Intelligence Squared U.S. 1 02/27/2020 February 27, 2020 Ray Padgett |
[email protected] Mark Satlof |
[email protected] T: 718.522.7171 Anti-Zionism Is the New Anti-Semitism Guests: For the Motion: Bret Stephens, Einat Wilf Against the Motion: Peter Beinart, Yousef Munayyer Moderator: John Donvan AUDIENCE RESULTS Before the debate: After the debate: 35% FOR 45% FOR 36% AGAINST 48% AGAINST 29% UNDECIDED 7% UNDECIDED Start Time: (00:00:00) John Donvan: It is really back now, anti-Semitism, the ancient, ugly, persistent, hostility towards the Jewish people. Of course, it was never really gone. But at least for the last half century or so here it he United States, we could perhaps convince ourselves that anti-Semitism had been meaningfully suppressed to the level of a minor threat. But that’s over now with the Tree of Life synagogue shooting, and the Nazi rallies, and internet memes and conspiracy theories, anti-Semitism is indisputably breaking the surface again in major ways. But as that happens, how do we place the viewpoint that would challenge the state of Israel for being what it is, a state of and for the Jewish people? Founded by the Zionist movement as a bulwark against anti-Semitism, but whose realization has come at the continuing expense of the Palestinian people. Is the argument that Jewish state has no legitimate reason to exist? An expression of hostility, even hatred, toward all Jews? Or, is it a principled, legitimate position presented in good faith and out of concern for the Palestinian experience? 00:01:12 Intelligence Squared U.S.