I (X*CUA j u > A t f SAAMTREK Bladsy 3 x a < - / says Alice Worker: ‘hM about little m l * K PARLIAMENT * * » * * & < While Urgent Economi c, Industrial And Other Problems Were Crying For Attention, Our Legislators Talked CABBAG DEOPLE outside Par liament often won der what uoes on inside that puzzling place. Kings j One thing they cannot un- the money unless you change 1 derstand is the way in which your ways”. Parliament jumps from one' Of course, the Government subject to another,’without never changes its ways and the any rhyme or reason. Opposition rarely succeeds in blocking a Finance Bill. But the To those who religiously procedure is a valuable aid to follow the press reports of good government. the day-to-day proceedings That is why Parliament talked of Parliament, it seems that of “cabbages and kings" last the House is another “Alice week. m Wonderland”, with the members talking of “shoes HEN came Friday, known as and ships and sealingwax T “Private members’ Day”. and cabbages and kings.” Business begins at 10 a.m. and Motions and Bills by members (as Look at last week distinct from official Government We started off on Monday measures) have priority. Alex Hepple, M.P., who has J E S S E S * V,e W ae e l-> Last Friday the major debate freedom, in this our OPEN was on a Motion proposed by me, FORUM, to express his on behalf of the Labour Party, views on current affairs. K 5 " I , ” ' " that the Government should con vene a National Convention, re After dinner, and for the next presentative of all sections of the before changing the law in this three days we talked about the community, to discuss the future fashion.
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