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[email protected] Intro: Modify Your Wah Pedal After making my talk box I started surfing the web for other guitar related things I could do myself. I found loads of info on the Dunlop GCB-95 wah pedal. This Instructable will walk you through all of the modifications I made to my wah pedal... *True Bypass Mod *Volume Boost Mod *Wah-Volume Pedal Mod *Vocal Mod *Midrange Mod After having completed all of these mod and a few others I recommend doing them one at a time and testing in between mods so if you don't like something, you can easily reverse it. Your gonna need some basic soldering tools... -good soldering iron (mines a Weller WESD51D I got for christmas) -solder -wire cutter/stripper -helping hand (a must!!) also the to wire anything to the board itself you will need 24AWG wire Image Notes 1. Stole for my DS-1 I'm working on when I finish THAT instructable I'll change this to a funk colored chicken head knob :] Step 1: Research I think this is a big step in all of my projects.