Board of County Commissioners Agenda Thursday, June 15,2017,9:00 Am Commission Chambers, Room B-11 I
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BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA THURSDAY, JUNE 15,2017,9:00 AM COMMISSION CHAMBERS, ROOM B-11 I. PROCLAMATIONS/PRESENTATIONS II. UNFINISHED BUSINESS III. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Consider authorization and execution of Contract C203-2017 with Immix Technology, Inc. for annual maintenance ofthe Oracle Linus Basic at a cost of$1,154.30-District Court. 2. Consider approval of payment of final expenses in an amount of$350.00 each for Bradley Liles and Phyllis Irene Clark-Coroner. 3. Consider authorization and execution of Contract C204-2017 with Sreeranjini Bangalore to instruct fitness classes at a rate of $15.00 per hour-Parks and Recreation. 1 4. Acknowledge receipt of the June 28 h, 2017 Kansas Expocentre Advisory Board agenda and minutes of the May 24th meeting. IV. NEW BUSINESS A. COUNTY CLERK- Cynthia Beck 1. Consider all voucher payments. 2. Consider correction orders. B. BOND COUNSEL -Bob Perry 1. Acknowledge receipt of petition and consider approval of Resolution No. 2017-29 creating the Timber Ridge Subdivision Street Benefit District Phase IV, authorizing the construction of streets therein, and assessing all cost of the construction and installation of the improvements against the lots benefited thereby-Commissioner Archer. 2. Consider approval ofResolution No. 2017-30 authorizing the issuance of not to exceed $5,000,000 aggregate principal amount of revenue bonds (United Methodist Homes, Inc.), Series 2017, to provide funds to acquire, construct, install, equip and furnish additions and improvements to a continuing care retirement facility leased to United Methodist Homes, Inc. and pay certain costs related thereto-Commissioner Archer. C. SHERIFF'S OFFICE -Sheriff Jones I. Acknowledge receipt of correspondence from Sheriff Jones regarding renewal of a maintenance contract with Motorola (Contract C205-2017) to provide advanced network inspections and preventive maintenance to the Shawnee County radio communication network, resulting in an increase in fees of$15,I46.04 for a total cost of$236,991.00 with funding from the 9II funds. D. HEALTH DEPT.- Linda Ochs I. Consider authorization and execution of Contract C206-2017 with Lamar Advertising for education and awareness of the Kansas Tobacco Quitline through advertising on two billboards, paid by KDHE with no cost to the County. E. PARKS+ RECREATION -John Knight 1. Consider approval to fill a vacant Park Police Officer position at a salary, including benefits, of $54,276.00. 2. Consider authorization and execution of Contract C207-2017 with LaborMAX to provide 13 1 temporary staff for eight hours for the July 4 h Spirit of Kansas activities at a cost of$1,414.40 with funding from the Parks + Recreation 2017 budget. 3. Consider approval to solicit bids to replace the existing artificial turf on the Jerry Robertson Field at an estimated cost of$250,000.00 with funding from the Capital Outlay Fund. F. PUBLIC WORKS/SOLID WASTE- Tom Vlach 1. Consider Change Order No. 1 to Contract C 164-2017 with Bettis Asphalt & Construction, Inc. increasing the original "As Bid" contract amount by $26,742.50 for the S. Topeka Blvd: SW 57th toN. ofSW Airport Drive cold and overlay projects. 2. Consider awarding the bid for asphalt milling of an estimated 65,500 square yards to Bettis Asphalt at an estimated cost of$121,175.00 with funding from the 2017 Public Works Road Maintenance Fund. G. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES- Betty Greiner 1. Consider approval of request to sell surplus property including miscellaneous computer equipment and a 2000 GMC Safari Mini Van and a 1992 International custom van-TURV. H. COUNTY COUNSELOR- Jim Crowl I. Consider authorization and execution of Contract C208-2017 with Cook, Flatt & Strobel Engineers to conduct a land survey related to the Kansas Expocentre renovation project at a cost of $24,000.00. I. COMMISSION 1. Consider approval of Resolution No. 2017-31 appointing Rebecca Cartmill as the Director of the Shawnee County Department of Community Corrections, effective June 15, 2017 at a salary of $77 ,688.00-Commissioner Archer. V. ADMINISTRATIVE COMMUNICATIONS VI. EXECUTIVE SESSIONS :JIL -I KANSAS DISTRICT COURT EVELYN Z. WILSON Shawnee County Courthouse CHARLES L. HYDOVITZ Chief Judge 200 S.E. 7th, Suite 406 District Court Administrator Topeka, Kansas 66603-3922 (785) 233-8200 Ext. 4018 Fax (785) 291-4917 TO: Shawnee County Commissioners r J.L-_.. FROM: Charles Hydovitz, District Court Administratorl/V'\) DATE: June 8, 2017 SUBJECT: IMMIX TECHNOLOGY MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT ($1,154.30) Presented is a quote from Immix Technology, Inc. for Oracle Linux Basic support for a total of $1,154.00 per year. Shawnee County Information Technology does not use this product. As a result, it is unique to the Court. Thank you for your consideration and approval. CH SHAWNEE COUNl~ C.,d-02> --Ol-0 \ 7 CONTRACT A -· . immixTechnology, Inc. Sales Quotation a subsidiary of 0 lmmlxGroup Stephanie Theel Contract No.: OPEN MARKET-1M Shawnee County District Court , PH: 785-233-8200 [email protected] CAGE Code: SCA29 DUNS No.: 09-869-2374 TAXID#: 54-1912608 Terms: NET30 FOB: Origin Order/Payment Address: Quote Number: QU0-781544-B3D8Z7 immixTechnology, Inc. Quote Date: 5/30/2017 8444 Westpark Drive, Suite 200 Expiration Date: 6/29/2017 McLean, VA 22102 PH: 703-752-0610 FX: 703-752-0611 EFT: BB&T Routing No. 055003308 immixTechnology, Inc. Lee, Vince Contact: 571.405.2952 Vince [email protected] Manufacturer Quote #: Manufacturer Contact: Girotra, Vineet Manufacturer Ref#: 512-501-7169 [email protected] This quote is for budgetary purposes only and is subject to Oracle approval. The subscription items quoted hereunder are categorized as SIN 132-34, and will be subject to billing quarterly In arrears. CSI# 18188329 Oracle has made the software available to the end user for electronic download at the electronic delivery web site located at the following Internet URL: once the Customer's Purchase Order is received by immlxGroup. Through the Internet URL the end user can access and electronically download to your location the current production release as of the POF effective date of the Software and related Documentation licensed under customer PO. Provided that the end user has continuously maintained Maintenance Service for the software licensed under this PO, the end user may continue to download the Software and related Documentation licensed under customer PO. Please be advised that not all Software programs are available on all hardware/operating system combinations. For current program availability please check the electronic delivery web site specified above. The end user shall be responsible for installation of the Software. Open Market items are subject to the attached Terms and Conditions. Taxes: Sales tax shall be added at the time of an invoice, unless a copy of a valid tax exemption or resale certificate is provided. All Purchase Orders must include: End User Name, Phone Number, Email Address, Purchase Order Number, Government Contract Number or Our Quote Number, Bill-To and Ship-To Address (Cannot ship to a PO Box), Period of Performance (if applicable), and a Signature of a duly Authorized Representative. The identified line items are Trusted Products under the immixGroup Trusted Supplier Program. immixGroup Trusted Supplier Program Policies, Commitments and Guarantees/Warranties can be obtained at: Ail Pricing Information Is confidential Page 1 of 1 Quote# QU0-781544-B3D8Z7 Approved as to Leeality and Fonn: Dafe ~J, [1 n..~ immlxTechnology, Inc. •MM....,.,.o....,......-. Sales Quotation ORACLE;:' immixTechnology,lnc. Slej)hanle Thuf Cont,r011etNo.~ --~------·r-----------~------------------~-~.~·~·~~~·~~~-~~ Shawnee COUnty Dlstrld CQ\,1rt All n:fen:nces to OmcJe in these Tenns ard Cond,ltloD$ should be read a.s .. Contmctor(imtnlx'I't:elqJology. Inc.), , PH: 785-233-8200 acting b)· and through ils supplier, Oracle." alheei( CAGECo1f11 3CAa9 DUN.SHa,! ~237~ TA,lCIDI: 5,MS126(11 J:E!II\JS MID CONDI'IJO~ fQR OJ!4CLEPRODIJJ;IS AI)'W0!15,ERVI~Eijl .......... NETto FOB: 0 ..... OMPJ' IJCEI!JiEAND §ERYICES TEI!J)IS AN!!. CjONDJUONS ......,._On:I•IPa)'mlntMd..u: ..... A. A&,l"t'Cmtn£ Ddlnil1ons QuoteNumbll: QU0·711S44-S:JDIZ7 to c.~t:eeutcd Quot.Pat•: 51301lOt7 &t44 WMiplllt Dri\Ni, Suite 200 ••You.. and{' refers the individQ:JI or entity th.1t has this agreement ragn:emcml") and ordered &plnltlonDat•l C/2912017 Mo;Uan. VA 22102 progmms andtor scniccs from Omc:lc Am:rica.lnc. or an aqlhorizcd distn'butor. The len:n .. anc:Uia.ty programs" PH:703-752..0SIQ FX: 703-752-0611 refers lO third pa,rty rm.terials specified in the progr.un doc1,11nentntlon width may oDJy be f,l.5ed fort.he purposes or EFT: BB&T inst.1llfng oropc:mting the prosmm$ with which lhc ancillary program.s me deli\-eml. The tenn ..program ROIItlng No. 055003308 documentation" ref~rs lo the program user mapual and program installation The term .. JUOgm,tn$" refezs lmmlr.Tichnology, Inc. to the sofi\\'11'0 pmch!<ts owned ordistnb\IIOd by Omcle wlli<:hyO\Ilm·e oldeJed, progmm dOClURenJatlon, and onr .,.,.. ... progmm updatc.s ocqt)il<d through toe lull~ mppoll The tcnn "services" ml:osto t<clullcaiJUppor!, cdu<adon, 67U05.29S2 hostedfoutsowting services. consulting or other sen ices which you ha\·e ordcn:4. B. Applltablllty of Ag.....,enc This agreement is \'alid for the order which this agreemcDl accompanies. C. Rlghb Gl'lnled 1llb qUCU It fot budgtlary purpos• ontt and 111ullp:ct to oradlappnwat. Upon Oracle's acceptance ofyou;rordcr. you han~ the non-exclush"C, non-assignable, royalty me, perpetual (ll.nle~ Thll aublellpllon Rims qi,Wd hlreund11 m categorized 1o1 SIN 132-3.&, •nd wB be slbjlcttoblllng q~,~:altlutyln 111'18111'. othemisc specified in the ordering document).