1974 N A-17-1 l,Jomer sHou, TH EY CAN w N rN, N5euecr oNs N A-1 -1 tlS0orsH a oruC I v r-Rrs a TO STUOY SCOPE orDer o BUSS lIO DEGI ot{ , N9 rtdlsm a N 8, A-Gl t FTC PRO90SES TOUGHIER RULES ON FOOO AOS NryT! E![-2ue lils N9c tl.Rts. Coter a P ARLEY FA LS TO OEF reDer a BUSS l{G RUL o N 14, A-19-1 PRrce oF PRr{Trro tli ilotrEY ts Rtstitc N 1!rF-!-4 Sers. Pn r u t sEEr( sAFE r;,ff?l THrnr&GlvtonNelsor BIIIEH Lare roucr GoroRess Ln(ELv ro aru[ Acrtoir AFTEB REcEss t,S rrArGHtro Horelts r{ovEs tournoTel}rsrEnfi HTr 1lllltr MICTI.CNINGEO WITH MISUSING REV-SHARING FUNOS,BY FEO.GOVT srlre LorrERrEs pLEAo cAsE FoR ]rELp FRoMUoG&Egsl2-5

llS Supa.Cr.EEFgSEt 6ftBQabonvtcTrop AppEAL orDer.lrw.Noetle L-:pprlr .h 14r r*5 US Supa.Cr.oEctstor{ ou PaestoENTtAL plaoor-C is"5er5l6r FoR H-Oml i Jl 15,r A-8-1 Mibirlro'srop purrrDrG FEDThEU-sHARTNG Fur{os. rr IEAcBER pEr- s|oll Ful|o Ja 15r B-ht Se[.Rogt.Gnlrrtt HEtR AenARENT To GOPSen LEAOERSI? Jl 16rA-1-1 How Pnes I s TAr( REBATE PLAN t oULo tdoRr "FoRo Je 17r C-5-f lFono sEEr( s. GR ASS BOOTS SUPPORT OF ECOil./ENEROY PROqRAiI Jr 19r B-4-, sm-Neu0ont GFESS Busy rnTRoouc:rue 21000 BtLLs Je 21, A-2-4


1975 TER Ae17t b12-7 FlUu Or RUsStlr oFFlcllu Atellroen SreuePlil llAY llEiALo orllEi sHArE UPs lilRusslAll oow. Apl8r D-12-1 hlrSr 0C-PnOCn$t OtLLEo Ct OSe URr lloS STUOEIITS OET ilORe VrEW OF Poltrtcs Ato PoLlTlclAlltr GLEAR 2018_6-1' ll[i FltR Pilcltc LAG FAcE REPEAL Ae22t A-5-1 lEsbFaiit.tg 0i-irs REFUsEo ro tNTERtEttE ttlxotAttAPoLls Scroou oEaEcnEctrto]l oAsE. Ae 24t A->1 hllstroer.To AppEAL Loss oFtS FUro oF FEo.REvEruE-sHAitrGr BLAitEo FAULTv popuLATton EsrtlATEs Ap "oa T FORECASTg STOiilY COilVE$TtOil Ar2!r0-1-1 Ser Rosenr Garretr ltro Rep Wt lsourtrorrsm til UB roRetor lbl l8'B"oo1Fl6lonEtryr o' tT TO Oe" ilOBE FEO AtO , trPaes Genllo Fono srlres ---197flr-- Ae2)ru.-5n1 Feoent EltgLoyEEs lt Setlte tilqutiY cLAll{ To HAvE EEEtl HARASSEO BY SUPERIORS FOR GlVlllO ltlFQnMfrloll ro PREsso W 4r A:t_i Gaeervrur.e SC-GUrs-FdB sALE By rHE TnousA[osi"t sEo' BY IIORTHERII CRll'llNALS $4Y 6, A-1-2 IRS EvERyBoovs pAy up rrLL o*. reor fifreloilfu:3* Relcou-thLLAce sEEtt As poss 1no PARTY v-tcions Mv 7r A-10-5 Pnis Fono sAys HE ts A cAltoloATE ron ?6 ltlv 7r A-10-1 trliia-pRes Fono opposEo To HANocUlr REclsTRATtou Mv 7, A-1-2 Wesn-PRES FOno nUUeS oUT lSOt{LATlotllSMl U.S tltLL gACr ITS F6RE;GN cot'tMtTTMENTs $4v 7r C-1-1 Wlsr-TnarS Sec [.Jtt COlemaN BLAMES AUTo INot STRY FoB SLUr'rPi SHoULo HAYE PRO9UCED BETTER MILAGE CARS lW 9t A-1-2 Pnes Fono ToucHEo 1, YR oLo RoNALo Roose, THRILLEo Mv 12, A-7-1 1975 RYAN RICHARD:'0ETR0lT NEt S trRITER t"lv 1} A-2-1 lJasn-Sup Gr ro HEAR CHtcAGo cAsE LtrE DETs cAsE To sEE tF SUBURBS ARE lNvoLVEo lll clTY 9EGREGATIoN f'lv 14r B-10-, ly'asn-Letno sEEs coNsERvATtvE TRytNG To ousf, Rociy Mv 16r A-4-4 Msr-8tA To rNvEsrtcATE vxv MaveauEz itor rot.o ro srAy our oF CAMBoor AN l.rATERs Mv 161 A-12-1 Msn-iEtJ REAoyr{c A stNGLE-cRAnr TTELFARE ptAN Mv 17r A-1-1 t'Jasn-CtA FoREtcN & oomEsrtc pApERs MtsstNci Seu Fnnur Cruncr sEEs cAps fN MATERTALs pnovtoED FoR rN GATION- , trlesn-OlrtAuo gry RtcHEsr pER cAptrA tflcomeS Msrreraw, MlcomE THEI{ UTAYNE Ply 20, A-6-1 hlasn-Sup Cr luuor.rs FREE BooKs pRtvATE scfioot.Se BAut EQUIPMENT; WIOE RIFT OF OPINION"o JW 2',J-q.,-1 tleSx-9 MrcH coNc asr Foao ro INTERUENE tN DErs aussrruc NN 2b A-1-1 Fonos Eueopetu JoURNREv Att4Eo AT REASSURtNG ALLIES l,rlv 2), A-1-1 Ef,usFeus-F-ono_ uant_s_ T9 BF Klolrn As Hls otN I'IAI{-RYAN Mv Jft-A;{-t - Bnussers-Leloens AppLy pERsoNAL Toucn Mv 50, 4-6-1 II-PnesToeNTs $IEETINGS INCI.UoE LIGHTER TALK iTY ,1, A.1-4 lrhsu-Nato uNtry URGEo oN ENERcy, EcoNoMy .le 1r A-9-7 Mlonro-Fono ExERcrsEs, ooEs srrups Je 2, A-14-1 SrzEuno AusrnrA-FoRo FELL oN srEps rtrtcE Je 2, A-1-1 SarzeuRe-Fono & Seoar pur pREssuRE oN lsnaeuts Je 1, A-1-, Rome-FoRos r.rEETs Poee, lraltaru PRes, & Seolr; cErs Ecvpr soFTEN Suez PoulcY ,te 7t A-11-1 Sluzguea-Foeo & Saoar MABE JotNT STATEIIENT coNcLuolNG 2 oavs oF r,rEETtNcs Je 4, A-1-z t'/esn-Fono aecr r N coNF r oENT HE AcH I EvEo coAt.s ABRoAo Je10'A-1-5 79'15 RICHARD A. - DEIROIT ]€U6 hRIIER WAsr-PRo-lsnlel sENTI!{EIT tNlrS ro HELpYt ot rtst , ffiI[-fBE?;[ffi8"r qurrs As cHrEF orHous E PAIEL trClA aou-& Perensor .le l2r C-5-1 Wlgn-W[ar o oPaes .Foao SAY TO SRAEL I mrt Y rzrlrRlg N ) CLUES SOUGHT roMr OE AST PEACE STB ATEOY Je 1r, A-2-, U TH Pnes Foao avYt TZHAT CLUEs ARE FETl, x Ml OEAST TALTs Raa t Je 1 9, D-8-, GeoRoe Wluuloe CBEEP ilo OLOSEB TO 1976a Pnes I OE]IT AL B D a .rE o[ c8ltotrroe & gEGiEoy & rneeoor oF ttFonrtrttor-Rvm .Jt 11r A-10-1 Fono to iEcorgtoEn ctry Ato stt.t.t- ]rAvoFE HopEFuL Jr. 1), A-12-1 Gnetu oEAL sPtRrs Fooo PRtcE sGARE


Gouoness nETURrs ro uonr rooAY. S9r B-4-1 AssesstlATteil ATTEIIPT O]| Pnes FoAO' OOES lloT APPEAR TotlAvelGtrlTEoAilYtlATlot|ALAtlTlou}lLEolSLAllollr S101A-!-l Dejlr uioEs Pnee Fono TO f,EEF TAPSS FB NITOtr Justrce Sl0rB-r-4D OUNERSIIPo AsrlilG Clnul Htuus HUD Sec. to Ree.Wtt utAil BRooHEAo HtD otilEo llousEs IilTEBVgtIE IIDET. OEl'.toLlTloll oF 500 tT GOilSTItUEilTS Urll]iIPRESSEO I IIAI AOREETIEI{T. sll , A-b1 tFRgsnugr coilGeEsslter, .Jmles Bllrcrl nortltr.r.t er BRoorelo lro Roeear CARn otscuss lsr uottns til coltonEss --19flr0l S1{1 A-1-2 tdAsrrNeusoil SHtELos, FATHER oF soflr sLrrr By ZEBBA Kt ttl SAI Fnlrclsco LEAolltc AIT I rA]tocuil cRlsAoE. S14r A-!rJ hlASH- Oa.Aueoto'Mtanlzztl ltAy Nor GET posr AT 0ET. PsvctttATntc lrsrtrure ouE To resrs rAoE oit HUuArs wtrtt oRuo Uio. S1?r A-10-1 Pnes Fono ATTAGTS uuocEs FoR Foncttlo Bussltlo. s21 rA-r-4 toss DlsTilcT Busslilc ls sTILL i KE-Y-CQUflr lSsUEr s2r,A-4-1 Arrempt oN Ltre or Pnes Foo av ^_$-in-r -J,NE MooRE, uroNfT DETER crrr,tpi r oN PLiNs oF PRES. SZ4IA-1-4 ldlsr- Tnneats oN L|FE oF PRES Foao PnomPT PRoBes oFSEoRET A-11-6 SeRv I ce. s26, Bacrs oF JtlttY HOTTI },ANT SENRO8ERT GNIrrIr rO GET 1975 , Seure roR 1sr ttue rrc TArEil LEAo ovER Coroness. lN AooprtNc LEGtSLATIoN AoNsr FoRcEo BrsslueSJ0rA-!1 Serate HoeEFUL Rtculao Ausrtn, METs vlrH Sen.Pxtr.tp HART. 01, A-1-4 S€cner Segvtce Aotllrs THEY MAY HAvE TRlcoEneo SaRl Jlne MooaE ATTEMeT oN LIFE or Pnes Foao02, A-1-2 Aoeurs MnartrHasreuu nuo Glnv YluceR, oenv Aily ERRoR tu RELEAsE or Slne .J. MooRE. O!, A-5-1 Couonessuln Dorato EtEgle JR. D seer SeruarE SEAT BEIllc

Ser Roaenr GRtrrtn rours Ftrulrof s NEr,, tcEgREAt(ERs. vl, b1-2 Oounr rAV oioEn Der. Eotgor Et.Eorato Go. ro rtt.? FEE LtSltT lllLtg0 -49 T5-- Ul, ,-.+.l Wevre Co. rtoelTronrs Krrltu iuLEs lI3 Supaere Gr.luerrce Trunoooo MrnsnlLu. €, Al-, Coloaees oveeitotrc Paea Foao uero oF Scf,ooL-Luror PiO0itlil llAlLEO l]l DETo 081 8-2-!D FBI mter Ctrnercg lGt uev ro coo?EmrE ytrt prEsgo g9rb2-2 Ser.Pnttrp llAnr LoBEE ptof,T eiEtr up OtL ltrougratea. "o0121 E-!-l Gento Foao ero Sar.Roaent Gatrrtt iEllAlx d\tst flT?oe' Wlgtt-llS Sup.Ct.atorsMtott.ox ot gritc?rto tcTroo Foi LECI 3LA- 016, lF1.2 "rrREFoutrtctm Guneroe Lore Ftclrtto lrreRtn Seautce Reverue loGilcy rollT RICTIARDT DETROIT NEIS uaITER 1975 RG?.Iil. Baoonrter,o LElolllo Flollr tollsT Mrarer geie Boeeo- srYB Bo utt t liloneAsE Beer lat GE3. t2J1 F-1-1 lCrsr Sunutyoas oF tlAf,oouL ulcrltlg PLEto FoR 34f, tr tr Westr ' t24c E-l-i Sgr.ldtr.r.tlr Pnontae uAsrEo rArprvEns ]torEv Ev Hrurxo cAgE oF .lortr Flur.t, puBLtsIEo tr GoroaegstorAl R€cono. o26rL1-1, iryc r,orEvcirsrs *uilTs oar corGReBsllEr utLL ,Apper ro crry oro:rnerr. ,"ii8l{u "^". SerlTe. gZ9rA17-1 SEnlre Plrel cnrrtorzEg sALE oF Brt? Destctt 3Y Lvree BiorrEis Srelrsrtp Co. roRuestArSo - -Qff1A-1-2 Soctru HEW sriuurno ttr mYlilo s?ArE ouea SBifriLLtott-tr Smutoes gEllEFlrso Arrrro .rusrrce wrrr.r^r-tl3lf;Ifu couir' I1!'o, Eupaere Mr A-i-5 Oor RursrELo, GeoBce BusHr Eut tor-.BlcrARosoi:ueu;Olatrer TIIE}IBER8 UILL OET OTAflOE AT iuf,trIilE FOA VTOE PAEE TT?6. , N5r A-1-, Cuose FitEros or Paes Fono !{AY EE REAsor FoR sHArE up ilt AoutiltsrRrrlon N6. A_l_5 RooKEFELLEB sAYs * "--i6--rvemNELBon ulTH^PIBr91{ i*tr::::tloo!33r?6' sQltBBLEs Fon TlYlilo To soLve SenRoaenr GRIFFI *--"tnt"is OEt' trs riranctlt TBoUELES' Nil A-1-2 Nersot Rocreeeuuen srl LL t{Allrs To BE PRes.- s Nl1 1975 RI S OETROIT NR''S }AITER N12r A-r-1 Gov.tJn.MtLLrreil ano Coueulr Yourc tr MsH. OC ro pLEAo FoR Feo.Ato roa Mrer. lro Oer. Mr,-ieuecrtor Al2-1 Mtcn't.lomlil !{AY 8E to- lI5 ls tr PosslBLE lJh'Dououes'Nl1Ajl2-1 supeue gr. aeir.lct Ha JusrloE . Posstale MrcH. rror{Ar{ MAy BE irA}rEo ro US supaeue cr. ser GRr*ril Asrs pnes G.FoRo ro $l*l ro llS-Roeenr Supnerr fl;l-4*no, Cr. M6, E-1_1 GBOUilO Douculs. Nl8rA-1-4 Seu.Roeear Gntrrrat asrs Setlre ro pnoee Jtrmv Hoper OISAPPEARAIICE AI{O Telusrens Weureae ruuo.NlBrO->5 Gouuerrs ort5 supngue Cr. RuLf t{e 0r a iusstno tr hltumrNGToN 4n}- il 21, l-7-1 Uegr-Ser Roc" P Gntrrtrlb GILL Foi SEr piotE oF TEttgrEng. b.rrs R Horm otErp?GritloE oETs /ooor. iggtortE ' ll 21r lr7-1 Rrce t e$hRep Pntllp E. Roepe utnrs pot L oF tlppea 'PerlxSut.t n€sroExrs rEFoiE lhuvra Pnooeor Semn6nrfttLr-f tfrsrPnee Fono ervs .luooe Conrscte B Kerreov oorsloeiSo Foi U.S Sup Gr Yrotrov t 27r F-b1 -Lerlg A Eronrl iEglcrs rg Cttin Feo Tnroe Comrmv nul ron Prtltp Hratrg Serrre sert [ 29r l-l-1 Uaetr.lom Pruu SreuE[slAppr av Pnes Fgng tg Qua 6l o 2, u>, ther-Ror .J.llonr REpLAoES UILu iluosnt ls Mtcr REpREsErrATtuE lil O.C. D {1 A-1-2 OC-Tearsren Pnes FnAilT F!TZSO!illOtls DEIII ?IE TO Horr A DT, A-8-1 AL OiI 1975

OC-Set.Rott.P. Gntrrtt EAiLy FAUoRITE FoR SEil.REpUB.LEAoER D 81 A-1-2 OC-y'lur.or eor.r.s Ftl{o puB|.rc rr,rAGE oF F8tgHot]flrsuteetre Paeg.Foaors ltDEs sAv GOP nlce ulrr Ro[rLoREAoAll oLosE 0 lOt A-1-2 DC-IJS Sup Gt oEcrsrort til RrcHARo Bent MostEy cAsE GuT?riloo suspEcrs R|GHTS olr QUESTrOf,ttlG piAtSEO BY SO]|E & lSSetleO 0 1or E-6-7 DC-RusseuL TiAtir sAys ouirptro uAgrE Fnotr REsEnue Mtrtro or

Sgt.Pntttp A.Htnr Asrs PEilTAoot{ ToHAlr Sermen Pno.lecr rt PiovES 1{oT HEALTH llAzARo D 170 A-r-4 11 Mtcr coronEssmAtt ucFE Fono to oRoP lllPoBT oF l'lltllcAns -19?b O 14r 0-1-2 Scorr Baaetrr 17 & Rorco CnEtcrfror loreort suFFEi tLt.itEss posstBl.Y cAUsEo ev PBB;llS unceo To sPEEo PRoeE oF FEEO D 15t B&' Re.Pntutp E.Ruppe Gotoucrs PRoBE or PBBoarcErllt MlcH D 16, A-18-1 DC-Sup G rlres zoruilG cAsE oil orscRrmtoATrotl D 17t A-20-1 DC-Ser.Rosr P.GRtFFr. RecomltEuDs RALpH B.GUY To FEo Otsr Gr D 17t D-4-r Dg-lv|ortoil AtroEnsotlrPuat-tc ltlT€BEsf, ReselRcr Gnoup oF Mlcrt rELLS COilM HIGH OEFENSE BUOqET LEAOS TO HIGH UilEMPLOYI{ENT D 19t A-9-1 DC-04Anvtu ESCm pnegses TRANSPORTATION FOR DELAY ll{ SAFETY AtR BAG RULES D 25t F-12-4 O0-tSursntHe Actrlc.opENtuc ALL MEETINGS ro PusLlc ls 1975 ) TOUCTI RESISTANCE SEEN tO DC CO!{!,IUTER TAX TO AIO OEFICIT D 7% A-7-5 DC-Leuls A Eueuan cHRmN oF FTC ?o RUr{ ron Ser Hantts selr O A-'l-2 - 70, r: +i DC-HHH pAys LAsT t72 oedr As t76 AppRoAGHEs -'a976- Je 1r A-1-4 oc-PRes Foao courtDENT HeruL lrN ELEcrtou J 4, tj--Tl DC-Blcr To wonrt MoRE coucness-I.htre House JI A-1- DC-Gloee rnorrtto Mtcn uectslAToRs .h A-1-2 , H Je h A-6-1 DC-Eotsotrs FREE LtcHT BULBs oEFENoEo BEFoRE Sup Counr .h 14r B-J--1 DC-Couar MAy onop Horrl uNtou REsrRl CTION CASE -1976- .la 15r A-7-5 DC-Sup Cr oeclotNc oN Eotsot'r FREE LtcHT BuLB cAsE .lr 1?r A-1-l DC-$rp 6r neuaeng cnffioe BEA?a til onoEi oF sErtgitr! DG{trsr,.rE R.Utstors ?op Foao pnopo"o."'3.'-!6ro-#1 oc-i;nri-iirnr'oiirrrgrtc lf, FlrlL rEnr .lr 20. t,--ll-| [G-Sup $7 nulca ACLU orm EtTEi Dtr cortrc oAsE rCAlfsT I feouutr ?[EATEia .le 21r A-1-2 DC-Fono suDoEr oruga g?ATEa f,oiE LEEUAY JA 22, A-J-1 DC-Fono BAcra r{E}, FEo pnrson ron 0eraotr .h 28, A-1-2 DCi+,hGH PoLIcE oLAI}t ABfI.ITY TO FIOHr CRIIIE UILL BE IIIPA I rr Fono EuDoEr ours nrr FBI srrmr oe 276 AeEilTs e 246 orttER Ja 2t, A-r-1 O0-iEtrls Arfrt-BUSsmG pnoutgtoil uotr AFFEGT Oetnotr .h JOt A-1-0 & Rep Jorr DtraELL To FLoGr 1976

SHOUS CRIM iIALS F 18, 1 DC-Pnes Fono rlvons Ser etrrtr JoB pLAf, ouER oosrLy rroes E|LL HE VETOED F 22, A-1-2 MuucresreaNll-Releou ctvEN ExoELLErr cltAtrcE oF BEATtno Fono

RYAN, R|CHARo A : DETROfI NEtS tJRlrER 1976 Mn 8, A-1-4 Onuaroo-vrcrony utrAL ro Claten ln Ful pRIMARY Mn 89, A-1-2 ONUIUOO-PRI}IARY IMPO.RTANT TO STATE TOURIST I!,!AGE MR 1or A-1-2 OC-Fono, CaereR urrs spELL TRoUBLE ro Releoul Waltlce Ilh 17r A-2-2 bhstt-Eou.H.Levt wANTs ro I(EEP TABs oN BusslNG BY truocEs oN cAsEs Mn 14r C-4-1 hlasr.QuTET BATTLE IN BIo FoR oELEGATES FoR PRES.oANoIoATES tuGOF &DEM.coNv. lt'h c-7-1 bJesn-Bntrr sn ArB GRIES BUOGET Mn 21, A-18-1 Raleter-NC pR1,tAFy3 WnurlCEs LA3T 5TAN63 04n 22, A-6-, Rauercn-NC LAsr HUBTAH FoR Reacom? Me 27, A-1-*4 R-ls NC l'Iauulces own rRlp? -1976- tG 24r A-1-' DC-Neu HopE FoR REaGIN AFTER NC pntMARy vtcrony h 26, G-8-1 UnsrtlS Sup.Gr.-ro uEtotrDET. flourtr AruseilEm GUio.. ---- 1.h 20-r€+rt1- - Wlsn-thlrre.rtnryCrirEi sEonEf?rt eyenvrAx cArtlBTE Ae 2, A-r-t NY-tt'hvon roR Canren :u lulrcu pBrmARy Ap 4r l-4- NY-STATE REALLY NOIO 79 PRESIOENTIAL PRIMA.RIES Ae 5, A-3-4 DC-sHocK or Reacou NC rIcToRY REVERBERATES Iu MIcTI Ttoi-iira Navy noru sevs up BEsr pLAcE Fl'jR sroro*.*' [$5, WrSr-RepORT RELEASeO evBuRelU OrCersuSrrHtStOntClt-StlrtSTlOs or treUrrreoSrlres-Colorr luTtres rc 19?0trttilw aeloino Ae 22, B-74Z.- 'U.S Jusrtce 'Dept ro trATcH r.tttuontrv vord inr B 1'1td6r ar,^.. 6iA.lA6fl- aiEFDnlf tr|E1.!Q leEllTtrEl _ )976 ' Ae2\ A-1-6 WASH-, tE noepruL oF soLvlNG rr!!$lY HoFFA cASFr. BaE*up oF orL FrBub ELUoEs seu. p,li3',1^"ltt' ,," niirnemEnr NEARS. Ae27t A-7,-l US SupReMe Gro AGREEEo ro oETERTINE tF Pualtc Seavlce Qleuovees car BE compELLEo ro pAy uutolt FEES EvEN THoucH THEY REFuse To irotil THE urtor. An28, C-6-1 BusslNc Poh,ERs oF FEoERAL rruocEs ro Be rEsrEo lN tlS SupaemE Cr. oAsE. Ap D?4-1 Alo a RepDorluo Rteeue lno I ornens URGE "FbE-FinuEns. Ap 50, ,1-1-2 DC-cnru l'lHH srav evaltneuE?- MY 1r A-r-5 DC-FDA, BoEEv Cntu oTsAGREE oN oArlcER LEvEL or PBB

RTAil. RICHARD A. . DETROIT i|Et'ls I{RITER rqr6 lfr l5r A-f-! Paes.Fono sAys uB fltffi ror rtre To rTaAoEf "oDcr.Eoorontc0t tiv 6, n-1-2 Gnalro iinptc's-i'nes FoRo FCTPULI\R tti Hoire nne,l [1v 16, B-7-1 FnortLE oF Gennlo Fono liv 17r ;,.1-2 DC-Fonos HopES BoyED BY Toun or t'itcn l.lv 19r l\-1-, Foeo oveR Renooru, CanreR 8r Uoalt cLosE tN l'ltcH PRIIIARY w25o A-b7 S..lomr Bvtrcrpr uEToEo AB cnotcE FoB CoxsuuEi Pioouor Coml. av A- FAOttlc FOB GET?|ilc Noulrlttor Oil 1S" BALLOTO wtl o Alg-4 S.Jorr Bvtrgroar FIIIILLY COIIFIR}IEO Oil 2T{O TRY FORSEIATEO oc-Rep. Jrs. rt. BLmGnARo sporro""-l?lho r,$.*t no* rnocnrr/roexcy ro peitooto iEvtEr Je6, E-5-7"3*' cAtlPALqillqq ron-seq' FE{lr -cnuaon Pre rlnuenr-Don'LrEo- -- ' '^----.j"6'b1-i FoRPREs. .. t,llNNlNG Pntmmv tu Dtscussto* o" baes Foao craucgs oF ' Jels A-1-2 clulr. pnestoent..re B1 t)-5-r Eouulto Baor,lr touLo BE FRUGAL Rlolctt l Tom Hlvoen MAy eooe Seu. ,Jorr TutnEY tr .fet, A-1-2 DEm. trolilNAT|oN FoR SErAToRor PRES Foao FACES STROrrtc FI GHT AG NST NOMI N AT REaeer IT ON cotrruENT ,o N a JtrIO, A-6-, PnEs Bnowu t ATES ON a, I Ml'tY CnntE"n F(n a R 1976

Olsoussfox oF tolt"rotAf,g sPE-Ar! e1 Der.lletr. Corietrrrtor.^ lf,o - Bto ctw ;;?is EllooiaE .llmr .^*11"t#lr.. Btnalnl NEFUSEO ?O nrue ilh*er$11,h- ron uroa f,OllttrATlOf,o Euer oeroc.rrro ;l?1ffi*l$ar"ktl. ro.,*. Jruw Grnrea uus hFs *itli+,1;1il.r=*rrtts or lsr -- ,?ii["ii;E' prcf,s sen.uruteiLltlrl;l-3on vrc-e Pnes. .ru 16, b1-2 Cmren sHows rrAv ?o $rooSe Jt 201 A-11-1 potsEo I VP yETo Serate FoB vorE orf .roos BILL Jr. 21 , A-?-5 O0-Gntrrtll pt.Avs urrAl. ioLE tr Fono stnategv .lu 21, C..4.1 OC-Gntrrtr AtoE Dlvro A Cuartor ror{trtTEo roa FTC postrtor{ Jt 22t A-1-6 DC,-Fono iroos vETo uPsET BY coilqREslt - .lL 2\ 8-2-1 hEp.iltft.Bioonelo ceueBiATEs Oetaottrs BIRTIIDAY utttt DG PARTY Jt' 25c 8-,4'1 tdrsr-Deraotr.itsr uAtr Foi Corqness rg PAss Futros..Foi FuaErc-r!(lHls/lloes BILL' :' " : 1976 t lrhsrRor Reecltfs crolcE op SeH.RtcHAno Sg1relrea couLo lUiT ti193E THAI lELp Ju ?8r b7-2 iiGn-FiEa.Foio BErEFtra tlosr so FAi qnorr Qeiellrs u-P q:!Et;__oo ro Mrm. peopue ,^" t60rETqBEt!85' umr .torusor, scorr","fiilir$frfi, Eri'aq--6ouc Mrnen Ero Jr5(Xhiue atre ritpo- Ao1, A-8-1 llenolo Stesser otgcusses Hts cArirpAter Foi PnEg. AoJr A-8-, Rorlt.o Relcm PiESSUi to Foao TO rs Vtoe I IIOT LINES. Acl, [f8-1 loor Pnes Fono aro Romroo Reaolr cET PEnsorallzeo proflE tlumBERs ron GOp ooltrEilTtolt. -1976- Ao 8, E-6-1 hsr-Pnes.Fono & Rorllo Reeceu'FoRcEs 11{ ut{EAaY TBUcE PRE- Narl CorvENTroriAGREe oN NEEo oF'uNtFtEo eARTY Ao 10r Ci-8-1 Kar s asC i rt-qo-f . Mi Lt tTEll l5r s RE p u B;Pt-AtF ont't--Cottm' ro''c6um t r sELF To pREsERvtltorFEButLotNG ilATtoills clrlEs. Ae 111 A-1-{ K0-.hs.T.Lvarnr & t{r.n.Stuor TELL pLATFoRtt co}ltl NAT|or carft AFFoRo Jtmav Gmren As pREsloENT Ao i2, A-1-2 KC-Seu.rhs.Bucilev AirtourcEs ulLL srAY llt FRESIDEtrTlAL BAcE Seil.Roet Gntrrrn oALLs ro pRorEsr Ao 1Ir A-1-2 K0-Purroi&r corrcluoeot5o FoRcE or Seat.rlssSe Heums AT toiK AT CONVEIITI oN Ao I 4r. !--2-2 KC-To PR-eS. Fono , POSSS BLE JlIo Bucrrev o o FOB 'PiErsloEttcY A it I IoR NU OE NSE. Aa 15 t C-6-1 f,oer P;GatprtrI 3'- ROLE AS ILOOR LEAOEA FOR PRgs. RYAN RIGTIARO A.: OETEOIT NEI,6 TAITER 1976 Acl A-2-1 K0-Ser.Roet.GRlrrt trFonors FLooR UAoAGERI PHOiIES FOR qutcf CO!{llUtllCATlOrl wlTll DELEGATES AO 1?r A_1_2 KC-Paes.FoRots FoRcEs ,NcREAsrlrGLy coNFroENT As vorE oN Reroar vrGE-p'ESroEilcy pnoposal,ilii""G-i?;-A:ii{'- KC-.ltm BlxtenrruptcALrFrsAL pREssuREo - oroF ultoor,rMtTrEounooumt ,"t[.i;:rfj:r", KC-Nlre !{ENTtoNEo }rosr FoR V-P ts Ronn o RelolN-Bulrcnlao & Rveu Ae 18r A-1O-1 KC-Arrea nut.Es vtcronvrSer.Roar.GntFFtr cit t s Paes.Foao ro TELL Hll,l HE OIO lT iloMt NATIONi PHONE OALL }IAY HAVE SAVEO IT FOR HIII Ac 19r A-1-3 loor KC-Reeeer Nor our rc !P oHotcE Ae .2Or- A-1-2 KC-How Dote'cHoger es VP Ae 22, b7-2 KC-PllrroRits srow ror.r Deus, @P otrrEn M

s 17r A-1-5 DC-CarnoUtc BtSHOPs NEUTRAL lN PRESIoENTIAL RAcE OESPITE FAVORING FORD ON ABORTION ISSUE s 19r E-1-2 D0-Arurt-rnusr BI.LL c/LLEo rntBtiTE To H ARS21 rA-4-1 Jtmmv Caaten Pnes Cm.lpatcu rn.RR Tna !N EUoKEs ERA OF ANO FDR. S zz, A-5-1 ro{q,oArfrd PoL trt c PRosEc \dlreneare LE GRESSMANE FINANCES OF GERIUO D- r,H I 1976 AS FRo AL PLAI'IT FOR }4I CH TED FACES UNCERTAIN FUTURE. FRES GER.ALO FORO OENIES I4ISUSE OF POLITICAL FUTIDS' S?0, A-4-'l 2oor Sem.Roaenr 6ntrplN uRGEs sPEEDi PRoEE oF FoRDSf F|NANCES. o 1, 8-6-7 CanreR srtLL HrpEs ro r'lN tN MtcH O 7, e-6-1 SEtrrltE H,.rNoB.rs cErlTLE FR r ENo-qH I L _0 5. _D-14-1 DC-HOI REP tsRoDHEAo tdON AID FOR THE-HaRI RETAFDEo seuFR,,rrrcrsco-RELAliED cARrsR sHr,RpENs Hrg l+rhlftl ro,o OEBATE

Jtmmv Canren ATTAoKS Fono ron coMl.lENTs ON Russ t arus -DOMI NAT ,,corpPr A-13?lremer,rrs,, CLEUELAN AI8*oEgggEpHEEyFBEB. wr ru ?t NG MADE BY JImmv CnRreR --1976-- O 10, E-?-t SourHBENo-Canren srEPS uP ATTACI('clrEs Pnes.Fono rAx AUolr 011, A-5-1 Btsnop drtrneo AsRamoutcz, uNDERcurs Jtmmv CaRteR ron a _frt';_ A-{-t-l-. Pu A NS Gn o HOt4E?Ol,l! OF J t'rmvCaRreR ST LL SI.IALL RU i!D orfit U!(lrl:t Dl f\tttY TOt t't. 01/i, 016-1 Jl tttt./ CnniEn KEEPS BR I NG I $!G r.lp SUBTLE L I NKAGE

t PYAN- PtCl.lARD A r DEIRO IT NEbt,S UAITER 1976 2iart-&loRE Wtr.utAr{seunc-Nutrs FoRo LEFT Jtilltv Clnrenoa rHE Dc--il"rl?:'t;ltio"r"r 86 Fonor t55 cmren? W i./|olu"r, ilEEOEO TO Urt{ O 25, A-1-2 Sm Oteco-.Joe GlnlotoLA BAcrs Fono ron pREstoEr{? Pttrseunon-FoRD uoars oN THE BrG grATEso 2q A-19-2 0-1-2 crrceeo-Foao rRrEs Reloor rAcrrcs oN clPrBI, Or1, A-1-4 Loro PaestoEtrTtAL RAoE Erortc. Nlr-Ail-, o FFEREIIGES Fono Caaten otscusstor or Concaess IOTI ELECTIOIIS A}IO IT8 EFFECT oit !{ArEuP or Pott. Eooy. Mr A-1-2 tdrtre Housg STAFFERS cLooiry FoR ELECrtof,-fu loss oF Genato Fono ro JtrolY0anren. -.^ ^ N tt-z-'l thsn-blonr-REUatoN lCiuE LIrGERS lsUS Sup.Gr.relus To sET


PlltttsrGa-CvnusVerucEls vtstr Aoos ro8r.ltmuvCanren INET RUMORS 0 4, A-1-6 Pratus-Trouas BentRAm LAilcE NAMED to lrlrtte House 0rrtce or Manleeuenr & Buoeer; Cvnus Barce ro Se 9 9r ltye Pr-ltrs-veNcE trLL HerRyrs rsnuttt.?^51 ':Tt. Puatus-urtN oR LosE'ARK tN r4AyoRs RAcE. Etr-uV UtnfEH-fo cEEEBR oc-E*tnt"83lrt., oens canrER I sx roo, I c r r.rDttf,- t69i-3.r ro"t D 12o c.,.t Ursr-tll uncEo ro gruDy por LABrFoi f,AnlrruArA-poasEsgtor

D .r7" A-10-1 DC-qprFFrN rrANTs MtNoRtry posr tH Sennre 'bun 2 srANo !N Ht D 1gt B-15-t U0I4 rnom Mrcn noee ro Jotrrr Clnree ream Do-cenren cnorcE or GnrrrunlBZEE ron oPrfitr,.8"1TR*" NAAcp Do-Hanolo Bnouu sEEs rFnrr rru nRme, .or8r2"2artal9-1 o 27t A-1-2 DC-HAZARDS oF HIGH HEALTH CoSTS CITED B-9-f 0C-ldnlren ttlonolle DtsGUssEs rts RoLE ffiaa tte House. 026, cl61 OF Aucorou OFEIIEO BY TneasunY Oept Bunelu Wasn DC- ltBsEUll D27, A-1-4 lro FI REARiIS a mgssos I scuss I oI OF WAsH- TRAC llG Por.

MstrPae-s. Fono HEOGES WAsH- lbmoatlu sEnvtoeg pon Ssn. Hanr D RICHARD 3 DETROIT NEU6 IIBITER pn DC-rARiloltY FOSa 3LE I il llEr oorGRESS Jr A-6., Lmre.J I R 8lll.lEtr grrbi!t & pr-elh33[raren I E ETII I ca Pu rg-GlnreR gTAiTI I'IOUE of, GU, T SG AGE]IC j,I E8 pr.rtrs-clRTER mrposEs rou.H ETHrcs aor"Jo b6-1 2oot Putrs-clBTER oorsroERs pnorEs cALLs ro{rErr0ali? .hTr A-1-5 PRes eleor ClRteRl sruDytuo pEaltANeur 'tAx a

1977 MR 250 DC-tlt CH GOULO LOSE $aoon I LL oil FED t o OYER SEUAOE FUf,OS Mn 29r C-8-1 DC-Arrnorv Zentut & Mtorlel Pot tzzt suE OeT Neus oven sEitEsr Mlrta gtontEs Mn l0r C-20-1 DC-No gilor!{oBtLE eAil LtrELy Foi U.S rAf,ohrr A-i2-1 You olt mtrE Pnes C0nanen Bur ootft ExpEBT REpLy AP4, C-lO-4 @rcnesslcr votD eETTtro UtelptoYrenr collPEltsATloil ouRlilo"ErcrEBs vAoATloilgo Ap17r

NEY INSON PROPOSEO BY Rteele FoR MtcH r DtorRtcr. Ae 22,. A-10-1 Ulr Dm woNT qutr ron RteeuEs cHolce Jemes K Roetrsor-& Wtut tue AP 24t A-1-5 Damlscus-stcNs sEEM GooD ron MtoEAsr PEAcE


FORMTTG IIEU GOUT O l,ly 1-2 tlS rocussEs rreurRv orAlugrPaar euoqeAS ERIBERY cLAlmEo lra nonr orBuurMati FAclLl"YtAmerY WE,lt A-f-{ eosr6gpoEF."&., prt r %.Il rltT, ruy r. cerren I x ALLEtr 0i. Benrro,rE-Ep9le Rererue- Smnrrc rrreivriG;;-""fi;l3Til* ffi,Hl;I" ," JeZ, E-1-4 Paes -Glnren rRy:t.t{e...rg .t.t{pnov-E. .neurlo_li:ttt-rn:fgiEteil couitrRtEs By oFFERrto Herlrt Cme AggtgrAroE. Je 4r A-1-5 Msx-PReg..ltmtv0lnrEn mAY sEEt( EvEtt srlFFER TAr ol{ GAS GUZ- ZLER9 Je 'l t A-1-6 UJasr-Auonew Yourc sAYS mAY HAvE usED tRono tono lt{ cALLll{G Pnes.Fono & Ntxolt rr6l6gsastt Je O, A-r-2 uhsn-ErvovAronewYouiro MArEs wAvEs As Hts oursporEu TAcrtos srocr srAto otPLomATtcgnl commutl"Y JelOrA-4-1 trhsn- New rypE oF EUs FoR HAt{otcAppEo AND ELoERLv AppEAt' soo[ oN 0ET. srREETs. Je12, B-5-1 Plnoa Beans tr Wlstt, Ltro Ltt{o Al{o Hstro Hstno, tot l{AT'l lfGr Jel A-1-2 RICHAHO: UEI}IOIT NEI.,U I lEtt t9T7

7Ot l-b1 dlsn-House-Sen.corFrGoMur.AppRovEs8l5 mtur. I oN FoRNAvYSEAF ,nouectr or Scter ,o#olEfifi 3il!'8o, E$9?5""'ffi&'ir^+?,Irtllili# oe D-1-1 ser Roeent Orrrrtr GtTEa efuUi rv crniea ulo olof,tr -19n---Ae5rAetor T AisuEn orE (boIF Hts LETtEi3 l-7-2 FonD Dbloi arlL? rxD 8ot.o P-rro oene oeSpt?E-- OIXEEFOUS SAFETV .... FIULT-SITN IUEL TAIIIST-

ts Gorr a ttD Foao lbrcn GtIEOT DgPEctg. 0c cril IUitotc I FLI? ETEI II I ?llc omr lSrL Wrsx-Benrlmoa OLEIiED x ie?oir a? I LL FAOEA QU I 2 s 5, A-1-2 hhgr-BearLarce lrAy aE Ftnsr orPnes.Jtuuv0lnten cAettlET To S 01r A-1-1 OC-Dor Rtear-i ALso sAYs Larce uusr Fo S l0; A-1-1 OC-Der Poutce Gluon Hernv C Mloesrt oRoPs ato ron U'S !.lARStlAL rroB S 15r A-l-5 looT RYAN RI pn s ) Llrce GOES oil ATTACT o oEil I ES AilY UnONGOO|!|O , --- :5-i?;-A-1-6 Dc-4-senlr6as aacr Llrie lt trqu tliY S ta, a-t-o ' w^r?s ron rvERot.ct' FROT,TLARTER lilsx-&nrLAr.rcE s 20, A-r_2 NOU r DC-Benr Llmcets FUTuREI ltls ALL uP ro Paes. CaetEn ) cqfiuTrEE lil oISARRAY AFTEB HEaRINOS S etr l.lo-f obhgt. OmEr stss Eorno irealc ltLL tt rffra Lttr" or og3" orDtl.scf,nt 3 2, A-l{ . Do-OtroroLocvr Beffi Llroerg raoutrea"er Urirililto aror s 2?r o-r-, o fiLefm-GEmLo Foro iE3Sr80 It GO HT o6, A-l-, PlGg. Gmrsrs t tStErrt GOOTD our cf"f:gt OLOOT 'LIT o ?r A-1,:, DG-serers r3ouaF3 Pt;YT;*" er urrl.tw tArl ooirnoLS O 83 A'f-J 00-A!oqlt-o-r rEUD oooLD llorr UoSo ?N_Dryg__9 ff, *4 Bterror l6oos lllf.,drP iurenrrronlll-r-op-:r0[e Elirer ro SOtlE [o llOE lT O 11 A-1-l O0-Gount rly ?lte rotrls r.o BULE ox lfit$roitol nEYEnSE B-!1tq cAsE ALLAI Brrre 0 i4r A-i-i o0.Lucter lEozl st.rs?Eis FiEE-spErorle oF d6ronessrer 0 1?r A-?7 Deraott Goul,o BE tlllEo uosr ilOOEL OF lilPiOUEO POLIGE- , ctrtzErfs iELA?lOllS o 19o l.1-2 DG- U.S. oFFEiS ouup stie Foi uoiLDrg- ltor uAarEg I O 221 0,1=5 i Pnes CAaTER slgrErg to Oernottf s .loeuess Pooi O 2\ B1+, , 0C-1t;ra, utrEr,rAtiEa Leil 0t.sor rours ulre & creesE AT TASTEB O 26, A-1-5 RYAN RICHARD A. - DEIROIT NE}6 UAITER pn

IEGLE LEANING TOT'ARO SUPPORT OFPANAMACANAL P AFTER RBnBN TR|P N 20, A-1-7 .Jgnusllem-EovptB oLlvE BRATcH ALTERS Mtoeasr scEtrE N 211 A-1-6 .;g6rrglLgm-SADAT TALrs lro MoRE rrAnsl '- -1g77- N 22, A-1-4 Je*usaueu'14loEl.9T DRAMA--NEXT STEP lSnleUrS N 2\ 0t-5-4

Er.or!6nerlte$3ffit tB rramt To lgRleutE AB gETTLgns oLAlll o u I XC i I enr TO LATO Gn FF N BeLL TO SUBM T N ET' L ST ES

MT cll.DEil.CBRl*|f, a lbnuevtlr llooRAo ilAv #Eh:&8t.YUooo auvsCllnree0ougot Ulrenolte Boor Foi ilou E D 15, A-1-5 .DC.U.S. iEGAIiIS ITA CLOUT III PEACE TALTS O 16, b>' iDG-S:mnen Pao.recr RESUnFAGES lortil O 210 A-l-f OC{Gp Prtutp E RuppelrV corgloEn iOIXlf,o FOi U.S Serrte RYAI'I RICN{ARD A r IEI?OIT NEre UNIIER 9n D IOr g.|2-1 E ill0-0lue Borton oF S,lrGtEneilB Tooly lrtEn YEAR tx Corenesg _19?b ,lt V, B-1-1 l{ Smle Jr 8, A-b5 tJrsx-tlaureRF.MotoauE To RIDE.our ro UEND FE]|SES til OOOOT{ILL TouF oFhresrERr srATEs .h 10, B-1-1 D $rAsH-lrril.M.Baoorelo ALTERS Hts LtFE-sryLErsHEos FAB MoRE JUsT trelonr lstlS ReP. Ja 11 , A-1-2 trlasH-JusrtceOept.sruoy sAysJ.EocanHoovEn usEo silrr as KIES Jl l.1-2

DC-f,s F ttfli Bnooreao cHAt0oEs L FEgTYLE & I A-1-! OC-Hmo I SAUEA GLOUO MT OEAgT TALI(S Jr061 A-1-2 OLlbupraev t 3 MEMOR AL SERY I cE8 tdoUL lil E 0C-Rep Luo I Al{ Neozt P It YEO A P AR? I il -197U .h 18r A-1-5 DC-NlrtoNrL URBAil LEAoUE GtvEs cLoot{y REpoRT or grATus oF Anentcer oLAors Jl 19r A-1-2 oc- RErunirs ro A rEG?y scnegul_E'ilI_tfl tnot 11;nEss flEl DC-Rtanrs LEAOER, JeSSe .hcrson AoDRESSES GoP' sunns DEmocners Jt 27t A-1€ D0-3500 stLt.tox auooET ?osEs tlsr Fol heso Crarea Je 25, l-r-4 DC-Dernotr pnoonEss trrntoues U.S Serare .lr 97r A-e0', &-Golerlu Yoo[c AsX PnsCo Gr;rer EUP?ORT tr l! lll|.lor Piooim 70t Derio"eI? .lr Ir A-19-l O0ilrnt8. Crntenllsme oI?te8I ?io3LEllBl Oolem Yourc agss Prealoem ror !O rl TUTES ,tl Ot A-!-l OC-Oonrencss zEio I T ox EOOTOiY rlr ,0, B-1-5 OG-RG?. Rorruo il. ltbrtr. autuatAl LA$utEi rrOll OTUOU3 F1 RICHARO A : DETROIT NEI',S WITER r978

DC-Luotau Neoztts lotc srtcttf EotstERS MIL1TARY SPENDING tto Mtctt F 20, B-1-2 N oc-Rep Uhr D Fono cErs Lors or Feo FUNDS FozSl.g3lS o DC-Mrtt tKEN ToLD Gntrrtn ro RUN AGAIN -1978- F 2L B-rl-1 N DC-Rep t'/i,r S Bnoor,tFrELo BAcrs PRESIoENTF CY $rtg:tfN EoLl Wesn-CorcReselmrtill.S.BRooltF|ELo,FoLLots--oLo HABIT I tl 6 tnoPnes.'GARTER pdaetor FoLlcY-FoLLot', !h 1, [l..1-1 W b,Asr:tdht. BRoouF I ELo GoNTENT To L-EAoER MR ,, A-'l-4 DC-CantEn, MouE ro nivat"tp covr JoBs ro cosr ilm? , Mn 7r A-1-1 OC-Senare sels'KEy vor.E ou'1st co cANAL pAcrs Mn 9r A-3-5 DC.SETTLEMENTS ISSUEE SPLITS ISREEII LEAOERS I4N 9I A-5-I DC-rEueortoN REFoRT{I BtasrEo BY GOP ns t,f,ftr.f6r"fj6lf ylp$$o"r.GnrrrrN URGEs oELAY ro AvoTDPANpHAtENAh-SnEAry Msn-Donelold.RteeueJn.rueuEs clTlzEN PANEL To I{ELP ntcr {. US .luoees lft 1!; A-l-! RYAiI R EHARD A OETR0|T 1lEl,6 UfiIIER r978

17t oc-pnrurp E. Ruppefs rRE oyER cirFFrN srh|.Lt?rrn_E_Brr-- Grnren t rreprr' FoRo BhBt$t"Iffilft ,b+Hx+f6$" .hEiFEH,E$EE: -197U ' AP 211 A'8-1 DC-y;gE; H9MEaTEAO ACT ASrEoe EILL UoULo ;;{CLUOE Dgr noneS Ae 24t A-r-5 DC-Canren TO PUT PL AN3 UO sALE OF JETS TO EGYPT & STUOIS AP -'or--fr-r-4- it RETURNS TOUS FOR TALKS WITHPRES.CANTEN Ap fr, B-10-1 a Dlv I DBON ER HUNTS FOR BE?TER DE AL FORV ETNAM VETS !'t, llr A-l-t lgnreg cELESilrEs JOm alamtolY ?rlouoll rllietr oF rri srtl.L LlreEiS itr l2r L8-l lsnrel trAtLg lr8 YETEiltrS-llloLuolf,e AttenlotrS ltv 14r l.7-| rr .lsnreut-Tnooctrr oF uli Fti Fioil Atlentcme til TftE Srrrr lft l?. l.1-2 peopta ieruif, Sourr Lealtor reen fI'cilfllfYt-TARGET GltYf s t I RyAilr RlcHtRD A r oEtf,otr il4l6 mlIER 1978 W ?f20 r-l-a TelAr v-S,l Esrrru rurt?r lrnrert t|ouc gy Zr, L*1 Auerev Bntooe-fi grEpg ?ile fooit-ti lsnlst. W 290 A-1-5 Cltno-PluEsrrtAns oiop toEA oF rAvtllo owtl srA?E & 2t ,b>1 Rrcntotye-Youf,o & oLo Prr,esrtrtms grlie GorL To Flcllr ttot,tet.lxo JE 8, A-1-6 U.S Mtsslore Strrt PenttsuLl-l50retr 12 voum frlt' U.S [.fir. Crerers REALLY LlrEs lsalel. .Je 18; 8-11-1 Dmrlscls-t tFE trpaovEs FoR .lgrs tr Svntr Je 19r A-1-l DQ.lifuoEAsT psAcE lopEs o1.t JE 21, b7-7 DC-Rep l{u Bnoorero LETs yout{c pAtR usE cAR REttrEo lll Hls

lrn 1978

oG-grrre utLL votE ot Ft?e or ots?ilct 0F coluretr Ae 27, F-1-1 TRlvelrNG ru Ecvpr cAN BE A HAssLE. S tl A-l-! ll0-Crnren ABrs Got{pRotttsE AT sulllltr s'."..r uEr,.s srrnr or .rfrl??* 3 8: flilt DCEVP Morolre rilou rre poput.Anlry LtxxEo to ClRteRls S 12r A:1 -4 Trunrorr ,lb-CAID Drv I o 8Ullli l" Ef,?EREO lre'2ro-ur s I5t A-,-4 SITUII9LES OVER mA tr I SSUES s 1 6, A-1-4 Ttunrotr-SAoAT-BEcril Aflr.rostry rAtilTs rALrs S 19r Ae6-5 DC-ROCTV B@ TO PEAOE CHALLEIIGES MTOEIST OESPITE SUM!!IT TALTS S 28, A-8-1 G. Sruutz, FoRMER EMPLoYE or Culs. Dtccs Aot4lrs sHE PAIO INFLATEO SALARY s 29t A-r-4 DC-Rep Otecs rcoor.r aT ntcrBAcr rRtAL o 4, sxilq)o(A-5-1 D0-l4lvon Youncl Nhs Ktre lto'Dteqs oEFENsE 9 4r A-5-1 DC-trltrrEss sAYs Dtaos REFusEo Arntcltt BnleEO 5, A-7-4 DC-OIccs oENtEs PAY PLor RYAN RICHARD A : DETROIT NBilS WRITER 1978 o DC-Dtccs FRAUD cAsE HEAos FoR rluRYo 0 ) DC-Junv BEGtNs oELtBERATtoit oF Dtees cASEo 0 I , CrlRles Dtocs FoUND GUILTYo O 1o, A-1-2 Dtcos ro srEp Dotil FoR Notrr. SrtLL cANolgATE FoR REELEoTIoN 0 11r B-5-1 DC-lsRleu & Eovpr $rtLL oPEN TALKs lN DC rouoRRow o 1\ A-3-7 N DCJ;ltoEAsr pEAcE TALt(s oEN LATEI BUT t'rlrH Lors oF HoPE 0 15r A_7_1 2 cnlRueRs, Plenne Gemnyen & Clt'ttule Cnlmouru teao OY OG-Detaorr Bros FoR BorH poLtrtcAL NArL fro{:tglili tot g. gnCE89 p^L r or, l{rl-El-pnoo o BrsrE"BrL g^ AvEi, B r LiBn lorev I ra r e s ro Ylx lll ?oLl"tGSeGAllDlolTE FoilIl SEf,. rPueo horss I r I sBuurrLrro r ro1s.c.:Hlfr" t^$=fi.o#;I. io ursert Ser. Stnor Tiuarolo. N 81 A-12-1 96g @ro6Esa utLL BE ovEirc1ELgtrrqLy Deu & cotsERVA?lUE _-.,_ ff-9r._B_zj4-D Errono Ceoeaseno & Glaav Baour uose lli House sEATs N llt A-1-6 DC-DTAOS FACES FIGIIT FOR PAIIEL POST9 N 16, A-1-7 lhcoma Co pnosecutoa Geo Pmnts HIREs sor Nlctlot rc 19 eon $151500 N 17r A-1:4 Dtocs ro tctot tF HE GETs rrAll or Mor N 19r A-1-1 Oererr or ElroRo A CeoenaeRc A sunPntse N 19, A2r-1 reuRslucnltesel lE-Enresr Boven Ftcltrs usE oF N 20; r1-l-! : DC-DtoGs cETs lvn teau I 21, -A-ll-i oc-DrceC ro ouir.tltE pLAits FoR FUTuRe N ?2'1 l.1'{ POST -2 t978 -tgTy .JA 5o B-l-5 OC-Der sTtLL tf, coitrEfTtgll FoR EDP rlftoilA1. o6llyEtl?loll .Ja 9, ,-bt Sup gr TO HEAB L BEL 8U T AOST tdr LL I AM Paoxu I REo Ja' 1Or A-1-5 @P LEAOER GALLS FOR VOTE TO EXPEL CnaRlee DT eGSo A-1-6 DC-U.P. PlorEo AS I I TE FOR Pno JEGT er.r(s=nil"ll , SAYS -E{icnusren .lt 1Vo A-Y, DC-LlurilER THReA?E]{8 Dtocs oustrER tgrtDil Ja i4r C-1-4 D0-rev LAm{ArEB.s oET sErrLEo ..h 161 0,-r-, DC.TEW HOUSE IiEUBERS TATE.OATH' TIOSA TATE FLOOR .h 1?r A-1-6 OC-Clnren oELAys'oEctstoit o Pio.rEcr ELF Je lfl [-0-l DC-SupneuE CoURT FAcEs REvEBsE BtAs rEgr UAITER 1979

, F 2, b1-4 Wlstt-tlS . Sop.Ctr.coits I DEis corgrITo?l oxAL I w orDer.DrgtPttrED lD onotnrfloErAttttEo AT You?H oAll€8 F 25t b>4 OC-Den coumtrtEE ApPro ?o clloosE oofvEmlotl SlrE r ocu*,on" oEr3 ooP ,.n. fifl'f,ftlr o66nihlEi;ol-oirE suhvtvEE ,il?fr,,l3f-ErFtthr ro ExPEL Hlilo l't DQ-irlg6s-LttDtAKEBs gEEr FEoJ FU[Dgo Ger mantNE-or oRtvE To EtrFORCE BALAiICEO BUOGET. !h } A-1-1 0C-2 Mlctr GOP wlrt Dtoes ETPELLEDo l}h 4r A-75 DC-P.gIce oRIvE APEEAREO, TO BE SLOI,,I NO. BEGI!! CAVE ilO SIGN I or vielotlrq To Eavpttlr oEmlnos. MR 6r'b1-5 D0-Clntenls. Oeotstott TO lrlslT Mtoole Easr ts LAsT oESPERATE EFFoRT TO SALVAOE PEAGE TREAIY. !h 9r A{-f AtexmonrA-CIRTERT Saonr pusn PEAce rlur$h 9, A-7-1 ClrRo-eooD-nATuREo cnot o BUssEo To cHEEnl$o SPors At.oilo Glnten Rou'rE I,h 20, A-1-5 : AuexmroRrA-sotirE ar tgguEs srlt.L HoLo uP PAgT Mn 11r A-1-5 .lenuslu SI'T-CARTER !l SRAEL FOR TOUGHEST TEST M ss toN !h 1 B- I RYAN RI 1979 MRi21 A-l-Q, JenusluerPEAcE ELUDEg Clnren th 12, A-12-1

l,,lR A-1

D YR OLD T'AR ENOS Mn 27r b1-7 DC-PllEgAINIAN qUESTION STILL AUAITS "'hH"I8T A.1O-1 D0-Pemrw pBoBER Paul CunaAN cnoosEs 4 rev AIDES -l;33F D0-Errtcs uiltr oELAYS uolE on D ffi 3?: fr:tr:9 4toouerowNr:PA-STBEETS rcLoocEo wlrH TRAFFIo wlrH MANY RELooAT tmo BEG-f-usE oF__NUcLEAR AoolDEtlr. An 1r A-1-5 nanrrietriie;PniElnrueen' oF GAs expuos t or: i ,ii TtiE-eFIti ie ' lst lruo INGBEAsEDo Ae 2; A-1-4 HANNISBURG-DANGEROUS GAS BUBBLE SHOWINC OEfiBE9SEfi-Ig2SIZE. MtooLetowtrtrPa-Lorc rtME BEFoRE lNvEsrloAToRs trlLL Be ABLE pLANr ro ENrER TinEe Mrue lslaNo ro cHecr [Fo[rrEII+IBoNu. HlnRtsBuRGrPn-EqutPMENT MALFUNoTIoN-slREN GoEs ou.Cap trol Btoei AP 4' A-15-1 MtoolerOuN-HAROLD DeUrOru TAKES CHARGE Oe Tnnee Mtle lsUltlo AGC'DENTo Ae 4t A-1-4 {AnntSeOnG-DlncEB oF EXPLOSION AT NUCLEAR PLAIITiollllNlSHESo Ae 25. A-1-1 DC{,ltoelsrs A NEl, TEsr FoR ERT AUSS Ae 21i A-2-1 TTEE II{VESTI RICHARD 3 DETROIT NEU6 WRITER I ) Rteeue LEARNS LEssor rN orsPUrE ouER 3h33: ffi"El^fi:6:i DO-Pm.esrtNtAt{s mAY BoYcorr pEAcE llgeorlATlous. 0or.. Roeent Het* roe 62 oreo l4v 5 ffihr:#J q{ B0hr"r"' t9d+:',rlfiEgt9BEsE$Ttrt18fi 'orr,ffi.i 1, B-n.l DC-Mtut-tKEN sEEKs REsroRATloN oF REVEItUE-SHARING PooGRAMo lvlY , A-1- Mv A. DC-Dem st COIIMITTEE TO vt s T 0er a 1?, T 4t oouerouru A-CoMMt ss I o N ON Mtue NUCLEAR ACC DENT CANCELE 19, L75 Mtooleroul-A-puAlrr etrtz HALTsi susPEflA PowER Souollr -1-yl9- 1,{Y 20, A-1-1 DC-CaRt Levtn HArEs HAS?E St.ot,t Y ls SEIATEI4Y2O; b1-2 Mtoolerouru-PA-FEAR ,FTER itucLEAR AoctoEttr ctvEs trrAY To APATHY ltf 211 A-1-1 OC-DE-ill[tFtLL Ceal Levrurs DAy ]tr-Ir br-, DG0mtenrg Telr gTAlDa aEntfo llll{ Je 1, A-1-4 OC-UIS ro FtcHT oouRT RULtNG AoAltlsT ClatgRts ulrHlloLolilo oF ool/f GONTRACTS TO THosE t,tlo VIOLATE PRIGE-PAY GUIOELIN -& Perenson Je 5r A-3-7 DC-Boe Cean & OAvE BoNtoR sPt.lr oN DRAFT BEvlvAL 1979

DC-How Der uruoeo 1980 GOP couvenrlou-ESonusTEn JA 24r A-1 OC-CnmUes DlOes OIUES UP sUBcOMMITTEE cHAlnuANSHlP. BOTH penrtEs vow ro punsbe STHICS lsSUESo -1979- Ja 2i, A-)-1 Do-Der,re pur oFF Acrro' AmrED Ar sr'rpp,nn o*J:;'I'Hj:I-;T":J'^1ff jtrJf*B'I?liuiA t ,*;l_5 11 oc-Rep 0rrreu J Fuooo srrps rEsrrFyrr. ,| i:,;!ll;t"to. OGRep Roae*r W Dlvts oouBTs Pno.reor Elr av Nlvv utt u ae

F 9t l-1-1 A. - DETTOIT NEh,S hn 1979 Wasn-ttrl Appelus JuoeeHlnoLoLEvENTHALrGtrEs LOOPHOLE Dlecs GRIMTTAL Gr8 GHGS.AGST HtM Je 15) 0L1-6 DC-SSN Canl LevtN FEARs Bla 0tlrs vote clour .Je'20, A-r-7 00-Cenren srtns up LtrrLE ENTHUstAsM Je 24, A-1-7 DC-House ETH cs COMM I TTEE TO STABT HEAR NOS M I s OF Gnas.Dl GGS. dL f'- ABff'O bf^"Jigtg AEI LI?Y ?ol OUARD o L f,TEREgT3 trl{r OEAgT QUESTT I .Jt 12e A-1-6 979- JL 20, IASH-pATR lC ARO9E nTSHARR-1s , t{E U SE CY I oFHEhlr T ILL J HYNARTgR JL il:lP-Et^45 trh-stt-Coro. t tr SUEAT o!l FOROEO guSs ilo Ag SGHOOL OESEOREGAT TooL Jt 25t A-1-4 hsr-HotisE-+tl+B pnoposEo Blrss!f,c ef,EnouEf,r--- -.-'.'---. {Dor ldlgn-Pneg.rrtl CrareR l{ AlllEOP AUL A.Uor. ctrEitentt WASH-FBE8.- CIRTER P t or OFP AULA. Uorcrea A3' GHiMN Bo.urns Coro.appaovlu Jt27, A.:1-4 Cnnl Levlru HELps Posr vtoroRY lN SENATE oF PANAT4A Qaucal Taelrtes. .|t 28, A-5-1 Rep. Crantes Dlecs .JR. FAces cENsuRE vorE By House TGE$S lrrEEK a .Jr.28, A-5- , He AR-l,trGS E ND t{G o N 4 NOM NEES FO R FEOEB*L D STR CT .luo OES N MI CH a Jt-31 , A- o TO ousr Cmaetes Dtocs FR Coru GRES c Fli?s. uurr A-4-1 ALO RtEote tNTRooucEs B LL TO cURTI L INOUSTR I ES 1979

DC-M|uutrEN uBcEs Cenrea ro coNTINUE FEor REVENUS-sHARlNGr s 20, A-,.4- thgr-PlresrtrtAr RoLE tr ?ALrs ionmr *^flzEl=EJf{59 Seru comm uANTs MoRE Broo MATERTAL oru ArurueDtoosTAvLoR ee-

RIC}IARD s DETROIT t|EttilS umlTER 1979 , DO-Rep Crls Dtocs oArcELS Touio 0 A-1-1 OG-Coreulil Youflo cETs $11.6 uttuloll FBO}I TDAG PROGRA',I a 0 20. A-1>' D0-Genruo FoRo uor AcrlvE cAtloloATE FOR f&. o 27, A-+, O0-Coueulil Youllc cALLs coLLAPsE oF CHRYSLER A THREAT To loNr o 24' A- D0-Roagnr Srnauss ctvEs GLoollY REPoR? o1{ PEAGE TALKs BTWN lsnleu&Ecvpr. O281L1-l llsutontRl-OrRr iotEE Boa Oole olsllEo or O 2E1Ll1-l ,DC.Orm Leutr geEra omt ot luiErucmct O OoLl-l t[ 8a]3 0? GOiltTtEE o Ll-2 DrYerpont-RoB:atr Det.e mt? EGOiC ErnLt o DG-Srepn:r 9rrnt FOnllE GOnrlrtES FOt DG-neeOnf or ill Lel SLrio AGO I EI" UigEE ollmoEGt I I IUGLETN IilU'g?EY -1-9T9- O ,1rl-ll-1 litl oc-finee MrLe tslrro €ruDv ursuis oF A-po$rd: trSg. DC-House To START HEARINGS ON VAULE ADOED TIX. N 8, A-74 -Ceruloa -- DC-CAnrER-sEr--FoB vlsl?o -ll 9t-1;g:1 oc-lnlf, Gof,gtLTED or grielg vl3lT to U.S, oFFlclrl' lr3l8?& & renllongr N iol A-2rl prv Do-htce Bo quesrtore Crl, Fono prors f f5, ,-.,.i-r^ DC-pEp Crls Dtaos LosEs lsr APperL ox rrcrBAcrs ll 18t 0G-Sore opposeo ro gA?ELLtrE svsrEll Pnooim uulor GoLLEcrs soLAt EIEioY. N Z2o ISE-li{ Ct.rrsor ieooyEitro Fior aEYEiE 8TiorEo I t0, b>1 Hoorgetll.H.-GAirEn cLAr or iETlrir rnlP ?o oef,EiAL s?oiE ouatr|e OillpAl€llltloo D i; A-,-l2 00-Clnren FoRtirALLv oEGLAiEo tttE cAxotoAcY Foi iEet,Eoflor D 1\ A-7-1 RUNs FoR GOP llouse cHrEF RICHARD s DETROIT NEU,S URITER 1979 D VO, A-1-1 DC-Jtrmrv Clnten rs A oEcEprrvE polrrrGtAuo D 77r-A-1-2 D0-Clnrenrs cmtpltcr oLAo ro HAYE Roeenr Sratuss. -t9€D- jl 1, A-1-5 thrcnesteRlNIH.-CARTER cAttPAtct{ sTRATEGYo Expect rHE ttonsro .lr 15, 0r.>1 DesLtrca-Boe0ore cApAtof,txc ootlrf,Tg of, ,Russltil oiAlx EtltAiGo. JA 18r A-1-1 Etctru-J HN ANEERsoN BUNNTNG FoR pREstDENoY Je 22t A-4-2 DC-CantEn GoEs To Coneness vrlrH A sHoRT tsttopplNG Llsrt Ja A-

DC-U.S rrouLo FIGHT ron MIoEASTERN otL F 1, A-10-1 Hteerne-Uauren ${sNoALE sruMps ron CAnten F 5, A-1-1 oc-antBERY fSf,tNGt OF POLITICIANS SHOoKS captrOu

Dc-l,rrvon yourc ,, u=o7B0Eo.r curs * H 33!.*'* W 2r, A--1 lrrenurew urrn GOP Joru B. Ameisor .W 27, b1-, LorcBeeoryilY-V-P Itbmue HAs BEcotiE Glnrears f{ tnlveltto sALEsltANr tth 24, A-1-2 DG-trrlr Pnorutne pAys ouER Gouoen Ft eeoe gutr FILEo sv Da. Roraro Hutcxtrsor. Mn 25r A-1b1 DC-GOP Jorr Amensor & Hts pRoposEo RELtGlous AmEilDMEllro Mrotsor tlrlso I'h 28, b7-1 .lorr Aroeisoil PI^IYB ooY oil ,no PAiTY Ae 7t D-2-7 $rPetensauRG-EASEBALL grnlrE iu llts vAoATlox oF .Jln Cmuvug Ap 11, A-ri-l ll0-Cmren REBUI(Es Reloor oil cotttEitrs, otl |RAtlllrcnartsmr 0c.15,. A-14-l JOTTT ANOERSON TAKES AREAI( FROTiI CAMPAIGN-II TOSTII 4980- Ael6r A-8.1 ClRreR RELEAsEs rAx REruRo, R loon tlorr Api?r b1-5 0C-] stees srEp uL r*rs ol PiuesrtutAtt Aurotlot{Y i At;27;A-7;2 !hs. BlneARA ELJtztrs commerTs iEFLEcrg FEELII{o oN t{At{Y ou Glnren & lnlr. Ae 21, A-r-4 4 Dor Ree. Lugten Neozt utLL t{or sEer REELEcTIoN tr Noy. Urtoeu Neozrrs nerrnEuEr{r sers oFF r"to0Bl.?ft5o8#d-r-, DidJS"SJ^t"tf lft1f "#.tsJorrAuoensonrscAirDroA1fftZ^-eiiLyt iDC-Jottr Aroensor ELEcrs ro Rul{ As IIIoEPENDENT. i Ae 25t A-16-1 'DC-CaRren stcNs \A'l Srenutue tlrs pLANT ecuu *p261 A-1-1 DC-Canren BRtEFs Concness oru lnar Ae 27t l-|7,-6 Aro ensor UANTS ro SHARE rlE THE I,,EALTH r980 Ae 28, A-r-1 NY:AuoonsoN ExpLAtns tceurRtsrt eto Mv 1r A-9-,1 AnoeRson tru Oer, $rANTs 5Od pen EAL GAs rAr-& ToEtlr tom Aroeisox ce?s ror & obou aecep"rox ,f*?b:$qL,". OC-Gw Urroen.hot ro EE t(EYxorE SPeArEi lr GOP GotY?trToof,. !'h 9r A-6-1 @P cowpores My 101 A-.1-! Prttl-C'-nrgn eE?g roucH rtrr Rogslr Mv 15r A-1-6 DC-CmnLes a Mv 261 A-1-1 oc-tulee t,lAl(ER TArES RE|IS Or .lOrU ArOenSOr TEAII ]lv fro A-1 )ueveumlo-crRrea uilvEtLEO 1980 VeASlOll oF PRESIOEIITIAL CAIIFA I Gllo

RI S DETROIT NET',S I'JIRITER 1980 Ae 5r A-7-1 9auRnrnel-,t].nDERsoN srtl.l FAcEs RoucH RoAD- Ae Tc A_14-, Jonm AuoeRSoN ALTERs sTAND oN r4ponTs AG 11, A-l-5 Ders rrv oATTLE ouEi iuLESo Ae 15, A-?-f Jonm AroERSolr REcRutrs ousreo l4my Cnrse(rnon GOp) v Aa Q,rA-l-V Souaces sAy J nr Anoeasoil utLL At* Wtscorrtrl Goy: Prrnrox Lucev ro sE Burlltilo nA?Eo e Aa 2il A-?-1 lrosperoetrT PiEgo Clilotoltee .t rr Aroeneor ptcrs GoY. , UAW aarss BUpPoR?s Cratee Ae 2), A-r-, 0C-] AnoeRsoN AtDEs qutr I N s H AI&UP Ac ,3) A-1-3 DG-Amoe BSON UNVE L s G AME P LaN I 4, A-5.,I )C-Secv Gouoscxut OT ATTACTEO hoAtr Is AU?O I ilOUSTRY


Eu ZABETH , u.J .-AIDERsoN STAGED , v SUAL EVETITS t{ !Gw 0 21, A-]-.1 (alaulzoo-Jorr r, AroeRsor CAUPA I GNS lt MI OH c :....; 1 .,.1:li: ..i.!;..i,:i-tOii l,.a,llJil i:;i.r.rilt, rlit !lOirl.ACf::: C .151 D_n_: - .-. ri ...ittr[irn.jit 3riY.: ,-i ;.i'.'i:t: DAILE['lJlTi; lf,i:LlTl(]i! u ")6c;i.,]-! ;'riJDtri:Cc;l r:Cii t*,.1 llfettoit ?u ?lli (t i:7 c ;^,-'r'-1, .'\l'tognstrlJ nEEI I L,] I t:G-,.'; linftoU O ?.7 t ),-6-5 jlfflffonn-it,loc;:soil SAr.,g VoTe FoL" c.:sT f.iAiJ 0 2:te ;-)-i ., .iuocnsoir ADi ro [rtNG DEDAl'E * 2.9 z i,-3-1 AttaaRsotl-f,r:r colItJER'i i'o L I BEr:iAL I stl-f: llarrotl 0 2!]r A-1.1.-? DC-nc iittrrgRsol.l DgeATe s Brc ALotlE C; iOs ii-2-,-(: fltixri I't.:l LA.-.innErisoti t:lrs DEeATE FnRtiAT -f 980- O 71, A-74 lY-Jotnr Aroensou !{ArEs PTIcH To olsAFFEcrEo Dgtts. oc-Anoenso* MAy HAI(E Bro'rtr ,84. ,tit^5i?' Atoensor HtNTs uetu5 Rur tt r8{. tl 1i, :.-7,-'l ';!-; ' !!t .stt,ic;t:t: i.l::l I !, To v I :: lr lrE !lcusE il ijr ,',-i*1 '1,-. !jv6.;rL\r.. -.r.-- .7.,:,r;6iiTT--.,, i."t..:: l:! N 20t A-ri-l DC-Sou Ltuoutrz sEEs sETTLEMENT ot PalesrlNlAN lssuE. t: :;i, i.-1-1 :lr.l-l ;lr-!-li:ql,: .:r\\':C ..::.ii.',it 1,i,ltT ,:!l-.' .t'i,'.::: Al:r ,: n) i ,1..,{",'l ,..-.:.^_,_ t ,,..,.:. - ", ,...,._l -').-i';:!!::: ': :r..t.. l.', ,i "'.'-: ::: ,.r1. ..i. il-" l, I ,l-ti"l: l%0 RY/\llr RI€HAPO r NEI€-REP0RTER Guv varuoen Jaer, s,oors FoR Top o, ,'33.o6li' i) ...-:t-'i .'.:. . , 'r .:.,r-'r'.rl , ,) ,.,...',' t-'. ..-t:. D 11 , A-1-5 DC-Rep Jtm Dumu DtscusrEo AT oRtENTATIoN sESstoN. D 11r A-1G, )C-Sor- Ltruowrrz MAKEs FTNAL TRtp ro MloEast D 11, B-1-2 D0-Jotrtu Coarvens & Boe Dlvts EXoHANGE DtsrRtcrs. FoR A DAY. .1,., l. .. ._=: _:, I t oq cr:' ili:::t' [-s..'l r, ?:..'.;'':: . i:c i: 1l'. t ,t-:-: t.^.::rnl'.,':l:J::[:,,':::., i'.:;.':.r::.:- D i|r b1-7 DC-Rerem Rtsrg $orEyfiootr utru CoxciEot rtrr Hlro rppt -1980- D 27t A-1-1 DC-Reloar ilAuEo BLAGr & tomlr ro CABIIIET Posrsr o 24t A-r-' DC-Rerolr prors l,l .lonr R Br.ocr ro ttEAo lenrourruiEl Rg U Allet ro nAt gecuitr?r Mrnrtr Aroeasox FoR PoLlcY e D 24t A-5-1 R Bt ocl lsllous FAillte Fnoll cE uto uP 1-.forn D 71, A-4-l Levtn uncEs tE euttoup or PeR-stlr Gulr DEFEIISESo t981- Ja 6r A-l-lAM DC-9?rn CoucRess coNvENEo. Ja 7r A-V4 DC-ClntNeT ltOMlilEE OONALO T. REGAN tN COtlFlRl,lATlON HEARINGo A-1-5 'Ja It D.-Reacer wrLL HEL' Irrr"a., slvs Dnew Le,ts OVAN- OIAHAPII . NFEIQ ORDllO.ltO l98l

oc-AuexmoeR Hlrc .Jn reuus oF Hr. #"?'rli'il?#o"

DC-Hrro uouLo rure sourErs tF rEc€ssAiy'^rloirl-[?* OfHltc uout'o sEivE Arto treutnY Dc-serrte igpof,rEo REAoy to sror Hrro t!^r1?'o\3' llc-HAto oEiltEs Aily BoLE tr wrrenolte Je 15r A_1_1 DC-HltG vots rouoHER U.S pottcv JA 2Or A-2-1 QQ-TI! l.E ROB OF GNAilD FtiNLE JA O0-Aurneo Pome cARvEs EAGIES As ctFTs FoR F DC-Deuuts Henrel SETILING lNTo RoLE as Mtc uls D'em CONG6ESSMAN.

RYAlt, RlCllARO ! llEtJS REPORTER r98l F 28r 0-1-1 OC-Claree LINK BLAMEo FoR Mnyon Your'lc ousrER rRom top DEm JOB bb'-cer-rF MrLL roNA rREI rrb LAh,yEnbiw 'r!6 ' E'lr cEnneesr'!r roYXrS'rll?-, Dt, NATL cHA I RMAN- .'h g, R_rjTao T.Iq Fono THINKS ooNGRESSIoNAL SALAR'ffi nA t DC-Rep I fluhD-r9E BEo-Crrnr.ss GETS Reaearurs FTNAL f82 auoeet.'}h N) A-r4 Dc-ttrvv oFFtcER cAtts Foi scurTLtxc oF ho.leg ELF. 25i A-1-1 DCh.4rrOq) Mtcn tclraiE FAutLtEs ?o BE'DpPEo lt{ Reaotr guo 0Cr141", GOP neaomrps 4 ron lE ATTy posT tir EAs-TERil Dlero lh 26, g'2-3AM DC.REP OOTAP AUECil SEE8 EXOHAIIGE OF TJS OIIBY PR@USII ron lGttoAt{ otL

RY R l98t A? 29' g-2-l sr DC-Loner Rupee OKo ron peloe 0r)RP r'oB Ae Nt A-1-7 lf,-2 USS Raaroen sHrpBATEs or TnertcE pur uroEa pnorEcrtyE At.pitrt?oetrflr oc-ffItE?rEil As ervoy ro Grrnr? , oC-l./ltur.tKEN coNStoERED eon CntNl posro A-7-7 W h ; DC-NO.A'YIS IJSS RNNCER HAS HAO OTHER UNFAVORABLE PqBLICIIY1 Dc.irneesunv secv RerAru TARNED rlrAr rMMEo,^r./##p.t;11;? o8loff[Ii*ry r,o p,ysroA,...y HAr{DrcA*.o $Io$t#=3At#t

MtutuRy rdusTloE BnERGEo As pRlmARy coopoitEitr, oF Navvlg cuRnEilT trutEsrtoATtol{ rtro oEATn or PuAt TBentget ^ 0a. cmouvte oavte or Anr AReor ffi* #I.ll'.hl-?,railc- It{o A@lillSTnATlot oETERBltlEo ro AoconPLlgH oUERHAU LoO Mv 12. 0C-Tn AOE REP a , lfin. s'o.[-3?93]r. MATERS- ,hl.io EIGUSE RAI SE PR cEg a $r t5r CrJ9-2 D0.rroB. L. ltDeor .rao ELEGTED oilA tiltril or Aecaiorr Reretu Feogilrtoro 3{r 16, A-1 D0.f,ep Baoomro $ilfs u5 TO OAtoEL ptAIS TO BUY FftEIOX ilIIDE TiUOtSo Itlr i|r B-l-1 O0-Crils Dtocg gET ?o ae nELEASEo Pioll llAlfrn? tfr t9r^lougEo A-f,pl OC-lfltrtorrtiEs tx 0oxc68 itY 8, A-7-5 DO.REroril !o ilonr$rE Joxf, Snreilrrr ." %AEI trgt-Y. oEhT&ttg & Lerlx pEnsoirl- AssErs oteoLo66.-;;r;" R A I98I

DC-pnesear coronese HAs BEE* LEAsr AcrryE ,J]tZfE#m"t 96tlS Arw posr tr Der srrLl urFlLLEDr jE ?lrUU24 Btlilro*.t GOPs loy oppose Reeolr rAr GUrBo.tE 15r A-12-1 Ou- Joru Dltceut Hrs cHArcEo. .Je llrA-2-1 Ser. ClRt levlr EAors lsmeut ATrAcr on lnlQg"rlg|Eigfgfl- 8[950"rro" Potren stetnnrrs REgtoitATtott co!{Es Ae euRPRfsEo Je E,I A€-1 DC-Reps Crnl Punseuu & 8oe TM SHARE ' Je 29, A-8-4 DC-Dtnnr Sr r.rrruoenl BoRr{-AGrr ru Cnnt srr AN, 5l*imft"^- o[efft,HoC8[&trUN AirD Jeues Queuro ARE rwo sunuivd,iE-ir oc. -1981- Jt 150 A-6-l DO-Reps l./,, RRoDHeAo, Jnmes BUncmRo & Boa Tnlxlen CHANcE mtNo ABcur E REFoRrns Jt 15r B-2-2ST DO-FUTT.Tt ANEA RESIDEiITS PROIEST REECRN EUOGE?.C-UTSr .lt 20r A-7-1 i.l"I: H";l^:il'*: ll.:"ffi ;:['::'s,^if,:ft'i5' oC-House Delorsruro sv,REAGAil TAr vtcroBlEs.: Ae 7, A-12-, oc-clal Rnseu uorEo r{ supponT or Rercllurgl ,Ag!t*. DC-CAnr. LevtN Ao-1O1 A-10-1 DCrddtr.t &Ues BLA:ilCHAio nolr FoB GoUEBtloRo Ao 1} A-74 2.rontc oF ENcEpHALl"lg DlsGovEiED ll{r tot!.: i MtoH- Ao 17, -A-1r-1 O':-FnaiiK FerHeuN RETTRED AETER 16vns As AloE To Repl,'JhFono r98r

a s 21, A-11-1 'tsErllLlisiaffi TAVLE ,.Bf; EEEr;g[Lb-hl^E.$F[Br,rffi H#i CUTBO oG-Jonr corwns & Hraou s^*="'ll?li" or""t#i,kl-3*ri ffc-fri:h,GAr{rA,s soF.r rr s,ppo'r FoR ner8ffi3 t6EEl"ror" AFTER droRE EUDBET CUTS rillloull0EO O !1 A-{-1 DC-DEBs tn Sqrlre oEET To Dtgouss anoedensr oeelle node ' o rr A-831 DC+Pm G I A 8rn ot ooES iloT olss Crnren DC'Slolrl 3 PL ACE tl HOSTOiY DC-ReAolNr PLA t{s iloo rreo ELF svls TEM FOR

DC-Boe TRAxLER-voGAL CHAMP I ON OF SU ch R Bosror-G0P ttoLos, Rec I ONA L scHOOLS TO RE ,sstoNAL cANoloATES. O 18r A-2-1 BluttmoRe-DEnl pLAuuERs Dt gcuss pAiTYlg R,TUie 0 19r A-14-1 & rxe AtrIACs l98l N 1, A-r-5 OC-lvltut-lKEru Htts ReaGAN oN ABoRTtoN,-N cETS AwARo FRoM lllrryeo PaRertnooo 2, A-7-1 Dc-u,ps oFrveR Jonrrr snoul,Buno HAs oAy wrix flilrttfqEq hroupe tlrv ro EmD Elf urr ot utrrpur lllcrre lllaoitg. N^5 pooR QQ-VETeIANS AFSAIL vA ron GARE N ), 'r9?lliroil uU-LEGLESS VE?, SuLLtvlr HamtuToN BLAI{ES llPA ,lIE3l'.' ON IpG?i" !ncotr?E- Ft]IUIB d.oflr fll$r e. t8?o! : | f,llrl-llrl OO.nEAoAr lAors th &u FonrEEOC aoBT oE3?ltE oormouanaA'l't t oc.ApaaoyAL oF tifit Egu ro rgro EEoc, ,, -$JZr - . r..i r .. N r10r-A€.1 A-4-il OO.REP TrhNr STU.IAIIOER GETS LOUE LETTERS D {1 Dc-u,HlrE,ttuse cormeRerT o* Acrro y,-f,?rrrt+_r Dtscuss,to[ oF JoHil Dlroeur AtD tli EilEROV POLIGV l r- r . Dl4rA-11-1 DC-REFr8,oa Tnafir.en .eers litvlrATtLotrls. : p 2O, A-7-1 DC- PnestoENT ceTs Hts wAy tN CoNcRESs. D 21rA-2-1 Ortebo 0uresuuoenTAtilNa.puBLt cA"loN oF B6oc-oRlENTED RI CHAIID A N DETROIT T{ET.JS t98t D 28, O-7-t DC-Luct ent lleozt rALKs ABou? Pot aro -t9g.2- JA 4r A-2-1 pC-Tom hrt;.t.tAts ts LoBBytsr ron NFL. Je 11 , A_2_1 DC-GeoRee CRocrerr ENTI{ustAsTtc tN NEu, ,rJX t4, A_1_1 DC-ENTM SEARCI{ FOR BOOIES IN POTOMEC RTVEN AFTER PLANE cRAsH3 SOmE HEROS-8,; SCHUSTER (t Durx E JT ttFL trirp tEE oopolEiso dr l8t 0C-lRs TLLiIE DGOUGTIOT FC ,ooncmeg rolrL ^ltr1 A-14

Gntrtrlt8-iiili6r-r'tr , .lr 2Or l-E-l tL Beu te aE(h rct 8?!LL lrt1flo' t-)-l OG-@roeca ser !o lEGolGE. To: n8Efl.A rlTr EGOiOlr lX tC6Stfolo O0;lGrgr Trolile-lsr ltov oF matllf,oroi rlouitlrLl3lo Dc-l.tss6 sr r.rlNoen HAs FuNDRT A.ER ??ri:r:t DG{Ee-im pm ulgs .piturrE EtLLf ro r:rp mrFttA D. cmrs F 11; iL1-1 "oPrGiDC-EEegaru onoFs Norlr oF t.td BELLr- PlcKs BLITGS( YaL'e ennor Cumarrce T omns ron EI:OC E 14U-Ff, u* coir no rd- ,'&iHt"ttt't*,tL+[iffi^, * F ::22, A-1-6 DC-GovennoRs sKEpTtcAL oF Nev FEoeRALlsm PLAN

DC-Genv.Jorues;ToLo ro AoollsH THE Deer or Eucnrtom F 21r A-1-1 DC o HA VE EOGE N R AOE FO t.t CH GOV SA Y POLLSTERS F 25rA-8,-2 1982 RYiil{, lllCil:iliil ;r e DETROIT t{B,rS '..';lT;n trr*tt Dc-rB, ileacarr BuDGET A BomB rru its6'"s ,A-a!E=l DC--qeru Canl L-vr.r pLAru rrout.D TRtm rAx Curs'l{n 1r A-4.-1 Dc-Cor-renesstoFru- pAGEs EmJoy HlsroRy, .roBs U_ ; DC-sEueroRs rnAY eo om TV m'6rAi1i1e Dc-CorcenuATtvEs REAoy To ATTAGT ABoiTtoil & oerep scHooL PRAYER !h 0, A-4-1 OC-]Ov &Aoy LoBBtEo ron SEllfAts lpeopts tovenr. r l,ts 15, C-12-1 DC-Davto BoruroE sAys Renoau LosES Lartnt rnt DC-Jomr Dtnoettls uEEr. i,h 29t A-2-1 DC-Dor.r Rteole roorETu Hts Hoett, HAS moRE cLour lN coNcnEss Ae 5o A'A-1 E-PEAGE Capsr Lonet Ruppg. -1fi2- AP 15r A'V-1 [Q-ftlg6X l$railA1qRs TA1E IDIANTAOE oF TAX AREAT.

DC-;ue llr.lsu;n'i rR ji;i EN,;LAr,rD troRr(s t,tr-, Hor.ll[31*l;3-1" leAn,, li: j ::;VT ST6TEnn . --. Ap 26, A-2-1 Do-BOaiTRlllenrS ANi|UAL V|GT,ORY PAFTYi , AP 29, A-1-, OC-lsileut RA to otl LEBANot{ AvEBTEo sAt's trffi QUANDTo' DC-supr Runreu sAt€ 8o or MtcHis BcHooL o,"* ??'*;3;L. i I lly J, A-5-1 DC-FtilANclAL REP0RTS oF coNGREss lot{AL cAtlPA lGl6.llv 1O1A-2* oc-Rlnrov Evarsr MARsllAL, ro GUARD Horr Htu6pqrrD[S$ rRtA REvIEt,, TAX BREAK CONGRESS VOTEO ITSELF. DC.IRS To . D0-.lorr Gorrns tGrDs Orr PAC cip. %rlg,or?iZt BTO|CAO mxtT iuf, lcr-lx tf,r l9r A-986, -OG.Rep Fr Ga? llrrns rm trfAN' RICHARD A I DEIffiIT N&B unlTER 1982

DC-Bttu Bnoorelos DEo stor ?o c oc{ep rt srr.orroEi srm, to uEeJulfs,:frS'* JE 1r A-14tf*. t0rrooenvrAlr{eo tOLLlaE iumtic Foi couEiltoi A6Agx. Je 4r A-!-t E-llYG ?o BUy Cerrotrr mDE suatarv olisr Srni LA$tf,sr. G OQ-JgFp Scronn rcros Eroe Cmpe rr Torol. h, la?*-z-t DC.fiEP hil FMO FI]NLLY CAUSO III TO iEPEAL OF cox0nE83 lorAL EETEF & 1?r B-1-1 , ()p DC-Ulroen .hcr rnrms cAil ur{ cor{rnoL o"rEHoIr: A4-2 O0-tlers FnEpARE FoR PAFTY coilFenEooE tr Pntil . ,)e 8$-9-1 DC-DIVto StocruAtrg pOt ttICAL REcoYERY tlot SEEIG.CoIttLE?Eo ' -192- .JU 19, . A-2'2 pQ-frl166 U[ro{ArEns BELIEUE solc AcctFATloirr'oF oiuo lFE, aEx Otl6o Jt 22, A-8Ll 0C- Pnss. Relcit EiroonsEo AmENDmcltT .To .ct.f,TlnuE srEEatilc Rr Petnoot-fruicrAsrirc cox"aAcrs ro urcrrGAir. Jt 26, A-2-2 D0-Oonro &.n ocr nEnEoBERs 1967 lsiAEL lrrrcr or USS Lteentv tBy ots?lrEr AO 2t A4-2 DC-Jlm SbARLINo lt-tbE io Guv VrruogR JAcT Krlotds MANY PEoPLE lN DC. Ao'r, A-1-1 -CorengssrorAL JuilrErs, Ao 9r A-2-2 DC-Orvro Borton HtYEntNo Hls suPPoRr oF lsilEL. : Ao lJ, A-24 OC{4lcHtBro'couLo ror HANDLE tllorxgn PBB olEtsTER Llre otlE rr t?i; - Ao 16rA-6-1 DC-REp. 0orrt-o Aueosu ctvEs Urcue Slu ptrcH FoR GHEnBIES. ..G 20, A-6-1 lF.'Irll- lrlCllhtlll e tlElin0 T ttlEl,rs TER 1982 Aa 21t A-5-t DC-Pnest oEr,rr Ast(s, corcREss Gt vEs s 6, A-2-2 DC-ronmen Roeent Hueen AtoE, Sreve MlarmE Err,h.Z_TnsERvArt )eurls HER?EL, uucHALLENGEO tU NOV ELECTtOTT-lUr.rOST UilteABO ,F FOR FRESHMAiTo $ 15, A-1-' )C-R t cxrno Hgrotee co!,rpLA I t{s ABour Reloail ruoi ilupr I cil I itc !N Mtcx. S 15, A-7-1 )C-Jrmes Btlrrrcxtno cE?TtNG HELp raom Dem Nrrtoul-Comirrree

0C-@P sunE ?o t(EEp mAJontry S ZO, A-4-Z OC-Rep tttn ,BRooneAos vtstr ro RusstA mARREo By KGB s 22, A-1-6 Bsrresol-MaRrerrlr Aeee rlru To AciEE-E&bNluexror& 0urnre -i982- S 27t A-2-4 DC-ROcen Ttt-leS REGAINEo. RELloloN, LoBBYs ron MtcH EoUcATl rEPr s 29t A-8-4 lE-Eruo U.S aro ro'-lSnleu, Oer Anaes asr -e'1r A:i-f- DC-@P FEARS .roBLEss r,lLL cosr vorEs O $.A-2-5 DC-Lenov Sovl tRereo ro sEE EAGAN tN Hls moroRtzEo UHEELc CHSIR TO PROTEST ETt CUTOFF OF HIS DISABILITY PATAUTTS- , o 6, A-1-1 DC-Dems see GA N OF 4 eovenmons 01 1 t A-2$ DC-Clnu Levrr irA r NG PROOBESS I t{ RE LA T oil9 w I ?H Russ A NS Joxn 0 nrilAtT & 6 F ROM MI c H K o

DC-Sgr R eGLE o vE s 0eu R ES 'Crnl DC-US Reps a Bos Tnrnen , A unl 1982 0 21rA-1-1 Recono f,rreEn oF yoDEil Axo BLAct(s sEErtf,o oFFtcE trcoo txo ELECn oile O 21t I.J# DC-ComencE SEc.l l{ltcotu BrtontcE TgLLs Auro lttous?FY GLoR Y oAYs ARE otEn. O 25t A-2-2 SB 0eaonrx Dtroetl.r ulFE oF nEP. Jom Otroetul O-TnEilToll HAUE UiOTIO IOPRSSIOX OF flEio 0 28. A-1-2 FEEL YO?ERs o - Pot trtcAtrs uaE Socl rl .SecuRtrv. ,1rA->4 , DC- LoursE TopprrGl8TAFF AtoE To ibuse GOP ttn Bmoorteuol PULLS STRIIICS 70 BEAT @Ifo BEo TAPE. N 4, A-1-2 DC-96tx Coroness ro oTFFEB FRor{ PBeDecEssoR tti-peasorrEL & P H I LOSOPHY -t982- N 8, A-2-' DC-Esrxen Vou Moouen Tuer.v opERATEs NErrs BUBEAU rir Nlrtorlu Pness Br.oo. N 9, l-1-t )C-Der.rs wrr J srATeHousEs tN ELEcrror{s. N t5r- A-2-2 DQ-Sa^t" LogEs cr,our tx. ComREsso N 28, D-1-1 )ctlue-oucK cotongss sET To oeBATE ou l"t(., GAsoLtNEr TtxEs, ruELtc rroRKs .loes & oTHeRS N 2)1 A_2_2 D0-ilo SURE PATIERI| FOR LAmE oUCrS D J1 B-1-2 OlrRtoGE TEilit-Ct-ttor Rtvea BReeoen RelcloRr Boor on soouooqcue? D 11t A4-2 0C-Ge6nce Melo ts A LoBBYrsr FoR Amen TnucKrr{c Ass[ lto. D 15r A- -5 DQ-lthxE-trp or Det AREA coNTAr{Eo tN NEt.l Ceusus Bunetu eoor ' t ' I 020t A-2'2 1982 D 26, A-7-2 D0-qUtnrucs 6Y SOnE CONCRESSnEN LAmEilTEO -198b . .lr 5c A-2-2 DC-crrotoATEs spE[? SlOOnrLLtor{ rn 1982r i} orver o v PACs Jr 6r A-1-l O0-Reloer nAy cur oEFElsE FUocET Jr 91 0-i_1 Tori Fnrrco turs A puat.tc iELATtors FtRm Jl 10, A-2-2 O0-lsr rrre til 40 YRs No Mtcn Oer otr lilot.lrEllclAL Wrvs & .Jr 26' ,-14 PiEs Rerolr STILL-lggr- Frolilo RoUGH Roto ltr CONGiE9S OUER BUOGET PLAf,sC JT l1C A'1'5 (curs) - lt-'oollEsrlc o0-Rerolai sEErs;Dv l'll{oR REFoRo! p.oc.Ars Jr i1o A4-2 PAREilrs sAvE $1000pe4 DC-RercaH PRoPosAE rpuLo LEt y|l Foi cHtLoagrrs GoLLEGE- F 2, A-i-l DC-RI EGLE, Dt rcelu cor PAC Furos F 4, b>ZO OC-Oet ttutrEo ro oAt(E FoimAL piEseil?Arrtor FoR r&4 Oeo 'b1-6 trrrroirAt. coruEilTror F 5, DGMrvO6'SET TO RETlrRll ro Der TO SHART Couise Foi oEALlllG urr r vtsm soAf,DALr F 61 A-2-2 OC-Rep Hrnolo SlwVea IBATTLEs ro gAvE Leorl SenvtcEs CoRp RICHARD 3 OENOIT NEU6 VJRITER t983 F 10t A-1-5 ffi-BttrcnARo uRGEs Coroness ro suspEt{o Mtctfg DEB? FoR ur- EnFLoymEilT co@ LoAltBo F 17t llrc 8' Clru Leutu HAg Fouiro conFoRTAaLE ilicaE tt{ THE g€rlte. F 14t I-l2-2 DC-!€U s€iltoil Tnlcv Rueelmrr ts ot{ grAFF oF REp llln Bnoon- FfELo F 17t A:J-1 OC-Mrvon YouncpolrEs Bto Foi 1984 Den 0orveurloro

DC-lhvoR Yourue rELL6 tEres tEr ts BEsr FoR coNv F 27 t b7-2 MlucmesteRlNoHo-WAttea MolroALE- HAg oEstRE To t{tu lr 1984.

T N&B UNI r983

0C-98Tlt Oorcness sET FAsr PAcE ltt trs lsr 100 olvs. Ap 14r A-4-1-4007 OC-ReAGlr wlLL iUil AGAtil SaVS EoUr !{seSa. A?15r A-l-g tE-Rercrr rro ilrf, I x r0f srtB l,tsBg Alt6r 0t'2-2 Arl?r Ll4 DC-DGI.p rsSrlt' @P ro of, Tlrc3 roAt 1(lT Rererr 41181 A€-l D0-tlrzt Suivtrois criner ll, LG? FILL-Brrx "GrB Ae2O,. A-1-l DC-Gov Btrrorrro, l{tvon Yourc 3lo FoR Dert coru oer '1FF- Ac21', A-l') 4oot D0-Oerror" LoBC3 184 Gomcrrtor lo SrrFrlctgco.& Fr Ae 22, A-1-2 DC-Seu Fapcgseo cETs 184 $eo corvetrtoN Ae- ?5t A'2'2 DC-AroEs THERESA BouncEots & .Jrm Anaunr o[E E?loglit "." BC[dlE"Eirroltcs urLL ElrcAce ril rosoBeorEtroE ro p'orEsr ut A'24 uucLEAR poLrcy srvs Btsnoe Guoeueton. fi12, Mrcr. loeevtcr tr Crttrrl otsctEseo. if4, A-1;N{ DO.€PA gUpEtFtiD FUxoB lx'Gt'Elxup Or $rntZOe:r "iOrlSGo oi![L"rrrr'r'€ ]jtGH Rev R urrcerr Lrvrenr *83'r$-Bi2or"" U.S elflf,t llo Sor IET FROII rrl'rrile ?o Hr3 G'tfi[6:A$3lfi o* ItE ilcE ror reorl lilTE6? Ot[ toeLESE BEf,EFI RICIIARD s OETROIT t€t'rsr I{RITER I983 !t ll, DCdlerr crocie Er ron sulscn rrETtitc llvl2r 0b14 DC-OE€ ttcr Det ron Jut,. lGETlllG tlv 16, b2-1 DC-fte Cur, PorccLL Foro3 GoP to ?r rtr cohl.t?, A-2-i OQ-Pensorrl miTr or RtsoLe & Leytr D;3GLO3EO. llv 18e A4-2 00.4E Hrmlo Srrtcn ts lft631lg orLY olllcoxltiE GrlEi oF Goreneca . &2o1 0-1'2 OC-Ep Qlv Umoen rlrct ctogc to lEcoolle 0o-Ep lSmno Suee opposEo ro Q.trct nrveg,

DC-Ea llrnr srs.lrroEi cmla Foi uoic US eovtesis El DOio rr srl -191- lrlr !0, A-2-1 dc-nuroneos rN s?ATE sEEr RtoE oN spAcE sHUTTLE Jn $, .A-222 D0-tlouse sEErts To Lrrirr sENATonir reei 'Je 15r tr-i2-2 DGRep Dhar rrAs SILJANoER sruoENT oF Bep Hoyrno l6upe- tr po!.trtcAl sctENcE Je t63 O-4:5 DC-NAmeo suemtrrEo FoR FEo cr vAcANcv ttl Der. Je 20, A-?-1 DC-Cnurse sHt ps p!.A.NNgD roa GRerT Le4es -{e-?6t b1'2 D0-Ooupurerg coot to Crptlor, lttr. c,e 21, b24 DC-Ep orv Umoer .lrct guer lSuee Dcos ouer sticrtra oF Gool116g3. JE : ?9l'A'l-i OG-brt:ng & CroorEt? gpt'tt ouEi trcrttc r tlror crxEtorrc Foi PiESe .L lO, A-t6 GO0lttlo. BI s oErRoll lEt6 ratTEB r983

Der peeeloEx?lAL oriDtolrED lr Der-&Fllcslore .,t. '1{1A-f-! Oeng AccusEoPiEg.RErem 6r. arerrtilo i9@ Groprcor ?ioot3E8o i6l RE3?Otl3 ilrul ror rof,Et to SPEtl( t 8E? one&lomO.em I ,0Eo3rrioEFtro l904r il.An Fioo taro terot {! 3gl"!llEl*" Il0 rrOl iEATOiE 3l oF ol *rt' -1981- Aa 5r A-bZ Ercrr,To trAnE.'Juooe Geonce A. t6oos ro vAcANcy oJ{ Ug BEilcH 0G-6 llrcH LAUmAKERs sEEr rrcLusror'o, us$ff trfi#lngon^m. BC;Ree Sll{oea lrevtr Lqsr tu Erronr ro AmENo REvsN'uE sHARlil bll; oi""i*o,,ln'or r.rioro*'"tor,o".o li I:,1=3;1"." A'F'B''"r*9 : Ac 9r l;2-1 @.Ser Crrt Levlr ltrg trlgaco FoittoltlE.Gtrlt€f .ult Ac l4r;B'10-1 00-PA6 cortat6utlons rEEP LAWATERS iuillllNG : Ac 15r A'2-2 0C-10 Oeu seurrons ro vlslr lbsiolr, ron 1OolYs' ; ..r , r - I Ao.27c b1-1- €or{GERNEo ABo ,, ttrEtHt! oFop$fuFg"+PxsflgFg B{rfl6 ['!$[y RICtIARD s OEfROlf NEI'E lr,RlTER I983

G A€-1 OC-PoNTtAc Aooeo ro HUO Ltsr FoR !rt{onlry uourn do*t S ,11 A-7-1 oC-ErtloprA sEEt(s EETTEi RGlrrroits urt u5.r2, A-rF1 AUHATERS UROE FlRll tlli lOttor Aof,sT Russtl ron sHo?lllc oour. ; Koneer rtETr S.4r td--1-2 Clsn ctvEs tdauren lbrol5e LEAo oN D(ltrt 9rHERDEIF. S i4r A_1-5 DE,loauess Ato BxrENstoN FAcEq vETo S 16, A-2-1 D0-Geonoe Cnocret sAt6 U.S LeSg.o,rp Util oEEaEta tltnGo Foi Bl-Jgyo?l ?Llrr tr C+tr-& srre #,3'l,t'.1? --. -Ab S 25r A-l-1 OG{JrLrer lloslt oly .GT arcurc or AFL-CIO e ilEA. Do-teq tloeera mo llm lhrrer,r. crooistri ffiUttrt uouLo mdcua.l'ls. lil?i-Tno3" ErcD?lorr'. '. rG?ElL s 5or y2-5 Qoot 00-NEA ENDoBsEs l'Jelrea Moruoeue,.FoR PRES 0 11-C-l-:l' OC-NEA ENooRsEs &btuolle O 2s A-1-2 Hot.t.yr'roog FLA-AFLFCI0 eroonpes lvtuoele 02, b5-1 DGELIZABEtH Ooue eleen To HEAo TRlruspoRtattotu Depr r | , 06r A4-2t Hor.t-ytrooo-l6roaLe GETS AFL-Cto Noo 0 f, f-4-2 NY- Oen pheEtoertoAl GrtoroATEs otgpl,rY uillrlf tr oEBl?E ' i 07r A-|-2ST lbt t wooorFtr-UoroALe oETB AFL-QlOts tAcrltc O 9r A-1-5 Oeenotilesl loul-7 Deo prestoExrtrAL GArotoATEg tomttro rAio lIYAilr RtCllARO s OETIOIT NEE lrRlTER le83 0 19r DCJttcH uirEoptoyEo ro cET 14 qne uEErs oF BETEFI-Ts. N ;:.e i.-i-S Fllrur-Jeer;e JRcttsoN sTumpsr our ro FoRM tRnlNEoul ALLIANoE ' -& Ft REsTotJE !l 14. l-.14 llmcflesrEieil.Ho-.Joil GLEtil & Utren Morote PtEPAi€ Foi l{. HrnsrtiE PitoliYo I'J 22, A-i-2 Lonerx Ruppe l.,or.rr RU$J FoR CARL LEvluts SsNare seal D {.e ;i-f-l m-5 nr Crnt Levtir H.rrs r{opE FoR AR$?s rAt.ii.s D j, ii')'2 O 12, D-10-0All DGftrestoe'lrrrg'P"trr* Secton Sunvev or Qosr Correql 8ET rro t88UE FtIrt iEpoi?o srlU, lil gPA" U.t"X Ep llu F0Ro. , 1-'1t$J- D 25t &t-1 RocHes.reR NH-REuBtru Asreui lo(axerxrcoxtRf,Rx oN upHtLL BATTLE ltr PBTMARY D 25t B_1-1 0txvtLLE NorcH l,ltl=, Enresr HoLL.TNGS Nor oN.EGo-TR.]p rN PRIMARY -t984- Jr'4c b2-1 DCiMof,oLAE AccuaEo Erorll oF t lsrltlo rlnE ror llE@TlA?lor 1BG OEAL. , .Jr 15r A-1-1 S-Oeo piEstoEtr cAttoloATEs gET FoR oEBlrE lx N€u l{ropi .lt 2J, 1,1-1 DC-GOP FeARs t84 Serlre ELEortoN Ja 270 A-?-1 MrlorCtayl lOul-t{OttoALE LAlo oUT Hl3 oEFl CtTi.REouCltG PROGR ADo 'Ja'}lr A-4'4 O0-Rdeenr Srnluss ENooRsEs t{Euren Morolue. F le A-1-} O0-Relolr sEilos Ooilcness pnoposEo t925l.5 BtLLtor BUooET F 21 A-8-l RYAN, RICHARD A. s. OETROIT NEb45 WRITER 1984 F 12, A-1-5 SeartE-LAcK oF ENTHUsIASm gg oBstAcLE To MoDALEIS'ontuE TO'-ilOotNAT|ON '- Des!4or r{Es=-coE'ce d4ccouenr c^r,rpAr cil GuroED lr'1Lk1;ln..t tJ% Reuatr Asreu FrcHrs Low pRoFrLE ffi. Bcsffits.€JeIsIS'F.3,I..I ;^?J 5:1"3"i:* i Zl: [?:l lhrcresteR-WAlTEe lbrolt: sAvois :tts lowl utru ulto; Los? tr l{eu llropemtne' sfltFTB FIGH" To nte 9ourtt. l& ]1 A-1-1 oc-Er-uemlren hh Bnooneao rs Acrf yE tr ufiffi, A-2_1 DO-.torr DlroeU, Gonsloens aUrllles FoR hlrsE r'lli6ntTY LEAD I ' - )98b Mn 15r A-1-5 Morort e & lhnt oit rRAtL AoAlil AFTER Supen Tueg. Mn 16, A'6-|2 Mororte caLt-s FoR MlcH OEog ro guPPoRT lx GAucusESo Mn 190 b1-2 Cntc-1 Oen imotoATEs oEBATE otf EUE'oFl ILL PnloliYo r -' Mn 20, APl;f ' Crto-llr. pnioAiy EAirs runnlttc PT Foi I Den GAilDloA?E3o : i , Mn 24t b1-1 DC-Rep Hmoto Sawen uoillT RUil AGAltlo jtR I i Z9o f,-.1-6 NY-$6rloauE; HARr RtP EAcH orl{ER ee)^, tw1;2 lrlY-lfY PR|MARY- A Btc sHot@ollN- ne 6, A-6-1 PIITS-I DCM CINOIOATES ARGUEO T}IEIR CASES II{ OEBATEO Ae 7, A-2-1 Mlotsor Ms-J Dem carotoATEg cAnPAleueo lN [tllso iRYAllr RIC}IARD:A. , OEfmlT ilES URIfER I lgg4.

prrre-t.l..?e' Moilor,.s rR^vELs ur?H pAri oF ,orlXJtl.i;53 Ar 1O1 A-2-5 PHtLr-, Em oltololtEs olrE; Lrs?-otv AppEtLB Foi ye?co lr PA pntornv. i Ac 12o l-1-Z OO-honlTtc crf,otoA?EE Fon pnEstocr? Trtg rEEr ttoED ?tliSf tl.LF oF ?llEti StiuuoLEo )tt o |-1.6 orttffinJaeSE rrAcf,or cEt't8 ?1 f, rt DEaATE Mv 4r:A-l-1 Drt t ls-MOiloALE rAs AcEs til TEI Oeo ceuCugESo My 81 A-l-1 Iomlue & rg Mv 10r A-1-1 OC-Gnnv HlRt pneotcrs Hts ilom BATTLE utLL Goioorr,il ro sc8Ao eLE utrt{ Moqoale-ElEo[Aio " Mv 1Tr E-b1 DC-Wnlr rs @tNG oN AT oomEgrrtc corTEitr HEAirrcs. Mv 17r 0CpSer Oorluo tl. Rreorets 198, tNGomEo -t9&4- Ml 22t A-1-5 0ouunauslOtuo-Mns tJn ren (uom) Mooolte. Nlv 24t 8-6-l DO-t'rn Clsev ts KEY FtcuRE To cET CrRreR nA?ERIAL FoB Eaoml 1980 cmeAtGilrto llt 2$ A-1-1 AmellOmerr TO DEFENSE BILL SPARES DEr TtGERST FROrn EEING'aLOw t{ ouT oF lsT pLAcE My 7A) A-1-2 DfsmlrectEs sHtFTtNo tN FINAL wr oF Deo pnestoEilrlAl RA lLeor ARO JeTo B.l;l I T""*-*-0lrt"i5*ooa orrT TO P GT 8t Or UI il Tuee .le4r lpl-1 LA-D gtrrEs to noto PilllAiEs Tues* Leotaao .lE{e A-l-f &nelnr-llAn!&JAt[3or rEAR f l{"0 ]tloilDALE &[.EoilAiD Je 12r L1-6 SrrFnm-CLil rurtrs oen rrrtotA|' GorrEll?f oro Ue i5r Alll, Df Pneg R rcm stAro lltl orrtotrt.o lx Got?rer ulrtt SeulETs r'EFFeRr io rtro srslg Fan gu@lr Y|?ll Ssrter ?lE3lo€tlto fiVff{r RICIIARD A. r ET0IT IAJS mlT,En 1984

otrtbrorc.ser ro rf,rEByrEU ?o?E*TrrL l:i.X''' r "rr*rlir '.Jl}A-1;1 DC-Rep Genltotre FeRnlRo ts A Rtsttlc srAR.-Jt i . r-- 17t A-'!-4. SAN FRANISO- Mrren Mororue BETs cARSER otr erotce dr Genolotre FeRnlno FoR RutNtilG mATEo .Ju,1?r b1-2 SAf,|FRAC|SO- Wat ren Mororue uor itce-to-FAGE PLEo-cE oF Go- ,PEAATlotl 6i9m Hls LA'T RIUALSo & l9r A-l.6 SF-.lrcrsor Hrnr or FOi oEn sF'6rnaaE orLl.s Foa f xeu ierllgrtl .rt 21r A-1-5 SF32 egtlEs AncuE olt oElAtEa * U2, A-1-l SF-DEIE Eil{oY rEU utlrv ' Agl2,.. B.-8-t R ep l'isten! to pl ight of deaf. -1fi{- Ao 21r e-1-5 odGnu.of rE'Fanlnof srooesl PAY BAcr- ?ArEs-&PErERsor & Leormo lo 8r'A-1-5 -' - Otr-Joili lDtEnsor BEr ?o EnDoisd Ul l{omte Ae 28e l;t}rq DC-AlroEnsoil ExDoiaEs ]lororle : Aa Dt.Ll-5 Sr.Prut -.tssse rrlcrsoil guppoita Wrrten Monoetet Ae !0r L6-.I gt.plut'-Ilof,Dlt.E EmD@ oEctlies rtln D:n olyoigl oorearotc 6 i::S.i1?Ii*r^.. & Fennmo Foirot,...v *o-trfi,ft: : I{1 O'1-1 DC-A roor m tloltorlels" lop GAoprtcil tlDESo S,6r eFil}.l SrurLileCtw-l,loilotLE AooiESsED AmEi Lsotof,o Srvs re uouLo !oos? oEFErBE gPEtollo. S f' A-bt BlGorRY'& & !4oton e BfrH coNoEMN REL|Glous 1984 s 10, A€-t D0-rout-upc iout ou !,bdronuers oAMpAtcN S 11, b1-5- 00-ttb6loAtE uNvEtLs Hts FtscAL pLAN r g r!1 bl-f Do-efnt€ qllz iEU lruiolC Fon GElrALolrc Farrno r S 19o l.l-2 D0-Epontens covEillto pBBlDEnrl AL crnpAt cr tRAlLg I I s26r,-,6-,4 Gov Btltcreno AsBs Fullos ro Alo Pnlsofl ovEncnot{otl{G t.- Hrnoto Srwen oETS FAREUETL FqoU FttB{os I I O ?tr l.16-1' FeEPAiATtoil FoR O Z oeeate 0 8, A-1-6 COmENT Ol{ oEgATE 0!1A-1-1 r --1984--09rA-1-5 !fiorolue AilD REAcAlt ttlr cA@Alcil rRAlLOlOrA-l-5 ugrSn Morolr.e slvs HEts EAKlllG PFpGRES9. 0 14r G.1-1 Frrll rRtP AGcnoBs U.S sY TnAl ro 71F7 cr tll or AnrBAtt- I I 0l4rrLi-6 lrfuotsor Ulg-Jtbl{oaLE UPBEA? As iEguLT oF oEBATE I I I I o15rrA'2'2 lbtroAt.Er Eaort AssAlLe EAoH orttER Ag zilo oEEATE llEtis- & scrlusrenr i o 17, b2-4 RETOTT ATTAGTED I TOTTEIg €GOf, PLAf, & Y!tr OF rciLO Rer_gmr AooREssED.soltools ,. ;11.=E[iGHU8?En O 190 B'/h111 tlc-AroEo SenvtcEs quAt.t?y corriol ploceouree qrs? eE loPio rED O Ac1-5 atv81t ser Levlr 27; KO-llo-Erolt & Motolte ?o HoLo ?HEIB Fltllt. GrnPrtot oEBATE RlYAltlr RICHARD s DEtR0lT ilAltS InlfER 1984 O 22t A-8-l KCrIO-1p Ttlls oEaATEl ReAoAI FEtsry & rnoooenrrtll

Pnes ormrlGil GilTEi8 .fT9 FlilrL 2 reers-EcHu3TEn tbroi.. nlros Rerem' on pmrhe .rR( ro *^r,. ln:l*;i;:t* o 2% l.,2-1 Mororle cA@rtcrs rr ltouesrr Rerom rt Omto S?o , .0, 16, o4-1 o Ftlrt-!,broue oedtt" t'oq t" nr."anby LGT o27o lr2' lbuom.e Htrtt HAio lr Eldlr tr 4 etl"Eg 0 8r A-21-1 auo(g ilur.tBEng-& s crusten 0 2%A-4-1 iEilEE ?AT t{P ' I -lP4. O frt A->? 5 ,muurrs Accuseo oF ABustr,a 2 vorrc olnLs3 Grcr Oopu1p, CrAnLErBLlcrueu4zlKaaaalv Hena t r22roeulvle Tna t rt60 (oeuev'Rvml) & Lrroeuu warson55 o 7% A-.4-4 lbmll.el Reloml srEF up GAt{pAlotl Acnoss trAllrllr -gpcxusta tl o Dl. A€-' lbrolte RenRils 10 BAslc rllEt{Es 1{ 1i A-lZ-e BlLrtmoae- Paestoeantm. oo*dtolte WlrrEr l4otton d N A'lO-'-oEltoutlcEo hEso Relolqrg rAr PoLlrGtYo r 2r NY-100rff)0 cresR Mororte tt l{mrlttm N ,, A-6-1 Reromr & Moroue oAt(E cAoFAtGil sroPs tu MtctrtScttusten N 4, "A-61 Morot le AooiEssED Mt. cU@eils RALLV. crUt S FOR suppoi? RYAN; RICHARD A. r DETR0IT NEbE tr,RlIER 1984 N 4, A-1G4 Monolte & Fennmo HAvE no tlLustous ABoUT toro ooos-&Leor o N 5, A-8-1 !&Att qrTex-*buorFe gAL\sr FoF suppgnr, Fnopqf,qntly, .GRpso , .rr r , tt 6, A-4j.1, Re6cN.& MoroalE E[orrcAnFAtotrts. Aultt poolvls venptci. N pr A-8-1 Sr.Plut-MLren MonoALE etos FARET ELL To PoLlrlcs N9r 1

O0-@P BEAoy ro cnoogE fEu itAt ontt? l€roGR O 6, A-g-i DC-Us Sup Cr HEAn6 crgEs tryoLr & Rrplos & llYC acttooL ol8 rs & reuletoil lsSlrE ot8E30 r I r :1%5- ,!t 22s A-1-4 o0-trluouRAL PARTIEs MovEr lNDooRs r Ja 25, A-rP5 | Dgr<cH coNGREssMEN itAKE Ptrcx rq Ggq Serunu ron Moctt -F DG-Foun OEMs vtE To HEAo IEM PARTy 5; i.-2-4 oc-BUooET EXPECTEO rO BStCHOS 8Y CONORESS UTH+ppy utTH RE Arrs corrtiluED lmLtTARy BurLoupt f ?, l-2:1 oo-Plr-u? ?Holo oF rtTt oF IREP€oe orYts APPETRS lI I)APEn To gHou xor ALL LAUf,Areis urvEs Fnurty F -lt Aa-r ocr $r Lucrs coilTtxuEo FLti?loo urrH GoP tr ,2.-o4v ulsl?. F 28, A-2-1 DC-Reaganrs cuts in aid to,col lege studentslttoy'r[llElu DC-New IRS rules on auto use raise furor. t{r 18, A-l-6 ted as summit between Pres. Re agan 6 RYAN, RICHARD A, : DETROIT NEWS trRlTER 1985 Mr 19, A-l-5 'Quggrc clTY- Pres. Reagan and Prime minister,drian Hulroney :wrapped up their summit by slgning 4 agreements. t8,ooo in Mich face ross or jobtess ben:;ril:r^;?;Sstone t4r 22, A-l-5 DC-Pres Reagan forecasts surmit with Soviets Mr 25, A_z_l DC-HichiganrOhio in confl ict over court seat vacated by Chief Pre.s Reagan hopes for a surmit wlthSoviets in Sept. Ar 2), A-6-r DC-Reagan administration able to Push its MX mi ss i le progr rel uctant Congress. --1985-- Mr 30, A-1-4 Reagan no jobless pay; Pres. says on Ap3, A 4-lAM DC-Carter takes jab at Reagan Ap4, A-l-l- DC Congress in foul mood against Jaoan over trade Ap 7, Mag 15 ,3l, ls one of the new breed of lawmakers. Ap 21, B-2-l Not a good week for Reagan Ap 25, A-l-6 DC-Reagan pleads for deficit cut Ap 29, A 1'2 DC-Bitburg outcry plagues ambltlous Reagan trip- I Ap 30, B-5-l ..Guy DC-llm Brock tackles Labor Sec job Ay 2, A-3-4 Vander Jagt wonrt seek GOP nom goveryo5. for A-4-5 DC-House GOf pnvei led proposed budget that cuts 3 275 bitl RYAN, RICHARD A. : DETROIT NEWS WRITER t985 My 12, B-l-l DC-Wm S. Broomfield interviewed. fiy 16, C_13_t I unit of npthballed Midland plant could be finished says JOhn D. Selby.-EBenkelman My 17, A-4-l Sens Levin S Riegle report net worth t4y 21, A-3-t DC-Rep is Mich's richest congressman. My 21, D-5-lt, DC-12 recommended for consideration as apptees for vacancie on US Dist Ct in Det. l.ly 22, A-4-l renrs Assistance Act My 5rA I DC:Mich Sup Ct Judge James-L Ryan apptd by Pres Reagan to 6tfr Circult Court of Appeals My 26, B-11-l DC-Reagan to unveil his tax-reform plan on TV Tues -1985- My 29, A-l-6 DC-Reagan tax proposal cuts rates for many Ay29rA-4-2 DC-Husseln vlslts Washlngton, to meet with Reagan on Mldeast t'fy 3t , A-t-4 0shkosh-t{ls-Reagan takes tax reform plan to people Je t, B_7-3 ilalvern Pa-calls his tax plan a boon to hlgh tech Je 6, F_16-l4dot DC-Kristopher Gumper survives to natl finals in Spelling bee Je 7, A 2'l DC-Bal u Natarajanl3 of W0odridse I I I wJgs, ry{'-fe6t t i DC-Reagan observes SALT I l, agrees to dismantle nuclear sub Je 12, C-13-l DC-Levin accuses Reagan of rmlsleadingr t"JB"ytltF-lg-l Mich for I r RYAN, RICHARD A : DETROIT NEWS WRITER r985

Roy C Hayes urged as new U.S Attny in Det-E Bal I Je 19, A l-6 DC-Reagan wants strickter security agirins.t gqrfor[st, ,arni travelers- Je 21, A-8-5' Conservative GOP attack Reaganrs responses to internrl ter rism Je 23, A-2-3 DC-Reaganrs tax-reform plan loses its luster in eyes of l.lich lawmakers Je 23, A-15-4 DC-How Reagan E Carter handled their hostage crisis

DC-ltarty David wife of Hich congressman to host tv show Jl 10, A-t-5 to resign Ag I from OMB Jl ti, R-t-t natl Dems plan party renewal --1985-- Jl 13, A-l-4 DC-Pres. Reagan will undergo major surgery this day. Jl t4, A-t-5 DC-President Reagan recovering rrbeautiful lyr.' Jl t5, A-t-5 ,C-Pres. Reagan continued to maek what his surgeons say s attspectacularttrecovery. Jl 16, A_l-5 Dc- Docotrs bel ieve chances are excel lent that Pres. Reaqansr cancer has not spread. Jl 16, A-l-6 DC- Political scientist Ralph Whitehead said the future be- longs to rrnew Col larrt voters. Jl 17, A-8-l DC-White House staff attempts to restore sense of routine whil the president is ill. Jl 23, A-t-5 DC-Callers for tickets to Bruce Springsteen concert jam pho ne I ines. I iRYAN, RICHARD A : DETR0IT NEtrS WRITER r985 Jl 30, A-l-l DC-SovietS, U.S swap arms idead Ag2, A-8-3 DC-U.S pol lcy on auto imports baffles French lawmakers Ag5, A-2-5 DG-Battle of budget leaves big spllt ln GOP A96, A-t-5 DC-Reagan vows tax, budget war A96, A-l-6 DC-Reagan I s nose bump was cancer Fl int Lawyer, Paul Gadola suggested for seat in District Ct. in Det A-2'2 George Bush optimistic on Pres. o?::'' Agl3, A-l-l -1985- Ag 19, A-l-6 DC-l.lich to grow at sober 6 unspectacular rate says report A9 21, B'7'5 DC- Study cal Is U.S. a debtor nation;... A9 31, A-4-l DC-IrDVM-TV was key in Gannett Cors purchase of ENA s 4, A-2-l DC-Sen urges A-test talks. S 9, A-l-l DC-Congress 6 Reagan on colllsion course of whose goals to pursue S 10, A-l-5 DC-Look at Reaganrs sanctions imposed on S. Africa s 12, A-l-l DC-Reagan said he will propose laws that will assure fair trade S 15, Mag 15 Jr. S 16, F-14-t DC-Rep Geo ltiller sought studies on feasibility of diverti RYAN RICHARD A. : DETR0IT NEWS WRITER r985

DC-Rep Mark Siljander 6 reform scheme.S his tax lg, A_l_5 DC-Reagan rules out compromise with Soviets on research 6 testing of defensive weapons. S 20, A-2-5 DC-Publlc Health Service seeks to reassure nation on AIDS s 2t, A-t-t Reagan meets with business leaders, advisers over effects of sanctions agst S. Africa -60lson S 21, B-10-l DC-Lawrence P. Zatkoff 6 Barbara K. Hack6tt nominated for sh DC-Reagan announced proposals to make US more competitive in trading market. S 26, D-$-l DC-James L Ryan says he would follow law above hls conscien e s 26, D-8-l DC-James an OKd nel for U.S court seat -1985- s 27, A-l-6 Vi rginia Beach-residents flee Hurricane Gloria s 28, A-6-5 Rehoboth Beach Del-ladyllke Hurricane GLorla wins thank- yous along the coast-6 D0ctoroff S 30, F_14-l DC Debt limit spurs debate O 9, A-lO-l DC-U.S frustrated but unable to act in hijacking of ltalian crulse shlp, achille Lauro, with some Amerlcans 0 12, A-6-t DC-Capital applauds Reagan order for jets to force Egyptian plane witn 4 terrorists to land in Sicily instead of Tunls g 15, A-l -5 DC-l,lomen in C0ngress earn their gym suits 0 19, A-l-l DC-M|chlgqlts economic recovery cites as model for other RYAN, RICHARD A. ': DETR0IT NEWS trRlTER r985 0 23, A-2-3 DC-Pres. Reagan plans important UN talk on world policy. o 2\, A-t-4 NEW YORK-Pres. Reagan intends to propose major new initiati uith Sovlets aimed at endlng regional conflicts. o 24, A-14-3 {EW YORK-Drivers fuss,fume over motorcades during 40th ani- /ersary of the UN. 0 24, A-l-4 3dot {EW Y0RK- Pres. Reagan called on Soviets to join U.S.in re- ;olving five reg ional confleicts. O 25, A-1$ rft or{ soY I TS lO Joltl g.S. III RE filG 5 uonLo coilFLrCtsr o 25, A-8-' NEtd YoRK-DTPLOMACY RULES AS pBESo ReAOAil PUTS lll Ail ACTIYE OAYo -1985- o26,Al-5 NY-George Shultz reports summlt progress, td go to Moscow next Mo, make preparations N l, A-6-5 DC-ATeT plan may drive up residential ratfis5, A-l_l DC-Dems should have lock on regaining control of Sen next vr Nl3,Al-t DG-Reagan crams for summil N 15;A-l-6 DC-Reagan calls scheduled summit a mission of peace. N 17, A-l-4 DC-Reagan views summit as opportunity to replace era of con frontation with I of cooperation N 18, A-6-l Real experts behind surnmit N 22, A-l-6 DC-Reagan reports to COngress N 24, A-16-l DC-Reaganfi fa* blll debated D 4, A-l-l SI RYAN, RICHARD A. : DETR0IT NEWS lJRITER t985 , DC-John Poindexter new national securlty adviser is hard rking with superb managerial skills D 10, A-4-l DC-Sen D. Riegle spent $5001000 in postage on newletters to constituents. lJhat others spent on mail D lZ, A 4_3 DC Gov assalls U.S deficit blll D-U,A-1'2 DCITax-reform blll sidelined til '86 without GOP help-s Peterson D 13, D-16-l DC-Helth Dept a bureaucratic nightmare D l3r A l-24dot D 16, F-12-l DC-Reagan warns he will veto 3 bills D 17, A-10-l DC_3 from I'tich swltch votes on tax bill D 29,A_l-l DC-Reagan ends t85 a winner, confounds critics -1986- Ja 3, A'l'2 DC-Republ ican Congresslonal Campalgn Academy trains leade Ja 20, A-l-l DC budget battle brewing Ja 24, A-4-l DC-Hanuel Johnson is candidate for term on Fed Reserve Bd. Ja 26, A-4-l DC-Reagan to give short, simple 6 straightforward St of Un ion address Ja 29, A-l-4 DC-Reagan shocked over explosion of shuttle Challenger. stponed St of Union address F 5, A-l-5 DC-Reagan welfare reform plan outl ines F 6, A_l-6 DC-BUdget features deep cuts F 6, A'7'1 ,%'--*'"ii'i'"1i,'1f,'X1Bn'Jlr'5"tIJ#t['q'"nfi-7e.Jt-f lLws. RYAN, RICHARD A. 3 DETROIT NEtrS WR ITER r 986 , DC-Reagan attacks job quotas. F 13, A-l-5 Japan to Iimit number of cars exported to US next yr. F 14, A-l-3 DC-Oonald Hodel denies polltics had 'i role in firing of Lee lacocca from Statue of Liberty panel F lg, A-l-2 'DC-forr"r Reagan adviser Ed ROllins who lured l.ln Lucas to G0p, now works for Dan Murphy in his run for Mich Gov

Ft8 D I c rm n9 nt attny au Gadola-e ANkeny F 20, A-4-l DC-Reagan wlll woo Congress on tax reforms F 25, A-l-5 DC-Reagan rel ized friend e al ly Marcos had -t986- F 26, A-l-5 DC-l,larcos talked to Sb:rr:Ea.ul:'Ld'xalt before stepping down F 27, A-t-6 DC-Reagan warns agst tampering with his defense budget. Mr 4, A-l-1 oCfRtSt to have 16 S. states hold primaries at saflre time l.lr7, A-12-l DC-Rul ing delayed on Vice-president Bushl's role in ddlegate election. Hr'16,A-l-t: SPRINGFIELD, lLL.- lmage hampers chance for Vice-preident Ceorge Bush. ltr 16rA-16-l Pres. Reagan schedules TV address to plead Nicarguan con- tra cause.6 Benkelman Ar UrA-l-5 President $eagan pleads for Nlcaraguan contra aid. RYAN; RICHARD : DETROIT NEWS WRITER r 986 llr 21, a- l -5 DC-Presldent Reaganrs gamble a failure on proposal to send Sl00 mllllon to rebels in Nlcaragua. Mr Z.,, A 7_4 DC_ U.S eager take on Khadafy to Ar 27, A-6-4 DC-fal I surrnit meeting expected Mr 30, A-l-l Jack KEmprs bid viewed as crusade Ap9, A-l-5 DC-May talks to set plans for summlt Ap 10, A-1-4 DC-Reagan calls Khadafy a mad dog- Ap 13, A-2-1 DC-trerla fr.lremrrcf rc Paraan mo-ro .lnntna'i^ | rtd++*{'-an- Apl5, A_l-3 DC-Reagan ofdefed Llbyan strlke after I lnk found to t'lest Berlin DomD Ap 20, A-l-6 Dc-us strike agst Libya sends shock waves that may reverbel ate -19U6- Ap 27, A-12-3 Honolulu-Reagan visits leukemia victim Randy Raguion 14. Ap 29, A-4-l Honolulu-Reagan arrives in BAli. To meet with PresShuarto My l, A'2-1 Bal i-Phl I ippiners Laurel . sald doubt remains about depth of Reaganrs allegience to Aquino My t, A1-6-3D07 Ball-Soviets accused of coverlng up full extent of nuclear disaster lty 2, A-\-\ Bali-Reagan had angry confrontation with Phillppiners Salva dore Laurel tly 4, A-1-4 Tokyo-Sovlet nuclear disaster 6 terrorism to dominate econ .summit ity 4, A-8-t Tokyo-Japanese security tight at econ summtar, ,, A_l_4 Tokyo-7 allies to ban arms sales to nations suspected of RYAN RICHARD A. : DETR0IT NEUrS WRITER t 986 t Tokyo-Radioactive rain falling on Tokyo My 6, A-l-5 Tokyo-New mechanism to prevent wild fluctuations in internl I exchange rates Hy 6, A-2-l 'Tokyo-Reagan got most of what he wanted from other nations in fight agst terrorism My 6, A-2-6-3D07 Tokyo-Reagan to put behind French refusal to permit US plan es to fly over. ily 7, A-l-6 Tokyo-Reagan ends 3-day econ surunit. Believes allies would support future US military action agst terrorists

Tokyo-Reporters find eating in Tokyo ainrt cheap Ay 7, A-10-6 Tokyo-Reagan prepared to put behlnd Francers refusal to let US fly over i t98O: ilyll, A-4-l Tokyo-despite failures, Reagan calls trlp a success Je l, A-9-t Tokyo-l,tike Hansf leld is oldest US ambassador Je 12, A-8-l Pres. Reagan releaxes stance on arms control talks. Je 12, A-16-4 T0KYO-New Invaslon In works; Japanese luxury autos. Je ll, A-l-1 DC-Reagan performs poorly at news conference. Je t4, C-z-l DC-Some cilies drop out of contention for national conventi ns. Je 16, A-l-2 tst-Costs for Americnas rise with yen Je 17, A-t-5 Tokyo-Japanese tralts hurt overhaul economyJe of lg, A-l_6 DC-l'Im R ehnqulst named to succeed Burger as Chief Justice o , Hofu,Japan-Hofu plant to serve as basic modbl for Flat Rock Je 22, A-15-l 450 l.tich employes of Mazdats Flat Rock plant in Japan-for training Je 22, A-15-6 Hiroshima-0samu Nobuto to head Flat Rock plant Je 25, A-5-4 DC-Reagan goes on tv urging House to support aid to contras Jl t5, A-3-l DC-drlve to draft Lee lacocca for preldent launched DC-protesters assall lacocca on auto safety Jl t 8; A-3-l DC-lacocca inslsts hers out, draft group refuses to halt JL 19, A_3-5 DC-U.S optimlstic on weapons pact 1-986- Jl rg, B-4-l DC-Hotel Issue hurts conventlon bld Jl 20, A-3-5 DC-Detrolt dropped as poss l98B Dem slte JL 22, A 3-l DC-Congress warns Reagan on S Afrlca Jl 23, F-t-4 DC-Reagan rejects S Afrlcan curbs Jl 27, A-l-3 DC-Reagan takes up crUsade to save GOP Senate Jt 30, c 8-5 Tokyo-Jojl Hara39, Mlchlganrs man in Japan, sro-ces for Japanese state In league Ag2, A_13-1 Itark Slljander urges to vote for him to rbreak back of Satanr Agl, A l-5 lmpact of Mich delegate vote debated Ag 6, n-TO-f LANS-Bush camp says it won in deltegates.Ao 7r A-1-1 LANSnICE?ngStoEil? elltlrs vtc?oiy 1x 96gEGA?E BAcEo RYAN, RICHARD: DETROIT NEWS WRITER r 986 A9 A-r -5 Hlchigan voters seemed to choose pol Itics over prayers ln primary. Ag l0 A-12-l Thousands of polltical activists recrulted by Robertson offer opportunitles, but also rlsks to Republicans. Agl3, A-l-5 Chicago-Reagan stl I I opposes S Afrlcan sanctions Agl3, A-13-t Sprlngfield-Reagan promises to help farmers DC-C0ngress backed, defled REagan S 15, A_l-5 DC-Reagans urge drug war unity S 16, A-l-5 DC-Drug tests on govt workers ordered 9vrt?"fl92-r DC-Pat Robertson plans big party for supporters -1986- s 17, A-7-l DC-Phitlppine President Corazon Aqulno vislts U.S, makes plea to Reagan for funds- S lg, A_7-l DC-Evangelist Pat Robertson says he will run for presiden if 3 mllllon slgn petltion S t9, A-3-l DC-Corazon Aqulno tri r.rnphantly addressed Congress 0 7, A-3-l DC-talks called bulldup of surmit 09 , A3-6 DC-REagan to leave for lceland today 0 I 0 ,-A-l -5 Reykjavl k- I slanders wlecome Reagan 0 I 0 , A-3-1 Reykjavik-talks may spur historic accord 0 I t , A-l-5 Reykjavlk-Congressr deal gives Reagan su,rmi t clout, 012, A-t-4 Reykjavlk-both sldes work on arms con trol at Talks 0 12, A-r 2-4 RYAU, RICHARD : DETROIT NEWS.WRITER r986

Reykjavik-prospect for Gorbachev Itl?i tJr?t o*o 0 14, A-t-5 DC-Look onReaganrs face said summit was over 0 14, A-l-5 DC-Reagan says next move up to Sovlet 0 15, A-l-6 DC-Reagan says galns were made 0 t5 DC-WHite House to pin blame on Soviets u ',$;eilt5-, DC-Reagan turns summit shambles into triumph 0 20, A-l-l

Springfield,Ho-Lt Gov Harriett tJoods faces ex-Gov Christop her fKitr Bond in Senate race O 22, A-3-l LA-Edwin Zschau chal lenging Sen Alan Cranston in Senate r e. -rgE6- 0 25, A-3-l FlorencerS.D.-Outcorre of Sen race is crucial to REaganrs hopes of keeping GOP control of Senate O 30, A-3-l DC-Governorships are GOPrs aces ln the holg N 2, A-20-l DC-COntrol of Senate is key ln Tues vote N 5, A 1-l Dems win Congress, rnost victorles N 5, f3-l Senate Dems unllkely to make drastlc changes N 6l A-3-l Robert Byrd fights to keep top Senate job N 9, A_l-5 DC-presidentlal hopefuls llne up

DC-Reasan prarses wr r r iam ;H:1-ln m"rtli l.Slrlt';?ns day speich' Ja 26,A-l-4 DC--Reagqn to address. a skeptical nation Ja 28, A-l-4 Pres.'Reagna conceded serious mistake in lran aims deal. RYAN, RICHARD : DETR0IT NEWS urRlTER r987 , Draft-lacocca move loses steam F 4, A-l-l DC lrhite House communlcatlons director Patrlck Buchanan res gnEd. F 8, A-l-6 DC-l yr f rom today, lowa voters to select delegates F ll, A-3-l Dems flex political muscle F 12, A-l-5 DC-Wurtsmith AFB selected as possible site for l.lX missile F t5, A-18-l DC-Former l.lich ressmen nob, consul tant F 16, A-t-2 DC-Gary Hart seeks backing of union. AFL-Cl0 exec council meets, to decide on backing candidate F 18, A-8-5 DC-Reagan to go on road to push for programs to make US more competitive -1987- F 20, E-l-z DC-Decision soon on News-Free Press J0A-sShea F 21, A_3-1 DC-Rep Jack Kemp rlps George Shults' urges hlm to reslgn F23, A_3-l DC_GOP C0Nservatives dlvided on candldate F 27, A-l-1 DC-Tower Cormsn paints troubling portrait of Reagan

DC-Tower Conmsn independent' se.rio-us. i,'l: trI-i dC-iJi'gdn ii' pies ideniy damagied bv Towe r rePo rt-6Katz Mr 3, A-5-5 DC-Howard Baker spent busy lst day on job 1,1r 5, A-lO-5 DC-Reagan tries to put lranian arms sales scandal behind him with speech. l'lr 8, A-l-5 Desl'loines, lowa-Geo Bush not doin w6l I in lowa i RYAN, RICHARD A. : DETRoIT NEb,s WRITER 1987 r DC-Howard Baker run for president still possible Mr 10, B-4-3-lD0T DC-Mich GOP 6 others met with Reagan Mr 1J, B-l-t DC-Bill Lucas not secretive about his desire to be FBI di ctor Mr 16, A_3_l Televlsed news conferences have become institution of mode n-day presidency Ap I A-3-l DC-Reagan to make lst major speech on AIDS threat. Ap 3 A-7-t DC-Reagan knew veto on hwy bill was gamble. Ap 5 A-8-l DC-Trade, pol I ut ion top agenda for ta I ks wi th tlul roney. Ap 6 A-l-5 Ottawa-Weather, Hulroney give Reagan chilly reception. --1987- Ap 7 R-t-5 No-dot 0ttawa-Reagan says arms pact with Soviets near, but is less certain on acid rain solution. Ap8, A 3-5 DesMolnes-bumper crop of presldentlal candldateE AP 9, A''1-4 DC-3rd marlne, Sgt Joseph tlel rlck26, arrested^, spying ln Lenlngrad consulate AP 2E A-2-l DC-Reagan cal I s protect ion i st trade pol i cy dangerou's . Ap 28 A-3-l DC-Reagan aides divided on heeding Nixon-Kissinger advice. Ap 29, A-3-l DC-Nakasone faces tense vlslt to U.S Myl, A-g-l DC-Nakasone del ivers trade surprise My4, A-2-3 DC-White House braces for lran-contra hearlngs Myl,A-ll-3 DC-t{edia debah RYAN, RICHARD A : DETROIT NEWS lrRlTER 1987 My6, A-l-2 NY-Gary Hart vows to contlnue quest for presldency desplte sex scandal ify 7 A-l-3 Littleton, NH-Gary Hartrs wife Lee defends him. ilv 7 A-t-3 3-dot GrovetonrNH-Hart cancels campaign trlp, returns home. r.ry 8 A-il-4 Concord, NH-Backers sympathize, hope toilrbi6,A-r_,

ROUGE,fb;-Some here think Jesse Jackson wlll win th BATON My2l A-3 -1 DBpro-cratic presidential primary next March. ' "- PhlI ltart 0fflce Bldlng dedicated -1987- My 31, A-l-3 DC-The 6-Day War of the Mldeast--2O yrs ago thls week Je l, A'2-3 DC-Econ sunmlt set for Venlce next week Je l, A-1-l-1D07 DC-Polltlcs wlII be ln forefront at econ sununlt Je 5 A-3-5 Venice-l,l. Germany backs Reagan on missiles. Je 5 E 2-l Venice-Reagan mulls plan to ease trade sanctions. Je 5 E-Z-l 3-dot Venice-Same Je 6 A-3-l Venice-Reagan warns Sovlets that unless they chg their policies they rlsk losing superpower status when his star wars missile defense system becomes operational; rea- ssures Europe he is still anti-Communist. Je 7 A-l-5 Vatlcan City-After meeting with pope, asks Conmunist nat- ions to renew faith. Je 7 A-10-Z RYAN. RICHARD A.: DETROIT NEWS trRlTER 1987 Je 8 A-l-5 Venlce-Tensions escalate as Baker warns that lran risks retaliation lf missiles are set up. Je 8 A-2-5 4-aot Venice-President eases tariffs on Japan. Je 9 A-1-4 Venice-U.S. prods allies on gulf stand Je 9 A-4-5 Venice-Reagan's tariff relief fails to satisfy Japan. Je 9 A-t-4 3-aot Venice-All les stop short of U.S. stance on Persian Gulf.. Je l0 A-l-l rr^-!^^-Alll^- 6^tl +^ l.aal, Daa-^^l- -iltr---, - -r--- - Gulf.-.'.':. Je l0 A-l-l J-dot Veni ce- I n flation plan calls for less U.S. spending. Je lt A-3-5 Venice-Summit allies urge expanded AIDS fight. -1987- Je t I A-3-5 3-dot Venice-Reagan's statement on dollar causes dip in value. Je 12 A-l-5 Venice-Reaganrs slip of tongue sets off dollar dive. Je 12 A-8-l Venice-Gorbachev stock rises as Reagan loses ground. Je t2 A-l-6 l-dot l,l.Berlin-Reagan challenges Gorbachev to tear down Berlin wall. Je 13 A-3-l Reagan hopes for year-end arms pact. Jl 5 A-12-1 Philadelphia-l,layor Gocide again flghtlng rival Rizzo for job.--Ryan mayorrs Jl 16, A-r:l DC-Reagan happy after John Polndexter testlmony offers no smok ! ng 9un RYAN, RICHARD A : DETR0IT NEWS WRITER 1987 Jl lg, A_6-l Cleveland-art of Reagan-bashlgn ralsed to new heights by Dems; Patrlcla Schroeder may run for presldent Jl 26 A-17-r Traverse City-Job of governor has changed--they are young= er, rnore involved in work E have less time to socialize. Jl 27 A-10-2 Traverse City-Hass. Gov. Michael Dukakis is the only sit- ting governor currently running pres; attracting big crowds at Natl Governorsr Conference. Jl 28 A-l-l , ren avor w n r partiesr pres. nominations. Jl 29 A-10-l Mackinac lsland-ilondalers record-setting loss to Reagan has Demsr attention. -1987- Jl 30, A-t-2 llacklnac lsl.-Bruce Babbltt calls for 5Z V.S. sales tax Jl 31, A-2-1 Macklnac lsland-Poll llfts Dems hope, shows shlft from Reagan conservatlsm Ag 6 A-l-4 Reagan plan sets peace timetable foi Nicaragua. As6A-l-4 4-dot 0rtega wants to include U.S. in Nicaragua pe?ce talks. A9 l0 A-l-5 DC-Donrt expect details from Reagan about arms sales. Ag 13, A-t-A DC-Reagan says secret lran-contra deal made him as mad as hornet- Ag 16, A-l DC-Reagan survlves contra scandal but has lost power to inate political stage A9 28 A-t-3 RYAN, RICiIARD A.: DETROIT NEWS [rR|TER 1987 s r A-3-2 DC-Pres. candidates seem to be runninq in circles. - s 6 A-17-l DC-Pat Robertson nears goal he set before announclng GOP candtdacy for pres. S ll A-3-2 lowa straw poll wlll gauge candidatest popularity' s 13 A-3-2 DC-Joseph Bidenrs pres. ambltlons may rise or fall on his ure at Bork conflrmation hearlngs. S l4 A-3-5 s uns s sl A-3-6 DC-BIden wants America to judge hls honesty. s 20 A-3-4 Desllo nes , DesMo nes Register lists Robt. Dole as local front runne r for res. nom. -1987- S 20 A-25-r Macklnac lsland-State Sen. Doug Cruce of Troy confronts Pat Robertson over tdisenfranchlsementr during GOP conf. s 24, A-1-2 DC-Joseph Biden bows out of presldentlal race S' 27, A-6-l DC-lf not for tv, Biden mlght stlll be a candl("rg, A-lO-2 DC-Kelth Braun's Soviet wife may get to emlgrate 0 4 A-4-l DC-Conservatives stlll looking for a new Mr. Right. 0 6 A-3-2 I'tiami-Tenn. Sen. Al Gore talks tough for Southern votes. 08, A-2-l Democratic Presidential Hopefuls berate Al Gore. 0 tt A-6-4 Bush murl 61el'come hurdle of fuzzy image. RYAN, RICHARD A.: DETROIT NEtrS WRITER 1987 0 t3 A-3-5 ilouston-Front-runner Bush says I l'm best for jobl 0 14 A-10-l Cedar Rapids, lowa-Bush urges GOP opponents to back Reagan arms deal. O 15 A-l-2 Bush ready to concede state GOP delegates to Robertson. i 0 17 A-3-3 DC-Apology sought from Bush for crlticism of Robertson's recrulting methods. 0 18 A-3-2 -1987- N I A-21-5 DG-r88 race offers large cast but llttle enthuslasm for candldates so far.--Ryan N 1 A-25-t lliaml-No love for Derpcrats in Little Havana. N 5.A-3-2 llouston-Houston hotel is Bushrs legal resldence. N8,A7-l DC-qulck-witted Dole lsnt's dollng out campalgn humor N 10, A-3-2 Bob Dole declares his candldacy for G0ffpresldentlal nom. N 20 A-l-1 DC-Hit Man Hearns, top man Reagan spar in oval room.-- 8Peterson N 22 A-3-z DC-Reagan crams to avoid old surmit mistakes. N 24 A-3-4 DC-l.ti le Ev i s ,z scales tlhite House fence, gets within 20 RYAN RICHARD A : DETROIT NEWS I/RITER 1987 t DC-Reagan arms treaty spl i ts Republ lcan contenders D 6 A-l-tt DC-Superpowers could broaden arms accord. D 7 A-10-l DC-Pres. will press Afghanlstan rights issue at sunrnit. D 8 A-1-5 \.i.! Di-Soviet leader ready to sign historic",treaty. D I A-3-2 DG:Bush gains by backing arms treaty. D lO, A-l-4

humpn rlghts- D il, 4-l-6 DC-lbaders promlse to meet in sprlng. Reagan to vlslt Moscow D 13, A l-6 DC-summi t afgsrglow wont sway Congress ---1987---- Decl6, A-l-5 Gary Hart back pace for pres.announces hers ln Dem/ candidate. D 20, A-2_1 DC-Gary Hartrs renetry may aid GOP or DUkakis " D 30, A-jJ-S DC-Pat Robertson rejects U.S ald for tlme being -t988- .la 4 e-t-3 DC-State GOP convention results may ge murky. Ja 6 A-3'2 DC-Bush tells Dole to get off his back. JA 15, A 4-l Feuding dimlnlshes impact of GOP caucuses Jl5,A-5:3 Muffled, muddled message from GOP caucuses-Ja 16,A-8-I rofficlal'winner-6cainE 50?6 of caucus votes dlsputed, Bush WOodlee Ja 17, A-6-l Hanover NH-Republ ican debate heats up Ja 24 A-3-2 RYAN, RICHARD: DETROIT NEWS hrRlTER I988 Ja 26 A-1-4 DC-Reagan urges Congress to make his last year in office the best of 8. J_29, A-1_5 GrandRaplds-Robertson to skip conventionf clalms BUsh rstol Mlchr-eilartln EFlrestone JA 29, A 2-6 dr$) Desl'tclnes-Robertson's ads tell voters to F:ry-rO-, DesMoines,lowa-Phone banks are important to political camp algns F2, A-2-3 Ma rsha I n F 5 A-2-3 Mt.Vernonrlowa-Coffeers on E political talk perks up. F 5 A-8-l N Watq.rloor lowa-Caucus troops get f inal brief ing. -1988- F 7 A-r-4 De9Moines-Dole has edge in GOP struggle. F g A-2-l Desllolnes-Bush fears Robertson ln lowa. F 9 A-l-5 Desl.loines-Bush vows to come back from 3rd place. F concord NH-candidates 10, A-l-3 move East F 13, A-l-3 COncord-Stanley Lock from Mich, in race for pres-6Katz F 13, E_1-2 Manchester NH-good week for Bob Dole F t5 A-l-2 GoffstownrNH-Robertson statement about Soviet missiles in Cuba startles GOP debate. F 15 A-3-2 Concord,NH-Bush-backers hopping or! Dole bandwagqn. F 16 A-l-5 ManchesterrNH-Robertson wonrt back off assertion about mis le admits he has no evidence. RYAN, RICHARD: DETROIT NEI.TS urRlTER 988 F 17 A-l-4 Manchester,NH-Runner-up Dole loses momentum. F t8 A-l-5 ConcordrNH-Republicans race to rnln event In the South.-- 6 Katz F 25, A-3-z DC_Super TUesday may be bonanza for GOP contenders F 29 A-r-2 Atlanta-Trade issue that has spl it Dem candidates erupted for lst time among Rep. contenders. Ar Z -2 a r son s man to at in rRedneck Rivi- era.r nr ,+ A-3-Z Harnpto, $ -iC voie could cut GOP cait'of players. t4:r 5' A- 3-4 Columbia-SC primary lmportant prevlew for Super Tuesday': -1988- Mr 6 A-l-4 Bushrs timely win means Robertson, Dole must play catch-up l4r 9, A-l-2 DC-Bushrs srrrashing victory on Super TUesday keePs Dole a distant 2nd, Robertson,Kemp far back Mr 10, A-t0-lldotX DC-D0le scrambles in lLlinols 6r 12 A-1-2 Chicago-Dole denies he ready to quit race. Mr 14 A-7-l Rock lslandrlll.-Dole still says hers more electable than Bush. tir 17 A-1-l DC-3,200 Gls sent to Honduras. Ar 17 A-3-2 DC-Republlcans cite Bush's lead, press Dole to give up.-- 6 Clements l.tr 18 A-8-l DC-Bonior suspects troop moverent to tlonduras was pol itica npve bY Reag'an. M r 23 , A-7- l DC-Geo Bush supports Reaganrs veEo of civil rights bill RYAN, RICHARD: DETR0IT NEtrS WRITER r988 ttr 2J A-ll-l DC-Superdelegates may hold balance of power in determining who Dem. presidential nominee will be. ilr 30 A-t-6 DC-Bloodied Dole guits GOP race. Mr 31, A-5-4 Hilwaukee-AlberE Gore attacks lacocca Ap l, A-3-2 CudahyrWlsJesse Jackson drawing large crowds ln Wls. Ap 2, AjJ-3 Sheboygan Wls-Albert GOre raps lacocca ln Wis Ap 3, A-13-2 Ap 6, L6-3 Tempe Ariz-movlng ahead , JAckson insists Ap 7 A-l-3 lndlanapol is- | f elected , Jackson would freeze mil ltary spe dlng. -1988- Ap 20, A 7-5 DC- Dems rpve to Penn; DUkakls hopeful Ap 24 A-V-l DC-NIxon has resurfaced to assume mantle of elder statesman l4y 2, A-l-2 Cleveland-Jackson jabs at Dukakit ,, 6, A-1_z ,u'n aldes cal I 'ii[ol?ityx'o's' mvEf,nlf-"t' s DC-Bush says remarks about Meese'runauthorlzedl tty8,R- l -z DC-Robert Teeter and Peter Teeley advlse George BUsh My 10, A-l-3 DC-Donald Resan writes kiss 6 tell book abogt 'atl4s3t1:Un botZgtharnan endorses Geo Bush for presldent ai'ine?" RYAN, RICHARD : DETR0IT NEWS trRlTER

DC-Pat Rovertson endorses Geo Bush. ,ny14, A-l-2 Pol lster, Rlchard I'li rthl ln says U.S. pessimism bad for George Bush Hy l8 A-3-5 DC-Delay in arms treaty predicted. My 29, A-l-4 DC-Reagan sees hope for Znd missile deal- ity 30 A-4-l DC-NSCrs Colln Powell plays low-profile role. Je I A-3-4 Kansas City-G0P platform drafters accuse Dems of planning develop p latform an 8th-grader can easi ly menprize.

KC, Ho-Gay activist John Thomas addresses GOP platform committee urging national commitment to seek AIDS cure Je 12, A-l-6 DC-Hazards of selecting running mate haunt Dukakis -1988- Je 2\ A-8-r DC-Jesse Jackson keeps VP decision a secret.--6 Katz Je 27 A-3-4 DC-Polltlcal analysts say Bush wlll need blue-collar suppo Jt 6 A-g-l DC-Heese resignation leaves Bush camp smlllng. Jl 13 A-7-4 DC-Republlcans say Dukakls blew it by not plcklng Glenn as running mate. Jl 17 A-t-6 Atlanta-Dems determlned to head off floor flght that could cost party Nov. electlon.--6 Pepper Jl 18 A-l-6 Atlanta-Jackson, Dukakls agree to hold meeting. Jl t9 A-l-2 Atlanta-Jackson s Dukakis celebrate newfound peace but b for skl'rmishes over party platform 6 pres. nom.-6 liloodlee Jl 20 A-g-l Atlanta-Blll Lucas atnong Republlcans crashing Dem conventi RYAN, RICHARD : DETR0IT NEtrS I/RITER I988 Jl 21, A-8-l Atlanta-South rwinnabler Dems say Jl 21, A 8-5 Atlanta-Dems steer clear of bashing Reagan Jl 27, A-1-2 DC-George BUsh advlsed to back plant closlng blll Jl 28, A-3-2 DC-Bush cri ti clzed for lvy League image Jl 31, A-3'3 DC-BUsh delays namlng VP untll conv Ag 14, A-1-6 New 0rleans-Reagan plans big role In campaign

DC-Reagan may help, hurt Bush Ag 15 A-l-5 New 0rleans-Reagan tells rally that Dem rmasquerader ls over. Ag 16 A-l-2 N.0.-Reagan urges rone nore for Gipper. at farewel I party. -1988- Ag lu A-l-2 New Orleans-At last, Bush wins party's highest prize. Ag 19 4-8-6 .' rcomplete N.O.-Bush vows to the misslon we started in 1980 As 2t A-l-5 N.O.-Bush likely to face uphill fight. S t9 A-4-l DC-Pres. debates: show time for rivals. S 25 A-l-6 DC-Bush-Dukakis debate is heart of r88 race.S 26 A-1-6 Winston-SalemrNC-Bush e Dukakis return to campalgn trail wlth renewed vigor after debate. S 27 A-3-6 JacksonrTenn-Bush describes his campaign as 'sheer heavenr s 30 B-l-2 Hlch leanlng to GOP ? 0 2 A-3-2 OwensbororKy-Countdown is on for hectic Bush campaign. o 4 A-3-2 DC-Quayle's politlcal experlence likely to be debate theme RYAN, RICHARD: DETROIT NEt'rS WRITER 0 6 A-l-6 0maha-Formallties forgotten in heat of Bentsen-Quayle debate O I A3-z ro play dn JFK issue in deba5e, Quayle tries A 4_l Quayle will leave limelight to Bush O 14 A l-G A higher road for candidates Bush, Dukakis 0 15 A l-2 Bush fight complacency: tough road for Democrats Texas- Dukakis hopes swing voters feel ritrs time for cha 021A7-l Blacks are giving Dukakis less than thelr usual supPort P 26 A-3-6 Denver-Dukakis takln his case to the le in TV ads. -1988- o 28 A-3-2 Bush accuses Dukakls of Japan-bashing 6 trying to incite fear of foreigners as cheap means of winning a few votes. --6 trl|Ilng 0 30 A-l-6 Bush vows he wonrt be outhustled in last days of campaign. --sWlllins NIA-8-l St. Louis-Bush say no to Dukaklsr reguest for 3rd debate. N 2 A-8-r South Bend, lnd-Bushrs presidential agenda would include Sovletsummit. N3A-l-6 Lans.-Dems say Dukakis ls closlng gap.--t nna[.rf ES Bush backtracklng through 3 Great Lakes states N 5 A l-2 Bush askl !r9 for staters vote of conf ldence ln Hich-eFl rest one- 1988 ro au oI.?,l"ll-?o, ,t"r supporr Nl0Al-6 Baker: Bush picks adviser, Jalnes Baker to be secretary of stare DlA3-2 Cabinet post surprlse Milliken-6 Weeks D 6 A l-8 Wiener leads pack as Demsl next natlonal chairman D 9 A-3-2 DC-Reagan says reetings with Gorbachev over past l rs. ha rc r DC-I'lestern Dems support l'{lchrs Wiener for party chm. l-989- Ja 8, B 1'2 DC-Capl tal crime wave wraps DC ln fear, tops DEt for murders Ja 10, A-2-\ DC -1990 U.S bu t lves more to AIDS d fi hts -1989- Ja 1!, A-q-4 DC-Quayle stlll trying to flnd a nlche for himself Ja 17, A-3-5 DC-Bush has put together a team of I'tashington lnsiders. Ja 18, A-3-2 DC-Det Mayor Y0ung boosts R0Nald Brown for Dem top job-6V Ja 21, A-8-2 DC-last day as pres for Reagan Ja 21, A-9-6 DC_Thousands from Mich flock to lnaugural-EClements Ja 25 A-3-2 DC-Richard Wlener, Dem chm of ltlch, admits rival is ahead in battle to be national party leader. Ja 26 A-l-z DC-Wiener quits race for Natlonal Dem Party Chm. Ja 29 A-17-2 Pres. gush taps l,lm. Bennett as his general to lead drug war RYAN RICHARD A : ROIT NET.'S WRITER I 989 F3,43'2r92 DC-Cuomors talk to party VlPs could be warmup fdr bid F 5, A 16-5 DC-no town irmune f rom drug epidemic, pol lce o-f f lclal s warn F 7 A_3_5 DC-l'tany of the nationrs mayors 6 pol ice chiefs push to ban rapid-fire assault weapons. F 8 -l-tt Bushrs choice for nationrs lst drug czar, Wm. Bennett, vows fed. aid in drug war if confirmed. F 9 A-3-2 DC=Ronald Brown is lst black chm of a major pol itical arty DC-|tlch dems like the spirit of the budget.--s Clements F il A-r-6 DC-New chm of Dem party, Ronald Brown, promised to heal the wound s caused by his candldacy 6 lead party to pres. victo in I 2. -1989- F t8, A-l-6 DC-Urllllam Lucas to win job on Bushrs drug team F 23, A-3-2 DC-Davld Duke takes offlce in Loulsiana F 24, A-3-2 DC-Census BUreau readies 106mill lon questionnaires, will hire 4o0,ooo counters F 24, A-3-5 DC-Justice Dept job for Willlam Lucas? F 2\, A-4-r DC-Lee Atwater tells conservatices to back BUsh F 27, A-l-5 DC-Gov Blanchard joined others in agreement almed at prote ting environment of 6r Lakes. F 28, A-3-2 DC-War on drugs can be won by curbing demand governors told MR 5, A-t-5 DC-choice of Peter Secchla as amb to ltaly sits poorly with Ital ians l,tr 9 A-6-l DC-Columnist Carl Rouran crlticlzes plan by Bush adm to nane RYAN, RICHARD: DETF.OIT NEWS WRITER I tlr 12 A-21-2 DC-Republ ican leaders encounter setbacks as they try to atract blacks to the party. Mr 15, B 6-l DC-Ex-Rep James 0rHara 63, died Mrl4, was champ oT tiberals 6 labor Ar 26, A-17-11 DC-pressure grows for Pentagon to play role in drug war Hr 3l A-3-2 DC=U.S. spends less on |llch residents than those of any other state.--6 Clements Ap 6 A-l-4 DC-Gl,l exec Donald Atwood will sell hls stock so he can A-l -2 Pres Bush will visit Hamtramck with economic news for Poland.--6 Hartin Ap l8 A-l-2 Bush tells crowd in Hamtramck that Poland ls leadlng the toward freedom for all of Eastern Europe. Ap 23, A-16-l Pres.Geo.Bush brings welcome change for many suburbanltes-6 Gannon AP 23, A-17-l Marshal l-Resldents are G0P-sol ld,register signs of impati --6Gannon Ap 23, A-17'\ Some say Fres.Geo.Bush doesnrt care-8Gannon Ap 2l+, A-5-l Wash-Experts spllt inPres.Geo.Bush beigg man of action Ap 25, At-5 l/ash-Wm.Bennettrdrug czar feels he has relentless job with stress Ap 3O A-21-5 DC-Unused milltary bases may get new life as prlsons. Ay 2 A-3-2 DC-Social obstacles block the way for vaccine to prevent drug addition. l,ty 3 A-l-2 DC-Jesse Jackson backs Wm. Lucas for civll rights post lty 5 A-6-5 RICHARD: DETR0IT NEWS WRITER r 989

One of three ambassadorlal candldates-Secchla promises low-key tenure HY 14, A'13-2 DC- ls death penal ty a drug-war weapon?saysl'laxKrupo asst; pollce chief lnWash.,DC Mylg A 3-5 Secchia closer to Job as envoy to ltaly Hy 20 A-3-2 DC-Wyo Sen. Malcolm l,lallop holds up Peter Secchia's appt to Rome post. l,ty 21 A-21-l DC-Dems pooh-pooh Ed Rollins predictlons on 1990 congress- Top agent Davld Westrate descrlbes growlng war agst drugs Je 1, A-3-5 DC-GOP holds Secchla nomlnatlon hostage Je 9 A-l-2 DC-Bush denounces China massacre. -1989- Je 9 A-3-5 DC-Rep. John Conyers, Det. Dem, latest to ProPose idea of reparations for blacks. Je lg, A-3-z Rlverboat casinos hope to tap a stream of gamblers Je25 A l7-2 Drug runners keep Coast Guard on defenslve JE25 A l7-4 Smugglers outfox patrols ln the alr Je 30 A 3-z roverhaulr GOP electlon glven llttle chance Jl g, A-17-z DC-Pres Bush beglns an ambltlous t0-day trlp.;1 1 A-t-z DC-Quaylers job: set tone for Bush on civil rights issues Jl 12 A-1-6 DC-Rep. Crockett shocked by Rep John Conyersr attack on Hayor Young. TRYAN, RICHARD: DETROIT NEWS UTRITER Jt t3 A-l-2 Quayle says Bush is a friend of blacks, but he won't buck the high court.--6 tloodlee 6 Zelger Jl 13 A-16-5 Quayle says rit was a great day' after his speech at IIAACP conv in Det Jl 26 A 2-z GOlflng glft glves 0akland Inventor Bruce tloolsey shot at tlhlte House Jl 27 A 4-l Castro ls a drugrunner, U.S. claims Ag l, A-l-6 DC-Crack use soars ln U.S survey shows 6 A-t -2 mar ona rt on DC-B|ll on TV violence uould set limits but at what cost to the Constitution? Ag 18 A-3-6 DC-ltarine Corps Gen. Al f red Gray Jr. questions drug war strategy. -tg8g- s r A-1-5 DC-New, dangerous drugs being peddled on Americars streets include rroon rock' or rspeedballrr a smokable combina- tion of crack cocaine 6 heroin S 3 A-7-l DC-Drtg czar Bennett says there are no quick solutions to Americars drug problems S 6 A-l-5 DC- Pres Bush unvells S7-$-51!lton drug flghtlng plan: more treatment, cops, prlsons. S 7 A-15-l DC-Drug czar Wm. Bennett hopes to convert crltlcs to natl drug-flghtlng plan S 8 A-3-2 DC-Bennet says prlce tag to states ln drug flght may hlt $10 bllllon S 17, A-3-2 Rlchmond-Va-L Douglas Wllder hopes to become lst black governor; ls ln race ln Va S 25 D-l-l DC-Bush adm taking its drug war to the private r,,rorkplace; Its on d test I icies. I NVAI.T, RICHARD A.: DETROTT NEWS WRITER 1989 o 2 A-l-2 DC-Ceasus takers wLll walk Etreeta of Det & other maJor citiee at 2 a,fr,. ttar 2L to glt^^more . accutrate oount of the homelees 0 22 A 3-2 U.S. hopes to clean up money launderlng schemes-Smurflng drug profl ts 0 24 A 3-z flcet may be next No.l drug threat 5 A-3-z DC- Abuse of new street drugrlcer centered in Hawaii, many fear itrs headed to the continent. N 26 A 20-4 He f rom l,lich. D Ex-Detroig"r, Army l4aj Sean Byre is I of-5.gngcial millta aides to Bush ' -J D 17 A l-2 c rocket t : Ins drus laws-oecrlmlnal izatlon of d i:.l"ilttrf -1989- D 20 A-4-l DC- Vander Jagt predicts Pres Bushrs user fees on recreati onal vehicles, boats wonrt clear Congress. D 2l A-2-l .DC-Sone interh* .i'6nal experts quest ion legal ity of U.S. in- vasion of Panama-- E Gordon D 22 A-8-l DC- Noriega hunt would put Gls at risk in Panama. D 28 B-3-4. NoDot , DC- Drug pollcy dlr says atatee neglect role ln drug war -1990- Ja ll A 4-4 lloDot heavy drop in Metro Detrs populatlon wl I I make I t [rnpossibl for Hich to preserve lts tradltlonal 2 black congrcsslonal seats aft this yrrs census Ja 14 A lO-2 rGraves Drug Wa r - t threa tr Ja 30 A G-t+ Congres ready to battle for less defense spendlng RYAN, RICHARD: DETR0IT NEWS trRITER

F A-r5-r Fed judges like no-parole drug senterrces. F 5 A'l-2 Stars help Rosa Parks celebrate 77fi birthday at Kennedy Center wlth spectacular musical show. F 11 A-14-l DC- Blacks wleld clout ln corrldors of Bush adn F2343-5 Blacks wlll account for almost all of Hichrs population growth ln next 20 yrs. Mr I A-3-6 DC- District of Coh-rnbiars drive for statetrood making

DC- Former Mich Congressman , convicted 72 ago in payroll padding scheme, qge 57-noilr-!,"rU run for seat in l,,tarvland leeiilature. - ]lr-16 A 2 -5 Bloomfield Hills execi Robert C Larson named to SE L ba ou t -1990- Mr 20 A-7-t DC- Census Bureau strives to make sure 1990 count is honest. W 25 A-1L-L DC- Ann Arbor rs Barbara Bryant, census bureau director, defends homeless count. l"lr 30 A 2-l D.C. - Federal government spend an average of $2,801 Per piir"" for Mlcrrf 9.3 Fi I I lon peopt" oan's il 19891-, DC- Lake Twp in Macomb County is one of the natlonrs rlch- est communities Ap 15 A-3-2 DC- Obscure fed agency the U.S. Board on Geographic ensures that identical names appear on all fed maps & cleans up racial & ethnic epithEts fron map sites- Dc- ftrvironmenr onerges as 'in' issue tf,t'3"5k: "tAp l8 B 2-t-D J= RYAIII, RICTIARD: DEIROIT NEIIS IIRITM,

Dc- G Lirhuanian econcxnisrs arMich ."rftf#i;lio rn"r, homeland Reptrblic will hold firm. Ap 25 B-4-4 Campaign to rid Det of blut of alcohol-tobacco ads on bill boants gets boost in U.S. Senate I.{y 9 A-3-5 Former mayor of Cturlotte harrey Gantt would like to take on legendary Sen. Jesse Helms- My 20 B 4-l Surrnl t schedule of events W 2l A-t-4 (First of 2 articles on stnrnit) 687. in poll urge Bush to

DC- Gorbachev as poprlar as Bush, to Det News po11 My 31 A 1-5 Baker held out the prospect of "significant and progess' on atms control at the 4-day surunit -1990- JelAl-4 Gorbachev: rWonrt begr for U.S. aid-.tlash Sununlt- 6 Gannon Je 3 A-1-5 Ihurmont, l"fl- U.S., Soviets still at odds on Gerrnan rennification. Je 3 A-t2-2 Itrurmontr- ry- fife gogs on as usual for townfolk nr. Camp David while U.S.-Soviet sunni in n*stfstd 't A-r-5 DC- Recent summit llkely to be remembered for Bush-Gorba- chev personal relatlonshlp rather than for achlgvgments Je 19 0 5-l look forward to meetins lru"ifl,otil;"n Hfi!:i:*,akers " l,landela ln Amer-ANC leader lectures Bush- He defends the use of vlolent means Je 29 E 8-l Nelson Mandela makes hls polnt: U.S. wonrt ease sanctions RYAI,I RICTIARD : DETROIT t

DC - National Brdor"ment for the Artsr existence is threat- ened in a debate over fundirg. JL ll A-Z-L DC- Sen. Carl Levin's camgraign fund totals $3 million JL 22 B-1-5 DG-Deattr penalty bill applies to everybody, but is its revival strictly politics? Jl 22 B-4-4 DG-Contraceptive research bill faces tor.gh battle JI 24 A-L-z

50, former New Hampshire Srrpreme Court justice, norninated by Bush for position on divided U.S. Supreme Court, repla cing retiring William Brennan, 84. -1990- JL 25 A-6-1 DC; Mictrrs Republican tlitmust-senatorial candidates, Schuette & Durant, di'ffer on test for U.S.'supreme Court norninee Da\.id Souter in abortion issue JL 26 A 3-2 DC - Minorities angry over nomination of David H. Souter to Supreme Court. Ag 1 A 2-5 DC - Energy tax may be part of plan to reduce deflclt. Aglc3-4 DC - blamed for the delay ln the clean air bi il. Ag3A1-5 DG - Higlrer oil prices could ttrmble the nation into a wor recession. & Gannon Ag 8 c-1-6 Horne sales in Mich stall but prices increase.-t Bratt As9A4-1 DC Troops prepared for Iraq , masks rive sul RYAIil, RICIIARD s DEIROIT NEhIS I4IRIIER 990 DC - Marion Barry apologized for his cordrrct but critized the federal govei'rrnLnt for Eampling on Xnt",7iyi| 6isrrts. D.C.-Post-census survey seeks to determine undercount Ag 19 A 3-z Rep William Broomfleld maklng waves, to swamp and slnk 120 tJl'lll-vlntage cargo shlps that the Defense Dept sald are vltal to natlonal securlty-Va. s6,A3-2 OC-New Al r Force One a fl Ta Maha I Camp Spr ngs MD.-Ex lawmaker, Charles Dlggs lets go of the past-hopes for a second chance in a di fferent state s12Al-2 Bush pledged to deep troops in Hiddle East as long as need- ed to drive Husseinrl raqi army out of Kuwal t r . -1990- s13A3-2 Sharon Pratt Dixon, Democratic nqninee for D.C. mayor, receives numy accolades-Ryan s15A3-3 Spencer Abralram is Republic party chairman in Mich., md also deputy chief of staff to Quayle-Ryan I.IASH DC s 18 A 2-1 Air Force Gen. Mictrael Dugan was fired 9/L7 by Defense Sec., Dick Cheney-Ryan S 27 A-L-z continuesr will fe91- it DC-If h-rdget deadlock You o3c2-3 Blanchard urged Bush to drlve down qasol ine prlces by relea sing enouqh oll from the natlonrs s trategic reserve to cal panic buylng on world oil markets 0 5 A-8-1 over Mictt RYAIiI, RICIIARD A.: DEIROIT NEI{S I,IRITB' r 990

DC- Tourists angry over closing of DC attractions, parks in hxlget disptrte. O 12 A 5-3 Port Huron buslnessmanrJlm Dlngeman hopes to defeat Davld BOnlor by capltallzlng on votersr anger at a Congress that canrt seem to get anythlng done lately- O 17 A l'2 Bushrs likely veto of citil rlghts bill could hurt his support among blacks o 23 A l-5 WASH DC-Senate rlll try to overrlde clvll rl ghts btll

Uash DG-Sone Republlcan candldates lukerarm to Bush but he brlngs ln money yhen canpalgnlng for them; Vernont E other states clted-Ryan -1990- O 29 A=L4 DC- Re-p. Guy Vander Jagt says 101st Congress was 'worth- less''now being held fo tdrichly desdvea ridicule. o 29 A-3-6 DC- 3 Black @P candidates--Gantt, Blackwell & Eranks-- hope to make history by being elected to Senate, House. N2A3-4 Rep Don Sundquist R-Tenn wants to replace Guy Vander Jagt as head of House Natlonal Rep Campalgn Corm N4A3-2 Rep Strategists declsion about 1990 campaigns lhat seemed sound ldea bef the budget battle,tax lncreasesrpeislanGulf crislsrpresidential popularl ty slump N 4 A l4-5 Hajorlty of Mich voters think Congress and the Pres blund- Uv'approvin!, tax increase to reduce fed budget deflc- "i6aI t.The put most of the blame on Congress-8clements RYAN. RI CHA iD A: 0ETR0lT NEI{S I{RITER r 990 Two-thlrds of voters say theyrll reject Sen Donald Reigle in '94, poll finds- E Clements N 7 E-3-4 DC- @P elated as Gorur picks first black Republican for U.S. House in more than half century: Gary Franks, DC- N 8 A-1-3 Both parties paid as recession & taxes worried voters. N 8 4-14-3 Guy Vander Jagt talks confidently about his seats & own surprls narrow victory N 9 A-6-1 DC- Pres Bushrs decision to send more military personnel to Gulf makes desert war almost inevitable.--&Peterson -1990- N 14 A-2-1 DC- r&i te House rejects calls by 2 key larunakers for emergency session of Gongress to vote wtrether Bush be authorized to declare war on Iraq. N 18 A 7 t DC- Drnrg czar [frn. Bennett says drug war should be shifted to cities N 23 A-1-2 DC- More and more U.S. soldiers refuse to fight N27 A3-5 DC-Congress klcks off a series of hearlngs over the next 2 weeks lnto hls Perslan Gulf policies N 28 A 3-3 DC-Barbar-Rose Colllns learned on her first dav on Capltol Hill Is to hlre experienced congresslonal staffers N29Al-5 DC-lf US goes to war ln the t{iddle East, the casualtv toll among black lmericans would be high RYAl,l, RICHARD A: DETR0IT NEUrS h,R|TER

DC-GOP race btw Guv Vander Jagt and Donald Sundqlst, camp- aions for party leadershlp Jobs is not polite D 4 A-15-1 DC- Guy Vander Jqgt keeps NRCG chaimanship D t 4 E I _2 Pres Bush presented Cadi I lac Gen l,lanaqer, John Gretten- berger the l,lalcolm Baldrige award for qualltv, lG A 4-l Pollster,Robert Teeter has Bushrs ear lf not the publicrs ear.He uses information dlscussed to advise Bush s trhitehou se strategists. He went unrecoqnlzed in AnnArbor A -5 Educatlon Dept backed away from total ban on flnancial ald tarqeted for minorl ties.Col lecres 6 Unlv wl I I be al lowed to ,r"id ,"holarshlps based solely on race as long as Fed fund ,r",rot used -1990- D 20 A-3-5 DC- Official rtrtro set off furor over race-based sctrolar- qhipgr- Mic[uel tr7illiams, refused to appear at congress- lonal hearlng wtrere his resignation was denanded 027 At-6 l,ltch wlll lose 2 seats in House aft its pop grew only a meager 66,706 in last decade accordlnq to U.S. Census -199r- Ja5At2-2 washlngton-lO2nd congress Denocrats plan to introduoe r€solu. requlrtng Bush to g€t congress. approval before launchlng mllltary actlon-Ryan Ja 11 A-5-1 DC- rdovest American I?aditionalrhawksrt in Jersish conrmrnity turn into ask Bush Eo make certain Iraqrs military is destroyed as well as being evicted frqn Kuruait. Ja 13 A-1-6 DC- Enotional debate on giving Bush war lacked RYAIiI, RICIIARD A.: DEIROIT NEIilS I.IRIIER Ja 13 A-2-t DC- Nerrr gw tsrgler nameds former lgt director as direc Gerald,Mi1ler director of DSS. Ja 13 A-L2-4 DC- Candlelight vigils planned in DG, other U.S. cities on eve of deadline for iraq to leave Krnsait Ja t7 A e..5 DC'Pres. Bush slgned combat dlrectlve Ja 20 A7-5 DC-Fltng school teacher Dlck Broun reRt to llashlRgton to protest the Per- slan Gulf rar Ja 23 arres with 60 other members Pax ti in front of I{hite House wtren they knelt & refused police orrler to get up. -L99t- Ja 24 A-6-1 DC- Fearful Capitol police urge Corgress to increase secur ity after Wtrite House'ca11ed No. 1 terrorist target in U.S Ja 27 A-4-t DC- U.S. bills al1ies for serrrices rendered in Gulf war Ja 27 A-4-L tchancet DC- Middle East has for lasting Peace after war Ja 29 A l'2 DC - Bush's annual state of the unlon address sees the tiqhtest securlty in mtnv vears. Ja 30 A 1-5 OC - tn tuis State of the Union Address, Bush said that we will succed in the guIf. F 1 A 1-3 DC - War over women in cqnbat rages on the home front. FtA6-2 E-thics panel split over the Keating 5, that it may not be able to act. - & Clements RYAIII' RICIIARD: DEIROIT NE[,[S I,lRIIm, ta E 5 A-4-2 DC- Bushts increase for Great Iakes cleanup r,vould cut state programs for poor & unemployed. F 6 A 4-4 Spencer Abraham siilected to.be co-chairman of the Natlonal Republlcan Congresslonal Comm. F 10 A-3-4 Norfo1k, Va- Desert Storm blows away city merctrants at hqne of worldrs largest narral base F 17 A-3-1 DC- Leaders of Americars anti-war movement using r60s style Lessons to plan spring campaign. F t9 A 3-l I For vlsl tors to Vletnam llar Memorlal ln t{ash. I t was a qrlm day. Thy're hoplnq the Perslan Gulf lsn't ther.iri-f VICTORY-Cease-Flre; lraq accepts Ul,l terms, later tells its troops to stop flghtlng Bush sets peace agenda-6 Gannon Dc- rs.lpeace' onty a 1u11 ;l'ffi.* e".tt ir3;3-lt to use victolv *.["'jt;:-steP to EBET?t'Eia |1;:rli5s DC- Michrs Rep. Ford in control of congressional labor legislation; plans most controversial pro-union bill in years ltr7A20-4 HapPy,chantlng,cheerlng,flag wavlng Rep 6 Dem rcelebrate Pres Bushrs,najlonts achlevement of wlnnlnq the Perslan Gul war. l1r7C9-2 Labor leaders a Bush Admln clashed over leqls that would outlaw management from hlrlnq permanent replacemen-t for employees oi legal strikes Mr I A l-l Rep Davld Camprs 2 sults,3 tles dazzle D.C. Named as I of Cabltol l.llll'i lO Uest diessed lawmakers Mr ll A l-4 Melis Rathbun-Nealy I of 2l ,former POl.l who arrlve at And ra994 Mr 12 A -l M6llssa Rathbun-Nealy. other captlves may get Purple Heart Mr 13 A 4-l I Arab-Amers 6 Afrlcan-Amers must strlve to resolve confl lct F- c^6pe.Eate econornlcally E felltrleally for muEual ber€fl-c; says Albert Mokhlber 116 19 A-3-4 DC- Senate hearing seeks ways to save black males Mr 2l A 3-4 U.S. will widen pollce probe ln Los Anqeles l4r 22 A 6 gan ran nU r rrPes Mr 31 A-8-1

more -1991- AP 2t B l-2 DC - House lNterlor and lnsular Affalrs Corrrnl ttee wl I I hold a publlc hearlng on 2 proposalsl one to erect a rnem- orlal honorinq the lndlans kllled ln the 1875 battle and the other to wipe Custerts hame from the park site by cal I lng I t Li ttle Blghorn l.latlonal Battlef leld Park. Ap 29 A 3-6 DC Ex-senator , Paul Tsongas hrill announce his tial cardidacy for '92. Hy 5 A. 3- 2 DC-Robert llosbacher to announce census adjustment declslon Julylt': Det has $500 ml I I lon at stake Hy 6, A 1.2 DC-Bushl }tR?f;er "' debate over Dan Quayle My 7, A-4-5 gg=$1455 would have been UofM hosp blll for Pres Bush RYAN RICHARD A. : DETROIT NEUS trR|TER 1994 DC-Barbara-Rose Colllns fllp-ft6prs onBrady blll vote-twl My 12, B,-l-2 DC-Freshman Barbara-RoseCol llns learns lessons early l.n career wl4A1-5

crttol FEAgEan to saf€ld irrrcity nei$ms- & I{i11irB l,t A-L-z FfU Air Fme n-rerCrla Iaraster2 l€ftoe pills casd lot of sert to priur fc 5 nrntls WO, A-3-1 mdar4e limit in civil rigts hilt fuds cbjecticrs flun 4 hrnEn h2 A H U.S._$,fe HagrarF Studcrn bet Rep Bs taade ad V.pres Dat qaa}de' tarlers pael rotes to kilI +rce-staticn -lL S n 1{- Dfute m civil ridhts, fte the rejetd b& Pr€s B.drrs hill td j6 disrimiraticn & a nre UbffiI rElsure hld b/ bl"rk & rorsr lar rrdffi Je6A1-4 It-Ee Dils lo*irg to tle Selate for civil ridts hill det can win hes egpruaal.ltE thrse passd je'di.wimimticn tdll27$158 8rh graders rank 16rh among 37 smres{fri7a +,er- Leries ma th tests ,rfiidt disclose(r low overall perforrnances nari Je 72, '>14 talcs tirrE cn H< refmn bi.ll dages, nn tlsn Je16A$4 Ssr Oales Rd$ ad Gc / Dculgas l^Iildtr ae iraplrd in an cn goirg Wt tlat ooid tltetm both of tlcir caers Je 30. B 5 I DC-GOP packs dlstrlcts wl th blacks, ttisO3ltfl O-r_, DC-SlsterAquln Donnel lan-nun recal ls Sup.Ct.nomlnee,Cla Thomas as smart E determlned Jl 3, A-4-l DC-Pro-cholcers fear Clarence Thomasr falth wlll lnfluence hls abortlon stance lnUS Sup.Ct. Jt 10 A 3-1 rdhictr would allow attorneys to use statistics to dernonstrate a significant disparity between death sentences of wtrites and rninorities. Jl 12, A-3-2 DC-Rep Davld Bonior elect ed House whlp -1991- Jl 12, A--8-lD DC-plan would let qovt agencies charge for informatlon, add oovt trovaltvt charoe Jl I , A-3-2 DC-Federil job progrbm acctiied of dlscrimina t lon JI I 8 . E-1-2 DC-House passed labor-backed bill barrlng emp I oyers from hiring permanent replacement workers for strlklng employees . Jl 23 8-6-r DC-Ukraine natlonalist,Yuiy Shukhevych seeks US support for independence Jl 26, A'3-2 DC-Royal Oak Ml family of Martin Hassucci shot down In '65.

stlll has hopes after MIA photos seen : RYAI{ RICIIARD: DEIROIT NEIdS WRITB, 1 I As A 5-6 DC- Dem hopes to recapture I,lhite House next yr have been weakened by Rus sI.an colrP that topped Gorbachev A'g 22 A-2-3 DC- Baltics see greater hope for freedom. Arg 23 A-3-1 DC- Soviet armed forces' disorder during corrp indicated decline A,e 25 A-L?-L DC- Gorbactrev ni1l join Mideast peace talks to prove hers sti1l a world leader thotg[r politically weakened. 29 A-3-2 e erQec a year s1 t DC- Consumer advocate Ralph Nader considering new Dc{#lf"t%#H'fl"8"1T"ti3"'iofl"t!"r"rysr9&"A-s-2 , )C-New House *riprDavid Bonior to seek new tax cuts s t2, A-9-2 DC-Po1I shows African-Americans favor Clarencelltprnas even leaders dontt s 15, A-3-2 DC-Rep Barbara-Rose Collins has bumpy ride ].n welcome to DC lus trouble adjus ting s 18.A-4-3 DC-resurgent sea larnpreys rnake for uely evidefrce at s 20rA-3-6 DC-Jotm @nyers says feds lead stampede out of Det ' s 29Bt-! Dc-Confused identities and mistaken entries aie so comron that the Frc now recelve more cornplain t about credi t more than about car dealers o2, A-8-1 DC-Carll"e\rirf. , trying to make decision on how they vote for sup cr noml.nee Clarence Itromas 0 6 , A-1-3 calling for erd to DC-2 senarors reconsider supporr of US 3r3:rt:l;*,n." Clarencc Thomas,Scn.Arlen Spccter to ask for delay 0 9, A-l-5 DC-sen.postponed vote on conflrmation of Sup.Ct.nominee Clarence Thomas for wcck 0 9, A-6-l DC-senators Carl Levin 6 Donald Rlegle join doubters of Calrence Thomas quallflcatlons for US Sup.Ct.justlce Dc-Findtnq sotutlons as rt"rtm r,"r.,r"9rl?l ll3-1"'..r.",' 6 wrys to flght harcssment I lsted 0 ll, A-l-4 DC-Heerlngs-Clarence Thomas denies al legations,suffered lmmensely from Anita HlII 's conrncnts 0 13, A-l-5 0€-sup.Ct.nomineeClarenceThomas stys would prefer assassin bullet to this klnd o f livlng hell

RYAIiI, RICHARD A: DEI NEI{S I4IRITB ta994 N11 A -I Celebrities are beconirrg more irnzolved in political spec- trtrn.They star in D.C. hearings N 15 A 4-2 urges ban on semiautornatic weapons N17B1-5 Last weekrs shooting spree by fired postal employee fipr;ns Mcilvane was example of how workplace stress may effect tm- stable peoplersuch violence is on the rise- & plice N 20 P-1-6 DC- to play with Red t'Iings in Canada N 24 A-3-5 DC- l,loliren candidates lirre trp for seats in rout-of-sfepr senate N 27 A-3-1 Micn mernbers of congress keeping weight under control. , [IilI Israelrs absence at talks hurt its tu1age-DC D 5, A-1-2 DC-David Duke to bring presidential campaign to Mich. D 7L DC-Pres Geo Bush considers Peter Secchia for post D 13, A-3-1 DG-5 formers hostages SPres.Geo.Bush light nationalChris tree D 12 -L992 Ja 3 E 1-4 Kelloggrs bid to have its Raison Brarl cerea-l ine,l. in a Fed food pioeram reiected ja 6 A 1-4 Amer duto- indusdry can only be saved by quickrcooperative actions by their automakers Ja 9 A 1-4 Bush's lates health scarerrenews questions about his frent- ticrgo-go style at the start of his campaign for a 2nd term Ja9B4-1 .Ex-Mictriganians in Wash D.C. rooting for Det Lions RYAI{ RICIIARD A: DEIROIT NEIdS LIRIlm, ta992

Members of congress tnnlrau>y with the tr"J3 }9r:i*t neqori ated in Tokyo 5y Bushrrcill'pres for Legis maildating a UIS.- Japan trade balarrce within 5yrs Ja 15, A-3-1 DoverrNH-Pres.Geo.Bush team picks N.H.residents to help create PR perfect campaignn trip Ja 13, A-4-t DC-In WashingtonrDet.Lions faithful pay price for backing boasts rvith bucks Ja 16, A=3-5 RochesterrNH-Pres.Geo.Bush concedes US economy in free falI Ja 15, E-1-6 Geo.Bush efforts to go to bat for J_apan_tpde trip Ja'198in ]-2 Dems battle for spotlig[rt in NerdlarupshiE€ro to p, S-en Tom Harkin of lowa.is nmnins for PreE*aS'fiUAi3f ,.t o fears his Democratic Ptrty is reEreating frcm iEs-ioots--- -L992 Ja 22 A 1-1 U.S. Supremc Court decision to decide Penn abortion case is certain to make issue a focal point of this yrts pres campaign Ja 23 A 3-1 Pro-clroice demonstrators gather in D.C. while anti protesters frqn Mich ,march to overturn g1'd:i-s$t' DC-TonySnowrPres.Geo.Bush speectr writerrworks on State of Union address of Pres. Ja 28, A-1-5 DC-Redistricting to force Sander LevinrDernis Hertel to run against one another this year Ja 29, A-1-4 DC-Prse.Geo.Bush & Cong.State of Union addressrhas hard-t program to be OKd by l.{arctr 20 Ja 30, E-t-z I"Tx[:;::':T';'-Ti:#:1'ffi8:l:[:]HffiH', Action Program(CAP) conf in D.C. to make a clean break. re-election bid official F13A3-1 New Hampshire r+onrt be a snap for Bush-Many are ready to send a message by not rroting for him ---1992--' F1 , A-3'2 Nashua,NH-Backers say Pres.Geo,. Bus h could take hit ln NH pres . pr Ima ry F 17, A-5-l Hanchester,NH-Messengers wory Pres .Geo.Bush campalgnras Pat Buchanan supporters dlspleased wl th US economy F 17 ' A-6-tl Nashua,NH-Ex-Detroi ter, J lm Lennane GOP pres.nomlnation chal I enge F lg, A_E_z Nashua,NH-Pres.Geo.Bush goes on pffenslve after Pat Bucha has strong showlng ln NH prlmary,to battle ln South F 20, A-8-l Bedford . NH-Pa t Buchanan se ys he' I I tack!-e teq. Bush on iacial (uotai F 25,^P-res.. A-3-1 DC-3rd of 5 reports as candidates disagree on defense cuts F 25, A-6-6 DC-Political as Pres.Geo.Bush *tr for t Etl RYAT{ RICIIARD A.: DEIROIT NEilS I{RITER, 1992 , r€=-Dqns close on social i.ssues Mr 4, A-4-4 DC-[rarch 17 Mich.primary could be pnirrctal one for both parties Mr 5, A-6-1 DC-Mictr.delegatior can't decide in Da'n. pres.candidates in primary Mr 6, A-5-4 says prblic wants hear.th *roil#, ?*H1le* Tgroo, DC-BiII Clinton gets head start in lll.pres.canrpaigning pt 15, B-1-3 , on Paul Tsongas Mr 16, A-L-4 poIl finds allegatims rpast illness dontt rrcters In &


speech writing jobrwill glrost write

Rep,IilliamBroomfield to retire.Gitirg fnrstration over gridlock in Congress-& Clements Ap 23 A L4-1 WmBroqnfield annourced his retirement.He is one of tlre nrost decentrconsiderate man ltro had ever senred in Congress. w 10, B-t-z Arlirgton, Va-Tao aUartg Do. rworks hard ,owns Perfect Cleanens 1n DC ar@,has 4,000 businesses l0 10, B-L-2 q.rbans Ortlook on Koreans , ,Chaldean Vietnamese of US classrnorking success-& IGtz W L2, A-1-6 Dc-Prs.Geo.BushrDans.clos on plan to revitalize cities ln riot torn area My t7, B-L-z Ba1 Zones in IA riots focus on tan RYAI,I RIC[IARD A.: NH{S titRllm 1992

DC-Bishop lhqnas GnrbletonrDet.wants Peace for ers r+ho oppsoe war DC-tlorld Leaders not Iikely to agree for presenring earthrs enr/irormdt Intenrien with Kent Jeffreys & Cliff t lty 29 , A-3-5 DC-EtsI joins ln searc,tr for 2 teens suspected of Bob Traxler as he left hotel near Capitol l,ly , 5 I'fi.ch. Congressmen resigned, gitre gloory view of , I.Iolpe--& Garmon Je 4, B-1-5 DC-Mictr.congressmen rejects bid by Gov.John figler & t'{ayor Goleman Youtg to make Det.site of nen Defense Dept. -L992 Je7 A2-4 Ca-Rep Mark Siljander is tryirg . **r5:"l"X.l_t*"*.0

Pres Bushrs job approval rating among Mich voters has dropp ed of 4T/"rthe Lowest of his presidemcy Je 9 A 3-1 Despite widespread reports of dee-seated angerrfnrstration with Congressrnearly half of Mictr voters willing to re-elec their representative Je 10 A 6-1 RepBobllraxler says his violent attack hasnrt been easy pttysically or mentallyrand has made him more fearful Je L7, E-3-1 lE-Sen.bill to ban striker replacement staLls, to be rein-

tance Jl 10 A 1-4 Washlngton-Wlth Gore ae VP candldate, Cllnton hopes to break nenultifTJ5rslrl3kjl the south. Jl 10 A 1-2 no dor Wash-Gore/w1ll challenge Repub grlp on Southern elec.votes & shore up Gllntonfb'labk of t{ashlogton experlence. JL L2, B-1-1 Passing of baton to new generatiqr of cardidates confronts some obsenrens rcith age-old pnoblem J1 L4,A-9-3 liff-Dern. ,Barbara Jondan, cardidates for Sen a Corw. crap stroott M-Mario c.crno address gives Bill crinrjl l3t#3#* * pollq Jt 15, A-1-5 NoDot tlY-Officially beame Dar.pres.ncrninee , A-1 1 I{Y-Bi11 CLinton & A1 Gore Sains confidgerif PS:3r"".nod ilt$S.8ffi'rer/in probes irunate ,Brett Kimberlin tale of ing Dan Quayle drugs JL 26. C-7-4 DG-Barbara-Rose Collirg gives herself 'At rbuf ter consti= tuenrs uilI grade her performance i, AgAg ZW:_W_, DC-2 rzotersrRob Nelson & Jon Cormnrtell Lawnakers to Lead learrersign pledge to cut deficit & step aside as leaders AB 6, A-3-2 DC-Rep.Gry VanderJagt shockedrunsure about his fuhrre Ag 9, A-1"4 RYAIiI, RICTTARD A.: DEIROIT NEIilS IIRIIB Aew 1992 DC-Political windfallras Pres.Geo.Bush enters storm tom area of Miamirwhere Hurricane Andrsr hitrto help othersr& self Ag 30 A 3-2 l'lashirgton-Negative ads precede Clinton in campaign across America, courtesy of Repub. party- S 01 A 7-1 Washington-Clinton's ad on su@ess in Arkansas bashed by Bush team S 02 A 3-5 Pres.Bushrs continued stalling on schedule for pres.debates at Mictr State. may cause cancellation S 04 A 2-4 -L992 Sl_3A3-2 Inland Fisher Guide pLant does not agree with Bush on trade agreement nith Mexico S 16 a 3-1 Union leaderrMoeBiller r*ants irnrestigotion of U.S.Postal Senrice to avert tragedies like the Royal Oak shooting s17A3-1 Bush and family leave bill looks like hers playing politics s21 {3-I- Attendance drops for 2 retiring c,ongressmenrBob Traxler & [Iil1iam Broomfield S 23 A 3-1 Anticipating increase in ntmber of blacks elected CongressionalBlaclCaucus hosted arnnral conference s 24 -E 2-L RorCareyrTeamsterLnionPres said Bush reneged on promlse to loosen govt controls over the union s27A1-3 Bush told Metro Detroiters that Clintorr is a lousy govenor x-ngome workers RYAN. RICHARD A DEIROIT I,R.ITm. 1992

Tom Rowett feels that Pres needs *or# ?3*.'rlrn wittrlrrith train tour throrrgh MIch and Ohio S 28 A 4-3 NoDot Ohio nran, a Bill Clinton srrpporter dropped his trousers & mooned the Pres while on lillistle-stop tor:r 01A3-5 Top officials of BushrClirlton to meet to reach agreernent debates bet contenders O4 AL-4 DC - Det News polI shows 0 B 1-3 , Ohio Bush trails CLinton x.n Ohio because nEny rnale rrcters are wonied about the €lOnOm].Cg. ot2A7-L fush fails to rdn ground after 1st debate; - -t992- O13A3-2 Bush plans to dr-nrp his econcxnic team if he r+ins. o15A1-3 DC - Bush plans to turn up ttre fire in tonightrs debate. o16A8-5 Rictunord, VA - Cardidates ready themselves for the finale debate. 0 16 A 1-1 no dot Rictrnond VA - Debaters format puts a danper on fireworks ocpected at debate. O 18 A 1-4 Dc - Midrigan mi$ht, back their first Donocratic presiden- tial candidate since '68. O 20 A L-2 East Iansing - Btrsh starts train tor.ur of 3 states. 3-1 DC - Rep PauI Henry has brain tr-unor re$vaa.A o 23 A Lz-L Henry doing fine after surgery. RYAtl, RICIIARD,A: DEIROIT NETIS IIRIIER {992 o25A1-5 Pres Bush to address the International Assoc of Chiefs of Police at Conf in Cobo Crrt O 26 A 3-5 Spoke to Internatiorral Assoc of Chiefs of Police in o28A3-4 Bush scheduled to arrive for 13th visit to Mictr this yr. & spend day canrpaigning in ttdacornbCotmtyrGrRapids 030A3-2 Pres Bush througlr Mich from Souttrgate to Grand Rapids 11nton has ne1ther character rlor

Oshkosh , Wis - hrsh on -4 Americans have voted to npke a new begiming. DC N4S3-1 DC - Bush should have capitalized on his Gtrlf victory. DG - Plans for hlshrs futrre are mtrkv. ' N 8, A-3-2 DC-leaders scramble for prime offices N 11, A-z-t DC-l'lornen senators get restroon N 19 A l1-1 Henry Saad rrorninated by Pres Bush to a seat on Fed Dist Court i-n Det. Wtren Bush lost pres election. Saad lost, too. D2BL-2 Det loses bid for Dept of Defense facility in Hudsons bldg. Saginawa finalist D 3A2-4 Congressman Joe Knollenberg get lesson in ethig,s D 10 A 14-1 Hundreds of views faxed, telephoned CNN for covering the Sornalia Landing D 17 A 18-1 Justice Dept approved investigation of a trandful of curren & former members of Corgress for criminal violations irr RYAI.I. RICI{ARD A: DEIROIT NEI^IS I,ilRIlER 1992 D 18 E2:- Animal rights group, PETA) to protest at Det auto shortr, NorthAmerlnternationalAutoShow for GM use of animals in tests D20Bt-2 DC - Clinton niIl face troubles around the rtorld dren he €xrsunes office. D 22 A t-t DC - Inaugural Connemoratives Inc opened jrrst in tinre for the holiday shopping ntsh. D 23 A 3-5 DC - Clinton plans on fillirg his Last 4 appointments. D29A3-1 aeainst Americans, D 3L A 2-t N - et least I,OOO MI guests are expected at inarrgural events. -1993- Ja3B1-2 Intenrien rcith Derek Buurney. Ja 6 A 1-1 tDC - CheLsea Clinton to attend Sidnell Fliends Sctrool. Ja 13 A 4-5 About 21000 Mich folks on their rday to llash for Clintonrs irraugurationrocpect rd carpet treatment Ja 15 A 3-1 Haiti-Glintorr reneged on campaign prornise to grant temp Iun to Haitian refugeesrboat people.Called a liar. ' Ja17Al-1 Haiti-Despite r*rat Clinton saidrHaitians tboat peoplert nill try to reach America Ja 20 A 5-1 GeorgeBuslt and his aides, including Sean Walstrrassist Press Sec say their goodbyes. Ja 2L A 7-2 Democrats celebrate inar:gural ballsrDancingrmrsic for Michr political elite- & Parker Ja 26 A 1-1 Blacks are urged by NationalU rbanleaguePresJohnJacobs to vl.sron A: DEIROIT NEI.IS WRIIB, I 3-1 First lady wants to knotm as Hil.Lary Rodtrarn c?ifrL* Ja 28 A 2-L Strobe Talbott for post of ambassador-at-large and special advisor to Sec of Statellarrenctrristoptrer on Russiarsoviet Reptblics Ja 29 A 4-1 Mictr Republican laumakers oppose Clintonrs plant to end agst gays in militaryrDemocrats remain silent. I{aeh DC- F 01 A 3_1 Day 12 of presldentlal terim- For US., no-manrs land where 400 Paleetinlans trapped ls F05A3-1 or Presl.denrial Klldee repreaen Y::ttf^|9rarge grouP term-Rep.Dale that oppose North Aner.Free Trade Agreement -1993- F9A3-1 must inclule a military optip for H;!]*ton r!"tss"_f,lan Clinton unusually slow in filLing agency appts- Washington-Ross Perot on ABC' s Nightline E"t%fl.32;3 Clintonrs econornic proposal F 18 A 13-1 llashington-3 MacornbCty.'heagan Derpcrats willing to "bite the bullet", to get deficit down F 19 A 3-5 Washington-Clinton to appear with cttildren on ABC special Sat.am with Peter Jenningsrfrqn [ltrite House- F24A3-L DC - Clinton and Prime Ministen Jolrn l'lajor meet for the first time to try to revive the relationship that has ex- isted between tlre two nations . F25E3-1 DC - U.S: .officials doubt if I'fulroneyrs resignation will RYAI{, RICIIARD At DEIROIT NH{S WRIIER r993 Mr 05 E 2-5 Wash-Sander Levin and 9 other mbrs.Congress to make srr- prise visit today to Mexican factories in connec./MFTA WTBL-4 m - UN needs to_cut its staff, re\rarrp its hxlget and create a strike force arconding to experts. Mr8A8-1 DC - Ann Stock takes care of the social gatlrerings-l.h for the Glintons. 10 A-3-2 DC - Itrousards have taken Clinton up on his offer to call tha tJlrifa flnrrea hrrtllnaa ta rn{a^ }L^i- ^-r-{^-. * i,,- lrovements. 11 A 3-3 Clintonrs goals for Bosnia. ttr L2 E 1-5 DC - Gongressional rnembers warn that the MEIA is docnred tmless U.S. jobs raontt be lost. -1993- Mr 16 A 10-2 lAlil Pres.Owen Bieber',iows vigorrous ffuht againstMElA Mr L8 C L-2 Former HIB & CIA Dir.Willima Webster to telp @t probe charges cdrpany employees shredded docment-s queitionine trsilencedt'consehrativegglqty of-^ truck fuel tanks-Sedgwick/tryan Mr'19 A 3-1' groups ifan to take aim at presi- dentts proposals in adsriewsietlers- Mr 22A 3-5 Joan lange-Miller is sourenir seller in Washington and business is good sirrce Clinton Adm l4r 25 A 3-3 Pres Clinton to choose lst Supreme Court appointment Mr 28 A 3-1 On eve of hearings abouthqnosexuals in Army, ttJefft', dis- charged Army gay, teLls of policyrs cost Mr 30 A 3-5 ,of= RYAI{, RICHARD A. s DEIROIT NEI.IS I,IRIIIR r993 Ap 01 A 3-I- Wash-Sttrdy,.shows over 801000 Amer.jobs have relocated to Mexico in last 10 yrs

RYAN- RTCI{ARD A : DEIROTT NFI^7S [,7RrtTR 1993 Ap5A5-L tr'Jhite House voltmteers like Chris Busclr like the jobsrbut !F p?y'r !ou!y Ap 16 A 5--1 E - Rep. Paul Henry plans on retuining to Capitol Flill. Ap 18 A 5-1 Critics say PresClinton dragging his feet ih war on drtrgs Ap 20 A 12-lD PresClinton dealing rsith foreign policy issues.Les Aspin paints grim pictr:re of U.S. foreign policy ooptions AD 23 A 2-L Paanla nrurrnarino r.aaiql {ntaar^i{a- 'i- ^-^J €ama. |.^ r..r. -1993- I.{y 5 A 5-5

SenSanfftrnn opposes PresClinton s plan to 1ift the ban on gays in the military.Led tour to reporters My L4 E 3 Miclt congressmen joined 2L congressnen in formirg coali tionwtpse prrpose is to defeat the MFTA lg 16, A-9-1 DC-T housands qrge.afd for Muslfuns 1n Bosnla Myl9rA-2-l DC-r.lvonla acEavaaE Elalne Donnelly fights co keep ntll RYAIil, RICIIARD A: DEIROIT NEI.IS IIRIIER

West Point. l{Y-Cadet savs when ted tr'les t Pont should deal with the oP€n sea. avoided military serxrice duing ttre Vietnam era l'{y 30 A 5-1 IGst Point, liff - Clinton pronises to keep the fighting "the worldrs stnongesttr. Je 2 A 5-5 DC - Ibnald Riegle in a letter to Clinton said tfiat the MEXA w111 cause an increase in dnrg trafficking. Je4AL-4 DC - Perot to crusade in MI on tlre MEf,A. Je g A 4-2 ly !o spreadrdragging the U.S. into the figlrting tnrless tiIAIO uses force Je 9 A 5:6 Black fear Loss of jobs if MEIA becornes Law -1993- Je L3 A L0-1 Union fearful that MFIA rdLL encourage an exodus of jobs in l'Gxico to fipht trade asreement Je 15 B 5-2 CarllevinrDasctrle introdrrcEd bill that requi.res U.S. to retal,itats agst trnfair trade Je L6 A 7-L NoDot Mictr lar*nakers make final pitctr to save K.I.Sar+yer Air Force Base in Marquetterligistics cnt in Battlecreek Je 18 A 5-L Itre Amer Security CourcilrCtrristianAction Network launched TV campaigns in support of ban on hcrnosextrals in military Je 27 A 4-5 Ljubica AcevskarMacedonian rep.in DCrhopes US recognition to corne wlJS troops there- Je 27 B 7-lN Mayor of DubrovnikrCroatia intenriewed wtrile in Wash by Rvin J16A8-1 ColinPowellrs support is critical to lifting ban on gays RYAI{ 1993 wash-EVen if MEIA doesn'ir rake effect,ffi fil"ilrl* .*- panies plan to orPand operations to Mexicq 2g A 5_l Mich Dem lawnakers are leading campaign to derail Presclin tonrs plan to prrsh the MEIA Etrrou[tr dongress this yr. Ag 01 c 1-2 flep.Paul Eenry dled of braln cancer Sat.it G.Raplds home; trlbutes pour ln;he was 51 Ag 05 A 2-L Wash-Ctrrls topher Wescott, f ourder lNdivldual Rights Assoc.,

Ag 05 A 5-1 Wash-Congress begLns hearlngs to f.ocus on poetal.vlolence Barbara- Rose Co lllnschairs postal oPera ;:"o;"?H$tr'"- lnc1 &Leg1e & Levln Urge scrapplng of -1993- As 06 A 5-1 Barbara Rose Colllns accused postal authorltles of lgnor- lng trred flagtt about worker unrest at Dbn.PO Ag 06 E 1-1 Prlson labor has replaced htoueands of taxpayersrincludLng many from lllchrllke Ray Fountalnrsuall G.Rapids ngr. Ae9A4-2 D.C. - Detrs mayoral cardidates will go to Wastington look- ine for cenpaieil rpney. Ag 15 B 1-3 De-t.News as-ked David Shinn, state Dept.& Re.John L.Mica whether we should stay in Sonalia;they have opposing views As 18 A 2-L Wash-Mos t politicians and burearrcrats have fI-ed DC during Arg 20 A 5-6 te House aiderclrosen to shep- son of Late l"trayor Daley 1993

Clinton intends to send Congress the MFIA even an aPP- eaLs court hasntt settled suit to block the deat lre 27 A 5-6 Pat hrchananrRoss Perot join effort to defeat MEXA E6iH$"E E:irhSl+5'?B.kB8"r*t;rruEt*n#fo?-3..." s5B1-4 DG - 0rganlzed labor has set the defeat of MEIA ard will be mrc,hing in the labor trrittt a s A 5-1 DC - 45 trcc,tis yrs betrreen Israel A fte *., L2 A Lg_2 DC - Suzarure Sareini & Joel Tag'ber rdlI rdtness the signing of the agreement between Israel & PIr. -L993- S13A1-5 DC - Ihkirg the pact uork, !d11 be a diffie.uLt and darlger- ous task for Rabin & Arafat. S 14 A 1{ Glinton, Ctrristoprer, Kozyrev, Arafat & Rabin mtctr as Peres and Abbas signed the historic pact. s15A 5-1 DC - t'tr Dsnoc,rats laurch nen attack on ME[A. s16A5-4 DC - Enrirorrnental ccnrmrnity is split on ME[A. S L7 AT-2 DC - Iacocca ruay play salesman for MEIA. S ZLA 5_1 DC - A Alfred Tauhnan & Flancoise Reynolds speak at the Edrrcation'Surmi.t. S 22 A5-2 DC Richard Geflrardt announces his opposi$i2g - [o#[TA.

-1993- O3A4-5 Itbnrtreal-Nen ambassador to Canada. Blanchand is as anonv- rrcrusrasatravelinesalesnnn ' O7A8-1 E-Pres. Clinton iE set to rpet with corlgressinal leaders mid-increasingl)r strident demands frcrn larunakers to bring Anerican trootrx hqne form Sonalia O 17 A 5-1 Kitctener , 0ntario-A t first, Kim CampbeLL seemed a ing g,hange I.n Canada , nOW r.rittt a sour economy facirg the country many seek new leadership ot7 B 5-3 Moncton, New Brrunswick-Violence in US scares, appalls many Canadians 02083-1 DC-In a bid to nin the support of a few dozen congres$En for a trade pact nittrMexico, Pres. Clinton pLanned hos nearly 2@0 companies at the Wtrite House O 2L G 3_4 DC-Pres. Clinton and Rep. David Bonior argud over the ts of a trade t with Mexico RYAIII, RICtr{ARD: DEIROIT NET.IS IIRIIB,

DC-Rev. Leon Sullivan vluidly recalls the pain and stranre of being strip-searctrd at a south African- air2ort. o27A4-2 -1993- 031A12-1 Despite the wroes of Danny Rostenkowski he remains one of Wash's most powerful ard intimidatirg figres N2B5-1 Rep John D DirgelL will vote agst l{AElArhanding PresClint- on another setback in struggle to win Congress approval- & Gnrlev N07D1-1 lutomak'era see NAflIA as boon to exporte;crltlcs a' Eear w111 lead to Job l-ose-& Gruley N 09 A 5-5 Bx-}tSU presldentrCl-lfton Whargon, deputy Secretary of State lults N10A1-1 ilash-Debate -o\uer {AmA'-btnr€ore I Per-ot fa*Led--to nudge ltlch.undeclded congrees;but 577( who say lt now favor NAI'IA N 11 A 5-L [,Iash-BiryyJ u, Gorarperot debate'cllntlndebate predlcElng passase of tleme9te63sfi3$ now RYAI{, RICHARD: DEIROIT NEIS I'Rmm I

DC-An estimated 40 to 50 rngnbers of congress rsnain ed on MEf,A vote N 15.1 A 5-6 DG-Datre Camp will rrcte to appro\re the MEIA N16A6-4

needs to win House rrcte on the MEXA N 17 A 8-1 qren MEIA N18 A 1-6 DC-Pres. Glinton flies to seattle for a rcetine with Asian Leaders on trade iszues N 21 A 5-2 tfill focns on govt refotm, lobbyirg limits, & healttr car€. -1993- N28A5-1 Thanke to 3 Grand Raplds men; 3 Boenian chlldren to arrlve in MLch.for medical rreatment;rheyr"" """80?.t E_1TEaEB. I{ash-C[ntg.n. gsks U.S. firms to invest in new democratic South Africa-Ryan D 08 B 3-2D I,Iesh-Eljay Bonronrfonner Det.policernan, named director of U.S. Secret Senrice D 08 E 3-3 GATI (General Agreement on Tariffs & Trade) negotiations will ir,pact econony in U.S. & L10 other nationi D 09 A 15-L Iilash-Clinton isgned MEIA Wed;presses world trade deal (cem; 'E- D Io A 5-3 I{ash-Miclr.rgads eligibLe for nearly $89 million annr:ally in fed ftmds r993 D16A5-1 DG-Pres. Glinton sorrght to calm a jittery world starled b results in Russiars election, saying he sees no evidence a dangerous new direction in Russian policy-Ryan D 19 A 14-5 iilash-DIlch.mbrs. of congress have greater pay equlty for uale & fenale eryLoyeee than Cougreaa as whole D2LA5-1 EighJ.and Park, Saglnaw, Benton Harbor got fed gr€rots for more coPa on streets;Detrolt etll1 l.u nrnnlng D 28 A 5-5 no dot

be- 1aw -1994- Ja 02 B L-2 Wash-On lst offictal vislt to Europe thls lreekr Cllnton convlnce uatlooe hers not aegleetlng theu Ja L2 A 5-L Wash-Jln Blanchard appears to be edglog toward ruqnlng for U.$. Seaate thls yearlwlll declde eoon Ja L2 A 5-1 Wash-CLlntotr Day drop oppoeLtlon to aPPt. of speelal proee utor Ln Whltewater scendaL Ja 23 A 6-1 DG{flch Laurnakers r eturrring to tJasington agree on one thing Voters back hcrne want ttun to do scmethirg aobut tealth care Ja 25 A 5-5 Former l,lictr Gov. Blanchardrs sr-uryrise decision not to nnr the US Senate dranatically alters the political scene an --Cain , Higgins Ja 26 A 4-L DC-Pres . .Clinton will visit a G['l assembly plant IN to hig[rligfrt ;his plsr to overhaul the nationts job and tmernploynrent lnsurange system RYAII, RICHARD: DEIROII NEI{ iIRIIER 1994 Ja 28 A 5-5 DC-Ihe Clinton admin. has decide to scrap a hiring incent- ive program-rnder wtrich 211000 dtsadvantage Midr.-found wort< in 1992 r- 02 A 9-t Bal-tlmore-Archer llkes 0rlolesr home park;would favor new Tlger stadlrrrn near the Fox F 03 A L1-L I{ash-I}et.Focus:IIOPE !111L provlde model of successful tralnlng prograrn for Cllnton F 06 A I-L DC-Detrolt plcked by Cllnton as hoet for unprecedented In- I

DC-trlch. Btands to recelve $I8 mllLlon 1"0?"t.?-*ds to traln & retraln unempJ.oyed workers F I-1 A 5-I- DC-GOP makee ex-MI GOP Rep.Guy Vander Jagt change his PAC name for fund ralsl.ngrtoo slullar to NRCC F A PresClin ton will ask Congress for an overhaul of. worker trainine programst F 20 A L2-4 Former$ rat-invested bldg I.n Highland Park ts the beginning of rfiat PresClinton has ].n mind for centers-Highland Park Job Center F A 5-5 Reprblicans senators p.rsh for action on I,lttitewater PresCLinton & HiLLary F 27 B 5-L Discussed jobs conference rdth Robert B. Reictr, secretary of Iabor I,Ir Og A L-I DC-At press conferencerCllnton defends lll11ary;eaye he wontt hide aoy wrongdol.ng on Wtrltelrater !f r0O A 1-5 DC-Japan Llnltlng partlcipatlon ln world Jobs conference ln Det.next week;they dontt Llke Detroit as a slte MrOg .3fg'Cllnton plans F@us;HOPE . A 6-2 to vlsit o .Det.Dlesel when ln w thelr obt ratnlng RYAIiI, RTCIIARD : DETROIT NEWS WRITER 1991 Mr 10 A 5-5 DC-Mayor Archer eLated by Gllntonts propoeal for overhauL of uneoploymetrt aystemrm6re benefltsroore help for idled. Mr 11 A 4-5 Dc-Clinton selects FLlnt as slte for Job Corpe Center t,o trirtn low-lncome youths yr 13 A 1_6 On eve of Detrolt e'.7 Jobs sumltrCllnton announced break- through trade agreemenc w/Japan on cellular phones Mr 15 A L0-3

Demlnk pleased Mr L6 A 17-5 G-7 nlnlstera agreed creating Joba w111 be hlgh on agenda when. they meet ln Italy tn JulY -L994- tt 20 B 1-1 Gorgressional irwestigative trcarirgs are a bad idea. N.Korea,s refueal of lnapec.roo or ,."i3olorloti3.ror, ,,r." world on the alert;rnay be bulldlng nuclear arsenal Ap 24 B 2-L Geo.Romney thlnk's Nlxonrs naking weak candldaterGeo. ernrhls opponent, ln r72r1ed to hls faLL from power Lp 24 B 4-1 Connnent,s frorn polltlclans and othere about now deceased Nixon; llttle agreement Ao 24 B 5-I- DC-Nixonrs last, Mlch.trlp lras to help Republicao.James ' Sparlingrnrnnfng, for. Senate;Spar1lng Lost Ap 28 L 5-2 lxon burled ln Callfornla;reactlons of DC people to Nixonrae they remember hls pasE' mlxed-& Blvlns RYAI{, RICIIARD: DEIR0IT NEilS I,IRITER 1994 My E 2 DC-Jus tice Dept irwestigating chrgs that Det Newspaper \IIo- latirg federal antitrust laws b!, predatonr DrI-Cl.lrq Prac w Bas-I DC Glinton stands chance of losing the prblic s ln trirrt, aft latest scandal inrclving Paula l,ly 'f8"f '1-5 DC-40ttt armiversary of Brosn I1\/ Bd DC-Food contracts cost sctrooLs feds w 22rB-t-2 George Rorney qge85, reflects on his 1968 rur for presiden )c-Attanra fflit, of shannon Moserey ,an" Of6r31iil3;tr"* must give $75mlllion to the state, GM appeals DG-srare rirms hope clin;13'1;"r. d{#Ulat-1t"tu"-c Gnrley My 26, A-t7-4 DG-Detroiter Joseflr l{Artin Luttrer Gardner 24 makes FBIrs rmost wantedr list for lfurder & rape of Melissa Mclauctrlin of Wixomr, in SC in L992 W 27rA-5-2 )G-China keeps favorable trade status Je L2A 5_1 DC-No enidence of Midr workers effected by free trade ement with llixico JL L3 A 2-2 DC-Mitt Rornneyrson of George Rormrey, feels he has good chance of beating Ted Kennedy;met with reporters cisneros said ernpowe"silri:#r8!3" ffi;lyr&Ug,H*ry "=" DC-Sen.Don Riegle to open !{hitewater hearings re clinton i; 4 +a-': this week '::i " RYAN, RICEARD s DETROIT NET{S TIRITER 1991 DC-Legislation tr$es to stop phone scan artists who bilk A,mericans out of biltions of dollars annually ;rL 27 A 1-2 DC-Whitewater hearings-GOP heaps scora on narrow scope of hearinge;Dema say boring partisan exercige ;tL 29 A l-2 DC-Eouse and Senate agreed on sweeping crime billrbut Black Caucus mbrs.oppose it Ag 01 A 5-5 DC-Don Rieglers SenaEeBank.Committee will be on trial ae they hold t{tritewater hearings Ag 02 A 5-1 wan t oD can- paign contributionsrhave large war chests Ag 06 C 6-1 DC-Daniel Schorr is narator of Watergate seriesrstarting Sun.-was once on Nixonrs enemy llstrhad civil relationship in later years -L994- A9 LI A 4-4 DC-sen.carl r,evin to ask f,ed Judges to name new independent coungel to investigate WhitewaterrKenneth starr is pirtisan Ag 17 A 5-1 DC-- Gtrinton gets converts for his crime bill; sti1l needs rrK)E€o Ag 18 A 5-1 DC - Mayor Arctrer a@uses Congress of living in a rcrld ttran most Americans. s 04 B r-5 D.c.-Guantanamo Bayrcuba being inundated with restress cu- ban refugeesrcreating tenae environment S 04 B 5-1 Interview with Lane KirkIand,ApL-CIO pr3"ig"BaS-f clinton addreeses nation tonight about possible invasion of Halti;opposition mounts-E Stevens S 16 A 1-2 D.C.-Congrese is demanding clinton seek their aPproval be- 'fore ordering U.S. forces into combat- RYAN, RICEAR.D 3 DETROIT NEV{S IIRITBR 1991 s20A5-2 D.C.-Experts fear Aristide may not be.;ble to control his supportergi too much pent-up anger S 22 A 5-1 1 dot Mitt Ronney and Edward Kennedy begin struggle for Maseass. senate seat alnoEt dead even S 25 A 12-3 D.C.-Re.John Conyers rejected denande to hold hearings on natrl security interests as troopa proceed to Eaiti s29Al-1 D.C.Cancer-causing agent dumped on Det.e 238 other cities by Arny during 50s biological warfare test S 30 A I-l utl left Selfridge, sprayed over Detroit e nany other cities o02A5-1 Charlotte CourthouselVa.-Republican Oliver North and Den. Sen;Charles Robb canpaign for Senate;battle gets ugly serecred storiea rataritr"","i.3i.Lloii"." realpeople-Dickerson""-1331*c O9A5-z ", TecllGnnedy in tough race agst W.Mitt Rorrrey for U.S. Senate seat- - O9A5-3 Senate seat challenger's father George Ronney is fired up about son, W. Mitt's chances O 14 E 3-5 Contrasting views of GAf,I voiced during hearing bef Senate Comr.Widesoread di-sasresnent over oact O 26 A 4-4 Key races fiill deterri'ine wtro contr6ls the U.S. Senate, Dems or Repubs O 27 A 15-1 Reptrblicans want to control the House or Representatives, they need to pick up 40 seats Nov B N I E 3-3 WhiteHotrserleoriPanetta tried to smooth relations with GM over findiirgs on pickup trrrcLs N 3 A 5-1 @P stars balk. blrt hit canpaisn trail for Ollie North rtrnnins aest DfuChuckRobb ih SEnate race 1991 N5B1-3 w residents are disappointed hrith Gorgressr effectiveness. -&CStevens N9A10-6 Ricfmord - Cturles Robb nins election ovrer Olirrer North. N10A5-1 DC - Religiors Rigfrt & other sociaL cqrsenratives are to take credit for Reprblican victory at polls. - & C vens N20D3-1 Dispute over l{AtTA are going still on D 04 A t5_l yearaito do part time teaching at U.; e larvyer_ lobbyist DltAI5_5 clint'on planning natrl Tv address to tark about hopes and intentions for future;to sten GOp tidal wave D.c.-Lawnakers chee'.u ;ii:lln,s aeci"r3r,'ioo.iit."*"", but must be done without crippring services-aiagaroti D20A1-3 t3?'t?i"35,TYrlSHi#,BI"es[?*". in 30vrs, 3ffilt8 l:";Efl D21A1-3 Clinton scheduled to notify Archer that Det is I of 6 U.S. cities selected as a Fed empowermeut, zone-& stevens D22A9-5 Revl^iinCurningham of FocuslHOPE offers advice on spending nts {EA- & Greenwood -1995- Ja 4 A g-l House members to adopt Legis requiring them to folrow same worker protection laws-under OStiA Ja 5 A I-2 spencerAbratun celebrates aft he was sworn in as Michrs newest senator RYAN. RIG{ARD A : DETROTT NF]I^IS I,TRITER 1995 Ja 5 A 12-1 Spencer Abratram became Michfs lst Republican senator in l6yrs-&Parker Ja6ALO-2 New Republican-controlled Gongress rnay be passing a consti utional amendment requiring a balancbd budget Ja 12, A 6-3 DC-Sen Ted Kennedy warns fellow Dems nto to abandon- principles in wake of election defeats Ja 15 B 4-I Republicans are Iining uP to run for Pres t CIinton l-',ackers of lat-rate tax bulging with optir:risin F7A6-5 Republicans promise to cut more,balance budget by 2002 -1995- F L2A2-'3 Govt orders study of people ocposed to zirrc cadmiul sulfide during military bxperinents irr 1950s and 'QOg^F12A5-1 lJilberL Forrestrretired Gnr plant workerrsent PresClinton $250 to help pay Iegal bill of $I.6nd11ion and growing F19A4-5 D.C.-Clinton to meet with Canadian Prime Minister ilean Chretien in Ottawa;mostly on economic iseues;Clintonrs Pro- posed border crossing fee might come up B 23 A 6-5 ottavra-Clintoo to be gueat of Blanchards after sum0it with Chretien- F24A5-I ottavra-.tfarren ChristopherrSec'y of Staterhospitalized with ulcer in Ottawa;Clinton supports "unifl.ed" Canada 824A1-6ldot .Christopher in no danger;wiIl be at work next week RYAI{, RICIIARD: DEIROII NEWS WRfItR 1995 Mr1A5-2 Metro \t_youtlu rnay-h rdthout sumer jobs this f be- cause of Reprblican-inspired hxlget cut

!{ayor Archer met with Gop from Mich.in o.c/l€}"$t35$, budget cutsicould be devastating to Detroihr "" rc e g_3 RepJohnDingell clebating term-limit amer*Crnent proposal Mr 17 A 8-1 Millions in farm payments for land consen/a- tion tft 26 A 5-3 Memoria I to Franklin D. Roosevelt is controversial because statues dontt show the ex-pres as disabled -I-995- Ap 12 A 1-2 iO years laterrFranklin Ddano Rooseveltre reputation lives >n.thru Social securitv,etc. Ap-shocted 12 A 6-I i.e:r50 yeais ago todaf,- Roosevelt died;it the ration Ap 19 A 1-1 Ex-Censts

U.S.Gorilrerce Dept pr'edic te(l tltat r.ptor vehicles & auto parts will increase E"/" over 5yrs Ap 20 A 6-1 lDot PresClinton Proml.ses swift certain & severe punislrrent of people iesPons ible for Oklahonra city tnrbing of Fed bldg Ap 2I A 5- 1 PresGIin ton will use Anerica s lahonra c1 ty bocrbers 'rtpre 1S RYAN, RICEARD 3 DETROIT NE!{S I|RITER 1995 My O3 A 2-3 I ,Metro Detroitere give opinion about dollar coin replac- ing St bill;Susan B.ANthony coln wasn,t accepted !{y 07 A 2-3 D.C.-Last federal execution was Victor Feguerrkidnapperr32 yrs. aso i others executea/sEeiP[88 death penalty in Okla. !,ty 21 B I-2 D.C.-Buet of Agnew to unveiled by Senate to join thoee of other past \IPrsihera expected to attend ceremonyihe took bribes icontroversial .Bupporters of term limits dieappointed US Supreme Court says states canrt linit terma of fed.lar,qngker_e ^ Police still irvestigatirg rdly r,elandModj""fl ?a1.5'* llhite House fence

1995 Je 22 E 1-5 DC - Sander & Carl Le\rin plot thelr om Japanese strategy. Je 23 A 5-1 DG - Post of sr.rgeor geqeFl rnay be left rracant, sirce get- ting a ncrninee confirmed has turned out to be a-rtiffictrlt job. DC-Gr pre industrialisr Maurice 'Morry' t*it39'.{i?-?., ident Je 29, A-1-1 DC-Trade agreement btwn Japan & US reached irl 02 A 4-l D.C.-MIch.one of 11 etates , hin tough on crime Aq14A 5-l )allae-Rose Perot, in Dallas at conventionrsays herll run Eor president again if reforms arenrt nade AG t3 A 4-l D.C.-Senator Dole hae backing of big namea in MIch.rbut Phil Grannr raises more money -1995- As 13 A 6-1 Dallas-United We STand America conventionidraws all GOP presidential candidates, many DemB Ag 27 A I-l--! D.C"-Sandra Kruzmanrformer detroiterrnaned No. 2 pereon in CIArs Directorate of Intelligence Ag 27 A t1-1 !{any in Michigan who support Rosa Perot for presidentr take Pat Buchanan if Perot not available s 28 A 4-I D.C.-U.S. supreme Court to decide ifr9o censu8 will be adjuated for known undercount;other aecie$o55 infise D.C.-U.S. Supreme Court may have landmark caBes on docket; i.e., race, gay rights, statear rights o OI A I2-2 D.C.-GM aEks U.S. Suprene Court go throw out lower court ruling on its pickup truck settlernent O 01 A 12-2 D.C.-Tina Bennis takee caae to Supreme Court;husbandrilohnr car confiscated for eex with pros titute;car waa L here RYAI{, RICEABD 3 DETROIT NEWS IIRITER 1995 o I t D.C.-tfatchdog group (Congresslonal ty Pro jectt' wanta Barbara-Rose Collina use of moneyzEtaff, inveetigated o 6 A-L24 Simpson trial & verdict could affest t95 elections 0 11 A-5-1 Florado/Sfirights amendrnent seen by gay adrrccates as losing in Supreme court hearings N ot A 2-3 D..C-Marty Davisrformer wLfe of Rep.Bob Davier46rsaid Barry tried to pursue heriie marrying Gary Burnsrradlo

Gaylord citizene' political leanLngsrtheir conmenta N06A7-1 D.C.-Det.News poll of 600 Mich.voters shon about half want Engler to run for vice-preB. Clinton ard Dole benefit from Powells decision not to run N 12 A-3-1 Srrpreme Gorrt asked to nrle on issue of oqgan (eyes) harvesting without pennission N 15 E-3-1 Chryslen plans to establish training academy in Detroit to teach npdem factory sldlls N 17 A r-l D.C.-Atty.Gen.ilanet Reno diacloses ehe has Parkinsonrs - disease but feele flne at preaentrage S7-Ryan/ZagatolL N19A8-I D.C. There are fundamental ditferencea over role of govt. in deadlock between Clinton s GOP on budget-& Stevena D.c.-Ross Perot'!s party may benefit from U$a33.oU5.tf. berween DEMs and Gop;people settins fed qp fftil,.h"^ *-CHotoors Bosnian decis[on is gamble N 3o'A-fitr RYAI{, RICHARD 3DEIROIT NH{S I,rlRfIB 1995 D 22 A-6-L Detroit Renaissance.-issrn of tilashingtor helps new anrlvals from Detroit D 29 A 1o-l D.C.-Some f,oreigners can't get into country for Detroit auto show ;viaa offices closed due to budget deadlock ila 02 A 3-2 D.C.-Pollution along U.S.-Mexican border increased grreatly since NAFTA took effect two year8 ago Ja O4 A l-l D.C.-EPA canrt certify Fordrs new pickup for fuel economy dur a1 ila 07 B 5-1 D.C.-Leeue of flat tax at heart of GOp presidential race; Ma1colm Forbes 'rale Court iejecteii Californiars attenpt to over- Etmt rnotor votor law F 2 A-5-1 . DC-Go\r. Engler says break&rouglr ray be close on I'ledlcaid irefotm F4a-4-t Gorcrnors are risirg political stars F 5 A-3-1 DC-forbes sperding rcnry Dolers backers F 6 A-1-5 John Engler and othergorrrsreach bipartisan acsold on welfare and l.{edicaid reforms F 7 A-1-1 DGrGongress ard Cllnton promise Eo look at above refotms F 8 E-3-1 [Inions opPose letting Salvation Army t RICHARD s DEIROIT NEI.IS [lRfIER 1996 F 11 A-4-1 Court asked to trcar MicttaeL I'&rtin, Mictdgan to die @se F 13 A-1-4 Des l,toines-Dole l{tns wittt narnolf lead in Iqoa carpusres F 15 rF3-5 Dc-Jim Blanchard eultti4g anibassadorship to canadailrfll advise Clinton reelection canpaign i zo a e-r DC-L.T. Eorn, sound engineer with Motownraccueed of hlrlng hit man to k111 wife '& son;trial eet for 4/L s 2l A 7-2 s ,their welfare,/Medicaid reform plans;Engler iB i:A:et, Dc-Squeezlng of primary calendar leaves @p field rdde open F 27 A-4-L Bonlor says Brrctranan stirs emotions, has no ideas Dc-cisnenos orde:s ir*r.ri.l?3l]", **.f#i-?,i*. for pnrblic housing residenEs t't-S-A-4-1--- DC-Brchanants rhetoric conpared to E!. Goqgfrlinrs It 5 A-L-z DC-Srrpreme Gout says its okay to take wcnranf s car for husbands crlme I't 10 C-5-1 DC-Voters rculd like third party candidate hrt usually return to tr,vp parlties Mr 25 A B-l 'DC-CIinton probably wonrt nake official announcement that hefa running for re-election;not necesaary; !{r 26 B 3-2 DC-c!,! lntroduced its IBPact electric car to DC;1 of, 11 test cities Mr 28 A 1-1 U.s. Supreme Court ruled Indian reservation ganbling is matter of state control;gives Eng1er clout-&Bevier Ap 4 A-t-3 RYAN RIC}UIRD : T NE}IS }'RITER 1996

D.c,-N.Korea viorated armistice wiilr s.l3r3:rt.:-lxperts ryondering what's up;sent troops into DMZ Ap 24 IF3-1 _3r9@ rnstly frorn Mictrrgm, pn:otest Israeli UcnUing in Lebanon My 12 B-$1 Sqne contest Glinton's nosy econqnie pictuie lg 2L, A-1-1 DC-Gays hail Sup.Ct. decision that overturrs Golo.anti- ,hsrpse:nral anen&nent w 27 A-s-z DC-Patrick Joseflr I-Ectrael, bora ln Ihtroi trri11 finally be added to Vietnam rpre attentio, T"rt"H_tr*t* Gerald Fond wants @P to soften anti-abortion stance Je 4 A-3-5 Notbt --1996-- Je 9 B-5-1 supneue Gourt may take up question of assisted suicide: Ibctors ard lawyers on both sides of issue Je 10 A-l-i DG-O[lie North is main issue in Virginia Senate race ,Je l8 A Z-Znodo DC-Engler tries to convince Catholic orgs. to accept GOp abortion tolerance platform ,Je Zl B 3-l DC-U.S. Supreme Uourt rules pro sports teams,others that bargain collectively with unions can't be sued for imposi salaries after impasse Jl 04 A l-4 DC-How the Freedom 0f lNformation Act has been implemented in past 30 years ,rl 04 A ll-l DC-HUll to get info under FOIA Act,like Ralph Grabowsrcy, Pa.;found out about GM faulty brakes ,rl 04 A ll-l DC-Congress, president,judicial are er:empt from the F0IA -& Zagaroli RYAN, RICHARD : DETROIT NEl,rS I,IRITER 1996 .]l l0A ,DC-Rep.Nick Smith proposed allowing workers to put/s0El'.c taxes into investment accts. i to save the system ,,l ll A l-l NLRB tells newspqper unions they must sign binding agree- ment t0 stop violence-& Howes/Ramirez As 06 a r-r DC-Comments of Mich.economists to Dolers tax cut proposale Ac 09 B 3-2 DC-SteveForbee says Dole can beat Clinton with his tax-cut

DC-Discussion of the alternative parties with candidates running for pres;S in l{I S OI A -5-4 DC-Preview of iSilent l,[arch" 9/30 Ln DCrto protest gun vio- lencei collecting 4Or00O pairs of shoes of, the dead --lgtr-- s 26 A-11-1 Englen crlticizes feds for not retffiiing pnison control to state s 30 A 3-r D.C.-U.S. Suprene Court to hear Dayton Eudsonrs challenge of UAw elecii,on at westland Etore S 30 A 3.-1 D. c . u. s ./+tPtlg? 9BBt! suic ide css e/$tl8$"8"f,"8"f,8[&1" lEB?" jairins sex predatorsiabortionZ8*BEt8t.id 16 A 4-r D.C.-U.S. Supreme Court let stand r9I l.|I court ruling pro- hibiting Kevorkian from helping people end their lives N 3 B-5-5 DC-If Clintrtn wins in t'taconrb cotnty polls over Dole itrll be a first tfune Dernocrates carried the cor.rrty since L9b8. N 5 A-9-1 narrow the rrrarSin on coP in cottgress. DC-Dernocrats N17C1-4 U.S. consumer debt skyrockets;banks tighteoing rules o:.: RYAlil, RICIIARD : DEIROIT NEWS I,RITER 1996 N 24 A-5" Dc"OsHA wants retail store safety nrres pushed to protect w)rkel's in violent robberies" D 16 A r-I DC-41r002 ballots challenged in race for president of stersi in which EOffa trails inc 'qbentrCarey D 18 B 3-t DC-Robt.SandersrBaltinore to testify at Eouse hearing on danger of air bage to kids;his daughter killed D19AI-1 DC-Bi9 3 automakera to work together to design ismarttr DC-Big 3 autonakera want govt.to give go-ahead to inatall lese forceful air baga r98 in modelg D24, A_5-I Eoekstra wavering on his eupport for Gingrich a6 -1996- D29A5-1 DC=Gene Sper1ing, Clintonrs economic adviser, feels GOp'E Deurs can agree on balanced budget plan- D 3I B 1-3 DC-ilamie and Mark tfyskoff,Royal Oak, wiII wait until air bag ru19s are changed to buy new car-&phillipa/Bivins -L997- Ja 5, A-5-2 DG-Faces betrird assisted suicide; Dusty Hogue of Mich & Merian F?edericks Ja 9, A-L-z DC-US Sup Ct to take try right-to-die tTE A 2_1 DC-ilames Quellorretiring as FcC comissionerralre 83;will write book, lecture at l4SU ila 16 A 5-l DC-Chuck YobrG.Rapids busin€ssttrErlrI of 8 competing for job of chairman, Republican Nattonal Conmittee Ja 2I A 1-3 DC-This is Mayor Archerrs 3rd inauguration but first tiure on t.the podiunrwith Clinton& Gore-aBivins 1997 Ja 22 A 1-l DC-Newt Gingrich haa survived the ethics challengee with reprimand/fine but he,s a different man-&zagaroli ila 23 A 6-1 Eillary Clinton and AI Gore spoke at Nat.l Abortion & Re- productive Rights Actton League-&C.Stevens ila 28 A 5-l DC-Uetro Det.auto dealer, Uartin iEooto l,lclnerney contrib- uted $50,00o to Dem.Natrl comrnitteerinvited to wtrite Eouse ila 31 A 5-1 site for tona of nuclear waste piling up F 5 A-1-5 DC-CIin ton Puts education as toP priori address DC-House menibers renehr for amen&[ent to -L997- F17A5-1 DC-Pros and cons of compenaatory time bill in Congress for employeee F 23 A 1-5 DC-Privacy laws may ahve been broken by tlhite Eouse worker in effort"to raise money for presidential election I-h 2 C-5-1 DC-Clinton asked Congress to pass legislation giving him authority to bring Chile into MEIA Mr 20 A 4-3 DC-Rep.Dingell introduced bill to clean up,qa_!e usable cont;inatea sites called "brownfieldsn I'ii 23 A r-1 DC-Clintonrs fund-raising woea continue to dog hin;hie job approval rating dropped to 55t Mr 23 A l2-1 Courents of Michigan congrressional delegation talk about Clintonts campaign fund controveray ltlr 25 B 1-1 DC-U.S. Suprene Court to decide if GI,[ can keep ex-GM em- ployee from testi ing against them;Ronald Elwell aqreed BYAN, RICEARD A NE.qS !.IRITER 1997 Vtt 2? A 2-2 DC-U.S. PIRG group says Michigan ie 3rd worst etate in U.S. f6r water poltution Ap 10 A 5=I D.C.-U.S. Eouse expected to bar use of federal funds for phyeician aeeisted suicide Ap 22, A-5-5 DC-SerCarl Levin said that congressional probe into Den. fund-raising taetics should enii,threat€ns reform Ap 24, A-5-1 DC-Chemical weapons treaty faces tough sLedding in Senate shqdqm hearin! Ap 24, A-6-1 college costs loormust maintain ty too Ap 29 A 5-1 DC-Suprene Court agreed Flintrs police tronotionraffirma- tive action plan is unconstitutional -7997- My 02 A -52 DC-tlemorial to Pres.Franklin Delano Roosevelt to be dedi- cated today;conments of MI residente about him Irty 04 A 5-1 DC-Report says Sen.Carl Levin pressured Education Dept.off iciale to give funds for Jordan CollegerC.Springs My OB A 9-5 DC-Experts say airline industry growing too fast for FAA to keep pacermay be more accidents Mv O7 A 1-1 Dc-Congresa wants MIr34 other states to pasa tougher dr ing laws before they get fed highway *offr"yff A 5_4 DC-Sbientists on threshold of vaccine to help cocaine ad- dicta qEit- My 15 A 5-2 DC-Study says toxic chemical secretly sprayed in 50sr60s over big cities like Det. rwas not harmful 1997 uy 23 B 1-1 DC-NETSA may let automakers use less powerful air bags

DC-Jones wins right to proceed with Oi#L2ir.3;1;1 My 29, A_5-1 DC-upst in U.S prefer to fix Social Security My 30, A_5-1 DC-EPA proposal wont end fun in yards, group says Je 03 B-3-3 in deal aimed to balance hrlget Je 05 A-5-2 DC-ftrvironmentalists lobby for road repairs rather ttun new consrnrction-pronote other means of transporsrH_iuto" Iakes airline t -L997- ile 08 B 4-5 DC-Earold Wolpelformer MI congressman, ie Clintonrs spec Rlvoy to Democratic Republic of Congo; ile l0 B 3-I ur--U.S.Supreme Court wonrt hear challenge to l{I single business tax ile 15 A 5-1 DC-Several llatergate players agreed to talk last week at Freedom Fonrmre just opened NewseumrVa. Je 19 A1-2 DC-Recent cOP Btg. in MI shows division in partyt nany upset wlth Gingrich e Iuott for abandoning cOP principles Je 25 A 1-3 DC-Senate voted to raiee Medicare age f,rom 65 to 67 & in- crease premiuns for the well-off iie 27 A 1-l DC-Bocus on aesieted suicide shifte to the statea as U.S. Supreoe €ourt said nno constitutional t. ,t$H_ii tnhcombrs separation of stor'...rsewer lines would cut at beaches. RYAIII, RICI{ARD A. : DEf,-OIT NEI{S I'lRIIm, 1997 Jl 4 4-16-1 DG-ranel says a l3-ur-Pentagon study on B-t'corrmmications systar was flawed and data should be restrdied. Jl 10 A-L-2 DC-As congress begins to shape a Medicare reform bill; $115 billion cut nilI cost seniors. Jl 11 C-3-2 tsrglerrs request for fed aid to help Detroiters recover frqn storm is r-nrder revierd. Jl 13 B 5-2 DC-Fed.her.l'lgmt.Agency(BEl,lA) had reputation for incompe- tence but ;tL 29 A l-2 DC-Congress and tlEite Eouae reached tentative agreement on plan to balance budget;details ill 31 A -5-2 Amer icane li"::I'l:H':#:SHfliHrlnis;91"!E!#gne .I A t-l Liorlg and U.S. ilustice Dept. reach agreement r'SvEfregea violations' of Amer.r.inith Dieabilities Act;change policy Ag 03 B 4-4 DC-Analysis of, GOP;have attained many of their goals; need unifying themes for future-Ryan Ag 07 A 3-1 G.Rapiils-Furniture makerg rlill, complain because fed. govt, must buy furniture made by prison lnmateg Ag 13 A 11-l DC-GOP businessmanrMichael CurisrotherGOPrat fund raiser for Archer A9 L4 A L-2 DC-Study in A!!A mag aays spanking kids leade to anti-eocj.al behavior Ag 15 B 6-4 DC-Former GM analystrRonald Elwellrs testimony against GM challenged (re auto fuel pump fire) AS 15 D 4-1 DC-AIfaIfa seed probable cause of E.coli bacteria outbreak which 46+ !|I people got sickrhow to avoid E.coli RYAN, RICHARD A. s DETROIT NEWS I|RITER 1997 Ag 2L B L-2 DC-US warns Japan they nust move faster to close widenlng- auto trade gap AA 24 A-1-5 Hoffa suPPorters seek federal probe into Ron Carey sifts -* Stertz Ag 24 B-4-L DC-$738 miLlion RonaId Reagan Building and International Trade Center nearing co plettion Ag 25 B -L-2 DC- Eed watchdog panel examlnes Teans ters election furds -* Stertz 28 A-4-2 prosedure p,g -s-i1use for the '40ts. 29 IF1-4 U.S. removes tainted frozen strawberries-frorn schools. s 04 A 4-5 :Dc-$42 milrion in fed.fundg mav peopte tr"rt*.ft1ir"'t$ jEBE u" available to Mr to set -L997- S0581-2 DC-Barbara Zack Quindelrwho overturned Teamster Ron Carey, election as president, resigns S 9 B-1-1 DC-Rep. Petet lbekstra will ask Congress to prohibit tax- payeEs frm payirg for re-run of Teamsters president. s 10 B-3-2 DC-Sue Doneth fears NAFIA poses threat to children's with foreign gror,m food. S 11 B-3-5 DC-Archer supports Clinton's expandirrg trade agreements s t2 A-r-2 DC-Fed mney that helps collect money from deadbea t is in peril because state hasn' t orSanizr{ra DaYment sys -& oardo A r1-1 Eis'panic leaders clain Clinton hasn t s1ven them enough appointments;Dems may lose then;names of the Caucus-& EB- Parza RYAN, RICEARD A, : DBTROIT NEWS WRITER 1997 s16B1-2 DC-Teamster Pres.Carey's lawyers say James EOffa took il- legal canpaign contributions in 196 bid for president-& Stertz S17BI-5 DC-AFL-CIO to fight Clintonrs proposal to expand NAFTA s18B3-2 DC-Aneritech adnits may take years before it can meet fed. rules and reapply for ItlI long-distance market s19Al-5 DC-Teameter Pres.Carey aides link AFL-CIO & DemE to ille- lrlisconsin' s welfare reform describedr"toughest-in-nationrl s25Al-5 DC-Labor unions suffering from scandals; hinders comeback

RYAI{, RICHARD A.: DETROIT NE!ilS I'IRITER 1997 -1997- o 2t A-L-5 EC-Internal lilhite House rrpmos shol Clinton administration pushed favore

ter falls to $11.3 million fron $150 RYAI{, RICIHARD I DEIROIT NEI,IS I'RITR, 1997 N 6 A-5-2 DC-U..S probes Kerrey bid for Teamster ftrnds.-& Stertz DC- N 7 A-5-2 uPs told to halt delivery of tmion candi

bes RYAII, RICIIARD: DETROIT NEI,,S TIRITER, 1998 Ja 01 8-1-6 Judge bans Ron Carey frqr new Teamsters S.r"f5tfirr_, DCNASA may approve 2nd sPace flight for ,lohn-Glenn'76 ,la 15 Al -6 DC-NY election officials to investigate campaign contribu- tions of Teamster supv.,l'lichael Cherkasky-&Stertz Ja l8 b 1-2 ,Iames R. Hoffa thinks ,Iustice Dept. wants to keep him out of Teams Ja 23 A l-7 DC-Clinton and advisers try to quell storm over his all affair with I'lonica Lewinsky-&Cole ,la 23 B l-l DC-review board member doubts Ron Carey didn,t know about money laundering during his campaign for Teamster pres. Ja 27 A l-7 DC-Analysis of Clinton/Lewinsky scandal-&Zagaroli Ja 28 A l-5 DC-G0P hope to take control of legislative agenda while Clinton is occuoied-lihitewater with scandal-&Zaqaroli F 01 A-1-2 DC-Indepth look at indepeftiant counsel Kenneth Starrs prosecutor or persecutor?-& Cole F 01 A-5-2 DC-President proposeq lax credits for those buying new autos that get twice/thrice gbs milEage of-othbrs-ifi c16ss F 03 A-5-2 DC-Pres ident announces expected 99 d6ficit-zero-opens the battIe F 06 A-1-3 RYAI{, RICHARDT DEIROIT NE!,IS I,IRIIER 1998 F 06 a-2-5 DC-chances are food that EL Nino-produced storms will iain on your spring break vacation-& Jickson F 11 C-1-5 DC- I{itness says Ron Carey had ties to N.Y. mob. F 13 A-10- Teansters probe gets OK to add more staffr. r, , ,_u DC-Decllne in Teamster political donations in 1997-estertz F20BL-2 DC-Eouse subcomittee may charge TeamBterB & DII{C with con- tempt for not turning over documentBrre Carey election DC-Rep.Eoekstra & Teanster investigatora believe they are being targeted by llhite Eouse to diecredit them-&stertz 825B1-2 rf lriteEouselawyer,ch"".$f&Pr""igtPj.3*JJ.r'-99!ef -Jn--.- -1998=- Mr 8 D-1-2 DC- NY panel launches irquiry into Teansters election off- iocer, Michael Cherkasky. Mr 19 A 1-6 DC- Teamsters probe hiti obstacles.-& Stertz Ml.25 A 1-5 DCSenate stripped Lake Champlain of lts Great Lake desig- natlionireversed last monthrs vote Mx 25 B 1-1 DC-iludge delaya election of new TearnEter president untll ilanes Eoffars eligibility is determined ur 25 B 3-2 DC-MI ilobs Com.,Doug Rothwell will try to get back $15.7 nillion taken from MI enployemnt servicerfor unemployed tix 26 B l-2 DC-Former TeamsterE to teetify that Carey .used union f,unds for hie election & fed.govt.did nothing-tStertz !,tr 31 A 5-2 DC-Bed.appeals court says govt.must finance cost of new sYAtiI, RICEARD s DETRQIT NEWS VIRITEP. 1998 Ap O2 B 1-6 DC-Panel gets clearance to hire agente to probe govt, ex- penoe in supervising Tea[ster electionrthen it waa over- turned-&Stertz. Ap 03 A 1-6 DC-AtfiyrG9trrNY may be ready to ieeue new indictmenta in- siaeltEiEf,tf;Eaaqu.rterB-&stertz Ap o8 A 2-s Det.News poll shows 59t of Michiganiane worried they won't have Social Security when they retire ApO9 B 1-5 DC-Rep.Eoeketraron comrittee probing Teamater election, tion defy eubpoena-&Stertz A9 24 B 1-1 DC-If, Clintonra eDerqy-eaving meaaurea are put in effect, wirt cost Det/5380df;8F8 in taxes 1998 Ap 26 c 1-6 DCFeds want Eouee panel probing Tearnsters electionrto Post- pone AFr, CIO Pres.Sweeneyrs testimony;could jeopardize cr inal investigations- & Stertz Ap 28 A 1-6 DC-Janes EOffa gets clearance to run for Teamster preaident but f,orner political dir. rltu.Eanilton indicted for fraud- &stertz AP 28 A 2-5 DC-aIaneB P. Eoffa hopes to clean up f,Eamsters-& Stertz Ap 29 B 1-2 DC-Rep.Eoekstra on panel investigating feamster election; feare new electlon will be conducted incorrectly-aStertz Ap 3O B 1-5 DC-Teamgters' auditor says he hasnrt authority to Prevent repeat of money laundering;detal1s-&stertz My 01 B L'2 DC-AFL-CIO's Sweeney Bays Sec'y-Treasurer Richard Trunlca is innocent ln Teamster money-raiping scandal RYAII, RICEARD s DETROItr NEWS IIRItER 1998 l.ly 05 F 3-2 DC-Congresa nay rewrite ilandrum-Griffin Actnrto allow direct.r. . election of top union officials Uy 06 B 3-2 DC-Eouse Pane1 investigating Ieamsters orders them to produce subpoenaed documents or face contenpt My O7 B 1-6 DC-Elderly women 3 times more likely to live in poverty than elderly men lnf 07 B 1-6 DC-Chair of comittee lnvestigating Teansters, Rep. wante AFI-CIO Secry Treasurer RI l.ty 08 B 4-6 DC-Former lleamster exec.rlilm.Eanilton eays hers not guilty in money laundering scheme connected with pres.election of Carey 1998 ltty 13 A 1-5 DC-Teametersr ilanes EOff,areays herll oust the mine workers )hired as advisers) if hers elected presLdent My 14 B 1-6 Romulus-Northwest Airlines aad union negotiatora to meet todaylto resume bargaining-&il.Snith My 14 B 3-2 DCEouse panel probing Teanaters election asks pres.candi- dates to auggest waya to avoid repeat of, election problems My 15 B 3-1 DC-iluetice Dept. wanta Teamatera to pay for re-run-gf .PIeP- election;askinq appeals court to reconeider My 19 A-5-2 DC- Sandbr lev-in'-s-challenger teslie Toura is a good fund iaiser. My 20 C-t-z DC- Teamsters actirg Pres Tom Sever invokes att-client privilge when asked abut r,rork of investigator. My 22 F-t- tn- teEsr"ters chief won't Drob nemo. VIV 2t+ C-1-1 DC-Ctrances are-better than'ever that James P. H6ffa will RYAI{, RICHARDT DEIROIT NEI{S I4RITB, 1998 rg 27 A-5-5 SOmIFIEtD-Social Security will provide benefits well into 21st centuryr:but prqgram will barely reseurble todays

retirement Je 04 B-23- DC-California voters r tica1ly Je 05 B-3-5 DC-Prsident Clinton says companies offering 401(k) plans should include all employees tnless they request exlmption 1998 ire 09 B L-2 DC-chair of comittee inveetigating Teanstergr election, Rep.Eoekstrarwanta rerun postponedrto be sure itrs run properly ile 12 B 3-7 DC-INdependent Review Board to probe acting pres. of Teameterg, Tom sever and hie refueal to do internal probe Je 14 A L-.jt DC-Not enough geriatric doctors; Chester Peldman/idpng those who got better care from geriatric specialistrgraph ile 16 B 3-2 DC-Rep.Eoekstra saya Teansters officiale are hiding a lot of their travel expena;subpoenaed acting Pres.Sever ile 17 A 9-3 DC-Eundreds of Red Wings in DC as their tearn wins Stanley cup;cried' as Konatantinov held cup tr"%3ht?rg$!5-r tor c.f bocks rarned union 'RYAN, RrcEeRD : DB[Rorr NEws v[RrrER 1998 ,hether ile 18 A 1-6 DC-Labor Dept.probingTTeamster penaion pl-an waE used to lrelp Carey defeat Eoffa ie 23 DC-Fed court turned aside fed.efforts to getlEni.on-tO'.1E5*."t Pay for re-run of pres.election;judge okrs EOffa'8 rerun- ile 25 B 1-3 DC-If alanea P.Eoffa is elected president, w111 be due to law passed 40 yrs.ago becauee of ilanes R.Hoffars corrupt Jle 25 B 3-6 DC-iludge orders Teamater union to re-hire organizer, ile 26 B 1-6 DCFed.monltor may shut dorrn if no decieion aoon aa to who will pay for re-run of presidential Tenf,later election 1998 ire 3O A t-6 DC-iIohn MEtz and Tom Leedham to run against ilanes Eoff,a for Teanster presidency;no decision on who,ll piy ;tL 02 B t-2 DC-iluetice Dept.can't pereuade congreBa or tlealnstera to Iny for pres. electionimay be without fed.eupervision irl 06 A 1-5 )C-No decieion on who would pay for lfeamster re-election rupervieion by fed gvt.-&stertz Jl 07 B 1-6 lC-iludge givee govt.untilT/Ls to get money for Teamster llectionicould be unaupervieed lf no money iIl 10 Bl-2 )C-Joseph^diGeosva-aod Victoria Eoensingrhueband-wife lega1 tear, roi,zE8f,f;I8E8t"tf,*estigatins reanaterB, will leave :L:.2bL.6 ,c-100+ houra of audio tapee of Teamster boafd may tell 1t there waa wrongdoing in last election FJAN. RICIIAJID 3 DETi:.O:[T NE!iS IIRITER 1998 irl 16 A1-2 DC-GOP trying to reach compromiae before deadll.ne that wbuld have ,:.govt.pay for half of Teanreter election .rl 19 B 1-3 Ardath & Frank Regan among those wfio suf,fer from mdS red tapelCongrees ecurriee to reforn health plana-eEl ;tL 22 B L-2 DC-GOP Sen.Judd Gregg holde up compromiee for govt.to fund feamster election ;tL 23 A 5-2

not to cut taxee ae GOP wants ar123 B 3-7 DC-ilustice Dept.doesnrt yet have funds to pay for Teaneter election;may go unsupervieed JL 24 B 1-6 DC-EouBe panel on Teanaters may look at how they used $16 mi111on for Det. strlliers r ber:eI its-rggaj;- DC-Congress drafts tnion conprorise to allotr both sides to contriSute to Teansters election cost Ag 05 B-1-4 DC-Teamsters

RYAI{, RICTIARD S DETROIT NEI,IS T,IRTIB, 1998 D I B-1-5 DC- Janes P. Hoffa enrlts in Teanrstens victory. D 9 A-1-5 DC- Social Secr-rity talks open. D 10 B'1-2 DCr Clinton decided sorne fotm of stock nrarket irntestment pobably will be needed to asstre Sociat' Secrtrity. D 11 A-5-2- ^ DC- Hqrse Judiciary Ccrmrittee chief Dsn cotnsel pleas lawnakers not to cbnfuge censttre with inpeactment. D13A1-4 DC-Eouae iludic Com down 4th cle of impeachnent; 3 other art Pa8 ear D L3 A 15-2 DC-Deme push cenaure for Clinton but GoP will probably w111 force Clinton to endure trial-&ElBoghdacly 1998 D14A4-1 DC-Some fear an impeachment trial will affect Americars businesr Senate will be dLstracted D 15 B t-l DC-ilames EOffarnow Teameter preeidentrnE! BU€ to recover money carey a11e9ed1y embezzled- D 17 A 5-2 DC-CapltoI Eill getting thousands of calls, pro and con, about impeachment of Clinton- D 18 A 1-2 DC-FOP may be puahign too hard for impeachment, eep.while our armed forcee are 'in harmra wayraaye Richard Gephardt D18A5-2 DC-GOP ralliee to defenee of incoming Speaker Bob Living- ston after he admitted extramarital "tfit.r"iirfoghdady )C-Analysie of Clintonrs impeachmenticould be trial of the rges D22AL-6 )C-Senate vowe to act faet on impeachment trial RYAN RICEARD : 1998 D24A1-6 DC-CIinton to addrese Economic CIub of Det. bn L/8 D24B3-6 DC-Rep.Eoeketra had approval f,rom Eouse leaderrLivingeton to continue Teamater probe;muot get reauthorization 1999 ila 05 A 1-2 DC-Senatore eeek way to conduct speedy trta| of Clinton ila 05 A 5-6 DC-Elizabeht DoIe stepped down as preeident of Red Croaa; A Dcsenate trial of Clinton to begit L/7 ila 06 A 5-2 DC-TrLal of all time begite L/7i will be full of ceremony ila O7 A 1-2 DC-Impeachment trial opena today;coulcl laet, fr-;r reeke DC- 1999 ila 0'7 B 1-6 Ctrts lrr lll reinbursenent ratee for Medicaid could mean Lnadequate care for the poorraaya 2 Det.E!{O leadere - ara O8 A 1-5 DC-CIinton to visit Detroit today a epeak at Economic Club; gives him a reprieve- Ja 1O A 1-2 DC-Senate promLeea to be civil and courteous aa trial of Clinton starts ila 12 B 1-5 DC-ilanes Eoffa cantt take offlc til probe of, protest by hla opponent, Tom Leedhan;saye Eoffa violated union rulea ila 14 A 1-6 DC-Senators whorll be jurore in Clinton trial are not eection of U..S; are noetly richrmLddle-agerwhite- ila 14 A 7-1 DC-Senate hearing is not a "real trialn; exPlanation RYAti[, RICBARD : DETROIT NEWS VIRITER 1999 ila 15 A 1-2 DC-Clinton aeks "preaidential" during trial ila 17 A 1-1 DC-EouBe impeachment mgrs.finished 3-clays of arguments before Senate;p1ea for Clinton to be removed from office ila. 17 A 5-2 DC-Cltntonrs defenae team to preaent case 1rl19;will try to avoid witnesa call Ja 20 A-1-6 LE-Pres. Clinton aims to shcno he's A-5-2 DC-GOP leader backs Pres. Clinton's plan to reserve 62. of budget surplus for social security I I 1999 Ja 26 A 1-2 Both GOP And lremg want to be remembered for issuee other than Clinton impeachment;like Soc.SecurityrMedlcare reform ila 28 A 1-6 DCSenate-.hae given Eouse impeachment ngrB.permission to call Lewinsky as witneeg Ja 92 B 1-1 DC-Fed Reservers Greenepan criticizes Clintonr.g plan to save Social Securitytproposes more taxes,will take time -= P -2-A-2-5 DC- Prosecutors questicn l,lonica Lewinsky for 5 hours about Clintonaffair. F3A-1-1 Fcres' appeals keep Hoffa from taking corrtrol of Teamsters. &Stertz F5A-1-2 DC- Gc,P-ready to vote on Clinton affaic, move on . F14A1-7 on afters chmeo../ RYAN, RICEARD : DETROIT NBWS I{RITER 1999 F18A5-2 DC-Cllnton invited youth to White Eouee to Bupport hie plan for saving Soc.Security/Medicare F 24 B L-2 DC-ilanee EOffa getB OK to take over presidenclz of E25BL-2 DC-Eoffa takeover of Teansterg facee delay;Tom Leedhan 14 daye to appeal; Mr 10 A-L-z Ex-@y. Janes J. Blanchard decides not to US Sen t'tr 15 B-1 a a federal judge to quickly alIo, tr1[m to be installed Tealsters rmion president. !{r 19 A 5-6 DC-Sulcide proponents criticize Dr.Kevorkian for hie cal 1999 ur 19 c L-2 DC-Deur.Natrl Com.to make Dennie Archer I of 3 gen.co-chai men of the party;but not doing as well at home over s refo16 Ap 18 A-L-2 DG- Analysts believe air war alone in Kosovo rti1l be long, rislqy and docrrrcd to faihnre. Ap 20 A-5-6 DC- Allies 'ttrinlcingr about sending irrgrornd troops to Kogovo. Ap 27 A 1-3 DC-ChaIIenges face ilames P. HOffa whorll be inaugurated as Teanaters preeident 5/1- My 02 A 1-6 DC-ilames P. Eoffa inaugurated 5/L as TeamEter president My 04 A I-2 DC-Connrentary on ileEee Jackson getting 3 U.S. soldiere freed from Koeovo; his frl.ends say he "nir;.rOSrl"ilSop" ,a_Former prisonera of war often leave nifitaryrsays peychologist RYAN, RICEARD s DETROIT NEWS !{RITER 1999 I,ly O6 A 5-2 DC- U.S. Eouse about to OK money for Kosovoi at first refuEed to authorize continuation of air campaign- carl Ievin asked Glinton to ncxnina." Hy*3 3im. Judge I,{ar{'ame Battani and Da\rid M. Iawson to federal court.- & Shepardsor I,ly 13 B-1-3 DC- Robert Rubin steps donn a8 ctrief . 2L C 5-2

Davtd Bonior for his House seat noct year;not of yet v1y 25 A-t-2 DC- ctrina spy case may dom Reno. -L999- Je 3 A-1-2 DC- -eiih-arceri-asJames P. -he Hoffars stature in the Teansters [Inio,n were negot iat€il ia s trike- free- agrmtrt wi th car haulers. Je 10 A-t-z DC-Texas Gov. C;eorge Bush begins quest for nreS!Oi?"t_r_, E-Analysis of Kosovo conflict-dangerousrl"fh .glSlgilding ffiE"f" Petroskey selected to run the Baseball Hall of Fame. Je 17 A-.6-1 DC- Gun control proposal puts Dingell in spotlight. Je 18 A-1-3 DC - Experts say liUtIO bonbing intensified rnassacres in I(osorrc. Je 30 A_9-1 DC-Clinton's Medicaid reform plan has chance of passing Jl 05 A-1-5 lame labe1 RYAII' RICIIARD: DEIROIT NEI,IS I'lBITm, 1999 Jl 07 A-5-5 DC-Mi Se. Carl l-evin part of congressio,nal delegation to Kosovo since cease-fiie-sees neeii for quick deployuent of tlN police force JI 08 D-1-1 Stabenore raises $1.1M for her cqaign'to tmseat Setr. Abraham in 2000 election Jl 09 B-1-3 DC-Teatster s new car haulers ratifv cqrtract between & trucking cmpanies J1 L3 A. 5-2 DC-Israeli Prire Minister Ehr.rd Barak & Pres c1 & JL tS A 6-3 DC-Sen.Spencer Abraham has $4.7 nillion in campaign funds; rivalrDebbie stabenow has $1.1 nillion L999 Jl 2L A 1-3 t -D_e_a_r_born-Preview of Nat l Reform Party Conveniton at Hyatt n-eEencflTL2=zsi .lessii Vbntuia &'XoeB Perot to contend for leadership JL 27 A L-2 MI aE Ehe-Ulllennium series t Histo;ry 0d laborrs gains; but new probleme JL 26 A 3-2 uI at the Ml11eoni,.,r/3c9l*.tidlooa ehed usehered in rhe un- ion A96A1-2 DC-Former President gete Preeidential Medal of Freedom for restoring calm after Nixon resigned Ae L2 A 5-2 DG-Former Preeident Gerald Ford gets PresidentiaL MEdal of, Freedom for keeping U.S. caln after Nixon rq:signed Ag 16 A 5-2- DC-U.U. eeniorrMeredith franctrOrchard Lakershares her ex- Perience as intern at White Houee ;no nini Ia:r:it:y:olltonicarr RYAN, RICHARDs DETROIT NEWS HRITER 1999 As 23 A-t-z MIDLAND-stabenow appears ahead of Abraf,am in sur- pLus debate I 17 c l-j DC-Detroit lawyer, Kathleen Mccree Lewie nominated by Pree. Clinton to 6th U.S. Circuit Court of appeals s 24 B-1-4 DC-Metro passengers donrt pay 'hub premium'rstud says o 28 A-5-6 h e fuls turn:to,.rAbraham s 28 A-10-3 -L999- o 03 A-5-6 DC-Christian Coalition believes GOp front-runner, Gerorge I{. Bushrhas best chance to beat Gore o 17 A-1-6 -DC-Pres. Clinton feuds with Sen. Spencer Abraham-ho1ds up judge lb1ene Wtrite's appointment tb US appeals court 0 17 A-13-t DC-Pres. ftmdraiserrTerry llcAuliffe,had ties to foruer Teamsters thrion polit ical director,William ttamiltqr o 20 A-1-5 Dc-Campaign reform Iaw falters o 26 A 5_z t DC=Vot,es for pat Buchananrwho lefE GOP for Reform Party; coudl siphon voEes from conservatives though he caor t w o28A5-2 HanoverrN.H.-ReporE on debate between A1 Gore and bill Bradley;like a I'pi 1low fi tll o28A1-6 RYAN, RICIIARD : DETROIT NEWS I{RITER 1999 N4A5-2 DC-Perry Speucer becomes Reform Party of Michigan chairman; joined in 21L998 N 4 A 5-6 DC-only 1 member of MI REform Party holds eLecrive off- ice in Ml-Steve Schofield r22;profile on the party- N 07 A-19-2 DC-@v engler s inabi II tv to na[ne heads of India N 1 1 A-8-t DC-Cov 1999 N 28 KA 1-1 ''DC-Bill bradley has eurprieed observers, and A1 Gore, hers a serioue challenger for Dem.presidential nomination D2A5-2 MancheeEerrN.H.-Preview of debate schedule Eonight of GOP contendere for presidentialnominacion; Busf,' lead elipping D3A5-2 Mancheeter,N.tl.-Geo.I{.Bueh eaeiLy survived his lst debate, cooldemeanor D8A1-3 Mancheeter,N.II.-chronology of GOP prinarieslGeo.W.Bueh Los6, here but can likely "Eurvivett prirnary Loss here-& Zaeatol-i D 9 A5-6 DC=Rep.John Dingell fainted at gala for Jordanrs Queen Noor 12/7;back home; was dehydraEion -2000_ Ja 05 A-t-z ir -8tat8 RYAII, RICTIARD: DEIROIT NET,IS I,R,ITER 2000

cuss @orge lrl. Bush's governing style Ja 16 A t:5 DG-Geo W.Bueh and VP A1 Gore hofa Uig leade in Ut,ai presidenrial candidates ;graphe Dee Moines,rowa-ca,r",r""3ofl3re wiLl t.r" nilri"*tlrl""" on preeideotial race-&Zagaroli Ja 23 A_tz_L DES MOINES, Iowa-Gore,Bush hold wide leads qr eve of caucuses-in loroa-& Zagarol-i Ja 24 A-L-z Dqq MOI$ES, Iowa-Bush,@re expected to easily win first official race-& T"agatol-i ja 24 A-Z-4 DES MOINESrIowa- Iowa,s precinct caucuses have served as the first event of each pres. year since L972 Ja 25 A-1-7 DES t't0INES, Ioea-Ttre $rar for Republican pres. nminatio,n is far frqr over for Texas Gor. George W. Bush-& Zagargli _ ^ .DES !'!OINES, Iota-Ex-New Jersey seTator,Bill r""iij:rt;?;3- ed his first political setback of his career-loss in Ioloa MANcuEsrER,N.H.-N.H. debare is mosr spirired *"iioi1"l;u-' RYAN, RICHARD : DETROIT NEI{S WRITER 2000 Ja 30 A 5-3 Miilford,N.E.-former Pres.George Bush and wiferBarbara, paigned for George I,l. here-&Zagaroli Ja 30 A 1-4 PortsmouthrN.ll.-Mccain hae narro!, lead over Gov.Bueh 2 daye before N.H. prinary f 1 A 1-2 HudsonrN.H.-Independents are the key to thie N.H. prinary -&Zagaroli ., F2A1-5 NashuarN.ll.-Al Gore wins over Bill Bradley, 53-47fl; McGain wins over George Bush 49-3l?F&Zagaroli ?; t\ more aggress ve a8 goes S.Carolina,MI, after defeat in N.Hanpshire by McCain steve Forbee is dropping our of Gop prE"l9"{.hl race DC- today; it might help Bueh

RYAN, RICHARD : DETROIT NEWS WRITER 2000 F21A1-4 Warreo-both Bush and McCain raced thru MI, campaigning before 2/22 pteeidential prinary-&Zagaroli E 22 A 7-L Lane-Bueh predicte win in MI; courted Demerindependente in Det. & net with GOP in G.Rapide F 23 A 1-2 Det.-Mccain beate Bush in GOP MI prinary(501[-432) 'DeB. support helped McCaio-&Kieka F 23 A 8-3 Det.-Bueh rron among GOP but McCain won independente, Deme. in open primary ;exit poll baeed on character F23A8-1 ;8 voters from Bush- DC-DC-Mccain and sush aAT%.r"" role of ,.1+r:i"3 rli-e2t. ro politice ;before Va. rWaeh. &N.Dakota primariee-Ryan,/ Zagaroli F29L5-2 D0=Bush-courting core GOP and religious conservatives;McCa goee after indepeodentsretc.-&Zagaroli Mr 2 A 1-5 DC-McCain facing elinination after defeat in VAI,I{aeh.N. Dakota- RYAN, RICH:,RD - POLI.Y' r-lLD,\RV OFFlCEn 4946 1-1 6s19 ;rlnrre l-bnsE or l-lrnontro FoR $67 11-3 Bouertt HoRSE oF HtRoHtro Fon $$/-359vgs i;, 4'2 tlonse To cE sHlppED ro tE 26o 1-19-3 Bnrnog FArcu3 HfigE HoC ro lEraoii;-11947---

Ktu.eo lren Strez AcctDEirLY


R0EEEI - tEAo 0F SAmAn t934 Ft tcE nuo rnee-rtND tr ts A FHJt$sfi.,r,r,* &lGn Kntse Ras0s0Etl06 UAnRA!!T FloR ApvE hLIGE C,I[f Ad,I,E ft, SERT,E NAOG] IilARRAilr UO Cnrsro Bt?H AssAtr.t & EArrEif gy bBT.RAvrgR & ALvt Faces clqnGca oF titrtlttqArtofi! FoR HttlttG oys-FoLt Ausuens 2 cHAreEs tN @unr;ExAil. oAlE 9Er


Sotl soRn ro rl,FE, Mn 1O S 1lt 2'4 fhuoxren Bonil ?o rrtt riBg?lriii F 21, 11-3 Bwneo wHEN GUI{ }nrH 6LANK sHELL IN----1956- IT CioES OFF IN HIS FOCKET

-os Ar{e s- ssn, r EE EAr END r, r, o.oil-;*ui;-;"^[r'ioo;1;' "'LUE BooK )r Jr'xr arncm socrEry"HR oN nroro eaocf$T1- Ju 11 , A-21-j OB lT---D r eo Jl 11 o ne e 60, trlY. Jt 12, ii-1.1.-1 Eac VEr rrLm Acron DEAD"

1967 Ilurs oF BRAvE BULLs & cnueurylSrevels --1972-- 0 9, A-G2 nlce 27toF luolewooorCaltFolsEBtousLy ooREo ft ABooMEN tr VtsrAA- LEGRE ARENA

r962 RYAN. R@mT GILcEPT - lAlOVllAN

L remw. N.y. -3B.cHrRGEo u r rH F risr-oEcr EG HmDtrt J; i-H;'dill; !h. rorfu.-txer iruao 3rlrutneo 12 JL t5. A-8-6 fiRfllll.Ya{t+h- oir FrisrtEctEE irttoEr cHARGE rrtEn emtt?trMi sEt

1964 DtnectoR patgstRr Ap 25, 8-6-1 or NA lms TlTrfiEr A SCHoOL- OF LtTr.RctCit- urrsiC-ro PRESEI{T COtCenf Ap27 AT Cq THOL IC "'^:,'iblj' n t roR r "fi oiTlTtr r-, oStt-AoE '12, orcoJr 7

I986 Ar 12, A-13-5 Trial of housewlfe,25rof Southgate began yesterday in Shaur Gates beating death by her husband, @rald.-Gave Mr 13, 8-6-5 Doctor s&id Shaun Gates,4, could have lived if he were tak, en to a hospital.-Ross W 15, A_3_3 Judge will issue a verdict in her trial. Mr 17, A-3-5 4dot Found not guilty of manslaughter in the beating death of S Shaun Gates.4. Mr 18, A-3-5 gu ty as accessory n eat tt r 3 l, A-3-54dot Gets 34-60nn ja i I term-UJowk Ap 1, A--3-2 Same-Wowk JI 7 , A-tt-l Released to halfway house

a lfAm ?RESo6 S ere Brn c ilrcx. o-!Qf,[- ,rc 8 B-5-2 Dguourtas otr ril?Ecnr?y oF cotnllt ^TrAcl3 irrcx.propo6,, .il+ffi3'iln .r*** lll$l';?c.us or LAUYEES Oil sFRrEs oF-cqJtr rgsuts.Ruoo Je 21, 6!16-1 .Rof,,tEy tppt. ABo/E As Cruxouu Corlw crRcutr uroae

RYAN' ROY F. - CHRYSLER FOREMAN 1954 . ,uR r 19;4 CHARGES ABOVE vlrH |RREPARABLE crnvsueR DAmAea o" 2- 29-3 CHnyStep SEEKS pETrtt.fN T1 RESTR.ttl.l Ullt)N FR,itl'IlNTlltttDa TiNG F_.rREr,tENrl .lK: AB.!"8 & ts oeruteo PgT'T' N F rF lluuNcTl ll't

1992 llayne County Com.College bringlng ln Ryan to help launch new theatre program for sEudqnts-Struman -L997- D 10 5-6-1 [,lon a $500 and a contract with the t{rctorm record labe1 but turned it dd,rn.-Jackson

MRS. R.|SSELL tAc t952



Ulon nationrs record lottery jackpot of $55 mill ion in Fla. TallahasseerFla-61, real estate broker of Winter Sprlngs, wl ns $55 ml I I ion jackpot. -1989- F1y9 A 2-4 S55il lotto wlnner, Sheelah Ryan helps the poor-Fla

RYAN. SHEILA 3 MARRIES ACTOR 1976 Ja 17t A-r-5 MARRreo James Cneru tru LasVegAs, Hts 2t'ro nen 1st

RYAI'I SHEIIA: BUSINESS OlitlER 1991 Mr F Pres of Mexinnrn Resources, a business referral senrice in Trenton - @'

KIAN, UlpuN t t{El lt(EE 1978

RY STEPIJEN : POLlTlClAl'l 1982 Jr.6, e-8-r D RUurtNi; FoR l{ousE otsr 1? ls Dep

1979 D S, C-10-1$l TelCres til Ltyot{tAlS AUtenillrtVE CLAssRoOllS FOB THE ACAoEI{I GALLY TALENTEDo-lGtmleen _1ggo- Jr 61 G17-1 E SeteCreo OUrSrauOtNG YoUNG l"Jopuru OF THE Yeln Ev MlCr Jlvcee -MetrutNGER

RYAN, T. TII.0Itff! IAI.IYR I lb 23 A-3-1 lDor Nqninated by- !res. Bush as nationts top thrift regulator in move to blunt legal challerge to SdL bailout.- Mr 29 A-3-t 2 dot His nomination is attached by Democrats on the Senate Bank- i ng Cornmi t tee.

RYAN TERESA MARGI'EBIEE - IIEMESS 1930 Fotu 1656 Thc Detroit Nrrl O 26e Gln1rlo, ruled oo-helf to Gambler Johrury yanf s estat6 Uy luaga Allan Carnpbell , O 26

1975 RYAN TERRY - AUTO RACING , CausntoceJurucrton-Wor Mtcttlelutr2OOtr sTocl( cAR BAcE ATMICH. I rrearu lru. SP eEowAY-Dowoelu

RYAN TERRY : VETERINARIAN r985 , 37, runs Cat Practice, a cats-only veterinary clinic in Brham-llcClel lan

RYAN, llC0mRE P. s Ml0lllcAil DEPARTIENT 0F 1947 Appt elGtEER s CoilPErsA? loN- Couusr.By oo[Pflor . 15-5 Erpro TO ;/on


DRT]G CT{ARGE RYAN THOMAS JEROME: MURDER @{SPIRACY r988 l.lY b, E-l-lw Rosec&lle- arraigned on charges of sollclting for a hi t man. -19gL- A,g Zl B-1-1 Det recorderrs judge reverses his 30-yr drug traffic con- viction because prosecution was tvindictivet --Desinrone & Lengel

RYA'I, TMH.AS: NAUV I.IAN: REMPD T}IP,I.IIGI 1956 1 &scnteEs RrDrt{c or Na.ly gllro rffur-p PuRrrrs" rtrr tc sToRf{

RYAN ' tHOl[Ag F' - F'INANCIE|R - NY 1917

Form 1656 The Detroit Newr N tr r <- I Marriage to ![rs Uay Towneend NlcolL Cuy1er anc;er8 son ,/

RYAN , IHOMAS FOnBUXts - N.Y.FINANCIiER [ra Form 1656 Thc Dotroit Ncrr N 24, .5-1' Dled N 29 N 25, *20-12 Estate to pay New York 20 Ellllon ln'tax N 25, I-1-6 Ftureral N 26 N 26, L7-4 N.Y. seeklng estate ta:r N 50, L-2 fanlly D 1, 18-6 soa Allen A.left eet of Dearl shlrt studs -19W- N 21 , 5bj vALUeo Ar$1211028, t)2--1)J2- F 15r 1-5 !htt- Sor ANA. WILL I'ITH PATR OF sHIRT STUOS'EI * RYAN , THOIIAS FORTUIIE II - NEUI YORK tqiD

Forn 1656 ftc Dotrclt Nerr Ja 18, 24-z MARRIED IIRS.MARGARET IIOORIIEAD REA Xa 18 Je 13, 4d.7 Ar ested Panlsron oharge of cashlng 65rOO0 franos ln bad oheaks Je L4, 23-6 Releasod on bad oheak charge

FneED or vrBRAtrt crAnr--[936E Fll€3 A t33PuArftrf, --tgt?- o .l 13r3-3{f.SC i{tFE oHARGES A@tE ulru oesehtrcil, sEEr.s Hts ARREST Mi 1Or2-2-0[St Ar ttoERtv ot{ oESERTtOr{ O|ARGE, OoTA|NED rnt? IItFE;lhyiErFrLEs sutr FoR onoRce & $1rooo A ;;I8',IE.8grr ':,rFE,[hyME,FrLEs sur r FoR ;;;]ffi19g*." ,;ilYo. W E!2-t ttrrE oiANrED on oicE llAi.ll tfi cllp-En*tro. b i..t.2, Jrhnnreo AINEETA Onn Rorrr **.ri-t*t- gi rfie z. Loceres aRtoE Losf oil torwilootl fr Bntr ts eE?uRflED to ABqrE 8IA[r lEOllAS fGflrl{E 111 r N.I. 193 ForE ro50 Thc Dctroit t'Ur 151 1-8 Serlously burt !,a ar6 eco. at Sber{,d,ane Ityor Mr 14 r 9Sl irl 4, 141-3 Mamleil to ![agme Oook UastetFEar(Ua, Moat. rreceatlr .lr- 1? 37-6 Diqtnireriter1 h;' fs.ther as rasuLt of lbove tuarrie,-.e -ortptg-o & RE-ASst€i0.tEnT oF AtR ,A,L c*r#cP#ff;I3lB r*, o 26, b?-l El Pese-tlrnnres Vrvter Cmt rco-1St-



DC-Senate confirmed Ryan as the natlonrs top savings and loan regula tor-Cl emen ts -L992- N 9, A-2-5 To quit next month

- 1957


T(}Ir FIGTTT 1975 Scroou Footaruu oF A3ouEl rAxrE I UooolrvEx Hlotr Frrnen oF Botl ulttl rxoTll€i F3 coAcHEs FIREo ion oao' FIoHT rLlyEio PAvte. ONIB-2-AD , coAcHEs cEflsuRED FOR ALLOUTIG FTGHT yr?n BotEo Plvre

I 963

'&E 13 C 1498:t ROsSrrl-TO sE t0NoREO sV l/FUtS rion otea wtt F 17 rr frs leronreu Bum ror tfEtELErn,? # I f D{H Hi oRrAL Br.oo roa sAvrto"8h,*u"l'h,Ily&"ffiu 3 vn ou rn6i onontra

-1999- s'30 F-L-2 Donates his kidney to his wife-Kiska O t4 F-1-5 Detroit radio personality back on the a 1r after donating kidney to wife-Kiska RyAN , tOUi,tY- BOXER L907

Form 1656 Tae Detnoit Nrvr ur 7L , 5-r f in. HaE one of finest farms ln Bouthwestern ![ich.; carriee off nonorq at fair; cute of hiu at ;"ik- - ,/

RYAN. Ttt\$'ly E FOS'ER BOXt[c Clatr,lptor,t AA 41 25-2 OIED OF IEAR AIU4ENT AG 3, 78 YRg.oLD

Rf,\N, TCl,llY I,IEMGER 1952 -BO\ING JA R }:G AFTER Enn E DuRaroo-Rocrg tEr{s ABO/E f.M oo:

BIAN' [. DfABgf - 0NEB.0f, EIECEBI0 CO. r930 Fona 1656 TLc Dctrolt Ncrr .lp 17, 11.4 W1,11 adiflesg neettig of llltnlaattng Baellle€il[g Soc. & tbp Det Erglaeerhg Soce la Det .Cp 2g 1S1 lrr 11, g-I after studylng Det Ilghtfug systen says lt ranks htgh tn

# :;:, :: H #:"1,*",, NcREAsEooA* isr['" a ":il,"fi: ltrlR 14117-4 C N BIUFu^ ra -1e?4F

RYA$I'IIALIER - DefmlT I 933 Form ld55 Ttc Detroit-Nrll- _ __ & A9rg6 ]kro eg suspBr tr RgrcEt{T ApAnmeltr rurse }otqrps ltr.o ev po.'rcE AF'ER r,;tfH-- # fl'r5'8s GtvEil 15-30y!3.ot^rcosERy olo .. .f 16.-1€ ESGAPES Fr 5rArE rRtSOt oF so.XtCH TO|LEO Ituo rrrr-.los iusrrerrqz .urililTl-6*"r-.,[o8i 3il*., lhcr- ^s r'frr'rp.fll'1 t5i#loro ?l#'i.u".E rrrRDER ;5+ii.2; tircrorsr r B€Crri LIFE SEXTC _-t965l-- N-7, 14-3 Aeove & Hrs rt Ro€R or Srexuev llloroysrl6llrs

RYAN UALTER A. : E( CAII{oL|C PRl6t: iEU VmK 1962


RYAN, WALIER C. : Affi,IY AIR FORCES r943 25o lEro pnrsorEn sy Jrps mr pxrr-rFPlft!6s6 ..;1945.-- DS 18. 6-4 Fee,eo 08.2L-l yns A pRrsoNER or &es;TELLS_9tf$lBl-oF roRruEs 3 211 L2-7 ls wtnress vso JAps tir rrAR cRrGs tRtALs

RYAN, IECH. SERGT. NARREN A. t943 1656 " ,tL24. +2 KTLLED tfl Acf,]o.t til sOUrH pAcftgn \tr*z SrfiE

RYA['1.':GIOELL C. - DET SI]I.DIER 1945 AP 19. a5-7 lhzr PntsoNeR S 5, u;4 Fneeo

1932 Fcm 1656 tac Dccdt Nerc l-leto Ntt 26.H tr'r DEaRaoRnrcHARGEo wtrH opERATING $tpLoyt{ENT RACKET JL 1312'3 Senrc 1-4 YRs tN JoB RET

i,,ITJ.I'.iI . STAIE SEN{IE CAiI'IDAIE I 940 Fqra t656 5 L2. 42-5 Loses e l0 ftu PRltlAFvr5?no tJtstrS[tLLGo 8.5 JA 15' 2'.7 i Eorrg uo,il( rr. xorsE or kpo :;:* i;; ;;;;;;*,.,-*,il1?sh s,# &,1;11,,o* ;;;;;, o' rrrrasx-xrrs NASA on, Apor-r-o ffitlllrE* T; r':l3ii-f- Aorrrs soxooL lro stLL B?ALtEo lr Llrstro



ct 19, 3O}1 lrTno.nEsq.urtoil Agt(il{o cotG. roexrFto u}GupLowEirr CotlPclGAtloll BE- yoeo Apntu lst F 2O. e9.3' lrrtto.ltLt. to ctw ?EActGi3 ttte 6 rttr.Lttrcr tEtto



ELoenuv rAx BREAK.ASKED BY RtSt{ITXX Id I LL I AM RAYAN HOUSE SPEAKER.- PlllLLlPSr D 4' C-18-5 Lansr NG-AsKS TAx H r KE FOR SCHOOLS--- .GHrER RE,N;:-;;t?13:-;;;;Ji i3 i,?-?;?, srArEnE LEG. PHILLTPS. Jn 15rB-9-1 O ISCUSSED OPERATION DEAL ING T{ITH GOALS OF OEM. PARTY SANDNER. LarusrNG-HEARs pLEAs or *sruoENrs AGA rNSr,Y[rkrt;?i7rro, Gnauo VaulEv Srare coLLEGE To MAKE pEAcE u.ttrH pEopLE- Ae 15, A-10-1 SpelxeR or House uRcEs Oernotr Scroou Reotstntcrtllc BILL oELAy uRcEo- ErcLe. Ae 2l.A-16-1'& Housq c I vEs por{En To sET up ExpEt{sE pnocEounes RATEs By nec & spEctAL coiltrlTTg5-g1N6t{gR Ae 29.84-1- Smoulo I HAvE Leerslrrrve lrGolr- or Houoa rr ueRe gxga-lluLLg Aa6, A-22-2 Noutrlreo FoR LE.TSLATURE N7' A-r-5 woN FRr Jno otsrRtcr FoR srATE lto.USEo RYAN, rdilJ.lAM A POLITICIAN 1970 To REMItil Spelren tn House-SAroilER q 14' 8-10-1 c-ouLo BE TrE Mlr. uxo !,leres--1971--- on Baerrs Aoontror REroRr tr Micn- ScrusrEn. Me 21rB-4-4O Qulutrv oF scHooLs.,coNceRrs Rrrru- cotrtmENTtNG oN tilQUtRY u, ItrrTo DEr. ScxoousY .Ae 1!rA-g-1 Wtuutlm Rylru To pRoposE srATE clrY REvENUE SHARING PLAN- Sa N ONE R A P 20 A 2-1 ll , -1 oExT R E M ELY P ss tl s7 c A B o UT P R oPo sA L THA T Lec S RA ISE DEr tNcoME TAx rHts yEAn--Srronen FNZ5, A -10-1 Llrslro-AgovE sAys HE utLL ATTEl,tpr ro HAvE tE ARE PAY- MENTS FOR FOOD ANO IPERSOI{AL ITEMS RA ISED BY PERCENT

Lmrsrro-Lruitl€D sERtEs oF IGETINGs To AtR Ft sc rl7x 161- FARE& EDr.EATIoir AT Top oF Lrsr-S$rDirER Lars lt'tc- House PANEL DELAYS ABoRT loN NOER ---1971--JE 24, B1O-1 A Fnnrur Kettev ro W.RYaru DoUBLE PLAY.-Eolr Jr- 20, A-2O-1 GRlouateo rNcoME TAx soAKtNG Rrcrr & GENERoUs ro low & MrooLE-rNcoME FAMtLtES pRoposEo By lgove--SaNDNER Jt 21rA-1-4.. LaustNc--Gov MtuurrEru & ABovE AGREEo rxat lvERlde MtcH -rA G EARNER cAN ExpEcr HIKE rN srATE tNcoME TAx oF eeow )flo tN NEXT FEw MONTiTS=-snnOueR Ae 2O.D-9-4 Serr Srlre HousEor Reps HoME FoR wEEKENo"6tEe'5H0ufEo oBJEcrroNoF MrNoRrtv Repuss--SlHoueR Ac 21 rA-5-7 I.4ICTI . H6USE ADJOURNED AI'IID \''/ELFARE BIqTIT- SNruOruER wELFARE spEND I NG rssuE BR r NGS ,-rn. ,3or?2+.ntll;l,rr- Ae 26. A-28-1 l/t ut- t aM Rya,{ AGA l N oELAys Acr roN oNADC,SiNorue n s8, A.-10-1 Nel,.r. TA x RE IEF PLANS G e rN Lnrutsrue.Nf, A-27-1 A. RYAll. WILLIAMT POLITICAN t97l N2OrA-5-7 ro BAcr Eonuto Musrte ron P"es. N 22rA-4-1 PRoposeo BtpARTISAN LEGrst.ATtvE colrlF To seAncH FoR ALTERIIA TtvEs TO CBOSS-OlSTilCT EUSSIl|O--sAilOilER N 22rA-12-4-- Touo auotEt{cE or 15O til DETnolr sHouLo BE tlo ABoRTlot{s lF iIEO I CAL EV I OEIICE SUPPORTS BEL I EF THA? FETUS HAS L I FE Brrcxs arcr urlrrrn Ryrr auss,*n "o.$??a*15fi3*."D22.C4-6 p p p * Tr x a v e R s A y o s r A G E Fo R o . * _ _.lLtTr.1]_._ " ffi " "^._ rtflro L, r'rg t NG-,:!ABoVE sAYs ?t{AT VOTER MAY BE ASKED TO APPROVE A RepuatrcAN oR Deuocnlrtc-spoNsoREo coNSTtrurtoNAL AMEND- MENT TO ELIMINATE PRACTICALLY ALL SCHOOL OPERATING MILLAGE iAND REPLACIIIG IT WITH STATE FINANC IIVC---SAruOruER --1972---- YtYz, A-r-5 Lausrlrc----AsovE FEELs rHAT HE cAN sELL rxe House lqsunaru ComutrreE oND LEGTSLATURE oN A MootFtEo FoRM oF No-FAULT AUTO INSURANCE--SIT,IOruEN Ao 9r Ba4-l 0 florro YAttE Go Houses 0err 14rr Dlsto Ac 1?, g-r-1 Rvlr pReotcrs srATE rrLL EARUARK FUNDS FoR DEi scHoolSo4lA S1r 0-5:'1 Slvs re uAs Ait AcErr FoR D I s?F I Bur I r{c cmrpl tGit corrR t BU- Tloils FRo0,l oOG TRACK lrTeaest--Epcle S 4m A:14-1 I Txar ooc RAc rNG MolrEYr trms pAYoLA tr puelic.-Eo ar N 1, B-4-5 D Snvs Dems ro urrru Dernorr House sEars-ScxusrER 0 g, A-4-1 Tnlt .tutrtxET To Ftontol-UHAT Ail EXAIISLE-Eotr. D 12, B-9-1 D Scnool Fuito HEAos Rvrrts PaotlrY Llsr FoRdZE,"l:?:-of . Llns--UncEs PRtvATE coRpoRATtoit lru Mrcx FoR HoRsE & ooc RAC IT{G ANO OFETRACII BEIT?|ING. RY 1973 , RoBEIT vAIOER L^AI t3 PLAI TO PR ov g I I I a L lt T ito PROP ER?Y TAXES FO R rAt I xo UP o FFEiEI CE v I TH GR Aot D

Rv A N F A vo R S 2 a 25n LL T A x B oosT TO Ae 29. B-2-1 Llrg-PnopogesuERoE oF ooo Atto HoRsE iAcltle ltro coRPoRATl llEE s SollE oPPqTlot{.GileLE. Ae 29t B-2-1 Rep }lrnvrr R SrereterrltvotrlA 8lcilEo of, As LoBBYlar lil Mrcx Houle, lAr(Gs ooc-HoRgE ilcE B|LL. Je 28, A-12-1 ATENs ro REsrcN posr ls H0use Spearen AFTER DESERTIotl

:.: ff: ;- ;;,' :,:' : ff ::: :::::T ii i?::i:?=3;;,. scHooL Ato BtLL HELptNG LotEsr & HtcHEST MTLLAGE DtsrRtcrs --SltrloNen ---197r--- 0 10, C-4-1 NstNc-ExpEcTSGov.!r/M.MtLLtKEN To ANNoUNcED REoRG.or= DEprs. rPusL r cHealrnfd.lErura,.HEruru -19.14- tln 12, A-5-1 Leus--/\enEEt{E[\tr oht cmAPA I Gt\t REFoRt't B t LL "ENGLe,-Jt 26, g-6-.4 soG ETY HAS KEP Leq I s a FROlI ACT ]toor scH90L BUSST ilG Ei-SCHUSTER Ao 29, B-4-1 Dectoes ro sGEp oowt FRoM Spelrea Posri sucoEssoR ulLL BE Rep a Boeav Cn il -Scnusren ooN sAt B-r-tr $ Spel ren Rvlil TO BE t,l lslD?EolT. I e Corr I RMEO HE LL GI UE UP HOUSESPEAKER s POBT TO @ NCENTR ATE ON U'R ITI NG BAN L Aws ;197t ,le I2, B-.&-t Slvs House sPEATER succEsonrBoeevD.Cn t m , U LL PROBAgLY c VE LEO So clour ro0er.&trhYilECo.-MrRP HY Ju 2' ) A-1 5-5 ING-Irtno.HousE BILL sEEKING qINOING SEI{COG RUL I NGS .r,i .Jt2i, B-10-1 IHE REGIONIL APPROACH-NEU A BETTER IDEA-ED'385, A'vz Rep WtLutAr,t Rltr slts lsourHEtsreRu Mtctt. NEEos BRoAoER 1976 Mn I, B-2-1 E gtlrr-s oN lrovE To REGIoNAL GovT-Ttrrswonrm .lt ?r B-2-1 D Not otvtto up oil TnrltstT a|LL-BULLARD s ,, A-1-2 E$5: l.lEr.reEns or [..h A Ryaru Tnusr Fuuo roR rne Aceo LosE Alo FoR Carroutc l/anneru sENtoR Houstue Vtua l4anll-llra 014t h-9-l ATreflrs plaru To LlMlr srl\TE spENDl td,rn B AL L o r PRoPostrloru C lru "nj4lq'' ffiavmoroKEHREs. corF I RilEo REOEIYIIIG C AMPA I GT{ COiI?R I BUT I ONS rnol< cn.Hean t troA I oSoc.to IG PRI SOLO TO I'ELFAIITTTTT D1 B- 1 TJELL-DESERVEO TR BUTE -19T1- lrh 1?r e-6.t Reoltrtro coitTiol rAreg rt963g33rEolr A-1-5 sore suRercAl pAyt{strrs cur ev Buue tr,l[3?' Je 6, g-2-1 E s-SeertNc tltcREAsE ttlMtGH.pERsorAL---1977-- ttlcomE TAi To pRovtoE E IIONEY FOR TR ANSPOR? AT ot{ PROCR AMS ill at: 8.12-1 SrlreColvert oil GOULO BE tlArrOi SSUE I x 19?8-ED t? 'AiTY N 9, A-9-' tetrS-trOlO TaANSIT Fuilolilc B,EPIIBTE-O oEAO FoR Y?l ne BLAl.lEs tOHWAy LOBBY _1979__ F fa^ A-fC-f -t (nr. I IiE-'3i r nt x- rRAils I r c onpC v I vt s reAils I r- elri roffi i. )-r-o I r F 240 B-1-4 Sr Lats-He sPoilson LEGIitATIOII PROVIOIIIG AIINUAL TUITIOT GR As H|OH As s800 TO STUOET{TS AT MICHIOAil COLLECES TDII Mn 20, 8-10-1 t Lmrnts ct.our HCLpg FAag pur coLLeoE tto atLL Ae 2\ A-1-1 Lmrs-nlreo laEs?l LAwltAt(ER lil DET News suRvEY-AsHEl{FCL cltl Ae 27t A-18-1 sHoRT DESCRIPTIOtr S 18r B-1-7 HYANr urlLLlAM A. s PtX-lT3luAN r978 , ELeorEo Stlre Rep rRou 14rn Dtsrntor N 15r B-2-1 D Ltrs-rnlrstr pt.Ait AUTEoR pLAlg F IGHT FOR BILL _-_1979_-- s 25, B_1_5 EART Otr SPECIAL [ASI( FORCE SEEKI NG NEu, oHARTER ron VJavme Co-MARTT N , .lr 111 8-1-6 lllsPEoTlot at u.cGaulr , uArra vEHlGLE Enlsalof,-1980r- J1 201 A-1-1 Rareo BEsr LAt I4AKER-ASHENFELTER Jr 20, A-15-1 Cllleo roP MEotAToR w 24t B-1-' Lars-Tnvtilo ro r House PAasAoE oF iEsoLUTtot{ FiEEllro itoil , Etrconsso-Eotr N 6, A-7-7 Erecteo ro LEG rnou 1{rr Dlst. .- -1981- .h^8, A-19-1 LlnS-Rytr r.tAoE tT lS drltRl,lAr OF HOuSe TlxlttOf @ttttlttee- Ke rtr -1981- .lr ll , b24 LlrsdA[eD To orAtn TArA?to[ ConitrrEE Jt 25t B-4-1 U Llr-wmrrs pLAlt ro EAsE DET TAx BURDET-SexLSeIBARcER Jl 27, B-l-1 Expecrs AilorHEB FtcHT FoR srATE Ato FoR Der aolt'r- Sxeu ETIB ARGER F Lnrus;e L OT s H S o trN TA x RE L EF PLAN fi, fffdlP-z Ithvon Yourc s HOUT D o I VE UP HIS PLAT TO IICREAS E cololuTERg-RoA clt -1$l- tft"Ax18t Arren 21,tre, GILL I io IT QU If8-FtaEa?o13 Ac 24, B-,6-1 BEltEtlEoBEBH"a,?Ep' f; 0IEplac$El'ETp., o",,'r33io$;3?^, os Foi c-6-.1 SEMTA-{rhnner -rloa- Vl?^It'"I-' - "r,, LarS-'i'O tei,,ait! TO HartsE AS ^LERtl Ae 28, E-l- To cer HoNoRARy LAw oEBaEe rnom I/9U. Ittrr 8-4-1 o r983 , lr Eraeue coirotrtot{ yEsrERoAy AFTER BFAtr suRGERyo -198b N 22, A->4 Llrs-To rAt(E urpAlo post?toN rdtrH Ecotuomtc AtttANcE oF Mtcr ro uom( oN TRAnrspoR?ATloN tssues-CAtN -1987- Je 8 B-3-l Will get $431000 to move from his house to accommodate ex- pansion of Chryslerrs Jeff. Ave. plant. -1989 tty8B3-3

RYAN W|LLIIMBFTEXPEDITION r980 Mv 15r A-1-1 To lelo quEsr ron Ttrmtc-l,lcCAltr llllllAll C. - CHIEF [En IV S]ERltF I 940 s

BS Reilrl,Eo By NE!, wrvre co Buaacr li.tl;l"!L", Krnr "r.*,rr?l?::t ^5Ae 10, A-5-6 To rerrRe, AT EtD or Aucust,rve 74 Ag 2?. A-3-3 tF Rerrnrrc As urosnlirE,ittr 70 x.r$(196n{rxxdCxt?{x0re144i[ O xeor x m& mxuea&Ba xnc$*e<*xx&tffi^r ^ce Iotqa Mv 1gr0-g-5 D.reo },lv 18 lr 8r- -1972- trvAN, OR. rrlLLUllD. - {ErrctT p}rslctAt'l t948 $pnu rr As Hs.rBER FDLrc ntEgnffi. pREs.Pus..,EIGARE H f: lil posio, 2 iTi;E," As Corll5ri.lruEu ts aenr.[ vfltg BY PndrisEs ro RE3tGit FR posl tF wtDEsprEAD [extiv-car ee -HARRts 'I{ELFAFE Oo, r:i'- -- R:sleurtor Ai TGLFARE coirgn.to BE oFrERED ttEu mAyoR ir Jtr. & 28r e'-15-2 roe 81 oelo Jr 26rm -1971-

RyN UILLIAI{ FITTS r 960 oererrs Ea.Lorre Teum rr Trmwr$Egpenoc.t*f'ffi ilY{ORE suppoRTrrG AForrE rs car'rDfDA?E Fm mAyon Ae 1), 8-14-1 utfrsx-cnr?rcrzEs GREAToR rN--1967-- APoLLo TRAGEDY Ae 26, A-11-r 5* W^sn-SltD Fouro REcoRo oF MtsrrAtAcErrrEr{T or Apotto moor linorrc pRocRAm ru NASAts sEcner pnruu,, [F"g6T A_20_1 Reuelseo rxerPxtLLtps REpoRTtrTTAR RAPS Nonrr ATERtcAN AvlA- T ro,r l"c. reRrmE coit?RAcron FoR Apot t-o spAcEcRAFT FoR oEF- tc tEr{cEs til oPERATtoils w 2, A-26-1 o 5, A-21-1 Wlsr-AeOVEREVTALS CHABCES OF Ilenrmen vor Bnlillr rHAT sL: tB- SHOO PRACTICESOF ROCTET BUILOERS tI{ BARING FLAYS OF Eil G t{ E JA 30- A-26-1 hhsr-slvscosr oF Lt vt r,rccourc t L nrtlovau oF RqsrRtcTtbt ot{ waoe IrCRE rffi -1972-$1's0 xn' NADEQUATE& FLAGRAilT VI OLAT ON 6PRcEfS[F.$t, &0[J'fr]Efr'e NY-a tss uLAE . Aaz ue. u F6*=HIiffi ,, or, pRtturARy -xrvr, * *-- f- l8t"ts"t8ils s r or rn r tN RlcE-ltnrenr J; ZI:"8:d-4- ItlY-trlou E LEc r I oN,DqFqAT r no l4Rs. [t r-r-nS.A sz uG I utrff pq I ltla; Ny--ReponrE D rN EXcELLENT DoNrrrroN o FOR PERFORATEo uLcER, -1972- ".rrJho17;rfiP-3rE*or,S 18 A-11 -4 OBlT--DrEo AcE 5Or s 11, or c8NGERo S 2g , A-8-1 FORSEAT W I oor,l Pn t sc I LLA , ANNcs rHAT sl{E w I t-u seer De M NOM TACATEO BY OEAOHUSOANOe ICAIES TODAY HE REFUSEO TC ?ESTIFY OUE TO FEAR OF loll -GtrrEir 3O olvs tr{ JAIL FoR coilTErpr oF ootm? O iEilT ro 30 0avs FC corE ?f c colnT 0 a IBOI'3 G^RRICS PLEA IO SUPTEIIE C? 4 29, 38-2 5r tftor.sup.cr. AsKEo ro FREe oit-tq5A- n ti,?'rr-4 A8oi,a H^vE suFnEnE Gr rreARrir rr 30 ro oavs LF CALLEO BY GRAND JURY lllQUlRY N 1O. 3a-Z J.lose 0rHrRA euEsrtous ABrvE oN pot.tcE GRAFT t21.-i36r-1 5. Reruses ro sAy ArlvnNrlrc arr rlleanv Onrsrrmsi €EFoRC Pot rci Tntat e- eoAno txeurRv D 7.2. 8-3 5. &mp .rtnv cr?Es ABorG FoR cou?Eupr D 23, 6-1 Ancurerrs or correrr crGoaGS? ABovE ro E HEARo .ltr. -4tr J^ 26' 4'tz &rzeo rr o,{..meeo r€F? ffilffir- F 11. 28-5 Agove To BE sEit?. ooR corrrEupr F 25 F a6: ,-B UNDEF zND CON?Ei[pt CHG. ?)DAv N 2. i1-1 _Conreupr oG.AesT AEorrE Dtsiltssqo llv 23, 23-3 5. Dteo suDoeNLY tN NY itY ?2.42 --19!i6-- RTAN, .,.;i. r'! POLICE IrISPECIOiI D.iT. IS'27 My 27, 27-2

to retire Jul-,. 1; :iven binocula.re by '.T'r,r. P. Ru$e:lee s193!-oe s 1, 3z-B Dte{Ul, RilERAL S 2

Form 1656 Tbo Dolrclt llorr


t{ : T.IICHIGAN I Ponr lfunOr-NAilED Bv CI.JY CO.llrlSSlorlER TOECOTE ASS@IA mrNrct?AL .n, ocd qepulctre hlaLTER t'|. Ttnrol nHo- REslGltqo D 5 A-1 1 -1 Nrmeo ro coMMoN ,LEAB ..r;;129tiino,

1962 RYAill. t{l'LlAl"l J. : POLYGAi,IY : DEIR'IT tto Serrerceo ro 3l-f YRs.trt PRtsctsrttAt a*t*t t toS,BtE l9E2


WIiIFREO ErcEilE OOIfiIERFEITIlIG 1979 1{ 1r A-15-5 GneroRrp t og-clrARoEo ur?r pAggrrc S20

AHluf{At t tcAt coRP t936

0 Jl 6, 4-1 EFi? CIO lonrEm IE euttrtrc uoRr otE To oELAy trl .Q4RqE lsovE qnDE Erfl.oves oo FAcEo woR( 'r0rG Fu.L ro otvE otr3t 0 6.'4t-2 dts'teE6ooo ADDI ? ro*AL ;il;+effiil^* F 16. 1B-4 sten" *ei, conr.ocr wrrH uerEt6*-a19as-- MR 131 21-1 PRo^. EtptoyEs I/DTE TonElrAtN utrH UAl,[Cl0- JL 28. 29-a Utl,Clo frOlES IO Eilo 6-!GEK S!R||G r-.19a9.-- l{ t4I t?-!l tEYELopre RocxEl-pnopELl.Eo oulgg?sBl:llt€- ltn 16r l-38-2 & MAMGMET{T AGREE [x{tLr, O]t Cot{r4gl_1g55_ J1 12' 15-1 Atn Fonce AUnRos @NrRAcr ro ABovE FoR oEtELopiENT oF ITI FIRST JET POL'EREO PLANE CAPABLE OF VERTTCAL 0 26, 1-1, Burtos FLytNc sarJcEp ?ypE pL^NE Foe'ATEOFF Arn F''RcE AG 26, 32-8 Sru Dr E@r CAL I F .-D IRECTORS OFABOT'E DEGLARE 2e $ srcqbg,Udg.o Sm Dr EGO , Gr- F .{,NvE LS VERTI CAL TI(EOFF-1987- & LANDING b 22'^IRERAFI l2-7 DlnectoR vorE ?o spLr? g?ocxs -19r59r- Dte.rsr srocKHot-oFRs FoR C( ro Htxc cortlotl sH^R"s f 3',g,,ffir ,"ou F e, B-tO.l a$!'16fl * cor r rer'n. toro.fEtl3?ir** LA-Buvs AoDr?torrlL I49.OOO otlrEs or Com , n.*^"\[Et?S3. ce,D'or{ srocx ' -1963- I 965 rr0]li1^ S^il Dt Ecgrc nL r F.-pL Alrs ro coi,r I ilrE DErleLopr,rEif, olt, ?g *," T^tcoFF & LrNotNG pLlitE DESptrE cRAsH rtlLtirc prlor Lor Everyr AizT^. s 26, t,-13-6 Sl0reeo-orRec?oRs xAvE vorEo ?o spLtr srocK or 6lsti or 2 sHAREs F 1

RYAN ATRCnAFT coRP. t) 79ig,7 Form 1656 The.Detroit Nerrr Je 19, L-L2-2 G"t9 orders for 29 -p419-l llke Llndbenghl"-- ' L9291- Jl 15j L1-2 Edw.S.Evane eleoted pesldent s 19r 6l-7 tclll. Parks mfg. planes fg3ge€€E:-li B 6t 1-g fron St.to:139;!o- vet. Transferned, F 6,3-z ARBtrRATtuc I{ACHINERY ?o BE ser uP ro sErrLE olsPur€s

RYAN AIR 1987 N 24 A-3-2 Homer,Alaska-t4 kllled in commuter plane crash. N 24 A-3-2 3-dot Horer,Alaska-Tol I rises to 16 in corrnuter plane crash. N 25 A-2-l Homer,Alaska-2 of 4 survivors, dog found conscious in pl wreckage in which 17 died 6 4 were badly hurt. illyAN AirtoRErr c{R SERVICE l9arS

5 Boys RETURN $7rOoO FouNo r.rtrH ARMoREo rRUcK ovenr\9ni&L3-7

ryu q" gq rnoo$L3i ffi ,, FEaBrso0t lurLTs -qq#'3bo * JDGE rNJrlGrr').'r obiSeBED cARs JL ?3. r-r 5l DRtrrgR etolErs caR lrrs ACc.l xlLlloll $ FALLS lx gtCecru T.l{essEv oF

R{AN ltotSTRlES lttE. t952 i,lR 29'10-3 u6p9rS SpAcE FOR Atn i93gg CoNrRAcr pRooo l+rs tr rrrLt.rof, LoAr ----19154€ o * Jr6ratp At'libttlCES EilDlt{G OF Fl RST PART OF PROGRAIII T] GI',E FIRI{ noa6 txmr $2.5 ItllLLlOl{ AODITIONAL FUNOS Ae 6, 36-6 TExrRoru Alrectclt'rr luc.REpoRteD To HAvE BotGHT ABovE --195s-- (' 3' t4'4 sEEKs rErr4p.rt{JuNcrroN A6sr prcKE;;il;}Tffi 27' zffi Texrnor Luxov iar.e or rnc. ro ws.r*u61E574 -0G --19jO- S fZ^ a.grZ Trxtnor lrc€rLLs rgov? LAID ro "ml .lGocx lousrnli5'|rc.

JOHN RYAN ' S FAI'I ILY HA IR CARE r986 2 ex-employes sue salon claiming they were forced to perfo m oral sex

RYBA ELLEN s C0STUMES 1977 D 6, C-4-1 E I'leu HtuEenRy TngnrER oEstcuen-Lacev

1975 RYBA HARRYI FI,DGE MAKER ilAC SL gc tthcr I I Allo- o USSES Fuoee lrAr( to I ous T iY a Kenwtr -$82- s 2\ B-1-4 Sr ltacltltlc lstauo-FuocE (tNG mAt

Traverse C I ty-fudge popular --1996-- r't 7 A-1-1 Died at 88 on tE 4-cardenas RYBA, l{l(E : BASEBAIL r954 b zz, zvs t{aneo TAITAGER :r lexls Leme rs }lousror O.tn

d'c-J-l Race 0e rr A" spn, nn", r.r-ill"' ;;;rll


RYBACK, DON a TiCCIDENT 1977 t4n 15r D-l-) loot Ypstlarurt-22, r.lrre LTNDA KTLLED, cAR Htr By TRoopeR cae ANSITERING RoBBERY CALLi CRASH TO BE PRoBED r/A t970

1976 ILLEo 9crton txcEixArtc S"rrotcs A" lr-il To rnAGE Utrtrc Titp lirtre Fio o lff Hfiaon. Jeg, A_7_1 Vtrtnest suRvtvE oururtrc oFF cogsr oF NEw Hlmsntne -BoAT DAIIAGEDo-WARREN Je 2), B-1-2 t{ BsgcrTo nesrlnrVtrtNc voyAce rnomRyeHlneonrNHrralcrne Nonse ROUTE-vJARREN L 27, B-1_1 D T-trrErts & Enlcr llonourr iETuif, Hor,tE Fioil SO rlle ritp- Wrnaer

RYBAK, IRENE : FATAL AUTO ACCIDENT 1999 Ja 28 D 3-6 Van Buren Twp-Eazel parkr59;car veered acroas median;hit oncoming carrkilling Gordon Nevinr42rChelsea;shers criti -Garrett

BrBArom, NtcEcLAE DEI. tlDt E 8, L6.7

MarrleE Prlncess farnara Krapotkln a.fter year romallo e bes' an , F N AL Mlnateo F25 TO FOR}IER Fa eArarou I EvNAKRA- POTTIN Form 1656 TLc Dc,trolt. Nrrr J^ 24' 15-7 -1971-oN LArrERl"riitiSlE rouR, Hi::rllircessAtexANonAKRoPorrrN Wtre aeruourcEs RusstAN TtrLE To o@ME tlS ctrtzer, RYBAKOV, ANATOLY : SOVIET r 985 Ap 15, A-14-1 Controlled Soviet dentistry for 20yrs-Edit

r98l t JBr oF Cnesrenrteto Tr'ler Booy FouNo tN ttER cAR tN UE a t6o-eeeu srAaBEo-Tucxen&filcclEln o 12, A-rp6 Cuues soucrr tt{ FATAL sHoorlllc-Galar

- 1977 ilrreo oEstor GrtEF rtGl0 -1986- o 7, D-7-l Gl,l master deslgner ends 40yr career-Hlggins


RVBICKI, JOSEPH A. : DET SOTIER t9++ rjlburuoeo U E;-1'€-f

N t98l sou54 HELo, HAo r(LLEo FATHEB azr"3'^33ffi3FL"


r983 O 4, A-r-6 lrurentocnEN-TRtES lOpeNl ADoprtoN pLAN tllT]t ]rlrE & pan or Rlcneu (neal pARENTs GRANTEo vtstrs)-oAMMANN

RYBICT T]f,INAS r lflnER I 980 h 1r A-1-2 Eemor Hanaon rril 10r GxlRsEo tr aEl?tf,e oErTr oF lrotr 77t ul3 GHAnOEO tr 3cr?ttc OtAtr OF OrO 2l VnC rOO

RY3ICK rPW. TH0!'|AS J.: DETROII $LD|ER t950 tiouNoEo tit AcTtor{ tN Koael

",1958 - MNDE?

Krur,s FrrrER rx Rou orrER RosE-Brrsr B 3: iSLu' OranCeo UITH MURDER Iil FATHERTS oEArH- ' -1981- Ae 25, C-1-1 Ktlteo Hts normEnfJ-Bnrorono Je iTrB-2-lSr Flces 1O-15 YEAR pRtsoil TEBr.r r{ BEAT|I|G oEATH oF ]rorHER, l,ilRV J. RVatCrt oTl lt +r St. rlosepH



RYBlCfl, tt0UER: HAITRAiNK M4R1]G 1944 Ktttso Foru 1656 ,

r 965 , Euevlreo To l,loustolroR-trAm€D Dol{Esrtc PREL0IE -198b .rL l0r 8-11-1 AeE?? or 88 orED JEg

RYBINSKI, ROBERTA s KILLED BY TRAIN I s B I-6D Daniel Busheyrl.laconb Cty.,tried to rescue former girlfr Rybinski from oncoming train;they both feII into its path- Schabath,/PuIs filtrlNSKl, Tlf,l'tr\5 J. - DET S0tDlER t945 llibulroeo

RttssKl. FR,ANK A. - DET SoLDtA 1945 JA 16, 13-6 'ltbuoeo


r{rouappeo & nossuo By rHUGs n*"tffi.ltur,rr ro DRrvE foltf??i3", ALertr t{rmnrer r itunney qGilAin HT&Hl*r^lroir, -fH ifl** ABdrroRs oF AorrE oofirEss FoRctNo AeotE Tc DRnE rofrlff1,_t r 1 3 suspEcrs RETURNE, ro BlrcHrGA*

RYCENGA HOMES INC t 992 s8B5-2 Eirmfs luxury homes are big sellers - in Japan

RYtERTBETIV- BiPE-SLt'i l[{G VICT I l,l 1952

$H,E3J'H+tirsfl$fu,iu,$ii:iHf #,tEffi *er, **[siUll,-.

RYCI{ECK, AI{IOII{ETTE BURLISON: MISSING 1992 Ja B Hamtrarrck-police searching for wornan vrtro disappeared aft leaving her Hamtramck hcrne on Dec 14.

PATR IC GIRL r 963 Jos as supgRvrsoR ar KsLr-v Glnr Senvrce Irrc.-ScxurrEn


IAiEE r 960

Encreo aRES.6 p.ouusrr- 5a -:1e6q;.o*,r*5 :* *:;ffiisERvA, ill'im llil."I s8l'HffI-lg iP-I;?$'


Irlbrruoeo rN GEil?RAL Pectrtc 161poru 1656

RYCKAERT LEE: 1971 , Kruueo Sepr 12 oil cor4BAT rtsstoil ntl,truAil, AR!!n n DET. POTICE r930 Sona 1656 Thc D.t!oit , Corm,. &rnoni ) trp 12, announoca psrorrot I on a dete tl ve sergt a to 1leut a I,wz Ja 2L bL Awarded, departoeatal cltatloa for ktlIlag of airry Eoltoq benk baaillt la 6 938- S 18r1€'5 Pno.preo ro rrAiI( OF IilSPEETOR-! S fr.L-2-3 Gtvem cHARGE or Clurteuo STAItoN D. 8'll'l tDrergo Ar t;srtDrtAL D tmr UEc.? --1940E .A ?8oL-2-3 Gmmeo stcr LEAvE, SEEKS RE? RC{EIIT EFFEC' IY€ ihn.15 -N, 4) 10-3 ErrnerE,m FBq$ FoL GE &pt a EFFECT lrrE ilu 30 BYI

BY lqilDsoor PRo?Ecrroll 3 Cttl ton'v oF cAReEt o!gg1-- D 16. 1-5 titwlcrEo lN POLICY GRAFT rRtAL ---lqA}q Ja Semc.ro lfro 5 yRs.oit^GRArt z; r€ cIlSEil_ u 31r;1-4 ApreAL DEf,tED ev \ere gup cT.rAfriE coilrnrsfi %,8 t D 15' ff*. - a6-,'n'Ski.nrrero Trp. t)-16'e BICXoIA]I, BASIT - SLAXER SUSFrcT 1930 ' Fora 1656 Thc Dcrrcft llc'. .n lg, l_AO-g Tllth Cbester .0bbott held for muder of Iladr lauteaG€r Lalrer, dll 2 ,r 15, 11-3 Eoulel&E cbarges to be f,lIeil ----!$51 ---e rapeer-Aosutttcd by Jury or muaef"f;3;*3?-t


SreRreo sNEEetrG FoR 1sr rtME rN 11 DAYS AT RATE OF OiEE EVEFY 10 sEcoiDS JE 1, D-7-5 if,EEZ I iG SrOpeeO-stxon

RYCI0/IAN, FMlSGlf.l E. : DgtRClT POLICE 1942 ,E 7s.!-L4 Eeu rrrEo r ir HANo@oK coNspefllifor r rtAc$ol#,I6f6 Drsugeeo ctr R)LteE litAl soAiD AFtEt lSAitm frr,\ft UISI.TISSAL SET ADIDE BY CIRCUIT COURT D2135"5BS2 seeKs RE.*''ATB{ENT ro ,oilPffi

RYCKI,{AN, GREG: BuRPm, 1991 E 15 B-1-5 11, of Troy, & Carl Gladstone, 12, of Berkley, r,rin first prize on IV show for best brurping.--DeSmet

A 1975

26rutoou oF coprEn ptLor KTLLE o Je27t f{rsranrs uoRr AT TrnPnecrrcr F14-Woux

1987 D2 ,B3-l AoejOwounded by robber posinq as oizza man w6-o took about S9O0 from his father frbm hofre nr'9300 Dwyer

RYOA DA 1978 , Does eauET srltNGrFtNDs tr cHALLENGtilG-KRYszA K


Ap 13, B_l -l Age3l s wlfe3O E 2 kids ls3, all killed on l-75 in Groveland Twp in crash that also kllled another 6 serlously injured 6 rnore-Powers Apl4, BJ-l !Jlfe in crltlcal condition, funerals set

9f_tQtf. SIIIGEP r 960

RYDELL, OASIMIR: REALT0RY: DEIR()lT t953 f tr., tQ-5 3rven 4 vo 5 vRs FrR EMBEZ r-rro $231000 FRoM pRopsEcr IVE H:IllIE BIiIERS N 14, 20.6 Aeove uom rur{ tRtAL lu RecoRoens Counr & 5, 7-1 REPAYS EuEEzzLED FrrrD. & *.ffil*-

RlD6lr 0R. E. E. - LUIIIERAf{ C[ERGyfitN 1958

Ar 1o6rH coilv. LuTHERANs(AuGusrmr) uARNli irEEos ,o*t ?ft.it-3o.** ScHAclreRir



ACTOR 1958 .t,lt, te-t N.Y.-To mo Acrness Ktn SrerLev Ac 2. t2-1 Acness Ktr 5trr-ry ARRTEs reove Ag lst lo s, r,-l IhnRreGE ro Ktm Sreu.ev Ar 13. e-19-3 ItVG-Texes ovEr AcrrrG LEAo lr-1961- !A Fer CoumyrvrEx srAi 6rcqres tuu fYOERr CAROLE .JEAI{ r T}IEFT 1984 Ae llc A'1-7 46r rornen Mmtrollr Mtor tnerSuB€i 8Gil"EilGED te 9 og iln ?[EFT Op $5710@ OF Ctrlr FUXOS-oOLLIE

r970 s 2, A-8-5 22 vn ooos wALK AcRoss AmeRtcn FOR CI{AR ITY FOR HANO ICAPPE comPLErE FA I LURE 56, A_r_Z SUre AT CHEFF Fourolrtoil CEilTER rEAR Guut flxe iloRTHEAsr oF Klllmazoo Mtcr. HoRsEBAcr R tDtt{Gr

RYDERT OAVID I ASSATLT 1984 ltn 21r IL8-18 22, aaovctEo JoYcE Learr 26 or Oer ar Elstumo Mttu. Ags TEo HER lr Romtlus FARn. Serterceo 18-10 YRS-LEE

t97t NIOlB-2-10 Pnes or Ltvorrl Htstoateru SOcterv- ScxtFF.

t938 Foro 1656 Ae !1r2-8-lL$t H.EAos rnrocErr ro FRAITD **gElgao_ uk%oT?,-s Eqos curt.tv oN mrt. FRATD trDlcrlrilrg IJIVEN 4 YEARs IN IIAIL FRAI,D PLOI


RYOER, JAGK M.r EOUCAT0R 1974 , Vtce-crlHceuon&oeAr oF lro.U.-PunouEU.cAueusr{frto AsgumE pREsrDErcy or SlctuuVrluev0ouleeerNl -1988- Jl t3 B-7-l E Saginaw-Resigns as pres. of Saginaw Valley State.


RYTER JAIES A. : BfE 1964 Gre-a Mrm,r{ucrED cHrEF ExEcurrvE oFFrcER c Ryoen tlr}3; luc. -1980- Je 27t E-5-7 6f, mlueo cHARtMAN oF JARTRAH-Fttzoenluo

RV)Ert, JItluES F.: DETTOIT lItlFAl'lIriYlAN t944 Dtea or 'louotos tu lteuv Foru 1656

RYDMI JOiiI.i - DET Lya J e 26, ll8- 4 Sentenced 5 yrs Jackson for breaklngr€Dter Roehester Je Z5

Forn 1656 Thc Dctroit Ncwr

IYDEI', JOFi'l D.: ENGINEER: U\,|V. 0F ILL I a' ?54 NAMEo DEAN )F EN rNEERrr,ro ar M.S.C 4-3 Nmaeo pREs. oF lr.rsrrrure, or Rlolo Ercrneenlrc FoR 19E516' f .t1,ssq6oJs eo ro Asre ro ,,.,, uF.il.lE3ffirrie"1k ?il*. srto cutr.o,G oF ilEr $.1 ,,..,ilt3i3iftEtrro *r,o*o^ltreFl%orn,t, OF S?REAM.I ilEO TPPROACH ?o EiG rEER iG ITL?EO iiATE ETGI iEEi ilG Goic BlCx lil SCIODL-LUrZ "o 966- 0 1 , A-6-8 E a Lr ]{G-?o L E A ve ilEX? ttT H TO sPEr{o 1 Srmrr s HEL P ]{o oE YE LOP iIASTER PLAT{ FOt RA 2-1L H OH ER EOUCA ? otr tDl, C-17-1 '*

1978 RTOER ilffiTtr-Am GER ]fv 24r B-2-l t lll eooo ooxotrtorr 8io? 8v ioa8en 16

tcc6 ,lt 11, 75 Appro.MlcHroIREcroR FoRt AcESTABILIZATIoNBD.Jr- 15r 1-8.., ,NAHEo wMoeStlBtLtzATtouBo.ro REGtoitAL otR. I NOET.-LAUREII --1952-- D 6, 71 Appto.cttur.eroaMtcn.oF I,JSB -1951- F 11, +1 Restcus As mEuBER orWleeSrlarzATtoNBo. S 24, ,G1 ApprD.LEcruRER lrlJ-M oN uAt{AcEltENT-urtoN RELATtoNS isrv" puBLrc rNrEREsr" ".oorl;l?5T;.^.o.--195U- "l*?l,3ht-rrn"onnS 18' 672 5x

RYDER. l4lT0il 3 I'ltSlClAN 1982 .lr. 15r A-7-'t & Zolran FERENcv suEs ro cET DEATH pENALTy pLAir oFF BALLoT -1s,b .lt Sr O-1-2 tbt rostrLotr ?LErgE, iEurtox roun-&bFmLtt -1987- S 13 K-r-2 Cuts satirical record on 0llie North 'Good Golly, Ask 0l I ie. r--l.tcFarl in -t989- tlr 2, B-3-4 lrmortal lzed In cement at l,lich rRock Walk of Famer-Urhital I Je 16, H-8-4

Harassed musician f Iles suit to ban trr, l"5L B"P;lngersol tJoman, Lorie Hahn ctaims she and Hi tch Ryd.elr made sweet mus i c- I ngersol I -1990- D 2L B-3-2 I{i-11 appeal dismissal of his lawsuit accusing Qanadian brewb'ry of imitatine his sound in beer cof,m6rcial.-- Ankenv -t9%- W 22 B 1-2 cP Mercy, i's a tribute to Dr Kevorkian. - O:rlian A,e L7 B 4-4 tlill not perform at State Fair because ttrey dontt want him to sing his song ttGrcytt about Kevorkian. - Orrlian

I I 963

RYDER' DR NORMAN B : RESEARCHER r978 o 20, B-1-5 rnoM PatNcEToN 0rrtcE or Poputlrtom ResEARcHr ExpLAtNs BABY Boor4 or 1950s-Duttt't t974


0emer TAilAGET OF Der Frce Cotnggrrouttrlo ?o HOSP T SUFF EN iG cHES? PA Irts +1964@ AP 16. D-3-4 Elevero TO v ICE-PRes DEt{T II CI{ARGE OF OPERA T rors-tlr6e lraortoil ---1958-- N 7 , c-5-1 w LL B E K E PT A S DRC BOSS BY P ROS P E c7 VE BB?E R S-H I GG N --1971---t-tY 8, B-4-11vP2 )r:;cussEs nrcx $1001000 nlce roa TxnoucHBREo HoRsEs tN Mrcu-HrcctNgorrorr{ --t992--- h 1, C-6-6 Obit-Died F 28rin BocaRatonrEla honerage 77


, 1962 30 Genrars X-Torx: vrrx OPtlOr TO BIIV-IO RACE SLOOP lN 0car,r RrclrG ComuerCe-Ver

194,4. mfrR- ( -ffi SAILil ^ rFth viltrnR Forsr 1656 I ta. u.t Ursctro ,.rF. r r;.!.-E AB 3.-25-3 IEW LISTEO A3 DEfD --19'18--- JL t9;-27-3 fO sE EBUI RED II$CHITE hEPEI CE,IE?Eil

RIDERTSITMJEL - LO{DOTITENGLAIO t936 oouon or Rvoen Gour orllorEo.rlr9fi#%



- I 965 lhs nor 246 TRoPrlEs & 65 riGDALs-uAlrv OF THE!I OR P FOR TTI I RLI ilG COI,IPET I T I VELY-JrcOB

1979 F 27t 8-1-6 To snou Der BtcenrEf,BtAl Orsr RecoRos ro ctrY AuDt?oRg gEErtrq Htssttre $2821000 FEo FUilOs -1982- O 5t A-6-5 llemeo ADm cooRDtNAToR Bo or AssEssons 0 6, A-10-1 Faces pav cur-Roacn

WIIJIAil -' BAIIDII 1930 Forn 1656 TL. Dctrclt Nerr A8 I 15-6 Afn. Caught dter holcllrg up grooery at 2644 EamI avoor Jl 51 Ag 15, 1-4 Sento.rAg 15, 2-LO [rsoat Iontarby Judge Sk111- man; rob armed Ag 16, 5-8 Reunlted wlth mother efter 10 ynsolrlow must go to Ja1l fon at least 2 ;nr.s.


39, of Pontiac 6 Kevin D. Di egel 27 held in robbery of a Comerica branch in Brham-Sinclair

t S I.EGISTAITIRE CAliDIOATE DereerEo roa Sretg St., l8nr Dtsrr , Der.sFoLtED a S 13. 3c-5 Derearus ) 12 Pnr D r sno SFoLLED'2375 ( lNC, t Gnmreo BALL.T oesrcxArrcn offil??3;; !'o]-lu-u *,r. Ag;w rot €,ilrrrlEo ro oEsrcrATror oF ocors?rgLeo ar-niir. GG? r? B€- CAU3E BALLOTS ARE ?RIINED

mllct{A : ACf,RESS M---.Plrys the part of t{ay Wellard in the Age of Innocence. - Weinstein

RDER DISIRIBUTICII SYSTE.{S INC Ap 16 A 7-6 lUnnoil at the Saturn plant with the trnion and non-tmion r,rorkers. - Fogel

RYDER INTEGRATED LOGISTICS INC. 3 SUPPLY FIRI'I 1999 EL2CL-2 to open distribution center at site of Chryslers former headguarters in Hlghland Park;other H.Park developments- King

r993 Ap 23 B 1-6N Pontiac became the lst school district in 0aklandCotnty to privatize its student transportation systern-Mi1ler

RIDER9STEiI IIC. r 959 18, D€€ Aceurn:s .Plscrr. Svsters lit. 04, ha-8 .,hrrrce Oen rrues Altt-rRus? sutr-lg59-- ts ABovE D l8r C-18-8 reut.Eue,cteo T@ oFF tc lALS-|-lsr-!QS{-r

!s - 4 u^JoR . f *re." o, o*i,.'?*, f, 9t, ls conp- $40 mtLLtd{^.rElT?6- .lo 1s. 'll:iz-j -- '- - tTS MOTOR CaRRTERS TO ltcTEqNltt.,.lAl- lhilrTtES CORP" OF 7.5 ttrr-LroN -1995- Ay ll, B-l_z Miami-based firm boasts it delivers nnre new cars 6 light trucks from factories to dealers than a other Ag 3, E_2-3 Lans-state could proflt from rumored takeover bld -199s- My 2O c 5-1 Unfortunate publicity latelyrt as Ryder Eruck in Oklahoma bornbing. in Chicago drug raid E tforld Trade qente{ bonbing -1995- soSBl_I 'feanster drivers- strike Rydericarries 4Ot of new- ca_rs _sh ped;will cause problems for auto dealers-J.Smith s13C3-5 GM is letting dealers transport cars to showrooms since Teangters Ryder systen is striking s 29 B 2_4 Driver strike at car hauling companyrRyderrwill put trucks in short supply, GI't hit hardest O 5 B-3-4 Ryder & Teamsters resune negotlauiorur O 8 A-3-1 tentative agreement reached between Teamstens & Rvder -o 10 E-3-5 3Dos IEamstens votd to end Byden strike; rank & file still nust, vote . -1996- s 20 B l-1. Queator partners Fundr_founded by turnaround artistrJay aix .Southfieldrto buy .Ryder-Eowes' !ruorn rRUcK RE$rAL rNC. r959 t:'ra3* oprrs r3r, BRAircH r?Rr,rAL at L2llz4 Scrmrerrs rounseuF ; mo0o pLAr€ ?o BUv Dtxte Dntve lr sv3TEu Jr 20rA-19-1 Arrv Ger Falrx J Keluev oHARGEo ABovE r{rrH vroLATror or Mtcn oacePTlvE AovERTtsmto-1971- Acr -1987- S 3 C-z-t LA-People tend to move not too far from home when they relocate.

RVDEI.6KI C6EPH T. - DET t94s r 13-6 HloumoeorPrc I rtc

c r 963 lleeeuerrg-lnken sv rDarE-opDr t{A?ro-t{AL plRrs __t)67__ s 12. 0-11-6 Llrus r ruc-Gov.RoMNEY APPTo ABovE To Mt cH. HlcHsR Eouc. Assl lnce AurgoRrrY

RVUfl.ll, E lhRHO0D - Of,VSI,ER CfFICIAL 1966 lolrEo DtREGfoR of ctvtc AFFA|RS - -..--1970 -rA 29, C-9-4 ELECTED PRESO ANO CHAIRI'14,N OF J',IETROPO L ITAN FUIJD ( 0Ft G ) -PerEnsoru. --1972--- rrrrxlxlffxr Fzr; B4-1 N Aaove HAs BEti, AppotitrEo ro rt{E Nonrrear Mlcmlolr,l UrtvERst Borno oF CoilrRor --197r-- Jtt21, B-1-1 D DepuoRes !@o natess RATE At'toNe BLAcKs AT WEsr Broomrrelo Ttrlp. MlcH. WEEK cRouP --1n4-- Jr- 11 , E-2-5 Re-elecreo lerVP oF Ct vrcsenfuiutclrl[o. __1975-_ F 28, A-8-'

DAYS I II TRY TO BOOST SALES w 13t A-g-t Nlmeo cHRMN or Bo NonlggTg or l,tror U s 25, 8-6-4 Obit-age 65, died 0 22

RYDHOLM FRED: U.P. NATIVE I 990 U.P. native cultivates trees, history-BeVier

R\OltG. REIIEN: J.L.ldOS0{ C0. 1944 IihGo AovERrreriro ilAilAcER -Ee$dfl9 ^ s i.t;-f NEr', puoLtctry DrREcron gr JL Huosotr-(o. S A. S-f ELEcrEo-l.lAtEg rGtaER BDooF rRrErEEs r,tvtc L,tqfi OpEm e$nri, ,r_U EuecrEo vrGE-pREsoDer.ttrsronillilh: torNonrt6u. AG 3o.* 6.4 I'lm.ro co.clnlu Rrs ReLAtrclts & AD 0o.u thrtreo Toncn ontw Esrornrror rn J L H.Dsoi AililouilceoiTo xero $r-ii,ffi: ^eo!E Eloecreo pREs.oF kr.HrsroR,.o.jpf#*_ & I To rrrrro oeDrLLaG ANNtvo ctueenrilori rr Csreut*"t t'f,"#.f Vtstts Arrorrc Crotuulcrs ttitttPLAcE tat Frmrcr

1984 JL 10r A-2-4 Or Sueoer ts cRowltEo Mtxx Urtvense 1984 sv LonnltreDoures, Mrss UrtvERsE 198r.

DICK: DIVER 1971 , WEsr Porrur- U'ON PLATFORM DIVING @MPETITION AT Nlrrorlu AAU lNoooR olvlNG Cur[ps.

RYOZBEKI ..OUN I rllcHlcAl.t Cot'lvtgf &^rms^Aififig'lifuS'Ilth ..u t

KYDZ-SI.||GLYIBEB8 D.'ARD - P0l31O I 935

Succeeos r.lARsHAL JosEF r r..*s[tTs'ffJr ot AFIY l.| Uhams ur o GtAEBERS;vtGryEo A9 lGAltT eon }hz ls lil Nltgo By cort Ag rErr lr RAffi lo Pnes. or FOIAIO 51gIiE ..L 19.1-3-1 FROiOTED TO RAI0( ilE,(t TO PRTES.OF FOLAt{D, F0LL5 itrn*ud, Prrsuosr lrs SIloES-.iDl,ER S 2r&, 'hEs.A.sEn?vtgBnfl EEliror3 L:sror oF lbrcR orr IEUE N 3. Z-2 BL 5rr Nlmo iJbRsr{AL or Poulto N 3 [ 1Or43 Ft evereo ro tAasmu oF fuLAio ox tbtr.lo F 21126-3 Ltves ltooelrl.v tE, tc oorrLD--1glt7-LIE III PAIACE A? 9r1€ (tsrens txflw ?Llil ro FGAxo --1939- MR 18 l,lD REATDY ?o FIGHI ErrEN lrl?Houf ALL res{bnr Q 2rzg.6-lltrE lleForreo $lrNiED sv FELr.d oFFrcEE 6 i6"zn ""- iilsrs ro 6E TRANsFERRED FR Cmrovr, liAys HE lrAs tNsud:Zr!*g ,R umeutan Govr.nEnrEg ro ALLot ABovE To rRAvEt- tn Rt*reHil Kseps Eyes oH dna rn pururu#94.- {nn6s1gs ru_Rurlr.n D'o,t:;Lo' 2l; 9-1 Egcapes Fn RumuteN V|LLAGE or Tasmlm Nq, LE^DE. oF ?o,:H ,*.ftgffi;iryr i,* 'Irloou oF A80vE irtsstNc stNcE .fL STFEARED MUROEREO lU tlOnrCo "ffifAo 4' B'E-3 LoroorBeurEyrs ro ,^E ,ossEo ,nroffiiltP'- CLAYTON s FILM OIRECT0R 1984 1 Pnoouceo oocumENTARyr TEil Vtemm VETS.-BULLARo

t97l il15, A-1-1 sHor By FBI loerts UHILE oes-ptstrr,ro r{orEy rr BAilr il trE sox- -TlTTsroRTH N15r A44 FBI clrft Lrilr DEaptroR To rArpERtxc utTH nTalpptre 0e Y tcert N1T, gt.(-l FBI rorlrs Brur oEPoslron HAo oull PEilllr lr sHoorlile ACG ltEllTo DlO , A_6_4 Ctelneo oF cHARGES, Bur MAy suE AcEilTs FoR oAt{AcEso

1976 JL 5r A-4-l Sruur $re Mlnte-6d) or cumrfs 1l0O Sttou UP FoR iEUt{lox- Kenutr mE^ $f Flfil( - AilY AIR GlmEn t943 Form 1656 Ac tl, t:.e Km.r.co rr orci cr€q S 9r ltfeursJen

r 963 t Goy ,Rolfts AFPOI Nf,3 ASOVF ?o STA!r BOARD OF ?XAtl tacts I tl TIOR?UAEY sclrlo? _ A? ZS. C_b2 Serrre 0K rppr ro SrArE Bo r Exeuricns rr{ ltnuewbiirice

- 1977 ) Et ecreo pnes.orBleurEret reenI reGo. llAS OECIOEO tOT TO TAIE tOB OF PiES .oFBnAUilErct IEEi I f,Gco. -t986- sl8,B5-t Age67 convicted of cheating on taxes-Ball - -1987' Ja 16, B 4-l B'ham-gets 5mo jail term, flned $115,000


D 29t B-2-l D MoilRoE-rGE 90 sf,tLL URlTttrc Fola MoxRaE EvEf,lte NEDS


Age 51 angered at closing of Cadlllac Fleetwood plant- VLas I c

RYE - lllGllGAN t93s

Rye rqrugruern lAGHrreRv gg1 gfot, 1655 a a 1946

-l{ 131 2-5 clN.G[rvr.BANs rsrpbRrArtoit AuEn.Ryg, ll,tto Gm. _ o|1$ie-- $ 14, 51-7 Ouru.trmei af,rE.SEr.rtLL L8 ttfro HEAvy trFott3 G Cefuotrx tyE I o_u.s. l4v 22, 8-15-3 Pnes.lre oRoERs Tmrrr Cou,,sl'l. T,)--1955- ,rrAKE sEc,)lD rreurRy rftro tupoRts

i€ t934 Fca t656 thrmr vttrtr rrif E oorAfro tt Aof," rfll to$'ftfffi s an',Pf.4

usE oil, r3 RYE lil

2 &4 r lv WITH RtE CORNER at OF CI|ARGE OF RtE !$!l?urrt- ffiil lhnr tl e lEmv tfr.nter qreo IX RYE OCAL tY


ED,'ARD L. .3 cHl rl.I.rrots t938

0- 91 2-3 ,IED A? AGE OF 79, FORTUNE FOUiD IN PUBLIC LIBRARY *1934-- F 191 6_1 REL^T|VES l.lusr REtilBuRsE srATE F1R AtD Gt\rEN ABrvE BELtEvEo ro HA\rE EEEN A PAUPER

1967 G ) 0t Aer , Sour H VIETilAT'-TRA VEL s U Tt{ FO RTiE R v ET Corc UHO ? RO v LOYIL U. S. ALL I Es-P r soR

RTENSON , REV. JOSEPH - DET. L90g Foru 1656 [o Dcttrlt Ncrl g 20, 1-4 IE not to Btay as pastor of Oratlot Ave. u[. C. churcb Et 22, ].-7 RealgRs from churoh to preach freedom g 2'' 1-8 RyerEon ls foll.ootng Crapeey Xn ilP-eopler s fab- einaole.e rhlch suc6eeded Gratlot Ave. churcb s ,0, 2-5 gecedere want to Joln Oongr egst tonallstE ohurch wllr not erpel above Ap 2I. l_, IglO Tellg rby he left aetbodlEt ohurob to b€cone. dt EpleooPallan

1937 RIERSON. JOSEFI. T. - CHICAG0. lLLltOlS F 4 t 24 tlrrFE nooeso oF $7ooo ,n ,u*.So* 'utu 2e.2 tsrr estele oF l1r935rooo rt 1H7Fi orr.*.*rr.,'o?'

r978 .Je 9r A-1-2 wH I cH sr'rAs HEo lllltii"ri.l-['r$3, iffi"ello' r.o\?l to-?-] SEitli[c UD- oF FENCING OPERATION ALI{0ST SEEMEO ToO SUGGESS- FUL-CAilTOR, BOHY, MLOMEIN

r(YLr60lt & HA INC - I 93s Forn 1656

&crsor*noposEo TiIERGER oF AovE &GULF & lrEsrERN lrousrates lrc.rms FALLEIT rHRorcll --1970- Ja 27 rB-4-B PLANS TO ACQUIRE STOCKS OF B&O REAL ESTATE CO-- gcreouu-eo vorE Ar ,ttoiai8il3;1. ro Acqur'r Cnlaeo Rellrv Conp ^r*rffil3lh-o Drscr-oseo rN p'oxy srArEr,rErur rror ur.l,,tl5;l;7^r stocr Ex- CHANGE LtSTtirc BEtNq BEVlEtdEg BY EXCHAGNE OFFICIALS OUe TO LossEs r,r FtscAL 1958 & 1959 t 24rg-5."i Plestoelr s?ocrnoLoERs Erpgcrs coniAilv ro Bitlr EyEr ot SHOr SiALL"oLo pioFt? ti CUiiEir FTSGAL yg16-ddl srtrn Jl 5r B-r-8 AcqutREs AceutstrtoN oF CmlaerRelltv-1971-- Conp --1972-- Jr 17'A-15-1 $ ArunourucEo ,,rEu otvERstFtcATroN t{ovEs tNTo REAL ESTATE & corusrnucrtoN FrELo Je 20.A-16-5usx80rAxll6n5 tso oF oIRECTORS DISGLOSES CREATION OF NEfi ll!1^STOCK-. D-11-1 opEnr"tro -Reronreo Loss uzi. n_rg-g U.sxg6x-OELAyEo ANNUAL ritEETtito uNTtL Oic.'ZO i--- 1972 D8, C-10-1 Company plans to buy reat estate from some of lts orm offlcers and directess---t. B.Smlth O21, O+4 Stocxnot-oEis AurHoRtzE ,rovEs vHtcH HtLL ExpAilo rHe Jrcxsor F|RH Aeg, c_12_7 H.K. PoHLMAN REslcilED rrFoR PERSoNAL REAsoilstl

R}ERSON - JGEPH T. RVERS0N & SO{S J} I 93s Fora 1656 REpoRr..FoR 1934 Ao Pur ron UERcER wtrH ht4t{o Sregt, Co nrrrrro ugse rug 100rr Amllv.lbv. ,N 2t 26-2 E it vexacvER ro *;;; o"-, -t'li*r- 6 1r,zs- '-Lo-rrr'' Auruourceo ExpANsrou ar rirrci dir" er-nrif '* 'RGRAM i ../.-- -.4 RYFF FRANKIE: BOXER I 954 22, 26-|r, uAy FtcHT ltlt.o SconttcHtNt t. AG 17, a6-8 t{ttas Bour FR.oENNtg pAT BRAoy rH NY Ae 16tn S 14, 26-3 urxs eru? Fn.RlrpH &.rpls tn NY S l3rx S 17, 17-3 rrils gorrr FR. .xGy Lopss ,, Er.TJ#ffi.Er. N 31 69-4 Blt.rrroaerl'lo.-8Ervs Proov DelhnQq-qne N 2no &2, 9-4 Koro ev LrRRv Bomomrr Je 1 ;fftV!6- N 15, 65-t Joe Bnoun lnlls Bour rnou m.:lvEl&llxt ru Mteml,FLr. tr il. 47-7 Itmr LrE rrs TI(0 over 6.otEEtc ^Bol,E D F 341 vtcToiY ol,Et TouV 27.{, ilIt{trg CGSgI ft ffir .bnotv Gmur il 13 a II crco{oors to bore PrRx I IG rme N 1Ztr 95i9- F la,L2'3 NYt tl I t€ Bqrt ovEn Cr 3CO Aronloe F 13rx -! Ae tt' to'a svnrcuser[/-DerEA?Eo HERE AF ror*iFlEm, twc-Frts B *oops oou,N s-Evaro, ffilf3ffi ,rJ+'^'.'*-= trvGtELSKI, TlEtI)Offi: DETROII I 936 Foru t656 A? z?.IM @rresses ?o 18 RoEB€RtEs Ae 8.2-2 AEo\rErs @tfEsstofl 0nv FiEg Eowano LoEsorrwuo wts SE}lrEIEEo FOR GRilig l,$r 1113-1 ff.Eeos M,T GI,ILIY ro PO. THEFT


RYXETTIIO - DErRotT I 945 .,E-r 5-i & WIFE CELEBRATE GOLOEiI I,,EODING ANNIV.JE 3 ----1969---- Ap26, A-5-7 ,Bovers hrFE MRs. THEoDoRE RYKE DEAo AT 9"1ap 24rn,

RYKER NORHAN J : EXEC 1989 s 17, P-t-z Struggles for CrossETrecker to regaln balance-Tompo

RTKOFF , ALEXTS PRESTDENI OF SOVTEI lsszrrr\ COI'NCIL rqD Fotu l6!i6 TLo Dtolt Nmr Je On vacet1 on for health-v1s6-pFe s & Schntdt take over dutles 1gIID I %t g5-A Deales pemecutloD oE reltgloo ty Sovteta3 eErs Seda gfat {b11 frreedou aail oaly pud.b aletgz fos stlolart actlvl,tlea ill 23, 3g-8 Sovlet Coramtssare l9tll llr 18, l6-t Elected. to Sovlet Unloa omlctl 5 2Dr 4'3 ors*sseo As @rilrssAi o, ,*rilifiEo*^r,o


R'/K.il7;$1i;, JOSEPI-I:'Jlt{u- !i'l SllAglEP: DETR()lT 4952 l' 24, L-O Calus ccpsrr,JHEN-Tr{Ey Ak TVETDELtBERATLv ros'ES entc< rxru CAFE r.lt BEC/.i'SE HE DtDurT LIKE FOOD SEF.VED TO HiM;AF)rESTEI) N 26, 15-4 PueqOS INIvOCENT oN ABcvE CHARGE D 4, Z1-;Z FreED Afrgi PaYmto 16 HotEL rftDfl

RYKT{ATDER ALICE r SHOP Ot{lER r98l Dlsnrrs Foxrs Plsrv Srop uAres IGAT ptEs-Stt vArt

RY1A$ID'8EtsERT }CNRY - IAYIE U.SIIDBIT t945 tflrrs mem.s cHArr rN. rErrrs ton Pwtrc Peaxs rtru-tn3rh!3-io,ro* t&'#fJ.'^1sf*83su,LEs D 23'. -4-3ia RiifltrE lg^ts1*6'oJga,."d'l'"

RYtAtU)qR, EDTARD F. qAMS: PORT l{lR0N,f,ll0l 1959

rrssr!G ,o" ,o*,* 3l:"33**,.. AN ritpLoyF oF Mrcx.tttq?ru At{K F t9; lt-t 3. Pmr ltror4tYE3-LF ?o nolfce ltotorCeutr. tp lr MR 13, 3_4 iunneeoeRs to &t tr.poLrcE o'Jftl'ffa L'rg-g lirurLrv ro tmeeza.Fm?N? cr{G. Glvtr 5 Yrg PicAttoil rtLAt0s, cRlta qTAUW: DETRITII r 959 ,k a, z+l \eove 5 F?. 1n titrH TALL ts itAHeD r{tss Talt Ogtnot?'f

RYLE, l4AHTlN: SCIENTIST 1974 01 5t B-r-1 56,&AnroruvHewt sn, 10, eorn orGemeR t oceU. r rGr.Ba IT. rtfl t{NoBEE Pn IZE FOR PHYSICS

RYLES. l'llLllti0.l H. - EIROIT 1937 Form 1656 .ts 30. 16-2 6rveu 30 DAys FoR coN?Er{pr oF cRT roR pRAcrrsrNe LAw vrrt}nut-Ltc€ilsE semc rc 10 DA'B FoR coir,,rr;l?h, u,AurHoRrzEoN"ffi?t. oF rA, --1959b-..1F 23, Z!r[ lH Ultue rattr{o ?o qEclx 7 ory !r rL ?Fil Fm ortvtrG tltxqri A LtcEitsE 13 JAtLeo reAtfl .le 2ottr & o€o lflflr sAllE oFFE]tsE

RYLKo, .'ui! AT}[-ETE: POLAND: llr GAYL0RD,l{lOl

a B-12-6 .ovE's EscApE rnor Pou*ro E Hrs LrrE r?r tlrcHr ovl ra6il,r7 nltrt. ttl iBnl A til:ua I 938 Form 1656 JA 18r19-1-NrtE ADmrrs KlLLllG lths.lENloe trAtTE & ..EANitE Scxusulat[- ffi1.1;1t';i-1r @lrtcreo oF slaYlirc 2 trolctl An 25r2:3tgr Elrs mrrs & 6oLTs lN ATrp.To EscApE cHAtRr eur FAlts

RY}.lAL R. - OET SOLDIER I 945 9o t3€ llbuoeo

R'I04AN, FRANK - .ruocE 1974 , Brn suspe[o8 LrcEilsE Aro cHARcEs HtM ,,tr J.o%?rg_3_t Hts suspeilstor rc??trDtsT.Cr..ruoGE URGEo avJuotctllTerune Coilsrr. Ae 14r F-6-1 Mtcx.Supn.Cr.coNsloERtNc UTHETHER To REMovE HIM FRoM BENcH FoR FoRGTNG NorARy puBLtcslulmes&TEEPoNG LAt PRAcrlcE s.4, A-7- 1 H sxirtMtr 3r HEAR NG TO BE coiloucTEo BY WexronoCt l$r.R.PErERSon 0F12, C-l FACES POSSIBLE REllOVAL FROM OFF CE ,a UAS iESP oIs BLE I L- LEGAL IIARR UBE9 PERFORTiED ST a Cra Hts RerovAL URGEo By srATE JuetcrorrTeruae0orsu. rF19 Mv 29, C-6-1 Laqq--QErq 15 Mo s-uspENsroN Aezrr A-12-l iErouEo Foi tluoee oF 77rr olcre,ror-cr ii mcn. Supeere Cr. r 963

Rlllt'tAR, PATRICIA: SUIT 1991 Lans-Mich.Ct. ofAppeals r:pholds r,rayneco. ctf.l :.3;i"1.3 *., throwing out employment discrimination case agstMich.Bell

RYMAROWICZ, BETTY s EXEC.DIR.ODYSSEY 1998 N25C5-2 ItrE the only drop-incenter in Macomb Countyt her small storefront center provides for many needs of homeless

RYTIARCZYK A. - llq!,flRAt61( $lLOlER l94s ..E 11, 13-6 Fneeo FRoH GERUANS

BRYAN . 1978

Manquetre-Escapeo FRoM yARo lRel orl4lnquerreGo. I L, SOUGHT

RYI"IER DON: C0URT STENOGRAPHER 1987 Jl 4 A-4-r Houston-Held for contempt of court because he missed his second extended deadline for finishing transcript needed for an appeal.

8MB, OEoBOE tI. - D8 t*n Fffi"tsoo*tar r3r"ff Elrzab"tu Hr8ffi8, *$t"rl &efranillag chargel fihea SS fuircss of Draaee doalcs at Eoutba4ltoa;@9. lg @, 12-1 SoqtEt or Bemgt Aretag tbgft of $421@O-ty Gugrave; to be serne0 fren boat do.lq S g, &5 .lrEsteal at Southq$o!, 8111 be returoed to Detl by ctlve ,iloss V.8oley O 8, 2F? foley rcturte frq6 8il6, O 29, nlt& above

lrralgaed before irudge ste!,nro 29, era" set for u g Eatl oargrave, tells stoty of eobczzl"Sit' N , 41-1 mAtt 5n+g'.Eo[Eg [8 [8$Er?f8CIR8FoBE'nouorNe 41-5 1, 20-5 sP Acqutrreo oF cHARGE S 17, 1+5 Glaonlverh,Ho oteo Dt2SrLEAvEs-1929-- MoNEy ro LtrrLEStsrens or Poon;ABouE atven$1250 ro r,ltrnDRAt coNTEsr sutr RYMES, LEROY ! CARD PLOT r953 . AFe;@- tuo or'l GAMBLrlc cHG. ; FLEECE rHouiANos or $ rRol,r auro ioRrens

RYlKt S, LCU F@TBALL T,AO{ r958 10' 27-8 REstGrs ls lss,? coAcH ulrr &ee.8lv PaCrenS JA 3- D-2-3 Storo 3-YRoco{YRAc? As ,ro, .ffil#til,sro otttfrs, bze 2o Flneo as ,E^D coAor irousror.Effi r F 10, A-1-1 6' NA,tEo ev Lrorus oFfEitstvE trws 6o-!€i-lvttDoLgttls

RYXUT ED',,ARD . BELLEV 1945 AP 4. 17-5 'r'buuoeo [t, 18;25"€ Etu,ao

R1NARD EI.LEN tET t944 clu.ao cRtitE tt TC oF 2 vqrrHgSse[?c. 6 HfH3.-10

1952 ) GErs l5r0O0 eRAlrr FoR cAircG,R nESEARcH FRil RE GE , 0-l-3 Dleo Jrr t7rter, E -196!i--

m UARD il. : r,l{YslclAll 1960 0 1?r B-8'o Srr Frectro-Talug c ?Arrcrt3 $ro3tFFCI m.grotlonrf,, sncs3 'k 2e^ fo,L-z cnrc-spore rr AIA .or,r.irt3!3il "or,, R I FHr toJS'S-,fuI$s ATLAirrrc Ctrv-& Brsxop Sreer A6nBC-re6dlt trrer exrRAoRomotr riesunes snolx.D (Ltvenllor eE tAxEil ?o PRoLoiS L|FE oF HoPELeSsLv |LITPA|TFRACTEO PATtEilfg- -Dgr- F zo, B-7-3 FtMyers,Fla-Obit-age 86, died F l7

RI'NEARSoN , TSATAE YPSII,ANTI -CIVIL W vuT WD Fora 1656 Th. DGtrtr *- S g, L_Z_4 Dled S Trage 85

RYNEARS0N, JAN: ARTICLES BY I Ja 24 L-l-2 Newspapers for the Bl lnd Inc. in Fl lnt suf,uqbf-of-furton over for lawyer, Paul v Gadola Jr seei t"U??i Slft "rrost U.S judgeship -1990- Ja 30 B l-2 Encore for Flint, rRogerr rDonahuer cameras roll for extra hr-6 Hlnds t974

RYNECKI O OETROIT r 933 Form 1656 Iae Deuoit Ncwo 0 lZre;S Semc 2t-lts vrs FoR ioBBERy

. DET SOTDIER I 94s t IllouloeorPec rF tc

1976 at trAIIEO TO I,,ILOEiilESA ATO ATI'RAL IiEAS ISORY EOARO. trv[Bs(]|, GtEt$t ttt.: Airilr FUtlGcAPtAtt{, EmotT !943 lr 20 ro0rrlr3 3fl qrlv ole Jm flgfit Whrxr erse DAtBlr?Ent EORra To Irltr rltE E1g57---- 0 9, 18-1 f,elus oF ExpAnsrort oF AtR GUARD AT AteerlrMrcm" 0 e, A-t-3 To cmep ltzn|Cnor? tffi. ^r DET. NEI.IS ON STRIKE JL 13 R{RII N 24 il 25, AP14-6 Dreo 0 27, $

RYI*||AK, EDutrRD P.: DEIROIT PARATRMPER 1944 tSuuoaorr lterv Foro 1656

RYt{lcKl - DET SOI,DIER t945 t rbrnoeorPectrtc

RYI{KIE1II|ICZ, IURS. VICTORIA: BIIRGLA"B, oUSP ECTlqzg Forrn 1656 TLo Dotrolt t -. D E, E5-S Amestod, wlth ifins.nurlce tllr'alker for night burgla D 6, 56-2 Annalgnedrpleaded not gullty;examinatlon D 9 55-6 Eeld fon tr1al unden $lrooo uorr3.lo'

RY1KOSICV !/'1. - DEf Sf.tlDlER I 945 Fneeo FRoil GERMANS

RYNKOI1ISKI , JO:-EP.r. - BANDIT tlrz7 Mv L3, ,7-L

Fona 1656 TLo Dotrolt Ncrt

r980 , BunRouctr CoRp.ls otREcroRs ELEcTED HIM vlcE-PRESIoENT oF coRPoRATE oPERATloNs. r19g1_ Mt 29t C_7_1 AmED vP fi cournotuea

RYNO, SA0RA s STOCtt PROFII 1984 Jr 6, *z-6 ?r,ot lff-FoRltER LtV REcEPTlolllsT LlilrED 080r00O PRoFTfs FBoil tLLEoALLy stvEr Dgrerse sEcRETs rnou"o Prut IHAYER


Der.& HER couscN AMyRyoRrlvloRBtsrowNrNJ.svlrcn rm,ltutes& scHooL EXPERIEt{cEsrFlNo lT FUN-HoFFHAN

RY0R, J0rfH r PREEOEHT EOtICATl0tt 8C , ,, ,=1172 Ao 11. [F1O-1= Asrs uS Ct or Appells ro Bt-ocr Sreprer Rorrts'oioEn To TRATSFEB SUBUR8AI TEAO|IERS TO OITY SOHOOLST AXo YICE VEFSA. Buuorea -19Tr- Jt gr- A-74 Euecreo pREs oF Nlrl EoucATtoil Asgtr Ae 16r *7-Z !D lilrst qutr JoB Ag Foi 2 vns.To rur uxrof,.l{tti.Eouc. Assoo.rls iuLEo evSpntreltetorMtcrr3oliD"EAonEi S14r C-1-, Pnes or Nlrtorll Eoucrrtor Assoc. ctvEs Hts vtErrs ot Nlrrorls rEy EoucA"ro[ rssuES- Pg reRsor ---197G--- 511, A-e.1 HElo or Nartoruau Eoucn T r oNAssoc I 4ILqN sAyS. IEAcEgg-Sril-rEs , Mlrtnc Nertorlu Eouclrtoru AssoclATloN A MI L ITANT poLrrrEALLY lNvoLvEo Llaon Boov-$t-ecrzo

. SVLITESTB - BLIIO t942 N.7-z ru ro DG erPdflb{i80 *^r,t ^ccotAriles

RYPSAI,I' mED U. - SKIPPGR 1962 Lrulrxeo 3rsrr Ar Sr.Q.rn .Qorr 0o.,rq{ sr?E * o*.?trTfl8atfr, loloqr oF DE?.YAorr Ctua ---1959-- \p z, C4-6 ^uo- nteo Ap 6,AGE 88

t944 Form 1656 Ju ta-? utueo. herv tg, r963

Rl6[rnP, AIBERT DEITITtST: GD.ilAt/ENrillCH r956 13, 22-t AEovE rglrREttREs FR,oGlr?tsTRy iElg6g -- F lZ, le-3 )err;Dres A? s v?g oF Aeg mr Spntrc Llr?rlltot.

RYIDYK, t lLLlAl'l S. - I{ARAESS RACIIG r958 t'- itsADg Ltsr 39 ELEc?Eo to ttAtr€3s i^ctt.ers Hesl or f&1"


AwnnoEo BY pARENTs & raculrv arrfKtDrs Cus FoR oursrANDtNG JoB As BETNG_L972_ soNG Asour Uhbl[Ih13xeps,coueosED AsovE




RYSKAI'{P, DENNIS s CHARGED !{ITH INVADING TIGER FIELD 1995 .Ie 0l D N lTrRoya1 Oakrpleads not guilty to storming field on Day;to go to trial;l3 others are in jail-Atkins

RYSIG},IP, KENNEIH: JUDGE 1991 Ap L2 A-3-2 DC- For first tinre in Pres Bush's telm, Dern senators rejec one of his fed court nominees.

RYSKE},ICZ, }JALTER : FOUND DEAD r 986 , 6 wife Minnie found long dead i n H gh and PK t ra e |Jowk Martindale Ap 17, B-7-t Police said they had enough to pay for better housing. n\rC 7tl 1 STAt'lL:'/ s EAST DI:I,RBCUN 1973 ,l l-lolrEowilEr:s Afl'1i.,:G GiiouP BATTLE AGST c lr'/ c0ut{c I L Ennoi lt'! t.lOi., ltlG L IJCUSE OI'lTO V,lCANT LOT O:t ST:-:EET tIHlCl-l lS Zollf,D t., F4- S I HGLt-::1 i.!O? 2- Attt l-Y DI,JELL I l.lGS j Tl-lE\', I li ".1ll,ti(El'JY




RYTHER, MICIIAEL : RET,NION I Saginaw-After 47 years of separatlon, flnally reunlted with brother, Denny Rhtyer, Texas

RM R t934

Bneexs iler03 itt€ OECLARAT lolt OF UAR iro Frm Hr corrr EnrAL o r eeove .^.,.roffi{?ttt *.r,#-hr?rz$:f Llnoea ARREST:Acc_us-ED Fd.lLtnG To AccEpT pEAcE D Zf'..6<- ilOrS i,H0EB|OG.-J.LOVELACE ---1-o45--- F 2L: L-6 iE$trc.ro t0 y3s. FpR t"rAB_GulLT . .r-19t09r9 l.lY 19r'!1-5 BS 2 Panoorro _sv l?es Juuo K PMSIKIV3 b.ZSre*Z- ttsttrt-GrT:orEs AT AGE 67 rru Ho!{E HERE -1986c 1966

Lorooru-urvtNG HERE-FLEo rnom RusslA FEw MoNTHS AGo


R/TTII\G trEs. q.rey HARR|S : u.s. t: t952

r978 N !1 E-1-2 frr o? Det.rrts lsr euettEss uAs A FLoP eur Hts RETAIL ilorrtno ausrrEss ts succEEotttcpLurE

RYUKYU ISLANDS 4' t-8P rs pot tcy tr 0rtuun sHF(ruDED ru secngcv.l-eeurnrr# ,o Aeoe cno,p sulli,Lv nEruRNrNo .*#ftllt.^ 5:, '.ysrgls:.gro-.lo.qu!-r.-.,ry*..orF_"ffiiff 3ii-*.!.t^#!-hG{* SEpARATE wuilus lst-ANo cou.rAND To BE ser up h 1 Fenorueno Mrcxr-Aurz,n c-H#flIiros spv o-ri,$fffinoo. " "- '5 Qrrmor, av uaplrsE FAVoREo EfiiwrvuE JAPAil lo REsrrtE rruRtgDlg?totl illt-I- Mn 21 4-?2' ELEcrroN oF *Ew LEGrs #-}3?'zffii !r t, Res rDEirs ?o CLE? 29 @r i!3t9${rs,: 93Pfr?, l0B: I'E tNt Crrt rese' ttArt o[tAL I sr OPPOSE JAP REGCUPA ll oll OF SLA}Ds L4, Rgstog,nrs ?) ELEcr 29,EMBER LEG T')114n'1 o56-- .h 3. 1-1-6 Torvo-lbuse or Peps .OF .lapml 3EE K PETURN OF A81 \€ To lepiu FRom ll.S RYUtonJ rsLANDs 1962 Tocvo-LreeRAL eEu, pARry Los? 5 sEArs rNABovE .,uitrlifuk'il..r,* .. Ap 26, A-7-t -Torvodolru K.Er,lensor slvs tE--19164-- rrLL coflsroeR ReruFr{tNG-ABovE ro Jlpex UHEN SECURIw |rreiesls OF FFEE UORLo MAKE I? PO6SIBLe $sx-ro cHoosE o..il cHro .*il133'. ,g67-- A'"'Lb,tt]?f, rorvo-asour 70 pERsoNs FAsr As pART oF A cAMpArcN FoR EARLv RETURN or OxtNAwA ro JaplruesE RULE Jl 4r A_124- Torvo-U.SoAGREEo ro otscuss FuruRE oF ABovE ctAilrt oF lsLAito occ UPIEo BY U.S. AT cLosE lilr,II & STILL AoMII{ISTEREo gY U.S. Jl PAN UANTS GREATER COiITROL OVER THE}I N 12- Ls{ l[rtor_ -1968t- O O Comm CxtNA REilEUEo cLAttt-1971-- ro cnouP oF lsLANos lNvoLvEo tN RETURN or OT|NAUA & leove ro Japll av'1rB-4-' US NExr YEAR 1977 , MOSCOTmILeO TO Llttr UP UlTll Af, OR3lTlllC gPAOE LAeoiATORV TOOIY llr A ,l^doi olSAP?olxIlGtlT Foi Rusgtlrgt ttiu%l-5*, BLrsrs oFF ,r sovuz lz ,o"-3?F* e !,fosooui-RETURTS ro EARtHr8pEtt 175 DAvs tlosEtf=o.a+ ,. MoscopCHEcf,ED By oocronsl GooD tf TEALTT An 10, A_b7 sovuz 15 cneu titcLuDEs Htr.t. _11s0_ 0 12e A_.t_2 ReruRr.ls AFTER 1Sloavs tn spAcE


RYI.I CTJSTOI"I MRKETING I Ap 20 8-6-3 Nashville, Tenn- People at Religious Conrurication Con- gress show new ways to spread the word.--Desmet


RYZHKOV, NIKOLA| : SOVIET r985 Ap2 ,A- I l,tcscow-named POl to itburo S 2g, A_7_l Named prime minister of the Soivet Union-Lessenberry --1986-- I r 16, A-2-1 He and Sec. of State George Shultz said relations between U.S. and Russia are disappointing. Je.19, A-lZ-3 Moscow-Russia plans to double nuclear po*ErtirIriJSby 1990 Plan for reform contlnues ban on prlvate property

Moscow- l,lounting food shortages in Soviet Union could trigger explosive social unrest, he says 1990 s16A3-1 M9s9oy-huge crorods elpgcted to marctr, dernanding resigna. of Prime Minister Nikolai Ryzhkov s17A3-2 B?B,En" supports tt5oo days" free rnarket transforma.plan, drawn W by Shatalin but with a few elements of Nikolai Ryzhkov's conseryative program. Protestors dernand replace- ment of Ryzhkov.- D 26 A-3-4 Moscow- Close frierd of Gorbachev, suffers heart attack. RYB'lER I€NRY 1944 ) ro HrM lr FoxroLE or Persuru ls. 9 4?-5 ti.e$to3ryE E[i[ a

nYaX, .rOtlll t AStlAtf,T ClllRBE 1982 tlt G ilrrEL pr I tror:i cro lr Elrrrc H H9^fil esrit: crt.earortr Utrctrtr Corrar

t954 syEg-F?R $tto,ooo F)R oRrNr(s Ar Hrs BAR cAUsrNu #^?,i,lit, ,n orro CIDENT

RZADGA, CTESIER J.: WAIOOITE, SOJIER 1944 lclV 6r J-J Form 1656 Mtssllrc' IiEoITERRANEA3; A1EA . & ?3r 21-6 GrprunEo Ev Genmrrus ltv 2 --1945i--- ..ts 9, 9-7 Fneeo

I 965 l4Afrflit s. - uyAitr)oIlE -&tvsTERr rEAlH , Aoe 17-noov FotJlD iNDE R A FRO{? FORCH 1* RL6KS FROI H s HorE (E5- AUTOPSf TE IIIG MAOE TO DETER]d tilE c AijsE OF DEAI}bSIBO o 27- C-l6.6 b rnE CARD AC F Af LTNE CAI6ED OEATH OF AEO'E FOtt{o T'IDE R nousE PGICH r 965

RZADK0,.'OI.SK|, ARIIOLO J. : 0EIRO|T S0LDIER 1942 Form 1656 D 2, 25-l AIJIRDED 0no8n oF R R?LE HEeRr vrHEil wotr'toEo ttu Arntca

RZATK0U6K!, FnAC[lS S.: W{lOOnBr, !,ilCH., rLrcHr 0FFlCEd lg44 Crpturso ev Gesllus W A Foru 1656 e19[3.- ,E 22.zl.e Fr:es




Age56 of Det wins $100,000 cash 6 Red Corvette from Detroi News Zingo contest -Lgg3- o 22 E 4-2 Died O L9 of, a stroke, he was 62

RZPA; DAUI0 s SALEST{AN - @(I( 1984 O 24c E-6-1 hbr lno pntzE AT NAT|oTAL BEEF 0oor-0rr utrr REot?E BEEF Dt lat o-Bt ees


RZEPECKI inRlE - BA0ri IEL"tER t94s Etezasc FRolt Aocornrg AT PEopLE3 5?Arg r13-1 Is eaa roilEo oq EtgEzSLtt{G cHARGE a T'I EN 1 YR IN FEO PRISON FIOR EMEEZZL tNc $181494

RZEPECI(|,|fMY F. - DEf S0LDIER 1945 lo L2,25F5 Wouroeo


Ja 22 R-3-1 3 shots fired at 2O-yr-old Plymouth man as he drove on Schoolcraft in Plyrpurh Twp.

- %tnco.Frerc: e!!fft-a fi)uiloEo-r2ro TllG


RZEPI(I. CLAUDIA j-rl'llr! a BEAUTY 1978

Ae 10, B-r-1 D Aee 22 oF UrtcA t rLL REtcN AT Poutstt FEsrtvAL

RZEPKA, EDWARDI GRADUATE 1970 ) 4-1 AT AGE 45, REcEtvED BS IN ELECTR!CAL ENGINERRING AT S. U. 1998 D27D2-5 Bloomfield Hills-Obit,died Feb. 24,heart attack, Bloonf ield Hills homerage 72


Nlmeo pR I irc I pAL oF Reorono scr{ooL o I srR ! cT E r.rr Euem ENTARY Scnool --1971-- Ac 11, B-1-5 \,t Sourg Rerono scHooL BD. cALLED oFF sp EcrAL AeZQ xtLLocE ELEcrtoN oN Aov tcE oF aaovE-Wtsten nzEPPA, FRAIIK - RoB susmcf 1932 Form 1656 TLe Detroit Newr Ur 29 r 36-1 trat 4 others held fe robblng Farn Crest Bakery Ur 26 AP t.4-7 FCeo VEnrzKE rw rrllEss AGAr rtsr ABovE AND orHERsrrHR.ffi ,rgql &qry**'*V*"'#S,&EE1&21

4944 Form 1656 )tt 2\ 2t4 &Anoeo Punpr: iElrr



1987 Aq 29, B-1-l charged with reporting boats stolen afrd collecting i nsurance money and then sellingrr Stolenrr boats.

RZEt?gKf , AtrEX s BANDfI SUSPBUI ga Fora t656 Tho Dctrcit llorr S 22, 1-8 Arreated aE suspect la Ne$s boldt4t S 23r. 5-21-5 To be- ebarged lsith barborlng f,ugttl,vet bad sheltered Eanl, Jasorskl

IK AiDREtl - OET S0[.DER I 945 Kru.eorl!6otAt ls


Aqe26 ro RrsK r.rFE cErrrNc roNE MARRou lX^?i{d;Lh,

OEhflrtEE | 2egu 65 n6-4g6t.t =trfr


co-owner of tetr gsrical r^rorders noot snll#tl ill'.flr*" says the 13th is lucky to" HendersT, lffi6r- ZO B t_lN Mt.Clenrcns boyr8, to stay with rnotlier despite aninal sacrifices Ja 20 t] 4-l Boy will stay with motherreven though she had him initiated into religion practicing animal sacrifice


Trlal opens ln slaylng of Luanne Cordell ln t/arren Hlch -Greenwood

RZIEISO,'6KI !{RS"qNMI D,STROIT t937 Form 1656 Ae 2ar1-g46 Frues $50.@O sutr vs clrv. wAs Ht? By poLrcEr.rAN ouRtN6-Rtof AT ERil- iR'It"T58ffi S,HliaeH;'3:t'offf;r3H*p[.,.'"ro*n.8',fl E1-3-3 lillY 15'2'4 Frtes qnn ron g5oroo IDR curBoruo ey FoLrcE

1973 , I DelaBORII !tAil , 68,r LLED BY OROU P OF YOUTHS UHO OROVE ?HE R cAR lltTo Htt,9TRUCT( Htr A8 HE COT OUT OF CAirRAr{ OVER Hlli ALso RoBEeoLtlr.rlr trlecrvvrr66rJerr RosrtreurczrlES or Sourrrrero Feeeyrv sERvrcE oRrvE rela thaRter. o 2\ A-b7 12 Oeraot" rootctoE DETtcrtyEg AssteilEo ro SEARcH FoR-. yourlt cRoup uno RoBBEHID ruRoEREo "brif,*fi:flrr,.r/c^r* 6 pensorsr yourxs laeo 1!r20r17r1r, rro 2'roeo 16, HIELD II{ COTIilEC?IOI{ UITH HIT-RUiI SIAYI]IG AilO ROBBERY OT JOXT , a 6 AiRESTE o , , FACE COURT E xAil IIAT olr '$ rl: B3$I1-eo','., Dernotrenrs ltuRoER oHARGE oRoppEoi Rtcnlno Joresr2OrRELEA I t{suFF I C I Et{T EV I OENCE.


1656 5 15s 16-! .ouNoED rN Acrroil ru l€u 6rr*[orm

RYZHKOV, NlK0LAl : RUSSIAN 1991 I'tyl, A-3-1 Hoscow-to fece Borls YEltzln in June 12 electlon for presldency My 6, l-3-l l-loscow-ba E tl es Yel ts ln