Acting Within BDI Agent Architecture –
Automated Planning and Acting – Acting within BDI Agent Architecture – O. Boissier IMT Mines Saint-Etienne, France Défi IA — Spring 2021 Acting I How to perform chosen actions I Acting6=Execution ActorAgent Deliberation components I Agent is situated in a dynamic Objectives Planning unpredictable environment QueriesDeliberation Other Plans actorsagents I Adapt actions to current Actingcomponents Messages context I React to events Commands Percepts I Relies on ExecutionExecution platformplatform I Operational models of actions Actuations Signals I Observations of current state External World I Acting6=Planning 2 Outline Agent Oriented Programming BDI Architecture Agent Oriented Programming with Jason Comparison with other paradigms Conclusions and wrap-up 3 Agent Oriented Programming Features I Reacting to events × long-term goals I Course of actions depends on circumstance I Plan failure (dynamic environments) I Social ability ; see course on Integrating and engineering intelligent systems I Combination of theoretical and practical reasoning I Theoretical reasoning is directed towards beliefs, knowledge ; see course on Knowledge representation and reasoning I Practical reasoning is directed towards actions ; this course 4 Agent Oriented Programming Fundamentals I Use of mentalistic notions and a societal view of computation [Shoham, 1993] I Heavily influenced by the BDI architecture and reactive planning systems [Bratman et al., 1988] 5 Literature Agent Oriented Programming Books: [Bordini et al., 2005], [Bordini et al., 2009] Proceedings: ProMAS, DALT, LADS, EMAS, AGERE, ... Surveys: [Bordini et al., 2006], [Fisher et al., 2007] ... Languages of historical importance: Agent0 [Shoham, 1993], AgentSpeak(L) [Rao, 1996], MetateM [Fisher, 2005], 3APL [Hindriks et al., 1997], Golog [Giacomo et al., 2000] Other prominent languages: Jason [Bordini et al., 2007a], Jadex [Pokahr et al., 2005], 2APL [Dastani, 2008], GOAL [Hindriks, 2009], JACK [Winikoff, 2005], JIAC, AgentFactory But many other languages and platforms..
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