Copyright © 20082017 by Maria Nicholas, Paint Pot Press, LLC All Rights Reserved This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form Yiayia’s Favorite without written permission from the publisher; exceptions are made for brief excerpts used in published reviews. Greek Recipes Inquiries regarding permission for use of the material contained in this book should be addressed to the publisher: Paint Pot Press, LLC Treasured family recipes passed 551310645 E. N. Paradise Tatum Blvd.Dr. down through the generations Scottsdale,Suite 200-288 Arizona 85254 from all parts of Greece, USAPhoenix, Arizona 85028 its villages and islands Telephone:USA 480.688.0285 Telephone: 480.948.4496, Fax: 480.948.3788 by Web: Email:
[email protected] Maria Nicholas Yiayia’s Favorite Greek Recipes™ First Edition Cooking With Yiayia™ Paint Pot Press™ Are all trademarks of Paint Pot Press, LLC ISBN – 978-0-9762229-1-0 Library of Congress Control Number: 2008926957 Paint Pot Press, LLC Printed in United States of America Scottsdale,Phoenix, ArizonaArizona USAUSA 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 What people are saying… “Maria is a fabulous cook and wonderful hostess. Eating a meal by Maria is like eating at a five star restaurant with an at home touch. I am thrilled to have this cook book to share her collection of delicious recipes, especially her scrumptious koulourakia. Maria’s cook book is one that I will use over and over again.” Nikki Felipe Phoenix, Arizona “We have the good fortune of being neighbors of Maria Nicholas, a wonderful cook who is sharing in this book her inheritance from her mother’s cooking.