Fallout: New Vegas perks

This page lists all perks in : New Vegas.

The content is not described in full detail on this page. For details, please see the respective articles.

For perks in other Fallout games, please see "Perk".

For an overview of Fallout: New Vegas content, please refer to "Portal:Fallout: New Vegas".


General information

Unlike in , the Perk Rate in Fallout: New Vegas is one perk every two levels. To counter how easy it was to max out the player's skills in Fallout 3, most of the skill- boosting perks have been removed or replaced. There are 88 regular perks, 8 companion perks, 16 challenge perks, and an unknown amount of special perks. Only regular perks may be selected during level up. Other types of perks are granted through completing various tasks, and do not count against the limit of regular perks. You can get up to a total of 25 non-challenge perks with all 4 DLCs installed.

Companion perks, as their name suggests, are granted by the player's companions. For example, Enhanced Sensors is only in effect while the Courier is accompanied by ED-E. The perk remains in effect so long as the companion is currently following the player. Unless the companion is dismissed, the perk will remain in effect regardless of the distance between the player and their companions. Companions told to wait are still counted as active companions.

Challenge perks are unlocked by fulfilling certain requirements. Challenge tasks can be accessed from the Pip-Boy menu; on the 'Misc.' page, accessible from the 'Data' section. Most of the perks obtained this way are related to the skill or task that was completed to earn it. For example, Set Lasers for Fun increases the odds of scoring Critical Hits with energy-based energy weapons; to earn the perk, a player must do 16,000 damage with one handed energy weapons over the course of their game. Additionally, some challenge perks have multiple ranks or more than one version, such as Caza-Death Dealer, which 'level up' as the player continues adding to its requisite challenge task.

Special perks are granted from other sources, usually through actions in the game world. Completing quests and performing certain actions unlock them. For example, the effects of surgical implants are counted as special perks, which are unlocked once the implant is purchased.

Many of the perks not originally intended to be used in New Vegas remain from the conversion from Fallout 3. This means that some of the Fallout 3 perks can be added to the characters in New Vegas even though the associated quest does not exist in the game. Like Barkskin, or Wired Reflexes.

Regular perks

Other Level Ranks Name requirements Benefit Base ID req Community Messages has Black Widow been updated. +10% damage to the opposite sex and unique dialogue options w ith 00094eb8 2 1 certain characters. Lady Killer 00094eb9 Take our Villains personality quiz! Cherchez La Femme +10% damage to the same sex and unique dialogue options w ith 001361b3 2 1 Video Games Entertainment certain characters. Confirmed Bachelor 001361b4 Lifestyle Friend of the Night 2 PE 6, Sneak 30 1 Your eyes adapt quickly to low -light conditions. 00165118 ST 5, Heave, Ho! 2 1 +50% throw n w eapon velocity and range. 0014609c Explosives 30 In combat, you do 75% more critical damage against animals and Hunter 2 Survival 30 1 00135f18 mutated animals. Intense Training 2 10 You can put a single point into any of your SPECIAL attributes. 00044cb1 Rapid Reload 2 AG 5, Guns 30 1 All of your w eapon reloads are 25% faster than normal. 001377fd Retention 2 IN 5 1 Skill magazines last for 3 real-time minutes. 0010f09e Sw ift Learner 2 IN 4 3 You gain an additional 10% w henever experience points are earned. 00031dd3 When you're in Sneak mode, you gain the option to eat a human corpse Cannibal 4 1 00094ebc to regain hit points, but lose Karma. You gain one additional skill point for reading books and double the skill Comprehension 4 IN 4 1 00031de1 points for reading magazines. Educated 4 IN 4 1 You gain tw o more skill points every time you advance in level. 00031dd8 IN 4, Survival You do an additional 50% damage every time you attack a mutated Entomologist 4 1 00031dd9 45 insect. Rad Child 4 Survival 70 1 Regenerate 2 HP per second per 200 rads accumulated. 001656fd Guns 45 or Halved spread w ith one-handed ranged w eapons w hile w alking or Run 'n Gun 4 Energy 1 0014609d running. Weapons 45 Travel Light 4 Survival 45 1 While w earing light armor or no armor, you run 10% faster. 00146096 Bloody Mess 6 1 +5% overall damage; more violent death animations. 00094eba Demolition Expert 6 Explosives 50 3 +20% damage w ith explosives. 00031dab Ferocious Loyalty 6 CH 6 1 When you drop below 50% HP, companions gain +50 DR. 00165180 Fortune Finder 6 LK 5 1 Considerably more bottle caps w ill be found in stockpiles. 00031de3 Gunslinger 6 1 +25% accuracy in V.A.T.S. w ith one-handed w eapons. 00094ebb When using Guns, you are tw ice as likely to recover cases and hulls. Hand Loader 6 Repair 70 1 You also have all hand load recipes unlocked at any reloading 0016581b benches. Lead Belly 6 EN 5 1 -50% radiation taken from food and w ater sources. 00044ca9 When using shotguns, regardless of ammunition used, you ignore an Shotgun Surgeon 6 Guns 45 1 0016578b additional 10 points of a target's Damage Threshold. Your sneak attack criticals w ith revolvers, pistols, and submachine The Professional 6 Sneak 70 1 00165aec guns (guns and energy w eapons) all inflict an additional 20% damage. Toughness 6 EN 5 2 +3 DT permanently. 00031de0 When using Energy Weapons, you are tw ice as likely to recover Vigilant Recycler 6 Science 70 1 drained ammunition. You also have more efficient recycling recipes 00165816 available at w orkbenches. Commando 8 1 +25% accuracy in V.A.T.S. w ith tw o-handed w eapons. 00099828 Guns 45, Melee +25% damage done by dynamite, hatchets, knives, revolvers, and Cow boy 8 1 00138562 45 lever-action guns. Show s health and Damage Threshold of any target. +5% bonus to Living Anatomy 8 Medicine 70 1 00146099 damage against humans and non-feral ghouls. Pack Rat 8 IN 5, Barter 70 1 Items w ith a w eight of tw o pounds or less now w eigh half as much. 0014609b Quick Draw 8 AG 5 1 Makes w eapon equipping and holstering 50% faster. 001377fe EN 5, Survival Rad Resistance 8 1 +25% radiation resistance permanently. 00031da9 40 Scrounger 8 LK 5 1 Considerably more ammunition in stockpiles. 00031daa +5 DT against melee and unarmed attacks and cannot be knocked Stonew all 8 ST 6, EN 6 1 00165449 dow n during combat. Strong Back 8 ST 5, EN 5 1 +50 Carry Weight. 00031dde All melee (except throw n) and unarmed attacks have a chance of ST 6, Melee Super Slam 8 1 knocking your target dow n. 15% for Unarmed or one-handed melee, 0014609e Weapons 45 30% for tw o-handed melee. Can intimidate foes through dialogue; closing dialogue results in the foe Terrifying Presence 8 Speech 70 1 0010c6cd fleeing for 5 seconds. Here and Now 10 1 You instantly level up again. 00031dac CH 6, Survival On 1st rank, hostile animals become friendly. On 2nd rank they come to Animal Friend 10 2 00031db5 45 your aid against enemies except against other animals. Finesse 10 1 +5% Critical Chance. 00094ec1 Math Wrath 10 Science 70 1 Reduces all AP costs by 10%. 00135ec3 Miss Fortune 10 LK 6 1 10% chance that Miss Fortune w ill incapacitate a target in V.A.T.S. 00137800 Can instantly kill a sleeping non-player character, and earn bonus XP Mister Sandman 10 Sneak 60 1 00031dad w hen doing so. Mysterious Stranger 10 LK 6 1 10% chance that the Stranger w ill finish off a target in V.A.T.S. 00031dbc IN 5, Science +15 DT and Strength increased to 10 w henever health is 20% or Nerd Rage! 10 1 00044ca7 50 low er. Night Person 10 1 +2 Intelligence and +2 Perception betw een 6:00 P.M. and 6:00 A.M. 00094ebd Energy Plasma Spaz 10 1 AP costs for all plasma w eapons are reduced by 20%. 00165aef Weapons 70 Fast Metabolism 12 1 +20% Hit Points restored w ith stimpaks. 00094ebf When you're in Sneak mode, you gain the option to eat a Ghastly Scavenger 12 Cannibal perk 1 00135ec9 or feral corpse to regain hit points, but lose Karma. Hit the Deck 12 Explosives 70 1 +25 DT against explosives. 001651b6 Life Giver 12 EN 6 1 +30 hit points. 00031db1 Long Haul 12 EN 6, Barter 70 1 Being over-encumbered no longer prevents you from using fast travel. 00146098 Piercing Strike 12 Unarmed 70 1 All your unarmed and melee attacks negate 15 points of DT. 0014609f Pyromaniac 12 Explosives 60 1 +50% damage w ith fire-based w eapons. 00031db2 +25% damage to robots; can shut dow n robots by sneaking up on Robotics Expert 12 Science 50 1 00031dc2 them and deactivating. Silent Running 12 AG 6, Sneak 50 1 Running no longer factors into a successful sneak attempt. 00031db3 Sniper 12 PE 6, AG 6 1 25% more likely to hit the target's head in V.A.T.S. 00031db4 Splash Damage 12 Explosives 70 1 Explosives have a 25% larger area of effect. 00165af0 ST 7, Melee x4 normal damage through enemy blocks w ith melee and unarmed Unstoppable Force 12 1 00165447 Weapons 90 attacks. Adamantium 14 1 Damage taken by limbs reduced by 50%. 00094ec4 Skeleton In V.A.T.S., you do an additional 15% damage w hen targeting the Center of Mass 14 Guns 70 1 00165182 torso. Chemist 14 Medicine 60 1 Chems, food, and stimpaks (in Hardcore) last tw ice as long. 0009982d Jury Rigging 14 Repair 90 1 Repair any item using a roughly similar item. 00165815 Light Step 14 PE 6, AG 6 1 Floor traps or mines w ill not be set off. 00031db7 You do 50% extra damage w ith melee and unarmed w eapons against Purifier 14 1 centaurs, night stalkers, spore plants, spore carriers, s and 00135f75 super mutants.

Action Boy 00031dba 16 AG 6 2 +15 Action Points. Action Girl 0007b202 Better Criticals 16 PE 6, LK 6 1 +50% damage w ith critical hits. 00031dbb Chem Resistant 16 Medicine 60 1 Half as likely to get addicted. 00099827 Energy Meltdow n 16 1 Foes killed by your Energy Weapons emit a corona of harmful energy. 0014609a Weapons 90 Tag! 16 1 Fourth "tag" skill: +15 points to that skill. 00031dbd Weapon Strength requirements are now 2 points low er than normal for Weapon Handling 16 ST < 10 1 00146097 you. IN 7, Science Computer Whiz 18 1 Can make one extra attempt to hack a locked-dow n terminal. 00031dc4 70 Energy +5% accuracy in V.A.T.S. w ith every attack on a given body part Concentrated Fire 18 Weapons 60, 1 00044caf queued. Guns 60 PE 7, Lockpick Infiltrator 18 1 Can make one more attempt to pick a broken lock. 00044cb0 70 Can paralyze an enemy for 30 seconds w ith a V.A.T.S. unarmed Paralyzing Palm 18 Unarmed 70 1 00044caa attack. Explorer 20 1 All locations are marked on your map. 00031de5 Grim Reaper's Sprint 20 1 A kill in V.A.T.S. restores 20 AP immediately. 00099834 x1.15 (instead of +15 luck due to a bug) critical chance w ith melee and Melee Weapons Ninja 20 1 unarmed w eapons, +25% damage w ith melee/unarmed sneak attack 00031dcc 80, Sneak 80 criticals. +2 Strength and +1 HP per second w hile outside, from 6:00 A.M. to Solar Pow ered 20 EN 7 1 00031dc5 6:00 P.M. Energy You do an extra 15% damage and have a 10% extra chance to Laser Commander 22 1 00165789 Weapons 90 critically hit w ith any laser w eapon. Nuka Chemist 22 Science 90 1 Unlocks special Nuka-Cola recipes at the w orkbench. 00165ae6 Spray ‘n Pray 22 1 Your attacks do 75% less damage to companions. 00165181 AG 7, Unarmed Slayer 24 1 The speed of all your melee and unarmed attacks is increased by 30%. 00165446 90 Nerves of Steel 26 AG 7 1 20% faster AP regeneration. 000e2c49 Rad Absorption 28 EN 7 1 -1 Rad every 20 seconds. 000e2c4a

Companion perks

Fallout: New Vegas is not the first Fallout game to introduce the concept of companions having perks, but is the first to have perks that affect the party as a whole.

Follow er Name Benefit Base ID req Arcade Better Healing Regain +20% more health from all consumable sources. 0015c60b Gannon Enhanced Detect enemies at a very far range, and enemies that are cloaked can also be targeted in ED-E 0015c60e Sensors V.A.T.S. Regular Maintenance 0015c610 Raul The condition of w eapons and armor decays 50% slow er (75% w ith Full Maintenance). Full 0015d2bc Maintenance Scribe Veronica The player can craft w orkbench items through Veronica’s dialogue. 0015c613 Assistant Search and Rex Chems, firearms & ammunition w ithin a short distance are highlighted w hen you zoom in. 0015c611 Mark Craig Spotter Hostile targets are highlighted w henever the player is actively aiming. 0015c60c Boone Stealth Girl Lily Doubles Stealth Boy duration w hile also granting sneak attack criticals an extra 10% damage. 0015c60f Eliminates negative effects of consumption and addiction to alcohol, w hile drinking specifically Whiskey Rose Cass 0015c60d w hiskey w ill raise player's Damage Threshold.

Challenge and special perks

Ranks Name Unlock conditions Benefit Base ID

Deal +3%/+6%/+10% damage to Abominable Kill 50/100/150 abominations 3 0015eadb abominations. Animal Deal +3%/+6%/+10% damage to Kill 50/100/150 mutated animals 3 0015eae0 Control mutated animals. Beautiful Complete A Fistful of Hollars and inflict 10,000 damage w ith unarmed AP costs for unarmed attacks are 1 0015eadf Beatdow n w eapons. reduced by 10%. Bug Deal +3%/+6%/+10% damage to Kill 50/100/150 mutated insects 3 0015ead7 Stomper mutated insects. Camel of Water items hydrate and heal you Drink 100 w ater items 1 00167e26 the Mojave 15% better. The effects of addictive Chems Day Tripper Use 25 addictive Chems. 1 0015ead8 last 33% longer. Dine and Get option to take Human remains Eat 25 corpses w ith Cannibal perk. 1 0015eae1 Dash w hen using Cannibal. Fast Times Use turbo 20 times 1 Turbo's effects last +50% longer. 0015ead9 Free Use 20 RadAw ay 1 10 additional rads removed upon 0015eada Radical each RadAw ay usage. Mysterious Stranger and Miss Friendly Receive 15 Mysterious Stranger or Miss Fortune visits. 1 Fortune are tw ice as likely to 0015eae3 Help appear in V.A.T.S. Deal an extra +1%/+2%/+4% Lord Death Kill 200/700/1000 enemies 3 0015eae4 damage to all enemies. Machine Kill 50/100 robots (glitched; rank is misreported to player, rank 3 is 3 Deal +3%/+6% damage to robots. 0015eadc Head unachievable). +1 Luck, Strength, Charisma and Meat of Cannibalize Mr. House, Caesar, The King and Aaron Kimball. 1 Intelligence for 60 seconds each 00164afb Champions time a corpse is consumed. First kill 125 enemies w ith melee w eapons. For one rank, deal 10,000 Level 1: +5% melee w eapon Melee damage w ith one-handed melee w eapons. For another, deal 10,000 2 attack speed. Level 2: +10% 0015eade Hacker damage w ith tw o-handed melee w eapons. melee w eapon attack speed. Mutant Deal +3%/+6%/+10% damage to Kill 50/100/150 super mutants. 3 0015eae2 Massacrer super mutants. Pow er Ability to w ear all pow er armor Armor Complete Still in the Dark or For Auld Lang Syne. 1 00058fdf variants. Training ALL energy w eapons gain an Set Lasers Deal 16,000 damage w ith pistol grip energy w eapons for one rank 2 extra +2%/+4% chance to get a 0015eadd for Fun and 25,000 damage w ith rifle grip energy w eapons for the other. critical hit.

Tough Guy Become crippled 50 times. 1 Take 20% less limb damage. 0015ead6

Implant perks

The total number of implants you can receive is equal to your Endurance statistic. The additional point granted by the Endurance implant does not count toward the total.

Name Unlock conditions Ranks Benefit Base ID Agility Implant Buy from Doctor Usanagi for 4000 caps. 1 +1 Agility 0014c12a Charisma Implant Buy from Doctor Usanagi for 4000 caps. 1 +1 Charisma 0014c130 Endurance Implant Buy from Doctor Usanagi for 4000 caps. 1 +1 Endurance 0014c12e Intelligence Implant Buy from Doctor Usanagi for 4000 caps. 1 +1 Intelligence 0014c132 Luck Implant Buy from Doctor Usanagi for 4000 caps. 1 +1 Luck 0014c134 Monocyte Breeder Buy from Doctor Usanagi for 12000 caps. 1 Regenerate 1 health per 10 seconds 0014cce1 Perception Implant Buy from Doctor Usanagi for 4000 caps. 1 +1 Perception 0014c12d Strength Implant Buy from Doctor Usanagi for 4000 caps. 1 +1 Strength 0014c069 Sub-Dermal Armor Buy from Doctor Usanagi for 8000 caps. 1 +4 Damage Threshold 0014ccdf

Unarmed perks

Special unarmed moves can be learned from various characters in the Mojave.

Ranks Name Unlock conditions Benefit Base ID

Temporarily stun opponents by throw ing dust or dirt Khan Trick Perform all Great Khan drug runs. 1 0015b8e7 at their eyes (requires dirt or sand ground) Legion Talk to Lucius w ith 50 Unarmed. 1 Knock back opponents 0015b8e9 Assault Ranger Talk to Ranger Andy w ith 30 Speech or complete 1 Knock dow n opponents 0015b8e8 Takedow n the unmarked quest, Andy and Charlie. Scribe Put Formal w ear or White Glove Society attire into 1 Quick counter-attack after block 0015b8ea Counter Veronica Santangelo's inventory.

Dead Money perks Regular perks Other Level Ranks Name requirements Benefit Base ID req

In Shining Repair 20, xx00f216, 2 1 This perk is bugged and applies no effect. Armor Science 70 xx00f217 Junk Rounds 2 LK 6, Repair 45 1 You can craft ammunition using scrap metal and tin cans. xx00fb6a While w earing light armor you gain +5% critical hit chance and your enemies Light Touch 2 AG 6, Repair 45 1 xx00e87b suffer a -25% critical hit chance. Old World EN 6, Survival +25% addiction resistance. +50% health bonus from snack foods. Scotch, 2 1 xx00f96f Gourmet 45 vodka and w ine now give you health in addition to their normal effects. And Stay 10 Guns 70 1 Shotguns have a 10% chance, per pellet, of knocking an enemy back. xx00f218 Back Weapons w ith a w eight of more than 10 are cut in half. This does not affect Heavyw eight 12 ST 7 1 xx011468 w eapons modded to under 10 w g.

Hobbler 12 PE 7 1 Your chance to hit an opponent's legs in V.A.T.S. is increased by 25%. xx011469 Companion perks Name Follow er Benefit Base ID In My Footsteps God Traps do not activate and you are given a stealth increase. xx013b26 Ravenous Hunger Dog Dog w ill devour the limbs of any Ghost People, preventing them from resurrecting. N/A Signal Interference Christine +50% time to escape signals. xx008a2e Unclean Living Dean Domino Temporary cloud protection, take 25% less damage. xx008a2f Special perks Ranks Name Unlock conditions Benefit Base ID

Coin Adds recipe. 1 fission battery + 2 scrap metal = 50 Sierra Madre Dialogue w ith Christine 1 xx01039b Operator chips Ghost Ghost people are more likely to die outright w ithout needing to be Dialogue w ith Dog 1 xx01039a Hunter dismembered or disintegrated. Sierra Adds recipe to create Sierra Madre martinis w ith 2 junk food, 1 tin Madre Dialogue w ith Dean Domino 1 xx01039e can, and 1 jar of Cloud residue. Martini Elijah's Last Give Veronica holomessage from Boosts Veronica's melee attack speed 150% & gives her a 25% 1 xx00d4a8 Words Elijah. chance for melee attacks to knock dow n enemies. Elijah's Keep holomessage from Elijah 1 Boosts melee critical damage +50%. xx00d4a9 Rambling after Veronica unlocks it.

Honest Hearts perks Regular perks Other Level Ranks Name requirements Benefit Base ID req

Eye for 20 1 For each crippled limb you have, you do an additional 10% damage. xx00b2f4 Eye Fight the +2 Damage Threshold and +5% Critical chance against anyone w earing NCR, 10 1 xx00f67c Pow er! Legion or armor. 25% more damage w ith 9mm pistols and SMGs, .45 pistols and SMGs, service Guns 45, Grunt 8 1 rifles, assault and Marksman carbines, light machine guns, frag grenades, xx00f677 Explosives 20 grenade rifles and launchers and combat knives. Home on Whenever you interact w ith a campfire, you have the option of sleeping, w ith all the 8 Survival 70 1 xx00b2f3 the benefits that sleep brings. Range Sneering +15% Damage and +25% accuracy in V.A.T.S. to various tribal and raider 8 1 xx00f67b Imperialist characters. Tribal -50% limb damage from animals, mutated animals, and mutated insects, +25% to 8 Survival 70 1 xx00f679 Wisdom Poison resistance, ability to eat mutated insects in sneak mode. Companion perks

Name Follow er Benefit Base ID

Waking Cloud in your Quiet As The Waters White Legs' Perception is effectively decreased by 3. xx00b2f7 party.

The Way of the Joshua Graham in your Decrease in spread and double the critical chance for .45 Auto pistols. xx00b2f5 Canaanite party.

Follow s-Chalk in your Reaching various summits reveals nearby map markers and grants +3 Well-Stacked Cairns xx00b2f6 party. Perception temporarily.

Old World Blues perks Regular perks Other Name Level Ranks requirements Benefit Base ID req

In irradiated areas, +25% move and attack speed, +2 DT, +2 ST. With excess rad Atomic! 20 EN 6 1 xx008011 level, AP regen scales from 1.1 times to 1.5 times normal. Mile In You have come to understand night stalkers. Consuming night stalker squeezin's Their 20 Survival 25 1 now grants bonuses to Perception (+1 PER), Poison Resistance (+5), and Stealth xx009619 Shoes (+5 Sneak) in addition to the normal benefits. Them's Any living creature you kill has a 50% chance to have the potent healing items thin Good 20 Survival 55 1 xx0098c9 red paste or blood sausage w hen looted. Eatin' You gain a non-addictive subdermal turbo (chem) injector. This perk may be taken Implant 30 EN 8 2 tw ice, w ith the second rank increasing the effect from 2 to 3 seconds and the uses xx009d48 GRX per day from 5 to 10 (activated in the Pip-Boy inventory). Special perks Ranks Name Unlock conditions Benefit Base ID Initial dialogue w ith Doctor Klein in the think tank (optional to keep after Head can no longer be crippled, Brainless 1 xx0098be completion of OWB if you keep your artificial brain) +25% resistance to chem addiction, +5% DT (min +1) Cannot be poisoned, healing Initial dialogue w ith Doctor Klein in the think tank (optional to keep after Heartless 1 items are boosted +25%, robots xx0098c2 completion of OWB if you keep your artificial heart) have -50% crit chance. Initial dialogue w ith Doctor Klein in the think tank (optional to keep after Strength+1, DT+1, torso can no Spineless 1 xx0098bc completion of OWB if you keep your artificial spine) longer be crippled. Head cannot be crippled, +10% Sink Auto-Doc after Old World Blues is finished (optional to get if you Big Brained 1 resistance to chem addiction, xx015bba take your organic brain back) +10% DT (min +1). +50% poison resistance, healing Cardiac Sink Auto-Doc after Old World Blues is finished (optional to get if you 1 items boosted by 50%, robots xx015bbb Arrest take your organic heart back) have -25% crit chance. Reinforced Sink Auto-Doc after Old World Blues is finished (optional to get if you Strength+2, Damage 1 xx015bbc Spine take your organic spine back) Threshold+2 All damage done to night stalkers DNAgent Completion of X-8 Data Retrieval Test 1 xx009617 is increased by 10%. Kill tw o cazadores for rank 1, three more for rank 2, and another five All the damage done to DNAvenger for rank 3 of this perk. All kills must be made in the Big MT; cazadores 3 cazadores is increased xx00da28 outside the Big MT do not count. cumulatively by 10% by rank. Implant perks Doesn't count against the Endurance limit of original implant perks.

Name Ranks Unlock conditions Benefit Base ID

Implant Surgery purchased through dialogue w ith the Sink Auto- 1 Plus 10% damage to cazadores xx009616 C-13 Doc in The Sink for 8,000 caps. Implant Surgery purchased through dialogue w ith the Sink Auto- Your crouched movement speed is increased 1 xx009614 M-5 Doc in The Sink for 10,000 caps. by 20%. Implant Surgery purchased through dialogue w ith the Sink Auto- Removes any radiation taken from drinking an 1 xx009615 Y-3 Doc in The Sink for 12,000 caps. irradiated w ater source. Implant Surgery purchased through dialogue w ith the Sink Auto- +5 health and +2 restored action points through 1 xx00961a Y-7 Doc in The Sink for 20,000 caps. the consumption of food.

Lonesome Road perks Regular perks Level Other Ranks Name Benefit Base ID req requirements Ain't Like Karma less than Karma reset to 0, +25% AP regeneration rate, +20% attack speed, immunity 50 1 xx00a749 That Now -250 to critical hits, 20% reduction in AP cost for all w eapons. PE betw een 6 and Alertness 12 1 +2 Perception w hen crouched and still. xx00c252 9 Broad 36 1 No Sneak penalty for using Pip-Boy light. xx00a6df Daylight Burden to 30 ST 6, EN 6 1 +50 carry w eight. xx00c250 Bear Certified +25% critical hit chance against robots, 85% chance of finding an extra 40 1 xx00a6de Tech crafting component on destroyed robots. Irradiated 22 EN 8 1 Sleep removes all Rads (Hardcore: only -100 Rads). xx00c255 Beauty Just Lucky Karma betw een +4 Luck for 3 minutes upon finishing a battle w ith less than 25% health; 50 1 xx00c24f I'm Alive -250 and 250 immunity to critical hits, +50% critical damage. Lessons 26 IN 6 1 +1% XP gain per player level. xx00c256 Learned Roughin' It 28 Survival 100 1 Sleeping outside gives Well Rested benefit. xx00c251 Thought Karma at least +10 Health per 100 Karma; Karma reset to 0, +10% damage, immunity to 50 1 xx00c24e You Died 250 critical hits. Tunnel 26 AG 8 1 +25% sneaking speed w hen w earing light or no armor. xx00c258 Runner Voracious Damaged books become blank magazines; can copy existing magazines into 22 IN 7 1 xx00c253 Reader blank magazines. Walker 18 Survival 50 1 +1 Perception and Agility w hen outside. xx00c254 Instinct Special perks Ranks Name Unlock conditions Benefit Base ID

The Bear- Launch nuclear missiles at NCR. 1 +1 SPECIAL point, Caesar's Legion Fame, NCR Infamy xx00c25b Slayer Dead Man's Launch nuclear missiles at both +1 SPECIAL point, Boomers and Pow der Gangers Fame, 1 xx00c25a Burden Caesar's Legion and NCR. Caesar's Legion and NCR Infamy Divide +1 SPECIAL point, Brotherhood of Steel and Follow ers of the Stop the missile launch. 1 xx00c25c Survivor Apocalypse Fame Lonesome +10% damage and +10% V.A.T.S. hit chance w hen you Leave ED-E behind in Ulysses' Temple. 1 xx00a6dc Road have no companions. Marked Kill three named Marked Men. 1 +10% damage and +10% DT against Marked Men xx00a6dd Scourge of Launch nuclear missiles at Caesar's 1 +1 SPECIAL point, NCR Fame, Caesar's Legion Infamy xx00c259 the East Legion. Companion perks

Name Follow er Ranks Benefit Base ID

1. ED-E repairs 25% w eapon condition once per day

2. ED-E produces energy or microfusion cells once per day

Camarader-E ED-E 5 3. +2 DT xx00c61f

4. +5 beam w eapon damage

5. +5% V.A.T.S. hit chance

Gun Runners' Arsenal perks

Level req Other requirements Ranks Name Benefit Base ID

Mad Repair 45, Explosives Enables you to create special explosive recipes at any 6 1 xx00092e Bomber 45 w orkbench.

See also

Fallout perks perks Fallout 3 perks Fallout Tactics perks Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel skills

Categories: Fallout: New Vegas perks Perks

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