The Helminthologieal Society of Washington §
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[K >'.$.( '•>"• 'M$%$^^$X^*$^Ml^j&i '•? ,;''iV "; ;):^5^viT ^ "A^W; ^'^v> W'-'v^ i-- r - •. , . - - -A. ,, * .. • . • -\y -.- . - i • \: \ r, • . /-^ - • --.-- rn - • ,•-/•',;. .1 ,. .,>.•• ^5:^ - 33' \ <^/7» ';^''y The Helminthologieal Societ'ra%y ^ of Washington § - •.•• -'~-;L- " ' "• ' •• • - •'•' • 'tfl v ' • /oorno/ of reseorch devoted *o ' ' ' ' '' ' ' "" ' " Helminlhology and all branches of Parasitology ,^ -A , - ^;i'v:l;A>;tffi:';g^^ :V;'::-,,.""'- ': '••;-;. v;-i"':. A'i;.-/:" "!'-'-':; A') A;i/'-;;'•"-:'; >?• '..'. A: ' • ^-y't^A;;-!7 •• ^^••/.^•'">',i . 'K-;^' ':'\'-'''fc. x^;,;/,''"BroytonlM.tRansbm^Mem^^ ijf7;..'] '••-• ^:;;uA v>fSObscrl^tion $7,0(X^i Volume; Fbreigof J$7*56A ^r. i? V-^.,/i/A' :^%K ' l^v^^'W^^t :^^pc««ia«^ -;.'T,;''-?^ ';-'/'!-', S'^^^v BOYD^ ELK^BETH^M. Study of Two Syngamid Neniatodes irpmih^ Eastern -; ^Belted Kingfisher, Meg^e^fe a; oZcyon and a New'Host Rero^ , tetta stafld&rdi Cram 1931 .^ —-^-J.-.-.L-.^.:.._.t._u.,.._,_.i.j__.:L. 56 [.,/AND BicHAkp HEABD, HL Levinseniettc carteretensip sp7' ;- nov., a Micrbpha^id Trematode from the Wilson Plover, Chdra&nus : ,._^.:.u----i-_-^j_;--L--^^.i.--.-ci-.^L-!_I_.;. .___Ji_L_.L.L;_f .L il> 54 ; A of^Methyridin^•^'I^V^^'^^My^e Against Helminths,^ ; Especially Whipworms, in ppgs"~_14— / 40 \DIAB, K. A., AiNp ^ R. JENJKINS. ,Thtee:f Nfew•/••Species'''of Cricanenwides '(Nematoda : Grieorjematidae) j .~..^.^.....^^^^^...^^_.^^.L^.^...^^.^^. ::-- ^ 5 BORAN, PAVP> J. , Pancreatie: Enzymes Initiating Excystation.,of JZimeriq 'acer- ,8'pprozoites, .„ ^_..J.l_-.. l._.;._ijlj; _: TX~-- -~-~v~J ^ 1 > •' 42,. VpAViD'J.' /Location arid Time of Penetration of Dubdenal Epithelial ; Cells by Eimeria dc&roulina ISporozoites w--^.- .-_—x_^..___.^._;. ;. 1 ',43 EPIPS, JAMES M., AND A. MORGAN GOLDEN, / Significance of Males in ReprbducV , • VA (ion "of the Soybean G^st^Nemato/deXXffefCTCK^fl igZj/cift^s:) ,._.^.^__.4_ ^^i:_. 34; i^:^-•' ":'i/ ^ Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington ,;; THE HELMINTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON , SOCIETY ineets once a month from O^ober through May for the presentation - 1 ^ . and "discussion of papers invany and all 'branches \f parasitblogy or related sciences. -All ; ^ /^ntefested persons are invited to attend. '"•'•• /;;• r/';X • ,.-:::'- ;• \. ^.//,-^ '('\ '•,,'•!.• "-V , "" :<Thie, annual :^ues, including the^ Proceedings, are '$6.00. , V . ^" ;; . ', ,/' : > ^OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY FOR 19$6 /.;>•• v-:^-; .--%..,• ,:.•>-•.,..";. "'•; ;vj--! ;;—;..:-: ;,.,, . .'- • ,; v1. -.'--r >-,7 -.-, / • ••• • .;-;'- •../ -'V v. ^ :V;v_vx"; v- y ' '~'.J~ President: 'DONALD B. • McMULLEN -• \, , ••'• v ?.£ ' V '. ••^'?* ' '•^':.' •i;~^ ', ' '.' ^ •[ ; Vice President: MAY BELLE CHITWOOD ; ; ^ -T Vx Corresponding Secr^aft/-Tretwurer; EDNA M. BUHBJER x " ;VN -' C^ -"''"•^j-fr --( iAssfe^a»i< Corresponding Secretary-Treasurers HALSEY H. VEGORSj : - - / -,r v / 5- ••• '," > V-' Recording Secretary: CWILLIAM B. DEWlTT' X ; . •"; ' ,'. r >',' C/> - --K j.^ •"' ' ^§ "^''-'^'V' ;' i;v"">v- L&fancn.^ JUDltH M, HUMPHREY ( 1962- T.f "r:>,;-!-v v ^•^.••,; :':'v'',,: H^T^V--' ' ^j^mjist: DOYS A. SHORE (1966- ^\.' ; •• :r ;.. ;':\ - ,i:.-: '-:.,. fek1 A "•- A':;:. .. ' /: " Representative to the Washington Academy of Sciences: AUREL O. FOSTER (1965- ,) , .- ; - Representative to the American Society, of Parasitologists: CHARLES G. DURBIN ( 1965- { ) T Executive Committee Members-at-Large: LOUIS DJAMO^D, 1966 , , - </.- . .-,- - .':; ;-::U '•:- --rs: .-•":; . ' .,." ,v -,u\;.'-. ," DAVID R. ;LiNGICOME,- ,1967;',' c^^^vK^ • :'~/T^'- v:"v •S^^J'-^S^'^^S'if^ \ - :.$,£ •• ->C:-' v"lr?^f-" ^r"-- ! C > THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE HELMINTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON ...; J '.- ...v; THE PROCEEDINGS are published by the Hehnintholo^ical ^Society ^of Washington. •;':"~y :'/£)--. 'However, ^papers need nbt be presented at a ;meetin^ ^to/ be pubhshed in ^ the; Proceedings. ) , •Non-membjers may pubh^h m the Proceedm x v r , ^x Two ^issues ^ ' r; ' '^ ' . , ' ^ :v MANUSCRIPTS imay be 'submitted vtb^any .member , of the Editoriar Qmuhittee. ^Marju- ,^,_ >soripts must be ;typewriten, :double spaced, -and on finished '•'form. Only the -ribbon -copy/ 1 1 S> Will be <aecjspted for piibh'catioii; it is accepted with tfhe -sun'^er^^dihg''. '-dtat. ->it'';vdll:-;be "•.-;•;"_ ^;- :pubh'shed only xba the Proceedings.,/ T • '-'-;-, ^''' ' . '-;•-,": -.. '.'.- '-f '' : .'./.., ".' f. -'::' ,.-."" ' .- - : . - REPRINTS may be ordered from tiie T'RINTER ;at rthe same time >theoc6rrected proof ' ,v BACK ViQLl/MJES of the Proceedings are available." Inquiries (concerning back yblumes and current subscriptions shoxjd 'be 'directfed to: . : -[ . \. ,x Miss Edna VM. Buhrer, -j Corresponding Secretary-Treasurer, Beltsville Parasitological ;' ~CV ^;; -Laboratory, ^Agricultural Research Center, ' U.S.D.A./^ Beltsville, Maryland, U.S.A. :^&-:^;;:"? --^ ^^'.^' - ';i ; , , v ,^C:-''^'';,-:'_; r j Beltsville Parasitological//Laboratory /, . ' ,\!^ ' ;( ^. -i Agricultural Research, Center .-• '.-.-1'- :-.' -;•:'••''/'• •.'' ••. /!':'•'• >;;;-'-:;-•'.'-'; i •-''' !'>.-.- . v .•.;.", Beltsville, Maryland, U»S.A. , ^r>S&:v^ r^ ^fe/% -'^ '^.T \'''"••••" - •-- "•"' ;' .", V •"' .,'-."'• \ -•" , ^*TT "D'C^lD'T'' -T7 • • /"^TT1/1^ ':1 O/iQ .- ''••-, --'•'.','".• .'. ',-i ' -'''-"}'-- 'VjiJU/JDJCiIV A -, JT-«-""Vi/.J. -'J. V-/. J.\7vf 'A^'V-ijT^Lr--- )-(. ...^^'r' Abbott Laboratories1'." **^r V^t'-; V^VVnl-' School /of Medicine ~ , ,/- •' -' / xNprth Chicago, 'Illinois; ^/V^' :V",/ ; ,; r 'University of "Malryland :\.;r^.-V.';.VV,._;,; . v.H:''Vv--'" ;;' /' ' "'• -V-^'i r.?iV-:^^ /•.'" ^:'—V-V-^ , \ :'' ^-f '• r'-' ' _/' "£. c;< "::l^r,;\ <»>;Eira^.^-^^KI,^l97a^^f>r^F; .^r^^^;'^LEi^AMcINTQSH,';i966 v;.'^u,-:;/ -•>..'i :• --."' s .'"-'••;• i ' "-^ , \ ^ r ' • - ' ' V~- ' • S ' -• '•' 1» ' .' " '-*1'' '•"' '' ' ' •''' ' • •' ''' ' '' •--'"'• '• "' -: j -"~ ' . ' .^S1..-. • -x".l_- .' ' >! ,^V Agricultural Experiment Station \ < yBeltsville Parasitological Laboratory v" > :)','%./' i>;;>---V. .;'• University; of California v./;' r\^;(XA i>," ;'U.S.D.A- >;^KA> '." ;:\^ ; '^: " .;•"''• - ' "'('•''•';..':. y --•'•'•'./."•' i I '- '. : . "-'^ ^', •''-'•'- • '•' • ./r'''/ '~\ (' -X • - ' / ^ '. ' - ','••'', :'' '". ~'"^ [T.V '^ ,--WV/' ' -.''; ,'- '- •"'. r'-'-.' •'/''"•. ' ' ',•,'."" ' , : .-'. ''v^-'.' ••" •• - •.'';• --• HESSE R. CHRISTIE, 1968 V / / ^ -•: PAUL P. WEINSTEIN, 1969, . ; ^ r ( ^ • - ;,' Experiment Station : , . .Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases '!/ '. v- ;: V 'University of :FlQrida •/ '•£ii^$&&'-.-- '::,;:• N.I^H., U.S.P.H.Sr.l'''"-.-- -;',..,. ••/:^V"," ''L ' Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington VOLUME 33 JANUARY 1966 NUMBER 1 Aerobic and Anaerobic Metabolism of Larval and Adult Taenia taeniaeformis. III. Influence of Some Cations on Glucose Uptake, Glucose Leakage, and Tissue Glucose THEODOR VON BRAND AND EVALINE GiBBS1 It has been shown (von Brand et al, 1964) 2.0; KC1 7.8; NaHC03 1.0; KH,PO4 0.06; that the glucose uptake of adult Taenia taeniae- MgCL-6H2O 0.2; CaCL-2H2O 0.3. formis is dependent on the presence of (5) Low sodium Tyrode's solution C: NaCl environmental Na+, and that in the absence 6.0; KC1 2.6; NaHCO3 1.0; NaH,PO4 0.06; of Na+ the glucose leakage previously observed MgCL-6H2O 0.2; CaCJ2-2H2O 0.3. in sugar-free media is considerably increased. (6) Potassium-free Tyrode's solution: NaCl It seemed desirable to study what influence 8.15; NaHCO3 1.0; NaH2PO4 0.06; MgCL- various sodium concentrations have on these 6H,0 0.2; CaCL-2H20 0.3. processes, and whether the absence or in- (7) Calcium-free Tyrode's solution: NaCl creased concentration of other cations would 8.15; KC1 0.2; NaHCO3 1.0; NaH.,PO4 0.06; also change the rates of glucose influx and MgCl2-6H2O 0.2. efflux under either aerobic or anaerobic con- (8) Magnesium-free Tyrode's solution: ditions. The results of relevant experiments, NaCl 8.15; KC1 0.2; NaHCO3 1.0; NaILPO4 including some determinations on the larval 0.06; CaCL-2H2O 0.3. stage, are discussed below. (9) Phosphate-free Tyrode's solution: NaCl 8.0; KC1 0.2; NaHCO, 1.0; MgCL-6H.,O 0.2; MATERIALS AND METHODS CaCl2-2H2O 0.3. Only paired worms, either adults or larvae, (10) High calcium Tyrode's solution: NaCl were used. One member of the pair was kept 7.3; KC1 0.2; NaHCO3 1.0; NaH9PO4 0.06; as control in our regular Tyrode's solution, MgCL-6H2O 0.2; CaCL-2H2O 3.6. while the other was incubated in one of the (11) High magnesium Tyrode's solution: experimental salines. The following salines NaCl 7.5; KC1 0.2; NaHCO3 1.0; NaH,PO4 were used; their constituents are given in gm/1. 0.06; MgCL-6H20 2.0; CaCi2-2H2O 0.3. (12) High phosphate Tyrode's solution: (1) Control solution (normal Tyrode's so- NaCl 7.5; KC1 0.2; NaHCO3 1.0; NaH,PO4 lution): NaCl 8.0; KC1 0.2; NaHCO3 1.0; 0.6; NaoHPO4 1.6; MgCl2-6H2O 0.2; CaCL- NaH2PO4 0.06; MgCl,-6H2O 0.2; CaCl2- 2H,O0.3. 2H26 0.3. In preparing the high P-Tyrode's solution, (2) Sodium-free Tyrode's solution: KC1 care had to be taken to avoid precipitation of 10.4; KHCO3 1.2; KHaPO4 0.06; MgCL- calcium phosphate. To this end the phosphate 6H2O 0.2; CaCL-2H2O 6.3. was dissolved in water separately from the (3) Low sodium Tyrode's solution A: KC1 other constituents and added to the latter only 10.4; NaHCO3 1.0; KH2PO4 0.06; MgCL- immediately before use. Nevertheless, upon 6H,O 0.2; CaCL-2H2O 6.3. mixing a turbidity regularly developed which, (4) Low sodium Tyrode's solution B: NaCl however, completely disappeared when