Filling Area I M. Heuer (
[email protected]) June 14, 2011 In this lecture, we will be learning about the filling volume of a Rieman- nian manifold. For a compact surface embedded in R3, this can easily be imagined as filling up the inside of it with water and hence calculating the volume of the resulting 3-dimensional manifold (but with a different met- ric than the usual one). However, we will use a more general approach by considering n-dimensional manifolds and a so-called filling by a manifold of higher dimension having the surface as its boundary. In particular, we will learn how to calculate the filling volume for spheres. Moreover, we will get to know an estimate of the displacement of a point in relation to the area of the hyperelliptic surface. 1 Preliminaries { As we have seen in the preceding lectures, for a Riemann surface Σ and a hyper- elliptic involution J, we have a conformal branched 2-fold covering Q :Σ ! S2 of the sphere S2 2 π { Pu's inequality: systπ1(G) ≤ 2 area(G) { A closed Riemannian surface Σ is called ovalless real if it possesses a fixed point free, antiholomorphic involution τ. 2 Orbifolds Definition 2.1. { An action of a group G on a topological space X is called faithful if there exists an x 2 X for all g 2 G with g 6= e, e being the neutral element, such that g · x 6= x. { A group action of a group G on a topological space X is cocompact if X=G is compact.