Fallout: New Vegas perks This page lists all perks in Fallout: New Vegas. The content is not described in full detail on this page. For details, please see the respective articles. For perks in other Fallout games, please see "Perk". For an overview of Fallout: New Vegas content, please refer to "Portal:Fallout: New Vegas". Contents General information Unlike in Fallout 3, the Perk Rate in Fallout: New Vegas is one perk every two levels. To counter how easy it was to max out the player's skills in Fallout 3, most of the skill- boosting perks have been removed or replaced. There are 88 regular perks, 8 companion perks, 16 challenge perks, and an unknown amount of special perks. Only regular perks may be selected during level up. Other types of perks are granted through completing various tasks, and do not count against the limit of regular perks. You can get up to a total of 25 non-challenge perks with all 4 DLCs installed. Companion perks, as their name suggests, are granted by the player's companions. For example, Enhanced Sensors is only in effect while the Courier is accompanied by ED-E. The perk remains in effect so long as the companion is currently following the player. Unless the companion is dismissed, the perk will remain in effect regardless of the distance between the player and their companions. Companions told to wait are still counted as active companions. Challenge perks are unlocked by fulfilling certain requirements. Challenge tasks can be accessed from the Pip-Boy menu; on the 'Misc.' page, accessible from the 'Data' section. Most of the perks obtained this way are related to the skill or task that was completed to earn it. For example, Set Lasers for Fun increases the odds of scoring Critical Hits with energy-based energy weapons; to earn the perk, a player must do 16,000 damage with one handed energy weapons over the course of their game. Additionally, some challenge perks have multiple ranks or more than one version, such as Caza-Death Dealer, which 'level up' as the player continues adding to its requisite challenge task. Special perks are granted from other sources, usually through actions in the game world. Completing quests and performing certain actions unlock them. For example, the effects of surgical implants are counted as special perks, which are unlocked once the implant is purchased. Many of the perks not originally intended to be used in New Vegas remain from the conversion from Fallout 3. This means that some of the Fallout 3 perks can be added to the characters in New Vegas even though the associated quest does not exist in the game. Like Barkskin, or Wired Reflexes. Regular perks Other Level Ranks Name requirements Benefit Base ID req Community Messages has Black Widow been updated. +10% damage to the opposite sex and unique dialogue options w ith 00094eb8 2 1 certain characters. Lady Killer 00094eb9 Take our Villains personality quiz! Cherchez La Femme +10% damage to the same sex and unique dialogue options w ith 001361b3 2 1 Video Games Entertainment certain characters. Confirmed Bachelor 001361b4 Lifestyle Friend of the Night 2 PE 6, Sneak 30 1 Your eyes adapt quickly to low -light conditions. 00165118 ST 5, Heave, Ho! 2 1 +50% throw n w eapon velocity and range. 0014609c Explosives 30 In combat, you do 75% more critical damage against animals and Hunter 2 Survival 30 1 00135f18 mutated animals. Intense Training 2 10 You can put a single point into any of your SPECIAL attributes. 00044cb1 Rapid Reload 2 AG 5, Guns 30 1 All of your w eapon reloads are 25% faster than normal. 001377fd Retention 2 IN 5 1 Skill magazines last for 3 real-time minutes. 0010f09e Sw ift Learner 2 IN 4 3 You gain an additional 10% w henever experience points are earned. 00031dd3 When you're in Sneak mode, you gain the option to eat a human corpse Cannibal 4 1 00094ebc to regain hit points, but lose Karma. You gain one additional skill point for reading books and double the skill Comprehension 4 IN 4 1 00031de1 points for reading magazines. Educated 4 IN 4 1 You gain tw o more skill points every time you advance in level. 00031dd8 IN 4, Survival You do an additional 50% damage every time you attack a mutated Entomologist 4 1 00031dd9 45 insect. Rad Child 4 Survival 70 1 Regenerate 2 HP per second per 200 rads accumulated. 001656fd Guns 45 or Halved spread w ith one-handed ranged w eapons w hile w alking or Run 'n Gun 4 Energy 1 0014609d running. Weapons 45 Travel Light 4 Survival 45 1 While w earing light armor or no armor, you run 10% faster. 00146096 Bloody Mess 6 1 +5% overall damage; more violent death animations. 00094eba Demolition Expert 6 Explosives 50 3 +20% damage w ith explosives. 00031dab Ferocious Loyalty 6 CH 6 1 When you drop below 50% HP, companions gain +50 DR. 00165180 Fortune Finder 6 LK 5 1 Considerably more bottle caps w ill be found in stockpiles. 00031de3 Gunslinger 6 1 +25% accuracy in V.A.T.S. w ith one-handed w eapons. 00094ebb When using Guns, you are tw ice as likely to recover cases and hulls. Hand Loader 6 Repair 70 1 You also have all hand load recipes unlocked at any reloading 0016581b benches. Lead Belly 6 EN 5 1 -50% radiation taken from food and w ater sources. 00044ca9 When using shotguns, regardless of ammunition used, you ignore an Shotgun Surgeon 6 Guns 45 1 0016578b additional 10 points of a target's Damage Threshold. Your sneak attack criticals w ith revolvers, pistols, and submachine The Professional 6 Sneak 70 1 00165aec guns (guns and energy w eapons) all inflict an additional 20% damage. Toughness 6 EN 5 2 +3 DT permanently. 00031de0 When using Energy Weapons, you are tw ice as likely to recover Vigilant Recycler 6 Science 70 1 drained ammunition. You also have more efficient recycling recipes 00165816 available at w orkbenches. Commando 8 1 +25% accuracy in V.A.T.S. w ith tw o-handed w eapons. 00099828 Guns 45, Melee +25% damage done by dynamite, hatchets, knives, revolvers, and Cow boy 8 1 00138562 45 lever-action guns. Show s health and Damage Threshold of any target. +5% bonus to Living Anatomy 8 Medicine 70 1 00146099 damage against humans and non-feral ghouls. Pack Rat 8 IN 5, Barter 70 1 Items w ith a w eight of tw o pounds or less now w eigh half as much. 0014609b Quick Draw 8 AG 5 1 Makes w eapon equipping and holstering 50% faster. 001377fe EN 5, Survival Rad Resistance 8 1 +25% radiation resistance permanently. 00031da9 40 Scrounger 8 LK 5 1 Considerably more ammunition in stockpiles. 00031daa +5 DT against melee and unarmed attacks and cannot be knocked Stonew all 8 ST 6, EN 6 1 00165449 dow n during combat. Strong Back 8 ST 5, EN 5 1 +50 Carry Weight. 00031dde All melee (except throw n) and unarmed attacks have a chance of ST 6, Melee Super Slam 8 1 knocking your target dow n. 15% for Unarmed or one-handed melee, 0014609e Weapons 45 30% for tw o-handed melee. Can intimidate foes through dialogue; closing dialogue results in the foe Terrifying Presence 8 Speech 70 1 0010c6cd fleeing for 5 seconds. Here and Now 10 1 You instantly level up again. 00031dac CH 6, Survival On 1st rank, hostile animals become friendly. On 2nd rank they come to Animal Friend 10 2 00031db5 45 your aid against enemies except against other animals. Finesse 10 1 +5% Critical Chance. 00094ec1 Math Wrath 10 Science 70 1 Reduces all AP costs by 10%. 00135ec3 Miss Fortune 10 LK 6 1 10% chance that Miss Fortune w ill incapacitate a target in V.A.T.S. 00137800 Can instantly kill a sleeping non-player character, and earn bonus XP Mister Sandman 10 Sneak 60 1 00031dad w hen doing so. Mysterious Stranger 10 LK 6 1 10% chance that the Stranger w ill finish off a target in V.A.T.S. 00031dbc IN 5, Science +15 DT and Strength increased to 10 w henever health is 20% or Nerd Rage! 10 1 00044ca7 50 low er. Night Person 10 1 +2 Intelligence and +2 Perception betw een 6:00 P.M. and 6:00 A.M. 00094ebd Energy Plasma Spaz 10 1 AP costs for all plasma w eapons are reduced by 20%. 00165aef Weapons 70 Fast Metabolism 12 1 +20% Hit Points restored w ith stimpaks. 00094ebf When you're in Sneak mode, you gain the option to eat a super mutant Ghastly Scavenger 12 Cannibal perk 1 00135ec9 or feral ghoul corpse to regain hit points, but lose Karma. Hit the Deck 12 Explosives 70 1 +25 DT against explosives. 001651b6 Life Giver 12 EN 6 1 +30 hit points. 00031db1 Long Haul 12 EN 6, Barter 70 1 Being over-encumbered no longer prevents you from using fast travel. 00146098 Piercing Strike 12 Unarmed 70 1 All your unarmed and melee attacks negate 15 points of DT. 0014609f Pyromaniac 12 Explosives 60 1 +50% damage w ith fire-based w eapons. 00031db2 +25% damage to robots; can shut dow n robots by sneaking up on Robotics Expert 12 Science 50 1 00031dc2 them and deactivating. Silent Running 12 AG 6, Sneak 50 1 Running no longer factors into a successful sneak attempt.
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