Journal of the Virtual Explorer, 2007 Volume 27 Paper 2 Evolution of the Serifos Metamorphic Core Complex Bernhard Grasemann Department of Geodynamics and Sedimentology, University of Vienna, Austria (
[email protected]) K. Petrakakis Department of Geodynamics and Sedimentology, University of Vienna, Austria Keywords: Aegean, Cyclades, Serifos, metamorphic core complex, plutonism, low-angle normal fault, high-angle normal fault Evolution of the Serifos Metamorphic Core Complex Page 1 Journal of the Virtual Explorer, 2007 Volume 27 Paper 2 Abstract: Serifos is located in the Aegean Sea, 100 km southeast of Athens and belongs to the Cycladic Islands. Geologically, Serifos belongs to the Attic-Cycladic massif and the island is largely dominated by a Late Miocene shallow-level I-type granodiorite pluton in the central and SE portion of the island. The pluton intruded into mylonitized orthogneisses, amphibolites, schists, calc-silicates, marbles and marble meta-conglom- erates. Because the host-rocks near the largely undeformed granodiorite pluton contain weakly deformed Ca-Fe-Mg high-temperature skarns, Fe-ores and extensive hydrother- mal alteration, the intrusion has been generally considered to be post-tectonic. Although the granodiorite intrusion clearly crosscuts the regional metamorphic fabric, the uppermost structural levels of the granodiorite, together with its host-rocks, are strongly overprinted by networks of greenschist-facies to cataclastic shear zones that record a notably consistent stretching lineation direction, associated with non-coaxial SSW-directed shear. The immediate host-rocks near the intrusion are mainly mylonitic orthogneisses and amphibolites that were highly deformed at temperatures > 450 °C.