Yes, Madam – Action Cop Adventure Adaptation – Jason J. Patterson April 2016

Introductory Fight – Daylight Bank Robbery (Outside) Use this to get the players and GM into the routine of combat by introducing an unrelated and sort but exciting armored car robbery before the full adventure begins. The PCs will be gathered at some event or stopping briefly at a location uptown (tailor to your characters).

An armored car pulls into a bank, behind the PCs, and the guards inside begin bringing locked metal boxes out the door. Suddenly, a small, older yellow car screeches up and spins into the middle of the street and stops, barely missing a few pedestrians. A handful of roughs, armed with pistols and shotguns, spring from the car toward the guards. As it is nearby, all PCs are able to reach the action and react, even with hand-to-hand.

This is the PCs first opportunity to engage in the scene. All roll Initiative (Speed + closed 1d6).

Fresh Hahn (featured foe) and a large handful of mooks (1-3 per PC) appear out of nowhere, armed with pistols and a shotgun, and attempt to steal the money. They shoot the chains with which the guards are attached to the money and the guards who fired at them with his semi-auto rifle.

The wheel-man mook is in the driver's seat of the car, and another standing by the passenger door, while the other thugs have lugged the money from the sidewalk but were forced to take cover around the side of the armored car, when the guards began firing back.

The armored car driver throws open the door to strike a thug, but he avoids it and shoots the driver and the other guard in the cab and pulls the driver's body out onto the street. The thugs pile into the armored car and attempt to take off in it, first slamming into parked cars ahead or behind to cause more chaos and maybe strike any civic-minded PCs that have come to help; any PCs near the truck should make a DEF 13 check when this happens, or take 13 damage (reduced by Toughness).

Ideally, the armored car needs to be put out of commission before the goons can escape, and most plans, including shooting out a tire (-2 stunt) to make it ramp off of another car and overturn, will accomplish this. If anyone is shooting at the car without thinking to perform this stunt, allow it to happen organically (anyone getting 12 or more (2 above Diff 10) on an attack).

If the thugs stay in control of the car for 2 sequences, they get it maneuvered onto the road heading outside town, where Chase rules may be used. Before this, PCs may engage the vehicle with guns or martial arts. Breaking / shooting out windows or windshield (and even entering the car), grabbing the steering wheel and climbing all over the armored car or even crawling under it and pulling fuel lines loose are typical suggested stunts that could hamper or stop the car.

Top right number: Speed Bottom right numbers: Attack/Defense Parenthesis numbers: Damage/Rel/Conc Yes, Madam aka Royal Warriors aka Ultra Force Adventure – Actual Adventure Proper


An assassin, Mr. Dick, was ordered by his boss to hand over $1M to Richard Norton in exchange for a piece of microfilm containing tax and other documents including a forged contract, incriminating the Triad boss. They meet at Norton's room in the Hyatt Regency in Hong Kong, but he demands double and is killed and his body moved to the kitchen, out of sight. Before Dick can find the microfilm on the dresser in a passport, he is interrupted by "room service", one of the thieves, and he hides in a closet. As he sees the thief taking the passport, he is about to kill him too and take it, but the doorbell rings again and the thief decides it's time to leave.

At the door is P1 to speak to Richard, and is told by the theif that Mr. Norton is asleep at the table, and he leaves. P1 enters and finds him dead (case of death not readily apparent – the assassin is a super pro), and hears a commotion outside in the hallway. It turns out to be a roomservice cart (the other thief) with falling ice buckets and glasses and trays (just naturally clumsy), he is clearly not the killer, but this gives enough time for the actual assassin to escape. P1's prority is to inform the lobby of a murder and lock down the hotel, and interview staff and any stand-out guests – while doing so, assassin and thieves leave through the front door in the hotel lobby.

0. Player 1 (cop or agent character) is laisonng at the Regency Hyatt in the Sha Tin area of Kowloon in Hong Kong, with Richard Norton, a business tax inspector who is now a key witness in a tax and business fraud investigation case that may lead back to one or more important HK figures.

P1 is making routine security rounds with staff in other part of hotel as Norton is attacked and killed by an assassin with a silencer. When P1 returns to the room to find Norton dead at the table, the assassin, in a janitor closet nearby, startes a fire and warns people about it himself, escaping in a throng fleeing through the front door, escaping P1's notice. This can be played out but the assassin, Mr. Dick needs to escape. In-depth forensics (fingerprints, etc) will identify Aspirin and Strepsil's prints (w/ petty crime records), but not Dick's.

Mr. Dick, Killer, Right-Hand Man (Featured Foe) of Triad Boss Mr. Henry Tien Attack 14; Defense 16; Speed: 6; Tough: 6; knife or most improvised weapons (9); silenced pistol (11/3/4) See beat 25 for the full write-up for Mr. Dick in the final fight scene at the Triad boss's mansion

1. At precinct, PCs receive information that a handful of cash and valuables were reported stolen during the time of the assassination, but it's unclear if the two crimes are connected. As soon as the phone is hung up from that, it rings against with a tip that Norton' stolen passport will be used to leave the country this day, at the airport. Time is of the essence getting there to stop the fake passport user. Any other cops or related figures may accompany PCs to the scene with other officers, due to suspicion of this being the assassin. 2. Arriving at the airport and having the desk clerk look up this info, it is confirmed a flight has been booked leaving in less than 10 minutes. Arranging with the clerk to meet the strangely American looking HK man when he enters the boarding area, PCs confronting the man are immediately engaged in a fight. The man attempts to flee, but the amount of people keeps him from taking the easy front door and so he fights to buy himself time and find a good escape opportunity.

3. PCs are engaged in a martial arts action fight in the airport terminal lobby, giftshop and larger complex in general. Throngs of people will be leaped over (or into) and windows will be broken out as small cubicles are entered and used as distracting means of escape, for a sequence, until...

4. In flight through the airport, the assumed assassin grabs a nearby hostage in a headlock as a PC closes in, threatening to kill them. However that gets resolved, the fight continues with kiosks overturned and luggage and carts and queueing barricades used as weapons and obstacles.

Finally, the suspect will be subdued (not killed, if at all possible, nor will firearms be used, due to public safety) by PCs and he will be taken to the station. PCs or any other related officers will be allowed to interrogate the suspect, but he will not talk, even if physically assaulted, and torture is beyond the acceptable limits of interrogation, even in HK.

Mooks (1-3 per PC): Attack 8; Defense 13; Speed 5; knife (8) The mooks are new aspiring criminals with no records or useful info. Chang's pistol rating is for if he comes across one – he does not have one. 5. If the PCs don't come up with it, Chief Inspector Wong will task them to move Tex Chang, the half American, half HK suspect, to another location, and he will be allowed to "escape" from the transport van, and followed secretly by 20 plainclothes officers. After a couple of hours, officers will call to inform the PCs that Stage 1 is complete (Chang's escape) – the PCs, even if present, should not act, to lower suspicion and add to the appearance of carelessness on the part of the police.

6. Tex Chang will arrive at the low-rent apartment of a small-time non-violent crook – a forger named Hoi Panadol, and attack the forger, believing him the one that called the police (true).This is Stage 2.

Panadol gave the tip because his friends were stealing money and valuables during the assassination and upon seeing the headline in the newspapers, realized an investigation may trace back to them, so they wanted to implicate Tex (a hood also directly uninvolved in the assassination but merely unlucky enough to buy the American's passport from a forger, Panadol), so the cops would focus on him instead and they'd be able to disappear – not realizing that he'd rat them out anyway.

7. PCs receive word that Chang entered the a grimy tenement, but the officers have been told to wait for a PCs to arrive, When they do, they will be told officers have heard sounds of a struggle inside and the last sounds possibly came from the roof.

8. PCs will find, upon nearing the roof-area, Chang dangling the forger, Hoi Panadol, from the roof of a nearby building, saying he will get his revenge for being ratted out. If told to pull Hoi up, Chang says PCs wouldn't have the guts. If they do, Panadol will fall many stories but wind up tangled in dead coax cable, but partly strangling.

If a PC does not try to shoot the wires free (-2 stunt), he will eventually free himself but be even whinier when interrogated over his sore throat, also using the excuse not to talk.

See Tex Chang's info card above Mooks (1-3 per PC): Attack 8; Defense 13; Speed 5; knife (8) The mooks are new aspiring criminals with no records or useful info.

9. If threatened at the station in the general area (hopefully the PCs will follow procedure; the private interview rooms are all being used), Panadol will bravely boast he won't cooperate and if told he should if he knows what's good for him, he replies "I NEVER know what's good for me!" but he has a fairly low will-power. Although he will comply with the application of violence, or compelling intimidation, he is more likely to do so with a calmer approach – just being asked to ID who they saw with Norton before he died. Panadol will attempt to be charming and even flirtatious with any females, and seem very easy, attempting to rifle through things on the interrogator's desk and strike up onnvos with other nearby suspects. When asked to look through an ID book, his nervous reaction causes him to clamp his hands over the photos of two men and hurriedly turn past them. If asked to describe who gave him the passport, he will give a vague description but still one matching the men in the photos he passed over.

Either on his own or if asked to confirm, he will further confirm by vehemently denying that there were in fact TWO man and THOSE definitely were NOT the two men that he met with. He also explains that he and his friends that he also helpfully supplies by accident, didn't see those two men enter Norton's room right after they exited it, dressed as room service, having just stolen the passport.

10. Panadol is actually in a more serious situation, and acquired a piece of microfilm hidden behind Norton's photo on his passport, and set it aside to examine later. Finding out through underworld connections about the passport, an assassin has been sent after the forger, but with him in jail and having searched his place already (badly, as the film was there), Dick turns to Panadol's friends, Asprin and Strepsil, two thieves and fences.

The assassin locates the duo in a bar the next night, having lost a $1000 per ball game of billiards to a world champion. Being unable to pay, the two are about to be beaten within an inch of their lives after the champion leaves – but the hired gun interrupts, thrashing the thugs, which the bumblers think is GOOD luck, initially.

11. The men escape during the fight and flee into crumbling downtown, with the assassin chasing them on a dirtbike. They duck into another club, thinking they've lost the man, still not knowing who he is.

12. By this time, if P1/2 have not done so on their own, the Chief will instruct them to start making the rounds of local dives, flashing the men's photos around. It just so happens the PCs find the right club in short order.

The bartender, when asked about the men, says no, then looks to the door and the two men as they stand at the bar and say "Actually, yes, I do believe I have seen them..." and points them them out.

Through the crowded room, before the PCs can engage, a dark haired, hard-faced man in a stylish suit grabs one of the crooks in a wristlock and jabs a knife threateningly against the ribs of the other and subtly forces them to the men's room. This is Mr. Dick, though the PCs are unlikely to recognize him.

13. Listening at the door, the PCs will hear the man demand "the film", rejecting their pleas of ignorance and giving them an ultimatum: "This is your last chance", he says, "And then this knife goes in your heart". If the PCs don't act now, the assassin may kill them, unless the GM wants someone else to brush past the PCs and enter the men's room, surprising everyone, including the assassin, and causing a fight scene to start. Mr. Dick has a knife he can throw, and probably a couple more, plus a bathroom full of paper towl and soap dispensers, small sinks that can be used as weapons, stall doors, and toilet tank lids.

There is a chance (default 7 or Police/Detective) that P1 will recognize one or both crooks from the hotel, in well-lit bathroom, but its a very short chance to do so, and a fight is going on.

The two crooks escape through an air shaft in a nearby stall, unbeknownst to all others. When they do this, during the fight, on the assassin's next solid hit, flees into the darkened, loud, flashing club floor full of people, chairs, tables, low hanging lights, jukeboxes, fake trees, surfboards, popcorn kiosk and vendor, umbrellas and other beach themed props, where the fight can re-engage anew for a short time.

Eventually the assassin escapes through a fire door across the room to a flight of stairs after spilling a mass of obstacles (people, equipment) across the floor, forcing the PCs to take a different route to head him off. Meanwhile, the crooks have exited the air duct in a small private lounge room of the club, which is luckily empty, and barricaded the door with a sofa.

14. Eventually, both the crooks and the assassin escape the club unnoticed if the PCs don't carry out a thorough search. If they DO search, they find only the crooks, which allows the plot to go right to the next step (15). Otherwise, the crooks are brought in by a bruised traffic cop, whom they assaulted as a way to get an immediately ticket to the only safety they knew – the precinct jail.

15. At the precinct, the men play up their assault of the officer, or their guilt in something or other, but the best course is to set them free, like Tex, to see where they go or who finds them – using them as bait. The Chief will suggest this if the PCs don't, and it isn't too rail-roady – any claims of being in danger are to be met with dismissal, saying it's the same for everyone, or blaming them for being crooks and that they get what they deserve. Dumb as they are, even they know a set up, and agree to lead the PCs to "the big boss". 16. The crooks lead the PCs back to the club where the assassin "saved" them from the billiard champion's minions though, and it would not be unfair to leave them to get beaten, to teach them a lesson about lying, though the heavies will fight the PCs unless they reveal themselves as cops – the heavies are thugs but none of them look like they'd kill people, and the champion will also prevent such an act. Beaten up or saved, the crooks return to the precinct for protection, cursing and calling the PCs "traitors" for leaving them at the mercy of thugs. In any further discussion with the crooks, they wonder how anyone found out about them at all. Whether told about Panadol giving them up or not (in which case they'll be furious), they make this conclusion themselves and go to find him.

The three have a brief altercation at Panadol's apartment, when they find the microfilm from Norton's passport, which Panadol removed before selling it but forgot about it, putting it in aside to examine later, and only now remembered it – or so he says (he actually mocked-up a second fake copy and gives it to Aspirin).

The three hatch a scheme to turn the microfilm over tot he police, now having inspected the film and seeing what it contains and realizing the local Triad chief, Henry Tien, is after it – they discuss selling it to him but reason, correctly, that the police are the less dangerous route. Unbeknownst to Aspirin and Strepsil, the film is fake, though appears to be legitimate to any but those familiar with microfilm analysis and/or the particular business contract and taxes, so the PCs will take the evidence as valid.

17. Cursory inspection of the microfilm reveals the documents as stated (apparently), providing a clear link and enough evidence to arrest the Triad head, operating as an import-export businessman by day – an expert to authenticate and understand the details will take two days to requisition.

The Chief Inspector is called away on an emergency and unable to be informed or give consent for the arrest of Tien, though the PCs have the authority to do it if they feel they have solid evidence, which they seem to. If/when the PCs go to arrest Tien at his office, he allows them into his boardroom.

18. The phone rings while the PCs are there, and Panadol offers to sell the film to Tien and tells him the police film is fake – none of this is known to the PCs. Tien will offer no resistance to the arrest but will threaten to sue the individual officers and the HKPD for the unlawful arrest. Tien calls his lawyer, Mr. Uriah Yang, who meets everyone at the Triad's business and accompanies him to the station.

19. At the station, after examination of the film, it is found to be counterfeit, and the lawyer will become belligerant and disappear to make phone calls. Chief Wong arrives, glowering about not being informed of the arrest and film not even being fully vetted by an expert – the lawyer returns during this and renews his threats, but Mr. Tien asserts calm and smiles, stating his appreciation for the police and the excellent, aggressive work. The lawyer relents but insists that an official immediate apology is in order to Mr. Tien at the very least, which according to HK protocol, is true. The chief expects the PCs to make it, but will resentfully make it himself if one or both refuse (and disciplinary action promised to the refusing PCs), and Tien and his lawyer make a last passive-aggressive warning about being more careful, then a parting threat if the PCs defy him.

20. Chief Wong produces airline tickets, handing each to a PC, saying to locals, "You can report to our re-evaluation center for reassignment effective immediately" and to foriegners or less than full police offiers "And you can return to [place of origin] and get back to your old life. Mr. Tien's community standing is above reproach and this could ruin our credibility and ability to do our jobs. I'm taking over now - you're done here".

In game progression, the PCs are expected to turn in their badges and guns but pursue the case outside the limits of the law. Chief Wong is resolute and severe enough argument and commotion will result in him having them removed and fired and potentially charged, though other people at the station will try to step in and talk the PCs down and provide alternate avenues of approach or response to developments. If the PCs don't wish continue the case, they may not use or refill Fortune Points until they sit out at least 2 sessions, though even if they are not interested in continuing the case, beat 21 happens – directly state this is how the game proceeds.

21. Rose Muk will send word and approach the PCs to meet her at an open courtyard garden in town after hearing about the predicament. She will reveal to them her own long-running suspicions of Mr. Tien and her unit's occasional encountering of circumstantial evidence pointing to the man. She is prepared to hire the PCs and has enough pull to make this recent snafu disappear from their records if they are interested in working for and with her as she picks up the case, if fully informed of the details.

During this time, Aspirin meets with Mr. Tien to arrange for the Triad boss to pay for the film, but it devolves into the henchman beating the crook for his insolence and locking him in a soundproof room.

22. The most logical next step for the PCs is to meet with Aspirin and Strepsil again to find out what happened to the actual film – as noted, Aspirin will be gone but Strepsil will answer the door covered in bubble bath suds, a towel and a shocked look on his face, as he was expecting Aspirin. If confronted about the fake film, he will protest, not having any idea that the film was a dupe and they need to find Panadol.

Meanwhile, Panadol is being intimidated by Mr. Dick, still looking for the film – Panadol demands, even when being assailed, Tien release Aspirin and hand over the money first, stating Dick will never find the film otherwise and it will go to the police. Panadol hands over the film eventually, then Dick shoots him but stops short of killing him, as he is uncertain if this film is legit (it's not) – but the bullet will prove fatal, and Dick, frustrated, leaves, hoping the film he has is the real thing. 23. When the PCs show at Panadol's, they find Panadol dying, but he reveals that the film he gave Dick was another fake. Enraged at the police's handling and the resulting death of his friend, Strepsil makes a surprise break for freedom and departs on a dirtbike hidden in an alley.

23-B. Strepsil manages to gain entry into Tien's gated residence by saying Tien wanted to see him, then by revealing a grenade with his thumb holding in the pin, and a gun in the other hand. He confronted Dick to get Aspirin back, giving up a box with the film in it. After a brief struggle, the grenade and guns were revealed to be toys and fakes, and Tien confronted the crook.

24. The PCs will arrive, after tangling with some guards outside, the noise of which is covered by the turmoil inside, to find Strepsil being held by two men and a henchman about to pour kerosine over him, with Tien looking on from the base of his spiral staircase. The can may be shot, causing an explosion to take out some nearby mooks and the henchman, or kicked aside by PCs or Strepsil himself as he breaks free.

Outside Mooks (3-4 per PC): Attack 8; Defense 13; Speed 5; knife/club (8)

25. Tien will again demand any proof of any wrongdoing if the PCs threaten him, but Strepsil will yell "It's here! The microfilm, I swallowed it!", to which Tien will reply, "So he did. CUT HIM OPEN!" and one of his men grabs a sword off the wall and moves to fulfill his boss' request, backing Strepsil up against a wall with a sword at his throat, as Tien demands the PCs disarm.

If they do not, Strepsil will stomp on the foot of the man holding him at sword point, spin out of the way and catch the sword, and occupy half a dozen other sword-wielding mooks while the PCs fight the main villain force, or dozen if the PCs have their hands full already.

When/if the PCs do surrender their weapons, or if they keep them but do not attack, an opportunity presents itself as a henchman approaches to collect the weapons, and a full scale battle is joined by knife, sword and club weilding goons. The room is filled with ceramics, crystal decor, a multi-tier water fountain, almost pole-arm like bamboo umbrellas, metal fans, swords and spears, crystal curtains, light indoor trees and various art nuveau sculptures and fragile, angular aesthetic works with which to fight, as well as a double-wide carpeted, two tier staircase and upper floor waist-high glass-enclosed balcony and massive crystal chandelier and vertical silk banners.

Inside Mooks (3-5 per PC): Attack 8; Defense 13; Speed 5; knife/club (8), more nameless punching bags Mr. Dick Wei, Killer (3-4 per PC): Attack 8; Defense 13; Speed 5; knife/club (8), suave, black-clad killer Mad Dog, Ninja: Attack 8; Defense 13; Speed 5; knife/club (8), impossibly bushy eyebrows, mustache Kin Mao, Sorcerer: Attack 14; Defense 14; Speed 5; knife/club (9); blast (14) Mr. Henry Tien, Triad Boss (3-4 per PC): Attack 8; Defense 13; Speed 5; knife/club (8) 26. As soon as the fighting begins, Tien disappears, which won't be noticed unless someone specifically asks, during the fight – he first slowly steps back as his men advance, then proceeds to a bedroom where Aspirin is being held, and takes him hostage, with a sword to his throat. He also called his lawyer, Uriah Yang.

27. When the fight is winding down, or a PC begins to descend the stairs after Mr. Tien, he appears at the top of the stairs with Aspirin at bladepoint, demanding the microfilm. Strepsil shows that he didn't swallow it and approaches the stairs, where Dick flips by, knocking the crook over while swiping the film and casting it into a nearby brazier, where it flares and burns to ash. Aspirin takes this chance to slip free of Tien's grasp and leap from the stairs, landing on his friend Strepsil below, and as they both rise, Strepsil produces a real pistol and fires, killing a mook or wounding/killing a featured foe if the PCs are hurting.

28. Strepsil trains his gun on Tien and is trembling, intending to pull the trigger, when suddenly the HKPD shows up, telling everyone not to move. Strepsil lowers his weapon as police swarm into the house arresting Triad thugs and the remaining crooks alike. The lawyer runs up the stairs to Tien, and Chief Inspector Wong instructs his men to place the PCs under arrest also. Strepsil explains that the PCs arrived to save him because he has the evidence, but when Wong asks for it, he starts in blank alarm, realizing it burned up. 29. Digruntled, the Chief says Tien is coming too, and Tien agrees jovially. "Of COURSE Chief Inspector, to be honest, I enjoy seeing your police force in their element! A-HAHAH!" he bellows with a cringe-worthy over- the-top laugh, then looks midly embarassed and says "Take no notice of my laugh, but if you can't laugh once in a while, are you really living?" and gives another obnoxiosly maniacal, enuncianted laugh, as he's lead away.

30. When Strepsil informs Aspirin of Panadol's death, the young man slips out of custody, grabs a cop's gun and shoots Tien in the back once. Before the other cops can subdue him, Strepsil bowls himself into them, screaming "Finish him off!" and the young man does just that. As Wong races to Strepsil, who drops the gun, a siren sounds and a new car pulls into the yard, and out steps Lt. Rose Muk, who informs the Chief Inspector that her unit's Chief has given her the authority to have the PCs released into her custody for official reprimand, and would also see to the crooks' care. Grumbling, Cheif wong curses and waves his men to release the PCs.


This is an adaptation of the 1985 HK cop flick Yes, Madam, starring and .

- Jason J. Patterson, April 2016

My specific notes for my campaign, which started with the Red Packet Rumble:

Lock Bresner, the Big Bruiser, licensed self-defense and grappling instructor and consultant to Hong Kong PD arrives at Kowloon General Hospital, along with Magic Cop and K, cousin to HKPD's Lieutenant Rose Muk, (and _____?), to offer moral support (likely to be dismissed gruffly) to Maverick Cop at his last hospital check- up before being fully cleared to return to work after a critical wound he took in a previous case which saw the heroes venture into the Netherworld, an impossible dimension of ancient magicks, to defeat a crazed sorcerer.