cofresí Radio Club, Faro Los Morillos en Cabo Rojo Due to Huracane Dean, several groups had to cancel. At the ARRL National Convention/Huntsville Hamfest, we had the opportunity to talk with various ARRL Officials such as Frank Butler, K4DH, Director de la division sur este de la liga, Denis Dura, K2DCD Emergency Prepareness and Response Manager, Hill Moore, NC1L DXCC manager, Greg Sarratt, W4OZK, Alabama Section Manager. These were some of the most interesting lectures: The possibility of gettingWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO a continuous band for 60 meters instead of only five “channels” or frequencies. This has to be discussed at the next WRTC at Geneva. Various hams have taken their electric power utility to the FCC because of QRM on the ham bands due to their BPL systems and won. As far as we know, there are a couple of experimental BPL systems in Puerto Rico in the Guaynabo and Gurabo areas. Please see more information on the league web site, The Log of the World program has been modified and updated and will eventually include the ability to submit QSOs for DXCC credit. We regret the passing of NP4V (ex KP4EDW) Eduard Irizarry and KP4BQ Patricio “Tito”Torres. Our condolence for their families. Victor Madera, KP4PQ is making an inventory of all the small islands that are part of Puerto Rico. Please send him any information you may have. We take this opportunity to congratulate Victor and his VE team for being in the top 25 ARRL VEC with 261 sessions. Close by is Pablo Soto, KP4SJ with 196 sessions. Two truly great hams promoting Ham Radio in Puerto Rico. José Luis Román, WP3HY, invita a todos los radioaficionados a reunirse todos los viernes en estacionamiento del coliseo Francisco Dida de Hatillo (Carretera #2) de 6:30 pm en adelante. Con esta actividad ya tenemos dos actividades semanales, ésta y la del Movimiento de Radioaficionados de PR (La Polilla), todos los jueves a las 7:00 pm en el estacionamiento del centro comercial Santa Rosa Mall en Bayamón. ¿Quién dice que estamos inactivos? José Luis Román, WP3HY is inviting all hams for a meeting to be held at the Francisco Dida Coliseum of Hatillo, PR (Road #2), from 6:30 pm on. This will continue for all Fridays. With this activity, we have two weekly meetings, this one and the MRPR (La Polilla) every thurday at the Santa Rosa Mall parking in Bayamón. Who says that we are not active? Please keep sending us information. Please visit our web page We really appreciate it. We are still looking for an Emergency Coordinator. Until next month, 73s.

Southern Florida

Hi Everyone, It’s time again for the monthly reports of ARES and NTS activities and news of interest to everyone in the section. We have several new appointees: Carl Zettelmeyer, WA4CZ – PIO in Broward county Felipe Calderon, K4FLC replacing Carl jagielski, KA4HLO as EC for Miami – Dade county. Carl has served ARRL and ARES in Miami-Dade for many years and has seen us through many storms. A big thanks to Carl for all of his work. Hamfests: Any hamfest, no matter what size may request ARRL sanctioning. Please see: http://www. for hamfest and convention rules and see: awards/dxcc/checkers.html for the list of ARRL awards checkers. If you wish to have an awards checker at your hamfest these arrangements must be made by the hamfest committee and the cards checker. Martin County ARA has been approved to host the Southern Florida Section Convention in March 2008. Okeechobee hamfest has a new location – there was a conflict with scheduling at the prior location. Details for both, and all ARRL sanctioned hamfests, are at . The Melbourne hamfest on October 13-14 is the Florida State convention. Our representative from headquarters will be Emergency Preparedness and Response Manager, Dennis Dura K2DCD. We will also have a Youth Lounge, Youth Forum and several activities for young folks, both hams and non-hams, on Saturday. Displays for (28 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:06:35 PM] Section News for August 2007 public events: The ARRL Web page has a new on-line page that enables someone to conveniently place an order (using credit card) for event and exhibit kit materials. The direct Web page link is http://www.arrl. org/brochures/. I visited the site and completed an order for a full exhibit kit with 2 large and 3 small brochure holders, brochures, and 100 extra of each the following: ARES, When All Else Fails, and Hello. Total cost was for shipping to my zip code – Less than $13. This is certainly less than ordering each brochure separately and less than the cost of the just the holders from your local office supply store. Take a look and have your club PIO order a kit and extra brochures for the club. These will make your public displays look more professional. Our condolences to Chuck Baer W4ROA son Mark KF4MXS, wife and mother Ruthie passed away on September 11. We will miss her at many amateur radio activities. Address for condolence notes: 9061 NW 21 Manor, WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.ROSunrise, FL 33322. If you prefer emailing them, Chuck's email address is [email protected]. Services will be at Star of David Funeral Home, 7701 Bailey Road, North Lauderdale, on September 16 at 1 PM. Reports: ARES Report for August: Total number of ARES members: 1409 Change since last month: +80 ARES nets active: 19, Sessions 68, 6 with NTS liaison. ECs reporting: N4LEM, WA2DXQ, KF4MJJ, N5KFR, WA4ASJ, WA4GUK, AI7Q, KA4HLO, K4NNX, AD4RZ, AG4AN, and AJ4BP Number of drills, tests and training sessions this month: 46, Person hours 203 Number of public service events this month: 3, Person hours 6 Total number of ARES operations this month: 49, Total Person hours 210 SFL ARES Net Report --- QNI 29 QTC 1 Time 48 Min. Comments: St. Lucie: EC Ernie Marquez's call sign changed from KF4IHX to AJ4BP. Lee County: August 15th we held our quarterly meeting at the Lee County EOC. The subject for this meeting was Winlink 2000. We are setting up a Winlink System in Lee County. Training was conducted by Phil Jansen AF4VE, 25 people attended the 3 hour presentation. Osceola County: September 17, 19, 21, and 24, we have the Amateur Radio Technician Classes, at the EOC. On September 28th we have Dennis DeckerWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO coming in to conduct Skywarn training to a group of the Sea Cadets that also wish to become ARES members once they obtain their ticket. ======SET weekend will be October 6- 7. Please take part with your local ARES group. Remember it is better to meet the team members during training than to meet them during a disaster. ======SARs August: KA4FZI 202, K4FQU 91, WA4EIC 50, AA4BN 47, KE4CB 34, and KI4OUD 2 ======PSHRs August: K4FQU 125, KA4FZI 120, WA4EIC 100, AA4BN 86, W4DKB 34 ======Bulletin Report August 2007 KE4UEI: Recd 22, Sent 3, Total 25 ======NET Reports August 2007 NET, ABBREVIATION. SESSIONS, QNI, QTC, MANAGER All Florida CW Traffic Net, QFN, 62, 481, 233, AD4DO Florida Amateur SSB Traffic Net, FAST, 31, 210, 48, K4SCL Florida Medium Speed Net FMSN, 31, 210, 44, AG4RJ/AB4XK Jupiter-Tequesta Repeater Group, JTRG, 4, 120, 23, AG4BV/KF4NJB Saint Lucie Repeater Association SLRA, 4, 33, 3, KE4UEI Southeast Florida Traffic Net SEFTN, 31, 476, 41, AG4RJ/AI4GE Southwest Florida Traffic Net SWFTN, 27, 270, 60, K4FQU ======That’s all for now. Stay alert for the remainder of hurricane season. Stay safe and stay on the air. 73, Sherri, W4STB

Southwestern Division

San Diego

QST, QST, QST this is Mitch K6BK with the SDG Monthly Section News! I had the pleasure of visiting all these radio clubs recently, and I am very impressed by their dedication to Amateur Radio: El Cajon Amateur Radio Club - Escondido Amateur Radio Society - Fallbrook Amateur Radio Club - Palomar Amateur Radio Society - San Diego Six Shooters Amateur Radio Club - I am also very appreciative for the warm welcome I have received by all. While I am looking for a volunteer for the Affiliated Club Coordinator position, I am glad to take on this responsibility myself. While recently attending the Southwestern Convention in Torrance, I had the opportunity to meet many members from the other Sections of the ARRL Division. One of the highlights of the Southwestern convention for me was getting “Wouff-Honged”! Although I have been a ham for 46 years, and first saw the fabled instrument of persuasion at ARRL HQ when I was 14 years old, now my membership is official. You can read more about this sacred tradition from the roots of amateur radio at: http://amfone. net/WouffHong/wouff.htm and a nice review on the ARRL website: news/features/2002/04/01/1 I am ready to help Division Director Dick Norton N6AA with some issues of concern to the San Diego Section, which include putting the brakes on Broadband over Power Lines, and gearing up to take on the cities that are in violation of antenna rights under PRB-1. One of the important things that has been learned is to refer to your tower as an "antenna support structure" when doing permit paperwork, or you may never be able to change the cloud warmer on at the top. We are very fortunate to have amateur radio classes offered in the San Diego Section. For Ham Classes contact Skip Cline KD6RFQ at 760-757- 5424, [email protected] (see the SANDARC information at, or contact Steve (29 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:06:35 PM] Section News for August 2007

Early AD6VI at 619-461-2818, [email protected], or contact Harry Hodges W6YOO at 760-743-4212, [email protected] to register in advance. In SDG we have dedicated VEC’s and VE’s who volunteer lots of their time so that there is a ham examination site available every Saturday of the month. Now that is real dedication to Amateur Radio! My hearty "Thank You" goes out to everyone involved in this effort. For San Diego County Ham Exams be sure to contact the VE and make a reservation so they can bring the proper tests and make arrangements. Walk-ins may not be possible due to scheduling conflicts, so use this Volunteer Examiner Contact Information: 1st Saturday - El Cajon - Mike Maston 619-296-9067 2nd Saturday - Carlsbad (PARC) 619-465-EXAM 3rd Saturday - North Park - Mike Maston 619-296-9067 4th Saturday - Chula Vista - Tuck Miller 619-434-4211 Last Saturday of the month - Escondido (EARS) - Harry Hodges 760- 743-4212 VEC - Greg SmithWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO 619-697-1475 Need to find a repeater? Look it up at http://rptrlist.w6jpl.ampr. org/. And if you want to find out more about any ham radio activities visit Lets all thank Rod Dinkins AC6V for running one of the best ham radio sites on the internet. As the trustee of KA6BSA and Wood Badger myself, I have participated many times in the Jamboree-on-the-Air. It is coming up again on October 19-20, and thousands of stations around the world will be making contacts with Scouts at the microphone. This time it will be 50 hours long to celebrate the 50th year of the event. For details and frequencies see and html. ARES Happenings: The leadership of the San Diego Section ARES is now in good hands with SEC Jim Cammarano KG6R, who has an Industrial Engineering background and Management Consulting skills in Operations. Jim was promoted because he did an excellent job as the A-SEC for EMS. This year we welcomed a new A-SEC EMS, Teri Rowe KI6FKD, an RN who has worked hard to improve the standards for ARES, and has accomplished a lot to establish good relationships with the San Diego Disaster Health Care Council and the local hospitals.WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO These efforts have resulted in the County Emergency Services purchasing in-place radios and antennas, and designating a radio room at the Medical Operations Center. Several hospitals have committed to creating radio rooms for ARES responders, and will soon be purchasing dedicated equipment for HF, VHF, UHF, and Pactor 3 modems for Winlink. The Simulated Emergency Test on August 18th included successful coordination in the drill with the Red Cross and Cal Fire. With the guidance of very capable Directors of the Board Harry Hodges W6YOO, Len Fulbright K5WFW, and Harv Hiller K6QK, ARES is improving the relationships with served agencies to build effective communications networks for better disaster preparedness. Coming up very soon is The Miramar Air Show on Oct. 12, 13, 14. ARES will serve as official backup emergency communications to the US Marines, and for the County Emergency Medical Service and local hospitals. And while doing that, another ARES mission at the event is to send radio patrols into the crowds to find lost children, and adults too. With 750,000 people at the show last year, ARES reunited more than 40 lost individuals with their families. While this is an exciting event, it provides the opportunity to practice Emcomm (emergency communication) skills in a real live environment. Sign up and bring your headset, because the show is right overhead. Remember that the monthly ARES meeting is a week earlier on Oct 6 to accommodate the Miramar Air Show. See for meeting details. You can volunteer online for a shift with the Miramar Air Show responder teams at And there will be many opportunities (during the three days and one evening) to learn hands-on how to operate a NCS Net Control Station. I will be gone that weekend to Newington, Connecticut attending the mandatory Section Manager's Workshop at ARRL HQ, but SEC Jim KG6R will be in charge at the Air Show to make sure the ARES activities are a success. If you have an upcoming event you would like to see in this report next month, or have any corrections to the information here, please contact me to get the best possible support for your activity. Tnx es 73 de K6BK Loren “Mitch” Mitchell San Diego Section Manager (30 of 30) [10/18/2007 3:06:35 PM] Section News for September 2007

Section News for September 2007

Atlantic Division


SOUTHERN NEW JERSEY NEWSLETTER FOR OCTOBER 2007 SECTION MANAGER, JEAN PRIESTLEY, KA2YKN Recently at work I was if I would mind certifying for CPR. It reminded me that I had not been recertified in several years. I am sure there are many who got a certification for CPR or First Aid and have not updated. I recently talked about Skywarn and updating with current classes. This is a good time to mention that the Red Cross has courses that you can take including CPR and First aid. Whether or not you are into “public service work”, it is important to know and it is especially important if you have children or elderly parents. SomeoneWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO in the family needs to have the knowledge. The ARRL offers Continuing Education Courses for members. Registration remains open through Sunday October 21 and the courses start on Friday November 2. In February 2002, the first ARRL technical course debuted. It was Antenna Modeling. Several additional courses were also developed in 2002 and are offered on a monthly basic: There is HF Digital communications and several others. The ARRL has plans to keep these programs and to add courses that reflect the interest and need of the members. Under the heading “Available Courses” click on the course of you’re choosing for more specific information It has come to my attention that the Gloucester City Amateur Radio Club has activated a 447.775 repeater with an offset and 146.2 PL at 65 watts. Anyone is welcome to use it but, of course, is asked to observe the same rules that apply to all repeaters. This is a good weekend to get on the bands and work the Scouts for JOTA. This is great exposure and the kids love it. It is “making memories”, it is giving something to the kids that you don’t have to check through when you get the kids home and it is something to give the kids that will nourish their minds instead of having empty calories. Just listen around and they will be their. The JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) walk will be at Cooper River Park on October 28th. KB2ADL is lead on this one. If interested, just contact me. The Camden County SKYWARN Coordinator is looking more people to become active in the Camden County SKYWARN program. Especially needed are New Control Stations. You would be trained before being asked to run any nets. If you have an interest in this, contact Rick Tighe, Coordinator. He can be found on the Camden County SKYWARN Training New 2nd Thursday of the month at 7:30 on the Camden County RACES Repeater 145.895 PL 192.8. This information is for Camden County, but if you are in a different county, check with you local coordinator to see if they are in need of trained people. It would seem to me that well trained people can only be an asset and you can never have too many trained spotters, net control people or deputies. JSARS Is still holding their testing sessions the third Thursday of each month at 7:30 pm at the Riverwood Recreation Building on Riverwood Drive in Toms River, NJ. For more information call Ed, GENOINO, WA2NDA at 609-693-3729. Holiday City ARC is also still holding their test sessions every other 2nd Saturday from 10am to 12pm, (1 of 32) [10/18/2007 3:07:02 PM] Section News for September 2007 (May, July, Sept, Nov). Sessions are held at the Holiday City South Clubhouse area in meeting room #1 on Mule Road at the corner of Santiago Dr in Toms River. Your contact person is Bill Haldane, AC2F and the phone is 732-240-7064 or [email protected]. When going to any test session, you must have your original license and at least one Xerox copy and original and one copy of any credit sheets you may have. Also bring 2 forms of id. Testing sessions by SJRA are on the 4th Tuesday of each month at the Winslow Senior center. Contact is Mark, K2AX at [email protected] orWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO (609)820-1523. Testing is also available in Atlantic County. The location is at the Canale Training Center at 5033 English Creek Avenue in Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey. There will be no walk-ins so please call Robert, WA2ARP at 609-338-7038 to reregister. The sponsor is the Southern Counties Amateur Radio Association (SCARA). Next session is Sept 29th If you haven’t already, please make a note or bookmark the following site: http:// The Battleship New Jersey is on summer hours. Check on their website for hours and other information. If your club is thinking about visiting the NJ2BB club station, please be sure to make arrangements ahead of the scheduled date to insure that someone will be there. Just go on our website at for information to schedule a visit. If you have worked NJ2BB and want to send a card, the QSL manager is Margaret Burgess,WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO KB2BRR 150 Schooner Ave, Barnegat, NJ 08005. Please send your cards with an SASE to insure receiving a card in return from NJ2BB. http:// If you have an activity coming up or want to report something that happened, please send a short write up to me and I will put it in next month. Please remember that if you work traffic to report it to Dan, K2UL. Traffic report for August, Traffic manager, K2UL, Dan Ostroy SNJ/NNJ Section Net Reports QNI reports NJM 80 N2GJ NJPN 191 W2CC NJSN 175 K2PB NJN(E) 222 AG2R NJN(L) 187 AG2R (the above nets are dual section nets of both SNJ and NNJ. Liaisons with 2RN) SNJ Local Net Reports JSARS 378 ( 211 for July) WA2NDA SJTN KB2RTZ NO REPORT SJVN WB2UVB NO REPORT SCARS NO REPORT NW2Y Station Activity Reports (SAR) K2UL 44 WA2CUW 42 WA2NDA 35 AA2SV 29 K2GW 4 KC2IYC 4 W2QOB 2 Public Service Honor Roll (PSHR) KB2ADL 145 KA2YKN 137 N2HQL 132 K2UL 120 WA2CUW 90 KC2IYC 74 WA2NDA 73 K2GW 64 W2QOB 27 STM reports that the past six years have been posted on the web at Our flag consist of thirteen horizontal stripes, seven red alternating with six white. The stripes represent the 13 colonies; the stars represent the 50 states of the Union. The colors of the flag are symbolic as well: Red symbolizes Hardiness and Valor, White symbolizes Purity and innocence and Blue represents Vigilance, Perseverance and Justice.

Central Division


QST DE KA9QPN THIS MONTH'S SECTION NEWS-- -Tell us what you are doing right! -JOTA Info -SET Planning and Reports -Thanking an Elmer (thinly disguised as a Hamfest report) -IL QSO Party Details -MEDIA HITS *Changing of the Guard in LaSalle County ARES®/RACES *A Collaboration Experiment in Cook County *Ham Publishes Broadband Info Article in Power Company Magazine...wait...what? -Kids Day at the N IL Steam Club featuring Ham Radio -New (2 of 32) [10/18/2007 3:07:02 PM] Section News for September 2007

Club in S IL -Club Elections and why you shouldn't sit on your hands -Fall and Antennas The Entire NEWS won't fit in the email space allotted (ARRL only lets me mass-mail 120 lines!) Please find the full NEWS along with pictures at 73-- Tom KA9QPN Wisconsin WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO WISCONSIN: SM: Don Michalski, W9IXG, SEC: KB9ENO, STM: K9LGU, SGL: AD9X, OOC: KC9IS, PIC: KB9NUM, TC: K9GDF, BM: WB9NRK, ACC: N9LVS ASM: K9UTQ, W9DGI, N9VE. ** With regret, I am informing you of the passing of this Wisconsin Amateur: -- Jim Daniels, WA9SNU, 65. ** The 50th annual "Jamboree On The Air" JOTA is coming up on October 20! We encourage clubs to support JOTA with live demonstrations to the local scout organizations. We urge you to contact your local Boy Scout council to see if they have a local JOTA station listed. Ironically, the local scout office may know of a ham that normally doesn't go through club or PIO channels who's spearheading the JOTA effort. Or, better yet, volunteer to promote JOTA. To findWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO your nearest local Boy Scout council, go to and type in your zip code, or go to the national Girl Scout website at councilfinder/ and find the nearest council. Be sure to check the JOTA website for the recommended frequencies as they have been recently changed. jota/ Remember: JOTA is not only the largest official scouting event in the world with an expected 500,000 participants (ten times larger than the Boy Scout National Jamboree), but it's also open to both Boy and Girl Scouts, making one of the few joint events between the two scout organizations, and one of the few internationally sponsored events. Another great resource for JOTA is the ScoutRadio group inside Yahoo Groups. The theme of JOTA 2007 is "Around the world in 50 hours". This year JOTA is being held on 20-21 October with the operating window extended to 50 hours for this anniversary event from Friday (19 October) 22:00 local to Sunday 24:00 local. ** Is your club having upcoming events that you want to promote? Here are some suggestions: -- For hamfests-- 1) Be sure you send me information well in advance of your hamfest so I can have it posted on the Wisconsin site: http://www.arrl. org/sections/?sect=WI I recommend that your hamfest flyer should have details on location-- map, address, driving directions, call-in frequency. 2) I would be happy to, also, mention it in the monthly Section News. Send me information no later than 45 days before your hamfest and I will include a brief announcement here. -- For classes-- 1) Be sure you send me information months in advance of your class so I can have it posted on the Wisconsin site under Amateur Radio Classes & Workshops 2) Register your class with the ARRL so it can be posted on their Classes site: To be able to do this, one of your club members involved in the class will need to be an ARRL Registered Instructor. Registered Instructors, also, benefit with the Instructor Discount Program. Save 25% on instructional materials!! We hope that you take advantage of these opportunities. ** The Internal Revenue Service awarded Wisconsin Emergency Communications, WeComm, Ltd. 501 (C)(3) status; enabling donor's to claim tax deductions for contributions. WeComm, Ltd. is a Wisconsin non-profit corporation founded to design, build and maintain state-of-the-art, reliable statewide Amateur Radio communication (3 of 32) [10/18/2007 3:07:02 PM] Section News for September 2007 networks for disaster, emergency and public service use by ARES®/RACES teams. WeComm, Ltd., incorporated in 2005, has begun designing a statewide network of Amateur Radio repeaters. A major feature of the WeComm network of repeaters is the ability to link individual repeaters into a statewide configuration, or to un-link them to serve smaller areas and meet existing needs. System design is nearly complete for voice and digital data networks, and the construction of the first repeater is scheduled to start soon. Wisconsin ARES/RACES is the intended user for theWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO network for disaster, emergency and public service use. When not needed by ARES/RACES, the network will be open and available for normal Amateur Radio use. Bill Niemuth, KB9ENO, SEC and WeComm President. ** We are about two weeks away from the 2007 WI ARES/RACES Conference (October 27, 28). Registration must be received by the close of business on Saturday, October 20. Please spread the word and register at our ARES web site: If a person does not have Internet access, contact me directly. The conference is open to anyone who has an interest in ARES/RACES. The keynote speaker will be Dennis Dura, K2DCD, ARRL Emergency Preparedness and Response Manager. Hope to see you there! Bill Niemuth, KB9ENO, [email protected] 920-779-0611 ** WISCONSIN SECTION STM REPORT SEPTEMBERWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO 2007 "Sequence" To make your communication vest even more attractive, you might add some sparkling trim. . .Oh! (familiar sound of hand striking forehead) An alert reader has just informed me that sequins aren't quite the same as "sequence." Sequence is the order of things -- and it becomes very important in passing a formal message efficiently. Whether you're using NTS, ICS-213, or another format in the message you're sending, it's very helpful to the receiver to keep the parts in order. In the NTS preamble, that's number, precedence, handling instructions, station of origin, check, place of origin, time, and date. When elements of a message are sent in the proper sequence, the receiving operator knows what to expect and can anticipate. Especially under poor conditions, knowing what to listen for helps. Think of a message as a contest exchange. If you know you're going to hear a number and a precedence, it limits the possibilities and allows you to focus specifically on the exact figures and letters. You can predict more accurately within a range. Just as there's an order to a traffic net, a to-do list, or a construction project, there's an order to a formal message. Using the right sequence isn't really a tall, er, order. 73 -- K9LGU/STM-WI MONTHLY NET ACTIVITY SUMMAR SEPTEMBER 2007 NET QNI QTC QTR SSNS NM BWN 2134 2840 5817 30 W9IXG BEN 570 34 925 27 KE9VU WSBN 672 63 1084 30 K9FHI WNN 124 5 211 21 KB9ROB WSSN 138 22 241 29 N9JIY WIN/E 156 22 227 28 WB9ICH WIN/L 159 37 277 31 W9UW WRACES 104 1 272 5 N9VAO TOTALS 4057 3024 9054 201 MWCRN --AUG 143 50 318 4 WA9ZTY MWCRN --SEP 168 69 379 4 WA9ZTY 73, Don, W9IXG

Dakota Division

North Dakota

NORTH DAKOTA: SM, Kent Olson, KAØLDG - Lots of ham activity during the last month, so here’s what’s been happening around the state. Please pass on condolences to family and friends on Bill Snyder, WØLHS, who passed away recently. Bill was one of the most famous (4 of 32) [10/18/2007 3:07:02 PM] Section News for September 2007 hams from ND. Following his service in the US Army’s Signal Corp in WW II, he was on the first DX-pedition to Africa with Hallicrafters. He was very active with RTTY (and other modes) and held DXCC-RTTY with 243 countries confirmed. Bill left a lasting legacy to Amateur Radio in ND. Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) is coming up on Oct 19-21. Fargo and Grand Forks hams are hosting Scouts who will be making contacts all around the world with other Scouts. We have a new Net Manager - David Heintzleman, K8BBM, - thanks Dave. Fall Technician classes are in full swing in GrandWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Forks and Fargo. Grand Forks hams helped out with the annual Potato Bowl parade. Bismarck hams recently had a successful club picnic, and are thinking of using APRS for SKYWARN. The Bismarck 85 repeater is back up with a PL tone of 107.2. Fargo has changed their repeater freq to 145.350- with a PL tone of 123. Please change your radios, as the 147.255 machine is off the air. Upcoming hamfests: Totten Trail, Oct.28th, Fargo, April 26th. Section's web site: HF NM KØJIM net reports for September: Weather Net: 25/584/3. Data Net: 30/667/18. Goose River Net: 5/50/1.

South Dakota WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Here is the section news for South Dakota, if there are any clubs that have material that they wish to have posted please email me the information no later than the 5th of the month so that I can get it posted to both the summary and the web site before the cut off date. I did not get much news this month, so I published the special event news again. You can view the new Memorandium of Agreement with the Department of Public Safety at: http://members. With added info located at: MOA_ANNOUNCEMENT.pdf Hams Celebrate the "Center of the Nation" Special Event Station NØC operated from August 20-22 to publicize Belle Fourche, South Dakota, as the official "Geographic Center of the Nation". The event was the brainchild of Craig Nickisch, WØWN, who was assisted in coordination by Brian Kassel, K7RE, and Bob Weaver, KØGZL. Other participants were Carroll Cash, KØRXC, Graham Chesnut, WBØLIW, Bill Collister, N7MOG, Harry Irwin, KFØQB, Ryan Jennings, KCØGKF, Joanna Jones, KD7GLY, Don Matthesen, KØHP, Gene Secrest, KBØGZQ, Arne Sjomeling, KØAS, and Ray Telkamp, KØRNT. The hams set up two rigs in the Chamber offices, allowing CW, SSB and PSK31 operation. HF propagation was generally poor, with 20 meters fairly productive. A 2-meter rig offered a dozen or so Tri-State VHF enthusiasts a contact. Operations were generally limited to hours the offices could be open, but NØC logged QSOs with over 150 stations in 37 states and several DX locations. Since publicizing our hobby was the main task, the hams set up displays for those attending the monument dedication. Some World War II equipment and a ham station from 1959 drew the old timers' attention, while others tried their hand at sending code. QSLs from around the world demonstrated the international aspect of our hobby, and interested visitors could also take along pamphlets from those provided to the station by ARRL. During the monument dedication festivities, the NØC station was visited by over 100 individuals, including United States Senator John Thune and South Dakota's Congressional Representative, Stephanie Herseth Sandlin. Both briefly took mike in hand, but without success. Mayor David Schneider of Belle Fourche had better luck. While at the mike, the mayor managed to chat with John, WBØVBW, who sent His Honor a special QSL Under the guidance of Joanna Jones, KD7GLY, (5 of 32) [10/18/2007 3:07:02 PM] Section News for September 2007 NØC set up 'learning stations' for a visiting class of middle school students on August 22nd. The students learned to tap out their names in code, find nations and states on maps from QSL cards, and observe the operators in actual QSOs at the station. When op Craig contacted Virginio, IZ5EKV, one amazed young person burst out with "Cool! This really beats email." Those who participated in sending a little code received a bright certificate of completion, recognizing them as future hams. Bob Weaver, KØGZL, a retired electronics teacher, set up a display of radio equipmentWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO and gave the students a short lesson in electricity and basic radio. Visitors, as well as students, took with them a knowledge of the role amateur radio plays in homeland security and community emergencies. The operators of NØC are pleased, too, at having raised some interest among future hams. NORTHERN HILLS AMATEUR RADIO CLUB The September meeting was called to order at 1930 in the Lead Fire Hall. Present were 13 members and 4 guests. PUB SVC EVENTS: Mt. Rushmore/Crazy Horse Marathon is 7 October. We should be there at 0600. Bruce needs about 3 more people, for all day. Gene thanked those who helped on the Big Mick and the SD MS rides. Chris stated the need for club members to be NCS on the State Link Net on Wed. nights. We discussed SET and voted to change our date to 13 October. Gene suggested that we in the northern Hills experiment with simplex at theWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO 3 NH EOC's and at "high points" near them. The MOA between the State and the Ham Radio community is finished, after 3 years of preparation. It can be seen on our website. Jerry attended the signing meeting in Pierre and commented positively about the MOA meeting, the personnel who attended, and the expectations of others that we amateurs would definitely be an asset. Jerry and Chris attended the State Link meeting. Funds continue to be a problem. Garden City is back on the air. We discussed ways to communicate the tone requirement to listeners who are "passing thru". Perhaps an audio ID and perhaps a note on the APRS node would be good. Chris and Dale will visit Terry Peak tomorrow to perform maintenance. We discussed the packet node and decided to remove it due to a significant problem with it, and the little or no use it receives. Election of officers was held. We elected Gene McPherson, Pres; Chris Stallkamp, VP; Carroll Cash, Treas; and Bruce Conlee, Sec. Directors are Jerry Hawley and Neil Richmond. Starting next month, we will meet at the Sturgis Fire Hall during the winter. We adjourned and heard a presentation by Craig Nickisch, WØWN, about the special event station NØC at the center of the nation observance in Belle Fourche. Gene McPherson, NØMHJ Outgoing Secretary

Delta Division


LOUISIANA SECTION NEWS – SEPTEMBER 2007 The second annual K5R special event station commemorating Hurricanes Katrina and Rita was active on September 15 at Zemurray Park in Hammond. Approximately 250 QSOs were made on 40, 20, and 2 meters. SELARC members participating in the event included KD5RGT, KD5PCK, KD5PCM, K5QNT, WV3R, WB5FBS, KE5KAS, KE5KMP, K5CAV, and N5XES. KE5DJA, Public Information Official (PIO), reports that the Children's Museum in Acadiana (CMA), which has one of the finest ham stations in Acadiana, will offer two Amateur Radio courses this fall. One course will provide Boy Scouts (6 of 32) [10/18/2007 3:07:02 PM] Section News for September 2007 the opportunity to earn a Radio Merit Badge; the second will be a six-week course open to anyone wanting to earn his Technician license. Both courses will be taught by AARA club members. In addition, the AARA is making arrangements to make a QSO with the International Space Station from the CMA. (Contacts with the ISS must be scheduled as much as two years in advance!) Kudos to the following hams for providing communications support during the Crescent City Road Race: W5KB, KB5BFK, AE5RN, KD5KNZ, KC5WIP, K5IQ, WB7PTR, KD5UYX, andWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO N5OZG. The Baton Rouge ARC reports that the club's D-STAR project is going well and at least 18 stations in the area have checked into the digital voice net held each Wednesday at 8 PM on 146.460 MHz simplex. The Thibodaux ARC is once again sponsoring the LA QSO Party. The 2008 Party will start at 1500Z on February 9 and will end at 0300Z on February 10. Here's your chance to be on the opposite end of a pileup, particularly if you happen to live in a rare parish! The complete rules, along with past scores, are available on the club's web site at Don't forget the upcoming Simulated Emergency Test on October 27. Our SET this year will begin at 8 AM local time and will last about three hours. The SSB tactical/emergency net frequencies will be 3783 kHz and 7285 kHz, dependingWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO on propagation conditions. Formal health and welfare (H/W) test messages can be sent directly on the Fifth Region Net (DRN5) on 7280 kHz, plus there will likely be several NTS liaison stations monitoring the LA ARES Net frequencies (3783/7285) to assist with any H/W traffic not listed directly on DRN5. PACTOR stations should monitor 3595.9 kHz and 7079.9 kHz (center frequencies) to handle any digital traffic. In addition to these HF nets, there will be many VHF/UHF ARES nets operating throughout the state that will hopefully send liaison stations to the LA ARES Net on 3783/7285. The use of formal test messages in standard radiogram format rather than informal (unformatted) test messages are encouraged whenever possible during our SET (just as during an actual emergency!). The LA Section welcomes the following new hams: Helen Bergeron KE5QLU, Sara Bowers KE5QQJ, Andrew Gray KE5QOF, Emile Diodene KE5QKR, Keith Verret KE5QKE, Ronald Frentz KE5QLV, David Aucoin KE5QLG, Brenda Daigle Murry KE5QQA, Charles Soileau KE5QLH, George Hollier KE5QQB, Maxine Dunn KE5QPZ, Cheryl Taylor KE5QLJ, Joseph Marcantel KE5QLK, Emil Griffin KE5QQI, Paul Wing KE5QPY, Roland Greenblatt KE5QKF, Chad Schexnayder KE5QKL, Andrew Collazzi KE5QJP, Mary Tauzin KE5QKG, Shannon Santiny KE5QNW, Albert Lemons KE5QLM, Raemon Strickland KE5QLL, Richard Clark KE5QLI, Dustin Bailey KE5QLR, and Logan Hereford KE5TFG. After many years as the LA Section Traffic Manager (STM) and the LCW Net Manager, W4DLZ has decided to step down. We are very fortunate to have N5KWB and K5KV volunteer to become the new STM and LCW Net Manager, respectively. I want to thank Frank for his dedicated service these many years and appreciate Tom and Benny very much for agreeing to serve in these important leadership positions. I am very sorry to report that WA5WBZ, one of the first traffic handlers I had the pleasure to know, is now a Silent Key. Upcoming LA hamfests include the Twin City Hamfest in Monroe on November 10, the MARA Hamfest in Minden on December 15, the SELARC Hamfest in Hammond on January 19, and the 2008 LA State Convention/AARA Hamfest in Rayne on March 21-22. Traffic totals: K5MC 65, W5PY 50, N5KWB 47, WA5LQZ 39, WC5M 5, AE5V 3. Public Service Honor Roll: N5KWB 132, W5PY 120, K5MC 110, W5HUD 84, N5MEL 57, KB5SDU 51, AE5V 44, KD5ITA 42, WA4ERU 32. Section net reports: sessions/check-ins/messages handled. Louisiana Traffic Net: (7 of 32) [10/18/2007 3:07:02 PM] Section News for September 2007 30/660/38. Louisiana CW Net: 55/208/62. Louisiana Slow Net: 8/37/9. Louisiana ARES Net: 4/89/0. Local/district net reports: sessions/check-ins. Allen Parish ARES Net: 12/9. Caddo/ Bossier Parish ARES Net: 4/68. Calcasieu Parish ARES Net: 1/6. East Baton Rouge Parish ARES Net: 4/15. Lafayette Parish ARES Net: 4/32. Livingston Parish ARES Net: 1/1. Orleans Parish ARES Net: 4/28. Ouachita Parish ARES Net: 4/78. Rapides Parish ARES Net: 5/63. Richland Parish ARES Net: 4/50. St. Charles Parish ARES Net: 1/11. St. Mary Parish ARES Net: 4/20. St. Tammany Parish ARESWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Net: 4/61. Tangipahoa Parish ARES Net: 4/110. Union Parish ARES Net: 1/20. Vermillion Parish ARES Net: 4/27. Vernon Parish ARES Net: 9/143. ARES reports: parish/EC. Allen/W5ELM, Avoyelles/KD5IGG, Beauregard/W5MVP, Caddo/Bossier/NZ5S, Calcasieu/KC5FGO, Caldwell/KD5ETB, Cameron/W5JFW, Claiborne/KD5JJP, Concordia/N5AVN, East Baton Rouge/N5ULA, Franklin/N5ASA, Lafourche/N5PZJ, Livingston/W5RR, Morehouse/ KB5SAR, Orleans/NO5FD, Ouachita/W5DSG, Plaquemines/AI5B, Rapides/KD5DFL, Red River/ KD5IUZ, Richland/N5MEL, St. Bernard/AI5B, St. Charles/K5CFJ, St. John/AI5B, St. Mary/ KA5LMZ, St. Tammany/KC5EAK, Tangipahoa/KD5PKS, Union/KA5JNL, Vermillion/KE5JXC, Vernon/W5JZQ, Washington/AI5B. PIO reports: KE5DJA. 73, Mickey Cox K5MC LA Section Manager Email:WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO [email protected] LA Section Website: Great Lakes Division


CONTRIBUTIONS TO AMATEUR RADIO RECOGNIZED. The achievements of two Kentucky Amateur Radio operators were highlighted recently at the Great Lakes Division Convention in Cleveland last month. Fred Jones, WA4SWF was named recipient of the George S. Wilson III W4OYI Lifetime Achievement Award. This award recognizes an amateur whose contributions have focused on service to others rather than self. The award reads: "This certifies that Fred Jones, WA4SWF, whose excellence and ongoing work has served as a role model for many other Amatuer Radio operators throughout the country. Fred Jones exemplifies the true spirit of George S. Wilson III, W4OYI." Tom Mansfield Jr., KG4TND, received the Great Lakes Division Director's Outstanding Achievement Award. The award reads: "This certifies that Thomas L. Mansfield, KG4TND has demonstrated extraordinary service to Amateur Radio and the public through tireless effort in developing, organizing and managing public service operations." CENTRAL KENTUCKY AMATEUR RADIO SOCIETY HAMFEST. The final Kentucky hamfest of the year is also the state's newest. I look forward to seeing everyone there. Make up that want list and mark your calendar for Saturday, Nov. 10th. The hamfest site is the Madison County FOP Lodge # 47. For more details, visit the CKARS Hamfest Web page, or e- mail Michael Rogers, [email protected]. SECTION APPOINTMENT AVAILABLE. YOU can make a different in Amateur Radio in Kentucky! Applicants are being sought for the appointment as Kentucky Section Public Information Coordinator. If you have an interest or experience with public relations, journalism or dealing with the media, then the PIC appointment could be a way you can help build greater visibility for our hobby in Kentucky. To read the complete description of this appointment, visit the ARRL's PIC description Web page. The Kentucky PIC also is responsible for conducting the annual club newsletter contest. Media experience is (8 of 32) [10/18/2007 3:07:02 PM] Section News for September 2007 preferred but not absolutely necessary. The willingness to help "get out the word" about our favorite hobby is a big plus!. Section appointees must be ARRL members. Individuals interested in learning more about the PIC appointment should contact KY4Z by e-mail or by phone at (502) 349-2099. ACTIVITY REPORTS. Station Activity, Public Service or net reports are due to me by the 9th of each month. Your help in meeting this deadline is greatly appreciated in order that the KY Section web site is updated in a timely manner and the reports are submittedWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO to ARRL HQ. Send your reports to [email protected]. NET NAME SESSIONS TRAFFIC CHECK INS NET MANAGER KYN 35 35 257 K4AVX KSN 30 32 179 KO4OL Tri-State TMN 30 44 504 KB8GWL WTEN 4 2 42 KO4OL KD7ARET 4 0 57 KG4HMN MSUARC 4 0 47 WX4MET MADARES 4 1 26 KO4OL Public Service Honor Roll (PSHR) W2LTB 371, KG4TND 355, KO4OL 85, K4JRU 67 Station Activity Reports (SAR) KO4OL 31, WB4ZDU 44, K4TXJ 3, KY4Z 5, K4AVX 27


Greetings everyone,WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Here is a special message from John KC8ULE, Chairman of the recently completed Mac50: The Mac50 Special Event was organized and operated as an element of the official celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Mackinac Bridge sponsored by the Mackinac Bridge Authority Celebration Committee. The idea of a special event with this theme came up in several locations around the state. This was a natural theme – nothing says “Michigan” around the world like the Mackinac Bridge. The Bridge View park is a good operating location, and there was a Mac40 event ten years earlier. Mac50 had three principle objectives: Help the Bridge Authority Celebration Committee promote awareness of the 50th Anniversary of the Bridge. Achieved. Over a thousand on-air contacts, plus an awareness multiplier for shortwave listeners and hams who could not make direct contact. Contacts always included a comment about the theme of the event, and most included a fact or two about the bridge. Goals: Put on a radio event that would attract operators and club support from around the state as with all similar radio events. Achieved. We attracted operators from the Detroit area, Grand Rapids, Lowell, Charlevoix, the Soo, Marquette and St. Ignace as well as other locations. Five clubs made major contributions to production and operations and the Michigan ARRL section promoted the event strongly. Practice our disaster preparedness skills in terms of being able to deploy to a field location, equip ourselves using our own equipment and conduct effective radio operations. Achieved. The event design effort was played in public via the web; many Michigan hams worked together to get equipment and supplies on site, get them assembled, powered and tested and on the air. Everything worked. Outstanding! The Mac50 event was a wild success from all possible perspectives. There were plenty of things that we might have done better or more completely, but we made a lot of contacts, we had a lot of amateur radio operators involved in operating and event logistics and we had just incredible response from the amateur radio community in terms of sending in for QSL materials. I think it likely that those of us involved in the event will carry our memories of it around with us for a long time. Scoreboard: Total QSO’s 1,012. Operators/on site helpers 39, Participating clubs, 5. More importantly, we had zero rigs damaged, zero injuries and an abundance of just feeling good about how everything went. Final Thoughts: Speaking as a career project manager, this was (9 of 32) [10/18/2007 3:07:02 PM] Section News for September 2007 probably the single most satisfying project I’ve ever taken on. There were enough irritations to keep it on our minds and there were times when there were just too many details to get done, too many hands to shake, not enough hours in the day to cover the bases. Many things came together in the last two weeks. We were on the air when we said we’d be on the air and had terrific results along the way. And a great time was had by all. Special thanks are in order to the Mackinac Bridge Authority Celebration Committee, the St. Ignace Post of the Michigan State Police, MichiganWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Section – ARRL and the five clubs that put in tremendous levels of energy, technical skill and cash and resource donations: Eastern UP ARC, Motor City ARC, ARGYL, Lake Effect ARC and Contesters and Traffikers. I wish also to extend my personal thanks to my planning and admin colleague, Marv DeWitt, KC8MLD, our PIO, Diane Scalzi, KI8F and our web guy Hank Greeb, N8ZZ for their diligence and expertise. 73, John Forslin, KC8ULE, Marquette, Michigan, 25 September, 2007. The heart of ham radio lies in our radio clubs. The opportunity to meet, share ideas, find help and learn are all soundly based in these organizations. We recognize these new club leaders: Newly elected for the Big Rapids Area ARC are Pres WB8COX, VP KD8DHZ, Treas KC8IFP and Sec KD8DIB. Blossomland ARA’s new Officers are: President KC8TSE, 1st VP N8KBG, 2nd VP KD8ZB, 3rd VP KF8Z, Sec W8JBA, Treas KB8VIM,WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Trustee KE4PM. For the Marinett and Menominee ARC, these officers were elected: Pres K8IR. VP KC8WAI, Sec KD8ESH, Treas WC9E. Lapeer County ARA has elected these officers: Pres N8NE, VP KC8TWL, Sec KC8CAB and Treas KD8VP. Congratulations to all of these new officers. Stan K8SB Chairman of the Motor City Amateur Radio Club 75th Anniversary Celebration (December 1)is attempting to contact former MCRC members including those who have moved away from the area. Stan has asked that all former members drop him a note or call. Stan can be reached at [email protected] or at 734-676-6248. A Special Event worth noting: Nov 3-Nov 4, 1300Z-0100Z, Muskegon, MI. Muskegon County Emergency Communication Services, Inc. K8WNJ will be celebrating the completion of Muskegon County's new ECOMM Center. Operating on 146.820 Mhz (-600 94.8hz), 14.267 MHz 7.267 MHz. For a commemorative Certificate of your contact, send a SASE to Muskegon County Sheriff's Dept, Emergency Services Division (MCECS), 1611 Oak Ave, Muskegon, MI 49442. Michigan Nets reporting for September: MiTN, OMN, MACS, WMTN, GLETN, TMMTN, SEMTN, NLEUPN, Motor City, Hiawatha, Benzie County, MIARPSC, and Branch County. Total Operator-hours for September: 2,158. Station Activity Reports (SAR) for September, 2007: WB9JSR 883, KC8WSE 342, K8KV 276, AB8SY 194, K8LJG 137, K8AMR 116, KD8AAD 93, K8RDN 81, K8AE 60, WB8RCR 36, KC8MLD 30, W8RNQ 27, WD8USA 12, KC8BMV 12, KD8BGQ 12, AB8WF 12, K8ZJU 10, WA8OOH 10, KC8ZGB 10. Public Service Honor Roll Reports (PSHR) for September, 2007: WB8RCR 256, K8MFK 209, KD8BGQ 159, WB9JSR 135, K8RDN 128, WD8USA 122, K8AMR 118, KC8WSE 115, AB8SY 115, K8KV 80, K8AE 80, K8ZJU 73, K8VFZ 67. SARs are reports of all the radiogram traffic you have handled in the past month. PSHRs include your net and public service activities for the month. PSHRs and SARs should be filed monthly with WB8RCR. You can access a simple reporting form at: shtml to provide your reports to WB8RCR. September Official Emergency Station reports came in from K8COP, K8DD, and N8HA. Your OES reports should be filed with WA8EFK with a copy to your EC. In all cases, reporting by radiogram is encouraged. Packet messages can be routed to [email protected] and [email protected] 73 until next month, Dale (10 of 32) [10/18/2007 3:07:02 PM] Section News for September 2007 WA8EFK

Midwest Division

Missouri WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO OCTOBER 2007 MISSOURI SECTION NEWS DALE BAGLEY, KØKY MO SM Steve Schmitz - WØSJS reports that on Saturday, October 13th, the St. Louis County ARES group will host a Field Station Demonstration and Simulated Emergency Test - from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Queeny Park, a St. Louis County Park. The group will setup and operate VHF/UHF voice and data, SSTV, IRLP, and HF communications and the event will be open to the public. The aim of this public demonstration is to introduce Amateur Radio and ARES to the general public. The event will increase awareness of both organizations and the assistance that Amateur Radio provides during times of disaster and public need. The ARES group will be running the St. Louis County ARES callsign - NØARS. SEPTEMBER HAMFEST REPORT 2007 The Macon County’s RadioWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Rendezvous / Ham Radio Camp-Out was in September at the Macon County Fairgrounds Park and all those attending has a great time. The weather for camping was great and the air conditioned hall provided an excellent location for the flea market. Co-Chairmen Ed Brockelmeyer KØEB and Larry Ballew, ABØHP did a fine job and deserve a big pat on the back. OCTOBER HAMFEST 2007 The Ozarks Regional Hamfest and Homeland Security Convention will be held on October 12th and 13th at the Remington’s Entertainment Complex in Springfield, MO. To get more information or register for the Hamfest visit their website at The Southside ARC Octoberfest will be held in Grandview at the Grandview Middle School October 20th . You can contact Donna Quick, KBØYJN, PO Box 1670Lee's Summit, MO 64063 Phone: 816-537-7464 Email: [email protected] or check out their website at The St. Louis ARC is sponsoring their 16th annual Halloween Hamfest on October 27th at the Kirkwood Community Center located at 111 South Geyer Road in Kirkwood, MO. To get more information contact Bob Sluder, NØIS 47 Wells Road Fenton, MO 63026 Phone: 636-349-6584 Email: [email protected] . For more information you can also go to NOVEMBER HAMFEST / MID-WEST DIVISION CONVENTION Midwest Division Convention will be held November 10th in Lebanon, Missouri in the Cowan Civic Center. The Convention / Hamfest is sponsored by the Lebanon ARC. If you want to know the latest information on the event, you need to check out the website provided and use the link to the “Convention”. The talk in frequency is 146.700 / 146.100. The contact person is Mike Edwards, WB9M 201 Hillside Court Lebanon, MO 65536 Phone 417-588-1535 or Email: [email protected] AFFILIATED CLUB NEWS KEITH HAYE, WEØG, ACC Kent Trimble, K9ZTV President of the Mid- MO ARC reports that annual Halloween operating the Frankenstein, MO FunXpedition held in conjunction with the Warrensburg Area Amateur Radio Club will be coming up this month. On Oct 31-Nov 1, 0500Z-0500Z, the Warrensburg Area Amateur Radio Club, will be operating SSB at WØO during the Frankenstein FunXpedition on 28.370 21.378 14.265, 7.255, 3.945. QSL. (SASE)Dennis Gedeon, KBØNHW, 1811 Hillside Ct, Oak Grove, MO 64075. The Mid-MO Amateur Radio Club, will be operating on CW during the WØO. Frankenstein (11 of 32) [10/18/2007 3:07:02 PM] Section News for September 2007

FunXpedition 21.040 14.040 10.113 7.040, 3.540. QSL.(100% direct)Tom Hammond, NØSS, 5417 Scruggs Station Rd, Lohman, MO 65053. The Joplin Amateur Radio Club is planning their annual Christmas Dinner for the 2nd Tuesday in December at one of the area dining establishments. Mainly a social event, it is an opportunity for speeches, club awards, recognition plaques, and various prizes, finishing with the passing of the gavel to the new president. This is the only official club activity that takes place in December. I case you are looking for a AmateurWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Radio Club home, you might check out the St. Louis and Suburban Radio Club, Inc., which meets the second Friday of every month at the Goff-Moll American Legion Post (2721 Collier Avenue, Brentwood, MO). The Post is located one block west of Manchester Road at Brentwood Boulevard. Meetings begin at 7:30 PM. SLSRC welcomes any persons interested in amateur radio, amateur or amateur-to-be, to attend our meetings and activities. They also maintain 8 area repeaters in the St. Louis area. The St. Charles ARC newsletter the “Garble” had an excellent report on the MS 150 held in Columbia, MO. By Doug Allen, KØDRA. Their Rapid Response Team held their latest exercise on September 22nd. The test exercise was held on the property of Sam Jones, KCØZFS (who is part of the team) in Chesterfield,WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO MO. Also participating were Dave Livingston, WBØRAB, Ray Martin, KØWC, Dave Collins, KC6YNC, Bill Bird, KGØYJ, Dan Richardson, NØRJS, Jim Miller KGØKP and Paul Doran, KBØVTK. The Callaway Amateur Radio League held their Special Event in connection with the United Way kick-off at the Walmart Super Center. They began set-up shortly before 8:00am. and both stations were operable by 10:00am. Band conditions were not favorable, but they managed some contacts anyway – scattered across the US. In addition to explaining amateur radio and emergency communications to various visitors - including County Commissioner Craighead, They passed out information pamphlets with CARL officer phone numbers to them and a number of others. Several visitors expressed some interest in working toward a license. The Current River Amateur Radio Club meets on the second Saturday of each month at 7:00 PM. Even months they meet at the Winona Fire Department in Winona and on odd numbered months at the National Park Service Office in Van Buren, MO. They hold VE sessions at every meeting and at other times and places if requested. They have repeaters on-line in Van Buren and Eminence, MO. The Van Buren repeater frequency is 146.685 - with a 100.0 Hz tone and the club call sign is KC0UMV. This repeater has a coverage of about a 75 mile radius. The Club has installed amateur radio equipment in the Shannon County Emergency Operations Center in Eminence and are available to man that station in the event of an emergency. SECTION ARES REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER 2007 DON MOORE, KMØR SEC We are pleased to announce that Johnnie Wolfe, WAØBNZ, of Raymore, MO is the new Emergency Coordinator for Cass County and that Lawrence Bradt, KC5QWO, of St. Genevieve, MO will take on the Emergency Coordinator of St. Genevieve County. Their initial supplies will be arriving in the near future. Total # of ARES members: 386 Number of drills, tests and training sessions this month: 28 Man hours: 159 Number of public service events this month: 1 Man hours: 4 Number of emergency operations this month: 1 Man hours: 22 Total number of ARES operations this month: 30 Total Man hours: 185 Comments: 3 of 9 districts reporting SECTION TRAFFIC REPORTS FOR SEPTEMBER 2007 DALE HUFFINGTON, AEØS, Because the Section Manager had to update the page early, the Traffic Reports will be included later this month. (12 of 32) [10/18/2007 3:07:02 PM] Section News for September 2007 New England Division

Eastern Massachusetts

Hello everyone, Here is an update on the Sept. 29th STAFF MEETING. First I will say that many did not show or send e-mails that they would not be able to attend. I do beleive the problem was due to WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.ROcommitments they had with their club projects to get done before winter sets in, or personal things! A STAFF MEETING isn't the type of meeting you miss. I also had a problem with my xyl Shirl. She had been fighting severe migrane headaches and it has gotten so bad she has to get shots at the base of her skull and in her neck. She did come to the meeting with me only because she got two new shots that last about 3 days. The new AWARD PROGRAM; We have started in E.MA. is going very well. The first recipient was Mike Goldberg (K1LJN) our OOC, for many years who is retiring from the position, but will stay on and work with his new replacement, Bruce Davidson (K1DZS) until his is trained to Mike's satisfaction. The second award was received by Peter Burrel (W1VAB) who was instrumental as a Boyscout Leader for 46WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO years. Promoting Amateur Radio and the Satellite class room program, and many other Ham Radio Events. The third award was received by Jim Ward (N1LKJ) for all the years of his hard work as the Traffic Management Manager position here in E.MA.. He also would like to retire from this position in a year or 2, BUT he needs someone to train for his replacement. "TOUGH FINDING PEOPLE" This position MUST be filled and Jim will train them, to HIS satisfaction! Also, the second position that is "open" is Affliated Club Co-ordinator. Please apply ONLY if you are seriously interested. These positions take time and effort to learn and apply yourself to it. E-mail [email protected] Thank you. I also discussed all activity from ARRL Headquarters, and within E.MA. section going back to 6/3/07. Rob Macedo KD1CY gave a report on activity concerning emergency communication events and also provided a schedule of what they had accomplished from 2/07 to 9/07, ARES/SKYWARN events, and Dave Upton WB1CMG gave a report on wave band plan problem updates with FCC and ARRL. Our A.S.M.'s are doing a great job!! Those that did not come, missed a great meeting!! Emergency preparedness: During the Labor Day Weekend, there was a surprise internet Emergency Drill. Calling for all weather and problems in the E.MA. area and all over the country. I am proud to say, that with Rob, E.MA., CAME IN 2ND!!! Only 18 minutes behind CT.! Also during the simulated Emergency "AMATEUR RADIO GOES TO WASHINGTON" K1GBX checked in with W1AW at HDQ'S (Harold was the operator) on 10/03/07 E.MA. Sec. on 14.250.000, was the first 1 station to check in! Also we made contact with W4ZH out of Pensacola, FL., M.A.R.S, Operation. Again, E.MA., was first again from 1 land, on 14,250.000 Freq., again by K1GBX representing our section! All or most from ARES/SKYWARN & RACES probably were still at work, at the time K1GBX was able to be there. I was not going to let anyone say that OUR section didn't participate!!! State Senators and Representatives were present at the Washington, DC., demo. W1AGP, Alan Pitts, ARRL HDQ'S media and P.R. Manager represented ARRL along with M.A.R.S. operations. Check the ARRL area for more info.. AFFILIATED CLUBS:!!! Clubs that are ARRL affiliated, must keep the SM abreast of your activities, and also requests to ARRL HDQ's. Please notify the SM of your needs before making contact with ARRL. This is one area that would help to get E.MA section at the top of things, I (13 of 32) [10/18/2007 3:07:02 PM] Section News for September 2007 am trying to get this section more motivated, and organized. I am also available for speaking on different ARRL and Amateur Radio Activities, contact me to do so. I am a good SM doing everything a SM is supposed to do. This section needs to be a section recognized as a very active operation in all areas. This can not be done without your assistance!!! "LETS GET GOING" NOW!! Also, no one club runs this section, or tells your SM what to do, YOU ALL DO!! Also ARRL HDQ's!! We are in 1 land, let's try to keep it # 1!! Please Help!! 73 Art Greenberg (K1GBX) E.MA. SM GoodWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Air Waves

Rhode Island

Greetings fellow Rhode Islanders: Well, the leaves are changing color and falling, nights are a little cooler, autumn festivals are happening, contesters are getting antennas and stations ready for the contests and daylight is getting more scarce every day. Our snowbirds are leaving for their winter homes in Florida. A few have gone early and the rest are getting ready. HF band conditions are still typical for the bottom of the cycle. New hams are getting short temperedWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO with band conditions, totally unaware of how good propagation will become over the next few years with 20 meters open around the clock, 15 meters open to all parts of the world most every day and 10 meters so wild that 25 watt mobiles will routinely work Europe while driving to work and Australia while driving home from work. I must start this month’s report with some sad news. For personal reasons, our hard working SEC, Sean Brennan KE1AB has decided to resign his appointment. It was more than three years ago that Sean accepted the challenge of building a section wide ARES organization from scratch. He did it has left us with many building blocks to continue building RI ARES into a more complete service. He built and maintains a fully operational packet BBS linked through the state, several strong regional leaders and teams and a functioning bi-weekly net on the 146.70 repeater. Rick Andreano, K3OQH has offered to help us continue into the next phase of ARES development by serving as acting SEC. However, Rick is employed by the RI EMA and cannot have the time nor would it be ethical for him to serve ARES as well. During this difficult period, Rick is willing to serve as a focal point for ARES leaders in order to help them rebuild during this difficult period. We must recognize that this cannot continue beyond a short term. Thank you very much, Rick. The annual Simulated Emergency Test took place on October 6th. ARES members in North Smithfield, MARS, NAVMARS, Warwick, Newport, Charlestown and Westerly participated. The simulated scenario parameters were limiting and in some cases, quite difficult to follow. But, in a genuine emergency, that will be the case. Thanks to all who took part. We hope that the experience was constructive and useful. The ’76 Flea and Auction took place despite some serious rain showers. From the size of the crowd and the number of items donated, it appears that the event was a success and will support RIAFMRS for another year. Our Asst SM, KA1RCI completed a rebuild of their old 146.94 repeater and recently delivered it to its new home at the Cumberland Police Dept. Go try it out. It seems to have very good coverage. I hit it from the Mass Turnpike a few days ago. Your new Affiliated Club Coordinator, Ed K5RJI and I attended a recent BVARC meeting to present a commemorative certificate to the club for 50 years of ARRL affiliation. It gave members an opportunity to meet club members. I also attended a recent ARASNE (W1AQ) meeting to present their president (14 of 32) [10/18/2007 3:07:02 PM] Section News for September 2007 with a 75 year certificate. ACC, K5RJI couldn’t make that one. We are planning to attend the PRA meeting on Oct 23rd where we will also present them with a 75 year certificate. PRA is one of the country’s oldest Amateur radio clubs. Their affiliation was granted on December 9, 1921. Pictures of each presentation appear on our website sect=RI The Newport Co. Radio Club supported the annual Harvest Fair as detailed in last month’s report. Large ARRL banners were displayed, brochures distributed and visitors asked questions about AmateurWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO radio. That’s what PR is all about. Nice work, folks. BVARC is activating the Watch Hill Lighthouse on the 13th. They have activated the Point Judith and been part of the team activating the Beavertail Lighthouse earlier. Some pictures of the event should be posted on our web page soon. It’s amazing how popular this year-round activity has become. It’s popular and fun for all ages and is an amazingly popular club event. Heaven knows that we have enough lighthouses in Rhode Island. Some have never been on the air, I believe. Under the rules of the lighthouse society, the station doesn’t have to be actually in the lighthouse to qualify as being there. The station must be within 1000 meters or at least within sight of the lighthouse. That’s not very restrictive at all. This month’s CQ magazine carried a report that FCC denied three petitions to change station identification rules. Part 97, Section 97.119 of theWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO FCC’s rules state that each Amateur station must transmit its call sign every ten minutes during a contact and at the end of each contact. It doesn’t that they prefer or that we ought to identify. The rule says that we MUST identify. The three petitions to change ID rules in some manner, but the FCC agreed that it was better to enforce current rules than to change them. It was observed that many operators do not identify during their first transmission, after ten minutes and many never identify. I have heard that myself here on our 2 meter repeaters. Some of our brethren seem to think that since everyone knows who they are, they do not need to send their call. Wrong! Re-read the rule 97.119 if you must. It’s at http://www.arrl. org/FandES/field/regulations/news/part97/b.html#119 . Again, it’s not the candy company’s suggestion for good operating. It’s their rule. We have to follow it. We have several more Official Observers in Rhode Island, thanks to the diligent recruiting work of our OOC, Bill Ewan W1VH. Many RI hams want to help the rest of us stay out of the clutches of the dreaded FCC “pink slip”. Thank you Bill and all of our OO team. In late October, I must have some surgery to my right hand. My friends are cheering because they’re tired of listening to my broken fist try to send code. Recently, many were sending QLF? QLF? (Are you sending with your left foot?) Seriously, I fell last winter in my back yard and broke a finger. The hand surgeon said I could leave it alone or have it repaired but over the last year, it has become quite painful. Thank Goodness for memory keyers. So, soon I should be sending with my right hand again. 73, Bob Beaudet W1YRC

Northwestern Division


Cascade County has a new Emergency Coordinator, AA7GS, George Forsyth. George is active in the Great Falls Area Amateur Radio Club and knows the area well. He replaces Roy Patte, W7MBV who has served as EC for many years. Our thanks to Roy and George for supporting (15 of 32) [10/18/2007 3:07:02 PM] Section News for September 2007

EComm in the Cascade County area. We appreciate their efforts and work with local DES and first responder organizations. The Bozeman Club had their annual Hamfest yesterday at Sacajawea Middle School. Attendence was great and lots of equipment was for sale. Thanks to the club for another great gathering. These warm, Fall days are just right for antenna maintenance and repairs before Winter sets in and the winds begin to blow. Take time to inspect your antennas and support structures for damage or wear. This is a great time to get it fixed and ready forWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO cold weather. Dont forget to check out your grounding system. IMN- W5UYH, QNI-456, QTC-80 MTN-AE7V, QNI-2458, QTC-75 MSN-K7YD, WC7V, QNI-101, QTC-4 73 Doug, K7YD


SWAPTOBERFEST Swaptoberfest will be held on Saturday, September 27th. If the leadership appointees in those areas have not communicated the information about the meetings to you, please ask them about it. The NTS meeting will be at 1100 and the ARES meeting at 1300. Both will be WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.ROin the 4-H building. Kevin Hedgepeth, NB7O, will be conducting a Winlink lab from 0800 to 1100 in the 4-H building. Bring your computer, radio and TNC. He will help you set up Airmail. For more information, the Swaptoberfest website is located at http://www. PIC/PIO (PUBLIC INFORMATION COORDINATOR/PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER) ACTIVITIES Our newly appointed section PIC (public information coordinator), Steve Sanders, KE7JSS, has recently participated in an ICS PIO class that was sponsored by the Hillsboro Emergency Manager. This course gave him the opportunity to meet PIO’s from various agencies. These individuals told him they would include ARES PIO’s in city activities. He was able to learn about a PIO meeting in Yamhill County that he shared with the EC (emergency coordinator) in that area. Steve has also spoken about ARES at a small neighborhood CERT (community emergency response team) meeting and had a lunch meeting with the District 1 DEC (district emergency coordinator). COOPERATION BETWEEN SECTIONS Cooperative planning and sharing of ideas between sections is being spearheaded by Everett Curry, W6ABM, the ASM (Assistant Section Manager) for ARRL Membership, and Will Sheffield, N7THL, the Affiliated Club Coordinator. They are planning a meeting with their counterparts in the Western Washington (WWA) section so they can learn from each other. CLATSOP COUNTY TOWER SUCCESS Steve Larkins, N7JED, has reported that they have finally achieved success after a year of battling Clatsop County for their tower. The tower received the final sign off on September 10th. The next step is to monitor the possible rewrite of the ordinance. PORTLAND MARATHON Pete Rodabaugh, W7PR, invited me to visit the net control station at the Portland Marathon. Pete instructed me to wait on the NE corner of a certain intersection and he would escort me into the secured area. I pictured a map in head to figure out which corner it was, but apparently the map I was seeing in my head was facing the wrong direction because he said I was on the wrong corner. But he found me anyway. At the net control trailer, I listened to the activity on headphones. The first voice I heard was Ernie Johnson, K7EAJ. You can’t go anywhere without hearing Ernie’s voice on the radio! He seems to be involved in everything. I had no trouble finding my car in the parking structure when I left the area because I remembered it was just west of the secured area. However, as noted above, just because I (16 of 32) [10/18/2007 3:07:02 PM] Section News for September 2007 thought it was west, doesn’t mean it really was! But it did help me find the parking structure, even though it probably was really south of the secured area. NEW CLUB IN SEASIDE There is a new club in Seaside, Oregon. It was started in August of this year. It is the Seaside Tsunami Amateur Radio Society (STARS) and has a club call of WA7VE. The club president, Jeff Holwege, AB7DN, is in the process of applying for ARRL club affiliation. They are conducting monthly Technician ham radio classes. The November class has 19 attendees confirmed and there is a back log ofWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO about 40 people waiting for a class date that works for them. Sounds like we may have a LOT of new licensees from that area for Seapac this year. TOPOFF-4 UPDATE I received a report from Steve Sanders, KE7JSS, that Washington County is doing more with TOPOFF than they had earlier expected. Some hospitals have requested their assistance, as have several cities. The Rec Cross was also looking for staff for their headquarters at the Beaverton Elks. They had planned to have a mock parallel event and are continuing with that as planned but blending it with the served agency requests. The ARES unit at OEM (Oregon Emergency Management) participated in TOPOFF-4 on October 16th. I received Winlink messages from them when they activated and when they secured. I received the messages both in Airmail and in my Internet account. Dennis Dura, K2DCD, the ARRL Emergency PreparednessWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO and Response Manager, has requested copies of situation reports and after action reports for TOPOFF-4 activities. He was an exercise controller for TOPOFF-3. Please send that information to me also and I will attempt to post on the section website. OO (OFFICIAL OBSERVER) REPORTS Three OO’s reported a total 83 hours of monitoring during September. One reliable OO was deer hunting and did not monitor this month. OREGON STM (SECTION TRAFFIC MANAGER) REPORT The complete report is posted on the section website. I post it within a day or so when I receive it from Scott Gray, W7IZ. Scott tells me that he plans to observe the Winlink lab and see if he can learn a little something even though he has no interest in computers or digital modes. He told me that he wants to get involved with Winlink as much as I want to learn to scale logs. This is the same guy that was not even on email for a long time for the same reason. He eventually gave in and is very active on email now! COMPLETION OF ARECC-1 COURSE Eric Einspruch, KE7NVA, from Lake Oswego has completed the ARRL ARECC-I course. Dean Davis, N7XG, ASM (Assistant Section Manager) for Communications and Training, conducted an ARECC-1 class and test session in Southwestern Oregon with 12 successful graduates. These are listed on the section website (www.arrloregon. org) and included J.C. King, N7LND, a PIO (public information coordinator) in the Coos/Curry County area, and Gerald Eifort, KB7WDR, the EC (emergency coordinator) for Douglas County. Within the next week or so, I will be distributing a list of everyone who has completed each of the ARRL ARECC (Amateur Radio Emergency Communication Course) through the ARES organization. The ARRL has updated the website list available to Section Managers to sort the list by county. So EC’s, if you don’t get the list of people in your area forwarded to you soon, start checking with your DEC (district emergency coordinator). I would expect that most of the people completing the course are interested and involved in ARES, but it is always possible that some are not involved. I have recently started forwarding a monthly list of new hams to the SEC (section emergency coordinator) for distribution through the organization. So EC’s, if you are not getting that list, check with your DEC. I am obtaining this list from the Section Manager page of the ARRL website. I believe Club officials also have access to this list. (17 of 32) [10/18/2007 3:07:02 PM] Section News for September 2007

Western Washington

In District 1, Skagit County participated in the MS-150 event, using the new mobile command post as an alternate NCS. During the Radio Amateurs Skagit County picnic, a bunny hunt was held. Island County reports the first windstorm of the season on September 30 with no power outages or damage noted.WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Scheduled for October 15, the North County Exercise involves four sites, three EOCs and two hospitals, using Ham radio as the primary means of tracking and passing information. Stanwood/Camano Island reports participation with Island County in the September 29 SET. San Juan County reports two ARES/RACES members, Charles Lindenberg, W7BXH, and Dick Rich, W60PX, received awards for five years continuous service performing the weekly CIMNET Test with the State EOC. During the combined CommEX #15/SET on September 29, the County EOC, Sheriff Dispatch, and the Red Cross shelter on San Juan Island were activated from 10:00 a.m. to 12:09 p.m. with a wrap-up session/lunch at a bowling alley. From District 2: at the Clallam County general meeting, Mike McCarty, KE7EZO, presented training on ICS delegation of authority, and management by objective. Two drills were held inWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO September. The first simulated a communications outage. Thirteen CC-ARES members participated, deploying to the county EOC and Sequim ECC. The second drill, part of the September SET, simulated a severe winter storm. Twenty-one CC-ARES participated in the drill, testing the weather watcher network, Winlink/Airmail messaging, and deployments to the county EOC and Sequim ECC. Jefferson County ARES/RACES responded to a request from the JCSO via the DEM to provide supplementary communications for a missing hiker search in the Olympics. Public safety, cellular and even satellite phones, did not communicate reliably from the search base camp, so communications via a six meter repeater were established and later replaced with a VHF simplex link. Participation lasted about twelve hours, until the hiker was located at his home after walking out the night before and failing to notify anyone. The Jefferson County ARES/RACES also took part in the SET. Another major event has been scheduled on October 7 that will provide communications for the Kinetic Skulpture Race. Kitsap County ARES/RACES/ACS participated in the Homeland Security Region 2 interoperability tabletop and functional exercise where they tested and demonstrated their ability to provide communications support between the three counties in the region. For the SET, they both trained, and tested their message handling abilities, while passing messages from ten stations at various fire and medical facilities, and the county EOC. This month District 3 participated in the annual SET. All five counties displayed strong individual participation along with setting up a district operations station. Good feedback about the SET has been received and all teams have identified areas for improvement. In addition to the SET this month, the Lewis County team had members attend ICS 100 and 700 classes, and the training classes required to be SAR-Base qualified. Pacific County was activated to assist with a sailboat having radio trouble. Members of the Thurston County team attended the annual Thurston County SAR Council picnic. In District 4, Clark County reviewed the ICS 100 course at their monthly meeting. At the call-out for the SET they eventually had thirty-seven operators at ten different locations sending messages on simplex, and both 220 and 440 repeaters. Many successful exchanges occurred along with some learning experiences. Cowlitz County team (18 of 32) [10/18/2007 3:07:02 PM] Section News for September 2007 members met on September 15 to discuss the SET. They decided to have a tabletop exercise with a high-winds-and-freezing-rain scenario affecting Toutle, WA. The SET took place at the LCARA Clubhouse. As members arrived they were assigned to a simulated location. The group discussed the different types of communications and message handling that would be dealt with at each location. The group also passed Situation Reports and Traffic for Cowlitz and Clark Counties to the State Net Control on the 47.200 Repeater System. In District 5, Pierce County ARES supportedWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO a search mission in the Silver Lake area. At the meeting on September 15, they enjoyed an excellent demonstration of Amateur TV presented by Mario, KD6ILO, Jerry, KD70PE, and Ted, W7TED, whose well equipped mobile ATV setups were on display, demonstrating the reception of signals on board the MOCC-1 (Mobile Operations Command Center), and the interface with the onboard TV monitor system. For the SET/EOC drill, the MOCC-1 was used with ATV, APRS and WINLINK. Plans to ramp up the River Watch program in October have the group scouting for interested folks to join the training/certification program provided by Pierce County DEM. In District 6, the Bellevue team held a drill with the Fire Department in October. It included seven Engine Companies, the Battalion Chief, an Aid Unit and two Light Forces (a truck company with an engine attached). Simulating a windstorm, FireWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO District 40 conducted a dispatch drill with the fire department. Ham radio was used to communicate all information and dispatch all department calls. The Puget Sound Energy Team repeater linking system on Rattlesnake Ridge took a lightning strike that destroyed the power supply one day before the SET, but was repaired in time for the event. Sammamish had limited team participation in the SET and each station used only portable equipment. The Medical Service Team, District M, participated in the SET for the first time this year. The MST taught a tech level Ham class and graduated eleven new Hams. The several training meetings that they held prepared them for the SET and refreshed members on tactical and formal communications. The SEC would like to thank outgoing Section Manager, Ed Bruette, N7NVP for all of his help and support. Best wishes to you and Connie on your retirement!

Pacific Division

Sacramento Valley

Section News, September 2007 Boy Scout Expo, held 28-30 September, at Beale AFB, in Yuba County, attracted 4000-5000 scouts, their adult leaders and parents. It was a huge undertaking and included events to emphasize amateur radio. Special event station K6S operated on all bands from 80m to 2m. A second station, K6BSA, set up 100 yards away, gave scouts an additional taste of ham operating. Curtis Maccoun, KI6ESK, our assistant section manager for youth, and I attended to operate K6S. Curtis found himself in the thick of operating and opening the portals of amateur radio for the benefit of the scouts. We even met a couple of interested scouts to lead further down the path to a license. Message forms were filled out, and hams in the local area took the traffic and delivered book messages to the homes of the scouts. Bill Ragsdale, K6KN, was a key organizer, but there were many more hams involved. The 42nd California QSO Party occurs on Saturday and Sunday October 6-7 -- (19 of 32) [10/18/2007 3:07:02 PM] Section News for September 2007

1600 UTC, 6 October 2007 (Saturday 9AM PDT) through Sunday 2200 UTC, 7 October 2007, Sunday 3 PM PDT--and is billed as the most fun a new ham can have. All the info about the contest can be found on the web page Rules: html Operating strategy: 2006 Results: http:// 2006 Records: Records/2006.pdf And, of course, lots of great awards, a free personalized/signed certificate for all participants withWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO 100 or more QSOs and T-shirts that you can purchase ($12). Awards: If you have new hf privileges, don't forget about CQP, the California QSO Party. N6BOA, Barbara Olson-Arenz, still needs a few good VE's for an October 20, 2007 test date in Placerville. While this conflicts with Pacificon 2007, there may be some ARRL VEs able to help at this session. Barb has up to 34 to examine and is going to need a total of seven VE's and has five so far. Contact Barb at [email protected] . Our Pacific Division Convention, Pacificon 2007 will occur October 19-20-21 at the San Ramon Marriott in San Ramon. The general admission tickets are $10 each, and you should consider the opening breakfast, $14 each, and the Banquet $39 each. The tickets are available with a PayPal payment or WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.ROby mail. Compared to some convention meals I have paid for in past years, the Marriott does it quite well. is the website. Orienteers, the term Amateur Radio Direction Finding competitors give themselves, were active the weekend of 14- 16 September in the South Lake Tahoe area at Camp Concord. 30 ARDFers from the U.S. and overseas came to compete for ribbons and medals in the dry, thin air above the lake. I attended as a volunteer, served as a race marshall on Saturday, and at the start line and finish line Sunday morning. Some runners (yes, this is a cross country race) had to find all five transmitters in three hours. Some had to find less but were in different categories of competition. Categories and classes were set by gender and age. Saturday evening we attended an awards dinner, where I helped hand out the medals and ribbons. Saturday was a 2m race, and Sunday the competition was on 80m. The competitor carries a radio, attenuator, and yagi or DF loop in one hand, and also carries a lightweight map board in the other hand. The Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club (SBARC) and the Los Angeles Orienteering Club (LAOC) sponsored the event. The chairman was Marvin Johnston, KE6HTS, Joe Moell, K0OV, our ARRL U.S. ARDF coordinator, handled publicity, and Bob Cooley, KF6VSE, set up the course and handled training. If your group, club, organization, etc., is going to hold an event outside your local area but near the local area of another club, it makes sense to contact the other club with information regarding your operation. It is a good way to 'network', meet people you may need to talk to in an emergency, and maybe scrape up a few volunteers if needed. I asked if the orienteers had contacted the South Lake Tahoe Amateur Radio Club, but they had not. I think they missed a bet. Vanity call sign fees went down September 17th to $11.70. The old fee was $20.80. The Amador County ARC will hold a swap meet on 13 October 2007 from 7am to 3 pm in the Kmart parking lot in Martel, that's Jackson. The ACARC meets on the first Thursday of the month except for FD being the July meeting. I know, FD is in June, but close enough. They start with a dinner and board meeting at the Bonanza restaurant around 5PM. 835 N. Main St in Jackson. Then they round up at the Senior Center, 229 New York Ranch Rd, about 7 PM. ACARC had a Ham Cram at the same location at 9AM sharp Sept. 29th with a test session for Tech around 2PM and upgrade tests as prearranged (20 of 32) [10/18/2007 3:07:02 PM] Section News for September 2007 with Ray in advance. Ham Cram is a class to teach prospective hams how to pass the tech test, not how to be a HAM. They will have a life time to spend learning how to be a HAM. Candidates are encouraged to buy the book, read the material and study the correct answers before attending HC. The fee is $25-bucks including the license for TEN years. CHEAP! Contact Ray Parker 209 267 5958, or Edelmaiers at 209 304 1628 for swap reservations and more information. Seller parking spaces will be $10 and food will be available from a bake sale table with all the normal swapWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO meet fare. Ever wonder how many hams are in our section. The FCC data base has all the raw information, but how do you get to it? Joe Speroni, AH0A, has done all the hard work for us. Our section's latest data is for December of 2006, but will be updated as he gets time. As of that date, Sacramento Valley Section had 1,176 amateur extras, 950 advanced class, 1,676 generals, 4,413 techs, and 253 novices. Add it all up, and we had 8,468 total licensees at the end of 2006. I know you will want to refer to this figure occasionally, so check out Joe's web site at . You might drop him a line via e-mail and tell him how much you appreciate all the different ways he slices and dices the data, in tabular and graphic form. Two more section appointees have been named Local Government Liaisons. Michael R.E. Buck, K6BUK, of Lincoln, CA, and Leo C. Gilman, K7PPM, of Olivehurst,WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Ca, have stepped up to new responsibilities. Welcome aboard! Don't forget the Section Net, 2nd Wednesday evening each month. We start with a VHF net at 7 PM on the WD6AXM/R, 146.085 +, 127.3 PL. At 7:30 PM we switch to 3987 KHz and repeat announcements. Please join us and make this a regular part of your operating agenda. A daily net for those near Sacramento is the Sacramento Noon Net, held each day at noon as the name implies, on 146.91 MHz, plus offset, 100 hz tone. If you find that one noisy, as I do, try 442.800 MHz, plus offset, 100 hz tone. This directed net has places for everyone to check in, and it is as close to a voice bulletin board as you can get. Everyone checking in has the opportunity to list information on events and latest happenings. All the state, county, and city EmComm stations check in as well as ARRL and club stations. 73, Ron Murdock, W6KJ Section Manager Sacramento Valley Section

San Francisco

San Francisco Section News - October 2007 PACIFICON PACIFICON PACIFICON - It is not too late to get tickets to attend the ARRL Pacific Division Convention at the San Ramon Marriott hotel this coming weekend. I understand that the hotel is fully booked, but if you keep checking you may catch a cancellation or there are very nice hotels nearby. Pacificon offers something for everyone, no matter what your Amateur Radio interest is. For more information, please go to for more information. I hope you can make it! The Far West Repeater Association held its annual picnic at the park in Scotia, just south of Eureka. The pot luck was a huge success as it has been in past years. There were tables-full of antique and modern goodies. And, the raffle generated standing-room interest. Check out the photos on the ARRL website. I’m looking forward to next year’s picnic. The ARISS Telebridge W6SRJ at the Santa Rosa Junior College made another contact with the International Space Station on September 14th. Don Dalby KE6UAY and I ran the station for children at the Westbrook Intermediate School in Clear Creek, Texas. The contact was with Astronaut Clay Anderson (21 of 32) [10/18/2007 3:07:02 PM] Section News for September 2007 KD5PLA whose son attends the school. 25 questions were asked and answered before the ISS went over the horizon. The school houses the district’s gifted and talented program Webster Academy - Visions in Education. One of the opportunities for the students is to study for an Amateur Radio license. The local Clear Lake Amateur Radio Club sponsors the class and has helped over 300 students earn their Ham license in the last 8 years. For more information on the ARISS program, visit ARISS audio can be heard on IRLP and Echolink when contacts are made.WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO See for more information. The Sonoma County Radio Amateurs, with assistance from members of the Marin Amateur Radio Society, helped the MS Society run their annual Waves to Wine fund raising two day bike ride over the weekend of September 29 & 30. The 1,700 riders started on Saturday from AT&T park in San Francisco and ended the day in Rohnert Park after a beautiful ride through the Presidio, over the Golden Gate Bridge, out to and along the coastline, and through the countryside. The Marin Amateur Radio Society offered members and their repeaters for the event to provide service and safety to the riders. The ride continued on Sunday leaving Rohnert Park, touring throughout wine country and ending at the Warm Springs Dam at Lake Sonoma. Sonoma County Radio Amateurs’ repeaters were used as well as many of their members. This continued inter-clubWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO cooperation was organized by SCRA Public Service Wrangler Craig Gaevert K6XLT and MARS Public Service Coordinator Randy Jenkins KA6BQF. Craig and Randy have worked together for several years assisting each other’s clubs provide radio support for charity events. This is an example of how the individual clubs can work together for the betterment of their communities. Great job, Craig and Randy! Some photos are on the ARRL section website. Chuck Deatrick WA6SQQ SK - I am saddened to report the passing of Chuck Deatrick on September 11th following heart surgery. Chuck was very active in the Marin Amateur Radio Society helping out in public service events for both his home club as well as Sonoma County events. He as active in Marin RACES. Chuck was always ready to help out and will be missed. This is the time of year when most clubs are soliciting members to serve in club offices. When you get the tap on the shoulder, please seriously consider helping out as an officer, director or committee/event chairman. Believe it or not, every club has a position for a person with only a limited amount of time to offer. There are large and small jobs. Please consider taking one on. You will learn more about Amateur Radio and your club if you pitch in and help steer the ship. Warning! This is going to sound like an advertisement: My ARRL membership was coming due this month. I had renewed for a large number of years while at the Dayton Hamvention so I hadn’t had to think about it for a long time. I thought about how long a term I should select, one year, five years, what? When I was back at ARRL HQ two years ago, I had a meeting with Mary Hobart, ARRL’s Chief Development Officer. She was explaining the various programs of the League, including Spectrum Defense, the Education & Technology Program, W1AW fund, the Diamond Club and Life Membership. When she spoke of the Life Membership program, something caught my ear. She said that the Life Membership fee was deposited into an investment account where it created essentially an annuity fund for the ARRL. Mary explained that the ARRL only drew out the equivalent of the annual dues for each Life Member. The rest of the money continued to be invested for the ARRL’s future. At my age, my life insurance agent says that it is a poor investment. I disagree. I look at as an investment in Amateur Radio’s future, not mine. So, I sent in a check for a Life Membership in (22 of 32) [10/18/2007 3:07:02 PM] Section News for September 2007 ARRL. I renewed my Diamond Club membership, too. A Life Membership is not for everyone. The League has a number of worthwhile special funds like those listed above. If you can, please consider a little more than the regular dues. Even $5 can help. Thanks very much for re- electing me as your Section Manager. I will continue the effort to keep the San Francisco Section one of the finest Sections in the ARRL. The Section Manager does not do the job by themself. It really is a team effort of equally dedicated volunteers such as the ASM, the DECs, ECs, PIOs, OOs and WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.ROother volunteers. I want to thank each and every one of the San Francisco Section team for all of their hard work, spirit and dedication. Thanks for making the job worth doing. Please visit the San Francisco Section website to see photos of some of the activities. Have a great October. 73, Bill

San Joaquin Valley

SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY SECTION Report for the month of September 2007: SM Charles McConnell, W6DPD- ASMs K6YK and N2NS, ACC W6DPD, SEC N6ZFN, OOC N1VM, STM K6RAU, PIC WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.ROKE6IGJ, TC W6TE. Greetings from the ARRL San Joaquin Valley Section. If you desire your club information and events to be listed in Section News, please send the information to [email protected]. I get very little information. If your club has a newsletter, please send it to me, email to [email protected] or via U.S Mail. Mark your calendars: Pacificon 2007 is October 19-21, 2007 at the Marriott Hotel in San Ramon CA. Check for information. The International DX Convention is April 25-28, 2008 at Visalia. Check http:// for information. When your affiliated club elects officers for the next year, be sure to update your club’s information on the affiliated club area of the ARRL web page so you club will get any information sent from the ARRL Club department. If you fail to update your clubs information for 2 years, your club will be placed in the inactive file. Need to take an Amateur exam? Check the ARRL web page, for exam information. You can also search for Amateur Radio Classes in your area. The Northern California Net (NCN), the Section Traffic Net, meets nightly on 3.533 MHZ at 7 PM Pacific Time. The slow speed training session of the net meets nightly on 3.533 MHZ at 9 PM Pacific Time. Handling traffic on CW is a good way to improve your CW skills. The Daytime Region 6 Traffic Net meets daily at 3:30 pacific time on or near 7.275 MHZ. The California Traffic Net meets daily on 3.906 MHZ and 6:30 PM local time. The noon time net meets on 7.268.5 MHz. This net handles a lot of messages. PACIFICON, the ARRL Pacific Division is October 19-21, 2007 at the Marriott Hotel in San Ramon CA. This is a good time for new Amateurs and new upgrades to view the new radios and other accessories, attend many of the numerous sessions on the various aspects of Amateur Radio where you can learn something new. The tentative schedule of sessions is posted on the Pacificon web page. Amateur Exams will be given and there is a 1- day Technician class so anyone can earn an Amateur License. You can download the PACIFICON brochure at This is a .pdf file. Advanced registration is $10 and it is $15 at the door. The Antenna Seminar is all day on Friday. There is a breakfast on Saturday Morning and a banquet on Saturday night. ARRL members can be initiated into the Royal Order of the Wouff Hong at midnight Saturday night. The Swap meet is Sunday morning. This is a great event for all Amateurs, experienced and (23 of 32) [10/18/2007 3:07:02 PM] Section News for September 2007 new. Full details for Pacificon can be found at This site has all the prices for the various activities that take place at the convention. Keep watching this site as new information is posted from time to time as the details are worked out. It is my sad duty to report that KE6WFJ, Howard and KC6APJ, Jerry are Silent Keys. They will be missed. The Turlock ARC 2007 officers are pres KG6UCW, vp KI6PR, sec KB6SBH, and treas K6CP. The club meets at 7:30 PM on the 2nd Tuesday at the War Memorial Building in Turlock. Check www. for information.WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO KI6CDW is training a dog to be certified for search and rescue word for the State of California. Congratulations to those completing the Amateur Radio Communications Courses: Level One KI6QIY and KC6WCT. Level Two: W6NBK. The Sierra ARC provided communications support for the 20th Anniversary Community Walkathon in Ridgecrest. The Southern Sierra ARS provided communications support for the High Sierra Fall Century Bike Ride. Former Tour de France winner Greg LeMond was a rider in the race. The Mountain ARC members provided communications for the Oakhurst Heritage Days Parade. Top SJV scores in the 2007 ARRL International DX Phone Contest were 1st N2NS, 2nd AA6K, and 3rd N6YMM. Congratulations to all. N2NS was 6th in the Pacific Division. Congratulations to WS6X on receiving a DXCC Award for 160 meters. Congratulations to John, K6YK, for taking first place forWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Californians in the September Spartan Sprint – a real test of operating skills on CW, and QRP to boot! Nationwide, John earned 14th place. The Spartan Sprints take place the first Monday night of the month from 6 to 8 PM local time on 80-40-20 meters, CW only, 5 watts or less. The "center" frequencies are about 3560, 7040, 14060 with activity a few KHz above and below those frequencies. The sprints are sponsored by the Adventure Radio Society, web site The basic plan is to work as many stations as you can during the 2 hour period. The exchange is simple: RST, State, Power. Such as: “559 CA 5W”. So there isn't too much to send or copy. There are fast, slow and intermediate speed stations to work. Traffic for September: K6RAU 22, W6DPD 0, and W6SX 16. Total 38. PSHR: K6RAU 78 and W6SX 44.

Santa Clara Valley

Monthly Summary for August 2007 Santa Clara Valley Section News Summary. September, 2007 =I got only one monthly report for September. All DECs and ECs should submit reports directly to the Section Manager (SM) before the second of the month. =Section positions open include Section Emergency Manager (SEC), Affiliated Club Coordinator (ACC), Net Manager (NM), Section Traffic Manager (STM), Public Information Coordinator (PIC) and Public Information Officers (PIO) and several others. Among them are an ASM for Scouting and Youth and several more ASM position to cover the five counties. This is YOUR Section; please consider helping all of us by filling one of these important positions. See FandES/field/org/ for information on the ARRL Field Organization and all appointee positions. =The wiki-based SCV web site on is up and running. My new ASM, Tom, K1TW, [email protected] is going to work on getting the content on both old and new sites up to date. Send him your corrections and get your club access to the wiki. Here's the link: http://www. =PACIFICON 2007, the American Radio Relay League Pacific Division Convention It is October 19-21, San Ramon Marriott Hotel. See the web link for (24 of 32) [10/18/2007 3:07:02 PM] Section News for September 2007 Events, Latest Updates and Ticket Sales: I will be giving a presentation on Saturday about Simplex Operations for Emergency and Public Service Events. PACIFICON 2007 Events Include: ** Friday All-Day Antenna Seminar ** Friday Evening Open MDARC Meeting ** Saturday Keynote Breakfast & Evening Banquet ** Outstanding Technical Forums ** Ham Equipment Exhibitors ** Great Swap Meet ** Daily Radio Prize Drawings ** ARRL Forum ** Transmitter Hunt ** Legal Seminar ** ATV Activities ** HFpack Activities ** QRP Activities ** HamWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO License Exams ** Saturday All-Day Technician License Class =There are ARES/RACES-related events occurring in November: November 3: SVECS breakfast, moved to this date due to non-availability of normal location on normal date of event, http://www. November 10: MAC Training, Packet; moved to this date to not conflict with SVECS breakfast November 14: Golden Guardian state-wide exercise. =Bay Breezes, the Monterey National Weather Service Forecast Office's bi-annual spotter newsletter is now available on the Monterey Forecast Office's website. Here is a direct link where you can download it in PDF format. =The folks at Stratofox have been busy chasing balloons and rockets and are very active with APRS. Brad, KB8UYR, has released his California TOPO Maps and shaded-relief DEMs to the public. Further datasets areWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO to follow in the coming months. See WebHome. =The Northern California DX Club has moved its meetings. They meet at Holder’s Country Inn, 998 South De Anza Blvd., San Jose at 7:30 PM. on the third Thursday of the month. Please see =Amateur Radio Exam Study Guides are available online here: Check out this great site. =The 2007 ARRL On-Line Auction Preview starts Wednesday, October 17 and officially begins October 24, running through November 2. According to ARRL Business Services Manager Debra Jahnke, K1DAj, the Auction will feature more than 150 items. Anyone interested can check this out at the ARRL On-Line Auction Web site =Please check out the ARRL Club News. It can be found at along with much useful information for club officers. ARRL Members can get these sent by email Past issues of The ARRL CLUB NEWS are available at Issues are posted to this page after publication. =The ARRL Letter is also available to ARRL members free of charge directly from ARRL HQ. To subscribe, unsubscribe or change your address for e- mail delivery open the link at . =New Event Exhibit Materials online ordering form is now available. The ARRL Web page has a new on-line page that enables someone to conveniently place an order (using credit card) for event and exhibit kit materials. The direct Web page link is

Roanoke Division

North Carolina

SEPTEMBER NORTH CAROLINA SECTION NEWS NC STATEWIDE SET Our statewide Simulated Emergency Test will be Saturday, November 3 from 8am to 12 noon. The Tarheel Emergency Net will be operating on 3927kHz. Our SET results in 2006 ranked North Carolina 4th in the nation. Let's try for 1st this year! Local SET's can be scheduled to run concurrently with the (25 of 32) [10/18/2007 3:07:02 PM] Section News for September 2007 statewide excercise, or you can schedule your local SET anytime this fall. Results need to be in to ARRL headquarters by January 31, 2008. NEW AFFILIATED CLUBS Congratulations to the following clubs who have recently received their ARRL affiliation: Brunswick Shores Amateur Radio Club, Oak Island and the Bladen Amateur Radio Society, Elizabethtown. These clubs join 55 others in North Carolina with active ARRL affiliation. Be sure to update your club information once a year at A PERSPECTIVE ON ICS TRAINING - Bob DeWitt Jr, K4RLD For some timeWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO now, I have been stressing to ARES memebers in our county the importance of completing the FEMA Incident Command System courses (IS-100, IS-200, IS- 700). On October 4, Union County ARES had an opportunity to put what we learned in those courses to use. CSX Railroad hosted a four hour tabletop exercise in Monroe, with participation from about fifty people including ARES, Police, Fire, EMS, as well as government and business leaders. Everyone who attended was assigned to a specific group (not necessarily in your area of expertise). The exercise was held in two different rooms. In the first room were tables for Operations, Logistics, Intelligence, Control, CSX Rep., and Research. In the second room (out of hearing from what was happening in the first room) was the Incident Commander, his staff, and the PlanningWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO table. The only way that the Incident Commander and his staff knew what was happening was through telephone and/or radio communications. Elmo, KB5WY, was assigned to Operations, while I was assigned to Logistics. Each table had telephones, and a radio for fire, one for police, one for EMS, and one for communications with CSX. In addition to the radio chatter and telephones ringing, there were alarms and announcements being made over the PA system in the background. It was as realistic as it could have possibly been and very hectic. In Logistics we were charged with determining what supplies, people, equipment, and resources were needed. We then had to obtain those supplies and locate them at a staging area. I know that everyone was a little dazed by the demands on each area. And, I know that I would have been completely without a clue had I not completed the courses I mentioned above. I now see more clearly why it is important to have knowledge of the Incident Command Structure BEFORE becoming involved in an emergency. If you report as a volunteer at an actual emergency, you could be assigned to any area, not just communications. You WILL be lost if you do not understand the Incident Command Structure. Time is critical in an emergency you won't have time to learn this stuff while an event is in progress. Please take the time to go to the FEMA web site and look for the courses mentioned above. They are free and can be completed on line in very little time. Remember also that when you complete a course, forward a copy of the notice you receive for successful completion to your local EC. RECOGNITION FROM ARRL FOR HAM HICKS, KB4BR At the October meeting of the Wilmington VHF Society, our Section Public Information Coordinator, Bill Morine, N2COP, presented Ham Hicks, KB4BR, with a plaque from ARRL recognizing his momentous efforts on the North Carolina PRB-1 bill, H1340. Ham also received a QCWA Roll of Honor plaque from the Piedmont Chapter of QCWA. Congratulations to Ham on this well deserved recognition! DUKE ENERGY "MOVING AWAY FROM BPL PROJECTS" In an article in the Sept 17 issue of "Electric Utility Week" Matt Smith, Duke's director of technology development, stated Duke Energy is "shifting away from BPL" to focus on other technologies to enhance utiliy grid operations. Duke currently has a BPL deployment in south Charlotte. The article stated that Duke at one point planned to provide broadband service to as many as (26 of 32) [10/18/2007 3:07:02 PM] Section News for September 2007 15,000 customers in its Charlotte BPL pilot, but it never reached that many, and even where it does have BPL equipment on its wires customers do not have broadband access any longer. The equipment is being used by the utility but it will be used in concert with wireless communications systems Duke will install over time as it makes other grid investments. Another Duke spokesman stated "We're investing a lot of money in advanced meters and moving to wireless technology is a better fit for us" than BPL. The article stated that Duke will keep the existing BPLWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO equipment in place and supplement it with wireless communication devices to be installed on certain equipment. Smith stated that "Duke did not do a side-by-side comparison of the costs of BPL and wireless but because wireless technology has been around longer the cost probably is lower and the equipment is more "robust" and less likely to experience failures." UPCOMING EVENTS Oct 19-21: Scouting JOTA Oct 20: Pfafftown Swapfest Oct 20-21: Savannah River MS Ride, McCormick, SC (sponsored by Mecklenburg ARS) Oct 26: Habitat Family Fun Ride, Durham Oct 27: Habitat Halloween 100, Durham Oct 27: ADA Walk, Charlotte Oct 27: REd Cross Generator Posse, Wake County Nov 4: City of Oaks Marathon, Raleigh Nov 15: Emergency & Disaster Leadership Summit, WCU, Sylva Nov 18: JARSFEST, Benson SEPTEMBER TRAFFIC W4UEF 608 (BPL), K4IWW 212, W2EAG 206, W4DNA 124, N3BW WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO107, KI4YV 103, KE4JHJ 97, W4NCD 64, KD4FUN 62, K4LKN 61, K4RLD 60, W4TTO 49, W4FAL 46, WA2YBM 46, W4LN 44, KE4AHC 43, W4EHF 39, KD4WAX 31, W3HL 27, KI4PNL 20, WX4MMM 16, K8SKX 13, KR4ZJ 4, KI4QHM 2. SEPTEMBER PSHR K4RLD 185, W4DNZ 140, WA2YBM 135, W4FAL 130, K4IWW 120, KE4JHJ 110, W2EAG 110, W4LN 100, W4TTO 100, KD4FUN 90, KI4YV 90 SEPT NC ARES MEMBERS: 1,725


Section Mangers Report for September 2007 September is the time that the hamfest season is winding down. The Virginia Beach hamfest had an outstanding forum with a focus on the Global Amateur Radio Emergency Communications ConferenceGlobal Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Conference. Henry Wyatt, K4YCR our Section Emergency Coordinator reviewed some of the new modes that are making a strong contribution in Amateur Radio’s response to disasters. The attendance and interest was good at this forum Some of these modes are growing in popularity across the Commonwealth of Virginia. These include Echolink, IRLP, D-STAR and Winlink 2000. Chip64 is being used as the HF digital mode of choice for our Virginia Digital Net held each weekday evening at 1915 (7:15 pm EST). Planning for the 2007 SET has been in high gear during September. One of the major goals of the Simulated Emergency Test is to make it a section-wide scenario. This type of event requires the ability to utilize ARES/RACES units at every level, section, district and local levels. To involve hams across the state also means that we have areas that are not part of the impact area to act in a supportive role to those that are directly involved. Beyond section-wide involvement we are using our NTS system as an active and involved part of the SET. All the practice that NTS goes though on a daily basis is designed to develop skills that provide valuable communications skills that allow for the rapid and accurate passing of traffic during communications emergencies. The NTS traffic will be formatted in Radiogram format. The emergency nets will be passing their traffic in ICS-213 (General Message Forms). In this way (27 of 32) [10/18/2007 3:07:02 PM] Section News for September 2007 ARES units become familiar with both forms. There also will be verbal tactical messages used in support of responders. Next month we will review how our emergency exercise played out. Amateur Radio operators within the section continue to be supportive of their local public service events. This gives our hobby great exposure to the general public, provides a recruiting tool to interest new prospective hams and sharpens our communications skills. Thanks to all those that send in regular reports of these public service events. We try to pass these on to our Webmaster,WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Dan Edwards, AG4YU for publication on the Section Website. If this was 1980 and the question was raised, “What is the greatest threat to the growth and health of Amateur Radio” the answer would probably be restrictive antenna structure and tower codes and restrictions. Here we are a quarter of a century later we have PRB-1 our federal preemptive law that requires reasonable accommodations for Amateur Radio antennas and towers. In the Commonwealth of Virginia, we have the added protection of § 15.2-2293.1. This addition to the Code of Virginia in 1998 not only insured reasonable accommodations to erect effective antenna structure but also gave a detailed description as to what is a reasonable height and is based on population density. This code calls for a maximum height of 75 feet for jurisdictions with a population of 120 people per square mile and a height of 200 feet for jurisdictionsWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO of less than 120 people per square mile. With all this in place you would think that attempts at unreasonable codes would have vanished. This has not been the case. With the advent of the proliferation of cell towers, municipalities and counties have rushed to enact ordinances to curb this problem. The problem is that there are counties that have attempted to use this code to apply to all towers. New tower codes have “cell tower code” written all over them but some jurisdictions have tried to encompass Amateur Radio towers as well. Citizens that reside in developments where they have purchased property without CC&R that prohibit towers are attempting to use these cell tower type codes to purge their neighborhood of Amateur Radio towers. One ham has been placed in a position that he and his wife have had to secure legal counsel to protect the presence of their tower. In time, the preemptive federal and state law will prevail but this can be a painful process if it happens to you. The 20,000+ hams across the Commonwealth need to be supportive of resolving this issue before it becomes a broader trend. In researching this problem, I have discovered a number of counties that must have copied a code from other county codes limiting Amateur Radio towers to a maximum of 50 feet. Some of these codes have been enacted since the passing of § 15.2-2293.1 and most of the counties would have an entitlement of a 200 ft maximum tower height under 15.2-2293.1. Counties that stipulate 50 feet maximum for Amateur Radio towers are in violation of state code. Most of these tower codes written as 50 ft maximum height are located in SW Virginia. Now is the time to get these codes corrected, not when you get ready to construct your tower.

Rocky Mountain Division

New Mexico

Section News, September, 2007 The Duke City Hamfest Board needs volunteers to help with next year’s event. They need board members and others to assist in putting on this event. (28 of 32) [10/18/2007 3:07:02 PM] Section News for September 2007

Most of the current volunteers have been working on this event for a number of years and are retiring. If there are no volunteers it could mean the end of the Duke City Hamfest. Nobody wants that to happen. If you’ve been looking for a way to give back something to the hobby, this is your chance. Contact Mike Pendley, K5ATM, at [email protected] to learn how you can become a volunteer and continue a great annual event. The annual Socorro Hamfest will take place October 27 from 8:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. at the New Mexico Fire Fighters Academy. The talk-in frequencyWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO is 146.68, negative offset, 100 Hertz PL tone. This event will include a VE session for all license classes. Registration for the exams will be from 11:00 a.m. until 11:55 a.m., with the test session starting at 12:00 noon. As a preliminary activity a tour of the VLA has been arranged for Friday, October 26, at 1:00 p.m. You need to be at the VLA site, located 50 miles west of Socorro, no later than 1:00 p.m. to be included in the tour. There are signs in Socorro that will direct you to the VLA site. If you haven’t been on this tour, you’ve missed a great experience. It’s a lot more than just wandering around looking at gigantic parabolic dishes. The tour I went on included the control room and a very good narrative about the operation of the VLA. They may even show you where the lake was that Jody Foster had to deal WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.ROwith in the movie “Contact.” A banquet is scheduled for Friday, October 26, at 6:00 p.m., with the location still to be determined. For more information you can call (505) 835-3370, or contact [email protected] or check out their web site at http://www.socorroara. org. Ed Rico, N5LI, says the need for public service event support has pretty well ended for this year. He could use some more volunteers for the Crop Walk and the Duke City Marathon and is also looking for emergency communications volunteers to operate in-town support stations. These positions do not require you to go into the field. This would be a great chance for you to really help out and put your talents to good use. A number of us have volunteered for various events in the past and enjoyed it. Please volunteer if you can and contact Ed via [email protected] or [email protected] to learn more. Thank you for the news letters. They’re a great way to keep up with club activities. I enjoy reading them so please keep them coming. September net counts: NM Breakfast Club Net 1133/141; NM Roadrunner Traffic Net 1213/81; Yucca Net 826/33; Four Corners Net 463/29; Rusty’s Raiders Net 598/59; Valencia County ARA Net 49/9; SCAT Net 617/23; Caravan Club Net 70/4; High Desert ARA Net 40/6. Until next time, just remember that everyone has a photographic memory. Some just don’t have any film. 73, de KM5FT

Southeastern Division

Southern Florida

Hello everyone, We still have more of hurricane season, but so far so good. Keep the batteries charged and an eye on the tropics. The weekend of October 6-7 was the suggested time for the ARRL national SET. Many of our counties did some kind of a drill. I sent an e-mail on Friday afternoon to all counties asking for special NTS message during that weekend and several counties replied. We tested some Winlink routes, tried various bands for section-wide communications, and even involved Army MARS. For those of you who will participate in a SET (29 of 32) [10/18/2007 3:07:02 PM] Section News for September 2007 during the remainder of October and November please consider asking your bordering counties to join your exercise. We’ll discuss more about SETs at the ARES forum on Saturday at Melbourne. Looking for new hams and new ARES volunteers? Did you know that in 2005 the highest rate of volunteering of any age group was that of the baby boomers, 33.2%? This is above the national average of 29%. Boomers are those individuals born from 1946 through 1964. REPORTS FOR SEPTEMBER: Total number of ARES members in the 10 counties reporting: 1068. In thoseWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO counties there were 18 active nets that held 68 sessions. NTS liaison was maintained by 7 of those nets. ECs reporting: N4LEM (Brevard), KF4MJJ (Collier), N5KFR (Glades), WA4ASJ (Indian River), WA4GUK (Lee), AI7Q (Martin), K4FLC (Miami-Dade), N4QPM (Palm Beach), AD4RZ (Okeechobee), and AJ4BP (St. Lucie) There were 73 drills, tests and training sessions held this month, 1543 person hours. The total number of ARES operations this month was 81. SFL ARES Net Report --- QNI 41 QTC 2 Time 70 Min. Comments: St. Lucie County: Welcomes Ted W4ZE as ARES HF Net liaison station. Martin County: SKYWARN class and Session 1 of ARRL AREC 001 held this month ======SFL SAR for Sep 07: KA4FZI 488, KE4CB 114, K4FQU 63, WA4EIC 51, AA4BN 39, KI4OUD 3, KC4TM 2 ======SFL PSHR for Sep 07: K4FQU 120, KA4FZI 120, WA4EIC 100, AA4BN 86, KE4CB 85, W4DKBWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO 29 ======FLORIDA NET REPORTS for Sep 07 NET, ABB, SESS, QNI, QTC, MGR All Florida CW Traffic Net, QFN, 60, 517, 279, AD4DO Florida Amateur SSB Traffic Net, FAST, 30, 183, 32, K4SCL Florida Medium Speed Net, FMSN, 30, 207, 53, AG4RJ/ AB4XK Jupiter-Tequesta Repeater Group, JTRG, 4, 107, 28, AG4BV/KF4NJB Palm Beach County ARES Net PBCAN, 8, 102, 22, KG4PFY Saint Lucie Repeater Association, SLRA, 5, 42, 0, KE4UEI Southeast Florida Traffic Net, SEFTN, 30, 480, 44, AG4RJ/AI4GE Southwest Florida Traffic Net, SWFTN, 29, 235, 56, K4FQU ------Back reports for: Palm Beach County ARES Net PBCAN KG4PFY net manager Month Sess. QNI QTC July 7 93 21 August 10 128 26 SPECIAL EVENT: IARU Region 1 invites the HQ-stations of IARU member societies and stations of emergency communications groups to participate in the Third EmComm party on the Air on Sunday, November 11th, 2007 at 11.00 - 15.00 UTC. The operation will take place on and near the emergency Center-of-Activity (CoA) frequencies on 80, 40, 20, 17 and 15 meters (+/- QRM). Watch the news at for updates and special operating procedures. SKYWARN: The NWS went to a storm based warning system beginning October 1. Instead of issuing warnings by county, they will warn by creating a polygon or box ahead of the storm to define the warned area. By focusing on the true threat area, warning polygons will improve NWS warning accuracy and quality. Storm-Based Warnings will promote improved graphical warning displays, and in partnership with the private sector, support a wider warning distribution through cell phone alerts, pagers, web-enabled Personal Data Assistants (PDA), etc. More precision in storm reporting will be required. As a SKYWARN spotter give reports with an associated road intersection or street address...or even a mile post marker on an interstate or the turnpike. (This will be included in SKYWARN training in the future). This allows NWS to assign a LAT/LON to each report and place it in or out of the polygon. For more information visit: That’s all for now. I’ll send another e- mail when more club news is posted on the web. That message will also include a report on the activities at the Melbourne Hamfest. Stay safe and stay on the air. 73, Sherri, W4STB (30 of 32) [10/18/2007 3:07:02 PM] Section News for September 2007 Southwestern Division


ARIZONA SECTION NEWS October 2007 Pueblo High School ISS Contact The Amateur Radio Club at Pueblo High School in Tucson, Arizona successfully contacted the International Space Station NA1SS FridayWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO September 21st at 8:04 am. Initial contact was made by Miguel Enriquez KD7RPP teacher and organizer of the Amateur Radio club at the high school. 29 students were able to ask questions during the 10 minute pass. It was as near a perfect pass over Tucson Arizona as you could imagine. Miguel, who teaches an amateur radio class at the high school, has been able to get 5 of the students their Amateur Radio licenses. One boy has already upgraded to General and is looking to upgrade again to Extra Class. Assisting Miguel was Larry Brown W7LB ARRL Technical Coordinator Arizona. Larry is our local AMSAT expert and he did a fantastic job setting up the station and making sure it worked. Congratulations to Miguel and the students. One student told a local news reporter 'Mr. Enriquez makes science and learning fun. I really WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.ROenjoy and look forward to his classes'. YOUTH AND SCOUTING Clark Green, KE7OHO and his mother, Marlee Green, KE7OHP just passed their tech license test. Clark is a 7th grader at Greenfield Jr. High and checks into a Saturday morning net on a local repeater each week. He is also active in Boy Scouts, Troop 215 in Gilbert and just finished the Radio Merit Badge. Thanks to Clark’s father Bruce Green KE7FJK for this info. Alexander Petrie KE7OPY, just received his license. Alexander is a member of the Boy Scout Varsity Team 6863 in Mesa. His grandfather Steve Petrie K7DAD said Alexander’s motivation was to be the designated ham radio operator for his Varsity Scout Team during the annual On-Target program on September 15th. On-Target is where Varsity Scout Teams go to mountain tops all over Arizona and see if they can signal each other with mirrors. The objective is to get a signal from one end of the state to the other. Each team looks for a ham radio operator to help identify the sending and receiving team and verify contacts. This is a simulation of the heliographs the cavalry used in Arizona to communicate, using morse code, across the state. October 20, 2007 is the 50th anniversary of Jamboree on the Air. Get on the radio and talk to a scout. Frequencies are listed at See you on the radio. Jim Fagan KE7IDC Assistant Section Manager (ASM) Youth and Scouting [email protected] SOUTHWESTERN DIVISION CONVENTION 2008 Wow, this has been a really busy month, well for that matter a really busy couple months. First off, let me tell you about the 2008 Southwestern Division Convention which will be held September 12-14, 2008 in the Mesa Convention Center. After a bit of a slow start, the committee has really been working hard. Several committee members were in Torrance in September for the 2007 HamCon Convention. We went loaded with Flyers, Vendor Packages, Pins and Registration Supplies. The 2008 committee was very pleased with the number of preregistrations, and the reception the vendors gave us. Most all the vendors indicated they would attend, and we are busy getting even more. We have a terrific Keynote Speaker, Mr. Mark Sloan of Harris County where Houston is located, and he's going to present a couple programs, one being the banquet program, which will be on the efforts Houston made to accommodate the evacuees from Katrina. Seating will be limited, so register early for the convention and the banquet. Rick (31 of 32) [10/18/2007 3:07:02 PM] Section News for September 2007 Aldom W7STS EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS Additionally, TOPOFF 4 is around the corner and will be held in October. TOPOFF will be largely a table top, but in some communities EOC's are going to be manned. Use this time to check your information on the Az-ARES secure website, making sure your contact information is current. Also, it's a good time to see what machines in your area might be used in the event of an emergency and program these frequencies into your radios. Look at your go-packs and make sure you are ready, even though most of the actionWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO will be limited to the "Top Officials" for which the exercise name is derived. Know who your county DEC is so that you won't be surprised if you get a call. Rick Aldom W7STS SEC Arizona SILENT KEYS Frank McLaughlin, W7IKF, passed away the middle of September. When his health was good he was a staunch supporter of RACES, MARS, CARA and SEARS. David Holm N7DRH passed away on September 18th. Dave was the District Emergency Coordinator for La Paz County. Dave was instrumental in organizing emergency communications in the area. He was also the system operator for several APRS digipeater sites near Quartzsite. Dave was trying to set up a new repeater to serve that part of Arizona. Wayne Lowe N7MVP from Sun City passed away. He was a member of the WVARC and a Volunteer Examiner. Glen Staugarrd, W7GPS, passed away on Sunday, September 2nd. NEW HAMS The followingWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Arizona hams just received their FCC license, Congratulations! Keith Martineau AD7PN, John Dunn AD7PO, Ronnie Ruiz KE7OOE, William Moody KE7OOP, David Rose KE7OOR, Eddy Floyd KE7OOS, Jared Payne KE7OPT, Dean Boman KE7OPU, Andrea Salt KE7OPV, Russell Ward KE7OPW, Matt Sylvester KE7OPX, Alexander Petrie KE7OPY, Stephen Behr KE7OPZ, Loran Willis KE7OQA, Lisa Marineau KE7OQB, Bruce Behnfeldt KE7OQC, Kevin Todd KE7OQD, Harold Joslin KE7OQE, Darin Rinehart KE7OQF, Katy Martineau KE7OQG, Lance Gardner KE7OQH, David Belnap KE7OQI, Wendell Goring KE7OQJ, Hal Austad KE7OQK, Timothy Swanson KE7OQL, Alan Young KE7OQM, Christie Bane KE7OQS, Kelsey Black KE7OQY HAMFESTS/CONVENTIONS/SPECIAL MEETINGS October 20, 2007 OPRC Hamfest Hosted by the Old Pueblo Radio Club Tucson Electric Park, Kino Sports Park, Tucson, AZ ARCA Meeting 11:00 am October 20, 2007 50th anniversary Jamboree on the Air. Get on the air and talk to the scouts. November 3, 2007 Cochise Amateur Radio Club Hamfest. For more info go to December 1, 2007 Superstition ARC at Maricopa Community College 1833 West Southern in Mesa, AZ. Talk-In: 147.12 (PL162.2) contact Ron McKee, AJ7T [email protected] or September 12-14, 2008 ARRL Southwestern Division Convention Mesa AZ Come check us out at Mesa Convention Center Rick Aldom W7STS 2008 SWD Chair [email protected]. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about ARRL. If your club or group has an activity or event that would be of interest to other hams throughout our section please email me with the specifics. 73, Tom Fagan WB7NXH ARRL Section Manager Arizona Tucson Arizona (520) 574-1129 [email protected] or (32 of 32) [10/18/2007 3:07:02 PM] Section News for October 2007 Page 1 of 6

Section News for October 2007

Atlantic Division


Thank you, yes, you, for creating the most successful Delaware section simulated emergency test on Saturday, October 6th, 2007. It was your participation both as individuals and as a team that produced the experience of cooperation in both testing amateur radio equipment and operators in supporting disaster communications. This report will attempt to capture both my experience and that of members who responded with after action reports. This exercise was constructed around a theme of a tsunami striking the east coast of the United States. The objectives of this simulated emergency test were: 1. Simulate an exercise the state ARES/ARCES network systems voice and data 2. Test local, state and county alert plans and notification procedures 3. Establish contact with individual state and county level emergency operation centers – send or deliver exercise messages for that agency as required also participate as required with cross band liaison with the military affiliate radio system, MARS stations 4. Conduct frequency and propagation checks on all designatedWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO amateur radio state frequencies 5. Demonstrate the ability to provide a reliable message center environment 6. The command and control traffic net will be on 3.905 MHz, however, net control may move stations to other adjacent frequencies 1. The solution to keep the participating the amateur radio population active is to advertise by way of commercial television, radio and print media as well as recruit from the pool of operators that are currently inactive with rewarding and meaningful acknowledgement of their participation in training and operating events. I would also like to thank Walt Palmer W4ALT for his work as public information officer in disseminating information to the public regarding amateur radio activity during the simulated emergency tests – we had good press coverage from WILM, WDEL and WGMD radio stations and the Cape Gazette this PR brought back into amateur radio many inactive hams. 2. We had difficulty with alerting procedures. Announcements on designated radio frequencies were effective only if participants were on frequency and listening. The telephone tree notification was ineffective due to lack of backup alternate phone participants and a break in the tree itself. Notification by commercial VHF pager was somewhat successful, however, we need to investigate if this would be an effective method in the event of a commercial power outage. Notification by e-mail is limited by personal portable devices, cellular connections, and time delay before a participant would check their e-mail. We are investigating VHF commercial pagers and also the incorporation of alert tones generated from amateur radio repeater systems to alert personnel. 3. Facilities condition report: New Castle County EOC – as of this date amateur radio equipment has been purchased and delivered, however, a contractual agreement has not been executed to install the antenna system at the new facility according to Dave Carpenter Kent County EOC – has an amateur radio system with equipment and antennas. This facilities station, however, is not in compliance with the NEC code; Allen Metheny is addressing this matter. Sussex County EOC – John Ferguson has advised me that the new Sussex County EOC will not be operational until mid February 2008. City of Wilmington EOC – The implementation and installation of the amateur radio station has been delayed by George Giles, due to issues regarding the ACU1000 DEMA – Justin Kates reported power supply problems with the existing VHF/UHF system – this matter is being addressed. The HF antenna performed as designed on both amateur and MARS frequencies during the SET. 4. Frequency and propagation tests were very favorable during this exercise due in part to the ingenuity of the participants providing work-around repairs and adapting their equipment to the environment encountered. Again, several locations had to install temporary antennas in order to participate in this exercise. This attribute alone is the reason that amateur radio works when other systems fail. 5. Demonstrating the ability to provide a reliable message center environment was accomplished providing a learning experience for all participants. ThereWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO is much to be learned in handling message formats that may need to be reformatted to confirm to ICS. More training with be forthcoming regarding the technique of moving messages while preserving their precision. It will be necessary for the amateur radio community to more fully support digital radio interfacing and its ancillary equipment in order for the state to reach a level of support for volume and precision of messaging that is now generated during emergency operations. The practical use of older voice systems in relaying messages is slow and cumbersome 6.Command and control – The HF net had a bumpy start due to a unfriendly take over of the 3.905 MHz frequency by a gentleman from the new England area, resulting in our moving to 3.900 only to be greeted by another net and then finally settling in to 3.908 MHz. to operate. During future drills or emergencies it would be prudent to check for the Delaware net operations + / - 10 KHz from the 3.905 dial setting. Participating stations were: AD3M, KB3HEV, NR3I, W3DR, W3HZW, N3PG, KB3NZJ, KE2AU, WD3EMA, K3DX, KB3KYH, KW3Z, KB3MLT and N3JFS. Steve WB3GLC reported that NR3I had KB3FMT, KB3MEI, and KB3LUF as additional operators. John Ferguson reported Sussex EOC activated with eight operators K3PFW, N3KRX, AA3ZH, N3JRB, KB3PML, K1UC, AD3DL, and KB3NRV. I would especially like to thank Pat Ryan KW3Z for his efforts in Sussex County for going above and beyond the call of duty in creating an information package that was detailing the effects of a simulated tsunami in Sussex County. He preplanned the details using slosh diagrams indicating the effects of the surging water and also preplanned location assignments that responders would go to and created a phone call tree all with short notice. Sussex ARES stations KB3MJ, KB3NZJ, KB3KYH, N3WYN, KF3BT, N3LOH, KE2AU, W3DEL, K3JP, N3KNT, W3TRY, KB3PIX, KE3T, WA3CDV, W3FIS, KB3FWL, N2JB, KB3ISA, W3DR Mike W3RMM reported Lewes RACES six members participated did not include call signs. Another person I wish to acknowledge is Don Durk KA1DWX for successfully filling in the duties of emergency coordinator for Kent County and exercising the Kent County EOC on very short notice. Kent stations reported: KB3NPZ, N3KYA, K3GRT, W3NUR, KA1DWX, KB3GOA, KB3EGP, KB3RKW. Mike WB3FUP activated New Castle County but did not include additional call sign report. Not to sound like a broken record let me review. In summary some areas that need member’s attention are: 1. “Are You Ready” do you have a plan to sustain your family with food, potable water and shelter for a minimum of 3 days? 2. Are you willing and able to support your community in an emergency with your radio equipment? 3. Do you have emergency power available if a generator do you test it regularly? Do you have a 3-day supply of fuel stored in safety containers? If you use batteries, are they vented and how do you recharge? Solar? 4. Do you have a portable or secondary antenna system that you can deploy if your existing antennas should fail? Have you tested their operation? 5. Have you checked into traffic net recently? Do you know the ITU Phonetic Alphabet? Could you open a net and guide its members?

Western Pennsylvania

This will be the first of my monthly section news reports. I want to thank Larry O’Toole for his dedication and service to Western Pennsylvania and wish him well as he continues to recoup from his illness. I am looking to speedily get some action going in many areas that are of importance to the members. When I attended the Wacom hamfest last weekend I talked with many individuals that expressed concern about generating interest in the ARES program as well as the need to put new life into the clubs of our area. One of the first things that we will be working on is a combination of the section plans for Eastern and Western Pennsylvania. A sort of generic plan that will then be modified with details for the individual sections but will combine the resources of the two sections should the need arise. A committee is being formed for this purpose and I will be looking for one individual to serve on that team. We will then form a team to detail the Western Pennsylvania plan. We also need individuals to step up and be willing to accept the position of Emergency Coordinators for their individual counties. While some are on record we need to work to get a leader for each county. We also are in need of District coordinators for the four regions. Individuals with a desire to serve in this capacity are asked to contact myself at [email protected] or Kathleen Peca at [email protected] . One important aspect of the job is the filing of monthly reports to the SEC. Failure to do so could result in the cancellation of the appointment. Another area we feel needs help is the club program. We are looking at a one day meeting to develop methods to interest new members and to get current members of clubs to become more active. More information on this will be forthcoming. Another program which is being developed is a method for clubs to share the information in their club newsletters with other clubs to help develop ideas for meeting programs and other activities. My schedule is rather flexible at this time for me to attend meetings and club activities to speak to your group. Contact me at [email protected] to schedule a visit. The Western Penna Phone and Traffic net meets daily on 3983 KHz. There is always a need for individuals to check in and help deliver traffic. It is easy to do and you will get help from the people already on the net. We do not want to return traffic as undeliverable because we do not have an outlet for someone to make a call and deliver the message. Due to propagation the net is currently beginning at 5:30 P.M. for the winter months. 73 John Rodgers- N3MSE W. Pa. Section Manager

Central Division


QST DE KA9QPN: From the top... **Still looking for submissions that tell us 'what you are doing right'. I don't believe that everyone's keeping their best success secrets to themselves. C'mon. Share with us! **The Illinois QSO Party (thank you, WIARC!!!) and Sweepstakes CW are behind us, and Sweepstakes Phone is close at hand. Get on out there and try a little contest style operating. It'll stretch your horizons. **Club election results keep rolling into my Inbox. Unfortunately, I note that the same officers are reelected by acclamation in a lot of instances, and not because they wanted to be unanimously elected. It's because sometimes no other members seek a club office. I mentioned this last month, noting that the busiest people always seem to find time to take these club (and Section) leadership positions. We're all busy. We're also all responsible for the direction of our Service. Our clubs are one of the primary incubators of the future. There's still time. Won't you take your place in helping direct our future? **Field Day results are in! In 5A, the W9UVI effort of the Peoria Area ARC placed sixth, and K9CU/Twin City ARC placed nineteenth. In 3A, W9CA/CorTek Radio Association placed first in the class and third overall! Also, the Kishwaukee ARC placed seventeenth. In 2A, N9RJV/Schaumberg ARC placed thirteenth, and K9OR/North 11/12/2007 Section News for October 2007 Page 2 of 6

Shore RC placed twenty-second. In 1A, K9YA/Robert F. Heytow Memorial RC placed seventh, W9HUZ/S IL DX & Contest Club placed eighth, and W9TY/Metro DX Club placed fourteenth. I'm sure that I missed someone, and for that I apologize. I do congratulate all that made the effort. Let's see more class F stations next year, forging that all important partnership between Amateur Radio and Served Agency. **Pat Ryan KC6VVT, our SEC, reports that: 'In all, ARES® Nets reported by Emergency Coordinators were 66 local ARES®. net sessions, and 2 sessions IL ARES® Section HF Net, yielding a section ARES® net total of 68 ARES® nets reported, with 582 check ins and 13 pieces of traffic reported, and 14 nets with NTS liaison. In 2007 to date, 1,043 amateur radio operators have been reported registered in ARES® by our Emergency Coordinators.' Are you in? Get informed... **Gene WB9MMM passes along this neat link to some electronics theory: Worth a look for those who don't live and breathe electronics, or if you've just left your theory knowledge on the pillow after all these years like I have. **Following up on one of last month's items, 100 Boy Scouts earned the Radio merit badge at Camp Robert Drake in Champaign IL thanks to the efforts of the Vermilion County ARA. Over 400 Scouts got to listen to an ISS QSO as well. **SKYWARN Recognition Day is coming up fast. This year, it will be on 1 December 2007, from 0000 to 2359 UTC. Details here, check with your local NWS office for other events. There will also be more in December's QST Magazine. **I note two similar efforts being pursued by two very different clubs. The Fox Radio Relay League called their effort a 'Leadership Roundtable'. The Rockford ARA called their discussions 'Strategic Planning'. In both cases, it was an effort by the membership to set realistic and attainable goals for the clubs during the upcoming year. From my reading of the respective newsletters, I see that all reasonable input was considered and put on the lists as a goal worth attaining. This is a very interesting idea, one which I'll be watching and hoping that the concept is contagious. The details are in each club's newsletter, and both are available online. FRRL's newsletter can be found here, and RARA's Ham Rag is here. I've never yet met a good idea that I didn't want to 'borrow'. This looks like one. AroundWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO the Section... **In a first for the Section (someone correct me if I'm wrong!), Lake County ARES® now requires completion of ARECC Level 1, according to Don Whitney K9DRW, EC Lake County. As their Served Agency is the county EMA, the certification helps indicate that the personnel furnished are certified to an acknowledged standard. **John Cotner KC9IED, EC Winnebago County, reports on their recent Public Service event, the 2007 Head of the Rock Regatta: 'On Sunday, October 7, more than 1,700 rowers from throughout the USA gathered in Rockford, Illinois for the 22nd annual - Baird Head of the Rock Regatta sponsored by the YMCA of the Rock River Valley's Rowing Club. Participants hailed from 60 rowing clubs and universities, and they rowed 550 boats in 45 events. Participating for Winnebago County ARES®: KC9IED, N9MCS, NW9T, KA9BOD, KD9CA, KA9MTH, WB9MCZ, KC9GIO, AA9G, KC9DUX, KC9ATR, KB9KCK, KA9GNR, KC9FAH, K9RNR, AB9KA.' KC9IED, WB9MCZ, AA9G, and KA9OTC also provided communications for the Rockford CROP Walk. **Tom Lower K9GPC reports on Ogle County ARES® latest activity: 'On Sunday, October 7 the Ogle County ARES® Group participated in the 2007 Autumn on Parade held in Oregon, IL. The ARES® group was responsible for staging the parade entries as well as ensuring a smooth consistent flow thru the streets of Oregon. This year was a banner year for entries, with 127 in total. Included in the entries were some big names in parades: The South Shore Drill Team from Chicago, the internationally known Jesse White Tumblers, and WGN Radio's own Max Armstrong - the voice of AgriBusiness and owner of over 30 antique tractors. I had a opportunity to talk with Max Armstrong who said he has always been interested in Amateur Radio. I gave him my card and offered to help him get started. So who knows, maybe Amateur Radio will have a member behind the mic of a 50 KW transmitter some day. The group of Ogle County ARES® members who participated this year were: Jim Conrad W8MQ (my DEC), Charlie Anderson N9QDJ (Ogle County AEC), Brenda Anderson KA9DXH, Debbie Lower KC9FSC (my XYL who did a lot of the Parade Day prep work for me), Larry Raymond WB9NJJ, Steve Starr KB1GRJ, Dave Lewis K9VFS, Mark Miller N9MKI, John Sorensen WA6UCA, Tom Lower K9GPC (EC).' **Bob Yurs W9ICU, reports that DeKalb County ARES® furnished communications for the DeKalb CROP Walk and the Sycamore Pumpkin Festival Parade. Assisting at the CROP Walk were W9ICU, W9JBL, KC9DUX, K9GPC, KC9FSC, KA9DVS, WD9P, KC9EIU, K9ICU, N9RFR, N9EWA. At the Pumpkin Parade were W9ICU, W9JBL, K9GPC, KC9FSC, KC9DUX, NE9ET, KB9BOK, N9EWA, KG7EV, N9RFR, KC9LIF, N9ZNC, KB9PYG, KA9QPN (I like a good parade as much as the next guy or gal!). **From Vince Berkman W9OES, comes the latest activity fron the Jacksonville area:WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO 'On August 25, licensed amateur radio operators of the Jacksonville Amateur Radio Society (JARS) provided safety and pathfinder radio communication for 51 Boy Scouts and their leaders participating in the 25-mile Old State Road bicycle ride from Phillips Ferry landing in Scott County to Duncan Park. Presentations were given at historic locations along the trail regarding Grant's March, Pottowatomi Death March, and Mormon History, Vince Berkman, amateur radio operator, reviewed historical and practcal aspects of emergency radio communication from rescue of Titanic servivors to the proper use of the cellular phone. He also explained the three options for earning BSA Radio Merit Badge; amateur radio, broadcasting and shortwave listening. The trail ride was sponsored by Boy Scout Troop 118 of South Jacksonville and coordinated by Scout Leader Dr. Eldon Barrowes. Radio operators included Vince Berkman W9OES, Tim Childers KB9FBI, Al Tabor N9MAF, Frank Anderson KC9IDX, Jim Cook KB2TVR.' **The Egyptian Radio Club's newsletter, the Podunk Hollow News, reports that their 146.76 repeater has moved to a new home on a 470 foot tower in St. Louis, and they are working on getting the 146.79 machine antenna set at 600'! Don't know about you, but that makes me a little green around the edges, with my machine only at a paltry 180'. **Thank a Veteran this week. They paid the rent on our freedom, and for that we owe them a great deal.


WISCONSIN: SM: Don Michalski, W9IXG. BWN 3985 0400-0715 W9IXG. BEN 3985 1200 KE9VU. WSBN 3985 1715-1800 K9FHI. WNN 3555 1800 KB9ROB. WSSN 3555 1830 N9JIY. WIN-E 3555 1900 WB9ICH. WIN-L 3555 2200 W9UW. (All times are Central time) ** With regret, I am informing you of the passing of the following Wisconsin Amateurs: -- Wilfred Velie, WA9BZU, 83. He was member of Eau Claire ARC. -- Bertrum Lee Dawson, WA9VXE, 89. He was, also, a member of Eau Claire ARC. -- Richard McNew, WB9PTC, 76. He was a member of MRAC and Miller Valley Radio Club. -- Jerry Kopack, KF6MYE, 60. Jerry was a member of Calumet Amateur Radio Club. -- Joe Grosskopf, K9GNJ, 85. He was a past member of West Allis RAC. ** SKYWARN Recognition Day (SRD) is Saturday, December 1, and the National Weather Service and ARRL are once again co-sponsoring the on-the-air operating activity. An article about this operating event will be featured in December QST's Public Service column. Thanks to David Floyd, N5DBZ, Warning Coordination Meteorologist at the National Weather Service office in Goodland, Kansas, for helping to organize SKYWARN Recognition Day and for providing the information. SKYWARN Recognition Day will be held from 0000 UTC to 2400 UTC on December 1, 2007. To learn more, check out the Web site: ** The 2007 Wisconsin Field Day results are given at this ARRL site: only/contests/scores.html?fd_category=&fd_power=&fd_sect=WI&ss_call=&sort0=&sort1=&sort2=&con_id=133 Congratulations!! ** Mancorad Radio Club is hosting a winter HamCram Class. Pre-Class: Monday November 12th at 7 pm (Optional Monday November 26th at 7 pm) HamCram: Saturday December 1st, 2006 8 am - 4 pm Where: Mancorad Club Shack, Old County Building at Waldo Blvd & Fleetwood Dr. Cost: $40 which includes the $14 FCC Exam Fee, a copy of the ARRL Manual, $6 for your course materials, and a Pizza Lunch on HamCram Saturday. (Fee without Book is $20) Contact: Mancorad - HamCram, P.O. Box 204, Manitowoc, WI 542210-0204 Email: [email protected] HamCram is a specially designed single day session that teaches everything needed to become an FCC Licensed Radio Amateur, with official FCC Licensing the same day. A preparation session several weeks prior will explain in detail all that you need to study & know to pass the FCC multiple choice Technician License (Entry Level License). ** STM Report Wisconsin Section October 2007 FAQ # 75 -- I hear net reports, birthday wishes, and license renewal reminder messages on the nets. I hear invitations to join CW nets. I know these radiograms are being used for practice in the National Traffic System. What other kinds of traffic could I create to help exercise the system? Almost anything that is not commercial or offensive in nature. Short messages of thanks for gifts, favors, QSOs, or service, are nice. For example, you might send a message to the SM in thanks for all he does in public and even more behind the scenes for Hams in Wisconsin. Brief inquiries of old friends are usually welcome. Get-well wishes can lift someone's spirits. Congratulatory notes are certainly appropriate when someone does something you admire -- scores well in a contest, helps promulgate Ham Radio, offers a good idea, serves as a faithful net control station, etc. You might write and send any of these. You could also originate traffic from a third party. Offering free radiograms is still good public relations at a public service event or exhibit. Everything from county fairs or steam power shows to Field Day can offer an opportunity -- especially if you have pre-printed messages ready to go. Keeping the system fed with traffic keeps us in practice, so "when all else fails. . ." 73 -- K9LGU / STM - WI MONTHLY NET ACTIVITY SUMMARY October 2007 NET QNI QTC QTR SSNS NM BWN 2401 3232 6348 31 W9IXG BEN 540 58 1246 32 KE9VU WSBN 674 63 1117 31 K9FHI WNN 151 21 317 25 KB9ROB WSSN 169 19 290 31 N9JIY WIN/E 155 18 238 30 WB9ICH WIN/L 133 27 267 30 W9UW WRACES 146 18 316 5 N9VAO TOTALS 4369 3456 10139 215 MWCRN 204 94 415 4 WA9ZTY ** Looking for club newsletter material? There's a monthly club newsletter, put out by Norm Fusaro, [email protected], which has lots of excellent information in it. The national PR Committee is aiding in that and recently began a series of short articles on the many benefits that the ARRL provides to members. These make excellent cut & paste articles for your local group newsletters. Many times, even people who are already members, do not know of, or forget about, many of the activities and programs that ARRL has to aid Amateur Radio operators. By including one topic a month in your news, you help your members learn about and take advantage of membership opportunities. In addition, be sure your club knows about how to sign up or renew ARRL members via the club program. In this way, your club is able to also raise funds for itself so everyone wins! commission-program.html ** This is the time of year to honor your club member(s) who have given extra support to your activities. Give the deserved recognition with a certificate or plaque at your upcoming holiday party! It will mean a lot. 73, Don, W9IXG

Dakota Division

South Dakota

Here is the section news for South Dakota, if there are any clubs that have material that they wish to have posted please email me the information no later than the 5th of the month so that I can get it posted to both the summary and the web site before the cut off date. NORTHERN HILLS AMATEUR RADIO CLUB The October meeting of the Northern Hills Amateur Radio Club was called to order by Vice President Chris Stallkamp at 1930 on October 26, 2007 at the Sturgis Fire Hall in Sturgis, SD. Those present 11/12/2007 Section News for October 2007 Page 3 of 6

were: Todd KCØCCB, Chris KCØADZ, Carol KCØZDA, Jerry KGØGG, Bob KBØNRB, Marj KBØWCF, Jack KBØJKO, Bruce KØNLE, and guests: Vickie, Barbara, and Mary. A report of Public Service for the year was distributed for additions and corrections. Two events were still to be added to the list. At present there were 833 amateur hours of involvement. The Simulated Emergency Test, SET, was held on October 20. The counties involved were Butte, Meade, and Lawrence. It was to test the 2 meter simplex capabilities between the county Emergency Operation Centers, EOC’s. Those involved were Gene, NØMHJ (the planner), Neal, KCØZQD, Bob KBØNRB, Gene WØPYZ, Carol KCØZDA, Jerry KGØGG, and Carroll KØRXC. Chris has the APRS equipment at his house and it is working from there until it can be reinstalled on Terry. Bruce Conlee, KØNLE, Secretary HOT SPRINGS AMATEUR RADIO CLUB HSARC News--- Our new tower was delivered by Burghardt's last month. Mounting it on our trailer will be our main plan for next spring. We appreciate Burghardt's working with us on this project. Also our club shack remodeling has begun. Phil, KA0FUI, and John, KC0WIB, have installed and even cleaned the new windows. Next item is a new door, which was donated by Carl, W9LEQ. We are also planning on operating Sweepstakes from the shack during the phone contest. Listen for K0HS if you are looking for South Dakota. Our October meeting included a very interesting program by KC0YOE and KC0YOF from Chadron, NE. They gave an excellent talk about ballooning and ham radio. The December meeting will be at the QTH of Robert, KC0WID. We will meet at the club shack and car pool to his house. We regret to announce that Dwight Sholl, W0HGZ, became a silent key on Oct. 31. Dwight was very active in public service events and a special member of our club. We will miss our "sidewalk supervisor". 73 Dwight Tim K0OR HUB CITY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB The Hub City Amateur Radio Club will be on the air from the Aberdeen Weather Service Office for the Skywarn Recognition Day event. It is on Dec 1, 2007 from 0001utc to 2400utc. Friday night, Nov30 at 6pm thru Saturday night Dec1 at 6pm. We will be on HF, 2m, IRLP and maybe 6m. Anyone who would like to stop in and or participate is more than welcome. Hope to see you there or talk to you on the air.WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Randy KA0ZEE JOTA HELD AT THE BALCK HILLS ARC CLUBHOUSE 2007 marked the 5th year that the Black Hills Amateur Radio Club hosted the Scouts' Jamboree On The Air. 24 Scouts and Scout leaders came out for the event, approximately the same number of participants as last year. HF contacts were made using the club's Kenwood TS440 which was set up at the operating position in the Radar Hill clubhouse. The open wire fed, all-band dipole, normally connected to the remote base, was temporarily used during the event. Antenna matching was accomplished using the club’s Johnson Matchbox. Many contacts were made by the Scouts. After practicing with a script, the Scouts enjoyed "calling CQ and bye for a call". As each contact was made, one of the Scouts reported it to the Scout leaders in the adjacent conference room where a star was placed on a US map. Included with each verbal report was the weather, the operator's name, and other pertinent information concerning the contact. With a PC and internet connection adjacent to the HF station, the Scouts checked each callsign on and enjoyed seeing photos of the Scouts at the other end of the QSO. QSL cards were filled out for each contact. Lunch (pizza and chili) and other craft activities were provided by the Scout leaders in the conference room. Scott, WAØVKC was the HF control operator. New this year was the addition of a simplex IRLP node. The IRLP node consisted of a 2 meter mobile rig connected to the internet at an off-site location. Another mobile rig, power supply and mag-mount mobile antenna were used as the IRLP station at the clubhouse. Initially the IRLP station was located in the club’s conference room, but was later moved to the HF operating desk because of ambient room noise. Harry, WAØMFZ provided the IRLP equipment, and had previously researched JOTA participants on several IRLP reflectors. Of particular interest to our Scouts was an IRLP contact with Scouts in Massachusetts, who were unaware that anyone was living in South Dakota. At the end of the event, several hardy communicators remained after the others departed for home to listen to Scott, WAØVKC act as net control station for the South Dakota state HF net on 75 meters. The Electrical Engineering Department of the SD School of Mines and Technology will be hosting a crystal set kit construction and morse code session as a new JOTA activity. A tour of a local commercial AM and FM radio station is also being added. These two added activities, in conjunction with the on-the-air operations, will allow those participating Scouts to obtain their Radio Merit Badge. It certainly is a pleasure to see many of these Scouts return each year. I suspect one or two of them will be considering a career in electronics. Midwest DivisionWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO Missouri

NOVEMBER 2007 MISSOURI SECTION NEWS DALE BAGLEY, KØKY MO SM October was a great month for Hamfests and Amateur Radio activity. Three major Hamfest took place in every major city of Missouri including Springfield, Kansas City and St. Louis. There were lots of flea market vendors and commercial vendors at each event and a great throng of Amateurs that filled the excellent facilities. One of my greatest pleasures is to visit with the Hams that stop by the ARRL table and visit about their ideas and tell me about what they are doing in Amateur Radio. The Field Day results are on the ARRL Members Only part of their website now and it’s fun to see how you or your club did in your category. Remember that Field Day scores are fun, but the training and practice of emergency operations is vital to our service to our communities, state and nation. There is a great article on the ARRL website on Nov. 5th about the 2007 Field Day. To go to that article click on the link provided Field Day 2007 NOVEMBER HAMFEST / MID-WEST DIVISION CONVENTION Midwest Division Convention was held November 10th in Lebanon, Missouri in the Cowan Civic Center. The Convention / Hamfest is sponsored by the Lebanon ARC. LARC did an excellent job with the 2007 Midwest Division Convention and they were assisted by the Rolla ARC, the Buffalo ARC and Lake of the Ozarks ARC. The Forums were outstanding, there were lots of flea market vendors and commercial vendors for those attending to look over. One of the high points of this year’s Midwest Division Convention was the talk by Joel Harrison, W5ZN ARRL President. The many other forums (Peter I 3YØX DXpedition with Dave Anderson, K4SV, Bernie McClenny, W3UR, the editor of “How’s DX” in the ARRL Monthly Magazine “QST” and publisher of the “Daily DX” newsletter will speak about his many DXpeditions, Severe WX and ECom, Basic HF, big Gun DXing with W5GO and Basic HF OP) were all outstanding and if you didn’t attend you really missed something. Another of this year’s many highlights was the opportunity to operate W1AW/Ø from the Convention site. I’m not sure how many contacts were made, but there must have been a bunch considering that Dale Huffington, AEØS called the MO SSB net using the W1AW/Ø on Friday night and operation all day Saturday on two radios. AFFILIATED CLUB NEWS KEITH HAYE, WEØG, ACC The theft of Amateur Radios or other radio services often require direction finding equipment and trained operators. It is a good idea for club members get some practice using direction finding equipment just in case something like this happens in your area. The following is from an e-mail that represents a recent example of this problem. “My name is David Moore, I'm Parks and Recreation Superintendent for Sedalia Mo. This summer we had a walkie along with the charger stolen out of one of a facilities. We believe the radio is with in a 1500 ft. radius of where it was taken. Would any of your members have DF equipment and be interested in trying to locate the radio? The kid or kids that have it have been keying the mike and sometimes talking for about five seconds at a time. Our system is uhf walkies with a repeater. I hope there is someone that would help find this guy. This week he has been more active. He has played music for us and is starting to make a few comments.” I would like to join the Blue Springs ARC in Congratulating Bob Pugh, KG0CX, for his successfully completion of Level III Advanced Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Course EC-003. Bob is the Emergency Communications Coordinator for the Blue Springs Amateur Radio Club (BSARC), and the Assistant EC, Liaison BSARC, Jackson County ARES. Dick White, KSØM, of the Callaway Amateur Radio League was pleased to receive a certificate last week from the ARRL for the December 2006 ARRL 10 Meter Contest for Low Power, CW only, Single Operator and First Place, Missouri Section. He challenged others to get on the air and operate when he said “Even an 80 year old ham can still operate CW. I made 172 contacts on 10 meters during the contest. I have already been warned that I will have competition this year. December 8/9. Join me?” The St. Charles ARC “Garble” reports that Training Guru Rick Crockett, WØPC, has completed a new Technician License class. The St. Charles Community College has asked him to put on a General License Course in the Spring Semester and he was willing to take on that responsibility if enough people sign-up for the class. Linda Carr, KCØQAJ, encouraged all the ladies in the St. Charles, MO area to join in on the Ladies Net on 145.33(-) repeater. They could participate if they don’t have a license by asking their husband, friend, or significant other with a license to act as the control operator. The Mississippi Valley DX and Contest Club’s “DX HOG” reported that at their October meetng Rich Zysk, KØGSV, gave a talk about working state QSO parties. He suggested that these contests are a good way to improve operating skills and displayed a bottle of wine that he won in the California QSO party last year. Rich pointed out that even in the low of the sunspot cycle it is still possible to work some interesting DX locations, like 8Q7, 3B8, EL, 7Q7, HQ8,, VK9, ES1, T6, V4 and T31. SECTION ARES REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER 2007 DON MOORE, KMØR SEC Gene Bess, WØGAB, has returned to his position as DEC for District I and EC for Pulaski County. Gene’s schedule has changed and he has been able to find the time to fulfill these duties again. Total # of ARES members: 700 Number of drills, tests and training sessions this month:100 Man hours: 1156 Number of public service events this month: 6 Man hours: 152 Number of emergency operations this month: 5 Man hours: 188 Total number of ARES operations this month: 111 Total Man hours: 1496 Comments: 5 of 9 districts reporting To view this and other Monthly Section ARES reports go to http://www.ares- SECTION TRAFFIC REPORTS FOR SEPTEMBER 2007 DALE HUFFINGTON, AEØS, MON-CW Sessions 45 QNI 150 QTC 17 NM K9ZTV MO Phone Sessions 31 QNI 1069 QTC 124 NM KØRWL MESN Sessions 4 QNI 157 QTC 2 NM AEØS Boone Co Sessions 5 QNI 107 QTC 1 NM WMØH Howell Co Sessions 8 QNI 87 QTC 0 NM KØRWL Jackson Co ARES Sessions 5 QNI 87 QTC 1 NM KØUAA Macon Co Sessions 4 QNI 36 QTC 0 NM KØKY Rolla RRARS Sessions 30 QNI 383 QTC 13 NM KBØZBO St Louis CO ARC Sessions 8 QNI 118 QTC 23 NM KBØH Sullivan ARC Sessions 10 QNI 112 QTC 5 NM KBØROX Taney Co TLARC Sessions 1 QNI 5 QTC 519 NM KBØOFD WAARCI Sessions 4 QNI 79 QTC 0 NM WBØTOM 10th Reg Sessions 62 QNI QTC 100 MO 92 with K9ZTV, NDØN, WØSJS, WØSJS, NM WØSS Station Activity Reports forwarded to ARRL for NDØN

Pacific Division

East Bay

Wow!! North Bay Amateur Radio Association (NBARA) and East Bay Amateur Radio Club (EBARC) CELEBRATE 60 YEARS OF ARRL AFFILIATION. Congratulations to these new hams. David K Haygood, KI6MEQ; Kenneth H Belfer, KI6MNY; Andrew O Kaye, KI6MPI, Alamo. David J Cramer, KI6MOH, Brentwood. 11/12/2007 Section News for October 2007 Page 4 of 6

Mona D Shahbazian, KI6MPO; Brent Morgan, KI6MPW; Richard E Lueck, KI6MPS; Tyler W Schreiber, KI6MOU; Stefani M Schreiber, KI6MOP; Craig L Fleming, KI6MOC, Concord. Richard J Barnes, KI6MSL, Pleasant Hill. Benjamin Michan, KI6MPU, El Cerrito. Richard A Evans, KI6LZO, Antioch. Rory M Ansel, KI6MDY, Fairfield. Nancy S Mcgihon, KI6MFJ; Christopher R Bassett, KI6MKR; Phyllis A Farenkamm, KI6LZS; Brook E Mantia, KI6MFE; James Wei, KI6MFX; Robert M Dulalia, KI6MEO;Vipul Patel, KI6MFM; Fremont. Percy H Amos, KI6MBX, Hayward. Peter W Hartman, KI6MOA, Livermore. John M Foottit, KI6MKY; Will D Dundon, KI6MNX, Martinez. Leroy L Higgins, KI6MES, Newark. Kim M Cantacessi, KI6MEJ, Dublin. Erik C Herrling, KI6MOR, San Leandro. Shelly Williams, KI6MIQ, San Lorenzo. Robert F Hills, KI6MPT; Michael A Watson, I6MOO; Brian A Olson, KI6MOY; San Ramon. Alfred H Chetham, KI6MEK, Union. Ken Rauch, KI6MFP, Union City. Eugene Bentz, KI6MPA, Pleasanton. Bridget M.Connelly,KI6MEL; Daniel A Johnson, KI6MEZ, Vallejo. Arvind R Mallya, KI6MOI; Paula M Costa, KI6MPD; Frances L Zurilgen, KI6MPG; James V Matyas, KI6MOG; Galen J Christensen, KI6MOT, Walnut Creek. Erin J Moore, KI6MON Oakland. David C Benner, KI6MEF, Emeryville, Michael H Green, KI6MPN, Berkeley Robert L Lightfoot, KI6MLD.,Dixon, , Christian A Macalpin, KI6MFD, Vacaville. Congrats to these upgrades: David L Buchanan, KD6ERK; August M Gieseke, KB6HBF; Lawrence A Kaye, W6CPO; Gregory G Goldstein, KD5MFR; Jeanette S Holman, KI6FEH; Paul N Hopkins, KE6DAX; Andy P Record, KF6TJR; Daniel M Stamme rjohn, KG6IOB; Joseph G Farenkamm, KI6LCX; William R Palleschi, KE6UXL; Jessica Dasha C Jex, KI6MEX; Hugh T Bussell, KD6FDO; Sandi M Accarizzi, KI6GDJ; Tena M Oakley, KI6LDI; Garry Zatarain, KI6GDD; Erik L Swanberg, KD6CYZ; Robert A Gendreau, KI6LCY; Mark T Vande Wettering, KF6KYI. A great big thank you goes to the VE’s from Bay Area Educational Amateur Radio Soceity (BAEARS) East Bay Amateur Radio Club, (EBARC), Oakland Radio Communications Association (ORCA). Amateur Radio Club of Alameda, (ARCA), Mt Diablo Amateur Radio Club, (MDARC), Livermore Amateur Radio Klub, (LARK) and South Bay AmateurWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO Radio Association (SBARA) If you didn't attend Pacificon, you missed the best one yet. Record attendance, great forums, meeting the smiling faces behind all the voices you hear . It was a good time and Dick Brown, KT6X and his committee of 50 or so.and MDARC (Mt. Diablo Amateur Radio Club) did a great job of putting it together. Work will start on Pacificon 08 within the next few weeks. Alco Sheriff’s Comm Team participated in the AlCo Sheriff’s Office exercise “Urban Shield” Members provided communication support between 4 command posts throughout Alameda County. Comm Team members BobVallio, W6RGG; Michael Borkon, KF6CRZ; Jame Dunn, KE6MTN; Varon Smith, WS6V; David Harnish, AD6ME; Andy Oppel , N6AJO; Linda Kruse KZ6Y; Neil Fullagar, K6NCX; and Ti Connelly, NJ6T, also provided logistical and safety comms for the Dick Collins Fire trails 50 mile run.Non comm team members Ken Jacoby, K6JAV: Jim Green, KG6RZQ; Frank Fox; WA6KGD; Ned Bass, KI6HBF; Umesh Ghodke , K6VUG also helped. Members of Hayward ARC set up a JOTA station at the BSA San Leandro facility. SBARA CW Practice Group. Dear CW enthusiast. The correct data for our CW practicing is every: Tuesday, 8 p.m. Sunday, 4 p.m. 21.400 Mhz +/- 5 kHz We will slow down for you, don't be scared away if somebody is really fast there! Just send a „bk“ and your callsign, we will adjust to your skills. We will also be able to listen to and to send SSB, usually we do some short chat in SSB at the end of our practice rounds. Looking forward to meet you on 15m! Isaac, KI6DIL, Amanda, AF6YL, Al, WT6K and I would be happy to meet you, too! Silverado Amateur Radio Society (SARS) reports The Fox Hunting season is now closed due to a shortage of daylight. We put a pretty good finish on it last night. I had a fine place to hide, in Camille park, out of sight from any roadway. Josh, KG6NEZ walked in on me at 7:15 PM like he owned the place! David, KG6YRY was 2nd after making a thorough sweep of the place first. By then it was dark and everyone else trucked over to Baker's Square. NTS Report WB6UZX traffic report for October 2007: Orig 1 Recd 97 Sent 89 Deld 16 Total 203 PSHR: 1/40 2/40 3/10 Total 90 ke6qr: s-0, o-0, r-6, d-6 total: 12 NTS Traffic Nets: • 1200 hours-Noon Net SSB net on 7268.5 KHz and 3970 KHZ • 1900 hours- Golden Bear Net-SSB net 3975 KHz • 1530 hours-Sixth Region CW net 7275 KHz or 3916 KHz • 1900 hours- Northern Ca High speed Cw 3533 KHz • 1945 hours-Sixth Region CW net 3575 KHz • 2100 hours- Northern Ca. Slow speed CW 3533 KHz • 2130 hours-Sixth Region CW net 3575 KHz Local VHF Nets • 1930 hours - Sundays -145.110 MHz (pl 82.5) • 2100 hours - Tuedays- 146.640 MHz (pl 162.2) Your check-ins are always welcome!!! Pacific WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO October SM Report 2007 As we come up to the end of 2007, many clubs are doing elections. Please tell the SM who the new officers of your club are. Hurricane season officially ended on November first however we are never completely out of danger since Hurricanes can’t read and a rogue storm is always possible. Guam did testing September 21. Carter Davis, KH6FV, visited Guam to help upgrade the IRLP link there. The Guam ARES net is on at 0900 UTC on Monday UTC. That translates to 7PM Guam time Monday and 11 PM Hawaiian time on Sunday night. It is on 146.91 MHz(-) in Guam and IRLP Reflector 9254 for those off Guam. ARRL HQ had not specified one date for the 2007 SET so the state of Hawaii ended up with three. State CD had one on September 29th. Saturday October 6th was primarily for the Big Island and October 13th was the “official” statewide SET. The state RACES system, HF, the BIWARN system and others were all used. The general rule is to pass traffic off the main frequencies. Net control was to direct stations to QSY as appropriate. There were not a lot of check in’s and HF bands were poor. Emergency ARC & Koolau ARC combined to sponsor a Swap Meet on Oahu October 6th. It was at Aiea Elementary School 8 AM to noon. Attendees came from throughout the state. At the same time there was the Big Island SET going on. Kevin Bogan, AH6QO, was able to check in from the Swap Meet. The scenario was an earthquake on the Big Island. That SET actually started at 10AM after the Healthcom net. Kevin is the Section Emergency Coordinator. Saturday October 13th 2007 was the scheduled statewide Simulated Emergency Test however part of the Kona ARC was supporting the Iron man. The rest of us supported State CD again. There seemed to be a problem on the BIWARN system as your SM tried to check in several time but was never heard. It turns out there was a UHF link problem. Saturday October 13th was also the Kona Emergency Preparedness fair sponsored by Kona Ward LDS church. Unfortunately they did not realize the conflicts until it was too late to change their date. Normally this report only covers Pacific issues however our own Fred Honnold, KH7Y, operated from Equatorial Guinea off the coast of Africa on Bioko Island from early in October to about the 14th. Fred says conditions were primitive. The group operated at 3C7Y. QSL via EA5BYP. Pacificon was the weekend of October 19, 20 & 21. Next year it will be October 17, 18 & 19 which again is the third weekend in October. I suspect Iron Man will be October 11th which is the second Saturday. That seems to leave only September 27, October 4 and October 25, 2008 to schedule the statewide SET, the Oahu swap meet and the Big Island Hamfest if they happen in the same timeframe as this year. Saturday October 20th was the Big Island International Hamfest in Waimea (Kamuela). It was at the Waimea Community Center from 10AM to 3PM however things were really done by 1PM and cleanup ended at 3PM. It was sponsored by the Big Island ARC, Kona ARS and the Kohala-Hamakua RC. The event was free. There were no commercial exhibits and license testing started promptly at 1PM. Thanks go to John Buck, KH7T for coordinating the event and Ron Phillips, AH6HN, for running the testing. Pacificon was October 19th, 20th and 21st in San Ramon, California. See for details. On Saturday October 27th the Kauai ARC helped the Kauai United Way Walk-a-Thon. Thanks WH6KS. We received a very nice monthly DEC report from Norm Cohler, NH7UA. It actually covered the month of September. The highlights were a synopsis of net activities, club meetings, planning (especially for Iron Man) and a special mention of the Echolink/IRLP nets.

Sacramento Valley

October Summary, In case you haven’t heard, Riley Hollingsworth, K4ZDH, the FCC Special Council for Amateur Radio Enforcement, announced his retirement--then rescinded that saying he had unfinished work to do in amateur radio matters. Riley is rightly credited with a new era of enforcement of the commission’s rules bringing that last bit of order back to our bands after a long, dark time of little notice of offenders. I have had Riley join a round table qso in which I was participating and enjoyed his easy companionship. Whether in retirement or not, I look forward to the next time he checks in with us. Pacificon 2007, our Pacific Division convention, is over and it was a joy. If you missed it, plan to attend next year’s convention. Kudos are due the Mt. Diablo Radio Club for a great show. One of the nicest things about this show is the participation by ARRL HQ staffers. This year ARRL first vice president Kay Craigie, N3KN, joined Katie Breen, W1KRB, membership manager, and Dan Henderson, N1ND. Kay gave the banquet keynote speech Saturday evening. Dan used to work in the Contests Dept., but now is ARRL Regulatory Information Manager. Dan gave at least two sessions of PAVE PAWS/440 repeater briefings. He joked that since so many people were unhappy at this situation, he might need a volunteer to start his car. It should be noted that Dan, and ARRL, did not seek the intermediary status in this issue with the Air Force. It was an Air Force request that there be one point of contact, rather than deal with all the 440 repeater owner/trustees, which placed ARRL in this position. Dan let us know that during Pacificon, Air Force personnel were doing a second interference study at Beale AFB, and that the outcome of this study would result in more letters being sent to those owner/trustees still needing to reduce interference. This batch of letters will come from the FCC and owner/trustees should expect to reply with details of how interference mitigation has been accomplished by 15 November 2007, a rather short suspense. Katie is a person ideally suited to her job. She really looks for ways to make ARRL membership work for you. This is a relatively new position at ARRL, even though we have been a membership organization for the entire 93 years. If you are unhappy with some aspect of ARRL membership services, let Katie know, or let me know. If you have been paying attention here the last few months, you might remember that Barbara Olsen-Arenz, N6BOA, conducted a Technician Class and subsequent Volunteer Exam. The exam occurred October 20 in Placerville. A team of Volunteer Examiners helped Barb with this undertaking, examining 29, producing 29 new hams, with new licenses ranging from KI6MKR to KI6MLS, plus one from Nevada, KE7PLO. I originally was going to list all the names too, but these old fingers aren’t as accurate as they used to be. Twelve of the new hams have new radios programmed by Barb's OM John, N6YBH. As ever, new hams need Elmers, so step up and help the new people...we were all there at one time. Congratulations to Barb's class, and kudos to VE’s Dave, NO6NO, John, KG7IU, Eileen, N4SNQ, John, WB4PMS, Rick, WF6O, Bill, W6LSW, Corey, KG6PUN, and Barb, N6BOA, for making this possible. It was her first time as a VE. SKYWARN Recognition Day will be held from 0000 UTC to 2400 UTC on December 1, 2007. To learn more, check out the Web site: During the 2nd Annual National Emergency Preparedness Conference held in Sacramento the weekend of October 11-13, 2007, Frank Reshke, N6SNO, reports on the drill he conducted. ‘As Communication Manager for the Sacramento City CERT program, I put together a communication plan for the drill. I coordinated the 35 or so Hams that made up the team, assigned Hams to specific agencies and personnel. We ended up with around 40 Hams; some coming from people attending the conference. In addition to the eight staff positions, we provided (ham communicators) to the following agencies: Sac City CERT Teams (5), Medical Reserve Corps (6), Sac Co. Public Health, Emergency Volunteer Center, Animal Rescue, Registration, Staging, 11/12/2007 Section News for October 2007 Page 5 of 6

Capitol Christian Liaison, Shelter Ops, CERT Chaplaincy, Net Control, and the Command Post. In addition, we had three (3) Packet stations running to pass traffic. We also coordinated the FRS traffic on 6 FRS channels. As you can see we were quite busy! The biggest problem occurred when the NCS was overrun with traffic and some stations had to wait to get in. Another frequency would have taken care of it but at the time we didn't have enough Hams to do it. We learned a few good lessons, and will be more prepared the next time!’ Frank is our District Emergency Coordinator for the third district. We are still looking for Public Information Officers. This appointment should be made for each club in our section. If you are interested in this leadership position, please contact your PIC, Bob McClard, W6OHW, or me. We can put you to work. Daylight Saving Time ends this coming weekend during CW Sweepstakes. If the time change occurs while you are taking some of your off-time, be sure that the UTC offset of your logging PC's clock is correct before starting back up. Otherwise, your logging times may be off by an hour! Double-checking may help you avoid a lot of time correcting the finished log. A bulletproof solution is just using UTC on the logging PC - there is no time change for UTC. Thanks to the Contest Rate Sheet, another service of the ARRL. They also provide us with this list of on the air activities: Nov 3-4 - ARRL November Sweepstakes, CW - North American Collegiate ARC Championship, CW - High Speed Club CW Contest - IPA Contest - Ukrainian DX Contest - DARC 10-Meter Digital Corona - Radio Club of America QSO Party, SSB/AM - Fall IBM QSO Party, SSB Nov 10-11 - Kentucky QSO Party - Japan International DX Contest, Phone - Worked All Europe DX, RTTY - OK-OM DX Contest, CW - CQ Western Electric - Fall IBM QSO Party, CW/Digital Nov 17-18 - ARRL November Sweepstakes, Phone - North American Collegiate ARC Championship, Phone - LZ DX contest - RSGB 1.8 MHz Contest - PSK63 QSO Party Nov 24-25 -CQ WW DX Contest -ARRL EME Contest Check page 101, November 2007 QST for details on these events. EMCOMM 2008 will occur at the Reno, NV, Circus Circus, the first weekend of May. More details to follow. As always, please do check into the Section Net on 14 November this month. At 7 PM local time, we begin on the Sutter ButtesWWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO WD6AXM repeater, 146.085 MHz plus offset, PL 127.3 hz. By 7:30 PM, we have migrated to 3987 kHz LSB for the same net on HF. So check in twice, or check in once. Its nice. Ron Murdock, W6KJ Sacramento Valley Section Manager

San Joaquin Valley

SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY SECTION Report for the month of October 2007: SM Charles McConnell, W6DPD- ASMs K6YK and N2NS, ACC W6DPD, SEC N6ZFN, OOC N1VM, STM K6RAU, PIC KE6IGJ, TC W6TE. Greetings from the ARRL San Joaquin Valley Section. If you desire your club information and events to be listed in Section News, please send the information to [email protected]. I get very little information. If your club has a newsletter, please send it to me, email to [email protected] or via U.S Mail. Mark your calendars: SKYWARN Recognition Day is December 1, 2007. The Pacific Division Directors Meeting will be December 1, 2007, in the City Council Chambers in Livermore. Each affiliated club is permitted to send a maximum of 2 representatives to the meeting. More information will be posted when it is known. Radiofest is February 23-24, 2008 in Monterey. Check for information. The International DX Convention is April 25-28, 2008 at Visalia. Check for information. EMCOMM West is May 2-4, 2008 at the Circus Circus in Reno NV. Check for information. Pacificon 2008 is October 17-19, 2008 at the Marriott Hotel in San Ramon CA. Check for information When your affiliated club elects officers for the next year, be sure to update your club’s information on the affiliated club area of the ARRL web page so you club will get any information sent from the ARRL Club department. If you fail to update your clubs information for 2 years, your club will be placed in the inactive file. Need to take an Amateur exam? Check the ARRL web page, for exam information. You can also search for Amateur Radio Classes in your area. The Northern California Net (NCN), the Section Traffic Net, meets nightly on 3.533 MHZ at 7 PM Pacific Time. The slow speed training session of the net meets nightly on 3.533 MHZ at 9 PM Pacific Time. Handling traffic on CW is a good way to improve your CW skills. The Daytime Region 6 Traffic Net meets daily at 3:30 pacific time on or near 7.275 MHZ. The California Traffic Net meets daily on 3.906 MHZ and 6:30 PM local time. The noon timeWWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.RO net meets on 7.268.5 MHz. This net handles a lot of messages. Pacificon for 2007 was a great convention. The attendance was greater than in 2006. The exhibit hall was filled to capacity and all spaces in the hall were occupied too. There were lots of good deals to be had there. The forums were outstanding. If you have not attended a Pacificon, you should plan to attend in October of 2008. The dates are October 17-19, 2008 at the San Ramon Marriott Hotel. The conventions are a great place to meet other hams and learn new things. The San Joaquin Valley was well represented among the attendees this year. If you did not attend this year, you should plan to attend next year’s event. The 2007 ARRL Pacific Division Director’s Meeting is December 1, 2007, from 9:30 AM to 3 PM at the City Council Chambers, 3575 Pacific Ave., in Livermore CA. Each affiliated club may send a maximum of 2 representatives to this meeting. Confirm your attendance by sending an email to [email protected]. Lunch will be provided. If you have any items you would like the group to consider, please include the item(s) in your confirmation email. The items presented may be of such significance to be presented to the ARRL Board in January 2008. EMCOMM West for 2008 has moved to the Circus Circus in Reno. The dates are May 2 to 4, 2008. This is an ARRL specialty convention devoted entirely to emergency communications. Information can soon be found at If you are involved in emergency communications, this is an event you should plan to attend. Top SJV scores in the 2007 ARRL Field Day were first W6A (Madera ARC), second W6TO (Fresno ARC) and third W6SW (San Andreas Fault Line Survivors). SKYWARN Recognition Day is December 1, 2007. This annual event has many NOAA Weather Service facilities on the air, manned by Amateurs who participate in the SKYWARN program. The SKYWARN program is very important to help make the weather service personnel aware of severe weather conditions. The Clovis ARP and Fresno ARC members provided communications support for the American Diabetes Association’s Second Annual Step Out to Fight Diabetes Wall/run. The Mountain ARC and the Amateur Radio Association of Central California provided communications support for the 2007 Double Century Bike Ride. Congratulations to KF6JOQ on earning DXCC and to WI6J on earning WAC. Traffic for October: K6RAU 24, W6DPD 0, and W6SX 30. Total 54. PSHR: K6RAU 79 and W6SX 59.

Roanoke Division


Virginia Section Managers Report October 2007 October has been a busy month across the Virginia Section. This has included our Simulated Emergency Test that was a section-wide event on October 6th. We have met with non-ham groups such as Search and Rescue in Richmond to outline ways that Amateur Radio could support their efforts in an active search. I have spent time in deep Southwestern Virginia, meeting with clubs and ARES groups during October. My local ARES unit also spent time this month in preparation for a disaster exercise in a Virginia Department of Emergency Management, Region 4 drill. This drill was held on November 2nd and 3rd in Carroll and Grayson Counties with the City of Galax. We also had ARES support from Wythe County ARES. We will have a full report next month on this extremely successful drill, “Winter Fury 07”. The Section Emergency Communications Plan writing is now back in the active mode as Daniel Sullivan, KO1D has been receiving documents from Virginia Section Cabinet people that have been task with areas of the document. Daniel had to set aside the editing of this project while handling major responsibilities in the recent Marine Corp. Marathon held in northern Virginia and Maryland on October 28th. This event was the 4th largest marathon in American in 2006. The marathon relies heavily on the support of Amateur Radio for communications during the event. They normally have over 100 hams supporting communications. This year the Simulated Emergency Test took place on the designated date for the nationwide SET. A number of things were different in this exercise. It was a section-wide event with participation coming from the coast to far southwestern Virginia. The breath of this exercise allowed us to practice our communications skills with hams from outside our own jurisdiction and test propagation in daytime conditions from Virginia Beach and Newport News to Wise, Dickenson and Lee Counties on the far western end of the Commonwealth. Many of our nets meet in the evening hours but most disaster communications, other than health and welfare, take place in the daylight hours while the agencies that we support are most active. This also allowed us to test new modes. We were able to use Chip64 on 80 meters during noon to 1:00 pm when voice signals were extremely difficult to copy. We made extensive use of Winlink across the state throughout the exercise and packet was also used. The Virginia Department of Emergency Management had the RACES station up and running throughout the drill. This drill allowed us to respond to a simulated mass evacuation due to a tidal wave that was created by a simulated tsunami while also supporting early rescue efforts. This evacuation was so massive that it required statewide sheltering resources with a number of staging areas to direct the flow of evacuees to areas that could support their sheltering needs. Hams were involved on HF voice, CW, HF digital, VHF/UHF digital, and VHF/UHF voice. Net control stations directed traffic to alternate frequencies and kept net frequencies clear for the exercise except where there was no option but to handle the traffic on the net frequency. There was extensive use of the NTS within the section handling heavy volumes of traffic. This was going on simultaneous with Emergency Nets (ODEN) caring for priority and emergency traffic. Many local nets on VHF and UHF were caring for traffic that involved their jurisdiction. Our Section Emergency Coordinator continues to try to get reports from all those areas that participated with less that half of the reports being submitted at this point. SET reports are used by the ARRL when negotiating with agencies that we support or in applying for grants of any type. It is vital that these be sent to the SEC, your DEC and Steve Ewald at ARRL. Back about a year ago our Assistant Section Manager for Administration, Dave Potter, W4IPR sent out inquires to appointees to see if they wanted to continue serving. We received a letter from one of the Official Relay Stations that included a copy of his original certificate of appointment. It was dated 1934. This ham, Thomas Jones, K4JM of Richmond indicated he was active on CW and wanted to continue to serve as an ORS. I gave Tom a phone call and chatted with him about his long involvement in service to the section and Amateur Radio. Tom talked about getting his license in 1932 and operating actively until Amateur Radio stations were taken off the air in World War II. Tom at that point entered the Army Air Corp and served as a CW operator on a B-24 bomber flying out of North Africa until VE day. He returned stateside and has been active on Amateur Radio and in the NTS until recent months. He currently is hospitalized but hoping to return home soon. In this day and age, Tom stands out in my mind as a great example of service. He is a part of “America’s Greatest Generation”, and has served his country and served Amateur Radio for over 74 years with little fanfare. As we approach Veteran’s Day, I want to take my hat off and say thank you to Tom and so many other “Old Time” hams like him that have given so much of themselves with little recognition. Thanks again Tom and I am praying for a speedy recovery for you. Until next month! Glen Sage, W4GHS, SM 11/12/2007 Section News for October 2007 Page 6 of 6

Southeastern Division

Puerto Rico

Durante el mes de Octubre se celebró JOTA, Jamboree on the Air, actividad donde los niños y niñas escucha, con la ayuda de radio aficionados, tienen la oportunidad de hablar por radio con otros grupos de escuchas. Varias tropas y manadas de escuchas en Puerto Rico disfrutaron de esta actividad tan especial. La FRA, Federación de Radio Aficionados, celebró su asamblea en Mayagüez. Durante la misma hubo elecciones y se eligió al nuevo grupo de trabajo. Felicitamos a la nueva directiva. Para Noviembre tenemos el “Segundo Encuentro de Radio Aficionados” actividad para todos los radio aficionados de Puerto Rico. Será el domingo 11 de Noviembre en el muelle del lago Dos Bocas en Utuado. La actividad es tipo sorullo, cada cual lleva lo suyo aunque hay un restaurante y un bote que los llevará desde el muelle. Como había mencionado anteriormente, todas las semanas tenemos dos lugares para reunirnos, los jueves por la noche en Bayamón (4to piso estacionamiento bajo techo del centro comercial Santa Rosa) y los viernes por la noche en Hatillo (estacionamiento del Complejo deportivo Francisco (Pancho) Deida. También contamos con reuniones cibernéticas en los varios reflectores locales. Es preciso leer las historias del ayer, los anécdotas y recetas para antenas. ¡Van a gozar un millón! Como siempre los invito a participar de todas estas actividades y visitar las páginas de Internet de la ARRL, PRARL y KP4AC. Gracias a todos. ======WWW.RADiOSCAMATORUL.Hi2.RO = During last month we had the JOTA (Jamboree on the Air). This activity lets boys and girls scout talk to other similar groups using amateur radios. Thanks to volunteer hams that set up radio stations so the scouts groups talk to each other and learn a lot about Amateur Radio. Various troops from Puerto Rico participated in this event. The FRA (Federación de Radio Aficionados) held their annual convention at Mayagüez. There were elections and a new board of directors was elected. Congratulations to the new directors. This month we will have the “Second Amateur Radio Operators Get Together” for all hams from Puerto Rico. It will be Sunday, November 11, 2007 at the Dos Bocas Lake pier at Utuado. This will be a “bring your own” type of activity although there is a restaurant (there is a boat that can get you there). As mentioned before, all weeks we have two meeting places, Thursdays night at Bayamón (4th floor parking bldg, Santa Rosa Shopping Center) and Fridays night at Hatillo (Francisco (Pancho) Deida Sports Complex parking). Also we meet on the internet on various local reflectors. You must read all kind of stories and antenna receipies. You will enjoy yourself a lot! As always I want to invite you to take part on all these activities and to visit the ARRL, PRARL and KP4AC web sites. Thanks to all.

Southwestern Division


ARIZONA SECTION NEWS November 2007 SUMMER HAMFEST During the ARCA meeting at the Tucson hamfest, the location of the summer hamfest was discussed. Several people would like the hamfest to return to Ft. Tuthill near Flagstaff. Williams costs about $2000 for a three day event. No entrance fee. Hotels and restaurants are very close by. Nearby attractions include historic Route 66 and the Grand Canyon train. Williams wants our hamfest and are continuing to improve their facilities. Plans are already made for July 18-20, 2008 Ft. Tuthill will cost over $6000 for a two day event. This cost is about half of the cost that it was back a few years ago. One reason for the cost difference is that this would be a two day event Friday/Saturday. This would include the large building for commercial vendors as well as two buildings for VE testing and programs. A WWW.GiURUMELE.Hi2.ROnew requirement is that Tuthill requires a full time EMT during the event. Tuthill has made minor improvements like painting, pavement patching and removing several awnings that were falling apart. No new construction has taken place. ARCA can not afford to move the hamfest back to Tuthill without financial assistance (>$6,000). ARCA would have to charge at least a $3-$5 entrance fee per person to help pay back the loan. It was decided to have each of the ARCA member clubs vote on their preference for the Summer Hamfest. ARCA is sending a ballot to each club and is requesting that each club vote and return the ballot by December 1st or by hand at the Mesa Hamfest. The 3 choices are: Return to Ft. Tuthill starting July 2008, return to Ft. Tuthill starting July 2009, or continue to hold the Hamfest at Williams. It’s a good time to go to your club meetings and let your opinion be heard. YOUTH AND SCOUTING The Cochise Amateur Radio Association in Sierra Vista opened their doors to 280 Boy Scouts and their leaders during the weekend of October 13th. Grant Hays WB7OTS and Lee Ilse KD7OED invited the Spanish Trails District Camporee to camp on their 44 acres. The big hit was when Grant and Lee let Tom Fagan, WB7NXH, and Dave Holman KE3HF help the boys with their radio merit badge. Part of the radio Merit badge was getting the boys on the radio and explaining all about Amateur Radio. Many hams spent several minutes talking to the boys. At last count over 38 boys took part. Several of the boys are very much interested in Amateur Radio and will continue to learn more and hopefully get their license. Thanks to Grant and Lee for letting us use your facility. October 20, 2007 was the 50th anniversary of Jamboree on the Air. Hope you got on the radio and talked to a scout. Special 50th anniversary patches are available. Let me know if you want more info. Jim Fagan KE7IDC Assistant Section Manager (ASM) Youth and Scouting [email protected] SOUTHWESTERN DIVISION CONVENTION 2008 The Southwestern Division Convention planning is well underway. I expect next month we will announce the prize package and with some luck, we will have the online registration system functional. We have more than 20 confirmed speakers, and expect this will be a very notable event. The Mesa Marriott will be offering a limited number of rooms for $99/night but I expect these rooms will be picked up quickly so if you are going to be staying at the hotel, make your reservations early. Reservation information will be updated on the web when we have completed our negotiations with the Marriott. Rick Aldom W7STS EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS It's been a busy month. TOPOFF 4 came and went, early indications are it was a success. I don't know how long before any official reports hit the street. From our standpoint, we didn't have many boots on the ground, but we did simulate having hams in area hospitals, and many EOCs actually did put ham stations on the air. The Arizona ARES Database picked a number of folks, probably 5 or 6 directly, and another 15 or so who kept hearing the rest of us discuss it. I sure wish some of the more remote counties would utilize this resource to help manage their programs. In addition to TOPOFF, the Public Service Event (PSE) season has arrived for the southern half of the state. PSE's are a great way to exercise your emergency communications skills, not only for tactical communications but for relationship building. Each requires coordination with the host organization, coordination with the hams and generally some form of directed net operations. The Arizona ARES database had 46 operators take the time to record their hours this month on a single event! That event was TOPOFF 4. I had a lot of questions about how to log the time, but many folks monitored the Arizona Emergency Net - Maricopa for much of the 4 days the net was active. While this wasn't boots on the ground, it did keep these operators current on the situation as it changed, and is notable for hours reporting. 693 hours were logged from around the state!! Rick Aldom W7STS SEC Arizona NEW HAMS The following Arizona hams just received their FCC license, Congratulations! Philip Heppel-kennard KE7ORT, Augustus Creecy KE7ORW, Cynthia Hernandez KE7OSA, Guy Deluca KE7OSB, Aaron Murray KE7OSQ, Brian Rasmussen KE7OSR, Daniel Laprevote KE7OSS, David Islas KE7OST, Kevin Prodromides KE7OSU, Terry Deuel KE7OSV, Edward Islas KE7OSW, Richard Purdy KE7OSX, Yasunori Iitsuka KE7OTF, Ronald Milloy KE7OWI, Craig Petrie KE7OWJ, Karen Forrester KE7OWK, Steven Connet KE7OWL, Joseph Barter KE7OWM, Christopher Barber KE7OWN, David Guggisberg KE7OWO, Philip Patricki KE7OWP, Joel Corwith KE7OWQ, Richard Hornbaker KE7OWR, Janet Blake KE7OWS, John Blake KE7OWT, John Dean KE7OWU, Gloria Shepard KE7OWV, Pati Dye KE7OWW, Donald Peyton KE7OWX, Linda Navasaitis KE7OWZ, Lorin Mcrae KE7OYI, Nathaniel Stephens KE7OYJ, Thomas Eberhard KE7OYK, Janice Prew KE7OYL, Robert Bowman KE7OYM, Dale Crockett KE7OYN, Karla Crockett KE7OYO, Lawanda Hill KE7OYP, Mark Collins KE7OYQ, Gregory Spieth KE7OYR, David Jensen KE7OYY, Howard Grodsky KE7OYZ and Donna Chapman KE7OZE. HAMFESTS/CONVENTIONS/SPECIAL MEETINGS December 1, 2007 Superstition ARC at Maricopa Community College 1833 West Southern in Mesa, AZ. Talk-In: 147.12 (PL162.2) contact Ron McKee, AJ7T [email protected] or January 12, 2008 WestFest hosted by the Thunderbird ARC will be held at the Thurderbird School of Global Management at Greenway and 59th Ave in Glendale. The first all indoor hamfest for Arizona. January 20-26, 2008 Quartzfest 2008, A gathering of Amateur Radio Operators in RV's near Quartzite Arizona. For more information go to September 12-14, 2008 ARRL Southwestern Division Convention Mesa AZ Come check us out at Mesa Convention Center Rick Aldom W7STS 2008 SWD Chair [email protected]. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about ARRL. If your club or group has an activity or event that would be of interest to other hams throughout our section please email me with the specifics. 73, Tom Fagan WB7NXH, ARRL Section Manager Arizona Tucson Arizona (520) 574-1129 [email protected] or 11/12/2007