Dedalus Books Catalogue


o celebrate thirty years Tof publishing Dedalus has created its own Hall of Fame for books which have a special place in the Dedalus story.

emoirs of a Gnostic MDwarf, Pfitz and The Book of Nights will be published on 30th November 2013 followed by Bad to the Bone by James Waddington on 5th July 2014.

2 ORIGINAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE FICTION The Secret Knowledge by Andrew Crumey

‘One of the most interesting books I’ve read this year.’ John Self in Asylum ‘A mystery tale that leaps between a washed-up pianist in London and assorted European intellectual heavyweights, with a pioneering socialist and a clandestine head of esoteric initiates in its background, Andrew Crumey’s seventh novel finds the author up to his old tricks. Crumey begins his story in Paris in 1913, a date perhaps chosen for its significance both to modern music (the premiere of The Rite of Spring) and quantum theory (the Bohr model of the atom). A young composer at a peak moment – out at a fair with his fiancée on his arm and his first major work locked away back home– suddenly vanishes, only to pop up again six years later as a political agitator in Scotland. As Crumey’s readers will immediately recognize, we have entered one of his mirrored boxes of many worlds. Pierre Klauer, a Schrödinger’s cat writ large, is simultaneously dead in Paris and alive on Clydeside.’ Paul Griffiths in The Times Literary Supplement

ndrew Crumey combines teaching creative writing at Northumbria AUniversity with his writing. He lives in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. His first novelMusic, in a Foreign Language (1994) was awarded The Saltire Best First Book Prize. His second novel Pfitz(1995) was one of the books of the year for The Observer and The New York Times. D’Alembert’s Principle was published to great acclaim in 1996, followed by Mr Mee (2000), Mobius Dick (2004) and Sputnik Caledonia (2008). His novels have been translated into 13 languages.

£9.99 ISBN 978 1 909232 45 7 234p B. Format Rights: Dedalus World Rights

3 ORIGINAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE FICTION Also by Andrew Crumey Mr Mee Elderly Scottish bookworm Mr Mee searches the internet for a legendary enclyclopedia outlining an 18th c quantum theory. Instead he enters a strange new world of cyber-hoaxers and online pornography. Meanwhile a university lecturer describes research on Jean-Jacques Rousseau and an infatuation with one of his students. And in the third strand of this unique comedy of ideas, set in the spring of 1761, Rousseau’s neighbours hold the key to the writer’s madness, the lost encyclopedia, and Mr Mee himself.

‘The book is fabulous stuff: erudite but not patronising, elegantly and simply written, jumping ambitiously across the centuries with a good dash of down-to-earth entertainment.’ The Times

£9.99 12 July 2014 ISBN 978 1 909232 94 5 344p B. Format Rights: Dedalus World Rights

Mobius Dick Mobius Dick is a dazzlingly inventive story that blends techno-thriller, historical fantasy, philosophy and farce, with a cast of characters that includes composers, scientists, geniuses and madmen. Beneath its gripping plot Mobius Dick traces the history of an idea. Just how real is reality?

‘ fiction it is solid plutonium, and unflaggingly enjoyable’ The Sunday Times

‘...the most rewarding book I have read all year.’ The Independent on Sunday £9.99 12 July 2014 ISBN 978 1 909232 93 8 312p B. Format Rights: Dedalus World Rights

4 ORIGINAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE FICTION Time of the Beast by Geoff Smith

n the Dark Ages, Athwold, a young monk, leaves his Imonastery in disgrace, to seek spiritual redemption by becoming a hermit in the wild expanse of the dismal Fenlands. Here he experiences love, desire and also horror, leading him to join the warrior-monk Cadroc in his quest to hunt down a brutal and mysterious killer – supposedly a demon which stalks the remotest reaches of the marshes, but whose true nature remains ominously unknown. It is a journey which takes Athwold deep into a world of pagan superstition and terror, on a blood- cursed trail of rage, revenge and madness; and to his final confrontation with darkness – both his own and the world’s.

Time of the Beast is a dark and atmospheric novel combining history and fantasy.

eoff Smith was born in London and educated in GSurrey. He worked in travel, then wrote and performed for theatre, television and radio before starting his own business. He is also a qualified psychotherapist, although he does not practice, since he considers dealing with his own neuroses to be quite sufficient.

Time of the Beast is the result of his longstanding interest in Anglo-Saxon history and literature, along with a fondness for classic horror stories.

£9.99 8 November 2013 ISBN 978 1 909232 36 5 236p B. Format Rights: Dedalus World Rights


Codename Xenophon by Leo Kanaris

t the heart of Codename Xenophon is the Greek Anation: its history, culture and current predicament. We see a dysfunctional society through the eyes of George Zafiris, an Athens-based private investigator. A thoughtful loner, he is forced to probe the heart of a failing society as he investigates a series of crimes the police show no interest in solving. A distinguished professor of ancient history is shot dead. Then a politician dies in mysterious circumstances and a journalist is murdered. George Zafiris has to find out if these deaths are connected. A gang of Georgians thugs may know the answer.

Leo Kanaris has written a thoughtful crime mystery and has created a private investigator the Greek nation can be proud of.

eo Kantaris is a school teacher in southern Greece. He is from an Anglo- LGreek family. Codename Xenophon is his first novel.

£9.99 10 January 2014 ISBN 978 1 909232 83 9 234p B. Format Rights: Dedalus World Rights


ontoon is an archetypal Dedalus novel: absurdly Ffunny, erudite, grotesquely surreal, and totally unique. At the edge of the city, Admiral Fontoon tends the lighthouse at Wossafocken Point and dreams of being a famous poet. His odds are poor, as he spends far more time lost in thoughts about exactly how big Jupiter must be than writing actual poetry. He is also constantly undermined by the Fontoon Wrecking Company – a secret organisation dedicated entirely to his personal humiliation. Nevertheless his dream comes true when a top spotter of poetic dispositions helps him to become an enormously influential media person. Fontoon’s inspiring words begin to solve the world’s biggest problems, until his weirdest and most disgusting personal idiosyncrasy is publicly exposed.

ohn Schoneboom is a New Yorker who now lives in JNewcastle-upon-Tyne. He has studied international affairs, played the funky bass guitar, sold ice cream from a van, sneaked into numerous venues, and foiled a purse snatching. His play Dreams of Jimmy Bannon won the Artists Fellowship Award from the Massachusetts Cultural Council.

Fontoon is his first novel.

£9.99 4 April 2014 ISBN 978 1 909232 89 1 234p B. Format Rights: Dedalus World Rights

7 THE DARK MASTERS The Man who was Norris: The Life of Gerald Hamilton by Tom Cullen edited with an introduction by Phil Baker

mmortalised in Christopher Isherwood’s classic novel Mr INorris Changes Trains, Gerald Hamilton was the real-life model for the seedy but beguiling Mr Norris. Tom Cullen’s biography is a literary curiosity, written in the 1970s but never published. Isherwood put Gerald Hamilton on the literary map but he was on other maps already, including those of police forces across Europe, and he was interned in Brixton prison during both world wars as a threat to national security. A Communist agent in the Thirties, Hamilton later drifted to the right and put his faith in the “sacred cause” of absolute monarchy. Despite his somewhat grotesque appearance he had a fruity charm, and he knew everyone from the last tsar and Guy Burgess to Sir Oswald Mosley and Aleister Crowley, who kept tabs on him for the Special Branch when they shared a flat in Weimar Berlin. Hamilton never lost his impeccable Edwardian manners or his love of wine and food, whatever life threw at him in the way of personal and global crises. “We live in stirring times,” he liked to say, “tea-stirring times.” Phil Baker, author of The Dedalus Book of Absinthe and biographies of Dennis Wheatley and Austin Osman Spare, tracked the manuscript down in the United States and has provided an introduction.

om Cullen was born in Oklahoma in 1913 and was a Tmilitary reporter in WW11. In the 1950s he came back to Europe and settled in Britain. Owing to his Communist sympathies he had his US passport revoked and so was stateless. He was the author of several high profile biographies. His biography of Gerard Hamilton was thought to have been lost. He died in 2001 aged 88.

£9.99 6 December 2013 ISBN 978 1 909232 43 3 288p B. Format Rights: Dedalus World Rights

8 DEDALUS CONCEPT BOOKS The Dedalus Book of the Occult: A Dark Muse by Gary Lachman

Anew edition of a seminal work on the history of the occult. The Dedalus Book of the Occult celebrates the influence of occult thought and sensibility on some of the central poets and writers of the last two centuries, beginning with the Enlightenment obsession with occult politics, through the Romantic explosion, the paradoxically decadent and futuristic occultism of the fin de siècle, and the deep occult roots of the modernist movement. Swedenborg, Baudelaire, Huysmans and Strindberg are only some of the names to feature in this hidden history of western thought.

‘Lachman’s highly enjoyable survey makes lots of good points and all the right connections.’ Suzi Feay in The Independent on Sunday ‘It’s a sure thing that anyone with a taste for literary esoterica and magical history will learn something from A Dark Muse. It’s a cavernous grotto full of dark glittering jewels, but one haunted by the shades of so many intriguing characters that keeping to the true path is difficult, and you lose your way forever. ‘ Mark Pilkington in Fortean Times

ary Lachman is the author of The Dedalus Book of Gthe 1960s: Turn Off Your Mind, The Dedalus Book of the Occult: A Dark Muse, The Dedalus Occult Reader, The Dedalus Book of Literary Suicides: Dead Letters and, as Gary Valentine: New York Rocker: My Life in the Blank Generation with Blondie, Iggy Pop and Others 1974-1981, a memoir of his years as a musician in New York in the 1970s.

£12.99 30 May 2013 ISBN 978 1 909232 44 0 400p B. Format Rights: World Rights Sold: USA, Czech Republic and Japan

9 DEDALUS EUROPE 2014 God’s Dog by Diego Marani Translated by Judith Landry

y the author of New Finnish Grammar which won 3 Bliterary prizes in Italy. The Dedalus translation by Judith Landry won The Oxford-Weidenfeld Translation Prize and was shortlisted for The Independent Foreign Fiction Award, The Best Translated Book Award and the Europe Book Prize. The Dedalus edition has sold over 22,000 copies. Diego’s second novel The Last of the Vostyachs was long- listed for The Independent Foreign Fiction Award and is the subject of a 20-minute film on the Dedalus website. God’s Dog is Diego Marani’s first detective novel, introducing Domingo Salazar, a Dominican monk, who is a Vatican secret agent. Italy is now a theocratic state ruled by the Vatican, whose secret agents are dedicated to rooting out non-believers and heretics. The sanctity of life is being challenged by a cell of dissidents helping sufferers commit euthanasia. A book full of moral issues God’s Dog will delight aficionados of thrillers and detective fiction as well as fans of Diego Marani.

iego Marani was born in Ferrara in 1959. He works as a Dsenior linguist for the European Union in Brussels. He writes columns for various European newspapers about current affairs in Europanto, a language that he has invented. His collection of short stories in Europanto, Las Adventures des Inspector Cabillot has been published by Dedalus. Dedalus will publish Diego Marani’s third novel The Interpreter in 2015.

£9.99 10 January 2014 ISBN 978 1 909232 51 8 146p B. Format Rights: World English

10 DEDALUS EUROPE 2014 Before & During by Vladimir Sharov Translated by Oliver Ready

et in a psychiatric clinic in Moscow in the long decades Sof late-Soviet stagnation, Before and During sweeps the reader away from its dismal setting into a series of fantastical excursions into the Russian past. We meet Leo Tolstoy’s twin brother, eaten by the great writer in his mother’s womb, only to be born as Tolstoy’s ‘son’; the philosopher-hermit Nikolai Fyodorov, who believed that the common task of humanity was the physical resurrection of their ancestors; a self- replicating Madame de Staël who, during her second life, is carried through plague-ridden Russia in a glass post-chaise and becomes Fyodorov’s lover. In her third and last life, she becomes mother and lover to Stalin.

Out of these intoxicating, darkly comic fantasies – all described in a serious, steady voice – Sharov seeks to retrieve the connections and hidden strivings of the Russian past with its wild, lustful quest for justice, salvation and God.

historian of late-medieval Russia by training, Vladimir ASharov, born in 1952, first turned to fiction in the late 1970s. It was not until the 1990s, however, that his extraordinarily imaginative and daring novels came to the attention of the public. When they did, they caused acrimony and controversy.

£12.99 10 January 2014 ISBN 978 1 907650 71 0 322p B. Format Rights: World English

11 DEDALUS ANTHOLOGIES The Dedalus Book of Lithuanian Literature Edited by Almantas Samalavicius Translated by Jayde Will, Jura Avizienis & Ada Mykote Vala

he Dedalus Book of Lithuanian Literature attempts to Treflect the transition of Lithuanian literature since the beginning of the twentieth century, when Lithuania was still an agrarian and colonized country on the margins of Europe, to its present modern and post-modernist phase. Lithuanian literature was suppressed in the nineteenth century by the Russians but by the eve of WW II was flourishing again. A new Russian occupation reversed this and led to a Soviet-style socialist realism in fiction. The last decades of the twentieth century saw the rise of a new generation of writers who dealt with Lithuania’s history and the contemporary world.

The Dedalus Book of Lithuanian Literature features the classic authors and the writers who have only recently come to prominence like Herkus Kunčius or Giedra Radvilavičiūtė

orn in 1963 Almantas Samalavicius is a cultural Bhistorian, critic and essayist. The author of eleven books and the editor of seven collections of essays he is a professor at Vilnius University. He has served as president of PEN Lithuania and is currently its vice- president. His articles and essays has been published in a dozen countries as well as in international journals. His most recent book to appear in English is Ideas and Structures: Essays in Architectural History (2011).

£9.99 1 November 2013 ISBN 978 1 909232 42 6 250p B. Format Rights: Compilation & World English in this Anthology

12 DEDALUS EUROPEAN CLASSICS Dark Vales by Raimon Casellas Translated by Alan Yates Edited by Eva Bosch

his is the first English translation of this classic of fin de Tsiècle Catalan literature. The protagonist, Father Latzer, a priest banished for doctrinal heresy to an isolated, backward mountain parish, struggles to achieve personal redemption by bringing salvation to his primitive, taciturn, rural flock. Their mute atavism is disturbed only by the local whore, Footloose, embodying all the forces against which the priest’s reforming mission is directed, and ambiguity surrounds the denouement of that conflict. The action is set in a recognisable time and a landscape which, through the power of Casellas’s language, is endowed with a complex poetic charge and is as compelling today as when it was first written.

aimon Casellas i Dou (b. Barcelona 1855) died, Ralmost certainly by suicide, in 1910. The motives for his premature death can be read between the lines of his 1901 novel Dark Vales (Els sots feréstecs). Casellas was an art historian and critic. He published two collections of short stories: Les multituds (1906) and Llibre d’històries (1909). He was a leading and influential figure in the modernist movement, which over the turn of the century aspired to set Catalan culture on the same cosmopolitan footing as the advanced national cultures of contemporary Europe.

£9.99 1 November 2013 ISBN 978 1 909232 61 7 204p B. Format Rights: World English Language in this Translation

13 DEDALUS EUROPEAN CLASSICS As Trains Pass By (Katinka) by Herman Bang Translated by W. Glyn Jones

“Monsieur Bang you are the first impressionist author in the world.” Claude Monet

Katinka is the stationmaster’s wife in a sleepy Danish provincial town and her domestic languour is disrupted by the arrival of Huus, the new foreman on a nearby farm. Unlike her boorish husband, Huus is attentive and sensitive and despite her best efforts Katinka falls in love with him. Her whole life is turned upside by an intense passion she had never expected to experience and which has unforeseen consequences.

Katinka is another of Herman Bang’s tragic heroines. Also by Herman Bang

erman Bang (1857-1912) was from an aristocratic HDanish family. His homosexuality led to a smear campaign against him and his exclusion from Danish literary circles. He worked as a theatre producer and as a journalist, having first tried unsuccessfully to be an actor.

His first novel Families Without Hope was banned for obscenity. He specialised in novels about isolated female characters, such as Ida Brandt and As Trains Pass by (Katinka).

£9.99 29 August 2014 ISBN 978 1 909232 92 1 226p B. Format Rights: World English Language in this Translation



New and Forthcoming Titles: November 2013 – September 2014 and the Complete Backlist AUTHOR/EDITOR ISBN PRICE DARK MASTERS NEW TITLES:

The Man Who Was Norris Cullen 978 1 909232 43 3 £9.99 DARK MASTERS BACKLIST: My Fairy-Tale Life Andersen 978 1 907650 57 4 £12.99 The Devil is a Gentleman Baker 978 1 903517 75 8 £25.00* The Devil is a Gentleman Baker 978 1 907650 32 1 £14.99 The Life of J.K. Huysmans Baldick 978 1 903517 43 7 £15.00 Vivo: The Life of Gustav Meyrink Meyrink 978 1 903517 69 7 £9.99 DEDALUS HALL OF FAME: Pfitz Crumey 978 1 909232 80 8 £8.99 The Book of Nights Germain 978 1 909232 81 5 £9.99 Memoirs of a Gnostic Dwarf Madsen 978 1 909232 75 4 £9.99 Bad to the Bone Waddington 978 1 909232 91 4 £9.99 LITERARY CONCEPT BOOKS NEW TITLES: The Dedalus Book of the Occult Lachman 978 1 909232 44 0 £12.99 LITERARY CONCEPT BOOKS BACKLIST: The Dedalus Book of Gin Barnett 978 1 907650 03 1 £15.00* The Dedalus Book of Vodka Elborn 978 1 907650 04 8 £15.00* Emperor of Dreams Jay 978 1 907650 18 5 £10.99 The Dedalus Bk of Literary Suicides Lachman 978 1 903517 66 6 £9.99 The Dedalus Bk of the 1960s Lachman 978 1 903517 70 3 £12.99 The Decadent Cookbook Lucan/Gray 978 1 873982 22 8 £9.99 The Decadent Gardener Lucan/Gray 978 1 873982 82 2 £9.99 The Decadent Sportsman Lucan/Gray 978 1 907650 55 0 £9.99 The Decadent Traveller Lucan/Gray 978 1 873982 09 9 £9.99 The Decadent Handbook Pelling et al 978 1 903517 64 2 £ 9 . 9 9 DEDALUS AFRICA: The Word Tree Gersão 978 1 903517 88 8 £ 9 . 9 9 CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH LANGUAGE FICTION NEW TITLES: Mobius Dick Crumey 978 1 909232 93 8 £9.99 Mr Mee Crumey 978 1 909232 94 5 £9.99 Codename Xenophon Kanaris 978 1 909232 83 9 £9.99 Fontoon Schoneboom 978 1 909232 89 1 £9.99 Time of the Beast Smith 978 1 909232 36 5 £9.99

16 DEDALUSDEDALUS ORDER ORDER FORM FORM AND & STOCK STOCK LIST LIST CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH LANGUAGE FICTION BACKLIST: When the Whistle Blows Allen 978 1 873962 79 2 £8.99 Market Farm Bradbury 978 1 909232 23 5 £8.99 The Double Life of Daniel Glick Caldera 978 1 903517 27 7 £7.99 D’Alembert’s Principle Crumey 978 1 873982 32 7 £7.99 Music, in a Foreign Language Crumey 978 1 873982 11 2 £7.99 The Secret Knowledge Crumey 978 1 909232 45 7 £9.99 The Revenants Farrington 978 1 903517 04 8 £7.99 Pleading Guilty Genney 978 1 903517 57 4 £9.99 Sentence Adjourned Genney 978 1 903517 96 3 £9.99 Mappamundi Harris 978 1 903517 77 2 £9.99 Memoirs of a Byzantine Eunuch Harris 978 1 903517 03 1 £9.99 Theodore Harris 978 1 873982 49 5 £9.99 The Dream Maker Haugaard 978 1 903517 56 7 £8.99 Gabriel’s Bureau Haugaard 978 1 903517 31 4 £8.99 The Arabian Nightmare Irwin 978 1 873982 73 0 £7.99 Exquisite Corpse Irwin 978 1 907650 54 3 £8.99 The Limits of Vision Irwin 978 1 873982 10 5 £6.99 The Mysteries of Algiers Irwin 978 1 873982 60 0 £7.99 Prayer-Cushions of the Flesh Irwin 978 1 873982 63 1 £7.99 Satan Wants Me Irwin 978 1 903517 58 1 £8.99 The Father of Locks Killeen 978 1 903517 76 5 £9.99 The Khalifah’s Mirror Killeen 978 1 903517 97 0 £9.99 Primordial Soup Leunens 978 1 873982 19 8 £7.99 Faster Than Light Lucas 978 1 903517 11 6 £8.99 The Ballad of John Clare Lupton 978 1 907650 00 0 £9.99 A Box of Dreams Madsen 978 1 903517 22 2 £8.99 The Confessions of a Flesh-Eater Madsen 978 1 873982 47 1 £7.99 A Bit Of A Marriage Mellinger 978 1 903517 46 8 £9.99 Defying Reality Mellinger 978 1 903517 61 1 £9.99 Citizen One Oakes 978 1 903517 49 9 £9.99 Dragon’s Eye Oakes 978 1 903517 21 5 £9.99

Made in Yaroslavl Weingard 978 1 903517 72 7 £9.99 CITY NOIR BACKLIST: Prague Noir Germain 978 1 903517 73 4 £8.99 Paris Noir Yonnet 978 1 903517 48 2 £9.99

17 DEDALUSDEDALUS ORDER ORDER FORM FORM AND & STOCK STOCK LIST LIST EURO SHORTS BACKLIST: Helena Ayesta 978 1 903517 59 8 £6.99 My Little Husband Bruckner 978 1 909232 31 0 £7.99 An Afternoon with Rock Hudson Deambrosis 978 1 903517 35 2 £6.99 Alice, the Sausage Jabès 978 1 903517 51 2 £6.99 Lobster Lecasble 978 1 903517 34 5 £6.99 Las Adventures des Insp. Cabillot Marani 978 1 907650 59 8 £6.99 The Staff Room Orths 978 1 903517 55 9 £6.99 On The Run Prinz 978 1 903517 36 9 £6.99 EUROPE 2014 NEW TITLES: God’s Dog Marani 978 1 909232 51 8 £9.99 Before & During Sharov 978 1 907650 71 0 £12.99 EUROPE 1992/2013 BACKLIST: The Land of Darkness Arsand 978 1 873982 99 0 £8.99 Where Tigers are at Home Blas de Roblès 978 1 907650 16 1 £20.00* The Prussian Bride Buida 978 1 873982 06 2 £9.99 Milagrosa Deambrosis 978 1 903517 07 9 £8.99 Saturn Dehnel 978 1 907650 69 7 £9.99 The River Ferlosio 978 1 903517 17 8 £9.99 The Man in Flames Filippini 978 1 873982 24 2 £10.99 The Book of Tobias Germain 978 1 873982 39 6 £7.99 Days of Anger Germain 978 1 873982 65 5 £8.99 Hidden Lives Germain 978 1 903517 92 5 £9.99 Infinite Possibilities Germain 978 1 873982 23 5 £8.99 Invitation to a Journey Germain 978 1 903517 16 1 £7.99 Magnus Germain 978 1 903517 62 8 £9.99 The Medusa Child Germain 978 1 873982 31 0 £8.99 Night of Amber Germain 978 1 873982 95 2 £8.99 The Song of False Lovers Germain 978 1 903517 25 3 £8.99 The Black Cauldron Heinesen 978 0 946626 97 7 £8.99 The Good Hope Heinesen 978 1 903517 98 7 £12.99 The Lost Musicians Heinesen 978 1 903517 50 5 £9.99 Mother Pleiades Heinesen 978 1 907650 07 9 £8.99 Windswept Dawn Heinesen 978 1 903517 78 9 £12.99 Barbara Jacobsen 978 1 909232 30 3 £9.99 Portrait of an Englishman in his Chateau Mandiargues 978 1 873982 93 8 £7.99 The Last of the Vostyachs Marani 978 1 907650 56 7 £9.99

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