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Table of Contents Table of Contents Front Matter Half title page - First Title page © page [Table of] Contents Publisher’s Note Editor’s Introduction Contributors Key to Pronunciation Scientific Method Introduction Complete List of Contents List of Discoveries Half title page - Second Articles • Agassiz, Louis • Agnesi, Maria Gaetana • Agricola, Georgius • Alhazen (Alhasan Ibn Haitham) • Ampère, André-Marie • Anaxagoras • Anderson, Carl David • Anning, Mary • Apollonius of Perga • Appleton, Edward Victor • Arber, Werner • Archimedes • Aristotle • Arrhenius, Svante August • Audubon, John James • Avery, Oswald Theodore • Avogadro, Amedeo • Babbage, Charles • Baer, Karl Ernst von • Balmer, Johann Jakob • Baltimore, David • Barnard, Edward Emerson • Barré-Sinoussi, Françoise • Bates, Henry Walter • Bateson, William • Bayliss, William Maddock • Beadle, George Wells • Becquerel, Antoine Henri • Berg, Paul • Bernard, Claude • Bernoulli, Daniel • Berzelius, Jons Jacob • Bethe, Hans Albrecht • Biot, Jean-Baptiste • Bishop, J. Michael • Bjerknes, Vilhelm • Black, Joseph • Blackburn, Elizabeth • Blackwell, David • Blau, Marietta • Bloch, Felix • Bode, Johann Elert • Bohr, Niels • Boltzmann, Ludwig • Boole, George • Borlaug, Norman • Born, Max • Bose, Jagadish Chandra • Boyle, Robert • Bragg, William Lawrence • Brahe, Sophia • Braun, Wernher von • Brewster, David • Bridgman, Percy Williams • Broglie, Louis de • Brønsted, Johannes Nicolaus • Brown, Robert • Bruno, Giordano • Buffon, Georges-Louis Leclerc, comte de • Burbidge, E. Margaret • Burnell, Jocelyn Bell • Calvin, Melvin • Cannon, Annie Jump • Carson, Rachel • Cassini, Gian Domenico • Cavendish, Henry • Celsius, Anders • Chadwick, James • Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan • Chappelle, Emmett • Chargaff, Erwin • Charles, Jacques • Chase, Martha • Chu, Steven • Claude, Albert • Clausius, Rudolf • Cohn, Mildred • Collins, Francis S. • Compton, Arthur Holly • Cope, Edward Drinker • Copernicus, Nicolaus • Córdova, France Anne • Cori, Carl F. • Cori, Gerty • Coriolis, Gaspard-Gustave • Coulomb, Charles-Augustin de • Cousteau, Jacques-Yves • Crick, Francis • Curie, Marie • Curie, Pierre • Cuvier, Georges • Dalton, John • Dart, Raymond • Darwin, Charles • Dausset, Jean • Dawkins, Richard • Debye, Peter • Democritus • Descartes, René • Diophantus • Dirac, Paul • Dobzhansky, Theodosius • Doppler, Christian • Eddington, Arthur Stanley • Ehrlich, Paul R. • Einstein, Albert • Erasistratus • Eratosthenes • Erdös, Paul • Erlenmeyer, Emil • Euclid • Eudoxus • Euler, Leonhard • Eyring, Henry • Fabricius , Hieronymus • Fabricius, Johannes • Faraday, Michael • Feynman, Richard • Fire, Andrew Z • Fleming, Alexander • Fleming, Williamina Paton Stevens • Fossey, Dian • Fourier, Joseph • Franklin, Rosalind • Frisch, Karl von • Fukui, Kenichi • Galdikas, Biruté • Galen (of Pergamum) • Galle, Johann Gottfried • Galton, Francis • Galvani, Luigi • Gamow, George • Gauss, Carl Friedrich • Geller, Margaret • Gell-Mann, Murray • Gesner, Conrad • Gibbs, Josiah Willard • Gilbert, William • Gödel, Kurt • Goeppert-Mayer, Maria • Goldschmidt, Richard • Goldstein, Joseph L. • Golgi, Camillo • Goodall, Jane • Gould, Stephen Jay • Greider, Carol W. • Hahn, Otto • Haldane, J. B. S. • Hale, George Ellery • Halley, Edmond • Hardy, G. H. • Harvey, William • Hawking, Stephen • Heisenberg, Werner • Helmont, Jan Baptista van • Hero of Alexandria • Herophilus • Herschel, William • Hertz, Heinrich Rudolf • Hess, Germain Henri • Hess, Harry Hammond • Hess, Victor Francis • Hevelius, Elisabeth • Higgs, Peter • Hipparchus • Hippocrates • Hoffmann, Roald • Hofstadter, Robert • Hooke, Robert • Hopper, Grace Murray • Horton, Robert E. • Hoyle, Fred • Hubble, Edwin Powell • Huggins, Margaret Lindsay • Humboldt, Alexander von • Hutton, James • Ingenhousz, Jan • Jackson, Shirley Ann • Jansky, Karl Guthe • Jensen, J. Hans D. • Joliot-Curie, Frédéric and Irene • Joule, James Prescott • Kaku, Michio • Kanamori, Hiroo • Kelvin, Lord • Kepler, Johannes • al-Khwrizm • Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert • Klein, Felix • Kleinrock, Leornard • Koch, Robert • Krebs, Hans Adolf • Kuiper, Gerard Peter • Lagrange, Joseph-Louis • Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste • Landau, Lev Davidovich • Landsteiner, Karl • Lankester, Edwin Ray • Laplace, Pierre-Simon • Laue, Max von • Lavoisier, Antoine-Laurent • Le Chatelier, Henri Louis • Leakey, Louis S.B. • Leakey, Mary • Leavitt, Henrietta Swan • Lederberg, Joshua • Lederman, Leon M. • Leeuwenhoek, Antoni van • Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm • Lemaître, Georges • Leonardo da Vinci • Leonardo of Pisa, (Fibonacci) • Levi-Montalcini, Rita • Lewis, Edward B. • Lewis, Gilbert N. • Liebig, Justus von • Linnaeus, Carolus • Lomonosov, Mikhail Vasilyevich • Lorentz, Hendrik A. • Lorenz, Konrad • Lovelace, Ada • Luu, Jane X. • Lyell, Charles • Mach, Ernst • Macleod, John J. R. • Margulis, Lynn • Marsh, Othniel Charles • Maxwell, James Clerk • McClintock, Barbara • McMillan, Edwin Mattison • Meitner, Lise • Mello, Craig C. • Mendel, Gregor • Mendeleyev, Dmitry Ivanovich • Michelson, Albert A. • Milankovitch, Milutin • Miller, Stanley • Millllikan, Robert Andrews • Mitchell, Maria • Möbius, August Ferdinand • Mohorovii, Andrija • Mohs, Friedrich • Molina, Mario • Montagnier, Luc • Morgan, Thomas Hunt • Moseley, Henry Gwyn Jeffreys • Muller, Hermann Joseph • Mullis, Kary • Nambu, Yoichiro • Napier, John • Néel, Louis • Nernst, Walther • Neumann, John von • Noether, Emmy • Nüsslein-Volhard, Christiane • Ocampo Uria, Adriana C. • Ochoa, Severo • Ohm, Georg Simon • Oort, Jan Hendrik • Oppenheimer, J. Robert • Ørsted, Hans Christian • Owen, Richard • Pascal, Blaise • Pauli, Wolfgang • Pauling, Linus • Pavlov, Ivan • Payne-Gaposchkin, Cecilia • Perutz, Max • Planck, Max • Poisson, Siméon Denis • Porter-Locklear, Freda • Prandtl, Ludwig • Proust, Joseph Louis • Pythagoras • Rabi, Isidor Isaac • Ramakrishnan, Venkatraman • Raman, Chandrasekhara Venkata • Ramanujan, Srinivasa Aiyangar • Ramsey, Norman F • Ray, John • Réaumur, René Antoine Ferchault de • Richards, Ellen Swallow • Riemann, Bernhard • Rømer, Ole Christensen • Röntgen, Wilhelm Conrad • Rowland, F. Sherwood • Russell, Henry Norris • Rutherford, Ernest • Rydberg, Johannes Robert • Sabin, Florence R. • Sagan, Carl • Salam, Abdus • Sanger, Frederick • Schleiden, Matthias Jakob • Schmidt, Maarten • Schrödinger, Erwin • Schwann, Theodor • Schwarzschild, Karl • Shannon, Claude • Shoemaker, Carolyn • Shoemaker, Eugene M. • Snell, George D. • Soddy, Frederick • Somerville, Mary • Spallanzani, Lazzaro • Spemann, Hans • Stark, Johannes • Starling, Ernest Henry • Steno, Nicolaus • SubbaRow, Yellapragada • Sumner, James B. • Sutherland, Ivan • Szostak, Jack W. • Tao, Terence • Tatum, Edward • Temin, Howard Martin • Theophrastus • Thomson, J. J. • Ting, Samuel C. C. • Tombaugh, Clyde W. • Turing, Alan • Urey, Harold C. • Van Allen, James • Varmus, Harold E. • Venter, J. Craig • Venturi, Giovanni Battista • Vesalius, Andreas • Virchow, Rudolf • Vries, Hugo de • Waals, van der, Johannes Diderik • Wallace, Alfred Russel • Watson, James D. • Wegener, Alfred • Weierstrass, Karl • Weinberg, Steven • Weismann, August • Wheeler, John Archibald • Wieschaus, Eric F. • Wigner, Eugene • Wilkes, Maurice Vincent • Wilkins, Maurice • Wilson, Edmund Beecher • Witten, Edward • Wöhler, Friedrich • Wong-Staal, Flossie • Wu, Chien-Shiung • Yalow, Rosalyn • Yang, Chen Ning • Yonath, Ada E. • Young, Roger Arliner • Young, Thomas • Yukawa, Hideki • Zeeman, Pieter • Zinder, Norton David • Zwicky, Fritz Back Matter Chronological List of Entries Time Line Biographical Directory of Scientists Awards Electronic Resources Bibliography Category Index Geographical Index Subject and Name Index .
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