The Lyme Times V 24 No 2
FEATURE - My History of Lyme Ivory Tower Coverups Impede Progress Toward Cure Frontline physicians knew about persistence and how to treat it 20 years ago By Joseph J. Burrascano, Jr., MD new. By the early 1930s, we had the basic Lyme Disease is not a new illness. It has framework for Lyme (acute and chronic been recognized in one form or another skin lesions), plus constitutional, neu- for over a hundred years. In unraveling rologic and arthritic symptoms associated its history, one can see many instances with a tick bite. Why was this crucial of missed opportunities, unrecognized history ignored by American researchers patterns and outright mistakes by scientists, in the 1970s? physicians and government officials. Lyme before Connecticut Over time, a divide has developed In 1965, Dr. Sidney Robbin, semi-retired between the frontline Lyme-treating phy- internist in Montauk, NY, described ex- sicians and scientists and physicians at panding circular rashes that responded In 1982, Willi Burgdorfer, Ph.D., seen here major university and government insti- to penicillin treatment. He also described inoculating ticks, discovered the spirochete that tutions throughout the U.S. a peculiar monoarthritis that he named causes Lyme disease in ticks from Shelter Island, How did this come to be? What are the “Montauk Knee.” NY . The spirochete was later named Borrelia consequences? Could any of the troubles In 1970, Dr. Rudolph Scrimenti, a Wis- burgdorferi in his honor. Photo: NIAID/RML we now face in the Lyme Wars have been consin dermatologist, published the first prevented? report of ECM rash in the U.S.
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