
ELSEVIER Steroids 65 (2000) 629-636

Nestorone®: a progestin with a unique pharmacological profile1r

Narender Kumar*, Samuel S. Kaide, Yun-Yen Tsang, Kalyan Sundaram

Center for Biomedical Research, Population Council, 1230 York Avenue, New York, NY 10021, .USA


Nestorone® (Nestorone 16~methylene·17a-acetoxy-19-norpregn-4-ene-3,20-dione), formerly referred to as ST 1435, is a potent pro­ gestin when given parenterally via sustained release formulations. The pharmacological profile of Nestorone was compared with that of and 3-keto- by binding studies and by in vivo bioassays in rats and rabbits. 3-Keto-desogestrel showed the highest binding affinity to receptors (PR) followed by Nestorone, levonorgestrel, and progesterone. The binding affinity of Nestorone to receptors (AR) was 500- to 600-fold less than that of . However, both levonorgestrel and 3-keto-desogestrel showed significant binding (40 to 70% of testosterone) to AR. None of the progestins bound to receptors (ER). The progestational activity of Nestorone, levonorgestrel, and progesterone was compared using McPhail index in immature rabbits and maintenance and ovulation inhibition tests in rats after subcutaneous (s.c.) administration. In all three tests, Nestorone was the most potent progestin. The progestational activity of Nestorone was also compared after oral and s.c. administration in rabbits. _ The of Nestorone was over 100-fold higher upon s.c. administration than via the oral route. The androgenic activity of progestins, based on the stimulation of ventral prostate (androgenic target) and levator ani (anabolic target) growth in castrated immature rats, showed good correlation with their binding affinity to AR. Nestorone showed no androgenic or anabolic activity. Nestorone did not bind to binding globulin (SHBG), whereas both levonorgestrel and 3-keto-desogestrel showed significant binding to SHBO. The estrogenic/antiestrogenic activity of Nestorone was investigated in immature ovariectomized rats. In contrast to and levonorgestrel, Nestorone showed no uterotropic activity in ovariectomized rats. Despite significant binding to receptors (OR), Nestorone showed no glucocorticoid activity in vivo. It is concluded that a strong progestational activity, combined with lack of androgenic, estrogenic, and glucocorticoid-like activities, confer special advantages to Nestorone for use in contraception and hormone replacement therapy. © 2000 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Progestin; Androgenic activity;

1. Introduction dione) Nestorone, a 19-norprogesterone derivative, is a po­ tent progestin when administered parenterally [3]. Upon The widespread use of progestins alone or in combina­ oral administration, Nestorone undergoes rapid metabolism tion with estradiol for female contraception and hormone and inactivation, thereby making it suitable for use in nurs­ replacement therapy has generated renewed interest in the ing women during lactation [4]. Several clinical trials have development of new progestins with high selectivity indices been performed with Nestorone administered via subdermal (ratio of progestational to androgenic activity) [1,2]. Nestor­ implants [3,5,6]. Nestorone was found to be very effective one®! (16-methylene-17 a-acetoxy-19-norpregn-4-ene-3,20- in controlling fertility at low doses [6]. So far, no alterations in liver function and lipid and carbohydrate metabolism have been observed in women using Nestorone implants 1:l This work was undertaken as part of the contraceptive development program sponsored and coordinated by the International Committee for [7-9]. Many of the synthetic steroids, in addition to their Contraception Research of the Population Council, Inc. (New York, New primary hormonal effects, exhibit some actions typical of York). This work was generously supported by the Cooperative Agreement other steroids. Indeed, some of the side effects of a com­ CCP-A-00-94-000B-04 from the US Agency for International Development. pound can be related to such ancillary activities. Thus, we * Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-212-327-8743; fax: +1-212-327- compared the progestational, androgenic, and estrogenic 7678. E-mail address: [email protected] (N. Kumar). activities of Nestorone with some 19-nortestosterone-de­ I Nestorone® is the registered trademark of the Population Council for rived-progestins using receptor binding studies and in vivo the steroid 16-methylene-17a-acetoxy-19-norpregn-4-ene-3,20-dione. bioassays. In addition, we investigated the glucocorticoid-

0039-128X100/$ - see front matter © 2000 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved. PII: S0039·128X(OO)OOO 19· 7

----. I 630 N. Kumar et al. / Steroids 65 (2000) 629-636 like activity of Nestorone and levonorgestrel in adrenalec­ homogenized and the cytosol fraction was prepared. Ali­ tomized rats. quots of cytosol were incubated at 4°C for 18 h with ['H1di­ methyl-19-nortestosterone (Mibolerone), in the presence or absence of cold steroids. The bound and free radioactivity 2. Materials and methods was separated by the hydroxylapatite method [11].

2.1. Materials 2.2.3. Estrogen receptors (ER) Immature female rats (18-21 days old) were killed, and Nestorone was custom synthesized by Gideon Richter. the uteri were removed and homogenized in buffer. The Budapest, Hungary. Levonorgestrel was obtained from cytosol was prepared as described above. Aliquots of cy­ Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MO, USA). All other ste­ tosol were incubated with ['H1estradiol, with or without roids were obtained from Steraloids Inc., Wilton, NH, USA. cold steroids. The bound and free fractions were separated 3-Keto-desogestrel (an active metabolite of desogestrel) by the dextran-charcoal method. was provided by Dr A. Moo-Young, Population Council, New York. Chemicals and solvents were of reagent grade. 2.2.4. Glucocorticoid receptors (GR) Radiolabeled steroids were purchased from NEN Research Calf thymus cytosol was used as the source of GR. Products, Boston, MA, USA. All chemicals used were of Aliquots of cytosol were incubated with [6,7-'H1 triamcin­ analytical reagent grade. olone acetonide with or without cold or progestins. The percentage bound radiolabeled triamcino­ 2.2. Determination of binding affinities to steroid lone was determined by separating the bound and free hormone receptors fractions by the dextran-charcoal method.

2.2.1. Progesterone receptors (PR) 2.3. Determination of binding to sex hormone binding Female Sprague-Dawley rats (150 g, b.wt.) were ovari­ globulin (SHBG) ectomized and 1 week later, injected daily for 3 days (i.p.) with 1 ILg 17 f3-estradiol (E2) to induce synthesis of PR. The Sex steroids, especially and , are animals were killed on day 4, and uteri were collected over bound to SHBG in circulation. Several synthetic progestins dry ice. Uteri were minced into small pieces and homoge­ also show binding to SHBG. Thus, the binding of Nestorone nized in 10 mM Tris-HCl buffer, pH 7.4, containing 1.5 mM and other progestins to SHBG was studied by methods EDTA, 0.5 mM dithiothreitol (DTT), 10 mM sodium mo­ described earlier [12]. Third trimester pregnancy serum was lybdate, 10% glycerol (v/v), and 1 mM phenylmethylsulfo­ used as the source of SHBG and ['H1testosterone was used nyl fluoride (PMSF), using a Polytron PT-1O homogenizer. as the radioactive . Dextran-charcoal was used to The homogenate was centrifuged for 20 min at 1000 X g in separate bound and free radioactivity. a refrigerated centrifuge. The supernatant was centrifuged for 90 min at 105 000 X g in a refrigerated Beckman ultracentrifuge. The cytosol was removed and stored at 3. Evaluation of biologic activity: progestational -70°C until used. Aliquot (100 ILl) of cytosol were incu­ activity bated overnight at 4°C in glass tubes with ['H1promeges­ tone with or without cold progestins at different concentra­ 3.1. Endometrial transformation test tions. The bound and free radioactivity was separated by the dextran-charcoal method [101. The supernatant was de­ Immature female rabbits (700-800 g) were primed with canted into scintillation vials and counted for radioactivity estradiol (5 ILg/day s.c. for 6 days) and assigned to treatment with 5 ml of Beckman Ready Safe® scintillation fluid in a groups. They were injected s.c. with progestins for five Packard TriCarb Scintillation Counter. The percent­ consecutive days. In a separate experiment, the progesta­ age of radioligand bound in the presence of competitor, tional activity of Nestorone administered via the oral or s.c. compared to that bound in its absence, was plotted against route was compared. One day after the last progestin ad­ the concentration of unlabeled steroid. The molar concen­ ministration, the rabbits were killed by asphyxiation with trations of steroid competitor that reduced radioligand bind­ CO2, The uteri were excised, cleaned, and weighed. Part of ing by 50% (EDso) were determined graphically. The ratio each uterus was fixed in Bouin's solution and processed for of these concentrations, multiplied by 100, was termed the microscopic examination. The uterine sections were graded relative binding affinity (RBA). for progestagenic activity according to McPhail Index [131.

2.2.2. Androgen receptors (AR) 3.2. Maintenance of pregnancy in ovariectomized rats Male Sprague-Dawley rats were castrated through a scrotal incision and were killed the next day. The ventral Adult female rats were placed in suspended cages with prostate was collected over ice, minced into small pieces, proven fertile males. The next morning, animals were ex- N. Kumar et al. / Steroids 65 (2000) 629-636 631 amined for the presence of sperm plugs. If sperm plugs were Table 1 present. the date was considered as day 1 of pregnancy. Selectivity index of levonorgestrel, 3-keto-desogestrel, and Nestorone® based on their relative binding affinities to PR and AR Pregnant females were separated from the males and ovari­ ectomized on day 8. On the day of surgery, and daily Steroid Relative binding affinitya Selectivity index PR/AR through day 21 of pregnancy, 1 fLg of estrone together with PR AR varying doses of progestins was injected (s.c.). A negative Progesterone 20 (50.3) NB control group received estrone only. On day 22, all animals Testosterone NB 100 (7.4) were killed by asphyxiation with COl> the uteri were ex­ Levonorgestrel 100 (11.0) 70 (10.1) I posed, and the number of live fetuses in each uterine horn 3-Keto-desogestrel 220 (5.1) 40 (19.0) 6 was recorded. Nestorone® 110 (10.3) 0.2 (6279) 590 a The nanomolar concentration of steroid competitors that reduced bind­ 3.3. Ovulation inhibition in rats ing by 50% were determined. EDso values are shown in parentheses. The ratio of the reference compound to the test compound was expressed as the Adult female rats (200-250 g) showing three consecu­ relative binding affinity. Levonorgestrel is used as reference compound for progesterone receptors (PR), and testosterone is used as reference com­ tive 4-day cycles were used for this assay. On the day of pound for androgen receptors (AR). NB, no binding. diestrus (at 1:00 p.m.), they were injected s.c. with steroids in 0.2 ml of vehicle (cottonseed containing 5% ). Two days later, the rats were killed, the oviducts were 4. Results excised and sandwiched between two glass slides, and the number of ova counted under the microscope. 4.1. Binding affinity to steroid receptors 3.4. Androgenic activity Rat uterine cytosol preparation was used as the source of PR to compare the binding affinities. The relative binding Immature male Sprague-Dawley rats (27-28 days old) affinity of 3-keto-desogestrel (220) was highest followed by were castrated under methoxyflurane . They were Nestorone (110). levonorgestrel (100), and progesterone then treated (s.c.) with testosterone (control) or progestins (20) (Table 1). A comparison of the binding to AR (rat daily for 10 days. One day after the last injection, they were ventral prostate) showed that all progestins studied had killed, and the ventral prostate and levator ani were re­ lower binding affinity than did testosterone (Fig. 1). The moved and weighed. Serum LH levels were measured by decreasing order of binding to AR was: testosterone, homologous radioimmunoassay (RIA) using reagents sup­ levonorgestrel, 3-keto-desogestrel, progesterone. and plied by the National Hormone and Pituitary Program, Nestorone. Compared to testosterone, the RBA of levonorg­ NICHD, Baltimore, MD, USA. estrel to AR was 70%, whereas that of 3-keto-desogestrel was 40%. Nestorone did not show significant binding to AR 3.5. Estrogeniciantiestrogenic activity (Table 1). None of the progestins showed significant bind­ ing to ER (data not shown). Nestorone showed significant Immature female rats were ovariectomized under me­ binding (EDso = 56 nM) compared to the binding of dexa­ thoxylfiurane anesthesia, randomly distributed into treat­ (EDso = 21 nM) to calf thymus GR. Levonorg- ment groups (n = 6 per group), and used 5 to 7 days later. Levonorgestrel or Nestorone (1 or 5 mg) was injected s.c. daily for 5 days. Vaginal lavages were examined microscop­ ically to detect vaginal cornification. The animals were _____ -{J _____ 100 __ 0_ ------.0------0 killed on day 6, and the uteri were removed, cleaned, blotted D- --D---- dry, and weighed. The antiestrogenic effects of levonorg­ t .., 80 estrel and Nestorone were determined in rats receiving 1.0 ,c D fLg E · A positive control group received E alone. Negative III z z 60 •c controls received the vehicle. e -.- Progesterone <;• 40 3.6. Glucocorticoid activity ":;; --0- Nestorone® :< Desogestrel 20 Female Sprague-Dawley rats (175-200 g) were bilaterally ~ -0------Levonorgestrel adrenalectomized and supplied with 1% NaCl in drinking ---+-- Testosterone water. Four days after surgery, the animals were injected s.c. a 10 100 with dexamethasone or progestins for 3 days. They were killed Steroids (AM) 4 h after the last injection, and the livers were removed. Fig. 1. Competitive inhibition of ['lH]mibolerone binding to rat prostatic Glycogen content and tyrosine transaminase (TAT) activity androgen receptors by testosterone and synthetic progestins. Each point were determined by previously descdbed methods [14,15]. represents the mean of two experiments. 3 632 N. Kumar et al. I Steroids 65 (2000) 629-636

Table 2 100 Comparison of progestational activity of NBS administered via oral or C sc route in immaturc rabbits "c 80 Treatment Uterine weight Progestational activity 0 (n ~ 4) (g) mean ± SE Average McPhail index m" •c 60 1.6:!:: 0.1 e Control 0 2 Nestorone® 0.5 p,g, sc 3.6 ± 0.4 3.0 ± 0.2 • 40 Nestorone® --0- Nestorone® 5.0 p,g, sc 6.5 ± 0.4 4.0 ± 0.0 ~ Progestorone .....a­ Nestorone® 5.0 p,g, oral 1.9 ± 0.6 0.3 ± 0.3 {!! Desogestrei __ Nestorone® 50.0 p,g, oral 3.1 :!: 0.2 1.8 :!: 0.3 20 Levonorgestrel --0-­ '" Immature rabbits were primed with estradiol for 6 days and treated with "'" Testosterone ...... Nestorone® for 5 days. On day 6, rabbits were killed and their uteri 0 removed, weighed. and processed for histology. Endometrial transforma­ 0.1 10 100 Steroids (nM) tion scores (McPhail index) were determined based on uterine changes. Fig. 2. Competitive inhibition of eH]testosterone binding to sex hormone binding globulin (human trimester pregnancy serum) by testosterone and imately half-maximal response (EDso) of the McPhail index progestins. Each point represents the mean of three experiments. were I Mg, 10 Mg, and 100 I-'g for Nestorone, levonorg­ estrel, and progesterone, respectively. These estimates are estrel and 3-keto-desogestrel bound to GR with low affinity approximate since the dose-response curves did not have the (data not shown). same slope. Thus, Nestorone was about 10 X more potent The binding affinity of levonorgestrel (2.3 nM) and 3-ke­ than levonorgestrel and 100 times more potent than proges­ to-desogestrel (9 nM) to SHBG was significant but lower terone in this assay. The progestational activity of Nestor­ than that of testosterone (1 nM) (Fig. 2). Progesterone and one was also compared in rabbits by oral and s.c. adminis­ Nestorone showed no binding to SHBG. Thus, the binding tration. Based on uterine weight increase and McPhail pattern of progestins to SHBG was similar to their binding index, Nestorone was over 100-fold more potent when ad­ to AR. ministered s.c. than by the oral route (Table 2). In the pregnancy maintenance assay, Nestorone main­ 4.2. Progestational activity tained pregnancy in 40 to 50% of rats at a dose of 0.03 to 0.1 mg/day. The minimal effective dose of Nestorone for main­ Three different bioassays were used to compare the pro­ taining pregnancy was 0.3 mg/rat/day. The minimal effec­ gestational activity of Nestorone, levonorgestrel, and pro­ tive doses were 0.3 mg for levonorgestrel and 5 mg for gesterone. 3-Keto-desogestrel was not available in sufficient amounts for the bioassays. In the endometrial transforma­ progesterone (Table 3). The ovulation inhibition assay in tion test, dose-dependent increases in both uterine weight as cycling rats showed inhibition of spontaneous ovulation in a well as McPhail index was observed. Nestorone was the dose-dependent manner by the progestins (Fig. 4). Ovula­ most potent followed by levonorgestrel and progesterone tion was completely inhibited by Nestorone, levonorgestrel, upon s.c. administration (Fig. 3). Doses that elicited approx- and progesterone at doses of 10, 20, and 900 Mg/rat/day,

Table 3 10 Maintenance of pregnancy by progestins in ovariectomized pregnant rats treated with estrone3

B Compounds administered Dose No. of rats Rats pregnant •x (mg/day) (%) "E 6 Vehicle 0 6 0 .; ------Progeterone 0.3 5 0 J: 7------ED;~~-- 0. 4 1.0 5 40 0 :; 3.0 5 60 Nestorone® --0-­ 5.0 6 100 Nestorone® 0.01 5 Levonorgestrel -I::r:­ 0 0.1 6 50 2to \ control Progesterone -v- 0.3 19 100 0 10 100 1000 1.0 5 100 Dose (~g) Levonorgestrel 0.3 5 100 0.5 6 100 Fig. 3. Endometrial transformation (McPhail Index) in immature female rabbits primed with estradiol. Progestins were administered s.c. for 7 days. a Rats were ovariectomized on day 8 of pregnancy. Progestins and Each point represents the mean of five to six rabbits. EDso = median estrone (1.0 p,g/day) were injected sc from day 8 to day 21. Rats were effective dose. killed on day 22. N. Kumar et at. / Steroids 65 (2000) 629-636 633

200 100

~ 80 c ~ C; :c 60 E :c E EDso c c 40 « 100 .~ ~ 0 l! Nestorone® -0- > 20 " Levonorgestrel -0- -> 0 .,'" Progesterone -i:r- ...J Testosterone --+­ 0 1 10 100 1000 Levonorgestrel -0- Dose (l1g) Desogestrel -i>- Fig. 4. Ovulation inhibition in adult female rats after s.c. administration of o progestins. Each point represents the percentage of rats ovulating (n = 12 to 20) per dose of progestin. 150

~ respectively. In cases where ovulation was not blocked, '"E there were no significant differences in the number of ova ;100 shed. Thus, the inhibitory effect of progestins on ovulation appears to be an all-or-none phenomenon. -'" -o '"~ Q. 4.3. Androgenic/antiandrogenic activity E 50 -c The androgenic activity of progestins was compared with >" that of testosterone. Both levonorgestrel and 3-keto-deso­ gestrel increased the weights of ventral prostate and le­ vator ani in immature castrated rats in a dose-dependent o C 10 100 1000 manner (Fig. 5). Levonorgestrel was more potent than Dose (!lg) 3-keto-desogestrel with testosterone being 2- to 3-fold Fig. 5. Androgenic and anabolic effects of levonorgestrel and 3-keto­ more potent than the progestins. Relatively high doses of desogestrel in immature castrated rats. One week after castration, rats were Nestorone (I and 4 mg/day) had no effect on the andro­ injected with testosterone or progestins dissolved in cottonseed oil for 10 gen target tissues (Fig. 6). Also, Nestorone showed no days. The rats were killed on day 11, and the weights of ventral prostate antiandrogenic activity (Fig. 6). Both testosterone and and levator ani detennined. I, intact control; C, castrated control. levonorgestrel were able to suppress serum LH in a dose-dependent manner in castrated rats; whereas Nestor­ 4.5. Glucocorticoid activity one had no effect (Fig. 6). Thus, Nestorone showed no androgenic or antiandrogenic activity at a dose (20 mg/ Nestorone showed significant binding affinity to calf kg/day), which is almost !O OOOx the effective human thymus GR compared to dexamethasone. The thymolytic dose for contraception (2 J.Lglkg/day). effect of Nestorone and levonorgestrel was evaluated in orchidectomized male and female rats in conjunction with 4.4. Estrogenic/antiestrogenic activity the bioassays for androgenic and estrogenic activity. Only high doses of Nestorone (16 to 20 mglkg b.w!.) caused Estradiol, at a dose of 0.1 J.Lg/day induced a significant significant thymic involution (data not shown). To further increase in uterine weight (Fig. 7). Levonorgestrel (I and 5 evaluate this activity, glucocorticoid-specific responses in mg/day) also caused significant increase in uterine weight. the liver of adrenalectomized rats were studied. Dexameth­ In contrast, Nestorone showed no uterotropic activity at asone at a dose of 40 J.Lg caused a 2- to 3-fold increase in similar doses. Combined administration of estradiol and glycogen content and TAT activity in the liver; whereas levonorgestrel led to a synergistic increase in uterine both Nestorone and levonorgestrel at doses as high as 4 weight; whereas Nestorone did not affect the uterotropic mg/kg had no effect on these parameters (Fig. 8). The activity of estradiol (Fig. 7). However, both levonorgestrel results of the combined treatment with dexamethasone and and Nestorone blocked E2-induced vaginal cornification, Nestorone showed that Nestorone had no antiglucocorticoid indicating antiestrogenic action. activity. Thus, the lack of a glucocorticoid action of Nestor- 634 N. Kumar et af. / Steroids 65 (2000) 629-636

Vaginal , 0 0 ..0 ± '" Cornification on ~ r; N ci 0 ci'" ci ~ +1 '"ci ci ci +1 "+1 +1 +1 300 Serum LH +1 +1 +1 +1 on .... (ng/ml) ~ '"ci on '"0 '"~ .... 0 ~ ci'" ci '"ci ci .,; .,; ci , 200 " '"~ "~ ~ Ci • S .§ 100 5• «" 100 ~ 0 0 0.1 ..> E2 (>19) 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 0 0.1 NES (mg) 0 0 0 1 5 5 0 0 0 ..J " LNG (mg) 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 Intact 0 Fig. 7. Estrogenic (uterine growth) effect of Nestorone® (NES) and 200 levonorgestrel (LNG) in immature ovariectomized female rats. One week after ovariectomy, rats were injected (s.c.) with estradiol (~) or progestin Ci for 5 days. Symbols on top of the bars indicate the presence or absence of S vaginal cornification. ~ iii e norprogesterone derivative) alone for female contraception 0.. ;; administered via Silastic® implants or vaginal rings and in ~ ~ " combination with estradiol for hormone replacement ther­ >" apy (HRT). Clinical testing of new contraceptive steroids 0 requires the determination of their pharmacological effects C C to assess their effectiveness and side effects [22]. The phar­ T LNG NES T+NES macological profile of Nestorone presented here has iden­ U (mg/d) (mg/d) (mg/d) (mg/d) tified this progestin to be highly selective based on its J!! .E binding to sex hormone receptors and its in vivo bioactivity . An index based on the ratio between the desired effect Fig. 6. Androgenic/antiandrogenic effect of Nestorone in immature cas- (progestational activity) and the undesired effect (androgen­ trated rats. T, testosterone; LNG, levonorgestrel; NES, Nestorone®, (See ic activity) of synthetic progestins has been used as a mea­ legend to Fig. 5 for details.) sure of selectivity. One measure of selectivity index is the ratio of progesterone to binding affinity [IJ. The most commonly observed adverse effects of some one on the liver and thymus in vivo did not match its high progestins are attributed to their androgenic effect on lipid binding affinity to OR. metabolism [23-25J. The binding of Nestorone to AR was negligible. It was 300- to 400-fold less than that of 3-keto­ desogestrel and levonorgestrel. 3-Keto-desogestrel exhib­ 5. Discussiou ited the highest binding affinity to PR whereas Nestorone and levonorgestrel exhibited similar binding affinity. The Synthetic progestins, alone or in combination with estro­ selectivity index based on the binding affinity to PR and AR gens, have been used as female contraceptives for a long was highest for Nestorone followed by 3-keto-desogestrel time. Their use encompasses oral contraceptives, intrauter­ and levonorgestrel (Table 1). The binding affinities of some ine devices, sustained-release injectables, and Silastic im­ synthetic progestins to steroid receptors have been reported plants. Newer formulations of progestins in the form of by others [26,27J. The results presented here are in agree­ transdermal gels or skin patches and vaginal rings are under ment with the earlier reports. Based on the binding affini­ development [16.17J. At present. the progestins most com­ ties, the selectivity profiles of some progestins have also monly used are norethindrone, levonorgestrel. 3-keto-deso­ been reported [1,28J. Of the 19-nortestosterone-derived pro­ gestrel, and , which are derivatives of 19-nortes­ gestins, 3-keto-desogestrel was considered very selective tosterone. These progestins, with demonstrable androgenic compared to levonorgestrel and norethindrone [1,25J. Even activity, may be responsible for changes in the lipid profile, though 3-keto-desogestrel exhibited significant binding af­ acne, and weight gain [18-20]. Thus, new progestins with finity to AR, its enhanced progestational activity conferred less or no androgenic activity are being investigated [9,2IJ. a high selectivity index on it [IJ. , on the other At the Population Council, we are evaluating Nestorone (a hand, while showing no androgenic activity, had relatively N. Kumar et al. / Steroids 65 (2000) 629-636 635

-;::- 300 tenfold more potent than levonorgestrel in the endometrial .:::'" transformation test and twofold more potent in the ovulation inhibition test. It was equipotent to levonorgestrel in main­ E'" taining pregnancy in ovariectomized rats. 3-Keto-deso­ 0 0 200 ~ gestrel has been reported to be almost twofold more potent - than levonorgestrel in both the endometrial transformation !;( '"ol. I--g test and ovulation inhibition assays [1]. This suggested that E Nestorone may be equal to or more potent than 3-keto­ ~ 100 0 desogestrel in progestational activity. The variation in the - potency of progestins in different assays may be related to 1J" species differences [25]. The comparison of androgenic 0" ~ activity of progestins showed that Nestorone had no andro­ .e: 0 genic activity. This finding correlates well with the lack of binding to AR. In contrast, both 3-keto-desogestrel and

~ levonorgestrel showed significant androgenic activities in oS:- vivo. Thus, based on the in vivo assays, Nestorone was 1.0 I:: 'iii'" again found to be the most selective progestin. ~;: 0 ~ Other pharmacological effects of progestins are related ".... - >'" to their estrogenic andlor glucocorticoid like activities. It has been shown that the 19-nortestosterone derivatives, nor­ a=0 0.5 ~ ethindrone, levonorgestrel, and gestodene can stimulate the ~ growth of MCF-7 breast cancer cells in culture; the effect can be blocked specifically by the , ICI-164,384 0.0 but not by the antiprogestin () [31,32]. The c DEX NES LNG DEX+ pharmacological implications of estrogenic activity of pro­ (40 ~g) (4 mg) (4mg) NES gestins, as demonstrated by in vitro studies, have not been (40~g+ 4mg) fully understood. Our results demonstrated that none of the progestins tested bound to ER. However, in vivo assays for rats estrogenic activity showed that levonorgestrel was utero­ Fig. 8. Effect of Nestorone® and levonorgestrel on glucocorticoid-specific tropic whereas Nestorone was not. The uterotropic effect of responses in the liver of adrenalectomized rats. The steroids were injected levonorgestrel could be mediated via binding to AR and s.c. daily for 3 days. Four hours after the last injection, they were killed, may represent an anabolic effect. We have previously re­ and the livers removed and assayed for glycogen content and tyrosine ported the presence of AR in the uterine cytosol and a transaminase (TAT) activity. uterotropic action of androgens through binding to AR [33]. Both Nestorone and levonorgestrel exhibited antiestrogenic low progestational activity. Hence, its selectivity index was activity as evidenced by the inhibition of E2-induced vagi­ lower compared to 3-keto-desogestrel [18]. In contrast, nal cornification in ovariectomized female rats. Nestorone showed very low affinity for AR but high affinity Some progestins have been shown to possess significant for PR, which conferred high selectivity on this progestin. glucocorticoid-like activity, albeit at high doses and after Both levonorgestrel and 3-keto-desogestrel showed signifi­ prolonged treatment [34,35]. The binding of Nestorone to cant binding to SHBO. Nestorone showed no binding to GR was significant; however, in vivo administration of SHBO. The percentage of nonprotein-bound Nestorone in Nestorone did not stimulate glucocorticoid-specific re­ normal and heat-inactivated serum samples from normal sponses in the liver. The reason for this could be the rapid women was shown to be similar (-13%), confirming that metabolism of Nestorone by the liver as seen by its rapid Nestorone does not bind to heat-labile serum binding pro­ inactivation after oral administration [36]. Further studies teins, such as SHBO and binding globulin are needed to fully characterize the glucocorticoid activity, (CBO) [29]. Thus, the free fraction of Nestorone in serum if any, of Nestorone. would be much greater than that of endogenous steroid In summary, this report identifies Nestorone as a highly hormones and the commonly used contraceptive steroids selective progestin for use in female contraception. In view [30]. This feature of Nestorone, may result in higher uptake of its high progestational potency and lack of androgenic by the target tissues. and estrogenic activities, Nestorone could be safely used for Pharmacological studies in animals corroborated the long periods of time. The pharmacological profile of Nestor­ conclusions of the in vitro receptor binding studies. In the one conforms well to the safety and effectiveness of this progestational assays, Nestorone was found to be almost progestin in the clinical trials reported so far. 1 636 N. Kumar et ai. ! Steroids 65 (2000) 629~636

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